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Persuasive Speech On Cultural Appropriation
Executive Summary for persuasive speech
By: Ashley Smith
Submitted To: Professor Keondra Mitchell
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Business Communications
MGT 3030–001
9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
October 19, 2017
The issue: Cultural Appropriation
Cultural appropriation and the arts defines cultural appropriation as "A sociological concept which
views the adoption of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative
phenomenon" (Young, 2010 p.5).This happens when members of one culture decide to engage in the
traditions, behaviors, food, fashion, language and mannerism of another culture without having a
true understanding of their culture and why these things are important to them. This is reinforces the
idea that there is an appreciation for the culture of the oppressed but not its people. Often times
when appropriation occurs, members of ... Show more content on ...
The natural hair movement and black lives matter movement are two organizations both created to
bring awareness to the culture of the black community and some of the issues people of color face.
More acknowledgement of the issues in the black community allows them to reinforce the
importance of the culture by educating outside cultures of their history. For example, by
understanding the why men and women of color wear and wrap their hair up differently than others,
one is less likely to automatically assume negative stereotypes. Cultural appropriation shows that
one does not have to value a person to feel like they can take their culture from them. It is natural to
be fascinated by others culture but you must learn the importance of the cultures values to avoid
appropriating it. In a world that is constantly becoming more culturally diverse, it is important to
always be mindful of the ways cultural appreciation is being practiced to ensure that it is not
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The Pros And Cons Of Cultural Appropriation
Cultural appropriation is a crime in 2017. The Kardashian family is constantly under criticism for
cultural appropriation, as Khloé Kardashian has been accused of appropriating Native American
headdresses, while Kylie Jenner has come under fire more than once for wearing cornrows. Kendall
Jenner's Pepsi commercial, where she quelled a protest by offering a soda to a police officer, was
lambasted as offensive and tone–deaf. These are the scenarios that the word "appropriation" brings
to mind: privileged young women and cultural insensitivity. In "I Can't Stop Thinking through What
Other People are Thinking", David Shields describes a wholly different cast of appropriators: artists,
writers, and composers.
In his essay, Shields unleashes his frustrations regarding the country's negative attitude towards
appropriation and borrowing. He asserts that "there's no such thing as originality", that "all life on built upon appropriation and reuse of the pre–existing" (Shields 736). Shields utilizes a
multitude of examples to illustrate and support his points. Musicians from Mozart to Bob Dylan
have utilized content or taken inspiration from other artists. Shields shows that "borrowing has been
with us from the beginning", citing the New Testament and Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra as
"composites of numerous sources" (740). His essay demonstrates that borrowing is prevalent in
music and writing, as artists take inspiration from preceding artists and from their
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Cultural Appropriation In Fashion
Americans interact with cultures every day. For example, as a young boy goes shopping with his
mother at the mall, he becomes intrigued by a decorative blanket in one of the store windows. Its
creative designs and unique patterns, he's never seen before. When he asks his mother about the
blanket, she explains to him that it is Native–American and that all of the tribal art has significance
to their culture. This and many other interactions with culture can be described as cultural
appropriation. Cultural appropriation is the taking of aspects of a marginalized culture for one's
benefit without offering recognition to the culture. This is a controversial topic for society, and
people have various opinions on the issue. However, if people in the United States accurately
portray and offer recognition to cultures from which they are borrowing, cultural appropriation can
significantly benefit society. In the world of fashion, views about cultural appropriation vary
significantly. Some people believe that popular culturally appropriated styles insult marginalized
cultures. One of their main arguments stems from the fact that celebrities have the means of
promoting and making these styles a new trend in society. This in turn allows the celebrity to make
more money from these aspects than the marginalized groups (Feeney). On the other hand, others
will argue that cultural appropriation can be used to promote marginalized cultures within the
fashion world. These aspects can be
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The Importance Of Cultural Appropriation
America has been labeled as a "melting pot" because people from all over the world migrate here
and with them they bring their own culture. After some time, these cultures began to blend and
influence others, but some may see this as a bad thing. "The term cultural appropriation is typically
used to describe cultural borrowing that is in some way inappropriate, unauthorized, or undesirable."
(Arewa) Recently there has been much controversy over this topic. Should white people be able to
wear dreads or box braids and listen to Whitney Houston? Should black people dye their hair blonde
and listen to reggaeton? Who is to say that people from different cultures cannot share and adopt
elements from others? The word appropriation means to take something for one's own use, usually
without permission. If we want to experience something from a culture besides our own are we
supposed to ask, and if so who? You see there is no way to regulate who is representing which
culture because culture is not something that you can just give and take, it is adopted. Individuals
taking offense towards cultural appropriation is wrong because certain things cannot belong to one
culture, cultures should be shared and adopted, and while many people believe taking and using
another's culture is seen as racist or wrong, it is not because submersing in a culture is educational
and expanding. Firstly, many arguments that develop over cultural appropriation are based on
someone telling another that they
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Cultural Appropriation In Bounce And Hymn For The Weekend
Cultural Appropriation would not be a term that most people could explain, if asked unexpectedly .
What exactly is cultural appropriation? According to Susan Scafidi, a law professor and researcher
of cultural appropriation, it can be defined as "Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge,
cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission." The most difficult
aspect involving cultural appropriation is correctly being able to identify it, because there are many
ways in which someone is able to present a culture that is not his/her own without offending that
particular cultural group. Musical artists are susceptible and in many ways guilty of cultural
appropriation through the medium of music videos. ... Show more content on ...
Hinduism, the prevalent religion of India can be complicated yet attractive to westerners due to its
seemingly other–worldly gods, practices, and views when seen from a typical westerner's point of
view. This can explain the attractiveness for these artists to use India as a backdrop to their music
videos but if the artists knew the meanings behind the many Hindu characteristics shown, would
they be hesitant to release the video in retrospect, in fear of offending someone that truly identifies
with Indian culture? Both videos show children throwing colored chalk at one another. This is
common practice during the Holi Festival, a celebration originating in Southeast Asia pertaining to
the Hindu religion. The Holi Festival is the "day to end and rid oneself of past errors, to end
conflicts by meeting others, a day to forget and forgive. People pay or forgive debts, as well as deal
anew with those in their lives. Holi also marks the start of spring, and for many the start of the new
year." Neither videos accurately portray the Holi Festival practices when put into context to their
song when observing the lyrics to both songs. Mindlessly inserting the children throwing colored
chalk for visual aspects can leave negative feelings to Hindus to see the Holi festival as a day for
real beginnings . Other religious aspects shown in the videos are what the artists themselves are seen
wearing. In "Bounce" Iggy is shown wearing a red bindi on her head. This signifies marriage in
India and since Iggy herself is not married, this can be seen as cultural appropriation. In "Hymn for
the Weekend", Beyoncé is seen wearing henna or mehndi designs on her hands. In India, these
artistic designs are applied for ceremonies, so Beyoncé wearing them as a visual aspect for her video
can be another case of cultural appropriation. A
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Cultural Appropriation Is Inevitable Like Globalization
In the summer people wear flower crowns and get excited for the music festivals that come with the
season. Their hair is in braids and they have henna sticker tattoos on them. Tanned, smiling and
holding hands they head towards the festival 's entrance. One could say this is the new version of the
"Flower Power" era from the nineteen sixties and seventies (). However people continue to make the
same mistake as the generation before, people decorate themselves with culturally significant items,
but they know little about it. 88
Cultural appropriation is inevitable like Globalization The cultural exchanges of ideas, beliefs, and
technology, the greater chance of cultural appropriation. This phenomenon is called globalization.
Cultural appropriation is inevitable, but it can be viewed in a positive perspective instead of the
current negative one. Consider the first time blue jeans became popular in American culture, now
across the global people wear blue jeans and some consider it a major part of American culture ().
The piece of clothing is so synonymous with American culture some countries like North Korea,
have banned the item because the country believes its citizens would start supporting American
ideals instead of wearing blue pants. Or the multinational company of Coke–A–Cola has marketed
its product across the global but many consumers can identify its products as American goods. Items
like blue jeans, dream catchers and henna can carry a lot of
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8 Noise Cultural Appropriation
Ideas of cultural assimilation, appropriation, and acculturation are all displayed throughout the
movies 8 Mile and Feel the Noise. Cultural assimilation occurs when members of one cultural group
adopts the languages, practices, and traditions of another group. Cultural acculturation is the
modification of a group, or the adoption/borrowing od traits from another culture. Both terms can be
seen positive aspects to cultures because it is the giving of one cultures traditions to another.
However, cultural appropriation is negative because it is the taking of one's cultural expressions,
traditional knowledge, and intellectual property without someone else's culture without permission.
Cultural assimilation allows for the growth and crossover of multiple cultures, both 8 Mile and Feel
the Noise demonstrate this through their main characters attempt to fit into a foreign culture by
cultural assimilation through music. 8 Mile portrays a young white rapper trying to find his place in
a predominantly black Detroit City. Rabbit (Eminem) struggles with all aspects of life including,
battling racism, growing is rapping career, ... Show more content on ...
Audun Kjus Aahlin states, "Research done on the subject has revealed that it is fair to suggest that
American hip–hop, and the hybrid culture and arts it creates, makes a great number of potential
immigrants feel more positive and connected towards blackness and African Americans" (Aahlin
34). Cross–cultural assimilation through music allows for cultural connection and furthermore the
grown of hip–hop, an idea which is represented in Feel the Noise. In Feel the Noise, the ability to
assimilate reggaeton and New York City African American hip–hop allows for the Puerto Rican
population to connect with the African American culture through the assimilation of music.
However, cultural assimilation in music also causes conflict which can be seen in 8
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Cultural Appropriation Has Been A Major Issue Of Interest
CULTURAL APPROPRIATATION Since time immemorial cultural appropriation has been a major
issue of interest to the extent it is discussed and analyzed using different opinions by people.
Cultural appropriation entails the use or adoption of another culture's elements either by an
individual or group of people. It has been customary among the people in the world who lend and
borrow each other's cultures which has continued for long since the human society began(Sanders
46). Controversies might arise in cases when the elements of a minority culture are borrowed by the
groups or individuals from the majority culture. Such actions are seen as inappropriate copying of
the rights or identity of another culture. In such scenarios,culture elements would be said to have
been adopted using the colonial manner. The failure to use the elements within the original context
of a given culture is termed as wrong culture misappropriation. In most times, when cultural
misappropriation takes place there is distortion of elements which can also be lost.
The subordination of the cultural elements by the majority culture would involve the
social,economic or the political aspect.Then dominant or majority culture might adopt the elements
of a different culture and brand it as fashion. On the other hand, a different perspective and view is
used to determine the necessity of cultural appropriation and how it has continuously been adopted
by different cultures all over the world (Matthes 65). Many
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Cultural Appropriation
The Benefits of Appropriation. In a world of increasingly rampant globalization aided by
advancements in transportation and technology, cultural exchange has become a daily event that
spans across continents in less than a second. A product of this exchange, however, has been
increasingly on the receiving end of criticism during recent years. A specific term has been
commonly adopted and used to summarize this wave of disapproval: Cultural appropriation. Seen by
some as a sort of cultural, exploitive crime, I believe cultural appropriation to be just another part of
the process of interaction in our modernized world. Since the early development of civilizations,
cultures have borrowed and adopted ideas from each other. As an example, ... Show more content on ...
From the languages we speak, the food we eat, the art we produce, the innovations we create; it is
through adaptation and shared intellectual property that we succeed. We should focus on promoting
genuine interest, empathy and understanding of other cultures while condemning attempts to mock,
disdain or stereotype them. Cultural appropriation is not the problem; it is the solution, if well
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Cultural Appropriation: Katy Perry
Cultural appropriation is the adoption of certain elements from someone else's culture without the
permission of them. Cultural appreciation is taking the time out to learn about the difference cultures
and their traditions. The hard part is walking the thin line between appropriation and appreciation. It
is hard for one person to identify them and set the rules for how to not offend anyone. Katy Perry
was one of these persons who mixed them. In the 2013 American Music Awards, Katy Perry dressed
in a modified kimono with her face heavily powdered, opened the Awards with a geisha–inspired
performance of her new single, "Unconditionally." She has been criticized of cultural appropriation
afterwards. Finally, she admitted her mistakes and made ... Show more content on ...
