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Measuring Performance
      July 2008

Vision stateMent

To be the preferred consulting partner for all government bureaux and departments and
to advance the delivery of world-class public services to the people of Hong Kong.

Mission stateMent

To provide strategic and implementable solutions to all our clients as they seek to
deliver people-based government services. We do this by combining our extensive
understanding of policies, our specialised knowledge and our broad contacts and
linkages throughout the Government and the private sector. In doing this, we join our
clients in contributing to the advancement of the community while also providing a
fulfilling career for all members of our team.

This brief was researched and authored by the Research Division, Institute of Public
Administration, Ireland ( The Research Division provides applied
research services for policy makers in a wide range of public service organisations,
drawing on an extensive network of contacts and experience gained over more than
thirty years.

other efficiency Unit DocUMents
The Efficiency Unit has produced a number of guides on good practice on a wide range
of areas, including outsourcing and contract management. These may be found on the
Efficiency Unit website at

Measuring Performance

     We have all heard of the consultant jargon which states that ‘what gets measured gets
     done’. But quite often, establishing meaningful performance targets and measures
     is not a straightforward task. As public managers we believe we are diligently
     measuring the performance of our organisations every day. Oversight agencies also
     keep us on our toes.

     But how good are we at this task?

     Performance measurement is an integral part of the process of delivering services to
     the community. We have been practising the target-based performance measurement
     system for over a decade and we hold ourselves accountable over the use of financial
     resources through the Controlling Officers’ Report.

     But overseas’ literature and experience show that performance measurement is an
     ongoing pursuit not only by the private sector but also by governments. To ensure
     that we are in tune with the public at all times, it is of paramount importance that
     we continue to adapt and perfect our performance measures so as to reflect the
     desired social outcomes that we pledge to achieve.

     We know that performance measurement in the public sector is a much more complex
     task than that in the private sector. This report resonates with many of our beliefs. It also
     recognises the fact that it takes time and resources to compile the necessary indicators
     to construe whether a social outcome is achieved or not.

     Nevertheless, governments in different parts of the world are fine-tuning their systems
     to make them more outcome/output-based than input-based. Setting appropriate
     performance measures, establishing challenging and yet achievable targets, and
     defining results – these are effective means of focusing our combined efforts to
     adhere to social objectives when delivering public services.

     We should always remind ourselves to measure the right things, and not just the easy

     Increasingly, governments worldwide are using performance measures and targets,
     following consultation with departmental stakeholders. Experience overseas has yielded
     mixed results. I hope that this report will assist departments in identifying the most
     appropriate opportunities for improving their own regimes.

     Comments, feedback and sharing are most welcome.

     Head, Efficiency Unit
     July 2008

     Measuring Performance
contents                                                      1

execUtiVe sUMMary                                             2

1.   PerforMance MeasUreMent: Key challenges                  6

2.   iMProVing PerforMance MeasUreMent in BUsiness Planning   7

3.   enhancing the MeasUreMent of Policy oUtcoMes             19

4.   MeasUring PUBlic sector ProDUctiVity                     27

5.   ensUring that PerforMance MeasUres are UseD anD UsefUl   31

enDnotes                                                      42

references                                                    44
Executive Summary

    A key challenge nowadays is to focus        and interests of clients, customers and
    measurement systems on results.             citizens. Business plans should not be
    Government policies and programmes          internal-looking documents that focus
    deliver two main types of results:          solely on what managers and staff see as
    outputs (the direct products and services   important. Measures should be developed
    produced)      and     outcomes      (the   that address the critical issues surfaced by
    consequences of those outputs for           citizens as part of the planning process.
    society). In terms of this overall focus
    on results, four main measurement           Having determined a set of measures for
    challenges are addressed in this report.    inclusion in the business planning process,
    These are: improving performance            it is useful to check the quality of the
    measurement in business planning;           proposed performance measures. Good
    enhancing      the    measurement      of   quality measures are needed if they are
    policy outcomes; measuring public           to be useful. Various sets of criteria have
    sector productivity; and ensuring that      been developed for assessing the quality
    performance measures are used and           of performance measures.
                                                Business plans and associated performance
    iMProVing PerforMance                       measures are an important part of the
    MeasUreMent in BUsiness                     public accountability process for the
    Planning                                    use of public funds. In this accountability
                                                context, some measures may be used
    Nowadays, business planning is a            properly for individual or programme
    vital element in most public service        accountability purposes, while other
    organisations. An important first step      measures may be misleading if used
    in developing performance measures          for such accountability purposes but
    for business plans is to get a clear        nevertheless be important for the
    understanding of the range of               overall management of the programme
    performance issues associated with the      or activity. Both intermediate and final
    area under scrutiny. Public organisations   outcome measures, for example, are
    in many countries are now using             beyond the direct control of staff working
    the logic model approach to help            in the area. Nevertheless, these outcomes
    structure thinking about developing         should be reported as part of the business
    a range of performance measures             planning process. But they should be seen
    covering inputs, outputs and outcomes.      as contributing to giving an account on
                                                performance rather than being used to
    By focusing particular attention on         hold staff to account.
    outcomes, measures are more likely to
    be developed that address the needs

    Measuring Performance

enhancing the MeasUreMent                        addressing time-lag and attribution
of Policy oUtcoMes                               issues                                           3

Whole-of-government and cross-                   Time-lag and attribution problems are
cutting policy outcome measures                  significant when developing outcome-
                                                 oriented performance measures. Time-lag
Some governments, at both national and           issues refer to the fact that it can often be
local levels, have developed measures            many years before the full effects of a policy
that have a high-level focus on the final        are seen in practice. Attribution issues refer
outcomes of policies concerning social,          to the difficulty in attributing causation
economic and environmental issues.               with regard to policy outcomes to particular
These measures do not enable tracking of         interventions. Changes in infant mortality
individual agency performance, but they          rates, to take one example, are influenced
do provide greater clarity on desired high-      by a myriad of factors, some associated
level outcomes, and set a context within         with health-care practices, some with social
which individual agency performance              and economic programmes, and some
measures are developed.                          with educational programmes. Identifying
                                                 the precise contribution of a particular
At both the whole-of-government and              programme or agency to such final
sectoral levels, there is increasing attention   outcomes is often, in practice, impossible.
on the need to develop measures that cut         There are no easy answers to these
across organisational boundaries and focus       challenges. But the separation of outcomes
on the social and economic outcomes              into intermediate and final outcomes, and
desired by citizens. The interest here is        the measurement of each, offers one way
on measures that track and encourage             forward for managers. Another approach
joined-up thinking and practice on the part      to dealing with attribution is to use impact
of government organisations. For example,        evaluation.
policy units in government departments
often have responsibility for developing
and outlining the intermediate and final
outcome objectives for the areas where
they have policy responsibility. While it may
be the task of other delivery agencies to
develop measures and collect information
on performance against the objectives, the
department should report on performance
against these measures as part of its overall
policy responsibility.

Measuring Performance

    MeasUring PUBlic sector                        the performance of employees and are
4   ProDUctiVity                                   associated, in many instances, with higher
                                                   levels of performance than either no, or
    The evidence from studies of public            general ‘do your best’, targets. But how do
    sector productivity measurement is that        we know when a ‘good’ target has been
    productivity measurement is still in its       set? What might a challenging yet realistic
    early stages. Despite efforts going back       target look like? The identification and use
    to the 1980s, the productivity measures        of baseline data can be very helpful in this
    being produced need to be interpreted          context when setting targets.
    cautiously. There is also the danger that
    over-simplistic use of the measures can        engaging citizens in the process of
    lead to perverse consequences. It is clear     performance measurement
    that no single figure of productivity can
    be used for public sector activities, unless   It is vitally important to develop measures
    there is clear and widespread agreement        of issues that citizens want measured in
    that it is an appropriate measure. A range     performance measurement systems. The
    of supporting information is needed to         question is not whether the customer
    measure productivity change.                   should be engaged in performance
                                                   measurement, but how best to engage the
    ensUring that PerforMance                      public. Two issues of central importance
    MeasUres are UseD anD                          are: means of engaging the public and the
    UsefUl                                         reporting of performance measures to the
    Performance measures need to be seen in
    a wider management context if they are         Methods of engaging the public include:
    to be used and useful. Among the main          focus groups; neighbourhood meetings;
    issues that need to be addressed when          citizen satisfaction surveys; report cards for
    placing performance measures in this           programme users; web-based discussion
    wider context are: linking measures and        forums; and web-based surveys. Each
    targets; engaging citizens in the process      method of engagement has advantages
    of performance measurement; and using          and disadvantages, and may vary in terms
    incentives and sanctions to encourage the      of cost. The use of a diversity of approaches
    use of performance measures.                   offers a good way forward.

    linking measures and targets                   Also, the way in which performance
                                                   measures are reported back to citizens
    Targets are an important element in making     affects the degree of engagement of
    performance measures useful. Good              the public and ultimately the usefulness
    targets can lead to enhanced performance.      of many performance measures. Issues
    Challenging and specific targets improve       such as the provision of measures on

    Measuring Performance

a neighbourhood basis and the use of
comparative performance benchmarks             5
can be helpful here.

Using incentives and sanctions to
encourage the use of performance

Performance measures are rarely used
simply on the basis that they have been
produced. Performance measurement is
not just a technical exercise; it has strong
cultural and political components. In such
an environment, incentives and sanctions
(carrots and sticks) can play an important
role in encouraging the use of performance
measures. The commonly used incentives
and sanctions are: legislation; review;
award/recognition;       assurance;      and

Measuring Performance
1. Performance Measurement: Key Challenges

    A key challenge nowadays for managers is       To overcome such difficulties, a results
    to focus measurement systems on results.       and measurement-oriented culture is
    The public and politicians are increasingly    needed, involving managers and staff
    concerned with what is being delivered         throughout government. In a supportive
    for the public money being used to fund        culture, performance measures1 can help
    government programmes. They want               tell the performance story of a programme
    to know that the money is being spent          or organisation.
    to achieve the purposes for which it was
    allocated, but also and equally importantly    In terms of this overall focus on results,
    that the money is being spent wisely. Hence    and to address the issues raised above,
    the concern with results. Government           four main measurement challenges are
    policies and programmes deliver two            addressed in this report. These are:
    main types of results: outputs (the direct     � Improving performance
    products and services produced) and                measurement in business planning
    outcomes (the consequences of those            •	 Enhancing the measurement of
    outputs for society).                              policy outcomes
                                                   � Measuring public sector productivity
    But a focus on outcomes, while very            � Ensuring that performance measures
    important, can also be very difficult. It is       are used and useful
    often hard to connect the performance
    of programmes and managers with                A particular emphasis is placed on
    distant and complex outcomes. There            addressing the needs of the citizens.
    is a risk of measurement becoming a            Ultimately, we need to be sure that we
    paper-based exercise that does not really      are measuring the results that the citizens
    change practice. People may fall back on       want to have measured.
    measuring what is easiest to measure,
    which may not be the most important issue
    from the viewpoint of the citizens. Goal
    displacement may occur, where measures
    themselves become the objectives, taking
    attention away from what the programme
    should be delivering. There is also often a
    tendency to fall back on input measures, as
    these are familiar, even though they tell us
    only about efficiency, not effectiveness.

    Measuring Performance
2. Improving Performance Measurement in Business
Public sector organisations are increasingly    as the results chain. At the start of the chain
using performance measures as part of           are the outputs, results that managers can         7
their business planning process. Divisional     largely control, e.g. drafting of legislation or
and work unit business plans are now a          giving of grants. At the end of the chain are
common feature in many government               the final outcomes, the end results sought,
agencies. In this section, issues that are of   e.g. improvements to health, the economy
particular relevance to the development         or the environment. And in-between is a
of performance measures for business            sequence of intermediate outcomes that
planning are outlined. First, steps to          are intended to lead to the final outcomes,
be taken and issues to consider in the          e.g. changes in people’s attitudes and
development of performance measures             behaviours.
for business plans are presented. Second,
methods of assuring the quality of              The United Way of America (1996) notes:
performance measures are reviewed. Third,       “A programme logic model is a description
the use of measures for management              of how the programme theoretically
and accountability purposes is discussed.       works to achieve benefits for participants.
And finally, a specific current issue for the   It is the ‘if-then’ sequence of changes that
day-to-day business of many organisations       the programme intends to set in motion
– assessment of the performance of              through its inputs, activities and outputs.
government websites – is examined.              Logic models are useful frameworks for
                                                examining outcomes. They help you
DeVeloPing PerforMance                          think through the steps of participants’
MeasUres for BUsiness Plans                     progress and develop a realistic picture
                                                of what your programme can expect to
Using the logic model approach to               accomplish for participants. They also help
identify performance measures                   you in identifying the key programme
                                                components that must be tracked to assess
An important first step in developing           the programme’s effectiveness."
performance measures is to get a
structured understanding of the range
of performance issues associated with
the programme2 under scrutiny. Public
organisations in many countries are now
using the logic model approach to help
structure thinking about developing a
range of performance measures covering
inputs, outputs and outcomes. Figure 1
shows the results spectrum produced from
a logic model. This is sometimes referred to

Measuring Performance

    figUre 1        logic MoDel resUlts chain

                             (goods and services produced by programme)

                                      Intermediate outcomes
                                  (immediate effects of the outputs)

                                       Intermediate outcomes
                                 (medium-term effects of the outputs)

                                             Final outcomes
                                 (the final or long-term consequences)

    An illustrative example of measures derived      and management of the organisation and
    from using a logic model approach is given       service users all have their own information
    in Figure 2 – evidential breath testing of       needs. The incentive to develop a balanced
    drivers to improve road safety.                  set of performance measures, incorporating
                                                     both financial and non-financial measures,
    choosing measures that meet                      stems from trying to meet the needs of
    stakeholder needs, particularly                  these different stakeholders. Initiatives
    citizens’ needs                                  such as the logic model and the balanced
                                                     scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1993) have
    An important issue when developing               spread through many private and public
    performance measures for business                organisations in an effort to ensure that
    planning is to consider the needs of a           performance measures meet the needs of
    range of stakeholders when selecting             various stakeholders.
    measures for business plans. For example,
    politicians, central finance officials, staff

    Measuring Performance

figUre 2       Using the logic MoDel to DeVeloP PerforMance
               MeasUres: eViDential Breath testing                                   9

input objective
       To ensure that programme and administrative expenditure levels are
       contained as agreed

input measures
� Programme expenditure
	     •	    Recurrent
	     •	    Capital
� Administrative expenditure
      •	    Pay related
      •	    Non-pay related

output objective
      To test drivers for evidence of alcohol levels

output measures
� Number of drivers tested

intermediate outcome objectives:
      To change the attitudes and behaviour of drivers towards alcohol consumption
      To reduce numbers tested who are over the legal limit
      To reduce the number of convictions for drink driving offences

intermediate outcome measures
� Survey findings of attitude and behaviour change
� Numbers tested over the legal limit
� Number of convictions for drink driving offences

final outcome objectives:
       To reduce alcohol-related road accidents
       To improve road safety

final outcome measures
� Number of alcohol-related road accidents
� Number of deaths and injuries on the roads linked to alcohol

