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£10.08 £5.04 £10.08
£10.68 £10.68
Put Funda.
And the answer is…
Charges paid by the users in
UK to ‘inbox’ celebrities
 In 2008, a group of LHC(Large Hadron Collider) critics filed a
suit against CERN in the European Court of Human Rights, in
Strasbourg, who feel that the operation of the $10 billion LHC
near Geneva, poses grave risks for the safety and well-being of
the 27 member states of the European Union and their citizens.
According to them, the LHC could create a black hole at the
surface of the Earth, or create a weird and for now, hypothetical
material that cosmologists theorize could have a highly
destructive gravitational field. Though the physicists at CERN
rejected the idea saying that even if the collider could produce
these materials, they would decay too quickly to cause any harm.
 The novel ‘Phobos’, published in 2011 and written by Steve Alten
shows a fictional story where these materials are unintentionally
created at the Large Hadron Collider and escape from it to
destroy the Earth.
Name the material.
And the answer is…
It is a popular Spanish song by Cuban
songwriter Osvaldo Farrés.
Who is the singer of this version?
And the answer is…
Nat King Cole
This poem was originally a part of the poet's trilogy
inspired by Omar Khayyam’s ‘Rubaiyat’. When first
published in 1935 this work of art brought the poet
instant fame which was further increased by his own
recitations. But it also met some criticisms along the
way. After listening to the poems Mahatma Gandhi
rejected the criticisms saying that they were
Which poem?
And the answer is…
“Millions of babies watching the skies
Bellies swollen, with big round eyes
On Jessore road – long bamboo huts
No place to shit but sand channel ruts”
It was the first few lines of Beat Generation’s famous poet
Allen Ginsberg’s poem ‘September on Jessore Road’. Calling
the world's attention to the suffering of victims during the
Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971, he wrote this legendary
152 line poem after visiting refugee camps and witnessing the
plight of millions fleeing the violence.
It was dedicated to which leading literary figure of
India, whose name appears in this poem?
And the answer is…
Is this what I did to myself in the past?
What shall I do Sunil Poet I asked?
Move on and leave them without any coins?
What should I care for the love of my loins?
Baawa, Smoot, Sheppey, Bloit-Put funda.
And the answer is…
They are all measures of distance.
This term normally used for describing flamboyant
manner and reckless courage of individuals is literally
translated to "plume of feathers". It is said that the brave
military leader King Henry IV of France was famous for
wearing a striking white plume in his helmet and for his
war cry: "Follow my white plume!".
Which term?
And the answer is…
 In 2001, the word X was added to the Oxford English
Dictionary where the definition given is:
"Expressing frustration at the realization that things have
turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just
said or done something foolish. Also implying that another
person has said or done something foolish"
 X was first used in media in 1988 but is famous for its
association with something different from its first
occurrence. Many believe, X was inspired by Jimmy
Finlayson who appeared in 33 'Laurel and Hardy' films.
Identify X.
And the answer is…
This team event was contested in the Summer
Olympics of every Olympiad between 1900 and 1920.
Originally the competition was entered by clubs and
multiple clubs from the same country could
participate thereby making it possible for one country
to earn multiple medals and this happened in 1904
when USA won all three and in 1908 when the feat was
repeated by 3 British teams. What was the sport?
And the answer is…
And the answer is…
Oh my darling, Clementine
The term describes an act of authority
taken without formal prompting from
another party. The term is usually applied
to actions by a judge taken without a prior
motion or request from the concerned
parties. Which term am I talking about?
And the answer is…
According to a poem by Rabindranath Tagore,
X a king of the Harayanka dynasty had founded a
beautiful Buddha temple in his kingdom and started
the ritual of offering prayers everyday. But after his
death when Y his son came to power he ordered the
abolition of all such customs and declared that
whoever disobeyed him shall suffer the consequences.
But a maid at the palace did not pay heed to his
warnings and kindled the lamp at the temple alone
after her repeated requests for support were of no use.
