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entrepreneurs, 14 percent of the U.S. population, have started
their own businesses. The majority of these businesses were
started by a single founder. Another interesting insight is that
entrepreneurship is coexisting within established organizations.
Savvy customers are driving business owners to constantly
innovate new products and services forgoing the traditional model
of repurchasing past developed existing products.
What’s key for any business is to adopt as a daily routine. To
achieve success, there are four practices that must be used: First,
create a vision for the business that is aligned with your passion.
Second, manage your emotions because the path to success is
like a rollercoaster ride. Third, have a strong belief system that
what you are creating will benefit the many as you build a
community of followers. Finally, have a sound strategy on how
you will accomplish every goal that has been established.
Personal branding is about creating a consistent view for our
customers and ideal prospects. Key tips include: (1) optimize
your social media profiles across all the platforms, (2) be
consistent when posting content, (3) select the social media
channel with targeted goals, and (4) freely share your knowledge
and seek feedback. We are motivated to have professional
presence on social media considering that 9 new mobile phone
users being added every second and 30% of the global
population are active on social media.
Many entrepreneurs want to know how to sell into corporate
enterprises. It is the path that most entrepreneurs follow to
expand their business. To turn our start-up businesses into an
enterprise, understand how to sell to customers in the way they
want to buy. It is critical in the sales process and requires an
understanding of how CEOs run multi-million dollar corporations.
Great leaders strive to create a vision that inspires their team to
deliver extraordinary results.
ntrepreneurship in the U.S. is booming, according to a
recently released 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
(GEM) U.S. Report. Twenty-four million U.S. .E
Editor’s Note
Be Smart. Take Action. Win Big.
Lucy Hoger, CEO
Four Things You Must Have To
Achieve Success
By John Ferrara - Founder of Success Messenger, Social Media Influencer on Multiple
Platforms and Success Coach
I have spent the last few years of my life dedicated to studying the very
fundamentals of what it takes to become a success. I have interviewed
people, read countless books on the subject, attended seminars and have
been mentored by various successful entrepreneurs.
Searching for the answer, I have learned that success isn’t just about
business or being financially independent. Success covers a wide spectrum
in everyone’s life. It is found in relationships, love, your spirituality, your
contribution to others, as well as, intellectually, emotionally and other various
Being exposed to so much information, I began to realize the repetitive
patterns that lead to victory. With all the different factors involved, I have
extracted what I’ve learned and managed to discover the four necessities
one must have in order to achieve success in all areas of life.
The first thing you must
have to be successful is a
Not just any vision. You need a
CLEAR and COMPELLING vision for
the future. The reason you want this
vision to be compelling to you is
because you want something that is
going to pull you towards your goals
instead of you having to push yourself
to complete them. Pull has a much
greater force than push. It is true in
physics; it is true with your vision.
The second thing you must
master is the ability to
manage your state, that is
what you are feeling in the
Having the conscious ability of state
management allows you to take
control of how you are ACTING
instead of REACTING. Your emotional
and psychological state allows you to
tap into resources that you already
possess. Having conscious control
permits you to locate these resources
and utilize them when they are most
There are three important states
one should learn to master.
Certainty – To be definite in
what you are doing.
Clarity – To be clear and not
Courage – To know that you
may not be right all the time,
but you refuse to let fear stop
The third thing you must
have is a strong belief
You must be able to not only
intellectually but, also emotionally,
believe you are capable of achieving
your vision. A limiting belief stops us
from moving forward when we should
and causes us to move backwards
when we shouldn’t. We are all guilty of
having limiting beliefs, however, we
must learn to exchange them with
more empowering ones.
The fourth and final thing
one must have is a great
I have found the best way to locate a great
strategy is to model people who have
already obtained the same result you are
looking for. Simply put; SUCCESS
Figure out their strategy and do
the same. Eventually, you will
be left with the same result.
These are the four categories one must
possess in order to achieve absolute
triumph. Implement these different groups
and continue to grow and achieve self-
mastery throughout all areas of your life.
John Ferrara, known as Success
Messenger on multiple social media
platforms, is a success coach who helps
people create the life they love through
proven strategies. His story is quite
phenomenal as John, not only inspires others
using social media platforms but, is a living
testimony of how success can be attained
irrespective of where your roots originated.
Born from humble beginnings,
John faced many personal and social
challenges growing up, but he used this to
fuel him. In spite of the adversity, he pushed
through to not only to claim his spot among
the top 1% of influencers on Instagram, but
also to become a serial entrepreneur.
Nowadays, you’ll find his fingers furiously
co-authoring an eBook that will be released
soon. Trust us, you don't want to miss this.
It’s a game changer.
Please feel free to send me an email at
Also, be sure to follow me on social media!
Instagram: @successmessenger
Twitter @SuccessMessnger
U.S. Entrepreneurship Hits Record
High Levels
By Gijs van Wulfen, Speaker Innovation & Design Thinking. Founder FORTH innovation
method. LinkedIn Influencer
Twenty-four million U.S. entrepreneurs, or 14 percent of the population,
are invigorating the American economy according to the 2014 Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) U.S. Report issued by Babson College and
Baruch College. This is the highest rate ever recorded in the United States.
Entrepreneurship is booming!
The report got some great key findings, of which I will highlight a few.
 The majority of entrepreneurs (55%) start businesses alone, while 23%
start with three or more founders.
 6% of the U.S. working population are starting businesses within
organizations, indicating that entrepreneurship in startups coexists with
entrepreneurship in organizations.
 High intentions (12%) and nascent activity (10%) suggests both the
presence of potential future entrepreneurs and conditions that enable
people to actually take steps to get started.
 Since 2002, about two thirds of
U.S. entrepreneurs reported selling
products or services that are new
to some or all customers and with
few or no competitors.
