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Overview of Parallel
    Visual Studio 2010 + a little on Axum and Concurrent Basic

    Eric Nelson
Microsoft UK MSDN Flash Newsletter
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                                      13 of the “Best Technical                              Technical Authors wanted
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                                                                                             words. Fancy it?
 Overview of what we are up to
 Drill down into parallel programming for
 managed developers
 If we have time, “heads up” on Axum and CB
Things I learnt...
  We have a very large investment in parallel computing
     We have “something for everyone”
     It is not all synced, it is sometimes overlapping
  It is a big topic
     Managed vs native vs client vs server vs task vs data...
  Even with the investment, design/code/test for parallel is far
     Locking, Deadlocks, Livelocks
  It is about getting ready for the future
     Code today – run better tomorrow?
  VS2010 CTP – not a great place for parallel
     Single core in guest
     Unsupported route to use Hyper-V
  Easiest route to dabble – Microsoft Parallel Extensions June CTP
  for VS2008
Buying a new Processor

  £100 - £300


  2 cores or 4
Buying a new Processor

   £200 - £500

         Core       Core   Core   Core


 4 cores with HT

Memory Controller

Where will it all end?
Was it a wise purchase?
      App 1

     My Code

  .NET Framework

     .NET CLR
       App 1          App 2   ...

                Windows OS
Was it a wise purchase?
 Some environments scale to take advantage of
 additional CPU cores (mostly server-side)
  ASP.NET Web Forms/Services      WCF Services     WF Engine

             .NET ThreadPool or Custom Threading Strategy

 A lot of code does not (mostly client-side)
   This code will see little benefit from future
   hardware advances 
What happened to “The Free Lunch”?
  Bad sequential code will run faster on a faster processor

   Bad parallel code WILL NOT run faster on more cores
          Just using parallel code is not enough
               1     2    4     8   16    32
Applications Can Scale Well
                    64                                   Production Fluid
                                                         Production Face
                                                         Production Cloth
 Parallel Speedup

                    48                                   Game Fluid
                                                         Game Rigid Body
                                                         Game Cloth
                    32                                   Marching Cubes
                                                         Sports Video Analysis
                                                         Video Cast Indexing
                                                         Home Video Editing
                                                         Text Indexing
                                                         Ray Tracing
                                                         Foreground Estimation
                                                         Human Body Tracker
                         0   16    32     48      64     Portifolio Management
                                                         Geometric Mean

Graphics Rendering – Physical Simulation -- Vision – Data Mining -- Analytics
What's The Problem?
   Multithreaded programming is “hard” today
     Doable by only a subgroup of senior specialists
     Parallel patterns are not prevalent, well known, nor
     easy to implement
     So many potential problems
        Races, deadlocks, livelocks, lock convoys, cache coherency
        overheads, lost event notifications, broken
        serializability, priority inversion, and so on…

   Businesses have little desire to “go deep”
     Best developers should focus on business value,
     not concurrency
     Need simple ways to allow all developers to write
     concurrent code
void MatrixMult(
    int size, double** m1, double** m2, double** result)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            result[i][j] = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
                result[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];
Static partitioning
void MatrixMult(
    int size, double** m1, double** m2, double** result) {
  int N = size;
                                              Synchronization Knowledge
  int P = 2 * NUMPROCS;
  int Chunk = N / P;
  HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
                                                      Error prone
  long counter = P;
  for (int c = 0; c < P; c++) {
    std::thread t ([&,c] {                         Lots of boilerplate
      for (int i = c * Chunk;
           i < (c + 1 == P ? N : (c + 1) * Chunk); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
          result[i][j] = 0;
          for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
            result[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];          Tricks
                                                  Lack of thread reuse
      if (InterlockedDecrement(counter) == 0)
  }                                              Heavy synchronization
Microsoft Parallel Computing Technologies

                                         Task Concurrency

                •Robotics-based                       •Automotive control system
                                                      •Internet –based photo
                                     WF                             WF
                manufacturing assembly line
                •Silverlight Olympics viewer          services
                              TPL / PPL   Maestro aka Axum

