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Volume XXII, Number 7                                                                        June, 2006

Branding                               leverage this brand for more           knowledge of who you are as an
                                       effective marketing results and        agency, knowledge of your
Your Agency                            increased revenues.                    competitors’ brands, and an
                                                                              intimate knowledge of your
As the soft-market continues and
                                       Branding                               specific marketplace.
competition for growth escalates,
independent agencies need to           Many agencies confuse branding
work harder than ever to write         with marketing. As a rule of           “As a rule of thumb,
new business and increase              thumb, Branding begins at home,
retention rates. With the              while marketing begins with the
                                                                              Branding begins at
information technology explosion       customer. Defining your brand is       home, while marketing
in the insurance space, many           an introspective process by            begins with the
agencies are looking to new            which you define your list of          customer.”
technologies to increase their         values and beliefs, as well as the              ____________
marketing savvy. But remember,         unique attributes that differentiate
most marketing efforts will fail if    your agency in the marketplace.        Know Thyself
they are not executed under the        Branding occurs when these
umbrella of a comprehensive and        beliefs, values and attributes are     To determine what makes your
coherent branding strategy.            consistently communicated to the       agency unique in the
                                       marketplace, over time.                marketplace and separates you
The following discussion will                                                 from your competition, you do not
focus on how to define and refine      Knowledge is a key component           need to hire marketing
your agency’s brand and how to         of the branding process:               consultants. Instead, talk to your

                            ANNUAL MARKET & FINANCIAL SURVEY
       Included with this month's newsletter is the Annual Market & Financial Survey form. The
          data we receive from agencies all over the country provides invaluable insight into
                  agency finances as well as what is happening in the marketplace.

                        Please take the time to fill out the survey and return via:
              Fax: 708-354-0977 - or - Mail: P.O. Box 2315, LaGrange, Illinois 60525
                        Or complete the survey on-line at

                   Completed surveys need to be returned no later than July 17, 2006.

                    All information sent will remain totally confidential. Results will be
                         published in the September 2006 newsletter. Thank you!

The MarshBerry Letter                              Page 1                                          June, 2006
clients. Ask your employees.          Know Your Competition                    Finally, gather all of the input that
Solicit input from other                                                       you have solicited and create a
                                      To fully understand your brand,
relationships in the industry. Your                                            standard message describing
                                      you must examine it within the
agency already has some type of                                                who you are and what makes
                                      context of your overall
brand recognition. You just need                                               you different than the
                                      marketplace. Study your
to figure out what that is and                                                 competition. This message,
                                      competition and the market to
whether that is how you want                                                   which should be driven from the
                                      determine what opportunities or
your agency to be known.                                                       top down, will be the heart of
                                      obstacles are present.
                                                                               your branding strategy going
Your clients do business with you                                              forward.
                                      Have your producers define what
for a reason. Ask them what this
                                      they are up against in the
reason is. Ask former clients. Ask                                             Make sure all of your employees
                                      marketplace. Have them list the
prospects. You may be very                                                     not only know, but also buy into,
                                      things the competition is doing to
surprised to learn that your                                                   your message and realize their
                                      steal business away. Also, work
clients may not necessarily                                                    role in building the brand. Every
                                      together to determine the brand
identify with the 60-year old                                                  employee, from producers to
                                      identity of each of your key
agency name as much as they                                                    CSR’s, needs to be able to
                                      competitors. After determining
do the personal service /                                                      answer the insured’s question:
                                      the size and strength of the
relationships you afford.                                                      “Why should I do business with
                                      agencies serving your market,
          ____________                                                         your agency?”
                                      you might discover some hidden
“To fully understand your             opportunities.
                                                                               Creating Brand Awareness
brand, you must                                                                Now that your agency has
                                      Know Your Market
examine it within the                                                          created a consistent message
context of your overall               Examine the trends in your local         that describes your unique brand,
                                      market to find additional                your challenge is to make this
marketplace.”                         opportunities. Demographic
         ____________                                                          message the core of all of your
                                      statistics are widely available and      communications – creating brand
                                      can shed some light on how the           awareness.
Producers are on the front lines      population in your particular
every day, working with
                                      market is changing. Keep                 Work to create a standard look
prospects and clients to win
                                      abreast of local business news to        and feel that communicates your
business by communicating what
                                      see what types of business are           core brand message. Be sure
makes your agency unique.
                                      entering your market and assess          that this “look and feel” is applied
Have all of your producers list
what they see as your                 whether you have the markets             to all of your marketing collateral
competitive advantages and            and expertise to meet their              pieces, including agency
selling points. Have your service     specific business needs.                 brochures, direct mail pieces and
and support staffs do the same.                                                web content.
Just as there is a reason that
clients do business with you,
there is a reason that your                                             Chart A
employees work there. Find the
answers to that question. To
                                       Agency Revenue Size                    <$1mm $2mm $5mm $8mm
augment this, compile a list of
niche markets that you serve,          Average Advertising Expenditures         2.1%     1.9%      1.5%      1.3%
any unique carrier relationships       as % of Total Commissions & Fees
that you maintain, and any value-
added services that you offer.                                 Source: MarshBerry Database

