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Dr G Praveen Chandra
Fetal Imaging
• The increased use of maternal-fetal ultrasound
has led to the development of the field of
perinatal urology.
• Antenatal hydronephrosis (ANH)
• identified in 1% to 3% of all pregnancies
• one of the most common birth defects
• Ultrasonography continues to be the mainstay
of fetal imaging.
• With experience, this modality provides
intricate detail and diagnostic capability that is
similar to that of ultrasonography in the
• Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• a valuable adjunct
• when further delineation of anatomic detail is
believed to be necessary to optimize diagnosis
and/or management strategy
• Use of complementary computed tomography
is controversial
• the additive information may not outweigh the
added risk of fetal and maternal radiation
• ANH:
• Defined as an anteroposterior diameter (APD)
of the renal pelvis greater than 5 mm.
• But the consensus on the definition of ANH is
• With the rapid improvement of ultrasound
technology, the incidence of detection of renal
anomalies may be changing.
• In a single institutional study,
Study Period
Incidence of
Urinary tract
1989-1993 0.3%
1999-2003 0.76%
• A large prospective study of 11,986 Swedish
women conducted between 1978 and 1983
identified renal anomalies in 0.28% of fetuses.
• Over two thirds of the anomalies were
hydronephrosis (0.18%)
• A British prospective screening study of 6292
pregnant women at 28 weeks’ gestation
• hydronephrosis in 1.40% of patients,
• with postnatal confirmation in 0.65%
Elements of Prenatal
Urologic USG Diagnosis
• Hydronephrosis, or dilation of the renal pelvis,
is the most common urologic abnormality
found on ultrasound evaluation.
• Numerous grading systems have been developed
• however, there is no consensus on the best and most
consistent method of reporting ANH.
• Measurement of the APD has been used widely
• but there have been no formal studies to determine the
interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of ANH
Disadvantages of
use of APD
• APD fails to describe
• pelvic configuration,
• calyceal dilation &
• laterality of findings,
which should be
• APD can be affected by
• gestational age,
• hydration status of the
• bladder hypertonicity &
• degree of bladder distention
• Because the dimensions of the renal pelvis
may normally increase with gestational age,
most investigators have adjusted threshold
APD values for early and later gestational age.
• Unfortunately, a simple threshold APD value
that separates normal from abnormal does not
• even severe cases of ANH have the potential to
resolve without incident
• whereas mild degrees of ANH have the
potential to progress
• Varying the minimal APD threshold can
significantly alter the specificity and sensitivity
of APD as a measure of ANH and postnatal
• To date there is no consensus on the optimal
APD threshold for determining the need for
postnatal follow-up.
• An APD cutoff of 15 mm for determining
obstruction yielded a postnatal sensitivity of
73% and specificity of 82%.
Late Gestational age APD
Abnormality detection
10mm 23%
7mm 68%
ANH categories by APD
• There is near-total agreement that APD greater
than 15 mm represents severe or significant
• A lower threshold of 4 to 5 mm is an
appropriate value for considering APD to be
• 3D volume measurements of the renal pelvis.
• Hydronephrosis index to correct for bladder
distention for a more precise evaluation.
• Society for Fetal Urology (SFU) ultrasound
grading system of ANH.
• MRI may also prove useful in prenatal
• Advantage: high anatomic detail without
ionizing radiation exposure.
• High cost and limited data currently confound
the optimal use of this modality in the context of
Diagnostic Accuracy
• The ability to determine definitive postnatal
pathology based on antenatal findings is
• In a systematic review of the ANH literature, Lee and
colleagues in 2006 attempted to determine the risk of
a pathologic diagnosis for patients with varying
severity of ANH .
• The review included 1308 patients who were identified
with ANH and sufficient postnatal radiographic follow-
Other category includes
prune-belly syndrome,
VATER (vertebral, anal, tracheo-esophageal and renal anomalies) syndrome,
solitary kidney,
renal mass, and
Unclassified causes.
• The degree of ANH was defined by APD
identified in a particular trimester.
• Approximately 36% of the patients had a
postnatal pathologic diagnosis.
• The overall risk for any pathologic process
increased with increasing degree of ANH.
• However, the risk of vesicoureteral reflux
(VUR) remained consistent regardless of the
degree of ANH
• ANH is not an appropriate indicator for VUR.
