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Page layout
Jake Stanyon-Carr
Pull quote
Page numbers
White space
Symmetrical balance in text
Reverse printing?
Drop capitals
Magazine layout.
This is a magazine page that has both
symmetry (in the text) and asymmetry
(in the top half of the page). The
columns of text are layed out so that
they are easy to read and it doesn’t
look like a block of text. The pull quote
in the middle helps break up the text
Magazine layout.
Pull quote
Pull quote
Blobs and star
Symmetrical balance
Page number
Drop capitals
This is good example
of a very symmetrical
magazine spread. The
text is split up well by
the cutout images in
the centre of the
spread. The duality of
colour from the left
side to the right side
is very aesthetically
pleasing. The negative
space being two
different colours
means that there is
more going on on the
page, leading to the
negative space being
interesting instead of
just one block colour.
Magazine layout. Titles
Drop capitals
Negative space
In terms of the terminology that
we have been taught, there arent
too many examples here, but I
think that makes this a very nice
spread, due to it simplicity. There
is not too much text here, and
that’s is because of the audience
of this magazine wont want to
read as much as, for example, the
audience of National Geographic.
There is too much negative space
here, leading to the right side of
the spread looking a bit empty
and a bit dull, contrasting tot eh
opposite side, where there isn't
much negative space, as there are
things going on in the background
o the image.
Magazine layout.
This is a less traditional magazine
page from Mens Health. Here,
instead of the text being in
paragraphs in columns, it is in
annotation form, describing and
giving information on the images
which are the focus of the viewers
immediate gaze. There is use of
reverse printing here, with the text
being white against the dark
background, contrasting to the
conventional white on black
technique of presenting text.
This example doesn’t really work
well for showing the conventions of
this type of media, but what it does
show is how creative you can be with
the design of a page, and how good
you can make it look whilst still
having readable text. Whilst it
doesn’t have many conventions it
does have the grids for the little bits
of text.
Images are
Blobs and
layed out in column
fashion the text is
normally in.
Margin for
text but
not images
In Design Tasks
Tabloid design.
This is the tabloid newspaper
that I have designed. U uses the
three column technique seen in
pretty much all tabloids, with
the text and images being split
into three different sections. I
am pleases with what I have
done here, as I have captured
the general look of the typical
tabloid pretty well.
I think that to improve this
image, I could make sure that
there is a bit less negative
space and that more space is
used so it looks a bit more
visually intriguing. I also could
make the Sainsbury’s voucher
bit a bit more professional and
a bit more interesting.
Magazine design
This is the example of a magazine spread that I have made using Adobe Indesign. This is done by setting the grid to 5x5, which
gives you a lot of freedom compared to the three columns of the tabloid. I think that the example that I have made is a solid
effort, it looks pretty decent and the text is split up so that it doesn't’t look like a massive task to read. I haven't spit his face up
down the fold of the pages either which I think is good. To improve this work, I think that I would adjust the shapes and the
spacing around the pull quote so that It stands out more.
Magazine design
This is the second magazine that I have created. I tried to make this more of an aesthetically pleasing example of what a
magazine spread can look like, for example, I have tried to make the image the focus of the spread, rather than have the text take
up the focus of the readers attention. I think to improve this image, I could get rid o the white box behind the text, as it is garish
and probably unnecessary.
Magazine design
This is another magazine spread that I have made. This looks similar to the one before as I did this one and then forgot we had to
do a photography specific magazine, so ive just put it in anyway. To improve upon this, I could get rid of the white box behind the
text and the black line around the pull quote.
Website design
This is the website I have created, this is more of a home screen rather than an actual website. I used the one column to for
the three orange icons and I just aligned the tick over them using Photoshop.
Creative showcase task
This task was quite difficult to do well as we couldn’t
use anything apart from black and white, with no
textures or anything outside elements.
Fibbers task
Quote task
Your Body Will Thank You-
Fact Check
“You will discover how to enjoy food with significantly less
saturated fats and artificial sugars.”
