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PROFILE	    3-6                          Portfolio
                                                           CONTENT          Profile
                                                                           I have been working as a motion graphic            My aim is to be a versatile designer who can
                                                                           designer for about 5 years. The job of a motion    work in all areas of the creative industry. I do
RESOLUTION DV 		   4-22                                                    graphic designer is to engage the audience by
                                                                           using both modern and traditional methods
                                                                                                                              not want to limit myself by just working in one
                                                                                                                              specialist field, but I want continue to improve
                                                                           of graphic design. The main aim of a designer      my skills in all areas of design such as print
                                                                           is to give clear and concise communication         based media as well as Multimedia Design.
                                                                           using typography, Imagery and sound.

TAYLOR YOUNG 					        23-40                                            Motion graphic design is the integration of
                                                                           many different methods and techniques used
                                                                           in art and design such as photography, image

                                                                           manipulation, live action video, animation,
                                                                           vector-based graphics and displaying and

                                                                                                                                                                                 PH           A
                                                                           laying out typography. Motion graphic
CENTRE SCREEN						                    41-58                               designers are now including traditional
                                                                           techniques like painting, hand drawn

                                                                           imagery and print press techniques in their
                                                                           moving image designs. Motion Graphics is a
                                                                           developing area of graphic design; modern
                                                                           digital tools have made it possible to create
BAKERMEDIA						                  		           	   59-76                   stunning visual effects. When I am planning
                                                                           a piece of motion graphics I believe its is best
                                                                           to apply basic principles of graphic design,
                                                                           this includes simple methods like form and
                                                                           space, contrast and harmony, selecting and
EDUCATION 					           		           			                 77-87           understanding typefaces and readability
                                                                           and legibility.

PERSONAL WORK					                		           			                 88-90

                                                                                                                                                                                  PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio        3

CURRICULUM VITAE   Philip Boardman
                                                                Key Skills
                                                                     Mac and PC Fluent
                                                                     Photoshop (CS4), Illustrator (CS4),
                                                                     After Effects (CS4), Final Cut Pro,
                                                                                                                BTEC National Diploma Graphic
                                                                                                                Design (Merit)
                                                                                                                The course included challenging design
                                                                                                                briefs, which covered drawing, design and
                   Contact Details                                   Quark Express,Indesign (CS4)               layout techniques. Topics also incorporated
                                                                •	   Working Knowledge of: - Flash,             advertising, CD packaging design, Corporate
                   5 Cooperative Street, Hazel Grove,                Dreamweaver, Director, Acrobat,Premiere    Identity and stationery design.
                   Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 4JN,                •	   Creative Flair and sound design skills
                                                                •	   Able to work efficiently independently     GNVQ Art and Design
                   Tel: 0161 484 0468                                or within a team                           (Intermediate Merit)
                   Mobile: 07866857570                          •	   Microsoft Office
                   E-mail:                                                               5 GCSEs

                   Profile                                      Education
                                                                                                                Major Achievements
                   A motion graphic designer who is keen        BA (Hons) Multimedia Design (Full
                   to find a challenging position. I am an      Time)(2:1) Graduated July 2006                  •	   Working on Designs for a major Video
                   ambitious and creative designer with broad                                                        and Interactive Multimedia Installation
                   based skills in motion graphics and design   Liverpool John Moores University in                  for the American Museum in Britain,
                   for print.                                   association with Stockport College.                  which is located in Bath.
                                                                A design and visual Arts degree course, which
                                                                incorporated modules such as: Interactive       •	   Creating Video graphic sequences for the
                                                                Design, animation, digital audio and video           Sappi European Printer of the year event
                   Personal Details                             editing, basic web design using Flash and            in Athens 2007.
                                                                Dreamweaver. Motion graphics and moving
                   Date of Birth: 27-04-1983                    Image utilising Adobe After Effects.            •	   Selected to represent Stockport College
                   Marital Status: Single                                                                            at the D&AD New blood Design exhibition
                   Nationality: British                         HND Graphic Design (Merit)                           in London.
                   UK Driving Licence: British (Clean)          Stockport College.
                                                                                                                •	   Final Major Project graded a first by
                                                                A design and visual Arts course with relevant        examination board
                                                                projects centred around the core areas of
                                                                typography image making, design process
                                                                and idea generation.

                                                                                                                     PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio               5

Work Experience
BAKERMEDIA                               TAYLOR YOUNG
JUNE 2010-PRESENT                        JUNE 2008 APRIL 2009
Winsor House, Battersea Road, South      Chadsworth House
Manchester TV Studios, Stockport         Handforth
Manchester, SK4 3EA                      Cheshire


                                                                                           RESOLUTION DV
FEBRUARY 2010-JUNE 2010                  JANUARY 2007- JUNE 2008
Clear Presentations                      Winsor House, Battersea Road, South
121 Palatine Road                        Manchester TV Studios, Stockport
Didsbury                                 Manchester, SK4 3EA

CENTRE SCREEN                            Interests & Hobbies
MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGNER                  I enjoy keeping active by playing Football and
                                         Tennis. My other interests include Art, Digital
AUGUST 2009 -FEBRUARY 2010               Photography, listening to music and

Centre Screen                            collecting Films but most of all I have a
Eastgate                                 passion for Sportswear Design and gadgets.

 6           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
RESOLUTION DV                                                                                                   POSITION -
                                                                                                                      MULTIMEDIA GRAPHIC DESIGNER

                                                                                                                      My responsibilities include the design and
                                                                                                                      creation of the following as directed by the
      Resolution DV is a corporate communications company based near the M60 in                                       project producers:
      Stockport that designs & produces bespoke internal & external communication
      projects for three market sectors:                                                                              •	      Graphic design for Video and
                                                                                                                      	       Multimedia Projects using
      •	     Public Sector authorities & partnerships                                                                 	       Photoshop and Illustrator.
      •	     Corporate clients ranging from multinational PLCs to local SMEs
      •	     Museums and Heritage Centres                                                                             •	      Designing Multi-layered Video titles
                                                                                                                      	       and graphic sequences using
      Core activities are:                                                                                            	       Adobe After Effects.

      •	      Design & production of video documentaries for playback within conferences, exhibitions, 	      	   	   •	      Creating on-screen Graphics for
      	      laptop sales presentations, interactive DVD, and Internet websites.                                      	       Interactive Multimedia Projects
                                                                                                                      	       using Flash.
      •	     Design & production of interactive multimedia & internet content for public exhibition 	     	   	   	

                                                                                                                                                                     RESOLUTION DV
      	      screens, touch-screen kiosks, rich media websites, interactive CD-ROM & DVD mail-outs.                   •	      Design for printed utilising Adobe
                                                                                                                      	       In-Design and Quark Xpress.
      •	     Design & origination of print material including brochures, fliers, banners and so on to 	   	   	   	
      	      support our on-screen projects.
                                                                                                                      •	      Basic Video Editing Skills Using
                                                                                                                      	       Adobe Premiere, Velocity
                                                                                                                      	       and Final cut Pro

                                                                                                                              An appreciation of office
                                                                                                                              paperwork systems.
                                                                                                                                                                       PORTFOLIO 2007-2008
                                                                                                                      •	      Interacting with clients to discuss
                                                                                                                      	       current projects.