• Earlier literature suggests that obstruction
location can be determined prenatally in 88%
of cases.
• but many researchers have reported a high
false-positive rate (9% to 22%) .
• The majority of false-positive findings in these
studies involved nonobstructive causes of
hydronephrosis, such as
• high-grade reflux,
• large nonobstructed extrarenal pelves, or
• transient hydronephrosis.
• Early and accurate diagnosis of posterior urethral
valves is critical but difficult.
• The hallmark signs of an in utero diagnosis of posterior
urethral valves have been described
• Oligohydramnios,
• dilated posterior urethra,
• thickened bladder
• hydroureteronephrosis
• increased renal echogenicity.
• Regardless, there are very few studies that have
prospectively examined the clinical urologic
implications of these findings alone or in combination.
• In one series of 22 fetuses, the false positive rate was
as high as 58% .
• In a population-based series the sensitivity in
detecting valves was as low as 23%.
• Regardless of the degree or severity of the
finding, after any antenatal detection of a
urinary tract anomaly a thorough fetal survey
must be conducted.
• Amniocentesis and karyotype should be
considered if intervention or a major anomaly
is suspected,
• because the incidence of concurrent
chromosomal anomalies is relatively high in
fetuses with concomitant urologic anomalies.
• Up to 3% of all pregnancies involve fetal urinary
tract anomalies.
• vast majority associated with hydronephrosis.
• Less than 5% of all detected anomalies have
severe enough obstruction that might warrant
antenatal intervention.
• The primary role for the perinatal urologist is
to provide education and counseling for
prospective parents in an objective manner.
• The counseling urologist should
(1) provide reassurance and dispel misconceptions,
(2) provide a reasonable differential diagnosis
(3) supply information regarding the natural history of the
(4) give antenatal recommendations &
(5) provide a postnatal management plan.
• The need for continued antenatal evaluation is
debatable and unclear
• particularly with mid- and late-trimester mild and
moderate hydronephrosis.
• More regular follow-up is reasonable
• In severe unilateral or bilateral hydronephrosis,.
• If there is a suspicion of bladder outlet obstruction.
• Normal fetal growth parameters,
• amniotic fluid volume,
• renal appearance (echogenicity, degree of
hydronephrosis, cystic changes) &
• extrarenal fluid collections
should be monitored closely.
Rationale & Indications
for Fetal Intervention
• Overall, the need to consider in utero intervention for
obstruction is uncommon.
• However, in the specific cases in which it should be
considered, the rationale for antenatal treatment of
hydronephrosis is to maximize development of
• pulmonary and
• renal function.
• These two aspects of fetal development are
closely linked because
• urine comprises more than 90% of amniotic fluid
volume by the 16th week of gestation and
• oligohydramnios during the 2nd trimester is
often associated with a lethal postnatal
outcome secondary to pulmonary hypoplasia
• Before prenatal surgical intervention for
obstructive uropathy, it is critical to assess the
risk-benefit ratio.
• The time of onset of oligohydramnios has been
shown to be an important determinant of
• In fetuses in which adequate amniotic fluid was
documented at up to 30 weeks’ gestation in
association with a urologic abnormality,
• pulmonary outcomes were satisfactory and
• postnatal clinical problems were related to renal disease.
• Therefore, in the setting of late-onset oligohydramnios
there appears to be limited usefulness of urinary tract
decompression or early delivery for pulmonary
• It is also unclear whether early delivery to
permit earlier postnatal urinary decompression
is beneficial.
• If early delivery is considered, maternal
corticosteroid administration for pulmonary
development should be considered.
• The most widely accepted indicator of
salvageable renal function is analysis of fetal
Indications and Conditions for
in-Utero Urinary Decompression
Use of fetal urine β2 microglobulin
• An indicator of tubular damage.
• In normal postnatal kidneys, >99.9% of β2 microglobulin
is reabsorbed and metabolized in the proximal tubules.
• In postnatal renal disease with damage to this area, β2
microglobulin is excreted in the urine.
• Including this parameter, poor renal outcome has been
predicted with a specificity of 83% and sensitivity of 80%
• Findings on antenatal ultrasound have also
been examined with regard to prediction of
long-term postnatal renal function.
