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Personality :
A set of qualities that makes a person (or thing ) distinct from
Personality is defined as a deeply ingrained patterns of behavior
that include mode of perception, relating to and thinking about oneself and the
surrounding environment.
Personality disorders are defined as “the enduring of inner experience and
behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the
individual who exhibits it.”
- American Psychiatric Association
Personality is the sum total of a person’s intellectual emotional and volitional
traits , revealed by his appearance, behavior ,habits and relationship with other
people which differentiate him as a unique individual.
Personality traits
Personality traits are normal prominent aspects of personality.
Personality Traits:
Personality traits are normal prominent aspects of personality that are
exhibited in a wide range of important social and personal context.
-APA 2000
Characteristics of Personality
 It is not a mental illness.
 It is maladaptive behavior.
 It is a possession abnormal personality.
 It is specific and unique for each and every individual.
 It is long lasting ,most of the time life long problem.
 It causes significant impairment in social or occupational functioning.
 It produces distress to the individual and to others.
Causes of Personality disorder
1. Genetic factors:
o Chromosomal abnormality
o Interaction of hereditary dispositions ,malfunctioning gene and
environmental influences develop personality disorder such as obsessive
compulsive personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, paranoid ,
schizotypal and schizoid personality disorder.
2. Psychosocial Factors :
e.g. disturbed parent child relationship, lack of discipline in children, strict
discipline, stress.
3. Environmental Factors:
e.g. low socio economic class, broken home , war , employment problem.
4. Sexual abuse : common risk factor for borderline personality disorder.
5. Childhood head injuries : may influence the development of personality
Types /Catagories of personality disorder
DSM-V classifies personality disorder into “cluster “.i.e.
I. Cluster A : includes people whose behavior appears odd or eccentric and
includes paranoid ,schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders.
II. Cluster B: includes people who appear dramatic , emotional or erratic
(unpredictable) and includes antisocial , borderline , histrionic and
narcissistic personality.
III. Cluster C : includes people who appear anxious or fearful and includes
avoidant ,dependent, and obsessive –compulsive personality disorder.
1. Cluster A personality disorder :
a. Paranoid personality disorder:
Personality with paranoid personality disorder suspects other people will
harm him, does not trust others, believes that other is trying to harm him . It
is common in male. For .eg. :A person may suspicious of his wife , co-
workers or some of his neighbors.
Sign and symptoms
 Belief that other are lying ,cheating , exploiting or trying to harm .
 Interpret remarks as demanding or threatening.
 Inability to work collaboratively with others.
 Emotional detachment.
 Hostility toward other.
 Fear of confiding in others.
 Suspicious without justification, of spouse’s or sexual partner’s fidelity.
 Become angry and threatening when they perceive they are attacked by
 Tendency to experience excessive self- importance, manifest in a persistent
self referential attitude.
Management of paranoid personality disorder
 The goal of management is to decrease the individual's suspiciousness and
 Initially, supportive psychotherapy may be the treatment of choice.
 Individuals with severe paranoid ideation may be responsive to low doses
of antipsychotic medicine.
Nursing Intervention
 Develop therapeutic and trusting relationship.
 Serious and straightforward approach should be done.
 Teach client to validate ideas before taking action.
 Involve the client in treatment planning.
b. Schizoid Personality disorder:
It is primarily characterized by a very limited range of
emotion , both in expression of an experiencing , indifferent to social
relationship and particularly feelings of anger or aggression.
Sign and symptoms
 Lacks desire for close relationships including being part of a family.
 Chooses solitary activities.
 Fantasing .
 Extreme introversion.
 Emotional detachment.
 Lacks of close friends.
 Little interest in sexual experiences.
 Limited capacity to express either warm , tender feeling or anger toward
 Avoid activities.
 Appear cold and detached .
 Appear indifferent to praise or criticism of others.
Management of Schizoid Personality disorder:
 The goal of treatment is to facilitate greater pleasure in life
through more meaningful relations with others.
 Individual psychotherapy is the initial treatment of choice.
 Antidepressant medicine may be beneficial for individual wih
marked anhedonia .
Nursing Intervention
 Develop therapeutic relationship.
