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Overall Comments:
Good continuation from your first Assessment Khanh. This
paper is moving towards a nicely structured, organized and
written paper, with details and supporting examples.
Nice job in further clarifying the issues regarding hiring in a
multicultural environment. Critical for this paper is to fulfill
the key ambition of this Assignment--to Analyze, to Apply and
to Assess! Examples and specifics help a lot. So would the use
of key insights from your research. More readings and
secondary research add depth. Most important was the
connection back to the ethical dilemma/issue. It would
be helpful to precede the review of the dilemma with a
definition of the criteria for determining a dilemma.
Nice job identifying (room for more analysis, compare and
contrasting) some of the five most common theoretical
approaches (Justice/Fairness, Universalism, Utilitarianism,
Rights and Virtue Ethics). I wish you had discussed more on
Rawl's Theory of Justice. This was critical, especially to set the
context early in the paper. And of course, you concluded, like
others, I think, that none are perfect and that it is important to
consider the "practical consequences" resulting from key
actions. And yes, while there are a lot of similarities there are
some key differences. As you implied, each situation is
different too, lending itself often, to a different approach. Most
important was your review of the different approaches,
application of a Step Model and your rationale for reviewing
and applying the different Approaches. Now I wonder which
one, leads the ethical decision making--Fairness supported by
Utilitarian Approach thinking or something different?!?
As with most papers it is helpful to see clear organization, with
a beginning, middle and end. You could work on this in the
second half of your paper. For example, generically speaking,
an Introduction clarifying what will follow, Background for
context, the Discussion and a Summary and/or Conclusion.
These beginning and ending sections help a lot and should be
In summary your paper is succinct (too much so at times) and to
the point--yet includes some helpful background and context. It
is important to exhibit a clear progression from discussion to
analysis to new insights. Moving from data acquisition to
information to knowledge building to insightful wisdom
continues to be important for the learning process this Term.
COMPETENCY: Evaluate the parameters for ethical decision
making in 21st century multi-cultural business
environments.CRITERION: Evaluate the parameters of various
ethical decision-making approaches.
Evaluates the parameters of various ethical decision-making
approaches.COMPETENCY: Evaluate organizational policy
within the framework of ethical
standards.CRITERION: Analyze an ethical dilemma using an
ethical decision-making approach.
Analyzes an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making
approach.CRITERION: Assess the validity of a resolution
suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach.
Assesses the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected
ethical decision-making
approach.COMPETENCY: Communicate
effectively.CRITERION: Communicate the analysis of ethical
decision-making clearly and effectively.
Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly
and effectively.
Starbucks Kapoor 2
Priysha Kapoor
Strayer University
HRM 560
Professor Beck
July 10, 2019
From its time of establishment, Starbucks has been among the
global beverage chain operating conglomerates dating back in
1971. They're selling the product is coffee which is quite
cherished worldwide. The human resource program, as well as
the conglomerate's policies, are to die for, the firm has a wide
range of employees basing (Starbuck, 2015) the fact that the
firm is an international conglomerate. Among the company’s
policies exists the employee training, this is normally done to
welcome new employees as well as the existing ones so as to
improve their services .in bid to adapt to the ever-changing
technology workers are always in “class” so that the company
can stay afloat against its rivals. Worker motivation is also
among the founding policies, the company monitors employees
on individual levels as well as going extra steps such as giving
workers days off so as to extract the best from them.
The marketing strategy for the company has been affected at
some point. One cannot ignore the fact that consumers have
been noted to spend less as well as the number of times that
they visited Starbuck stores. However, based on the company’s
brand name it has remained afloat while still remaining as the
dominant player. Rationally the conglomerate has failed in its
marketing formulation strategies which (Pollack, 2015)
attributed to the company history deterioration. Marketing
involves taking into consideration the client’s preferences while
still marking its rival company’s trends. The conglomerate
should take a competitive advantage which has always been
directed by the market as well as upgrading operational
efficiency. With the review of the above, the company should
notice a progressive upward trend in terms of sale so that
Starbuck can achieve its competitiveness
Starbuck, W. H. (2015). Organizations as action
generators. Available at SSRN 2708094.
Pollack, J., & Adler, D. (2015). Emergent trends and passing
fads in project management research: A scientometric analysis
of changes in the field. International Journal of Project
Management, 33(1), 236-248.