Measuring Performance

     A key stakeholder challenge for managers       What is needed is some means of involving
     is to select performance measures for their    citizens in the selection of the measures
     business plans that measure the issues         used in business plans. For example, the
     and results that service users and citizens    Oregon Progress Board established an
     want to see measured. Ho (2007, http://        eight-member advisory committee to give             state agencies a better sense of how citizens
     HoReport.pdf ) suggests that this citizen      view the state’s current performance
     focus is often missing in the traditional      measurement system. To do so, four
     approach to performance measurement            state agencies offered their most recent
     development. In the traditional approach,      annual performance measure reports for
     managers start by asking themselves and        members of the advisory committee to
     their staff what their vision and objectives   read and respond to. This led to initiatives
     are. They then develop performance             such as more use of comparative data to
     measures on the basis of this work. Ho         benchmark performance measures.
     identifies four main problems with this        (See
     approach:                                      docs/kpm/NCCI/NCCIfinal.doc for more
     � It assumes managers are capable of           details.)
         establishing programme vision and
         objectives that reflect public concerns    A more detailed case of good practice in
         and priorities.                            citizen involvement is given in the case
     � Managers may be trapped by their             study of the Des Moines (USA) citizen-
         own blind spots and fail to see beyond     initiated performance assessment project.
         what they routinely do in programme
         delivery and planning. And the public      The Des Moines project was considered
         may view the measures as a tool to         a success as it led to the development
         showcase the achievements of the           of performance measures that were
         administration.                            actively used by officials but also were of
     � The traditional approach assumes that        direct interest to citizens. The measures
         performance measures by their own          addressed issues that were of concern to
         weight can influence how elected           citizens and were identified by them as
         officials think about effectiveness and    very important. But there are limitations
         resource allocation. But in practice       to this partnership approach. In the Des
         politicians may not pay much               Moines case, the president of Des Moines
         attention to measures if they do not       Neighbors (an umbrella organisation for
         believe that the measures reflect their    neighbourhood groups) and the city
         constituencies’ concerns and priorities.   manager both stepped down within
     � Managers may focus on their own              a short period of each other. With the
         priorities rather than on how they can     loss of two key supporters the project
         best collaborate with other agencies       lost momentum in 2005. An annual
         and the public to deliver results. This    performance report continues to be issued,
         can emphasise a ‘silo’ mentality rather    but the civic engagement process has
         than a ‘joined up’ perspective.            not been maintained. This illustrates that
                                                    maintaining such a partnership approach
                                                    requires continuity of commitment, and
                                                    that the loss of key individuals who drive
                                                    the process may break the continuity.

     Measuring Performance

case stUDy
Des Moines citizen-initiateD PerforMance
assessMent Project

Des Moines, Iowa, has a population of about 200,000 people. Between 2001 and 2004
the city implemented a citizen-initiated performance assessment (CIPA) project. Public
officials and neighbourhood representatives jointly developed performance measures.
The process went through several stages:

Topic selection – Participants wanted to measure the quality of life in the city and what
the city had done to improve the well-being of residents. Under the broad heading of
nuisance control, a small number of key issues emerged from the process, e.g. odour
control, noise pollution, traffic law enforcement and clearance of abandoned housing.

Measure selection – For each topic, critical issues were identified and measures
developed to track these critical issues, as illustrated below:

  toPic                 critical issUe                                        PerforMance MeasUres

  odour                 Where are the problems?                               Number of complaints received
  control                                                                     - by neighbourhood

                        Are citizens satisfied with the air                   Satisfaction level of surveyed
                        quality and the current level of                      citizens - by neighbourhood
                        odour control?

                        Satisfaction of city response                         Level of satisfaction with the
                        after a complaint is filed                            service received after a complaint
                                                                              was made a month previously

Data collection – Public officials tracked nuisance complaints over time and by
location. They also conducted sample surveys of residents’ satisfaction with city services
and citizens’ perception of quality of life in their residential area. Citizens also directly
participated in digital surveys in selected neighbourhoods, using handheld electronic
devices to document problems such as potholes and graffiti.

Engagement of citizens and other stakeholders in reporting – Performance
measurement results were actively disseminated to the city council and directly to the
Source: Ho, 2007, p.18-23. Performance reports can be accessed at performancereport.htm

Measuring Performance

     More generally, while having significant          assUring the QUality of
     benefits, involving citizens in the               PerforMance MeasUres UseD
     development of performance measures               in BUsiness Planning
     can be a challenging activity, and a number
     of issues need to be borne in mind if taking      Having determined a set of measures for
     this approach:                                    inclusion in the business planning process,
     � Managers must be committed to the               it is useful to check the quality of the
          process and provide leadership to work       proposed performance measures. Good
          with citizen groups. If this leadership is   quality measures are needed if they are to
          not there, the process will not be taken     be useful. Various sets of criteria have been
          seriously.                                   developed for assessing the quality of
     � There are risks involved in engaging            performance measures. Perhaps the most
          citizens in performance measurement.         common is to check measures against
          Measures may reveal problems that            the SMART criteria (specific, measurable,
          present challenges to managers and           achievable, relevant and time-bound).
          elected officials.                           An illustrative example of this process is
     � There is a risk that citizen groups             given in Table 1. In the Irish Department
          consulted may not be representative of       of Agriculture and Food, performance
          the wider citizenry. Steps must be taken     measures proposed by divisions for their
          to ensure that citizen engagement is         business plans have been subject to a
          comprehensive and inclusive.                 quality analysis using SMART criteria from
     � Citizen engagement is resource-                 within the economic and planning unit.
          intensive, particularly in terms of          The benefits of this process in terms of
          the time commitment required of              improving the specificity of the measures
          management and staff. It is also             and ensuring there is a link between
          demanding of citizens themselves.            measures and targets can clearly be seen
     � There is no single citizen view of              from this example.
          performance. More likely there will
          be a variety of views expressed as to
          the importance of measures selected
          and what they mean. Balancing and
          interpreting these divergent views
          presents challenges to managers.

     None of this is to suggest that
     citizen engagement in performance
     measurement is not important. But
     an awareness of the challenges and
     limitations can facilitate a more effective
     approach to such engagement.

     Measuring Performance

taBle 1        exaMPles of PerforMance MeasUres
               analyseD Using the sMart criteria                                            13

 Measure       Specific        Measurable     Achievable      Relevant       Time-

 Level of      Relates to      In terms       What is         Relevant      Not
 animal        a specific      of number      identified      to several    identified,
 diseases      item (animal    of disease     here is an      objectives    but
               disease         levels         indicator.      in the        perhaps
               levels)                        Target not      statement     not
                                              identified,     of strategy   applicable
                                              cannot be

 Percentage    Relates to a    In terms of    As above        As above      Time
 of            specific item   percentage                                   criteria
 payments      (payment        within                                       identified
 within        deadline        deadline                                     (protocol
 protocol      protocols)                                                   deadlines)

Using MeasUres in BUsiness                    business plans, are an important part of
Planning: DistingUishing                      the public accountability process for the
BetWeen ManageMent anD                        use of public funds. In this accountability
accoUntaBility PUrPoses                       context, it is important to recognise
                                              that measures may play different roles,
Business planning is intended as part of a    depending on the aspect of performance
process of improved management within         being measured. Some measures may be
public service organisations. Business        used properly for individual or programme
plans are meant to ‘step down’ to the         accountability purposes. Other measures
divisional level the high-level goals and     may be misleading if used for such
objectives contained in strategic plans. As   accountability purposes but nevertheless
such, business plans, and consequently        be important for the overall management
the performance measures contained in         of the programme or activity. This issue is

Measuring Performance

     best illustrated by way of example, as set      changes in these measures directly to the
     out in Figure 3.                                programme.

     Figure 3 sets out performance objectives        Both intermediate and final outcome
     and measures used to assess an                  indicators are beyond the direct control of
     anti-smoking television advertisement           staff working in the area. But as Schacter
     campaign. Input, activity and output            (2002) notes: ‘They are nevertheless things
     measures in this example can be used            that you must monitor, because they have
     to help assess individual and team              profound relevance to the design and the
     performance of staff working in this area.      implementation of your program. These
     It is the responsibility of the staff working   are the results that you are managing
     in the area to ensure that the campaign         for, even if you can’t control them.’ These
     material is designed, tested and runs on        outcomes should be reported on as part
     the television, within agreed resource          of the business planning process. But they
     allocations. Staff can be held to account for   should be seen as contributing to giving an
     this work.                                      account on performance rather than being
                                                     used to hold staff to account. Including
     The intermediate outcome objectives and         outcome indicators such as these is
     measures – assessing whether people see         important for the successful management
     the advertisements and if their attitudes       of the programme.
     and behaviour are affected – are clearly
     beyond the direct responsibility of people
     working in the area. But these measures
     provide information about the results of
     the programme that can readily be directly
     attributed to the programme. It is possible
     to judge if the advertising campaign has
     been used and if it has had an effect on
     people’s attitudes and behaviour. As such,
     these measures can be used to assess
     programme performance and hence
     programme accountability.

     The final outcome measures – less smoking
     and lower incidence of smoking-related
     diseases – are affected by many other
     factors apart from the campaign itself. These
     measures are clearly relevant to judgements
     about programme performance, but
     it is not possible to directly attribute

     Measuring Performance

 figUre 3          Using MeasUres for Different
                   accoUntaBility PUrPoses                                                                 15

  inputs                      $$$
                              Full Time Equivalent Staff

  activities                  �    Design and test campaign material

                                                                                         Fair reflection
                                                                                          of individual
                              �    Produce campaign material
                              (Measure: material produced by dd/mm/yyyy)
  outputs                     �    Advertisements run on television
                              (Measure: number of schools receiving campaign material)

  intermediate                �    People see the advertisements
  outcomes                    (Measure: number of viewers)

                                                                                         of programme
                                                                                         Fair reflection
                              �    Peoples’ attitudes affected
                              (Measure: degree of attitude change)

                              �    Behaviour affected
                              (Measure: degree of behaviour change)

  final                       �    Less smoking

                                                                                          Relevant to

                              (Measure: level of smoking)
                              �    Lower incidence of
                                   smoking-related diseases
                              (Measure: incidence of smoking-related diseases)

Source: adapted from Schacter (2002)

Measuring Performance

     assessing the PerforMance                       What then is to be done to allow a more
16   of goVernMent WeBsites                          sophisticated measurement of website
                                                     performance? A first step is to be clear
     A specific measurement issue, yet               about the purposes and objectives of the
     one of growing prominence for many              website. Is it there to enable people to fill
     organisations, is the measurement of the        out a survey, use interactive applications
     performance of government websites.             built into the site, download important
     This issue is often dealt with in the context   information and so on? In the language
     of business planning for an organisation,       of the logic model, what are the main
     when looking ahead to challenges to be          inputs, outputs and outcomes required
     addressed in the coming year. Websites have     of the website? Measures can then
     become a key channel of communication           be developed to address these issues
     between governments and citizens. As            (see Table 2, taken from Stowers, 2004,
     such they must address the needs of very        http://www.businessofgovernment.
     wide-ranging and differing audiences.           org/pdfs/8493_Stowers_Repor t.pdf
     Usability is crucial. But simply tracking
     measures such as the number of hits can         The case study, on page 18, highlights
     be misleading. A site may get a lot of hits     two initiatives to measure website
     yet visitors may stay on the site for only a    performance, one from Australia and
     few seconds, suggesting they did not find       one from the USA. Each develops a wide
     it useful once there. A site with a smaller     variety of measures against which website
     number of hits may have people staying          performance is judged. Comparative
     on for longer and returning frequently,         assessment of the websites of different
     suggesting that it is meeting a need.           government agencies is encouraged.

     Measuring Performance


  Input Measures              Output Measures      Outcome Measures

 Application development       Number of hits    Accessibility of services
 and hardware set-up           or user contact      Number of site pages
    Staff costs                sessions             meeting accessibility
    Other development          Number of            criteria
    costs                      downloads of         Accuracy of the assistance
    Other vendor costs                              or information as
                                                    measured by percentage
    Staff time for             Time users spend     accuracy rates in random
    application development    on a site            fact checking
    Other development time     Number of times      Adequacy of information
    Vendor time for            transactions         as measured by staff and
    development purposes       completed, or        citizen surveys
                               the times online     Ease of use as measured by
                               forms have been      pop-up or other surveys
                               accessed and         Citizen satisfaction with
                               completed            site
                               Monetary amounts Service quality
                               processed through    Percentage of time when
                                                    website is down and not
                               each site
                                                     Webpage errors
                                                     Cost per transaction
                                                     Total cost per user session
                                                  Final outcomes
                                                     Cost savings from
                                                     Staff time savings from

Measuring Performance

     case stUDy
     MethoDs for MeasUring WeBsite PerforMance

     assessing federal government websites – australia
     The Australian federal government commissioned a private company, UsabilityOne, to
     conduct an assessment of ten federal government websites. The company developed a
     usability compliance audit for evaluating websites. The audit involves 151 criteria, based
     on acknowledged usability principles and extensive user-testing experience. The main
     areas covered in the audit include navigation, content and content writing, design and
     graphics, search, error prevention and recovery, trust, internationalisation, window titles,
     news and press releases plus branding and company information.

     Two analysts independently reviewed each website against the criteria, and arrived at an
     overall compliance score for each website. Full details of the project can be accessed at

     the american customer satisfaction index (acsi) methodology
     The ACSI was developed by researchers at the University of Michigan to evaluate customer
     satisfaction generally, and in 2001 ForeSee Results began to use the methodology to
     assess customer satisfaction with federal agency websites. ACSI, which uses a set of well-
     researched and benchmarked questions and research processes, uses a causal statistical
     model to predict customer behaviour, such as the probability of return visits to the
     website. Satisfaction with websites is examined using pop-up surveys.

     These results are then analysed using the model, which includes measures both
     of customer satisfaction and of customer loyalty. Results for individual websites
     can be compared to a nationally developed index based on more than 200
     organisations. For more details see and Stowers, 2004,, p.26.