This percentage peaked in 2009 to
75%, and has since declined to a
lower level, dropping slightly in
2014 to 63%.
Innovation levels have been
consistently lower among
established business owners,
which is not surprising since
entrepreneurs are more likely to
need innovative offerings to
establish a foothold in the
 Fear of failure, which measures
one's willingness to take risks in
starting a business, decreased to
30 percent from a high of 32
percent in 2012.
The fact that entrepreneurship hits
record levels in the US is great news.
It refreshes the US market
continuously with new products,
services and business models,
fulfilling unmet needs of consumers
and businesses. Especially the fact
that 6% of the U.S. working population
are entrepreneuring within
organizations makes me very happy.
Intrapreneurship is essential for big
organizations to keep up the pace in
our age of technological acceleration
(artificial limbs that respond to brain
impulses, driverless cars, 3d printing, new
business models enabled by increasing
connectivity). More and more big
organizations are opening up, founding
'innovation labs', crowdsourcing ideas and
new technologies and fostering internal
entrepreneurship. It makes those 'old
elephants dance again'.
Entrepreneurship hitting a
record level will also stimulate
intrapreneurship in big
Entrepreneurship sparks creativity,
innovation and optimism. And while there's
great turmoil in the global economy on one
side, this news creates a positive vibe. I
hope that the optimism and the record
level of entrepreneurship in the US will be
a source of inspiration for potential
entrepreneurs all over the world to start
their new venture on short term. The US
has shown us the way. Now it's up to you:
be an entrepreneur. Just do it, like I did
myself a while ago.
CONTACT Gijs van Wulfen,
LinkedIn Gijs van Wulfen
Phone +31651483575
Gijs van Wulfen is a recognised authority and keynote speaker on innovation
and Design Thinking. He was chosen as one of the first LinkedIn Influencers and
as of the end of 2014, over 250,000 people across the globe are following his
notably engaging, prolific and insightful posts. In 2014 Gijs came number 6 in the
international Top 40 Innovation Bloggers .
Gijs is also the author of the innovation bestseller “The Innovation Expedition”
(published in English, Russian, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese and Japanese).
Gijs furthermore founded the FORTH innovation method, which provides structure
to the chaotic start of innovation, while still fostering creative thinking. The FORTH
method helps businesses to generate well-constructed new product, service, and
business model concepts. To date, the FORTH innovation
method has been implement in 40+ Europe businesses.
Most recently Gijs was the keynote speaker at the
Turkish Innovation Week in Istanbul and at Product
Innovation Berlin. Gijs is retained as a motivational
innovation speaker with institutions and companies
such as 3M in the United States, Strelka Institute
Moscow and Tebodin Amsterdam.
Individual Brand Building
Tips / Stats / Insights
By Mark Hewitt -- Experienced Digital Leader with a Passion for Technology
and Social Business
Participation in social media is no longer optional if you plan to remain
relevant - now is the time to onboard your individual brand on social media.
Focusing on creating a brand presence, optimizing your profiles, growing
and deepening your network and converting interactions fluidly between
online and offline channels will lead to unprecedented levels of
Spend the time to complete your social media profiles
to align your brand with who you are. Ensure that the
basics like profile picture and other standard content
are complete. You should also take advantage of
attributes like background imagery and interests or
summary sections to make your identity personal,
unique and differentiated.
Publish, repurpose and reuse blogs, SlideShare
presentations and video content that you create and
from people and influencers that you find compelling.
Set objectives for how often you will
publish, where you will publish, how much
time you will spend to promote content and
what your engagement and reach goals
are. Establish a personal discipline and
plan to review your goals and degree of
accomplishment at least monthly, and make
changes as needed.
The easiest thing to write about is your
passions and what you know. Cultivating
and writing about your core interests will
make writing easier and more genuine. A
likely outcome will be that your audience
will find you and share and contribute to the
Your network will provide feedback
organically and through commenting,
sharing and liking behaviors. Beyond the
vanity metrics, take the time to ask and
listen to trusted friends and colleagues for
their qualitative feedback to better
understand what types of content
Your social network is on mobile. Ensure
that your content is able to be accessed
and consumed in the right context
 There are 9 new mobile phone users
every second. (freely)
 There are over 2.206 Billion active users
on social media, a global penetration of
30%. (Social Media Today)
 LinkedIn has over 332 million users and
each second adds two new members.
(Small Business Trends)
 65% of video viewers watch more than
3/4 of a video. (Hubspot)
In addition to finding your writing
cadence and creating blogs, consider
creating a video, post it on YouTube
and include it in your LinkedIn
Summary section to give people a
stronger sense of your brand and who
you are. You can also repurpose your
blogs by morphing them into
SlideShare content.
Find a peer with similar interest in
improving their individual brand to
foster a friendly collaboration and be a
competitive catalyst. Progressive
organizations are starting to integrate
social business coaching skills into
leadership development programs -
your firm may have this available to
Although trying something new and
putting yourself out there can be
daunting, you will likely find that your
network will be more welcoming than
anticipated. Stay true to who you are,
listen to your network's feedback and
find your personal voice and style.
MARK HEWITT -- Experienced Digital Leader with a Passion for Technology
and Social Business
Socially Savvy helps organizations utilize social media to drive business results
and is a premier partner in the activation, measurement and leadership of social
business programs.
Services include: Social Business Activation, Social Strategy Development, 30
Day Sales Program, Social Advisory and Re-Benchmark.
Please follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to join the social business conversation.
