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Personal Study
Unit 12 Specialist study in creative media production
Personal Study Project
• You will need to produce
1. A research document
• Collection of quotes and summarised information
based around your topic
• This should include research from a wide variety of
sources (not just websites- this is critical to achieving
beyond a Pass)
• An alphabetised bibliography on the final slide
DEADLINE 03/11/22 in Personal Study Section of website
Date w/c Task[s]
Summer Choose your focus topic and basic research of theories
12/09 Research all 4 theories (4 sources minimum)
19/09 Research theory (2 sources minimum)
26/09 Research product/person/studio (secondary research) (3 sources minimum)
03/10 Research product/person/studio (secondary research) (3 sources minimum)
10/10 Analyse a product/scene/specific pages/photographs/levels etc.
17/10 Final additions and upload to PERSONAL STUDY area of website. Start essay.
Half term
Horror-Slasher Movies
Auteur Theory
Author Gil Bettman
Website Title What is Auteur Theory? Definition
Page Reference(s) What is Auteur Theory? - Definition and
Examples | Indie Film Hustle®
Summary of Theory
• The Auteur Theory is when a reflects a
director’s artistic vision. The movies
they make will have certain recurring
themes and visual queues that show
who the director is.
• “Auteur Theory is a way of looking at films that
state that the director is the ‘author’ of a film.”
• “The Auteur theory argues that a film is a
reflection of the director’s artistic vision; so, a
movie directed by a given filmmaker will have
recognizable, recurring themes and visual queues
that inform the audience who the director is
(think a Hitchcock or Tarantino film) and shows a
consistent artistic identity.”
• “The term ‘Auteur theory’ is credited to the
critics of the French film journal Cahiers du
cinema, many of which became the directors of
the French New Wave. However, according to
New York University professor Julian Cornell, the
concept had been around for a while prior. The
Cahiers critics simply refined the theory.”
Reception Theory
Author Debra Barnhart
Website Title Musical
Page Reference(s) What Is a Reception Theory? (with
pictures) (
Summary of Theory
• The Reception Theory is when the
audience is an important part to the
understanding of a book.
• “A reception theory is a philosophy, usually
applied to literature, that recognizes the
audience as an essential element to
understanding the work's larger meaning.”
• “Some of the most profound pieces of
literature to come out of that period were
written with the assumption that audience
interpretation would shape their meaning,
which gave rise to a unique and identifiable
literary genre of works.”
• “In broad terms, the theory assumes that the
reservoir of life experiences a reader brings to
the reading process is crucial to how he or she
interprets an author’s creation.”
Hypodermic Needle Model
Author Brett Lamb
Website Title Lesson Bucket
Page Reference(s) The Hypodermic Needle Theory | VCE
Media, Victorian Curriculum, Media Arts,
Summary of Theory
• The Hypodermic Needle Model is
when media messages are fully taken
in by the viewer.
• “The Hypodermic Needle Theory is a linear
communication theory which suggests that
media messages are injected directly into the
brains of a passive audience.”
• “Writing about the influence of movies, the
project chairman WW Charters wrote that they
have the potential to profoundly affect the way
children behave.”
• “The Hypodermic Needle Theory continues to
influence the way we talk about the media.
People believe that the mass media has a
powerful effect. Parents worry about the
influence of television and violent video games.
News outlets run headlines like ‘Is Google
making us stupid’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto led teen
to kill’.
The Male Gaze
Author Sarah VanBuskirk
Website Title Very well Mind
Page Reference(s) What Is the Male Gaze?
Summary of Theory
• There’s no easy way to put this, but
the Male Gaze is female sexualisation
in media where women are depicted
as sexual objects for male desire.
• “The male gaze describes a way of
portraying and looking at women that
empowers men while sexualizing and
diminishing women.”
• “The term ‘male gaze’ was first
popularized in relation to the
depiction of female characters in film
as inactive, often overtly sexualized
objects of male desire.”
• “The male gaze twists this natural
urge, turning the women into passive
items to possess and use as props.”
The Male Gaze
Topic Research 1
Author Janice Loreck
Source Explainer: what does the 'male gaze'
mean, and what about a female gaze?
Details about topic/Quotes
• The Male Gaze is women in media are portrayed as sexual objects controlled by men to be looked at by them
instead of being people. In modern day the people who make this media try to give female characters
backstories and motivations to be less of a sexual objects but that’s just a way to distract the viewers from
complaining about sexism and they still sexualises the character for the male audience. The creators of this
media also try to have a female gaze by having men sexualised but it’s a lot more censored for the male
audience and women are supposed to find pleasure in the woman who the man’s with desiring him.
• Quotes:
• “What counts is what the heroine provokes, or rather what she represents. She is the one, or rather the love
or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern he feels for her, who makes him act the way he does. In
herself the woman has not the slightest importance.”
• “The ‘male gaze’ invokes the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way of looking that
empowers men and objectifies women. In the male gaze, woman is visually positioned as an ‘object’ of
heterosexual male desire.”
• “Another argument is that cinema doesn’t invite women to desire men’s bodies. Rather, female viewers are
positioned to identify with a heroine who is herself desired by a man. According to this logic, it is not
Fitzwilliam Darcy’s wet undershirt that inflames the female viewer in Pride and Prejudice. Rather, it is Darcy’s
longing for Elizabeth that truly appeals.”
Topic Research 2
Author Kevin McDonald
Source Film Theory the Basics
Page Reference(s) 105 to 109
Details about topic/Quotes
• The Male Gaze is women in movies are sexual objects controlled by men in a world ruled by
patriarchy. Women in the film industry are treated and portrayed as second class citizens or
the undesirable sub-slave species that only exists for male desire. Male film runners in the
film industry see women as a threat to their way of life and it must be contained, male film
runners do this by punishing them using physical or phycological means or reduce women to
nothing but stereotypical and peripheral roles, and with this threat delt with women go back
to being sex objects for men.
• Quotes:
• “Psychoanalytic theory is thus appropriated here as a political weapon, demonstrating the
way the unconscious of patriarchal society has structed film form.”
• “Women always represent an intrusion or threat to the narrative and that ‘she is a traumatic
presence which must be negated.’”
• “Women are relegated to a subservient position within the most narrative cinema, This
adheres to the general premise that women are other.”
