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Organizational Change And Change Management
Change Management in IT Environment Presented by Aravind Reddy Vootukuri Wilmington
1) Abstract
2)Organizational Change During My Employment with Capgemini in 2007 a)Reasons for Change
b)Objectives Set for this Change Program c)Used John kotter 's8 step Change model d)Used Change
3)Change in Nationwide Electricity UK(External Consultant Approach) a)Planned and Emergent
Change b)Used Levin 's Change Model 4)Conclusion
Dr. John Kotter from his 40 years of research by leadership and change he stated that 70% of all
organizational transformation efforts fail because organizations don not take a consistent approach
to changing themselves or not engaging work forces effectively.
Change is about survival but change management is about modifying or transforming organizations
to maintain and improve their effectiveness . Change is necessary for organizations which are into
volatile, prosper ,uncertain ,complex and ambiguous environment
How and Why Change is required
a)Generally Change rises from development of new products
b)Entry of new competition
c)Changes in consumer tastes and preferences
d)shifting socio–political and
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Organizational Change Essay
After reviewing and researching the literature with respect to organizational changes, I have come to
the conclusion that organizations have always changed. When everything in the world is changing,
organization cannot remain islands. They must change to face new challenges. Bolman and Deal
(2008) claim organizations have changed about as much as in past few decades as in the preceding
century. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim means that the change organizations have experienced in the
last decade are almost similar to those they experience in at the end of the twentieth century.
However, in my opinion this is not entirely true, although some of the changes organizations have
experienced in the last decade are a product of changes and ... Show more content on ...
As a result of the success these practices have realized, employees tend to embrace them and reject
any changes that do not conform to what they consider the way they have always done things.
Employees usually become conditioned to the idea that the activities and procedures of the past will
continue to be fruitful in future. As a result, they may reject new development and advancements
that they feel would threaten their value system. It is important to change various aspects of
organization culture when trying to institute change in organizations (Kavita, 2005). The aspects that
such changes should target include the balance of power in the organizations, the organization
structure that supports the framework, leadership and management styles. Organizational history is
also very critical, especially if it has a progressive track record success. However, if the culture
despite the changes remains aligned to the organization goals and mission the employees will adopt
it and embrace change. Specific societal needs and accountability measures have strongly influenced
changes in organizations throughout the 20th and the 21st centuries. Societal needs are dynamic and
ever–changing and, as a result, the push organization to find new ways of meeting their demand
(Kezar et al, 2011). For instance, employees and customers no longer appreciate being the last to
know about new research and development,
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Essay On Organizational Culture Change
Research Paper
Organizational Culture Change
Anthony L. Dellinger
Florida Institute of Technology
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Organization Overview 3
Organization Evaluation 4
Findings 5
Responses 5
Research 7
Conclusion 8
Recommendations 8
As a consultant hired to evaluate organizational leadership within this government agency, I have
identified the leading cause of the dysfunction within this organization. This paper explores a
lingering problem that has impacted this organization's productivity and effectiveness. The problem
has been identified as a negative culture situation. This paper will explore and identify issues within
this organization that have created a negative culture ... Show more content on ...
Organization Evaluation
There are a total of five units within this organization. Information Security Office Unit (ISOU),
Technology Services Unit (TSU), Enterprise Application Unit (EAU), Converged Communications
Unit (CCU), and Chief Data Officer Unit (CDOU).
Information Security Office Unit (ISOU) – The Information Security Office Unit is responsible for
maintaining the computer networks data security. Core services include governance, Risk
Assessment, Compliance, Security Monitoring, and Incident Response.
Technology Services Unit (TSU) – The Technology Services Unit provides management for email,
desktop support, active directory and enterprise systems.
Enterprise Applications Unit (EAU) – The Enterprise Applications Unit is responsible for the
development of information systems and provides the resources needed to enable the public to
interact with their government.
Converged Communications Unit (CCU)– The Converged Communications Unit is responsible for
providing the network which includes voice, data, radio, video and wireless systems .
There are approximately 200 employees per unit, I interviewed an average of twenty employees per
unit. Employees interviewed were a combination of supervisors, subordinates, and managers.
Questions asked:
1) How would describe your organizations culture?
2) If you were to make changes, what changes would you make?
3) How would describe your organizations structure?
4) What would you
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Organizational Change : An Organization
Introduction Organizational change is a crucial issue exercised in an organization to increase
performance as it works toward its ideal state. Organizational change arises as a reaction to an ever–
changing environment, a response to an ongoing difficult situation, or is stimulated by a leader.
Organizational change is a survival strategy. If the organization does not maintain the changing
technology, consumer demands, and productive business activities, they will lose their competitive
area. Forces for change There are a lots of factors influence organizational activities. These are
called external and internal forces and change in these forces lead to change in an organization.
Some important factors are described below The external forces are those factors that come from
outside of the organization that cause change inside organizations and most of them are beyond the
control of the company. Market changes, Customers, competition, the economy, technological
advancement, political and social conditions and resources are common external factors that have
effect on the organization. The organization cannot change the environment but change them to keep
pace with the environment. Internal factors are originated from the inside of the organization. It
includes managerial behavior or decisions such as interpersonal conflict, lack of support. Human
resource problem is included also like high turnover and appreciation of unfair treatment The
Approaches of organization changes
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Essay on Resistance to Organizational Change
Individuals when faced with any major change will be inevitably resistant and will want to preserve
the status quo, especially if they think their status or security within the organization is in danger
(Bolognese, 2010). Folger and Skarlicki believe that organizational change produces skepticism in
employees which make it problematic and possibly even impossible to contrive improvements
within the organization (as cited in Bolognese, 2010) Therefore, management must understand,
accept and make an effort to work with resistance, since it can undermine even the most well–
conceived change efforts (Bolognese, 2010). Furthermore, Coetsee states for organizations to
achieve the maximum benefits from change they must effectively create and ... Show more content
on ...
Technical resistance is caused when employees are concerned about the capital that was invested in
the technology and equipment that is currently being used. There is also cultural resistance that is
difficult for employees to change values, norms, and procedures that are supported by the current
culture within the organization. The final type of resistance is political resistance. This happens
when decisions made in the past are now being questioned which can cause certain stakeholders to
feel threatened (Van Dijk, & Van Dick, 2009).
Elements for Dealing with Resistance
According to Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2009) there are six different approaches to managing
resistance to change which are, situational, let nature take its course, thought self–leadership,
creative counters, tinkering, kludging, and pacing approach, and finally the power of resistance
approach. While all of these different methods or approaches for dealing with change have positives
and negatives, some are better than others. For example, Kotter and Schlesinger's situational method
is great in that it recognizes some situations need to be treated differently than others. However, they
suggest that manipulation could be used and while they explain the dangers of this approach, its
application is very limited and the rewards don't outweigh the risks.
Another approach that Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2009)
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Organizational Changes Essay
Organizational Changes Organizational changes take place when the force field that counterbalances
change is overcome. Different power base utilization facilitates these types of changes. Change
could be a topic in and by itself but we have chosen to incorporate the use of different power bases
and their effects on change. Power, in organizational change, is having the potential ability to
influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to do
things that they would not otherwise do.(1) Understanding when to use a particular type of power
base can ease the ... Show more content on ...
The follower's would need to be inspired and convinced that all efforts that are to be put forth are
worth the outcome. After the thawing the efforts put forth occur in the changing stage. The changing
stage was further broken down after the initial introduction of the three stages; commonly referred
to as the eight–stage model when the additional steps are included. After the changes are
implemented it has to be institutionalized into the culture to prevent regression into the old ways.