When Katy Perry performed her "Geisha–style" show, the viewers around the globe witnessed her
clueless racism firsthand in a performance of "Unconditionally" apparently inspired Japanese
culture, and perhaps an unhealthy fascination with geishas. Within minutes after the performance, a
lot of criticisms appeared in the social media. Although Katy Perry carefully prepared the
performance, what she gained was only complaints. Once people know one is a cultural
appropriator, it is hard to rehabilitate the sullied reputation. Cultural appropriation is similar to
plagiarism in academic communities. As no one would like the plagiarist, no one would approve the
cultural appropriator. Image one who works on a project and getting an F, but somebody copies his
work and gets an A. This is how the victim feels and why the appropriator would be disliked. Katy
Perry's appropriator behavior revealed her
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Miley Cyrus Cultural Appropriation
Cultural appropriation is not a new topic that has been introduced to society but on August 25th two
thousand thirteen, people had a lot more to say about the topic after watching Miley Cyrus's
performance at the Video Music Awards. In the articles entitled "Miley Cyrus's twerking routine was
cultural appropriation at its worst" and "Cultural Appropriation Is a Bigger Problem Than Miley
Cyrus", written in two thousand thirteen, authors Hadley Freeman and Nico Lang both express their
interpretations of Cyrus's performance as a blatant act of cultural appropriation. Whether she
intended to or not, Cyrus does depict acts of cultural appropriation throughout her entire
performance. She wanted something 'black' for her performance and even though we have seen
cultural appropriation before, Cyrus is the only one getting the recognition for it.
Cyrus had a vision for her performance that included Robin Thicke, a foam finger, ... Show more
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As easy as it is to blame one person for this, other celebrities have hopped on the cultural
appropriation bandwagon as well. Ke$ha is Lang's first victim and is guilty of borrowing from black
culture when she uses cornrows and bling for her music video for the song "Crazy Kids." Lang's
next victim was Lady Gaga who used burqas from the Muslims of Islamic culture for her new album
which ultimately turned into an album promoter. Katy Perry is even called out for wearing grills, but
Gwen Stefani is the celebrity that Lang spends the most time talking about. Gwen adapted a fetish
for Japanese culture that influenced her Love Angel Music Baby album but shortly turned into a fad.
It seems that cultural appropriation is just becoming a trend from one celebrity to the next and while
these celebrities have all played a part in cultural appropriation they go unnoticed and the focus
remains on
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Cultural Appropriation And Culture Appropriation
Culture Appropriation ISU Rachael Pang
Cultural Appropriation is not talked about enough and why it is an issue today. Pop culture is more
popular and people are paying attention to the trends online of what certain people wear, what they
put on their face, how they wear it. Some mistaken Culture Appropriation as Culture Appreciation
but they are not aware to what they are doing wrong. Appropriation occurs when a style leads to
racist generalizations or stereotypes where it is deemed as high–fashion, cool or funny when others
make it their own style and imitating it. Many people need to learn what Culture Appropriation is
and why they need to stop and ways of preventing it. The discussion about cultural ... Show more
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When you are taking their culture's aspects and adding it into yours, you are discriminating their
An example in today's news about culture appropriation is Kylie Jenner, famous teen on social
media for sharing her life in pictures on Instagram and posting what every girl post, their outfit,
what their makeup looked like and so forth. In the year 2015 and also today she has been accused
for cultural appropriation. On Instagram she posted a picture of herself sporting cornrows in her hair
without hesitation she posted the photo. Cornrows are a popular hairstyle; it's a tradition African
style of braided hair that is close to the scalp. Many who wear that hairstyle in the workforce gets
fired or get told to not wear their hair like that because it's not appropriate but it's their culture but
when a teen with a massive following wears it, it is instantly stylish, hip and cool. The negative
consequences of cultural appropriation can be minimized by increased understanding of what those
impacts are, ensuring the positive recognition of the appropriate culture, and not mocking the
cultural identity of a people for a fashionable trend.
Black culture has always been a controversial topic because black culture is supposed to be the
epitome of "cool" "swag" and they do set popular trends and everyone does follow the current trend.
Society cuts and commercializes pieces of Black culture for white consumption. If
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Definition Essay: What Is Cultural Appropriation?
Cultural appropriation can be defined as, by Wikipedia, "A concept in sociology dealing with the
adoption of the elements of a minority culture by members of a minority culture by members of the
dominant culture...cultural elements which may have deep meaning to the original culture may be
reduced to "exotic" fashion or toys by those from the dominant culture"(Cultural Appropriation).
However, cultural appropriation is a much deeper and methodical concept than a simple definition.
It can be defined in numerous ways by people from various points of views and environments. It is
so often overlooked on how it affects cultures and ethnic groups. First and foremost, cultural
appropriation is the act of enacting or adopting a cultural aspect from another ... Show more content
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What one may see as offensive, another will see as normal. For example, in 2013, Katy Perry's
music performance performed as a geisha and described it as, "A tribute to Asian culture". However,
many disagreed with this by saying the act mirrors black face. Despite her good intentions,
"borrowing" an aspect from a minority culture displays lack of consideration for the sacrety of a
cultural act. While cultural appropriation displays diversity in a growing society, it is insensitive
toward the customs and practices of other cultures which creates tensions such as lack of credit or
resurgence of oppressive acts and events; therefore, cultural appropriation has a negative impact on
racial and ethnic groups. Despite many having the opinion that society has become extremely overly
sensitive, people still lack the sensitivity or logic to know when they are taking part in cultural
appropriation. In the article "Profound Offense and Cultural Appropriation" James O. Young states,
"In general, although an act may be offensive to some people, it may nevertheless have social value"
(Young) He even compliments this idea when he states further in the article, "A profound offense is
an offense to one's moral sensibilities or insulting in a way that the unwashed rider is
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American Bandstand: A Cultural Appropriation Of Culture
Cultures, like humanity, are constantly changing. As humans evolve so do our definitions of how we
define a culture and the people in that culture. It is not a matter of whether cultures change and
coalesce into another, because culture cannot remain static, the change is inevitable and will always
occur. In recent years, cultural appropriation has become a hot topic, with many sides debating what
is or isn't cultural appropriation, whether it can be labeled as a positive or negative issue, especially
when it comes to dance. Many people question the validity of cultural appropriation and if there is
still worth to the phrase because it has been so often used to label anything that people may feel
slightly offended by, including dance. I do ... Show more content on ...
It still needs to be applicable, otherwise we would simply be allowing the deterioration of cultures.
The blending of cultures is inevitable and is not only a testament to tolerance and acceptance, but
how people can come together through dance. Cultural appropriation is still very much a valid term
and can be harmful and insulting when used loosely. It is especially seen through dance as and that
is a way in which it can be its most harmful. As stated in earlier, we must take into account what
group of people this breaks down. Culture and dance cannot remain stagnant, we must always move
forward keeping with the times and keeping in touch with one another, and there is no better or more
expressive way than through
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Cultural Appropriation And Its Effects
Most things in life are not guaranteed. However, a few things are like taxes and cafeteria food being
of low quality. Students at Oberlin are complaining about the school's cafeteria food is racist and
"cultural appropriation". Cultural appropriation is the act of taking another cultural group's culture.
In this case, it is from poorly made Asian foods like sushi and General Tso's chicken. They claim
that because these foods are poorly made, it is an insult to them and their culture. Most people find
this case to be absolutely ridiculous and use it as a way to prove that people can get offended over
The whole idea of cultural appropriation is taking culture from a marginalized group. This has
recently became a hot issue with the droves of Tumblr and their ilk. The main problem with the
people are fighting cultural appropriation is that it makes it so there is no "right" way to share other
people's cultures around. This is taken to the extreme in this case, it is ridiculous to say that
somebody is stealing culture when the food is poorly prepared. From the article, a Japanese student
was complaining about the quality of the sushi being prepared at the school and the lack of fresh
fish. Well, as a person who enjoys sushi I can easily say that an American school will never be a
good place for sushi. Especially a landlocked, tiny liberal arts school in Ohio. Quality sushi is really
hard to come by in Ohio, outside of specialized restaurants. That's not stealing
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Cultural Appropriation Examples
Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual
challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma–anything that is of personal importance, no matter
the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a
In our society today, appropriation has become a norm for many people. We are used to people
taking the culture of minorities and then sweeping the voice of said underdog rug until it is
forgotten. Cultural appropriation is when a group adopts aspects or traditions from another culture
and makes it their own. It's very different from cultural exchange or assimilation because normally
the features are taken from a minority group and used in a way that may be offensive to them and
their original intentions. ... Show more content on ...
During school lunches, I used to see administration hover over a certain group of kids they
considered "unruly", most of whom happened to be black. But, it was only recently that I realized
because society holds different groups to different standards, it becomes easier for people to
appropriate the culture of others. An Indian headdress, a very popular example, is commonly used to
complete costumes for events like Halloween. But for those who descended from native tribes who
use them, it's very disrespectful. To them, headdresses are something that must be earned, a symbol
or honor. Not only does this perpetuate the stereotypes of wild Native Americans, but it marginalizes
their culture in a way that makes it marketable because why would someone go through the trouble
of earning a headdress when then could go buy one from Party
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The Importance Of Cultural Appropriation
Bindi and Dashiki: Why Cultural Appropriation Should Stop
Cultural Appropriation, when an individual or group of people take something with cultural
significance from another cultural and refuse to understand its' significance and to instead claim that
it is a cool trend. "A Japanese teen wearing a t–shirt embellished with the logo of a big American
company is not the same as Madonna sporting a bindi as part of her latest reinvention. The
difference is history and power (Quynh)". Cultural appropriation is often looked to as a myth and
disregarded as a fact, but it is a serious problem, from the use of traditional Native American
clothing as costumes to wearing dashikis as a fashion statement, to simply condemning one race for
their qualities while turning around and making those qualities redeemable on another. In the United
States, cultural appropriation is on the rise. From celebrities to everyday people it is constantly
happening, and it is the time of year when it happens the most, Halloween. With Halloween around
the corner, finding a costume to wear is the hardest thing to decide, but here is something that
should not be worn: A Native American headpiece, or anything resembling traditional Native
American garb. No dressing as an 'Adult Cherokee Hottie', because it's not only cultural
appropriation, but it blatantly disregards the history of Native Americans in America. Traditional
clothing being used as a costume happens a lot, especially
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Halloween Costumes And The Specter Of Cultural Appropriation
Halloween Costumes and the specter of Cultural Appropriation Opening 1: Halloween was an
ancient cultural festival taken by people who thought it was interesting. With the holiday's history
steeped in cultural borrowing it's a shame that many Halloween costumes suffer from cultural theft.
Opening 2:
Halloween costumes are an oddity among other celebratory activities. Most holidays are steeped in
safe tradition. However, in stark contrast Halloween costumes are an individual choice that often is
intentionally outlandish. While theses costumes have always pushed what is acceptable and
challenged human creativity, people now have a greater access and understanding of culture than
ever before. The use of culture is a heavily contested topic. What belongs to who and who can use
what has always been a difficult line to draw. The most recent trapping of misused culture is in
Halloween costumes. In particular Halloween costumes suffers from the mistake of cultural
appropriation due to the often–innocent borrowing of culture. Most people are unconcerned with
cultural appropriation and thus do no worry about the source of their costume. This causes
appropriation because lack of research and understanding leads to most costumes ignoring the
context of the culture they are borrowing from. When people ignore the culture, they ignore the very
real source, which they might be hurting. Without research people making costume do not
understand the importance of a piece of culture
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Cultural Appropriation And Its Effect On Society
In America, and throughout the world, there are numerous conversations being had about race and
its role in society today. Everywhere you look, in every news story and Facebook status, there is an
ongoing debate regarding race and inequality. One of these major discussions regards cultural
appropriation, which is an infamous problem around Halloween. Many individuals are confused by
this concept of appropriating culture simply because they cannot distinguish the line between
appreciation and appropriation. Thus, these blurred lines lead to offending cultures as well as
perpetuating privileges and disadvantages within society.
Cultural appropriation, often defined as an "adoption of elements of one culture by members of the
dominant culture," is a major issue of race inequality in the world, especially within the United
States (Bollinger). Appropriation occurs when an individual from a dominant culture adapts
elements and aspects of another culture into their own, in an often demeaning way; thus, forcefully
putting that culture below them within society. This social concept is often hard for the average,
unaware individual to identify because it frequently comes from a place of ignorance. Oftentimes,
individuals believe that they are appreciating a culture by emulating it when their actions are, in fact,
offensive to the people of that culture. This is why the social phenomenon continues to be
perpetuated (____).
Furthermore, cultural appropriation comes in a variety of
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Cultural Appropriation Of American Culture
Cultural appropriation defines as someone from one culture taking or borrowing aspects of another
culture that is not their own. "Appropriation occurs when a style leads to the racial [assumptions
and] generalizations...where it [may have stemmed from], but is deemed as high–fashion, cool, or
funny when the privileged take it for themselves" (Stenburg). In spite of the slight confusion,
cultural appropriation is far more than the idea of pizza merging from Italian immigrants, and
eventually becoming a food many people label as American. Cultural appropriation does differ from
cultural appropriation, there is a fine line between the two, but nonetheless, they are two different
things. Nigerian–American writer Jarune Uwujaren gives a further ... Show more content on ...