Topic Research 3
Author Laura Mulvey
Source Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema
Page Reference(s) 14-15
Details about topic/Quotes
• The Male Gaze is women being sexualised in cinema with the film industry being completely
controlled by male patriarchy world order. This male gaze has been around in the film
industry for such a long time the audience has become used to women being sexualised and
don’t question it seeing it as a common part of film. Male gaze in film has hidden symbolism
which says that men can do whatever they want because of their gender while women have
to be housewives who only bread and look after children.
• Quotes:
• “The paradox of phallocentrism in all its manifestations is that it depends on the image of
the castrated women to give order and meaning to its world.”
• “Women’s Desire is subjugated to her image as bearer of the bleeding wound; she can only
exist in relation to castration and cannot transcend it.”
• “She turns her child into the signifier of her own desire to poses a penis (the condition, she
imagines, of the entry into symbolic).”
Topic Research 4
Author David Guignion
Source What is the Male Gaze? | Laura Mulvey |
Keyword - YouTube
Details about topic/Quotes
• The Male Gaze is when women on the cinema screens and in movies are nothing more than
lifeless objects for men to view and use. When men are shown in movies they are shown as
strong buff hero’s which the male viewers want to be and part of that idea is the strong man
has a heavily sexualised woman next to them so the male viewers are made to believe a sexy
woman is part of what they want to be. In the cinema there’s so much darkness that the
audience can’t see anyone or anything they can only look at the screen and a sexualised
woman will make male audiences eyes glued to the screen and that’s the only thing they
want to see.
• Questions:
• “You can’t see anything in the cinema but the light from the screen makes you have a desire
to look.”
• “Seeing sexualised women on the screen makes the audience sceptical to see in to
someone's private life but once the male audience gets used to it, it excites them and makes
them think there in command.”
• The cinema screen gives you a desire to be looking at it, and the content on the screen can
appeal to the desire of the male audience.”
Friday the 13th
Product Research 1
The website Horror Homeroom monitors the
sexism of female characters and sees the male
gaze throughout the franchise.
The Friday the 13th Franchise has been going
on since 1980 to 2009 and through out it all
women have been constantly the subject of
male gaze, one major aspect of male gaze his
how much women are controlled by men in the
movies where there often controlled through
fear and because of that they always do what
the men want or do what ever the men say
when their having intercourse for the billionth
time in the movie. The biggest aspect of male
gaze is how much more women are sexualised
on the screen than men because 8% men are
sometimes sexualised but their still mostly
covered up while women are sexualised 29% of
the time and they’re always shown completely
naked and the camera shows the women most
of the time in the sex scene than the man.
Source: Pamela, Jason, Roy and Zombie Jason
Hate Women: An Analytical Look at the Politics
of Death in the Friday the 13th Franchise -
Horror Movie - Horror Homeroom
Product Research 2
Slasher Studios talks about why Friday the
13th tries to change the genre in the first film
by making one female not a sexual object
that still doesn't stop the male gaze.
The original film is seen as massively
controversial with female audiences thanks
to how repetitive the movie is with male
gaze; with the exception of one girl every
other female in the story only appears on
screen topless to be a sexual object and then
their killed by a male to show the male
gender superiority over females as the
subhuman gender of the human race who
only exist to serve the males in whatever way
they want (with sex being the main thing
they want). The female audience is disgusted
because this pattern in the original movie
continues throughout the other eleven
where a woman is always seen naked and is
only a sex object and this cycle has continued
because it’s what the male audience wants to
see, making one female be more human just
because she is a virgin only ads to the sexism.
Source: Women in Horror Month: Feminism
in Friday the 13th - Slasher Studios
Product Research 3
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency wrote
an article in the perspective of Jason
Vorhees trying to making changes
when he kills people because he read
Laura Moley’s book.
The Friday the 13th movies only ever
have women being sexual objects who
have their bodies taken advantage of in
all the movies by males. The sexualised
female then dies by the hand of Jason
Vorhees to enforce the male patriarchy
over women, men ignore that women
should be treated as equals completely
and make these movies to their twisted
view of life of women only existing for
men to take advantage of their bodies.
Source: I’m Friday the 13th’s Jason
Voorhees. I’ve Been Reading Feminist
Theory and Won’t Be Killing Any Over-
Sexualized Teenagers This Summer -
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
Person: Danny
Person Research 1
The horror kill count channel Dead Meat
made a video on the movie Friday the 13th
A New Beginning talking about the
director and his male gaze filming.
James Anthony Janise (the host of the
channel) talks about how Steinmann
filmed teens having sex for a long time
but it mostly focuses on the woman being
naked and then an even longer shot of the
woman lying on the floor naked, this is
showing the woman naked for a long time
for the male audience and it barely
focuses on the man because the men
don’t want to see male nudity. Steinmann
exploits the woman because he started
his filming career as a major porn director,
its because he started off directing porn
(and porn is purely for the male gaze
where a woman is being shown as an
object for a man) he always uses the same
technique in his movies to show the male
gaze because that’s how he made movies.
Source: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
(1985) KILL COUNT [Original] – YouTube
Person Research 2
Dread Central talks about the directing
career of Steinmann and how he
completely disappeared after that, the
author (Michael Felsher) tried to find
Steinmann was always associated with
porn because of how many ‘famous’
porno films he made and then the movies
he made after that were full of male gaze,
these movies were popular because of
how much he made them similar to porn
and all pornos are popular because the
exploitation of woman's bodies, he made
all of his movies always portray woman as
objects and it only ever focused on the
woman’s naked body never the man’s for
the male audience. Even worse was when
he directed his movies he always pulled
the worst of the worst porn techniques
for women in male gaze from the twisted
nightmare that is porn, in his movies a
woman would always be going through
rough sex or rape, this twistedness is to
fully show the male gaze of making
women nothing but objects to be used by
women in whatever way they want.
Source: Remembering Danny Steinmann
Person Research 3
Paste Magazine talked about all the
directors in horror which made porn and
(obviously) Steinmann made the list.