Since this model was covered in the text, I will generalize the other models and then integrate the
power bases into a few of them. Lewin's Change Model.gif (6660 bytes) The Gap Model (3) is used
when a clear mental picture exists of what is desired to happen. It has two stages: one is the present
state and the second is the future desired state. The strategy that is to be determined to attain the
future state is laid out with the understanding that resistance will be encountered. If the change is to
be implemented with minimal resistance then the coercive power, information power, and expert
power bases are best. The person with the vision must be possess the skills and knowledge to see
what the future will hold with the suggested change and if user's
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Reflection On Organizational Change
I first off would like to start by saying these past 8 weeks have been a great experience! I have been
able to learn and gain new skills and tools that will not only help me in the rest of my schooling, but
will be very beneficial when it comes to my career. I have really enjoyed getting to see all different
experiences out there and a variety of perspectives on what one has done or not when in that
situation. It certainly has opened my eyes up to the world and I feel I am more aware and ready for
what might come my way now. Although after reading the "Let's Drive a Stake In the Heart of the
Industrial Age!" you never really know what's going to happen next. I plan to use all the OB tools
that I have been able to learn about in this term to assist the transformational process in
organizational models. Using these tools will help this process go more smoothly and make it easier
not only for the company but for the employees and customers. The transformational process in any
company is hard and can be very challenging during a time like this. I believe that change is
challenging just from my experiences and that it can take more time than one thinks or wants it to. I
personally am not a fan of change, so when there is a change going on in my personal or
professional life I hope it is quick and easy (which it is rarely ever). I have learned though change is
good. As much as I may hate it, it is necessary and it cannot be avoided. I learned these past weeks
and have seen examples where some individuals in a company will resist change, even leaders, and
that is where I find the OB tools to help and make the change as easy as possible for everyone in the
company. I know this is something I will do to assist the transformational process in organizational
models in my future company. I will use the strategies we have learned in this course to help and be
more effective. One concept in this course I have learned and it has stuck with me is focusing on
employees. Without good relationships with employees and making sure they are happy and
acknowledged the work within the company will not get done effectively and efficiently. As a
manager, I will make sure that all employees are managed, able to express their
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The Theory Of Organizational Change
Literature Synthesis The idea of change can alarm any system and lead to unexpected reactions from
the members associated with the system. As the change begins to be implemented, these
uncertainties intensify and can lead to crisis. This phenomenon becomes even more crucial when the
system involves an organization with leaders and those members with non–managerial
responsibilities. When change is being implemented within an organization by its leaders, the
consequences of it can be underestimated or ignored by them, resulting in crises and, eventually,
failure of the change efforts. In order for change to succeed, specifically in today's business world,
where organizations are constantly undergoing change at a fast rate, companies should educate their
employees in understanding and supporting change. Taking both organizational and employee
perspectives into account, Armenakis and Bedeian (1999) have reviewed major research
publications on the theory of organizational change from 1987 to 1999. To set a basis for selecting
from the vast number of the available material, their study was concentrated on those researches
focusing on the fundamentals of organizational change dynamics. The researchers acknowledge the
effect of the extent of their resource selection on the literature review outcome, stating that their
choice of subject area will provide a deeper understanding of the existing approaches governing
organizational change. In order to make their research manageable,
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What Is Organizational Change?
What is organizational change? This is a question that is imperative to know the answer to in order
to fully understand today's industry and workplaces. According to,
organizational change is defined as a company or organization that is going through a
transformation which can occur when business strategies or major sections of an organization are
altered. In order for companies to succeed in altering their business in any way, they really must
understand how important it is to know how to deal with organizational change to make sure that it
goes over efficiently and effectively. The same can be said for me as well. I have to really
understand organizational change because I will definitely go through plenty of changes in my life
and knowing how to deal with them is hugely important. This is especially true since my major is
Computer Information Technology and technology is always rapidly changing in the world. This
brings me back to the question of what exactly is organizational change? What is the meaning of this
phrase that is so important for employees to know? I think that a better question to ask is what
brings about organizational change? According to Chirantan Basu of, organizational
change drivers can come in many forms including: new technologies, consumer demand, economic
conditions, and government policy actions. According to another source on, new
initiatives and projects are launched every day to improve
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Intentional Revolutions Is Organizational Change
Intentional Revolutions is organizational change that requires people to examine and alter the basic
assumptions driving and supporting the present state of their organizational life. It is about change
that asks people to do things in dramatically new and different ways, as opposed to making small
improvements in current practices. The requirements for remaining competitive often include sharp
breaks with past beliefs and practices. There is need for organizations of all kinds to make
discontinuous changes in significant aspects of their being. To make revolution is to attack values
and practices that are valued or cherished or accepted within the prevailing culture. Slide 1
Transformation – creation of a new organizational reality. These organizations are continuously and
fundamentally adaptive and self–renewing. Slide 2 The challenge of Transformational Change
Discontinuous Thinking Building a New Consciousness Practical Dimensions of Transformation
The Path of Least Resistance Discontinuous Thinking Rapid and unpredictable changes in an
organizational environment lead to understanding that the traditional response modes, such as
downsizing and piecemeal structural process rearrangements, no longer provide sufficient
competitive edge. Corporations must change in ways that are discontinuous with what has gone
before. For example, (Insert example of your organization such as when your new leadership came
in or the relationship of your dean with the guy that did
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Managing Organizational Structure Change
Managing Organizational Structure Change
LDR 531
Managing Organizational Structure Change
Smith & Falmouth (S&F), a mid–sized phone and mail order product company, has expanded into
the online product market. S&F created S&;F Online as an independent business unit while it proves
the strategic viability and value of online as a sales channel. S&F Online is made up of a small team
that has been successful, and is now working to increase sales and diversify their online offerings to
add health and beauty services. As S&F Online grows, it needs to determine the best organizational
structure to support its business strategy and builds on its current organizational culture.
Current Organizational Structure
S&F Online is currently a ... Show more content on ...
Considerations. In order to successfully design a matrix organization, though, a few key
considerations need to be planned for. First, informal communication channels need to be developed
and leadership needs to watch for any signs of organizational silos.
Effective communication among the dimensions of the matrix structure is essential for a successful
implementation. A great deal of this communication is informal in nature, leading to voluntary
coordination among employees. Informal communication relies on personal networks and
relationships built on trust. One barrier to informal communication is organizational silos. Leaders
must break down these silos whenever possible (Galbraith, 2010, p.6).
Next, it is important for cross–departmental goal achievement that the rewards be aligned for all
areas. "The goals of the different matrix dimensions must be aligned to work together. The more
dimensions that exist, the more likely it is that fragmentation will occur" (Galbraith, 2010, p.6).
Lastly, since the unity–of–command is no longer in existence, i.e., there are essentially two bosses
(functional and product managers) there needs to be absolute clarity in the work priorities. "When
you dispense with the
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Organizational Change : An Effective Organization
In today 's business world, many elements are forcing companies to change in order to survive, such
as the new technology, new customers' taste and also new systems of management. Under the
dynamic business environment, organizational change becomes one of the essential parts of a
business. During different stages of organizational change, various resistances between employers
and employees will be created because of different perspectives from both employers and
employees. In order to carry out a successful organizational change, developing an effective strategy
to overcome the challenge became the most crucial part in the process of organizational change.
Undoubtedly, it can be difficult for managers to decide which approach they want to apply to deal
with the resistance to organizational change as they need to figure out the 'best' solution depends on
their company's condition. It is therefore essential to evaluate critically different ways of solving
resistance to organizational change.
In the first part of the essay, I will state various kinds of resistances to organizational change, stages
of organizational change and methods of solving resistance to organizational change. Next part will
be the evaluation of those solutions for managing resistance to organizational change. The final
section of this essay explores how to select an appropriate scheme to overcome their challenges.
The literature review begins with definition organisational change which defined by Van de
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Organizational Change Model
Organizational Change Models Grand Canyon University: LDR 615 March 12, 2014 Organizational
Change Models It is common knowledge by now that change is inevitable. It is everywhere around
us. Change can be fun, for example when a new version of the iPhone comes out. However, when
change affects what we do everyday, there usually is a lot of skepticism and resistance to change
involved. Apple employees were sure to feel enormous pressure as the sales of iPhones skyrocketed.