In 2011, students enrolled at Ohio University encouraged not only their fellow students, but all
people to refrain from offensive Halloween costumes through the "We're a culture, not a costume"
campaign. This poster–ad campaign showed students of a wide range of ethnicities and cultures
holding photos of people in stereotypical and offensive Halloween costumes with the caption "This
is not who I am, and this is not okay." Williams, a student that helped in creating the campaign said,
"The best way to get rid of stereotypes and racism is to have a discussion and raise awareness..."
When people dress in offensive costumes that include stereotypical sombreros, afros, or blackface
they are essentially integrating broad and diverse cultures with seemingly humorous
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A Textbook Example Of Cultural Appropriation
After reading "Like it or not, Western Yoga Is A Textbook Example of Cultural Appropriation" by
s.e.simth, I refreshed my mind about what the true "Yoga" is. I would like to provide a possible
solution to the problem has been brought up by the author. The problem is that some of outsiders of
Indian culture practice Yoga without appreciating its significant religious function and further
inclining to perceive Yoga as a set physical practice increasing body flexibility and enhancing
mental balance (smith). And author believes this is an example of cultural appropriation, which
means taking elements out of other culture without appreciating its full original meaning.
Before providing the solution, "Yoga" has to be distinguished from Yoga. In the following
discussion, Yoga indicates the Original religiously significant activity intends to "connect with the
divine" (smith). On the other hand, "Yoga" means the "diluted" Yoga by the author, which loses its
religious significance. And this is the popular type of the exercise practice by the outsider of the
Indian culture. Using a metaphor to explain this: Yoga is like the spring water coming out of the
valley, containing all sorts of minerals, not only questing the thirst, but also being beneficial to the
body; "Yoga" much like distilled water, still can questing the thirst, but ... Show more content on ...
Both insider and outsider of the Indian culture benefit from doing this. For insider, Yoga is isolated
from the danger of being appropriated by outsider who do not appreciate its religious function and
origin. By clarify the difference between the two, curiosity of the outsider would rise to explore
what is word "asanas" indicates and how it change the meaning of their family "Yoga". And it would
lead to the deeper understanding of the
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Bucholtz's Theory Of Cultural Appropriation Of Culture
Discussion #4
The term acculturation is known as, "...cultural modification of an individual, group, or people, by
adapting or borrowing traits from another culture," (Merriam–Webster). It often refers to minorities,
and their desire to maintain their own culture, yet the ability to stay completely detached from the
surrounding majority community is impossible. Assimilation on the other hand is referred to as, "the
process through which individuals and groups of differing heritages acquire the basic habits,
attitudes, and mode of life from an embracing culture," (Merriam–Webster). With Assimilation,
people are willing to give up some of their cultural values, and place higher importance on the
surrounding majority's ideals. These terms are related to the theory of Cultural Appropriation, which
is, "...the adoption of certain elements from another culture without the consent of the people who
belong to that culture," (Nittle). An example of cultural appropriation is addressed in the Performing
blackness, forming whiteness article when the author talks about blackface minstrelsy, or, "...a
highly controversial European American entertainment tradition involving the exaggerated
performance of stereotypical blackness by white actors and singers," (Bucholtz 681). As Bucholtz
explains, this theory can be seen negatively, as there may be a misinterpretation of the culture, and
the values may be represented wrongly, as well as a discredit from the authentic culture. Throughout
the films 8 Mile and Feel the Noise, assimilation is seen within the characters and plots, and play an
important role in the success of both aspiring rapper's careers, while Cultural Appropriation is
primarily seen in only 8 Mile.
In the film Feel the Noise, the main character, Rob, runs into some trouble in New York where he
lives after attempting to steal rims off of a car. He then must move to Puerto Rico, where his father
lives, in order to escape the men who are out to get him. There are multiple instances within the film
in which the multiple cultures are assimilated, or blended together. Rob's step brother, Javi, holds a
large interest in the music embraced in Puerto Rico, which contains Latin American background.
Rob brings his learned
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Cultural Appropriation In Culture
Cultural Appropriation is the propensity of dominant groups exploiting the culture of less privileged
groups generally with little comprehension,experience,history and tradition which is why it's
considered churlish and derogatory.It is more common to witness members of dominant groups
'borrowing' pieces of cultures from the minorities such as Africans , Asians , Latinos, Native
Americans and indigenous people in general.They are initially the main groups who predominantly
appear to be the minorities targeted for cultural appropriation.The appropriation of clothing,
hairstyles, cultural accessories and music tend to be what dominant groups' borrow' in which they
attempt to deem culture as high fashion. Generally when a caucasian person borrows the culture of a
minority group, they are often raised to a higher degree and praised more than an individual from
that particular minority.This is not necessarily because caucasians use and borrow that material in a
more creative way but simple due to the fact that members of that group tend to have a propensity to
favour their own ethnicity more than others from minorities doing the exact same
thing.Appropriation is seen as insulting because cultures of a minority are scorned for their creations
however when a caucasian displays it ,they seem to get a positive label for example; a black person
is punished and mocked for their originality ,often called ghetto and face negative generalization
and stereotypes when wearing braids
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Cultural Aspects Of Cultural Appropriation
Daniela Ibarra
AFAS 371 Section 103
Fall 2017
Essay 4 Cultural appropriation is the adaption of aspects of a (minority) culture for its aesthetics
without understanding the meaning behind it. Assimilation is when these aspects from a culture are
resembled from another group and are comprehended. Acculturation is a bit of both; it means
adopting these aspects because of prolonged contact to the culture according to Merriam Webster's
Dictionary. Appropriation is negative because it triggers racism and oppression, and perpetuates
stereotypes. In Performing Blackness, forming whiteness, Bucholtz analyzes two films and talks
about appropriation of black culture; she provides an excellent example where cultural appropriation
is wrong. "...white actors' performances of black language in Hollywood films often function as
linguistic minstrelsy, a form of mock language that reinscribes stereotypes about African Americans
and their language while participating in a longstanding and often controversial pattern of European
American appropriation." (Bucholtz 681)
The course, Hip–Hop Cinema, at the University of Arizona allows students to explore films on the
history of Hip–Hop in the United States focusing on the historical, social, and cultural portrayal of
African Americans. With that, some of films contain racial stereotypes in Black characters and
cultural appropriation instead of assimilation. The films Feel the Noise and Bringing Down the
House offer insight to Black
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What Does Cultural Appropriation
Especially since we do not have the same or even close to similar systemic inequalities that we did
in the 1950s, the use of cultural aspects that may not belong to the culture of the artist is indeed as
celebration of the culture. I think the charges of "culturally appropriation" that are popping up in
response to white artists who emulate black culture or in response to certain trends or Halloween
costumes are largely misguided. Those who argue about cultural appropriation may mean well, but
they are conflating racists who are intolerant of these cultures to people who are merely copying or
representing these cultures. It makes sense to be disgusted by blackface, which is a mockery of
black people and has always been such– blackface is inexcusable
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Cultural Appropriation : Culture And Appropriation
Cultural Appropriation
Have you ever had an item that was extremely important and precious to you? Has a friend ever
taken it from you without your permission? (1)
Cultural appropriation, what is cultural appropriation? Well, appropriation is; the action of taking
something for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission, so, when you put culture and
appropriation together, what exactly is it? Cultural appropriation is taking a culture of minorities and
using it for someone's own benefit and use, it's about taking a Native American war bonnet and
using it to be "different" and about being fashion forward at events like Coachella, it's about taking a
holiday and calling it "Cinco de Drinko." Cultural appropriation is about when a white person wears
dreads because they're trying to be "boho" or "chic" but if you're African American you
automatically smell of, "patchouli oil and weed."
When a privileged white person wears things that are of a minority's culture it's seen as edgy, exotic,
or even unique, but when a person of color wears their own culture they're called "dirty" or "un–
American". Why should white people be able to wear someone else's culture, when that culture has
been degraded and treated poorly for so many years? An example of this would be the Native
American culture. When America was colonized by the Europeans the Natives were killed by their
diseases and technologically advanced weapons, when America was colonized and continued to
expand and
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Eminem's Black Hair: What Is Cultural Appropriation?
What is cultural appropriation? In order to fully understand, we first need to define culture.
Sociologist Nicki Lisa Cole defines culture as the values, traditions, rituals, language, material
objects, and performances that are central to the social life of any given group of people.
Cultural Appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by a member or members of
a different culture, if it is being used outside of that cultural context, it results in it losing its original
Now I think that it's fair to say that hair has always been an important part of black culture. Black
hair requires upkeep in order to stay healthy and to grow, hairstyles such as cornrows and braids are
a practical way of keeping black textured hair unknotted and neat. Because of this, hair has always
been a big part of hip hop and rap culture, styles of music which were created by African Americans
in times of hardship and struggle. ... Show more content on ...
Eminem's album Encore went 4 times platinum and he gained immense success in the hip hop
world. In the 2010's black culture had become popular, white celebrities were beginning to wear
accessories and clothing associated with hip hop.
The fashion world quickly evolved, and cornrows could be seen on high fashion runways for brands
such as Alexander McQueen and Marchesa. Pop stars adopted black culture as a way of being edgy
and it was treated as a new trend. Not only were white people becoming rappers but they were
excelling in the hip hop world.
However, at the same time police brutality against black people became a large problem, and people
all over America were protesting about institutionalized racism. Some celebrities shared
condolences however the majority of white musicians who partook in the hip hop culture and
adopted blackness failed to speak on the
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Informative Essay: What Is A Cultural Appropriation?
Cultural appropriation, a topic that is becoming a hot topic in the year 2018, the streets have been
raving on about the difference between cultural appreciation and identifying the use of cultural
appropriation in our society. Foreign celebrities and even celebrities from Americans are stealing
others cultural clothing, music, and hairstyles adopting it as their own. The main issue is the lack of
society appropriating cultures without knowing, honoring, or respecting the background of cultures
people are adopting. Cultural appropriation is defined in many articles as; "the adoption or use of
elements of one culture by members of a different culture" (Solanki). An example of this is Korean
pop. It's rising in popularity from native fans from Korea to international fans like in North America,
South America, and Europe. Although their music is hitting the charts because of their catchy beats
and originality. Their fashion creativity is appropriating black culture. .. ... Show more content on ...
Gwen wore henna in the 90's, which quickly appeared on Pinterest pictures and with a caption of
"90's Gwen is so hot right now". According to the article, "However people all over the world have
now adopted the tradition; it became a very popular form of temporary body decoration in the 90's
and it still continues to grow in popularity" ("The rise of henna: the new western trade). The
temporary tattoo held cultural historical significance, women from Hindu religion wear Henna
(originally known as Mehendi) as a wedding tradition symbolizing the transition of womanhood.
After Gwen wore the henna it was claimed creative and artsy to wear it, the problem was Gwen not
speaking about it and just letting the people defined
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Cultural Appropriation Of Quileute Culture
Cultural Appropriation is defined as when you take intellectual property, traditional knowledge,
cultural expressions or artefacts from someone else's culture, without permission (Scafidi, 2005). In
mythology and folklore it can have very negative consequences as often a cultures traditional stories
are taken without consent and adapted significantly, usually from a western lens. These texts are
often not treated with respect, and elements which seem unusual or interesting are sensationalized
and exaggerated. The original creators then find that their stories have already been told, complete
with misunderstandings and disrespectful changes. Eventually, people within a cultural context can
lose control over their own stories and mythology completely. ... Show more content on ...
These people are based on the real Indian Quileute tribe, who live there in the present day. Their
being able to shapeshift is an acceptable fictional idea used to give Meyer's novels a supernatural
genre, but what was seen as offensive cultural appropriation, was that Meyer misrepresented the
Quileute culture by providing them with a fictional and inaccurate origin story. In the fourth novel
'Eclipse', Billy, a member of the Quileute tribe, tells of Kaheleha, "the first great Spirit Chief in
Quileute history", who used magical animal shape shifting powers to defend Quileute land. The real
Quileute origin story is vastly different from this, where one of their gods transforms the first
Quileute people from wolves. This incorrect portrayal is seen as incredibly significant, as
representing the Quileute origins in this way is tantamount to changing the creation story of the
Judeo–Christian world, and unlike the well–known Genesis, it is even more disrespectful in this case
because the Quileute origin story is not very well known. By including a real tribe in her stories for
vast amount of fans to read about, Meyer has unfairly modified Quileute culture and identity into
that of supernatural
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Cultural Appropriation And Its Effects On Society
Cultural appropriation is becoming a more and more prevalent problem in society today. It has the
negative connotation of taking from another culture. The public doesn't seem to notice when they
are taking another culture, but it is seen as a massive disrespect to the culture because of this. The
five authors of the articles all agree that cultural appropriation is the taking from one culture and
implementing it into your own; however, the authors opinions differ on what should be done about
this "problem". The articles main point of divergence is whether or not taking from another culture
should be allowed. All five of the authors writing about cultural appropriation argue that it is present
in society and the only difference in the articles is what they think cultural appropriation is. They all
agree that cultural appropriation is taking from one culture and incorporating it into your own. All of
the articles decide to provide an example along with their definition to help their argument. The
authors pick a specific culture to talk about and stick with it throughout the article. They assume the
reader can take their opinion towards other cultures as well as the one they talk about. They are
mainly trying to convince the audience whether or not cultural appropriation is considered okay. The
only problem with the articles is they all assume the audience thinks cultural appropriation is okay
to begin with and serves as the similarity between all five articles. First looking
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The Importance Of Cultural Appropriation
Cultural Appropriation can be a very controversial topic. According to the Cambridge Dictionary,
Cultural Appropriation is defined as: "The act of taking or using things from a culture that is not
your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture." There are various
opinions and feelings on this topic. Some believe it is very offensive and should not be done, some
believe it happens but is unavoidable and everyone should get used to it, or some believe it doesn't
exist at all. I think it's ok for cultures to connect by sharing elements of their culture, but not to take
over ideas and rename them. I will be further discussing my view point on the topic in the aspect of
physical appearance, and how ... Show more content on ...