  Local                                                                                           Distributed/
Computing                                                                                      Cloud Computing

                •Ultrasound imaging                      •Enterprise search, OLTP, collab
                                                                Cluster SOA
                                                         •Animation / CGI rendering
                •Media encode/decode                     •Weather forecasting
                       PLINQ                                    Cluster PLINQ
                •Image processing/                       •Seismic monitoring
                                                         •Oil exploration
            OpenMP     TPL / PPL                                Cluster TPL    MPI / MPI.Net
                •Data visualization
            Compute Shader

                                          Data Parallelism
Visual Studio 2010
 Tools / Programming Models / Runtimes
 Integrated                Programming Models                                                      Programming Models
                                                                                                    Parallel Pattern
    Parallel                         Task Parallel                                                                        Agents
   Debugger                                                                                             Library           Library

                                                               Data Structures

                                                                                 Data Structures
                           Concurrency Runtime                                                      Concurrency Runtime

                                                                                                          Task Scheduler
                                     Task Scheduler
                                  Resource Manager
                                                                                                        Resource Manager

                                                   Operating System


Key:     Managed Library       Native Library      Tools
Explicit Tasking Support
      .NET 4.0                      Visual Studio 2010 C++
      Task Parallel Library         Parallel Pattern Library
       Task, TaskFactory                task, task_group
       Parallel.For                     parallel_for
       Parallel.Foreach                 parallel_for_each
       Parallel.Invoke                  parallel_invoke
       Concurrent data structures       Concurrent data structures
                                        Primitives for message passing
                                        User-mode locks

Task Parallel Library ( TPL )

     No Threading
     to Threading
     to Tasks

User Mode Scheduler
  CLR Thread Pool


                 Worker         Worker
                Thread 1       Thread p

User Mode Scheduler For Tasks
     CLR Thread Pool: Work-Stealing

                           Local             Local
                           Queue             Queue

                        Worker              Worker
                       Thread 1            Thread p
                                            Task 6
                    Task Task 3
Task 1                    Task 5
 Task 2Program
Tasks revisited

     More on Tasks

Debugger Support
Support both managed and native
1. Parallel Tasks
2. Parallel Stacks
Higher Level Constructs
 Even with Task there are common patterns that
 build into higher level abstractions

 The Parallel class
   Invoke, For, For<T>, Foreach
 Care needs to be taken with state, ordering
   “This is not your Father’s for loop”


Declarative Data Parallelism
Parallel LINQ-to-Objects (PLINQ)
     Enables LINQ devs to leverage multiple cores
     Fully supports all .NET standard query operators
     Minimal impact to existing LINQ model

    var q = from p in people.AsParallel()
            where p.Name == queryInfo.Name &&
                  p.State == queryInfo.State &&
                  p.Year >= yearStart &&
                  p.Year <= yearEnd
            orderby p.Year ascending
            select p;
Parallel LINQ

IEnumerable<BabyInfo> babies = ...;
var results = new List<BabyInfo>();
foreach(var baby in babies)
    if (baby.Name == queryName &&
        baby.State == queryState &&
        baby.Year >= yearStart &&
        baby.Year <= yearEnd)
results.Sort((b1, b2) =>
IEnumerable<BabyInfo> babies = …;
var results = new List<BabyInfo>();
int partitionsCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
int remainingCount = partitionsCount;
var enumerator = babies.GetEnumerator();
try {
  using (var done = new ManualResetEvent(false)) {
    for(int i = 0; i < partitionsCount; i++) {
      ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
        while(true) {
          BabyInfo baby;
          lock (enumerator) {
            if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) break;
            baby = enumerator.Current;
          if (baby.Name == queryName && baby.State == queryState &&
              baby.Year >= yearStart && baby.Year <= yearEnd) {
              lock (results) results.Add(baby);
        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref remainingCount) == 0) done.Set();
    results.Sort((b1, b2) => b1.Year.CompareTo(b2.Year));
  if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose();
var results = from baby in babies.AsParallel()
              where baby.Name == queryName &&
                    baby.State == queryState &&
                    baby.Year >= yearStart &&
                    baby.Year <= yearEnd
              orderby baby.Year ascending
              select baby;
Coordination Data Structures
 Thread-safe collections
   SpinLock, SpinWait, SemaphoreSlim ...
 Work Exchange
   BlockingCollection<T> ...
 Phased Operation
   CountdownEvent ...
Coordination Data Structures