To implement change on an organizational scale it is always a good idea to have a framework for
building upon. Using change models can guide leaders through organizational changes and help
pave their way to the future. This article discusses and ... Show more content on ...
Thirdly, Lewin unheeded the role of politics and power in organizations and its conflictual nature.
Finally, Lewin was seen as supporting from a top–down management driven approach to change and
ignoring conditions requiring bottom–up changes. Several strengths of Lewin's Change Model are
his effective approach to resolving social conflict through changing group behavior, promoting an
ethical and humanistic approach to change, and using his four mutually–reinforcing concepts of:
Field Theory, Group Dynamics, Action Research as well as the 3–Step Model in combination for the
process of effective change (Levasseur, 2001). Bridge's Transition Model Bridges Transition Model,
written by William Bridges in 1991, is based on how people feel as they transition through changes
(Evision, 2014). This model highlights three stages of transition that we all go through as we
experience change. One is Ending, Losing and Letting Go that begin as the initial stage of transition
when people are presented with a change. This is an uncomfortable stage as people are forced to
give up something that is familiar to them. It is common to experience many types of emotion in this
stage such as fear, denial, and anger. Stage two is the Neutral Zone where it is not uncommon to see
confusion, impatience and uncertainty. Experiencing resentment, low morale, decreased
productivity, anxiety and skepticism is often seen as the change is taking place. This is an important
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The Impact Of Organizational Change On Change Management
Change is a phenomenon which is inevitable in every aspect of human life and it is always constant
despite the fact that people do resist change due to some reasons. Organizational change is also a
phenomenon which cannot be avoided by organization, because internal and external factors exist
which can cause an organization to change. According to Mills an et al (2008) organization change
can be defined as an alteration of a core aspect of an organization's operations. Theses core aspects
involve culture of the company, the technology used or the structure of the organization. This report
will evaluate the impact of organizational changes.
Change Management
The change Management function will assess the nature and magnitude of the change as a result of
the change programme and who it will affect. In parallel to this, the team should put in place
measures to assess how ready people are for the change. As an output of the change readiness
assessments, and any areas of the organisation who look to be particularly resistant to change or are
facing a significant volume of change can be given specific focus. The readiness to change will be
measured across the project lifecycle to monitor and track the sentiment of the organisation.
Policies and Procedures against the Strategic Plan
Once reviewed, policies which had been developed in response to meeting the requirements of the
strategic plan must b reviewed to identify those that require change. The time taken
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The Study Of Organizational Change
The study of organizational change is a subject that has attracted diverse academic discourses. Over
time and across academia, scholars are concerned with various aspects change. Moreover, in spite of
the various perspectives and conclusions on the subject matter, there appears to be consensus that
indeed, the way change is introduced in an organization determines the success of the intended
projects or strategic goals of the organization (Williams, 2006). Practically, in most of the
organizations, change is viewed as a bad thing. In other words, managers may not wish to condone
the resistance of their proposed projects since they delay the achievement of the goals. Hence the
salient question to ask is whether resistance to change is ... Show more content on ...
In both cases, the relevant theories and models are invoked and a suitable synthesis applied.
Conclusions are made and the answer to the essay question reiterated. In the final analysis, the essay
emphasizes on the need to view change resistance in an alternative manner; as opposed to the
traditional demonized approach.
Resistance to Change
In many cases, resistance to change is viewed and analyzed from the managerial perspective
(Schultz & Schultz, 2004). From the managerial point of view, resistance to change is considered as
a cause to the delay in the achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Hence managers are
aware of the effects of the resistance to change, such as wastage of time. As a result, change projects
are introduced earlier than the actual time, so that by the time the management can mobilize
consensus on the proposed change, the ideal time for the commencement of the project is fulfilled.
Hayes (2002) outlines other ways of managing change, such as coercion, manipulation and dialogue
with the employees. At this point, it is also necessary to realize that change is not only a property of
the employees but also an aspect common with the middle level managers. According to Folger and
Skarlicki (1999), such managers are reprimanded, transferred to given higher positions in order to
allow the change process to take its course. In some cases, employees who resist change were
sacked such as shown below.
Toyota represents a
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Organizational Change Management
Organizational Change Management
Warrien Poole
This research project focused on organizational change management initiated through strategic
planning. Knowing that organizational changes are inevitable and necessary for companies to
achieve their mission and goals, the intent was to present an analysis on some of the important areas
that could affect successful outcomes. Included are strategy, technology, structure, and people as the
four major areas of concentration because they are related and most cases, interchangeable when
there is change. There are also techniques explored that counter the resistance of employees either
afraid or unwilling to change.
Introduction ... Show more content on ...
The science of organization development was created to deal with changing people on the job
through techniques such as education and training, team building, and career planning.
Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this research was to understand how successful organizations adapt strategic
planning to the need for change. I also wanted to explore the various methods and responsibilities
for implementing changes effectively. My objectives were to identify successful strategies, how to
respond to resistance, and effectively implement change.
Collection of information for this project included books, journals, videos, interviews and
performance observation with organization administrators and employees.
Findings/Results A successful organization responds intelligently to factors which precipitate
change. Economic climates, political trends, changes in consumer demands, management policy or
structure, employment levels and financial resources all these elements are constantly at play to
ensure that organizations clinging on to static structures will ultimately lose out. But change is a
dynamic and alarming thing and HRD must address how to manage it positively, so that employees
give their support and the positive goals set are worked towards with enthusiasm. Research shows
that the success rate for implementing major organizational change is quite low, for several reasons.
First, asking organizations to change the way they conduct their
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Organizational Change
Week Four Assignment Darryl Friedlund Forecasting & Leading Change – STL 420 Chapter 10
Page 298 1. How do evolutionary change and revolutionary change differ? Evolutionary change is
gradual, incremental, and narrowly focused and does not involve drastic or sudden altering of the
basic nature of the organization's strategy or structure. Whereas revolutionary change is rapid,
dramatic, and broadly focused in order to quickly and decisively find new ways to be effective. 2.
What is a business process, and why is reengineering a popular instrument of change today? A
business process is any activity that cuts across functional boundaries. It is the ability of people and
groups to act in a cross–functional way ... Show more content on ...
I think that the steps a company must take to implement any TQM program is much the same as the
five main steps in action research; diagnosing the organization, determining the desired future state,
implementing action, evaluation the action, and institutionalizing action research. Along with
training the team and using Lewin's three–step change process. 2. In what ways can Six Sigma bring
about types of change that improve an organization's competitive advantage? The Six Sigma process
can improve an organization's competitive advantage in many ways. It can streamline processes to
save time and money, it can generate a restructure, it could find ways to improve employee working
conditions which could improve productivity, or it could even generate potential new programs or
products to increase customer satification. Chapter 11 Page 328 1. What factors influence the
number of organizations that are founded in a population? How can pursuing a specialist strategy
increase a company's chance of survival? The factors that influence the number of organizations that
are founded in a population are population ecology theory, population of organizations,
environmental niches, and population density. A company's chance of survival can be increased by
using a specialist strategy because they would focus their activities in one niche which would enable
them to develop core competences and allow them to outperform generalist in that
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Organizational Change Essay
INTRODUCTION Organizational Development (OD) has become more and more important for
today's organizations because the world is moving so fast that organizations have to find ways to be
more effective, more innovation, more customer–driven, and more agile. Cumming and Worley
(1997) define organizational development as "a process that applies a broad range of behaviour
science knowledge and practices to help organizations build their capacity to change and to achieve
greater effectiveness". Therefore, OD will help organizations understand how people act to change
and which change methods can work with the resistance to change that usually occurs in
organizations undergoing change. In the study of organizational development, it is ... Show more
content on ...
4. Task–Job Design: The way work is performed in the organization can be changed with new
procedures and methods for performing work. 5. Organizational Structure: Organizations can
change the way they are structured in order to be more responsive to their external environment.
