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Brand Basics: Building Your Business on a
                                Powerful Promise and Engaging Experience

                                Part 2:
                                Defining Your

A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
“Branding is about taking
 something common and
 improving upon it in ways
 that make it more valuable
 and meaningful.” 1
Brand Basics Part 1: Understanding Brand defined “brand”
and explained how a strong brand can deliver value to your
organization. Part 2: Defining Your Brand will help you formulate
your own brand strategy. You will learn how to quickly and
manageably survey your environment, articulate what your
brand stands for and develop positioning tools to differentiate
your company from the competition. Along the way, you will
be given practical tips on how to turn these ideas from theory
into reality.
Defining the
Defining the Brandscape                                                                                                              5

                                    Now that the foundation for brand                 a sense of the world in which you
        In this section you will    building has been laid, it’s time to              operate: the “brandscape”. The
        learn:                      begin creating a brand strategy for               brandscape is a holistic view of
                                    your company. What will your brand                a firm’s environment and includes
         •	 How to learn more       stand for? What is your differentiating           customers and competitors, as
            about your customers    promise to employees, stakeholders                well as the history and culture of
                                    and customers? These are questions                the company itself. Only with a clear
         •	 How to locate where
                                    that will be addressed in this section.           picture of the brandscape can your
            you stand in relation
                                                                                      organization identify the building
            to your competitors     Before you begin to think about where             blocks that will ultimately lead to
         •	 How to identify your    your company fits, it’s important to get          successful brand positioning.
            company’s strengths
            and weaknesses

                                                                  Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

                                                                                        TIP: It can seem daunting to think about asking
                                                                                        questions of customers who are less than pleased
Understanding the Customer                •	 Talk to three customers who have           with your company. But they are often the source
                                             recently ended or scaled back their        of invaluable information that can illuminate blind
Let’s begin with the people who will
actually be exchanging money for your        relationship with you. What led them       spots in your business and your brand. You’d be
products and services. Customers are         to take their business elsewhere?          surprised how much people appreciate being
an invaluable resource when trying to        What specific issues were they             asked their opinion. And consider this—what
learn more about your brandscape.            unhappy with? Knowing what you             do you have to lose?
Gaining an insight into what the target      are doing wrong is as important as
needs and wants, and how they perceive       knowing what you are doing right.
your business, can help you develop a        Not only will this exercise help you       Tip: There are an abundance of free or inexpensive
solid brand based on accurate customer       define areas for improvement in your       market research resources available on the
preferences and expectations.                business strategy, but it will also help   Internet. Professional services like Hoovers, Gartner
                                             you identify potential flaws when          and Forrester offer access to some information for
•	 Talk to your three best customers,        developing your brand.                     free. Other good places to try include:
   or those that have recently expanded   •	 Conduct research on your target            •	 Survey Monkey (
   their relationship with you. What do      market. If resources allow it, purchase       Free survey tools and low-cost access to
   they like best about doing business       relevant industry research pertaining         consumer panels
   with you? Why do they keep coming         to your company, but there is also         •	 BizStats (
   back? What led them to send more          abundant free information available           Free access to essential data on many
   business in your direction? The           online. Learn more about who you are          businesses and categories
   purpose of this activity is to learn      targeting. What are their needs and        •	 Pew Research Center (
   more about your strengths, which          expectations? What are their values           Extensive reports on consumer behaviors
   can ultimately serve as competitive       and behavior? A deeper understanding          and cultural trends
   differentiators or anchors for your       of your target market will allow you to    •	 U.S. Census Bureau (
   brand promise—what we sometimes           create a brand promise that resonates         The definitive resource for demographic
   refer to as Proof Points.                 with your customers.                          information

                                                                                        Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Understanding the Competition                •	 Examine one or two aspirational           •	 Examine one or two out-of-category
When purchasing a product or service,           competitors. These are the firms             B2B brands that you admire. These
customers are likely comparing the              that, in an ideal world, you would           businesses should not directly relate
offerings of other competing companies.         be competing with. What are their            to yours. What is it that you like about
Examining your competition is an important      reputations in the market? How have          their brands? Why do you trust them?
exercise, as it will allow you to create a      they established those reputations?          What have they done to make you
brand positioning that differentiates your      What might their brand promises be?          like them? Thinking about questions
company from the clutter.                       How do they affirm them? How do              like these will give you a sense of the
                                                they communicate their brands at             considerations and emotions that the
•	 Examine your three most direct               various touchpoints? Seeing how              B2B community brings to the table for
   competitors. You probably know               larger companies in your field have          your brand.
   who they are already, but you can            created brands will help outline a path
   identify them by looking at where            to success for your own initiative.
   else your target market shops
   (consider asking this question in
   your customer interviews). Compare             Tip: Larger companies often
   their products and services to yours.          include information about their
   Also look at their brand (if they have         brand positioning in the “About
   one) and how it’s applied across               Us” section of their web site.
   various easily accessible touchpoints,         Look for words like “vision,”
   such as ads, brochures and their               “mission,” and “values,” and
   web site. What are they promising?
                                                  phrases like “We believe…”
   Is their promise consistent? How
                                                  Other places to look include
   are they supporting that promise?
                                                  publicly available annual reports
                                                  and corporate brochures.

                                                                                                Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

                                                                                                  Tip: Interviews are a great way to
Understanding the Company                     •	 Look to the past. Has your firm had any          get a sense of the organization. We
                                                 “firsts,” technological breakthroughs or         recommend interviewing senior leaders,
Finally you must seek to understand
                                                 disruptions? These do not need to be             frontline sales and people who are seen
your company itself. What principles was
                                                 on a global scale; they can be specific          as the “heart and soul” of the company.
your organization founded on? How do
                                                 to your local market. Taking account of          Ask executives about the organization’s
you make money? The best brands are
authentic, meaning that they are true to         your company’s successes will provide            vision, ask the sales force what’s most
themselves and their history. Consider           proof points, or “reasons to believe,”           effective with customers, and ask the
MP3 players. Apple was given permission          discussed further below.                         boosters what gets them excited to
by consumers to enter the music player        •	 Look to your leaders. What positive              come to work every day.
market with the iPod because people              characteristics do your founder,
associated Apple with creativity and             president, or other executives
simplicity, as well as technology, all of        possess? How do these traits manifest            Tip: There is no bigger mistake
which were inextricably linked to Steve          themselves in the way the company                you can make than creating a brand
Job’s vision for the brand. Do you even          does business? Identifying pre-existing          strategy that is at odds with your
remember the name of Microsoft’s mass-           cultural strengths can simplify the              business strategy. If you make money
marketed MP3 player? (It was the “Zune.”)        process of brand building and allow              by selling people’s information, avoid
Inauthentic brands are generic and               you to build upon what is already there.
                                                                                                  a brand promise about privacy and
ultimately forgettable. By adding insights    •	 Look to your business model. What                security. If you make money by selling
to the brandscape that emerge from               metrics drive success for your                   sugary drinks, avoid a brand promise
your own company’s roots, culture and            company? What do you do to perform
business model, you’ll create a brand                                                             about healthy lifestyles. While using
                                                 well in those metrics? A brand must              your brand to compensate for a
with the potential to stand the test of          always relate directly to business
time. This approach helps avoid the pitfall                                                       perceived weaknesses in your
                                                 strategy, and the two should be used
of creating a stock brand, and as in the                                                          business model may seem attractive,
                                                 in conjunction to reach long-term
Apple example, provides you with a                                                                this approach is akin to building your
                                                 objectives and goals.
strong brand core that can be extended                                                            house on quicksand.
in the future.

