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Managing l{urnan
Mobilizing Existing

  The purpose of this chapter is to discuss an approach to mobilizing
  existing nursing resources according to levels of expertise, consid-
  ering work and education experience. Assignment patterns are dis-
  cussed in terms of organizational variables, nursing resources, and
  patient care needs. On completion of this chapter, the reader will
  be able to:
     1. Discuss nursing resources as a concept.
    2. Differentiate between recruitment and retention activities.
    3. Explain factors related to the nursing shortage.
    4. Relate competency and relicensure issues to availability of
         professional nursing resources.
    5. Describe a data-based methodology for selecting a nursing   as-
         signment pattern that meets patient care and organizational
    5.   Propose several solutions to recruitment and retention prob-

Trying to understand recruitment and retention problems in nursing
today is like looking for a straw in the wind and trying to describe its
path. The wind keeps shifting, and a tornadic gust threatens to blow
the whole issue out of our sphere of influence, if not out of nursing's
area of responsibility. Many hospitals have moved in the direction of
nonnursing control of nursing recruitment and retention through the
establishment of human resource departments that control hiring and
firing of all health personnel.
   Nursing is the focal point for the the delivery of patient care in all
health care delivery settings. Failure to change or implement new as-
signment patterns, such as primary nursing, may be the result of a lack


of understanding of nursing resources and of the appropriate use of
nurses according to experience and expertise.


Nursing resources have been defined by Munson, Beckman, Clinton,
Kever, and Simms (1) in terms of selected variables all of which have
relevance for care assignment and quality care. Table 18.1 identifies
and explains the various nursing resource components, ranging from
staff mix and preparation to commitment, stability, availability, and
special training. This conceptualization provides a broad perspective
on the components of a nursing resource configuration. These compo-
nents are covered in greater detail later in this chapter in the discussion
of assignment patterns.                                                                                  i


Historically, nursing has experienced high turnover and cyclical short-                                      6
ages. In 1982, discussions of the nursing shortage were especially ramp-                                     (
ant. By 1984, the economy and the advent of prospective payment had                                          0
changed the entire picture of recruitment and retention. Because of the                        :
large number of nurses in the work force, recruitment became an ir-                             a-

relevant issue, and retention of high-quality, satisfied nurses seemed to
be a possibility for the first time in many years.
   Recruitment refers to all those activities carried out by a nursing or
personnel department to attract nurses to a particular work setting for
purposes of interviewing and hiring. Retention activities designed to
keep nurses in the work setting have received less than appropriate at-
tention. Dramatic attempts have sometimes been undertaken to recruit                 o
regardless of qualifications. The problems that have lead to nursing                                 d
shortages and the difficulties of retaining nurses have not been addressed           Ir
on a large scale by nursing and the health care industry.
   According to Wolf (2), administrative philosophy and policies con-
tribute more than any other factors to a high turnover rate, which is                                c
the direct result of inadequate attention to retention and staff satisfac-    .^.o
tion. Wolf further describes salary and job conditions as the leading         ..    bo
causes of high turnover. Salaries by and large are simply not at the                      *A
same level as those of other workers with comparable education in our
society. In addition, there is little difference in nursing pay scales ac-    ;.7         rs         a
cording to level of preparation and experience. Aiken, Blendon, and
Rogers (3) also cite the limited growth in nurse's salaries as a prime
factor in retention and turnover difficulties. They further suggest that
iate use of


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                      in relation to those of other workers, more nurses
as nurses' incomes rise
become available for hospital employment, and vacancy rates decline.
  Why do nurses quit their jobs? The following reasons have been ob-

served by the authors over time and have been documented in the lit-
                                                                               Over the
erature by many others:
                                                                               of nurses
' Low salaries and little reward for experience                                in the 19r
' Low prestige                                                                 ing child
. Much responsibility and little recognition                                   visualize<
' Inflexible hours and schedules                                                 Variout
                                                                               and VauS
' Excessive overtime                                                           mand for
' Anger expressed by physicians toward nurses                                  faster th:
' Gap between education and practice                                           higher ac
' Lack of autonomy                                                             delivery     <

' Too much work                                                                  Rose (7
. Quantity of assignments interferes with quality                              tional tur
                                                                               The supp
' Frequent reassignment to unfamiliar units                                    the emph
' Assignment to units not compatible with skills                               simply d<
' Poor physician-nurse relationships                                           sired. Mo
' Incompetent and unsupportive supervisors                                     lection   o
. Lack of opportunity for advancement                                          professior
                                                                               are no lor
  There may be other contributing factors, but these issues appear over          Aiken (.
and over again in the literature. Equal pay for equal work is no doubt        nurses'p:
                                                                               incomes a
a major influencing variable, as the gap between nurses' and physicians'
incomes has widened dramatically over the last several years (3).
                                                                               in relativr
                                                                               control ov
                                                                               ceived sh<
THE PERCEIVED NURSING SHORTAGE                                                 sonnel is s
                                                                               could be <
In recent years, much attention has been focused on the critical shortage        Beyers (
of nurses, particularly in hospitals. For the following reasons, it is dif-    and caree
ficult to understand why a shortage is perceived to exist (if, indeed, one     as oppose
does any more):                                                               agency. Te
                                                                              not be cot
                                                                                 One fin:
1. There has been an overall decline in the growth of hospitals over the
                                                                              the vast nr
   past three decades. Since 1950, the ratio of hospital beds to population
                                                                              are opport
   has dropped by one-third (a).
                                                                              settings th
2. Since 1950, the general hospital occupancy rate has declined signif-       ing admin
   icantly (4).                                                               ploring su
3. Since 1950, the nation's output of nurses has doubled (5).                 model cou
ore nurses
                     Johnson and Vaughn (6) find no statistical evidence of significant
:s decline.
                  leakage from the profession. On the contrary, they observe that most
: been ob-
                  evidence provided to support a shortage is based on anecdotal material.
 in the lit-      Over the last 10 to l5 years, there has been steady growth in the supply
                  ofnurses. There has also been an increase ofnewly licensed nurses. Sev-
                  enty-five percent of all nurses are employed, an increase from 55 percent
                  in the 1960s. Even though nurses may vacate positions temporarily dur-
                  ing childbirth, they do return. The current supply of nurses should be
                  visualized as a dynamic, constantly changing, constantly growing entity.
                     Various reasons are cited for the perceived shortage of nurses. Johnson
                  and Vaughn (6) call attention to the high probability that employee de-
                  mand for nurses has been increasing and continues to increase at a rate
                  faster than the supply of nurses is increasing. This may be due to the
                  higher acuity rate in all settings and the technological revolution in the
                  delivery of care.
                     Rose (7) describes the problem as one of intensity of annual institu-
                  tional turnover, which ranges from 35 percent to 60 percent nationwide.
                  The supply of nurses is also influenced by payment mechanisms. With
                  the emphasis on cost containment, government ceilings on care costs
                  simply do not allow for the number of nursing positions needed or de-
                  sired. Moreover, the women's movement continues to influence the se-
                  lection of nursing as a career, as women may increasingly choose
                 professions in medicine, law, dentistry, the sciences, or the ministry and
                  are no longer bound to those in teaching or nursing.
ppear over           Aiken (3) equates the perceived shortage to the dramatic increase in
s no doubt
                 nurses'participation in temporary service agencies to maximize their
physicians'      incomes and control their working hours. Agencies have proliferated in
rs (3).          response to the increased need for temporary services and the decline
                 in relative income for nurses. In addition, nurses wish to have more
                 control over their working hours. One often forgotten reason for the per-
                 ceived shortage is that the differential cost of a nurse over other per-
                 sonnel is so small that hospitals may be substituting nurses in jobs that
                 could be done by nonnurses.
:al shortage         Beyers (8) believes that not enough attention is paid to job promotion
rs, ir is dif-   and career advancement, which provide functional turnover patterns,
.ndeed, one      as opposed to the dysfunctional turnover when employees leave the
                 agency. Temporary vacancies exist with functional tumover that should
                 not be counted or depicted as a nursing shortage.
lls over the         One final rcason for the pcrceived shortage is thc incomplete usc of
                 the vast nursing expertise in schools of nursing around the country. Thcre
                 are opportunrties for facultir practice in acutc, long-term, and home carc
                 se ttings that could be attraitive to schools of nursing, but, to date, nurs-
ined signif-     ing administrators and educators have not taken the initiative in ex-
                 ploring such options. A contract for scrvices or a shared consultation
).               model could be developed in most settings.
262        MANAGING HUMAN eE9QrrRqES         _
                                                                                         9. Sta
3. Interest in flexible hours with more leisure time and social oppor-                         Nur
   tunities (21).                                                                       10. Mic
4. Need for role transition guidance (22).                                                     Reli
  Perhaps most important is the element of support services. Nurses                     1l.    Cla'
are more satisfied and more likely to stay in organizations where support                      ed.
services are adequate and they do not have to carry out extensive non-                  12. Joh
nursing tasks.
                                                                                        13. Horr
SUMMARY                                                                                 14. Shu.
The nurse administrator should support the competency of nurses by                      15. Betz
building on the educational preparation appropriate for their assigned                        Marr
roles and by using assignment patterns selected through data-based de-                  16. Eliol
cisions. Such an approach to using nursing resources differs from that                        high
                                                                                              t 3(1(
found in traditional nursing texts. The availability of nursing personnel,
                                                                                        17. Cark
coupled with organizalional and patient characteristics, should dictate                       prim
nursing assignment patterns. Selection of any model without considering                       June
these variables usually is a contributing factor in dissatisfaction and                18. Shuk
high nurse turnover.                                                                          Servi
                                                                                       19. Friss
REFERENCES                                                                                    Decer
                                                                                       20. Duxb
 L  Munson, F.C., Beckman, J.S., Clinton, J., Kever, C., and Simms, L.M. Nursing
                                                                                       21. Vik, ]
    Assignment Patterns. Ann Arbor, Mi.: Health Administration Press, 1980.
                                                                                              The J,
 2. Wolf, G.A. Nursing turnover: some causes and solutions. Nursing Outlook,
    April 1981, 29(4), 233-236.                                                        22. Dear,
 3. Aiken, L.H., Blendon, R.J., and Rogers, D.E. The shortage of hospital nurses:             1982,
    a new perspe ctle. American J ournal of N ursing, September 1981, 8 1 (9), 1612-
 4. American Hospital Association. Hospital Statistics: Data from the American
    Hospital Associtttion 1979 Annual Suwey. Chicago: American Hospital As-
    sociation,1980.                                                                    BIBLIO
 5. U.S.  Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Profes-
    sions Analysis. Supply of Manpower in Selected Health Occupations, 1950-           Hofmann,
    1990. DHHS publication no. (HRA) 80-35. Washington, D.C.: Government                reducti<
    Printing Office, 1980.                                                               tI   (11-r
 6. Johnson, W.L. and Vaughn, J.C. Supply and demand relations and the                 Munson, I
     shortage of nurses. Nursing and Heabh Care, November 1982, 3(9),497-507 .          search,       .
 7. Rose, M.A. Factors affecting nurse supply and demand: an exploration. The          Weisman,
    Iournal of Nursing Administration, February 1982, 12(2), 3l-34.                     Journal
 8. Beyers, M., Mullner, R., Byre, C.S., and Whitehead, S.F. Results of the nursing
    personnel survey, part 2: RN vacancies and turnover. Journal of Nursing
    Administration, May 1983, 13(5), 26-31.

                in the same hospital. Shukla (14) found that on matched units, where
                nurses had similar educational backgrounds and experience, differences
                in quality of care between primary and team nursing disappeared. This
en by the       raised the question as to what makes the real difference in quality and
                satisfaction: the competency of the nurse or the nursing assignment pat-
Ig the care      tcrn.
                   Betz (15) also found that nurses were not always more satisfied with
volved in
                primary nursing. Betz compared three team nursing units with three
ers    for a    primary nursing units over a year and discovered that primary nurses
                were less satisfied than team nurses, depending on educational level.
nners for a     Primary nurses had difficulty delegating responsibility, utilizing per-
                sonnel, and setting priorities. B.S.N.'s showed the greatest drop in sat-
nsible for a    isfaction when moved to team nursing.
stay on a          In the long-term care setting, Eliopoulos (16) explores the use of the
                registered nurse in a professional manner. She believes it is an unrealistic
)ommon          goal in long-term care to increase the ratio of registered nurses, in light
rf nursing
                of the number of tasks that can be delegated to nurse assistants. Her
it   common
                preferred approach is the team assignment pattern.
)lvement           In a large research hospital survey, Carlsen and Malley (17) determined
volvement       that neither team nor primary nursing afforded sufficient opportunities
)atient's       for self-fulfillment, decision making, or independent judgment. Neither
ns (CCC)        system provides sufficient opportunities to meet self-actualization needs.
                The need for primary nurses to be superwised was an unexpected finding.
dof                In dealing with high turnover, the nurse administrator must not as-
                sume that primary nursing is the answer. Jumping on the primary nurse
Nursing As-
                bandwagon may be possible only if qualified baccalaureate-prepared
s, 1980, p.5.   nurses are available for the primary nurse role. Shukla (18) suggested
acting other    that when nurse competency is controlled, the primary nursing structure
ve or simplv    does not provide more direct care than does the team or the modular
                structure. On the contrary, the primary nursing structure provides the
                least amount of direct care, suggesting that the competency of the nurs-
                ing staff may have a greater impact than the structure. An additional
                finding in Shukla's work was that the modular structure is most pro-
ve way to       ductive. Registered nurses did not perform as many nonprofessional or
uate high       indirect care tasks. Modular nursing has been defined as a miniteam,
t for con-      as it provides the features of both team and primary nursing assignment
'oss units.     patterns. The R.N. works in a subunit, or module, with an L.P.N. or aide
and R.N./       but does not follow the same patients if they are transferred to another
                   Other important issues in dealing with turnover problems are pur-
                ported to be:

e, but its
                1. The propensity to leave the organization (19).
;ing units
                2. Inadequate information about leavers and stayers (20).