 Improve clients functioning in the community.
c. Schizotypal Personality disorder :
Peculiarities of thinking ,odd beliefs and
eccentricities of appearance , behaviors, interpersonal style , and thought.
Sign and symptoms:
 Indifference to and withdrawal from others.
 Magical thinking or odd beliefs.
 Odd ,elaborate style of dressing ,speaking and interacting with others.odd
thinking and speech.
 Belief that message are hidden for you in public speeches and displays.
 Suspicious or paranoid ideas.
 Unusual perceptual experiences ,including bodily illusions, derealization .
 Few close relationships (reduced capacity for close relationships.
 Excessive social anxiety.
 Inappropriate affect.
 Typical experience occupational and Social difficulties.
Management of schizotypal personality disorder :
 Psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy .
 Individual psychotherapy.
 Drug therapy: antipsychotic medicine.
Nursing Intervention
 Develop self care.
 Improve community functioning.
 Social skills training
2. Cluster B personality disorders
It includes : antisocial personality disorder; histrionic personality disorder ;
narcissistic personality disorder; and borderline personality disorder.
a. Antisocial (Sociopathic , dissocial personality disorder ):
Lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture ,
marked inability to get along with other or abide by social rules.
Sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths. A person must be at least
18 years old and have displayed evidence of conduct disorder before the
age of 15.
Sign and symptoms
 Chronic irresponsibility and unreliability in work and with finances.
 Lack of regard for the law and for others right .(engages in illegal
 Persistent lying and stealing .
 Aggressive , often violent behavior.
 Lack of guilt or remorse for hunting others.
 Lack of concern for the safety of yourself and others.
 Very low tolerance to frustration .
Management of antisocial personality disorder
 Individual psychotherapy
 Psychoanalysis
 Group psychotherapy and self help group.
Nursing Intervention
 Limit setting : State the behavioral limit ,identify the consequences that will
occur if the limit is exceeded and identify the behavior that is expected or
 Confrontation regarding behavioral effects on other.
 Teach client to solve problems effectively and manage emotions of anger or
b. Histrionic personality disorder:
The client of this personality disorders are dramatic , emotionality (emotion
black mail, demonstrative suicide attempts etc); have attention seeking
behavior extreme emotional and liable mood, attempts to attract to
themselves, over dramatic and are excessively influenced by others.
Sign and symptoms
 Excessive sensitivity to others approval.
 Attention grabbing often sexually provocative clothing and behaviors.
(Continual seeking for excitement and activities)
 Excessive concern with physical appearance (attractiveness).
 False sense of intimacy with others.
 Constant ,sudden emotional shifts.
 Self dramatization , theatrically, exaggerated expression of emotion.
 Is suggestible, i. e. easily influenced by other’s or circumstances.
 Exaggerated and often inappropriate displays of emotional reactions
,approaching theatricality, in every day behavior. Sudden and rapidly
shifting emotional expressions.
Management of histrionic Personality disorder
 The goal of treatment is to decrease behaviors used to inappropriately seek
 Individual psychodynamic therapy with a focus on exploring underlying
motivations for behavior.
Nursing Intervention
 Teach social skills.
 Provide factual feedback about behavior.
c. Narcissistic Personality disorder :
A pervasive sense of grandiosity , need for admiration , lack of empathy
and chronic intense envy.
Signs and symptoms
 Inflated sense of self importance
 Constant attention grabbing and admiration seeking behaviour.
 Lack of empathy .
 Unable to face criticism .
 Explorative behavior.
 Easily depressed by minor events.
 Needs constant praise.
Management of Narcissistic personality disorder
 Individual psychotherapy
 Creating insight on their own behaviors.
Nursing Intervention
 Matter of fact approach should be done.
 Gain cooperation with needed treatment.
 Teach client any needed self- care skills.
d. Borderline Personality disorder
Pervasive and excessive instability of affects , self image , and
interpersonal relationships as well as marked impulsitivity.
Signs and symptoms
 Difficulty controlling emotions or impulses (e.g. Spending ,sex, substance
abuse ,binge eating ,reckless driving) .
 Frequent dramatic changes in mood, opinions and planes.
 Stormy relationships involving frequent intense anger or difficulty
controlling angers, possible physical fights.
 Fear of being alone despite a tendency to push people way.