8   PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                                                                 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio   9



Production Process

The Rinehart and Muhr sequence serves as
a digital method of displaying a collection of
photographs held by the American Museum
in Bath. Resolution dv were commissioned
by the Museum to produce a collection of
AV sequences and Interactive displays to
showcase the museums latest collections.

Motion Graphics were choreographed to
lead the audience’s eye across an archive
of Photographs of various Native American
Tribes. The photographs were scanned and
digitised and then manipulated
using Photoshop.

I then designed various layout ideas in
Illustrator and Photoshop using a collection
of textures I had found and scanned. The
client then agreed the final layout, and then
I imported the Photoshop layers into After
Effects to create the animation. The final
output for this project was delivered as Flash
Video; this was to keep the file size down to
a minimum.


 10           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       11
RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV

Native American Indian
Interactive Kiosk


Production Process

This was another project I was involved
with for the ‘American Museum In Britain’.
The brief was to create an interactive touch
screen kiosk on the topic of Native American
Indians. This interactive programme had to
be Educational, informative and suitable for
people of all ages.

My objective as a designer was to create
a user-friendly interface that looked eye-
catching and entertaining. I started the
design process by creating layout screens
using Photoshop and Illustrator. These
Ideas were then Presented to the client
and finalised.

The completed Photoshop layouts were then
imported into Flash and Programmed using
action script.                                 Early concepts designed in Photoshop


 12          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       13
RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV

                                                         Native American Indian Interactive screens - final designs

                  Early concepts designed in Photoshop

 14         PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       15
RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                                        MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV

                                        Native American Indian
                                                                              TEMPO PAPER MARKETING VIDEO
                                        Interactive screens - final designs
                                                                              Design Process

                                                                              Sappi is a world renowned Paper Company.
                                                                              Resolution dv has worked closely with Sappi
                                                                              on various prestigious marketing projects              12
                                                                              and events, and they have formed a strong
                                                                              working relationship.                              9        3

                                                                              This particular project was a great
                                                                              opportunity and a challenge. The brief was to          6
                                                                              create a 5-minute marketing video based on
                                                                              a new line paper called ‘Tempo’. Tempo paper
                                                                              is unique because it can dry faster than any
                                                                              other paper once it has been printed on.

                                                                              My role as motion graphic designer was to
                                                                              create an animated Sappi logo and also create
                                                                              various animated sequences to illustrate
                                                                              the papers distinct properties. I started my
                                                                              design process creating rough scamps in a
                                                                              layout pad. I then started to build my idea in
                                                                              Illustrator. I then imported the logo into After
                                                                              Effects so I could create a dynamic animation.


 16         PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                         PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       17
RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                           MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV


                                                   European printer of the year
Design Process                                     gala event
Every year Sappi commission Resolution dv to       - Bronze Award final designs
create motion Graphics for their annual award
ceremony. Each year the client gives a different
theme for the design to be focused on.

The theme for this specific piece was ‘The
Navigators of the sea’. I used a compass as the
basis of my design to give it a nautical feel. I
created the initial layout in Photoshop then
imported the layers into After Effects for final
Animation. The animation was then loaded
on to avid edit suit where the final video was

                                                                                  European printer of the year
                                                                                  gala event
                                                                                  - Silver Award final designs

 18           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       19
RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV

                                                Amanda Wyatt

                                                BRIDAL GOWN DESIGN

                                                Design Process

                                                Amanda Wyatt came to Resolution dv
                                                with the request to create an interactive
                                                catalogue to showcase her latest collection.
                                                I saw this as a chance to create a stylish
                                                and original interface based on the idea of
                                                fashion Photography. The Client Provided
                                                the Photographs of the dresses that gave me
                                                ideas for the kind of style I wanted to achieve
                                                in my design.

                                                I created several Possible layout solutions
                                                for this brief and the client decided on a
                                                combination of my ideas. The final layout was
                                                created using Photoshop and Illustrator and
                                                then Imported into Flash for Programming.
      European printer of the year gala event

      - Gold Award final designs

                                                                                                  Early concepts designed in Photoshop

 20          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                              PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio            21

                                        TAYLOR YOUNG
Amanda Wyatt
Final Screen designs

 22         PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
TAYLOR YOUNG                                                                                                         Position-

                                                                                                                            Motion Graphic Designer

                                                                                                                             My role was to produce high quality

       Overview                                                                                                              Motion Graphics/Graphic Design and
                                                                                                                             Composite 3D animations in After Effects.
       Taylor Young Ltd is a multidisciplinary design orientated architecture, landscape, urban
                                                                                                                             I am capable of producing a variety of
       design and planning consultancy with over 200 staff operating from offices in Handforth,
                                                                                                                             graphic outputs in connection with
       Manchester and Liverpool.
                                                                                                                             projects using Design software such as
                                                                                                                             Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After
                                                                                                                             Effects and Flash. I was responsible for
       Services Offered                                                                                                      the creation of documents, brochures,
                                                                                                                             animation’s, marketing material,
       Urban Design:
       Urban design appraisals, urban design training/education, design guidance, urban design visioning, design and         exhibitions and presentations.
       access statements, urban design frameworks, planning and development briefs, supplementary planning documents.

       Development and regeneration frameworks, neighbourhood plans, town centre masterplans, area action plans,

                                                                                                                                                                         TAYLOR YOUNG
       community engagement and consultation, action planning events.

       Statutory Planning:
       Planning appraisals, negotiations, planning applications, appeals, inquiries, design and access statements, co-
       ordination of environmental impact assessments, conservation area appraisals, conservation area consent and listed
       building consent applications, development plan/local development framework representations, community
       engagement/consultation, S106 obligations advice and negotiation.

       Landscape Design:
       Landscape frameworks and detailed schemes, public realm design, landscape character assessments,
                                                                                                                                                                           PORTFOLIO 2007-2008
       visual impact assessments.

24   PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                                                                     Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN   25
TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS                                                            MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG

Merseyside Police Animation

Design Process

As a motion graphic designer I worked
closely with the 3D team at Taylor Young.
My role was to composite the 3D animation
in After Effects. I would then add any
motion graphics, such as a tile sequence or
annotations to the animation.

Merseyside Constabulary commissioned
Taylor young to design a new command
centre in the city centre. My task was to piece
together the animation within After Effects
and Design an opening title sequence for the
piece. I then applied colour correction to the
animation to enhance it further.

                                                  Merseyside Police Animation
                                                  Final animation

 26           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                         Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      27
TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS                                                        MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG

                                       Merseyside Police Animation
                                       Final animation

                                                                     Merseyside Police Animation
                                                                     Final animation

 28        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                        Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      29
TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                 MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG

The Christie at Oldham
Design Process

The Christie at Oldham Animation in another
3D project I worked on at Taylor Young.
My brief was again to create a Graphical
Opening sequence for this proposed hospital
building. I was also responsible for creating
an interesting Narrative for the animation
by choosing some interesting blends and
transitions for the animation.