Elements of the Nursing Assignment Pattern
                                                                                                 in the
Variable Name                            Basis for   t   ariable Definition                    in qual
Nursing care integration (NCI)          The proportion of total care given by the               raised
                                        person providing the most care                          satisfar
Care management integration             The number of persons managing the care                 tern.
(cMr)                                   process at a given time
Plan-do integration (PDI)               The proportion of care givers involved in
                                        the planning of care
Nursing care continuity (NCC)           The average number of care givers for a
                                        patient over a seven-day period                         rvere le
Care management continuily              The average number of care planners for a               Primar
(CMC)                                   patient over a seven-day period                         sonnel,
Care management continuity              Whether a care planner is responsible for a             isfactio
across settings (CMCI)                  patient before or after patient's stay on a                In th
                                        unit                                                    register
Nursing coordination (NC)               An index that records the most common                   goal in
                                        pattern of on-unit coordination of nursing              of the r
                                        care activities for a patient
Care-cure coordination (CCC)            Two indexes that record the most common
Patient services coordination           pattern of the. nurse's direct involvement                Inal,
(PSC)                                   and the proactiveness" of that involvement              that nei
                                        in coordinating other inputs to patient's               for self-
                                        care requirements from physicians (CCC)                 system
                                        and from other professionals (PSC)                      The nee
Intershift coordination (ISC)           An index that records the method of                       In   der
                                        communication by which intershift
                                        coordination is achieved                               sume th
SOURCE: F. Munson, J. Beckman, J. Clinton, C. Kever, and L.M. Simms, Nursing As'
sigwnent Pattens LIsers Manual. Ann Arbor, Mi.: Health Administration Press, 1980, p. 5.
                                                                                               nurses i
"Proactiye: taking the initiative in coordination activities, for example, contacting other
                                                                                               that wh
 personnel, making referrals, problem solving. Reactire.'not initiating: a passive or simply   does no
 cooperative response to coordination initiatives from others.                                 structur
                                                                                               least an
                                                                                               ing staft
Implications                                                                                   finding
This study has several implications. By providing an effective way to                          indirect
acquire a data base, the nursing administrator can better evaluate high                        as it pro
cost assignment patterns, can select a particular component for con-                           patterns
centrated study, or can more logically make comparisons across units.
                                                                                               but does
This study further suggests the need to view staff satisfaction and R.N./                      subunit.
L.P.N. ratios as important aspects of nursing resources.
                                                                                               ported t
Implication for Turutover Problems
Primary nursing may be a better system for organizing care, but its                            1. The p
effectiveness is not uniform for all types of nurses, even on nursing units
                                                                                               2. Inade
                       TABLE I8.2
outcomes               Central Elements of the   "y"9 |1.'g.l-:4}tt"11
                       !!t"_c!!!9"                 Contirtuitv              Coordination
                       Nursing care                Nursing care             Nursing coordination
                       integration (NCI)           conrinuity (NCc)         (NC)
                       Care management             Care management          Care-care coordination
                       integration (CMI)           continuity (cMC)         (ccc)
                       Plan-do integration         Care management          Patient services
    Patient            (PDI)                       continuity across        coordination (PSC)
    qua lity                                       settings (CMCI)

                          Additional integration, continuity, and coordination variables were
                       conceptualizedro complete the profile. Note on Table 18.3 the elements
         Person nel
+       satisfaction   of integration, care management, continuity across settings, and the co-
         outcomes      ordination elements of care-cure, patienl services, and intershift coor-
    -   Cost of care      By collecting specific data, a nursing unit can determine the type of
-        outcomes      assignment pattern actually in use. It is also possible to look at patient
(Reprinted             characteristics and consider which elements of the nursing assignment
,on, Joanne            pattern are most closely related to the needs of the patients. For example,
M. Simms,              a patient with high psychosocial support needs may benefit tremen-
                       dously from a high level of nursing care integration, that is, care provided
                       by a single person. By contrast, the patient with multiple and complex
which the              care requirements may benefit from the care of several specialists.
ere devel-
                          Based on nursing resources, it is also possible for a unit to consider
(13) were
                       whether it is appropriate to move toward greatcr care management in-
/eness, ac-
                       tegration, a different level of care management continuity, or a different
                       type of intershift coordination. In summary, the elements of a nursing
s, nursing
                       assignment pattern can be prioritized in order of importance according
                       to the availability and competence of the nursing resources.
ized: care                A great advantage in using this approach is the opportunity to look
t includes             for the weak and strong points in organizational support. For example,
ulation of             it is difficult to have high levels of care management continuity when
rventions,             nurse staffing or scheduling systems provide a constant rotation of the
of nursing
                       nursing staff within a hospital. Scheduling and staffing policy are in-
 a nursing
                       tricately related to nursing assignment pattern decisions.
                          The findings in the Michigan study suggest a betler way to look at
nagement               assignment patterns. The identification of the key elements of the nursing
ssignment              assignment patlern lead to the development of data collection instru-
llans. In a            ments specific to three variables: patient characteristics, nursing rc-
rf the hall            sources, and organizational support. The study further demonstrated
r. Nursing             that this kind of infcrrmation can bc quantified and displayed in a format
, patterns,            lhat can be used to defend an existing pattern or a change to a new
lumber of              pattern.

      I   nfluencing                Professtonal              Nursing               Quality standards            Hospital            TABLE
           factors:                judgments and               unit                    for nursing
                                      empirical              structu re                 process:
                                                                                                                outcomes:            Central
                                    research that
                                     esta bilsh
                                     re   lations:                                                                                   Nursinp
                                                                                T-----*---t                                         Care mz
      Patient         I                                                         I Comprehensiveness     I
                          l-       Connective                 Nursing
                                                                                I   Accountability      I
ttursinc resources                 propostlons              Assignment    -+l                                     Patient
                          |    |
                                                              pattern           I     Continuity        i   !      care
                          I                                                     i                       L-.>j     quality
  Organizational               I
                                                                                i    Coordination       I   I
     support                                                                    L__________.1                   outcomes
                      J        i

                                     f---------  r                                                                                    Addit
                                     | Schedulinc I                                                                                 concept
                                     i ^sturiinc i
                                                                                                            i       Personnel
                                                                                                            p_-                     of integr
                               t---r-----                          +-----                --------.1
                                                                                                                    outcomes       ordinati
                                     I       Dailv   allocations   I

                                     L-_:_-______-l                                                         | -   Cost of care       By co
FIGURE 18.1 Nursing assignment pattern conceptual framework. (Reprinted
from Nursing Assignment Pattenls (Jser's Manual, by Fred C. Munson, Joanne                                                         characte
Schultz Beckman, Jacqueline Clinton, Carolyn Kever, and Lillian M. Simms,                                                          pattern i
by permission of Health Administration Press, Ann Arb<tr, Mi., O 19S0.)                                                            a patien
                                                                                                                                   dously fr
 the organization. Figure 18.1 shows the framework within which the                                                                by a sinl
 definition of the elements of a nursing assignment pattern were devel-                                                            care reql
 oped. Four quality attributes identified by Horn and parker (13) were                                                               Based
used as the basis for the conceptual framework: comprehensiveness, ac-                                                             whether
countability, continuity, and coordination. Instruments were developed                                                             tegratior
 to measure the influencing factors of patient characteristics, nursing                                                            type of ir
resources, and organizational support.                                                                                             assignm(
   within [he nursing process, two basic activities are recognized: care                                                          to the av
giving and care planning, or management. Care management includes                                                                    A grea
assessment of patient requirements for nursing care, formulation of                                                               for the w
nursing diagnosis, stating outcomes of care and nursing interventions,                                                            it is diffi
and evaluation. care giving refers only to the implementation of nursing                                                          nurse sta
interventions. Table 18.2 highlights the four central elements of a nursing                                                       nursing s
assignment pattern.                                                                                                               tricately
   These elements vary across assignment patterns. Care management                                                                   The fin
integration (cMI) would be relatively high in a functional assignment                                                             assignmei
pattern and in a primary nursing pattern where one person plans. In a                                                             assignme
team assignment pattern in which the team changes sides of the hall                                                               ments sp
every week, care management continuity (CMC) would be lower. Nursing                                                              sources, i
care integration (NCI) would be high in most primary nursing patterns,                                                            that this I
lower in team, and lowest in functional, with the greatest number of                                                              that can
care givers.                                                                                                                      pattern.
I settings.
d division      could functionally assign tasks within the team itself, with less concern
:n evolved      for the number of personnel rendering direct care to an individual pa-
,d a redis-     tient. In functional nursing, the picture of variation is less clear, for few
:luded the      nursing departments now identify with this structure. Yet one can rec-
nsed prac-      ognize this structure in hospitals, where there is a separate specialist
on getting      for activities such as discharge planning, patient education, medications
 time and       administration, and so on.
ortance to
ients' care     PATTERNS
[ed within
                The purpose of a recent two-year study at the University of Michigan
re basis   of   was to develop useful tools for nurses in management and clinical prac-
 personnel      tice who are faced with nursing assignment pattern decisions. The pro-
m nursing       ject included (1) development of instruments to measure nursing as-
iary work-      signment patterns, patient characteristics, nursing resources, and
he diverse      organizational support; and (2) the publication of a nursing assignment
'ed nurses.     user's manual (1)
; decisions        This demonstration project collected data in four hospitals. Prelim-
:am leader      inary work was essential to the quality of the project and included:
[or nursing     l. Development of a conceptual framework within which the definition
rg requires        of the elements of a nursing pattern could be developed.
lager-per-      2. Literature review of about 270 items selected for their potential con-
s' aide ac-        tribution to an understanding of the linkage between patient char-
atient and         acteristics, nursing resources, and organizational support and ap-
I practical        propriate nursing assignment patterns.
                3. Development of connective propositions from the literature review
 nurse. De-
                   that could translate the data into appropriatc recommendations for
: giver and
                   a unit's nursing assignment pattern.
ather than
ing assign-     4. Development of the instruments.

