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Palawan has 3,000 islands

                            Water quality and availability is a growing issue world
                            wide. No mater how many islands surround you, fresh
                            water must be managed in a sustainable manor.
•To manufacture one car, including tires, 147,972 liters of
water are used.
• 13% of municipal piped water is lost in pipeline leaks.
• The human brain is 75% water.
• Outdoor watering uses 35 liters of water each minute
(over 9 gallons).
• One drop of oil can make up to 25 liters of water unfit for
• Half of world’s wetlands have been lost since 1900.
• Each year, over 89 billion liters of bottled water are sold.
10,000 sq m/hect x 1.6m/year = 16,000,000 liters/hect/year

                                                   Pond 2
    Pond 1
Pond Site

Pond 3
Fresh water is essential for terrestrial life. Every house
and farm needs water to maintain health and life.
Without high quality fresh water life is impossible for
plants, animals and humans.
Palawan Civet
There is a very complex food chain, a food web
actually, that relies on water and produces abundant
food if the soil surrounding the water ecosystem is
Crab-eating Macaque, Cynomolgus Monkey, Long-tailed Macaque

                  Macaca fascicularis
Palawan and Puerto Princesa City are host to one of
the Seven Wonders of Nature. The water flowing
through this complex ecosystem needs to be clean and
free of pollution to support life and remain pristine for
the enjoyment of the visitors who partake of the eco-
tourism activities in the area.
Creation is a Natural Sanctuary

Eco tourism is on the rise world wide and relies on
responsible water management. Agricultural practices
must preserve the habitat that feeds into this natural
system in the area.
Agricultural practices in the watershed flowing into the
subterranean river are not sustainable. They are mostly
farmed conventionally. That means a regular use of toxic
and poisonous chemical treatments that leach into the
water system and poison the environment. Sustainable
and profitable agriculture can be done with natural means
using Nature Farming methods, organic systems and
Permaculture techniques.
Sheridan Beach Resort
     Organic Farm

                                            2-4 month internship

                                               Aloha Consultancy
                                     Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project

Sheridan Beach
   Aloha Consultancy
Develop your own organic farm       Resort
Aloha Consultancy
Develop your own organic farm

                                Sheridan Beach
                                 Chef wants more!
Aloha Consultancy
Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
Eco tourists unwittingly
polluting the environment
The Neighborhood
The Neighborhood
The Neighborhood
  0.00 3 sacks local clay soil
 50.00 1/2 sack Uling (CRH)
 30.00 EME
 50.00 Molasses
 20.00 3 kilos Rice bran or bokashi

Yield = 9 Trays X 36 = 300 pcs
50 centavos each
Water Treatment
Why Learn from Aloha House?
Profitable Farm
Teaching Center
Run by Professional Farmers
High Quality Instructional Materials
Actual Farm (functioning not just demo)
Using Natural Techniques 12 years

                 He who works his land will have abundant food,
                     but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment
3 Day Integrated Agriculture
Lowest carbon footprint PDC

  Correspondence Course
The Oven of Greatness
                  A Pompeii Oven


        Bread, Pizza, Roast Poultry and Stews will never
                         be the same
Pompeii domed wood fired oven
Closing In
The final coarse and keystone

                                Mix 4

                                Day 6
Full firing ready for use

Curing 2 weeks then:
First Firing 300 ℉ 148 ℃ max. 12 hrs.
2nd day 350 ℉ 175 ℃ max. 12 hrs
3rd day 400 ℉ 205 ℃ max. 12 hrs
4th day 450 ℉ 230 ℃ max. 12 hrs
                                        Day 21
5th day 500 ℉ 260 ℃ max. 12 hrs
6th day full firing ready for use
Palawan Creamery
Take out
Or Dine in
The Founders / Directors

Full time volunteers
Unpaid NGO workers
Aloha Farm
•   1 dog
•   2 sows
•   6 cows
•   12 legumes
•   14 cover crops
•   17 fattener hogs
•   25 milking goats
•   33 culinary herbs
•   55 premium vegetables
•   98 Peking pond raised ducks
•   600 grass fed ranged chickens
•   3,000 Red and black Nile tilapia
•   30,000 Native Palawan honey bees
•   1,000,000 Composting earthworms - bulati
•   38,000,000,000,000,000,000 beneficial microorganisms
T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit

                             Feed stock exit

Feed stock entry
T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit

                             Feed stock exit

Feed stock entry
T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit

                             Feed stock exit

Feed stock entry
T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit

                             Feed stock exit

Feed stock entry
T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit

                             Feed stock exit

Feed stock entry
Soil Food Web
Three aspects of soil fertility                                   g
                                                                es n
Start an aggressive biological program                    o il T tio
                                                       . S tura
                                                     .C a                 y
       Test and balance your soil                 .E e S
                                                 C s                    or
                                                               s Th ion
         Use natural minerals                                m izat
                   T                                     ea on
               Dr. iro Hi

                                                       R fI
            Green Ifertilizers
                   ngr ga                                 O                t



                       am                                             e
                                                                 l br ho d


                      o                                         A et
                            lh                                     M

                        bi a

                    cr o



                                 Organic matter

                        Good Soil Structure/Texture
Sustainable Agriculture
         Sustainable Inoculation Method
      EM1, I.M. (KNF), Biodynamics, Aerated Compost Teas, Bokashi
                      Ten Fundamentals
                       1.Crop rotation
                       2. Legume usage
                       3. Companion Planting
                       4. Composting
                       5. Green fertilizers
                       6. Mulching
                       7. Cover cropping
                       8. Minimal tillage
                       9. Insect habitat
                      10. Livestock integration

Feed the Soil
Farm Business Success
              Assessing the 3 main skills

             Technical Knowledge/work

Management Ability                 Business Sophistication
Aloha Consultancy
Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
Minimize food miles

          Aloha Consultancy
Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
Minimize food miles

Regular Training for the Community
Minimize food miles

          Aloha Consultancy
Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
Minimize food miles

                Aloha Octoponics
Integrated Aquaculture and Herbs, Vegetables and Fruits
Why have a nursery?