Running head: STARBUCKS Kapoor 1
Priysha Kapoor
Strayer Univesity
Professor Beck
July 28, 2019
Starbucks is a coffee outlet firm which was founded in the
year 1971. The organization has currently employed an
approximate od 187, 000 employees in its 97,768 stores in 62
countries. The organization main product mix involves roasted
as well as handcrafted coffees and teas which are highly-priced.
Also, the organization offers a variety of fresh foods products
as well as beverages employees ("About Us | Starbucks Coffee
Company," 2019).
Human resource Practices
The organization tends to have effects as well as efficient
human resource practices which enable it to always remain
competitive in the coffee industry. Through viewing its
employees as business partners has significantly assisted the
organization to attain a competitive advantage and in turn, the
organization’s business significantly thrives(Kralj, 2019). The
organization also focuses on improving its employees'
knowledge to be able to provide quality and satisfactory
services to its clients.
The organization has always engaged itself open
communication practices with its employees. Through this open
communication the employees or the business partners are
effectively informed on issues pertaining the business
operations. The organization frequently conducts open forums
where the senior leaders basically answer the questions from
employees and other mitigating issues. Starbucks has developed
a belief that ii is always essential to hire a workforce not only
because of their ability to be provided with proper training to
work in the organization as well as for customer satisfaction,
but rather the organization also mainly focuses on employing a
workforce which has a high aptitude for the social
consciousness. The Starbucks mission statement mainly focuses
on inspiring as well as nurturing the human spirit “one person,
one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.” The organization
has also established an excellent coffee brand due to its ethical
sourcing from the farms across the globe as well as environment
leadership. The coffee firm is renowned for its ability to engage
its self in different community activities such as volunteering
activities in areas where its outlets are located.
The organization also emphasizes on providing its
employees with frequent training to be able to improve their
knowledge to be able to foster effective client satisfaction. In
the organization training the employees are enlightened on the
company’s history as well as they are taught to conduct coffee
preparations as well as utilization of cash register Additionally
the organization also trains the employees on the right
communication skill to effectively interact with the clients to be
able to develop an environment that the company aims to
promote. Starbucks mainly focuses on developing human
practices, which will support its growth, as well as practices,
which promotes strong internal relationship between the
managerial and the employees. The organization also tends to
provide its part-time workers with the same benefits as the
fulltime employees. This human resource approach has enabled
the organization to attain significant admiration from other
organizations in the coffee industry and other industries. Some
of these benefits are healthcare, vision as well as dental
insurance. These benefits also tend to cover alternative health
care treatments such as nautrotherapy and hypotherapy. In
addition the organization also provides its workforce with
benefits such as the savings plan, free drinks on regular basis,
income protection as well as partner discount. Another special
benefit that the organization provides to its employees is the
“adoption Assistance Program” the benefit allows the
employees to reimburse a particular amount of the expenses
incurred during the childhood adoption process. The different
benefits that an organization provides to its employees always
keeps the workforce motivated and loyal to the organization and
in turn the performance of the organization is positively
impacted(Kralj, 2019).
For an organization to be able to remain success in its
specific industry it is essential that it effectively understand its
internal business processes. Understanding the internal business
process the organization is able to develop product as well as
services based to n the consumer demand in the market. Thus,
Starbucks human resource management aids the organization to
develop effective business strategies that emphasize on valuing
clients. For instance, Frappuccino was beverage which was
invented by one on it employee. Originally the administration at
the organization thought the beverage was a bad idea and they
kept fighting the idea but after the client feedback showed
positive support on the beverage the top management gave it a
go ahead and current the beverage is among the most ordered
drinks in many outlets employees ("About Us | Starbucks
Coffee Company," 2019).
Reasons for change
The way business is being conducted keeps changing due
to technology advancement, environment sustainability,
political influence, market trends among other factors, thus for
an organization to remain competitive it needs to constantly
change its business strategies and structure to be able to
compete in the market. In same manner Starbucks has gone
under several changes since it was founded as a strategy to
always remain competitive in the market (Kralj, 2019). Some of
the influencers of change in Starbucks business are
environmental sustainability, emerging market trends as well as
globalization and new technology. Change tends to be inevitable
if an organization need to remain competitive.
Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostic tools are methods which often determine if an
organization is ready for change. These diagnostic tools are
categorized into three models which are COPS, 7s, and Burke-
Litwin model. All the three models have different approaches to
determining if a company is ready for change or whether a
company needs a change in its business operations. With the aid
of the diagnostic tool, an organization such as Starbucks is able
to develop strategies which will support the changes it needs as
well as align the changes to fit the organization’s ultimate
goals. Fundamentally the diagnostic tools prepare and organize
for change. Seven-S and Burke-Litwin are the most effective
tools that would assit me to determine is Starbucks is ready to
change it business strategies. Burke-Litwin is essential because
it tends to predictive in nature, thus an organization is able to
make adjustments on the business strategy to fit the
organizational goal (Glowik, 2017). On the Other hand the
Seven S model emphasizes on aligning the different business
and organizational practices to the mission of the organization.
Starbucks Readiness for Change using the 7s Model
· Strategy- the organization uses a differentiation approach on
its products and services
· Structure- current framework of organization is a divisional
organizational structure
· Systems – the organization utilizes several systems to conduct
it daily business
· Staff - The organization views its employees are business
· Style- management or leadership style that is flexible and it
supports the growth of the organization
· Skills – available skills in the organization have assisted the
organization to build a strong brand
· Shared value- the organization focuses on balancing social
conscience and profitability.
Explanation and Interpretations
The finding from the assessment, show that Starbucks is
currently operating in a business structure and strategy that
support its growth. The organization is currently not ready for
change. A segment that may require change in future is on the
systems where the organization will be required to utilize a
single system to conduct and manage its daily businesses.
Kralj, A. (2019). The “why” of HR practices: employee
attributions regarding HR practices and resulting effects on
service climate and employee attitudes in casinos.
About Us | Starbucks Coffee Company. (2019). Retrieved from
Glowik, M. (2017). Case study: Starbucks. Global Strategy in
the Service Industries, 156-164. doi:10.4324/9781315682167-10
1. Assignment 3: Kotter Change Management Model
Due Week 6 and worth 140 points
Using the company that your instructor previously approved,
apply Kotter’s eight (8) steps of change management to an HR
situation you have selected for change. You will address all
eight (8) of the Kotter steps, developing an action plan for each
step. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional
video recorder to record a maximum of a five to seven (5-7)
minute dynamic video on the topics detailed below.
Alternatively, you may submit a four to six (4-6) page paper
instead of the video submission.
Note: If you are using a tablet or smartphone you will need to
email the video file to yourself, then save it to a computer in
order to upload to Blackboard. You may want to upload your
video to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox, if your email
will not let you send a large video file. Dropbox is accessible
from all smartphones and tablets from the Dropbox app.
Once you are ready to upload your video to Blackboard, click
here to view the "Student Video Assignment Submission" video
tutorial in the "Creating a Presentation for Your Course"
Please use the following naming convention in the popup
window for your video once it is finished uploading:
Title: Your First Name, Your Last Name – Managing
Organizational Change
Tags: HRM560, Organizational Change
Description: Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific
2. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change:
a. Establishing a sense of urgency
b. Creating coalition
c. Developing vision and strategy
d. Communicating the vision
e. Empowering broad-based action
f. Generating short-term wins
g. Consolidating gains and producing more change
h. Anchoring new approaches into the culture
3. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this
assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not
qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
. Compare theories of change management and select an
appropriate theory for an organization change.
. Analyze diagnostic models relevant to various aspects of the
change management process.
. Use technology and information resources to research issues in
managing organizational change.
. Write clearly and concisely about managing organizational
change using proper writing mechanics.
. Identify organizational changes that link to vision.
Click here to view the written paper grading rubric for this
· By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are
submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the
SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard
Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in
accordance with your institution's policies; and (3) that your use
of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc.
and its affiliates.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,
logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing
skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 140
Assignment 3: Kotter Change Management Model
Below 70% F
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely ascertained how each of the
steps applies to your specific organization.
Partially ascertained how each of the steps applies to your
specific organization.
Satisfactorily ascertained how each of the steps applies to your
specific organization.
Thoroughly ascertained how each of the steps applies to your
specific organization.
2a. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a sense of
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: establishing a sense of urgency.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a
sense of urgency.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change:
establishing a sense of urgency.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a
sense of urgency.
2b. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating coalition.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: creating coalition.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating
2c. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing vision and
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: developing vision and strategy.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing
vision and strategy.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change:
developing vision and strategy.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing
vision and strategy.
2d. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating the
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: communicating the vision.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating
the vision.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change:
communicating the vision.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating
the vision.
2e. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering broad-based
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: empowering broad-based action.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering
broad-based action.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change:
empowering broad-based action.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering
broad-based action.
