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Overcoming Coveteousness
“I want…”

Philippians 4:11-13
Colossians 3:1-3
1 Timothy 6:1-12
Hebrews 13:5-6
James 3:16
James 4:1-8
Isaiah 30:21

When we think of the word covet, we think of being jealous for other people’s things or desiring
something. We think of envying the person so we can be like them. But the word covet means
something totally different. Coveting generally means to have an ongoing desire for other people’s
things and masters. The opposite of that is contentment with God. Covetousness when thought about
seems like a mild sin, but it is one if not the most deadly, because all other sins are associated with it.
The 10th commandment, thall shall not covet, is the deadliest of all the 10, because James 3:16 says
where envy and self-seeking exist, all forms of disorder are present. God can only bring true
fulfillment and people who try to find fulfillment else ware are being covetous. Its why our hearts are
after material, worldly things, especially relationships, because we want happiness, pleasure, etc in
something rather than God. We seek things that we can benefit our lives the more, why people fall into
many different types of sin. The reason why people are into sex is because they desire craving. Its “I
want”, “I want”. Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 to not take concern for your life but give it to God. But too
often, we have to have these cravings so we can be fulfilled and happy. Jesus said in the same chapter,
“where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be also”.

Reality about the Present World
Its not a sin to have money, or to be rich. Its not a sin to desire friends. Its definitely not a sin to want
sex in marriage, but when we love these more than God, Satan creates a foothold. The world is passing
away due to the reign of sin, and things are only temporal. You come in with nothing, we leave with
nothing (1 Timothy 6:7). We all want to pursue anything to fill the void on the inside and to fulfill our
needs to be happy, secure and love. Its why with me earlier this year, I was trying to fill my life with
people so I can be happy, but I still just wasn’t satisfied (Turns out, It was a rejection that caused that).
You’re just passing through this world, and the most important relationship you can ever have is with
God. Humble yourself to God, spend time with him and he will take care of needs no one else can take
care of. You’re living for eternity so it is important to not get caught up in the world’s toys (like
money, sex, etc). They will not bring you fulfillment and if that causes you to not believe in Christ,
then you will go to hell. Your life wouldn’t mean anything anymore. People is a major one people
have. They want people to stay in their lives so they can be happy and if they leave or downgrade on
them, they will be devastated. People will come and go, life will go on. Truth is, people will reject you
and people will come and go, so do not get too attached to people, places or things. They just aren’t
meant to be forever. Get attached to God. Only God can bring true fulfillment in your life. Nothing in
this world can bring you lasting joy and peace, except for God. This world is passing away and the
only thing that will remain is you and God.

Who do you serve?
When you covet something, you end up serving that thing. Some people have such a craving for
friends they will do anything to get friends. Same with money and sex, they have such a craving that
they just cannot stop. It has become a God. In two places, Paul links Covetousness to Idolatry
(Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:5). When you covet, you end up serving that thing so you can be happy.
It’s a form of control Satan uses. Jesus says, “You cannot serve two masters for you will love on and
hate the other”. You may think, Im a born again Christian, that can never happen to me! Oh yeah it
can. It just takes one hat purchase to equal 10 hat purchases then 20 and pretty soon, your room is hats
off. The one thing about these cravings is that people want more and more and are never satisfied.
People are just never satisfied, they just cannot get what they want. Many people just do not know the
awesome love of God and only he can bring true fulfillment and purpose for your life. In life, we try to
figure out things and live our own ways and it brings wars and divisions amoungst people because we
run into each other all the time (James 4:1-5). We want to take care of ourselves instead of letting go
and letting God, a major component of our sin nature. This is the root of covetousness, pride,
selfishness, conceit and haughtiness. We think we know better than God. Who do you serve?

Wars with others
Being covetous causes us to war against others because we desire what other people have. James 4:1-5
illustrates why wars and fights come with you, because of envy and self-seeking (James 3:16). Since
our needs aren’t met and we want what they have, we will do anything to get it. Its why people get
jealous when someone they love rejects them and talks to one of their friends. They feel the green
monster coming up when the person they want to be great friends with talks to their best friends. When
they have a best friend, and someone tries talking to them, they feel threatened because they do not
want to lose that relationship, or they are in love and do not want to lose him/her. It is a control issue,
and one that needs to be broken to be set free. There is an immature saying around called “stealing
friends” and it’s rooted in covetousness. Its why people are territorial because they do not want to lose
any of their friends. People are controlling in nature because they want to be sure that their
“fulfillment”, “comfort zone” or their being isn’t threatened by any means. The only true way to
combat covetousness is by being content in God and letting him fight your battles and take care of your
needs. I know how it feels when you feel like someone is trying to steal your girl, but let God take care
of those situations and continue to do what is right in the sight of God (Galatians 5:14, Romans 12:17).
No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

