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Photoapp - software
testing challenge
Nilanjan Bhattacharya
Software testing has been compared to games
like 20 questions or Pictionary
In Pictionary one person draws pictures to
describe a card
Others try to guess what was on the card
Practicing thinking
Suppose you want to get better at creating
clues in Pictionary, you could look at example
drawings, which weren’t succesful, and think
about what you could do differently
In this presentation I show you problems faced
by customers of a software product and ask
you to think about how you (as a tester) would
have thought about those problems
User experience
I have listed problems that users have faced.
In some cases I try to give background information
Your turn
I’ve left a blank slide for you to enter your analysis
I then give my analysis
There are no scores :-(
My definition of a defect
If a customer experiences even a hint of discomfort or
irritation when using the software, and I hadn’t considered
that possibility, that is a shortcoming/defect in my
I need to think about how to think about that aspect of the
software which resulted in the user discomfort. In my
analysis I try to create (generic) rules which will make me
think about these issues during testing.
Application under test
The application I use here is a desktop
application for organizing photos, like Google’s
User experience
User asked to sign in to Picasa every 6/12 hrs
on phone
Android phones have a gallery app
Android syncs Picasa web albums with the
gallery app
Note that Picasa does not run on phones
More information : Link
Support experience
The initial reaction from support was that the
phone has nothing to do with Picasa
Another user gives them a earful about them
being the same company
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
● Always check who is consuming or might
consume the data I created
● If someone else is consuming the data how
do they authenticate
● Do they have any means of informing the
user that they are consuming the data
Learning (contd.)
● As a corporation is there any mechanism for
being notified when another group consumes
my data
User experience
How do I assign a date when I scan photos into
Additional problem: Picasa insists on yyyy-mm-
dd when adding a date to photos
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
● Always have a paranoid focus on how data
gets into the system (in this case scanning)
● Think about metadata - suppose data gets in
by some other means can you add metadata
o Compare data entered manually with this other
Learning (contd.)
● When adding time stamps can you allow
only the year or year and month
● When following complex data formats
(including time/date) can we make it easy on
the user, instead of DD-MM-YYYY
● Remember that the users of this software
can be very non-technical
Learning (contd.)
● When importing data it’s possible to import
large amounts of data
o Always ask what happens if I use large amounts of
 When can that happen
User experience
User wants to backup data
Picasa directories contain two folders ‘temp’
and ‘db3’. These contain 100s of MB of data
compared to a few MB of the actual photos
User has a slow DSL line
Backing up the entire DB can be slow
Support experience
Forum tries to explain the concept of rebuilding
the database
User mentions he doesn’t care about rebuilding
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
● When my app is creating data, I should
consider how it will be backed up
● Backing up will require the user to know the
directory structure
● If I am creating working data, can I save it in
another location than the user data
Learning (contd.)
● I should characterize the value of the data
used - in this case pictures are extremely
valuable - this probably has a higher priority
than how I manipulate the pictures, e.g., face
Learning (contd.)
● Will anyone in support ever commit to
deleting the system folders? No! Make sure
there are clear instructions internally on the
data; whether it can be deleted and the
User experience
Trying to open Picasa get a meaningless
Database might be corrupt; try rebuilding the
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
● Always corrupt the database and check how
the program behaves
● In this case the database is probably quite
complex and there is room for error
● Note that the end user is probably non-
technical and will be confused by not being
able to use the program
o Always characterize your user
● Think about how often the user uses the
program. If used daily, any downtime can
make users irate.
● Is the database more susceptible since it is
on the client machine
I included this issue because people
inexperienced in testing are always bashful
about corrupting data/database
User experience
User wants to edit the photo but there are no
options to do so
The buttons to make the the toolbar visible are
very small
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
In hindsight this seems almost silly
No matter how modern the UI do think about
the obstacles in using the software
User experience
Picasa gives an error message when it boots
An update to iTunes caused a conflict with
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
What are the common libraries used by my
What if the library misbehaves?
What if the library is updated?
Can I simulate library misbehavior?
Developers (and testers) often take operating
system behavior for granted. This represents a
weakness, i.e., it will not be well tested.