2f. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short- term
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: generating short- term wins.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short-
term wins.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating
short- term wins.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short-
term wins.
2g. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating gains and
producing more change.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: consolidating gains and producing more change.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating
gains and producing more change.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change:
consolidating gains and producing more change.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating
gains and producing more change.
2h. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new
approaches into the culture.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that
illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of
change: anchoring new approaches into the culture.
Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new
approaches into the culture.
Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you
would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring
new approaches into the culture.
Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would
address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new
approaches into the culture.
3. 4 References
Weight: 5%
No references provided.
Does not meet the required number of references; some or all
references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality
Exceeds number of required references; all references high
quality choices.
4. Clarity / Coherence in Presentation and writing mechanics
Weight: 5%
More than 6 errors present. Information is confusing and fails to
include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
5-6 errors present. Information is partially clear with minimal
reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
3-4 errors present. Information is mostly clear and generally
supported with reasons and evidence that logically support
0-2 errors present. Information is provided in a clear, coherent,
and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically
support ideas.
5. Met formatting requirements, including one (1) page
summary for presentation option.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely met formatting requirements,
including one (1) page summary for presentation option.
Partially met formatting requirements, including one (1) page
summary for presentation option.
Satisfactorily met formatting requirements, including one (1)
page summary for presentation option.
Thoroughly met formatting requirements, including one (1) page
summary for presentation option.
Parameters of Ethical Decision Making Scoring Guide
Evaluate the parameters of various ethical decision-making
Does not identify the parameters of various ethical decision-
making approaches.
Identifies, but does not evaluate, the parameters of various
ethical decision-making approaches.
Evaluates the parameters of various ethical decision-making
Evaluates the parameters of various ethical decision-making
approaches, comparing and contrasting the different decision-
making approaches.
Analyze an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making
Does not describe an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-
making approach.
Describes, but does not analyze, an ethical dilemma using an
ethical decision-making approach.
Analyzes an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making
Analyzes an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making
approach, and justifies the ethical decision-making approach
Assess the validity of a resolution suggested by a selected
ethical decision-making approach.
Does not identify the validity of the resolution suggested by a
selected ethical decision-making approach.
Identifies, but does not assess, the validity of the resolution
suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach.
Assesses the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected
ethical decision-making approach.
Assesses the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected
ethical decision-making approach, and provides examples that
demonstrate how the resolution would work.
Communicate the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly
and effectively.
Does not communicate the analysis of ethical decision-making.
Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making, but it is
not done clearly and effectively.
Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly
and effectively.
Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly
and effectively, and includes factual reasoning in the analysis,
with examples.
Employees are a significant group of stakeholders in an
organization. As at-will employment and outsourcing become
more common in the business world, many employees who once
trusted their employers and expected lifetime employment have
been shocked by the lack of relationship between themselves
and their employer. At the same time, employers argue that they
have never paid more for benefits or been more accountable for
their behavior toward employees.
To what extent does an organization demonstrate the ethics it
espouses? What contributes to the ethical framework of a
company's operation? Are values statements real, and are people
held accountable to them? What role does organizational culture
play in guiding ethical behavior? Should values dominate an
organization's culture? How do leaders contribute to the ethical
profile of an organization? How can organizational structures
create support or vulnerability with operating in an ethically
sound manner?
Questions to consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider
the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a
work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the
business community.
· What criteria are important to you when determining the level
of an organization's ethical performance? Why are these
important criteria? Consider both corporate and personal values
as part of the criteria. Examples may include treatment of
employees, compliance with laws, or treatment of the
environment (such as air quality).
· Consider your best experience in working for someone who
demonstrated exemplary ethical behavior. Or, consider your
worst experience in working for someone who demonstrated
unethical behavior. For the situation selected, what are the
characteristics of the person, from an organizational values
approach? In other words, what stated corporate values were
modeled or ignored by this person? What effect did it have on
the organization? If you decide to discuss this with others,
protect the confidentiality of all individuals involved by
substituting made-up names for the organization and the
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in
completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For
additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and
Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your
Library Resources
The following e-books and articles from the Capella University
Library are linked directly in this course.
· Rendtorff, J. D. (2009). Responsibility, ethics and legitimacy
of corporations. Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business
School Press. Retrieved from
. Part 3 is particularly applicable to this assessment.
Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically
for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the
resources in the BUS-FP4801 – Ethics and Enterprise Library
Guide to help direct your research.
