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Ron: Hi everyone! This is the first installment of podcast. I’m your
host Ron Russell and I’m here with Dallas McGulliver, my trusted sidekick.
Today what we’re going to do is we’ll be going through a Q&A type format. We’ve had
some people write in some questions and we’re going to through those and answer the best
we can and hopefully, you’ll get some good information that you can use in your own weight
loss and fitness endeavors. So Dallas, who do we have first?
Dallas: Our first question comes in from Esther from Houston. She says, “I’m a 44 year old
female. I’m always confused with what I should eat. So can you give me an idea as of what
I should eat and maybe in what percentages?” What do you think Ron?
Ron: What you want to do is you want to start off with looking at your macro nutrients:
proteins, fats, carbs. We look at proteins and stay at a range about 25-35%. We want to
have your fats at 20-30% and we want to have our carbs at 40% or less.
Dallas: That’s quite a bit of carbs, isn’t it Ron?
Ron: It is if your goal is to lose weight. If you have a couple of pounds to lose then what you
want to do is lower your starchy carbs which will then in turn lower the amount of
carbohydrates you’ll take in. The type of carbs you want to stick with, outside of starchy
carbs would be green looking vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower
and the like. And then, on your proteins, you want to stay with the lean proteins. The
proteins you’d find which are grass fed: beef. You want to stick with beef that has “loin” in it:
tenderloin, sirloin and even New York strip is a loin. You can also go with flank steak and
round steak. Those are also lean forms of beef as well. Then there are eggs of
course. But you want to use free range eggs – not just the regular stuff you get at the
grocery stores. You want to get some fish which would be good like salmon, tilapia, tuna
and the like. You’ll get your omega 3’s from that. You can also get your gain meats. You
can have your poultry which would be your chicken, turkey and the like.
From there, we get into fats. That fats you want to take a look at is you want to get in as
much of your Omega 3’s as your Omega 6. Today, Americans on average, they eat a 20 to
1 ratio Omega 6 to Omega 3. That’s pitiful. A good ratio would be getting into a 4 to 1 which
is pretty good. Awesome would be 1 to 1 and that’s what our Paleo ancestors would eat.
They eat a lot of gain meats and a lot of fish and that’s what we want to strive for but hard to
do in this day and age. But that would be a pretty cool goal. 4 to 1 would a be a lot better
though than the 20 to 1 ratio that we see today. It’s a lot healthy.
Dallas: Well that’s great. Esther, if you’re listening I hope that answers your question. So
let’s go next to Lori in Houston who sent, “I’m a 52 year old female who works out regularly
and would like to know what I should eat before and after I work out.” What do you think
Ron: This is a question I get asked pretty often and just want to share with my clients on a
daily basis who always are looking for better ways to perform in the weight room and what
to do after you get out of the weight room. I always recommend that they start out with
some type of carbohydrate 60 or 90 minutes before they work out. It could be a banana or
two. It can be some oatmeal or something along that line. Good nice carbohydrate, don’t
drink a soda or something like that. That would be a really poor choice and would just spike
your insulin levels and leave you high and dry at the middle of your workout.
After you finish your workout, you want to take a protein source. A pretty fast acting one
would be a Whey protein powder or if you’d rather, you can go with a lean protein source of
one of the meats or fish I mentioned earlier. Those are great choices also. Or if you want to
scramble up some eggs, rock and roll. Go with it. Just get a protein source, after your
workout. That’s what you need.
Dallas: Alright Lori. I think that basically sums your question up. This next one is interesting
which comes from Wayne in Philly. He says, “First, I’m a 65 year old smoker, I drink alcohol
daily and I do not exercise. This said, do you know of any insurance company that would
cover me?” Ron, what do you think about this?
Ron: In a word, no. In two words, hell no! But what I will say to Wayne is: Why don’t we
work on getting off the smokes and let’s curtail the drinking and let’s get on a workout
program. What do you say? That would be my recommendation and once you’re doing
those kind of things then finding an insurance company might just be a tad bit easier than it
seems to be these days plus you’re going to feel better, look better and smell better without
those smokes.