The poem comes to a tragic end when the maid is
sentenced to death by Y. Id X and Y
And the answer is…
The poem being PUJARINI
X is the name of a Musica tribal chief who
covered himself with gold dust and, as an
initiation rite, dove into the Guatavita
Lake. Id X which later became a myth the
pursuit of which has taken the life of
And the answer is…
EL DORADO-The lost city of Gold
Id the speaker
And the answer is…
This company has its headquarters in Slough,
United Kingdom. In 2006 this company took
up an unique environmental initiative named
CARBON20 which promises the reduction of
carbon footprints from its product-from
creation to disposal by 20% by 2020. It is also
responsible for an forestation project on 25 sq.
Km of deforested land in British Columbia,
Canada. Which company?
And the answer is…
The name of this dish
comes from the fact
that both chili and
cheese are used is
good proportions
while making this
dish. Though different
types of chilies may be
used The actual
cheese used cannot be
found outside the
country of its origin.
It’s unique texture
doesn’t dissolve when
put in boiling water.
And the answer is…
Ema means chili and datshi
means cheese in Bhutanese
Every year, more than
100,000 of these birds
are hunted for food at
Nagaland during their
passage between
breeding and wintering
grounds. Id the species.
And the answer is…
Amur falcons
It started as a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4
in 1978, later it was adapted to other formats, and over
several years it gradually became an international
multi-media phenomenon. Adaptations have
included stage shows, a "trilogy" of five books. a sixth
novel penned by Eoin Colfer in 2009, a TV series, a
computer game, and three series of three-part comic
book adaptations of the first three novels published
by DC Comics. Name the book.
And the answer is…
When working as the
director of physical
education at the YMCA in
Holyoke, this man noticed
that the predominant game
there wasn’t meant for
everyone. Borrowing ideas
from different games which
new game did he create?
And the answer is…
And the answer is…
Internet Explorer
Who is this leader after whom a city in
U.S.A is named?
And the answer is…
Chief Seattle. After whom the city
of Seattle is named.
This car was named after the Pampas cat
which is native to the Patagonia plateau
region of southern Argentina.
However, since the word is an offensive
term for "wanker" in Spanish, alternative
names have been used for many markets
overseas. Which car?
And the answer is…
Mitsubishi Pajero
Who is reciting this famous
And the answer is…
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton
This computer worm originated near Manila in the Philippines
on May 5, 2000, thereafter following daybreak westward across
the world, moving first to Hong Kong, then to Europe, and
finally the US. The outbreak was later estimated to have caused
US $5.5-8.7 billion in damages worldwide. Within ten
days, over fifty million infections had been reported. To
protect themselves, The Pentagon, CIA, the British Parliament
and most large corporations decided to completely shut down
their mail systems. This virus affected over 45 million
computers and was one of the world's most dangerous
computer related disasters.
What is it known as?
And the answer is…
Commentary of which memorable sporting event?
And the answer is…
Miracle on Ice
Which famous short-story writer and screen player's last
line was-
“since childhood Noorani was fond of pet animals such
as pigeons, monkeys, multi-colored birds…”
before he succumbed to a massive heart attack ?
And the answer is…
He had just started to write a satirical essay entitled
Adab baray-e-Batakh (Literature for a duck)
 The name of this historic incident originally derived
from the Greek mythology meant in its Greek origin "a
completely burnt sacrificial offering" or "a burnt
sacrifice offered to a god". In Greek and Roman pagan
rites, gods of the earth and underworld received dark
animals, which were offered by night and burnt in full.
 The biblical word ‘Shoah’ meaning "calamity" in
Hebrew became the standard Hebrew term for the
incident in its early years.
 Historian Ian Hancock adopted the term ‘The
Porajmos’ to describe the incident.
Which historic incident am I talking about?
And the answer is…
Living in the tropical seas of Southeast Asia, this special
species of octopus was discovered in 1998 off Sulawesi
and in 2010 was also found in the Great Barrier Reef. The
octopus has the astonishing ability of imitating other
animals using changes in both coloration and body
posture; like other cephalopods it can also imitate its
A video of its unique ability is shown on the next slide.
Name the species.
And the answer is…
Mimic Octopus
This artwork is an anonymous
creation. No single artist has
been credited for this
artwork. The caption reads-
‘A Youth Disturbed Too
Often By The Future’.