The Opening Credits for the animation was
designed entirely in After Effects and the idea
for this sequence was based on a cardiograph
Machine. I tried to give the design a Medical
feel. The sequence is set to a steady pace so
the audience is kept interested.


                                                  The Christie at Oldham Animation
                                                  Final animation

 30           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                              Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       31
TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS                                                        MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG

Brunswick PFI Animation


Design Process

The Adactus Consortium commissioned
Taylor Young to produce an animation for
Brunswick PFI. This architectural fly-through
is a design of a proposed regeneration of a
housing estate in Brunswick.

As Motion Graphic Designer at Taylor Young
it was my task to create the opening title
sequence for the animation in After Effects.
For this sequence I decided to use a fast earth
zoom as the introduction for the animation.
It was also my job to colour correct the 3D
model in After Effects and create interesting
transitions for the narrative of the Piece.


                                                  Brunswick PFI Animation
                                                  Final animation

 32           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                     Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      33
TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                              MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG

                                                                 BSEC 2009
                                       Brunswick PFI Animation
                                       Final animation           THE BUILDING SCHOOLS
                                                                 EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE
                                                                 TAYLOR YOUNG
                                                                 Design Process
                                                                 Every year Taylor Young attends the BSEC
                                                                 Conference. The exhibition is held at the
                                                                 G-mex centre, Manchester. Taylor Young
                                                                 have been involved in a range of prestigious
                                                                 projects for the education sector.

                                                                 My Brief was to create a short animation in
                                                                 After Effects to promote Taylor young’s work
                                                                 in the education sector. I worked closely with
                                                                 the marketing department and developed the
                                                                 Idea of using various screens to showcase
                                                                 the architecture. I used the colours Taylor
                                                                 Young’s branding to create a short
                                                                 effective animation.

                                                                 The final animation was displayed on a
                                                                 Plasma display Screen along side a display
                                                                 stand at the exhibition centre.


 34        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                              Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      35

  BSEC 2009 animation
  Final animation

                                       BSEC 2009 animation
                                       Final animation

 36        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                         Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      37
TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                     MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG

                                       Taylor Young

                                       3D PORTFOLIO

                                       Design Process

                                       As the main motion graphic designer at
                                       Taylor Young one of the most import projects
                                       I worked on was the 3D showreel. The aim of
                                       the brief was to create an innovative method of
                                       showcasing the 3D capabilities of Taylor young.

                                       My idea was to create multiple screens within
                                       After Effects, and then to use the 3D camera
                                       tool to navigate through each screen showing
                                       an interesting piece of 3D animation.

                                       The final sequence play for roughly 1 minute,
                                       and has a strong Taylor Young Branding
BSEC 2009 animation                    throughout. The music for this piece has a
Final animation                        fast tempo and is synchronised to the motion
                                       of the animation to enhance the audiences

                                       The finished animation was output to flash
                                       Video so it can be sent to clients on a cd-rom.

                                                                                            3D Portfolio
                                                                                            Final animation

 38        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                     Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      39

                                        CENTRE SCREEN
  3D Portfolio
  Final animation                           Portfolio

                                                        CENTRE SCREEN
 40         PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio

       CENTRE SCREEN                                                             CENTRE SCREEN
                                                                                                 FREELANCE GRAPHIC DESIGNER

                                                                                                  I was employed on a freelance contract to
                                                                                                  work as a motion graphic designer.
                                                                                                  My role was to work on various video
                                                                                                  and multimedia projects as directed by
                                                                                                  the project producers.
       Centre Screen has for over 26 years been one of the UK’s leading film production
       companies, producing video and multimedia nationally and internationally.                  I have strong Skills utilising design
                                                                                                  software such as Photoshop, Illustrator,
       Based in London and Manchester we produce compelling, intelligent and innovative
       programmes, interactive and multimedia applications as well as cutting edge 3D             on several high profile jobs such as the
       and 4D. Amongst our clients we boast numerous prominent corporate organisations,           Chopin Museum in Warsaw and the
       central and local government, and for leisure heritage many major museums and              Naval College in Greenwich.
       visitor attractions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                              CENTRE SCREEN
                                                                                                                                                 PORTFOLIO 2009-2010

42   PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                                           Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN      43
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                  MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

Chopin Museum Warsaw Poland


Design Process

Centre Screen were commissioned by the
Chopin Museum to produce a collection
of AV sequences and Interactive displays
to showcase the museums archive of
photographs, letters and memorabilia.

Motion Graphics were choreographed to
lead the audience’s eye across an archive
of various Photographs and artifacts. The
photographs were scanned and digitised
and then manipulated using Photoshop.

I then designed various layout ideas in
Illustrator and Photoshop using a collection
of textures I had found and scanned. The
client then agreed the final layout, and then
I imported the Photoshop layers into After
Effects to create the animation. The final
output for this project was delivered as Flash
Video; this was to keep the file size down to
a minimum.

                                                                                 Chopin Screen Savers
                                                                                 Final animation

              PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                                 CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 44                                                                                                                                    45
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                 MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

Chopin Screen Savers
Final animation

                                                                       Chopin Screen Savers
                                                                       Final animation

           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                       CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 46                                                                                                                   47
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                               MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

                                       Chopin Screen Savers
                                       Final animation

                                                                                              Chopin Screen Savers
                                                                                              Final animation

           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                                              CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 48                                                                                                                                                 49
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                               MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

Chopin Museum Warsaw Poland


Design Process

This was another project I was involved with
for the ‘Chopin Museum’. The brief was to
create an AV based on Chopin’s time spent
in Paris. The project had to be Educational,
informative and suitable for people of all ages.

My objective as a designer was to create
an innovative Av using a map of Paris and
famous landmarks of the era. I started the
design process by creating layout screens
using Photoshop and Illustrator. These
Ideas were then Presented to the client
and finalised.

                                                                   Paris Av
                                                                   Concept screens

              PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                              PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                                   CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 50                                                                                                                  51
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                   MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

Royal Naval College Greenwich

Design Process

Centre Screen were commissioned by the
Royal Naval College to produce a collection
of AV sequences and Interactive screens to
showcase their displays of rare artefacts, film
footage and interactive models tell the story
of the Old Royal Naval College and Maritime

Motion Graphics were designed to lead the
audience’s eye across an archive of various
Photographs and artifacts. The photographs
were scanned and digitised and then
manipulated using Photoshop.

I then designed various layout ideas in
Illustrator and Photoshop using a collection
of textures I had found and scanned. The
client then agreed the final layout, and then
I imported the Photoshop layers into After
Effects to create the animation.
                                                                                  Greenwich pageant Av
                                                                                  Final animation


              PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                  PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                                  CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 52                                                                                                                                     53
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                              MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

  Greenwich pageant Av
  Final animation

                                                             Greenwich pageant Av
                                                             Final animation

           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                       CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 54                                                                                                                55
CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                            MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN

Royal Naval College Greenwich


Design Process

This was another project I was involved with
for the ‘Royal Naval College’. The brief was
to create an AV based on the central model
animation . The project had to be Educational,
informative and suitable for people of all ages.