Brilliant Influencing: Sell How The
Customer Wants to Buy
By James ‘Alex’ Alexander, Founder, Alexander Consulting
Smart organizations, and the best salespeople who work for them,
determine their approach to selling based upon their prospects’ and
customers’ approach to buying. Sounds simple, but I’m always amazed at
the number of organizations and sellers that define their selling process
based upon their own needs, not on how the customer wants to buy. In fact,
research shows that customers’ most-stated complaint of the sellers who call
on them is that they do not follow the customer’s buying process.* Sellers
who avoid this mistake will win much more than they lose.
The obvious way to avoid this problem is to do some up-front research to
learn exactly the steps, the process, the procedures, and the people doing
the buying and modify your selling
process to fit what they want. This
alone will make selling easier and
more productive.
But this is only part of the picture.
In industries and markets where
customers have important,
complex issues requiring
sophisticated, large-investment
answers, the thing that top sellers
understand that average sellers
don’t know is that what customers
want changes as the buying
process continues.
Let me explain the three shifts in
buying focus that you must learn
and internalize if you are hoping to
make it to the elite level of selling.
Early on, at the first sign of pain, or the
potential for gain, buyers of all types
(technologists, executives, users) think
about finding a potential “product” (a
tangible entity that can be seen and felt) to
fix a problem or make their life better. A
little naively, buyers are hoping for a silver
bullet (e.g., if only we had good CRM
software or new imaging equipment or
robotics, etc. then life would be good). An
important rule of human nature takes place
here—even though we “know better,” we
hope and look for a simple answer to
complex issues.
Therefore, and assuming that basic
capabilities are in
place, to make it to
the short list of
potential suppliers,
you have to be seen
as having “one of the
best” product offerings
in order to make it
to the dance, to
participate in the
bake-off, to audition
for the beauty
contest. This means
that during the initial stage in the buying
process, the selling process should focus
on the attributes of the product in order to
get the prospect interested.
But as I’ve written in the past, the best
sellers know that the product is only one
part of a successful solution and that many
other factors will eventually influence
success. The very best salespeople
always try to persuade the customer to
perform an assessment early on, both to
gain the information they need and to help
elicit a deeper understanding from the
As the customer starts to understand the
complexity of the situation and the limitations
of the “product” component, their thinking
evolves to the next phase of clarity and
interest, and thus the selling emphasis must
As hard, cold reality steps in, the buyer
realizes that there really is no silver bullet, and
getting results may be a little more difficult
than initially hoped. This realization is quickly
followed by a growing anxiety about the risk of
addressing this complex, ambiguous problem
and the potential downside if things don’t go
as planned--goals may not be achieved, costs
my be overrun, people may be blamed.
Here the buying rules
of the game change.
Buyers feel that with
very few exceptions
(Apple, for example)
the products of top
suppliers are pretty
similar. Notice that I
used the word “feel.”
Sure, I understand
that your product is
different and better,
and I’m sure that if I cared, you could tell me
why. However valuable a dialogue about
product features and benefits may have been
early on in the buying cycle, it is not important
now! If you insist on telling your prospect
about product features and benefits
(something he or she doesn’t care about), you
will be participating in a monologue.
Unless you have Jay Leno’s skills or Bob
Hope’s capabilities, your prospect will not be
amused and will immediately classify you as a
vendor and eliminate you from the hunt. At
this stage, the customer wants to know
potential supplier quality control and fail-
safe capabilities--that you have the
processes and the people to make things
work. They want to know about your
technical support and your commitment to
uptime, and they want case studies and
testimonials from others they respect in
order to overcome their fear and minimize
their risk.
Once the prospect has confidence in your
ability to make the product work and keep
it running, their thinking evolves again--it
goes back to their real reason for buying,
which is to make their operation perform
better. Now they stop to consider how the
tangible product can impact an operation
or improve a process or add value to the
business. Only services can make this
happen, and thus the value proposition
migrates again. Your professional services’
capability to implement or install or
commission a product tailored to their
unique situation is what they want to hear.
Top sellers are listening for the clues to
shift focus one more time, and then clearly
articulate the benefits of your advanced
services, your consulting ability to
customize answers, and the results other
clients have achieved.
So, do you need adequate products? Of
course! Should you understand and follow
the customer’s buying process? Certainly!
But, brilliant influencers know when to shift
the emphasis on their capabilities and
offerings to match the natural shift in the
needs and wants of the buyers of
important, complex solutions.
* Atkinson, Tom and Ron Koprowski. July-
August 2006. “Finding the Weak Links.”
Harvard Business Review.
**Alexander, James. “Brilliant Influencing:
Always Start with an Assessment.”
James “Alex” Alexander is founder of Alexander
Consulting, a management consultancy that helps
product companies build brilliant service businesses.
Few organizations offer the depth of expertise, know-
how, and practical leadership offered by Alexander
Contact Alex at 239-671-0740.
LinkedIn James ‘Alex’ Alexander
© Tinou Bao
Every CEO needs to be a priority driven CEO. One major mistake that
leaders often make is not identifying the top priorities for themselves and
their organizations. They simply don't understand the value of putting first
things first. Steven Covey introduced this foundational principle when he
wrote the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." In fact, he would go on
to point out that, "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to
schedule your priorities."
Mr. Covey realized that each person has the ability to chart the course for his
or her own life and leadership. His words still speak to leaders today as
powerfully as they did two decades ago when he wrote his book. Every
CEO needs to be a prioritized CEO. Here is a leadership truism to
By Ken Gosnell AfC, CEO Expert l Roundtable Facilitator l Author l
Become a Priority Driven CEO
CEOs will either set their
priorities or their
priorities will be set by
Buck Jacobs, the founder of the C12 Group
shared this important insight about
priorities. He said, "Priorities are what we do,
everything else is just talk." It is easy to talk
the leadership game. It is easy to say the
right things and to act like we are working on
the first things that would help the
organization. However, the reality is that most
leaders just talk. Their actions do not match
their words.