I can agree with his point when he shows that some cases where the accusation of cultural
appropriation has gone too far such as people offended by others saying, "squad goals" (Ruiz 3),
which is an example of phrases that are sometimes simply unavoidable. However, Ruiz fails to shed
light on the deeper reason as to why minorities feel upset when cultural appropriation occurs. He
focuses on the fact that because the world is a mixing pot, cultures mix all the time, no one owns a
culture therefore someone cannot steal a culture. He doesn't address the opposing viewpoint that
taking and renaming an element from their culture is theft. He gives an example of a Mexican music
style called Banda, He states, "Banda however, has its roots in German polka–another instance of
appropriation so seamless we've forgotten it." (Ruiz 2) This again focuses on the point that cultures
mix, but doesn't mention the ones that get criticized and then reused. With his relaxed diction and
tone, he is reaching towards the younger audience but is failing to reach the older audience. For
example, using words such as "lit", "bae, and "squad goals" (Ruiz 3) may leave the adult and older
audience in the dark. In my opinion, Ruiz's idea that culture appropriation doesn't exist is completely
untrue. As stated before, he focuses on cultures colliding together. He does not point out cultures
getting ridiculed for their way of doing things, then the ridiculers take the ideas and rename it as
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Lady Gaga's Burq A Cultural Appropriation Of Culture
Every single person belongs to, or comes from, a specific culture. When people steal aspects from
that culture, typically clothing, that theft is called cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation also
happens when a dominant culture takes aspects of a culture that has been oppressed by the dominant
culture. Today, cultural appropriation is especially common in media, the fashion industry, and even
the music industry. Often, garments of clothing–or even sacred items–are used in the wrong way, or
even sexualized. If a garment or sacred item is used wrongly too often, it eventually loses the
meaning it held in its culture and simply becomes just another object. Also, people often "borrow"
from other cultures without knowing much of anything ... Show more content on ...
Often, people appropriate culture in the form of a costume. According to Dr. Jessica Metcalfe,
"When people know of us only as a 'costume,' or something you dress up as for Halloween or for a
music video, then you stop thinking of us as people, and this is incredibly dangerous because every
day we fight for the basic human right to live our own lives without outsiders determining our fate
or defining our identities" ("Cultural Appropriation"). Many cultures have members that are
primarily non–white, and cultural appropriation often happens when a white person makes fun of
the aspects of a non–white culture. According to Devin Hall, "Viewed as funny, ironic, trendy, or an
opportunity to be retweeted by TFM, dressing up as a Native American, painting oneself with
blackface, or dressing as a homeless person is not only offensive behavior, but also correctable"
(Hall). The above costumes, especially Native Americans and blackface, are extremely common.
Blackface is when a non–black person paints their face multiple shades darker than it actually is,
and is often paired with "black" styles, such as dreadlocks. People that dress up in these offensive
costumes often do not know the real harm they are causing; others will begin to view the people in
the culture being mocked as less than people. All in all, ignorantly using another culture as a
costume has detrimental effects on the people from
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Cultural Spropriation : According To Adaption And Cultural...
What is the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation? Cultural
appropriation is the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially
without showing that you fully understand or respect a certain culture. Cultural appreciation is the
recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of the culture. Modern cultural appropriation is not
offensive because it showcases the culture in an inspirational aspect. As of 2017, it has become a
trend to become easily offended or play the victim. Celebrities play a major role in this controversial
subject. As celebrities have taken over social media platforms, people have been quick to call them
out over every little social media post. Some people who are more sensitive to this kind of subject
are constantly trying to find ways to call out these celebrities. However, not all of these celebrities
are trying to offend a certain individual or group. Some of them are actually paying respect to the
culture, because of the way they are properly portraying and representing it. For example, when
Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan to aid the victims of flooding, she wore a hijab out of respect for the
culture. Yet, the others are representing them in an objectifying way. For instance, Heidi Klum
dressed as a Hindu Goddess for Halloween in an objectifying way. They may not be trying to offend
anyone, but the perspective is different when it is targeted at people of color. According to Adaption
and Cultural Appropriation by Pascal Nicklas and Oliver Lindner, "Appropriation in this sense is
beyond the legalistic understanding locating it in the vicinity of "plagiarism" (Nicklas and Lindner,
6). Celebrities have been notorious for appropriating cultures for decades. For example, in 2008,
Heidi Klum dressed up as a Hindu Goddess for her Halloween party. The problem with that was that
her costume was graphic and objectifying a religion practiced by millions.
Let's look at cultural appropriation through a different aspect. Let's say that Bob worked really hard
on a coat, and it contained a lot of deep, significant value that only pertained to him or a small
group. The coat was significant to Bob because it represented the oppression his
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Cultural Appropriation African American Culture
In most cases of cultural appropriation, it is seen in a negative light because of the context it is
shown it.
The first image I will be looking at is Karlie Kloss wearing a war bonnet that is characteristic of the
native Americans, at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show.
The part where Karlie walked down the runway in this 'costume' was edited out of the VS Fashion
Show footage, as many native Americans found it to be insulting and insensitive. This is because it
is not worn in the right context. A war bonnet is a piece that is worn with great proud as it was
earned by only a few members of the tribe. This was achieved by heroic acts and bravery.
This item from the American Plains Indians, were worn by males of the tribe. This headdress was ...
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They were basically used as pets. What makes this so offensive is that she even sings about the
Asian culture like it is nothing, just as she regards her four 'puppets.' She sings "A Ping–Pong match
between Eastern and Western." Why this image, and her song, can be seen as cultural appropriation,
is because she uses the Asian culture for her personal gain. Gwen's obsession with the Asian culture
walks a very thin line between admiration and appropriation, as a white female pop star is using a
different race than hers, as a prop. She is disregarding all of the values that goes hand in hand with
the Asian culture. She uses it as a fashion statement, a prop, only something decorative, she is not
acknowledging the culture as something of value, something that should be respected and honoured.
Cultures are not costumes. She is exploiting the Asian culture every time she tags along her four
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The Misconceptions Of Cultural Appropriation
What is cultural appropriation? It's a term that has been used a lot in the past few years but also not
enough. It's lack of usage in everyday conversation leads to many misconceptions about what it
really means. When you hear those words, you may think of angry social justice warriors who want
to tell you want you can and cannot do. And while you have the right to do what you want, those
"SJWs" have every right to be angry about appropriation. Though you may think we're being "too
sensitive" about what classifies as appropriation, it's important that you know why we're so upset
over it. So, what is cultural appropriation?
Cultural appropriation is trivializing historical oppression. Many cultures have a history of violence
that resulted in trauma that has lasted until today and will go on for several more generations. This
past can make certain terms, clothing, hairstyles, or even seemingly harmless costumes be harmful
to the group it is being taken from. For example, the NFL team the Washington Redskins refuses to
consider renaming their team and changing their mascot after demands from Indigenous activists.
Based on the history of the term "Redskin" it's clear how celebrating genocide can be insensitive.
Situations such as this one when colonization, genocide, or slavery is exploited for profit and/or fun
can play down the historical oppression of a culture.
Cultural appropriation is racist stereotypes. With Halloween coming up you're bound to see many
Indian, Pocahontas,
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Examples Of Cultural Appropriation Of Native American Culture
Cultural Appropriation of Native Americans in Pop Music
The idea of culture means different things to different people. Groups and communities are often
separated by having clearly defined cultural traditions, clothing, and attitudes. However, these
cultural distinctions are sometimes adopted by others who do not belong to the community that the
appropriated ideas are from. This cultural appropriation is often present in popular culture in the
United States. Several examples exist in the American pop music industry. While most instances of
cultural appropriation in American pop music may seem to consist of white performers
appropriating "black" culture, another important example is the appropriation of Native American
culture. The Native Americans that most people think of wear large feather headdresses, clothing
made from animal skins, sandals, and plaited hair. Nevertheless, these ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, Native American is simply an umbrella term that groups numerous indigenous groups
together for no appropriate reason. Navajos are different from Apache who are different from the
Black Foot community. Therefore, by appropriating "Native American" culture for their Grammy
performance, Outkast was spreading a misunderstanding of the differences between Native
American communities. Another example of this kind of cultural appropriation is exemplified in a
more contemporary example: Lana Del Rey's music video for her song entitled "Ride." This music
video features Del Rey riding through what is presumable the expansive West while being with men,
burning fires in the western desert, and sporting a traditional Native American headdress. While this
example also conflates the same issues as the above example, it also brings on a new problem:
taking a sacred cultural emblem and using it for stylistic
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Summary: Is My Yoga Cultural Appropriation
Making Yoga and Holi Culturally Acceptable from Appropriation
Susanna Barkataki wrote the article "Is My Yoga Cultural Appropriation? What to Do About It"
(2016). Susanna works as both an in–person and online yoga trainer that wants to help close the gap
with cultural appropriation. Which supports the article "My Indian Parents Are Huge Fans of
Cultural Appropriation, Even While My Generation Finds it Appalling" by Nikita Redkar (2013).
Her point concerns Westernization and how Americans get away with cultural appropriation. Yet,
they can make Indians' culture feel silly or insignificant by doing so. Americans can practice yoga
for physical activity and attend Holi festivals for amusement even though both of these activities are
historically tied to Indian culture. Yoga and Holi festival are widely seen as cultural appropriation,
depending on the knowledge and respect for the Indian culture these two activities originated from.
They could both be seen as acceptable within the society because of the knowledge and respect
applied to these two cultural activities. ... Show more content on ...
I have never had a yoga instructor that acts or uses other forms of Indian culture to teach yoga, such
as Buddha statues. Yet, that does not mean that every yoga teacher appreciates the complexity of the
practice like my yoga instructor does. Yoga seems to be becoming the new activity if you want a
lean, and nice body figure. Although, yoga is much more than just a physical activity. There are
many complexities to yoga that take years of practice to fully appreciate and understand. Usually
when I walk into a yoga studio there are multiple white women that say they are simply doing yoga
for a tiny, and tight body. These are the people that perceive yoga in culturally appropriated way.
The level of knowledge and respect a person has towards yoga, will often determine if they are
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Effects Of Cultural Appropriation On The Fashion Industry
Julia Raffa
English 1110.01
David Winter
23 October 2015
The Effects of Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry
The fashion industry is one of the most prevalent and visible forms of influence on today's society.
Billboards, malls, magazines, TV, movies, advertisements, runways, etc. are filled with fashion
campaigns usually distributed to make a statement and to influence the consumers. Often times, the
fashion industry engages in offensive promotions like romanticizing eating less and the "thigh gap"
or producing clothing that has "depression" plastered all over it. One of the most offensive trends of
the fashion industry is the use of cultural appropriation to promote their company or clothing.
Cultural appropriation is the taking of something produced by members of one culture by members
of another culture. The products of that culture usually have a special sacred or cultural significance
to them, which is why cultural appropriation is seen as offensive and exploiting rather than
appreciated. The public tends to overlook these extreme messages and appropriation from the
fashion industry, brushing them off as trendy and ideal. This becomes a problem because the fashion
industry's blatant use of cultural appropriation in editorials and ads influences people to show
admiration for products from other cultures yet still remain prejudiced against the people who
created and continue to practice that culture.
In a French magazine called Numéro, a 16–year–old white
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Essay: Cultural Appropriation Of Native American Culture
The Native Americans seldom receive recognition when aspects of their culture are appropriated by
famous celebrities and well–known brands. This essay will examine the ways in which Miley Cyrus,
Pharrell Williams and Spur Steak Ranches appropriate the Native American culture, as well as
explore their intentions to do so.