My objective as a designer was to create an
innovative Av based on the history of the
Naval College in Greenwich village.

                                                                       Greenwich Side Pannel Av
                                                                       Screen designs


              PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                                   CENTRE SCREEN   CENTRE SCREEN

 56                                                                                                                              57


         Greenwich Side Panel Av
         Screen designs

           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
                                       CENTRE SCREEN

 58                                                                  VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision
BAKERMEDIA                                                                                                                     Position-

                                                                                                                                      Motion Graphic Designer

                                                                                                                                       My role was to produce high quality
                                                                                                                                                                                        VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision

       Overview                                                                                                                        Motion Graphics/Graphic Design and
                                                                                                                                       Composite 3D animations in After Effects.
       Bakermedia is a media content production company offering a full range of services
                                                                                                                                       I am capable of producing a variety of
       in-house by staff with senior network BBC & ITV broadcast background. They produce
                                                                                                                                       graphic outputs in connection with
       high quality High Definition videos covering a wide range of areas including training &
                                                                                                                                       projects using Design software such as
       promotional videos for web, and interactive DVDs.
                                                                                                                                       Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After
       Services Offered                                                                                                                Effects and Flash. I am responsible for
                                                                                                                                       the creation of documents, brochures,
       Video Production
                                                                                                                                       animations, marketing material,
       Bakermedia can provide the full production process in-house including research, script writing, story boarding, filming,
       editing and graphics.                                                                                                           exhibitions and presentations.

       Bakermedia has four digital edit suites at its base with state of the art computers and the latest broadcast quality editing
       and animation software available.

       In-house we can design for you eye catching professional artwork for DVD boxes, in-case booklets and the on-body
       artwork for the DVD disks themselves. We are skilled at following brand guidelines and this extends to our web design
       and creation work as well.

       We have skilled multimedia animation professionals who can create astonishing animated graphics for your project
       whether it’s a revealing logo or a full 3D CGI sequence.                                                                                                                    PORTFOLIO 2010-2011

60   PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                                                                                Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       61
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                        MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA

Oldham College


Design Process

The college needed a powerful video that
explained the benefits of vocational courses.

We filmed two of their own students using the
Chroma key system, and created engaging
animated graphics to get the information
across. We were careful not to patronise in the
editorial content as well as ensuring that the
visuals not only appealed to potential students
but also to parents as well.

I created the initial layout in Photoshop then
imported the layers into After Effects for
final animation.

                                                  Oldham College Animation   Oldham College Animation
                                                  Final Design               Final designs

 62           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                 Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       63
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                  MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA

                                       Oldham College Animation
                                       Final designs

  Oldham College Animation
  Final designs

 64        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                              Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       65
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                  MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA

                                                                                  Sustainable Uplands Animation
Sustainable Uplands                               Sustainable Uplands Animation   Final animation
                                                  Early concept designs

Design Process

The sustainable Uplands team challenged us
to create a 3 minute animation to explain how
they use scenarios to consider what the future
holds for UK uplands. The project is aimed
at those who live, work or has an interest in
upland environments.

We created an attention-grabbing animation
using a combination of Motion graphics and
typography composited using Adobe After
Effects. The animation is used as a Prologue to
introduce three short film projects, detailing
the aims and methodology of the research.


 66           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                           Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       67
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                                             MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA

                                                                       Medical Defense Union

                                                                       STUDENT ELECTIVE VIDEOS

                                                                       Design Process

                                                                       Medical Defence Union briefed Bakermedia
                                                                       to devise a concept for their Student
                                                                       elective competition.

                                                                       I created a travel theme animation to
                                                                       effectively deliver the interviews of the
                                                                       student who had won the competition.

                                                                       I created the initial layout in Photoshop
                                                                       then imported the layers into After Effects
                                                                        for final animations.

                                                                                                                     Medical Defense Union
                                       Sustainable Uplands Animation                                                 Early concept designs
                                       Final animation


 68        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                         Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       69
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                         MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA

      Medical Defense Union
      Final animation Adam’s Screens

                                         Medical Defense Union
                                         Final animation Jon’s screens

 70          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                   Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN       71
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                                                                     MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA


                                                                BRANDING AND CORPORATE ID

                                                                Design Process
                                                                I am responsible for the creation of          Logo design and development                  VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision
                                                                documents, brochures, animation’s,
                                                                marketing material,and presentations
                                                                at Bakermedia.

                                                                Here are various examples of design work
                                                                I have created. I have developed the design             About us
                                                                of the Bakermedia Corporate Identity.

                                                                                                                                    VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision

                                Medical Defense Union
                                Final animation Sonia screens                                                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 660 3844

 72        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                                               Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN           73
BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                                                              MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA

                                                                                                               VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision

                Tel: +44 (0) 161 660 3844                   Animation Showreel
                Winsor House   Battersea Road   South Manchester TV Studios   Stockport   Cheshire   SK4 3EA
                                                                                                                                                     Showreel intro animation

           Showreel cover artwork

 74        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                                         Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN        75

                                                 COLLEGE WORK

      Showreel intro animation for the website

 76           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
EDUCATION                                                                                                                   Skills
       BA (Hons) Multimedia Design (Full Time)(2:1) Graduated July 2006
       Liverpool John Moores University in association with Stockport College.
       A design and visual Arts degree course, which incorporated modules such as: Interactive Design, animation, digital
       audio and video editing, basic web design using Flash and Dreamweaver. Motion graphics and moving Image utilising
       Adobe After Effects.

       HND Graphic Design (Merit)
       Stockport College.
       A design and visual Arts course with relevant projects centred around the core areas of typography image making,
       design process and idea generation.

       BTEC National Diploma Graphic Design (Merit)
       The course included challenging design briefs, which covered drawing, design and layout techniques. Topics also
       incorporated advertising, CD packaging design, Corporate Identity and stationery design.

                                                                                                                            COLLEGE WORK
                                                                                                                            PORTFOLIO 2010-2011

78   PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                                      Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN   79
COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS                                                   MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK

Amelie Film Graphics

Design Process

This is a college Project based on the
film Amelie. The brief was to create some
interactive pages based on a film of your
choice. I decided on the Film Amelie, and
created these screen designs in Photoshop.
I was influenced to the idea of using a Photo
album, because this is one of the core themes
of the film.

                                                Final screen designs


 80          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       81
COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS                                                        MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK

Apple Ipod Advert

Design Process

For my First Major Project I created an Ipod
advert. I chose to do a video narrative piece
because this highlighted my strengths as
motion graphic designer.

My Ipod Advert design emphasises the
specific characteristics of Apple such
as simplicity, Retro, Evolution and most
importantly Music. The record sleeves I
devised are based around the ideas of the
ipod generations. The inspiration for the
design came from researching
Record sleeves.