5 Priorities Every CEO
Should Establish
1. Every CEO Should Have the
Priority to Improve
Themselves and their
A CEO's organization and team
will not get better until they get
better. Every CEO should be
intentional about their own
personal growth and
development. Leaders need time
to improve their ability to make
decisions, learn new concepts,
and be exposed to new
ideas. When a CEO decides to
quit improving, their people will
quit improving. The best way that
I have seen this implemented is
through CEO Roundtables where
CEOs spend the day with their
peers discussing business ideas
to improve their organizations.
Coaching Question: How much
of your time and resources
have you given to improving
yourself and your team?
2. Every CEO Should Have the
Priority to Set Healthy
Boundaries for Themselves.
Priorities help to determine
direction. CEOs and leaders can
sabotage themselves by not having
boundaries to keep themselves
focused and headed in the right
direction. Leaders need to set
boundaries in just a few areas to
help protect their top
priorities. These areas should
include: personal growth; team
development; setting strategy;
personal health; and time with
family. When a leader does not take
the proactive step to protect their
priorities then their priorities become
pushed down by the
powerless. They submit to the
activities of life and work that do not
produce the results or make a
Coaching Question: Have you
blocked time on your schedule for
your top priorities?
3. Every CEO Should Have the
Priority to Inspire Their Team By
Setting a Great Direction.
CEOs are called to lead. They are called
to set direction and chart a course. During
these tumultuous business years this
priority has become even more
important. People have always been
inspired by great vision. It is essential for
the CEO to set the vision and the direction
for the company and then to rally their
people to the cause. The CEO must never
forget to the hold up the vision and remind
the people that work in their company
"why" they do what they do.
Coaching Question: Do your people
want to follow you because you have
set a great direction for where you
would like to go?
4. Every CEO Should Have the
Priority to Establish Momentum
and Increase Energy.
Momentum and energy are two of the
most important assets of any
organization. CEOs have an important
task on focusing on how to increase
energy and accelerate momentum in their
organization. Every leader knows that this
is true and yet so few leaders actually
spend any time on how to improve these
areas in their company.
Coaching Question: What decision could
you make today that would help you to
increase energy and accelerate
momentum in your company?
5. Every CEO Should Have the
Priority to hear the words "Well
Every CEO and business owner is a steward
of the company that they run. At some point
they will pass on the company to the next
owner or generation. They should see
themselves as stewards and not owners of
the business.
There is a wonderful Bible story about
business. Jesus tells a story about a
businessman who leaves his business to
three employees. Some time later, the owner
returns. The first two employees did
outstanding work while the owner was
gone. They even increase profits and
sales. The third employee did nothing.
The owner makes this statement about the
first two employees, "Well done, good and
faithful servant! You have been faithful with a
few things; I will put you in charge of many
things. Come and share your Master's
happiness." (Matthew 25:21)
This should be the story for every business
owner. Every CEO should make it their top
priority to hear the words "Well Done!"
Coaching Question: If you transitioned out of
your business today would you hear the
words "Well Done?"
Priorities are where leaders spend their
time, money, and resources. A good,
quick assessment is to evaluate how much
time, money, and resources you have
given to the five areas just mentioned. Are
you talking a good game or do you really
have priorities? Listen again to the wise
words of Buck Jacobs when he said,
"Priorities are what we do, everything else
is just talk."
CEOs give great advice and counsel to other
CEOs. It is often lonely at the top and it is
hard to know where to look to for advice and
counsel. When CEOs speak, other CEOs
should listen. Can you imagine sitting around
a table with CEOs like this that could give you
good advice each month? Wise CEOs look to
their peers to help achieve breakthroughs in
their life and business. To find out more about
the C12 Group click here.
Ken Gosnell AfC
As the CEO of the C12 Group Washington DC Metro and Maryland, I help other CEO's and
business executives find new revenue streams by providing great resources for great leaders
who are building a great business for a greater purpose.
Every business owner needs a place where they can get a different perspective. Every business
owner needs a second set of eyes on their business and their life. They need a place to
generate new ideas and thoughts about their business with people that will speak to them with
candor and honesty.
Every business owner needs a safe place. Every business owner needs a place to share their
fears, doubts, concerns, and fears. When business owners have a place to be totally
transparent about every aspect of the business, the business has the ability to breakthrough to
new levels.
Every business owner needs an oasis of rest and renewal. A place like this is a place to go to
gather thoughts and center life. A place like this is a small escape during the month in the midst
of a hectic life. Every business owner needs a place like this in order for their leadership to
Every business owner needs an executive team of mentors. This is a place to learn best
practices from the best people in order to get the best results for themselves and their business.
Connect with me at
Be Smart. Take Action Win Big.
© Thomas Leuthard
Implement the four principles that will help you achieve success: (1)
create a vision of what you want, (2) manage your emotions, (3) build a
strong belief system and (4) have a sound strategy.
Learn about record high U.S. Entrepreneurship growth trends that are
driven by innovative products and services to an expanding savvy customer
Improve your personal brand by optimizing your social media profiles,
consistently publishing content, setting goals for each channel, sharing your
knowledge and getting feedback.
Discover how to sell what the customer wants to buy, and how they want
to buy it by having the right product, support, and service in place to engage
with the customer.
Become a priority driven CEO by knowing how to engage and inspire the
people you lead, create the right priorities and momentum, and be ready to
say “Well Done” on a regular basis to your team.