     Measuring Performance
3. Enhancing the Measurement of Policy Outcomes

The use of performance measures to                These examples are given, not to suggest
facilitate judgements about the efficiency        that measures have no role in policy              19
and effectiveness of policy work presents         work, but rather to caution about raising
significant challenges. As Perrin (1998)          expectations too highly in terms of the
notes, a requirement to produce more              role that measures may play. As part of
policy-focused measures can lead to               broader efforts to improve evidence on
situations where there is the widespread          performance, measures can be helpful
development of easy-to-count measures             for managers and staff engaged in policy
which have little or no relationship to what      work.
the policy is supposed to be achieving.
Peripheral activities that are easy to quantify   Whole-of-goVernMent
become the focus of reports that nobody           anD cross-cUtting Policy
uses.                                             oUtcoMe MeasUres

Such actions as described above arise             Some governments, at both national and
in part because of cultural and ‘political’       local levels, have developed measures
reasons, but there are also inherent              that have a high-level focus on the final
technical difficulties in ‘measuring’ policy      outcomes of policies concerning social,
work. There are a number of particular            economic and environmental issues.
issues:                                           These measures do not enable tracking of
� Whole-of-government           challenges,       individual agency performance, but they
    such as multiple high-level outcomes,         do provide greater clarity on desired high-
    which must be pursued simultaneously          level outcomes, and set a context within
    and that sometimes are in conflict with       which individual agency performance
    each other; or where policy is initiated      measures are developed. Such high-
    in one organisation but responsibility        level measurement systems have been
    for delivering on outcomes rests with         developed because of a recognition of
    other agencies.                               the limitation of relying on economic
� Time-lag problems, associated with              measures:
    the fact that many years may elapse
    between the initiation of a policy and        “Economic indicators have traditionally
    its implementation.                           been used to assess the economic ‘state
� Attribution problems, where it                  of the state’. Strong economic growth,
    is impossible to disentangle the              low inflation and unemployment were
    impact of a particular policy on final        regarded as indicative of a healthy
    outcomes because these outcomes               economic climate and believed to result
    are also affected by other policies and       in prosperity for citizens. However, citizens
    influences.                                   have become increasingly concerned
                                                  about their relative quality of life, expressed
                                                  in terms such as quality of education and

Measuring Performance

     health care, availability of recreational/      Two longstanding and relatively successful
     cultural opportunities, clean environment,      whole-of-government         measurement
     and safety from crime. Accounting and           systems are Oregon Shines and Alberta’s
     economic based measurement systems              Measuring Up, examined in the case study
     were not designed to address these issues;      below.
     thus, governments have introduced new
     systems for measuring progress, including
     policy outcome based performance
     measurement (Ogata and Goodkey, 1998).”

     case stUDy

     Whole-of-goVernMent oUtcoMe MeasUreMent

     oregon shines
     The state of Oregon, USA, adopted a development strategy in 1989 called Oregon Shines.
     The strategy addressed quality-of-life issues as well as economic diversification. Oregon
     Shines II was adopted in 1997 as a successor strategy, and Oregon Shines III is planned for
     2009. Progress against the strategy is tracked through Oregon Benchmarks, an annual
     report which tracks over ninety measures against benchmark targets in seven categories:
     economy, education, civic engagement, social support, public safety, community
     development and environment. State agencies link their key performance measures to
     these benchmarks where it makes sense to do so. For details go to http://www.oregon.

     Measuring Up, alberta
     In 1993 the province of Alberta, Canada, started a three-year strategic planning and
     performance measurement system. In 1995 the first annual Measuring Up report was
     published. Measuring Up contains sixty-five core performance measures related to
     fourteen government goals. These measures focus on issues such as infrastructure
     capacity, literacy and numeracy rates, crime rate and water quality. The intention is to
     develop outcome-based measures to provide information on progress towards long-
     term targets. The targets are selected and driven by political leadership, and through
     public consultation. State agencies link their business plan objectives to relevant priorities.
     For details go to

     Measuring Performance

At both the whole-of-government and              Additionally, in a critique of earlier PSAs,
sectoral levels, there is increasing attention   Neely and Micheli (2004) note that there          21
on the need to develop measures that             was little use in the public sector of what has
cut across organisational boundaries and         become best practice in the private sector
that focus on the social and economic            – developing success or strategy maps
outcomes desired by citizens. The interest       when designing measurement systems.
here is on measures that track and               Success/strategy maps are intended to
encourage joined-up thinking and practice        help people identify which are the critical
on the part of government organisations.         measures, and can be helpful when
                                                 rationalising the number of measures in use.
The UK government is acknowledged as a
leader in the development of cross-cutting       Another common cross-cutting situation
targets and measures, in part through the        is that of policy-oriented units operating
development of cross-cutting Performance         in government departments who have
Service Agreements (PSAs) (see case study        overall responsibility for policy but where
below). It is too early as yet to judge the      implementation of that policy is through
success of this initiative. But it has been      agencies operating under their control. In
welcomed by the Select Committee on              this instance, policy units may sometimes
Treasury, though the Committee cautions          not develop measures themselves, saying
that the cross-departmental nature of the        that it is the responsibility of the agencies
new PSAs poses a challenge for a system          to develop performance measures. The
of accountability based on departmental          argument used here, following on from the
reporting and the work of departmental           logic model approach, is that policy units
select committees. They also stress that         should be responsible for developing and
the new agreements, to be effective, must        outlining the programme theory including
genuinely reduce the number of measures          the intermediate and final outcome
in use, and not simply bring together            objectives. While it may then be the task of
diverse topics within a PSA, and that there      the relevant agencies to develop measures
must be corresponding reductions in              and collect information on performance
measures down the delivery chain (see            against the objectives, the department
http://www.parliament.the-stationery-            should report on performance against               these measures as part of its overall policy
cmtreasy/279/27909.htm and http://www.           responsibility.

Measuring Performance

     case stUDy
     UK cross-DePartMental PUBlic serVice agreeMents

     In 1998, in the first Comprehensive Spending Review, the UK government introduced
     a new performance measurement framework based on Public Service Agreements
     (PSAs). While generally welcomed, these PSAs suffered from a number of drawbacks.
     The system was seen as top-heavy and unwieldy, with too many measures created at
     local level to feed into the system. Particular difficulties arose from targets held jointly
     between departments, and some issues that involved more than one department were
     not adequately captured.

     In the 2007 Comprehensive Spending review, the government announced a smaller
     suite of thirty new PSAs that outline the government’s highest priorities and span
     departmental boundaries. The agreements are cross-departmental, although there is
     a lead department for each agreement. Departments are required to produce a cross-
     departmental Delivery Agreement for each PSA, informed by consultation with the
     delivery chain. These Delivery Agreements set out how each PSA is to be delivered and
     the measures used to track performance against PSAs and their associated delivery.
     Agreements can be accessed via

     An example of this approach is set out         number of plans developed, the number
     in Table 3. Here, in an Irish example, the     of actions implemented from the plans
     focus is on the Local Development Social       and the quality of the plans (for example
     Inclusion Programme (LDSIP), overseen          the percentage of plans inspected that fall
     by the Department of Community, Rural          below a determined quality standard). In
     and Gaeltacht Affairs. Implementation          this case, the programme logic is that as a
     and administration of the programme            result of developing high-quality plans, and
     is overseen by an agency ADM Ltd. on           the subsequent implementation of these
     behalf of the Department. An intermediate      plans, local groups contribute to sustained
     outcome objective for the LDSIP is that        social and economic development in their
     local groups develop innovative plans          communities, which is one of the final
     and programmes to improve the local            outcome objectives of the community and
     social and economic infrastructure.            local development programme.
     Readily applied measures here are the

     Measuring Performance

With regard to this final outcome objective   overall responsibility for the programme, it
of sustained social and economic              is important that the Department use these     23
development in communities, Table 3           measures in its own reporting procedures.
gives examples of measures gathered           In this way, an overview is provided of
by ADM Ltd. that can be used to track         the outcomes of the community and
progress. While ADM Ltd. has responsibility   local development programme for public
for developing and gathering the data on      accountability purposes.
these measures, as the policy body with

taBle 3        coMMUnity anD local DeVeloPMent MeasUres

   interMeDiate oUtcoMes

   objective                Development by local groups of innovative plans and
                            programmes to improve the local social and economic

   Measures                 �   Number of plans developed
                            �   Quality of plans produced
                            �   Number of actions implemented

   final oUtcoMes

   objective                Sustained social and economic development in
                            communities, with a special focus on areas of

   Measures                 �   Number of people placed into jobs
                            �   Number of people supported into self-employment

Measuring Performance

     aDDressing tiMe-lag anD                         success of the programme solely on the
24   attriBUtion issUes                              basis of final outcome measures, though
                                                     clearly they provide vital information to
     Time-lag and attribution problems are           inform an overall judgement. Similarly, the
     significant when developing outcome-            outputs of the programme – the number
     oriented performance measures. Time-lag         and value of grants issued – do not on
     issues refer to the fact that it can often      their own give a satisfactory picture of
     be many years before the full effects of        performance.
     a policy are seen in practice. Attribution
     issues refer to the difficulty in attributing   This is where intermediate outcome
     causation with regard to policy outcomes        measures can help. The programme logic
     to particular interventions. Changes in         is that as a result of receiving supports,
     infant mortality rates, to take one example,    firms develop their research capability
     are influenced by a myriad of factors, some     and improve their links with third-level
     associated with health-care practices, some     research institutes, thus contributing to
     with social and economic programmes,            the final outcome objectives. Measures
     and some with educational programmes.           such as level of research skills before and
     To identify the precise contribution of         after receiving the grant (assessed by
     a particular programme or agency to             survey) and type and quality of links with
     such final outcomes is often, in practice,      third-level research institutes can track
     impossible.                                     these intermediate outcome objectives.
                                                     Measuring the intermediate outcomes
     There are no easy answers to these              can give a better sense of programme
     challenges. But the separation of outcomes      performance. And if the programme logic
     into intermediate and final outcomes,           is demonstrated to be faulty, a new theory
     and the measurement of each, offers one         can be developed to address the issue.
     way forward for managers. Take as an            The intermediate outcome measures help
     illustrative example the case of a research     give a picture of the performance of the
     and development (R&D) grant scheme              R&D grant scheme. Neither the output nor
     aimed at encouraging innovation and             the final outcome measures alone could
     the development of new products. Final          give such a picture. Intermediate outcome
     outcome measures, such as number and            measures help flesh out the performance
     type of new products on the market, and         story.
     turnover attributed to new products and
     services, may be influenced by factors
     other than grants given to firms to develop
     their R&D capabilities. The national and
     international economic situation, local
     educational initiatives and so on also have
     an impact. It is not possible to examine the

     Measuring Performance

Using impact evaluation                               (see case study below on increasing tax
                                                      revenue in Pennsylvania). By knowing the    25
Another systematic means of developing                actual impact of intervention towards the
performance measures that address                     final outcomes, appropriate performance
attribution and time-lag issues and that may          measures can be designed.
be useful in certain circumstances is impact
evaluation. Impact evaluation is defined by
the World Bank (2006) as an assessment
of the impact of an intervention on final
outcomes. It assesses the changes arising
from an intervention that can be attributed
to a particular project, programme or policy

case stUDy

increasing tax reVenUe in PennsylVania

The Pennsylvania state government commissioned a large, randomised control trial
to evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches to improving tax compliance by
businesses that were late in paying their sales taxes. The trial randomly assigned 7,000
such businesses to receive one of seven letters, ranging from threatening to pleading,
and made use of outcome data that the state had already collected for other purposes –
namely, whether the businesses paid their taxes.

The trial found that a letter containing a short (one-third page) statement that tax is due
and that the business is liable produced significantly more tax revenue than the state’s
existing letter (full-page, detailed letter with boxes that the businesses check to indicate
why they have not paid the tax). The trial results indicated that the state’s use of the short
letter for all late-paying businesses could generate US$6 million annually in increased

Source:, p.12

Measuring Performance

     A key element in impact evaluation is             Quasi-Experiments – Like RCTs, these
     identifying the ‘counterfactual’: What would      evaluations assess the differences that
     have happened had the intervention not            result from an intervention and the result
     taken place? This involves the identification     that would have occurred without the
     of a comparison group who are as alike            intervention. However, the control group
     as possible to the group who receive the          is not randomly assigned. Instead, it is
     intervention but who were not subject to          designed on the basis that the evaluator
     the intervention. The most frequently used        judges how to minimise any differences
     methods of identifying the counterfactual         between the two groups, or it may be a
     are the following:                                pre-existing group. Use of comparison
                                                       group studies does increase the risk of
     Randomised        control      trials   (RCTs)    misleading results because of the difficulty
      – An RCT is a study that measures an             in eliminating bias in the selection of the
     intervention’s effect by randomly assigning       control group.
     individuals (or other units, such as schools
     or hospitals) into an intervention group,         The benefits and challenges of impact
     which receives the intervention, and into a       evaluation are well described by the World
     control group, which does not. Following          Bank Independent Evaluation Group
     the intervention, measurements are taken          (
     to establish the difference between the
     intervention group and the control group.
     Because the control group simulates what
     would have happened if there were no
     intervention, the difference in outcomes
     between the groups demonstrates the final
     outcome or impact one would expect for
     the intervention. There are, however, many
     programmes for which it would not be
     possible to conduct an RCT. To carry out an
     RCT, there must be a possibility of creating
     a control group who will not receive the
     intervention. For practical, legal, and ethical
     reasons, this may not always be possible.