“Not only are you highly likely to loose a few pounds but also you will be naturally
beaming from having clearer skin, nuts and vitamins give you strong and healthy skin,
hair and nails, upping your confidence”
“Bodily odor is produced because of bacteria build up, by cutting red meat
out of your fatty diet, your skinny self will produce less of this bacteria”
“Premenstrual syndrome is exhausting and you can find yourself both mentally and
physically struggling. An animal product free lifestyle can reduce the pain and distress”
“Low levels of fats, salt, sugar and caffeine can reduce the intensity of PMS
and in some cases, make the sleepless nights, back crippling pain and
stomach cramps become non-existent.”
“With meat comes disease, drugs / hormones, bacteria, pesticides /
chemicals, parasites, fat & cholesterol.”
“A lifestyle cutting out meat can lower a high blood pressure, meaning
you’re less likely to have heart problems, the likelihood of a stoke
occurring is decreased, you’re vision improves as well as boosting kidney
“Cancer is less likely to develop and it has the
lowest number of cases amongst those who
don’t consume our furry friends.”
“8 million people in the UK are affected by arthritis”
This fact Is wrong, as 10 million people are affected by arthritis, so I’ll change this when it comes to the final text so the
figure is accurate.
“Eating all those animals leads to degenerative-and
fatal-health conditions like heart disease, kidney
disease and cancer. So then man tortures and kills
millions more animals to look for cures for these
diseases” – Preface from Old MacDonald’s Factory
Farm by C. David Coates”
Im getting rid of this bit at the end as I feel that it is
both unnecessary and poorly placed, as if she was to
put this in it should have gone at the front to set up
the content presented in the further writing.
“Fed up of struggling to lose a few pounds? Good.
Then you’re ready to make a change. You don’t need
to spend your life in the gym; on the rowing machine
next to that guy you like but you’re never going to talk
Im getting id of this piece of text from the second
paragraph as it is really just repeating the first in a
different tone, which makes it unnecessary and gets
“Morning breath, the least attractive thing on a
morning, the messy bedhead can be seen as sexy
and slid back under the duvet. Bad breath is never
sexy, green tea and ginger tea boost you’re
digestion while eliminating the chances of
disgusting your partner during your morning
This bit from the second paragraph is too informal
and familiar, and feels awkward to read to be
“Low levels of fats, salt, sugar and caffeine can
reduce the intensity of PMS and in some cases, make
the sleepless nights, back crippling pain and stomach
cramps become non-existent.”
Ive gotten rid of this bit as there is no solid research
or evidence to back it up.
1. 2.
3. 4.
“If you do so wish to attend the gym, at least you will
be able to see that guy you like a lot clearer.”
This joke isn’t really that funny and doesn’t work well
with what the piece is trying to achieve.
4. “Salmonella food poisoning can easily occur in any animal
product with intent to be eaten; not just the kebab shop
round the corner that is rumored to have pigeons nesting
in the store room.”
I couldn’t find any research or evidence backing this
statement up. Also the joke after it becomes out of context
when you remove the previous line so I'm getting rid of
that too.
“The benefits are just so good; many people welcome
this lifestyle as a permanent change.”
Doesn’t sound good and is just repeating what is said in
the sentence before it.
6. 6. “and reviving your sexy.” this is super cringey and it sounds
awful so I'm taking it out.
1. “Bikini ready”- I have changed this to “beach ready”
to make the article gender neutral.
“It can be much more simple”- changed to “far
simpler” as it sounds better and cuts words down.
3. “Skin, nuts and vitamins”- changed to “skin, as nuts
and vitamins”
4. “making you smell like that Victoria’s Secret
model you’ve always wanted to be” – changed to
“leading to less body odour” to keep the article
gender neutral.”
5. “animal consumers who’s excessive fat is taking over
their unfit body."- changed to “who’s unhealthy
lifestyle is damaging their body” because it sounds
passive aggressive and the people who will be
reading this are meat eaters, and you don’t want to
offend your audience.
6. “When comparing greasy animal eaters to those who
don’t consume animal produce”- im changing this to
just “animal eaters to non animal eaters” as calling
your audience greasy isn't a good idea.