1.   It helps to start many plants with protection
2.   It will use less space to start
3.   Best way to earn income
4.   Intensify production
My first Green House
Holmgren's 12 design
These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's
 Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see

                       • 6.Produce no waste - By valuing and making use of all the
                         resources that are available to us, nothing goes to waste.
                       • 7.Design from patterns to details - By stepping back, we
                         can observe patterns in nature and society. These can form
                         the backbone of our designs, with the details filled in as we go.
                       • 8.Integrate rather than segregate - By putting the right
                         things in the right place, relationships develop between those
                         things and they work together to support each other.
                       • 9.Use small and slow solutions - Small and slow
                         systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better
                         use of local resources and producing more sustainable
Passive cooling
IV. Re-use, Recycle, Reduce
                              Catch and store energy
Catch and store energy
Catch and store energy


IV. Re-use, Recycle, Reduce
Holmgren's 12 design
These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's
 Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see
        • 1.Observe and interact - By taking time to engage
          with nature we can design solutions that suit our
          particular situation.
        • 2.Catch and store energy - By developing systems
          that collect resources at peak abundance, we can use
          them in times of need.
7 ft
Holmgren's 12 design
These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's
 Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see
        • 1.Observe and interact - By taking time to engage
          with nature we can design solutions that suit our
          particular situation.
        • 2.Catch and store energy - By developing systems
          that collect resources at peak abundance, we can use
          them in times of need.
        • 3.Obtain a yield - Ensure that you are getting truly
          useful rewards as part of the work that you are doing.
•Dry season pasture
•Rainy season pasture

                        Pasture Management
Allan Savory
          Planned Grazing

Belly deep and moved often to mimic the predation of wild herds chased by wolves etc.
Cut and Carry
Browsing instinct
June 2012
Networked biodiverse swales
producing a major edge effect
Networked biodiverse swales
producing a major edge effect
Minimal tillage
Minimal tillage
Mini Keyline plow
Networked biodiverse swales
June 2012
                    producing a major edge effect

      Terra preta
Networked biodiverse swales
July 2012
                               producing a major edge effect

            Soil building with legumes
Indian Coriander   Minimal Tillage

                                     Eryngium foetidum
Micro Climates
Onion chives
7 ft
9 ft
Main truss                                 280
2 pcs 280 cm        cm
1 pcs 220 cm    280
1 pcs 210cm
1 pcs 100 cm
2 pcs 60 cm                                             All overhang
                                                            10 cm
                         231 cm   210 cm
    cm                                                             280
280                                                                    cm

                                  300 cm

               Vertical support
               2 pcs 300 cm
               2 pcs 200 cm
                                                    200 cm

Dorm room
Intensive Nursery 12 years

                             Soil Blocks
Holmgren's 12 design
These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's
 Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see
               • 8.Integrate rather than segregate - By putting the right things in
                 the right place, relationships develop between those things and they
                 work together to support each other.
               • 9.Use small and slow solutions - Small and slow systems are
                 easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources
                 and producing more sustainable outcomes.
               • 10.Use and value diversity - Diversity reduces vulnerability to a
                 variety of threats and takes advantage of the unique nature of the
                 environment in which it resides.
               • 11.Use edges and value the marginal - The interface between
                 things is where the most interesting events take place. These are often
                 the most valuable, diverse and productive elements in the system.
Aloha Kitchen
                   Artisan Farmstead Cheeses, Salsas, Jams and more

                                           2 hectares
                                             5 acres
                                              13 rai
                                             31 dou

Aloha House
An Orphanage on an Organic Farm

      7 hectares
        17 acres
         43 rai
        108 dou

                                Aloha Ranch and
                                 Organic Farm
                               An Eco Village Half way to the
                                    Underground River
Aloha House Inc.
Registered with SEC
Non-profit, non-stock NGO
Accredited by the DSWD
Christian Ministry
Mother’s Program
Train Progressive Farmers

  Aloha House, Mitra Road, Santa Monica
The Play Room
Toddler’s R
Natural Soap Production
Three way benefit
Of Effective Microorganisms
Aloha Train
The Playground
Outdoor time
The Aloha House Experience:
      I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor


Poor Families

        Aloha House
(Indigenous Peoples)

             Where     do Children
            the children
            come from?
 Camps                 Fishing
The Aloha House Experience:
           I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor

                                              1. Qualification
The Aloha House Experience:
           I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor

                                              2. Registration
3. Weigh in
Bone Broth w/ Moringa,
  Mongo Bean, Unpolished
      Whole Grain Rice,
   Pastured Poultry Eggs,
Raw Milk From Grass Fed Cows
Raw Milk From Grass Fed Cows
5. Feed The Neediest, Most Vulnerable
      With Nutrient Dense Food
The Aloha House Experience:
I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor

                               6. Monitor Progress
Case Study 1   Gemma

2 years old
T.B. - Pneumonia - Malnourished
Case Study 1

Carrot Juice 2X daily
    Whole grains
Natural Whole Foods
Case Study 1
Case Study 1
Case Study 1
Gemma now lives with
her own mommy and daddy
Marketing the Farm
   Direct Sales      C.S.A.
                              Buy Local,
                              Buy Fresh!
Marketing the Farm
    Direct Sales

                                        Baby corn
                             Red lettuce
                      kimchi          Green lettuce
  Whole Wheat
                             Sweet basil      Kangkong

                                 Pole beans   Thai basil
Buy Local,            Chili Pepper
Buy Fresh!
Marketing the Farm
                Grocery Outlet

Fresh herbs
Marketing the Farm
Direct Sales
Value Added Products
Marketing the Farm
Value Added Products

Available at
Aloha House Built Soil Fertility
Through Resource Recovery

     High acid clay soil with cogon

III. Recognize the Soil as a
    Biological Sanctuary
We built soil fertility by diverting our waste stream.

III. Recognize the Soil as a
    Biological Sanctuary
III. Recognize the Soil as a
    Biological Sanctuary
                                  1 kil
                                       o bo
      Fermented Kitchen Garbage    20 li kashi
                                        ter p    /

 Step 1
    Fermented Kitchen Garbage

   Step 2
     Fermented Kitchen Garbage
 Step 3
        Fermented Kitchen Garbage
  Step 3
Mix with soil
         Fermented Kitchen Garbage
Step 3
          Fermented Kitchen Garbage
2 weeks