Steinmann saw the first porn movie and
decided to film his own, taking inspiration
from the original he copied the male gaze
he implemented this into his film career
and produced movies where women
were only seen as naked objects for
males to watch, he did this style in all of
his movies. When Steinmann directed his
last movies they went to the pinnacle of
male gaze, in such movies as High-rise
and Friday the 13th women were always
sex slaves for men who always did what
they said and tended to be raped, this
show the male gaze of women being
objects for men to be used however they
want (women become more or less
Source: The Mainstream Directors Who
Dabbled in Porn - Paste
Micro Analysis
Personal Research Project
• You need to produce an exploration of an element of media that you are
passionate about and is directly linked to the style of media you will make
in your FMP.
• This could be centred around a specific director, product, specific genre or
a social/historical/cultural context.
• You will need to write a minimum of a 1500 word essay exploring the
• You will also need to complete a bibliography of sources directly used in
your essay.
• The final section of your essay will focus on how your findings link to your
own work and your intended outcomes on your FMP this year
Essay Title
• Person or Studio Focus
How is [THEORY] relevant when analysing
the work of [PERSON/STUDIO]?
• Specific Product Focus
How is [THEORY] relevant when analysing
• Choose your person, studio or product that you will
focus on related to what you will make as your FMP
• Choose one of the theories from the
Essay Plan
• Your study should be structured using the following
– Select a director/designer/producer/studio/etc
[dependent on your area of interest] that you consider a
strong influence on your work and that you can do the
necessary analysis and investigations into, both from a
technical focus and academic focus
– Undertake macro analysis, this would be looking at the
wider context of their work [this could be historical
backgrounds, the world they operate in, influences, where
their work is seen, etc]
– Undertake micro analysis, this would focusing on specific
films/scene/levels of a game/photos/graphic designs etc
– Link this investigation to your own work and your intended
outcomes on your FMP
Essay Plan
1. Introduction to your topic (~100 words)
– Who/What did you research? What do you plan to discover through your discussion? How will you go about
doing this (macro, micro and application of theory)?
2. Introduction to your theory (~100 words)
– Explain what your theory is and its origins. What are the main beliefs of the theory? What are the criticisms of
the theory?
3. Macro analysis (400+ words)
– Context of a person: Reference their history with media. What products have they made in the past? What is
their production signature? How are they critically regarded? Any criticisms of their work?
– Context of a product: Reference the production process. Discuss the studio/company that made it and their
history. How is the work critically regarded? Any criticisms of the product?
4. Micro analysis (400+ words)
– Analyse the product/scene/specific pages/photographs/levels etc.
– Discuss the technical construction of what you are analysing (colour, composition, content etc etc) and reference
what impact each aspect discussed on the audience .
5. Application of Theory (400+ words)
– Apply your chosen theory to your chosen product/person/studio with frequent examples.
6. Your own work [~200 words]
– Talk about specific elements of the study that you will incorporate into your FMP this year;
– Link specific research outcomes to elements of your planned FMP, whether it be technical aspects, conceptual
elements or creative inspirations
– Be specific and aim to talk about 3-5 areas that you can link forward into the FMP
7. Conclusion (100 words)
– Reference general theory and your focus statement when making your concluding points
– What have you discovered from your study?
– Answer the question from your title
Academic Media Theories
• You should make specific reference to at least
one of the following media theories:
1. Auteur Theory
2. Reception Theory
3. The Hypodermic Needle Model
4. The Male Gaze
• You may find other relevant theories in your
investigations for your research document
Learning Criteria
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Micro Analysis Checklist
• Mise en scene
• Colour, costume and props discussing their subtext/connotations
• Binary opposition where appropriate
• Camera
• Shot type (Extreme long shot, long shot, medium long shot etc)
• Angle (High angle, low angle, eye level etc)
• Movement (or lack of movement with a locked off shot)
• Focus (shallow or deep focus)
• Composition (who is higher in the frame, closer to the camera).
• Editing
• Compare a minimum of two shots and discuss their relationship (are the shots the same or different? Why?
• Pace (fast or slow paced shots edited together)
• Any specific editing techniques (match on action, jump cut, montage etc.).
• Sound
• Diegesis (Diegetic, Non-Diegetic)
• Location of sound (internal, external, simple, displaced)
• Visibility of the sound (synchronous, asynchronous)
• Music suitability (parallel, contrapuntal).
• Lighting
• Key (high key, low key)
• Colour/temperature (warm, cold)
• Harshness (soft light, hard light).
• Text/Font
• Serif/San Serif
• Colour
• Font style
• Hierarchy
• Text/Dialogue
• What is being said/written
• Reference and foreground your focus
statement regularly.
• Include your sources regularly and throughout
– Quotes, statistics, analysis, film dialogue etc
• Include a referenced source directly in your
discussion every 250 words (as a minimum).
• Update your research document as you
include additional sources (if necessary).
Types of sources
• Chosen products (films, art, magazines, TV shows, games etc)
• Books (written by or about your director/theme) [Google Books]
• Academic articles (Google scholar)
• Interviews
• Documentaries
• DVD extras
• DVD commentaries
• Reviews/Popular Articles
• Journals
• Questionnaires (survey monkey/MS Forms)
• Focus groups
1. Film Title (YEAR) Directed by DIRECTOR [film] Location of Distributor:
2. “Episode Title” (YEAR) SHOW NAME. Series and Episode numbers.
Channel. Day or broadcast.
3. Game Title (YEAR) Console [game] Studio. Studio Location.
4. Artist surname, artist first initial. (YEAR) Title [details of its materials]
Location where it is. City where it is
5. Artist surname, artist first initial. (YEAR) Title
6. Author surname, author first initial. (YEAR). Title. Publisher Location:
7. Author surname, author first initial. (YEAR). Title. Available:
8. Author surname, author first initial.(YEAR) “Article title”, Magazine
(Issue Number), PAGE REFERENCE
9. In writing
In Bibliography
Author. (YEAR) “Article title”, Magazine (Issue Number), PAGE
10. Anon (n.d.) Title Available: WEBLINK. Last accessed DATE YOU LAST
1. Film
2. TV show
3. Game
4. Art
5. Photography
6. Book
7. Website
8. Magazine article
9. Citation
1. Jaws (1975) Directed by Francois Truffaut [film] Universal City,
California: Universal Pictures
2. “Gone” (2001) Spaced. Series 2 Episode 5. Channel 4. 30th March
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) Nintendo Switch
[game] Nintendo. Kyoto.