.nd no one        In developing the essential instmments, the study group found it useful
1e pattern,
                to go beyond the traditional nursing assignment patterns (functional,
he primary      team, or primary) and to think of three major dimensions in any nurse
 plans and      utilization pattern: patient characteristics, nursing resources, and or-
scharge or      ganizational support.
rsing unit.
                Conceptual Framework
rder might
lch patient     The pattern of nursing assignmcnt on any patient unit may be seen as
:am leader      a link between problems, as presented by different patient populations,
                and purpose, as expressed bv professional standards and purposes of

of the use of nursing personnel in providing care in hospital settings.
One type of assignment pattern focuses on specialization and division              could fr
of labor, or functional nursing. This type of assignment pattern evolved           lor the
in response to political and economic factors that demanded a redis-               tient. Ir
tribution of registered nurses during World War II and included the                nursing
creation of new nursing personnel categories such as the licensed prac-            ognize   1

tical nurse and the nurses' aide. Functional nursing focuses on getting            for actir.
the greatest amount of task work done at the least cost in time and                adminis
training. This pattern is accomplished by assigning specific tasks-cat-
egorized or ordered according to degree of difficulty and importance to
patient well-being-to nursing personnel with corresponding skill levels.          A NEW
The use of multiple personnel to provide elements of a patients' care             PATTE
requires a level of coordination and decision making best handled within
a formal unit structure with a well-defined hierarchy.                            The purl
   Following the focus on specific technical excellence as the basis of           rvas to dt
assignment patterns was an emphasis on integrating nursing personnel              tice who
of varying skill levels into a democratic, close-knit team. Team nursing          ject inclr
represents another way of adjusting care to the influx of auxiliary work-         signmen
ers and was created to improve patient care by utilizing the diverse              organizat
skills of team members under the close guidance of registered nurses.             user's me
This pattern shifted much of the authority for making nursing decisions             This de
to a lower level in the nursing hierarchy: the registered nurse team leader       inary wor
who assumes responsibility for care given by other team members.
   The most recent pattern to develop places the responsibility for nursing       1. Develc
care management within the direct care giver. Primary nursing requires               of the     ,

that the registered nurses' activities change from care manager-per-              2. Literat
sonnel organizer to care manager-care implementer. Nurses' aide ac-
tivities are refocused away from direct contact with the patient and              acteris
toward equipment and supplies. The services of the licensed practical             propri:
nurse are not used in this pattern or fall somewhere on a continuum
from direct patient care to direct assistance to the registered nurse. De-    3. Develo
cisions in the care process are usually made by a single care giver and           that co
are facilitated through horizontal consultation with peers, rather than           a unit's
with line authority. Primary nursing has been the basic nursing assign-       -1. Develol
ment pattern used in community health nursing.
   Each assignment pattern has had its day of popularity, and no one            In devek
best way has emerged for all settings.Indeed, within the same pattern,        to go beyc
there is no clear description of nursing responsibility. Within the primary   ieam, or p
nursing pattern, the time duration in which a primary nurse plans and         utilization
gives care to a patient might span hospital admission to discharge or         sanization
be limited to a patients' length of stay on a particular nursing unit.
Within a given day, primary nurse responsibility for care management
may vary from 8 to 24 hours. In team nursing, the team leader might
carefully match patient needs to team member skills so that each patient      The patten
must cope with only a limited number of personnel; or the team leader         alink betw
                                                                              and purpor
MoBrLrzrQl>(EuNE BqgouRCES 255

                competent in their assigned roles. However, these assigned roles cannot
                be determined in educational settings away from the work environment.
                The technological revolution has created a situation in which education
le past    10
                is far behind practice. Nurse administrators are the professionals in the
                best position to see the needs of the patients and the organization.
lant under
                   Johnson (12) describes competency by the standards of the state of
ill   become
                New Jersey as "being functionally able to perform duties of an assigned
: questions
                role. The functions are performed having drawn conclusion for this ac-
f nursing?
                tion from a sound knowledge of related sciences. The judgments made
ork? What
                are based on a logical assessment of a given situation. Both deductive
;e workers
                and inductive reasoning are imperative to competent practice."
'sing prac-        The licensed practical nursing role is a dependent role. For minimal-
                level competency in today's dynamic health care system, the practical
 onal nurs-
                nurse should be prepared at the associate degree level. Registered nurses
nursing is
                should be prepared at the baccalaureate level and have studied super-
red knowl-
                vision and management. As nurse administrators conduct job and nurs-
Lvioral sci-
                ing staff analyses, they need to have competent nurses and nurse as-
                sistants in order to develop assignment patterns designed for quality,
 es or who
                cost-effective care delivery.
vention or
:red nurse
                   It is no longer acceptable to deny the legal accountability of the
                professional nurse by creating such titles as primary or team leader or
                modular nurse. Prospective payment legislation demands a quantifi-
                cation of nursing services. The first unknown to be defined in the equa-
cr dentist.
o   minimal
                tion is nurse. The nurse administrator has the best key to solving the

ference in                      n * assignment pattern : quality care
)s, contro-
N.'s. Inev-
 education      The assignment pattern is easy to identify once a clear decision has been
 frequently     made about n (nurse).
ent would         Institutional licensure is greatly feared as the antithesis of independent
'ement for      professional licensure. If nurses do not assume responsibility for practice
                as defined in most state practice acts, it may be only a matter of time
 a trained      before institutional licensure takes over as a method of competency
;sion with      maintenance for relicensure. Nurse administrators must create practice
tability to     environments that address the best use of nurses, associate degree
stitutions      through doctorate. Nursing assignment patterns based on the creation
lities, and     of new titles without attention to the competence of the participants
ls for who      lack credibility.
r the basic
rrs, before

rncerning       During the last three decades, an extensive literature has developed on
nurses be       the subject of nursing assignment patterns, reflecting the importance
254     IVIANAC!G   Iu   I44N &E!9   U   3e   El
                                                                                be dete
                                                                                The tec
The pool of employed nurses has steadily increased over the past 10
years, and the proportion of inactive nurses has substantially decreased        is far br
(a).If a clear identification of nursing services is really important under     best po
prospective payment, perhaps an analysis of nursing jobs will become               Johns
                                                                                New Jei
as mandatory as continuing education is in many states. Some questions
to be answered in such analysis include: What is the work of nursing?           role. Th
What should it be? Who should be doing which parts of the work? What            tion fro.
                                                                               are basr
will be the competencies of the workers? How will the nurse workers
                                                                               and indr
maintain competency according to their level of expertise?
   Most states have health occupation legislation covering nursing prac-           The li
tice and licensure provisions that specifically address professional nurs-
                                                                               level cor
                                                                               nurse sh,
ing. In the state of Michigan, for example, the practice of nursing is
                                                                               should b
defined as "the systematic application of substantial specialized knowl-
                                                                               vision ar
edge and skill derived from the biological, physical, and behavioral sci-
ences, to the care, treatment, counsel, and health teaching of individuals
                                                                               ing staff
                                                                               sistants i
who are experiencing changes in the normal health processes or who
require assistance in the maintenance of health and the prevention or
management of illness, injury, or disability" (9). The registered nurse
                                                                                 It is nr
engages in the practice of nursing; the practice of licensed practical
nursing is considered a subfield of the practice of nursing performed          modular
                                                                               cation of
only under the supervision of a registered nurse, physician, or dentist.
Incompetence means a departure from or failure to conform to minimal
                                                                               tion is ne
standards of acceptable and prevailing practice for the health profession,
whether or not actual injury to an individual occurs.
   Although the laws in most states clearly describe the difference in
levels of competency between registered and practical nurses, contro-
versy continues to iage about substitution of L.P.N.'s for R.N.'s. Inev-
itably, nursing must come to grips with the idea of a standard education       The assigr
for a professional activity. Although "B.S.N. or equivalent" is frequently    made abo
used to state a position requirement, no personnel department would              Instituti
ever argue for an M.D. or equivalent as the minimum requirement for
a physician's appointment.                                                    as defined
   Over the years, nursing has evolved from the services of a trained          before ins
nurse who learned skills at the bedside to those of a profession with          maintenar
standards of education and practice and recognized accountability to          environm,
the public. Credentialing at graduation from accredited institutions          through dr
suggests that minimal criteria with respect to faculty, facilities, and       of new tit.
program have been met. Nurse administrators set the standards for who         lack credil
will do what in nursing in their settings. They need to consider the basic
educational competency of the participants, among other factors, before
deciding on a particular organizational structure or assignment pattern       TRADITI
  Fragmented, irreler,'ant discussions prevail nationwide concerning          During the
competencies for registered nurses (11). It is important that nurses be
                                                                              the subjecl
!!QB4rzre EXIIIING 3Eq9!4cEq _ _z03
              9. State of Michigan Public Health Code, Article 15, Occupations Part      172,
oppor-           Nursing. 1978.
             10. Michigan Nurses' Association Task Force. Position Paper on Competency for
                 Relicensure of Michigan Nurses. East Lansing, Mi.: Michigan Nurses' As-
                 sociation, 1978.
Nurses       11. Clayton, G.M. Identification of professional competencies, in N.L. Chaska,
                 ed. The Nursing Profession. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.
             12. Johnson, H. Maintaining competency: a call for collaboration. lssrzes, Na-
ue non-
                 tional Council of State Boards of Nursing, Summer 1983,4(2),3.
             13. Horn, B.J. and Parker, J.C. Reorganization of Nursing Resources in Hospitals.
                 Unpublished manuscript. Ann Arbor, Mi.: University of Michigan School of
                 Public Health, 1975.
             14. Shukla, R.K. Primary nursing? Two conditions determine the choice. The
                 Journal of Nursing Administration, November 1982, f 2Q1),12-15.
rses by      15, Betz, M. Some hidden costs of primary nursing. Nursing and Heakh Care,
;signed          March 1981, 11(3), 150-154.
sed de-      16. Eliopoulos, C. Nurse staffing in long-term care facilties: the case against a
rm that          high ratio of RNs. The Journal of Nursing Administration, October 1983,
                 /3(r0), 29-31.
sonnel,      17. Carlsen, R.H. and Malley, J.D. Job satisfaction of staff registered nurses in
dictate          primary and team nursing delivery systems. Research in Nursing and Health,
;idering         June 1981, 4(2), 251-260.
on and       18. Shukla, R.K. Nursing care structures and productivity. Hospiteil and Health
                 S ent ic es Admini s trat iorz, November/Deccmber 19 82, 27 (6), 45-5 8.

             19. Friss, L. Why RNs quit: the need for management reappraisal of the "pro-
                 pensity to leave." Hospital and Health Services Administration, November/
                 December 1982, 27(6), 28-44.
             20. Duxbury, M. and Armstrong, G.D. Calculating nurse turnover indices.The
                 Journal of Nursing Administration, March 1982, 12(3), 18-24.
             21. Vik, A.G. and Mackay, R.C. How does the l2-hour shift affect patient care?
                 The Joutnal of Nursing Administration, January 1982, 12(l), 11-14.
             22. Dear, M.R., Celentano, D.D., Weisman, C.S., and Keen, M.F. Evaluating a
                 hospital nursing internship. The Joumal of Nursing Administration, November
nurses:          1982 ,   1   201,), 16-20   .
t, 1612-

ital   As-
   1950-     Hofmann, P.B. Accurate measurement of nursing turnover: the first step in its
 'nment       reduction. The J ournal of N ursing Administration, November/December 1 98 l,
              1 t (t t-12) , 37
                                -39 .
 nd the      Munson, F. and Clinton, J. Defining nursing assignment patterns. Nursing Re-
 7-507.       search, July/August 1979, 27(4), 243-249.
 >n. The     Weisman, C.S. Recruit from within: hospital nurse retention in the l980s.The
              Journal of Nursing Administration, May t982, 12(5),24-31.
19                                                                             istrato
Stafnng and Schefuling                                                         compol
Yvonne M. Abdoo                                                                on pati
                                                                                 A gre
  The purpose of this chapter is to discuss requirements and consid-           describ
  erations in nurse staffing and scheduling. The evolution of nurse            (l)   asse
  staffing is briefly explained, and current state-of-the-art systems
  are described. Various scheduling methodologies and trends in                Nurse st
                                                                               sound ra
  workday length are explored. On completion of this chapter, the              required
  reader will be able to:                                                      patients
      l.   Describe the trends in the development of patient classification
                                                                               and kin<
         systems in nursing.                                                   week. . .
      2. State four work measurement methods that have been utilized           public tl
         to measure nursing activity times.                                    and the
      3. Identify at least five factors related to physical surroundings
         and professional nursing practice that could affect nursing             The p
         activity times.                                                      tifiable,
      4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of:                        must in
            a. Cyclical scheduling.                                           needs (p
                                                                              to meet
            b. Block scheduling.
            c. Float, or supplemental, nurse staffing.                        sonal flr
            d. A 10-hour workday and a 4-day workweek.                        variable
            e. A l2-hour workday and a 3-day workweek.                           Devia
             f.   Centralized versus decentralized scheduling.                proach      ,