Again to be more responsive to the marketplace, this also includes where decisions should be made
in the organization (centralized or decentralized). 6. Organizational Culture: Entities can attempt to
change their culture, including management and leadership styles, values and beliefs. Of all the
things organizations can change, this is by far the most difficult to undertake. These are the major
elements in the organizations for the change process. It is that changes in one of the elements will
usually effect or impact on another element. For example, changing technology may require changes
in the human–behavioural area, changes in task–job design may require changes in organization
structure, etc. WHY ORGANIZATION FAIL IN CHANGE? People in organization resists to
change. There are much reasons for resisting to change. Some of the facts shown in below. Loss of
control: Change interferes with autonomy and can make people feel that they've lost control over
their territory. It's not just political, as in who has the power. Our sense of self–determination is often
the first things to
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Organizational Change And The Implementation Of The Change...
Organisational change and the implementation of the change is a relevant issue when analysing the
Nora case. Organisation change is the ability of an organisation to change over time and is reliant on
the ability of the organisation to change the individual behaviour of individual employees
(Robertson, Roberts and Porras, 1993). Organisational change is a common occurrence in modern
organisations and the change can come from new employees to new strategies. It is relevant in the
case where organisational change is occurring however a lack of communication about the change
has cause issues among the organisation and its clients. The iceberg model created by George
Clampitt (2005) will be used in the analysis of the case and therefore recommendations can be made
based on the conclusions.
The unexpected consequence of implementing change is a relevant issue when analysing the Nora
case. Nora is a social worker at Bridges Care and Village, Clevedon, South Auckland. Charity Trust
National controls the operations and Bridges Care and Village, is one of the care centres they
provide for the elderly. The organisation was originally structured using a communal based model;
drug, alcohol, social, and child services. Charity Trust National now seek to change the
organisations structure and split services into three categories; age, community and residential.
Georgina, one of the staff tells Nora that there will be change to the whole organisation, resulting
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Organizational Change Paper
Organizational change is the process of transforming or modifying an organizational system
(Heather & Heather, 2010). Just like anything in life, markets and cultures, which requires constant
attention and preparation because of change. Change capability establishes the core competency of
improving just about every aspect of an organization performance. Conscious change leaders
understand this and recognize the importance of building their organizations' change capabilities.
According to Cawsey et al. (2012), "Change is a necessary prerequisite to organizational change" (p.
18). Organizational change enables an organization to achieve organizational success by providing
tools and techniques for an organization to meet the challenges and demands ... Show more content
on ...
Paramo, personal communication, July17, 2015). VOZ has successfully led these efforts and in the
process has generated over 16,000 jobs for the Portland area day laborers. Moreover, there has been
a decreased public safety concern as less people congregate on the street to look for work and
disrupt area businesses. Ignacio defined the success of VOZ as the amount secured jobs they were
able to provide to the day laborers. One thing Ignacio learned about organizational change is that it
allows an organization to establish techniques and tactics to guarantee successful operations and
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Organizational Change Essay
Module #6: Critical Thinking Assignment
At the core of every successful organization lies that specific organization's application of the basic
principles of organization development. In the book written by Carter (2004) entitled Best Practices
in Leadership Development and Organization Change, the concept of organization development was
defined as an organization–wide effort and conceptual initiative intended to increase an
organization's viability and effectiveness. In most cases, organization development is described as a
change initiative and educational strategy aimed at changing the values, beliefs, attitudes, as well as
the structure of an organization for the betterment and improvement of the overall firm's ... Show
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Based on the studies conducted by Hellriegel and Slocum (2007) regarding the importance and
crucial role of diagnosis in starting and implementing organizational change programs, it was
identified that through diagnosis, the organization's information collecting process is accomplished.
This makes the organization more aware of the need for such changes in their business process or
system. The reality is that sometimes, the implementation of change plans in an organization may
create confusion among the members of the firm. Thus, this could lead to various different
approaches to implement the change needed in the firm. Another reason why diagnosis is important
to be accomplished in organizations is that it importantly guides an organization in terms of making
decisions on what specific changes must be implemented in the organization, and how such changes
must be executed (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007).
Explain the concept of organization intervention and why any particular management or
organizational change can be considered an intervention. In the book published by Richard Arvid
Johnson (1976) entitled Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction, the concept of
organization intervention was defined as the principal learning process in the so–called action stage
of the entire organization development. In simple terms, organization interventions
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Organizational Change In The American Colonies
Change is inevitable (Ecclesiastes 3, NIV) and that timing is a critical part of this process, which
according to Burke (2013) can be either revolutionary or evolutionary. Organizational change, the
outgrowth of strategic thinking and planning often competes with strong human emotion (Wimberly,
2007) and behaviors that often put up a valent fight and resistance to changing attitudes and values
in favor of a new culture (Burke, 2013), irrespective of the outcome, which could be permanent
(Beach, 2006). For example, Great Britain, as an organization, resisted revolutionary change when
the American colonies refused to submit to the taxation without representation, which led to strong
emotions, resistance, a valent fight (the Revolutionary War).
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Organizational Change
Organizational Change Organizational Change Management is "all of the actions required for an
organization to understand, prepare for, implement and take full advantage of significant change".
The goals of Change Management are: * The successful design, implementation, measurement and
maintenance of an organization's change initiative * Enhancement of their on–going capacity for
managing change Lewin's force field analysis model states that all systems have driving and
restraining forces. Change occurs through the process of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. One
side of the force field model represents the driving forces that push organizations toward a new state
of affairs. These might include new competitors ... Show more content on ...
Creating an Urgency for Change * Inform employees about driving forces * Most difficult when
organization is doing well * Must be real, not contrived * Customer–driven change * Adverse
consequences for firm * Human element energizes employees Minimizing Resistance to Change 1.
Communication * Communication is the highest priority and first strategy required for any
organizational change. * Top strategy for engaging employees in the change process * Improves
urgency to change * Reduces uncertainty (fear of unknown) * Problems –– time consuming and
costly 2. Learning * Provides new knowledge and skills * Includes coaching and action learning *
Helps break old routines and adopt new roles * Problems –– potentially time consuming and costly
3. Employee Involvement * Increases ownership of change * Helps saving face and reducing fear of
unknown * Includes task forces, search conferences * Problems –– time–consuming, potential
conflict 4. Stress Management * When communication, training, and involvement do not resolve
stress * Potential benefits * More motivation to change * Less fear of unknown * Fewer direct costs
* Problems –– time–consuming, expensive, doesn't help everyone 5. Negotiation * When people
clearly lose something and won't otherwise support change *
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Organizational Change
Change Management Introduction A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must
occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change
which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an
organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to
change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of
approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables,
wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions
and network development. Because of the nature of ... Show more content on ...
There is a problem with the organization that involving communication. To eliminate any type of
rumor about how and what type of change is going to occur within the organization, meetings will
need to be held. To assist in this type of meeting the company can incorporate Town Hall meetings
and teleconferences to ensure that all employees can be apart of the meeting. The next phase of
organization will include the split of Sales and Delivery sections of the company. These departments
have very different focuses, and it will be easier to focus on needs with separate sections. Opening
the lines of communications will also be an essential for developing sustained change. Once each
department is split, a conference will need to be conducted to solicit ideas of goals and performance
based incentives so that each employee understand the need to grow along with what they can do to
further themselves within the organization and other incentives. Some types of incentives that may
be need would include sales based incentives for but the Marketing and Sales departments and a
benchmark performance based incentive for the Delivery section of the company. Once these types
of changes are in place a new program with the organization will be needed to ensure a continued
growth for CrysTel. A Leadership Counsel comprised of 2 to 3 members from each department will
be selected to meet once a month to discuss challenges and needs
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Organizational Change : An Organization
Organizational change is an important matter in all organizations. It is in fact it is a process in which
an organization can optimize performance as it aims toward its idyllic state. A change in an
organizational happens as a response to a dynamic environment, a reaction to an existing
predicament, or is instigated by the manager (Yang & Yu, 2009). Moreover, organizational change is
particularly evident when an organization has just experienced a transfer of managerial power.