Being Content in God
Only God can make you happy so learn to be content with what you have and learn to allow God to
meet all your needs. Its one of the reasons why I just do not base my acceptance, worth, or
performance in people anymore; since I’ll never measure up and people always change. With people,
you will never measure up, but when you trust in Jesus for the remissions of your sins, you measure up
to God so its important to know he accepts you, he considers you worthy enough to be called his son,
and he sees you as able to do anything with his strength. Do not set your affection on wordly things, set
it on heavenly things, for they will bring you joy. I am not saying do not enjoy the world, for God
wants you to enjoy life and the fun times you have with others, but he wants you to put all your
affection, happiness in what will last for eternity, which is in Jesus Christ. Its great to have friends and
enjoy them, but do not put your fulfillment in them (in other words, do not much too much heart in
them, or you will get hurt). They will let you down and may leave you, but God is with you. Be
content with what you have and be thankful for everything God has placed in your life. If you have 1
friend, be thankful. The cure for covetousness is gratitude and contentment, just be thankful for what
God has done for you and what God will do for you. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of
God (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Just be yourself and place your faith, self-esteem, etc in God. No one is
inferior to anyone else, and since we all have a lifesong to sing, we all have something to give to the
table. Don’t let anyone get to you, just be yourself, if you know who you are in Christ, and you know
your position, and the true meaning of your words, no one else’s view of you matters. Since you are
the author, your interpretation is the main interpretation. So you do not have to defend yourself all the
time or be like everyone else. IF someone blurts out in a room full of people, “so and so is trying to get
attention” for instance, and you know you aren’t, just be still and know that he is God. Let God deal
with them. Be thankful and content with who God made you to be and let him take care of your needs.
Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you. If there is any threatening situation, give it to God.
Let God fulfill the main needs of fulfillment you have in you. Sure, God has placed needs in us to have
relations with other people, but he wants our acceptance to be in him, not in other people. He wants us
to be balanced by basing our main intimacy and relational needs in him, and second to that, other
people. For money, God wants us to be wealthy, but he wants us to love him, not money. He gives us
money so we can be a blessing to others. But he doesn’t give us money so we can serve money. He
didn’t give us friends so we can serve people as God and not him as God, He gave us these things so in
this life, our needs will be met. We need to look at the creator, not the creation. Anytime we feel like
we need to have this so we can be happy is when you have crossed the line into idolatry. All idolatry is
rooted in stubbornness, or “I want to do things this way and that way”. The thing you need to do in this
situation is to submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you to overcome stubbornness,
which is idolatry (1 Samuel 15:23). Often times, the reason for that is because we are trying to get
friends, money, when we need to rely on God to do it. God has the power to get you wealth, even a
wealth of friends (Deut 8:18). Joy is happiness on steroids and only true joy can be found in Christ, not
in things. Joy is a state of happiness, even in the worst of situations. You can only have true peace and
joy in God. You cannot find it in a school, in a printed token, only God can give you friends, joy, and
can mature you, not yourself. God’s truth shall set you free. Instead of trying to take care of needs
yourself, why don’t you rely on God for everything? If you try to do things yourself, do things to
please everyone and look for other avenues for fulfillment, then you will not be happy. But if you look
to God, you will be happy. Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and the rest will be added unto

Walk in Jesus
Isaiah 30:21 says there is a voice crying out that says, “this is the way, walk in it!”. Jesus is the way,
and we need to walk in his way, and not our own way, because we are not our own, we are bought with
a price. We were never our own God, we always needed someone to submit to. That’s true for
everyone since nothing came from us personally. I have heard that you do not need to follow anything,
just be your own person, but that is self-contradictory, because everyone follows something and you
cannot be your own person without adhering to some philosophy. Jesus said, I am the way, walk in me,
live in me. Since fulfillment can only come in God, then you need to play by his rules so you can enjoy
your freedom in him. When you find fulfillment in God, you enjoy true freedom but freedom always
comes with guidelines. It is important to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) and walk in truth.
The Bible says to be rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17). When you know God’s love and
grace, you will walk in his truth. Operate in Grace, Be merciful, be gentle, be humble before God, and
learn to practice true humility by obeying God and living a life that pleases God. Without faith, it is
impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) so walk by faith in Christ. Faith in Christ is more than
getting stuff, it is trusting in him and not yourself that he is LORD, and that he is the way, the truth and
the life. When you trust him, you will walk in him, and God will supply all of your needs.