User experience
Scan a document but import button doesn’t
Picasa uses the TWAIN drivers to connect to
the scanner
This may not always be reliable
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•When choosing an open platform vs. specific
drivers there is a compromise
•As a tester/developer you may not have influenced that
•You should primarily articulate how users are affected
•When the drivers don’t respond, how do users
help themselves
•Working with hardware that doesn’t respond
can be very frustrating
•Can we provide a support channel for such
users – not just the regular support
•Can we prompt the user about the support
•Can the software be intelligent enough to
figure out that the device is not responding?
(Don’t let the developer/designer saying ‘No’,
deter you)
User experience
The pictures in Picasa don’t show up in ‘My
•The user sees the pictures in Picasa, but the
effects don’t show up when he sees the
pictures in Windows Explorer/My Pictures
•What you see on the filesystem may not be
what you see in Picasa
•What you see in Picasa may not be what you
see in the filesystem
•Background on saving
•Original pictures are saved in a hidden folder
in the file system and are not altered
•This is done only when the user does a File->Save
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•The filesystem is a strong mental model. How
would the software inform the user that we are
now changing that model? Is that a good idea?
•Did I consider the various activities during
which users might be confused?
•Was I able to convince developers to provide
some proactive help to the user?
User experience
The user reinstalled Windows
Changed username
Copied Picasa files to the same location
Now Picasa doesn’t recognize photos
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•What can users do with the application data?
•In this case the data is created by users
(photos) and not the application and users may
try to move it around
•Does the system store hard coded paths
•Are there other applications which allow users
to move their data/profiles? Does Firefox allow
you to do this?
•What are the usecases when users may want
to move data to another location?
User experience
Picasa is compressing files for a few hours
Compressing shouldn’t take too long. If it does
it could be a problem with the database. In that
case you should rebuild the database.
Rebuilding the database
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Another example of a corrupt database
•Can the software self heal (Don’t say ‘No’)
User experience
After upgrading Windows Picasa crashes
When one of the devices being used was
disconnected, crashes stopped
The device had an updated driver
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•When working with devices try upgrading the
•What if the driver misbehaves? How does the
software respond?
•When are drivers updated, is it only during
•Can you simulate updating the driver? (not so
Software development teams are often not
comfortable with hardware (hardware teams
may not be comfortable with software). That is
an opportunity for test
User experience
Picasa is generally slow; tried everything -
reinstall, etc.
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
This is similar to the previous issue - the
database is corrupt
User experience
I keep trying to install the English Picasa on a
French OS without success
Multiple languages
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•How will the user know that the capability of
multiple languages is built in?
•Sometimes ‘smart’ can cause confusion (not
trying to be snipey).
•Can we inform the user when he is
•Can we detect the user’s locale?
User experience
Why are my photos deleted from my camera
after I import them?
When Picasa imports pictures there is an
option ‘Leave card alone’
However, user is still frustrated that they didn’t
have time to respond
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Deleting photos is heinous
•When testing import I should have been
paranoid about identifying cases when photos
could be deleted
•Did I list down every possible case when the
import might fail – for any possible reason,
including earthquakes
•Was I able to observe real beta users to see if
they had any uncertainty about the photos
being deleted
•Even when users agree to delete photos
should the software delete photos (did I ask the
Product Manager; did I question his response)
•I agree it is still my fault not the Product Manager’s
•Did I highlight the analogy between deleting
photos during import and Picasa not altering
photos on the hard disk? (see related issue and
the explanation)
User experience
Deleted photos from Picasa, but in the phone
gallery they show blanks
Background on gallery in Android
This is similar to a previous issue. Take a look
at that
Also look at:
How to remove picasaweb pictures from phone
Also look at the comments in that web page
The phone automatically syncs with Picasa -
the user may not want to do that
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
Hint: this is related to a previous problem
Same as the previous issue
User experience
I downloaded pictures in RAW, when I click
they turn blue
Picasa supports RAW formats. However, there
are hundreds with new ones being introduced.
Google can’t keep up with them.
RAW format
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I make sure I had a sufficient mix of RAW
format pictures to understand the issue?
•Did I realize that the user may not understand
the background of RAW format?
•Did I think how we could inform the user when
importing RAW?
Could the software have detected that the
picture was not looking right?
