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A G DA   Work experience kit    A resource to help students doing
                                work experience in a graphic design
                                studio. This resource has been
                                prepared by the Australian Graphic
                                Design Association.

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          Wr                                                        -r
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                               Mackay Branson Design
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Contents
       What is a graphic designer?                                 page 3

       Where are graphic designers employed?                       page 4

       How to use this resource                                    page 6

       Graphic design in Australia                                 page 7

       Studio etiquette                                            page 8

       What you should be able to achieve within this experience   page 10

       Assessment form                                             page 11

       Design Briefs                                               page 13

       References                                                  page 33

                                     AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      What     is   a   graphic     designer?

       We are constantly bombarded with design.

       LOOK FOR IT.

       ANALYSE IT.

       RECORD IT.

       Photograph a billboard.
       Analyse magazine                        All of these considerations are the work of a
       advertisements:                         designer.
       how they use colour,
                                               A graphic designer is usually involved in all aspects
       shapes, typography.
                                               of design from a corporate identity, to magazine
       Sketch buildings and                    advertisement, architectural signage on a building
       make note of detail: the                to surface graphics on everyday products.
       material used; colour; the
       siting.                                 The graphic designer uses visual communication
                                               to inform, educate and entertain.
       Examine the products
       in your home.
       Have they been designed
       to be easy to use?
       Are they easy to clean?
       Are they safe?

                                AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Where            are graphic designers
       Graphic design is a communication profession               Here computer operators with differing
       which requires personal communication skills.              skills or backgrounds can be found
       Some employment areas require that you                     ie: photo retouchers, typesetters, illustrators
       design and produce artwork and have no                     Freelance operators are also employed in
       contact with a client. But, the majority of the            times of heavy work flow
       job opportunities call for direct client and
                                                               Marketing consultancies
       marketplace contact.
                                                               • offer
       The working environment also calls for a
                                                                  Graphic designer
       certain personality that fits well into a team
       with a sense of humour in a sometimes                      Desktop publisher
       pressured environment.                                  Public relations consultants
       P L AC E S O F P O S S I B LE                              Graphic designer
                E M P LOYM E N T                                  Desktop publisher
       Self employed/ freelance
                                                               Film production
       • this means working by yourself, for yourself.
                                                               Designers can work in an number of areas on
       •   Unfortunately often not by choice                   Commercial and Feature production
       •   Responsible for all tasks below plus                   Prop design
           Business and project management or
                                                                  Graphics and titling
       Graphic design studios                                     Production design
       • offer a choice of roles in this environment              Special effects, editing
       – Creative director                                        Animation
       – Graphic designer
                                                               Video production
       – Art director
                                                                  Corporate and Commercial television
       – Computer operator
                                                                  Prop and set design
       Advertising agencies                                       Graphics and titling
       • operate with a hierarchy and separate tasks              Animation
       are performed in different departments                     Multimedia

           the ‘creative department’, where concepts              Video games design
           are developed or
           the ‘studio’ where artwork is completed for

                                    AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Exhibition and display design
       • offer                                              Book publishers
           Typography and sign design                       • offer

           Interactive design                                   Graphic design
           3D design                                            Graphic artist
           Lighting design                                      Illustrator

       Printing                                                 Typography
           Graphic designer                                 Desktop publishers
           Graphic artist                                   • offer
                                                                Page layout designer
           Prepress operator
       PrePress/Bureau                                          Computer operator
       • offer
                                                            In-house corporate designer
           Graphic designer                                 • offer
           Graphic artist
                                                                Graphic designer
           Computer operator
                                                                Desktop publisher
       Multi Media producers                                    Technical illustrator
       • offer
                                                            Temporary employment agencies
           Graphic design                                   • offer
                                                                Graphic design
                                                                Graphic artist
       Newspaper and magazine publishers                        Computer operator
       • offer                                                  Desktop publishing
           Graphic design
           Graphic artist

                                 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      How        to   use   this     resource

       This resource has been written to help students doing work experience in a graphic design
       studio. The book gives guidelines on what to expect from work experience and how to behave
       while working in a studio. A set of design briefs are included which help you get started in your
       work experience. These briefs have been written by practicing designers and are set to match
       your level of education. The studio owner may also choose to have you do some work on current
       jobs. This work may appear menial, but by observing, asking sensible questions and carefully
       thinking about what you are asked to do, you can learn a lot.

       You should prepare a work diary to record the work you have done and how long it took.
       Examination of this should show that you spent time understanding the brief, asking questions,
       preparing materials, preparing roughs, refining your ideas, discussing them with designers in the
       studio, finishing the job, mounting it and then presenting it. In short it should show your design

       This resource also contains an assessment form which has been designed to help you and the
       studio owner to objectively look at what you have achieved during the work experience. It will
       help you discuss the progress you made during the work experience.

                                   AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Graphic            design in Australia

       The 1996 survey of Graphic Design in Australia, estimated that there are 2,500 design firms

       employing around 10,000 people in graphic design in Australia. The bulk of the activity is centred

       in New South Wales and Victoria. Total industry revenues were estimated at $1.3 bn.

       Success factors
       Analysis of financially successful designers (defined as the top 20% of the industry in business
       income) in comparison with the general industry average found that these designers:

       • took more personal responsibility for the management of the client/designer relationship

       • had stronger selling and marketing skills

       • practiced better financial management

       On the issue of how important creativity is to clients, the study found that clients discount the
       ability to deliver creative product because they believe that creative excellence is widely available.
       It is in other areas, marketing and financial, that graphic designers can gain both the respect their
       industry deserves, and the business success they desire.

       This survey shows that a designer needs an all round education. It’s not enough to just
       concentrate on learning how to design and how to use computers.

       The Australian Graphic Design Association
       The Australian Graphic Design association is committed to raising design standards in Australia
       and works through a volunteer base to advance excellence in graphic design as a discipline,
       profession and cultural force. AGDA seeks to advance the skills, knowledge and interests of its
       membership and the industry by active example, co-operation and education.

       The above information was taken from the 1996 Australian Graphic Design Association AGSM
       Graphic Design Industry Survey.

                                   AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Studio           etiquette

       Before you begin your work experience you should check the following things with the
       studio owner;

       • dates for the work experience

       • working hours (start, finish, lunch)

       • dress code

       • correct address

       • materials you will be required to bring

       Your behaviour in the studio should be appropriate to the style of business.

                                                    Remember that all design studios are small
                                                    businesses. Workers in small business need to be
                                                    multi-skilled and designers are no different. You
       Observe how the
                                                    may be asked to send a fax or do some
       designers dress and act
                                                    photocopying - they are essential parts of running a
       and then follow their lead.                  successful studio. Work has to be filed after it has
       and remember you are a                       been completed and filed in a system that will
       visitor in this workplace.                   allow it to be found again. When you are asked to
       For the designers the                        do filing, faxing or photocopying you are
       most expensive part of                       contributing to an essential part of the business -
                                                    approach it with enthusiasm and commitment.
       their job is time. Don’t
       waste their time – prepare
       your questions in advance                    Punctuality
       and be certain about what                    This is more than a school excursion. Demonstrate

       assistance you need.                         your attitude to work by turning up 5 minutes
                                                    before the starting time. Stay until the designated
                                                    finish time. If the studio staff only take 45 minutes
                                                    for lunch then you should do the same.