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Personal Branding | Visionocity Magazine

  • 1. VISONOCITYMAGAZINE-IssueNo.9 MAGAZINE Get Customers To Buy TODAY! CEO Insights Revealed Personal Brand Building Tips Business Is Booming Learn Where Four Keys to Success
  • 2. Tap & Hold the screen to show the top bar HOME Tap to return to the app home page How to use this app? Swipe Horizontally to go to the next page Tap & Hold the screen to show the top bar Swipe Horizontally to quickly navigate pages Tap selected page to View
  • 4. EDITOR Section entrepreneurs, 14 percent of the U.S. population, have started their own businesses. The majority of these businesses were started by a single founder. Another interesting insight is that entrepreneurship is coexisting within established organizations. Savvy customers are driving business owners to constantly innovate new products and services forgoing the traditional model of repurchasing past developed existing products. What’s key for any business is to adopt as a daily routine. To achieve success, there are four practices that must be used: First, create a vision for the business that is aligned with your passion. Second, manage your emotions because the path to success is like a rollercoaster ride. Third, have a strong belief system that what you are creating will benefit the many as you build a community of followers. Finally, have a sound strategy on how you will accomplish every goal that has been established. Personal branding is about creating a consistent view for our customers and ideal prospects. Key tips include: (1) optimize your social media profiles across all the platforms, (2) be consistent when posting content, (3) select the social media channel with targeted goals, and (4) freely share your knowledge and seek feedback. We are motivated to have professional presence on social media considering that 9 new mobile phone users being added every second and 30% of the global population are active on social media. Many entrepreneurs want to know how to sell into corporate enterprises. It is the path that most entrepreneurs follow to expand their business. To turn our start-up businesses into an enterprise, understand how to sell to customers in the way they want to buy. It is critical in the sales process and requires an understanding of how CEOs run multi-million dollar corporations. Great leaders strive to create a vision that inspires their team to deliver extraordinary results. ntrepreneurship in the U.S. is booming, according to a recently released 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) U.S. Report. Twenty-four million U.S. .E Editor’s Note Be Smart. Take Action. Win Big. Lucy Hoger, CEO
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  • 6. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Section Four Things You Must Have To Achieve Success By John Ferrara - Founder of Success Messenger, Social Media Influencer on Multiple Platforms and Success Coach I have spent the last few years of my life dedicated to studying the very fundamentals of what it takes to become a success. I have interviewed people, read countless books on the subject, attended seminars and have been mentored by various successful entrepreneurs. Searching for the answer, I have learned that success isn’t just about business or being financially independent. Success covers a wide spectrum in everyone’s life. It is found in relationships, love, your spirituality, your contribution to others, as well as, intellectually, emotionally and other various areas.. Being exposed to so much information, I began to realize the repetitive patterns that lead to victory. With all the different factors involved, I have extracted what I’ve learned and managed to discover the four necessities one must have in order to achieve success in all areas of life.
  • 7. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Section The first thing you must have to be successful is a vision. Not just any vision. You need a CLEAR and COMPELLING vision for the future. The reason you want this vision to be compelling to you is because you want something that is going to pull you towards your goals instead of you having to push yourself to complete them. Pull has a much greater force than push. It is true in physics; it is true with your vision. The second thing you must master is the ability to manage your state, that is what you are feeling in the moment. Having the conscious ability of state management allows you to take control of how you are ACTING instead of REACTING. Your emotional and psychological state allows you to tap into resources that you already possess. Having conscious control permits you to locate these resources and utilize them when they are most needed. There are three important states one should learn to master. Certainty – To be definite in what you are doing. Clarity – To be clear and not disordered. Courage – To know that you may not be right all the time, but you refuse to let fear stop you. The third thing you must have is a strong belief system. You must be able to not only intellectually but, also emotionally, believe you are capable of achieving your vision. A limiting belief stops us from moving forward when we should and causes us to move backwards when we shouldn’t. We are all guilty of having limiting beliefs, however, we must learn to exchange them with more empowering ones.
  • 8. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Section The fourth and final thing one must have is a great strategy. I have found the best way to locate a great strategy is to model people who have already obtained the same result you are looking for. Simply put; SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES! Figure out their strategy and do the same. Eventually, you will be left with the same result. These are the four categories one must possess in order to achieve absolute triumph. Implement these different groups and continue to grow and achieve self- mastery throughout all areas of your life. John Ferrara, known as Success Messenger on multiple social media platforms, is a success coach who helps people create the life they love through proven strategies. His story is quite phenomenal as John, not only inspires others using social media platforms but, is a living testimony of how success can be attained irrespective of where your roots originated. Born from humble beginnings, John faced many personal and social challenges growing up, but he used this to fuel him. In spite of the adversity, he pushed through to not only to claim his spot among the top 1% of influencers on Instagram, but also to become a serial entrepreneur. Nowadays, you’ll find his fingers furiously co-authoring an eBook that will be released soon. Trust us, you don't want to miss this. It’s a game changer. Please feel free to send me an email at Also, be sure to follow me on social media! Instagram: @successmessenger Twitter @SuccessMessnger YouTube: Facebook:
  • 10. FINANCIAL Section U.S. Entrepreneurship Hits Record High Levels By Gijs van Wulfen, Speaker Innovation & Design Thinking. Founder FORTH innovation method. LinkedIn Influencer Twenty-four million U.S. entrepreneurs, or 14 percent of the population, are invigorating the American economy according to the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) U.S. Report issued by Babson College and Baruch College. This is the highest rate ever recorded in the United States. Entrepreneurship is booming! The report got some great key findings, of which I will highlight a few.  The majority of entrepreneurs (55%) start businesses alone, while 23% start with three or more founders.  6% of the U.S. working population are starting businesses within organizations, indicating that entrepreneurship in startups coexists with entrepreneurship in organizations.  High intentions (12%) and nascent activity (10%) suggests both the presence of potential future entrepreneurs and conditions that enable people to actually take steps to get started.