User experience
Tried to import photos from phone and get
'An error has occurred while attempting to
import. Either the source is unavailable or the
destination is full or read only. (1)'
After struggling I got the photos, but videos
don’t come in
Not sure of the final root cause
Users try fiddling around with files on the phone
and on Picasa
They also call tech support for the phone
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Import is always a challenge
•For this product import is particularly important
since it is a consumer product
•When the product was created did I anticipate
the proliferation of mobile devices
•Testing all devices is not a strategy!!
•Did I consider the various software which
might create data on the device
•Did I think about how the user can get help if
something does not work?
•Did I question if there is a point in giving a
generic message. Doesn’t the message in
effect mean, ‘….please self soothe…’
User experience
Picasa crashes (blue screen) after I use it for
some time
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Can we do anything?
•I included this since it seems like we can’t do
anything – ‘it’s a blue screen, obviously it’s your
•Nowadays, some softwares keep track of
multiple crashes and report it
•At the very least you can keep track of
crashes, i.e., send a crash error report
User experience
When I export photos the description doesn’t
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I put myself in the non-technical user’s
frame of mind when using the software?
•Does the user know that the description is
native to Picasa?
•Can we let her know what happens during
export, especially in this context, i.e.,
descriptions of photos aren’t part of the photos?
User experience
I updated Picasa. Now everytime I open Picasa
I get a message that I need to update.
This is an example of a defect, i.e., something
is broken.
The root cause is not clear
Here is a link on how to fix the problem
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Although this is difficult to analyze, one
learning is that upgrade of a new release is
difficult to test
•I should make sure I have a dummy update
release to test update
•This is a good candidate for test automation
•Can the software detect repeated failures
User experience
Scanning old photos date taken is blank.
Picasa then uses 1/1/4501
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I completely understand the meta data
associated with a photo
•Did I consider the differences in various paths
that data might enter the system, e.g., import,
API and the related limitations
•In the grand scheme of things, this issue is
trivial; but symptomatic of shortcomings in
User experience
Flip a photo and apply red-eye undoes flip
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I try different combinations of effects?
•Did I try the combinations in a systematic
•Could I have used a tool to try different
combinations? Could that have been verified
User experience
I was moving photos around suddenly I lost all
my photos
The user was trying to delete some pictures
and moving others around. He may have hit a
key by mistake.
Not sure of the final root cause.
Missing photos
Recover photos
Reorganize photos
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
This is a good example of users not
understanding that the software is not changing
the photos on the operating system.
User experience
How do I use my accounts on multiple
When multiple users use the same computer,
the applications can get confused
Note that in this case the user was generally
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I think about the challenges that users may
face with multiple applications?
•As a tester on a single application could I have
done something to mitigate this problem
•Did I think about what happens if multiple
users use the application on the same
User experience
It takes too long to copy pictures from SD card
Not sure of the root cause in this case.
Pause autobackup
Use explorer to copy
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I consider the potential problems of using
SD cards on a variety of devices?
•I should not blindly test different SD cards
•Could the software have recognized that there
was a problem with the time taken to copy?
•Did I consider potential conflicts with the
backup software?
User experience
Image isn’t cropped, when I send it to someone
on Facebook it appears uncropped
Note that Picasa does not change the original
file, so the original is not cropped.
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
At every step I should have thought about how
users may misunderstand that the photo in
Picasa is the same as that on the disk.
User experience
I search for files and I am shown results, but
clicking on the results shows nothing
Missing photos
Picasa has an option to ‘Scan once’
Folders are only scanned once and results are
not updated with changes in the folder
Your turn
As a tester, write down how you would have
prevented this problem
•Did I wonder if the settings might confuse non-
technical users?
•Can they comprehend what the software is
doing to the files on the operating system?

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Photo desktop app software testing challenge

  • 1. Photoapp - software testing challenge Nilanjan Bhattacharya Counterfactuals
  • 2. Background Software testing has been compared to games like 20 questions or Pictionary In Pictionary one person draws pictures to describe a card Others try to guess what was on the card
  • 3. Practicing thinking Suppose you want to get better at creating clues in Pictionary, you could look at example drawings, which weren’t succesful, and think about what you could do differently In this presentation I show you problems faced by customers of a software product and ask you to think about how you (as a tester) would have thought about those problems
  • 4. Instructions User experience I have listed problems that users have faced. Background In some cases I try to give background information Your turn I’ve left a blank slide for you to enter your analysis Learning I then give my analysis There are no scores :-(
  • 5. My definition of a defect If a customer experiences even a hint of discomfort or irritation when using the software, and I hadn’t considered that possibility, that is a shortcoming/defect in my thinking. I need to think about how to think about that aspect of the software which resulted in the user discomfort. In my analysis I try to create (generic) rules which will make me think about these issues during testing.