4. Goya, F. (1819) Saturn Devouring His Son [mixed media mural
transferred to canvas] Museo del Prado. Madrid
5. McCurry, S. (1984) Afghan Girl
6. Greene, N (2007). The French New Wave - A New Look . London:
Wallflower Press.
7. Hitchman, S. (2008). A History of French New Wave Cinema .
new-wave.shtml. Last accessed 11th Mar 2022.
8. Smith, J. (2014) “French New Wave Cinema”, Total Film (Issue 332),
9. In writing
“QUOTE” (Truffaut cited in Smith, 1994, p25)
In Bibliography
Smith, J (1994) “Interview with Truffaut”, Sight and Sound (issue 67),
10. Anon (n.d.) The French New Wave Available:
Last accessed 11th Mar 2022.
1. Film
2. TV show
3. Game
4. Art
5. Photography
6. Book
7. Website
8. Magazine article
9. Citation
• When
writing your
you need to
the sources
• Ensure you
books and
articles over
Z Library
• is a really useful website to get
online PDFs of almost any book in existence.
• You can look up keywords and find quotes really
York College Library
Access to
ebooks online
following links
on the Opac
Use the CLASS code to
find the physical book
in the library
Google Books
Look for ones that
have a preview
Can’t find the publisher information? Use Amazon as they list
everything you need for a bibliography beneath the listing.
Google Scholar
Similar to google
books but includes
journals, academic
papers and articles
Some will let you
access online, some
you may need to
download as a PDF
(you can get zlibrary to
send a copy to your
Kindle or ebook
Some features only
unlock if you have an
account. But its free.
You can access both
books and journals.
transcripts by
clicking here
You can copy and
paste the transcript
into a word doc for
This will need
proof reading as
occasionally it gets
things wrong.
Stores your
bibliography online
for you to copy and
paste off when your
Generates a
bibliography from a
URL- no effort
You will probably
need to refine this a
bit as author names
don’t always seem to
come across.
Neil’s Toolbox
Fill in the required
boxes and it will
generate the source
for you.
Different tabs for
different types of
If you don’t want to
include page
numbers- just put a .
and delete once
Cite them right
You can find additional support on referencing on
In text references
• Comes in 3 Flavours;
1. Regular
• Include a quote and then out the author’s surname and year of release
– Films such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), which employs the post-modern narrative focus
of an oppressed minority and applies modernistic Silver Age comics visual style through “Ben-Day Dots,
hard facial lines, and misaligned color palettes” (Cardenas, 2021),
2. Front-load it
• Mention the author, title of the book/article and year of publication before jumping into the quote
– Luke Turner authored the Metamodernist Manifesto in 2011, formalising his beliefs of the core
principals of the movement. Turner states metamodernity is “an oscillation between positions, with
diametrically opposed ideas operating like the pulsating polarities of a colossal electric machine,
propelling the world into action”.
3. Citation
• If someone was quoted in something else (like someone being interviewed in an article) you “cite”
– For it to have been universal across all homo sapien societies (as it is suggested) then “it must have a
social purpose” (de Waal cited in Ambrosino, 2019).
Including sources
• When including a source in your script include brief information from your
bibliography with a page reference where relevant.
Truffaut uses long shot durations throughout the 400 Blows (Truffaut, 1959).
Truffaut references this stating “It was an accident” (Truffaut in Smith, 1994,
12. Truffaut, F (1959) The 400 Blows
13. Truffaut, F cited in Smith J (1994) Interview with Truffaut (Sight and
Sound, issue 67)
Examples for including sources
KILLING ANY OVER-SEXUALIZED TEENAGERS THIS SUMMER. Available: I’m Friday the 13th’s Jason Voorhees. I’ve
Been Reading Feminist Theory and Won’t Be Killing Any Over-Sexualized Teenagers This Summer - McSweeney’s
Internet Tendency ( Last Accessed: 7.10.2022
2. Bettman, G. (2022). Indie Film Hustle. Available: What is Auteur Theory? - Definition and Examples | Indie Film
Hustle®. Last Accessed: 23.9.22
3. Barnhart, D. (2022). Musical Expert. Org. Available: What Is a Reception Theory? (with pictures) (
Last Accessed: 23.9.22
4. Lamb, B. (2013). Lesson Bucket. Available: The Hypodermic Needle Theory | VCE Media, Victorian Curriculum,
Media Arts, digital literacy, media education, filmmaking ( Last Accessed: 23.9.22
5. Loreck, J. (2016). The Conversation. Available: Explainer: what does the 'male gaze' mean, and what about a female
gaze? ( Last Accessed: 30.9.22
6. McDonald, K. (2016). Film Theory: The Basics. Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Routledge
7. Mulvey, K. (1975). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Munich, Bayern, Germany
8. Felsher, M. (2012). Remembering Danny Steinmann. Available: Remembering Danny Steinmann (
Last Accessed: 14.10.22
POLITICS OF DEATH IN THE FRIDAY THE 13TH FRANCHISE. Available: Pamela, Jason, Roy and Zombie Jason Hate
Women: An Analytical Look at the Politics of Death in the Friday the 13th Franchise - Horror Movie - Horror
Homeroom. Last Accessed: 7.10.22
10. Oller, J. (2022). From Abel Ferrara to Wes Craven: The Mainstream Directors Who Dabbled in Porn. Available: The
Mainstream Directors Who Dabbled in Porn - Paste ( Last Accessed: 14.10.22
11. Unknown. (2014). Women in Horror Month: Feminism in Friday the 13th. Available: Women in Horror Month:
Feminism in Friday the 13th - Slasher Studios. Last Accessed: 7.10.22
12. Kill Count: Friday the 13th A New Beginning (2017) Directed by James A. Janise [video] Detroit, Michigan: Dead Meat
13. VanBuskirk, S. (2021). Very well Mind. Available: What Is the Male Gaze? ( Last Accessed:
14. What is the Male Gaze? (2021) Made by David Guignion [video] Montreal, Quebec: Theory and Philosophy

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Personal Study Essay Research Document Pro Forma.pptx

  • 1. Personal Study Project Unit 12 Specialist study in creative media production
  • 2. Personal Study Project • You will need to produce 1. A research document • Collection of quotes and summarised information based around your topic • This should include research from a wide variety of sources (not just websites- this is critical to achieving beyond a Pass) • An alphabetised bibliography on the final slide DEADLINE 03/11/22 in Personal Study Section of website
  • 3. Deadlines Date w/c Task[s] Summer Choose your focus topic and basic research of theories 12/09 Research all 4 theories (4 sources minimum) 19/09 Research theory (2 sources minimum) 26/09 Research product/person/studio (secondary research) (3 sources minimum) 03/10 Research product/person/studio (secondary research) (3 sources minimum) 10/10 Analyse a product/scene/specific pages/photographs/levels etc. 17/10 Final additions and upload to PERSONAL STUDY area of website. Start essay. Half term
  • 6. Auteur Theory Author Gil Bettman Website Title What is Auteur Theory? Definition Page Reference(s) What is Auteur Theory? - Definition and Examples | Indie Film Hustle® Summary of Theory • The Auteur Theory is when a reflects a director’s artistic vision. The movies they make will have certain recurring themes and visual queues that show who the director is. Quotes • “Auteur Theory is a way of looking at films that state that the director is the ‘author’ of a film.” • “The Auteur theory argues that a film is a reflection of the director’s artistic vision; so, a movie directed by a given filmmaker will have recognizable, recurring themes and visual queues that inform the audience who the director is (think a Hitchcock or Tarantino film) and shows a consistent artistic identity.” • “The term ‘Auteur theory’ is credited to the critics of the French film journal Cahiers du cinema, many of which became the directors of the French New Wave. However, according to New York University professor Julian Cornell, the concept had been around for a while prior. The Cahiers critics simply refined the theory.”