                                      (mong bean)
          Fermented Kitchen Garbage

          Fermented Kitchen Garbage

     Fermented Kitchen Garbage
        Fermented Kitchen Garbage


6 kilo papa out
fert ilized with !
 any chemic
Crop rotation
Legume usage
Companion planting
Green fertilizers
Cover cropping
Minimal tillage
Insect habitat
Livestock integration
Resource Recovery
                                       ORGANIC HOUSEHOLD WASTE
                     Garbage                                  Bokashi            Septic
                                                 Aerobic                          tank
                      Garbage                    compost

                         Crop Residue
culture                    & Weeds

                                                  SOIL                               Water

      Potting soil                      FKG                        CRH              CW
                                                Aerobic                             SVB
 Livestock                                                          Rice
                                               Odor        Rice
                               Darak          Control      Straw
Aquaponics =

                    Aquaculture + Hydroponics
                     ORIGIN: 1960s from Aqua - [implying fish] + Greek ponos ‘labor’ + -ics .


Soil Based
                                Plants and bedding are the Water Filtration

                                                                                                 Filtered clean water
 Plant Fertilizer

                                                             Grow natural feeds
                                                              to balance water

                                                Fish production

                                       vAquaponics = Integrated Vermiculture
Intensive Nursery 10 years

                             Natural,chemical free, organic

         Racking system

                             Efficient Transport of Seedlings
                                        Bread Tray
Intensive Nursery 10 years

   Natural,chemical free, organic   Overflow of Seedlings
                                         Bread Tray
Intensive Nursery 10 years

   Natural,chemical free, organic

                                     Overflow of Seedlings
                                    Designed for Bread Tray
Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years
          “Static Pond”
      Natural, chemical free, organic

                                        Home made feed

Rainwater from tanks from
  roof water catchment

                                                Sechi disk
  4 kilo N
  1-2 Kilo P

                                                         Floating Feeder

15 m2 X 10pcs/m2 =150 pcs
150 Tilapia X 105 days = 300 g
Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years

                                               Home grown feed

                                   Natural,chemical free, organic
Green Water Culture

                                                       Vertical column of Phytoplankton
   Tilapia                                                       30cm protein

                   Common fertilization rates used to establish a phytoplankton bloom in fish ponds.

                                 Low hardness                  Moderate hardness            High hardness
                   18-46-0       4-8 kilo/hectare              8-16 kilo/hectare             16-32 kilo/hectare

Water harvesting
Green Water Culture        Gills covered
                          With membrane
                          To digest algae

          4 kilo N
         1-2 Kilo P

             High O2

                                      30cm protein                     hotter
                           Vertical column of Phytoplankton
1 to 1.5 m

                       Low O2                                 cooler
            Pond 5                                Pond 4                               swales
                                                                                                          Pond 0

                                                                                                             Pond 1

                                                                                                      Pond 2
                                                                                       Pond 3

                                                                                                                 Water harvesting
                                                                                                                 hardware - road

                                                                           ad rd
                                                                        ro ha
                                      Dorms                                                                    Pond 00

                                                                       & ing
                                                                  ho es
                                                                se harv
                                                           -h ater

                                                                                                Pond 00 - ridge dam
                                                                                                Pond 0 - contour dam
                                                                                                Pond 1 - contour dam
                                                                  swales                        Pond 2 - barrier/check dam
                                                                                                Pond 3 - keyline dam
                                                                                                Pond 4 - saddle dam
                                                                                                Pond 5 - ridge dam
5 year Master development plan - 3 hectares - tropical - 1,600mm annual rainfall
          30% pasture, 30% forest,15% water, 25% fruits/vegetables                                  12,000L rainwater storage
Intensive Nursery 10 years

  Natural,chemical free, organic
Intensive Nursery 10 years         Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years

                                   +                               =
  Natural,chemical free, organic
                                       15 m2 X 10pcs/m2 =150 pcs
Intensive Nursery 10 years             Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years

                                    +                                           =
  Natural, chemical free, organic
                                            15 m2 X 10pcs/m2 =150 pcs tilapia

             Intensive Recirculating Aquaponic System

                        15 m3 X 250pcs/m3 =3,000 pcs tilapia
Static aquaponics

Algae is seen growing in the water,
utilizing any available sunlight and also
nutrients from the fish waste. Many fish
in turn feed on the high protein
phytoplankton, string algae and blanket
algae. The balance between fish and
algae needs periodic monitoring and
intervention depending on the breeding
rate of your fish, waste production,
sunlight and the algae growth rate.

                 Fish and plants living in a balanced self limiting ecosystem
Water hyacinth utilize the nutrient load
               from the turtles and grow rapidly. The
               turtles will consume the plant so growth
               rate and quantity of plants need to be
               balanced. This is an appropriate
               companion system if quantities of water
               hyacinth out grow the consumption rate
               of the turtles.

Conventional confinement systems
deprive ducks of their natural
development and produce lower
nutrition than sun drenched, naturally
fed aquatic ducks.
Water is continually circulated through
grow beds that act as biological and
solids filters where earthworms and
bacteria do all the hard work.


Algae in nutrient rich tiger bath water could
circulate through simple grow beds with feed
species for other animals in the zoo. The water
would not need to be flushed into the wild
waterways, thus keeping Thailand clean and
Fact is you can integrate unlimited
             combinations of nutrient sources to
             produce more food for people and
             livestock any where in the world.