     Measuring Performance
4. Measuring Public Sector Productivity

A number of initiatives have taken place         papers on public sector productivity
in several countries in recent years aimed       measurement, e.g. education and health           27
specifically at improving the measurement        sector productivity measurement (see
of public sector productivity. The     
experience of a small number of countries        methodology/specific/PublicSector/
at the forefront of attempts to improve          output/default.asp for details).
the measurement of productivity is
outlined here: the UK, Finland, Sweden and       MeasUring PUBlic sector
Australia.                                       ProDUctiVity in finlanD

MeasUring PUBlic sector                          Finland, along with the UK, is widely
ProDUctiVity in the UK                           regarded as a world leader in public sector
                                                 productivity measurement. In 1995 a
Since 1988, the Office for National              project was established to measure public
Statistics has been progressively moving         sector productivity in Finland. It was located
away from the output=input approach              in Statistics Finland, the national statistics
to productivity, and incorporating direct        office. The aim of the project was: ‘to
measures of the volume of government             develop a measurement and monitoring
output in the national accounts. By 2005,        system for government sector production
these direct output estimates accounted          and productivity by using an output
for two-thirds of general government             indicator method to measure the volume
final consumption. In the context of             of output’ (Niemi, 1998). In 1997 the scope
this focus on output measurement, the            of the project was expanded to include
UK government commissioned Sir Tony              the measurement of the productivity of
Atkinson to undertake a review of the            local government services.
measurement of government output in the
national accounts. This review (Atkinson,        Under the terms of the project, for central
2005) provides a comprehensive overview          government services the final output
of developments and recommendations              and the output measures are specified
for future progress.                             by the agencies themselves. Examples of
                                                 output measures are given in Table 4. The
The UK government accepted the findings          agencies for which input and output data
and recommendations of the Atkinson              are gathered cover about 80 per cent of
review, and the Office for National Statistics   the compensation of employees in central
(ONS) has the lead role in taking forward        government. Initial results show growth
the recommendations. To this end, the            rates of output and productivity varying
ONS has set up the UK Centre for the             extensively.
Measurement of Government Activity
(UKCeMGA). The UKCeMGA has issued a
number of interesting reports and research

Measuring Performance

       TABLE 4

      Consumer Ombudsman’s
                                     number of petitions to market court
                                     marketing instructions
                                     (number of ) contractual terms negotiated
                                     statements on legislative initiatives
                                     cases solved individually
                                     replies to written enquiries

                                     number of cases settled

      National Food Administration
                                     number of letters guiding supervision
                                     number of administrative decisions and memos
                                     number of publications
                                     number of statements
                                     number of training events
                                     new instruction materials

      State Audit Office
                                     number of annual audits
                                     supplementary audits
                                     international audits
                                     expertise activities, statements

                                     number of degrees completed (generally separated into
                                     graduate and postgraduate degrees)
                                     adult education and continuing education measured,
                                     for example, in days or number of courses (depending
                                     on the university)
                                     number of publications (research)

       Source: Niemi, 1998

     Measuring Performance

MeasUring PUBlic sector                       a 20 per cent increase in output.
ProDUctiVity in sWeDen                      � To measure the productivity of an                  29
                                              agency as a whole means overheads
Sweden has been measuring public sector       must be taken into account.
productivity since the mid-1980s. An Expert � Results differ depending on the kind of
Group on Public Finances (a subcommittee      price index chosen (Ministry of Finance,
under the Ministry of Finance) established    1997).
a steering group to conduct the work. The
steering group was supported by Statistics MeasUring PUBlic sector
Sweden, the national statistics office.     ProDUctiVity in aUstralia

Particular focus is given to the                 In 1993 the Council of Australian
development of output measures for               Governments established the Review of
services. These include items such as the        Government Service Provision to provide
number of admitted patients for in-patient       information on the effectiveness and
medical care, the number of learning hours       efficiency of government services
for education, traffic volume as measured        (Australian Productivity Commission,
by vehicle kilometres for public roads,          2006). The review is conducted annually,
number of flying hours for the air force.        overseen by a steering committee of
Attempts are made to adjust the quantity         senior representatives from the central
of outputs for quality variations where          agencies of all the state governments, with
data are available. A number of lessons          the assistance of a secretariat provided by
are drawn based on the experience of             the Productivity Commission. Performance
producing annual productivity measures           information is provided on fourteen service
over a period of time:                           areas covering six main government
� Productivity varies greatly from year to       functions: education; justice; emergency
    year. To assess any given year, a time       management; health; community services;
    series of several years’ information is      and housing.
� Most agencies have several categories          The report includes performance
    of output. Attributing the same weight       comparisons across jurisdictions for the
    to all categories may yield deceptive        services, using a common method. Both
    results. In the enforcement service, for     outputs and outcomes are measured, as
    example, counting cases dealt with           well as efficiency, effectiveness and equity.
    regardless of category gives a 2 per         Government funding per unit of output
    cent decrease in output from 1981 to         delivered is typically used as a measure of
    1992. If, however, different weights         technical efficiency, e.g. recurrent funding
    are assigned to different categories of      per annual curriculum hour for vocational
    output, to take into account differences     education and training. Where there are
    in composition of the cases, the result is   shortcomings in the data, other measures

Measuring Performance

     of efficiency are used (including partial             There is some evidence of output measures
     productivity ratios such as staff level per           produced under the various initiatives
     student in government schools, staff                  being used in a limited manner in resource
     per prisoner in corrective services and               allocation decisions. The OECD (2007) has
     administrative costs as a proportion of               reviewed the use of output measures in
     total expenditure in services for people              the budgetary process. It finds that in most
     with a disability) (Australian Productivity           sectors and cases, performance measures
     Commission, 2006).                                    are loosely connected to decisions in the
                                                           budgetary process. Output measures
     learning the lessons froM                             are often used by ministries of finance
     PUBlic sector ProDUctiVity                            in the budgetary process along with
     MeasUreMent initiatiVes                               other information on performance and
                                                           on political priorities to inform budget
     The evidence from studies of public sector            allocations. But the OECD warns that a
     productivity measurement is that the latter           direct linkage, where results determine
     is still in its early stages. Despite efforts going   funding, creates incentives for gaming
     back to the 1980s, the productivity measures          the system, such as manipulating the
     being produced need to be interpreted                 data. Ministries of finance have taken a
     cautiously. There is also the danger that an          cautious approach to using performance
     over-simplistic use of the measures could             information to financially punish or reward
     lead to perverse consequences. It is clear            agencies. When programmes show poor
     that no single figure of productivity can             performance against outputs, the most
     be used for public sector activities, unless          common course of action is that resources
     there is clear and widespread agreement               are held constant and the programme
     that it is an appropriate measure. The                reviewed during the course of the year.
     Atkinson (2005) recommendation that a
     range of supporting information is needed
     to measure productivity change, and not to
     rely solely on a single productivity measure,
     is one that should be applied generally.

     Measuring Performance
5. Ensuring that Performance Measures are Used
   and Useful
Performance measures are not always            “A jurisdiction or agency is employing a
used, or used in ways that their designers     PerformanceStat performance strategy if it      31
intended. Van Thiel and Leeuw (2002) coined    holds an ongoing series of regular, frequent,
the phrase the performance paradox. The        periodic, integrated meetings during which
performance paradox refers to the situation    the chief executive and/or the principal
where there is a weak correlation between      members of the chief executive’s leadership
performance measures and performance           team plus the individual director (and the
itself. Measures lose their value over time    top managers) of different sub-units use
and can no longer discriminate between         data to analyse the unit’s past performance,
good and bad performance. As a result, the     to follow-up on previous decisions and
relationship between actual and reported       commitments to improve performance, to
performance declines.                          establish its next performance objectives,
                                               and to examine the effectiveness of its
Behn (2008) too makes the point that           overall performance strategies (Behn, 2008,
performance measures do not always of          p.2).”
themselves guarantee good performance.
He examines the use of performance             Behn identifies seven big mistakes that
measures      in    structured     settings,   organisations often make in applying
which he refers to as PerformanceStat.         PerformanceStat approaches. These are
PerformanceStat is Behn’s label for the        outlined in Table 5.
approach initiated in 1994 by the New York
Police Department when they created            The key message emerging from both Van
CompStat, a strategy designed to reduce        Thiel and Leeuw and Behn’s analyses is that
the city’s crime rate. The approach was        performance measures need to be seen in
adopted by Baltimore and applied to            a wider management context if they are
the whole of city government, where it         to be used and useful. Some of the main
was labelled CitiStat.3 The approach has       issues that need to be addressed when
subsequently been applied in a number of       placing performance measures in this
other US cities and in Scotland. Behn uses     wider context are: linking measures and
the term PerformanceStat as a generic title    targets; performance measurement and
for such an approach, which he defines as      citizen engagement; and using incentives
follows:                                       and sanctions.

Measuring Performance

     taBle 5
32   seVen Big errors of the PerforMancestat aPProach to the
     aPPlication of PerforMance MeasUreMent

       Error No. 1:
       No clear purpose. In this case, the approach is applied as the latest ‘fad’ with little
       or no thought as to what results the organisation is trying to achieve or what
       better performance might look like.

       Error No. 2:
       No one has specific responsibilities. You need to be able to answer the question of
       who will be responsible for what.

       Error No. 3:
       The meetings are held irregularly, infrequently, or randomly. If meetings are not held
       regularly and frequently, they cannot provide good feedback on successes and

       Error No. 4:
       No one person authorised to run the meetings. One person, with clear authority,
       needs to consistently run the meetings if they are to have an impact. Ideally, this
       should be the chief executive.

       Error No. 5:
       No dedicated analytic staff. PerformanceStat requires data for the measures used.
       For PerformanceStat to provide meaningful results, it needs a few analytical
       people working on it full-time.

       Error No. 6:
       No follow-up. Issues identified by the measures should be followed up from one
       meeting to the next, and not start over each time.

       Error No. 7:
       No balance between the brutal and the bland. Baltimore’s application of CitiStat is
       known for being tough and uncompromising with poor performers. Sometimes
       overly so. Others have tried to avoid this but in the process have achieved little
       more than presenting a picture of accomplishments. Balance is needed.

       Source: Behn, 2008,,%207PerformanceStatErrors.pdf

     Measuring Performance

linking Measures and targets                     2. Setting learning targets, as opposed to
                                                 merely difficult-to-attain targets, may be most   33
Targets are an important element in making       effective when tasks are complex. When tasks
performance measures useful. Good                are complex, challenging targets may be
targets can lead to enhanced performance         less helpful. In such situations, targets that
(see local education authorities case            encourage employees to explore strategies
study below). In an extensive review of          to tackle the task may improve performance.
the literature on motivating employees,
Perry, Mesch and Paarlberg (2006)                3. The target-performance relationship is
identify three important propositions            strongest when employees are committed to
supported by evidence provided by                their targets and receive incentives (monetary
the literature with regard to targets:           or otherwise), input and feedback related to
                                                 the achievement of targets. A manager who
1. Challenging and specific targets improve      wants to ensure that challenging targets
the performance of employees. Target setting     are met should try to improve the ability
increases individual, group and work unit        of employees to meet these targets and
performance. In many instances, specific         provide feedback on the results of their
and challenging targets are associated           efforts.
with higher levels of performance than
either no, or general ‘do your best’, targets.

case stUDy

target setting for local eDUcation aUthorities

Theories suggest that organisational performance improves if targets for future
achievement are used. Boyne and Chen (2006) explored this theory using panel data for
147 English local education authorities between 1998 and 2003. The dependent variables
in the analysis are exam results for school pupils. The authors found that, controlling for
other variables, the extent of performance improvement is influenced positively by the
presence of a target. The results are consistent with the view that clear and quantified
strategic priority targets lead to better organisational outcomes.

Measuring Performance

     setting good targets – using baselines                 Sometimes a target range rather than
                                                            a specific figure may be appropriate,
     Knowing that linking performance                       especially where the measures are new
     measures to targets can enhance                        and untested. However, there is a need
     performance is useful, but not enough                  to guard against the games people
     on its own. How do we know when a                      sometimes play when setting targets.
     ‘good’ target has been set? What might a               Organisations may set such modest
     challenging yet realistic target look like?            targets that these are achieved quite easily.
     The World Bank suggests that the                       Conversely, unachievable targets may be
     identification and use of baseline data                set that just end up demoralising staff. Use
     can be very helpful when setting targets.              of the baseline measures can be important
     Kusek and Rist (2004) note that targets are            here, especially if trend data are available,
     the quantifiable level of a performance                to show what a realistic but challenging
     measure that a country or organisation                 target might be. Similarly, external scrutiny
     wants to achieve by a given time. They                 of targets, by key stakeholders or audit
     suggest that one method to establish                   institutions, can help in ensuring that over-
     targets is to start with a baseline indicator          comfortable targets are not set. Some
     level, and include the desired level of                examples of good and bad targets are
     improvement (taking into consideration                 outlined in Table 7.
     available resources over a specific time
     period) to arrive at the performance target
     (see Table 6 for a worked example).

     taBle 6
     DeVeloPing targets Using Baseline Data
       Outcomes                     Measures                Baselines              Targets

       Nation’s children            1. Percentage of        1. In 2003, 75 per     1. By 2010, 85 per
       have better access           eligible urban          cent of children       cent of children
       to preschool                 children enrolled in    ages 3-5               ages 3-5
       programmes                   preschool education
                                    2. Percentage           2. In 2004, 40 per     2. By 2010, 60 per
                                    of eligible rural       cent of children       cent of children
                                    children enrolled in    ages 3-5               ages 3-5
                                    preschool education
       Primary school               Percentage of Grade     In 2005, 75 per cent   By 2010, 80 per cent
       learning outcomes            6 students scoring      scored 70 per cent     scoring 70 per cent
       for children are             70 per cent or better   or better in maths,    or better in maths,
       improved                     on standardised         and 61 per cent        and 67 per cent
                                    maths and science       scored 70 per cent     scoring 70 per cent
                                    tests                   or better in science   or better in science
     Source: adapted from Kusek and Rist, 2004, p.95

     Measuring Performance

taBle 7
exaMPles of gooD anD BaD targets

  Examples of good targets
  •	 We will reduce the number of missed household collections by 10 per cent by
     next year.
  •	 We will aim to collect 95 per cent of the council tax that is due next year.
  •	 We will increase the number of visits to local libraries by 20 per cent before
     the end of 2009.
  •	 We will cut the number of unfilled places in primary schools by 10 per cent by
     31 December 2010.