Dallas: Alright Wayne. Well we’re going to consider that question you’re first step forward
in getting information on your health. So back to the real question, this is from Cindy in
Chicago. I’m a 32 year old female, how can I reduce the fat in my tummy, thighs and the
Ron: The butt. It’s always the butt, the tummy and the thighs. Earlier on, I was talking
about the types of food to eat and the lean proteins, types of carbohydrates, so on and so
forth and did she say how much she weighed there by any chance?
Dallas: Ron, women typically don’t disclose that information and neither did Cindy.
Ron: We’ll assume that if you’re asking this question, it must be a real problem. So here’s
the recommendation. You listen to what I said earlier about what kind of proteins to take in,
your lean proteins, Omega 3’s, you get those in with your fats and keep your carbs lower.
For you, what I’d recommend is trim those carbs a little tighter and stick the cruciferous and
leafy vegetables. Try to get about 6 servings of those a day with your lean protein. Use
protein shakes to supplement. I don’t know your weight and height so I can’t really make a
significant suggestion on how much calories you should eat per day but I can say that you
can take your weight. If you would say’ you’d eat about a hundred grams of protein for your
meal and key everything off of that so you could calculate out for 1 g equals 4 calories, so
that would be 400 calories for your protein and you could calculate out for your fats and
your carbohydrates from there and you should end up somewhere around 2012 to 15 or
1600 calories and that would put you in a lower calorie intake and then I would highly
recommend that you get into the gym, find a trainer who will kick your ass. I’m kidding on
that but truly, what you need to do is start working out, you need to look at getting some
cardio in. Once your fitness level has picked up enough and you’re doing high intensity
intervals, make sure you do some strength training because that is where you’re going to
get benefits from and even do some functional type training where you do some mountain
climbers and pushups. You may say, “Man, I can’t do pushups!” You can probably off of a
wall or a countertop or something like that and move on from there until you can do greater
degrees and greater amount of work. As you do that, your metabolism is going to increase
and your fats are going to come off and as that happens because this is the truth, you
cannot spot reduce. It just doesn’t work that way. But as you lose body fat in your body,
you’ll see those areas reduce. As you become leaner and leaner, those areas will start
looking nicer and nicer, you’ll be happy and maybe your significant other will be happy too.
So there you go.
Dallas: Well, that sounds nice. Okay, so Ron this is from Tyron in Tampa, Florida. I bet the
weather is nice there right now.
I’m a 38 year old man and it seems when I tried working out in order to get back in shape, I
get very, very sore where I can hardly move. This causes me to have to recover for days
after. So much so I find it difficult to want to get back to the gym. By the way, I haven’t
been in on months due to my concerns to this issue. Also, I played football in college and
got a little sore from the workouts but nothing like what I experience in my age now. So my
question is, how can I get back to working out regularly without getting so sore.
Ron: What I find is the athletes back in there day in their glory days, they did some pretty
tough workouts and Tyron, I bet your fit that pistol very well too. The truth is though, when
you go back to the gym just by the questions you’re asking and your explanation there, I
can put money on the fact that what you’re doing is you’re just way overdoing it. You’re
going too heavy, you’re trying to do what you’re doing back in college and high school which
by the way, has been a while since you’ve been there. So what my recommendation would
be is that you start low and slow. What I mean by that is, first time you go in, maybe just do
a simple upper body workout and just do one set. Don’t do multiple sets.
If the weight feels heavy, then it’s probably too heavy. Back it off. Don’t go, “Well, this isn’t
too bad, maybe I can do more weight.” That is when you’re going to get in trouble. Just do
enough to wake up everything, get the connected tissue starting to work and then as time
progresses, as you move through you’ll be able to do a greater amount of weight, greater
number of sets, and you’ll be able to continue with very limited soreness. In fact for me, if I
train a client the first time in and they only come back for the second session, I always ask if
they are very sore from that work out. If their response is, “Oh yes, I was hurt so bad I could
hardly move the next day.”