The MarshBerry Letter                             Page 2                                              June, 2006
Find out which publications your
clients read and advertise in those                                    Chart B
magazines and journals. Be sure
to incorporate your standardized      Agency Revenue Size              $800,000       $2mm      $5mm         $8mm
look and feel into your
                                      Retention Rate                         80%       85%        90%         95%
advertisements to maintain your
brand. As it is often difficult to    $ Value of Lost Business          160,000      300,000    500,000      400,000
measure the effectiveness of any
advertising campaign, make sure       Value of Increasing Retention
                                      Rate by 3 Percentage Points        24,000       60,000    150,000      240,000
you track where new business
prospects learned about you and
focus your efforts on those that
are the most productive.              Remember – a consistent                      existing business is not growing.
                                      delivery of your core brand                  Take a look at Chart B which
You can use Chart A to gauge          message is the key to building a             illustrates the importance of
how much you are spending on          bond with your customers and                 focusing on customer retention.
advertising versus your peers.        increasing awareness of your
However, you also need to             agency in the marketplace.                   Chart B shows that the sample
consider that any re-branding                                                      agencies each lose a sizeable
and market awareness                  Customer Service                             portion of their revenue each
campaigns may easily result in        A brand is only as good as the               year by letting their current
higher than average expenses in       customer service that supports it.           customers walk out the door.
the first year or two.                It would be futile to spend the                       ____________
           ____________               time to refine and market your
                                      brand if you are not capable of              “Be sure to document
                                      supporting the new business that
“Make sure that your                  you attract to your agency, while
                                                                                   what you plan to do and
customer service                      maintaining a high-level of                  monitor your progress
supports the brand image              customer service for your current            throughout the year.”
that you have created in              accounts. Make sure that your                          ____________
                                      customer service supports the
the marketplace.”
                                      brand image that you have                    The good news is that by
         ____________                 created in the marketplace.                  increasing your retention rate as
                                                                                   little as 3 percentage points can
Consider publishing articles in
                                      The old axiom, “your best                    mean substantially more revenue
your local business journals and
                                      customers are your current                   for your agency. In fact, if your
newspapers or speaking to local
                                      customers” seems trite, but there            agency is paying a higher new
business or civic organizations.
                                      is a lot of truth to it. The cost of         vs. renewal producer commission
You may even host your own
                                      acquiring new business is much               rate (i.e. 40/25), your agency is
educational conference for
                                      greater than the cost of                     actually losing money by selling
clients and prospects at a local
                                      maintaining existing                         the same amount of business
hotel. This will establish you as a
                                      relationships, so make sure you              that you lose. In the above
community-minded business
                                      are doing everything you can to              example, the agency would
leader, further strengthen your
                                      keep your existing customers                 realize flat revenue, increased
brand awareness and expose
                                      happy. Remember that an                      payroll and less profit. So,
you to new business
                                      agency that writes $100,000                  how do you keep your
                                      worth of new business in a year,             customers happy?
                                      but loses $100,000 worth of