       Ask permission to use the telephone and then only if it is essential.
       If you have to make a phone call keep the conversation brief.

                                   AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

       If your teacher intends visiting the studio it is your responsibility to arrange a time that suits the
       studio owner and the teacher. You should advise both of them that the appointment has been
       confirmed. You will be responsible for making the introductions. Check with the studio owner
       before showing your teacher through the studio.

       Most work places are smoke free. If you are a smoker you will need to leave the building in most
       cases. This will need to be discussed with the studio owner before starting work experience

       Getting to know the studio
       Ask the studio owner to describe the type of work they do. Ask them about their career path. Ask
       the designers about their career path.

                                    AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      What


                                       be    able


       In this work experience you should at least gain an understanding of what a graphic designer
       does and how a design studio works. At best you will finish a design brief and go away with a
       mounted piece of work for your portfolio.

       Set yourself some objectives for the work experience. For example:

       At the end of this work experience I should be able to:

                    •   understand what type of work a graphic designer does

                    •   understand how a design studio functions

                    •   understand the design process

                    •   demonstrate an ability to read and analyse a design brief

                    •   demonstrate an ability to prepare thumbnails to answer a design brief

                    •   demonstrate a basic understanding of computers use in design

                    •   demonstrate a basic understanding of QuarkXpress or Pagemaker

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Assessment Form
       These questions are not a test. Don’t try to guess the answers. Just circle the appropriate answer.

       They will help the studio owner understand how much you know. This will give him/her the

       chance to ‘fill in the gaps’. You will do the same questionnaire at the end of your work

       experience. This will allow you and the studio owner to assess your progress.

       Do you understand enough to explain to someone…

       exactly what a graphic designer does?                              Yes          No         Perhaps

       where a graphic designer may work?                                 Yes          No         Perhaps

       what the difference is between a graphic designer

         and a desk top publisher?                                        Yes          No         Perhaps

       what the difference is between a graphic designer

         and an industrial designer?                                      Yes          No         Perhaps

       how a computer works?                                              Yes          No         Perhaps

       what a scanner does?                                               Yes          No         Perhaps

       what a TIFF file is?                                               Yes          No         Perhaps

       what an EPS is?                                                    Yes          No         Perhaps

       Do you know...
       what a ‘design brief’ is?                                          Yes          No         Perhaps

       what ‘brainstorming’ is?                                           Yes          No         Perhaps

       what a ‘presentation visual’ looks like?                           Yes          No         Perhaps

       how a design gets printed?                                         Yes          No         Perhaps

       what process colours are?                                          Yes          No         Perhaps

       what PMS colours are?                                              Yes          No         Perhaps

       what DPI means?                                                    Yes          No         Perhaps

                                    AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      what a chromalin proof is?                              Yes   No   Perhaps

       what a dyesublimation proof is?                         Yes   No   Perhaps

       what a ‘thumbnail rough is?                             Yes   No   Perhaps

       what film separations are?                              Yes   No   Perhaps

       the printing process?                                   Yes   No   Perhaps

       the difference between DPI and LPI?                     Yes   No   Perhaps

       what screen resolution means?                           Yes   No   Perhaps

       Have you...
       used a Macintosh computer?                              Yes   No   Perhaps

       used any software programs?                             Yes   No   Perhaps

       used QuarkXpress?                                       Yes   No   Perhaps

       used Photoshop?                                         Yes   No   Perhaps

       used Pagemaker?                                         Yes   No   Perhaps

       used Illustrator?                                       Yes   No   Perhaps

       used Suitcase?                                          Yes   No   Perhaps

       used a scanner?                                         Yes   No   Perhaps

       prepared finished artwork?                              Yes   No   Perhaps

       prepared a presentation visual?                         Yes   No   Perhaps

       made a 3D package?                                      Yes   No   Perhaps

                                    AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Design            Briefs

       These briefs have been written so that they can be done at
       varying skill levels. If you are a tertiary student you should be
       able to take the brief through to a high level of presentation.
       If you are in year 10, 11 or 12 at school you should be able
       to take the research through to a high level and then
       prepare visuals up to your skill level. This will depend on the
       type of subjects studied at school.

                                    AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 1

       Project:                                      Newspaper masthead


       To design a masthead for the Five Rivers Free Press newspaper.


       The Five Rivers Free Press newspaper has been in existence for more than 130 years. It
       originally began as a bulletin for the gold miners in the settlement of Five Rivers. It was noted
       for its radical political views, always supporting the worker and stressing the struggle that was
       needed to survive life on the Gold fields. In more recent times it has supported residents in
       their battles with bureaucracy both local and state.

       The current owner of the Five Rivers Free Press newspaper is a direct descendant of its
       original owner. He wishes to maintain some of the ‘look’ that existed in newspapers of the
       late 1800’s but with a more modern use of typography. He feels that the paper should stress
       that they help the ‘Aussie battler’. This should be shown in a visual way as part of the

       The Five Rivers Free Press is read by residents of Five Rivers and the surrounding area.

       The town of Five Rivers has a small population of shopkeepers and service industry eg. farm
       machinery sales and repair people. Most of the readers are farmers. The following
       specifications give the elements that must be included in the Five Rivers Free Press


       Paper size: Tabloid Stock: Newsprint. Colours: Red and black. Name: Five Rivers Free Press

       Subhead: Independent since 1860 Copy: Circulation 5,500 Price 20 cents Published every

       Tuesday (Date of publication)

                                 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 1

        Project:                                      Newspaper masthead


        Source out at least 5 newspaper mastheads from your local or state library.

        Examine newspapers in a newsagency to see what t makes a masthead stand

        out from others.

        Examine how the masthead is used in relation to photographs and headlines.


        Present topics of mastheads gathered during research.

        Mount these on a single board.

        Present your solution mounted on a sheet of board with a protective cover sheet. An

        explanation of your concept should be presented with the design.

                                 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 2

       Project:                                     Tea      bag   label        and    box   design.


       To produce a label design for a new brand of Australian grown and packaged tea. To produce

       a box design to hold 100 tea bags. To produce surface graphics for the box.


       Goonawarra Tea is a new brand of tea being grown in Queensland for sale in Australian
       supermarkets. The tea makers believe this tea has a distinctive flavour that will appeal to the
       Australian tea drinker.

       • They would like to use an Australiana theme.

       • Their positioning statement is; The real flavour of Australian Tea .

       • Their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the Australian production of the tea.

       • They want to evoke the images of happy contented Aussie’s drinking tea in a typical

         Aussie setting.

       Teabag size: The tea bag is 60 x 40 mm with a 130mm string and a 40 x 30 mm tag. Tag

       colour: The tag can be printed in three colours. Box size: The box is 140mm x 160mm x 60mm

       deep. Box colour: It can be printed in three colours on all sides of the box.

       Goonawarra Tea.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 2


        The real flavour of Australian Tea.

        Body copy:

        Selected teas grown in the highlands of Queensland. This tea has been recognised as a full

        bodied tea as enjoyed by Australians since settlement. The traditional flavour will be enjoyed

        if you first warm the teapot before putting in a teabag for each person and ‘one for the billy’.

        Boil fresh water and immediately pour it into the pot. Allow to stand for five minutes and

        then enjoy the real flavour of Australian tea.