Task 5
Images sourced from books:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
• As these images have already been taken for this specific purpose, it normally means that they are done to
a very high quality, as people will be buying the books. This means that if you are researching a specific form
of media, for example, I chose a blues music book, you can find images that fit that genre of media well, in
terms of aesthetic and the content of the image itself.
• It is very easy to find out who wrote the book and who took the image for referencing, as it can be hard to
find the photographers sometimes when you re looking on Google.
• It is a lot easier to research things such as trends at a specific date, as you can look for books written at a
certain date instead of searching through Google trying to find what you are looking for.
• The physical quality of the image will tend to be much higher than Google, as it will be a much high
resolution than most images on Google.
• You are more likely to get images that aren’t as popular, for example, when you search for an image on
Google, you will pretty much never look past the first or second page, which means that a lot of people are
using the same few images from that first and second page, so if you get the image from a book ,you will be
using an image that will be used a lot less frequently, so you can make your work a bit different from others.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
• If you want to use the images digitally, like we are doing here, it will always end up requiring more time and
effort than doing a Google search, as you have to find the book, buy/take it out of a library, and then you
have to scan it or take an image of it, and then you have to get it from the scanner onto your computer, and
then you have the image.
• There aren't as many images compared to the billions of images on Google, so it can be a bit harder to find
an image for a specific purpose in comparison.
• A lot of books have not been published on a digital space, so you may have to look in a library for it or do a
bit of digging on the internet in order to get yourself that book, which will take up far more time in
comparison to just doing a Google search.
Images sourced from google images:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
• Depending on what you are looking for, you will have a seemingly limitless amount of images at your
disposal instantly, so the sheer number of images that are on Google is the main advantage it has,
compared to something such as sourcing your images from books.
• You can search for higher resolution images, meaning that you can make them huge and still have a good
quality image. This would be good for something such a advertising on billboards.
• In terms of speed, doing a Google image search is that fastest option for image sourcing out there, hands
down. You can have all of the images you want for a project in under a minute if you work fast enough.
• It is very easy to print from digital to physical too, which makes this platform highly versatile, provided you
have printer that is.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
• A lot of the images on google have a low resolution, as they have been compressed for the internet. This
essentially makes them unusable in a lot of forms of media, for example, if you are looking for an image to
put across a whole double spread in magazine, you will want really high resolution images, so that they will
retain their quality when made the size of two A4 pages.
• A lot of images on Google are copyrighted, so you will not be able to use them for a commercial use
without buying the rights to the images.
• You tend to get a bit lazy when looking on Google, as it is so easy to search for images. This means that you
end up using the same images that everyone else does. For example, if you wanted wildlife images you may
search for images of lions, and will use the really high quality one on the first page, but so does everyone
else who is looking for images of lions. This mans that your work will look a bit boring to whoever is
marking/viewing it.
• Some images may have watermarks on them, which means that you wont be able to use them for
commercial use without getting permission from the creator.
Images sourced from stock image library:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
• You can get high quality, professionally shot images at a high resolution, which means that the
images are going to be high quality enough to put on pretty much anything you want.
• It is a pretty fast way of getting guaranteed high quality images, as you don’t have to play
around with settings like you do on Google images to find high resolution images, as pretty
much all stock imagery is done at a high resolution.
• It saves cost in comparison to sourcing your own images, as you would either have to buy/rent
a camera or hire a photographer to take them for you, so the cost doesn't seem as expensive
when you compare it to sourcing your own images.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
• You have to pay for the rights to use the image that you want.
• The image size may not always fit your requirements, leading to you adjusting it,
which may lead to you cutting out parts of your image.
• If you don’t use the images properly, copyright law can be a very tedious thing,
especially if you arent sourcing your images yourself, for example if a web designer
gets them for you, and doesn't fully get the rights to use the image commercially,
you can get billed by the photographer for illegally using their imagery.
Images sourced from copyright free library:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
• You can get high quality, high resolution images for free without watermarks on
some free websites such as These websites are good as you can search
for specific subjects, for example, these images all came up when I searched for
‘music’ into the search bar.