Integrated Lif
  Produce Syne

ORIGIN: 1800s from Greek Bio - life + Greek ponos ‘labor’ + -ics .
Potting containers - Black Trays
No Transplant
Kitchen waste turned to fertilizer
(until you eat them)
IV. Grant Live Stock Sanctuary
Treat them humanely   IV. Grant Live Stock Sanctuary
Water Harvesting

Livestock feed
Palawan Creamery
Livestock feed
EM Dip Inoculation

             Direct Planting
Direct Planting

    Mycorrhizal Dip Inoculation
Divide slips
How to plant
•  Direct plant slips
•  Start in cups
•  Nursery bags
•  Cement sacks
•  Rope method
Deep rooted tropical grass
•  Non invasive
•  Tillering - non running
•  Economical
•  Erosion stopper

   Rope method Vetiver
       For washout zones
Rope method Vetiver
                            For washout zones

Super bound non-erosion
Rope method Vetiver
          For washout zones

Super bound non-erosion
Rope method Vetiver
                            For washout zones

Super bound non-erosion
Rope method Vetiver
                            For washout zones

Super bound non-erosion
Water Harvesting

                   12 months
On farm catering   Marketing the Farm
                   Value Added Services
Marketing the Farm
                   Value Added Services

On farm catering
Marketing the Farm
Value Added Services

   On farm catering
Marketing the Farm
Value Added Services

On farm Tra

             Marketing the Farm
                                  Inviting the community
Marketing the Farm
  School Groups          Hands on

Inviting the community
Marketing the Farm
Thai Charcoal Oven
Marketing the Farm

          Agricultural Internships

•Interns work in a 4 month program 8 -10 hrs/day
•Sponsors cover Room and Board fee P12,000/mo.
•Lots of hands on, Technical lectures, management, tests
•In the beginning Interns are not very helpful or productive
•By the time they are skilled they leave
•Interns gain valuable Technology to improve/start own farm
•We get to see farmers succeed
•In 4 months you can (example)
    •Plant corn and harvest
    •Grow most vegetables to sell
    •Fatten piglet and go to market
    •Raise 100+ chickens for sale
                                                   Inviting the community
Marketing the Farm
 Free Advertising
Book available at
  Allied Botanical,
Harbest in Mega Mall
   Metro Manila
55 Vegetables
  33 herbs
5 Greenhouses
                Aloha Organic Farm
                  Cooking School
History: Aloha Organic Farm
                      Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
13 years ago free    (1999)
8 years ago       10 peso
2 years ago       100 peso (with organic lemon grass tea)
Now          150 peso (with organic lemon grass tea)

10 years ago          free
8 years ago          200 peso
3 years ago        1,800 peso (with book, fertilizers etc)

5 years ago          500 peso
2 years ago        1,200 peso (with food)
Now                1,800 peso (with food / 2 snacks / wifi / airport pick-up)
Rainwater slide
Conservation Work

Endemic orchids of Palawan
Dept of Science and Technology

Philippines Turtle conservancy
Katala Foundation

Stingless Indigenous Bee

Native River Prawns
Conservation Work

Endemic orchids of Palawan
Dept of Science and Technology
Conservation Work

Endemic orchids of Palawan
Dept of Science and Technology
Dr Sabine Schoppe,
KFI’s Director of the
Philippine Freshwater
Turtle Conservation Program
Repatriated Philippine Forest Turtles turned over to
Katala Foundation

Philippines, 28th April 2012—They traveled from the
Philippines to Hong Kong stuffed in a smuggler’s bag with
over 60 other reptiles, but on Friday, 18 Philippine Forest
Turtles were returned safely home and are doing well in the
care of the Katala Foundation.

                      The Philippine Forest Turtle Siebenrockiella leytensis and the Southeast Asian Box Turtles
                      Cuora amboinensis were turned over to Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden in Hong Kong for
                      temporary custody.
Conservation Work

Stingless Indigenous Bee
Apis Trigona
Introduced species

Apis mellifera
Create Natural

Solitary pollinators
Live alone

Carpenter bees
Mud wasps               Indigenous         Apis dorsota
                       Social insects      Apis cerena
                        Live in colonies   Apis trigona
UPLB Design
 apis trigona
Conservation Work

Native River Prawns
What was organic farming
 called 200 years ago?

What do these
                         heroes have in

   George Washington                      Mozart

                       They all lived
                        on organic
                         food and
                        drank raw

Moses                                      Jose Rizal
 er   mi
Resource Recovery Agent
Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
Sustainable Closed Loop Technology

                             Green                               Riparian Buffer
                             House                              planted to native
                                         Staff Housing              species

                                             Food        Pump

                    Zone 2                    School


Aloha Ranch

Dam and Swale System
7.4 hectares
17.2 acres

                Aloha Ranch

     Dam and Swale System
Aloha Ranch

Dam and Swale System
Dam 1               Dam 2

                                  Swale 2
                     Swale 1

       Aloha Ranch

Dam and Swale System
Swale 1

          Dam 1
Dam 2

  Swale 1
Swale 3
The Swale

                                      Water percolates through
Water provides extra                  to the lower soil 2 ways
growth potential in the
     soil system
Dam Construction

The dam key is the
lock in the soil that
allows a safety margin
and prevents water
                                  Compressed soil
from undermining the

                     dam key

                                  Dam Integrity
Dam Construction

Freeboard is the level
above water that
allows a safety margin                      Freeboard
in case of a big rain

                            Dam Integrity
Dam Construction

•Replace valuable
topsoil for replanting
and preventing muddy

                            Dam Integrity
Water Harvesting Drain pipes

      1” drain for
                                    baffles stop

2” drain for
                     Drainpipe with baffles
Inlay drain pipe
Preserved Top Soil
Level spillway swale

                        Contour road

   Preserved Top Soil
Top soil


Key filling with best clay material
Aloha Ranch

Dam and Swale System
Contour road

Level spillway swale

                              Aloha Ranch

                       Dam and Swale System
Aloha Organic Farm
  Cooking School
33 herbs
55 vegetables
                Aloha Organic Farm
                  Cooking School
Mint                        Tarragon

                  Aloha Organic Farm
                    Cooking School
Aloha Organic Farm
  Cooking School

       Learn to cook
        with fresh
       organic herbs
Camp Mik

Eco Village
Eco Village

  Agriculture     Orphanage          Production

  Farm Store     Staff Housing       Restaurant

 Green House      Mik House          Staff Kitchen

Mushroom House    Eco Village      Cooking School
                                   Culinary School
 Training Area
                 Water Slide
                                 Food Processing Lab
 Raised Beds
                  Picnic Area
                                   Bakery (WFO)
Water Catchment
Ram pump
The High Performance Zone
The Scorpion

  Did you ride the
  Water Slide at
   Aloha Ranch?