 Feeling of emptiness inside.
 Suicide attempts or suicidal gestures or threats or self mutilating.
Management of Borderline personality disorder
 Supportive personality disorder.
Nursing Intervention
 Promoting client’s safety.
 Helping client cope and control emotions.
 Structuring time .
 Teaching social skills.
 Therapeutic relationship e.g. limits settings ,confrontation.
 Cognitive restructuring techniques such as Decatastrophizing, thought
3. Cluster C
It includes: avoidant personality disorder ,dependant personality disorder;
and obsessive –compulsive personality disorder.
a. Anxious /Avoidant personality disorder:
Characterized by pervasive and excessive hypersensitivity to negative
evaluation, social inhibition and feelings of inadequacy. Impairment can
be severe and typically includes occupational and social difficulties.
Sign and symptoms
 Feeling of inferiority complex.
 Excessive preoccupation with being criticized or rejected in social situation.
 Self imposed social isolation.
 Extreme shyness in social situation.
 Persistent feeling of tension and apprehension.
Managements of anxious /avoidant personality disorder
 The goal of treatment is to decrease sensitivity to criticism and improve self
 Individual and group psychotherapy.
 Pharmacotherapy – anxiolytic medicines are useful to control severe
anxiety in social situation.
Nursing Intervention
 Support and reassurance.
 Cognitive restructuring techniques.
 Promote self esteem.
b. Dependent Personality disorder
It is pervasive ,extreme need of other people to a point where the person is
unable to make any decisions or take an independent stand on his or her own.
Fear of separation and submissive behavior.
Sign and symptoms
 Excessive dependence on others to meet your physical and emotional need.
 Inability to take decision.
 Feeling uncomfortable or helpless when alone.
 Tolerance of poor, even abusive treatment in order to stay in relationships.
 Could not able to have leadership .
 Avoid initiating activities independently.
 Allow other to take responsibilities important for the important decision.
Management of dependent personality disorder
 The goal of management is to decrease inappropriate dependency on others
and to improve self-esteem.
 Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Nursing Intervention
 Foster client’s elf reliance and autonomy.
 Teach problem solving and decision making skills.
 Cognitive restructuring techniques.
d. Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
It is pervasive preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental
interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
It is anankastic (repetitive ) characterized by rigid conformity to rules
,moral codes and excessive orderliness.
Sign and symptoms
 Excessive concern with order, rules, schedules and lists.
 Feeling of excessive doubt and caution.
 Perfectionisms, often so pronounced that you cant complete tasks because
your standards are impossible to meet .(perfectionism that interferes with
task completion).
 Inability to throw out even broken, worthless objects.
 Inability to share responsibility with others.
 Financial stinginess.(willing to donates)
 Discomfort with emotion and aspects of personal relationships they you cant
 Rigidity and stubbornness.
 People often seek treatment because they recognize that their life is pleasure
less or they are experiencing problems with work or relationship.
 Common in male.
Management of obsessive –compulsive personality disorder
 The goal of management is to decrease behavioral rigidity and increase
enjoyment in life.
 Psychoanalysis
 Group therapy
 Antidepressant medicine.
Nursing Intervention
 Encourage negotiation with others.
 Assist client to make timely decisions and complete work.
 Cognitive restructuring technique.
Diagnosis of personality disorder
 History taking (ask questions about symptoms , personal history and emotional
well being) and may talk to friends and relatives bout the client.
 MSE(mental status examination)
 Personality test.
Treatment for most personality disorders in with a combination of
psychotherapy and medications.
 Psychotherapy:
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Supportive therapy
 Cognitive behaviour therapy.
 Psychoanalysis
 Medications that may offer support during therapy include:
- Antidepressants commonly prescribe selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIS) such as flouxetine, citalopram.
- Anticonvulsants: these medication may help suppress impulsive and
aggressive behavior. commonly prescribe carbamazepine , or valporic acid.
 Antipsychotics : resperidone , olanzepine , haloperidol , etc.
 Other medication: Antianxiety medication such as Alprazolam.
 Mood stabilizer such as lithium.
Nursing care of clients with Personality Disorder
 Level of social and occupational functioning.
 Individual’s perception of problem.