Related to which historic
And the answer is…
1968 Paris Student Uprising
 The ruins of this city remained hidden to most of the
world until the Swiss explorer, Johann Burckhardt,
disguised as an scholar, infiltrated the city in 1812.
 the Biblical references refer to it as "the cleft in the
rock", referring to its entrance. According to
mythology, it is the spot where Moses struck a rock
with his staff and water came forth, and where Moses'
brother, Aaron is buried.
 Poet John William Burgon described it as "a rose-red
city half as old as time” in his Newdigate Prize winning
poem of the same name.
Which historical and archaeological city?
And the answer is…
 Aleph : Two trained killers;
 Bet : Two guards who would shadow the Alephs;
 Het : Two agents who would establish cover for the
rest of the team;
 Ayin : Comprising between six and eight agents who
establishing an escape route for the Aleph and Bet
 Qoph : Two agents specializing in communications
What are these?
And the answer is…
The Mossad team for Operation Wrath of
God or Operation Bayonet
This is a savory, starch-
based food made from
cornmeal batter. It is
frequently served as a side
dish, usually at seafood
restaurants. It originates
from the southern states of
Name the dish.
And the answer is…
This is a mythical
winged horse which
originates from the
Chinese classics and is
commonly portrayed
in East Asian cultures.
This winged horse is
said to be too swift
and elegant to be
mounted by any
mortal. It is also the
national animal of
North Korea. Name it
And the answer is…
Oscar winning movie ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo's
Nest’ was based on Ken Kesey’s award winning novel
of the same title. But the author was so bitter about
the way the filmmakers were "butchering" his story
that he vowed never to watch the completed film
and even sued the movie's producers. Years later, he
claimed to be lying in bed flipping through TV
channels when he settled onto a late-night movie
that looked sort of interesting, only to realize after a
few minutes that it was this film. He then changed
channels. What was the main reason for his disgust?
And the answer is…
Warren Zevon won two Grammy awards
in 2004, Ray Charles won five in 2005.
There is a connection between these
awards/awardees. Two people were
awarded Grammys in 2012 on this same
connect. Name them.
And the answer is…
The connection is of being awarded
Grammys posthumously. In 2012, Amy
Winehouse won a Grammy for the best pop
performance for a due (Amy
Winehouse/Tony Bennett). Steve Jobs was
awarded a Grammy for making
“advancements that transformed the way we
consume music.”
Holmenkollen, in addition to being a
residential area, the area has been a ski
recreation area since the late 19th
century, with its famous, eponymous, ski
jumping hill, the
Holmenkollbakken, hosting competitions
since 1892. It also boasts of the world’s
oldest ski museum. In which city would
you find this? (pic on next slide)
And the answer is…
This dynasty founded in the 14th century
was a Sunni Muslim dynasty of Turco-
Mongol lineage which ruled over modern-
day Iran, Afghanistan, much of Central
Asia, as well as parts of contemporary
Pakistan, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the
Caucasus. They lost control of most of
Persia to the Safavid dynasty in 1502. Who
was the founder of this dynasty?
And the answer is…
The present American vice president Joe
Biden was forced to withdraw from 1988
US presidential election. Why?
And the answer is…
Because it was revealed that he had failed
in a paper on legal methodology in law
school because of plagiarism
The person on the left is widely
known for his modern day
representations that are made on
calendars, posters and books. He is
best remembered as a prominent
figure in black and white
photography. He is also greatly
known for being the founder of
Group f/64 which was a group of
seven 20th century San Francisco
photographers sharing
photographic style characterized
by sharp-focused and carefully
framed images seen through a
particularly Western viewpoint.
On the right one of his famous
pictures are displayed.
And the answer is…
And the answer is…
These are soundtracks from 2
films that were remade by
their own director
I am Swedish. But people fondly call me Lao
Wa which literally means “Old friend” in china.
I also own a restaurant named W bar in
Beijing. Who am I?
And the answer is…
Jan-Ove Waldner
Wilbur Sargunaraj is a performing artist
hailing from Madurai has released two
Wilbur Sargunaraj
Simple Superstar
He has also been touring the world with an aim
of “making the common man extra-ordinary.”
What is he widely referred to?
And the answer is…
India’s first YouTube sensation
This is an unofficial holiday. The last
of these was March 3, 2009 and the
next will be April 4, 2016.
Which unofficial holiday?