• In a systematic review of 13 articles encompassing 251
• oligohydramnios and
• appearance of the renal cortex (increased echogenicity
or cystic changes) at the diagnosis of lower urinary tract
were the best factors to predict poor renal function
(defined as creatinine >1.2 mg/dL).
• In this particular study, gestational age at diagnosis
(<24 weeks) was not predictive of renal function.
Clinical Experience
• The ability to diagnose severe prenatal hydronephrosis
and advances in fetal intervention have helped
develop prenatal surgery for obstructive uropathy.
• Harrison and colleagues (1982) described the initial
report of fetal surgery in a 21-week-old fetus with
bilateral hydroureteronephrosis secondary to
posterior urethral valves.
• More recently, with improved technology
• the initial method of decompression with open surgery
has largely been replaced by in utero shunt placement.
• The shunt is placed under ultrasound guidance using a
Seldinger technique through a trocar.
• Current practice uses the Rodeck shunt, which lies flat
against the abdomen to minimize shunt dislodgment
Complications of Shunting
1. Shunt dislodgment
2. Bowel herniation.
3. Amnioinfusion may be needed to improve visualization for
shunt placement
• this may lead to excessive fetal movement.
4. Occasionally the fetus needs to be paralyzed for accurate
5. Very large bladders may cause the shunt to be placed too
high in the abdomen, resulting in dislodgment from the
bladder after it decompresses.
6. Induction of premature labor,
7. Perforation of fetal bowel and bladder,
8. fetal loss,
9. fetal and/or maternal hemorrhage and
Fetal Cystoscopy
• Fetoscopic methods for direct intervention to provide
prolonged bladder drainage have also been explored.
Advantage over vesicoamniotic shunting:
improved drainage and
restoring normal cycling of the bladder.
Drawbacks of Fetal Cystoscopy
• There are no studies to determine if this method of
decompression is adequate in the face of significant
prenatal bladder dysfunction.
• Furthermore, fetoscopic intervention also introduces
the additional potential for iatrogenic injury to the
urethra, bladder neck, or external urethral sphincter.
Clinical Outcomes
• To date, the reported long-term outcomes of
antenatal intervention for severe obstructive
uropathy (e.g., posterior urethral valves,
prune-belly syndrome, urethral atresia) are
Long-term outcomes of
in-utero vesicoamniotic shunting
Acceptable renal
Mild impairment
Renal failure
Best Renal Outcome
with shunting
prune-belly syndrome
Urethral atresia
PLUTO trial
• European-based multicenter randomized clinical trial
• PLUTO (Percutaneous Shunting for Lower Urinary
Tract Obstruction)
• Aim:
To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of vesicoamniotic
shunting as compared with conservative management in
singleton pregnancies with ultrasound evidence of lower
urinary tract obstruction
Results of PLUTO trial
Vesicoamniotic shunt patients 16
Controls 15
Total 31 cases
Live births Postnatal
Shunted cases, n=16
Live births Postnatal
Controls, n=15
• All postnatal deaths were from pulmonary hypoplasia.
• Although underpowered, the study demonstrated a
nonsignificant increase in survival in the vesicoamniotic
shunt group.
• Consistent with the results of the systematic review of
existing prenatal intervention data, there was minimal
likelihood of surviving with longterm normal renal
• Overall, it appears that select in utero intervention for
the appropriate patient may reduce the risk of
neonatal mortality.
• Without doubt, more sensitive and specific markers to
better identify which fetus will benefit from in utero
shunting need to be defined.
Postnatal management
Antenatally detected
• A child with a prenatal diagnosis of a urologic renal
abnormality such as ANH should be carefully evaluated
and followed by a pediatric urologist from birth.
• The vast majority of these children appear entirely
healthy and in the absence of prenatal ultrasound
findings would not have any indications for regular
urologic follow-up.
• Parental anxiety is common and should be addressed
directly with prenatal counseling and education.
• The presence of prenatally detected unilateral dilation
of the kidney warrants postnatal ultrasound evaluation
in a timely but nonurgent fashion (3 to 8 weeks of life).
• The most common diagnoses associated with this
finding are
1. UPJ obstruction,
2. VUR,
3. UVJ obstruction &
4. Megaureter.
• Normal postnatal ultrasound examination
findings indicate that obstructive uropathy is
not present;
• however, normal findings do not indicate
whether the child has VUR.