 Reason for seeking treatment.
 Level of anxiety.
 Pending criminal charges.
 Drug and alcohol abuse.
 History of suicidal gestures and present risk.
Nursing Diagnosis
 Manipulative behavior related to anger or hostility / personality disorder.
 Low self –esteem related to feeling of worthlessness.
 Difficulty with interpersonal relationship related to ineffective
 Lack of insight related to denial of problems.
Planning/ Implementation
 Maintain consistency ,concern, and a professional relationship.
 Accept the individual as is; do not react if provoked; manage counter
 Protect the individual from others while protecting others from the
 Place realistic limits on behaviour ; make known what those limits are.
 Strive for consistency among health team members; avoid splitting of staff .
 Initiate cognitive , behavioral and dialectic behavioral strategies.
 Decrease the client’s attention seeking behavior, acting out and secondary
 Decrease the client’s feelings of worthlessness by encouraging
verbalization of feelings and providing support to the client.
 Demonstrates decrease episodes of acting out.
 Verbalizes decreased in anxiety.
 Accepts and continues long term therapy.
 Recognizes and functions within limits of personality.
 Maintains his or her optimum level of functioning.
 Establish and maintain mature, non manipulative relationships and patterns
of dealing with other people and situations.
Complications of personality disorder
 Substance abuse ( cluster B personality disorder)
 Suicide borderline personality disorder are particularly at risk.
 Depression , anxiety and eating disorder.
 Increased risk of physical , emotional, and sexual abuse.(dependent
personality disorder)
 Violence and homicide (in paranoid and antisocial personality disorder)
 Self destructive behavior of engaging in dangerous behaviors such as risky
sex and gambling. (common in borderline personality disorder)
 Incarceration (antisocial personality disorder are at risk at increased risk at
committing serious crime).
 Social isolation: lack of desire for closeness or extreme shyness.

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Personality disorder

  • 2. Unit- x Personality : A set of qualities that makes a person (or thing ) distinct from another. Personality: Personality is defined as a deeply ingrained patterns of behavior that include mode of perception, relating to and thinking about oneself and the surrounding environment.
  • 3. CONTD… Personality disorders are defined as “the enduring of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits it.” - American Psychiatric Association Personality is the sum total of a person’s intellectual emotional and volitional traits , revealed by his appearance, behavior ,habits and relationship with other people which differentiate him as a unique individual. Personality traits Personality traits are normal prominent aspects of personality.
  • 4. CONTD…. Personality Traits: Personality traits are normal prominent aspects of personality that are exhibited in a wide range of important social and personal context. -APA 2000 Characteristics of Personality  It is not a mental illness.  It is maladaptive behavior.  It is a possession abnormal personality.  It is specific and unique for each and every individual.  It is long lasting ,most of the time life long problem.  It causes significant impairment in social or occupational functioning.  It produces distress to the individual and to others.
  • 5. CONTD…. Causes of Personality disorder 1. Genetic factors: o Chromosomal abnormality o Interaction of hereditary dispositions ,malfunctioning gene and environmental influences develop personality disorder such as obsessive compulsive personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, paranoid , schizotypal and schizoid personality disorder.
  • 6. CONTD… 2. Psychosocial Factors : e.g. disturbed parent child relationship, lack of discipline in children, strict discipline, stress. 3. Environmental Factors: e.g. low socio economic class, broken home , war , employment problem. 4. Sexual abuse : common risk factor for borderline personality disorder. 5. Childhood head injuries : may influence the development of personality disorder.
  • 7. CONTD… Types /Catagories of personality disorder DSM-V classifies personality disorder into “cluster “.i.e. I. Cluster A : includes people whose behavior appears odd or eccentric and includes paranoid ,schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders. II. Cluster B: includes people who appear dramatic , emotional or erratic (unpredictable) and includes antisocial , borderline , histrionic and narcissistic personality. III. Cluster C : includes people who appear anxious or fearful and includes avoidant ,dependent, and obsessive –compulsive personality disorder.