The MarshBerry Letter                             Page 3                                                  June, 2006
Out-serve Your                        based on size and account                   consuming part is ensuring the
 Competition                           profitability. Consider the following       content is relevant and valuable
                                       examples:                                   to your customer.
 Simple things like returning phone
 calls promptly, getting quotes        ♦ Offer a risk-assessment at                Finally, take the time to call the
 turned around in a timely manner,       the time of renewal                       accounts that you lost and find
 and proactively communicating
                                       ♦ Make quarterly visits or                  out why they left. Most people
 will separate you from the
                                         phone calls                               will let you know what you did to
 competition. Great service and a
                                                                                   lose their business, or what
 personal touch breeds top-of-         ♦ Sending an industry                       you did not do to keep it. This
 mind awareness and satisfied            overview / update 100 days                exercise will provide some
 customers. These customers, in          prior to renewal
                                                                                   valuable insight for your firm and
 turn, will create a “word of mouth”
                                                                                   may open doors for you to bid on
 marketing campaign, telling           These things will demonstrate that
                                                                                   the business again in the future.
 friends and colleagues of the         you are serious about customer
 excellent service they received       service and doing things your
                                                                                   Elevating your level of customer
 and increasing your exposure in       competition is not. Be sure to
                                                                                   service will increase the chances
 the marketplace more effectively      document what you plan to do
                                                                                   that your current customers will
 than any advertising you could        and monitor your progress
                                                                                   trade on factors other than price.
 ever buy.                             throughout the year. When you
                                                                                   The byproduct of better service is
                                       meet with your customer at the
                                                                                   more satisfied customers and
 Work with your producers to           time of renewal, you can illustrate
                                                                                   higher customer retention for
 create a list of your top prospects   what you did, versus what you
                                                                                   your agency.
 and define a strategy for touching    promised. You may also include
 each of these prospects once a        a proposed stewardship program
                                                                                   Defining your agency’s unique
 month. More sophisticated             in your prospecting efforts as a
                                                                                   brand is an exercise that will
 agencies might consider utilizing     way to differentiate yourself while
                                                                                   engage your employees in your
 an account tiering system,            justifying your compensation in
                                                                                   business and help you determine
 whereby you divide your clients       the new era of transparency and
                                                                                   the core message that you will
 into A, B, or C tiers, in order of    disclosure.
                                                                                   take to market. Consistent
 their importance to your agency.
                                                                                   communication of this message,
 Devise a strategy for reaching        Another low-cost, high-impact
                                                                                   over time, will build brand
 each tier of clients each month,      idea is to send out a monthly e-
                                                                                   awareness. And, if you work to
 with a special focus on your          newsletter to your current
                                                                                   ensure that your customer service
 “A” accounts.                         customer base. You can write
                                                                                   reflects the brand you are trying to
                                       about issues faced in the
                                                                                   create, you will realize increased
 Consider implementing value-          insurance market overall, or if
                                                                                   sales and higher retention rates.
 added service timelines and           applicable, write more specifically
 stewardship programs by account       about your local area. Even
                                                                                             * * * * *
 size. Create a menu of value-         easier, there are several services          Craig Niess is a Product
 added services that your agency       available that let you create a             Manager / Consultant at
 can offer. The services do not        customized e-newsletter by                  MarshBerry. Contact him at
 need to be expensive. Then, offer     simply selecting various pre-               888-429-0161 or by e-mail at
 these services to each customer       written articles. The time        

The MarshBerry Letter                                                          Marsh, Berry & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 2315 / LaGrange, IL 60525                                             7466 Auburn Road / Concord, OH 44077
(708) 354-0344                                                                 (440) 354-3230 / (800) 426-2774                                               
Copyright June 2006                                                  
 The MarshBerry Letter                             Page 4                                                June, 2006