  • 7. Reception Theory Author Debra Barnhart Website Title Musical Page Reference(s) What Is a Reception Theory? (with pictures) ( Summary of Theory • The Reception Theory is when the audience is an important part to the understanding of a book. Quotes • “A reception theory is a philosophy, usually applied to literature, that recognizes the audience as an essential element to understanding the work's larger meaning.” • “Some of the most profound pieces of literature to come out of that period were written with the assumption that audience interpretation would shape their meaning, which gave rise to a unique and identifiable literary genre of works.” • “In broad terms, the theory assumes that the reservoir of life experiences a reader brings to the reading process is crucial to how he or she interprets an author’s creation.”
  • 8. Hypodermic Needle Model Author Brett Lamb Website Title Lesson Bucket Page Reference(s) The Hypodermic Needle Theory | VCE Media, Victorian Curriculum, Media Arts, Summary of Theory • The Hypodermic Needle Model is when media messages are fully taken in by the viewer. Quotes • “The Hypodermic Needle Theory is a linear communication theory which suggests that media messages are injected directly into the brains of a passive audience.” • “Writing about the influence of movies, the project chairman WW Charters wrote that they have the potential to profoundly affect the way children behave.” • “The Hypodermic Needle Theory continues to influence the way we talk about the media. People believe that the mass media has a powerful effect. Parents worry about the influence of television and violent video games. News outlets run headlines like ‘Is Google making us stupid’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto led teen to kill’.
  • 9. The Male Gaze Author Sarah VanBuskirk Website Title Very well Mind Page Reference(s) What Is the Male Gaze? ( Summary of Theory • There’s no easy way to put this, but the Male Gaze is female sexualisation in media where women are depicted as sexual objects for male desire. Quotes • “The male gaze describes a way of portraying and looking at women that empowers men while sexualizing and diminishing women.” • “The term ‘male gaze’ was first popularized in relation to the depiction of female characters in film as inactive, often overtly sexualized objects of male desire.” • “The male gaze twists this natural urge, turning the women into passive items to possess and use as props.”
  • 12. Topic Research 1 Author Janice Loreck Source Explainer: what does the 'male gaze' mean, and what about a female gaze? Details about topic/Quotes • The Male Gaze is women in media are portrayed as sexual objects controlled by men to be looked at by them instead of being people. In modern day the people who make this media try to give female characters backstories and motivations to be less of a sexual objects but that’s just a way to distract the viewers from complaining about sexism and they still sexualises the character for the male audience. The creators of this media also try to have a female gaze by having men sexualised but it’s a lot more censored for the male audience and women are supposed to find pleasure in the woman who the man’s with desiring him. • Quotes: • “What counts is what the heroine provokes, or rather what she represents. She is the one, or rather the love or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern he feels for her, who makes him act the way he does. In herself the woman has not the slightest importance.” • “The ‘male gaze’ invokes the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way of looking that empowers men and objectifies women. In the male gaze, woman is visually positioned as an ‘object’ of heterosexual male desire.” • “Another argument is that cinema doesn’t invite women to desire men’s bodies. Rather, female viewers are positioned to identify with a heroine who is herself desired by a man. According to this logic, it is not Fitzwilliam Darcy’s wet undershirt that inflames the female viewer in Pride and Prejudice. Rather, it is Darcy’s longing for Elizabeth that truly appeals.”
  • 13. Topic Research 2 Author Kevin McDonald Source Film Theory the Basics Page Reference(s) 105 to 109 Details about topic/Quotes • The Male Gaze is women in movies are sexual objects controlled by men in a world ruled by patriarchy. Women in the film industry are treated and portrayed as second class citizens or the undesirable sub-slave species that only exists for male desire. Male film runners in the film industry see women as a threat to their way of life and it must be contained, male film runners do this by punishing them using physical or phycological means or reduce women to nothing but stereotypical and peripheral roles, and with this threat delt with women go back to being sex objects for men. • Quotes: • “Psychoanalytic theory is thus appropriated here as a political weapon, demonstrating the way the unconscious of patriarchal society has structed film form.” • “Women always represent an intrusion or threat to the narrative and that ‘she is a traumatic presence which must be negated.’” • “Women are relegated to a subservient position within the most narrative cinema, This adheres to the general premise that women are other.”