   Examples of poor targets
   •	 We will improve the way we handle complaints.
   •	 We will buy as many books for the school as possible.
   •	 We aim to have the best bus service in the region.
   •	 We aim to increase co-operation between school and police authorities.
    •	 We will answer 75 per cent of all letters within 5 days.
       (a poor target if the remaining 25 per cent take 3 months to answer)
   Source: adapted from UK Audit Commission, 2000, p.24

PerforMance MeasUreMent                                   �   Performance measures developed with
anD citizen engageMent                                        citizen input are likely to have more
                                                              support from politicians overseeing
The importance of including measures that                     the work of public organisations.
citizens want measured in performance                     �   Citizens’ views may provide the
measurement systems was discussed in                          opportunity     and     stimulus  for
Section 2. Generally, there are a number of                   innovation, suggesting new ways of
reasons why the public should be engaged                      doing business.
in performance measurement and the
reporting of performance:                                 The question is not whether the customer
� As funders of the service, citizens’ views              should be engaged in performance
     on how well services are provided are                measurement, but how best to engage the
     an important direct consideration for                public. Two issues of central importance
     the staff of public organisations.                   here are: means of engaging the public and
� The direct involvement of the public                    the reporting of performance measures to
     may help legitimise the decisions                    the public.
     and priorities of public service

Measuring Performance

     Means of engaging the public in                  provided by the World Bank). The use of
36   performance measurement                          citizen report cards began in Bangalore,4
                                                      India, and the practice has since spread
     Ho (2007) suggests a portfolio approach          to many countries including Canada,
     to engaging the public in performance            Denmark, the Philippines, Sweden, Ukraine
     measurement. Among the methods of                and the UK. The case study below gives
     engaging the public are the following:           details of the Filipino report card.
     � Focus groups
     � Neighbourhood meetings                         Three main types of institutional
     � Citizen satisfaction surveys                   arrangements for report cards are
     � Report cards for programme users               possible:
     � Web-based discussion forums                    � Report card by civil society organisation.
     � Web-based surveys                              This was the model adopted in Bangalore,
                                                      where the Public Affairs Centre developed
     Each method of engagement has                    the report card in response to anecdotal
     advantages and disadvantages, and may            evidence of customer dissatisfaction with
     vary in terms of cost. Ho argues for a           municipal services. The report card gives
     diversified portfolio approach that contains     citizen feedback on both quantitative
     multiple strategies to receive diverse and       and qualitative dimensions of the
     balanced input from citizens from all walks      selected public services. The strength of
     of life.                                         this approach is the independence and
     Two of the strategies noted above have           credibility attached to the performance
     received particular attention in recent          measures. The limitations of the approach
     years – report cards and citizen surveys.        relate to the fact that not many civil society
     Experience in using each is discussed briefly    organisations have the technical capacity
     below, to illustrate some of the benefits        and willingness to take on such a job.
     and challenges of involving the public in        � Report card by government service
     performance measurement.                         provider agency. This approach has been
                                                      used in Canada and the UK. Here, a
     Citizen report cards                             government agency takes responsibility for
                                                      the report card production, although the
     Citizen report cards are participatory           actual survey and draft report preparation
     services that provide quantitative feedback      is often contracted out to a commercial
     on user perception of the quality, adequacy      organisation. A strength of this approach is
     and efficiency of public services (see http://   the ownership of the exercise by the public               agency. This is also a potential limitation,
     TOPICS/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/EXTPC                as the public and politicians may question
     ENG/0,,contentMDK:20507680~pagePK:1              the independence and objectivity of the
     48956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:410306,00.           findings.
     html for details of the report card approach     �

     Measuring Performance

 case stUDy
institUtionalising the filiPino rePort carD
The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) in the Philippines initiated a
programme on the development of performance measures for public agencies so as to
assess their effectiveness and guide future budget allocations. As part of this process,
they decided to pilot the use of the report card as a means of getting regular user
feedback on key public services. The incentive for service providers to respond to
customer feedback is enhanced, knowing that they will be regularly monitored by DBM.
Analysis and report preparation is contracted out to a credible and independent civil
society organisation. An advisory panel, comprising representatives of service providers,
other government agencies, the private sector, sectoral groups and prominent experts
has been established to provide advice and guidance on the report card process and its
integration with the budgetary process.
Some specific lessons emerged from piloting the report card:

� Focus on key performance measures. The first report card spread the net wide and
  tried to cover many aspects of service delivery. Subsequent rounds
  are to be limited to a few key performance measures. The intention is
  that the measures selected will have a significant overlap with those
  used by DBM in monitoring outputs and processes, facilitating the
  comparison of results to provide a comprehensive picture of performance.

� Revising the questionnaire. Overlaps in survey questions were identified. Greater
  clarity of wording was identified as needed in some questions. Focusing of the
  questionnaire on the key performance measures common with those used for
  monitoring outputs and processes by DBM was identified as a significant issue.

� Improving cost-effectiveness. Limiting questions and refining the questionnaire
  should bring about considerable savings. Also, limiting the scope to a few principal
  and common performance measures is intended to focus the attention of public
  service providers and policy makers and result in concrete actions and follow-up.


Measuring Performance
Pfm Measure 2008
Pfm Measure 2008
Pfm Measure 2008
Pfm Measure 2008
Pfm Measure 2008
Pfm Measure 2008
Pfm Measure 2008
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Pfm Measure 2008