  • 8. CONTD… 1. Cluster A personality disorder : a. Paranoid personality disorder: Personality with paranoid personality disorder suspects other people will harm him, does not trust others, believes that other is trying to harm him . It is common in male. For .eg. :A person may suspicious of his wife , co- workers or some of his neighbors. Sign and symptoms  Belief that other are lying ,cheating , exploiting or trying to harm .  Interpret remarks as demanding or threatening.  Inability to work collaboratively with others.  Emotional detachment.
  • 9. CONTD….  Hostility toward other.  Fear of confiding in others.  Suspicious without justification, of spouse’s or sexual partner’s fidelity.  Become angry and threatening when they perceive they are attacked by others.  Tendency to experience excessive self- importance, manifest in a persistent self referential attitude.
  • 10. CONTD… Management of paranoid personality disorder  The goal of management is to decrease the individual's suspiciousness and isolation.  Initially, supportive psychotherapy may be the treatment of choice.  Individuals with severe paranoid ideation may be responsive to low doses of antipsychotic medicine.
  • 11. CONTD…. Nursing Intervention  Develop therapeutic and trusting relationship.  Serious and straightforward approach should be done.  Teach client to validate ideas before taking action.  Involve the client in treatment planning.
  • 12. CONTD… b. Schizoid Personality disorder: It is primarily characterized by a very limited range of emotion , both in expression of an experiencing , indifferent to social relationship and particularly feelings of anger or aggression. Sign and symptoms  Lacks desire for close relationships including being part of a family.  Chooses solitary activities.  Fantasing .  Extreme introversion.  Emotional detachment.  Lacks of close friends.
  • 13. CONTD…  Little interest in sexual experiences.  Limited capacity to express either warm , tender feeling or anger toward others.  Avoid activities.  Appear cold and detached .  Appear indifferent to praise or criticism of others.
  • 14. CONTD… Management of Schizoid Personality disorder:  The goal of treatment is to facilitate greater pleasure in life through more meaningful relations with others.  Individual psychotherapy is the initial treatment of choice.  Antidepressant medicine may be beneficial for individual wih marked anhedonia .
  • 15. CONTD…. Nursing Intervention  Develop therapeutic relationship.  Improve clients functioning in the community.
  • 16. CONTD… c. Schizotypal Personality disorder : Peculiarities of thinking ,odd beliefs and eccentricities of appearance , behaviors, interpersonal style , and thought. Sign and symptoms:  Indifference to and withdrawal from others.  Magical thinking or odd beliefs.  Odd ,elaborate style of dressing ,speaking and interacting with others.odd thinking and speech.
  • 17. CONTD…  Belief that message are hidden for you in public speeches and displays.  Suspicious or paranoid ideas.  Unusual perceptual experiences ,including bodily illusions, derealization .  Few close relationships (reduced capacity for close relationships.  Excessive social anxiety.  Inappropriate affect.  Typical experience occupational and Social difficulties.
  • 18. CONTD…. Management of schizotypal personality disorder :  Psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy .  Individual psychotherapy.  Drug therapy: antipsychotic medicine. Nursing Intervention  Develop self care.  Improve community functioning.  Social skills training
  • 19. CONTD… 2. Cluster B personality disorders It includes : antisocial personality disorder; histrionic personality disorder ; narcissistic personality disorder; and borderline personality disorder. a. Antisocial (Sociopathic , dissocial personality disorder ): Lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture , marked inability to get along with other or abide by social rules. Sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths. A person must be at least 18 years old and have displayed evidence of conduct disorder before the age of 15.
  • 20. CONTD…. Sign and symptoms  Chronic irresponsibility and unreliability in work and with finances.  Lack of regard for the law and for others right .(engages in illegal activities)  Persistent lying and stealing .  Aggressive , often violent behavior.  Lack of guilt or remorse for hunting others.  Lack of concern for the safety of yourself and others.  Very low tolerance to frustration .
  • 21. CONTD… Management of antisocial personality disorder  Individual psychotherapy  Psychoanalysis  Group psychotherapy and self help group. Nursing Intervention  Limit setting : State the behavioral limit ,identify the consequences that will occur if the limit is exceeded and identify the behavior that is expected or desired.  Confrontation regarding behavioral effects on other.  Teach client to solve problems effectively and manage emotions of anger or frustration.