      5. Discuss the physiological effects of shift rotation and              cisions   1

           the implications for nurse staffing.                               its coml

One of the most critical issues confronting nursing service administrators
today is nurse staffing. Staffing policies and needs affect the nursing       THE E'
department budget, staff productivity, quality of care provided to clients,
nursing staff morale, and even turnover. At the same time, nurse staffing     Nurse st
requirements are affected by overall hospital policies and by nearly every    publishe
other department in the organization, including admitting, lab, x-ray,        on the u
dietary, and the like. Thus, it is essential that nursing service admin-      the deve
                                                                              a hospitr
s'l'Al l,lN{;ANl}:i(   lnrt)lrilN(, .l/ 
272      MANA(;tN(;tttlMAN l{lis()tllt(t,s
                                                                                                    Itct'cttct'lo rt grtl':t'rrl ;,l,rrr,,r Pt,rtcclrttc wirs n()l s.'t'rr lry rrrrlsinl'. pr.r:,orrnr.l
of nursing carc rcquircrncnts. l'lris schcnra rcsults in 3u, ol ti I , pt-rssiblc                   as citlrt'r'c'sst'ttli;rl ot rlt':.itlrlrlt'.'l'[rc wotlt scclttt'rrcr'lrrrtl l)ir('('w('11.ri(.1
basic classification configurations, cach with its own mean nursing timc                            by othcr kirrrls ol plior itit's" ( I ).
and variance to reflect the nursing work load of medical patients and                                  Improvcntcttl irtttl t'r'lirrr,'rttcttts in dctcrmirri-rtiorr ol nrrrsirrg irc'tivily
another 81 means and variances for surgical patients.Intravenous ther-                              times can ottl.y occur il thc rrurse has a basic unclcr-starnclirrg ol wollt
apy, catheter care, dressing care, and isolation are included in a special                          measuremcnt principlcs so that effective collabroratiorr witlt irrclr-rstlitrI
procedures section, since these activities have been found to reflect a                             engineers will occur. Four basic work mcasurcntcnt tcclrniclucs lrirvt'
high amount o[ nursing time.                                                                        been utilized in nursing studies to determine thc timc involvccl irr rrtrrsirrli
                                                                                                    activities (22):

WORK MEASUREMENT IN NURSING                                                                         1. Time study and task frequency
                                                                                                    2. Work sampling of nurse activity
The determination of the amount of nursing time required by each pa-                                3. Continuous observation of nurses performing activitics
tient for every shift is an essential but by no means simple component                              4. Self-reporting of nurse activity.
of a staffing methodology. Nursing has relied primarily upon industrial
engineers and engineering work measurement techniques to quantify                                    Difficulties encountered by nursing in using industrial-basccl w,r'l<
nursing actions, but there are often problems with the values obtained'                             measurement methods to measure nursing practice are as follows:
For example, many of the allocated time values for patient care deal
only with technical tasks. Difficulties in quantifying nursing times can                            1. Many of the allotted time values deal with technical tasks, sirr.t,rlrt,
be attributed to several causes:                                                                       industrial engineer or observer does not recognize thc assr.ssrrrt,rrr,
                                                                                                       evaluation, and psychosocial aspects of the nurse-paticnl t'orr llrt t                          .

1. The industrial engineer or nonnurse observer does not recognize the                                 Thus, a patient who requires technical tasks could very likcl.y bc r.irlr.rl
   assessment, evaluation, and psychosocial aspects of the nurse-patient                               in a higher category than one who requires psychosocial or- tcirt.lrinli
   contact, and the nurse often does not convey these components of                                    activities.
   professional nursing practice to the industrial engineer, due to the                             2. In developing a patient classification system, some nursing clcltirr.t-
   nurse's unfamiliarity with work measurement techniques.                                             ments borrow the nursing times from the classification systcrrrs ol
2. It is often difficult to differentiate between the start and completion                             others. It is important to realize that the times for one agcncy nt:rv
   of a nursing activity. For example, while giving a patient a bath, the                              not be accurate for another, since the nursing policies and proccclrrr.t,s,
   nurse interacts with the patient. How much of the time spent with                                   unit architecture, experience of the nurse, and methocls o[ irrrplt'
   the patient should be allocated to the technical task of bath giving                                menting the work can vary from agency to agency.
   and how much to assessment and interaction?                                                      3. Many systems employ the mean time for a task without any corrsitl
3. Although often referred to as time-study or efficiency experts, in-                                 eration of the variance. Abdoo and colleagues (23) havc fburrcl tlr.t
   dustrial engineers cannot easily measure the time spent in assessment                               nursing tasks often vary widely with who performs thc activity irnrl
   and interaction. Measurement of repetitious, technical tasks can                                    the method utilized. For example, report time on oruc stucliccl trrrit
   readily be done, but determination of times involving professional                                  ranged from 15 to 90 minutes, with a mean of 30 minr-rtcs.
' judgment and skills is much more difficult.                                                       4. The educational and experience background ol thc obscrvcc is rltt''
                                                                                                       not considered, nor is a differcntiation made among thc lcvcls ol l{.N.,
  Hudson's dissertation, summarized in Aydelottc (1), presents "criteria                               L.P.N., and nurse assistant or aide.
that support the classification of nursing work as nonrepctitive. He also
                                                                                                    5. Mosl stuclics ckr rrol corrsiclcr:
examines questions relating to variations in task prediction time, t<-r
procedure development, and 1o thc inccntivc problcm. Hudson found it                                   er. Thc it1-r;-rl-oltriirlr'ttt'ss ttl lht' rtursing irrtclvt'rrliorr or't ulling lrl tlrt.
difficult to encourage inclivicluals to contplctc task zrssignmcnts withir-r                               Iirttr' ol ittlt't vctrl iorr.
the time predictcd lirr tlrcir- acconrplislrnrcnt. l-Ic concluclccl thart a tzrsh's                    b.'l'lrc stal'l irrg, silrrrtlior;rl llrc littrt'ol tlrt'slrrtll,(ovt.1 , r1(l('1 , ()r
time variation was cluc rrot orrly to tlrc irrclivirlrrirlit.y ol tlrc p:tticnt itrttl                     slr Iislac'toliIy slr Ilt't I)
his c1;nclition ltrrt trlso lo llrt'irrrlivitltrlrlily ol tltc ttttt'sc, ltt't tottccltt ol'           t'. Wlrt'llrt'r'printiu,, lrrrrt liorr;rl, or lt.:rrrr rrtrlr,inli ,;r., rrr r.llr.r l.
nursirrg 1-rllrt lit't', irrrrl llrt'plt'tontr'ivr'tl ttoliotr ol lrorv l<t lrt'tlot ttt it. Acl-
s't Atrtil N(; AND   SqIIEDUIING_ 273
                                                                                                                     herence to a present pran or proccdun-'
                                                                                                                                                             w:rs .'r sccn by nursing personnel
of nursing care requirements. This schema results in 3o, or 81, possible                                             as either essential or dcsirzibrc. Thc w'r.k
basic classification configurations, each with its own mean nursing time                                                                                           scclu.,',."'urrJfuce were set
                                                                                                                     by other kinds of prioritics,, (l).
and variance to reflect the nursing work load of medical patients and                                                  Improvement and refincmcnts in dctcrn-ri'ertion
another 81 means and variances for surgical patients.Intravenous ther-                                               times can only occur if rhe nurse has a                 of nursing activity
apy, catheter care, dressing care, and isolation are included in a special                                           measurement principles so that eflectivc            "na".rturriing of work
                                                                                                                                                                  collaborati", *iir, industriar
procedures section, since these activities have been found to reflect a                                              engineers will occur. Four basic work
high amount of nursing time.                                                                                                                                    mcasurcment techniques havc
                                                                                                                     been utilized in nursing studies to deterrnine
                                                                                                                                                                    the time irrrir"a in nursing
                                                                                                                     activities (22):

WORK MEASUREMENT IN NURSING                                                                                          1. Time study and task frequency
                                                                                                                    2. Work sampling o[ nurse activitv
The determination of the amount of nursing time required by each pa-                                                3. Continuous observation of .rt-r.r", perfbrming
tient for every shift is an essential but by no means simple component                                                                                                activities
                                                                                                                    4. Self-reporting of nurse activity.
of a staffing methodology. Nursing has relied primarily upon industrial
engineers and engineering work measurement techniques to quantify                                                    Difficulties encountered by nursing in
nursing actions, but there are often problems with the values obtained.                                                                                     using industrial-based w<_rrk
                                                                                                                    measurement methods to measure nursing
For example, many of the allocated time values for patient care deal                                                                                         p.J.ti." u." ., follo*s:
only with technical tasks. Difficulties in quantifying nursing times can                                            1' Many of the allotted time values deal with
be attributed to several causes:                                                                                       industrial engineer or observer d""r ,rot technical tasks, since thc
                                                                                                                                                                 recognize the asscssmcnt,
                                                                                                                       evaluarion, and psychosocial urp".r,
l. The industrial engineer or nonnurse observer does not recognize the                                                                                       of the               conracr.
   assessment, evaluation, and psychosocial aspects of the nurse-patient
                                                                                                                        Thus, a patient whorequire. t".'ii..t         ";;_p;;r
                                                                                                                                                              tasks could very likcr.y bc r.tccr
                                                                                                                                    category thin one who requir", pry.hosoiial
   contact, and the nurse often does not convey these components of
   professional nursing practice to the industrial engineer, due to the
                                                                                                                       ff*:Ll*                                                     ,,,. r"u.hiug

   nurse's unfamiliarity with work measurement techniques.
                                                                                                                   2' In developing a patient classification                system, somc nur.sirrg rlt.'rrr.r_
                                                                                                                       ments borrow the nursing times from
2. It is often difficult to differentiate between the start and completion                                             others' It is imporrant to realize that
                                                                                                                                                                              the crassifi.u,'i.r,','ror,t.rrrs .r
   of a nursing activity. For example, while giving a patient a bath, the                                                                                                   the ,i;;"r".:;,,.i',,*,,,,,.u ,,,,,u
                                                                                                                       not be accurate for another, since the
   nurse interacts with the patient. How much of the time spent with                                                                                                      nursing
                                                                                                                       unit architecture, experience of the nurse, policics ^rrtr
   the patient should be allocated to the technical task of bath giving                                                                                                               and
   and how much to assessment and interaction?
                                                                                                                       menting the work can vary from agency
                                                                                                                                                                                to agcncy.   'rctrr,rrs,r irrr'r,.
                                                                                                                  3' Many systems employ the mean time for u
3. Although often referred to as time-study or efficiency experts, in-                                                eration of the variance. Abdoo and colrcagucs *irr,,,,,, ;rrr't,rr:.itl
   dustrial engineers cannot easily measure the time spent in assessment                                                                                                                  (z.r) irrru,.'r,,,,,,,r rr,,,t
                                                                                                                      nursing tasks oftenvary widely with who
   and interaction. Measurement of repetitious, technical tasks can                                                                                                               pcr-lirr.rrs rlrr.;rr rr'rr. ;rrrtl
                                                                                                                      the method utilized' nor
   readily be done, but determination of times involving professional
   judgment and skills is much more difficult.
                                                                                                                      ranged from l5 to 90 minutes, with  "*u-pl", a"p,rrr tirrrt'rrr t)rt,:.rr rrrr,,rr ,rrir
                                                                                                                                                                          o'rr"r,,,,l 3O
                                                                                                                  4' The educational and experience backglrurrrl .l rrrrrrrtr.r,
                                                                                                                                                                                          rlrt.,lr,,r,r r{,(. r,)lr(.,
   Hudson's dissertation, summarized in Aydelotte (l), prcscnts "criteria
                                                                                                                     not considered, nor is a differentiationir,,,r,'irr(),,,,
                                                                                                                      L.P.N., antl nurst, assislanl or aidc.                                   rr,,. l,.r,rr., ,r ri.N.,
that support the classification of nursing work as nonrepctitivc. Hc also
examines questions rclating to variations in task prcdiction tinrc, to                                            5. M<tsl slutlit's rlo rrol corrsiclcr:
procedure dcvelopmcnt, ancl to thc inccntivc prt.rblcnr. llrrclsorr lbtrncl it                                       it.'l'lrt. :rp;lr.olrr.irrlt, ol lltt. nut'siltg ttllr.t.r,t,trlt()n
                                                                                                                                                                                                1r{ r til Iilt,, ;rl lltt,
difficult to cnc<-rt.rlagc: irrrlivitlurrls to corrrplr:lt: lask rrssigrrrrrcrrls within                                  Iirttt. ol inl(.1 r.(.nIiorI
thctin-rcprccliclt'tl lirlllrt'illrt'r'otttplislttrrr'rrt.llt't'orrtlrrtlt'rl llrll irllrsk's                        ll.'l'lrt' sl;rllrrr1, .,rlr:rtr.r ;rt llrt'lilrrt'ol lltt,s,lrrrlt ('.r
tintc varilrliorr r,virs tlrrt'rrol orrly lo tlrt'intlivitlrrlrlilv ol llrt'pirlit'lrl lrrrrl                             slrlisl;rr lot rlr ,.l,rll, rl)                                            I ln{lr.t , ot
lri. , r"r,lili,,rr   lrrrl ,rlq'r l,' llr,. i,r,li*,i,ltr,,litr,   ,'l llt,' rrrrr..,. lr,.r', rrrr,',.rrl rrl
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
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Part 5 6
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Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
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Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
Part 5 6
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Part 5 6
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Part 5 6