                                                                                            Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

                                                                                      Instructions for Brandscape worksheet             great ideas you find when you sift
Worksheet 1: The Brandscape
                                                                                      Begin by listing everything you learned           through the raw information. To use a
         Customer                   Competitors                           Company
                                                                                      from your explorations of the three               famous example, “the pieces of paper
                                                                                      brandscape categories—Customers,                  I use to mark my place in books keep
           Insight:                    Insight:                            Insight:

                                                                                      Competitors and Company. Don’t                    falling out” and “the glue they made in
                                                                                      limit yourself—your initial list should           the lab the other day wasn’t very sticky”
                                                                                      be several pages long.                            are both pieces of information… but Post
                                                                                                                                        It® Notes are the result of an insight.
  What did you learn?         What did you learn?              What did you learn?    Go through your long list and pull out
                                                                                      the top 4-5 things you learned in each            Definition
                                                                                      category. These should be things that             insight | [in-sīt] | noun
                                                                                      you think have the potential to define
                                                                                      you, make you desirable to customers              (1) The capacity to gain an accurate
                                                                                      and different from competitors. Fill              and deep intuitive understanding of a
                                                    In partnership with               them in on the worksheet.                         person or thing, or (2) an understanding
                                                                                                                                        of this kind.1
                                                                                      Go through these short lists and look
                                                                                      for common threads that might ladder
                                                                                                                                            “Insight.” Oxford Dictionaries. April 2010.
                                                                                      up to a single insight—insights are the           Oxford University Press.

                                                                                                                    Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Worksheet 1: The Brandscape

         Customer                   Competitors                                      Company                        10

           Insight:                    Insight:                                         Insight:

  What did you learn?         What did you learn?                      What did you learn?

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the Future
Charting the Future                                                                                                             12

                                   The brandscape should give you a view
                                   of the environment in which you currently
        In this section you will
                                   operate, as well as an indication of where
                                   you are located within it. Once you have
         •	 The role of a brand    a grasp on the reality of today, you must
            vision                 decide where you want the company to
                                   go tomorrow, and how you would like
         •	 How to define your
                                   your brand’s audiences to view you at
            brand vision
                                   that time. In this step, you must create
         •	 How to develop your    two key statements that will guide your
            overarching brand      overall branding initiative: the brand
            promise                vision and the brand promise.

                                                                Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Defining the Brand Vision                      do business with them because…”         of Qualcomm, a global manufacturer
The brand vision encapsulates your             How do they finish that sentence?       of telecommunications equipment, is
brand’s goals for the future. It defines    •	 Imagine that three years from now,      “to deliver the world’s most innovative
what your company believes in and              your best customer is talking to a      wireless solutions.” The brand vision
describes, in a best case yet realistic        friend about what makes them do         is simple and to the point; it uses a
scenario, what tomorrow will look like         business with you. What does your       superlative to indicate its aspirations,
for you and your customers when your           customer say?                           and focuses not on the physical products
company is successful. If you’ve spent                                                 that it creates, but the benefit it offers to
                                            Take your thoughts from the above          its customers.
adequate time and thought on the            questions and synthesize them into
brandscape exercises, you may already       a brand vision. The brand vision is        What is Cisco’s brand vision? The most
have an intuitive idea about this vision.   a statement that should be used to         trusted technology company in the world,
The below exercises should help to          express the aspirations of your brand.     Cisco is a leader in delivering personal
tease it out.                               Put most simply, it expresses your         and business video that transforms life’s
•	 Imagine that three years from now,       vision of what the future should be.       experiences.
   your company is on the cover of          It can be written using superlatives;
   CIO Magazine, or another influential     after all, which company isn’t striving
   industry trade magazine as the           to be the best? As with all brand
   success story of the year. What is the   materials, avoid directly referencing
   headline? How does the first sentence    your product or service; rather, focus
   of the story read? The last sentence?    on the value you provide to your
                                            customers. Unlike a regular vision
•	 Imagine that three years from now        statement, the brand vision should
   a potential customer is sitting with     focus on the emotional benefit to the
   a competitor’s sales rep and starts      consumer instead of a functional one.
   to say the following: “I know you
                                                                                       The right brand vision is built on your past,
   can undercut [your company] by 3         Brand visions do not have to be            but points toward your future.
   percent, but I really would prefer to    elaborate. For example, the brand vision

                                                                                              Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Worksheet 2: Defining the Brand Vision


    Winner!                      “I’d rather do                              “I just love
    2015 Best                    business with                               working with
    IT Company                   them because...”                            them because...”

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                                                    Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Developing the Brand Promise                   •	 What differentiates you from your          emotional sense. It should be a written
Crafting the brand promise is perhaps             competitors? After exploring the           statement that, although not shared
one of the most important aspects of              brandscape, define what makes              with the outside world, permeates all the
your brand-building initiative. The brand         your company different—or how              activities carried out by your organization.
promise puts into words what your                 you would like to differentiate your       Promises can take a wide variety of forms
brand is all about and what value you             firm as you build your brand.              and there is no set format. However, all
hope it provides to customers. This is         •	 What are your brand attributes?            promises should be short and concise,
the experiential metric by which your             These are the qualities and equities       and should go beyond the boundaries
customers will subconsciously judge               that your company owns or is known         of what your business actually does to
you: if you live up to the promise, you will      for. They do not have to directly relate   include the emotions it hopes to elicit.
benefit through a positive reputation and         to your business or the products and
increased loyalty; if the promise is broken,      services you produce. For example,
it will hurt your brand and business.             the NFL’s brand attributes include
                                                  integrity, community and excellence;       “ Patents expire. Copyrights
Developing a brand promise requires
answering the following three questions:
                                                  football is not mentioned.
                                                                                               expire. Only brands can be
                                               As you can see, these questions parallel
•	 What value do you provide? Don’t            the brandscape exercises and should             owned forever.” 2
   focus on products, services or policies;    build from them. With the responses
   rather, investigate the benefits that       to the above questions, you can begin
   those products, services or policies        drafting your brand promise. A brand
   have for employees, customers and           promise should be what your company
   other stakeholders.                         hopes to deliver in an ideological and