Needs of Fulfillment
God always makes sure you are complete in him as you were created to be. Our basic needs are: God,
belonging, love, happiness, peace, forgiveness and affection. We all want to be loved, we all want to
belong, and we all want to be approved of by people. We all want others to see us worthy and able to
do things. Its why rejection cuts to the core because we just do not measure up. This is breeding
ground for insecurity and fear if not given to God. Only God can fulfill your needs and when his love
overtakes you, you can show that love to other people. He will take care of your basic needs that
nothing else can take care of. The main thing people lack is God and God can only fill that need. We
are natural givers, even when we do not want to. That’s how God made us and he wants us to have a
sense of belonging love and affection so we can be secure in him. He will give you friends to enjoy,
and money to use, but he doesn’t want you to get too attached to them because they will not last
forever, he wants you to be attached to him.

Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “Let your conversation (Behavior) be without covetousness; and be content with
such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may
boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me”.
When we rely on him for our needs and not covet anything else for our needs, God will help you in
your time of need, and you do not need to fear what man does to you. So place your fulfillment in God
and let God be everything to you and you will be set.

In Conclusion
Paul writes to the Ephesians to not let Covetous Behavior be named amoung you (Ephesians 5:1-5), for
it is how the heathens acted and the Christians needed to be a better witness. Its important in our
journey with God to keep ourselves in the love of God (Jude 21) so we can experience his fulfillment
everyday of our lives. Fulfillment came when Jesus died on the cross and it was finished. Just trust in
him, and God will make all things new and continue to keep yourself in the love of God by staying in
the word, staying in prayer, staying in church, and guarding your heart with all diligence. Its important
to continue to find fulfillment in God so God can fulfill all of your days and when you let him be
LORD, he will take good care of you. Remember, covetousness will eat you up on the inside if you let
it so be content in God and let him overflow you with his love. You will not be put to shame (Romans