My Advert plays for about 1 minute and is
visually fasted passed. I tried to emulate how
a record sleeve is opened and then the record
spins at an angle like it is being played. I tried
to create seamless transitions between each
generation. I chose ‘My generation’ by the           Apple Ipod Advert
Who to accompany the graphics .I thought             Record sleeve design
the lyrics complimented the visuals perfectly.
The advert ends with the ipod evolving
throughout the generations.


 82           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                     PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       83

                                       Apple Ipod Advert
                                       Record sleeve design

          Apple Ipod Advert
          Record sleeve design

 84        PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                          PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       85
COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS                                                                                                          MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK

Nike World Cup Advert                              Photographs, DVD’s and recordings
                                                   from television.
FINAL MAJOR PROJECT 2                              I built each page of the Scrapbook in
                                                   Photoshop and animated them as individual
Design Process                                     compositions in After Effects. I spent most
                                                   of my time researching football illustrations
The objective of my project is to design a new     and creating my own characters. I looked
Nike advert that is based on Football Culture.     at the work of Jamie Hewlett, the designer
I am heavily influenced by Brazilian culture       who created the Gorillaz characters. I tried to
and graffiti so I gave my work a unique visual     incorporate elements of his unique style into
style. The main aim of the brief is to create an   my work.
effective example of multimedia that reflects
the themes and ideas of the world cup and          I tried to give the animation a paint dripping
football culture.                                  effect. Each page has a subtle animation that
                                                   reveals each characters illustration. The piece
My design process starts with drawing and          lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds and ends with
sketching my initial ideas in a layout pad, I      all the badges of the teams involved in the
also find writing key words and phrases in a       world cup.
brainstorming session a useful and effective
system of communicating early thoughts and         Skills

I also like to experiment with more traditional
techniques like collage, cutting and pasting
elements I find in magazines and newspapers.
I often use art materials such as paint; ink and
pastels then scan them into the computer.

The Nike advert I have created gives the                                                             Nike Football Advert
audience the impression that they are viewing                                                        Football Illustrations
a Scrapbook based on key football players
sponsored by Nike, the details of the main
characters appears on the screen in a graffiti
style. The design features a careful balance
of Illustrations I have created myself and
graphics and imagery I have sourced from

 86           PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                                                                       PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       87


                                                        Mad Men

 88         PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio                                   PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio       89