  • 14. Topic Research 3 Author Laura Mulvey Source Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema Page Reference(s) 14-15 Details about topic/Quotes • The Male Gaze is women being sexualised in cinema with the film industry being completely controlled by male patriarchy world order. This male gaze has been around in the film industry for such a long time the audience has become used to women being sexualised and don’t question it seeing it as a common part of film. Male gaze in film has hidden symbolism which says that men can do whatever they want because of their gender while women have to be housewives who only bread and look after children. • Quotes: • “The paradox of phallocentrism in all its manifestations is that it depends on the image of the castrated women to give order and meaning to its world.” • “Women’s Desire is subjugated to her image as bearer of the bleeding wound; she can only exist in relation to castration and cannot transcend it.” • “She turns her child into the signifier of her own desire to poses a penis (the condition, she imagines, of the entry into symbolic).”
  • 15. Topic Research 4 Author David Guignion Source What is the Male Gaze? | Laura Mulvey | Keyword - YouTube Details about topic/Quotes • The Male Gaze is when women on the cinema screens and in movies are nothing more than lifeless objects for men to view and use. When men are shown in movies they are shown as strong buff hero’s which the male viewers want to be and part of that idea is the strong man has a heavily sexualised woman next to them so the male viewers are made to believe a sexy woman is part of what they want to be. In the cinema there’s so much darkness that the audience can’t see anyone or anything they can only look at the screen and a sexualised woman will make male audiences eyes glued to the screen and that’s the only thing they want to see. • Questions: • “You can’t see anything in the cinema but the light from the screen makes you have a desire to look.” • “Seeing sexualised women on the screen makes the audience sceptical to see in to someone's private life but once the male audience gets used to it, it excites them and makes them think there in command.” • The cinema screen gives you a desire to be looking at it, and the content on the screen can appeal to the desire of the male audience.”
  • 17. Product Research 1 The website Horror Homeroom monitors the sexism of female characters and sees the male gaze throughout the franchise. The Friday the 13th Franchise has been going on since 1980 to 2009 and through out it all women have been constantly the subject of male gaze, one major aspect of male gaze his how much women are controlled by men in the movies where there often controlled through fear and because of that they always do what the men want or do what ever the men say when their having intercourse for the billionth time in the movie. The biggest aspect of male gaze is how much more women are sexualised on the screen than men because 8% men are sometimes sexualised but their still mostly covered up while women are sexualised 29% of the time and they’re always shown completely naked and the camera shows the women most of the time in the sex scene than the man. Source: Pamela, Jason, Roy and Zombie Jason Hate Women: An Analytical Look at the Politics of Death in the Friday the 13th Franchise - Horror Movie - Horror Homeroom
  • 18. Product Research 2 Slasher Studios talks about why Friday the 13th tries to change the genre in the first film by making one female not a sexual object that still doesn't stop the male gaze. The original film is seen as massively controversial with female audiences thanks to how repetitive the movie is with male gaze; with the exception of one girl every other female in the story only appears on screen topless to be a sexual object and then their killed by a male to show the male gender superiority over females as the subhuman gender of the human race who only exist to serve the males in whatever way they want (with sex being the main thing they want). The female audience is disgusted because this pattern in the original movie continues throughout the other eleven where a woman is always seen naked and is only a sex object and this cycle has continued because it’s what the male audience wants to see, making one female be more human just because she is a virgin only ads to the sexism. Source: Women in Horror Month: Feminism in Friday the 13th - Slasher Studios
  • 19. Product Research 3 McSweeney’s Internet Tendency wrote an article in the perspective of Jason Vorhees trying to making changes when he kills people because he read Laura Moley’s book. The Friday the 13th movies only ever have women being sexual objects who have their bodies taken advantage of in all the movies by males. The sexualised female then dies by the hand of Jason Vorhees to enforce the male patriarchy over women, men ignore that women should be treated as equals completely and make these movies to their twisted view of life of women only existing for men to take advantage of their bodies. Source: I’m Friday the 13th’s Jason Voorhees. I’ve Been Reading Feminist Theory and Won’t Be Killing Any Over- Sexualized Teenagers This Summer - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency (
  • 21. Person Research 1 The horror kill count channel Dead Meat made a video on the movie Friday the 13th A New Beginning talking about the director and his male gaze filming. James Anthony Janise (the host of the channel) talks about how Steinmann filmed teens having sex for a long time but it mostly focuses on the woman being naked and then an even longer shot of the woman lying on the floor naked, this is showing the woman naked for a long time for the male audience and it barely focuses on the man because the men don’t want to see male nudity. Steinmann exploits the woman because he started his filming career as a major porn director, its because he started off directing porn (and porn is purely for the male gaze where a woman is being shown as an object for a man) he always uses the same technique in his movies to show the male gaze because that’s how he made movies. Source: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985) KILL COUNT [Original] – YouTube
  • 22. Person Research 2 Dread Central talks about the directing career of Steinmann and how he completely disappeared after that, the author (Michael Felsher) tried to find him. Steinmann was always associated with porn because of how many ‘famous’ porno films he made and then the movies he made after that were full of male gaze, these movies were popular because of how much he made them similar to porn and all pornos are popular because the exploitation of woman's bodies, he made all of his movies always portray woman as objects and it only ever focused on the woman’s naked body never the man’s for the male audience. Even worse was when he directed his movies he always pulled the worst of the worst porn techniques for women in male gaze from the twisted nightmare that is porn, in his movies a woman would always be going through rough sex or rape, this twistedness is to fully show the male gaze of making women nothing but objects to be used by women in whatever way they want. Source: Remembering Danny Steinmann (
  • 23. Person Research 3 Paste Magazine talked about all the directors in horror which made porn and (obviously) Steinmann made the list. Steinmann saw the first porn movie and decided to film his own, taking inspiration from the original he copied the male gaze he implemented this into his film career and produced movies where women were only seen as naked objects for males to watch, he did this style in all of his movies. When Steinmann directed his last movies they went to the pinnacle of male gaze, in such movies as High-rise and Friday the 13th women were always sex slaves for men who always did what they said and tended to be raped, this show the male gaze of women being objects for men to be used however they want (women become more or less slaves). Source: The Mainstream Directors Who Dabbled in Porn - Paste (