  • 11. INSPIRATIONAL Section  Since 2002, about two thirds of U.S. entrepreneurs reported selling products or services that are new to some or all customers and with few or no competitors. This percentage peaked in 2009 to 75%, and has since declined to a lower level, dropping slightly in 2014 to 63%. Innovation levels have been consistently lower among established business owners, which is not surprising since entrepreneurs are more likely to need innovative offerings to establish a foothold in the market.  Fear of failure, which measures one's willingness to take risks in starting a business, decreased to 30 percent from a high of 32 percent in 2012. The fact that entrepreneurship hits record levels in the US is great news. It refreshes the US market continuously with new products, services and business models, fulfilling unmet needs of consumers and businesses. Especially the fact that 6% of the U.S. working population are entrepreneuring within organizations makes me very happy. Intrapreneurship is essential for big organizations to keep up the pace in FINANCIAL Section
  • 12. INSPIRATIONAL Section our age of technological acceleration (artificial limbs that respond to brain impulses, driverless cars, 3d printing, new business models enabled by increasing connectivity). More and more big organizations are opening up, founding 'innovation labs', crowdsourcing ideas and new technologies and fostering internal entrepreneurship. It makes those 'old elephants dance again'. Entrepreneurship hitting a record level will also stimulate intrapreneurship in big corporates. FINANCIAL Section Entrepreneurship sparks creativity, innovation and optimism. And while there's great turmoil in the global economy on one side, this news creates a positive vibe. I hope that the optimism and the record level of entrepreneurship in the US will be a source of inspiration for potential entrepreneurs all over the world to start their new venture on short term. The US has shown us the way. Now it's up to you: be an entrepreneur. Just do it, like I did myself a while ago. CONTACT Gijs van Wulfen, LinkedIn Gijs van Wulfen Email Phone +31651483575 Gijs van Wulfen is a recognised authority and keynote speaker on innovation and Design Thinking. He was chosen as one of the first LinkedIn Influencers and as of the end of 2014, over 250,000 people across the globe are following his notably engaging, prolific and insightful posts. In 2014 Gijs came number 6 in the international Top 40 Innovation Bloggers . Gijs is also the author of the innovation bestseller “The Innovation Expedition” (published in English, Russian, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese and Japanese). Gijs furthermore founded the FORTH innovation method, which provides structure to the chaotic start of innovation, while still fostering creative thinking. The FORTH method helps businesses to generate well-constructed new product, service, and business model concepts. To date, the FORTH innovation method has been implement in 40+ Europe businesses. Most recently Gijs was the keynote speaker at the Turkish Innovation Week in Istanbul and at Product Innovation Berlin. Gijs is retained as a motivational innovation speaker with institutions and companies such as 3M in the United States, Strelka Institute Moscow and Tebodin Amsterdam.
  • 13.
  • 14. BRAND MARKETING Section Individual Brand Building Tips / Stats / Insights By Mark Hewitt -- Experienced Digital Leader with a Passion for Technology and Social Business Participation in social media is no longer optional if you plan to remain relevant - now is the time to onboard your individual brand on social media. Focusing on creating a brand presence, optimizing your profiles, growing and deepening your network and converting interactions fluidly between online and offline channels will lead to unprecedented levels of communication. 6 INDIVIDUAL BRAND BUILDING TIPS 1. OPTIMIZE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES Spend the time to complete your social media profiles to align your brand with who you are. Ensure that the basics like profile picture and other standard content are complete. You should also take advantage of attributes like background imagery and interests or summary sections to make your identity personal, unique and differentiated. 2. REGULARLY PUBLISH CONTENT Publish, repurpose and reuse blogs, SlideShare presentations and video content that you create and from people and influencers that you find compelling.
  • 15. BRAND MARKETING Section 3. SET GOALS FOR EACH SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL Set objectives for how often you will publish, where you will publish, how much time you will spend to promote content and what your engagement and reach goals are. Establish a personal discipline and plan to review your goals and degree of accomplishment at least monthly, and make changes as needed. 4. SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND PASSIONS WITHOUT THE GOAL OF RECIPROCITY The easiest thing to write about is your passions and what you know. Cultivating and writing about your core interests will make writing easier and more genuine. A likely outcome will be that your audience will find you and share and contribute to the conversation. 5. OBTAIN FEEDBACK Your network will provide feedback organically and through commenting, sharing and liking behaviors. Beyond the vanity metrics, take the time to ask and listen to trusted friends and colleagues for their qualitative feedback to better understand what types of content resonates. 6. ENSURE THAT YOUR CONTENT IS CONSUMABLE ON MOBILE Your social network is on mobile. Ensure that your content is able to be accessed and consumed in the right context (time/device/place).
  • 16. BRAND MARKETING Section STATISTICS  There are 9 new mobile phone users every second. (freely)  There are over 2.206 Billion active users on social media, a global penetration of 30%. (Social Media Today)  LinkedIn has over 332 million users and each second adds two new members. (Small Business Trends)  65% of video viewers watch more than 3/4 of a video. (Hubspot) INSIGHTS START CREATING ORIGINAL CONTENT In addition to finding your writing cadence and creating blogs, consider creating a video, post it on YouTube and include it in your LinkedIn Summary section to give people a stronger sense of your brand and who you are. You can also repurpose your blogs by morphing them into SlideShare content. FIND A COACH OR PEER MENTOR TO ASSIST YOU TO OPTIMIZE YOUR SOCIAL BUSINESS PROFILES AND BRAND BUILDING ACTIVITIES Find a peer with similar interest in improving their individual brand to foster a friendly collaboration and be a competitive catalyst. Progressive organizations are starting to integrate social business coaching skills into leadership development programs - your firm may have this available to leverage. REMAIN AUTHENTIC AND TRANSPARENT Although trying something new and putting yourself out there can be daunting, you will likely find that your network will be more welcoming than anticipated. Stay true to who you are, listen to your network's feedback and find your personal voice and style. MARK HEWITT -- Experienced Digital Leader with a Passion for Technology and Social Business ABOUT MARK’S COMPANY Socially Savvy helps organizations utilize social media to drive business results and is a premier partner in the activation, measurement and leadership of social business programs. Services include: Social Business Activation, Social Strategy Development, 30 Day Sales Program, Social Advisory and Re-Benchmark. Please follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to join the social business conversation.