                                                                                                   Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

           Competitive                                Finding Your Brand Promise
                                                      Coca-Cola’s promise, for example,                   Tip: The best brand promises have
                                                      is “To inspire moments of optimism                  an inspirational and motivational
                                                      and uplift.” It does not mention the                ring to them, which means they can
                                                      food industry or any beverages. Rather              sometimes sound like a tagline. But
                                                      it focuses on the emotions that a person            a tagline is not the same as a brand
                                                      should experience when engaging with                promise. Your brand promise will
                                                      the company. Google’s promise is,
                                                                                                          inspire your tagline, as it will inspire
                                                      “Provide access to the world’s information
                                                                                                          all of your brand communications.
                                                      in one click.” With this, Google conveys
                                                                                                          More on this in Part 3.
                                                      a sense of openness coupled with a
Customer                        Company               freedom of knowledge.

                                                      Cisco’s brand promise is “Bringing
                                                      people together.” In those three words,
                                                      Cisco summarizes the arc of its brand
                                                      from birth as a way for two people to
                                                      connect to its role today as the back-
                                                      bone of millions of networks worldwide.
                                                      The best brand promises are enduring,
           Brand Promise
                                                      encapsulating not only the brand’s role
           At the intersection Competitive Insight,   today but also the role you envision for
           Customer Insight and Company Insight,      it tomorrow.
           you will find the inspiration for your
           Brand Promise.

                                                                                   Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

               Employees   Prospective

                                                            The brand promise must be equally
                                                            relevant to all of your constituencies
                                                            and audiences—it is the core of what you
                                                            stand for, comprising a high-level belief
                                                            as well as a high-level benefit. It can be
 Leadership                              Investors/
                                                            aspirational, but must be credible.
                                                            If you don’t define your brand with a

                    BRAND                                   promise, customers will define your
                                                            brand based on price.

                                                            Three Questions to Ask of
                                                            Your Brand Promise:
Stakeholders                             Customers          1.	 Is it ownable?
                                                            2.	 Is it credible?
                                                            3.	 Is it memorable and motivating?

               Partners      Media

                                                      Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Brand Positioning Tools                                                                                                              19

                                       Now that you have an understanding
        In this section you will       of the brandscape, a defined vision
        learn:                         for the future and a promise for your
                                       customers, it’s time to take steps to
         •	 About tools to make        create some useful positioning tools for
            your brand tangible to     your brand. “Positioning” refers to your
            your target                brand’s location in the brandscape, and it
         •	 How to develop a value     takes into account all the insights you’ve
            proposition for your       gathered and brand components you’ve
            offerings                  created in the previous steps. These
                                       positioning tools will help you appeal to
         •	 How to identify the
                                       your target market in a way that resonates
            “reasons to believe” for
                                       with them, allowing you to avail yourself of
            your brand
                                       the many benefits of a strong brand.

                                                                     Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

                                                                                        Tip: You might be asking yourself, why do I need to go
Value Proposition                         proposition, and it should be clear without   through all of these steps and define all of these different
A value proposition is a statement of     ambiguity. There are several formats for
                                                                                        components? Can’t I just come up with a tagline and be
the benefit that a company provides       a value proposition that help to ensure
                                                                                        done with it? The answer is: you will get out of this process
to its target audience. You should not    that you do not omit any vital parts of the
                                                                                        what you put into it. If you take the time to wrestle your
focus too much on the specific products   statement. To give you an example, a
                                          standard format is:                           brand promise to the ground now, it can be with you and
and services that your company offers,                                                  guide you for years to come. It is the foundation on which
as these will change over time. Rather,   For _ _____________ (target customer)
                                              _                                         everything else is built. Your value proposition might
focus on the benefits and value that
                                                                                        change more frequently as technology and customer
your business provides to customers.      who _______________(customer need),
                                                                                        needs evolve in this category, but a great brand vision and
Answering the following questions will
give you the information you need to      (your brand) _____________________            brand promise can last 5, 10 or more years. And great
draft a strong statement.                                                               taglines—as well as great ads, great sales tools and other
                                          is the ___________ (offering description)
                                                                                        great things—are built from great brand promises.
•	 What are your target audience’s
                                          that _ __________ (differentiating benefit
   greatest needs or concerns?
                                          to customer).
•	 What solutions do you provide
                                          Your brand promise together with your         Tip: If you have multiple target segments with very
   to meet these needs or assuage
   these concerns?                        value proposition will become the basis       different needs, you may need multiple value propositions.
                                          of your communications and creative           For example, your two biggest customer segments may be
•	 How does your customer benefit
                                          briefs for internal resources as well as      healthcare and education. As long as they all hold true to
   from using your solutions to meet
                                          for agency partners.                          your brand promise, there is no reason you shouldn’t have
   these needs?
                                                                                        two or three value propositions. Try tweaking the language
Once these questions are answered,                                                      rather than rewriting it entirely. Focus on making your core
you can begin writing. The language
                                                                                        benefits more relevant to the audience rather than creating
is particularly important in a value
                                                                                        new benefits.

                                                                                          Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

               Employees   Prospective

                                                       Value Proposition
                                                       The value proposition channels the higher order
                                                       benefit of your brand promise into a tangible
                                                       benefit that addresses an identified customer
 Leadership                              Investors/    need. It answers the question, “Why would I
                                                       exchange money for what you have to offer?”

                    BRAND                                                 Three Questions to Ask of
                                                                          Your Value Proposition:
                                                                          1.	 Is it relevant?
                                                                          2.	 Is it differentiating?

                                          Customers                       3.	 Is it compelling?