  • 22. CONTD…. b. Histrionic personality disorder: The client of this personality disorders are dramatic , emotionality (emotion black mail, demonstrative suicide attempts etc); have attention seeking behavior extreme emotional and liable mood, attempts to attract to themselves, over dramatic and are excessively influenced by others. Sign and symptoms  Excessive sensitivity to others approval.  Attention grabbing often sexually provocative clothing and behaviors. (Continual seeking for excitement and activities)
  • 23. CONTD…  Excessive concern with physical appearance (attractiveness).  False sense of intimacy with others.  Constant ,sudden emotional shifts.  Self dramatization , theatrically, exaggerated expression of emotion.  Is suggestible, i. e. easily influenced by other’s or circumstances.  Exaggerated and often inappropriate displays of emotional reactions ,approaching theatricality, in every day behavior. Sudden and rapidly shifting emotional expressions.
  • 24. CONTD… Management of histrionic Personality disorder  The goal of treatment is to decrease behaviors used to inappropriately seek attention.  Individual psychodynamic therapy with a focus on exploring underlying motivations for behavior. Nursing Intervention  Teach social skills.  Provide factual feedback about behavior.
  • 25. CONTD… c. Narcissistic Personality disorder : A pervasive sense of grandiosity , need for admiration , lack of empathy and chronic intense envy. Signs and symptoms  Inflated sense of self importance  Constant attention grabbing and admiration seeking behaviour.  Lack of empathy .  Unable to face criticism .  Explorative behavior.  Easily depressed by minor events.  Needs constant praise.
  • 26. CONTD… Management of Narcissistic personality disorder  Individual psychotherapy  Creating insight on their own behaviors. Nursing Intervention  Matter of fact approach should be done.  Gain cooperation with needed treatment.  Teach client any needed self- care skills.
  • 27. CONTD… d. Borderline Personality disorder Pervasive and excessive instability of affects , self image , and interpersonal relationships as well as marked impulsitivity. Signs and symptoms  Difficulty controlling emotions or impulses (e.g. Spending ,sex, substance abuse ,binge eating ,reckless driving) .  Frequent dramatic changes in mood, opinions and planes.  Stormy relationships involving frequent intense anger or difficulty controlling angers, possible physical fights.  Fear of being alone despite a tendency to push people way.  Feeling of emptiness inside.  Suicide attempts or suicidal gestures or threats or self mutilating.
  • 28. CONTD… Management of Borderline personality disorder  Supportive personality disorder. Nursing Intervention  Promoting client’s safety.  Helping client cope and control emotions.  Structuring time .  Teaching social skills.  Therapeutic relationship e.g. limits settings ,confrontation.  Cognitive restructuring techniques such as Decatastrophizing, thought stopping.
  • 29. CONTD… 3. Cluster C It includes: avoidant personality disorder ,dependant personality disorder; and obsessive –compulsive personality disorder. a. Anxious /Avoidant personality disorder: Characterized by pervasive and excessive hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, social inhibition and feelings of inadequacy. Impairment can be severe and typically includes occupational and social difficulties.
  • 30. CONTD… Sign and symptoms  Feeling of inferiority complex.  Excessive preoccupation with being criticized or rejected in social situation.  Self imposed social isolation.  Extreme shyness in social situation.  Persistent feeling of tension and apprehension.
  • 31. CONTD… Managements of anxious /avoidant personality disorder  The goal of treatment is to decrease sensitivity to criticism and improve self –confidence.  Individual and group psychotherapy.  Pharmacotherapy – anxiolytic medicines are useful to control severe anxiety in social situation. Nursing Intervention  Support and reassurance.  Cognitive restructuring techniques.  Promote self esteem.
  • 32. CONTD… b. Dependent Personality disorder It is pervasive ,extreme need of other people to a point where the person is unable to make any decisions or take an independent stand on his or her own. Fear of separation and submissive behavior. Sign and symptoms  Excessive dependence on others to meet your physical and emotional need.  Inability to take decision.  Feeling uncomfortable or helpless when alone.  Tolerance of poor, even abusive treatment in order to stay in relationships.  Could not able to have leadership .  Avoid initiating activities independently.  Allow other to take responsibilities important for the important decision.