Assessment instructions
Complete the following:
· Evaluate different approaches to ethical decision making.
· Analyze the approach you feel works best in resolving ethical
· Identify an ethical issue. You may use the same issue you used
in the first assessment.
· Once you have chosen the ethical approach you feel is best,
apply it to your identified issue.
· Assess the resolution that your ethical decision making
approach suggests for this issue. How valid is the resolution
that is suggested by the approach?

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Overall CommentsGood continuation from your first Assessment Kh.docx

  • 1. Overall Comments: Good continuation from your first Assessment Khanh. This paper is moving towards a nicely structured, organized and written paper, with details and supporting examples. Nice job in further clarifying the issues regarding hiring in a multicultural environment. Critical for this paper is to fulfill the key ambition of this Assignment--to Analyze, to Apply and to Assess! Examples and specifics help a lot. So would the use of key insights from your research. More readings and secondary research add depth. Most important was the connection back to the ethical dilemma/issue. It would be helpful to precede the review of the dilemma with a definition of the criteria for determining a dilemma. Nice job identifying (room for more analysis, compare and contrasting) some of the five most common theoretical approaches (Justice/Fairness, Universalism, Utilitarianism, Rights and Virtue Ethics). I wish you had discussed more on Rawl's Theory of Justice. This was critical, especially to set the context early in the paper. And of course, you concluded, like others, I think, that none are perfect and that it is important to consider the "practical consequences" resulting from key actions. And yes, while there are a lot of similarities there are some key differences. As you implied, each situation is different too, lending itself often, to a different approach. Most important was your review of the different approaches, application of a Step Model and your rationale for reviewing and applying the different Approaches. Now I wonder which one, leads the ethical decision making--Fairness supported by Utilitarian Approach thinking or something different?!? As with most papers it is helpful to see clear organization, with a beginning, middle and end. You could work on this in the second half of your paper. For example, generically speaking, an Introduction clarifying what will follow, Background for context, the Discussion and a Summary and/or Conclusion.
  • 2. These beginning and ending sections help a lot and should be sub-titled! In summary your paper is succinct (too much so at times) and to the point--yet includes some helpful background and context. It is important to exhibit a clear progression from discussion to analysis to new insights. Moving from data acquisition to information to knowledge building to insightful wisdom continues to be important for the learning process this Term. COMPETENCY: Evaluate the parameters for ethical decision making in 21st century multi-cultural business environments.CRITERION: Evaluate the parameters of various ethical decision-making approaches. DISTINGUISHED PROFICIENT BASIC NON-PERFORMANCEProficient Evaluates the parameters of various ethical decision-making approaches.COMPETENCY: Evaluate organizational policy within the framework of ethical standards.CRITERION: Analyze an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making approach. DISTINGUISHED PROFICIENT BASIC NON-PERFORMANCEProficient Analyzes an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making approach.CRITERION: Assess the validity of a resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach. DISTINGUISHED PROFICIENT BASIC NON-PERFORMANCEProficient Assesses the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach.COMPETENCY: Communicate effectively.CRITERION: Communicate the analysis of ethical
  • 3. decision-making clearly and effectively. DISTINGUISHED PROFICIENT BASIC NON-PERFORMANCEProficient Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly and effectively. Starbucks Kapoor 2 Starbucks Priysha Kapoor Strayer University HRM 560 Professor Beck July 10, 2019 From its time of establishment, Starbucks has been among the global beverage chain operating conglomerates dating back in 1971. They're selling the product is coffee which is quite cherished worldwide. The human resource program, as well as the conglomerate's policies, are to die for, the firm has a wide range of employees basing (Starbuck, 2015) the fact that the firm is an international conglomerate. Among the company’s policies exists the employee training, this is normally done to welcome new employees as well as the existing ones so as to improve their services .in bid to adapt to the ever-changing technology workers are always in “class” so that the company can stay afloat against its rivals. Worker motivation is also
  • 4. among the founding policies, the company monitors employees on individual levels as well as going extra steps such as giving workers days off so as to extract the best from them. The marketing strategy for the company has been affected at some point. One cannot ignore the fact that consumers have been noted to spend less as well as the number of times that they visited Starbuck stores. However, based on the company’s brand name it has remained afloat while still remaining as the dominant player. Rationally the conglomerate has failed in its marketing formulation strategies which (Pollack, 2015) attributed to the company history deterioration. Marketing involves taking into consideration the client’s preferences while still marking its rival company’s trends. The conglomerate should take a competitive advantage which has always been directed by the market as well as upgrading operational efficiency. With the review of the above, the company should notice a progressive upward trend in terms of sale so that Starbuck can achieve its competitiveness References Starbuck, W. H. (2015). Organizations as action generators. Available at SSRN 2708094. Pollack, J., & Adler, D. (2015). Emergent trends and passing fads in project management research: A scientometric analysis of changes in the field. International Journal of Project Management, 33(1), 236-248. Running head: STARBUCKS Kapoor 1 STARBUCKS Kapoor 2