Contac t me

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Phil Boardman

  • 2. PHILIP BOARDMAN PORTFOLIO PROFILE 3-6 Portfolio CONTENT Profile I have been working as a motion graphic My aim is to be a versatile designer who can designer for about 5 years. The job of a motion work in all areas of the creative industry. I do RESOLUTION DV 4-22 graphic designer is to engage the audience by using both modern and traditional methods not want to limit myself by just working in one specialist field, but I want continue to improve of graphic design. The main aim of a designer my skills in all areas of design such as print is to give clear and concise communication based media as well as Multimedia Design. using typography, Imagery and sound. TAYLOR YOUNG 23-40 Motion graphic design is the integration of many different methods and techniques used in art and design such as photography, image BOARDM ILIP manipulation, live action video, animation, vector-based graphics and displaying and PH A laying out typography. Motion graphic CENTRE SCREEN 41-58 designers are now including traditional techniques like painting, hand drawn N imagery and print press techniques in their moving image designs. Motion Graphics is a developing area of graphic design; modern digital tools have made it possible to create BAKERMEDIA 59-76 stunning visual effects. When I am planning a piece of motion graphics I believe its is best to apply basic principles of graphic design, this includes simple methods like form and space, contrast and harmony, selecting and EDUCATION 77-87 understanding typefaces and readability and legibility. PERSONAL WORK 88-90 EST. PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 3
  • 3. CURRICULUM VITAE PHILIP BOARDMAN CURRICULUM VITAE Philip Boardman Key Skills • • Mac and PC Fluent Photoshop (CS4), Illustrator (CS4), After Effects (CS4), Final Cut Pro, BTEC National Diploma Graphic Design (Merit) The course included challenging design briefs, which covered drawing, design and Contact Details Quark Express,Indesign (CS4) layout techniques. Topics also incorporated • Working Knowledge of: - Flash, advertising, CD packaging design, Corporate 5 Cooperative Street, Hazel Grove, Dreamweaver, Director, Acrobat,Premiere Identity and stationery design. Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 4JN, • Creative Flair and sound design skills • Able to work efficiently independently GNVQ Art and Design Tel: 0161 484 0468 or within a team (Intermediate Merit) Mobile: 07866857570 • Microsoft Office E-mail: 5 GCSEs Profile Education Major Achievements A motion graphic designer who is keen BA (Hons) Multimedia Design (Full to find a challenging position. I am an Time)(2:1) Graduated July 2006 • Working on Designs for a major Video ambitious and creative designer with broad and Interactive Multimedia Installation based skills in motion graphics and design Liverpool John Moores University in for the American Museum in Britain, for print. association with Stockport College. which is located in Bath. A design and visual Arts degree course, which incorporated modules such as: Interactive • Creating Video graphic sequences for the Design, animation, digital audio and video Sappi European Printer of the year event Personal Details editing, basic web design using Flash and in Athens 2007. Dreamweaver. Motion graphics and moving Date of Birth: 27-04-1983 Image utilising Adobe After Effects. • Selected to represent Stockport College Marital Status: Single at the D&AD New blood Design exhibition Nationality: British HND Graphic Design (Merit) in London. UK Driving Licence: British (Clean) Stockport College. • Final Major Project graded a first by A design and visual Arts course with relevant examination board projects centred around the core areas of typography image making, design process and idea generation. PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 5
  • 4. PHILIP BOARDMAN CURRICULUM VITAE Work Experience BAKERMEDIA TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGNER MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGNER JUNE 2010-PRESENT JUNE 2008 APRIL 2009 Winsor House, Battersea Road, South Chadsworth House Manchester TV Studios, Stockport Handforth Manchester, SK4 3EA Cheshire CLEAR PRESENTATIONS RESOLUTION DV MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGNER RESOLUTION DV FEBRUARY 2010-JUNE 2010 JANUARY 2007- JUNE 2008 Clear Presentations Winsor House, Battersea Road, South 121 Palatine Road Manchester TV Studios, Stockport Didsbury Manchester, SK4 3EA Manchester CENTRE SCREEN Interests & Hobbies MOTION GRAPHIC DESIGNER I enjoy keeping active by playing Football and Tennis. My other interests include Art, Digital AUGUST 2009 -FEBRUARY 2010 Photography, listening to music and Portfolio Centre Screen collecting Films but most of all I have a Eastgate passion for Sportswear Design and gadgets. Castlefield Manchester 6 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
  • 5. RESOLUTION DV POSITION - MULTIMEDIA GRAPHIC DESIGNER Skills My responsibilities include the design and creation of the following as directed by the Resolution DV is a corporate communications company based near the M60 in project producers: Stockport that designs & produces bespoke internal & external communication projects for three market sectors: • Graphic design for Video and Multimedia Projects using • Public Sector authorities & partnerships Photoshop and Illustrator. • Corporate clients ranging from multinational PLCs to local SMEs • Museums and Heritage Centres • Designing Multi-layered Video titles and graphic sequences using Core activities are: Adobe After Effects. • Design & production of video documentaries for playback within conferences, exhibitions, • Creating on-screen Graphics for laptop sales presentations, interactive DVD, and Internet websites. Interactive Multimedia Projects using Flash. • Design & production of interactive multimedia & internet content for public exhibition RESOLUTION DV screens, touch-screen kiosks, rich media websites, interactive CD-ROM & DVD mail-outs. • Design for printed utilising Adobe In-Design and Quark Xpress. • Design & origination of print material including brochures, fliers, banners and so on to support our on-screen projects. • Basic Video Editing Skills Using Adobe Premiere, Velocity and Final cut Pro • An appreciation of office paperwork systems. PORTFOLIO 2007-2008 • Interacting with clients to discuss current projects. 8 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 9
  • 6. RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV RINEHART AND MUHR AV SCREEN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM IN BRITAIN Production Process The Rinehart and Muhr sequence serves as a digital method of displaying a collection of photographs held by the American Museum in Bath. Resolution dv were commissioned by the Museum to produce a collection of AV sequences and Interactive displays to showcase the museums latest collections. Motion Graphics were choreographed to lead the audience’s eye across an archive of Photographs of various Native American Tribes. The photographs were scanned and digitised and then manipulated using Photoshop. I then designed various layout ideas in Illustrator and Photoshop using a collection of textures I had found and scanned. The client then agreed the final layout, and then I imported the Photoshop layers into After Effects to create the animation. The final output for this project was delivered as Flash Video; this was to keep the file size down to a minimum. Skills 10 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 11
  • 7. RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV Native American Indian Interactive Kiosk THE AMERICAN MUSEUM IN BRITAIN Production Process This was another project I was involved with for the ‘American Museum In Britain’. The brief was to create an interactive touch screen kiosk on the topic of Native American Indians. This interactive programme had to be Educational, informative and suitable for people of all ages. My objective as a designer was to create a user-friendly interface that looked eye- catching and entertaining. I started the design process by creating layout screens using Photoshop and Illustrator. These Ideas were then Presented to the client and finalised. The completed Photoshop layouts were then imported into Flash and Programmed using action script. Early concepts designed in Photoshop Skills 12 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 13
  • 8. RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV Native American Indian Interactive screens - final designs Early concepts designed in Photoshop 14 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 15
  • 9. RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV Sappi Native American Indian TEMPO PAPER MARKETING VIDEO Interactive screens - final designs Design Process Sappi is a world renowned Paper Company. Resolution dv has worked closely with Sappi on various prestigious marketing projects 12 and events, and they have formed a strong working relationship. 9 3 This particular project was a great opportunity and a challenge. The brief was to 6 create a 5-minute marketing video based on a new line paper called ‘Tempo’. Tempo paper is unique because it can dry faster than any other paper once it has been printed on. My role as motion graphic designer was to create an animated Sappi logo and also create various animated sequences to illustrate the papers distinct properties. I started my design process creating rough scamps in a layout pad. I then started to build my idea in Illustrator. I then imported the logo into After Effects so I could create a dynamic animation. Skills 16 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 17
  • 10. RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV Sappi EUROPEAN PRINTER OF THE YEAR GALA EVENT European printer of the year Design Process gala event Every year Sappi commission Resolution dv to - Bronze Award final designs create motion Graphics for their annual award ceremony. Each year the client gives a different theme for the design to be focused on. The theme for this specific piece was ‘The Navigators of the sea’. I used a compass as the basis of my design to give it a nautical feel. I created the initial layout in Photoshop then imported the layers into After Effects for final Animation. The animation was then loaded on to avid edit suit where the final video was completed. European printer of the year gala event Skills - Silver Award final designs 18 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 19
  • 11. RESOLUTION DV MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS RESOLUTION DV Amanda Wyatt BRIDAL GOWN DESIGN Design Process Amanda Wyatt came to Resolution dv with the request to create an interactive catalogue to showcase her latest collection. I saw this as a chance to create a stylish and original interface based on the idea of fashion Photography. The Client Provided the Photographs of the dresses that gave me ideas for the kind of style I wanted to achieve in my design. I created several Possible layout solutions for this brief and the client decided on a combination of my ideas. The final layout was created using Photoshop and Illustrator and then Imported into Flash for Programming. European printer of the year gala event - Gold Award final designs Skills Early concepts designed in Photoshop 20 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 21