What Next?
  Slides and links
Wait for the Beta of Visual Studio 2008 and
OR for the most impatient
  Download VS 2010 CTP
    Remember to set the clock back
  Download Parallel Extensions June 2008 CTP for VS2008

Heads up: Axum
 Previously called Maestro
 Incubation project!
 New programming language
 Lets you take advantage of parallelism without
 “thinking about it”
 Agent based programming vs Object based
   Model agents and their interactions via messages
   No public methods, fields
Axum “Hello World”
using System;

agent Program :
  override int Run(String[] args)
    Console.WriteLine(quot;Hello, World!quot;);
Channels and Agents

using System;
using System.Concurrency;
                                                   agent MainAgent : channel Microsoft.Axum.Application
using Microsoft.Axum;
                                                     public MainAgent()
channel Adder
                                                       var adder = AdderAgent.CreateInNewDomain();
  input int Num1;
                                                       adder::Num1 <-- 10;
  input int Num2;
                                                       adder::Num2 <-- 20;
  output int Sum;
                                                       // do something useful ...
                                                       var sum = receive(adder::Sum);
agent AdderAgent : channel Adder
  public AdderAgent()
                                                           PrimaryChannel::ExitCode <-- 0;
    int result = receive(PrimaryChannel::Num1) +
    PrimaryChannel::Sum <-- result;
Heads up: Concurrent Basic
    Research Project

    Added message passing primitives – channels
Module Buffer
 Public Asynchronous Put(ByVal s As String)
 Public Synchronous Take() As String
 Private Function CaseTakeAndPut(ByVal s As String) As String When Take, Put
  Return s
 End Function
End Module

Thread1:                                              Thread2:
Put(“Hello”)                                          result = Take()

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Overview Of Parallel Development - Ericnel