  • 6. Application under test The application I use here is a desktop application for organizing photos, like Google’s Picasa.
  • 7. User experience User asked to sign in to Picasa every 6/12 hrs on phone
  • 8. Background Android phones have a gallery app Android syncs Picasa web albums with the gallery app Note that Picasa does not run on phones More information : Link
  • 9. Support experience The initial reaction from support was that the phone has nothing to do with Picasa Another user gives them a earful about them being the same company
  • 10. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 11. Learning ● Always check who is consuming or might consume the data I created ● If someone else is consuming the data how do they authenticate ● Do they have any means of informing the user that they are consuming the data
  • 12. Learning (contd.) ● As a corporation is there any mechanism for being notified when another group consumes my data
  • 13. User experience How do I assign a date when I scan photos into Picasa Additional problem: Picasa insists on yyyy-mm- dd when adding a date to photos
  • 14. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 15. Learning ● Always have a paranoid focus on how data gets into the system (in this case scanning) ● Think about metadata - suppose data gets in by some other means can you add metadata o Compare data entered manually with this other method
  • 16. Learning (contd.) ● When adding time stamps can you allow only the year or year and month ● When following complex data formats (including time/date) can we make it easy on the user, instead of DD-MM-YYYY ● Remember that the users of this software can be very non-technical
  • 17. Learning (contd.) ● When importing data it’s possible to import large amounts of data o Always ask what happens if I use large amounts of data  When can that happen
  • 18. User experience User wants to backup data Picasa directories contain two folders ‘temp’ and ‘db3’. These contain 100s of MB of data compared to a few MB of the actual photos User has a slow DSL line Backing up the entire DB can be slow
  • 19.
  • 20. Support experience Forum tries to explain the concept of rebuilding the database User mentions he doesn’t care about rebuilding
  • 21. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 22. Learning ● When my app is creating data, I should consider how it will be backed up ● Backing up will require the user to know the directory structure ● If I am creating working data, can I save it in another location than the user data
  • 23. Learning (contd.) ● I should characterize the value of the data used - in this case pictures are extremely valuable - this probably has a higher priority than how I manipulate the pictures, e.g., face recognition
  • 24. Learning (contd.) ● Will anyone in support ever commit to deleting the system folders? No! Make sure there are clear instructions internally on the data; whether it can be deleted and the implication
  • 25. User experience Trying to open Picasa get a meaningless message
  • 26. Background Database might be corrupt; try rebuilding the database
  • 27. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 28. Learning ● Always corrupt the database and check how the program behaves ● In this case the database is probably quite complex and there is room for error ● Note that the end user is probably non- technical and will be confused by not being able to use the program o Always characterize your user
  • 29. Learning ● Think about how often the user uses the program. If used daily, any downtime can make users irate. ● Is the database more susceptible since it is on the client machine
  • 30. Learning I included this issue because people inexperienced in testing are always bashful about corrupting data/database
  • 31. User experience User wants to edit the photo but there are no options to do so
  • 32. Background The buttons to make the the toolbar visible are very small troubleshooting
  • 33. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 34. Learning In hindsight this seems almost silly No matter how modern the UI do think about the obstacles in using the software
  • 35. User experience Picasa gives an error message when it boots up
  • 36. Background An update to iTunes caused a conflict with Picasa r6034
  • 37. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 38. Learning What are the common libraries used by my software? What if the library misbehaves? What if the library is updated? Can I simulate library misbehavior?
  • 39. Learning Developers (and testers) often take operating system behavior for granted. This represents a weakness, i.e., it will not be well tested.