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Branding Your Agency

  • 1. Volume XXII, Number 7 June, 2006 Branding leverage this brand for more knowledge of who you are as an effective marketing results and agency, knowledge of your Your Agency increased revenues. competitors’ brands, and an intimate knowledge of your As the soft-market continues and Branding specific marketplace. competition for growth escalates, ____________ independent agencies need to Many agencies confuse branding work harder than ever to write with marketing. As a rule of “As a rule of thumb, new business and increase thumb, Branding begins at home, retention rates. With the while marketing begins with the Branding begins at information technology explosion customer. Defining your brand is home, while marketing in the insurance space, many an introspective process by begins with the agencies are looking to new which you define your list of customer.” technologies to increase their values and beliefs, as well as the ____________ marketing savvy. But remember, unique attributes that differentiate most marketing efforts will fail if your agency in the marketplace. Know Thyself they are not executed under the Branding occurs when these umbrella of a comprehensive and beliefs, values and attributes are To determine what makes your coherent branding strategy. consistently communicated to the agency unique in the marketplace, over time. marketplace and separates you The following discussion will from your competition, you do not focus on how to define and refine Knowledge is a key component need to hire marketing your agency’s brand and how to of the branding process: consultants. Instead, talk to your ANNUAL MARKET & FINANCIAL SURVEY Included with this month's newsletter is the Annual Market & Financial Survey form. The data we receive from agencies all over the country provides invaluable insight into agency finances as well as what is happening in the marketplace. Please take the time to fill out the survey and return via: Fax: 708-354-0977 - or - Mail: P.O. Box 2315, LaGrange, Illinois 60525 Or complete the survey on-line at Completed surveys need to be returned no later than July 17, 2006. All information sent will remain totally confidential. Results will be published in the September 2006 newsletter. Thank you! The MarshBerry Letter Page 1 June, 2006
  • 2. clients. Ask your employees. Know Your Competition Finally, gather all of the input that Solicit input from other you have solicited and create a To fully understand your brand, relationships in the industry. Your standard message describing you must examine it within the agency already has some type of who you are and what makes context of your overall brand recognition. You just need you different than the marketplace. Study your to figure out what that is and competition. This message, competition and the market to whether that is how you want which should be driven from the determine what opportunities or your agency to be known. top down, will be the heart of obstacles are present. your branding strategy going Your clients do business with you forward. Have your producers define what for a reason. Ask them what this they are up against in the reason is. Ask former clients. Ask Make sure all of your employees marketplace. Have them list the prospects. You may be very not only know, but also buy into, things the competition is doing to surprised to learn that your your message and realize their steal business away. Also, work clients may not necessarily role in building the brand. Every together to determine the brand identify with the 60-year old employee, from producers to identity of each of your key agency name as much as they CSR’s, needs to be able to competitors. After determining do the personal service / answer the insured’s question: the size and strength of the relationships you afford. “Why should I do business with agencies serving your market, ____________ your agency?” you might discover some hidden “To fully understand your opportunities. Creating Brand Awareness brand, you must Now that your agency has Know Your Market examine it within the created a consistent message context of your overall Examine the trends in your local that describes your unique brand, market to find additional your challenge is to make this marketplace.” opportunities. Demographic ____________ message the core of all of your statistics are widely available and communications – creating brand can shed some light on how the awareness. Producers are on the front lines population in your particular every day, working with market is changing. Keep Work to create a standard look prospects and clients to win abreast of local business news to and feel that communicates your business by communicating what see what types of business are core brand message. Be sure makes your agency unique. entering your market and assess that this “look and feel” is applied Have all of your producers list what they see as your whether you have the markets to all of your marketing collateral competitive advantages and and expertise to meet their pieces, including agency selling points. Have your service specific business needs. brochures, direct mail pieces and and support staffs do the same. web content. Just as there is a reason that clients do business with you, there is a reason that your Chart A employees work there. Find the answers to that question. To Agency Revenue Size <$1mm $2mm $5mm $8mm augment this, compile a list of niche markets that you serve, Average Advertising Expenditures 2.1% 1.9% 1.5% 1.3% any unique carrier relationships as % of Total Commissions & Fees that you maintain, and any value- added services that you offer. Source: MarshBerry Database The MarshBerry Letter Page 2 June, 2006