Then I know I failed at my job. My job is to get you from A to Z as quickly as possible and do
that with safety. When you go in and bounce the wall and you’re doing as much weight as
you can and do as many sets as you can in your first work out, well, I can assure you,
you’re going to be really sore and cause problems on other levels like you suppress your
immune system. You can end up picking up the nearest bug and then you’re sick and that’s
going to screw your workout program. Because you’re connected with some tissue that is
not ready for that kind of work, you can even tear something. You can tear a tendon, you
can tear a ligament. You can really blow something out and I can promise you that if you do
that you’re not going to be working out. You’re going to be rehabbing for a while and that’s
not what you’re in this for. You just want to get back into working out without getting so sore.
So remember, low and slow baby.
Dallas: Low and slow. That’s a very good tip or advice. Okay Ron, looks like this is coming
in from Mary in Reno, Navada. I’m 43 years old and 5’3” and 160 lbs. My boyfriend 46 years
old, 5’11”, 237 lbs and we want to know, is eating a low carb diet a good way to lose
Ron: Well, yes and no. There’s so much hype about low carb these days and is it the “be all
and all”? It depends. You can say, Mary you are 160 lbs and 5’3”, you know that you’ve got
some pound to lose and your boyfriend, his height is 5’11” at 237 lbs, well you guys have
some weight to lose. He should probably be at (at his height) in the 180’s to 190’s and you
probably at 130’s and if you’re looking at that, then how do we get there and how do we do
it as quickly as possible.
If you’re eating a lot of carbs, then you need not reduce the carbs and you hear a lot
ancestral eating., Paleo eating, low carb eating, that kind of thing. So what the deal is you
have a lot of people eating the type of carbs that they’re eating as well. They’re eating a lot
of processed carbs, those high fructose corn syrup in it and a lot of grains so you get a lot of
extra carbs on it and just like what I was mentioning earlier, if you look at the breakdown
that I gave of the 25-35% protein, 20-30% fats and then the balance of 40% carbs or
less. So if you go the high side of protein at 35% and the high side of fats, that’s 65% so
there you are, 35% max on your carbs. It’s all you need and maybe even less. But if you
look at as I talked about a couple of questions ago, you would take the amount of
carbohydrates to take in. So if for you Mary, probably about a hundred grams of protein
would be good for you and you key off of that using those percentages. The same thing
would be true for your boyfriend. Now he wouldn’t eat a hundred grams. He needs to pick it
up a bit, maybe from 140 to 160 grams, something like that and then once you do that, you
can figure out the percentage I gave earlier and how you can put that together and get the
right combination of foods.
My philosophy is using ancestral, Paleo or a low carb diet plan is a good plan especially for
folks that need to lose weight. If you’re body fat percentage is over 25%, then you’re
definitely got to be eating extremely low carb and stay away from starchy carbs and a lot of
vegetables, stay lean on your fruits and lean protein sources. That’s going to be a critical
component. And once you’ve gotten your body fat down below 25%, you’re approaching
the 15-25%, then you can slowly re introduce some carbohydrates. Slowly though. That’s
a critical component there and when you’re doing this, you also need to add exercise in. I’ve
been talking about that all that through here and that’s a really serious part of the program.
You need to get some cardio in, you need to get some strength training in maybe do some
functional type training, some body weight training, that kind of stuff and you can even
incorporate the body weight in your training. You can even do some with your cardio. You
can do bell swings, that kind of thing. They are just a myriad of things you can do in the
gym and I recommend get a trainer who can help you lined up and also where you guys can
work out as a team to make it more fun and high-energy. That will increase your results. So
that is how I answer that question.
Does that wrap up our Q&A session there?
Dallas: Yes, that wraps up our Q&A session and no doubt a bunch of good questions there
and I think those are good ones out there.