                Partners     Media

                                                      Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Reasons to Believe                            Reasons to believe are important
“Reasons to believe” are the proof points     because they can help you decide
                                                                                                Tip: The best reasons to believe
that support your brand promise and           whether the claims you are making are
                                                                                                contain two levels of content. Begin
value proposition. Your brand’s reputation,   legitimate or not. If you cannot support
                                                                                                by listing many individual companies’
authenticity and credibility depend on the    each section of your brand promise or
                                              value proposition with several reasons            strengths (starting with the list from
tangible facts you gather that support the
                                              to believe, then it is an indication that         your brandscaping exercise on page 10).
claims you make. Reasons to believe can
                                              you may want to rework it and make                Then look for patterns and themes that
either be technical, which are superiority
                                              it stronger.                                      emerge. What you will often find are three
claims, or functional, which describe the
value-based benefit you provide to                                                              to five themes you can refer to generally
                                              You will use the reasons to believe you           (“The high quality of our food”) that each
stakeholders.                                 create here in two critical ways:
                                                                                                sit above multiple tactical examples (“The
Reasons to believe for Google’s brand         •	 Internally—always have several of              strength of our food sourcing,” “Our cook-
promise, for example, might include a            these proof points ready to deploy             training program,” “Our celebrity chef
technical point on the speed of its search       in meetings with employees when                partnerships”). You can use the themes to
or the number of clicks it takes to find         you are talking about the brand.               broadly support your brand promise, and
information. Functional points might             This helps your people buy into the            use the individual examples to support
include the various ways in which users          promise and feel like it is credible.          specific messages.
of Google products add to their personal
knowledge—like how people use can             •	 Externally—make sure the promise
use Google Maps to plan their daily              of your headlines and pitch intros is
travel, for example.                             paid off in the deeper content of your
                                                 marketing materials by peppering it
                                                 with proof points.

                                                                                          Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Worksheet 3: Identifying Your Reasons to Believe

                                                   Sort through what you learned during the
                                                   brandscaping exercises and identify three
                          Brand Promise            to five company strengths that support your
                                                   brand promise.

                                                   These proof points should be unassailable—
                                                   not aspirational.

                                                   Each one doesn’t have to be differentiating
                                                   on its own, but taken together they should
                                                   feel like they add up to a claim that is owned
                                                   and supported only by you.

    Reasons to Believe:

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it Real
Making it Real                                                                                                                    25

                                     Once you have created a potential                 In most cases, this will involve activity
         In this section you will    positioning for your brand, you must now          in one of three key areas discussed
         learn:                      attempt to relocate from where you sit            previously: internal focus, customer
                                     currently in the brandscape to where              relevancy and brand differentiation.
          •	 How to resonate more    you want to be by taking tangible steps.          There are, of course, myriad other areas
             deeply with customers   Although much of brand building seems,            in which you might attempt to shift your
          •	 How to differentiate    and indeed is, complex, much of it is fairly      brand; some of those will be explored in
             yourself from the       straightforward: you can take action to           the Part 3 of the Brand Basics course.
             competition             start building your brand in meaningful
                                     ways today.
          •	 How to maintain your
             brand internally

                                                                   Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Be More Relevant                            •	 Ask people who are not familiar              “more is more”. IT decisions
Getting closer to customers and their          with your business to comment on             are complex. The technology is
needs is always good for a business and        ideas you have for communications            constantly changing. If you can
brand. Being—and staying—relevant to           or sales tools. If it requires a lot of      pare back your promise and your
customers is an iterative and ongoing          explaining, you may be relying too           message to the basics so that you
process. In order to make sure that your       much on functional benefits,                 are cutting through the confusion
company is getting in touch with your          meaning you’ve left the emotional            rather than adding to it, you may
target market, try the following tips.         relevance of your brand behind.              find an opportunity to separate
                                                                                            yourself from the competition.
•	 Draft a pop-up survey for your           Be More Different
                                                                                         •	 Choose a color. In the IT services
   web site. Ask both about functionality   Stepping out of the crowd does not              industry, color is almost taboo. In an
   and purpose of the visit. Get a sense    necessarily require a huge undertaking.         effort to appear professional, most
   of who is coming to your web site        There are some simple steps that can            firms stick to whites and grays. While
   and why, as well as what they think      be taken to really make your company            it may not be a good idea to shed a
   about the entire experience. Look        jump out to potential customers.                professional image entirely, adding
   for simple and affordable ways to                                                        even one bright color to the logo or
   align the web experience better to       •	 Introduce distinctive language and
                                               product naming. Consider naming              type and using it consistently could
   their expectations—for example, by                                                       help your company become more
   updating language on category               generic products or services to
                                               make them seem special and                   memorable.
   labels and buttons.
                                               different from your competition’s
•	 Share knowledge. Ask your sales             offerings. However, remember,
   teams what they are saying to,              product names and language
   and hearing from, customers who             should always be understandable
   choose to do business with you.             to your target market.
   Find out what is working and share                                                      Dimension Data, an IT services provider, recently
   it across the organization.              •	 Simplify. Many brands in this category      rebranded itself using a bright color to appear fresh
                                               seem to be adherents to the idea that       and differentiate itself from the sea of sameness.

                                                                                               Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Be More Focused                                 nature of your business’ brand to
If your company’s employees are not             employees in collaborative, interesting
                                                                                                 Tip: The best brands understand
on board with branding, the initiative          workshops. The goal is to make sure
                                                                                                 that there is no point making a
can never really take off. A solid brand        employees leave understanding not
                                                only what they should know or believe,           marketing promise until the people in
experience requires everyone in the                                                              the organization are prepared to deliver
organization to understand what the             but also what they should do. These
                                                may be held periodically as refreshers           on it. Otherwise there is a disconnect
brand means, at least at its most
                                                for senior employees and introductions           between a customer’s expectation of
basic level, and get involved. There
                                                for new ones.                                    the brand and their experience of the
are policies that can be implemented
in the short-term to help quickly get        •	 Learn from your employees. Those                 brand. If there is one place where
everyone on the same page.                      working on the ground often have                 brand-building investments can really
                                                a deeper connection to the customer              pay off for small and medium-sized
•	 Designate a “Brand Guardian” person/         and the market to craft strategy than            companies, it’s internal communications
   team. This unit will be responsible          those working in corporate. Periodically         and training. These activities cost far
   for promoting (and later protecting)         holding engaging competitions that               less than external communications, but
   the brand as you begin to develop it.        ask employees to devise marketing                their effects are far-reaching.
   This unit will be charged with ensuring      strategies or strengthen your brand
   that all touchpoints are on-brand. Set       across particular touchpoints allows
   goals for them and reward success.           the leadership to tap into the wealth
•	 Hold brand workshops. Explain the            of knowledge that employees possess.
   value of brand as well as the specific

                                                                                           Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Conclusion                                                                                                                                               29

At this point, you should have developed    as they do to business strategy—you
a strong sense of what you want your        wouldn’t launch a new product or service
brand to stand for, and you may already     without a clear strategy for success, why       In Part 2: Defining Your
be thinking about taking a few of the       would you ever do so for something as           Brand you learned
immediate next steps from the previous      important as your brand? In Part 3, we will     some practical ways
section. The need for aligning on a solid   explore ways to translate your strategy         to develop your brand
strategy before undertaking larger brand-   into an actionable agenda and discuss           strategy by exploring
building processes, like creating a brand   how to deploy your brand in tangible ways       your environment as
identity, cannot be stressed enough. Many   across the multiple touchpoints that affect     well as developing key
of the same rules apply to brand strategy   the IT services industry.                       statements that will
                                                                                            collectively serve as the
                                                                                            guiding force behind your
                                                                                            brand. In Part 3: Bringing
                                                                                            Your Brand to Life, you
                                                                                            will take all that you
                                                                                            have done and apply it to
                                                                                            the manifestation of your
                                                                                            brand in the real world.