  • 13. TAYLOR YOUNG Position- Motion Graphic Designer My role was to produce high quality Skills Overview Motion Graphics/Graphic Design and Composite 3D animations in After Effects. Taylor Young Ltd is a multidisciplinary design orientated architecture, landscape, urban I am capable of producing a variety of design and planning consultancy with over 200 staff operating from offices in Handforth, graphic outputs in connection with Manchester and Liverpool. projects using Design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects and Flash. I was responsible for Services Offered the creation of documents, brochures, animation’s, marketing material, Urban Design: Urban design appraisals, urban design training/education, design guidance, urban design visioning, design and exhibitions and presentations. access statements, urban design frameworks, planning and development briefs, supplementary planning documents. Regeneration: Development and regeneration frameworks, neighbourhood plans, town centre masterplans, area action plans, TAYLOR YOUNG community engagement and consultation, action planning events. Statutory Planning: Planning appraisals, negotiations, planning applications, appeals, inquiries, design and access statements, co- ordination of environmental impact assessments, conservation area appraisals, conservation area consent and listed building consent applications, development plan/local development framework representations, community engagement/consultation, S106 obligations advice and negotiation. Landscape Design: Landscape frameworks and detailed schemes, public realm design, landscape character assessments, PORTFOLIO 2007-2008 visual impact assessments. 24 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 25
  • 14. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG Merseyside Police Animation TAYLOR YOUNG & MERSEYSIDE CONSTABULARY Design Process As a motion graphic designer I worked closely with the 3D team at Taylor Young. My role was to composite the 3D animation in After Effects. I would then add any motion graphics, such as a tile sequence or annotations to the animation. Merseyside Constabulary commissioned Taylor young to design a new command centre in the city centre. My task was to piece together the animation within After Effects and Design an opening title sequence for the piece. I then applied colour correction to the animation to enhance it further. Skills Merseyside Police Animation Final animation 26 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 27
  • 15. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG Merseyside Police Animation Final animation Merseyside Police Animation Final animation 28 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 29
  • 16. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG The Christie at Oldham Animation TAYLOR YOUNG AND NHS TRUST Design Process The Christie at Oldham Animation in another 3D project I worked on at Taylor Young. My brief was again to create a Graphical Opening sequence for this proposed hospital building. I was also responsible for creating an interesting Narrative for the animation by choosing some interesting blends and transitions for the animation. The Opening Credits for the animation was designed entirely in After Effects and the idea for this sequence was based on a cardiograph Machine. I tried to give the design a Medical feel. The sequence is set to a steady pace so the audience is kept interested. Skills The Christie at Oldham Animation Final animation 30 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 31
  • 17. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG Brunswick PFI Animation THE ADACTUS CONSORTIUM Design Process The Adactus Consortium commissioned Taylor Young to produce an animation for Brunswick PFI. This architectural fly-through is a design of a proposed regeneration of a housing estate in Brunswick. As Motion Graphic Designer at Taylor Young it was my task to create the opening title sequence for the animation in After Effects. For this sequence I decided to use a fast earth zoom as the introduction for the animation. It was also my job to colour correct the 3D model in After Effects and create interesting transitions for the narrative of the Piece. Skills Brunswick PFI Animation Final animation 32 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 33
  • 18. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG BSEC 2009 Brunswick PFI Animation Final animation THE BUILDING SCHOOLS EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE TAYLOR YOUNG Design Process Every year Taylor Young attends the BSEC Conference. The exhibition is held at the G-mex centre, Manchester. Taylor Young have been involved in a range of prestigious projects for the education sector. My Brief was to create a short animation in After Effects to promote Taylor young’s work in the education sector. I worked closely with the marketing department and developed the Idea of using various screens to showcase the architecture. I used the colours Taylor Young’s branding to create a short effective animation. The final animation was displayed on a Plasma display Screen along side a display stand at the exhibition centre. Skills 34 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 35
  • 19. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG BSEC 2009 animation Final animation BSEC 2009 animation Final animation 36 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 37
  • 20. TAYLOR YOUNG MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS TAYLOR YOUNG Taylor Young 3D PORTFOLIO Design Process As the main motion graphic designer at Taylor Young one of the most import projects I worked on was the 3D showreel. The aim of the brief was to create an innovative method of showcasing the 3D capabilities of Taylor young. My idea was to create multiple screens within After Effects, and then to use the 3D camera tool to navigate through each screen showing an interesting piece of 3D animation. The final sequence play for roughly 1 minute, and has a strong Taylor Young Branding BSEC 2009 animation throughout. The music for this piece has a Final animation fast tempo and is synchronised to the motion of the animation to enhance the audiences experience. The finished animation was output to flash Video so it can be sent to clients on a cd-rom. Skills 3D Portfolio Final animation 38 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 39
  • 22. CENTRE SCREEN POSITION CENTRE SCREEN CENTRE SCREEN FREELANCE GRAPHIC DESIGNER I was employed on a freelance contract to work as a motion graphic designer. My role was to work on various video and multimedia projects as directed by Skills Overview the project producers. Centre Screen has for over 26 years been one of the UK’s leading film production companies, producing video and multimedia nationally and internationally. I have strong Skills utilising design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Based in London and Manchester we produce compelling, intelligent and innovative programmes, interactive and multimedia applications as well as cutting edge 3D on several high profile jobs such as the and 4D. Amongst our clients we boast numerous prominent corporate organisations, Chopin Museum in Warsaw and the central and local government, and for leisure heritage many major museums and Naval College in Greenwich. visitor attractions worldwide. CENTRE SCREEN PORTFOLIO 2009-2010 42 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 43
  • 23. CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN Chopin Museum Warsaw Poland INTERACTIVE SCREEN SAVERS Design Process Centre Screen were commissioned by the Chopin Museum to produce a collection of AV sequences and Interactive displays to showcase the museums archive of photographs, letters and memorabilia. Motion Graphics were choreographed to lead the audience’s eye across an archive of various Photographs and artifacts. The photographs were scanned and digitised and then manipulated using Photoshop. I then designed various layout ideas in Illustrator and Photoshop using a collection of textures I had found and scanned. The client then agreed the final layout, and then I imported the Photoshop layers into After Effects to create the animation. The final output for this project was delivered as Flash Video; this was to keep the file size down to a minimum. Skills Chopin Screen Savers Final animation PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio CENTRE SCREEN CENTRE SCREEN 44 45
  • 26. CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN Chopin Museum Warsaw Poland CHOPIN PARIS AV Design Process This was another project I was involved with for the ‘Chopin Museum’. The brief was to create an AV based on Chopin’s time spent in Paris. The project had to be Educational, informative and suitable for people of all ages. My objective as a designer was to create an innovative Av using a map of Paris and famous landmarks of the era. I started the design process by creating layout screens using Photoshop and Illustrator. These Ideas were then Presented to the client and finalised. Skills Paris Av Concept screens PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio CENTRE SCREEN CENTRE SCREEN 50 51
  • 27. CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN Royal Naval College Greenwich GREENWICH NIGHT PAGEANT AV Design Process Centre Screen were commissioned by the Royal Naval College to produce a collection of AV sequences and Interactive screens to showcase their displays of rare artefacts, film footage and interactive models tell the story of the Old Royal Naval College and Maritime Greenwich. Motion Graphics were designed to lead the audience’s eye across an archive of various Photographs and artifacts. The photographs were scanned and digitised and then manipulated using Photoshop. I then designed various layout ideas in Illustrator and Photoshop using a collection of textures I had found and scanned. The client then agreed the final layout, and then I imported the Photoshop layers into After Effects to create the animation. Greenwich pageant Av Final animation Skills PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio CENTRE SCREEN CENTRE SCREEN 52 53
  • 28. CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN Greenwich pageant Av Final animation Greenwich pageant Av Final animation PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio CENTRE SCREEN CENTRE SCREEN 54 55