  • 2. 18 Mobilizing Existing The purpose of this chapter is to discuss an approach to mobilizing existing nursing resources according to levels of expertise, consid- ering work and education experience. Assignment patterns are dis- cussed in terms of organizational variables, nursing resources, and patient care needs. On completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: 1. Discuss nursing resources as a concept. 2. Differentiate between recruitment and retention activities. 3. Explain factors related to the nursing shortage. 4. Relate competency and relicensure issues to availability of professional nursing resources. 5. Describe a data-based methodology for selecting a nursing as- signment pattern that meets patient care and organizational needs. 5. Propose several solutions to recruitment and retention prob- lems. Trying to understand recruitment and retention problems in nursing today is like looking for a straw in the wind and trying to describe its path. The wind keeps shifting, and a tornadic gust threatens to blow the whole issue out of our sphere of influence, if not out of nursing's area of responsibility. Many hospitals have moved in the direction of nonnursing control of nursing recruitment and retention through the establishment of human resource departments that control hiring and firing of all health personnel. Nursing is the focal point for the the delivery of patient care in all health care delivery settings. Failure to change or implement new as- signment patterns, such as primary nursing, may be the result of a lack 249
  • 3. 250 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES of understanding of nursing resources and of the appropriate use of nurses according to experience and expertise. NURSING RESOURCES Nursing resources have been defined by Munson, Beckman, Clinton, Kever, and Simms (1) in terms of selected variables all of which have relevance for care assignment and quality care. Table 18.1 identifies and explains the various nursing resource components, ranging from staff mix and preparation to commitment, stability, availability, and special training. This conceptualization provides a broad perspective on the components of a nursing resource configuration. These compo- nents are covered in greater detail later in this chapter in the discussion of assignment patterns. i RECRUITMENT, RETENTION, AND TURNOVER Historically, nursing has experienced high turnover and cyclical short- 6 ! q ages. In 1982, discussions of the nursing shortage were especially ramp- ( o ant. By 1984, the economy and the advent of prospective payment had 0 c changed the entire picture of recruitment and retention. Because of the : large number of nurses in the work force, recruitment became an ir- a- k rrl U F. relevant issue, and retention of high-quality, satisfied nurses seemed to be a possibility for the first time in many years. Recruitment refers to all those activities carried out by a nursing or personnel department to attract nurses to a particular work setting for purposes of interviewing and hiring. Retention activities designed to keep nurses in the work setting have received less than appropriate at- tention. Dramatic attempts have sometimes been undertaken to recruit o a) regardless of qualifications. The problems that have lead to nursing d shortages and the difficulties of retaining nurses have not been addressed Ir on a large scale by nursing and the health care industry. a According to Wolf (2), administrative philosophy and policies con- lr tribute more than any other factors to a high turnover rate, which is c the direct result of inadequate attention to retention and staff satisfac- .^.o cd ! tion. Wolf further describes salary and job conditions as the leading .. bo causes of high turnover. Salaries by and large are simply not at the *A 'is .o, same level as those of other workers with comparable education in our society. In addition, there is little difference in nursing pay scales ac- ;.7 rs a cording to level of preparation and experience. Aiken, Blendon, and Rogers (3) also cite the limited growth in nurse's salaries as a prime factor in retention and turnover difficulties. They further suggest that
  • 4. iate use of !:= tt. !_ : i. ;iZ:i;i=: ;=i )lt;! i: I=c-c r, Clinton, 1 ! ; 1:t: ! i :2v i i, 2 -=! ; 5 ;E c -o z ! L. c ,'hich have identifies i ; t'I:i li,:-i!:;?l, = t6 o Lging from bility, and f- =' -,=|ii4i+=:;1 -' +; a - i,:7:, i7 ;i ;;v r I '-z -c-=a O : c erspective =i= o -- se compo- j !'='' 1.: ::;:1 ; ! i=: -. ;€4 C i+t; o J discussion -.; a zEfi*z i ;i t ii;:: i=t a = d) d, &E-.i-a i i?=r7=i=-;E E;: 2?:-'+= O ! o A. :i:" ia "=i!i=rr:i1iAiuE=7 itGi-: + 4 !A: ,sa^E,: O [-*'. l* n t:!E ! en !^: =: brE":i irJr2.;4-'li_3"l; or t: .iJ]-x.c_ o tr cal short- #: f,.= iln ii.=u= al ;ti:i :!:i=z:2-riE;€; ,.(,G-^'t=i=7E;= O o r Llly ramp- O ment had o ;E ;E 7;szq irir*=4;:-ai=r;t ;E;Ei;.fi!:*i:E O o z ; use of the me an ir- s e ;C in #!r:3 7=, 11 7A=; ia az "nzi c o . " ?EZ s, .-F .Z: e E.ii=- PA?LQr-:'!u2a:LC a ! 0 0 L O o -o ! O ,= E tt 6 E-: :r.= < i t I I d_.r o.j dj { ; tr€ tcli {_..r: o j ;eemed to q d ieC j ursing or oPFY etting for , b lY o :l signed to 90'3-3 o: == I O j priate at- ,lr oo9^ou o [o recruit *ilho a o .9 .: .99- !^pooEqtr I nursing a a a=.- E E d ci iE Z iE ;E Z o ) d. d -i=-! d,d,d. o z o "; c Lddressed I - E4 cies con- a 3 i) o l t>l .:c which is -^::O l6 : I ^ ;EE : ! 5 : =jE . Z i= '! i i satisfac- l t d9 A=.; .= = = = : t e lq leading rt at the r't bo '^ r :o e -= i= E= = ; n ;E ;i: :a l e = .=-=.=_=-i -^ =, i. E3 ,-f, in our -a 3>Ft'{}Ef.e:d ri t =; r d i .;i - O O si za,iZzd,i2;== rn s ! &.= :ales ac- <= ?z L z t € = ; + tc_a a = + ! fi ,i 7 o lon, and =E 6 d E o o< a prime lest that 251
  • 5. 252 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES in relation to those of other workers, more nurses as nurses' incomes rise Johns< become available for hospital employment, and vacancy rates decline. leakage Why do nurses quit their jobs? The following reasons have been ob- I evidence served by the authors over time and have been documented in the lit- Over the erature by many others: of nurses enty-five ' Low salaries and little reward for experience in the 19r ' Low prestige ing child . Much responsibility and little recognition visualize< ' Inflexible hours and schedules Variout and VauS ' Excessive overtime mand for ' Anger expressed by physicians toward nurses faster th: ' Gap between education and practice higher ac ' Lack of autonomy delivery < ' Too much work Rose (7 . Quantity of assignments interferes with quality tional tur The supp ' Frequent reassignment to unfamiliar units the emph ' Assignment to units not compatible with skills simply d< ' Poor physician-nurse relationships sired. Mo ' Incompetent and unsupportive supervisors lection o . Lack of opportunity for advancement professior are no lor There may be other contributing factors, but these issues appear over Aiken (. and over again in the literature. Equal pay for equal work is no doubt nurses'p: incomes a a major influencing variable, as the gap between nurses' and physicians' response incomes has widened dramatically over the last several years (3). in relativr control ov ceived sh< THE PERCEIVED NURSING SHORTAGE sonnel is s could be < In recent years, much attention has been focused on the critical shortage Beyers ( of nurses, particularly in hospitals. For the following reasons, it is dif- and caree ficult to understand why a shortage is perceived to exist (if, indeed, one as oppose does any more): agency. Te not be cot One fin: 1. There has been an overall decline in the growth of hospitals over the the vast nr past three decades. Since 1950, the ratio of hospital beds to population are opport has dropped by one-third (a). settings th 2. Since 1950, the general hospital occupancy rate has declined signif- ing admin icantly (4). ploring su 3. Since 1950, the nation's output of nurses has doubled (5). model cou
  • 6. MOBILIZING EXISTING RESOURCES 253 ore nurses Johnson and Vaughn (6) find no statistical evidence of significant :s decline. leakage from the profession. On the contrary, they observe that most : been ob- evidence provided to support a shortage is based on anecdotal material. in the lit- Over the last 10 to l5 years, there has been steady growth in the supply ofnurses. There has also been an increase ofnewly licensed nurses. Sev- enty-five percent of all nurses are employed, an increase from 55 percent in the 1960s. Even though nurses may vacate positions temporarily dur- ing childbirth, they do return. The current supply of nurses should be visualized as a dynamic, constantly changing, constantly growing entity. Various reasons are cited for the perceived shortage of nurses. Johnson and Vaughn (6) call attention to the high probability that employee de- mand for nurses has been increasing and continues to increase at a rate faster than the supply of nurses is increasing. This may be due to the higher acuity rate in all settings and the technological revolution in the delivery of care. Rose (7) describes the problem as one of intensity of annual institu- tional turnover, which ranges from 35 percent to 60 percent nationwide. The supply of nurses is also influenced by payment mechanisms. With the emphasis on cost containment, government ceilings on care costs simply do not allow for the number of nursing positions needed or de- sired. Moreover, the women's movement continues to influence the se- lection of nursing as a career, as women may increasingly choose professions in medicine, law, dentistry, the sciences, or the ministry and are no longer bound to those in teaching or nursing. ppear over Aiken (3) equates the perceived shortage to the dramatic increase in s no doubt nurses'participation in temporary service agencies to maximize their physicians' incomes and control their working hours. Agencies have proliferated in rs (3). response to the increased need for temporary services and the decline in relative income for nurses. In addition, nurses wish to have more control over their working hours. One often forgotten reason for the per- ceived shortage is that the differential cost of a nurse over other per- sonnel is so small that hospitals may be substituting nurses in jobs that could be done by nonnurses. :al shortage Beyers (8) believes that not enough attention is paid to job promotion rs, ir is dif- and career advancement, which provide functional turnover patterns, .ndeed, one as opposed to the dysfunctional turnover when employees leave the agency. Temporary vacancies exist with functional tumover that should not be counted or depicted as a nursing shortage. lls over the One final rcason for the pcrceived shortage is thc incomplete usc of the vast nursing expertise in schools of nursing around the country. Thcre population are opportunrties for facultir practice in acutc, long-term, and home carc se ttings that could be attraitive to schools of nursing, but, to date, nurs- ined signif- ing administrators and educators have not taken the initiative in ex- ploring such options. A contract for scrvices or a shared consultation ). model could be developed in most settings.
  • 7. 262 MANAGING HUMAN eE9QrrRqES _ 9. Sta 3. Interest in flexible hours with more leisure time and social oppor- Nur tunities (21). 10. Mic 4. Need for role transition guidance (22). Reli soci Perhaps most important is the element of support services. Nurses 1l. Cla' are more satisfied and more likely to stay in organizations where support ed. services are adequate and they do not have to carry out extensive non- 12. Joh tion nursing tasks. 13. Horr U.rp Publ SUMMARY 14. Shu. Jour The nurse administrator should support the competency of nurses by 15. Betz building on the educational preparation appropriate for their assigned Marr roles and by using assignment patterns selected through data-based de- 16. Eliol cisions. Such an approach to using nursing resources differs from that high t 3(1( found in traditional nursing texts. The availability of nursing personnel, 17. Cark coupled with organizalional and patient characteristics, should dictate prim nursing assignment patterns. Selection of any model without considering June these variables usually is a contributing factor in dissatisfaction and 18. Shuk high nurse turnover. Servi 19. Friss pensi REFERENCES Decer 20. Duxb Joum L Munson, F.C., Beckman, J.S., Clinton, J., Kever, C., and Simms, L.M. Nursing 21. Vik, ] Assignment Patterns. Ann Arbor, Mi.: Health Administration Press, 1980. The J, 2. Wolf, G.A. Nursing turnover: some causes and solutions. Nursing Outlook, April 1981, 29(4), 233-236. 22. Dear, hospi 3. Aiken, L.H., Blendon, R.J., and Rogers, D.E. The shortage of hospital nurses: 1982, a new perspe ctle. American J ournal of N ursing, September 1981, 8 1 (9), 1612- 1618. 4. American Hospital Association. Hospital Statistics: Data from the American Hospital Associtttion 1979 Annual Suwey. Chicago: American Hospital As- sociation,1980. BIBLIO 5. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Profes- sions Analysis. Supply of Manpower in Selected Health Occupations, 1950- Hofmann, 1990. DHHS publication no. (HRA) 80-35. Washington, D.C.: Government reducti< Printing Office, 1980. tI (11-r 6. Johnson, W.L. and Vaughn, J.C. Supply and demand relations and the Munson, I shortage of nurses. Nursing and Heabh Care, November 1982, 3(9),497-507 . search, . 7. Rose, M.A. Factors affecting nurse supply and demand: an exploration. The Weisman, Iournal of Nursing Administration, February 1982, 12(2), 3l-34. Journal 8. Beyers, M., Mullner, R., Byre, C.S., and Whitehead, S.F. Results of the nursing personnel survey, part 2: RN vacancies and turnover. Journal of Nursing Administration, May 1983, 13(5), 26-31.