                                            Turn 5
                     Turn 4



           Turn 3                                          Advanced

                                                          Experts only
Agricultural Land
      20 acres
    6.3 hectares


Thank You

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Permaculture aloha

  • 1. Palawan has 3,000 islands Water quality and availability is a growing issue world wide. No mater how many islands surround you, fresh water must be managed in a sustainable manor.
  • 2. •To manufacture one car, including tires, 147,972 liters of water are used. • 13% of municipal piped water is lost in pipeline leaks. • The human brain is 75% water. • Outdoor watering uses 35 liters of water each minute (over 9 gallons). • One drop of oil can make up to 25 liters of water unfit for drinking. • Half of world’s wetlands have been lost since 1900. • Each year, over 89 billion liters of bottled water are sold.
  • 3. 10,000 sq m/hect x 1.6m/year = 16,000,000 liters/hect/year Pond 2 Pond 1
  • 5. Fresh water is essential for terrestrial life. Every house and farm needs water to maintain health and life. Without high quality fresh water life is impossible for plants, animals and humans.
  • 6.
  • 8. There is a very complex food chain, a food web actually, that relies on water and produces abundant food if the soil surrounding the water ecosystem is healthy.
  • 9.
  • 10. Crab-eating Macaque, Cynomolgus Monkey, Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis
  • 11. Palawan and Puerto Princesa City are host to one of the Seven Wonders of Nature. The water flowing through this complex ecosystem needs to be clean and free of pollution to support life and remain pristine for the enjoyment of the visitors who partake of the eco- tourism activities in the area.
  • 12.
  • 13. Creation is a Natural Sanctuary Eco tourism is on the rise world wide and relies on responsible water management. Agricultural practices must preserve the habitat that feeds into this natural system in the area.
  • 14.
  • 15. Agricultural practices in the watershed flowing into the subterranean river are not sustainable. They are mostly farmed conventionally. That means a regular use of toxic and poisonous chemical treatments that leach into the water system and poison the environment. Sustainable and profitable agriculture can be done with natural means using Nature Farming methods, organic systems and Permaculture techniques.
  • 16. Sheridan Beach Resort Organic Farm 2-4 month internship Aloha Consultancy Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project P10,000.00
  • 17. Sheridan Beach Aloha Consultancy Develop your own organic farm Resort
  • 18. Aloha Consultancy Develop your own organic farm Sheridan Beach Resort Chef wants more!
  • 19. Aloha Consultancy Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
  • 24. Costing 0.00 3 sacks local clay soil 50.00 1/2 sack Uling (CRH) 30.00 EME 50.00 Molasses 20.00 3 kilos Rice bran or bokashi 150.00 Yield = 9 Trays X 36 = 300 pcs 50 centavos each
  • 25.
  • 28. Sludge Acti vat ed EM
  • 29. Why Learn from Aloha House? Profitable Farm Teaching Center Run by Professional Farmers High Quality Instructional Materials Actual Farm (functioning not just demo) Using Natural Techniques 12 years He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment
  • 30. 3 Day Integrated Agriculture
  • 31. Lowest carbon footprint PDC Correspondence Course
  • 32. The Oven of Greatness A Pompeii Oven Aloha Ranch Aloha and House Organic Farm Bread, Pizza, Roast Poultry and Stews will never be the same
  • 33. Pompeii domed wood fired oven
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Closing In The final coarse and keystone Mix 4 Day 6
  • 37. Full firing ready for use Curing 2 weeks then: First Firing 300 ℉ 148 ℃ max. 12 hrs. 2nd day 350 ℉ 175 ℃ max. 12 hrs 3rd day 400 ℉ 205 ℃ max. 12 hrs 4th day 450 ℉ 230 ℃ max. 12 hrs Day 21 5th day 500 ℉ 260 ℃ max. 12 hrs 6th day full firing ready for use
  • 38.
  • 40.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. The Founders / Directors Full time volunteers Unpaid NGO workers
  • 47. Aloha Farm • 1 dog • 2 sows • 6 cows • 12 legumes • 14 cover crops • 17 fattener hogs • 25 milking goats • 33 culinary herbs • 55 premium vegetables • 98 Peking pond raised ducks • 600 grass fed ranged chickens • 3,000 Red and black Nile tilapia • 30,000 Native Palawan honey bees • 1,000,000 Composting earthworms - bulati • 38,000,000,000,000,000,000 beneficial microorganisms
  • 49. T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit Feed stock exit (C) Feed stock entry
  • 50. T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit Feed stock exit (C) Feed stock entry
  • 51. T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit Feed stock exit (C) Feed stock entry
  • 52. T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit Feed stock exit (C) Feed stock entry
  • 53. T.B.U. - Thai Biogas Unit Feed stock exit (C) Feed stock entry
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 60. Three aspects of soil fertility g tin es n Start an aggressive biological program o il T tio . S tura .C a y Test and balance your soil .E e S C s or e Ba s Th ion Dr. Use natural minerals m izat T ea on Dr. iro Hi Ba Ba R fI Green Ifertilizers ngr ga O t lth ch llan Mr. an am e l br ho d ea Ch Composts ce ce o A et lh M dN dN Bokashi bi a Humus uttr ur cr o iien from en Mi Organic matter tts s Good Soil Structure/Texture
  • 61. Sustainable Agriculture Sustainable Inoculation Method EM1, I.M. (KNF), Biodynamics, Aerated Compost Teas, Bokashi Ten Fundamentals 1.Crop rotation 2. Legume usage 3. Companion Planting 4. Composting 5. Green fertilizers 6. Mulching 7. Cover cropping 8. Minimal tillage 9. Insect habitat 10. Livestock integration Feed the Soil
  • 62. Farm Business Success Assessing the 3 main skills Technical Knowledge/work Management Ability Business Sophistication
  • 63. Aloha Consultancy Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
  • 64.
  • 65. Minimize food miles Aloha Consultancy Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
  • 66. Minimize food miles Regular Training for the Community
  • 67.
  • 68. Minimize food miles Aloha Consultancy Develop a Sustainable Agricultural Project