  • 5. Starbucks Priysha Kapoor Strayer Univesity Professor Beck July 28, 2019 Starbucks Starbucks is a coffee outlet firm which was founded in the year 1971. The organization has currently employed an approximate od 187, 000 employees in its 97,768 stores in 62 countries. The organization main product mix involves roasted as well as handcrafted coffees and teas which are highly-priced. Also, the organization offers a variety of fresh foods products as well as beverages employees ("About Us | Starbucks Coffee Company," 2019). Human resource Practices The organization tends to have effects as well as efficient human resource practices which enable it to always remain competitive in the coffee industry. Through viewing its employees as business partners has significantly assisted the organization to attain a competitive advantage and in turn, the organization’s business significantly thrives(Kralj, 2019). The organization also focuses on improving its employees' knowledge to be able to provide quality and satisfactory services to its clients. The organization has always engaged itself open communication practices with its employees. Through this open communication the employees or the business partners are effectively informed on issues pertaining the business operations. The organization frequently conducts open forums
  • 6. where the senior leaders basically answer the questions from employees and other mitigating issues. Starbucks has developed a belief that ii is always essential to hire a workforce not only because of their ability to be provided with proper training to work in the organization as well as for customer satisfaction, but rather the organization also mainly focuses on employing a workforce which has a high aptitude for the social consciousness. The Starbucks mission statement mainly focuses on inspiring as well as nurturing the human spirit “one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.” The organization has also established an excellent coffee brand due to its ethical sourcing from the farms across the globe as well as environment leadership. The coffee firm is renowned for its ability to engage its self in different community activities such as volunteering activities in areas where its outlets are located. The organization also emphasizes on providing its employees with frequent training to be able to improve their knowledge to be able to foster effective client satisfaction. In the organization training the employees are enlightened on the company’s history as well as they are taught to conduct coffee preparations as well as utilization of cash register Additionally the organization also trains the employees on the right communication skill to effectively interact with the clients to be able to develop an environment that the company aims to promote. Starbucks mainly focuses on developing human practices, which will support its growth, as well as practices, which promotes strong internal relationship between the managerial and the employees. The organization also tends to provide its part-time workers with the same benefits as the fulltime employees. This human resource approach has enabled the organization to attain significant admiration from other organizations in the coffee industry and other industries. Some of these benefits are healthcare, vision as well as dental insurance. These benefits also tend to cover alternative health care treatments such as nautrotherapy and hypotherapy. In addition the organization also provides its workforce with
  • 7. benefits such as the savings plan, free drinks on regular basis, income protection as well as partner discount. Another special benefit that the organization provides to its employees is the “adoption Assistance Program” the benefit allows the employees to reimburse a particular amount of the expenses incurred during the childhood adoption process. The different benefits that an organization provides to its employees always keeps the workforce motivated and loyal to the organization and in turn the performance of the organization is positively impacted(Kralj, 2019). For an organization to be able to remain success in its specific industry it is essential that it effectively understand its internal business processes. Understanding the internal business process the organization is able to develop product as well as services based to n the consumer demand in the market. Thus, Starbucks human resource management aids the organization to develop effective business strategies that emphasize on valuing clients. For instance, Frappuccino was beverage which was invented by one on it employee. Originally the administration at the organization thought the beverage was a bad idea and they kept fighting the idea but after the client feedback showed positive support on the beverage the top management gave it a go ahead and current the beverage is among the most ordered drinks in many outlets employees ("About Us | Starbucks Coffee Company," 2019). Reasons for change The way business is being conducted keeps changing due to technology advancement, environment sustainability, political influence, market trends among other factors, thus for an organization to remain competitive it needs to constantly change its business strategies and structure to be able to compete in the market. In same manner Starbucks has gone under several changes since it was founded as a strategy to always remain competitive in the market (Kralj, 2019). Some of the influencers of change in Starbucks business are environmental sustainability, emerging market trends as well as
  • 8. globalization and new technology. Change tends to be inevitable if an organization need to remain competitive. Diagnostic Tools Diagnostic tools are methods which often determine if an organization is ready for change. These diagnostic tools are categorized into three models which are COPS, 7s, and Burke- Litwin model. All the three models have different approaches to determining if a company is ready for change or whether a company needs a change in its business operations. With the aid of the diagnostic tool, an organization such as Starbucks is able to develop strategies which will support the changes it needs as well as align the changes to fit the organization’s ultimate goals. Fundamentally the diagnostic tools prepare and organize for change. Seven-S and Burke-Litwin are the most effective tools that would assit me to determine is Starbucks is ready to change it business strategies. Burke-Litwin is essential because it tends to predictive in nature, thus an organization is able to make adjustments on the business strategy to fit the organizational goal (Glowik, 2017). On the Other hand the Seven S model emphasizes on aligning the different business and organizational practices to the mission of the organization. Starbucks Readiness for Change using the 7s Model Results · Strategy- the organization uses a differentiation approach on its products and services · Structure- current framework of organization is a divisional organizational structure · Systems – the organization utilizes several systems to conduct it daily business · Staff - The organization views its employees are business partners · Style- management or leadership style that is flexible and it supports the growth of the organization · Skills – available skills in the organization have assisted the organization to build a strong brand · Shared value- the organization focuses on balancing social