Processes of organizational recruitment have to be structured in a way that engages and attracts
officials with similar beliefs and values making up the organizational culture. It makes certain that
new employees are assimilated to the company and go ahead to strengthen the corporate culture.
Organizations should also make sure that they bring into line the corporate culture with systems for
performance management. When management systems and culture are not in line, management
must readdress them so that the behavior of its employees results in the attainment of organizational
goals (Jones, 2004).
The positive model, the action research model and Lewin's change model suggest diverse views of
the stages through which transformation occurs in organizations. Lewin's change model assesses
change as a three–step process of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. It gives an overall depiction
of the process of change. The action research model, on the other hand, emphasis on change as a
cyclic process linking
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Organizational Change : An Organization
Most of the times change is interpreted as an action that makes improvement. Everyone needs
change to overcome problems in their environment. Direct implication of change can be applied in
organisation as well. Organisation change is one of the keys of a successful growth in organisation.
By the definition organisational change is shift from a current state to a new different state with
continuous process (Smith, 2005). The purpose of organisational change practice is to improve and
develop the organisation's effectiveness and efficiency through better management, competence,
commnications, systems, and structures. Elias (2009) explains that due to the modern world
influence that change in a rapid speed, organisation need to adapt in order to prevent organisation's
failure and to survive in the competitive market. There are some major environmental reasons that
change organisation such as, technology innovation, and globalisation (Brodbeck, 2002). However,
recently organisational change only happened in a low success rate. Low success rate of change
means it is going to be hard for organisation to reach success. If company can adapt with change, it
can shape the company's objective and goals in a better way. This essay will explain the factors why
the success rate of organisation is low, and discuss how organisational consultant can solve the
problem and bring organisation to success. It is obvious that change is very critical to organisation in
order to implementing
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Organizational Change Essay
Change Management
A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is
inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention
and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform
itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication
company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year.
Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network
development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development.
Because of the nature of ... Show more content on ...
The Sales/Delivery and Marketing departments have shown the most need for improvement,
developing a learning culture and promoting innovation can help an organization sustain change.
Maintaining a learning culture by identifying possible resistance, implementing behavioral action
plans, and evaluating implemented behavior is essential for smooth transitions. CrysTel has come to
a point where change is needed in order to continue and maintain success. After assessing the
strengths and weaknesses of the organization based on behavioral parameters, Change is constant.
Change Model
In developing an organization and preparing for the changes necessary a reliable change
management plan is often required to overcome workplace resistance when employees are presented
with a new way of doing things. Change management is a strategy designed to transition from the
status quo to some new ideal way of doing business. CrysTel, a growing telecommunications
company, finds itself in a very dynamic industry that along with frequent advances in technology
will dictate that it adapt to rapid and persistent changes. Developing a successful change
management plan for CrysTel will have distinct goals: optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and
sustain change. Change management at CrysTel will involve identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of departments within the
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Organizational Change
My company needs serious organizational change in two areas. First is improving our vendor
payment processes. We have been having problems getting the funds to our vendors on time and
sometimes paid them the wrong amounts due to our current process. This problem must be fixed for
the future of our relationships with our vendors, suppliers, and contractor agencies. We must
establish a change that will help repair and build the relationships and ensure the we also receive our
merchandise in a timely fashion. The other area that needs to be improved is our company culture by
means of employee evaluation. Currently, our employee evaluations are based on a numerical scale,
measuring performance in a 1 to 5 basis. This leaves almost no room for improvement ... Show more
content on ...
Visions set forth the expected future of the company. In regards to a specific change, a vision will
tell demonstrate what the expected result of this change is and essentially why anyone should care
about this change. The initial creation of this vision could take several months to put together. This
step involves laying out the goals that this change is trying to achieve. Our goals for changing the
vendor payment process is to make it more effective. We want to ensure that our vendors are being
paid on time and accurately. This in turn ensures that we receive out merchandise on time and that
are contractors are paid correctly and on time. The long–term goal of this change is to maintain great
relationships with our vendors. Our vision for changing the culture of the company by means of
employee evaluation is to promote internal growth. We as a company pride ourselves on offering the
tools to help our employees grow and develop within the company. The vision must also be
communicated in a way that is convincing and motivating. We'll cover that a little more in the next
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Managing Organizational Change
Introduction .........................................................3
 Definition and Triggers ....................................4
 The Resistance to Change ..............................4
 Overcome Resistance ....................................5
 The Leadership of Organizational Change ..........6
 Stages of Change Process ..............................6
 Organization Culture Change ...........................7
 Motivation and Performance ............................8
 Stakeholder Relevant issues ..............................9
 A Case Study ..............................................10
Conclusion ...........................................................12
Reference ..............................................................13
Managing organizational change has been an essential topic for years and it is still widely discussed
at present. Change has many definitions, and change is evitable ... Show more content on ...
Overcome resistance
Reducing or overcoming resistance to change depends on identifying source of resistance; it also
depends on a leader's ability to be task oriented when it is required.
Here are 3 major strategies to deal with resistance to change (Cummings and Worley, 1993):
Empathy and support: this is the first step to know those who are experiencing troubles of change,
giving them possible ways of support, it is important to let those people notice that they are taken
care of, and a more friendly relationship will be made.
Communication: people tend to resist when things become uncertain, an effective communication is
strongly demanded, it also help people prepare for the change.
Participation and involvement: it is a very good idea to get those who are facing change involve
directly in planning and implementing change, participation is the best way to overcome resistance.
No matter how we think change may be, there is one thing that we shouldn't forget is that change
can be exciting and can bring new and positive opportunities for all.
The leadership of organizational change
The leadership is very important to the change of organizations, it is discussed in many works that
management may be more emphasized than leadership, however, I would like to put leadership in
the first
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Organizational Change Plan
Organizational Change Plan Part II University of Phoenix HCS 587 Doria Chege September 5, 2011
Organizational Change Plan Part II Change Methods Monitoring change processes during/after
implementation determines the effectiveness of the organizational change, unsuspected problems
and reveal potential solutions to problems that surface during the change. Dr. Lindsey Medical
Clinic recently employed a filing staff to sort records, file records in accordance with the correct
patient, and scan records into electronic format. The monitoring process consist of training two file
room employees to use a computerized change monitor software. The change monitor software
implementation addresses performance evaluations based on ... Show more content on ...
The patient information software (ITniserv) prevents medical fraud because accurate records reveal
the nature of each patient visit, the medicines disbursed, and the price of patient services. Under the
paper method doctors, nurses, and pharmacists experienced difficulty in preventing patient name
fraud because patients allowed family members to receive treatment using the patient insurance
plans. The difficulty arose because the fraudulent patient changed the middle initial of the existing
patient name. Dr. Lindsey medical office experienced high chargebacks from Medicare and other
insurance providers. Preventing fraud and medicine abuse is difficult however, an automated
tracking system capable of alerting the staff of medicine distributions and duplicate insurance
benefit accounts reduces/prevents this problem. Dr. Lindsey medical group achieves regulatory
compliance, automated information access and a user–friendly work environment by converting
records from paper to an electronic format. Organizational Processes, Systems, and Roles The
organizations processes consist of documenting patient visits on paper, writing paper prescriptions,
and writing hand–written referrals. The staff engaged verbal doctor/nurse communications for
follow up treatment. The problem with verbal communication surfaces when a doctor/nurse forget,
which patient chart to
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Organizational Change Plan
Organizational Change Plan: CrysTel XXXXXXXXXX University of Phoenix Organizational
Change Plan: CrysTel Introduction Change comes at a fast or slow rate it all depends on whom is
watching and what they are looking for, one thing is for sure change will happen. It will happen
because we make it happen or it happens because someone else forces us. Either way we have to be
ready to make the change, we do this by studying and learning, the business, the business
environment, the competitors, and the industry. Watching for the signs that change is in the wind and
watching which way the change is blowing. Change is described as "... something that presses us out
of our comfort zone. It is destiny–filtered, heart grown, faith ... Show more content on ...