  • 33. CONTD… Management of dependent personality disorder  The goal of management is to decrease inappropriate dependency on others and to improve self-esteem.  Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Nursing Intervention  Foster client’s elf reliance and autonomy.  Teach problem solving and decision making skills.  Cognitive restructuring techniques.
  • 34. CONTD… d. Obsessive compulsive personality disorder It is pervasive preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. It is anankastic (repetitive ) characterized by rigid conformity to rules ,moral codes and excessive orderliness. Sign and symptoms  Excessive concern with order, rules, schedules and lists.  Feeling of excessive doubt and caution.  Perfectionisms, often so pronounced that you cant complete tasks because your standards are impossible to meet .(perfectionism that interferes with task completion).
  • 35. CONTD…  Inability to throw out even broken, worthless objects.  Inability to share responsibility with others.  Financial stinginess.(willing to donates)  Discomfort with emotion and aspects of personal relationships they you cant control.  Rigidity and stubbornness.  People often seek treatment because they recognize that their life is pleasure less or they are experiencing problems with work or relationship.  Common in male.
  • 36. CONTD… Management of obsessive –compulsive personality disorder  The goal of management is to decrease behavioral rigidity and increase enjoyment in life.  Psychoanalysis  Group therapy  Antidepressant medicine. Nursing Intervention  Encourage negotiation with others.  Assist client to make timely decisions and complete work.  Cognitive restructuring technique.
  • 37. CONTD… Diagnosis of personality disorder  History taking (ask questions about symptoms , personal history and emotional well being) and may talk to friends and relatives bout the client.  MSE(mental status examination)  Personality test. Treatment Treatment for most personality disorders in with a combination of psychotherapy and medications.  Psychotherapy: - Individual therapy - Group therapy
  • 38. CONTD… - Family therapy - Supportive therapy  Cognitive behaviour therapy.  Psychoanalysis  Medications that may offer support during therapy include: - Antidepressants commonly prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIS) such as flouxetine, citalopram. - Anticonvulsants: these medication may help suppress impulsive and aggressive behavior. commonly prescribe carbamazepine , or valporic acid.  Antipsychotics : resperidone , olanzepine , haloperidol , etc.  Other medication: Antianxiety medication such as Alprazolam.  Mood stabilizer such as lithium.
  • 39. CONTD… Nursing care of clients with Personality Disorder Assessment  Level of social and occupational functioning.  Individual’s perception of problem.  Reason for seeking treatment.  Level of anxiety.  Pending criminal charges.  Drug and alcohol abuse.  History of suicidal gestures and present risk.
  • 40. CONTD… Nursing Diagnosis  Manipulative behavior related to anger or hostility / personality disorder.  Low self –esteem related to feeling of worthlessness.  Difficulty with interpersonal relationship related to ineffective communication.  Lack of insight related to denial of problems.
  • 41. CONTD… Planning/ Implementation  Maintain consistency ,concern, and a professional relationship.  Accept the individual as is; do not react if provoked; manage counter transference.  Protect the individual from others while protecting others from the individual.  Place realistic limits on behaviour ; make known what those limits are.  Strive for consistency among health team members; avoid splitting of staff .  Initiate cognitive , behavioral and dialectic behavioral strategies.  Decrease the client’s attention seeking behavior, acting out and secondary gains.
  • 42. CONTD….  Decrease the client’s feelings of worthlessness by encouraging verbalization of feelings and providing support to the client. Evaluation  Demonstrates decrease episodes of acting out.  Verbalizes decreased in anxiety.  Accepts and continues long term therapy.  Recognizes and functions within limits of personality.  Maintains his or her optimum level of functioning.  Establish and maintain mature, non manipulative relationships and patterns of dealing with other people and situations.
  • 43. CONTD… Complications of personality disorder  Substance abuse ( cluster B personality disorder)  Suicide borderline personality disorder are particularly at risk.  Depression , anxiety and eating disorder.  Increased risk of physical , emotional, and sexual abuse.(dependent personality disorder)  Violence and homicide (in paranoid and antisocial personality disorder)  Self destructive behavior of engaging in dangerous behaviors such as risky sex and gambling. (common in borderline personality disorder)  Incarceration (antisocial personality disorder are at risk at increased risk at committing serious crime).  Social isolation: lack of desire for closeness or extreme shyness.