  • 18. SALES STRATEGIES Section Brilliant Influencing: Sell How The Customer Wants to Buy By James ‘Alex’ Alexander, Founder, Alexander Consulting Smart organizations, and the best salespeople who work for them, determine their approach to selling based upon their prospects’ and customers’ approach to buying. Sounds simple, but I’m always amazed at the number of organizations and sellers that define their selling process based upon their own needs, not on how the customer wants to buy. In fact, research shows that customers’ most-stated complaint of the sellers who call on them is that they do not follow the customer’s buying process.* Sellers who avoid this mistake will win much more than they lose. The obvious way to avoid this problem is to do some up-front research to learn exactly the steps, the process, the procedures, and the people doing the buying and modify your selling process to fit what they want. This alone will make selling easier and more productive. But this is only part of the picture. In industries and markets where customers have important, complex issues requiring sophisticated, large-investment answers, the thing that top sellers understand that average sellers don’t know is that what customers want changes as the buying process continues. Let me explain the three shifts in buying focus that you must learn and internalize if you are hoping to make it to the elite level of selling.
  • 19. SALES STRATEGIES Section 1. IT TAKES PRODUCTS TO PLAY Early on, at the first sign of pain, or the potential for gain, buyers of all types (technologists, executives, users) think about finding a potential “product” (a tangible entity that can be seen and felt) to fix a problem or make their life better. A little naively, buyers are hoping for a silver bullet (e.g., if only we had good CRM software or new imaging equipment or robotics, etc. then life would be good). An important rule of human nature takes place here—even though we “know better,” we hope and look for a simple answer to complex issues. Therefore, and assuming that basic capabilities are in place, to make it to the short list of potential suppliers, you have to be seen as having “one of the best” product offerings in order to make it to the dance, to participate in the bake-off, to audition for the beauty contest. This means that during the initial stage in the buying process, the selling process should focus on the attributes of the product in order to get the prospect interested. But as I’ve written in the past, the best sellers know that the product is only one part of a successful solution and that many other factors will eventually influence success. The very best salespeople always try to persuade the customer to perform an assessment early on, both to gain the information they need and to help elicit a deeper understanding from the customer.** As the customer starts to understand the complexity of the situation and the limitations of the “product” component, their thinking evolves to the next phase of clarity and interest, and thus the selling emphasis must change. 2. IT TAKES SUPPORT TO STAY As hard, cold reality steps in, the buyer realizes that there really is no silver bullet, and getting results may be a little more difficult than initially hoped. This realization is quickly followed by a growing anxiety about the risk of addressing this complex, ambiguous problem and the potential downside if things don’t go as planned--goals may not be achieved, costs my be overrun, people may be blamed. Here the buying rules of the game change. Buyers feel that with very few exceptions (Apple, for example) the products of top suppliers are pretty similar. Notice that I used the word “feel.” Sure, I understand that your product is different and better, and I’m sure that if I cared, you could tell me why. However valuable a dialogue about product features and benefits may have been early on in the buying cycle, it is not important now! If you insist on telling your prospect about product features and benefits (something he or she doesn’t care about), you will be participating in a monologue. Unless you have Jay Leno’s skills or Bob Hope’s capabilities, your prospect will not be amused and will immediately classify you as a vendor and eliminate you from the hunt. At this stage, the customer wants to know
  • 20. SALES STRATEGIES Section potential supplier quality control and fail- safe capabilities--that you have the processes and the people to make things work. They want to know about your technical support and your commitment to uptime, and they want case studies and testimonials from others they respect in order to overcome their fear and minimize their risk. 3. IT TAKES SERVICES TO PAY Once the prospect has confidence in your ability to make the product work and keep it running, their thinking evolves again--it goes back to their real reason for buying, which is to make their operation perform better. Now they stop to consider how the tangible product can impact an operation or improve a process or add value to the business. Only services can make this happen, and thus the value proposition migrates again. Your professional services’ capability to implement or install or commission a product tailored to their unique situation is what they want to hear. Top sellers are listening for the clues to shift focus one more time, and then clearly articulate the benefits of your advanced services, your consulting ability to customize answers, and the results other clients have achieved. So, do you need adequate products? Of course! Should you understand and follow the customer’s buying process? Certainly! But, brilliant influencers know when to shift the emphasis on their capabilities and offerings to match the natural shift in the needs and wants of the buyers of important, complex solutions. References * Atkinson, Tom and Ron Koprowski. July- August 2006. “Finding the Weak Links.” Harvard Business Review. **Alexander, James. “Brilliant Influencing: Always Start with an Assessment.” James “Alex” Alexander is founder of Alexander Consulting, a management consultancy that helps product companies build brilliant service businesses. Few organizations offer the depth of expertise, know- how, and practical leadership offered by Alexander Consulting. Contact Alex at 239-671-0740. Email Visit LinkedIn James ‘Alex’ Alexander
  • 22. LEADERSHIP Section Every CEO needs to be a priority driven CEO. One major mistake that leaders often make is not identifying the top priorities for themselves and their organizations. They simply don't understand the value of putting first things first. Steven Covey introduced this foundational principle when he wrote the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." In fact, he would go on to point out that, "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Mr. Covey realized that each person has the ability to chart the course for his or her own life and leadership. His words still speak to leaders today as powerfully as they did two decades ago when he wrote his book. Every CEO needs to be a prioritized CEO. Here is a leadership truism to remember. By Ken Gosnell AfC, CEO Expert l Roundtable Facilitator l Author l Become a Priority Driven CEO CEOs will either set their priorities or their priorities will be set by others. Buck Jacobs, the founder of the C12 Group shared this important insight about priorities. He said, "Priorities are what we do, everything else is just talk." It is easy to talk the leadership game. It is easy to say the right things and to act like we are working on the first things that would help the organization. However, the reality is that most leaders just talk. Their actions do not match their words.