• It is important to keep in mind that a postnatal
ultrasound evaluation performed within the
first 48 hours of life may not yet demonstrate
hydronephrosis or may underestimate the
degree of hydronephrosis secondary to
physiologic oliguria in the newborn.
Prophylactic Antibiotics
• The current trend in management of ANH minimizes
postnatal prophylactic antibiotics and testing for VUR
• in cases of resolved ANH or
• in mild to moderate cases of persistent postnatal ANH
owing to a lack of evidence for a benefit to
• Severe ANH
• may be associated with an increased risk of febrile
urinary tract infection and
• possibly may indicate a higher grade of VUR.
• Infants with severe ANH should be placed on a
prophylactic antibiotic (amoxicillin, 10 to 25 mg/kg/day)
and undergo VCUG.
• Diuretic renography…
• with technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine
• reserved for those with persistent moderate or
severe postnatal hydronephrosis not related to
• Perhaps the most challenging aspect of managing ANH
is determining if and when postnatal surgical correction
for obstruction is appropriate.
• regardless of the degree of ANH, moderate or severe
postnatal hydronephrosis with evidence of decreased
renal function should be an indication for surgical
Bilateral Hydronephrosis
• Infants with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis
may have
1. posterior urethral valves,
2. bilateral VUR,
3. bilateral UPJ or UVJ obstruction, or a
combination of these findings.
• For the child with bilateral
hydroureteronephrosis suggestive of bladder
outlet obstruction,
• ultrasound evaluation and
should be performed promptly.
• In boys, the presence of posterior urethral valves is the
most important diagnosis to be ruled out.
• In girls, an obstructing ectopic ureterocele would be
the most likely cause of bladder outlet obstruction.
• In the event that an obstructive lesion is discovered, it
should be corrected promptly.
• For children with suspected lower urinary tract
obstruction (e.g., posterior urethral valves),
• prompt bladder decompression and
• antibiotic prophylaxis (amoxicillin 10 to 25
should be initiated before radiographic
Thank You

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Perinatal hdn f recovered file 1

  • 2. Fetal Imaging • The increased use of maternal-fetal ultrasound has led to the development of the field of perinatal urology.
  • 3. ANH • Antenatal hydronephrosis (ANH) • identified in 1% to 3% of all pregnancies • one of the most common birth defects detected.
  • 4. • Ultrasonography continues to be the mainstay of fetal imaging. • With experience, this modality provides intricate detail and diagnostic capability that is similar to that of ultrasonography in the neonate.
  • 5. • Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) • a valuable adjunct • when further delineation of anatomic detail is believed to be necessary to optimize diagnosis and/or management strategy
  • 6. • Use of complementary computed tomography is controversial • the additive information may not outweigh the added risk of fetal and maternal radiation exposure.
  • 8. • ANH: • Defined as an anteroposterior diameter (APD) of the renal pelvis greater than 5 mm. • But the consensus on the definition of ANH is lacking. • With the rapid improvement of ultrasound technology, the incidence of detection of renal anomalies may be changing.
  • 9. • In a single institutional study, Study Period Incidence of Urinary tract abnormlaities 1989-1993 0.3% 1999-2003 0.76%
  • 10. • A large prospective study of 11,986 Swedish women conducted between 1978 and 1983 identified renal anomalies in 0.28% of fetuses. • Over two thirds of the anomalies were hydronephrosis (0.18%)
  • 11. • A British prospective screening study of 6292 pregnant women at 28 weeks’ gestation demonstrated • hydronephrosis in 1.40% of patients, • with postnatal confirmation in 0.65%
  • 13.
  • 15. • Hydronephrosis, or dilation of the renal pelvis, is the most common urologic abnormality found on ultrasound evaluation.
  • 16. • Numerous grading systems have been developed • however, there is no consensus on the best and most consistent method of reporting ANH. • Measurement of the APD has been used widely • but there have been no formal studies to determine the interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of ANH measurement.
  • 17.
  • 18. Disadvantages of use of APD • APD fails to describe • pelvic configuration, • calyceal dilation & • laterality of findings, which should be included. • APD can be affected by • gestational age, • hydration status of the mother • bladder hypertonicity & • degree of bladder distention
  • 19. • Because the dimensions of the renal pelvis may normally increase with gestational age, most investigators have adjusted threshold APD values for early and later gestational age.