                                                                                          Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Additional Resources                                                                                               30

                       Brand on Wikipedia                               Branding Basics for Small Business
                       A basic catalog of information on                A book by Maria Ross for small businesses
                       brand, its components and prevalent              looking to unlock the business value that a
                       branding strategies.                             strong brand brings.

                       Brandeo                                          Tomorrow Starts Here
                       A blog with articles on the business             A site that brings Cisco’s Brand Vision and
                       implications of branding and an                  Brand Promise to life.
                       encyclopedia of branding terms.
                                                                        Cisco Partner Plus
                       Branding Strategy Insider                        Collected information and resources for
                       A blog featuring intelligent advice and          Cisco Partner Plus partners.
                       case studies to hone your brand strategy.

                       The Brand Builder
                       A blog on branding that focuses on
                       the lessons small business can learn
                       from larger companies.

                                                    Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
References                                                                                                                                          31

        Bedbury, Scott, and Stephen Fenichell. A New Brand World: 8 Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership
      in the 21st Century. New York: Viking, 2002. 15.

       Dru, Jean-Marie. Disruption: Overturning Conventions and Shaking up the Marketplace. New York: John
      Wiley & Sons, 1996. 114.

                                                                                    Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource

Third party company names, trademarks, logos and
quotations referenced in these materials are the
property of their respective owners and their use does
not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship,
affiliation, association or approval by the third parties
of these materials or with Cisco Systems, Inc. and/
or its affiliates (“Cisco”). The information contained in
these materials are the opinions of Publicis BOS Group.
Cisco disclaims all warranties as to the accuracies,
completeness or adequacy of such information and shall
have no liability for omission or inadequacies in such

                                           Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
Presented by

Publicis Brand Optimization Systems (BOS) Group develops
brand strategies for clients and brings them to life through
brand identity, employee education and experience design.
BOS Group is part of Publicis Worldwide.