  • 69. Minimize food miles Aloha Octoponics Integrated Aquaculture and Herbs, Vegetables and Fruits
  • 70.
  • 71. Why have a nursery? 1. It helps to start many plants with protection 2. It will use less space to start 3. Best way to earn income 4. Intensify production
  • 72. My first Green House
  • 73. Holmgren's 12 design principles These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see • 6.Produce no waste - By valuing and making use of all the resources that are available to us, nothing goes to waste. • 7.Design from patterns to details - By stepping back, we can observe patterns in nature and society. These can form the backbone of our designs, with the details filled in as we go. • 8.Integrate rather than segregate - By putting the right things in the right place, relationships develop between those things and they work together to support each other. • 9.Use small and slow solutions - Small and slow systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources and producing more sustainable outcomes.
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 77. IV. Re-use, Recycle, Reduce Catch and store energy
  • 78. Catch and store energy
  • 79. Catch and store energy Solar Oven IV. Re-use, Recycle, Reduce
  • 80. Holmgren's 12 design principles These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see • 1.Observe and interact - By taking time to engage with nature we can design solutions that suit our particular situation. • 2.Catch and store energy - By developing systems that collect resources at peak abundance, we can use them in times of need.
  • 81. 7 ft
  • 82. Holmgren's 12 design principles These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see • 1.Observe and interact - By taking time to engage with nature we can design solutions that suit our particular situation. • 2.Catch and store energy - By developing systems that collect resources at peak abundance, we can use them in times of need. • 3.Obtain a yield - Ensure that you are getting truly useful rewards as part of the work that you are doing.
  • 84. •Rainy season pasture Pasture Management
  • 85. Allan Savory Planned Grazing Belly deep and moved often to mimic the predation of wild herds chased by wolves etc.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 94.
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98. Networked biodiverse swales June 2012 producing a major edge effect Terra preta
  • 99. Networked biodiverse swales July 2012 producing a major edge effect Soil building with legumes
  • 100. Indian Coriander Minimal Tillage Perennials Eryngium foetidum
  • 101. Mint
  • 104. 7 ft
  • 105. 9 ft
  • 106. Main truss 280 cm 2 pcs 280 cm cm 1 pcs 220 cm 280 1 pcs 210cm 1 pcs 100 cm 2 pcs 60 cm All overhang 10 cm 231 cm 210 cm cm 280 280 cm 300 cm Vertical support 2 pcs 300 cm 2 pcs 200 cm 200 cm
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112.
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115. Intensive Nursery 12 years Soil Blocks
  • 116. Holmgren's 12 design principles These restatements of the principles of permaculture appear in Holmgren's Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability also see • 8.Integrate rather than segregate - By putting the right things in the right place, relationships develop between those things and they work together to support each other. • 9.Use small and slow solutions - Small and slow systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources and producing more sustainable outcomes. • 10.Use and value diversity - Diversity reduces vulnerability to a variety of threats and takes advantage of the unique nature of the environment in which it resides. • 11.Use edges and value the marginal - The interface between things is where the most interesting events take place. These are often the most valuable, diverse and productive elements in the system.
  • 117.
  • 118.
  • 119.
  • 120.
  • 121. Aloha Kitchen Artisan Farmstead Cheeses, Salsas, Jams and more 2 hectares 5 acres 13 rai 31 dou Aloha House An Orphanage on an Organic Farm 7 hectares 17 acres 43 rai 108 dou Aloha Ranch and Organic Farm An Eco Village Half way to the Underground River
  • 122. Aloha House Inc. Registered with SEC Non-profit, non-stock NGO Accredited by the DSWD Orphanage Christian Ministry Mother’s Program Train Progressive Farmers Aloha House, Mitra Road, Santa Monica
  • 126.
  • 127. Three way benefit Of Effective Microorganisms
  • 128.
  • 130.
  • 133. The Aloha House Experience: I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Poor Families Livelihood Aloha House Palawan Mother’s Program Orphanage
  • 134. Tribes (Indigenous Peoples) Abandoned Where do Children the children come from? Squatter Camps Fishing Villages
  • 135. The Aloha House Experience: I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor Dumpsite Feeding Center 1. Qualification
  • 136. The Aloha House Experience: I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor Dumpsite Feeding Center 2. Registration
  • 138. Bone Broth w/ Moringa, Mongo Bean, Unpolished Whole Grain Rice, Pastured Poultry Eggs, Raw Milk From Grass Fed Cows
  • 139. Raw Milk From Grass Fed Cows
  • 140. 5. Feed The Neediest, Most Vulnerable With Nutrient Dense Food
  • 141. The Aloha House Experience: I. Make a Sanctuary for the Poor 6. Monitor Progress
  • 142.
  • 143.
  • 144.
  • 145. Case Study 1 Gemma ARRIVAL
  • 147. T.B. - Pneumonia - Malnourished
  • 148. Case Study 1 Gemma Carrot Juice 2X daily Whole grains Natural Whole Foods
  • 149. Case Study 1 Gemma
  • 150. Case Study 1 Gemma
  • 151. Case Study 1 Gemma
  • 152. Gemma now lives with her own mommy and daddy
  • 153. Marketing the Farm Direct Sales C.S.A. Buy Local, Buy Fresh!
  • 154. Marketing the Farm Direct Sales Baby corn onions Red lettuce kimchi Green lettuce Whole Wheat Papaya Honey Sweet basil Kangkong cucumber Pole beans Thai basil Buy Local, Chili Pepper Buy Fresh!
  • 155. Marketing the Farm Grocery Outlet Fresh herbs
  • 156.
  • 157. Marketing the Farm Direct Sales Value Added Products
  • 158. Marketing the Farm Value Added Products Available at
  • 159. Aloha House Built Soil Fertility Through Resource Recovery High acid clay soil with cogon
  • 160. I.M.O. KNF III. Recognize the Soil as a Biological Sanctuary