  • 20. • Unfortunately, a simple threshold APD value that separates normal from abnormal does not exist • even severe cases of ANH have the potential to resolve without incident • whereas mild degrees of ANH have the potential to progress
  • 21. • Varying the minimal APD threshold can significantly alter the specificity and sensitivity of APD as a measure of ANH and postnatal pathology. • To date there is no consensus on the optimal APD threshold for determining the need for postnatal follow-up.
  • 22. • An APD cutoff of 15 mm for determining obstruction yielded a postnatal sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 82%. Late Gestational age APD cutoff Abnormality detection 10mm 23% 7mm 68%
  • 23. ANH categories by APD • There is near-total agreement that APD greater than 15 mm represents severe or significant hydronephrosis. • A lower threshold of 4 to 5 mm is an appropriate value for considering APD to be abnormal
  • 24.
  • 25. Alternative Measurements • 3D volume measurements of the renal pelvis. • Hydronephrosis index to correct for bladder distention for a more precise evaluation. • Society for Fetal Urology (SFU) ultrasound grading system of ANH.
  • 27. • MRI may also prove useful in prenatal evaluation • Advantage: high anatomic detail without ionizing radiation exposure. • High cost and limited data currently confound the optimal use of this modality in the context of ANH.
  • 28. Diagnostic Accuracy • The ability to determine definitive postnatal pathology based on antenatal findings is difficult.
  • 29. • In a systematic review of the ANH literature, Lee and colleagues in 2006 attempted to determine the risk of a pathologic diagnosis for patients with varying severity of ANH . • The review included 1308 patients who were identified with ANH and sufficient postnatal radiographic follow- up.
  • 30. Other category includes prune-belly syndrome, VATER (vertebral, anal, tracheo-esophageal and renal anomalies) syndrome, solitary kidney, renal mass, and Unclassified causes.
  • 31. • The degree of ANH was defined by APD identified in a particular trimester. • Approximately 36% of the patients had a postnatal pathologic diagnosis. • The overall risk for any pathologic process increased with increasing degree of ANH.
  • 32. • However, the risk of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) remained consistent regardless of the degree of ANH • ANH is not an appropriate indicator for VUR.
  • 33. • Earlier literature suggests that obstruction location can be determined prenatally in 88% of cases. • but many researchers have reported a high false-positive rate (9% to 22%) .
  • 34. • The majority of false-positive findings in these studies involved nonobstructive causes of hydronephrosis, such as • high-grade reflux, • large nonobstructed extrarenal pelves, or • transient hydronephrosis.
  • 35. • Early and accurate diagnosis of posterior urethral valves is critical but difficult. • The hallmark signs of an in utero diagnosis of posterior urethral valves have been described • Oligohydramnios, • dilated posterior urethra, • thickened bladder • hydroureteronephrosis • increased renal echogenicity.
  • 36. • Regardless, there are very few studies that have prospectively examined the clinical urologic implications of these findings alone or in combination. • In one series of 22 fetuses, the false positive rate was as high as 58% . • In a population-based series the sensitivity in detecting valves was as low as 23%.
  • 37. • Regardless of the degree or severity of the finding, after any antenatal detection of a urinary tract anomaly a thorough fetal survey must be conducted.
  • 38. • Amniocentesis and karyotype should be considered if intervention or a major anomaly is suspected, • because the incidence of concurrent chromosomal anomalies is relatively high in fetuses with concomitant urologic anomalies.
  • 40. • Up to 3% of all pregnancies involve fetal urinary tract anomalies. • vast majority associated with hydronephrosis. • Less than 5% of all detected anomalies have severe enough obstruction that might warrant antenatal intervention.
  • 41. • The primary role for the perinatal urologist is to provide education and counseling for prospective parents in an objective manner.
  • 42. • The counseling urologist should (1) provide reassurance and dispel misconceptions, (2) provide a reasonable differential diagnosis (3) supply information regarding the natural history of the disease, (4) give antenatal recommendations & (5) provide a postnatal management plan.
  • 43. • The need for continued antenatal evaluation is debatable and unclear • particularly with mid- and late-trimester mild and moderate hydronephrosis. • More regular follow-up is reasonable • In severe unilateral or bilateral hydronephrosis,. • If there is a suspicion of bladder outlet obstruction.