The term cultural appropriation is defined to be "the adoption or use of elements of one culture by
members of a different culture." Cultural appropriation harms the appropriated community, and
wrongly allows one to benefit material detriment from others such as benefiting financially.
Jonathan Hart states in his book Translating and Resisting Empire: Cultural Appropriation and
Postcolonial Studies that the debate over ... Show more content on ...
In 1967, founder and executive chairman, Allen Ambor, opened the first Golden Spur in Newlands,
Cape Town. Spur gives you an authentic Native American experience by providing Native American
food on their menu, such as nachos and quesadillas. Spur also offers a children's' "secret tribe" that
they can join. Spurs logo is seen to have a typical Native American man wearing a feathered
headdress. This franchise has over 245 branches, each with different names that have a connection
to the Native American Culture, such as: "Falcon Creek Spur"; "Wild Hawk Spur"; "Texas Spur";
"Silver Mountain Spur", and many
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Persuasive Speech On Cultural Appropriation

  • 1. Persuasive Speech On Cultural Appropriation Executive Summary for persuasive speech By: Ashley Smith Submitted To: Professor Keondra Mitchell In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Business Communications MGT 3030–001 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. October 19, 2017 The issue: Cultural Appropriation Cultural appropriation and the arts defines cultural appropriation as "A sociological concept which views the adoption of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon" (Young, 2010 p.5).This happens when members of one culture decide to engage in the traditions, behaviors, food, fashion, language and mannerism of another culture without having a true understanding of their culture and why these things are important to them. This is reinforces the idea that there is an appreciation for the culture of the oppressed but not its people. Often times when appropriation occurs, members of ... Show more content on ... The natural hair movement and black lives matter movement are two organizations both created to bring awareness to the culture of the black community and some of the issues people of color face. More acknowledgement of the issues in the black community allows them to reinforce the importance of the culture by educating outside cultures of their history. For example, by understanding the why men and women of color wear and wrap their hair up differently than others, one is less likely to automatically assume negative stereotypes. Cultural appropriation shows that one does not have to value a person to feel like they can take their culture from them. It is natural to be fascinated by others culture but you must learn the importance of the cultures values to avoid appropriating it. In a world that is constantly becoming more culturally diverse, it is important to always be mindful of the ways cultural appreciation is being practiced to ensure that it is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Cultural Appropriation Cultural appropriation is a crime in 2017. The Kardashian family is constantly under criticism for cultural appropriation, as Khloé Kardashian has been accused of appropriating Native American headdresses, while Kylie Jenner has come under fire more than once for wearing cornrows. Kendall Jenner's Pepsi commercial, where she quelled a protest by offering a soda to a police officer, was lambasted as offensive and tone–deaf. These are the scenarios that the word "appropriation" brings to mind: privileged young women and cultural insensitivity. In "I Can't Stop Thinking through What Other People are Thinking", David Shields describes a wholly different cast of appropriators: artists, writers, and composers. In his essay, Shields unleashes his frustrations regarding the country's negative attitude towards appropriation and borrowing. He asserts that "there's no such thing as originality", that "all life on built upon appropriation and reuse of the pre–existing" (Shields 736). Shields utilizes a multitude of examples to illustrate and support his points. Musicians from Mozart to Bob Dylan have utilized content or taken inspiration from other artists. Shields shows that "borrowing has been with us from the beginning", citing the New Testament and Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra as "composites of numerous sources" (740). His essay demonstrates that borrowing is prevalent in music and writing, as artists take inspiration from preceding artists and from their ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Cultural Appropriation In Fashion Americans interact with cultures every day. For example, as a young boy goes shopping with his mother at the mall, he becomes intrigued by a decorative blanket in one of the store windows. Its creative designs and unique patterns, he's never seen before. When he asks his mother about the blanket, she explains to him that it is Native–American and that all of the tribal art has significance to their culture. This and many other interactions with culture can be described as cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is the taking of aspects of a marginalized culture for one's benefit without offering recognition to the culture. This is a controversial topic for society, and people have various opinions on the issue. However, if people in the United States accurately portray and offer recognition to cultures from which they are borrowing, cultural appropriation can significantly benefit society. In the world of fashion, views about cultural appropriation vary significantly. Some people believe that popular culturally appropriated styles insult marginalized cultures. One of their main arguments stems from the fact that celebrities have the means of promoting and making these styles a new trend in society. This in turn allows the celebrity to make more money from these aspects than the marginalized groups (Feeney). On the other hand, others will argue that cultural appropriation can be used to promote marginalized cultures within the fashion world. These aspects can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Importance Of Cultural Appropriation America has been labeled as a "melting pot" because people from all over the world migrate here and with them they bring their own culture. After some time, these cultures began to blend and influence others, but some may see this as a bad thing. "The term cultural appropriation is typically used to describe cultural borrowing that is in some way inappropriate, unauthorized, or undesirable." (Arewa) Recently there has been much controversy over this topic. Should white people be able to wear dreads or box braids and listen to Whitney Houston? Should black people dye their hair blonde and listen to reggaeton? Who is to say that people from different cultures cannot share and adopt elements from others? The word appropriation means to take something for one's own use, usually without permission. If we want to experience something from a culture besides our own are we supposed to ask, and if so who? You see there is no way to regulate who is representing which culture because culture is not something that you can just give and take, it is adopted. Individuals taking offense towards cultural appropriation is wrong because certain things cannot belong to one culture, cultures should be shared and adopted, and while many people believe taking and using another's culture is seen as racist or wrong, it is not because submersing in a culture is educational and expanding. Firstly, many arguments that develop over cultural appropriation are based on someone telling another that they ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Cultural Appropriation In Bounce And Hymn For The Weekend Cultural Appropriation would not be a term that most people could explain, if asked unexpectedly . What exactly is cultural appropriation? According to Susan Scafidi, a law professor and researcher of cultural appropriation, it can be defined as "Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission." The most difficult aspect involving cultural appropriation is correctly being able to identify it, because there are many ways in which someone is able to present a culture that is not his/her own without offending that particular cultural group. Musical artists are susceptible and in many ways guilty of cultural appropriation through the medium of music videos. ... Show more content on ... Hinduism, the prevalent religion of India can be complicated yet attractive to westerners due to its seemingly other–worldly gods, practices, and views when seen from a typical westerner's point of view. This can explain the attractiveness for these artists to use India as a backdrop to their music videos but if the artists knew the meanings behind the many Hindu characteristics shown, would they be hesitant to release the video in retrospect, in fear of offending someone that truly identifies with Indian culture? Both videos show children throwing colored chalk at one another. This is common practice during the Holi Festival, a celebration originating in Southeast Asia pertaining to the Hindu religion. The Holi Festival is the "day to end and rid oneself of past errors, to end conflicts by meeting others, a day to forget and forgive. People pay or forgive debts, as well as deal anew with those in their lives. Holi also marks the start of spring, and for many the start of the new year." Neither videos accurately portray the Holi Festival practices when put into context to their song when observing the lyrics to both songs. Mindlessly inserting the children throwing colored chalk for visual aspects can leave negative feelings to Hindus to see the Holi festival as a day for real beginnings . Other religious aspects shown in the videos are what the artists themselves are seen wearing. In "Bounce" Iggy is shown wearing a red bindi on her head. This signifies marriage in India and since Iggy herself is not married, this can be seen as cultural appropriation. In "Hymn for the Weekend", Beyoncé is seen wearing henna or mehndi designs on her hands. In India, these artistic designs are applied for ceremonies, so Beyoncé wearing them as a visual aspect for her video can be another case of cultural appropriation. A ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Cultural Appropriation Is Inevitable Like Globalization Into In the summer people wear flower crowns and get excited for the music festivals that come with the season. Their hair is in braids and they have henna sticker tattoos on them. Tanned, smiling and holding hands they head towards the festival 's entrance. One could say this is the new version of the "Flower Power" era from the nineteen sixties and seventies (). However people continue to make the same mistake as the generation before, people decorate themselves with culturally significant items, but they know little about it. 88 Cultural appropriation is inevitable like Globalization The cultural exchanges of ideas, beliefs, and technology, the greater chance of cultural appropriation. This phenomenon is called globalization. Cultural appropriation is inevitable, but it can be viewed in a positive perspective instead of the current negative one. Consider the first time blue jeans became popular in American culture, now across the global people wear blue jeans and some consider it a major part of American culture (). The piece of clothing is so synonymous with American culture some countries like North Korea, have banned the item because the country believes its citizens would start supporting American ideals instead of wearing blue pants. Or the multinational company of Coke–A–Cola has marketed its product across the global but many consumers can identify its products as American goods. Items like blue jeans, dream catchers and henna can carry a lot of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. 8 Noise Cultural Appropriation Ideas of cultural assimilation, appropriation, and acculturation are all displayed throughout the movies 8 Mile and Feel the Noise. Cultural assimilation occurs when members of one cultural group adopts the languages, practices, and traditions of another group. Cultural acculturation is the modification of a group, or the adoption/borrowing od traits from another culture. Both terms can be seen positive aspects to cultures because it is the giving of one cultures traditions to another. However, cultural appropriation is negative because it is the taking of one's cultural expressions, traditional knowledge, and intellectual property without someone else's culture without permission. Cultural assimilation allows for the growth and crossover of multiple cultures, both 8 Mile and Feel the Noise demonstrate this through their main characters attempt to fit into a foreign culture by cultural assimilation through music. 8 Mile portrays a young white rapper trying to find his place in a predominantly black Detroit City. Rabbit (Eminem) struggles with all aspects of life including, battling racism, growing is rapping career, ... Show more content on ... Audun Kjus Aahlin states, "Research done on the subject has revealed that it is fair to suggest that American hip–hop, and the hybrid culture and arts it creates, makes a great number of potential immigrants feel more positive and connected towards blackness and African Americans" (Aahlin 34). Cross–cultural assimilation through music allows for cultural connection and furthermore the grown of hip–hop, an idea which is represented in Feel the Noise. In Feel the Noise, the ability to assimilate reggaeton and New York City African American hip–hop allows for the Puerto Rican population to connect with the African American culture through the assimilation of music. However, cultural assimilation in music also causes conflict which can be seen in 8 ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Cultural Appropriation Has Been A Major Issue Of Interest CULTURAL APPROPRIATATION Since time immemorial cultural appropriation has been a major issue of interest to the extent it is discussed and analyzed using different opinions by people. Cultural appropriation entails the use or adoption of another culture's elements either by an individual or group of people. It has been customary among the people in the world who lend and borrow each other's cultures which has continued for long since the human society began(Sanders 46). Controversies might arise in cases when the elements of a minority culture are borrowed by the groups or individuals from the majority culture. Such actions are seen as inappropriate copying of the rights or identity of another culture. In such scenarios,culture elements would be said to have been adopted using the colonial manner. The failure to use the elements within the original context of a given culture is termed as wrong culture misappropriation. In most times, when cultural misappropriation takes place there is distortion of elements which can also be lost. The subordination of the cultural elements by the majority culture would involve the social,economic or the political aspect.Then dominant or majority culture might adopt the elements of a different culture and brand it as fashion. On the other hand, a different perspective and view is used to determine the necessity of cultural appropriation and how it has continuously been adopted by different cultures all over the world (Matthes 65). Many ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Cultural Appropriation The Benefits of Appropriation. In a world of increasingly rampant globalization aided by advancements in transportation and technology, cultural exchange has become a daily event that spans across continents in less than a second. A product of this exchange, however, has been increasingly on the receiving end of criticism during recent years. A specific term has been commonly adopted and used to summarize this wave of disapproval: Cultural appropriation. Seen by some as a sort of cultural, exploitive crime, I believe cultural appropriation to be just another part of the process of interaction in our modernized world. Since the early development of civilizations, cultures have borrowed and adopted ideas from each other. As an example, ... Show more content on ... From the languages we speak, the food we eat, the art we produce, the innovations we create; it is through adaptation and shared intellectual property that we succeed. We should focus on promoting genuine interest, empathy and understanding of other cultures while condemning attempts to mock, disdain or stereotype them. Cultural appropriation is not the problem; it is the solution, if well ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Cultural Appropriation: Katy Perry Cultural appropriation is the adoption of certain elements from someone else's culture without the permission of them. Cultural appreciation is taking the time out to learn about the difference cultures and their traditions. The hard part is walking the thin line between appropriation and appreciation. It is hard for one person to identify them and set the rules for how to not offend anyone. Katy Perry was one of these persons who mixed them. In the 2013 American Music Awards, Katy Perry dressed in a modified kimono with her face heavily powdered, opened the Awards with a geisha–inspired performance of her new single, "Unconditionally." She has been criticized of cultural appropriation afterwards. Finally, she admitted