  • 2. EFFICIENCY UNIT i VISION AND MISSION Vision stateMent To be the preferred consulting partner for all government bureaux and departments and to advance the delivery of world-class public services to the people of Hong Kong. Mission stateMent To provide strategic and implementable solutions to all our clients as they seek to deliver people-based government services. We do this by combining our extensive understanding of policies, our specialised knowledge and our broad contacts and linkages throughout the Government and the private sector. In doing this, we join our clients in contributing to the advancement of the community while also providing a fulfilling career for all members of our team. This brief was researched and authored by the Research Division, Institute of Public Administration, Ireland ( The Research Division provides applied research services for policy makers in a wide range of public service organisations, drawing on an extensive network of contacts and experience gained over more than thirty years. other efficiency Unit DocUMents The Efficiency Unit has produced a number of guides on good practice on a wide range of areas, including outsourcing and contract management. These may be found on the Efficiency Unit website at Measuring Performance
  • 3. Foreword We have all heard of the consultant jargon which states that ‘what gets measured gets done’. But quite often, establishing meaningful performance targets and measures ii is not a straightforward task. As public managers we believe we are diligently measuring the performance of our organisations every day. Oversight agencies also keep us on our toes. But how good are we at this task? Performance measurement is an integral part of the process of delivering services to the community. We have been practising the target-based performance measurement system for over a decade and we hold ourselves accountable over the use of financial resources through the Controlling Officers’ Report. But overseas’ literature and experience show that performance measurement is an ongoing pursuit not only by the private sector but also by governments. To ensure that we are in tune with the public at all times, it is of paramount importance that we continue to adapt and perfect our performance measures so as to reflect the desired social outcomes that we pledge to achieve. We know that performance measurement in the public sector is a much more complex task than that in the private sector. This report resonates with many of our beliefs. It also recognises the fact that it takes time and resources to compile the necessary indicators to construe whether a social outcome is achieved or not. Nevertheless, governments in different parts of the world are fine-tuning their systems to make them more outcome/output-based than input-based. Setting appropriate performance measures, establishing challenging and yet achievable targets, and defining results – these are effective means of focusing our combined efforts to adhere to social objectives when delivering public services. We should always remind ourselves to measure the right things, and not just the easy ones. Increasingly, governments worldwide are using performance measures and targets, following consultation with departmental stakeholders. Experience overseas has yielded mixed results. I hope that this report will assist departments in identifying the most appropriate opportunities for improving their own regimes. Comments, feedback and sharing are most welcome. Head, Efficiency Unit July 2008 Measuring Performance
  • 4. contents 1 execUtiVe sUMMary 2 1. PerforMance MeasUreMent: Key challenges 6 2. iMProVing PerforMance MeasUreMent in BUsiness Planning 7 3. enhancing the MeasUreMent of Policy oUtcoMes 19 4. MeasUring PUBlic sector ProDUctiVity 27 5. ensUring that PerforMance MeasUres are UseD anD UsefUl 31 enDnotes 42 references 44
  • 5. Executive Summary A key challenge nowadays is to focus and interests of clients, customers and 2 measurement systems on results. citizens. Business plans should not be Government policies and programmes internal-looking documents that focus deliver two main types of results: solely on what managers and staff see as outputs (the direct products and services important. Measures should be developed produced) and outcomes (the that address the critical issues surfaced by consequences of those outputs for citizens as part of the planning process. society). In terms of this overall focus on results, four main measurement Having determined a set of measures for challenges are addressed in this report. inclusion in the business planning process, These are: improving performance it is useful to check the quality of the measurement in business planning; proposed performance measures. Good enhancing the measurement of quality measures are needed if they are policy outcomes; measuring public to be useful. Various sets of criteria have sector productivity; and ensuring that been developed for assessing the quality performance measures are used and of performance measures. useful. Business plans and associated performance iMProVing PerforMance measures are an important part of the MeasUreMent in BUsiness public accountability process for the Planning use of public funds. In this accountability context, some measures may be used Nowadays, business planning is a properly for individual or programme vital element in most public service accountability purposes, while other organisations. An important first step measures may be misleading if used in developing performance measures for such accountability purposes but for business plans is to get a clear nevertheless be important for the understanding of the range of overall management of the programme performance issues associated with the or activity. Both intermediate and final area under scrutiny. Public organisations outcome measures, for example, are in many countries are now using beyond the direct control of staff working the logic model approach to help in the area. Nevertheless, these outcomes structure thinking about developing should be reported as part of the business a range of performance measures planning process. But they should be seen covering inputs, outputs and outcomes. as contributing to giving an account on performance rather than being used to By focusing particular attention on hold staff to account. outcomes, measures are more likely to be developed that address the needs Measuring Performance
  • 6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY enhancing the MeasUreMent addressing time-lag and attribution of Policy oUtcoMes issues 3 Whole-of-government and cross- Time-lag and attribution problems are cutting policy outcome measures significant when developing outcome- oriented performance measures. Time-lag Some governments, at both national and issues refer to the fact that it can often be local levels, have developed measures many years before the full effects of a policy that have a high-level focus on the final are seen in practice. Attribution issues refer outcomes of policies concerning social, to the difficulty in attributing causation economic and environmental issues. with regard to policy outcomes to particular These measures do not enable tracking of interventions. Changes in infant mortality individual agency performance, but they rates, to take one example, are influenced do provide greater clarity on desired high- by a myriad of factors, some associated level outcomes, and set a context within with health-care practices, some with social which individual agency performance and economic programmes, and some measures are developed. with educational programmes. Identifying the precise contribution of a particular At both the whole-of-government and programme or agency to such final sectoral levels, there is increasing attention outcomes is often, in practice, impossible. on the need to develop measures that cut There are no easy answers to these across organisational boundaries and focus challenges. But the separation of outcomes on the social and economic outcomes into intermediate and final outcomes, and desired by citizens. The interest here is the measurement of each, offers one way on measures that track and encourage forward for managers. Another approach joined-up thinking and practice on the part to dealing with attribution is to use impact of government organisations. For example, evaluation. policy units in government departments often have responsibility for developing and outlining the intermediate and final outcome objectives for the areas where they have policy responsibility. While it may be the task of other delivery agencies to develop measures and collect information on performance against the objectives, the department should report on performance against these measures as part of its overall policy responsibility. Measuring Performance
  • 7. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MeasUring PUBlic sector the performance of employees and are 4 ProDUctiVity associated, in many instances, with higher levels of performance than either no, or The evidence from studies of public general ‘do your best’, targets. But how do sector productivity measurement is that we know when a ‘good’ target has been productivity measurement is still in its set? What might a challenging yet realistic early stages. Despite efforts going back target look like? The identification and use to the 1980s, the productivity measures of baseline data can be very helpful in this being produced need to be interpreted context when setting targets. cautiously. There is also the danger that over-simplistic use of the measures can engaging citizens in the process of lead to perverse consequences. It is clear performance measurement that no single figure of productivity can be used for public sector activities, unless It is vitally important to develop measures there is clear and widespread agreement of issues that citizens want measured in that it is an appropriate measure. A range performance measurement systems. The of supporting information is needed to question is not whether the customer measure productivity change. should be engaged in performance measurement, but how best to engage the ensUring that PerforMance public. Two issues of central importance MeasUres are UseD anD are: means of engaging the public and the UsefUl reporting of performance measures to the public. Performance measures need to be seen in a wider management context if they are Methods of engaging the public include: to be used and useful. Among the main focus groups; neighbourhood meetings; issues that need to be addressed when citizen satisfaction surveys; report cards for placing performance measures in this programme users; web-based discussion wider context are: linking measures and forums; and web-based surveys. Each targets; engaging citizens in the process method of engagement has advantages of performance measurement; and using and disadvantages, and may vary in terms incentives and sanctions to encourage the of cost. The use of a diversity of approaches use of performance measures. offers a good way forward. linking measures and targets Also, the way in which performance measures are reported back to citizens Targets are an important element in making affects the degree of engagement of performance measures useful. Good the public and ultimately the usefulness targets can lead to enhanced performance. of many performance measures. Issues Challenging and specific targets improve such as the provision of measures on Measuring Performance
  • 8. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY a neighbourhood basis and the use of comparative performance benchmarks 5 can be helpful here. Using incentives and sanctions to encourage the use of performance measures Performance measures are rarely used simply on the basis that they have been produced. Performance measurement is not just a technical exercise; it has strong cultural and political components. In such an environment, incentives and sanctions (carrots and sticks) can play an important role in encouraging the use of performance measures. The commonly used incentives and sanctions are: legislation; review; award/recognition; assurance; and involvement/feedback. Measuring Performance
  • 9. 1. Performance Measurement: Key Challenges A key challenge nowadays for managers is To overcome such difficulties, a results 6 to focus measurement systems on results. and measurement-oriented culture is The public and politicians are increasingly needed, involving managers and staff concerned with what is being delivered throughout government. In a supportive for the public money being used to fund culture, performance measures1 can help government programmes. They want tell the performance story of a programme to know that the money is being spent or organisation. to achieve the purposes for which it was allocated, but also and equally importantly In terms of this overall focus on results, that the money is being spent wisely. Hence and to address the issues raised above, the concern with results. Government four main measurement challenges are policies and programmes deliver two addressed in this report. These are: main types of results: outputs (the direct � Improving performance products and services produced) and measurement in business planning outcomes (the consequences of those • Enhancing the measurement of outputs for society). policy outcomes � Measuring public sector productivity But a focus on outcomes, while very � Ensuring that performance measures important, can also be very difficult. It is are used and useful often hard to connect the performance of programmes and managers with A particular emphasis is placed on distant and complex outcomes. There addressing the needs of the citizens. is a risk of measurement becoming a Ultimately, we need to be sure that we paper-based exercise that does not really are measuring the results that the citizens change practice. People may fall back on want to have measured. measuring what is easiest to measure, which may not be the most important issue from the viewpoint of the citizens. Goal displacement may occur, where measures themselves become the objectives, taking attention away from what the programme should be delivering. There is also often a tendency to fall back on input measures, as these are familiar, even though they tell us only about efficiency, not effectiveness. Measuring Performance
  • 10. 2. Improving Performance Measurement in Business Planning Public sector organisations are increasingly as the results chain. At the start of the chain using performance measures as part of are the outputs, results that managers can 7 their business planning process. Divisional largely control, e.g. drafting of legislation or and work unit business plans are now a giving of grants. At the end of the chain are common feature in many government the final outcomes, the end results sought, agencies. In this section, issues that are of e.g. improvements to health, the economy particular relevance to the development or the environment. And in-between is a of performance measures for business sequence of intermediate outcomes that planning are outlined. First, steps to are intended to lead to the final outcomes, be taken and issues to consider in the e.g. changes in people’s attitudes and development of performance measures behaviours. for business plans are presented. Second, methods of assuring the quality of The United Way of America (1996) notes: performance measures are reviewed. Third, “A programme logic model is a description the use of measures for management of how the programme theoretically and accountability purposes is discussed. works to achieve benefits for participants. And finally, a specific current issue for the It is the ‘if-then’ sequence of changes that day-to-day business of many organisations the programme intends to set in motion – assessment of the performance of through its inputs, activities and outputs. government websites – is examined. Logic models are useful frameworks for examining outcomes. They help you DeVeloPing PerforMance think through the steps of participants’ MeasUres for BUsiness Plans progress and develop a realistic picture of what your programme can expect to Using the logic model approach to accomplish for participants. They also help identify performance measures you in identifying the key programme components that must be tracked to assess An important first step in developing the programme’s effectiveness." performance measures is to get a structured understanding of the range of performance issues associated with the programme2 under scrutiny. Public organisations in many countries are now using the logic model approach to help structure thinking about developing a range of performance measures covering inputs, outputs and outcomes. Figure 1 shows the results spectrum produced from a logic model. This is sometimes referred to Measuring Performance
  • 11. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING figUre 1 logic MoDel resUlts chain 8 Outputs (goods and services produced by programme) Intermediate outcomes (immediate effects of the outputs) Intermediate outcomes (medium-term effects of the outputs) Final outcomes (the final or long-term consequences) An illustrative example of measures derived and management of the organisation and from using a logic model approach is given service users all have their own information in Figure 2 – evidential breath testing of needs. The incentive to develop a balanced drivers to improve road safety. set of performance measures, incorporating both financial and non-financial measures, choosing measures that meet stems from trying to meet the needs of stakeholder needs, particularly these different stakeholders. Initiatives citizens’ needs such as the logic model and the balanced scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1993) have An important issue when developing spread through many private and public performance measures for business organisations in an effort to ensure that planning is to consider the needs of a performance measures meet the needs of range of stakeholders when selecting various stakeholders. measures for business plans. For example, politicians, central finance officials, staff Measuring Performance
  • 12. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING figUre 2 Using the logic MoDel to DeVeloP PerforMance MeasUres: eViDential Breath testing 9 input objective To ensure that programme and administrative expenditure levels are contained as agreed input measures � Programme expenditure • Recurrent • Capital � Administrative expenditure • Pay related • Non-pay related output objective To test drivers for evidence of alcohol levels output measures � Number of drivers tested intermediate outcome objectives: To change the attitudes and behaviour of drivers towards alcohol consumption To reduce numbers tested who are over the legal limit To reduce the number of convictions for drink driving offences intermediate outcome measures � Survey findings of attitude and behaviour change � Numbers tested over the legal limit � Number of convictions for drink driving offences final outcome objectives: To reduce alcohol-related road accidents To improve road safety final outcome measures � Number of alcohol-related road accidents � Number of deaths and injuries on the roads linked to alcohol Measuring Performance
  • 13. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING A key stakeholder challenge for managers What is needed is some means of involving is to select performance measures for their citizens in the selection of the measures 10 business plans that measure the issues used in business plans. For example, the and results that service users and citizens Oregon Progress Board established an want to see measured. Ho (2007, http:// eight-member advisory committee to give state agencies a better sense of how citizens HoReport.pdf ) suggests that this citizen view the state’s current performance focus is often missing in the traditional measurement system. To do so, four approach to performance measurement state agencies offered their most recent development. In the traditional approach, annual performance measure reports for managers start by asking themselves and members of the advisory committee to their staff what their vision and objectives read and respond to. This led to initiatives are. They then develop performance such as more use of comparative data to measures on the basis of this work. Ho benchmark performance measures. identifies four main problems with this (See approach: docs/kpm/NCCI/NCCIfinal.doc for more � It assumes managers are capable of details.) establishing programme vision and objectives that reflect public concerns A more detailed case of good practice in and priorities. citizen involvement is given in the case � Managers may be trapped by their study of the Des Moines (USA) citizen- own blind spots and fail to see beyond initiated performance assessment project. what they routinely do in programme delivery and planning. And the public The Des Moines project was considered may view the measures as a tool to a success as it led to the development showcase the achievements of the of performance measures that were administration. actively used by officials but also were of � The traditional approach assumes that direct interest to citizens. The measures performance measures by their own addressed issues that were of concern to weight can influence how elected citizens and were identified by them as officials think about effectiveness and very important. But there are limitations resource allocation. But in practice to this partnership approach. In the Des politicians may not pay much Moines case, the president of Des Moines attention to measures if they do not Neighbors (an umbrella organisation for believe that the measures reflect their neighbourhood groups) and the city constituencies’ concerns and priorities. manager both stepped down within � Managers may focus on their own a short period of each other. With the priorities rather than on how they can loss of two key supporters the project best collaborate with other agencies lost momentum in 2005. An annual and the public to deliver results. This performance report continues to be issued, can emphasise a ‘silo’ mentality rather but the civic engagement process has than a ‘joined up’ perspective. not been maintained. This illustrates that maintaining such a partnership approach requires continuity of commitment, and that the loss of key individuals who drive the process may break the continuity. Measuring Performance
  • 14. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING case stUDy 11 Des Moines citizen-initiateD PerforMance assessMent Project Des Moines, Iowa, has a population of about 200,000 people. Between 2001 and 2004 the city implemented a citizen-initiated performance assessment (CIPA) project. Public officials and neighbourhood representatives jointly developed performance measures. The process went through several stages: Topic selection – Participants wanted to measure the quality of life in the city and what the city had done to improve the well-being of residents. Under the broad heading of nuisance control, a small number of key issues emerged from the process, e.g. odour control, noise pollution, traffic law enforcement and clearance of abandoned housing. Measure selection – For each topic, critical issues were identified and measures developed to track these critical issues, as illustrated below: toPic critical issUe PerforMance MeasUres odour Where are the problems? Number of complaints received control - by neighbourhood Are citizens satisfied with the air Satisfaction level of surveyed quality and the current level of citizens - by neighbourhood odour control? Satisfaction of city response Level of satisfaction with the after a complaint is filed service received after a complaint was made a month previously Data collection – Public officials tracked nuisance complaints over time and by location. They also conducted sample surveys of residents’ satisfaction with city services and citizens’ perception of quality of life in their residential area. Citizens also directly participated in digital surveys in selected neighbourhoods, using handheld electronic devices to document problems such as potholes and graffiti. Engagement of citizens and other stakeholders in reporting – Performance measurement results were actively disseminated to the city council and directly to the public. Source: Ho, 2007, p.18-23. Performance reports can be accessed at performancereport.htm Measuring Performance
  • 15. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING More generally, while having significant assUring the QUality of 12 benefits, involving citizens in the PerforMance MeasUres UseD development of performance measures in BUsiness Planning can be a challenging activity, and a number of issues need to be borne in mind if taking Having determined a set of measures for this approach: inclusion in the business planning process, � Managers must be committed to the it is useful to check the quality of the process and provide leadership to work proposed performance measures. Good with citizen groups. If this leadership is quality measures are needed if they are to not there, the process will not be taken be useful. Various sets of criteria have been seriously. developed for assessing the quality of � There are risks involved in engaging performance measures. Perhaps the most citizens in performance measurement. common is to check measures against Measures may reveal problems that the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, present challenges to managers and achievable, relevant and time-bound). elected officials. An illustrative example of this process is � There is a risk that citizen groups given in Table 1. In the Irish Department consulted may not be representative of of Agriculture and Food, performance the wider citizenry. Steps must be taken measures proposed by divisions for their to ensure that citizen engagement is business plans have been subject to a comprehensive and inclusive. quality analysis using SMART criteria from � Citizen engagement is resource- within the economic and planning unit. intensive, particularly in terms of The benefits of this process in terms of the time commitment required of improving the specificity of the measures management and staff. It is also and ensuring there is a link between demanding of citizens themselves. measures and targets can clearly be seen � There is no single citizen view of from this example. performance. More likely there will be a variety of views expressed as to the importance of measures selected and what they mean. Balancing and interpreting these divergent views presents challenges to managers. None of this is to suggest that citizen engagement in performance measurement is not important. But an awareness of the challenges and limitations can facilitate a more effective approach to such engagement. Measuring Performance