And the answer is…
Square root day
What has been blanked out in
this famous poster?
And the answer is…
And the answer is…
This character was a major influence on other
science fiction/fantasy tales and characters
through the 20th century, including
Superman, Flash Gordon, Adam Strange,
Dune, Warp!, Den, and Star Wars to name just
a few. This character was played by Antonio
Sabàto, Jr. in the 2009 movie which also starred
Traci Lords. Which character?
And the answer is…
John Carter Of Mars
Which Brazilian winger became world’s
most expensive footballer at that time
when he signed for Real Betis in 1998 for
£21.5m from Sao Paolo?
And the answer is…
Denilson de Oliviera
In the immensely popular game of Counter-Strike, this
typical style of defusing a bomb with the opponent still
alive and the player sneaking up behind them is known
as ‘X-defuse’.
The next video shows the most famous attempt of X
defuse by Abdisamad “SpawN” Mohamed in Cyber -
athlete Professional League, 2005.
What is X ?
And the answer is…
Theme Round
+10 for each correct
Marks for connect are
indicated at each
X compiled a small Bengali dictionary, wrote a
book on arithmetic in Bengali and translated
part of Annadamangal into Russian. His
dictionary was published in 1801. He wrote to
the Russian ambassador in London about
publishing Bharatchandra Ray’s works in
Russia. He was the first person to use Indian
tunes on Western musical instruments. Id X
"Cancer’s a Funny Thing:
I wish I had the voice of Homer
To sing of rectal carcinoma,
This kills a lot more chaps, in fact,
Than were bumped off when Troy was sacked...”
Whose comic poem on his deathbed?
During the turmoil of the Salt Satyagraha many
senior Congress leaders were imprisoned. Pandit
Madan Mohan Malviya the President elect of the
Congress was arrested before the Calcutta Session of
1931 and she was elected in his place. Who?
Who is the composer?
Id this young man who went on
to become immensely famous.
In 1929, during a Durand cup match, a foreign
player named Musa intentionally hurt X and
broke his hand. In that year itself in
Lucknow, Tulsi Das of Aryans Club hit Musa
and reportedly told him that "Tumne X ko mara
tha, maine us ka badla liya." (You’ve hit X, I’m
taking the revenge). Such was the popularity of
X. Id X
Though the local people continue to refer
this city as Saigon, on 1st May 1975 it was
officially renamed after whom?
X compiled a small Bengali dictionary, wrote a
book on arithmetic in Bengali and translated
part of Annadamangal into Russian. His
dictionary was published in 1801. He wrote to
the Russian ambassador in London about
publishing Bharatchandra Ray’s works in
Russia. He was the first person to use Indian
tunes on Western musical instruments. Id X
Gerasim Lebedev
"Cancer’s a Funny Thing:
I wish I had the voice of Homer
To sing of rectal carcinoma,
This kills a lot more chaps, in fact,
Than were bumped off when Troy was sacked...”
Whose comic poem on his deathbed?
JBS Haldane
During the turmoil of the Salt Satyagraha many
senior Congress leaders were imprisoned. Pandit
Madan Mohan Malviya the President elect of the
Congress was arrested before the Calcutta Session of
1931 and she was elected in his place. Who?
Nellie Sengupta
Who is the composer?
Nawab Wajid Ali Shah
Id this young man who went on
to become immensely famous.
Karl Marx
In 1929, during a Durand cup match, a foreign
player named Musa intentionally hurt X and
broke his hand. In that year itself in
Lucknow, Tulsi Das of Aryans Club hit Musa
and reportedly told him that "Tumne X ko mara
tha, maine us ka badla liya." (You’ve hit X, I’m
taking the revenge). Such was the popularity of
X. Id X
Gostho Paul
Though the local people continue to refer
this city as Saigon, on 1st May 1975 it was
officially renamed after whom?
The Connect Is…..
Person after whom streets in
Kolkata have been named
Inquizzition college final

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Inquizzition college final

  • 2. £10.08 £5.04 £10.08 £10.68 £10.68 Put Funda.