  • 1. Overview of Parallel Development Visual Studio 2010 + a little on Axum and Concurrent Basic Eric Nelson 1
  • 2. Microsoft UK MSDN Flash Newsletter Every two weeks, pure joy enters your Inbox  MSDN Flash Podcast Pilot For feedback MSDN Flash eBook 13 of the “Best Technical Technical Authors wanted Articles of 2008” for the Flash – 400 to 500 words. Fancy it?
  • 3. Agenda Overview of what we are up to Drill down into parallel programming for managed developers If we have time, “heads up” on Axum and CB
  • 4. Things I learnt... We have a very large investment in parallel computing We have “something for everyone” It is not all synced, it is sometimes overlapping It is a big topic Managed vs native vs client vs server vs task vs data... Even with the investment, design/code/test for parallel is far harder Locking, Deadlocks, Livelocks It is about getting ready for the future Code today – run better tomorrow? VS2010 CTP – not a great place for parallel Single core in guest Unsupported route to use Hyper-V Easiest route to dabble – Microsoft Parallel Extensions June CTP for VS2008
  • 5. Buying a new Processor £100 - £300 Core 64-bit 2-3GHz Core 2 cores or 4
  • 6. Buying a new Processor £200 - £500 Core Core Core Core 64-bit 2-3GHz 4 cores with HT Memory Controller QuickPath Interconnect
  • 7. Where will it all end?
  • 8. Was it a wise purchase? App 1 My Code .NET Framework .NET CLR App 1 App 2 ... Windows OS
  • 9. Was it a wise purchase? Some environments scale to take advantage of additional CPU cores (mostly server-side) ... ASP.NET Web Forms/Services WCF Services WF Engine .NET ThreadPool or Custom Threading Strategy A lot of code does not (mostly client-side) This code will see little benefit from future hardware advances 
  • 10. What happened to “The Free Lunch”? Bad sequential code will run faster on a faster processor Bad parallel code WILL NOT run faster on more cores Just using parallel code is not enough Speedup 3 2.5 2 1.5 Speedup 1 0.5 0 1 2 4 8 16 32
  • 11. Applications Can Scale Well 64 Production Fluid Production Face Production Cloth Parallel Speedup 48 Game Fluid Game Rigid Body Game Cloth 32 Marching Cubes Sports Video Analysis Video Cast Indexing Home Video Editing 16 Text Indexing Ray Tracing Foreground Estimation 0 Human Body Tracker 0 16 32 48 64 Portifolio Management Geometric Mean Cores Graphics Rendering – Physical Simulation -- Vision – Data Mining -- Analytics
  • 12. What's The Problem? Multithreaded programming is “hard” today Doable by only a subgroup of senior specialists Parallel patterns are not prevalent, well known, nor easy to implement So many potential problems Races, deadlocks, livelocks, lock convoys, cache coherency overheads, lost event notifications, broken serializability, priority inversion, and so on… Businesses have little desire to “go deep” Best developers should focus on business value, not concurrency Need simple ways to allow all developers to write concurrent code
  • 13. void MatrixMult( int size, double** m1, double** m2, double** result) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { result[i][j] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { result[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]; } } } }
  • 14. Static partitioning void MatrixMult( int size, double** m1, double** m2, double** result) { int N = size; Synchronization Knowledge int P = 2 * NUMPROCS; int Chunk = N / P; HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); Error prone long counter = P; for (int c = 0; c < P; c++) { std::thread t ([&,c] { Lots of boilerplate for (int i = c * Chunk; i < (c + 1 == P ? N : (c + 1) * Chunk); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { result[i][j] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { result[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]; Tricks } } } Lack of thread reuse if (InterlockedDecrement(counter) == 0) SetEvent(hEvent); }); } Heavy synchronization WaitForSingleObject(hEvent,INFINITE); CloseHandle(hEvent); }
  • 15. Microsoft Parallel Computing Technologies Task Concurrency WCF CCR •Robotics-based •Automotive control system •Internet –based photo WF WF manufacturing assembly line •Silverlight Olympics viewer services TPL / PPL Maestro aka Axum Local Distributed/ Computing Cloud Computing •Ultrasound imaging •Enterprise search, OLTP, collab Cluster SOA •Animation / CGI rendering equipment •Media encode/decode •Weather forecasting PLINQ Cluster PLINQ •Image processing/ •Seismic monitoring •Oil exploration enhancement OpenMP TPL / PPL Cluster TPL MPI / MPI.Net •Data visualization Compute Shader CDS Data Parallelism
  • 16. Visual Studio 2010 Tools / Programming Models / Runtimes Integrated Programming Models Programming Models Tooling PLINQ Parallel Pattern Parallel Task Parallel Agents Debugger Library Library Library Tool Data Structures Data Structures Concurrency Runtime Concurrency Runtime ThreadPool Task Scheduler Profiler Task Scheduler Concurrency Analysis Resource Manager Resource Manager Operating System Threads Key: Managed Library Native Library Tools