  • 44. • Normal fetal growth parameters, • amniotic fluid volume, • renal appearance (echogenicity, degree of hydronephrosis, cystic changes) & • extrarenal fluid collections should be monitored closely.
  • 45. Rationale & Indications for Fetal Intervention
  • 46. • Overall, the need to consider in utero intervention for obstruction is uncommon. • However, in the specific cases in which it should be considered, the rationale for antenatal treatment of hydronephrosis is to maximize development of • pulmonary and • renal function.
  • 47. • These two aspects of fetal development are closely linked because • urine comprises more than 90% of amniotic fluid volume by the 16th week of gestation and • oligohydramnios during the 2nd trimester is often associated with a lethal postnatal outcome secondary to pulmonary hypoplasia
  • 48. • Before prenatal surgical intervention for obstructive uropathy, it is critical to assess the risk-benefit ratio. • The time of onset of oligohydramnios has been shown to be an important determinant of outcome.
  • 49. • In fetuses in which adequate amniotic fluid was documented at up to 30 weeks’ gestation in association with a urologic abnormality, • pulmonary outcomes were satisfactory and • postnatal clinical problems were related to renal disease. • Therefore, in the setting of late-onset oligohydramnios there appears to be limited usefulness of urinary tract decompression or early delivery for pulmonary reasons.
  • 50. • It is also unclear whether early delivery to permit earlier postnatal urinary decompression is beneficial. • If early delivery is considered, maternal corticosteroid administration for pulmonary development should be considered.
  • 51. • The most widely accepted indicator of salvageable renal function is analysis of fetal urine.
  • 52. Indications and Conditions for in-Utero Urinary Decompression
  • 53. Use of fetal urine β2 microglobulin • An indicator of tubular damage. • In normal postnatal kidneys, >99.9% of β2 microglobulin is reabsorbed and metabolized in the proximal tubules. • In postnatal renal disease with damage to this area, β2 microglobulin is excreted in the urine. • Including this parameter, poor renal outcome has been predicted with a specificity of 83% and sensitivity of 80%
  • 54. • Findings on antenatal ultrasound have also been examined with regard to prediction of long-term postnatal renal function.
  • 55. • In a systematic review of 13 articles encompassing 251 women, • oligohydramnios and • appearance of the renal cortex (increased echogenicity or cystic changes) at the diagnosis of lower urinary tract obstruction were the best factors to predict poor renal function (defined as creatinine >1.2 mg/dL). • In this particular study, gestational age at diagnosis (<24 weeks) was not predictive of renal function.
  • 57. • The ability to diagnose severe prenatal hydronephrosis and advances in fetal intervention have helped develop prenatal surgery for obstructive uropathy. • Harrison and colleagues (1982) described the initial report of fetal surgery in a 21-week-old fetus with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis secondary to posterior urethral valves.
  • 58. • More recently, with improved technology • the initial method of decompression with open surgery has largely been replaced by in utero shunt placement. • The shunt is placed under ultrasound guidance using a Seldinger technique through a trocar. • Current practice uses the Rodeck shunt, which lies flat against the abdomen to minimize shunt dislodgment
  • 59.
  • 60. Complications of Shunting 1. Shunt dislodgment 2. Bowel herniation. 3. Amnioinfusion may be needed to improve visualization for shunt placement • this may lead to excessive fetal movement. 4. Occasionally the fetus needs to be paralyzed for accurate placement. 5. Very large bladders may cause the shunt to be placed too high in the abdomen, resulting in dislodgment from the bladder after it decompresses.
  • 61. 6. Induction of premature labor, 7. Perforation of fetal bowel and bladder, 8. fetal loss, 9. fetal and/or maternal hemorrhage and infection.
  • 62. Fetal Cystoscopy • Fetoscopic methods for direct intervention to provide prolonged bladder drainage have also been explored. Advantage over vesicoamniotic shunting: improved drainage and restoring normal cycling of the bladder.
  • 63. Drawbacks of Fetal Cystoscopy • There are no studies to determine if this method of decompression is adequate in the face of significant prenatal bladder dysfunction. • Furthermore, fetoscopic intervention also introduces the additional potential for iatrogenic injury to the urethra, bladder neck, or external urethral sphincter.