  • 40. User experience Scan a document but import button doesn’t highlight
  • 41. Background Picasa uses the TWAIN drivers to connect to the scanner This may not always be reliable
  • 42. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 43. Learning •When choosing an open platform vs. specific drivers there is a compromise •As a tester/developer you may not have influenced that choice •You should primarily articulate how users are affected
  • 44. Learning •When the drivers don’t respond, how do users help themselves •Working with hardware that doesn’t respond can be very frustrating •Can we provide a support channel for such users – not just the regular support
  • 45. Learning •Can we prompt the user about the support channel? •Can the software be intelligent enough to figure out that the device is not responding? (Don’t let the developer/designer saying ‘No’, deter you)
  • 46. User experience The pictures in Picasa don’t show up in ‘My Pictures’ Background •The user sees the pictures in Picasa, but the effects don’t show up when he sees the pictures in Windows Explorer/My Pictures
  • 47. Background •What you see on the filesystem may not be what you see in Picasa •What you see in Picasa may not be what you see in the filesystem •Background on saving •Original pictures are saved in a hidden folder in the file system and are not altered •This is done only when the user does a File->Save
  • 48. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 49. Learning •The filesystem is a strong mental model. How would the software inform the user that we are now changing that model? Is that a good idea? •Did I consider the various activities during which users might be confused? •Was I able to convince developers to provide some proactive help to the user?
  • 50. User experience The user reinstalled Windows Changed username Copied Picasa files to the same location Now Picasa doesn’t recognize photos
  • 51. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 52. Learning •What can users do with the application data? •In this case the data is created by users (photos) and not the application and users may try to move it around •Does the system store hard coded paths •Are there other applications which allow users to move their data/profiles? Does Firefox allow you to do this?
  • 53. Learning •What are the usecases when users may want to move data to another location?
  • 54. User experience Picasa is compressing files for a few hours
  • 55. Background Compressing shouldn’t take too long. If it does it could be a problem with the database. In that case you should rebuild the database. Rebuilding the database
  • 56. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 57. Learning •Another example of a corrupt database •Can the software self heal (Don’t say ‘No’)
  • 58. User experience After upgrading Windows Picasa crashes frequently
  • 59. Background When one of the devices being used was disconnected, crashes stopped The device had an updated driver
  • 60. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 61. Learning •When working with devices try upgrading the driver •What if the driver misbehaves? How does the software respond? •When are drivers updated, is it only during upgrade? •Can you simulate updating the driver? (not so easy)
  • 62. Learning Software development teams are often not comfortable with hardware (hardware teams may not be comfortable with software). That is an opportunity for test
  • 63. User experience Picasa is generally slow; tried everything - reinstall, etc.
  • 64. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 65. Learning This is similar to the previous issue - the database is corrupt
  • 66. User experience I keep trying to install the English Picasa on a French OS without success
  • 68. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 69. Learning •How will the user know that the capability of multiple languages is built in? •Sometimes ‘smart’ can cause confusion (not trying to be snipey). •Can we inform the user when he is downloading? •Can we detect the user’s locale?
  • 70. User experience Why are my photos deleted from my camera after I import them?
  • 71. Background When Picasa imports pictures there is an option ‘Leave card alone’ However, user is still frustrated that they didn’t have time to respond
  • 72. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 73. Learning •Deleting photos is heinous •When testing import I should have been paranoid about identifying cases when photos could be deleted •Did I list down every possible case when the import might fail – for any possible reason, including earthquakes •Was I able to observe real beta users to see if they had any uncertainty about the photos being deleted
  • 74. Learning •Even when users agree to delete photos should the software delete photos (did I ask the Product Manager; did I question his response) •I agree it is still my fault not the Product Manager’s •Did I highlight the analogy between deleting photos during import and Picasa not altering photos on the hard disk? (see related issue and the explanation)
  • 75. User experience Deleted photos from Picasa, but in the phone gallery they show blanks Background on gallery in Android
  • 76. Background This is similar to a previous issue. Take a look at that Also look at: How to remove picasaweb pictures from phone Also look at the comments in that web page The phone automatically syncs with Picasa - the user may not want to do that
  • 77. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem Hint: this is related to a previous problem
  • 78. Learning Same as the previous issue
  • 79. User experience I downloaded pictures in RAW, when I click they turn blue
  • 80. Background Picasa supports RAW formats. However, there are hundreds with new ones being introduced. Google can’t keep up with them. RAW format
  • 81. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 82. Learning •Did I make sure I had a sufficient mix of RAW format pictures to understand the issue? •Did I realize that the user may not understand the background of RAW format? •Did I think how we could inform the user when importing RAW?