        Use By date.

        Bar code. (for the purpose of the mock-up, use the barcode on the following page)

        Net weight 200g.

        100 TEA BAGS


        Visit your local supermarket and ask to photograph boxes of tea bags as displayed on the

        shelves. Research where most of the tea is grown. Note what colours are commonly used.

        Pull apart a box and analyse the design of the box and how it folds. Look at alternative box

        shapes and folds. Look at books on early Australian package design.


        Mount a series of photographs showing the different tea bag and box designs. Annotate the
        photographs to show that you have analysed the design of these

        Prepare a felt pen visual to show the basic design. Show how this will appear on the tea bag
        tag. Mount these on a sheet of pasteboard with a protective overlay.

        Mockup your box design with the graphics and copy on the surface.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 3

       Project:                                      Fashion     label    corporate



       To design a fashion label that can be used on a swing tag, clothes tag and carry bag.


       JOANNA H is a new fashion label that is being launched to produce and market fashion for 13
       to 16 year old females. The mainline to be produced is designer blue denim jeans. Joanna H
       specialises in jeans with small embellishments such as bows and special stitching.

       The label needs to be produced so that it will work on the side of a carry bag or as a patch
       on a pocket or swing tag. It may have to be used in shop signage at a later stage.

       Joanna H is seeking innovative ways to produce carry bags. She welcomes different designs
       and shapes for consideration. As these are a form of mobile advertising they can be more

       expensive than the work in the labels.


       COPY:                    Joanna H (must be able to be

                                stitched for labels and printed on

                                bags, jeans etc.)

       Colours:                 Three colours.

       Size:                    Swing tag size: 50mm x 40mm

       Clothes label size:      40mm x 20mm

       Exterior pocket label:   size to suit.

       Carry bag size:          40cm x 30cm x 15cm gusset.

       Handle style optional.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 3

        Project:                                     Fashion       label     corporate



       Visit fashion stores and discuss the project with the owner and collect a number of swing

       tags. Collect at least 4 different types of carry bags. Consider the design and the function of

       the bags. Examine them for durability etc.


       Study the swing tag designs. Paste them onto a sheet of board and analyse them.

       Prepare felt pen roughs of your design and paste them onto a sheet of paste board

       with a cover sheet.

       Prepare a mock up of the swing tag, carry bag and label.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 4

       Project:                                          Invitation


       To design and produce a mock-up of an innovative invitation.


       WALPOLE CHEESE is launching a new brand of flavoured cheese. To get as much attention as
       possible for this new product they require an invitation for the launch night. These invitations
       will be sent out to food writers, food store buyers, retailers, and the general dairy industry.
       These people receive dozens of invitations every week. The Walpole Cheese company wants
       the invitation to be unique so that when the package/envelope is opened the recipient will
       be surprised. The Walpole Cheese logo is attached.

       The copy on the outside of the card should be creative and catchy. Walpole Cheese would

       like your suggestions on copy.


       Colour: It can be printed three colours both sides. The company logo must be used.

       The invitation details are:

       Copy:    Launch date: 23rd March

                Time: 8.00 PM
                Venue: Walpole Cheese showrooms Palmerston Place Carlton

                RSVP: Esther 9543 8970 by March 2.

                                     AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 4

        Project:                                       Invitation


        Visit a newsagency and examine greeting cards. Look for innovative folds, cuts and effects.

        Find books on paper folding for new ideas.


        Collect samples of innovative cards and mount them on a sheet of pasteboard.

        Prepare practice sheets of innovative folds.

        Mock up the finished piece using felt pens.

        Use the computer to prepare a colour mock-up.

        Present the finished piece in an envelope.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 5

       Project:                                       Pet    food   labels


       To design a series of pet food labels for Chunky Pet foods new range.


       CHUNKY PET FOODS is releasing a new range of pet foods. They require new designs that will
       present a ‘corporate image’ of the Chunky Pet food company and also show the contents of
       each type of dog and cat food. The cans must prominently show the name of the company
       with the details of each type of pet food.

       Chunky Pet foods USP is, as their name suggests, that their pet food has large chunks of
       meat, fish, chicken etc. They do not want to show the food on the can but would rather have
       a happy and contented pet shown.

       The Chunky Pet foods company requires an initial submission showing one can of cat food.

       Size:                Can dimensions 110mm x 75mm diameter.

       Colours:             Four colour process on label.


       Label copy:          FISH FOR CATS Chunky Pet foods 100%

                            Fish Ingredients: Sardines, Pilchards, gelatin, food colouring, vitamins and

                            minerals. No preservatives added. Refrigerate after opening.

                            Made in Australia by Chunky Pet foods. Down Rd. Sallet Victoria 3211

       Tin copy:            Pet food only

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 5

        Project:                                     Pet   food    labels


        Visit a supermarket and examine the pet food shelves. Purchase cans of pet food as

        reference. Observe how the cans are displayed. Ask permission to photograph the cans of

        pet food on the shelves. Analyse the labels and the way cans are displayed. Note that the

        rounded shape of the can limits the line length of type.

        Pay attention to the way that particular brands maintain a style that immediately makes

        them recognised.


        Mount all your photographs with annotations showing your analysis. Prepare thumbnail
        roughs to show how you will approach the presentation style for all Chunky Pet food

        products. Once you have chosen a design prepare a presentation visual using the computer.

        Extend this into a mock up of the label on a can. Photograph the cans and mount the

        finished photograph.

                                AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 6

        Project:                                         Magazine        cover


        To design a magazine cover for a new youth magazine.


        The trade unions want to tell young people about unionism and its benefits for workers. They
        are preparing a new magazine which will be directed at young people in the 14-18 year old
        age bracket. The magazine will have a range of stories for young people and will focus on
        issues in the workplace. The unions are particularly keen to emphasise that they are
        concerned with the total physical, mental and emotional well being of all workers. The
        magazine will be sent direct to schools for distribution to students and will be available free
        of charge by request.

        The stories in the magazine are to be positive studies of young people in the workplace
        especially women and disadvantaged groups.

        The editor of the magazine is not interested in stories or images that portray the worker or

        the workplace in a negative way. The magazine is to be called ACTION. They require a design

        for the masthead and a layout for the cover of the first edition.


        Size:                         The magazine will be A4 vertical format.

        Colour:                       The cover will be reproduced in four colour process. The

                                      masthead colour and design are entirely up to you.

        Copy for the masthead:        ACTION Published for the Australian Union Movement Proudly

                                      printed in Australia Free Edition 1 1991

        The cover design is meant to appeal to the target market and show young people at work

        and leisure. It is essential to a have mix of sexes and racial backgrounds. Women should be

        shown in a positive role.

                                    AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 6

        Project:                                      Magazine       cover


        Visit a newsagency and your library to look at magazines that are aimed at the same target

        market as ACTION. Observe the designs images and colours that are used on the covers.

        Purchase magazines that you believe demonstrate good design. Analyse the different types of

        cover designs. Remember that ACTION is free.

        Browse through old magazines for images of young people at work. Cut these out for your

        reference file.

        Mount the covers of magazines gathered during research. Annotate them to show what is

        good about the design. Prepare a series of thumbnails for the masthead. Choose the ones

        that appear to be working best and take them to a presentation stage.