  • 25. Personal Research Project • You need to produce an exploration of an element of media that you are passionate about and is directly linked to the style of media you will make in your FMP. • This could be centred around a specific director, product, specific genre or a social/historical/cultural context. • You will need to write a minimum of a 1500 word essay exploring the topic. • You will also need to complete a bibliography of sources directly used in your essay. • The final section of your essay will focus on how your findings link to your own work and your intended outcomes on your FMP this year
  • 26. Essay Title • Person or Studio Focus How is [THEORY] relevant when analysing the work of [PERSON/STUDIO]? • Specific Product Focus How is [THEORY] relevant when analysing [PRODUCT]? • Choose your person, studio or product that you will focus on related to what you will make as your FMP • Choose one of the theories from the
  • 27. Essay Plan • Your study should be structured using the following – Select a director/designer/producer/studio/etc [dependent on your area of interest] that you consider a strong influence on your work and that you can do the necessary analysis and investigations into, both from a technical focus and academic focus – Undertake macro analysis, this would be looking at the wider context of their work [this could be historical backgrounds, the world they operate in, influences, where their work is seen, etc] – Undertake micro analysis, this would focusing on specific films/scene/levels of a game/photos/graphic designs etc – Link this investigation to your own work and your intended outcomes on your FMP
  • 28. Essay Plan 1. Introduction to your topic (~100 words) – Who/What did you research? What do you plan to discover through your discussion? How will you go about doing this (macro, micro and application of theory)? 2. Introduction to your theory (~100 words) – Explain what your theory is and its origins. What are the main beliefs of the theory? What are the criticisms of the theory? 3. Macro analysis (400+ words) – Context of a person: Reference their history with media. What products have they made in the past? What is their production signature? How are they critically regarded? Any criticisms of their work? – Context of a product: Reference the production process. Discuss the studio/company that made it and their history. How is the work critically regarded? Any criticisms of the product? 4. Micro analysis (400+ words) – Analyse the product/scene/specific pages/photographs/levels etc. – Discuss the technical construction of what you are analysing (colour, composition, content etc etc) and reference what impact each aspect discussed on the audience . 5. Application of Theory (400+ words) – Apply your chosen theory to your chosen product/person/studio with frequent examples. 6. Your own work [~200 words] – Talk about specific elements of the study that you will incorporate into your FMP this year; – Link specific research outcomes to elements of your planned FMP, whether it be technical aspects, conceptual elements or creative inspirations – Be specific and aim to talk about 3-5 areas that you can link forward into the FMP 7. Conclusion (100 words) – Reference general theory and your focus statement when making your concluding points – What have you discovered from your study? – Answer the question from your title
  • 29. Academic Media Theories • You should make specific reference to at least one of the following media theories: 1. Auteur Theory 2. Reception Theory 3. The Hypodermic Needle Model 4. The Male Gaze • You may find other relevant theories in your investigations for your research document
  • 30. Learning Criteria Task 2 Essay Task 1 Research Document Task 2 Essay
  • 32. Micro Analysis Checklist • Mise en scene • Colour, costume and props discussing their subtext/connotations • Binary opposition where appropriate • Camera • Shot type (Extreme long shot, long shot, medium long shot etc) • Angle (High angle, low angle, eye level etc) • Movement (or lack of movement with a locked off shot) • Focus (shallow or deep focus) • Composition (who is higher in the frame, closer to the camera). • Editing • Compare a minimum of two shots and discuss their relationship (are the shots the same or different? Why? • Pace (fast or slow paced shots edited together) • Any specific editing techniques (match on action, jump cut, montage etc.). • Sound • Diegesis (Diegetic, Non-Diegetic) • Location of sound (internal, external, simple, displaced) • Visibility of the sound (synchronous, asynchronous) • Music suitability (parallel, contrapuntal). • Lighting • Key (high key, low key) • Colour/temperature (warm, cold) • Harshness (soft light, hard light). • Text/Font • Serif/San Serif • Colour • Font style • Hierarchy • Text/Dialogue • What is being said/written
  • 33. Quotes/Sources • Reference and foreground your focus statement regularly. • Include your sources regularly and throughout – Quotes, statistics, analysis, film dialogue etc • Include a referenced source directly in your discussion every 250 words (as a minimum). • Update your research document as you include additional sources (if necessary).
  • 34. Types of sources • Chosen products (films, art, magazines, TV shows, games etc) • Books (written by or about your director/theme) [Google Books] • Academic articles (Google scholar) • Interviews • Documentaries • DVD extras • DVD commentaries • Reviews/Popular Articles • Journals • Questionnaires (survey monkey/MS Forms) • Focus groups
  • 35. Bibliography STYLES FOR DIFFERENT SOURCES 1. Film Title (YEAR) Directed by DIRECTOR [film] Location of Distributor: Distributor. 2. “Episode Title” (YEAR) SHOW NAME. Series and Episode numbers. Channel. Day or broadcast. 3. Game Title (YEAR) Console [game] Studio. Studio Location. 4. Artist surname, artist first initial. (YEAR) Title [details of its materials] Location where it is. City where it is 5. Artist surname, artist first initial. (YEAR) Title 6. Author surname, author first initial. (YEAR). Title. Publisher Location: Publisher. 7. Author surname, author first initial. (YEAR). Title. Available: WEBLINK. Last accessed DATE YOU LAST VISITED SITE. 8. Author surname, author first initial.(YEAR) “Article title”, Magazine (Issue Number), PAGE REFERENCE 9. In writing “QUOTE” (INTERVIEWEE cited in AUTHOR, YEAR, PAGE REFERENCE) In Bibliography Author. (YEAR) “Article title”, Magazine (Issue Number), PAGE REFERENCE 10. Anon (n.d.) Title Available: WEBLINK. Last accessed DATE YOU LAST VISITED SITE. 1. Film 2. TV show 3. Game 4. Art 5. Photography 6. Book 7. Website 8. Magazine article 9. Citation 10.Unknown author/date
  • 36. Bibliography STYLE EXAMPLES 1. Jaws (1975) Directed by Francois Truffaut [film] Universal City, California: Universal Pictures 2. “Gone” (2001) Spaced. Series 2 Episode 5. Channel 4. 30th March 3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) Nintendo Switch [game] Nintendo. Kyoto. 4. Goya, F. (1819) Saturn Devouring His Son [mixed media mural transferred to canvas] Museo del Prado. Madrid 5. McCurry, S. (1984) Afghan Girl 6. Greene, N (2007). The French New Wave - A New Look . London: Wallflower Press. 7. Hitchman, S. (2008). A History of French New Wave Cinema . Available: new-wave.shtml. Last accessed 11th Mar 2022. 8. Smith, J. (2014) “French New Wave Cinema”, Total Film (Issue 332), p34-35 9. In writing “QUOTE” (Truffaut cited in Smith, 1994, p25) In Bibliography Smith, J (1994) “Interview with Truffaut”, Sight and Sound (issue 67), p24-25 10. Anon (n.d.) The French New Wave Available: Last accessed 11th Mar 2022. 1. Film 2. TV show 3. Game 4. Art 5. Photography 6. Book 7. Website 8. Magazine article 9. Citation 10.Unknown author/date
  • 37. • When writing your bibliography you need to alphabetise the sources • Ensure you prioritise books and articles over websites. Bibliography
  • 38. Z Library • is a really useful website to get online PDFs of almost any book in existence. • You can look up keywords and find quotes really easily
  • 39. York College Library Access to ebooks online following links on the Opac Use the CLASS code to find the physical book in the library https://elibrary.yorkcollege. w
  • 41. Amazon Can’t find the publisher information? Use Amazon as they list everything you need for a bibliography beneath the listing.