Ron: Cool. I’m going to add one last piece here and this has something to do with using
the cold to lose body fat. I just did a piece on that on my YouTube channel as well but I
want to clarify a little further. What I’m talking about here is there’s an affected atmosphere
called thermogenesis and when you get the body cold it starts part of your body fat which is
brown body fat to start working. That is a type of fat used to warm the body and it just
recently come into our knowledge that we always thought that we had only brown fat when
we were small. Well actually, we have it our whole life and if we are able to innervate that
we can cause ourselves to burn a lot more fat and we can do it without even lifting a thing or
really changing our diet. But if you add those other components, which I highly recommend
you do, then you can exaggerate your results in a large way. And so you say, “How the
heck do I do this?”
Well, there’s a couple of different ways. One is just do something simple like when you are
taking a shower in the morning, getting ready for work, at the very end of your shower turn
the water down cold and get it as absolutely cold as you can stand it. Back here in Texas, in
July it doesn’t really get that cold but right now is pretty nice as far as how cold you can get
it. You start putting on water on your neck, on your chest and around your love handles and
what will happen is you’ll turn on the brown fat. I’m sure you guys have experience a time
when you got really cold and you get out of the cold and you start warming up, you start
feeling warmth going through your body. Well that is brown fat turned on and you know
what it, uses white fat as heal. That’s a pretty cool deal and you’ll also start creating more
brown fat. A suggestion here though is when you’re doing that and you got yourself really
cold, don’t eat something immediately. You couldn’t want to because you’d be burning a lot
of fats. In fact, when you get to the shivering effect, you’ll only increase your metabolism,
your fat burned by 3x. That’s a pretty neat deal. There are actually some suits out there
and you can put on these jackets that have little ice packs on them that are in the right
places along your body that you’ll get cold with. And you’ll wear those things and you will
get to a shiver effect and you’ll hold them on there. Maybe at first it’ll be at 10 minutes as
you go along, you get to an hour and a half or something and you get one heck of a
thermogenic effect from it and you’d be burning calories like a mad person which is
awesome. So what do you think about that man?
Dallas: I think that’s great. I think I need to take a cold shower right now and start burning
Ron: That’s right my brother. Okay everyone, this wraps up the first
podcast. Hope you guys enjoyed it and come back. Take a listen again and we’ll be
back. See you soon. Take care.

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Personal trainer in houston q&a

  • 1. Ron: Hi everyone! This is the first installment of podcast. I’m your host Ron Russell and I’m here with Dallas McGulliver, my trusted sidekick. Today what we’re going to do is we’ll be going through a Q&A type format. We’ve had some people write in some questions and we’re going to through those and answer the best we can and hopefully, you’ll get some good information that you can use in your own weight loss and fitness endeavors. So Dallas, who do we have first?
  • 2. Dallas: Our first question comes in from Esther from Houston. She says, “I’m a 44 year old female. I’m always confused with what I should eat. So can you give me an idea as of what I should eat and maybe in what percentages?” What do you think Ron? Ron: What you want to do is you want to start off with looking at your macro nutrients: proteins, fats, carbs. We look at proteins and stay at a range about 25-35%. We want to have your fats at 20-30% and we want to have our carbs at 40% or less. Dallas: That’s quite a bit of carbs, isn’t it Ron? Ron: It is if your goal is to lose weight. If you have a couple of pounds to lose then what you want to do is lower your starchy carbs which will then in turn lower the amount of carbohydrates you’ll take in. The type of carbs you want to stick with, outside of starchy carbs would be green looking vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and the like. And then, on your proteins, you want to stay with the lean proteins. The proteins you’d find which are grass fed: beef. You want to stick with beef that has “loin” in it: tenderloin, sirloin and even New York strip is a loin. You can also go with flank steak and round steak. Those are also lean forms of beef as well. Then there are eggs of course. But you want to use free range eggs – not just the regular stuff you get at the grocery stores. You want to get some fish which would be good like salmon, tilapia, tuna and the like. You’ll get your omega 3’s from that. You can also get your gain meats. You can have your poultry which would be your chicken, turkey and the like. From there, we get into fats. That fats you want to take a look at is you want to get in as much of your Omega 3’s as your Omega 6. Today, Americans on average, they eat a 20 to 1 ratio Omega 6 to Omega 3. That’s pitiful. A good ratio would be getting into a 4 to 1 which is pretty good. Awesome would be 1 to 1 and that’s what our Paleo ancestors would eat.