  • 4. Charges paid by the users in UK to ‘inbox’ celebrities
  • 5.  In 2008, a group of LHC(Large Hadron Collider) critics filed a suit against CERN in the European Court of Human Rights, in Strasbourg, who feel that the operation of the $10 billion LHC near Geneva, poses grave risks for the safety and well-being of the 27 member states of the European Union and their citizens. According to them, the LHC could create a black hole at the surface of the Earth, or create a weird and for now, hypothetical material that cosmologists theorize could have a highly destructive gravitational field. Though the physicists at CERN rejected the idea saying that even if the collider could produce these materials, they would decay too quickly to cause any harm.  The novel ‘Phobos’, published in 2011 and written by Steve Alten shows a fictional story where these materials are unintentionally created at the Large Hadron Collider and escape from it to destroy the Earth. Name the material.
  • 8. It is a popular Spanish song by Cuban songwriter Osvaldo Farrés. Who is the singer of this version?
  • 11. This poem was originally a part of the poet's trilogy inspired by Omar Khayyam’s ‘Rubaiyat’. When first published in 1935 this work of art brought the poet instant fame which was further increased by his own recitations. But it also met some criticisms along the way. After listening to the poems Mahatma Gandhi rejected the criticisms saying that they were unwarranted. Which poem?
  • 12. And the answer is…
  • 14. “Millions of babies watching the skies Bellies swollen, with big round eyes On Jessore road – long bamboo huts No place to shit but sand channel ruts” It was the first few lines of Beat Generation’s famous poet Allen Ginsberg’s poem ‘September on Jessore Road’. Calling the world's attention to the suffering of victims during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971, he wrote this legendary 152 line poem after visiting refugee camps and witnessing the plight of millions fleeing the violence. It was dedicated to which leading literary figure of India, whose name appears in this poem?
  • 15. And the answer is…
  • 16. Is this what I did to myself in the past? What shall I do Sunil Poet I asked? Move on and leave them without any coins? What should I care for the love of my loins?
  • 17. Baawa, Smoot, Sheppey, Bloit-Put funda.
  • 18. And the answer is…
  • 19. They are all measures of distance.
  • 20. This term normally used for describing flamboyant manner and reckless courage of individuals is literally translated to "plume of feathers". It is said that the brave military leader King Henry IV of France was famous for wearing a striking white plume in his helmet and for his war cry: "Follow my white plume!". Which term?
  • 21. And the answer is…
  • 22.
  • 23.  In 2001, the word X was added to the Oxford English Dictionary where the definition given is: "Expressing frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just said or done something foolish. Also implying that another person has said or done something foolish"  X was first used in media in 1988 but is famous for its association with something different from its first occurrence. Many believe, X was inspired by Jimmy Finlayson who appeared in 33 'Laurel and Hardy' films. Identify X.
  • 24. And the answer is…
  • 25.
  • 27. This team event was contested in the Summer Olympics of every Olympiad between 1900 and 1920. Originally the competition was entered by clubs and multiple clubs from the same country could participate thereby making it possible for one country to earn multiple medals and this happened in 1904 when USA won all three and in 1908 when the feat was repeated by 3 British teams. What was the sport?
  • 28. And the answer is…
  • 31. And the answer is…
  • 32. Oh my darling, Clementine
  • 33. The term describes an act of authority taken without formal prompting from another party. The term is usually applied to actions by a judge taken without a prior motion or request from the concerned parties. Which term am I talking about?
  • 34. And the answer is…
  • 36. According to a poem by Rabindranath Tagore, X a king of the Harayanka dynasty had founded a beautiful Buddha temple in his kingdom and started the ritual of offering prayers everyday. But after his death when Y his son came to power he ordered the abolition of all such customs and declared that whoever disobeyed him shall suffer the consequences. But a maid at the palace did not pay heed to his warnings and kindled the lamp at the temple alone after her repeated requests for support were of no use. The poem comes to a tragic end when the maid is sentenced to death by Y. Id X and Y
  • 37. And the answer is…
  • 39. X is the name of a Musica tribal chief who covered himself with gold dust and, as an initiation rite, dove into the Guatavita Lake. Id X which later became a myth the pursuit of which has taken the life of many.