  • 42. Google Scholar Similar to google books but includes journals, academic papers and articles
  • 43. Zlibrary Some will let you access online, some you may need to download as a PDF (you can get zlibrary to send a copy to your Kindle or ebook reader) Some features only unlock if you have an account. But its free. You can access both books and journals.
  • 44. YouTube TRANSCRIPTS Access transcripts by clicking here You can copy and paste the transcript into a word doc for ease. This will need proof reading as occasionally it gets things wrong.
  • 45. MyBib / Stores your bibliography online for you to copy and paste off when your ready. Generates a bibliography from a URL- no effort required You will probably need to refine this a bit as author names don’t always seem to come across.
  • 46. Neil’s Toolbox bibliography- creator/reference-book.htm Fill in the required boxes and it will generate the source for you. Different tabs for different types of sources If you don’t want to include page numbers- just put a . and delete once generated.
  • 47. Cite them right You can find additional support on referencing on
  • 48. In text references • Comes in 3 Flavours; 1. Regular • Include a quote and then out the author’s surname and year of release – Films such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), which employs the post-modern narrative focus of an oppressed minority and applies modernistic Silver Age comics visual style through “Ben-Day Dots, hard facial lines, and misaligned color palettes” (Cardenas, 2021), 2. Front-load it • Mention the author, title of the book/article and year of publication before jumping into the quote – Luke Turner authored the Metamodernist Manifesto in 2011, formalising his beliefs of the core principals of the movement. Turner states metamodernity is “an oscillation between positions, with diametrically opposed ideas operating like the pulsating polarities of a colossal electric machine, propelling the world into action”. 3. Citation • If someone was quoted in something else (like someone being interviewed in an article) you “cite” them – For it to have been universal across all homo sapien societies (as it is suggested) then “it must have a social purpose” (de Waal cited in Ambrosino, 2019).
  • 49. Including sources • When including a source in your script include brief information from your bibliography with a page reference where relevant. Example Truffaut uses long shot durations throughout the 400 Blows (Truffaut, 1959). Truffaut references this stating “It was an accident” (Truffaut in Smith, 1994, p34). 12. Truffaut, F (1959) The 400 Blows 13. Truffaut, F cited in Smith J (1994) Interview with Truffaut (Sight and Sound, issue 67)
  • 51. Bibliography 1. Appel, J. (2018). I’M FRIDAY THE 13TH’S JASON VOORHEES. I’VE BEEN READING FEMINIST THEORY AND WON’T BE KILLING ANY OVER-SEXUALIZED TEENAGERS THIS SUMMER. Available: I’m Friday the 13th’s Jason Voorhees. I’ve Been Reading Feminist Theory and Won’t Be Killing Any Over-Sexualized Teenagers This Summer - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency ( Last Accessed: 7.10.2022 2. Bettman, G. (2022). Indie Film Hustle. Available: What is Auteur Theory? - Definition and Examples | Indie Film Hustle®. Last Accessed: 23.9.22 3. Barnhart, D. (2022). Musical Expert. Org. Available: What Is a Reception Theory? (with pictures) ( Last Accessed: 23.9.22 4. Lamb, B. (2013). Lesson Bucket. Available: The Hypodermic Needle Theory | VCE Media, Victorian Curriculum, Media Arts, digital literacy, media education, filmmaking ( Last Accessed: 23.9.22 5. Loreck, J. (2016). The Conversation. Available: Explainer: what does the 'male gaze' mean, and what about a female gaze? ( Last Accessed: 30.9.22 6. McDonald, K. (2016). Film Theory: The Basics. Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Routledge 7. Mulvey, K. (1975). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Munich, Bayern, Germany 8. Felsher, M. (2012). Remembering Danny Steinmann. Available: Remembering Danny Steinmann ( Last Accessed: 14.10.22 9. Hasabeard, C. (2020). PAMELA, JASON, ROY AND ZOMBIE JASON HATE WOMEN: AN ANALYTICAL LOOK AT THE POLITICS OF DEATH IN THE FRIDAY THE 13TH FRANCHISE. Available: Pamela, Jason, Roy and Zombie Jason Hate Women: An Analytical Look at the Politics of Death in the Friday the 13th Franchise - Horror Movie - Horror Homeroom. Last Accessed: 7.10.22 10. Oller, J. (2022). From Abel Ferrara to Wes Craven: The Mainstream Directors Who Dabbled in Porn. Available: The Mainstream Directors Who Dabbled in Porn - Paste ( Last Accessed: 14.10.22 11. Unknown. (2014). Women in Horror Month: Feminism in Friday the 13th. Available: Women in Horror Month: Feminism in Friday the 13th - Slasher Studios. Last Accessed: 7.10.22 12. Kill Count: Friday the 13th A New Beginning (2017) Directed by James A. Janise [video] Detroit, Michigan: Dead Meat 13. VanBuskirk, S. (2021). Very well Mind. Available: What Is the Male Gaze? ( Last Accessed: 23.9.22 14. What is the Male Gaze? (2021) Made by David Guignion [video] Montreal, Quebec: Theory and Philosophy

Editor's Notes

  1. Google Scholar Google Books Youtube