  • 3. They eat a lot of gain meats and a lot of fish and that’s what we want to strive for but hard to do in this day and age. But that would be a pretty cool goal. 4 to 1 would a be a lot better though than the 20 to 1 ratio that we see today. It’s a lot healthy.
  • 4. Dallas: Well that’s great. Esther, if you’re listening I hope that answers your question. So let’s go next to Lori in Houston who sent, “I’m a 52 year old female who works out regularly and would like to know what I should eat before and after I work out.” What do you think Ron? Ron: This is a question I get asked pretty often and just want to share with my clients on a daily basis who always are looking for better ways to perform in the weight room and what to do after you get out of the weight room. I always recommend that they start out with some type of carbohydrate 60 or 90 minutes before they work out. It could be a banana or two. It can be some oatmeal or something along that line. Good nice carbohydrate, don’t drink a soda or something like that. That would be a really poor choice and would just spike your insulin levels and leave you high and dry at the middle of your workout. After you finish your workout, you want to take a protein source. A pretty fast acting one would be a Whey protein powder or if you’d rather, you can go with a lean protein source of one of the meats or fish I mentioned earlier. Those are great choices also. Or if you want to scramble up some eggs, rock and roll. Go with it. Just get a protein source, after your workout. That’s what you need.
  • 5. Dallas: Alright Lori. I think that basically sums your question up. This next one is interesting which comes from Wayne in Philly. He says, “First, I’m a 65 year old smoker, I drink alcohol daily and I do not exercise. This said, do you know of any insurance company that would cover me?” Ron, what do you think about this? Ron: In a word, no. In two words, hell no! But what I will say to Wayne is: Why don’t we work on getting off the smokes and let’s curtail the drinking and let’s get on a workout program. What do you say? That would be my recommendation and once you’re doing those kind of things then finding an insurance company might just be a tad bit easier than it seems to be these days plus you’re going to feel better, look better and smell better without those smokes.
  • 6. Dallas: Alright Wayne. Well we’re going to consider that question you’re first step forward in getting information on your health. So back to the real question, this is from Cindy in Chicago. I’m a 32 year old female, how can I reduce the fat in my tummy, thighs and the butt? Ron: The butt. It’s always the butt, the tummy and the thighs. Earlier on, I was talking about the types of food to eat and the lean proteins, types of carbohydrates, so on and so forth and did she say how much she weighed there by any chance? Dallas: Ron, women typically don’t disclose that information and neither did Cindy. Ron: We’ll assume that if you’re asking this question, it must be a real problem. So here’s the recommendation. You listen to what I said earlier about what kind of proteins to take in, your lean proteins, Omega 3’s, you get those in with your fats and keep your carbs lower. For you, what I’d recommend is trim those carbs a little tighter and stick the cruciferous and leafy vegetables. Try to get about 6 servings of those a day with your lean protein. Use protein shakes to supplement. I don’t know your weight and height so I can’t really make a significant suggestion on how much calories you should eat per day but I can say that you can take your weight. If you would say’ you’d eat about a hundred grams of protein for your meal and key everything off of that so you could calculate out for 1 g equals 4 calories, so that would be 400 calories for your protein and you could calculate out for your fats and your carbohydrates from there and you should end up somewhere around 2012 to 15 or 1600 calories and that would put you in a lower calorie intake and then I would highly recommend that you get into the gym, find a trainer who will kick your ass. I’m kidding on that but truly, what you need to do is start working out, you need to look at getting some cardio in. Once your fitness level has picked up enough and you’re doing high intensity
  • 7. intervals, make sure you do some strength training because that is where you’re going to get benefits from and even do some functional type training where you do some mountain climbers and pushups. You may say, “Man, I can’t do pushups!” You can probably off of a wall or a countertop or something like that and move on from there until you can do greater degrees and greater amount of work. As you do that, your metabolism is going to increase and your fats are going to come off and as that happens because this is the truth, you cannot spot reduce. It just doesn’t work that way. But as you lose body fat in your body, you’ll see those areas reduce. As you become leaner and leaner, those areas will start looking nicer and nicer, you’ll be happy and maybe your significant other will be happy too. So there you go.