  • 9. conscience and profitability. Explanation and Interpretations The finding from the assessment, show that Starbucks is currently operating in a business structure and strategy that support its growth. The organization is currently not ready for change. A segment that may require change in future is on the systems where the organization will be required to utilize a single system to conduct and manage its daily businesses. References Kralj, A. (2019). The “why” of HR practices: employee attributions regarding HR practices and resulting effects on service climate and employee attitudes in casinos. doi:10.14264/uql.2014.421 About Us | Starbucks Coffee Company. (2019). Retrieved from Glowik, M. (2017). Case study: Starbucks. Global Strategy in the Service Industries, 156-164. doi:10.4324/9781315682167-10 1. Assignment 3: Kotter Change Management Model Due Week 6 and worth 140 points Using the company that your instructor previously approved, apply Kotter’s eight (8) steps of change management to an HR situation you have selected for change. You will address all eight (8) of the Kotter steps, developing an action plan for each step. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a maximum of a five to seven (5-7) minute dynamic video on the topics detailed below. Alternatively, you may submit a four to six (4-6) page paper instead of the video submission. Note: If you are using a tablet or smartphone you will need to email the video file to yourself, then save it to a computer in
  • 10. order to upload to Blackboard. You may want to upload your video to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox, if your email will not let you send a large video file. Dropbox is accessible from all smartphones and tablets from the Dropbox app. Once you are ready to upload your video to Blackboard, click here to view the "Student Video Assignment Submission" video tutorial in the "Creating a Presentation for Your Course" playlist. Please use the following naming convention in the popup window for your video once it is finished uploading: Title: Your First Name, Your Last Name – Managing Organizational Change Tags: HRM560, Organizational Change Description: Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific organization. 2. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: a. Establishing a sense of urgency b. Creating coalition c. Developing vision and strategy d. Communicating the vision e. Empowering broad-based action f. Generating short-term wins g. Consolidating gains and producing more change h. Anchoring new approaches into the culture 3. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: . Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
  • 11. must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. . Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: . Compare theories of change management and select an appropriate theory for an organization change. . Analyze diagnostic models relevant to various aspects of the change management process. . Use technology and information resources to research issues in managing organizational change. . Write clearly and concisely about managing organizational change using proper writing mechanics. . Identify organizational changes that link to vision. Click here to view the written paper grading rubric for this assignment. · By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution's policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
  • 12. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 140 Assignment 3: Kotter Change Management Model Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific organization. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely ascertained how each of the steps applies to your specific organization. Partially ascertained how each of the steps applies to your specific organization. Satisfactorily ascertained how each of the steps applies to your specific organization. Thoroughly ascertained how each of the steps applies to your specific organization. 2a. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a sense of urgency. Weight: 10%
  • 13. Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a sense of urgency. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a sense of urgency. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a sense of urgency. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: establishing a sense of urgency. 2b. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating coalition. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating coalition. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating coalition. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating coalition. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: creating coalition. 2c. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing vision and strategy. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing vision and strategy. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing
  • 14. vision and strategy. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing vision and strategy. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: developing vision and strategy. 2d. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating the vision. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating the vision. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating the vision. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating the vision. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: communicating the vision. 2e. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering broad-based action. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering broad-based action. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering broad-based action. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering broad-based action.