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  • 1. Brand Basics: Building Your Business on a Powerful Promise and Engaging Experience Part 2: Defining Your Brand A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 2. “Branding is about taking something common and improving upon it in ways that make it more valuable and meaningful.” 1
  • 3. Brand Basics Part 1: Understanding Brand defined “brand” and explained how a strong brand can deliver value to your organization. Part 2: Defining Your Brand will help you formulate your own brand strategy. You will learn how to quickly and manageably survey your environment, articulate what your brand stands for and develop positioning tools to differentiate your company from the competition. Along the way, you will be given practical tips on how to turn these ideas from theory into reality.
  • 5. Defining the Brandscape 5 Now that the foundation for brand a sense of the world in which you In this section you will building has been laid, it’s time to operate: the “brandscape”. The learn: begin creating a brand strategy for brandscape is a holistic view of your company. What will your brand a firm’s environment and includes • How to learn more stand for? What is your differentiating customers and competitors, as about your customers promise to employees, stakeholders well as the history and culture of and customers? These are questions the company itself. Only with a clear • How to locate where that will be addressed in this section. picture of the brandscape can your you stand in relation organization identify the building to your competitors Before you begin to think about where blocks that will ultimately lead to • How to identify your your company fits, it’s important to get successful brand positioning. company’s strengths and weaknesses Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 6. 6 TIP: It can seem daunting to think about asking questions of customers who are less than pleased Understanding the Customer • Talk to three customers who have with your company. But they are often the source recently ended or scaled back their of invaluable information that can illuminate blind Let’s begin with the people who will actually be exchanging money for your relationship with you. What led them spots in your business and your brand. You’d be products and services. Customers are to take their business elsewhere? surprised how much people appreciate being an invaluable resource when trying to What specific issues were they asked their opinion. And consider this—what learn more about your brandscape. unhappy with? Knowing what you do you have to lose? Gaining an insight into what the target are doing wrong is as important as needs and wants, and how they perceive knowing what you are doing right. your business, can help you develop a Not only will this exercise help you Tip: There are an abundance of free or inexpensive solid brand based on accurate customer define areas for improvement in your market research resources available on the preferences and expectations. business strategy, but it will also help Internet. Professional services like Hoovers, Gartner you identify potential flaws when and Forrester offer access to some information for • Talk to your three best customers, developing your brand. free. Other good places to try include: or those that have recently expanded • Conduct research on your target • Survey Monkey ( their relationship with you. What do market. If resources allow it, purchase Free survey tools and low-cost access to they like best about doing business relevant industry research pertaining consumer panels with you? Why do they keep coming to your company, but there is also • BizStats ( back? What led them to send more abundant free information available Free access to essential data on many business in your direction? The online. Learn more about who you are businesses and categories purpose of this activity is to learn targeting. What are their needs and • Pew Research Center ( more about your strengths, which expectations? What are their values Extensive reports on consumer behaviors can ultimately serve as competitive and behavior? A deeper understanding and cultural trends differentiators or anchors for your of your target market will allow you to • U.S. Census Bureau ( brand promise—what we sometimes create a brand promise that resonates The definitive resource for demographic refer to as Proof Points. with your customers. information Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 7. 7 Understanding the Competition • Examine one or two aspirational • Examine one or two out-of-category When purchasing a product or service, competitors. These are the firms B2B brands that you admire. These customers are likely comparing the that, in an ideal world, you would businesses should not directly relate offerings of other competing companies. be competing with. What are their to yours. What is it that you like about Examining your competition is an important reputations in the market? How have their brands? Why do you trust them? exercise, as it will allow you to create a they established those reputations? What have they done to make you brand positioning that differentiates your What might their brand promises be? like them? Thinking about questions company from the clutter. How do they affirm them? How do like these will give you a sense of the they communicate their brands at considerations and emotions that the • Examine your three most direct various touchpoints? Seeing how B2B community brings to the table for competitors. You probably know larger companies in your field have your brand. who they are already, but you can created brands will help outline a path identify them by looking at where to success for your own initiative. else your target market shops (consider asking this question in your customer interviews). Compare Tip: Larger companies often their products and services to yours. include information about their Also look at their brand (if they have brand positioning in the “About one) and how it’s applied across Us” section of their web site. various easily accessible touchpoints, Look for words like “vision,” such as ads, brochures and their “mission,” and “values,” and web site. What are they promising? phrases like “We believe…” Is their promise consistent? How Other places to look include are they supporting that promise? publicly available annual reports and corporate brochures. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 8. 8 Tip: Interviews are a great way to Understanding the Company • Look to the past. Has your firm had any get a sense of the organization. We “firsts,” technological breakthroughs or recommend interviewing senior leaders, Finally you must seek to understand disruptions? These do not need to be frontline sales and people who are seen your company itself. What principles was on a global scale; they can be specific as the “heart and soul” of the company. your organization founded on? How do to your local market. Taking account of Ask executives about the organization’s you make money? The best brands are authentic, meaning that they are true to your company’s successes will provide vision, ask the sales force what’s most themselves and their history. Consider proof points, or “reasons to believe,” effective with customers, and ask the MP3 players. Apple was given permission discussed further below. boosters what gets them excited to by consumers to enter the music player • Look to your leaders. What positive come to work every day. market with the iPod because people characteristics do your founder, associated Apple with creativity and president, or other executives simplicity, as well as technology, all of possess? How do these traits manifest Tip: There is no bigger mistake which were inextricably linked to Steve themselves in the way the company you can make than creating a brand Job’s vision for the brand. Do you even does business? Identifying pre-existing strategy that is at odds with your remember the name of Microsoft’s mass- cultural strengths can simplify the business strategy. If you make money marketed MP3 player? (It was the “Zune.”) process of brand building and allow by selling people’s information, avoid Inauthentic brands are generic and you to build upon what is already there. a brand promise about privacy and ultimately forgettable. By adding insights • Look to your business model. What security. If you make money by selling to the brandscape that emerge from metrics drive success for your sugary drinks, avoid a brand promise your own company’s roots, culture and company? What do you do to perform business model, you’ll create a brand about healthy lifestyles. While using well in those metrics? A brand must your brand to compensate for a with the potential to stand the test of always relate directly to business time. This approach helps avoid the pitfall perceived weaknesses in your strategy, and the two should be used of creating a stock brand, and as in the business model may seem attractive, in conjunction to reach long-term Apple example, provides you with a this approach is akin to building your objectives and goals. strong brand core that can be extended house on quicksand. in the future. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 9. 9 Instructions for Brandscape worksheet great ideas you find when you sift Worksheet 1: The Brandscape Begin by listing everything you learned through the raw information. To use a Customer Competitors Company from your explorations of the three famous example, “the pieces of paper brandscape categories—Customers, I use to mark my place in books keep Insight: Insight: Insight: Competitors and Company. Don’t falling out” and “the glue they made in limit yourself—your initial list should the lab the other day wasn’t very sticky” be several pages long. are both pieces of information… but Post It® Notes are the result of an insight. What did you learn? What did you learn? What did you learn? Go through your long list and pull out the top 4-5 things you learned in each Definition category. These should be things that insight | [in-sīt] | noun you think have the potential to define you, make you desirable to customers (1) The capacity to gain an accurate and different from competitors. Fill and deep intuitive understanding of a In partnership with them in on the worksheet. person or thing, or (2) an understanding of this kind.1 Go through these short lists and look for common threads that might ladder 1 “Insight.” Oxford Dictionaries. April 2010. up to a single insight—insights are the Oxford University Press. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 10. Worksheet 1: The Brandscape Customer Competitors Company 10 Insight: Insight: Insight: What did you learn? What did you learn? What did you learn? In partnership with Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 12. Charting the Future 12 The brandscape should give you a view of the environment in which you currently In this section you will operate, as well as an indication of where learn: you are located within it. Once you have • The role of a brand a grasp on the reality of today, you must vision decide where you want the company to go tomorrow, and how you would like • How to define your your brand’s audiences to view you at brand vision that time. In this step, you must create • How to develop your two key statements that will guide your overarching brand overall branding initiative: the brand promise vision and the brand promise. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 13. 13 Defining the Brand Vision do business with them because…” of Qualcomm, a global manufacturer The brand vision encapsulates your How do they finish that sentence? of telecommunications equipment, is brand’s goals for the future. It defines • Imagine that three years from now, “to deliver the world’s most innovative what your company believes in and your best customer is talking to a wireless solutions.” The brand vision describes, in a best case yet realistic friend about what makes them do is simple and to the point; it uses a scenario, what tomorrow will look like business with you. What does your superlative to indicate its aspirations, for you and your customers when your customer say? and focuses not on the physical products company is successful. If you’ve spent that it creates, but the benefit it offers to Take your thoughts from the above its customers. adequate time and thought on the questions and synthesize them into brandscape exercises, you may already a brand vision. The brand vision is What is Cisco’s brand vision? The most have an intuitive idea about this vision. a statement that should be used to trusted technology company in the world, The below exercises should help to express the aspirations of your brand. Cisco is a leader in delivering personal tease it out. Put most simply, it expresses your and business video that transforms life’s • Imagine that three years from now, vision of what the future should be. experiences. your company is on the cover of It can be written using superlatives; CIO Magazine, or another influential after all, which company isn’t striving industry trade magazine as the to be the best? As with all brand success story of the year. What is the materials, avoid directly referencing headline? How does the first sentence your product or service; rather, focus of the story read? The last sentence? on the value you provide to your customers. Unlike a regular vision • Imagine that three years from now statement, the brand vision should a potential customer is sitting with focus on the emotional benefit to the a competitor’s sales rep and starts consumer instead of a functional one. to say the following: “I know you The right brand vision is built on your past, can undercut [your company] by 3 Brand visions do not have to be but points toward your future. percent, but I really would prefer to elaborate. For example, the brand vision Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 14. Worksheet 2: Defining the Brand Vision 14 Winner! “I’d rather do “I just love 2015 Best business with working with IT Company them because...” them because...” In partnership with Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 15. 15 Developing the Brand Promise • What differentiates you from your emotional sense. It should be a written Crafting the brand promise is perhaps competitors? After exploring the statement that, although not shared one of the most important aspects of brandscape, define what makes with the outside world, permeates all the your brand-building initiative. The brand your company different—or how activities carried out by your organization. promise puts into words what your you would like to differentiate your Promises can take a wide variety of forms brand is all about and what value you firm as you build your brand. and there is no set format. However, all hope it provides to customers. This is • What are your brand attributes? promises should be short and concise, the experiential metric by which your These are the qualities and equities and should go beyond the boundaries customers will subconsciously judge that your company owns or is known of what your business actually does to you: if you live up to the promise, you will for. They do not have to directly relate include the emotions it hopes to elicit. benefit through a positive reputation and to your business or the products and increased loyalty; if the promise is broken, services you produce. For example, it will hurt your brand and business. the NFL’s brand attributes include integrity, community and excellence; “ Patents expire. Copyrights Developing a brand promise requires answering the following three questions: football is not mentioned. expire. Only brands can be As you can see, these questions parallel • What value do you provide? Don’t the brandscape exercises and should owned forever.” 2 focus on products, services or policies; build from them. With the responses rather, investigate the benefits that to the above questions, you can begin those products, services or policies drafting your brand promise. A brand have for employees, customers and promise should be what your company other stakeholders. hopes to deliver in an ideological and Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 16. 16 Competitive Finding Your Brand Promise Coca-Cola’s promise, for example, Tip: The best brand promises have is “To inspire moments of optimism an inspirational and motivational and uplift.” It does not mention the ring to them, which means they can food industry or any beverages. Rather sometimes sound like a tagline. But it focuses on the emotions that a person a tagline is not the same as a brand should experience when engaging with promise. Your brand promise will the company. Google’s promise is, inspire your tagline, as it will inspire “Provide access to the world’s information all of your brand communications. in one click.” With this, Google conveys More on this in Part 3. a sense of openness coupled with a Customer Company freedom of knowledge. Cisco’s brand promise is “Bringing people together.” In those three words, Cisco summarizes the arc of its brand from birth as a way for two people to connect to its role today as the back- bone of millions of networks worldwide. The best brand promises are enduring, Brand Promise encapsulating not only the brand’s role At the intersection Competitive Insight, today but also the role you envision for Customer Insight and Company Insight, it tomorrow. you will find the inspiration for your Brand Promise. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 17. 17 Employees Prospective The brand promise must be equally relevant to all of your constituencies and audiences—it is the core of what you stand for, comprising a high-level belief as well as a high-level benefit. It can be Leadership Investors/ aspirational, but must be credible. Analysts If you don’t define your brand with a BRAND promise, customers will define your brand based on price. Three Questions to Ask of Your Brand Promise: Stakeholders Customers 1. Is it ownable? 2. Is it credible? 3. Is it memorable and motivating? Partners Media Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 19. Brand Positioning Tools 19 Now that you have an understanding In this section you will of the brandscape, a defined vision learn: for the future and a promise for your customers, it’s time to take steps to • About tools to make create some useful positioning tools for your brand tangible to your brand. “Positioning” refers to your your target brand’s location in the brandscape, and it • How to develop a value takes into account all the insights you’ve proposition for your gathered and brand components you’ve offerings created in the previous steps. These positioning tools will help you appeal to • How to identify the your target market in a way that resonates “reasons to believe” for with them, allowing you to avail yourself of your brand the many benefits of a strong brand. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 20. 20 Tip: You might be asking yourself, why do I need to go Value Proposition proposition, and it should be clear without through all of these steps and define all of these different A value proposition is a statement of ambiguity. There are several formats for components? Can’t I just come up with a tagline and be the benefit that a company provides a value proposition that help to ensure done with it? The answer is: you will get out of this process to its target audience. You should not that you do not omit any vital parts of the what you put into it. If you take the time to wrestle your focus too much on the specific products statement. To give you an example, a standard format is: brand promise to the ground now, it can be with you and and services that your company offers, guide you for years to come. It is the foundation on which as these will change over time. Rather, For _ _____________ (target customer) _ everything else is built. Your value proposition might focus on the benefits and value that change more frequently as technology and customer your business provides to customers. who _______________(customer need), needs evolve in this category, but a great brand vision and Answering the following questions will give you the information you need to (your brand) _____________________ brand promise can last 5, 10 or more years. And great draft a strong statement. taglines—as well as great ads, great sales tools and other is the ___________ (offering description) great things—are built from great brand promises. • What are your target audience’s that _ __________ (differentiating benefit greatest needs or concerns? to customer). • What solutions do you provide Your brand promise together with your Tip: If you have multiple target segments with very to meet these needs or assuage these concerns? value proposition will become the basis different needs, you may need multiple value propositions. of your communications and creative For example, your two biggest customer segments may be • How does your customer benefit briefs for internal resources as well as healthcare and education. As long as they all hold true to from using your solutions to meet for agency partners. your brand promise, there is no reason you shouldn’t have these needs? two or three value propositions. Try tweaking the language Once these questions are answered, rather than rewriting it entirely. Focus on making your core you can begin writing. The language benefits more relevant to the audience rather than creating is particularly important in a value new benefits. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 21. 21 Employees Prospective Value Proposition The value proposition channels the higher order benefit of your brand promise into a tangible benefit that addresses an identified customer Leadership Investors/ need. It answers the question, “Why would I Analysts exchange money for what you have to offer?” BRAND Three Questions to Ask of Your Value Proposition: 1. Is it relevant? 2. Is it differentiating? Stakeholders Customers 3. Is it compelling? Partners Media Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 22. 