  • 8. Dallas: Well, that sounds nice. Okay, so Ron this is from Tyron in Tampa, Florida. I bet the weather is nice there right now. I’m a 38 year old man and it seems when I tried working out in order to get back in shape, I get very, very sore where I can hardly move. This causes me to have to recover for days after. So much so I find it difficult to want to get back to the gym. By the way, I haven’t been in on months due to my concerns to this issue. Also, I played football in college and got a little sore from the workouts but nothing like what I experience in my age now. So my question is, how can I get back to working out regularly without getting so sore. Ron: What I find is the athletes back in there day in their glory days, they did some pretty tough workouts and Tyron, I bet your fit that pistol very well too. The truth is though, when you go back to the gym just by the questions you’re asking and your explanation there, I can put money on the fact that what you’re doing is you’re just way overdoing it. You’re going too heavy, you’re trying to do what you’re doing back in college and high school which by the way, has been a while since you’ve been there. So what my recommendation would be is that you start low and slow. What I mean by that is, first time you go in, maybe just do a simple upper body workout and just do one set. Don’t do multiple sets. If the weight feels heavy, then it’s probably too heavy. Back it off. Don’t go, “Well, this isn’t too bad, maybe I can do more weight.” That is when you’re going to get in trouble. Just do enough to wake up everything, get the connected tissue starting to work and then as time progresses, as you move through you’ll be able to do a greater amount of weight, greater number of sets, and you’ll be able to continue with very limited soreness. In fact for me, if I train a client the first time in and they only come back for the second session, I always ask if they are very sore from that work out. If their response is, “Oh yes, I was hurt so bad I could hardly move the next day.”
  • 9. Then I know I failed at my job. My job is to get you from A to Z as quickly as possible and do that with safety. When you go in and bounce the wall and you’re doing as much weight as you can and do as many sets as you can in your first work out, well, I can assure you, you’re going to be really sore and cause problems on other levels like you suppress your immune system. You can end up picking up the nearest bug and then you’re sick and that’s going to screw your workout program. Because you’re connected with some tissue that is not ready for that kind of work, you can even tear something. You can tear a tendon, you can tear a ligament. You can really blow something out and I can promise you that if you do that you’re not going to be working out. You’re going to be rehabbing for a while and that’s not what you’re in this for. You just want to get back into working out without getting so sore. So remember, low and slow baby.
  • 10. Dallas: Low and slow. That’s a very good tip or advice. Okay Ron, looks like this is coming in from Mary in Reno, Navada. I’m 43 years old and 5’3” and 160 lbs. My boyfriend 46 years old, 5’11”, 237 lbs and we want to know, is eating a low carb diet a good way to lose weight? Ron: Well, yes and no. There’s so much hype about low carb these days and is it the “be all and all”? It depends. You can say, Mary you are 160 lbs and 5’3”, you know that you’ve got some pound to lose and your boyfriend, his height is 5’11” at 237 lbs, well you guys have some weight to lose. He should probably be at (at his height) in the 180’s to 190’s and you probably at 130’s and if you’re looking at that, then how do we get there and how do we do it as quickly as possible. If you’re eating a lot of carbs, then you need not reduce the carbs and you hear a lot ancestral eating., Paleo eating, low carb eating, that kind of thing. So what the deal is you have a lot of people eating the type of carbs that they’re eating as well. They’re eating a lot of processed carbs, those high fructose corn syrup in it and a lot of grains so you get a lot of extra carbs on it and just like what I was mentioning earlier, if you look at the breakdown that I gave of the 25-35% protein, 20-30% fats and then the balance of 40% carbs or less. So if you go the high side of protein at 35% and the high side of fats, that’s 65% so there you are, 35% max on your carbs. It’s all you need and maybe even less. But if you look at as I talked about a couple of questions ago, you would take the amount of carbohydrates to take in. So if for you Mary, probably about a hundred grams of protein would be good for you and you key off of that using those percentages. The same thing would be true for your boyfriend. Now he wouldn’t eat a hundred grams. He needs to pick it up a bit, maybe from 140 to 160 grams, something like that and then once you do that, you can figure out the percentage I gave earlier and how you can put that together and get the right combination of foods.