  • 40. And the answer is…
  • 41. EL DORADO-The lost city of Gold
  • 43. And the answer is…
  • 45. This company has its headquarters in Slough, United Kingdom. In 2006 this company took up an unique environmental initiative named CARBON20 which promises the reduction of carbon footprints from its product-from creation to disposal by 20% by 2020. It is also responsible for an forestation project on 25 sq. Km of deforested land in British Columbia, Canada. Which company?
  • 46. And the answer is…
  • 48. The name of this dish comes from the fact that both chili and cheese are used is good proportions while making this dish. Though different types of chilies may be used The actual cheese used cannot be found outside the country of its origin. It’s unique texture doesn’t dissolve when put in boiling water. Id.
  • 49. And the answer is…
  • 50. EMA DATSHI Ema means chili and datshi means cheese in Bhutanese language
  • 52. Every year, more than 100,000 of these birds are hunted for food at Nagaland during their passage between breeding and wintering grounds. Id the species.
  • 53. And the answer is…
  • 55. It started as a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978, later it was adapted to other formats, and over several years it gradually became an international multi-media phenomenon. Adaptations have included stage shows, a "trilogy" of five books. a sixth novel penned by Eoin Colfer in 2009, a TV series, a computer game, and three series of three-part comic book adaptations of the first three novels published by DC Comics. Name the book.
  • 56. And the answer is…
  • 57.
  • 58. When working as the director of physical education at the YMCA in Holyoke, this man noticed that the predominant game there wasn’t meant for everyone. Borrowing ideas from different games which new game did he create?
  • 59. And the answer is…
  • 61.
  • 62. And the answer is…
  • 64. Who is this leader after whom a city in U.S.A is named?
  • 65. And the answer is…
  • 66. Chief Seattle. After whom the city of Seattle is named.
  • 67. This car was named after the Pampas cat which is native to the Patagonia plateau region of southern Argentina. However, since the word is an offensive term for "wanker" in Spanish, alternative names have been used for many markets overseas. Which car?
  • 68. And the answer is…
  • 70. Who is reciting this famous poem?
  • 71. And the answer is…
  • 73. This computer worm originated near Manila in the Philippines on May 5, 2000, thereafter following daybreak westward across the world, moving first to Hong Kong, then to Europe, and finally the US. The outbreak was later estimated to have caused US $5.5-8.7 billion in damages worldwide. Within ten days, over fifty million infections had been reported. To protect themselves, The Pentagon, CIA, the British Parliament and most large corporations decided to completely shut down their mail systems. This virus affected over 45 million computers and was one of the world's most dangerous computer related disasters. What is it known as?
  • 74. And the answer is…
  • 77. Commentary of which memorable sporting event?
  • 78. And the answer is…
  • 80. Which famous short-story writer and screen player's last line was- “since childhood Noorani was fond of pet animals such as pigeons, monkeys, multi-colored birds…” before he succumbed to a massive heart attack ?
  • 81. And the answer is…
  • 82. He had just started to write a satirical essay entitled Adab baray-e-Batakh (Literature for a duck)
  • 83.  The name of this historic incident originally derived from the Greek mythology meant in its Greek origin "a completely burnt sacrificial offering" or "a burnt sacrifice offered to a god". In Greek and Roman pagan rites, gods of the earth and underworld received dark animals, which were offered by night and burnt in full.  The biblical word ‘Shoah’ meaning "calamity" in Hebrew became the standard Hebrew term for the incident in its early years.  Historian Ian Hancock adopted the term ‘The Porajmos’ to describe the incident. Which historic incident am I talking about?
  • 84. And the answer is…
  • 85.
  • 86. Living in the tropical seas of Southeast Asia, this special species of octopus was discovered in 1998 off Sulawesi and in 2010 was also found in the Great Barrier Reef. The octopus has the astonishing ability of imitating other animals using changes in both coloration and body posture; like other cephalopods it can also imitate its background. A video of its unique ability is shown on the next slide. Name the species.
  • 87.
  • 88. And the answer is…
  • 90. This artwork is an anonymous creation. No single artist has been credited for this artwork. The caption reads- ‘A Youth Disturbed Too Often By The Future’. Related to which historic incident?