22 Reasons to Believe Reasons to believe are important “Reasons to believe” are the proof points because they can help you decide Tip: The best reasons to believe that support your brand promise and whether the claims you are making are contain two levels of content. Begin value proposition. Your brand’s reputation, legitimate or not. If you cannot support by listing many individual companies’ authenticity and credibility depend on the each section of your brand promise or value proposition with several reasons strengths (starting with the list from tangible facts you gather that support the to believe, then it is an indication that your brandscaping exercise on page 10). claims you make. Reasons to believe can you may want to rework it and make Then look for patterns and themes that either be technical, which are superiority it stronger. emerge. What you will often find are three claims, or functional, which describe the value-based benefit you provide to to five themes you can refer to generally You will use the reasons to believe you (“The high quality of our food”) that each stakeholders. create here in two critical ways: sit above multiple tactical examples (“The Reasons to believe for Google’s brand • Internally—always have several of strength of our food sourcing,” “Our cook- promise, for example, might include a these proof points ready to deploy training program,” “Our celebrity chef technical point on the speed of its search in meetings with employees when partnerships”). You can use the themes to or the number of clicks it takes to find you are talking about the brand. broadly support your brand promise, and information. Functional points might This helps your people buy into the use the individual examples to support include the various ways in which users promise and feel like it is credible. specific messages. of Google products add to their personal knowledge—like how people use can • Externally—make sure the promise use Google Maps to plan their daily of your headlines and pitch intros is travel, for example. paid off in the deeper content of your marketing materials by peppering it with proof points. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 23. Worksheet 3: Identifying Your Reasons to Believe Sort through what you learned during the 23 brandscaping exercises and identify three Brand Promise to five company strengths that support your brand promise. These proof points should be unassailable— not aspirational. Each one doesn’t have to be differentiating on its own, but taken together they should feel like they add up to a claim that is owned and supported only by you. Reasons to Believe: In partnership with Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 25. Making it Real 25 Once you have created a potential In most cases, this will involve activity In this section you will positioning for your brand, you must now in one of three key areas discussed learn: attempt to relocate from where you sit previously: internal focus, customer currently in the brandscape to where relevancy and brand differentiation. • How to resonate more you want to be by taking tangible steps. There are, of course, myriad other areas deeply with customers Although much of brand building seems, in which you might attempt to shift your • How to differentiate and indeed is, complex, much of it is fairly brand; some of those will be explored in yourself from the straightforward: you can take action to the Part 3 of the Brand Basics course. competition start building your brand in meaningful ways today. • How to maintain your brand internally Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 26. 26 Be More Relevant • Ask people who are not familiar “more is more”. IT decisions Getting closer to customers and their with your business to comment on are complex. The technology is needs is always good for a business and ideas you have for communications constantly changing. If you can brand. Being—and staying—relevant to or sales tools. If it requires a lot of pare back your promise and your customers is an iterative and ongoing explaining, you may be relying too message to the basics so that you process. In order to make sure that your much on functional benefits, are cutting through the confusion company is getting in touch with your meaning you’ve left the emotional rather than adding to it, you may target market, try the following tips. relevance of your brand behind. find an opportunity to separate yourself from the competition. • Draft a pop-up survey for your Be More Different • Choose a color. In the IT services web site. Ask both about functionality Stepping out of the crowd does not industry, color is almost taboo. In an and purpose of the visit. Get a sense necessarily require a huge undertaking. effort to appear professional, most of who is coming to your web site There are some simple steps that can firms stick to whites and grays. While and why, as well as what they think be taken to really make your company it may not be a good idea to shed a about the entire experience. Look jump out to potential customers. professional image entirely, adding for simple and affordable ways to even one bright color to the logo or align the web experience better to • Introduce distinctive language and product naming. Consider naming type and using it consistently could their expectations—for example, by help your company become more updating language on category generic products or services to make them seem special and memorable. labels and buttons. different from your competition’s • Share knowledge. Ask your sales offerings. However, remember, teams what they are saying to, product names and language and hearing from, customers who should always be understandable choose to do business with you. to your target market. Find out what is working and share Dimension Data, an IT services provider, recently it across the organization. • Simplify. Many brands in this category rebranded itself using a bright color to appear fresh seem to be adherents to the idea that and differentiate itself from the sea of sameness. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 27. 27 Be More Focused nature of your business’ brand to If your company’s employees are not employees in collaborative, interesting Tip: The best brands understand on board with branding, the initiative workshops. The goal is to make sure that there is no point making a can never really take off. A solid brand employees leave understanding not only what they should know or believe, marketing promise until the people in experience requires everyone in the the organization are prepared to deliver organization to understand what the but also what they should do. These may be held periodically as refreshers on it. Otherwise there is a disconnect brand means, at least at its most for senior employees and introductions between a customer’s expectation of basic level, and get involved. There for new ones. the brand and their experience of the are policies that can be implemented in the short-term to help quickly get • Learn from your employees. Those brand. If there is one place where everyone on the same page. working on the ground often have brand-building investments can really a deeper connection to the customer pay off for small and medium-sized • Designate a “Brand Guardian” person/ and the market to craft strategy than companies, it’s internal communications team. This unit will be responsible those working in corporate. Periodically and training. These activities cost far for promoting (and later protecting) holding engaging competitions that less than external communications, but the brand as you begin to develop it. ask employees to devise marketing their effects are far-reaching. This unit will be charged with ensuring strategies or strengthen your brand that all touchpoints are on-brand. Set across particular touchpoints allows goals for them and reward success. the leadership to tap into the wealth • Hold brand workshops. Explain the of knowledge that employees possess. value of brand as well as the specific Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 29. Conclusion 29 At this point, you should have developed as they do to business strategy—you a strong sense of what you want your wouldn’t launch a new product or service brand to stand for, and you may already without a clear strategy for success, why In Part 2: Defining Your be thinking about taking a few of the would you ever do so for something as Brand you learned immediate next steps from the previous important as your brand? In Part 3, we will some practical ways section. The need for aligning on a solid explore ways to translate your strategy to develop your brand strategy before undertaking larger brand- into an actionable agenda and discuss strategy by exploring building processes, like creating a brand how to deploy your brand in tangible ways your environment as identity, cannot be stressed enough. Many across the multiple touchpoints that affect well as developing key of the same rules apply to brand strategy the IT services industry. statements that will collectively serve as the guiding force behind your brand. In Part 3: Bringing Your Brand to Life, you will take all that you have done and apply it to the manifestation of your brand in the real world. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 30. Additional Resources 30 Brand on Wikipedia Branding Basics for Small Business A basic catalog of information on A book by Maria Ross for small businesses brand, its components and prevalent looking to unlock the business value that a branding strategies. strong brand brings. Brandeo Tomorrow Starts Here A blog with articles on the business A site that brings Cisco’s Brand Vision and implications of branding and an Brand Promise to life. encyclopedia of branding terms. Cisco Partner Plus Branding Strategy Insider Collected information and resources for A blog featuring intelligent advice and Cisco Partner Plus partners. case studies to hone your brand strategy. The Brand Builder A blog on branding that focuses on the lessons small business can learn from larger companies. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 31. References 31 1 Bedbury, Scott, and Stephen Fenichell. A New Brand World: 8 Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership in the 21st Century. New York: Viking, 2002. 15. 2 Dru, Jean-Marie. Disruption: Overturning Conventions and Shaking up the Marketplace. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. 114. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 32. 32 Third party company names, trademarks, logos and quotations referenced in these materials are the property of their respective owners and their use does not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, affiliation, association or approval by the third parties of these materials or with Cisco Systems, Inc. and/ or its affiliates (“Cisco”). The information contained in these materials are the opinions of Publicis BOS Group. Cisco disclaims all warranties as to the accuracies, completeness or adequacy of such information and shall have no liability for omission or inadequacies in such information. Brand Basics Part 2: Defining Your Brand / A Cisco Partner Plus Resource
  • 33. Presented by Publicis Brand Optimization Systems (BOS) Group develops brand strategies for clients and brings them to life through brand identity, employee education and experience design. BOS Group is part of Publicis Worldwide.