• It is a pretty fast way of getting guaranteed high quality images, as you don’t have
to play around with settings like you do on Google images to find high resolution
images, as pretty much all stock imagery is done at a high resolution.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
• Using free stock websites means that it may be hard to find the specific image that
you want, as there aren't as many images on them as there in comparison to
something such as Google images.
• The images may not be the right size for your requirements, which means that you
may have to resize them, which could lead to you cutting parts of the image out in
order to make it fit your needs.
Images sourced from your own existing images:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
• You can get exactly the image you want and need, depending on your subjects availability. This
means that you have more creative freedom and can have more relevant images to your work.
• You have complete freedom with the images, and don’t have to rely on other people to do
work for you. This means that your work wont depend on the reliability of others, and you
alone are responsible for it. This can also save time communicating and getting other people
to do what you want by just doing it yourself.
• You can control the image size and resolution to fit your needs. This means that you don’t have
to worry about cropping out bits of the images, and you can get everything in the frame which
will make your piece of work around the image far better, as it ill tell the story of the text
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
• You may not be that great at photography, so the images my not be that great.
• Photography equipment and editing programmes can be expensive, meaning that
you will have to spend more money on better equipment to get better quality
• A disadvantage that is particularly shown here is the fact that you may not have the
images for your chosen subject at hand, take what I have here as an example of
that, the theme of this PowerPoint has been music, and I have not got any images
of bands or concerts or any images to do with music in my library. This means that I
would either have to go out and talk to a band to arrange a shoot, or I would have
to source the images from a stock website, or from the band themselves.
Original image:
Cropped image:
Scaled images:
Resolution image:
300dpi for print
72dpi for web
Advantages of different resolutions:
• An advantage of having different resolutions is that you can resize the image, and to the human eye, it will
be pretty much the same quality, even if it isn't. For example, the detail on an A4 image with a resolution of
300DPI will be really good, but if you make the image size smaller and turn the resolution down you can still
get a good amount of the detail in from the larger image.
• Having different image sizes because of different resolutions can make you much more versatile in terms of
your page layout, as you can resize images to make way for or get rid of text. This allows you to be much
more creative in the way that you can layout a page.
• Having a smaller resolution size means that your file size will be much smaller. Having smaller files means
that you have more space om your backup storage and your memory cards.
• Lower resolution images wont always ned to be sized down as thy are already good as they are.
• Smaller file sizes means that cameras can achieve higher frame rates, leading to higher quality images
where the subject is moving around a lot, for example sports photography.
Disadvantages of different resolutions:
• For smaller resolution images, you don’t have many pixels to start off with, so resizing up can
be difficult, as it will look really pixelated if you do. This can mean that a lot of images wont be
available for you to us, as they are simply to low quality for your purposes.
• For higher quality images, they need a much larger storage space, so you may not be able to
take, or se as many images as you would like, as they are simply too big to fit into your
methods of storage. This will also affect the processing power on your computer, as it will
need to handle larger and higher quality file sizes and good speed.
• Higher resolution cameras also require higher quality lenses which are capable of resolving a
lot more detail. These can be quite expensive, and the lenses on top of an already expensive
camera can end up being quite costly.
Manipulated image with appropriate caption:
Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those
• To start off with, I turned the brightness down and put the contrast all the way up
to 100, so that the bright colours of the image would stand out against the dark
• Then, I put a green hue over the image. I did this to turn the orange light coming
form the left into a light blue/ cyan sort of colour, as I think this cold colour goes
much better with the darker tones of the background.
• After adjusting the colour, I duplicated the image, and then added the ‘paint
daubs’ filter to the bottom image, and then turned the opacity down on the top
image. This causes the blurred sort of 3D look that is going on here.
• The blurred look from the paint daubs filter really makes the text which I added
next stand out more.