  • 65. • To date, the reported long-term outcomes of antenatal intervention for severe obstructive uropathy (e.g., posterior urethral valves, prune-belly syndrome, urethral atresia) are mixed
  • 66. Long-term outcomes of in-utero vesicoamniotic shunting Acceptable renal function 45% Mild impairment 22% Renal failure 33%
  • 67. Best Renal Outcome with shunting 0 20 40 60 prune-belly syndrome PUV Urethral atresia 57% 43% 25%
  • 68. PLUTO trial • European-based multicenter randomized clinical trial • PLUTO (Percutaneous Shunting for Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction) • Aim: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of vesicoamniotic shunting as compared with conservative management in singleton pregnancies with ultrasound evidence of lower urinary tract obstruction
  • 69. Results of PLUTO trial CATEGORY NUMBER Vesicoamniotic shunt patients 16 Controls 15 Total 31 cases
  • 70. Live births Postnatal deaths 12 4 Shunted cases, n=16 Live births Postnatal deaths 12 8 Controls, n=15
  • 71. • All postnatal deaths were from pulmonary hypoplasia. • Although underpowered, the study demonstrated a nonsignificant increase in survival in the vesicoamniotic shunt group. • Consistent with the results of the systematic review of existing prenatal intervention data, there was minimal likelihood of surviving with longterm normal renal function.
  • 72. • Overall, it appears that select in utero intervention for the appropriate patient may reduce the risk of neonatal mortality. • Without doubt, more sensitive and specific markers to better identify which fetus will benefit from in utero shunting need to be defined.
  • 74. • A child with a prenatal diagnosis of a urologic renal abnormality such as ANH should be carefully evaluated and followed by a pediatric urologist from birth. • The vast majority of these children appear entirely healthy and in the absence of prenatal ultrasound findings would not have any indications for regular urologic follow-up. • Parental anxiety is common and should be addressed directly with prenatal counseling and education.
  • 76. • The presence of prenatally detected unilateral dilation of the kidney warrants postnatal ultrasound evaluation in a timely but nonurgent fashion (3 to 8 weeks of life). • The most common diagnoses associated with this finding are 1. UPJ obstruction, 2. VUR, 3. UVJ obstruction & 4. Megaureter.
  • 77. • Normal postnatal ultrasound examination findings indicate that obstructive uropathy is not present; • however, normal findings do not indicate whether the child has VUR.
  • 78. • It is important to keep in mind that a postnatal ultrasound evaluation performed within the first 48 hours of life may not yet demonstrate hydronephrosis or may underestimate the degree of hydronephrosis secondary to physiologic oliguria in the newborn.
  • 79. VCUG & Prophylactic Antibiotics • The current trend in management of ANH minimizes postnatal prophylactic antibiotics and testing for VUR • in cases of resolved ANH or • in mild to moderate cases of persistent postnatal ANH owing to a lack of evidence for a benefit to screening.
  • 80. • Severe ANH • may be associated with an increased risk of febrile urinary tract infection and • possibly may indicate a higher grade of VUR. • Infants with severe ANH should be placed on a prophylactic antibiotic (amoxicillin, 10 to 25 mg/kg/day) and undergo VCUG.
  • 81. • Diuretic renography… • with technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine • reserved for those with persistent moderate or severe postnatal hydronephrosis not related to VUR.
  • 82. • Perhaps the most challenging aspect of managing ANH is determining if and when postnatal surgical correction for obstruction is appropriate. • regardless of the degree of ANH, moderate or severe postnatal hydronephrosis with evidence of decreased renal function should be an indication for surgical intervention.
  • 83.
  • 85. • Infants with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis may have 1. posterior urethral valves, 2. bilateral VUR, 3. bilateral UPJ or UVJ obstruction, or a combination of these findings.
  • 86. • For the child with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis suggestive of bladder outlet obstruction, • ultrasound evaluation and • VCUG should be performed promptly.
  • 87. • In boys, the presence of posterior urethral valves is the most important diagnosis to be ruled out. • In girls, an obstructing ectopic ureterocele would be the most likely cause of bladder outlet obstruction. • In the event that an obstructive lesion is discovered, it should be corrected promptly.
  • 88. • For children with suspected lower urinary tract obstruction (e.g., posterior urethral valves), • prompt bladder decompression and • antibiotic prophylaxis (amoxicillin 10 to 25 mg/kg/day) should be initiated before radiographic intervention.