  • 8. MOBILIZINC EXISTING RESOURCES 261 in the same hospital. Shukla (14) found that on matched units, where nurses had similar educational backgrounds and experience, differences in quality of care between primary and team nursing disappeared. This en by the raised the question as to what makes the real difference in quality and satisfaction: the competency of the nurse or the nursing assignment pat- Ig the care tcrn. Betz (15) also found that nurses were not always more satisfied with volved in primary nursing. Betz compared three team nursing units with three ers for a primary nursing units over a year and discovered that primary nurses were less satisfied than team nurses, depending on educational level. nners for a Primary nurses had difficulty delegating responsibility, utilizing per- sonnel, and setting priorities. B.S.N.'s showed the greatest drop in sat- nsible for a isfaction when moved to team nursing. stay on a In the long-term care setting, Eliopoulos (16) explores the use of the registered nurse in a professional manner. She believes it is an unrealistic )ommon goal in long-term care to increase the ratio of registered nurses, in light rf nursing of the number of tasks that can be delegated to nurse assistants. Her it common preferred approach is the team assignment pattern. )lvement In a large research hospital survey, Carlsen and Malley (17) determined volvement that neither team nor primary nursing afforded sufficient opportunities )atient's for self-fulfillment, decision making, or independent judgment. Neither ns (CCC) system provides sufficient opportunities to meet self-actualization needs. ;C) The need for primary nurses to be superwised was an unexpected finding. dof In dealing with high turnover, the nurse administrator must not as- rift sume that primary nursing is the answer. Jumping on the primary nurse Nursing As- bandwagon may be possible only if qualified baccalaureate-prepared s, 1980, p.5. nurses are available for the primary nurse role. Shukla (18) suggested acting other that when nurse competency is controlled, the primary nursing structure ve or simplv does not provide more direct care than does the team or the modular structure. On the contrary, the primary nursing structure provides the least amount of direct care, suggesting that the competency of the nurs- ing staff may have a greater impact than the structure. An additional finding in Shukla's work was that the modular structure is most pro- ve way to ductive. Registered nurses did not perform as many nonprofessional or uate high indirect care tasks. Modular nursing has been defined as a miniteam, t for con- as it provides the features of both team and primary nursing assignment 'oss units. patterns. The R.N. works in a subunit, or module, with an L.P.N. or aide and R.N./ but does not follow the same patients if they are transferred to another subunit. Other important issues in dealing with turnover problems are pur- ported to be: e, but its 1. The propensity to leave the organization (19). ;ing units 2. Inadequate information about leavers and stayers (20).
  • 9. 260 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES TABLE I8.3 Elements of the Nursing Assignment Pattern in the nurses Variable Name Basis for t ariable Definition in qual Nursing care integration (NCI) The proportion of total care given by the raised person providing the most care satisfar Care management integration The number of persons managing the care tern. (cMr) process at a given time Betz Plan-do integration (PDI) The proportion of care givers involved in primar the planning of care primar Nursing care continuity (NCC) The average number of care givers for a patient over a seven-day period rvere le Care management continuily The average number of care planners for a Primar (CMC) patient over a seven-day period sonnel, Care management continuity Whether a care planner is responsible for a isfactio across settings (CMCI) patient before or after patient's stay on a In th unit register Nursing coordination (NC) An index that records the most common goal in pattern of on-unit coordination of nursing of the r care activities for a patient preferrt Care-cure coordination (CCC) Two indexes that record the most common Patient services coordination pattern of the. nurse's direct involvement Inal, (PSC) and the proactiveness" of that involvement that nei in coordinating other inputs to patient's for self- care requirements from physicians (CCC) system and from other professionals (PSC) The nee Intershift coordination (ISC) An index that records the method of In der communication by which intershift coordination is achieved sume th bandwa SOURCE: F. Munson, J. Beckman, J. Clinton, C. Kever, and L.M. Simms, Nursing As' sigwnent Pattens LIsers Manual. Ann Arbor, Mi.: Health Administration Press, 1980, p. 5. nurses i "Proactiye: taking the initiative in coordination activities, for example, contacting other that wh personnel, making referrals, problem solving. Reactire.'not initiating: a passive or simply does no cooperative response to coordination initiatives from others. structur least an ing staft Implications finding ductive. This study has several implications. By providing an effective way to indirect acquire a data base, the nursing administrator can better evaluate high as it pro cost assignment patterns, can select a particular component for con- patterns centrated study, or can more logically make comparisons across units. but does This study further suggests the need to view staff satisfaction and R.N./ subunit. L.P.N. ratios as important aspects of nursing resources. Other ported t Implication for Turutover Problems Primary nursing may be a better system for organizing care, but its 1. The p effectiveness is not uniform for all types of nurses, even on nursing units 2. Inade
  • 10. MOBILIZING EXISTING BEIQUBQES 259 TABLE I8.2 Hospital outcomes Central Elements of the "y"9 |1.'g.l-:4}tt"11 !!t"_c!!!9" Contirtuitv Coordination Nursing care Nursing care Nursing coordination integration (NCI) conrinuity (NCc) (NC) Care management Care management Care-care coordination integration (CMI) continuity (cMC) (ccc) Plan-do integration Care management Patient services Patient (PDI) continuity across coordination (PSC) care qua lity settings (CMCI) outcomes Additional integration, continuity, and coordination variables were conceptualizedro complete the profile. Note on Table 18.3 the elements Person nel + satisfaction of integration, care management, continuity across settings, and the co- outcomes ordination elements of care-cure, patienl services, and intershift coor- dination. - Cost of care By collecting specific data, a nursing unit can determine the type of - outcomes assignment pattern actually in use. It is also possible to look at patient (Reprinted characteristics and consider which elements of the nursing assignment ,on, Joanne pattern are most closely related to the needs of the patients. For example, M. Simms, a patient with high psychosocial support needs may benefit tremen- )80.) dously from a high level of nursing care integration, that is, care provided by a single person. By contrast, the patient with multiple and complex which the care requirements may benefit from the care of several specialists. ere devel- Based on nursing resources, it is also possible for a unit to consider (13) were whether it is appropriate to move toward greatcr care management in- /eness, ac- tegration, a different level of care management continuity, or a different developed type of intershift coordination. In summary, the elements of a nursing s, nursing assignment pattern can be prioritized in order of importance according to the availability and competence of the nursing resources. ized: care A great advantage in using this approach is the opportunity to look t includes for the weak and strong points in organizational support. For example, ulation of it is difficult to have high levels of care management continuity when rventions, nurse staffing or scheduling systems provide a constant rotation of the of nursing nursing staff within a hospital. Scheduling and staffing policy are in- a nursing tricately related to nursing assignment pattern decisions. The findings in the Michigan study suggest a betler way to look at nagement assignment patterns. The identification of the key elements of the nursing ssignment assignment patlern lead to the development of data collection instru- llans. In a ments specific to three variables: patient characteristics, nursing rc- rf the hall sources, and organizational support. The study further demonstrated r. Nursing that this kind of infcrrmation can bc quantified and displayed in a format , patterns, lhat can be used to defend an existing pattern or a change to a new lumber of pattern.
  • 11. 258 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES I nfluencing Professtonal Nursing Quality standards Hospital TABLE factors: judgments and unit for nursing empirical structu re process: outcomes: Central research that esta bilsh and policy: rtt"s!! re lations: Nursinp integrat T-----*---t Care mz Patient I I Comprehensiveness I integrat characteristics l- Connective Nursing I Accountability I PIan-do ttursinc resources propostlons Assignment -+l Patient | | pattern I Continuity i ! care (PDD I i L-.>j quality Organizational I i Coordination I I support L__________.1 outcomes J i f--------- r Addit | Schedulinc I concept i ^sturiinc i i Personnel p_- of integr t---r----- +----- --------.1 satisfaction outcomes ordinati I Dailv allocations I rl I dinatior t---l L-_:_-______-l | - Cost of care By co outcomes assignm FIGURE 18.1 Nursing assignment pattern conceptual framework. (Reprinted from Nursing Assignment Pattenls (Jser's Manual, by Fred C. Munson, Joanne characte Schultz Beckman, Jacqueline Clinton, Carolyn Kever, and Lillian M. Simms, pattern i by permission of Health Administration Press, Ann Arb<tr, Mi., O 19S0.) a patien dously fr the organization. Figure 18.1 shows the framework within which the by a sinl definition of the elements of a nursing assignment pattern were devel- care reql oped. Four quality attributes identified by Horn and parker (13) were Based used as the basis for the conceptual framework: comprehensiveness, ac- whether countability, continuity, and coordination. Instruments were developed tegratior to measure the influencing factors of patient characteristics, nursing type of ir resources, and organizational support. assignm( within [he nursing process, two basic activities are recognized: care to the av giving and care planning, or management. Care management includes A grea assessment of patient requirements for nursing care, formulation of for the w nursing diagnosis, stating outcomes of care and nursing interventions, it is diffi and evaluation. care giving refers only to the implementation of nursing nurse sta interventions. Table 18.2 highlights the four central elements of a nursing nursing s assignment pattern. tricately These elements vary across assignment patterns. Care management The fin integration (cMI) would be relatively high in a functional assignment assignmei pattern and in a primary nursing pattern where one person plans. In a assignme team assignment pattern in which the team changes sides of the hall ments sp every week, care management continuity (CMC) would be lower. Nursing sources, i care integration (NCI) would be high in most primary nursing patterns, that this I lower in team, and lowest in functional, with the greatest number of that can care givers. pattern.