  • 16. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING taBle 1 exaMPles of PerforMance MeasUres analyseD Using the sMart criteria 13 Measure Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time- bound Level of Relates to In terms What is Relevant Not animal a specific of number identified to several identified, diseases item (animal of disease here is an objectives but disease levels indicator. in the perhaps levels) Target not statement not identified, of strategy applicable therefore achievability cannot be commented on Percentage Relates to a In terms of As above As above Time of specific item percentage criteria payments (payment within identified within deadline deadline (protocol protocol protocols) deadlines) deadlines Using MeasUres in BUsiness business plans, are an important part of Planning: DistingUishing the public accountability process for the BetWeen ManageMent anD use of public funds. In this accountability accoUntaBility PUrPoses context, it is important to recognise that measures may play different roles, Business planning is intended as part of a depending on the aspect of performance process of improved management within being measured. Some measures may be public service organisations. Business used properly for individual or programme plans are meant to ‘step down’ to the accountability purposes. Other measures divisional level the high-level goals and may be misleading if used for such objectives contained in strategic plans. As accountability purposes but nevertheless such, business plans, and consequently be important for the overall management the performance measures contained in of the programme or activity. This issue is Measuring Performance
  • 17. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING best illustrated by way of example, as set changes in these measures directly to the 14 out in Figure 3. programme. Figure 3 sets out performance objectives Both intermediate and final outcome and measures used to assess an indicators are beyond the direct control of anti-smoking television advertisement staff working in the area. But as Schacter campaign. Input, activity and output (2002) notes: ‘They are nevertheless things measures in this example can be used that you must monitor, because they have to help assess individual and team profound relevance to the design and the performance of staff working in this area. implementation of your program. These It is the responsibility of the staff working are the results that you are managing in the area to ensure that the campaign for, even if you can’t control them.’ These material is designed, tested and runs on outcomes should be reported on as part the television, within agreed resource of the business planning process. But they allocations. Staff can be held to account for should be seen as contributing to giving an this work. account on performance rather than being used to hold staff to account. Including The intermediate outcome objectives and outcome indicators such as these is measures – assessing whether people see important for the successful management the advertisements and if their attitudes of the programme. and behaviour are affected – are clearly beyond the direct responsibility of people working in the area. But these measures provide information about the results of the programme that can readily be directly attributed to the programme. It is possible to judge if the advertising campaign has been used and if it has had an effect on people’s attitudes and behaviour. As such, these measures can be used to assess programme performance and hence programme accountability. The final outcome measures – less smoking and lower incidence of smoking-related diseases – are affected by many other factors apart from the campaign itself. These measures are clearly relevant to judgements about programme performance, but it is not possible to directly attribute Measuring Performance
  • 18. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING figUre 3 Using MeasUres for Different accoUntaBility PUrPoses 15 inputs $$$ Full Time Equivalent Staff activities � Design and test campaign material Fair reflection performance of individual � Produce campaign material (Measure: material produced by dd/mm/yyyy) outputs � Advertisements run on television (Measure: number of schools receiving campaign material) intermediate � People see the advertisements outcomes (Measure: number of viewers) of programme Fair reflection performance � Peoples’ attitudes affected (Measure: degree of attitude change) � Behaviour affected (Measure: degree of behaviour change) final � Less smoking performance outcomes programme Relevant to (Measure: level of smoking) � Lower incidence of smoking-related diseases (Measure: incidence of smoking-related diseases) Source: adapted from Schacter (2002) Measuring Performance
  • 19. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING assessing the PerforMance What then is to be done to allow a more 16 of goVernMent WeBsites sophisticated measurement of website performance? A first step is to be clear A specific measurement issue, yet about the purposes and objectives of the one of growing prominence for many website. Is it there to enable people to fill organisations, is the measurement of the out a survey, use interactive applications performance of government websites. built into the site, download important This issue is often dealt with in the context information and so on? In the language of business planning for an organisation, of the logic model, what are the main when looking ahead to challenges to be inputs, outputs and outcomes required addressed in the coming year. Websites have of the website? Measures can then become a key channel of communication be developed to address these issues between governments and citizens. As (see Table 2, taken from Stowers, 2004, such they must address the needs of very http://www.businessofgovernment. wide-ranging and differing audiences. org/pdfs/8493_Stowers_Repor t.pdf Usability is crucial. But simply tracking measures such as the number of hits can The case study, on page 18, highlights be misleading. A site may get a lot of hits two initiatives to measure website yet visitors may stay on the site for only a performance, one from Australia and few seconds, suggesting they did not find one from the USA. Each develops a wide it useful once there. A site with a smaller variety of measures against which website number of hits may have people staying performance is judged. Comparative on for longer and returning frequently, assessment of the websites of different suggesting that it is meeting a need. government agencies is encouraged. Measuring Performance
  • 20. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING TABLE 2 POTENTIAL WEBSITE PERFORMANCE MEASURES 17 Input Measures Output Measures Outcome Measures Application development Number of hits Accessibility of services and hardware set-up or user contact Number of site pages Staff costs sessions meeting accessibility Other development Number of criteria costs downloads of Accuracy of the assistance Other vendor costs or information as documents measured by percentage Staff time for Time users spend accuracy rates in random application development on a site fact checking Other development time Number of times Adequacy of information Vendor time for transactions as measured by staff and development purposes completed, or citizen surveys the times online Ease of use as measured by forms have been pop-up or other surveys accessed and Citizen satisfaction with completed site Monetary amounts Service quality processed through Percentage of time when website is down and not each site available Webpage errors Efficiency Cost per transaction Total cost per user session Final outcomes Cost savings from e-government Staff time savings from e-government Measuring Performance
  • 21. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN BUSINESS PLANNING case stUDy 18 MethoDs for MeasUring WeBsite PerforMance assessing federal government websites – australia The Australian federal government commissioned a private company, UsabilityOne, to conduct an assessment of ten federal government websites. The company developed a usability compliance audit for evaluating websites. The audit involves 151 criteria, based on acknowledged usability principles and extensive user-testing experience. The main areas covered in the audit include navigation, content and content writing, design and graphics, search, error prevention and recovery, trust, internationalisation, window titles, news and press releases plus branding and company information. Two analysts independently reviewed each website against the criteria, and arrived at an overall compliance score for each website. Full details of the project can be accessed at the american customer satisfaction index (acsi) methodology The ACSI was developed by researchers at the University of Michigan to evaluate customer satisfaction generally, and in 2001 ForeSee Results began to use the methodology to assess customer satisfaction with federal agency websites. ACSI, which uses a set of well- researched and benchmarked questions and research processes, uses a causal statistical model to predict customer behaviour, such as the probability of return visits to the website. Satisfaction with websites is examined using pop-up surveys. These results are then analysed using the model, which includes measures both of customer satisfaction and of customer loyalty. Results for individual websites can be compared to a nationally developed index based on more than 200 organisations. For more details see and Stowers, 2004,, p.26. Measuring Performance
  • 22. 3. Enhancing the Measurement of Policy Outcomes The use of performance measures to These examples are given, not to suggest facilitate judgements about the efficiency that measures have no role in policy 19 and effectiveness of policy work presents work, but rather to caution about raising significant challenges. As Perrin (1998) expectations too highly in terms of the notes, a requirement to produce more role that measures may play. As part of policy-focused measures can lead to broader efforts to improve evidence on situations where there is the widespread performance, measures can be helpful development of easy-to-count measures for managers and staff engaged in policy which have little or no relationship to what work. the policy is supposed to be achieving. Peripheral activities that are easy to quantify Whole-of-goVernMent become the focus of reports that nobody anD cross-cUtting Policy uses. oUtcoMe MeasUres Such actions as described above arise Some governments, at both national and in part because of cultural and ‘political’ local levels, have developed measures reasons, but there are also inherent that have a high-level focus on the final technical difficulties in ‘measuring’ policy outcomes of policies concerning social, work. There are a number of particular economic and environmental issues. issues: These measures do not enable tracking of � Whole-of-government challenges, individual agency performance, but they such as multiple high-level outcomes, do provide greater clarity on desired high- which must be pursued simultaneously level outcomes, and set a context within and that sometimes are in conflict with which individual agency performance each other; or where policy is initiated measures are developed. Such high- in one organisation but responsibility level measurement systems have been for delivering on outcomes rests with developed because of a recognition of other agencies. the limitation of relying on economic � Time-lag problems, associated with measures: the fact that many years may elapse between the initiation of a policy and “Economic indicators have traditionally its implementation. been used to assess the economic ‘state � Attribution problems, where it of the state’. Strong economic growth, is impossible to disentangle the low inflation and unemployment were impact of a particular policy on final regarded as indicative of a healthy outcomes because these outcomes economic climate and believed to result are also affected by other policies and in prosperity for citizens. However, citizens influences. have become increasingly concerned about their relative quality of life, expressed in terms such as quality of education and Measuring Performance
  • 23. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES health care, availability of recreational/ Two longstanding and relatively successful 20 cultural opportunities, clean environment, whole-of-government measurement and safety from crime. Accounting and systems are Oregon Shines and Alberta’s economic based measurement systems Measuring Up, examined in the case study were not designed to address these issues; below. thus, governments have introduced new systems for measuring progress, including policy outcome based performance measurement (Ogata and Goodkey, 1998).” case stUDy Whole-of-goVernMent oUtcoMe MeasUreMent oregon shines The state of Oregon, USA, adopted a development strategy in 1989 called Oregon Shines. The strategy addressed quality-of-life issues as well as economic diversification. Oregon Shines II was adopted in 1997 as a successor strategy, and Oregon Shines III is planned for 2009. Progress against the strategy is tracked through Oregon Benchmarks, an annual report which tracks over ninety measures against benchmark targets in seven categories: economy, education, civic engagement, social support, public safety, community development and environment. State agencies link their key performance measures to these benchmarks where it makes sense to do so. For details go to http://www.oregon. gov/DAS/OPB/docs/obm/New_Benchmark_Numbers.doc. Measuring Up, alberta In 1993 the province of Alberta, Canada, started a three-year strategic planning and performance measurement system. In 1995 the first annual Measuring Up report was published. Measuring Up contains sixty-five core performance measures related to fourteen government goals. These measures focus on issues such as infrastructure capacity, literacy and numeracy rates, crime rate and water quality. The intention is to develop outcome-based measures to provide information on progress towards long- term targets. The targets are selected and driven by political leadership, and through public consultation. State agencies link their business plan objectives to relevant priorities. For details go to Measuring Performance
  • 24. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES At both the whole-of-government and Additionally, in a critique of earlier PSAs, sectoral levels, there is increasing attention Neely and Micheli (2004) note that there 21 on the need to develop measures that was little use in the public sector of what has cut across organisational boundaries and become best practice in the private sector that focus on the social and economic – developing success or strategy maps outcomes desired by citizens. The interest when designing measurement systems. here is on measures that track and Success/strategy maps are intended to encourage joined-up thinking and practice help people identify which are the critical on the part of government organisations. measures, and can be helpful when rationalising the number of measures in use. The UK government is acknowledged as a leader in the development of cross-cutting Another common cross-cutting situation targets and measures, in part through the is that of policy-oriented units operating development of cross-cutting Performance in government departments who have Service Agreements (PSAs) (see case study overall responsibility for policy but where below). It is too early as yet to judge the implementation of that policy is through success of this initiative. But it has been agencies operating under their control. In welcomed by the Select Committee on this instance, policy units may sometimes Treasury, though the Committee cautions not develop measures themselves, saying that the cross-departmental nature of the that it is the responsibility of the agencies new PSAs poses a challenge for a system to develop performance measures. The of accountability based on departmental argument used here, following on from the reporting and the work of departmental logic model approach, is that policy units select committees. They also stress that should be responsible for developing and the new agreements, to be effective, must outlining the programme theory including genuinely reduce the number of measures the intermediate and final outcome in use, and not simply bring together objectives. While it may then be the task of diverse topics within a PSA, and that there the relevant agencies to develop measures must be corresponding reductions in and collect information on performance measures down the delivery chain (see against the objectives, the department http://www.parliament.the-stationery- should report on performance against these measures as part of its overall policy cmtreasy/279/27909.htm and http://www. responsibility. cm200708/cmselect/cmtreasy/55/5507. htm). Measuring Performance
  • 25. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES case stUDy 22 UK cross-DePartMental PUBlic serVice agreeMents In 1998, in the first Comprehensive Spending Review, the UK government introduced a new performance measurement framework based on Public Service Agreements (PSAs). While generally welcomed, these PSAs suffered from a number of drawbacks. The system was seen as top-heavy and unwieldy, with too many measures created at local level to feed into the system. Particular difficulties arose from targets held jointly between departments, and some issues that involved more than one department were not adequately captured. In the 2007 Comprehensive Spending review, the government announced a smaller suite of thirty new PSAs that outline the government’s highest priorities and span departmental boundaries. The agreements are cross-departmental, although there is a lead department for each agreement. Departments are required to produce a cross- departmental Delivery Agreement for each PSA, informed by consultation with the delivery chain. These Delivery Agreements set out how each PSA is to be delivered and the measures used to track performance against PSAs and their associated delivery. Agreements can be accessed via csr07_psaindex.cfm An example of this approach is set out number of plans developed, the number in Table 3. Here, in an Irish example, the of actions implemented from the plans focus is on the Local Development Social and the quality of the plans (for example Inclusion Programme (LDSIP), overseen the percentage of plans inspected that fall by the Department of Community, Rural below a determined quality standard). In and Gaeltacht Affairs. Implementation this case, the programme logic is that as a and administration of the programme result of developing high-quality plans, and is overseen by an agency ADM Ltd. on the subsequent implementation of these behalf of the Department. An intermediate plans, local groups contribute to sustained outcome objective for the LDSIP is that social and economic development in their local groups develop innovative plans communities, which is one of the final and programmes to improve the local outcome objectives of the community and social and economic infrastructure. local development programme. Readily applied measures here are the Measuring Performance
  • 26. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES With regard to this final outcome objective overall responsibility for the programme, it of sustained social and economic is important that the Department use these 23 development in communities, Table 3 measures in its own reporting procedures. gives examples of measures gathered In this way, an overview is provided of by ADM Ltd. that can be used to track the outcomes of the community and progress. While ADM Ltd. has responsibility local development programme for public for developing and gathering the data on accountability purposes. these measures, as the policy body with taBle 3 coMMUnity anD local DeVeloPMent MeasUres interMeDiate oUtcoMes objective Development by local groups of innovative plans and programmes to improve the local social and economic infrastructure Measures � Number of plans developed � Quality of plans produced � Number of actions implemented final oUtcoMes objective Sustained social and economic development in communities, with a special focus on areas of disadvantage Measures � Number of people placed into jobs � Number of people supported into self-employment Measuring Performance
  • 27. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES aDDressing tiMe-lag anD success of the programme solely on the 24 attriBUtion issUes basis of final outcome measures, though clearly they provide vital information to Time-lag and attribution problems are inform an overall judgement. Similarly, the significant when developing outcome- outputs of the programme – the number oriented performance measures. Time-lag and value of grants issued – do not on issues refer to the fact that it can often their own give a satisfactory picture of be many years before the full effects of performance. a policy are seen in practice. Attribution issues refer to the difficulty in attributing This is where intermediate outcome causation with regard to policy outcomes measures can help. The programme logic to particular interventions. Changes in is that as a result of receiving supports, infant mortality rates, to take one example, firms develop their research capability are influenced by a myriad of factors, some and improve their links with third-level associated with health-care practices, some research institutes, thus contributing to with social and economic programmes, the final outcome objectives. Measures and some with educational programmes. such as level of research skills before and To identify the precise contribution of after receiving the grant (assessed by a particular programme or agency to survey) and type and quality of links with such final outcomes is often, in practice, third-level research institutes can track impossible. these intermediate outcome objectives. Measuring the intermediate outcomes There are no easy answers to these can give a better sense of programme challenges. But the separation of outcomes performance. And if the programme logic into intermediate and final outcomes, is demonstrated to be faulty, a new theory and the measurement of each, offers one can be developed to address the issue. way forward for managers. Take as an The intermediate outcome measures help illustrative example the case of a research give a picture of the performance of the and development (R&D) grant scheme R&D grant scheme. Neither the output nor aimed at encouraging innovation and the final outcome measures alone could the development of new products. Final give such a picture. Intermediate outcome outcome measures, such as number and measures help flesh out the performance type of new products on the market, and story. turnover attributed to new products and services, may be influenced by factors other than grants given to firms to develop their R&D capabilities. The national and international economic situation, local educational initiatives and so on also have an impact. It is not possible to examine the Measuring Performance
  • 28. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES Using impact evaluation (see case study below on increasing tax revenue in Pennsylvania). By knowing the 25 Another systematic means of developing actual impact of intervention towards the performance measures that address final outcomes, appropriate performance attribution and time-lag issues and that may measures can be designed. be useful in certain circumstances is impact evaluation. Impact evaluation is defined by the World Bank (2006) as an assessment of the impact of an intervention on final outcomes. It assesses the changes arising from an intervention that can be attributed to a particular project, programme or policy case stUDy increasing tax reVenUe in PennsylVania The Pennsylvania state government commissioned a large, randomised control trial to evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches to improving tax compliance by businesses that were late in paying their sales taxes. The trial randomly assigned 7,000 such businesses to receive one of seven letters, ranging from threatening to pleading, and made use of outcome data that the state had already collected for other purposes – namely, whether the businesses paid their taxes. The trial found that a letter containing a short (one-third page) statement that tax is due and that the business is liable produced significantly more tax revenue than the state’s existing letter (full-page, detailed letter with boxes that the businesses check to indicate why they have not paid the tax). The trial results indicated that the state’s use of the short letter for all late-paying businesses could generate US$6 million annually in increased revenue. Source:, p.12 Measuring Performance