  • 23. LEADERSHIP Section 5 Priorities Every CEO Should Establish 1. Every CEO Should Have the Priority to Improve Themselves and their Teams. A CEO's organization and team will not get better until they get better. Every CEO should be intentional about their own personal growth and development. Leaders need time to improve their ability to make decisions, learn new concepts, and be exposed to new ideas. When a CEO decides to quit improving, their people will quit improving. The best way that I have seen this implemented is through CEO Roundtables where CEOs spend the day with their peers discussing business ideas to improve their organizations. Coaching Question: How much of your time and resources have you given to improving yourself and your team? 2. Every CEO Should Have the Priority to Set Healthy Boundaries for Themselves. Priorities help to determine direction. CEOs and leaders can sabotage themselves by not having boundaries to keep themselves focused and headed in the right direction. Leaders need to set boundaries in just a few areas to help protect their top priorities. These areas should include: personal growth; team development; setting strategy; personal health; and time with family. When a leader does not take the proactive step to protect their priorities then their priorities become pushed down by the powerless. They submit to the activities of life and work that do not produce the results or make a difference. Coaching Question: Have you blocked time on your schedule for your top priorities?
  • 24. LEADERSHIP Section 3. Every CEO Should Have the Priority to Inspire Their Team By Setting a Great Direction. CEOs are called to lead. They are called to set direction and chart a course. During these tumultuous business years this priority has become even more important. People have always been inspired by great vision. It is essential for the CEO to set the vision and the direction for the company and then to rally their people to the cause. The CEO must never forget to the hold up the vision and remind the people that work in their company "why" they do what they do. Coaching Question: Do your people want to follow you because you have set a great direction for where you would like to go? 4. Every CEO Should Have the Priority to Establish Momentum and Increase Energy. Momentum and energy are two of the most important assets of any organization. CEOs have an important task on focusing on how to increase energy and accelerate momentum in their organization. Every leader knows that this is true and yet so few leaders actually spend any time on how to improve these areas in their company. Coaching Question: What decision could you make today that would help you to increase energy and accelerate momentum in your company? 5. Every CEO Should Have the Priority to hear the words "Well Done.“ Every CEO and business owner is a steward of the company that they run. At some point they will pass on the company to the next owner or generation. They should see themselves as stewards and not owners of the business. There is a wonderful Bible story about business. Jesus tells a story about a businessman who leaves his business to three employees. Some time later, the owner returns. The first two employees did outstanding work while the owner was gone. They even increase profits and sales. The third employee did nothing. The owner makes this statement about the first two employees, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness." (Matthew 25:21) This should be the story for every business owner. Every CEO should make it their top priority to hear the words "Well Done!" Coaching Question: If you transitioned out of your business today would you hear the words "Well Done?"
  • 25. LEADERSHIP Section Priorities are where leaders spend their time, money, and resources. A good, quick assessment is to evaluate how much time, money, and resources you have given to the five areas just mentioned. Are you talking a good game or do you really have priorities? Listen again to the wise words of Buck Jacobs when he said, "Priorities are what we do, everything else is just talk." CEOs give great advice and counsel to other CEOs. It is often lonely at the top and it is hard to know where to look to for advice and counsel. When CEOs speak, other CEOs should listen. Can you imagine sitting around a table with CEOs like this that could give you good advice each month? Wise CEOs look to their peers to help achieve breakthroughs in their life and business. To find out more about the C12 Group click here. Ken Gosnell AfC As the CEO of the C12 Group Washington DC Metro and Maryland, I help other CEO's and business executives find new revenue streams by providing great resources for great leaders who are building a great business for a greater purpose. Every business owner needs a place where they can get a different perspective. Every business owner needs a second set of eyes on their business and their life. They need a place to generate new ideas and thoughts about their business with people that will speak to them with candor and honesty. Every business owner needs a safe place. Every business owner needs a place to share their fears, doubts, concerns, and fears. When business owners have a place to be totally transparent about every aspect of the business, the business has the ability to breakthrough to new levels. Every business owner needs an oasis of rest and renewal. A place like this is a place to go to gather thoughts and center life. A place like this is a small escape during the month in the midst of a hectic life. Every business owner needs a place like this in order for their leadership to succeed. Every business owner needs an executive team of mentors. This is a place to learn best practices from the best people in order to get the best results for themselves and their business. Connect with me at
  • 26. Be Smart. Take Action Win Big. ONE LAST THOUGHT… Section © Thomas Leuthard Implement the four principles that will help you achieve success: (1) create a vision of what you want, (2) manage your emotions, (3) build a strong belief system and (4) have a sound strategy. Learn about record high U.S. Entrepreneurship growth trends that are driven by innovative products and services to an expanding savvy customer base. Improve your personal brand by optimizing your social media profiles, consistently publishing content, setting goals for each channel, sharing your knowledge and getting feedback. Discover how to sell what the customer wants to buy, and how they want to buy it by having the right product, support, and service in place to engage with the customer. Become a priority driven CEO by knowing how to engage and inspire the people you lead, create the right priorities and momentum, and be ready to say “Well Done” on a regular basis to your team. 1 2 3 4 5