her mistakes and made ... Show more content on ... When Katy Perry performed her "Geisha–style" show, the viewers around the globe witnessed her clueless racism firsthand in a performance of "Unconditionally" apparently inspired Japanese culture, and perhaps an unhealthy fascination with geishas. Within minutes after the performance, a lot of criticisms appeared in the social media. Although Katy Perry carefully prepared the performance, what she gained was only complaints. Once people know one is a cultural appropriator, it is hard to rehabilitate the sullied reputation. Cultural appropriation is similar to plagiarism in academic communities. As no one would like the plagiarist, no one would approve the cultural appropriator. Image one who works on a project and getting an F, but somebody copies his work and gets an A. This is how the victim feels and why the appropriator would be disliked. Katy Perry's appropriator behavior revealed her ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Miley Cyrus Cultural Appropriation Cultural appropriation is not a new topic that has been introduced to society but on August 25th two thousand thirteen, people had a lot more to say about the topic after watching Miley Cyrus's performance at the Video Music Awards. In the articles entitled "Miley Cyrus's twerking routine was cultural appropriation at its worst" and "Cultural Appropriation Is a Bigger Problem Than Miley Cyrus", written in two thousand thirteen, authors Hadley Freeman and Nico Lang both express their interpretations of Cyrus's performance as a blatant act of cultural appropriation. Whether she intended to or not, Cyrus does depict acts of cultural appropriation throughout her entire performance. She wanted something 'black' for her performance and even though we have seen cultural appropriation before, Cyrus is the only one getting the recognition for it. Cyrus had a vision for her performance that included Robin Thicke, a foam finger, ... Show more content on ... As easy as it is to blame one person for this, other celebrities have hopped on the cultural appropriation bandwagon as well. Ke$ha is Lang's first victim and is guilty of borrowing from black culture when she uses cornrows and bling for her music video for the song "Crazy Kids." Lang's next victim was Lady Gaga who used burqas from the Muslims of Islamic culture for her new album which ultimately turned into an album promoter. Katy Perry is even called out for wearing grills, but Gwen Stefani is the celebrity that Lang spends the most time talking about. Gwen adapted a fetish for Japanese culture that influenced her Love Angel Music Baby album but shortly turned into a fad. It seems that cultural appropriation is just becoming a trend from one celebrity to the next and while these celebrities have all played a part in cultural appropriation they go unnoticed and the focus remains on ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Cultural Appropriation And Culture Appropriation Culture Appropriation ISU Rachael Pang Cultural Appropriation is not talked about enough and why it is an issue today. Pop culture is more popular and people are paying attention to the trends online of what certain people wear, what they put on their face, how they wear it. Some mistaken Culture Appropriation as Culture Appreciation but they are not aware to what they are doing wrong. Appropriation occurs when a style leads to racist generalizations or stereotypes where it is deemed as high–fashion, cool or funny when others make it their own style and imitating it. Many people need to learn what Culture Appropriation is and why they need to stop and ways of preventing it. The discussion about cultural ... Show more content on ... When you are taking their culture's aspects and adding it into yours, you are discriminating their culture. An example in today's news about culture appropriation is Kylie Jenner, famous teen on social media for sharing her life in pictures on Instagram and posting what every girl post, their outfit, what their makeup looked like and so forth. In the year 2015 and also today she has been accused for cultural appropriation. On Instagram she posted a picture of herself sporting cornrows in her hair without hesitation she posted the photo. Cornrows are a popular hairstyle; it's a tradition African style of braided hair that is close to the scalp. Many who wear that hairstyle in the workforce gets fired or get told to not wear their hair like that because it's not appropriate but it's their culture but when a teen with a massive following wears it, it is instantly stylish, hip and cool. The negative consequences of cultural appropriation can be minimized by increased understanding of what those impacts are, ensuring the positive recognition of the appropriate culture, and not mocking the cultural identity of a people for a fashionable trend. Black culture has always been a controversial topic because black culture is supposed to be the epitome of "cool" "swag" and they do set popular trends and everyone does follow the current trend. Society cuts and commercializes pieces of Black culture for white consumption. If ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Definition Essay: What Is Cultural Appropriation? Cultural appropriation can be defined as, by Wikipedia, "A concept in sociology dealing with the adoption of the elements of a minority culture by members of a minority culture by members of the dominant culture...cultural elements which may have deep meaning to the original culture may be reduced to "exotic" fashion or toys by those from the dominant culture"(Cultural Appropriation). However, cultural appropriation is a much deeper and methodical concept than a simple definition. It can be defined in numerous ways by people from various points of views and environments. It is so often overlooked on how it affects cultures and ethnic groups. First and foremost, cultural appropriation is the act of enacting or adopting a cultural aspect from another ... Show more content on ... What one may see as offensive, another will see as normal. For example, in 2013, Katy Perry's music performance performed as a geisha and described it as, "A tribute to Asian culture". However, many disagreed with this by saying the act mirrors black face. Despite her good intentions, "borrowing" an aspect from a minority culture displays lack of consideration for the sacrety of a cultural act. While cultural appropriation displays diversity in a growing society, it is insensitive toward the customs and practices of other cultures which creates tensions such as lack of credit or resurgence of oppressive acts and events; therefore, cultural appropriation has a negative impact on racial and ethnic groups. Despite many having the opinion that society has become extremely overly sensitive, people still lack the sensitivity or logic to know when they are taking part in cultural appropriation. In the article "Profound Offense and Cultural Appropriation" James O. Young states, "In general, although an act may be offensive to some people, it may nevertheless have social value" (Young) He even compliments this idea when he states further in the article, "A profound offense is an offense to one's moral sensibilities or insulting in a way that the unwashed rider is ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. American Bandstand: A Cultural Appropriation Of Culture Cultures, like humanity, are constantly changing. As humans evolve so do our definitions of how we define a culture and the people in that culture. It is not a matter of whether cultures change and coalesce into another, because culture cannot remain static, the change is inevitable and will always occur. In recent years, cultural appropriation has become a hot topic, with many sides debating what is or isn't cultural appropriation, whether it can be labeled as a positive or negative issue, especially when it comes to dance. Many people question the validity of cultural appropriation and if there is still worth to the phrase because it has been so often used to label anything that people may feel slightly offended by, including dance. I do ... Show more content on ... It still needs to be applicable, otherwise we would simply be allowing the deterioration of cultures. The blending of cultures is inevitable and is not only a testament to tolerance and acceptance, but how people can come together through dance. Cultural appropriation is still very much a valid term and can be harmful and insulting when used loosely. It is especially seen through dance as and that is a way in which it can be its most harmful. As stated in earlier, we must take into account what group of people this breaks down. Culture and dance cannot remain stagnant, we must always move forward keeping with the times and keeping in touch with one another, and there is no better or more expressive way than through ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Cultural Appropriation And Its Effects Most things in life are not guaranteed. However, a few things are like taxes and cafeteria food being of low quality. Students at Oberlin are complaining about the school's cafeteria food is racist and "cultural appropriation". Cultural appropriation is the act of taking another cultural group's culture. In this case, it is from poorly made Asian foods like sushi and General Tso's chicken. They claim that because these foods are poorly made, it is an insult to them and their culture. Most people find this case to be absolutely ridiculous and use it as a way to prove that people can get offended over anything. The whole idea of cultural appropriation is taking culture from a marginalized group. This has recently became a hot issue with the droves of Tumblr and their ilk. The main problem with the people are fighting cultural appropriation is that it makes it so there is no "right" way to share other people's cultures around. This is taken to the extreme in this case, it is ridiculous to say that somebody is stealing culture when the food is poorly prepared. From the article, a Japanese student was complaining about the quality of the sushi being prepared at the school and the lack of fresh fish. Well, as a person who enjoys sushi I can easily say that an American school will never be a good place for sushi. Especially a landlocked, tiny liberal arts school in Ohio. Quality sushi is really hard to come by in Ohio, outside of specialized restaurants. That's not stealing ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Cultural Appropriation Examples Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma–anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution In our society today, appropriation has become a norm for many people. We are used to people taking the culture of minorities and then sweeping the voice of said underdog rug until it is forgotten. Cultural appropriation is when a group adopts aspects or traditions from another culture and makes it their own. It's very different from cultural exchange or assimilation because normally the features are taken from a minority group and used in a way that may be offensive to them and their original intentions. ... Show more content on ... During school lunches, I used to see administration hover over a certain group of kids they considered "unruly", most of whom happened to be black. But, it was only recently that I realized because society holds different groups to different standards, it becomes easier for people to appropriate the culture of others. An Indian headdress, a very popular example, is commonly used to complete costumes for events like Halloween. But for those who descended from native tribes who use them, it's very disrespectful. To them, headdresses are something that must be earned, a symbol or honor. Not only does this perpetuate the stereotypes of wild Native Americans, but it marginalizes their culture in a way that makes it marketable because why would someone go through the trouble of earning a headdress when then could go buy one from Party ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Importance Of Cultural Appropriation Bindi and Dashiki: Why Cultural Appropriation Should Stop Cultural Appropriation, when an individual or group of people take something with cultural significance from another cultural and refuse to understand its' significance and to instead claim that it is a cool trend. "A Japanese teen wearing a t–shirt embellished with the logo of a big American company is not the same as Madonna sporting a bindi as part of her latest reinvention. The difference is history and power (Quynh)". Cultural appropriation is often looked to as a myth and disregarded as a fact, but it is a serious problem, from the use of traditional Native American clothing as costumes to wearing dashikis as a fashion statement, to simply condemning one race for their qualities while turning around and making those qualities redeemable on another. In the United States, cultural appropriation is on the rise. From celebrities to everyday people it is constantly happening, and it is the time of year when it happens the most, Halloween. With Halloween around the corner, finding a costume to wear is the hardest thing to decide, but here is something that should not be worn: A Native American headpiece, or anything resembling traditional Native American garb. No dressing as an 'Adult Cherokee Hottie', because it's not only cultural appropriation, but it blatantly disregards the history of Native Americans in America. Traditional clothing being used as a costume happens a lot, especially ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Halloween Costumes And The Specter Of Cultural Appropriation Halloween Costumes and the specter of Cultural Appropriation Opening 1: Halloween was an ancient cultural festival taken by people who thought it was interesting. With the holiday's history steeped in cultural borrowing it's a shame that many Halloween costumes suffer from cultural theft. Opening 2: Halloween costumes are an oddity among other celebratory activities. Most holidays are steeped in safe tradition. However, in stark contrast Halloween costumes are an individual choice that often is intentionally outlandish. While theses costumes have always pushed what is acceptable and challenged human creativity, people now have a greater access and understanding of culture than ever before. The use of culture is a heavily contested topic. What belongs to who and who can use what has always been a difficult line to draw. The most recent trapping of misused culture is in Halloween costumes. In particular Halloween costumes suffers from the mistake of cultural appropriation due to the often–innocent borrowing of culture. Most people are unconcerned with cultural appropriation and thus do no worry about the source of their costume. This causes appropriation because lack of research and understanding leads to most costumes ignoring the context of the culture they are borrowing from. When people ignore the culture, they ignore the very real source, which they might be hurting. Without research people making costume do not understand the importance of a piece of culture ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Cultural Appropriation And Its Effect On Society In America, and throughout the world, there are numerous conversations being had about race and its role in society today. Everywhere you look, in every news story and Facebook status, there is an ongoing debate regarding race and inequality. One of these major discussions regards cultural appropriation, which is an infamous problem around Halloween. Many individuals are confused by this concept of appropriating culture simply because they cannot distinguish the line between appreciation and appropriation. Thus, these blurred lines lead to offending cultures as well as perpetuating privileges and disadvantages within society. Cultural appropriation, often defined as an "adoption of elements of one culture by members of the dominant culture," is a major issue of race inequality in the world, especially within the United States (Bollinger). Appropriation occurs when an individual from a dominant culture adapts elements and aspects of another culture into their own, in an often demeaning way; thus, forcefully putting that culture below them within society. This social concept is often hard for the average, unaware individual to identify because it frequently comes from a place of ignorance. Oftentimes, individuals believe that they are appreciating a culture by emulating it when their actions are, in fact, offensive to the people of that culture. This is why the social phenomenon continues to be perpetuated (____). Furthermore, cultural appropriation comes in a variety of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Cultural Appropriation Of American Culture Cultural appropriation defines as someone from one culture taking or borrowing aspects of another culture that is not their own. "Appropriation occurs when a style leads to the racial [assumptions and] generalizations...where it [may have stemmed from], but is deemed as high–fashion, cool, or funny when the privileged take it for themselves" (Stenburg). In spite of the slight confusion, cultural appropriation is far more than the idea of pizza merging from Italian immigrants, and eventually becoming a food many people label as American. Cultural appropriation does differ from cultural appropriation, there is a fine line between the two, but nonetheless, they are two different things. Nigerian–American writer Jarune Uwujaren gives a further ... Show more content