  • 12. MoBILIZINc EXISTING RESoURCES 257 I settings. d division could functionally assign tasks within the team itself, with less concern :n evolved for the number of personnel rendering direct care to an individual pa- ,d a redis- tient. In functional nursing, the picture of variation is less clear, for few :luded the nursing departments now identify with this structure. Yet one can rec- nsed prac- ognize this structure in hospitals, where there is a separate specialist on getting for activities such as discharge planning, patient education, medications time and administration, and so on. asks-cat- ortance to ;kill levels. A NEW APPROACH TO NURSING ASSIGNMENT ients' care PATTERNS [ed within The purpose of a recent two-year study at the University of Michigan re basis of was to develop useful tools for nurses in management and clinical prac- personnel tice who are faced with nursing assignment pattern decisions. The pro- m nursing ject included (1) development of instruments to measure nursing as- iary work- signment patterns, patient characteristics, nursing resources, and he diverse organizational support; and (2) the publication of a nursing assignment 'ed nurses. user's manual (1) ; decisions This demonstration project collected data in four hospitals. Prelim- :am leader inary work was essential to the quality of the project and included: :mbers. [or nursing l. Development of a conceptual framework within which the definition rg requires of the elements of a nursing pattern could be developed. lager-per- 2. Literature review of about 270 items selected for their potential con- s' aide ac- tribution to an understanding of the linkage between patient char- atient and acteristics, nursing resources, and organizational support and ap- I practical propriate nursing assignment patterns. :ontinuum 3. Development of connective propositions from the literature review nurse. De- that could translate the data into appropriatc recommendations for : giver and a unit's nursing assignment pattern. ather than ing assign- 4. Development of the instruments. .nd no one In developing the essential instmments, the study group found it useful 1e pattern, to go beyond the traditional nursing assignment patterns (functional, he primary team, or primary) and to think of three major dimensions in any nurse plans and utilization pattern: patient characteristics, nursing resources, and or- scharge or ganizational support. rsing unit. lnagement Conceptual Framework rder might lch patient The pattern of nursing assignmcnt on any patient unit may be seen as :am leader a link between problems, as presented by different patient populations, and purpose, as expressed bv professional standards and purposes of
  • 13. 256 MANAGING HUMAN RESoURcES of the use of nursing personnel in providing care in hospital settings. One type of assignment pattern focuses on specialization and division could fr of labor, or functional nursing. This type of assignment pattern evolved lor the in response to political and economic factors that demanded a redis- tient. Ir tribution of registered nurses during World War II and included the nursing creation of new nursing personnel categories such as the licensed prac- ognize 1 tical nurse and the nurses' aide. Functional nursing focuses on getting for actir. the greatest amount of task work done at the least cost in time and adminis training. This pattern is accomplished by assigning specific tasks-cat- egorized or ordered according to degree of difficulty and importance to patient well-being-to nursing personnel with corresponding skill levels. A NEW The use of multiple personnel to provide elements of a patients' care PATTE requires a level of coordination and decision making best handled within a formal unit structure with a well-defined hierarchy. The purl Following the focus on specific technical excellence as the basis of rvas to dt assignment patterns was an emphasis on integrating nursing personnel tice who of varying skill levels into a democratic, close-knit team. Team nursing ject inclr represents another way of adjusting care to the influx of auxiliary work- signmen ers and was created to improve patient care by utilizing the diverse organizat skills of team members under the close guidance of registered nurses. user's me This pattern shifted much of the authority for making nursing decisions This de to a lower level in the nursing hierarchy: the registered nurse team leader inary wor who assumes responsibility for care given by other team members. The most recent pattern to develop places the responsibility for nursing 1. Develc care management within the direct care giver. Primary nursing requires of the , that the registered nurses' activities change from care manager-per- 2. Literat sonnel organizer to care manager-care implementer. Nurses' aide ac- tributi tivities are refocused away from direct contact with the patient and acteris toward equipment and supplies. The services of the licensed practical propri: nurse are not used in this pattern or fall somewhere on a continuum from direct patient care to direct assistance to the registered nurse. De- 3. Develo cisions in the care process are usually made by a single care giver and that co are facilitated through horizontal consultation with peers, rather than a unit's with line authority. Primary nursing has been the basic nursing assign- -1. Develol ment pattern used in community health nursing. Each assignment pattern has had its day of popularity, and no one In devek best way has emerged for all settings.Indeed, within the same pattern, to go beyc there is no clear description of nursing responsibility. Within the primary ieam, or p nursing pattern, the time duration in which a primary nurse plans and utilization gives care to a patient might span hospital admission to discharge or sanization be limited to a patients' length of stay on a particular nursing unit. Within a given day, primary nurse responsibility for care management Conceptui may vary from 8 to 24 hours. In team nursing, the team leader might carefully match patient needs to team member skills so that each patient The patten must cope with only a limited number of personnel; or the team leader alink betw and purpor
  • 14. MoBrLrzrQl>(EuNE BqgouRCES 255 competent in their assigned roles. However, these assigned roles cannot be determined in educational settings away from the work environment. The technological revolution has created a situation in which education le past 10 is far behind practice. Nurse administrators are the professionals in the decreased best position to see the needs of the patients and the organization. lant under Johnson (12) describes competency by the standards of the state of ill become New Jersey as "being functionally able to perform duties of an assigned : questions role. The functions are performed having drawn conclusion for this ac- f nursing? tion from a sound knowledge of related sciences. The judgments made ork? What are based on a logical assessment of a given situation. Both deductive ;e workers and inductive reasoning are imperative to competent practice." 'sing prac- The licensed practical nursing role is a dependent role. For minimal- level competency in today's dynamic health care system, the practical onal nurs- nurse should be prepared at the associate degree level. Registered nurses nursing is should be prepared at the baccalaureate level and have studied super- red knowl- vision and management. As nurse administrators conduct job and nurs- Lvioral sci- ing staff analyses, they need to have competent nurses and nurse as- ndividuals sistants in order to develop assignment patterns designed for quality, es or who cost-effective care delivery. vention or :red nurse It is no longer acceptable to deny the legal accountability of the professional nurse by creating such titles as primary or team leader or practical modular nurse. Prospective payment legislation demands a quantifi- oerformed cation of nursing services. The first unknown to be defined in the equa- cr dentist. o minimal tion is nurse. The nurse administrator has the best key to solving the profession, following: ference in n * assignment pattern : quality care )s, contro- N.'s. Inev- education The assignment pattern is easy to identify once a clear decision has been frequently made about n (nurse). ent would Institutional licensure is greatly feared as the antithesis of independent 'ement for professional licensure. If nurses do not assume responsibility for practice as defined in most state practice acts, it may be only a matter of time a trained before institutional licensure takes over as a method of competency ;sion with maintenance for relicensure. Nurse administrators must create practice tability to environments that address the best use of nurses, associate degree stitutions through doctorate. Nursing assignment patterns based on the creation lities, and of new titles without attention to the competence of the participants ls for who lack credibility. r the basic rrs, before nt pattern TRADITIONAL ASSIGNMENT PATTERNS rncerning During the last three decades, an extensive literature has developed on nurses be the subject of nursing assignment patterns, reflecting the importance
  • 15. 254 IVIANAC!G Iu I44N &E!9 U 3e El compel COMPETENCY AND RELICENSURE be dete The tec The pool of employed nurses has steadily increased over the past 10 years, and the proportion of inactive nurses has substantially decreased is far br (a).If a clear identification of nursing services is really important under best po prospective payment, perhaps an analysis of nursing jobs will become Johns New Jei as mandatory as continuing education is in many states. Some questions to be answered in such analysis include: What is the work of nursing? role. Th What should it be? Who should be doing which parts of the work? What tion fro. are basr will be the competencies of the workers? How will the nurse workers and indr maintain competency according to their level of expertise? Most states have health occupation legislation covering nursing prac- The li tice and licensure provisions that specifically address professional nurs- level cor nurse sh, ing. In the state of Michigan, for example, the practice of nursing is should b defined as "the systematic application of substantial specialized knowl- vision ar edge and skill derived from the biological, physical, and behavioral sci- ences, to the care, treatment, counsel, and health teaching of individuals ing staff sistants i who are experiencing changes in the normal health processes or who cost-effec require assistance in the maintenance of health and the prevention or management of illness, injury, or disability" (9). The registered nurse It is nr professio engages in the practice of nursing; the practice of licensed practical nursing is considered a subfield of the practice of nursing performed modular cation of only under the supervision of a registered nurse, physician, or dentist. Incompetence means a departure from or failure to conform to minimal tion is ne following standards of acceptable and prevailing practice for the health profession, whether or not actual injury to an individual occurs. Although the laws in most states clearly describe the difference in levels of competency between registered and practical nurses, contro- versy continues to iage about substitution of L.P.N.'s for R.N.'s. Inev- itably, nursing must come to grips with the idea of a standard education The assigr for a professional activity. Although "B.S.N. or equivalent" is frequently made abo used to state a position requirement, no personnel department would Instituti professionr ever argue for an M.D. or equivalent as the minimum requirement for a physician's appointment. as defined Over the years, nursing has evolved from the services of a trained before ins nurse who learned skills at the bedside to those of a profession with maintenar standards of education and practice and recognized accountability to environm, the public. Credentialing at graduation from accredited institutions through dr suggests that minimal criteria with respect to faculty, facilities, and of new tit. program have been met. Nurse administrators set the standards for who lack credil will do what in nursing in their settings. They need to consider the basic educational competency of the participants, among other factors, before deciding on a particular organizational structure or assignment pattern TRADITI (10). Fragmented, irreler,'ant discussions prevail nationwide concerning During the competencies for registered nurses (11). It is important that nurses be the subjecl
  • 16. !!QB4rzre EXIIIING 3Eq9!4cEq _ _z03 9. State of Michigan Public Health Code, Article 15, Occupations Part 172, oppor- Nursing. 1978. 10. Michigan Nurses' Association Task Force. Position Paper on Competency for Relicensure of Michigan Nurses. East Lansing, Mi.: Michigan Nurses' As- sociation, 1978. Nurses 11. Clayton, G.M. Identification of professional competencies, in N.L. Chaska, ed. The Nursing Profession. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983. ;upport 12. Johnson, H. Maintaining competency: a call for collaboration. lssrzes, Na- ue non- tional Council of State Boards of Nursing, Summer 1983,4(2),3. 13. Horn, B.J. and Parker, J.C. Reorganization of Nursing Resources in Hospitals. Unpublished manuscript. Ann Arbor, Mi.: University of Michigan School of Public Health, 1975. 14. Shukla, R.K. Primary nursing? Two conditions determine the choice. The Journal of Nursing Administration, November 1982, f 2Q1),12-15. rses by 15, Betz, M. Some hidden costs of primary nursing. Nursing and Heakh Care, ;signed March 1981, 11(3), 150-154. sed de- 16. Eliopoulos, C. Nurse staffing in long-term care facilties: the case against a rm that high ratio of RNs. The Journal of Nursing Administration, October 1983, /3(r0), 29-31. sonnel, 17. Carlsen, R.H. and Malley, J.D. Job satisfaction of staff registered nurses in dictate primary and team nursing delivery systems. Research in Nursing and Health, ;idering June 1981, 4(2), 251-260. on and 18. Shukla, R.K. Nursing care structures and productivity. Hospiteil and Health S ent ic es Admini s trat iorz, November/Deccmber 19 82, 27 (6), 45-5 8. 19. Friss, L. Why RNs quit: the need for management reappraisal of the "pro- pensity to leave." Hospital and Health Services Administration, November/ December 1982, 27(6), 28-44. 20. Duxbury, M. and Armstrong, G.D. Calculating nurse turnover indices.The Journal of Nursing Administration, March 1982, 12(3), 18-24. Nursing 1980. 21. Vik, A.G. and Mackay, R.C. How does the l2-hour shift affect patient care? The Joutnal of Nursing Administration, January 1982, 12(l), 11-14. )utlook, 22. Dear, M.R., Celentano, D.D., Weisman, C.S., and Keen, M.F. Evaluating a hospital nursing internship. The Joumal of Nursing Administration, November nurses: 1982 , 1 201,), 16-20 . t, 1612- nerican ital As- BIBLIOGRAPHY Profes- 1950- Hofmann, P.B. Accurate measurement of nursing turnover: the first step in its 'nment reduction. The J ournal of N ursing Administration, November/December 1 98 l, 1 t (t t-12) , 37 -39 . nd the Munson, F. and Clinton, J. Defining nursing assignment patterns. Nursing Re- 7-507. search, July/August 1979, 27(4), 243-249. >n. The Weisman, C.S. Recruit from within: hospital nurse retention in the l980s.The Journal of Nursing Administration, May t982, 12(5),24-31. rursing tursing