        Prepare thumbnails for the cover design. Consider whether illustration or photography will be

        used. Choose the best and incorporate your chosen mastheads. Prepare these to

        presentation stage and then make a choice on the best complete cover.

                                 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 7

       Project:                                    Logo and magazine ad for
                                                   Royal Park Apartments


       To produce a half page advertisement for Royal Park Apartments.


       ROYAL PARK APARTMENTS are situated opposite Royal Park in Melbourne. They are a group
       of 20 serviced apartments which all have a view across the park to the Royal Exhibition
       buildings. The park and the Exhibition buildings are well known landmarks in Melbourne.
       Royal Park Apartments are situated 5 minutes walk from the centre of the Melbourne
       business district. The apartments are large and spacious making them suitable for small
       group business meetings and a temporary office. The advertisement is to be used in business
       magazines that are read by executives.

       Royal Park Apartments also require a logo design for use in the advertisement. The logo
       should reflect the unique location of the Royal Park with its proximity to the city in a garden


       Advertisement size: 130mm x 190mm. Four colour process.

       Headline:            A landmark in serviced apartments.

       Copy:                Now Melbourne offers a landmark in serviced apartments. The Royal

                            Park Apartments give you a stylish apartment with all of the essential

                            business facilities. Your apartment is an office during the day and a

                            home at night. You can enjoy all of the comforts of a first class hotel;

                            take a spa, swim in idyllic garden settings, prepare a meal in your own

                            kitchen or take advantage of the in-room dining. To find out more about

                            our corporate and extended stay rates please send in this coupon.

                                 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 7

        Project:                                     Logo and magazine ad for
                                                     Royal Park Apartments

        Coupon Copy          Name, Title, Company, Address, Postcode, Return Address, Royal Park

                             Apartments PO Box 546 GPO Melbourne 3000.

                             (Allow enough room for people to fill in the coupon comfortably)

        Copy for logo:       Royal Park Apartments, Park Lane, Melbourne 3000 Telephone

                             (03) 9555 7866


        Visit the library and look through some business magazines for examples of advertisement

        styles. Visit a tourist bureau and collect brochures of similar types of serviced apartments.

        Prepare your own analysis of the market. eg. age, other magazines/newspapers read . Do
        they stay alone? What do they expect in a serviced apartment? Prepare a wordlist before

        beginning your designs.


        Prepare a series of thumbnails of different alternatives for the logo design. Choose the best

        design and then prepare a presentation visual.

        Go through the same process for the advertisement. Present your wordlist with the visuals.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 8

        Project:                                       School      newsletter


        To design an A4 size school newspaper.


        You have been given the task of designing a school newspaper.

        Begin by brainstorming a name for the paper. Keep the name short but appropriate for your
        school. The paper will be written by students for students. They will also use it to
        communicate views, opinions and events to staff and parents. Short (250 words) articles are
        better than longer. They will be topical.


        The newspaper is produced on a double sided A4 sheet and photocopied. Line illustrations

        should be used rather than photographs (illustrations will reproduce better on a


                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 8

        Project:                                       School      newsletter


        Analyse what it is that gives newspapers a particular style. For example

        • Examine a range of newspapers with different styles.

        • Note the lead story and its size in comparison to other stories.

        • Consider the headlines and their relative size.

        • Make note of the typeface used in different newspapers.

        • Consider the column widths used in different newspapers

        • Refer to your library for books which deal with typography.


        Mount the word list and brainstorming notes. Make reduction photocopies of different

        newspapers and annotate them to show the design elements that have been used to

        establish a style. Prepare visuals to show the different type faces available and the

        characteristics that will or will not make them suitable for your newspaper. Prepare

        thumbnails of the newspaper masthead. Choose one and take it to a presentation visual.

        Prepare finished art for the masthead

        Prepare a felt pen rough layout of the paper. If you have a computer available choose any

        copy and set it in the type face you have chosen. Shape the stories to fit your layout. Mount

        the finished visual ready for presentation.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 9

       Project:                                       Poster       for   the   Zoo


       Design a poster to promote twilight visits at the Melbourne zoo.


       THE MELBOURNE ZOO intends opening in twilight hours during summer (5-9PM January and

       February). They require a poster to promote this event. The poster will be used on the side of

       buses. All of the sections of the zoo will be open to the public during these twilight walks.

       Special signage in the Zoo will tell visitors about the nocturnal habits of the animals. Zoo

       education staff are also available to talk to the public.


       Size:              The poster must fit on the side of buses (see drawing on next page)
       Colour:            Four colour process can be used for the poster. It will be printed by
                          silkscreen process which means the colours can be bold and bright.
       Copy:              Twilight at the Melbourne Zoo. 5-9 PM every night January and February.

       The headline is up to you. It should be short and snappy, remember that buses can move
       quickly, not leaving long to get the message across.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 9

        Project:                                      Poster     for    the    Zoo


       Photograph the advertising on the side of buses. Examine the image and type sizes. Visit your

       local Zoo and photograph animals for reference.

       If that’s not possible, collect images from old magazines and build up a reference file.


       Mount the photographs of bus advertising and annotate the photographs.

       Prepare a number of thumbnails to show your design. Select the best and produce a felt pen

       presentation visual. The visual should also show the poster to scale on the side of a bus.

       Mount these visuals ready for presentation.

                                 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      BRIEF 10

        Project:                                       Logotype for surf product


        To design a logo for a new surf product company called TUBES.


        TUBES has been set up to produce a range of surf products including; surf boards, boogie

        boards, wet suits, sun glasses, hats, shorts and tops.

        They need a logo that will appeal to their target market, 14-18 year olds. The image they

        want to portray is sun, surf and fun. The logo should be designed to work as a small image

        as on a clothes tag or large as on a billboard at surf carnivals. They want you to conduct

        some research on the images and colours that will work best for this target market.


        Colours: The number of colours is up to you. The word TUBES must be used in the logotype.


        Visit surf shops and examine logos. Check surf magazines for advertisements for competitor

        products. Design and produce a survey form to find out what colours appeal to the target

        market. Collect reference material of surf images and other logos.


        Mount other logos with your analysis of them. Relate your analysis to the research you have

        done with the target market.

        Prepare a number of thumbnails to show your design. Select the best and produce a felt pen

        presentation visual. The visuals should also show the logo as used on a number of products

        and as signage.

        Mount these visuals ready for presentation.

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      References

       Digital Publishing magazine
       Colin Wood, Design Graphics Pty Ltd.

       GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES 1994–1995 - Official Handbook of the
       Graduate Careers Council of Australia
       Trotman Australia, 1994

       LOOKING AHEAD - Third Edition
       Susan Barr and Greg Young, VCTA Publishing, 1991.

       Basic design and layout studies for Graphic Communication
       Jack Larkin Nelson Publishing

       NAKED AT THE INTERVIEW - Tips and Quizzes to prepare
       you for your first real job
       Burton Jay Nadler, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994.

       Bob Bisdee, Penguin Books, 1986

       TARGETING SUCCESS - From a Woman’s Point of View
       Margaret Christie, William Heinemann Australia and Rene Gordon, 1986.

       Dr. John Nicholson and Susan Clemie, Wrightbooks, 1990.