  • 91. And the answer is…
  • 92. 1968 Paris Student Uprising
  • 93.  The ruins of this city remained hidden to most of the world until the Swiss explorer, Johann Burckhardt, disguised as an scholar, infiltrated the city in 1812.  the Biblical references refer to it as "the cleft in the rock", referring to its entrance. According to mythology, it is the spot where Moses struck a rock with his staff and water came forth, and where Moses' brother, Aaron is buried.  Poet John William Burgon described it as "a rose-red city half as old as time” in his Newdigate Prize winning poem of the same name. Which historical and archaeological city?
  • 94. And the answer is…
  • 95. Petra
  • 96.  Aleph : Two trained killers;  Bet : Two guards who would shadow the Alephs;  Het : Two agents who would establish cover for the rest of the team;  Ayin : Comprising between six and eight agents who establishing an escape route for the Aleph and Bet squads;  Qoph : Two agents specializing in communications What are these?
  • 97. And the answer is…
  • 98. The Mossad team for Operation Wrath of God or Operation Bayonet
  • 99. This is a savory, starch- based food made from cornmeal batter. It is frequently served as a side dish, usually at seafood restaurants. It originates from the southern states of U.S. Name the dish.
  • 100. And the answer is…
  • 103. This is a mythical winged horse which originates from the Chinese classics and is commonly portrayed in East Asian cultures. This winged horse is said to be too swift and elegant to be mounted by any mortal. It is also the national animal of North Korea. Name it
  • 104. And the answer is…
  • 106. Oscar winning movie ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest’ was based on Ken Kesey’s award winning novel of the same title. But the author was so bitter about the way the filmmakers were "butchering" his story that he vowed never to watch the completed film and even sued the movie's producers. Years later, he claimed to be lying in bed flipping through TV channels when he settled onto a late-night movie that looked sort of interesting, only to realize after a few minutes that it was this film. He then changed channels. What was the main reason for his disgust?
  • 107. And the answer is…
  • 109. Warren Zevon won two Grammy awards in 2004, Ray Charles won five in 2005. There is a connection between these awards/awardees. Two people were awarded Grammys in 2012 on this same connect. Name them.
  • 110. And the answer is…
  • 111. AMY WINEHOUSE AND STEVE JOBS The connection is of being awarded Grammys posthumously. In 2012, Amy Winehouse won a Grammy for the best pop performance for a due (Amy Winehouse/Tony Bennett). Steve Jobs was awarded a Grammy for making “advancements that transformed the way we consume music.”
  • 112. Holmenkollen, in addition to being a residential area, the area has been a ski recreation area since the late 19th century, with its famous, eponymous, ski jumping hill, the Holmenkollbakken, hosting competitions since 1892. It also boasts of the world’s oldest ski museum. In which city would you find this? (pic on next slide)
  • 113.
  • 114. And the answer is…
  • 116. This dynasty founded in the 14th century was a Sunni Muslim dynasty of Turco- Mongol lineage which ruled over modern- day Iran, Afghanistan, much of Central Asia, as well as parts of contemporary Pakistan, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Caucasus. They lost control of most of Persia to the Safavid dynasty in 1502. Who was the founder of this dynasty?
  • 117. And the answer is…
  • 119. The present American vice president Joe Biden was forced to withdraw from 1988 US presidential election. Why?
  • 120. And the answer is…
  • 121. Because it was revealed that he had failed in a paper on legal methodology in law school because of plagiarism
  • 122. The person on the left is widely known for his modern day representations that are made on calendars, posters and books. He is best remembered as a prominent figure in black and white photography. He is also greatly known for being the founder of Group f/64 which was a group of seven 20th century San Francisco photographers sharing photographic style characterized by sharp-focused and carefully framed images seen through a particularly Western viewpoint. On the right one of his famous pictures are displayed.
  • 123.
  • 124. And the answer is…
  • 127. And the answer is…
  • 128. These are soundtracks from 2 films that were remade by their own director
  • 130. I am Swedish. But people fondly call me Lao Wa which literally means “Old friend” in china. I also own a restaurant named W bar in Beijing. Who am I?
  • 131. And the answer is…
  • 133. Wilbur Sargunaraj is a performing artist hailing from Madurai has released two albums: Wilbur Sargunaraj Simple Superstar He has also been touring the world with an aim of “making the common man extra-ordinary.” What is he widely referred to?