Final page layout work
Broadsheet newspaper
Music event flyer
Exhibition poster
Exhibition poster

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Page layout

  • 2. Margin Title Columns Pull quote Page numbers White space Symmetrical balance in text Reverse printing? Drop capitals Magazine layout. This is a magazine page that has both symmetry (in the text) and asymmetry (in the top half of the page). The columns of text are layed out so that they are easy to read and it doesn’t look like a block of text. The pull quote in the middle helps break up the text too.
  • 3. Magazine layout. Pull quote Pull quote Columns Reverse printing Blobs and star Symmetrical balance Page number Cutouts Drop capitals Title This is good example of a very symmetrical magazine spread. The text is split up well by the cutout images in the centre of the spread. The duality of colour from the left side to the right side is very aesthetically pleasing. The negative space being two different colours means that there is more going on on the page, leading to the negative space being interesting instead of just one block colour. Spread Rules
  • 4. Magazine layout. Titles Strapline Drop capitals Columns Negative space In terms of the terminology that we have been taught, there arent too many examples here, but I think that makes this a very nice spread, due to it simplicity. There is not too much text here, and that’s is because of the audience of this magazine wont want to read as much as, for example, the audience of National Geographic. There is too much negative space here, leading to the right side of the spread looking a bit empty and a bit dull, contrasting tot eh opposite side, where there isn't much negative space, as there are things going on in the background o the image.
  • 5. Magazine layout. This is a less traditional magazine page from Mens Health. Here, instead of the text being in paragraphs in columns, it is in annotation form, describing and giving information on the images which are the focus of the viewers immediate gaze. There is use of reverse printing here, with the text being white against the dark background, contrasting to the conventional white on black technique of presenting text. This example doesn’t really work well for showing the conventions of this type of media, but what it does show is how creative you can be with the design of a page, and how good you can make it look whilst still having readable text. Whilst it doesn’t have many conventions it does have the grids for the little bits of text. Title Strapline Images are cutouts. Blobs and stars Reverse printing Subtitle? Images/objects layed out in column fashion the text is normally in. Margin for text but not images Negative space
  • 7. Tabloid design. This is the tabloid newspaper that I have designed. U uses the three column technique seen in pretty much all tabloids, with the text and images being split into three different sections. I am pleases with what I have done here, as I have captured the general look of the typical tabloid pretty well. I think that to improve this image, I could make sure that there is a bit less negative space and that more space is used so it looks a bit more visually intriguing. I also could make the Sainsbury’s voucher bit a bit more professional and a bit more interesting.
  • 8. Magazine design This is the example of a magazine spread that I have made using Adobe Indesign. This is done by setting the grid to 5x5, which gives you a lot of freedom compared to the three columns of the tabloid. I think that the example that I have made is a solid effort, it looks pretty decent and the text is split up so that it doesn't’t look like a massive task to read. I haven't spit his face up down the fold of the pages either which I think is good. To improve this work, I think that I would adjust the shapes and the spacing around the pull quote so that It stands out more.
  • 9. Magazine design This is the second magazine that I have created. I tried to make this more of an aesthetically pleasing example of what a magazine spread can look like, for example, I have tried to make the image the focus of the spread, rather than have the text take up the focus of the readers attention. I think to improve this image, I could get rid o the white box behind the text, as it is garish and probably unnecessary.
  • 10. Magazine design This is another magazine spread that I have made. This looks similar to the one before as I did this one and then forgot we had to do a photography specific magazine, so ive just put it in anyway. To improve upon this, I could get rid of the white box behind the text and the black line around the pull quote.
  • 11. Website design This is the website I have created, this is more of a home screen rather than an actual website. I used the one column to for the three orange icons and I just aligned the tick over them using Photoshop.
  • 13. Creative showcase task This task was quite difficult to do well as we couldn’t use anything apart from black and white, with no textures or anything outside elements.