  • 17. 19 istrato staffinl Nurs pretati, Stafnng and Schefuling compol cation. personl entails Yvonne M. Abdoo on pati signme A gre staffing The purpose of this chapter is to discuss requirements and consid- describ erations in nurse staffing and scheduling. The evolution of nurse (l) asse staffing is briefly explained, and current state-of-the-art systems are described. Various scheduling methodologies and trends in Nurse st sound ra workday length are explored. On completion of this chapter, the required reader will be able to: patients number l. Describe the trends in the development of patient classification and kin< systems in nursing. week. . . 2. State four work measurement methods that have been utilized public tl to measure nursing activity times. and the 3. Identify at least five factors related to physical surroundings and professional nursing practice that could affect nursing The p activity times. tifiable, 4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of: must in a. Cyclical scheduling. needs (p to meet b. Block scheduling. gorithm c. Float, or supplemental, nurse staffing. sonal flr d. A 10-hour workday and a 4-day workweek. variable e. A l2-hour workday and a 3-day workweek. Devia f. Centralized versus decentralized scheduling. proach , 5. Discuss the physiological effects of shift rotation and cisions 1 the implications for nurse staffing. its coml One of the most critical issues confronting nursing service administrators today is nurse staffing. Staffing policies and needs affect the nursing THE E' department budget, staff productivity, quality of care provided to clients, nursing staff morale, and even turnover. At the same time, nurse staffing Nurse st requirements are affected by overall hospital policies and by nearly every publishe other department in the organization, including admitting, lab, x-ray, on the u dietary, and the like. Thus, it is essential that nursing service admin- the deve 264 a hospitr
  • 18. s'l'Al l,lN{;ANl}:i( lnrt)lrilN(, .l/ 272 MANA(;tN(;tttlMAN l{lis()tllt(t,s Itct'cttct'lo rt grtl':t'rrl ;,l,rrr,,r Pt,rtcclrttc wirs n()l s.'t'rr lry rrrrlsinl'. pr.r:,orrnr.l of nursing carc rcquircrncnts. l'lris schcnra rcsults in 3u, ol ti I , pt-rssiblc as citlrt'r'c'sst'ttli;rl ot rlt':.itlrlrlt'.'l'[rc wotlt scclttt'rrcr'lrrrtl l)ir('('w('11.ri(.1 basic classification configurations, cach with its own mean nursing timc by othcr kirrrls ol plior itit's" ( I ). and variance to reflect the nursing work load of medical patients and Improvcntcttl irtttl t'r'lirrr,'rttcttts in dctcrmirri-rtiorr ol nrrrsirrg irc'tivily another 81 means and variances for surgical patients.Intravenous ther- times can ottl.y occur il thc rrurse has a basic unclcr-starnclirrg ol wollt apy, catheter care, dressing care, and isolation are included in a special measuremcnt principlcs so that effective collabroratiorr witlt irrclr-rstlitrI procedures section, since these activities have been found to reflect a engineers will occur. Four basic work mcasurcntcnt tcclrniclucs lrirvt' high amount o[ nursing time. been utilized in nursing studies to determine thc timc involvccl irr rrtrrsirrli activities (22): WORK MEASUREMENT IN NURSING 1. Time study and task frequency 2. Work sampling of nurse activity The determination of the amount of nursing time required by each pa- 3. Continuous observation of nurses performing activitics tient for every shift is an essential but by no means simple component 4. Self-reporting of nurse activity. of a staffing methodology. Nursing has relied primarily upon industrial engineers and engineering work measurement techniques to quantify Difficulties encountered by nursing in using industrial-basccl w,r'l< nursing actions, but there are often problems with the values obtained' measurement methods to measure nursing practice are as follows: For example, many of the allocated time values for patient care deal only with technical tasks. Difficulties in quantifying nursing times can 1. Many of the allotted time values deal with technical tasks, sirr.t,rlrt, be attributed to several causes: industrial engineer or observer does not recognize thc assr.ssrrrt,rrr, evaluation, and psychosocial aspects of the nurse-paticnl t'orr llrt t . 1. The industrial engineer or nonnurse observer does not recognize the Thus, a patient who requires technical tasks could very likcl.y bc r.irlr.rl assessment, evaluation, and psychosocial aspects of the nurse-patient in a higher category than one who requires psychosocial or- tcirt.lrinli contact, and the nurse often does not convey these components of activities. professional nursing practice to the industrial engineer, due to the 2. In developing a patient classification system, some nursing clcltirr.t- nurse's unfamiliarity with work measurement techniques. ments borrow the nursing times from the classification systcrrrs ol 2. It is often difficult to differentiate between the start and completion others. It is important to realize that the times for one agcncy nt:rv of a nursing activity. For example, while giving a patient a bath, the not be accurate for another, since the nursing policies and proccclrrr.t,s, nurse interacts with the patient. How much of the time spent with unit architecture, experience of the nurse, and methocls o[ irrrplt' the patient should be allocated to the technical task of bath giving menting the work can vary from agency to agency. and how much to assessment and interaction? 3. Many systems employ the mean time for a task without any corrsitl 3. Although often referred to as time-study or efficiency experts, in- eration of the variance. Abdoo and colleagues (23) havc fburrcl tlr.t dustrial engineers cannot easily measure the time spent in assessment nursing tasks often vary widely with who performs thc activity irnrl and interaction. Measurement of repetitious, technical tasks can the method utilized. For example, report time on oruc stucliccl trrrit readily be done, but determination of times involving professional ranged from 15 to 90 minutes, with a mean of 30 minr-rtcs. ' judgment and skills is much more difficult. 4. The educational and experience background ol thc obscrvcc is rltt'' not considered, nor is a differcntiation made among thc lcvcls ol l{.N., Hudson's dissertation, summarized in Aydelottc (1), presents "criteria L.P.N., and nurse assistant or aide. that support the classification of nursing work as nonrepctitive. He also 5. Mosl stuclics ckr rrol corrsiclcr: examines questions relating to variations in task prediction time, t<-r procedure development, and 1o thc inccntivc problcm. Hudson found it er. Thc it1-r;-rl-oltriirlr'ttt'ss ttl lht' rtursing irrtclvt'rrliorr or't ulling lrl tlrt. difficult to encourage inclivicluals to contplctc task zrssignmcnts withir-r Iirttr' ol ittlt't vctrl iorr. the time predictcd lirr tlrcir- acconrplislrnrcnt. l-Ic concluclccl thart a tzrsh's b.'l'lrc stal'l irrg, silrrrtlior;rl llrc littrt'ol tlrt'slrrtll,(ovt.1 , r1(l('1 , ()r time variation was cluc rrot orrly to tlrc irrclivirlrrirlit.y ol tlrc p:tticnt itrttl slr Iislac'toliIy slr Ilt't I) his c1;nclition ltrrt trlso lo llrt'irrrlivitltrlrlily ol tltc ttttt'sc, ltt't tottccltt ol' t'. Wlrt'llrt'r'printiu,, lrrrrt liorr;rl, or lt.:rrrr rrtrlr,inli ,;r., rrr r.llr.r l. nursirrg 1-rllrt lit't', irrrrl llrt'plt'tontr'ivr'tl ttoliotr ol lrorv l<t lrt'tlot ttt it. Acl-
  • 19. s't Atrtil N(; AND SqIIEDUIING_ 273 272 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES herence to a present pran or proccdun-' w:rs .'r sccn by nursing personnel of nursing care requirements. This schema results in 3o, or 81, possible as either essential or dcsirzibrc. Thc w'r.k basic classification configurations, each with its own mean nursing time scclu.,',."'urrJfuce were set by other kinds of prioritics,, (l). and variance to reflect the nursing work load of medical patients and Improvement and refincmcnts in dctcrn-ri'ertion another 81 means and variances for surgical patients.Intravenous ther- times can only occur if rhe nurse has a of nursing activity basic apy, catheter care, dressing care, and isolation are included in a special measurement principles so that eflectivc "na".rturriing of work collaborati", *iir, industriar procedures section, since these activities have been found to reflect a engineers will occur. Four basic work high amount of nursing time. mcasurcment techniques havc been utilized in nursing studies to deterrnine the time irrrir"a in nursing activities (22): WORK MEASUREMENT IN NURSING 1. Time study and task frequency 2. Work sampling o[ nurse activitv The determination of the amount of nursing time required by each pa- 3. Continuous observation of .rt-r.r", perfbrming tient for every shift is an essential but by no means simple component activities 4. Self-reporting of nurse activity. of a staffing methodology. Nursing has relied primarily upon industrial engineers and engineering work measurement techniques to quantify Difficulties encountered by nursing in nursing actions, but there are often problems with the values obtained. using industrial-based w<_rrk measurement methods to measure nursing For example, many of the allocated time values for patient care deal p.J.ti." u." ., follo*s: only with technical tasks. Difficulties in quantifying nursing times can 1' Many of the allotted time values deal with be attributed to several causes: industrial engineer or observer d""r ,rot technical tasks, since thc recognize the asscssmcnt, evaluarion, and psychosocial urp".r, l. The industrial engineer or nonnurse observer does not recognize the of the conracr. assessment, evaluation, and psychosocial aspects of the nurse-patient Thus, a patient whorequire. t".'ii..t ";;_p;;r tasks could very likcr.y bc r.tccr category thin one who requir", pry.hosoiial contact, and the nurse often does not convey these components of professional nursing practice to the industrial engineer, due to the ff*:Ll* ,,,. r"u.hiug nurse's unfamiliarity with work measurement techniques. 2' In developing a patient classification system, somc nur.sirrg rlt.'rrr.r_ ments borrow the nursing times from 2. It is often difficult to differentiate between the start and completion others' It is imporrant to realize that the crassifi.u,'i.r,','ror,t.rrrs .r of a nursing activity. For example, while giving a patient a bath, the the ,i;;"r".:;,,.i',,*,,,,,.u ,,,,,u not be accurate for another, since the nurse interacts with the patient. How much of the time spent with nursing unit architecture, experience of the nurse, policics ^rrtr the patient should be allocated to the technical task of bath giving and and how much to assessment and interaction? menting the work can vary from agency to agcncy. 'rctrr,rrs,r irrr'r,. 'rrx.t.rrrrr.s, 3' Many systems employ the mean time for u 3. Although often referred to as time-study or efficiency experts, in- eration of the variance. Abdoo and colrcagucs *irr,,,,,, ;rrr't,rr:.itl ,,,1t dustrial engineers cannot easily measure the time spent in assessment (z.r) irrru,.'r,,,,,,,r rr,,,t nursing tasks oftenvary widely with who and interaction. Measurement of repetitious, technical tasks can pcr-lirr.rrs rlrr.;rr rr'rr. ;rrrtl the method utilized' nor readily be done, but determination of times involving professional judgment and skills is much more difficult. ranged from l5 to 90 minutes, with "*u-pl", a"p,rrr tirrrt'rrr t)rt,:.rr rrrr,,rr ,rrir o'rr"r,,,,l 3O 4' The educational and experience backglrurrrl .l rrrrrrrtr.r, rlrt.,lr,,r,r r{,(. r,)lr(., Hudson's dissertation, summarized in Aydelotte (l), prcscnts "criteria not considered, nor is a differentiationir,,,r,'irr(),,,, L.P.N., antl nurst, assislanl or aidc. rr,,. l,.r,rr., ,r ri.N., that support the classification of nursing work as nonrepctitivc. Hc also examines questions rclating to variations in task prcdiction tinrc, to 5. M<tsl slutlit's rlo rrol corrsiclcr: procedure dcvelopmcnt, ancl to thc inccntivc prt.rblcnr. llrrclsorr lbtrncl it it.'l'lrt. :rp;lr.olrr.irrlt, ol lltt. nut'siltg ttllr.t.r,t,trlt()n 1r{ r til Iilt,, ;rl lltt, difficult to cnc<-rt.rlagc: irrrlivitlurrls to corrrplr:lt: lask rrssigrrrrrcrrls within Iirttt. ol inl(.1 r.(.nIiorI thctin-rcprccliclt'tl lirlllrt'illrt'r'otttplislttrrr'rrt.llt't'orrtlrrtlt'rl llrll irllrsk's ll.'l'lrt' sl;rllrrr1, .,rlr:rtr.r ;rt llrt'lilrrt'ol lltt,s,lrrrlt ('.r tintc varilrliorr r,virs tlrrt'rrol orrly lo tlrt'intlivitlrrlrlilv ol llrt'pirlit'lrl lrrrrl slrlisl;rr lot rlr ,.l,rll, rl) I ln{lr.t , ot lri. , r"r,lili,,rr lrrrl ,rlq'r l,' llr,. i,r,li*,i,ltr,,litr, ,'l llt,' rrrrr..,. lr,.r', rrrr,',.rrl rrl