Since the marketing department is spread, cross–country training is lax along with a lack of job
descriptions. (Building a Culture, 2007) Sales and Delivery: the sales team calls on Customers to
explain the products and to ensure compatibility of products. They also track sales and inventory to
ensure product availability and timely delivery of orders. Senior Staff set job responsibilities and do
not encourage the raising of issues at any other time then during performance reviews. (Building a
Culture, 2007) There are many factors at CrysTel that will be affected by changes; one of the basic
tenets of physics is that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. In this case, changes
in one department will ultimately affect the other departments. However, this is also conversely true
when one department is doing a sub par job it will affect in a likely manner. Two surveys were
commissioned, an employee satisfaction survey and a climate survey from these two surveys we
were able to ascertain where some of the problems can occur within the ranks of CrysTel. Using a
six–factor parameter, we are able to determine where the strongest and weakest departments lie; the
six factors taken into consideration are leading by example, employee in senior communications,
empowering teams, risk taking, resolving conflicts, and mentoring sessions. When looking at the
results the human
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Considerations For Effective Organizational Change
What Is Organizational Change?
Organizational change is the term used to describe the transformation process that a company goes
through in response to a strategic reorientation, restructure, change in management, merger or
acquisition or the development of new goals and objectives for the company. The realignment of
resources and the redeployment of capital can bring many challenges during the transformation
process and organizational change management seeks to address this by adopting best practice
standards to assist with the integration of new company vision.
Organizational change is not just change for the sake of change itself. The major precursor for
organizational change is some form of exogenous force such as an external ... Show more content on ...
If workers don 't embrace or see the reason for change, resentment and resistance can occur You
have to emphasize the positive reason for the change and convey it to the workers. This way,
improve the chances of support.
For effective organizational change, you should create a transition management team. You should
also select a change leader from every department and conduct regular meetings. This will comprise
the transition team that can drive the change initiatives and help facilitate and implement the
initiatives throughout the various departments. This also provides a support structure for the
initiatives. Resources should be provided to the transition management team.
Additional Considerations For Effective Organizational Structure:
Evaluation of the aesthetic appeal is essential for effective organizational change. The plan should
be clear defined goals and rationale and should be concise. Ensure that the decision makers within
the organization are onboard. Any change in the policy affects the operation of the organization
which needs broad approval at some levels.
Ensure you adequately define the nature of the changes. This will help team members and
employees to interpret the core objectives.
You should measure whether the change has taken place or not. Often this process is neglected but
to ensure effective organizational change you need to have predefined benchmarks to measure
implementation progress.
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Organizational Strategies and Change
MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to
summarize several strategies and describe how these strategies can help bring about changes in an
organization. The authors show how different strategies can be used for successful implementation
of change process. The article compares the four level strategies, namely functional level strategy,
business level strategy, corporate level strategy and global strategy. There are many strategies to
bring about a change in an organization but the most commonly used strategies are summarized in
this article. An organization is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. As ...
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➢ Monitoring product or service markets so that strategies conform to the needs of the markets at
the current stage of evolution. The strategies in business level are: 1) Cost leadership strategy The
cost leadership strategy emphasizes having the lowest costs, not necessarily the lowest price, in a
market. A firm attempting to realize a low cost strategy should stress resources that facilitate
efficiency. A firm that has successfully achieved a low cost position will have the lowest costs
relative to competitors. A firm can use such a position to either lower its prices and gain market
share and sales from rivals or keep its prices at the present market level and make relatively more
profit per unit sold. The key idea is that cost and price are independent choices, and this strategy is
focused on cost. 2) Differentiation The differentiation strategy focuses on developing a unique
product or a perception of a unique product that customers are willing to pay a premium for. If a
firm is not receiving a premium price for its goods or services it is not a differentiator. A firm
seeking to follow a differentiation strategy should attempt to develop and enhance its resources that
promote customer responsiveness, quality, and/or innovation. Note that costs are still important to a
differentiator because it is possible that the costs of making the product unique will be greater than
the premium consumers are
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Models of Organizational Change
Organizational Models of Change
Olympia Ross
Grand Canyon University
Organizational Development and Change
Dr. Jerry Griffin
August 14, 2013
Organizational Models of Change Organizational change is occurring at an intense rate within
modern organizations, as demands to stay current with technology and marketplace trends are ever
increasing. Although knowledge exists amongst management and leadership regarding the need for
change, the ability to deliver the expected results of proposed changes often fails. Recent literature
actually suggests that failures are frequently attributed to the level of employee involvement and
commitment, and that employees actually "play a major role in the success or failure of change
within ... Show more content on ...
Three–Phase Change Model and Communication Communication is truly the most central
component to Lewin's model. It is highlighted at each of the three phases, with lack of
communication being a barrier to successfully transitioning between phases. That said, it must not
be discounted the impact that strong lines of communication have on successful change initiatives,
as high percentages of change failures are often attributed to poor communication, thus hindering
the transition process (Shin et al., 2012, p. 727).
Harris's Five–Phase Model Ben Harris developed a five–phase organizational change model in the
mid 1970's. According to Harris, the phases are sequential; however, they often overlap one another
(Lunenburg, 2010, p. 4). The five–phases are as follows: planning & initiation, momentum,
problems, turning point, and termination.
Five–Phase Model: Role of the Leader Unlike Lewin's three–phase model, Harris's model is less
dependent upon concrete leadership initiatives at each phase. For example, per the five–phase
model, the role of the leader is accentuated most at phases II–IV; posited by Lunenburg when he
acknowledged "the importance of leadership at various phases of program implementation"
(Lunenburg, 2010, p. 5). During planning and initiation,
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Organizational Change and Resistance Intervention
Organizational Change and Resistance Intervention Honor Student University of Somewhere
Organizational Change and Resistance Intervention Growth within any organization brings about a
certain amount of change, and this can be unsettling to some individuals who have grown
accustomed to a certain way of doing things, as well as a feeling of being overwhelmed with new
functionalities and a sense that their once close nit family oriented business has exploded into an
organization where they are now just a number on a spreadsheet. This can be the springboard
towards resistance to change, but numerous varieties exist, and it is those that might originate from
our organization's structure and culture towards our planned changes that I ... Show more content on ...
Instituting such change as self–managed work teams or participative decision making can threaten
middle managers and supervisors, and a change to resource allocations that could possibly mean a
cut in staff size or a reduction in budget will definitely be seen as a threat by those groups within an
organization that are in control of sizable resources (Explore HR, n.d.). There are numerous ways to
decrease, or mitigate resistance to change; some of which are: * Education and Communication *
Participation and Involvement * Building Support and Commitment * Manipulation and Co–option
* Coercion Of the ones mentioned here, most believe education and communication are among the
top methods of mitigating and overcoming resistance to change. Communicating and educating your
personnel and organization with regard to the change in advance can aid employees in visualizing
the logic in the change effort, which can be extremely beneficial to reducing resistance as it can
alleviate the possibility of unsubstantiated and inaccurate rumors relating to the effects of the change
on the organization. Participation and involvement is also extremely important, because when
employees are actually involved in the change effort they are generally more likely to accept it,
rather than resist it. Building support and commitment is essential on the part of management
throughout the change process. The support of management will help employees cope with fear and
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Organizational Change Is Significant To An Organization
Organizational change is significant to an organization as it can change the success of an
organization, remove specific job practices or functions, alter policies and procedures, and change
the way an organization operates ( Organizational change efforts should
improve the performance of an organization as well as the people in the organization (Campbell,
To begin an organizational change, a change agent should understand the culture of organization,
which reflects in its norms and practices. This can include understanding the systems and structures
in the organization, including their terms and roles. This also applies to understanding the leadership
and management of the organization (Campbell, 2014). ... Show more content on ...