  • 16. Your Body Will Thank You- Fact Check
  • 17. “You will discover how to enjoy food with significantly less saturated fats and artificial sugars.” /fatscholesterolomegas /sugar/
  • 18. “Not only are you highly likely to loose a few pounds but also you will be naturally beaming from having clearer skin, nuts and vitamins give you strong and healthy skin, hair and nails, upping your confidence” -vegan-diet-improve-skin/ recipes/articles/809339/eat-nuts-for- healthy-skin
  • 19. “Bodily odor is produced because of bacteria build up, by cutting red meat out of your fatty diet, your skinny self will produce less of this bacteria” https://www.ncbi.nlm. 1352
  • 20. “Premenstrual syndrome is exhausting and you can find yourself both mentally and physically struggling. An animal product free lifestyle can reduce the pain and distress” http://www.naturallifee menstrual-cramps- vegan-diet/
  • 21. “Low levels of fats, salt, sugar and caffeine can reduce the intensity of PMS and in some cases, make the sleepless nights, back crippling pain and stomach cramps become non-existent.” style/health-and-families/health- news/vegan-meat-life-expectancy- eggs-dairy-research-a7168036.html
  • 22. “With meat comes disease, drugs / hormones, bacteria, pesticides / chemicals, parasites, fat & cholesterol.” http://www.all- owmeatcan.html
  • 23. “A lifestyle cutting out meat can lower a high blood pressure, meaning you’re less likely to have heart problems, the likelihood of a stoke occurring is decreased, you’re vision improves as well as boosting kidney health.” medical-news-you-can-use/its-time-to-cut-back-your-red-meat- consumption/
  • 24. “Cancer is less likely to develop and it has the lowest number of cases amongst those who don’t consume our furry friends.” processed-meat-causes-cancer.html
  • 25. “8 million people in the UK are affected by arthritis” This fact Is wrong, as 10 million people are affected by arthritis, so I’ll change this when it comes to the final text so the figure is accurate.
  • 27. “Eating all those animals leads to degenerative-and fatal-health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases” – Preface from Old MacDonald’s Factory Farm by C. David Coates” Im getting rid of this bit at the end as I feel that it is both unnecessary and poorly placed, as if she was to put this in it should have gone at the front to set up the content presented in the further writing. “Fed up of struggling to lose a few pounds? Good. Then you’re ready to make a change. You don’t need to spend your life in the gym; on the rowing machine next to that guy you like but you’re never going to talk to.” Im getting id of this piece of text from the second paragraph as it is really just repeating the first in a different tone, which makes it unnecessary and gets boring. “Morning breath, the least attractive thing on a morning, the messy bedhead can be seen as sexy and slid back under the duvet. Bad breath is never sexy, green tea and ginger tea boost you’re digestion while eliminating the chances of disgusting your partner during your morning smooch.” This bit from the second paragraph is too informal and familiar, and feels awkward to read to be honest. “Low levels of fats, salt, sugar and caffeine can reduce the intensity of PMS and in some cases, make the sleepless nights, back crippling pain and stomach cramps become non-existent.” Ive gotten rid of this bit as there is no solid research or evidence to back it up. 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 28. “If you do so wish to attend the gym, at least you will be able to see that guy you like a lot clearer.” This joke isn’t really that funny and doesn’t work well with what the piece is trying to achieve. 4. “Salmonella food poisoning can easily occur in any animal product with intent to be eaten; not just the kebab shop round the corner that is rumored to have pigeons nesting in the store room.” I couldn’t find any research or evidence backing this statement up. Also the joke after it becomes out of context when you remove the previous line so I'm getting rid of that too. 5. “The benefits are just so good; many people welcome this lifestyle as a permanent change.” Doesn’t sound good and is just repeating what is said in the sentence before it. 6. 6. “and reviving your sexy.” this is super cringey and it sounds awful so I'm taking it out.
  • 30. 1. “Bikini ready”- I have changed this to “beach ready” to make the article gender neutral. “It can be much more simple”- changed to “far simpler” as it sounds better and cuts words down. 2. 3. “Skin, nuts and vitamins”- changed to “skin, as nuts and vitamins” 4. “making you smell like that Victoria’s Secret model you’ve always wanted to be” – changed to “leading to less body odour” to keep the article gender neutral.” 5. “animal consumers who’s excessive fat is taking over their unfit body."- changed to “who’s unhealthy lifestyle is damaging their body” because it sounds passive aggressive and the people who will be reading this are meat eaters, and you don’t want to offend your audience. 6. “When comparing greasy animal eaters to those who don’t consume animal produce”- im changing this to just “animal eaters to non animal eaters” as calling your audience greasy isn't a good idea.