  • 3. Find out which publications your clients read and advertise in those Chart B magazines and journals. Be sure to incorporate your standardized Agency Revenue Size $800,000 $2mm $5mm $8mm look and feel into your Retention Rate 80% 85% 90% 95% advertisements to maintain your brand. As it is often difficult to $ Value of Lost Business 160,000 300,000 500,000 400,000 measure the effectiveness of any advertising campaign, make sure Value of Increasing Retention Rate by 3 Percentage Points 24,000 60,000 150,000 240,000 you track where new business prospects learned about you and focus your efforts on those that are the most productive. Remember – a consistent existing business is not growing. delivery of your core brand Take a look at Chart B which You can use Chart A to gauge message is the key to building a illustrates the importance of how much you are spending on bond with your customers and focusing on customer retention. advertising versus your peers. increasing awareness of your However, you also need to agency in the marketplace. Chart B shows that the sample consider that any re-branding agencies each lose a sizeable and market awareness Customer Service portion of their revenue each campaigns may easily result in A brand is only as good as the year by letting their current higher than average expenses in customer service that supports it. customers walk out the door. the first year or two. It would be futile to spend the ____________ ____________ time to refine and market your brand if you are not capable of “Be sure to document supporting the new business that “Make sure that your you attract to your agency, while what you plan to do and customer service maintaining a high-level of monitor your progress supports the brand image customer service for your current throughout the year.” that you have created in accounts. Make sure that your ____________ customer service supports the the marketplace.” brand image that you have The good news is that by ____________ created in the marketplace. increasing your retention rate as little as 3 percentage points can Consider publishing articles in The old axiom, “your best mean substantially more revenue your local business journals and customers are your current for your agency. In fact, if your newspapers or speaking to local customers” seems trite, but there agency is paying a higher new business or civic organizations. is a lot of truth to it. The cost of vs. renewal producer commission You may even host your own acquiring new business is much rate (i.e. 40/25), your agency is educational conference for greater than the cost of actually losing money by selling clients and prospects at a local maintaining existing the same amount of business hotel. This will establish you as a relationships, so make sure you that you lose. In the above community-minded business are doing everything you can to example, the agency would leader, further strengthen your keep your existing customers realize flat revenue, increased brand awareness and expose happy. Remember that an payroll and less profit. So, you to new business agency that writes $100,000 how do you keep your opportunities. worth of new business in a year, customers happy? but loses $100,000 worth of The MarshBerry Letter Page 3 June, 2006
  • 4. Out-serve Your based on size and account consuming part is ensuring the Competition profitability. Consider the following content is relevant and valuable examples: to your customer. Simple things like returning phone calls promptly, getting quotes ♦ Offer a risk-assessment at Finally, take the time to call the turned around in a timely manner, the time of renewal accounts that you lost and find and proactively communicating ♦ Make quarterly visits or out why they left. Most people will separate you from the phone calls will let you know what you did to competition. Great service and a lose their business, or what personal touch breeds top-of- ♦ Sending an industry you did not do to keep it. This mind awareness and satisfied overview / update 100 days exercise will provide some customers. These customers, in prior to renewal valuable insight for your firm and turn, will create a “word of mouth” may open doors for you to bid on marketing campaign, telling These things will demonstrate that the business again in the future. friends and colleagues of the you are serious about customer excellent service they received service and doing things your Elevating your level of customer and increasing your exposure in competition is not. Be sure to service will increase the chances the marketplace more effectively document what you plan to do that your current customers will than any advertising you could and monitor your progress trade on factors other than price. ever buy. throughout the year. When you The byproduct of better service is meet with your customer at the more satisfied customers and Work with your producers to time of renewal, you can illustrate higher customer retention for create a list of your top prospects what you did, versus what you your agency. and define a strategy for touching promised. You may also include each of these prospects once a a proposed stewardship program Defining your agency’s unique month. More sophisticated in your prospecting efforts as a brand is an exercise that will agencies might consider utilizing way to differentiate yourself while engage your employees in your an account tiering system, justifying your compensation in business and help you determine whereby you divide your clients the new era of transparency and the core message that you will into A, B, or C tiers, in order of disclosure. take to market. Consistent their importance to your agency. communication of this message, Devise a strategy for reaching Another low-cost, high-impact over time, will build brand each tier of clients each month, idea is to send out a monthly e- awareness. And, if you work to with a special focus on your newsletter to your current ensure that your customer service “A” accounts. customer base. You can write reflects the brand you are trying to about issues faced in the create, you will realize increased Consider implementing value- insurance market overall, or if sales and higher retention rates. added service timelines and applicable, write more specifically stewardship programs by account about your local area. Even * * * * * size. Create a menu of value- easier, there are several services Craig Niess is a Product added services that your agency available that let you create a Manager / Consultant at can offer. The services do not customized e-newsletter by MarshBerry. Contact him at need to be expensive. Then, offer simply selecting various pre- 888-429-0161 or by e-mail at these services to each customer written articles. The time The MarshBerry Letter Marsh, Berry & Company, Inc. P.O. Box 2315 / LaGrange, IL 60525 7466 Auburn Road / Concord, OH 44077 (708) 354-0344 (440) 354-3230 / (800) 426-2774 Copyright June 2006 The MarshBerry Letter Page 4 June, 2006