  • 11. My philosophy is using ancestral, Paleo or a low carb diet plan is a good plan especially for folks that need to lose weight. If you’re body fat percentage is over 25%, then you’re definitely got to be eating extremely low carb and stay away from starchy carbs and a lot of vegetables, stay lean on your fruits and lean protein sources. That’s going to be a critical component. And once you’ve gotten your body fat down below 25%, you’re approaching the 15-25%, then you can slowly re introduce some carbohydrates. Slowly though. That’s a critical component there and when you’re doing this, you also need to add exercise in. I’ve been talking about that all that through here and that’s a really serious part of the program. You need to get some cardio in, you need to get some strength training in maybe do some functional type training, some body weight training, that kind of stuff and you can even incorporate the body weight in your training. You can even do some with your cardio. You can do bell swings, that kind of thing. They are just a myriad of things you can do in the gym and I recommend get a trainer who can help you lined up and also where you guys can work out as a team to make it more fun and high-energy. That will increase your results. So that is how I answer that question. Does that wrap up our Q&A session there? Dallas: Yes, that wraps up our Q&A session and no doubt a bunch of good questions there and I think those are good ones out there.
  • 12. Ron: Cool. I’m going to add one last piece here and this has something to do with using the cold to lose body fat. I just did a piece on that on my YouTube channel as well but I want to clarify a little further. What I’m talking about here is there’s an affected atmosphere called thermogenesis and when you get the body cold it starts part of your body fat which is brown body fat to start working. That is a type of fat used to warm the body and it just recently come into our knowledge that we always thought that we had only brown fat when we were small. Well actually, we have it our whole life and if we are able to innervate that we can cause ourselves to burn a lot more fat and we can do it without even lifting a thing or really changing our diet. But if you add those other components, which I highly recommend you do, then you can exaggerate your results in a large way. And so you say, “How the heck do I do this?” Well, there’s a couple of different ways. One is just do something simple like when you are taking a shower in the morning, getting ready for work, at the very end of your shower turn the water down cold and get it as absolutely cold as you can stand it. Back here in Texas, in July it doesn’t really get that cold but right now is pretty nice as far as how cold you can get it. You start putting on water on your neck, on your chest and around your love handles and what will happen is you’ll turn on the brown fat. I’m sure you guys have experience a time when you got really cold and you get out of the cold and you start warming up, you start feeling warmth going through your body. Well that is brown fat turned on and you know what it, uses white fat as heal. That’s a pretty cool deal and you’ll also start creating more brown fat. A suggestion here though is when you’re doing that and you got yourself really cold, don’t eat something immediately. You couldn’t want to because you’d be burning a lot of fats. In fact, when you get to the shivering effect, you’ll only increase your metabolism, your fat burned by 3x. That’s a pretty neat deal. There are actually some suits out there and you can put on these jackets that have little ice packs on them that are in the right places along your body that you’ll get cold with. And you’ll wear those things and you will
  • 13. get to a shiver effect and you’ll hold them on there. Maybe at first it’ll be at 10 minutes as you go along, you get to an hour and a half or something and you get one heck of a thermogenic effect from it and you’d be burning calories like a mad person which is awesome. So what do you think about that man? Dallas: I think that’s great. I think I need to take a cold shower right now and start burning calories. Ron: That’s right my brother. Okay everyone, this wraps up the first podcast. Hope you guys enjoyed it and come back. Take a listen again and we’ll be back. See you soon. Take care.