  • 33. Advantages of sourcing images this way: • As these images have already been taken for this specific purpose, it normally means that they are done to a very high quality, as people will be buying the books. This means that if you are researching a specific form of media, for example, I chose a blues music book, you can find images that fit that genre of media well, in terms of aesthetic and the content of the image itself. • It is very easy to find out who wrote the book and who took the image for referencing, as it can be hard to find the photographers sometimes when you re looking on Google. • It is a lot easier to research things such as trends at a specific date, as you can look for books written at a certain date instead of searching through Google trying to find what you are looking for. • The physical quality of the image will tend to be much higher than Google, as it will be a much high resolution than most images on Google. • You are more likely to get images that aren’t as popular, for example, when you search for an image on Google, you will pretty much never look past the first or second page, which means that a lot of people are using the same few images from that first and second page, so if you get the image from a book ,you will be using an image that will be used a lot less frequently, so you can make your work a bit different from others. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: • If you want to use the images digitally, like we are doing here, it will always end up requiring more time and effort than doing a Google search, as you have to find the book, buy/take it out of a library, and then you have to scan it or take an image of it, and then you have to get it from the scanner onto your computer, and then you have the image. • There aren't as many images compared to the billions of images on Google, so it can be a bit harder to find an image for a specific purpose in comparison. • A lot of books have not been published on a digital space, so you may have to look in a library for it or do a bit of digging on the internet in order to get yourself that book, which will take up far more time in comparison to just doing a Google search.
  • 34. Images sourced from google images:
  • 35. Advantages of sourcing images this way: • Depending on what you are looking for, you will have a seemingly limitless amount of images at your disposal instantly, so the sheer number of images that are on Google is the main advantage it has, compared to something such as sourcing your images from books. • You can search for higher resolution images, meaning that you can make them huge and still have a good quality image. This would be good for something such a advertising on billboards. • In terms of speed, doing a Google image search is that fastest option for image sourcing out there, hands down. You can have all of the images you want for a project in under a minute if you work fast enough. • It is very easy to print from digital to physical too, which makes this platform highly versatile, provided you have printer that is. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: • A lot of the images on google have a low resolution, as they have been compressed for the internet. This essentially makes them unusable in a lot of forms of media, for example, if you are looking for an image to put across a whole double spread in magazine, you will want really high resolution images, so that they will retain their quality when made the size of two A4 pages. • A lot of images on Google are copyrighted, so you will not be able to use them for a commercial use without buying the rights to the images. • You tend to get a bit lazy when looking on Google, as it is so easy to search for images. This means that you end up using the same images that everyone else does. For example, if you wanted wildlife images you may search for images of lions, and will use the really high quality one on the first page, but so does everyone else who is looking for images of lions. This mans that your work will look a bit boring to whoever is marking/viewing it. • Some images may have watermarks on them, which means that you wont be able to use them for commercial use without getting permission from the creator.
  • 36. Images sourced from stock image library:
  • 37. Advantages of sourcing images this way: • You can get high quality, professionally shot images at a high resolution, which means that the images are going to be high quality enough to put on pretty much anything you want. • It is a pretty fast way of getting guaranteed high quality images, as you don’t have to play around with settings like you do on Google images to find high resolution images, as pretty much all stock imagery is done at a high resolution. • It saves cost in comparison to sourcing your own images, as you would either have to buy/rent a camera or hire a photographer to take them for you, so the cost doesn't seem as expensive when you compare it to sourcing your own images. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: • You have to pay for the rights to use the image that you want. • The image size may not always fit your requirements, leading to you adjusting it, which may lead to you cutting out parts of your image. • If you don’t use the images properly, copyright law can be a very tedious thing, especially if you arent sourcing your images yourself, for example if a web designer gets them for you, and doesn't fully get the rights to use the image commercially, you can get billed by the photographer for illegally using their imagery.