The steps to unfreezing includes: determining what needs to be changed, ensuring strong
management is in place, determining why change needs to occur, and understanding and
empathizing with the concerns and doubts of employees ( The change stage follows
next as it is where members of the organization begin to resolve their uncertainties and believe in the
change and new direction.
This step takes some time as members want to know how the change benefits them. It is important
that organizations understand that time and communication are both important to the change process
( As communication is encouraged, it opens the door for employee involvement.
The final stage of refreeze takes place once the changes are established and the members of the
organization are aligned and have accepted the new ways of working.
The refreeze stage involves identifying what supports the change and what affects those changes,
developing ways to uphold those changes, and providing adequate training to adequately sustain
those changes ( There are different types of internal and external organizational
changes. These changes include structural, strategic, process–oriented and people–centered
( People centered changes focus on the attitudes, behaviors, skills, and performance
of employees
in an organization ( It also can enhance the communication between
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Organizational Change Paper
Burke (2014) stated that organizations change from day to day. The changes that take place in
organizations can be intentional or unintentional. Generally, the changes that occur is accidental. It
is important to have a broader and deeper knowledge of understanding organization change.
Understanding what is currently happening as well as trends in which the organization is functioning
can provide such awareness. In an effort to grasp the concepts of organization change in greater
depth, it is vital to: (a) gain insight of the history of organization change, (b) know the nature of
organizational change, (c) identify the levels of organizational change, and (d) review evaluate
research, theory and models of change. History of Organization Change Organization change can be
traced back to the early Bible days, involving Moses and his father–in–law Jethro. Moses, not only
deemed as leader, but also counselor, judge and minister to thousands of Israelite followers. All of
the followers had direct contact to Moses, due to his position, was responsible for dealing with
various issues. Jethro, Moses' father–in–law, suggested that he reorganize the structure that was in
place. Jethro suggested that Moses choose a few noble men to serve as rulers, which in turn will be
the only ones to have direct access to him, in the event that a problem arose that they could not
resolve. From there, under the rulers would be lieutenants, so forth and so down to the lowest group.
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Organizational Changes Within The Public Bodies
1. Introduction
With the rapid growth of globalization, organizations face rapid changes like before. This is because
globalization has significantly increased the markets as well as the opportunities for more growth
and revenue. Campbell and Brown (2015) have opined that in the present scenario of stiff climatic
pressure as well as evolving political priorities, organizational changes within the public bodies is
gradually increasing the priority. Therefore, it can be stated that organizational is one of the complex
processes that have negative as well as positive outcomes and as such it is worth looking at the
available evidence so that the process is conducted as efficiently as well as effectively as possible. In
this particular task the main focus would be on some of the integral parts of organizational changes
and to carry on this particular task, Yahoo has been selected.
Therefore, through this research work, the researcher would try to outline as well as discuss the role
of diagnosis as well as feedback in the overall process of organizational changes and the ways to
achieve that efficiently (Carlson 2015). Apart from that, an analysis would be made to find out
whether the feedback is an essential element in an organizational development intervention or not. It
has been found that Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo has been in the headlines as she has introduced
some of the organizational changes into the corporation. The changed policies adopted in the
company have been
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Organizational Change Activities
Organizational Change Activities Change activities are healthy for an organization. They keep it up–
to–date and relevant within the market place. There are a number of reasons as to why organizations
need to change; essentially the organization is in need of a change of because of external factors or a
need for a change within the organizational culture. External evolutions of technological and
cultural factors can all impact the success of an intended organizational change. Still, such change is
often needed to keep an organization healthy. Organizations engage in change activities for a wide
number of reasons. Overall, the main reason is to increase the overall success of the organization,
whether it is the operational flow or the organizational culture itself. Essentially, organizations
engage in change activities to "improve the ability of the organization to adapt to changes in the
environment" and to "change employee behavior" (Robbins & Judge, 2008, p 412). External factors
can cause an organization to need to revamp its internal strategies. Thus, external factors hold a
powerful role in why an organization would need to change. Additionally, organizational culture can
have a place in causing a need for change within an organization. When how employees act and
function fail to meet organization strategies and objectives, a change is needed in order to intervene
and generate a greater sense of balance between the two. There are a number of factors that impact
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Organizational Change And Change Management

  • 1. Organizational Change And Change Management Change Management in IT Environment Presented by Aravind Reddy Vootukuri Wilmington University 1) Abstract 2)Organizational Change During My Employment with Capgemini in 2007 a)Reasons for Change b)Objectives Set for this Change Program c)Used John kotter 's8 step Change model d)Used Change Process 3)Change in Nationwide Electricity UK(External Consultant Approach) a)Planned and Emergent Change b)Used Levin 's Change Model 4)Conclusion Abstract: Dr. John Kotter from his 40 years of research by leadership and change he stated that 70% of all organizational transformation efforts fail because organizations don not take a consistent approach to changing themselves or not engaging work forces effectively. Change is about survival but change management is about modifying or transforming organizations to maintain and improve their effectiveness . Change is necessary for organizations which are into volatile, prosper ,uncertain ,complex and ambiguous environment How and Why Change is required a)Generally Change rises from development of new products b)Entry of new competition c)Changes in consumer tastes and preferences d)shifting socio–political and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Organizational Change Essay After reviewing and researching the literature with respect to organizational changes, I have come to the conclusion that organizations have always changed. When everything in the world is changing, organization cannot remain islands. They must change to face new challenges. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim organizations have changed about as much as in past few decades as in the preceding century. Bolman and Deal (2008) claim means that the change organizations have experienced in the last decade are almost similar to those they experience in at the end of the twentieth century. However, in my opinion this is not entirely true, although some of the changes organizations have experienced in the last decade are a product of changes and ... Show more content on ... As a result of the success these practices have realized, employees tend to embrace them and reject any changes that do not conform to what they consider the way they have always done things. Employees usually become conditioned to the idea that the activities and procedures of the past will continue to be fruitful in future. As a result, they may reject new development and advancements that they feel would threaten their value system. It is important to change various aspects of organization culture when trying to institute change in organizations (Kavita, 2005). The aspects that such changes should target include the balance of power in the organizations, the organization structure that supports the framework, leadership and management styles. Organizational history is also very critical, especially if it has a progressive track record success. However, if the culture despite the changes remains aligned to the organization goals and mission the employees will adopt it and embrace change. Specific societal needs and accountability measures have strongly influenced changes in organizations throughout the 20th and the 21st centuries. Societal needs are dynamic and ever–changing and, as a result, the push organization to find new ways of meeting their demand (Kezar et al, 2011). For instance, employees and customers no longer appreciate being the last to know about new research and development, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay On Organizational Culture Change Research Paper Organizational Culture Change Anthony L. Dellinger Florida Institute of Technology Table of Contents Introduction 3 Organization Overview 3 Organization Evaluation 4 Findings 5 Responses 5 Research 7 Conclusion 8 Recommendations 8 Introduction As a consultant hired to evaluate organizational leadership within this government agency, I have identified the leading cause of the dysfunction within this organization. This paper explores a lingering problem that has impacted this organization's productivity and effectiveness. The problem has been identified as a negative culture situation. This paper will explore and identify issues within this organization that have created a negative culture ... Show more content on ... Organization Evaluation There are a total of five units within this organization. Information Security Office Unit (ISOU), Technology Services Unit (TSU), Enterprise Application Unit (EAU), Converged Communications Unit (CCU), and Chief Data Officer Unit (CDOU). Information Security Office Unit (ISOU) – The Information Security Office Unit is responsible for maintaining the computer networks data security. Core services include governance, Risk Assessment, Compliance, Security Monitoring, and Incident Response. Technology Services Unit (TSU) – The Technology Services Unit provides management for email, desktop support, active directory and enterprise systems. Enterprise Applications Unit (EAU) – The Enterprise Applications Unit is responsible for the development of information systems and provides the resources needed to enable the public to interact with their government.