  • 161. We built soil fertility by diverting our waste stream. III. Recognize the Soil as a Biological Sanctuary
  • 162. III. Recognize the Soil as a Biological Sanctuary
  • 163. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG 1 kil o bo Fermented Kitchen Garbage 20 li kashi ter p / ail Step 1 Mix Bokashi
  • 164. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Step 2 Ferment 2-weeks
  • 165. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Step 3 Bury
  • 166. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Step 3 Mix with soil
  • 167. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Step 3 Bury
  • 168. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Plant after 2 weeks Companion Plants (mong bean)
  • 169. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Wait for harvest
  • 170. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Harvest
  • 171. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage Before
  • 172. ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION FKG Fermented Kitchen Garbage After Companion Plants (chili)
  • 173. ya 6 kilo papa out fert ilized with ! als any chemic
  • 174. Crop rotation Legume usage Companion planting Composting Green fertilizers Mulching Cover cropping Minimal tillage Insect habitat Livestock integration
  • 175.
  • 176.
  • 177.
  • 178.
  • 179. Resource Recovery ORGANIC HOUSEHOLD WASTE Bokashi Kitchen Garbage Bokashi Septic Aerobic tank Restaurant Garbage compost Vermi- FRW Crop Residue culture & Weeds Grey SOIL Water Treatment Potting soil FKG CRH CW CRH Aerobic SVB compost Livestock Rice Bokashi Copra Odor Rice Hull Talapia Darak Control Straw
  • 180. Aquaponics = V Aquaculture + Hydroponics ORIGIN: 1960s from Aqua - [implying fish] + Greek ponos ‘labor’ + -ics . Vermiculture Soil Based Plants and bedding are the Water Filtration Filtered clean water Plant Fertilizer Grow natural feeds to balance water Fish production vAquaponics = Integrated Vermiculture
  • 181.
  • 182.
  • 183. Intensive Nursery 10 years Natural,chemical free, organic Economical Racking system Efficient Transport of Seedlings Bread Tray
  • 184. Intensive Nursery 10 years Natural,chemical free, organic Overflow of Seedlings Bread Tray
  • 185. Intensive Nursery 10 years Natural,chemical free, organic Overflow of Seedlings Designed for Bread Tray
  • 186. Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years “Static Pond” Natural, chemical free, organic Home made feed Rainwater from tanks from roof water catchment Sechi disk 4 kilo N 1-2 Kilo P Floating Feeder 15 m2 X 10pcs/m2 =150 pcs 150 Tilapia X 105 days = 300 g
  • 187. Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years Home grown feed Natural,chemical free, organic
  • 188. Green Water Culture Vertical column of Phytoplankton Tilapia 30cm protein Common fertilization rates used to establish a phytoplankton bloom in fish ponds. Low hardness Moderate hardness High hardness Granular 18-46-0 4-8 kilo/hectare 8-16 kilo/hectare 16-32 kilo/hectare Water harvesting
  • 189. Green Water Culture Gills covered With membrane To digest algae compost 4 kilo N 1-2 Kilo P Tilapia High O2 30cm protein hotter Vertical column of Phytoplankton 1 to 1.5 m Low O2 cooler
  • 190. swales Pond 5 Pond 4 swales Pond 0 Pond 1 swales Pond 2 Pond 3 Water harvesting hardware - road swales re wa ad rd ro ha Dorms Pond 00 & ing t ho es se harv ld -h ater Orphanage ou W Pond 00 - ridge dam Pond 0 - contour dam Pond 1 - contour dam swales Pond 2 - barrier/check dam Pond 3 - keyline dam Pond 4 - saddle dam Pond 5 - ridge dam 5 year Master development plan - 3 hectares - tropical - 1,600mm annual rainfall 30% pasture, 30% forest,15% water, 25% fruits/vegetables 12,000L rainwater storage
  • 191. Intensive Nursery 10 years Natural,chemical free, organic
  • 192. Intensive Nursery 10 years Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years + = Natural,chemical free, organic 15 m2 X 10pcs/m2 =150 pcs
  • 193. Intensive Nursery 10 years Semi-intensive Fish Pond 7 years + = Natural, chemical free, organic 15 m2 X 10pcs/m2 =150 pcs tilapia Intensive Recirculating Aquaponic System 15 m3 X 250pcs/m3 =3,000 pcs tilapia
  • 194. Static aquaponics Algae is seen growing in the water, utilizing any available sunlight and also nutrients from the fish waste. Many fish in turn feed on the high protein phytoplankton, string algae and blanket algae. The balance between fish and algae needs periodic monitoring and intervention depending on the breeding rate of your fish, waste production, sunlight and the algae growth rate. Fish and plants living in a balanced self limiting ecosystem
  • 195. Water hyacinth utilize the nutrient load from the turtles and grow rapidly. The turtles will consume the plant so growth rate and quantity of plants need to be balanced. This is an appropriate companion system if quantities of water hyacinth out grow the consumption rate of the turtles. Turtleponics
  • 196. Conventional confinement systems deprive ducks of their natural development and produce lower nutrition than sun drenched, naturally fed aquatic ducks.
  • 197. Water is continually circulated through grow beds that act as biological and solids filters where earthworms and bacteria do all the hard work. Duckponics
  • 198. Tigerponics Algae in nutrient rich tiger bath water could circulate through simple grow beds with feed species for other animals in the zoo. The water would not need to be flushed into the wild waterways, thus keeping Thailand clean and green.
  • 199. Fact is you can integrate unlimited combinations of nutrient sources to produce more food for people and livestock any where in the world. Bootponics
  • 201. Bioponics Integrated Lif ecycles Produce Syne rgy ORIGIN: 1800s from Greek Bio - life + Greek ponos ‘labor’ + -ics .
  • 202.
  • 203. Potting containers - Black Trays
  • 204.
  • 205. No Transplant Shock
  • 206.
  • 207.
  • 208.
  • 209.
  • 211.
  • 212. (until you eat them) IV. Grant Live Stock Sanctuary
  • 213. Treat them humanely IV. Grant Live Stock Sanctuary
  • 214.
  • 215.
  • 219.
  • 221. EM Dip Inoculation Direct Planting
  • 222. Direct Planting Mycorrhizal Dip Inoculation
  • 224. Vetiver How to plant • Direct plant slips • Start in cups • Nursery bags • Cement sacks • Rope method