       Thomas, R. Furr, Denlinger’s Publishers, Ltd, 1992.

       Your Guide to Career and Personal Success in the 1990s
       Don Clayton, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Australia 1991

       Stephen R. Covey, The Business Library, 1994.

                                     AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Other Resources
       Jeff Tellefson, Education Centre, 1992.

       Department of Employment, Education and Training,
       Australian Government Publishing Service, 1987.

       Meadow Lea

       JOB TEST
       Teachers Handbook

       READY, SET, GO!
       Sponsored by Commonwealth Bank

       Group Training Australia

       Katherine Lock, Fernbrook Publishing, 1987.

       Women’s Bureau, October 1993

       VCTA, Youth Guarantee

                                  AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT
AGDA   Work experience kit

x      Further Information
       The AGDA web site at gives more information about graphic design and
       graphic designers in Australia.

                                   AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT

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AGDA Wo r k e x p e r i e n c e k i t

  • 1. A G DA Work experience kit A resource to help students doing work experience in a graphic design studio. This resource has been prepared by the Australian Graphic Design Association. W e x p ok Wr -r E ok r ie n c. e sponsor Mackay Branson Design
  • 2. AGDA Work experience kit x Contents What is a graphic designer? page 3 Where are graphic designers employed? page 4 How to use this resource page 6 Graphic design in Australia page 7 Studio etiquette page 8 What you should be able to achieve within this experience page 10 Assessment form page 11 Design Briefs page 13 References page 33 AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 2
  • 3. AGDA Work experience kit x What is a graphic designer? We are constantly bombarded with design. LOOK FOR IT. ANALYSE IT. RECORD IT. Photograph a billboard. Analyse magazine All of these considerations are the work of a advertisements: designer. how they use colour, A graphic designer is usually involved in all aspects shapes, typography. of design from a corporate identity, to magazine Sketch buildings and advertisement, architectural signage on a building make note of detail: the to surface graphics on everyday products. material used; colour; the siting. The graphic designer uses visual communication to inform, educate and entertain. Examine the products in your home. Have they been designed to be easy to use? Are they easy to clean? Are they safe?   AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 3
  • 4. AGDA Work experience kit x Where are graphic designers employed? Graphic design is a communication profession Here computer operators with differing which requires personal communication skills. skills or backgrounds can be found Some employment areas require that you ie: photo retouchers, typesetters, illustrators design and produce artwork and have no Freelance operators are also employed in contact with a client. But, the majority of the times of heavy work flow job opportunities call for direct client and Marketing consultancies marketplace contact. • offer The working environment also calls for a Graphic designer certain personality that fits well into a team with a sense of humour in a sometimes Desktop publisher pressured environment. Public relations consultants •offer P L AC E S O F P O S S I B LE Graphic designer E M P LOYM E N T Desktop publisher Self employed/ freelance Film production • this means working by yourself, for yourself. Designers can work in an number of areas on • Unfortunately often not by choice Commercial and Feature production • Responsible for all tasks below plus Prop design Business and project management or Graphics and titling Graphic design studios Production design • offer a choice of roles in this environment Special effects, editing – Creative director Animation – Graphic designer Video production – Art director Corporate and Commercial television – Computer operator Prop and set design Advertising agencies Graphics and titling • operate with a hierarchy and separate tasks Animation are performed in different departments Multimedia the ‘creative department’, where concepts Video games design are developed or the ‘studio’ where artwork is completed for presentation. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 4
  • 5. AGDA Work experience kit x Exhibition and display design • offer Book publishers Typography and sign design • offer Interactive design Graphic design 3D design Graphic artist Lighting design Illustrator Printing Typography Graphic designer Desktop publishers Graphic artist • offer Typsetter Page layout designer Prepress operator Typography PrePress/Bureau Computer operator • offer In-house corporate designer Graphic designer • offer Graphic artist Graphic designer Computer operator Desktop publisher Multi Media producers Technical illustrator • offer Temporary employment agencies Graphic design • offer Illustration Graphic design Typography Graphic artist Newspaper and magazine publishers Computer operator • offer Desktop publishing Graphic design Graphic artist Illustrator Cartoonist Typography AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 5
  • 6. AGDA Work experience kit x How to use this resource This resource has been written to help students doing work experience in a graphic design studio. The book gives guidelines on what to expect from work experience and how to behave while working in a studio. A set of design briefs are included which help you get started in your work experience. These briefs have been written by practicing designers and are set to match your level of education. The studio owner may also choose to have you do some work on current jobs. This work may appear menial, but by observing, asking sensible questions and carefully thinking about what you are asked to do, you can learn a lot. You should prepare a work diary to record the work you have done and how long it took. Examination of this should show that you spent time understanding the brief, asking questions, preparing materials, preparing roughs, refining your ideas, discussing them with designers in the studio, finishing the job, mounting it and then presenting it. In short it should show your design process. This resource also contains an assessment form which has been designed to help you and the studio owner to objectively look at what you have achieved during the work experience. It will help you discuss the progress you made during the work experience. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 6
  • 7. AGDA Work experience kit x Graphic design in Australia The 1996 survey of Graphic Design in Australia, estimated that there are 2,500 design firms employing around 10,000 people in graphic design in Australia. The bulk of the activity is centred in New South Wales and Victoria. Total industry revenues were estimated at $1.3 bn. Success factors Analysis of financially successful designers (defined as the top 20% of the industry in business income) in comparison with the general industry average found that these designers: • took more personal responsibility for the management of the client/designer relationship • had stronger selling and marketing skills • practiced better financial management On the issue of how important creativity is to clients, the study found that clients discount the ability to deliver creative product because they believe that creative excellence is widely available. It is in other areas, marketing and financial, that graphic designers can gain both the respect their industry deserves, and the business success they desire. This survey shows that a designer needs an all round education. It’s not enough to just concentrate on learning how to design and how to use computers. The Australian Graphic Design Association The Australian Graphic Design association is committed to raising design standards in Australia and works through a volunteer base to advance excellence in graphic design as a discipline, profession and cultural force. AGDA seeks to advance the skills, knowledge and interests of its membership and the industry by active example, co-operation and education. The above information was taken from the 1996 Australian Graphic Design Association AGSM Graphic Design Industry Survey. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 7
  • 8. AGDA Work experience kit x Studio etiquette Before you begin your work experience you should check the following things with the studio owner; • dates for the work experience • working hours (start, finish, lunch) • dress code • correct address • materials you will be required to bring Your behaviour in the studio should be appropriate to the style of business. Remember that all design studios are small businesses. Workers in small business need to be multi-skilled and designers are no different. You Observe how the may be asked to send a fax or do some designers dress and act photocopying - they are essential parts of running a and then follow their lead. successful studio. Work has to be filed after it has and remember you are a been completed and filed in a system that will visitor in this workplace. allow it to be found again. When you are asked to For the designers the do filing, faxing or photocopying you are most expensive part of contributing to an essential part of the business - approach it with enthusiasm and commitment. their job is time. Don’t waste their time – prepare your questions in advance Punctuality and be certain about what This is more than a school excursion. Demonstrate assistance you need. your attitude to work by turning up 5 minutes before the starting time. Stay until the designated finish time. If the studio staff only take 45 minutes for lunch then you should do the same. Telephones Ask permission to use the telephone and then only if it is essential. If you have to make a phone call keep the conversation brief. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 8