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Overcoming Coveteousness

  • 1. Overcoming Coveteousness “I want…” Philippians 4:11-13 Colossians 3:1-3 1 Timothy 6:1-12 Hebrews 13:5-6 James 3:16 James 4:1-8 Isaiah 30:21 Introduction When we think of the word covet, we think of being jealous for other people’s things or desiring something. We think of envying the person so we can be like them. But the word covet means something totally different. Coveting generally means to have an ongoing desire for other people’s things and masters. The opposite of that is contentment with God. Covetousness when thought about seems like a mild sin, but it is one if not the most deadly, because all other sins are associated with it. The 10th commandment, thall shall not covet, is the deadliest of all the 10, because James 3:16 says where envy and self-seeking exist, all forms of disorder are present. God can only bring true fulfillment and people who try to find fulfillment else ware are being covetous. Its why our hearts are after material, worldly things, especially relationships, because we want happiness, pleasure, etc in something rather than God. We seek things that we can benefit our lives the more, why people fall into many different types of sin. The reason why people are into sex is because they desire craving. Its “I want”, “I want”. Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 to not take concern for your life but give it to God. But too often, we have to have these cravings so we can be fulfilled and happy. Jesus said in the same chapter, “where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be also”. Reality about the Present World Its not a sin to have money, or to be rich. Its not a sin to desire friends. Its definitely not a sin to want sex in marriage, but when we love these more than God, Satan creates a foothold. The world is passing away due to the reign of sin, and things are only temporal. You come in with nothing, we leave with nothing (1 Timothy 6:7). We all want to pursue anything to fill the void on the inside and to fulfill our needs to be happy, secure and love. Its why with me earlier this year, I was trying to fill my life with people so I can be happy, but I still just wasn’t satisfied (Turns out, It was a rejection that caused that). You’re just passing through this world, and the most important relationship you can ever have is with God. Humble yourself to God, spend time with him and he will take care of needs no one else can take care of. You’re living for eternity so it is important to not get caught up in the world’s toys (like money, sex, etc). They will not bring you fulfillment and if that causes you to not believe in Christ, then you will go to hell. Your life wouldn’t mean anything anymore. People is a major one people have. They want people to stay in their lives so they can be happy and if they leave or downgrade on them, they will be devastated. People will come and go, life will go on. Truth is, people will reject you and people will come and go, so do not get too attached to people, places or things. They just aren’t meant to be forever. Get attached to God. Only God can bring true fulfillment in your life. Nothing in this world can bring you lasting joy and peace, except for God. This world is passing away and the only thing that will remain is you and God. Who do you serve? When you covet something, you end up serving that thing. Some people have such a craving for friends they will do anything to get friends. Same with money and sex, they have such a craving that
  • 2. they just cannot stop. It has become a God. In two places, Paul links Covetousness to Idolatry (Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:5). When you covet, you end up serving that thing so you can be happy. It’s a form of control Satan uses. Jesus says, “You cannot serve two masters for you will love on and hate the other”. You may think, Im a born again Christian, that can never happen to me! Oh yeah it can. It just takes one hat purchase to equal 10 hat purchases then 20 and pretty soon, your room is hats off. The one thing about these cravings is that people want more and more and are never satisfied. People are just never satisfied, they just cannot get what they want. Many people just do not know the awesome love of God and only he can bring true fulfillment and purpose for your life. In life, we try to figure out things and live our own ways and it brings wars and divisions amoungst people because we run into each other all the time (James 4:1-5). We want to take care of ourselves instead of letting go and letting God, a major component of our sin nature. This is the root of covetousness, pride, selfishness, conceit and haughtiness. We think we know better than God. Who do you serve? Wars with others Being covetous causes us to war against others because we desire what other people have. James 4:1-5 illustrates why wars and fights come with you, because of envy and self-seeking (James 3:16). Since our needs aren’t met and we want what they have, we will do anything to get it. Its why people get jealous when someone they love rejects them and talks to one of their friends. They feel the green monster coming up when the person they want to be great friends with talks to their best friends. When they have a best friend, and someone tries talking to them, they feel threatened because they do not want to lose that relationship, or they are in love and do not want to lose him/her. It is a control issue, and one that needs to be broken to be set free. There is an immature saying around called “stealing friends” and it’s rooted in covetousness. Its why people are territorial because they do not want to lose any of their friends. People are controlling in nature because they want to be sure that their “fulfillment”, “comfort zone” or their being isn’t threatened by any means. The only true way to combat covetousness is by being content in God and letting him fight your battles and take care of your needs. I know how it feels when you feel like someone is trying to steal your girl, but let God take care of those situations and continue to do what is right in the sight of God (Galatians 5:14, Romans 12:17). No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Being Content in God Only God can make you happy so learn to be content with what you have and learn to allow God to meet all your needs. Its one of the reasons why I just do not base my acceptance, worth, or performance in people anymore; since I’ll never measure up and people always change. With people, you will never measure up, but when you trust in Jesus for the remissions of your sins, you measure up to God so its important to know he accepts you, he considers you worthy enough to be called his son, and he sees you as able to do anything with his strength. Do not set your affection on wordly things, set it on heavenly things, for they will bring you joy. I am not saying do not enjoy the world, for God wants you to enjoy life and the fun times you have with others, but he wants you to put all your affection, happiness in what will last for eternity, which is in Jesus Christ. Its great to have friends and enjoy them, but do not put your fulfillment in them (in other words, do not much too much heart in them, or you will get hurt). They will let you down and may leave you, but God is with you. Be content with what you have and be thankful for everything God has placed in your life. If you have 1 friend, be thankful. The cure for covetousness is gratitude and contentment, just be thankful for what God has done for you and what God will do for you. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Just be yourself and place your faith, self-esteem, etc in God. No one is inferior to anyone else, and since we all have a lifesong to sing, we all have something to give to the table. Don’t let anyone get to you, just be yourself, if you know who you are in Christ, and you know