  • 29. ENHANCING THE MEASUREMENT OF POLICY OUTCOMES A key element in impact evaluation is Quasi-Experiments – Like RCTs, these 26 identifying the ‘counterfactual’: What would evaluations assess the differences that have happened had the intervention not result from an intervention and the result taken place? This involves the identification that would have occurred without the of a comparison group who are as alike intervention. However, the control group as possible to the group who receive the is not randomly assigned. Instead, it is intervention but who were not subject to designed on the basis that the evaluator the intervention. The most frequently used judges how to minimise any differences methods of identifying the counterfactual between the two groups, or it may be a are the following: pre-existing group. Use of comparison group studies does increase the risk of Randomised control trials (RCTs) misleading results because of the difficulty – An RCT is a study that measures an in eliminating bias in the selection of the intervention’s effect by randomly assigning control group. individuals (or other units, such as schools or hospitals) into an intervention group, The benefits and challenges of impact which receives the intervention, and into a evaluation are well described by the World control group, which does not. Following Bank Independent Evaluation Group the intervention, measurements are taken ( to establish the difference between the intervention group and the control group. Because the control group simulates what would have happened if there were no intervention, the difference in outcomes between the groups demonstrates the final outcome or impact one would expect for the intervention. There are, however, many programmes for which it would not be possible to conduct an RCT. To carry out an RCT, there must be a possibility of creating a control group who will not receive the intervention. For practical, legal, and ethical reasons, this may not always be possible. Measuring Performance
  • 30. 4. Measuring Public Sector Productivity A number of initiatives have taken place papers on public sector productivity in several countries in recent years aimed measurement, e.g. education and health 27 specifically at improving the measurement sector productivity measurement (see of public sector productivity. The experience of a small number of countries methodology/specific/PublicSector/ at the forefront of attempts to improve output/default.asp for details). the measurement of productivity is outlined here: the UK, Finland, Sweden and MeasUring PUBlic sector Australia. ProDUctiVity in finlanD MeasUring PUBlic sector Finland, along with the UK, is widely ProDUctiVity in the UK regarded as a world leader in public sector productivity measurement. In 1995 a Since 1988, the Office for National project was established to measure public Statistics has been progressively moving sector productivity in Finland. It was located away from the output=input approach in Statistics Finland, the national statistics to productivity, and incorporating direct office. The aim of the project was: ‘to measures of the volume of government develop a measurement and monitoring output in the national accounts. By 2005, system for government sector production these direct output estimates accounted and productivity by using an output for two-thirds of general government indicator method to measure the volume final consumption. In the context of of output’ (Niemi, 1998). In 1997 the scope this focus on output measurement, the of the project was expanded to include UK government commissioned Sir Tony the measurement of the productivity of Atkinson to undertake a review of the local government services. measurement of government output in the national accounts. This review (Atkinson, Under the terms of the project, for central 2005) provides a comprehensive overview government services the final output of developments and recommendations and the output measures are specified for future progress. by the agencies themselves. Examples of output measures are given in Table 4. The The UK government accepted the findings agencies for which input and output data and recommendations of the Atkinson are gathered cover about 80 per cent of review, and the Office for National Statistics the compensation of employees in central (ONS) has the lead role in taking forward government. Initial results show growth the recommendations. To this end, the rates of output and productivity varying ONS has set up the UK Centre for the extensively. Measurement of Government Activity (UKCeMGA). The UKCeMGA has issued a number of interesting reports and research Measuring Performance
  • 31. MEASURING PUBLIC SECTOR PRODUCTIVITY TABLE 4 EXAMPLES OF OUTPUT INDICATORS IN THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT IN FINLAND 28 Consumer Ombudsman’s Office number of petitions to market court marketing instructions (number of ) contractual terms negotiated statements on legislative initiatives cases solved individually replies to written enquiries Courts number of cases settled National Food Administration number of letters guiding supervision number of administrative decisions and memos number of publications number of statements number of training events new instruction materials State Audit Office number of annual audits supplementary audits international audits expertise activities, statements Universities number of degrees completed (generally separated into graduate and postgraduate degrees) adult education and continuing education measured, for example, in days or number of courses (depending on the university) number of publications (research) Source: Niemi, 1998 Measuring Performance
  • 32. MEASURING PUBLIC SECTOR PRODUCTIVITY MeasUring PUBlic sector a 20 per cent increase in output. ProDUctiVity in sWeDen � To measure the productivity of an 29 agency as a whole means overheads Sweden has been measuring public sector must be taken into account. productivity since the mid-1980s. An Expert � Results differ depending on the kind of Group on Public Finances (a subcommittee price index chosen (Ministry of Finance, under the Ministry of Finance) established 1997). a steering group to conduct the work. The steering group was supported by Statistics MeasUring PUBlic sector Sweden, the national statistics office. ProDUctiVity in aUstralia Particular focus is given to the In 1993 the Council of Australian development of output measures for Governments established the Review of services. These include items such as the Government Service Provision to provide number of admitted patients for in-patient information on the effectiveness and medical care, the number of learning hours efficiency of government services for education, traffic volume as measured (Australian Productivity Commission, by vehicle kilometres for public roads, 2006). The review is conducted annually, number of flying hours for the air force. overseen by a steering committee of Attempts are made to adjust the quantity senior representatives from the central of outputs for quality variations where agencies of all the state governments, with data are available. A number of lessons the assistance of a secretariat provided by are drawn based on the experience of the Productivity Commission. Performance producing annual productivity measures information is provided on fourteen service over a period of time: areas covering six main government � Productivity varies greatly from year to functions: education; justice; emergency year. To assess any given year, a time management; health; community services; series of several years’ information is and housing. needed. � Most agencies have several categories The report includes performance of output. Attributing the same weight comparisons across jurisdictions for the to all categories may yield deceptive services, using a common method. Both results. In the enforcement service, for outputs and outcomes are measured, as example, counting cases dealt with well as efficiency, effectiveness and equity. regardless of category gives a 2 per Government funding per unit of output cent decrease in output from 1981 to delivered is typically used as a measure of 1992. If, however, different weights technical efficiency, e.g. recurrent funding are assigned to different categories of per annual curriculum hour for vocational output, to take into account differences education and training. Where there are in composition of the cases, the result is shortcomings in the data, other measures Measuring Performance
  • 33. MEASURING PUBLIC SECTOR PRODUCTIVITY of efficiency are used (including partial There is some evidence of output measures 30 productivity ratios such as staff level per produced under the various initiatives student in government schools, staff being used in a limited manner in resource per prisoner in corrective services and allocation decisions. The OECD (2007) has administrative costs as a proportion of reviewed the use of output measures in total expenditure in services for people the budgetary process. It finds that in most with a disability) (Australian Productivity sectors and cases, performance measures Commission, 2006). are loosely connected to decisions in the budgetary process. Output measures learning the lessons froM are often used by ministries of finance PUBlic sector ProDUctiVity in the budgetary process along with MeasUreMent initiatiVes other information on performance and on political priorities to inform budget The evidence from studies of public sector allocations. But the OECD warns that a productivity measurement is that the latter direct linkage, where results determine is still in its early stages. Despite efforts going funding, creates incentives for gaming back to the 1980s, the productivity measures the system, such as manipulating the being produced need to be interpreted data. Ministries of finance have taken a cautiously. There is also the danger that an cautious approach to using performance over-simplistic use of the measures could information to financially punish or reward lead to perverse consequences. It is clear agencies. When programmes show poor that no single figure of productivity can performance against outputs, the most be used for public sector activities, unless common course of action is that resources there is clear and widespread agreement are held constant and the programme that it is an appropriate measure. The reviewed during the course of the year. Atkinson (2005) recommendation that a range of supporting information is needed to measure productivity change, and not to rely solely on a single productivity measure, is one that should be applied generally. Measuring Performance
  • 34. 5. Ensuring that Performance Measures are Used and Useful Performance measures are not always “A jurisdiction or agency is employing a used, or used in ways that their designers PerformanceStat performance strategy if it 31 intended. Van Thiel and Leeuw (2002) coined holds an ongoing series of regular, frequent, the phrase the performance paradox. The periodic, integrated meetings during which performance paradox refers to the situation the chief executive and/or the principal where there is a weak correlation between members of the chief executive’s leadership performance measures and performance team plus the individual director (and the itself. Measures lose their value over time top managers) of different sub-units use and can no longer discriminate between data to analyse the unit’s past performance, good and bad performance. As a result, the to follow-up on previous decisions and relationship between actual and reported commitments to improve performance, to performance declines. establish its next performance objectives, and to examine the effectiveness of its Behn (2008) too makes the point that overall performance strategies (Behn, 2008, performance measures do not always of p.2).” themselves guarantee good performance. He examines the use of performance Behn identifies seven big mistakes that measures in structured settings, organisations often make in applying which he refers to as PerformanceStat. PerformanceStat approaches. These are PerformanceStat is Behn’s label for the outlined in Table 5. approach initiated in 1994 by the New York Police Department when they created The key message emerging from both Van CompStat, a strategy designed to reduce Thiel and Leeuw and Behn’s analyses is that the city’s crime rate. The approach was performance measures need to be seen in adopted by Baltimore and applied to a wider management context if they are the whole of city government, where it to be used and useful. Some of the main was labelled CitiStat.3 The approach has issues that need to be addressed when subsequently been applied in a number of placing performance measures in this other US cities and in Scotland. Behn uses wider context are: linking measures and the term PerformanceStat as a generic title targets; performance measurement and for such an approach, which he defines as citizen engagement; and using incentives follows: and sanctions. Measuring Performance
  • 35. ENSURING THAT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARE USED AND USEFUL taBle 5 32 seVen Big errors of the PerforMancestat aPProach to the aPPlication of PerforMance MeasUreMent Error No. 1: No clear purpose. In this case, the approach is applied as the latest ‘fad’ with little or no thought as to what results the organisation is trying to achieve or what better performance might look like. Error No. 2: No one has specific responsibilities. You need to be able to answer the question of who will be responsible for what. Error No. 3: The meetings are held irregularly, infrequently, or randomly. If meetings are not held regularly and frequently, they cannot provide good feedback on successes and failures. Error No. 4: No one person authorised to run the meetings. One person, with clear authority, needs to consistently run the meetings if they are to have an impact. Ideally, this should be the chief executive. Error No. 5: No dedicated analytic staff. PerformanceStat requires data for the measures used. For PerformanceStat to provide meaningful results, it needs a few analytical people working on it full-time. Error No. 6: No follow-up. Issues identified by the measures should be followed up from one meeting to the next, and not start over each time. Error No. 7: No balance between the brutal and the bland. Baltimore’s application of CitiStat is known for being tough and uncompromising with poor performers. Sometimes overly so. Others have tried to avoid this but in the process have achieved little more than presenting a picture of accomplishments. Balance is needed. Source: Behn, 2008,,%207PerformanceStatErrors.pdf Measuring Performance
  • 36. ENSURING THAT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARE USED AND USEFUL linking Measures and targets 2. Setting learning targets, as opposed to merely difficult-to-attain targets, may be most 33 Targets are an important element in making effective when tasks are complex. When tasks performance measures useful. Good are complex, challenging targets may be targets can lead to enhanced performance less helpful. In such situations, targets that (see local education authorities case encourage employees to explore strategies study below). In an extensive review of to tackle the task may improve performance. the literature on motivating employees, Perry, Mesch and Paarlberg (2006) 3. The target-performance relationship is identify three important propositions strongest when employees are committed to supported by evidence provided by their targets and receive incentives (monetary the literature with regard to targets: or otherwise), input and feedback related to the achievement of targets. A manager who 1. Challenging and specific targets improve wants to ensure that challenging targets the performance of employees. Target setting are met should try to improve the ability increases individual, group and work unit of employees to meet these targets and performance. In many instances, specific provide feedback on the results of their and challenging targets are associated efforts. with higher levels of performance than either no, or general ‘do your best’, targets. case stUDy target setting for local eDUcation aUthorities Theories suggest that organisational performance improves if targets for future achievement are used. Boyne and Chen (2006) explored this theory using panel data for 147 English local education authorities between 1998 and 2003. The dependent variables in the analysis are exam results for school pupils. The authors found that, controlling for other variables, the extent of performance improvement is influenced positively by the presence of a target. The results are consistent with the view that clear and quantified strategic priority targets lead to better organisational outcomes. Measuring Performance
  • 37. ENSURING THAT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARE USED AND USEFUL setting good targets – using baselines Sometimes a target range rather than 34 a specific figure may be appropriate, Knowing that linking performance especially where the measures are new measures to targets can enhance and untested. However, there is a need performance is useful, but not enough to guard against the games people on its own. How do we know when a sometimes play when setting targets. ‘good’ target has been set? What might a Organisations may set such modest challenging yet realistic target look like? targets that these are achieved quite easily. The World Bank suggests that the Conversely, unachievable targets may be identification and use of baseline data set that just end up demoralising staff. Use can be very helpful when setting targets. of the baseline measures can be important Kusek and Rist (2004) note that targets are here, especially if trend data are available, the quantifiable level of a performance to show what a realistic but challenging measure that a country or organisation target might be. Similarly, external scrutiny wants to achieve by a given time. They of targets, by key stakeholders or audit suggest that one method to establish institutions, can help in ensuring that over- targets is to start with a baseline indicator comfortable targets are not set. Some level, and include the desired level of examples of good and bad targets are improvement (taking into consideration outlined in Table 7. available resources over a specific time period) to arrive at the performance target (see Table 6 for a worked example). taBle 6 DeVeloPing targets Using Baseline Data Outcomes Measures Baselines Targets Nation’s children 1. Percentage of 1. In 2003, 75 per 1. By 2010, 85 per have better access eligible urban cent of children cent of children to preschool children enrolled in ages 3-5 ages 3-5 programmes preschool education 2. Percentage 2. In 2004, 40 per 2. By 2010, 60 per of eligible rural cent of children cent of children children enrolled in ages 3-5 ages 3-5 preschool education Primary school Percentage of Grade In 2005, 75 per cent By 2010, 80 per cent learning outcomes 6 students scoring scored 70 per cent scoring 70 per cent for children are 70 per cent or better or better in maths, or better in maths, improved on standardised and 61 per cent and 67 per cent maths and science scored 70 per cent scoring 70 per cent tests or better in science or better in science Source: adapted from Kusek and Rist, 2004, p.95 Measuring Performance
  • 38. ENSURING THAT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARE USED AND USEFUL taBle 7 35 exaMPles of gooD anD BaD targets Examples of good targets • We will reduce the number of missed household collections by 10 per cent by next year. • We will aim to collect 95 per cent of the council tax that is due next year. • We will increase the number of visits to local libraries by 20 per cent before the end of 2009. • We will cut the number of unfilled places in primary schools by 10 per cent by 31 December 2010. Examples of poor targets • We will improve the way we handle complaints. • We will buy as many books for the school as possible. • We aim to have the best bus service in the region. • We aim to increase co-operation between school and police authorities. • We will answer 75 per cent of all letters within 5 days. (a poor target if the remaining 25 per cent take 3 months to answer) Source: adapted from UK Audit Commission, 2000, p.24 PerforMance MeasUreMent � Performance measures developed with anD citizen engageMent citizen input are likely to have more support from politicians overseeing The importance of including measures that the work of public organisations. citizens want measured in performance � Citizens’ views may provide the measurement systems was discussed in opportunity and stimulus for Section 2. Generally, there are a number of innovation, suggesting new ways of reasons why the public should be engaged doing business. in performance measurement and the reporting of performance: The question is not whether the customer � As funders of the service, citizens’ views should be engaged in performance on how well services are provided are measurement, but how best to engage the an important direct consideration for public. Two issues of central importance the staff of public organisations. here are: means of engaging the public and � The direct involvement of the public the reporting of performance measures to may help legitimise the decisions the public. and priorities of public service organisations. Measuring Performance
  • 39. ENSURING THAT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARE USED AND USEFUL Means of engaging the public in provided by the World Bank). The use of 36 performance measurement citizen report cards began in Bangalore,4 India, and the practice has since spread Ho (2007) suggests a portfolio approach to many countries including Canada, to engaging the public in performance Denmark, the Philippines, Sweden, Ukraine measurement. Among the methods of and the UK. The case study below gives engaging the public are the following: details of the Filipino report card. � Focus groups � Neighbourhood meetings Three main types of institutional � Citizen satisfaction surveys arrangements for report cards are � Report cards for programme users possible: � Web-based discussion forums � Report card by civil society organisation. � Web-based surveys This was the model adopted in Bangalore, where the Public Affairs Centre developed Each method of engagement has the report card in response to anecdotal advantages and disadvantages, and may evidence of customer dissatisfaction with vary in terms of cost. Ho argues for a municipal services. The report card gives diversified portfolio approach that contains citizen feedback on both quantitative multiple strategies to receive diverse and and qualitative dimensions of the balanced input from citizens from all walks selected public services. The strength of of life. this approach is the independence and Two of the strategies noted above have credibility attached to the performance received particular attention in recent measures. The limitations of the approach years – report cards and citizen surveys. relate to the fact that not many civil society Experience in using each is discussed briefly organisations have the technical capacity below, to illustrate some of the benefits and willingness to take on such a job. and challenges of involving the public in � Report card by government service performance measurement. provider agency. This approach has been used in Canada and the UK. Here, a Citizen report cards government agency takes responsibility for the report card production, although the Citizen report cards are participatory actual survey and draft report preparation services that provide quantitative feedback is often contracted out to a commercial on user perception of the quality, adequacy organisation. A strength of this approach is and efficiency of public services (see http:// the ownership of the exercise by the public agency. This is also a potential limitation, TOPICS/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/EXTPC as the public and politicians may question ENG/0,,contentMDK:20507680~pagePK:1 the independence and objectivity of the 48956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:410306,00. findings. html for details of the report card approach � Measuring Performance
  • 40. ENSURING THAT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARE USED AND USEFUL case stUDy 37 institUtionalising the filiPino rePort carD The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) in the Philippines initiated a programme on the development of performance measures for public agencies so as to assess their effectiveness and guide future budget allocations. As part of this process, they decided to pilot the use of the report card as a means of getting regular user feedback on key public services. The incentive for service providers to respond to customer feedback is enhanced, knowing that they will be regularly monitored by DBM. Analysis and report preparation is contracted out to a credible and independent civil society organisation. An advisory panel, comprising representatives of service providers, other government agencies, the private sector, sectoral groups and prominent experts has been established to provide advice and guidance on the report card process and its integration with the budgetary process. Some specific lessons emerged from piloting the report card: � Focus on key performance measures. The first report card spread the net wide and tried to cover many aspects of service delivery. Subsequent rounds are to be limited to a few key performance measures. The intention is that the measures selected will have a significant overlap with those used by DBM in monitoring outputs and processes, facilitating the comparison of results to provide a comprehensive picture of performance. � Revising the questionnaire. Overlaps in survey questions were identified. Greater clarity of wording was identified as needed in some questions. Focusing of the questionnaire on the key performance measures common with those used for monitoring outputs and processes by DBM was identified as a significant issue. � Improving cost-effectiveness. Limiting questions and refining the questionnaire should bring about considerable savings. Also, limiting the scope to a few principal and common performance measures is intended to focus the attention of public service providers and policy makers and result in concrete actions and follow-up. Source: 20509283/Filipino+Report+Card+on+Pro-chapter7-report-cards.pdf Measuring Performance