on ... In 2011, students enrolled at Ohio University encouraged not only their fellow students, but all people to refrain from offensive Halloween costumes through the "We're a culture, not a costume" campaign. This poster–ad campaign showed students of a wide range of ethnicities and cultures holding photos of people in stereotypical and offensive Halloween costumes with the caption "This is not who I am, and this is not okay." Williams, a student that helped in creating the campaign said, "The best way to get rid of stereotypes and racism is to have a discussion and raise awareness..." When people dress in offensive costumes that include stereotypical sombreros, afros, or blackface they are essentially integrating broad and diverse cultures with seemingly humorous ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. A Textbook Example Of Cultural Appropriation After reading "Like it or not, Western Yoga Is A Textbook Example of Cultural Appropriation" by s.e.simth, I refreshed my mind about what the true "Yoga" is. I would like to provide a possible solution to the problem has been brought up by the author. The problem is that some of outsiders of Indian culture practice Yoga without appreciating its significant religious function and further inclining to perceive Yoga as a set physical practice increasing body flexibility and enhancing mental balance (smith). And author believes this is an example of cultural appropriation, which means taking elements out of other culture without appreciating its full original meaning. Before providing the solution, "Yoga" has to be distinguished from Yoga. In the following discussion, Yoga indicates the Original religiously significant activity intends to "connect with the divine" (smith). On the other hand, "Yoga" means the "diluted" Yoga by the author, which loses its religious significance. And this is the popular type of the exercise practice by the outsider of the Indian culture. Using a metaphor to explain this: Yoga is like the spring water coming out of the valley, containing all sorts of minerals, not only questing the thirst, but also being beneficial to the body; "Yoga" much like distilled water, still can questing the thirst, but ... Show more content on ... Both insider and outsider of the Indian culture benefit from doing this. For insider, Yoga is isolated from the danger of being appropriated by outsider who do not appreciate its religious function and origin. By clarify the difference between the two, curiosity of the outsider would rise to explore what is word "asanas" indicates and how it change the meaning of their family "Yoga". And it would lead to the deeper understanding of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Bucholtz's Theory Of Cultural Appropriation Of Culture Discussion #4 The term acculturation is known as, "...cultural modification of an individual, group, or people, by adapting or borrowing traits from another culture," (Merriam–Webster). It often refers to minorities, and their desire to maintain their own culture, yet the ability to stay completely detached from the surrounding majority community is impossible. Assimilation on the other hand is referred to as, "the process through which individuals and groups of differing heritages acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life from an embracing culture," (Merriam–Webster). With Assimilation, people are willing to give up some of their cultural values, and place higher importance on the surrounding majority's ideals. These terms are related to the theory of Cultural Appropriation, which is, "...the adoption of certain elements from another culture without the consent of the people who belong to that culture," (Nittle). An example of cultural appropriation is addressed in the Performing blackness, forming whiteness article when the author talks about blackface minstrelsy, or, "...a highly controversial European American entertainment tradition involving the exaggerated performance of stereotypical blackness by white actors and singers," (Bucholtz 681). As Bucholtz explains, this theory can be seen negatively, as there may be a misinterpretation of the culture, and the values may be represented wrongly, as well as a discredit from the authentic culture. Throughout the films 8 Mile and Feel the Noise, assimilation is seen within the characters and plots, and play an important role in the success of both aspiring rapper's careers, while Cultural Appropriation is primarily seen in only 8 Mile. In the film Feel the Noise, the main character, Rob, runs into some trouble in New York where he lives after attempting to steal rims off of a car. He then must move to Puerto Rico, where his father lives, in order to escape the men who are out to get him. There are multiple instances within the film in which the multiple cultures are assimilated, or blended together. Rob's step brother, Javi, holds a large interest in the music embraced in Puerto Rico, which contains Latin American background. Rob brings his learned ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Cultural Appropriation In Culture Cultural Appropriation is the propensity of dominant groups exploiting the culture of less privileged groups generally with little comprehension,experience,history and tradition which is why it's considered churlish and derogatory.It is more common to witness members of dominant groups 'borrowing' pieces of cultures from the minorities such as Africans , Asians , Latinos, Native Americans and indigenous people in general.They are initially the main groups who predominantly appear to be the minorities targeted for cultural appropriation.The appropriation of clothing, hairstyles, cultural accessories and music tend to be what dominant groups' borrow' in which they attempt to deem culture as high fashion. Generally when a caucasian person borrows the culture of a minority group, they are often raised to a higher degree and praised more than an individual from that particular minority.This is not necessarily because caucasians use and borrow that material in a more creative way but simple due to the fact that members of that group tend to have a propensity to favour their own ethnicity more than others from minorities doing the exact same thing.Appropriation is seen as insulting because cultures of a minority are scorned for their creations however when a caucasian displays it ,they seem to get a positive label for example; a black person is punished and mocked for their originality ,often called ghetto and face negative generalization and stereotypes when wearing braids ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Cultural Aspects Of Cultural Appropriation Daniela Ibarra AFAS 371 Section 103 Fall 2017 Essay 4 Cultural appropriation is the adaption of aspects of a (minority) culture for its aesthetics without understanding the meaning behind it. Assimilation is when these aspects from a culture are resembled from another group and are comprehended. Acculturation is a bit of both; it means adopting these aspects because of prolonged contact to the culture according to Merriam Webster's Dictionary. Appropriation is negative because it triggers racism and oppression, and perpetuates stereotypes. In Performing Blackness, forming whiteness, Bucholtz analyzes two films and talks about appropriation of black culture; she provides an excellent example where cultural appropriation is wrong. "...white actors' performances of black language in Hollywood films often function as linguistic minstrelsy, a form of mock language that reinscribes stereotypes about African Americans and their language while participating in a longstanding and often controversial pattern of European American appropriation." (Bucholtz 681) The course, Hip–Hop Cinema, at the University of Arizona allows students to explore films on the history of Hip–Hop in the United States focusing on the historical, social, and cultural portrayal of African Americans. With that, some of films contain racial stereotypes in Black characters and cultural appropriation instead of assimilation. The films Feel the Noise and Bringing Down the House offer insight to Black ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. What Does Cultural Appropriation Especially since we do not have the same or even close to similar systemic inequalities that we did in the 1950s, the use of cultural aspects that may not belong to the culture of the artist is indeed as celebration of the culture. I think the charges of "culturally appropriation" that are popping up in response to white artists who emulate black culture or in response to certain trends or Halloween costumes are largely misguided. Those who argue about cultural appropriation may mean well, but they are conflating racists who are intolerant of these cultures to people who are merely copying or representing these cultures. It makes sense to be disgusted by blackface, which is a mockery of black people and has always been such– blackface is inexcusable ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Cultural Appropriation : Culture And Appropriation Cultural Appropriation Have you ever had an item that was extremely important and precious to you? Has a friend ever taken it from you without your permission? (1) Cultural appropriation, what is cultural appropriation? Well, appropriation is; the action of taking something for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission, so, when you put culture and appropriation together, what exactly is it? Cultural appropriation is taking a culture of minorities and using it for someone's own benefit and use, it's about taking a Native American war bonnet and using it to be "different" and about being fashion forward at events like Coachella, it's about taking a holiday and calling it "Cinco de Drinko." Cultural appropriation is about when a white person wears dreads because they're trying to be "boho" or "chic" but if you're African American you automatically smell of, "patchouli oil and weed." When a privileged white person wears things that are of a minority's culture it's seen as edgy, exotic, or even unique, but when a person of color wears their own culture they're called "dirty" or "un– American". Why should white people be able to wear someone else's culture, when that culture has been degraded and treated poorly for so many years? An example of this would be the Native American culture. When America was colonized by the Europeans the Natives were killed by their diseases and technologically advanced weapons, when America was colonized and continued to expand and ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Eminem's Black Hair: What Is Cultural Appropriation? What is cultural appropriation? In order to fully understand, we first need to define culture. Sociologist Nicki Lisa Cole defines culture as the values, traditions, rituals, language, material objects, and performances that are central to the social life of any given group of people. Cultural Appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by a member or members of a different culture, if it is being used outside of that cultural context, it results in it losing its original meaning. Now I think that it's fair to say that hair has always been an important part of black culture. Black hair requires upkeep in order to stay healthy and to grow, hairstyles such as cornrows and braids are a practical way of keeping black textured hair unknotted and neat. Because of this, hair has always been a big part of hip hop and rap culture, styles of music which were created by African Americans in times of hardship and struggle. ... Show more content on ... Eminem's album Encore went 4 times platinum and he gained immense success in the hip hop world. In the 2010's black culture had become popular, white celebrities were beginning to wear accessories and clothing associated with hip hop. The fashion world quickly evolved, and cornrows could be seen on high fashion runways for brands such as Alexander McQueen and Marchesa. Pop stars adopted black culture as a way of being edgy and it was treated as a new trend. Not only were white people becoming rappers but they were excelling in the hip hop world. However, at the same time police brutality against black people became a large problem, and people all over America were protesting about institutionalized racism. Some celebrities shared condolences however the majority of white musicians who partook in the hip hop culture and adopted blackness failed to speak on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Informative Essay: What Is A Cultural Appropriation? Cultural appropriation, a topic that is becoming a hot topic in the year 2018, the streets have been raving on about the difference between cultural appreciation and identifying the use of cultural appropriation in our society. Foreign celebrities and even celebrities from Americans are stealing others cultural clothing, music, and hairstyles adopting it as their own. The main issue is the lack of society appropriating cultures without knowing, honoring, or respecting the background of cultures people are adopting. Cultural appropriation is defined in many articles as; "the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture" (Solanki). An example of this is Korean pop. It's rising in popularity from native fans from Korea to international fans like in North America, South America, and Europe. Although their music is hitting the charts because of their catchy beats and originality. Their fashion creativity is appropriating black culture. .. ... Show more content on ... Gwen wore henna in the 90's, which quickly appeared on Pinterest pictures and with a caption of "90's Gwen is so hot right now". According to the article, "However people all over the world have now adopted the tradition; it became a very popular form of temporary body decoration in the 90's and it still continues to grow in popularity" ("The rise of henna: the new western trade). The temporary tattoo held cultural historical significance, women from Hindu religion wear Henna (originally known as Mehendi) as a wedding tradition symbolizing the transition of womanhood. After Gwen wore the henna it was claimed creative and artsy to wear it, the problem was Gwen not speaking about it and just letting the people defined ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Cultural Appropriation Of Quileute Culture Cultural Appropriation is defined as when you take intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions or artefacts from someone else's culture, without permission (Scafidi, 2005). In mythology and folklore it can have very negative consequences as often a cultures traditional stories are taken without consent and adapted significantly, usually from a western lens. These texts are often not treated with respect, and elements which seem unusual or interesting are sensationalized and exaggerated. The original creators then find that their stories have already been told, complete with misunderstandings and disrespectful changes. Eventually, people within a cultural context can lose control over their own stories and mythology completely. ... Show more content on ... These people are based on the real Indian Quileute tribe, who live there in the present day. Their being able to shapeshift is an acceptable fictional idea used to give Meyer's novels a supernatural genre, but what was seen as offensive cultural appropriation, was that Meyer misrepresented the Quileute culture by providing them with a fictional and inaccurate origin story. In the fourth novel 'Eclipse', Billy, a member of the Quileute tribe, tells of Kaheleha, "the first great Spirit Chief in Quileute history", who used magical animal shape shifting powers to defend Quileute land. The real Quileute origin story is vastly different from this, where one of their gods transforms the first Quileute people from wolves. This incorrect portrayal is seen as incredibly significant, as representing the Quileute origins in this way is tantamount to changing the creation story of the Judeo–Christian world, and unlike the well–known Genesis, it is even more disrespectful in this case because the Quileute origin story is not very well known. By including a real tribe in her stories for vast amount of fans to read about, Meyer has unfairly modified Quileute culture and identity into that of supernatural ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Cultural Appropriation And Its Effects On Society Cultural appropriation is becoming a more and more prevalent problem in society today. It has the negative connotation of taking from another culture. The public doesn't seem to notice when they are taking another culture, but it is seen as a massive disrespect to the culture because of this. The five authors of the articles all agree that cultural appropriation is the taking from one culture and implementing it into your own; however, the authors opinions differ on what should be done about this "problem". The articles main point of divergence is whether or not taking from another culture should be allowed. All five of the authors writing about cultural appropriation argue that it is present in society and the only difference in the articles is what they think cultural appropriation is. They all agree that cultural appropriation is taking from one culture and incorporating it into your own. All of the articles decide to provide an example along with their definition to help their argument. The authors pick a specific culture to talk about and stick with it throughout the article. They assume the reader can take their opinion towards other cultures as well as the one they talk about. They are mainly trying to convince the audience whether or not cultural appropriation is considered okay. The only problem with the articles is they all assume the audience thinks cultural appropriation is okay to begin with and serves as the similarity between all five articles. First looking ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Importance Of Cultural Appropriation Cultural Appropriation can be a very controversial topic. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Cultural Appropriation is defined as: "The act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture." There are various opinions and feelings on this topic. Some believe it is very offensive and should not be done, some believe it happens but is unavoidable and everyone should get used to it, or some believe it doesn't exist at all. I think it's ok for cultures to connect by sharing elements of their culture, but not to take over ideas and rename them. I will be further discussing my view point on the topic in the aspect of physical appearance, and how ... Show more content on ... I can agree with his point when he shows that some cases where the accusation of cultural appropriation has gone too far such as people offended by others saying, "squad goals" (Ruiz 3), which is an example of phrases that are sometimes simply unavoidable. However, Ruiz fails to shed light on the deeper reason as to why minorities feel upset when cultural appropriation occurs. He focuses on the fact that because the world is a mixing pot, cultures mix all the time, no one owns a culture therefore someone cannot steal a culture. He doesn't address the opposing viewpoint that taking and renaming an element from their culture is theft. He gives an example of a Mexican music style called Banda, He states, "Banda however, has its roots in German polka–another instance of appropriation so seamless we've forgotten it." (Ruiz 2) This again focuses on the point that cultures mix, but doesn't mention the ones that get criticized and then reused. With his relaxed diction and tone, he is reaching towards the younger audience but is failing to reach the older audience. For example, using words such as "lit", "bae, and "squad goals" (Ruiz 3) may leave the adult and older audience in the dark. In my opinion, Ruiz's idea that culture appropriation doesn't exist is completely untrue. As stated before, he focuses on cultures colliding together. He does not point out cultures getting ridiculed for their way of doing things, then the ridiculers take the ideas and rename it as ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Lady Gaga's Burq A Cultural Appropriation Of Culture Every single person belongs to, or comes from, a specific culture. When people steal aspects from that culture, typically clothing, that theft is called cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation also happens when a dominant culture takes aspects of a culture that has been oppressed by the dominant culture. Today, cultural appropriation is especially common in media, the fashion industry, and even the music industry. Often, garments of clothing–or even sacred items–are used in the wrong way, or even sexualized. If a garment or sacred item is used wrongly too often, it eventually loses the meaning it held in its culture and simply becomes just another object. Also, people often "borrow" from other cultures without knowing much of anything ... Show more content on ... Often, people appropriate culture in the form of a costume. According to Dr. Jessica Metcalfe, "When people know of us only as a 'costume,' or something you dress up as for Halloween or for a music video, then you stop thinking of us as people, and this is incredibly dangerous because every day we fight for the basic human right to live our own lives without outsiders determining our fate or defining our identities" ("Cultural Appropriation"). Many cultures have members that are primarily non–white, and cultural appropriation often happens when a white person makes fun of the aspects of a non–white culture. According to Devin Hall, "Viewed as funny, ironic, trendy, or an opportunity to be retweeted by TFM, dressing up as a Native American, painting oneself with blackface, or dressing as a homeless person is not only offensive behavior, but also correctable" (Hall). The above costumes, especially Native Americans and blackface, are extremely common. Blackface is when a non–black person paints their face multiple shades darker than it actually is, and is often paired with "black" styles, such as dreadlocks. People that dress up in these offensive costumes often do not know the real harm they are causing; others will begin to view the people in the culture being mocked as less than people. All in all, ignorantly using another culture as a costume has detrimental effects on the people from ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Cultural Spropriation : According To Adaption And Cultural... What is the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation? Cultural appropriation is the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you fully understand or respect a certain culture. Cultural appreciation is the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of the culture. Modern cultural appropriation is not offensive because it showcases the culture in an inspirational aspect. As of 2017, it has become a trend to become easily offended or play the victim. Celebrities play a major role in this controversial subject. As celebrities have taken over social media platforms, people have been quick to call them out over every little social media post. Some people who are more sensitive to this kind of subject are constantly trying to find ways to call out these celebrities. However, not all of these celebrities are trying to offend a certain individual or group. Some of them are actually paying respect to the culture, because of the way they are properly portraying and representing it. For example, when Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan to aid the victims of flooding, she wore a hijab out of respect for the culture. Yet, the others are representing them in an objectifying way. For instance, Heidi Klum dressed as a Hindu Goddess for Halloween in an objectifying way. They may not be trying to offend anyone, but the perspective is different when it is targeted at people of color. According to Adaption and Cultural Appropriation by Pascal Nicklas and Oliver Lindner, "Appropriation in this sense is beyond the legalistic understanding locating it in the vicinity of "plagiarism" (Nicklas and Lindner, 6). Celebrities have been notorious for appropriating cultures for decades. For example, in 2008, Heidi Klum dressed up as a Hindu Goddess for her Halloween party. The problem with that was that her costume was graphic and objectifying a religion practiced by millions. Let's look at cultural appropriation through a different aspect. Let's say that Bob worked really hard on a coat, and it contained a lot of deep, significant value that only pertained to him or a small group. The coat was significant to Bob because it represented the oppression his ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Cultural Appropriation African American Culture In most cases of cultural appropriation, it is seen in a negative light because of the context it is shown it. The first image I will be looking at is Karlie Kloss wearing a war bonnet that is characteristic of the native Americans, at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. The part where Karlie walked down the runway in this 'costume' was edited out of the VS Fashion Show footage, as many native Americans found it to be insulting and insensitive. This is because it is not worn in the right context. A war bonnet is a piece that is worn with great proud as it was earned by only a few members of the tribe. This was achieved by heroic acts and bravery. This item from the American Plains Indians, were worn by males of the tribe. This headdress was ... Show more content on ... They were basically used as pets. What makes this so offensive is that she even sings about the Asian culture like it is nothing, just as she regards her four 'puppets.' She sings "A Ping–Pong match between Eastern and Western." Why this image, and her song, can be seen as cultural appropriation, is because she uses the Asian culture for her personal gain. Gwen's obsession with the Asian culture walks a very thin line between admiration and appropriation, as a white female pop star is using a different race than hers, as a prop. She is disregarding all of the values that goes hand in hand with the Asian culture. She uses it as a fashion statement, a prop, only something decorative, she is not acknowledging the culture as something of value, something that should be respected and honoured. Cultures are not costumes. She is exploiting the Asian culture every time she tags along her four "Harajuku ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Misconceptions Of Cultural Appropriation What is cultural appropriation? It's a term that has been used a lot in the past few years but also not enough. It's lack of usage in everyday conversation leads to many misconceptions about what it really means. When you hear those words, you may think of angry social justice warriors who want to tell you want you can and cannot do. And while you have the right to do what you want, those "SJWs" have every right to be angry about appropriation. Though you may think we're being "too sensitive" about what classifies as appropriation, it's important that you know why we're so upset over it. So, what is cultural appropriation? Cultural appropriation is trivializing historical oppression. Many cultures have a history of violence that resulted in trauma that has lasted until today and will go on for several more generations. This past can make certain terms, clothing, hairstyles, or even seemingly harmless costumes be harmful to the group it is being taken from. For example, the NFL team the Washington Redskins refuses to consider renaming their team and changing their mascot after demands from Indigenous activists. Based on the history of the term "Redskin" it's clear how celebrating genocide can be insensitive. Situations such as this one when colonization, genocide, or slavery is exploited for profit and/or fun can play down the historical oppression of a culture. Cultural appropriation is racist stereotypes. With Halloween coming up you're bound to see many Indian, Pocahontas, ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Examples Of Cultural Appropriation Of Native American Culture Cultural Appropriation of Native Americans in Pop Music The idea of culture means different things to different people. Groups and communities are often separated by having clearly defined cultural traditions, clothing, and attitudes. However, these cultural distinctions are sometimes adopted by others who do not belong to the community that the appropriated ideas are from. This cultural appropriation is often present in popular culture in the United States. Several examples exist in the American pop music industry. While most instances of cultural appropriation in American pop music may seem to consist of white performers appropriating "black" culture, another important example is the appropriation of Native American culture. The Native Americans that most people think of wear large feather headdresses, clothing made from animal skins, sandals, and plaited hair. Nevertheless, these ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, Native American is simply an umbrella term that groups numerous indigenous groups together for no appropriate reason. Navajos are different from Apache who are different from the Black Foot community. Therefore, by appropriating "Native American" culture for their Grammy performance, Outkast was spreading a misunderstanding of the differences between Native American communities. Another example of this kind of cultural appropriation is exemplified in a more contemporary example: Lana Del Rey's music video for her song entitled "Ride." This music video features Del Rey riding through what is presumable the expansive West while being with men, burning fires in the western desert, and sporting a traditional Native American headdress. While this example also conflates the same issues as the above example, it also brings on a new problem: taking a sacred cultural emblem and using it for stylistic ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Summary: Is My Yoga Cultural Appropriation Making Yoga and Holi Culturally Acceptable from Appropriation Susanna Barkataki wrote the article "Is My Yoga Cultural Appropriation? What to Do About It" (2016). Susanna works as both an in–person and online yoga trainer that wants to help close the gap with cultural appropriation. Which supports the article "My Indian Parents Are Huge Fans of Cultural Appropriation, Even While My Generation Finds it Appalling" by Nikita Redkar (2013). Her point concerns Westernization and how Americans get away with cultural appropriation. Yet, they can make Indians' culture feel silly or insignificant by doing so. Americans can practice yoga for physical activity and attend Holi festivals for amusement even though both of these activities are historically tied to Indian culture. Yoga and Holi festival are widely seen as cultural appropriation, depending on the knowledge and respect for the Indian culture these two activities originated from. They could both be seen as acceptable within the society because of the knowledge and respect applied to these two cultural activities. ... Show more content on ... I have never had a yoga instructor that acts or uses other forms of Indian culture to teach yoga, such as Buddha statues. Yet, that does not mean that every yoga teacher appreciates the complexity of the practice like my yoga instructor does. Yoga seems to be becoming the new activity if you want a lean, and nice body figure. Although, yoga is much more than just a physical activity. There are many complexities to yoga that take years of practice to fully appreciate and understand. Usually when I walk into a yoga studio there are multiple white women that say they are simply doing yoga for a tiny, and tight body. These are the people that perceive yoga in culturally appropriated way. The level of knowledge and respect a person has towards yoga, will often determine if they are culturally ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Effects Of Cultural Appropriation On The Fashion Industry Julia Raffa English 1110.01 David Winter 23 October 2015 The Effects of Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry The fashion industry is one of the most prevalent and visible forms of influence on today's society. Billboards, malls, magazines, TV, movies, advertisements, runways, etc. are filled with fashion campaigns usually distributed to make a statement and to influence the consumers. Often times, the fashion industry engages in offensive promotions like romanticizing eating less and the "thigh gap" or producing clothing that has "depression" plastered all over it. One of the most offensive trends of the fashion industry is the use of cultural appropriation to promote their company or clothing. Cultural appropriation is the taking of something produced by members of one culture by members of another culture. The products of that culture usually have a special sacred or cultural significance to them, which is why cultural appropriation is seen as offensive and exploiting rather than appreciated. The public tends to overlook these extreme messages and appropriation from the fashion industry, brushing them off as trendy and ideal. This becomes a problem because the fashion industry's blatant use of cultural appropriation in editorials and ads influences people to show admiration for products from other cultures yet still remain prejudiced against the people who created and continue to practice that culture. In a French magazine called Numéro, a 16–year–old white ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Essay: Cultural Appropriation Of Native American Culture The Native Americans seldom receive recognition when aspects of their culture are appropriated by famous celebrities and well–known brands. This essay will examine the ways in which Miley Cyrus, Pharrell Williams and Spur Steak Ranches appropriate the Native American culture, as well as explore their intentions to do so. The term cultural appropriation is defined to be "the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture." Cultural appropriation harms the appropriated community, and wrongly allows one to benefit material detriment from others such as benefiting financially. Jonathan Hart states in his book Translating and Resisting Empire: Cultural Appropriation and Postcolonial Studies that the debate over ... Show more content on ... In 1967, founder and executive chairman, Allen Ambor, opened the first Golden Spur in Newlands, Cape Town. Spur gives you an authentic Native American experience by providing Native American food on their menu, such as nachos and quesadillas. Spur also offers a children's' "secret tribe" that they can join. Spurs logo is seen to have a typical Native American man wearing a feathered headdress. This franchise has over 245 branches, each with different names that have a connection to the Native American Culture, such as: "Falcon Creek Spur"; "Wild Hawk Spur"; "Texas Spur"; "Silver Mountain Spur", and many ... Get more on ...