  • 17. Explicit Tasking Support .NET 4.0 Visual Studio 2010 C++ Task Parallel Library Parallel Pattern Library Task, TaskFactory task, task_group Parallel.For parallel_for Parallel.Foreach parallel_for_each Parallel.Invoke parallel_invoke Concurrent data structures Concurrent data structures Primitives for message passing User-mode locks 17
  • 19. Task No Threading to Threading to Tasks 19
  • 20. User Mode Scheduler CLR Thread Pool Global Queue Worker Worker … Thread 1 Thread p Program Thread
  • 21. User Mode Scheduler For Tasks CLR Thread Pool: Work-Stealing Local Local … Queue Queue Global Queue Worker Worker … Thread 1 Thread p Task 6 Task Task 3 4 Task 1 Task 5 Task 2Program Thread
  • 22. Tasks revisited More on Tasks 22
  • 23. Debugger Support Support both managed and native 1. Parallel Tasks 2. Parallel Stacks
  • 24. Higher Level Constructs Even with Task there are common patterns that build into higher level abstractions The Parallel class Invoke, For, For<T>, Foreach Care needs to be taken with state, ordering “This is not your Father’s for loop”
  • 25. Parallel Parallel.ForEach Parallel.Invoke 25
  • 26. Declarative Data Parallelism Parallel LINQ-to-Objects (PLINQ) Enables LINQ devs to leverage multiple cores Fully supports all .NET standard query operators Minimal impact to existing LINQ model var q = from p in people.AsParallel() where p.Name == queryInfo.Name && p.State == queryInfo.State && p.Year >= yearStart && p.Year <= yearEnd orderby p.Year ascending select p;
  • 28. IEnumerable<BabyInfo> babies = ...; var results = new List<BabyInfo>(); foreach(var baby in babies) { if (baby.Name == queryName && baby.State == queryState && baby.Year >= yearStart && baby.Year <= yearEnd) { results.Add(baby); } } results.Sort((b1, b2) => b1.Year.CompareTo(b2.Year));
  • 29. IEnumerable<BabyInfo> babies = …; var results = new List<BabyInfo>(); int partitionsCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; int remainingCount = partitionsCount; var enumerator = babies.GetEnumerator(); try { using (var done = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { for(int i = 0; i < partitionsCount; i++) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { while(true) { BabyInfo baby; lock (enumerator) { if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) break; baby = enumerator.Current; } if (baby.Name == queryName && baby.State == queryState && baby.Year >= yearStart && baby.Year <= yearEnd) { lock (results) results.Add(baby); } } if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref remainingCount) == 0) done.Set(); }); } done.WaitOne(); results.Sort((b1, b2) => b1.Year.CompareTo(b2.Year)); } } finally { if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); }
  • 30. var results = from baby in babies.AsParallel() where baby.Name == queryName && baby.State == queryState && baby.Year >= yearStart && baby.Year <= yearEnd orderby baby.Year ascending select baby;
  • 31. Coordination Data Structures Thread-safe collections ConcurrentStack<T>... Locks SpinLock, SpinWait, SemaphoreSlim ... Work Exchange BlockingCollection<T> ... Phased Operation CountdownEvent ...
  • 33. What Next? Slides and links Wait for the Beta of Visual Studio 2008 and OR for the most impatient Download VS 2010 CTP Remember to set the clock back Or Download Parallel Extensions June 2008 CTP for VS2008
  • 35. Heads up: Axum Previously called Maestro Incubation project! New programming language Lets you take advantage of parallelism without “thinking about it” Agent based programming vs Object based programming Model agents and their interactions via messages No public methods, fields
  • 36. Axum “Hello World” using System; agent Program : Microsoft.Axum.ConsoleApplication { override int Run(String[] args) { Console.WriteLine(quot;Hello, World!quot;); } }
  • 37. Channels and Agents using System; using System.Concurrency; agent MainAgent : channel Microsoft.Axum.Application using Microsoft.Axum; { public MainAgent() channel Adder { { var adder = AdderAgent.CreateInNewDomain(); input int Num1; adder::Num1 <-- 10; input int Num2; adder::Num2 <-- 20; output int Sum; // do something useful ... } var sum = receive(adder::Sum); agent AdderAgent : channel Adder Console.WriteLine(sum); { public AdderAgent() PrimaryChannel::ExitCode <-- 0; { } int result = receive(PrimaryChannel::Num1) + } receive(PrimaryChannel::Num2); PrimaryChannel::Sum <-- result; } }
  • 38. Heads up: Concurrent Basic Research Project Basic/ Added message passing primitives – channels Module Buffer Public Asynchronous Put(ByVal s As String) Public Synchronous Take() As String Private Function CaseTakeAndPut(ByVal s As String) As String When Take, Put Return s End Function End Module Thread1: Thread2: Put(“Hello”) result = Take()