  • 225. Vetiver Deep rooted tropical grass • Non invasive • Tillering - non running • Economical • Erosion stopper Rope method Vetiver For washout zones
  • 226. Rope method Vetiver For washout zones Vetiver Super bound non-erosion
  • 227. Rope method Vetiver For washout zones Vetiver Super bound non-erosion
  • 228. Rope method Vetiver For washout zones Vetiver Super bound non-erosion
  • 229. Rope method Vetiver For washout zones Vetiver Super bound non-erosion
  • 230. Water Harvesting 12 months
  • 231. On farm catering Marketing the Farm Value Added Services
  • 232. Marketing the Farm Value Added Services On farm catering
  • 233. Marketing the Farm Value Added Services On farm catering
  • 234.
  • 235. Marketing the Farm Value Added Services Weddings
  • 236. On farm Tra inings Marketing the Farm Trainings Inviting the community
  • 237. Marketing the Farm School Groups Hands on training Inviting the community
  • 238. Marketing the Farm Trainings
  • 240. Marketing the Farm Trainings Agricultural Internships •Interns work in a 4 month program 8 -10 hrs/day •Sponsors cover Room and Board fee P12,000/mo. •Lots of hands on, Technical lectures, management, tests •In the beginning Interns are not very helpful or productive •By the time they are skilled they leave •Interns gain valuable Technology to improve/start own farm •We get to see farmers succeed •In 4 months you can (example) •Plant corn and harvest •Grow most vegetables to sell •Fatten piglet and go to market •Raise 100+ chickens for sale Inviting the community
  • 241. Marketing the Farm Free Advertising
  • 242. Book available at Allied Botanical, Harbest in Mega Mall Metro Manila
  • 243. 55 Vegetables 33 herbs Fruits Livestock
  • 244. 5 Greenhouses Aloha Organic Farm Cooking School
  • 245. History: Aloha Organic Farm Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Tours 13 years ago free (1999) 8 years ago 10 peso 2 years ago 100 peso (with organic lemon grass tea) Now 150 peso (with organic lemon grass tea) Training 10 years ago free 8 years ago 200 peso 3 years ago 1,800 peso (with book, fertilizers etc) Lodging 5 years ago 500 peso 2 years ago 1,200 peso (with food) Now 1,800 peso (with food / 2 snacks / wifi / airport pick-up)
  • 247.
  • 248. Conservation Work Endemic orchids of Palawan Dept of Science and Technology Philippines Turtle conservancy Katala Foundation Stingless Indigenous Bee Native River Prawns
  • 249. Conservation Work Endemic orchids of Palawan Dept of Science and Technology
  • 250. Conservation Work Endemic orchids of Palawan Dept of Science and Technology
  • 251. Dr Sabine Schoppe, KFI’s Director of the Philippine Freshwater Turtle Conservation Program
  • 252. Repatriated Philippine Forest Turtles turned over to Katala Foundation Philippines, 28th April 2012—They traveled from the Philippines to Hong Kong stuffed in a smuggler’s bag with over 60 other reptiles, but on Friday, 18 Philippine Forest Turtles were returned safely home and are doing well in the care of the Katala Foundation. The Philippine Forest Turtle Siebenrockiella leytensis and the Southeast Asian Box Turtles Cuora amboinensis were turned over to Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden in Hong Kong for temporary custody.
  • 254.
  • 256. Create Natural Habitat Solitary pollinators Live alone Carpenter bees Mud wasps Indigenous Apis dorsota Social insects Apis cerena Live in colonies Apis trigona
  • 257.
  • 258.
  • 259. UPLB Design apis trigona
  • 261. What was organic farming called 200 years ago? Farming
  • 262. What do these heroes have in common? George Washington Mozart They all lived on organic food and drank raw milk! Moses Jose Rizal
  • 263.
  • 264. ure cult er mi V
  • 266. Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
  • 267. Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
  • 268. Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
  • 269. Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
  • 270. Sustainable Closed Loop Technology
  • 271.
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  • 280. Riparian Buffer Community Development Center
  • 281.
  • 282. Orphanage Green Riparian Buffer House planted to native Staff Housing species RAM Food Pump Forest Culinary Zone 2 School Visitors Center Community Development Center
  • 283. Aloha Ranch Dam and Swale System
  • 284. 7.4 hectares 17.2 acres Aloha Ranch Dam and Swale System
  • 285. Aloha Ranch Dam and Swale System
  • 286. Dam 1 Dam 2 Swale 2 Swale 1 Aloha Ranch Dam and Swale System
  • 287.
  • 288.
  • 289. Swale 1 Dam 1
  • 290. Dam 2 Swale 1
  • 292.
  • 293.
  • 294. The Swale Water percolates through Water provides extra to the lower soil 2 ways growth potential in the soil system
  • 295. Dam Construction The dam key is the lock in the soil that allows a safety margin and prevents water Compressed soil from undermining the dam dam key Dam Integrity
  • 296. Dam Construction Freeboard is the level above water that allows a safety margin Freeboard in case of a big rain event Dam Integrity
  • 297. Dam Construction •Replace valuable topsoil for replanting and preventing muddy water Dam Integrity
  • 298. Water Harvesting Drain pipes 1” drain for irrigation baffles stop leaks 2” drain for irrigation Drainpipe with baffles
  • 301. Level spillway swale Contour road Preserved Top Soil
  • 302. Top soil Pond Key filling with best clay material
  • 303. Aloha Ranch Dam and Swale System
  • 304. Contour road Level spillway swale Aloha Ranch Dam and Swale System
  • 305. Aloha Organic Farm Cooking School
  • 306. 33 herbs 55 vegetables Aloha Organic Farm Cooking School
  • 307. Mint Tarragon Aloha Organic Farm Cooking School Turmeric
  • 308. Aloha Organic Farm Cooking School Learn to cook with fresh organic herbs
  • 309.
  • 310.
  • 311.
  • 312.
  • 315. Habitation Agriculture Orphanage Production Farm Store Staff Housing Restaurant Green House Mik House Staff Kitchen Mushroom House Eco Village Cooking School Culinary School Training Area Water Slide Food Processing Lab Raised Beds Picnic Area Bakery (WFO) Orchards Creamery Livestock Water
  • 318.
  • 319.
  • 320. The High Performance Zone The Scorpion Waterslide Did you ride the Water Slide at Aloha Ranch? Turn 5 Turn 4 Beginner Intermediate Turn 3 Advanced Experts only
  • 323. Agricultural Land 20 acres 6.3 hectares Riparian Buffer Community Development Center