  • 38. Images sourced from copyright free library:
  • 39. Advantages of sourcing images this way: • You can get high quality, high resolution images for free without watermarks on some free websites such as These websites are good as you can search for specific subjects, for example, these images all came up when I searched for ‘music’ into the search bar. • It is a pretty fast way of getting guaranteed high quality images, as you don’t have to play around with settings like you do on Google images to find high resolution images, as pretty much all stock imagery is done at a high resolution. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: • Using free stock websites means that it may be hard to find the specific image that you want, as there aren't as many images on them as there in comparison to something such as Google images. • The images may not be the right size for your requirements, which means that you may have to resize them, which could lead to you cutting parts of the image out in order to make it fit your needs.
  • 40. Images sourced from your own existing images:
  • 41. Advantages of sourcing images this way: • You can get exactly the image you want and need, depending on your subjects availability. This means that you have more creative freedom and can have more relevant images to your work. • You have complete freedom with the images, and don’t have to rely on other people to do work for you. This means that your work wont depend on the reliability of others, and you alone are responsible for it. This can also save time communicating and getting other people to do what you want by just doing it yourself. • You can control the image size and resolution to fit your needs. This means that you don’t have to worry about cropping out bits of the images, and you can get everything in the frame which will make your piece of work around the image far better, as it ill tell the story of the text better. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: • You may not be that great at photography, so the images my not be that great. • Photography equipment and editing programmes can be expensive, meaning that you will have to spend more money on better equipment to get better quality images. • A disadvantage that is particularly shown here is the fact that you may not have the images for your chosen subject at hand, take what I have here as an example of that, the theme of this PowerPoint has been music, and I have not got any images of bands or concerts or any images to do with music in my library. This means that I would either have to go out and talk to a band to arrange a shoot, or I would have to source the images from a stock website, or from the band themselves.
  • 46. Resolution image: 300dpi for print 72dpi for web
  • 47. Advantages of different resolutions: • An advantage of having different resolutions is that you can resize the image, and to the human eye, it will be pretty much the same quality, even if it isn't. For example, the detail on an A4 image with a resolution of 300DPI will be really good, but if you make the image size smaller and turn the resolution down you can still get a good amount of the detail in from the larger image. • Having different image sizes because of different resolutions can make you much more versatile in terms of your page layout, as you can resize images to make way for or get rid of text. This allows you to be much more creative in the way that you can layout a page. • Having a smaller resolution size means that your file size will be much smaller. Having smaller files means that you have more space om your backup storage and your memory cards. • Lower resolution images wont always ned to be sized down as thy are already good as they are. • Smaller file sizes means that cameras can achieve higher frame rates, leading to higher quality images where the subject is moving around a lot, for example sports photography. Disadvantages of different resolutions: • For smaller resolution images, you don’t have many pixels to start off with, so resizing up can be difficult, as it will look really pixelated if you do. This can mean that a lot of images wont be available for you to us, as they are simply to low quality for your purposes. • For higher quality images, they need a much larger storage space, so you may not be able to take, or se as many images as you would like, as they are simply too big to fit into your methods of storage. This will also affect the processing power on your computer, as it will need to handle larger and higher quality file sizes and good speed. • Higher resolution cameras also require higher quality lenses which are capable of resolving a lot more detail. These can be quite expensive, and the lenses on top of an already expensive camera can end up being quite costly.
  • 48. Manipulated image with appropriate caption:
  • 49. Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes: • To start off with, I turned the brightness down and put the contrast all the way up to 100, so that the bright colours of the image would stand out against the dark background. • Then, I put a green hue over the image. I did this to turn the orange light coming form the left into a light blue/ cyan sort of colour, as I think this cold colour goes much better with the darker tones of the background. • After adjusting the colour, I duplicated the image, and then added the ‘paint daubs’ filter to the bottom image, and then turned the opacity down on the top image. This causes the blurred sort of 3D look that is going on here. • The blurred look from the paint daubs filter really makes the text which I added next stand out more.