  • 134. And the answer is…
  • 136. This is an unofficial holiday. The last of these was March 3, 2009 and the next will be April 4, 2016. Which unofficial holiday?
  • 137. And the answer is…
  • 139. What has been blanked out in this famous poster?
  • 140. And the answer is…
  • 143. And the answer is…
  • 144. Sonata
  • 145. This character was a major influence on other science fiction/fantasy tales and characters through the 20th century, including Superman, Flash Gordon, Adam Strange, Dune, Warp!, Den, and Star Wars to name just a few. This character was played by Antonio Sabàto, Jr. in the 2009 movie which also starred Traci Lords. Which character?
  • 146. And the answer is…
  • 147. John Carter Of Mars
  • 148. Which Brazilian winger became world’s most expensive footballer at that time when he signed for Real Betis in 1998 for £21.5m from Sao Paolo?
  • 149. And the answer is…
  • 151. Q28. In the immensely popular game of Counter-Strike, this typical style of defusing a bomb with the opponent still alive and the player sneaking up behind them is known as ‘X-defuse’. The next video shows the most famous attempt of X defuse by Abdisamad “SpawN” Mohamed in Cyber - athlete Professional League, 2005. What is X ?
  • 152.
  • 153. And the answer is…
  • 154. Ninja
  • 155. Theme Round INEXHAUSTIVE LIST +10 for each correct answer Marks for connect are indicated at each slide.
  • 156. X compiled a small Bengali dictionary, wrote a book on arithmetic in Bengali and translated part of Annadamangal into Russian. His dictionary was published in 1801. He wrote to the Russian ambassador in London about publishing Bharatchandra Ray’s works in Russia. He was the first person to use Indian tunes on Western musical instruments. Id X +70/-60
  • 157. "Cancer’s a Funny Thing: I wish I had the voice of Homer To sing of rectal carcinoma, This kills a lot more chaps, in fact, Than were bumped off when Troy was sacked...” Whose comic poem on his deathbed? +60/-50
  • 158. During the turmoil of the Salt Satyagraha many senior Congress leaders were imprisoned. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya the President elect of the Congress was arrested before the Calcutta Session of 1931 and she was elected in his place. Who? +50/-40
  • 159. Who is the composer? +40/-30
  • 160. Id this young man who went on to become immensely famous. +30/-20
  • 161. In 1929, during a Durand cup match, a foreign player named Musa intentionally hurt X and broke his hand. In that year itself in Lucknow, Tulsi Das of Aryans Club hit Musa and reportedly told him that "Tumne X ko mara tha, maine us ka badla liya." (You’ve hit X, I’m taking the revenge). Such was the popularity of X. Id X +20/-10
  • 162. Though the local people continue to refer this city as Saigon, on 1st May 1975 it was officially renamed after whom? +10/0
  • 164. X compiled a small Bengali dictionary, wrote a book on arithmetic in Bengali and translated part of Annadamangal into Russian. His dictionary was published in 1801. He wrote to the Russian ambassador in London about publishing Bharatchandra Ray’s works in Russia. He was the first person to use Indian tunes on Western musical instruments. Id X +70/-60
  • 166. "Cancer’s a Funny Thing: I wish I had the voice of Homer To sing of rectal carcinoma, This kills a lot more chaps, in fact, Than were bumped off when Troy was sacked...” Whose comic poem on his deathbed? +60/-50
  • 168. During the turmoil of the Salt Satyagraha many senior Congress leaders were imprisoned. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya the President elect of the Congress was arrested before the Calcutta Session of 1931 and she was elected in his place. Who? +50/-40
  • 170. Who is the composer? +40/-30
  • 172. Id this young man who went on to become immensely famous. +30/-20
  • 174. In 1929, during a Durand cup match, a foreign player named Musa intentionally hurt X and broke his hand. In that year itself in Lucknow, Tulsi Das of Aryans Club hit Musa and reportedly told him that "Tumne X ko mara tha, maine us ka badla liya." (You’ve hit X, I’m taking the revenge). Such was the popularity of X. Id X +20/-10
  • 176. Though the local people continue to refer this city as Saigon, on 1st May 1975 it was officially renamed after whom? +10/0
  • 177.
  • 179. Person after whom streets in Kolkata have been named