  • 83. Learning Could the software have detected that the picture was not looking right?
  • 84. User experience Tried to import photos from phone and get message: 'An error has occurred while attempting to import. Either the source is unavailable or the destination is full or read only. (1)' After struggling I got the photos, but videos don’t come in
  • 85. Background Not sure of the final root cause Users try fiddling around with files on the phone and on Picasa They also call tech support for the phone
  • 86. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 87. Learning •Import is always a challenge •For this product import is particularly important since it is a consumer product •When the product was created did I anticipate the proliferation of mobile devices •Testing all devices is not a strategy!! •Did I consider the various software which might create data on the device •Did I think about how the user can get help if something does not work?
  • 88. Learning •Did I question if there is a point in giving a generic message. Doesn’t the message in effect mean, ‘….please self soothe…’
  • 89. User experience Picasa crashes (blue screen) after I use it for some time
  • 90. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 91. Learning •Can we do anything? •I included this since it seems like we can’t do anything – ‘it’s a blue screen, obviously it’s your problem??’ •Nowadays, some softwares keep track of multiple crashes and report it •At the very least you can keep track of crashes, i.e., send a crash error report
  • 92. User experience When I export photos the description doesn’t appear
  • 93. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 94. Learning •Did I put myself in the non-technical user’s frame of mind when using the software? •Does the user know that the description is native to Picasa? •Can we let her know what happens during export, especially in this context, i.e., descriptions of photos aren’t part of the photos?
  • 95. User experience I updated Picasa. Now everytime I open Picasa I get a message that I need to update.
  • 96. Background This is an example of a defect, i.e., something is broken. The root cause is not clear Here is a link on how to fix the problem
  • 97. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 98. Learning •Although this is difficult to analyze, one learning is that upgrade of a new release is difficult to test •I should make sure I have a dummy update release to test update •This is a good candidate for test automation •Can the software detect repeated failures
  • 99. User experience Scanning old photos date taken is blank. Picasa then uses 1/1/4501
  • 100. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 101. Learning •Did I completely understand the meta data associated with a photo •Did I consider the differences in various paths that data might enter the system, e.g., import, API and the related limitations •In the grand scheme of things, this issue is trivial; but symptomatic of shortcomings in testing
  • 102. User experience Flip a photo and apply red-eye undoes flip
  • 103. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 104. Learning •Did I try different combinations of effects? •Did I try the combinations in a systematic manner? •Could I have used a tool to try different combinations? Could that have been verified automatically?
  • 105. User experience I was moving photos around suddenly I lost all my photos The user was trying to delete some pictures and moving others around. He may have hit a key by mistake. Not sure of the final root cause.
  • 107. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 108. Learning This is a good example of users not understanding that the software is not changing the photos on the operating system.
  • 109. User experience How do I use my accounts on multiple computers When multiple users use the same computer, the applications can get confused Note that in this case the user was generally irate
  • 110. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 111. Learning •Did I think about the challenges that users may face with multiple applications? •As a tester on a single application could I have done something to mitigate this problem •Did I think about what happens if multiple users use the application on the same computer?
  • 112. User experience It takes too long to copy pictures from SD card Not sure of the root cause in this case.
  • 114. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 115. Learning •Did I consider the potential problems of using SD cards on a variety of devices? •I should not blindly test different SD cards •Could the software have recognized that there was a problem with the time taken to copy? •Did I consider potential conflicts with the backup software?
  • 116. User experience Image isn’t cropped, when I send it to someone on Facebook it appears uncropped Note that Picasa does not change the original file, so the original is not cropped.
  • 117. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 118. Learning At every step I should have thought about how users may misunderstand that the photo in Picasa is the same as that on the disk.
  • 119. User experience I search for files and I am shown results, but clicking on the results shows nothing Missing photos
  • 120. Background Picasa has an option to ‘Scan once’ Folders are only scanned once and results are not updated with changes in the folder
  • 121. Your turn As a tester, write down how you would have prevented this problem
  • 122. Learning •Did I wonder if the settings might confuse non- technical users? •Can they comprehend what the software is doing to the files on the operating system?