  • 3. your position, and the true meaning of your words, no one else’s view of you matters. Since you are the author, your interpretation is the main interpretation. So you do not have to defend yourself all the time or be like everyone else. IF someone blurts out in a room full of people, “so and so is trying to get attention” for instance, and you know you aren’t, just be still and know that he is God. Let God deal with them. Be thankful and content with who God made you to be and let him take care of your needs. Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you. If there is any threatening situation, give it to God. Let God fulfill the main needs of fulfillment you have in you. Sure, God has placed needs in us to have relations with other people, but he wants our acceptance to be in him, not in other people. He wants us to be balanced by basing our main intimacy and relational needs in him, and second to that, other people. For money, God wants us to be wealthy, but he wants us to love him, not money. He gives us money so we can be a blessing to others. But he doesn’t give us money so we can serve money. He didn’t give us friends so we can serve people as God and not him as God, He gave us these things so in this life, our needs will be met. We need to look at the creator, not the creation. Anytime we feel like we need to have this so we can be happy is when you have crossed the line into idolatry. All idolatry is rooted in stubbornness, or “I want to do things this way and that way”. The thing you need to do in this situation is to submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you to overcome stubbornness, which is idolatry (1 Samuel 15:23). Often times, the reason for that is because we are trying to get friends, money, when we need to rely on God to do it. God has the power to get you wealth, even a wealth of friends (Deut 8:18). Joy is happiness on steroids and only true joy can be found in Christ, not in things. Joy is a state of happiness, even in the worst of situations. You can only have true peace and joy in God. You cannot find it in a school, in a printed token, only God can give you friends, joy, and can mature you, not yourself. God’s truth shall set you free. Instead of trying to take care of needs yourself, why don’t you rely on God for everything? If you try to do things yourself, do things to please everyone and look for other avenues for fulfillment, then you will not be happy. But if you look to God, you will be happy. Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and the rest will be added unto you. Walk in Jesus Isaiah 30:21 says there is a voice crying out that says, “this is the way, walk in it!”. Jesus is the way, and we need to walk in his way, and not our own way, because we are not our own, we are bought with a price. We were never our own God, we always needed someone to submit to. That’s true for everyone since nothing came from us personally. I have heard that you do not need to follow anything, just be your own person, but that is self-contradictory, because everyone follows something and you cannot be your own person without adhering to some philosophy. Jesus said, I am the way, walk in me, live in me. Since fulfillment can only come in God, then you need to play by his rules so you can enjoy your freedom in him. When you find fulfillment in God, you enjoy true freedom but freedom always comes with guidelines. It is important to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) and walk in truth. The Bible says to be rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17). When you know God’s love and grace, you will walk in his truth. Operate in Grace, Be merciful, be gentle, be humble before God, and learn to practice true humility by obeying God and living a life that pleases God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) so walk by faith in Christ. Faith in Christ is more than getting stuff, it is trusting in him and not yourself that he is LORD, and that he is the way, the truth and the life. When you trust him, you will walk in him, and God will supply all of your needs. Needs of Fulfillment God always makes sure you are complete in him as you were created to be. Our basic needs are: God, belonging, love, happiness, peace, forgiveness and affection. We all want to be loved, we all want to belong, and we all want to be approved of by people. We all want others to see us worthy and able to do things. Its why rejection cuts to the core because we just do not measure up. This is breeding
  • 4. ground for insecurity and fear if not given to God. Only God can fulfill your needs and when his love overtakes you, you can show that love to other people. He will take care of your basic needs that nothing else can take care of. The main thing people lack is God and God can only fill that need. We are natural givers, even when we do not want to. That’s how God made us and he wants us to have a sense of belonging love and affection so we can be secure in him. He will give you friends to enjoy, and money to use, but he doesn’t want you to get too attached to them because they will not last forever, he wants you to be attached to him. Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “Let your conversation (Behavior) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me”. When we rely on him for our needs and not covet anything else for our needs, God will help you in your time of need, and you do not need to fear what man does to you. So place your fulfillment in God and let God be everything to you and you will be set. In Conclusion Paul writes to the Ephesians to not let Covetous Behavior be named amoung you (Ephesians 5:1-5), for it is how the heathens acted and the Christians needed to be a better witness. Its important in our journey with God to keep ourselves in the love of God (Jude 21) so we can experience his fulfillment everyday of our lives. Fulfillment came when Jesus died on the cross and it was finished. Just trust in him, and God will make all things new and continue to keep yourself in the love of God by staying in the word, staying in prayer, staying in church, and guarding your heart with all diligence. Its important to continue to find fulfillment in God so God can fulfill all of your days and when you let him be LORD, he will take good care of you. Remember, covetousness will eat you up on the inside if you let it so be content in God and let him overflow you with his love. You will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11).