  • 9. AGDA Work experience kit x Visitors If your teacher intends visiting the studio it is your responsibility to arrange a time that suits the studio owner and the teacher. You should advise both of them that the appointment has been confirmed. You will be responsible for making the introductions. Check with the studio owner before showing your teacher through the studio. Smoking Most work places are smoke free. If you are a smoker you will need to leave the building in most cases. This will need to be discussed with the studio owner before starting work experience Getting to know the studio Ask the studio owner to describe the type of work they do. Ask them about their career path. Ask the designers about their career path. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 9
  • 10. AGDA Work experience kit x What achieve you within should this be able experience to In this work experience you should at least gain an understanding of what a graphic designer does and how a design studio works. At best you will finish a design brief and go away with a mounted piece of work for your portfolio. Set yourself some objectives for the work experience. For example: At the end of this work experience I should be able to: • understand what type of work a graphic designer does • understand how a design studio functions • understand the design process • demonstrate an ability to read and analyse a design brief • demonstrate an ability to prepare thumbnails to answer a design brief • demonstrate a basic understanding of computers use in design • demonstrate a basic understanding of QuarkXpress or Pagemaker AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 10
  • 11. AGDA Work experience kit x Assessment Form These questions are not a test. Don’t try to guess the answers. Just circle the appropriate answer. They will help the studio owner understand how much you know. This will give him/her the chance to ‘fill in the gaps’. You will do the same questionnaire at the end of your work experience. This will allow you and the studio owner to assess your progress. Do you understand enough to explain to someone… exactly what a graphic designer does? Yes No Perhaps where a graphic designer may work? Yes No Perhaps what the difference is between a graphic designer and a desk top publisher? Yes No Perhaps what the difference is between a graphic designer and an industrial designer? Yes No Perhaps how a computer works? Yes No Perhaps what a scanner does? Yes No Perhaps what a TIFF file is? Yes No Perhaps what an EPS is? Yes No Perhaps Do you know... what a ‘design brief’ is? Yes No Perhaps what ‘brainstorming’ is? Yes No Perhaps what a ‘presentation visual’ looks like? Yes No Perhaps how a design gets printed? Yes No Perhaps what process colours are? Yes No Perhaps what PMS colours are? Yes No Perhaps what DPI means? Yes No Perhaps AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 11
  • 12. AGDA Work experience kit x what a chromalin proof is? Yes No Perhaps what a dyesublimation proof is? Yes No Perhaps what a ‘thumbnail rough is? Yes No Perhaps what film separations are? Yes No Perhaps the printing process? Yes No Perhaps the difference between DPI and LPI? Yes No Perhaps what screen resolution means? Yes No Perhaps Have you... used a Macintosh computer? Yes No Perhaps used any software programs? Yes No Perhaps used QuarkXpress? Yes No Perhaps used Photoshop? Yes No Perhaps used Pagemaker? Yes No Perhaps used Illustrator? Yes No Perhaps used Suitcase? Yes No Perhaps used a scanner? Yes No Perhaps prepared finished artwork? Yes No Perhaps prepared a presentation visual? Yes No Perhaps made a 3D package? Yes No Perhaps AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 12
  • 13. AGDA Work experience kit x Design Briefs These briefs have been written so that they can be done at varying skill levels. If you are a tertiary student you should be able to take the brief through to a high level of presentation. If you are in year 10, 11 or 12 at school you should be able to take the research through to a high level and then prepare visuals up to your skill level. This will depend on the type of subjects studied at school. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 13
  • 14. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 1 Project: Newspaper masthead Aim: To design a masthead for the Five Rivers Free Press newspaper. Background: The Five Rivers Free Press newspaper has been in existence for more than 130 years. It originally began as a bulletin for the gold miners in the settlement of Five Rivers. It was noted for its radical political views, always supporting the worker and stressing the struggle that was needed to survive life on the Gold fields. In more recent times it has supported residents in their battles with bureaucracy both local and state. The current owner of the Five Rivers Free Press newspaper is a direct descendant of its original owner. He wishes to maintain some of the ‘look’ that existed in newspapers of the late 1800’s but with a more modern use of typography. He feels that the paper should stress that they help the ‘Aussie battler’. This should be shown in a visual way as part of the masthead. The Five Rivers Free Press is read by residents of Five Rivers and the surrounding area. The town of Five Rivers has a small population of shopkeepers and service industry eg. farm machinery sales and repair people. Most of the readers are farmers. The following specifications give the elements that must be included in the Five Rivers Free Press masthead. Specifications: Paper size: Tabloid Stock: Newsprint. Colours: Red and black. Name: Five Rivers Free Press Subhead: Independent since 1860 Copy: Circulation 5,500 Price 20 cents Published every Tuesday (Date of publication) AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 14
  • 15. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 1 Project: Newspaper masthead Research: Source out at least 5 newspaper mastheads from your local or state library. Examine newspapers in a newsagency to see what t makes a masthead stand out from others. Examine how the masthead is used in relation to photographs and headlines. Presentation: Present topics of mastheads gathered during research. Mount these on a single board. Present your solution mounted on a sheet of board with a protective cover sheet. An explanation of your concept should be presented with the design. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 15
  • 16. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 2 Project: Tea bag label and box design. Aim: To produce a label design for a new brand of Australian grown and packaged tea. To produce a box design to hold 100 tea bags. To produce surface graphics for the box. Background: Goonawarra Tea is a new brand of tea being grown in Queensland for sale in Australian supermarkets. The tea makers believe this tea has a distinctive flavour that will appeal to the Australian tea drinker. • They would like to use an Australiana theme. • Their positioning statement is; The real flavour of Australian Tea . • Their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the Australian production of the tea. • They want to evoke the images of happy contented Aussie’s drinking tea in a typical Aussie setting. Specifications: Teabag size: The tea bag is 60 x 40 mm with a 130mm string and a 40 x 30 mm tag. Tag colour: The tag can be printed in three colours. Box size: The box is 140mm x 160mm x 60mm deep. Box colour: It can be printed in three colours on all sides of the box. COPY: Headline: Goonawarra Tea. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 16
  • 17. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 2 Subhead: The real flavour of Australian Tea. Body copy: Selected teas grown in the highlands of Queensland. This tea has been recognised as a full bodied tea as enjoyed by Australians since settlement. The traditional flavour will be enjoyed if you first warm the teapot before putting in a teabag for each person and ‘one for the billy’. Boil fresh water and immediately pour it into the pot. Allow to stand for five minutes and then enjoy the real flavour of Australian tea. Use By date. Bar code. (for the purpose of the mock-up, use the barcode on the following page) Net weight 200g. 100 TEA BAGS Research: Visit your local supermarket and ask to photograph boxes of tea bags as displayed on the shelves. Research where most of the tea is grown. Note what colours are commonly used. Pull apart a box and analyse the design of the box and how it folds. Look at alternative box shapes and folds. Look at books on early Australian package design. Presentation: Mount a series of photographs showing the different tea bag and box designs. Annotate the photographs to show that you have analysed the design of these Prepare a felt pen visual to show the basic design. Show how this will appear on the tea bag tag. Mount these on a sheet of pasteboard with a protective overlay. Mockup your box design with the graphics and copy on the surface. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 17