  • 29. CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS CENTRE SCREEN Royal Naval College Greenwich SIDE PANEL SCREEN CONCEPT Design Process This was another project I was involved with for the ‘Royal Naval College’. The brief was to create an AV based on the central model animation . The project had to be Educational, informative and suitable for people of all ages. My objective as a designer was to create an innovative Av based on the history of the Naval College in Greenwich village. Greenwich Side Pannel Av Screen designs Skills PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio CENTRE SCREEN CENTRE SCREEN 56 57
  • 30. CENTRE SCREEN MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Portfolio Greenwich Side Panel Av Screen designs PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio CENTRE SCREEN 58 VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision
  • 31. BAKERMEDIA Position- Motion Graphic Designer My role was to produce high quality VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision Skills Overview Motion Graphics/Graphic Design and Composite 3D animations in After Effects. Bakermedia is a media content production company offering a full range of services I am capable of producing a variety of in-house by staff with senior network BBC & ITV broadcast background. They produce graphic outputs in connection with high quality High Definition videos covering a wide range of areas including training & projects using Design software such as promotional videos for web, and interactive DVDs. Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Services Offered Effects and Flash. I am responsible for the creation of documents, brochures, Video Production animations, marketing material, Bakermedia can provide the full production process in-house including research, script writing, story boarding, filming, editing and graphics. exhibitions and presentations. Editing Bakermedia has four digital edit suites at its base with state of the art computers and the latest broadcast quality editing and animation software available. BAKERMEDIA Graphics In-house we can design for you eye catching professional artwork for DVD boxes, in-case booklets and the on-body artwork for the DVD disks themselves. We are skilled at following brand guidelines and this extends to our web design and creation work as well. Animation We have skilled multimedia animation professionals who can create astonishing animated graphics for your project whether it’s a revealing logo or a full 3D CGI sequence. PORTFOLIO 2010-2011 60 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 61
  • 32. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Oldham College PROMOTIONAL VIDEO FOR STUDENTS Design Process The college needed a powerful video that explained the benefits of vocational courses. We filmed two of their own students using the Chroma key system, and created engaging animated graphics to get the information across. We were careful not to patronise in the editorial content as well as ensuring that the visuals not only appealed to potential students but also to parents as well. I created the initial layout in Photoshop then imported the layers into After Effects for final animation. Skills Oldham College Animation Oldham College Animation Final Design Final designs 62 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 63
  • 33. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Oldham College Animation Final designs Oldham College Animation Final designs 64 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 65
  • 34. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Sustainable Uplands Animation Sustainable Uplands Sustainable Uplands Animation Final animation Early concept designs PROMOTIONAL VIDEO FOR STUDENTS Design Process The sustainable Uplands team challenged us to create a 3 minute animation to explain how they use scenarios to consider what the future holds for UK uplands. The project is aimed at those who live, work or has an interest in upland environments. We created an attention-grabbing animation using a combination of Motion graphics and typography composited using Adobe After Effects. The animation is used as a Prologue to introduce three short film projects, detailing the aims and methodology of the research. Skills 66 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 67
  • 35. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Medical Defense Union STUDENT ELECTIVE VIDEOS Design Process Medical Defence Union briefed Bakermedia to devise a concept for their Student elective competition. I created a travel theme animation to effectively deliver the interviews of the student who had won the competition. I created the initial layout in Photoshop then imported the layers into After Effects for final animations. Medical Defense Union Sustainable Uplands Animation Early concept designs Final animation Skills 68 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 69
  • 36. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Medical Defense Union Final animation Adam’s Screens Medical Defense Union Final animation Jon’s screens 70 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 71
  • 37. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA Bakermedia BRANDING AND CORPORATE ID Design Process Bakermedia I am responsible for the creation of Logo design and development VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision documents, brochures, animation’s, marketing material,and presentations at Bakermedia. Here are various examples of design work I have created. I have developed the design About us of the Bakermedia Corporate Identity. VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision Skills Medical Defense Union Final animation Sonia screens Tel: +44 (0) 161 660 3844 72 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 73
  • 38. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS BAKERMEDIA VideoProduction BroadcastTelevision Tel: +44 (0) 161 660 3844 Animation Showreel Winsor House Battersea Road South Manchester TV Studios Stockport Cheshire SK4 3EA Bakermedia Showreel intro animation Bakermedia Showreel cover artwork 74 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 75
  • 39. BAKERMEDIA MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK Bakermedia Portfolio Showreel intro animation for the website 76 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio
  • 40. EDUCATION Skills BA (Hons) Multimedia Design (Full Time)(2:1) Graduated July 2006 Liverpool John Moores University in association with Stockport College. A design and visual Arts degree course, which incorporated modules such as: Interactive Design, animation, digital audio and video editing, basic web design using Flash and Dreamweaver. Motion graphics and moving Image utilising Adobe After Effects. HND Graphic Design (Merit) Stockport College. A design and visual Arts course with relevant projects centred around the core areas of typography image making, design process and idea generation. BTEC National Diploma Graphic Design (Merit) The course included challenging design briefs, which covered drawing, design and layout techniques. Topics also incorporated advertising, CD packaging design, Corporate Identity and stationery design. COLLEGE WORK PORTFOLIO 2010-2011 78 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN 79
  • 41. COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK Amelie Film Graphics B.A (HONS) MULTIMEDIA DESIGN INTERACTIVE DESIGN Design Process This is a college Project based on the film Amelie. The brief was to create some interactive pages based on a film of your choice. I decided on the Film Amelie, and created these screen designs in Photoshop. I was influenced to the idea of using a Photo album, because this is one of the core themes of the film. Amelie Final screen designs Skills 80 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 81
  • 42. COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK Apple Ipod Advert B.A (HONS) MULTIMEDIA DESIGN FINAL MAJOR PROJECT Design Process For my First Major Project I created an Ipod advert. I chose to do a video narrative piece because this highlighted my strengths as motion graphic designer. My Ipod Advert design emphasises the specific characteristics of Apple such as simplicity, Retro, Evolution and most importantly Music. The record sleeves I devised are based around the ideas of the ipod generations. The inspiration for the design came from researching Record sleeves. My Advert plays for about 1 minute and is visually fasted passed. I tried to emulate how a record sleeve is opened and then the record spins at an angle like it is being played. I tried to create seamless transitions between each generation. I chose ‘My generation’ by the Apple Ipod Advert Who to accompany the graphics .I thought Record sleeve design the lyrics complimented the visuals perfectly. The advert ends with the ipod evolving throughout the generations. Skills 82 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 83
  • 43. COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK Apple Ipod Advert Record sleeve design Apple Ipod Advert Record sleeve design 84 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 85
  • 44. COLLEGE WORK MOTION GRAPHICS MOTION GRAPHICS COLLEGE WORK Nike World Cup Advert Photographs, DVD’s and recordings from television. B.A (HONS) MULTIMEDIA DESIGN FINAL MAJOR PROJECT 2 I built each page of the Scrapbook in Photoshop and animated them as individual Design Process compositions in After Effects. I spent most of my time researching football illustrations The objective of my project is to design a new and creating my own characters. I looked Nike advert that is based on Football Culture. at the work of Jamie Hewlett, the designer I am heavily influenced by Brazilian culture who created the Gorillaz characters. I tried to and graffiti so I gave my work a unique visual incorporate elements of his unique style into style. The main aim of the brief is to create an my work. effective example of multimedia that reflects the themes and ideas of the world cup and I tried to give the animation a paint dripping football culture. effect. Each page has a subtle animation that reveals each characters illustration. The piece My design process starts with drawing and lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds and ends with sketching my initial ideas in a layout pad, I all the badges of the teams involved in the also find writing key words and phrases in a world cup. brainstorming session a useful and effective system of communicating early thoughts and Skills ideas. I also like to experiment with more traditional techniques like collage, cutting and pasting elements I find in magazines and newspapers. I often use art materials such as paint; ink and pastels then scan them into the computer. The Nike advert I have created gives the Nike Football Advert audience the impression that they are viewing Football Illustrations a Scrapbook based on key football players sponsored by Nike, the details of the main characters appears on the screen in a graffiti style. The design features a careful balance of Illustrations I have created myself and graphics and imagery I have sourced from 86 PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio PHILIP BOARDMAN Portfolio 87