  • 15. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: empowering broad-based action. 2f. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short- term wins. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short- term wins. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short- term wins. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short- term wins. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: generating short- term wins. 2g. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating gains and producing more change. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating gains and producing more change. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating gains and producing more change. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating gains and producing more change. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: consolidating gains and producing more change. 2h. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address
  • 16. each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new approaches into the culture. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new approaches into the culture. Partially developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new approaches into the culture. Satisfactorily developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new approaches into the culture. Thoroughly developed a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight (8) stages of change: anchoring new approaches into the culture. 3. 4 References Weight: 5% No references provided. Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 4. Clarity / Coherence in Presentation and writing mechanics Weight: 5% More than 6 errors present. Information is confusing and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. 5-6 errors present. Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. 3-4 errors present. Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. 0-2 errors present. Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
  • 17. 5. Met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option. Partially met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option. Satisfactorily met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option. Thoroughly met formatting requirements, including one (1) page summary for presentation option. Parameters of Ethical Decision Making Scoring Guide CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE
  • 18. BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Evaluate the parameters of various ethical decision-making approaches. Does not identify the parameters of various ethical decision- making approaches. Identifies, but does not evaluate, the parameters of various ethical decision-making approaches. Evaluates the parameters of various ethical decision-making approaches. Evaluates the parameters of various ethical decision-making approaches, comparing and contrasting the different decision- making approaches. Analyze an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making approach. Does not describe an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision- making approach. Describes, but does not analyze, an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making approach. Analyzes an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making approach. Analyzes an ethical dilemma using an ethical decision-making approach, and justifies the ethical decision-making approach selected. Assess the validity of a resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach. Does not identify the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach. Identifies, but does not assess, the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach. Assesses the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach. Assesses the validity of the resolution suggested by a selected ethical decision-making approach, and provides examples that demonstrate how the resolution would work.
  • 19. Communicate the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly and effectively. Does not communicate the analysis of ethical decision-making. Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making, but it is not done clearly and effectively. Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly and effectively. Communicates the analysis of ethical decision-making clearly and effectively, and includes factual reasoning in the analysis, with examples. Context Employees are a significant group of stakeholders in an organization. As at-will employment and outsourcing become more common in the business world, many employees who once trusted their employers and expected lifetime employment have been shocked by the lack of relationship between themselves and their employer. At the same time, employers argue that they have never paid more for benefits or been more accountable for their behavior toward employees. To what extent does an organization demonstrate the ethics it espouses? What contributes to the ethical framework of a company's operation? Are values statements real, and are people held accountable to them? What role does organizational culture play in guiding ethical behavior? Should values dominate an organization's culture? How do leaders contribute to the ethical profile of an organization? How can organizational structures create support or vulnerability with operating in an ethically sound manner? Questions to consider To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community. · What criteria are important to you when determining the level
  • 20. of an organization's ethical performance? Why are these important criteria? Consider both corporate and personal values as part of the criteria. Examples may include treatment of employees, compliance with laws, or treatment of the environment (such as air quality). · Consider your best experience in working for someone who demonstrated exemplary ethical behavior. Or, consider your worst experience in working for someone who demonstrated unethical behavior. For the situation selected, what are the characteristics of the person, from an organizational values approach? In other words, what stated corporate values were modeled or ignored by this person? What effect did it have on the organization? If you decide to discuss this with others, protect the confidentiality of all individuals involved by substituting made-up names for the organization and the individuals. Suggested Resources The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom. Library Resources The following e-books and articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course. · Rendtorff, J. D. (2009). Responsibility, ethics and legitimacy of corporations. Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Press. Retrieved from ction?docID=10465558 . Part 3 is particularly applicable to this assessment. Course Library Guide A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BUS-FP4801 – Ethics and Enterprise Library Guide to help direct your research.
  • 21. Assessment instructions Complete the following: · Evaluate different approaches to ethical decision making. · Analyze the approach you feel works best in resolving ethical dilemmas. · Identify an ethical issue. You may use the same issue you used in the first assessment. · Once you have chosen the ethical approach you feel is best, apply it to your identified issue. · Assess the resolution that your ethical decision making approach suggests for this issue. How valid is the resolution that is suggested by the approach?