  • 18. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 3 Project: Fashion label corporate identity Aim: To design a fashion label that can be used on a swing tag, clothes tag and carry bag. Background: JOANNA H is a new fashion label that is being launched to produce and market fashion for 13 to 16 year old females. The mainline to be produced is designer blue denim jeans. Joanna H specialises in jeans with small embellishments such as bows and special stitching. The label needs to be produced so that it will work on the side of a carry bag or as a patch on a pocket or swing tag. It may have to be used in shop signage at a later stage. Joanna H is seeking innovative ways to produce carry bags. She welcomes different designs and shapes for consideration. As these are a form of mobile advertising they can be more expensive than the work in the labels. Specifications: COPY: Joanna H (must be able to be stitched for labels and printed on bags, jeans etc.) Colours: Three colours. Size: Swing tag size: 50mm x 40mm Clothes label size: 40mm x 20mm Exterior pocket label: size to suit. Carry bag size: 40cm x 30cm x 15cm gusset. Handle style optional. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 18
  • 19. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 3 Project: Fashion label corporate identity Research: Visit fashion stores and discuss the project with the owner and collect a number of swing tags. Collect at least 4 different types of carry bags. Consider the design and the function of the bags. Examine them for durability etc. Presentation: Study the swing tag designs. Paste them onto a sheet of board and analyse them. Prepare felt pen roughs of your design and paste them onto a sheet of paste board with a cover sheet. Prepare a mock up of the swing tag, carry bag and label. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 19
  • 20. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 4 Project: Invitation Aim: To design and produce a mock-up of an innovative invitation. Background: WALPOLE CHEESE is launching a new brand of flavoured cheese. To get as much attention as possible for this new product they require an invitation for the launch night. These invitations will be sent out to food writers, food store buyers, retailers, and the general dairy industry. These people receive dozens of invitations every week. The Walpole Cheese company wants the invitation to be unique so that when the package/envelope is opened the recipient will be surprised. The Walpole Cheese logo is attached. The copy on the outside of the card should be creative and catchy. Walpole Cheese would like your suggestions on copy. Specifications: Colour: It can be printed three colours both sides. The company logo must be used. The invitation details are: Copy: Launch date: 23rd March Time: 8.00 PM Venue: Walpole Cheese showrooms Palmerston Place Carlton RSVP: Esther 9543 8970 by March 2. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 20
  • 21. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 4 Project: Invitation Research: Visit a newsagency and examine greeting cards. Look for innovative folds, cuts and effects. Find books on paper folding for new ideas. Presentation: Collect samples of innovative cards and mount them on a sheet of pasteboard. Prepare practice sheets of innovative folds. Mock up the finished piece using felt pens. Use the computer to prepare a colour mock-up. Present the finished piece in an envelope. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 21
  • 22. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 5 Project: Pet food labels Aim: To design a series of pet food labels for Chunky Pet foods new range. Background: CHUNKY PET FOODS is releasing a new range of pet foods. They require new designs that will present a ‘corporate image’ of the Chunky Pet food company and also show the contents of each type of dog and cat food. The cans must prominently show the name of the company with the details of each type of pet food. Chunky Pet foods USP is, as their name suggests, that their pet food has large chunks of meat, fish, chicken etc. They do not want to show the food on the can but would rather have a happy and contented pet shown. The Chunky Pet foods company requires an initial submission showing one can of cat food. Specifications: Size: Can dimensions 110mm x 75mm diameter. Colours: Four colour process on label. Barcode Label copy: FISH FOR CATS Chunky Pet foods 100% Fish Ingredients: Sardines, Pilchards, gelatin, food colouring, vitamins and minerals. No preservatives added. Refrigerate after opening. Made in Australia by Chunky Pet foods. Down Rd. Sallet Victoria 3211 Tin copy: Pet food only AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 22
  • 23. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 5 Project: Pet food labels Research: Visit a supermarket and examine the pet food shelves. Purchase cans of pet food as reference. Observe how the cans are displayed. Ask permission to photograph the cans of pet food on the shelves. Analyse the labels and the way cans are displayed. Note that the rounded shape of the can limits the line length of type. Pay attention to the way that particular brands maintain a style that immediately makes them recognised. Presentation: Mount all your photographs with annotations showing your analysis. Prepare thumbnail roughs to show how you will approach the presentation style for all Chunky Pet food products. Once you have chosen a design prepare a presentation visual using the computer. Extend this into a mock up of the label on a can. Photograph the cans and mount the finished photograph. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 23
  • 24. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 6 Project: Magazine cover Aim: To design a magazine cover for a new youth magazine. Background: The trade unions want to tell young people about unionism and its benefits for workers. They are preparing a new magazine which will be directed at young people in the 14-18 year old age bracket. The magazine will have a range of stories for young people and will focus on issues in the workplace. The unions are particularly keen to emphasise that they are concerned with the total physical, mental and emotional well being of all workers. The magazine will be sent direct to schools for distribution to students and will be available free of charge by request. The stories in the magazine are to be positive studies of young people in the workplace especially women and disadvantaged groups. The editor of the magazine is not interested in stories or images that portray the worker or the workplace in a negative way. The magazine is to be called ACTION. They require a design for the masthead and a layout for the cover of the first edition. Specifications: Size: The magazine will be A4 vertical format. Colour: The cover will be reproduced in four colour process. The masthead colour and design are entirely up to you. Copy for the masthead: ACTION Published for the Australian Union Movement Proudly printed in Australia Free Edition 1 1991 The cover design is meant to appeal to the target market and show young people at work and leisure. It is essential to a have mix of sexes and racial backgrounds. Women should be shown in a positive role. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 24
  • 25. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 6 Project: Magazine cover Research: Visit a newsagency and your library to look at magazines that are aimed at the same target market as ACTION. Observe the designs images and colours that are used on the covers. Purchase magazines that you believe demonstrate good design. Analyse the different types of cover designs. Remember that ACTION is free. Browse through old magazines for images of young people at work. Cut these out for your reference file. Presentation: Mount the covers of magazines gathered during research. Annotate them to show what is good about the design. Prepare a series of thumbnails for the masthead. Choose the ones that appear to be working best and take them to a presentation stage. Prepare thumbnails for the cover design. Consider whether illustration or photography will be used. Choose the best and incorporate your chosen mastheads. Prepare these to presentation stage and then make a choice on the best complete cover. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 25
  • 26. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 7 Project: Logo and magazine ad for Royal Park Apartments Aim: To produce a half page advertisement for Royal Park Apartments. Background: ROYAL PARK APARTMENTS are situated opposite Royal Park in Melbourne. They are a group of 20 serviced apartments which all have a view across the park to the Royal Exhibition buildings. The park and the Exhibition buildings are well known landmarks in Melbourne. Royal Park Apartments are situated 5 minutes walk from the centre of the Melbourne business district. The apartments are large and spacious making them suitable for small group business meetings and a temporary office. The advertisement is to be used in business magazines that are read by executives. Royal Park Apartments also require a logo design for use in the advertisement. The logo should reflect the unique location of the Royal Park with its proximity to the city in a garden setting. Specifications: Advertisement size: 130mm x 190mm. Four colour process. Headline: A landmark in serviced apartments. Copy: Now Melbourne offers a landmark in serviced apartments. The Royal Park Apartments give you a stylish apartment with all of the essential business facilities. Your apartment is an office during the day and a home at night. You can enjoy all of the comforts of a first class hotel; take a spa, swim in idyllic garden settings, prepare a meal in your own kitchen or take advantage of the in-room dining. To find out more about our corporate and extended stay rates please send in this coupon. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 26
  • 27. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 7 Project: Logo and magazine ad for Royal Park Apartments Coupon Copy Name, Title, Company, Address, Postcode, Return Address, Royal Park Apartments PO Box 546 GPO Melbourne 3000. (Allow enough room for people to fill in the coupon comfortably) Copy for logo: Royal Park Apartments, Park Lane, Melbourne 3000 Telephone (03) 9555 7866 Research: Visit the library and look through some business magazines for examples of advertisement styles. Visit a tourist bureau and collect brochures of similar types of serviced apartments. Prepare your own analysis of the market. eg. age, other magazines/newspapers read . Do they stay alone? What do they expect in a serviced apartment? Prepare a wordlist before beginning your designs. Presentation: Prepare a series of thumbnails of different alternatives for the logo design. Choose the best design and then prepare a presentation visual. Go through the same process for the advertisement. Present your wordlist with the visuals. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 27
  • 28. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 8 Project: School newsletter Aim: To design an A4 size school newspaper. Background: You have been given the task of designing a school newspaper. Begin by brainstorming a name for the paper. Keep the name short but appropriate for your school. The paper will be written by students for students. They will also use it to communicate views, opinions and events to staff and parents. Short (250 words) articles are better than longer. They will be topical. Specifications: The newspaper is produced on a double sided A4 sheet and photocopied. Line illustrations should be used rather than photographs (illustrations will reproduce better on a photocopier). AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 28
  • 29. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 8 Project: School newsletter Research: Analyse what it is that gives newspapers a particular style. For example • Examine a range of newspapers with different styles. • Note the lead story and its size in comparison to other stories. • Consider the headlines and their relative size. • Make note of the typeface used in different newspapers. • Consider the column widths used in different newspapers • Refer to your library for books which deal with typography. Presentation: Mount the word list and brainstorming notes. Make reduction photocopies of different newspapers and annotate them to show the design elements that have been used to establish a style. Prepare visuals to show the different type faces available and the characteristics that will or will not make them suitable for your newspaper. Prepare thumbnails of the newspaper masthead. Choose one and take it to a presentation visual. Prepare finished art for the masthead Prepare a felt pen rough layout of the paper. If you have a computer available choose any copy and set it in the type face you have chosen. Shape the stories to fit your layout. Mount the finished visual ready for presentation. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 29
  • 30. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 9 Project: Poster for the Zoo Aim: Design a poster to promote twilight visits at the Melbourne zoo. Background: THE MELBOURNE ZOO intends opening in twilight hours during summer (5-9PM January and February). They require a poster to promote this event. The poster will be used on the side of buses. All of the sections of the zoo will be open to the public during these twilight walks. Special signage in the Zoo will tell visitors about the nocturnal habits of the animals. Zoo education staff are also available to talk to the public. Specifications: Size: The poster must fit on the side of buses (see drawing on next page) Colour: Four colour process can be used for the poster. It will be printed by silkscreen process which means the colours can be bold and bright. Copy: Twilight at the Melbourne Zoo. 5-9 PM every night January and February. The headline is up to you. It should be short and snappy, remember that buses can move quickly, not leaving long to get the message across. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 30
  • 31. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 9 Project: Poster for the Zoo Research: Photograph the advertising on the side of buses. Examine the image and type sizes. Visit your local Zoo and photograph animals for reference. If that’s not possible, collect images from old magazines and build up a reference file. Presentation: Mount the photographs of bus advertising and annotate the photographs. Prepare a number of thumbnails to show your design. Select the best and produce a felt pen presentation visual. The visual should also show the poster to scale on the side of a bus. Mount these visuals ready for presentation. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 31
  • 32. AGDA Work experience kit x BRIEF 10 Project: Logotype for surf product company Aim: To design a logo for a new surf product company called TUBES. Background: TUBES has been set up to produce a range of surf products including; surf boards, boogie boards, wet suits, sun glasses, hats, shorts and tops. They need a logo that will appeal to their target market, 14-18 year olds. The image they want to portray is sun, surf and fun. The logo should be designed to work as a small image as on a clothes tag or large as on a billboard at surf carnivals. They want you to conduct some research on the images and colours that will work best for this target market. Specifications: Colours: The number of colours is up to you. The word TUBES must be used in the logotype. Research: Visit surf shops and examine logos. Check surf magazines for advertisements for competitor products. Design and produce a survey form to find out what colours appeal to the target market. Collect reference material of surf images and other logos. Presentation: Mount other logos with your analysis of them. Relate your analysis to the research you have done with the target market. Prepare a number of thumbnails to show your design. Select the best and produce a felt pen presentation visual. The visuals should also show the logo as used on a number of products and as signage. Mount these visuals ready for presentation. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 32
  • 33. AGDA Work experience kit x References DESIGN GRAPHICS Digital Publishing magazine Colin Wood, Design Graphics Pty Ltd. GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES 1994–1995 - Official Handbook of the Graduate Careers Council of Australia Trotman Australia, 1994 LOOKING AHEAD - Third Edition Susan Barr and Greg Young, VCTA Publishing, 1991. MANIPULATING SPACE Basic design and layout studies for Graphic Communication Jack Larkin Nelson Publishing NAKED AT THE INTERVIEW - Tips and Quizzes to prepare you for your first real job Burton Jay Nadler, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994. STEER YOUR OWN CAREER Bob Bisdee, Penguin Books, 1986 TARGETING SUCCESS - From a Woman’s Point of View Margaret Christie, William Heinemann Australia and Rene Gordon, 1986. THE RIGHT JOB FOR YOU Dr. John Nicholson and Susan Clemie, Wrightbooks, 1990. THE STREET SMART WAY TO A JOB! Thomas, R. Furr, Denlinger’s Publishers, Ltd, 1992. UP THE LADDER WITHOUT THE SNAKES. Your Guide to Career and Personal Success in the 1990s Don Clayton, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Australia 1991 THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Stephen R. Covey, The Business Library, 1994. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 33
  • 34. AGDA Work experience kit x Other Resources A WORK EDUCATION RESOURCE BOOK - Revised Edition Jeff Tellefson, Education Centre, 1992. HINTS ON HOW TO GET JOBS Department of Employment, Education and Training, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1987. HOW TO LAND THE JOB YOU REALLY WANT Meadow Lea JOB TEST Teachers Handbook READY, SET, GO! Sponsored by Commonwealth Bank REAL SKILLS, REAL JOBS, FOR THOUSANDS OF YOUNG AUSTRALIANS Group Training Australia TERTIARY PURSUIT Katherine Lock, Fernbrook Publishing, 1987. WOMEN AND WORK Women’s Bureau, October 1993 WORK, LOOKING AHEAD VCTA, Youth Guarantee AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 34
  • 35. AGDA Work experience kit x Further Information The AGDA web site at gives more information about graphic design and graphic designers in Australia. AGDA WORK EXPERIENCE KIT 35