  • 6. Converged Communications Unit (CCU)– The Converged Communications Unit is responsible for providing the network which includes voice, data, radio, video and wireless systems . Findings There are approximately 200 employees per unit, I interviewed an average of twenty employees per unit. Employees interviewed were a combination of supervisors, subordinates, and managers. Questions asked: 1) How would describe your organizations culture? 2) If you were to make changes, what changes would you make? 3) How would describe your organizations structure? 4) What would you ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Organizational Change : An Organization Introduction Organizational change is a crucial issue exercised in an organization to increase performance as it works toward its ideal state. Organizational change arises as a reaction to an ever– changing environment, a response to an ongoing difficult situation, or is stimulated by a leader. Organizational change is a survival strategy. If the organization does not maintain the changing technology, consumer demands, and productive business activities, they will lose their competitive area. Forces for change There are a lots of factors influence organizational activities. These are called external and internal forces and change in these forces lead to change in an organization. Some important factors are described below The external forces are those factors that come from outside of the organization that cause change inside organizations and most of them are beyond the control of the company. Market changes, Customers, competition, the economy, technological advancement, political and social conditions and resources are common external factors that have effect on the organization. The organization cannot change the environment but change them to keep pace with the environment. Internal factors are originated from the inside of the organization. It includes managerial behavior or decisions such as interpersonal conflict, lack of support. Human resource problem is included also like high turnover and appreciation of unfair treatment The Approaches of organization changes ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Essay on Resistance to Organizational Change Individuals when faced with any major change will be inevitably resistant and will want to preserve the status quo, especially if they think their status or security within the organization is in danger (Bolognese, 2010). Folger and Skarlicki believe that organizational change produces skepticism in employees which make it problematic and possibly even impossible to contrive improvements within the organization (as cited in Bolognese, 2010) Therefore, management must understand, accept and make an effort to work with resistance, since it can undermine even the most well– conceived change efforts (Bolognese, 2010). Furthermore, Coetsee states for organizations to achieve the maximum benefits from change they must effectively create and ... Show more content on ... Technical resistance is caused when employees are concerned about the capital that was invested in the technology and equipment that is currently being used. There is also cultural resistance that is difficult for employees to change values, norms, and procedures that are supported by the current culture within the organization. The final type of resistance is political resistance. This happens when decisions made in the past are now being questioned which can cause certain stakeholders to feel threatened (Van Dijk, & Van Dick, 2009). Elements for Dealing with Resistance According to Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2009) there are six different approaches to managing resistance to change which are, situational, let nature take its course, thought self–leadership, creative counters, tinkering, kludging, and pacing approach, and finally the power of resistance approach. While all of these different methods or approaches for dealing with change have positives and negatives, some are better than others. For example, Kotter and Schlesinger's situational method is great in that it recognizes some situations need to be treated differently than others. However, they suggest that manipulation could be used and while they explain the dangers of this approach, its application is very limited and the rewards don't outweigh the risks. Another approach that Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2009) ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Organizational Changes Essay Organizational Changes Organizational changes take place when the force field that counterbalances change is overcome. Different power base utilization facilitates these types of changes. Change could be a topic in and by itself but we have chosen to incorporate the use of different power bases and their effects on change. Power, in organizational change, is having the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do.(1) Understanding when to use a particular type of power base can ease the ... Show more content on ... The follower's would need to be inspired and convinced that all efforts that are to be put forth are worth the outcome. After the thawing the efforts put forth occur in the changing stage. The changing stage was further broken down after the initial introduction of the three stages; commonly referred to as the eight–stage model when the additional steps are included. After the changes are implemented it has to be institutionalized into the culture to prevent regression into the old ways. Since this model was covered in the text, I will generalize the other models and then integrate the power bases into a few of them. Lewin's Change Model.gif (6660 bytes) The Gap Model (3) is used when a clear mental picture exists of what is desired to happen. It has two stages: one is the present state and the second is the future desired state. The strategy that is to be determined to attain the future state is laid out with the understanding that resistance will be encountered. If the change is to be implemented with minimal resistance then the coercive power, information power, and expert power bases are best. The person with the vision must be possess the skills and knowledge to see what the future will hold with the suggested change and if user's ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Reflection On Organizational Change I first off would like to start by saying these past 8 weeks have been a great experience! I have been able to learn and gain new skills and tools that will not only help me in the rest of my schooling, but will be very beneficial when it comes to my career. I have really enjoyed getting to see all different experiences out there and a variety of perspectives on what one has done or not when in that situation. It certainly has opened my eyes up to the world and I feel I am more aware and ready for what might come my way now. Although after reading the "Let's Drive a Stake In the Heart of the Industrial Age!" you never really know what's going to happen next. I plan to use all the OB tools that I have been able to learn about in this term to assist the transformational process in organizational models. Using these tools will help this process go more smoothly and make it easier not only for the company but for the employees and customers. The transformational process in any company is hard and can be very challenging during a time like this. I believe that change is challenging just from my experiences and that it can take more time than one thinks or wants it to. I personally am not a fan of change, so when there is a change going on in my personal or professional life I hope it is quick and easy (which it is rarely ever). I have learned though change is good. As much as I may hate it, it is necessary and it cannot be avoided. I learned these past weeks and have seen examples where some individuals in a company will resist change, even leaders, and that is where I find the OB tools to help and make the change as easy as possible for everyone in the company. I know this is something I will do to assist the transformational process in organizational models in my future company. I will use the strategies we have learned in this course to help and be more effective. One concept in this course I have learned and it has stuck with me is focusing on employees. Without good relationships with employees and making sure they are happy and acknowledged the work within the company will not get done effectively and efficiently. As a manager, I will make sure that all employees are managed, able to express their ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Theory Of Organizational Change Literature Synthesis The idea of change can alarm any system and lead to unexpected reactions from the members associated with the system. As the change begins to be implemented, these uncertainties intensify and can lead to crisis. This phenomenon becomes even more crucial when the system involves an organization with leaders and those members with non–managerial responsibilities. When change is being implemented within an organization by its leaders, the consequences of it can be underestimated or ignored by them, resulting in crises and, eventually, failure of the change efforts. In order for change to succeed, specifically in today's business world, where organizations are constantly undergoing change at a fast rate, companies should educate their employees in understanding and supporting change. Taking both organizational and employee perspectives into account, Armenakis and Bedeian (1999) have reviewed major research publications on the theory of organizational change from 1987 to 1999. To set a basis for selecting from the vast number of the available material, their study was concentrated on those researches focusing on the fundamentals of organizational change dynamics. The researchers acknowledge the effect of the extent of their resource selection on the literature review outcome, stating that their choice of subject area will provide a deeper understanding of the existing approaches governing organizational change. In order to make their research manageable, ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. What Is Organizational Change? What is organizational change? This is a question that is imperative to know the answer to in order to fully understand today's industry and workplaces. According to, organizational change is defined as a company or organization that is going through a transformation which can occur when business strategies or major sections of an organization are altered. In order for companies to succeed in altering their business in any way, they really must understand how important it is to know how to deal with organizational change to make sure that it goes over efficiently and effectively. The same can be said for me as well. I have to really understand organizational change because I will definitely go through plenty of changes in my life and knowing how to deal with them is hugely important. This is especially true since my major is Computer Information Technology and technology is always rapidly changing in the world. This brings me back to the question of what exactly is organizational change? What is the meaning of this phrase that is so important for employees to know? I think that a better question to ask is what brings about organizational change? According to Chirantan Basu of, organizational change drivers can come in many forms including: new technologies, consumer demand, economic conditions, and government policy actions. According to another source on, new initiatives and projects are launched every day to improve ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Intentional Revolutions Is Organizational Change Intentional Revolutions is organizational change that requires people to examine and alter the basic assumptions driving and supporting the present state of their organizational life. It is about change that asks people to do things in dramatically new and different ways, as opposed to making small improvements in current practices. The requirements for remaining competitive often include sharp breaks with past beliefs and practices. There is need for organizations of all kinds to make discontinuous changes in significant aspects of their being. To make revolution is to attack values and practices that are valued or cherished or accepted within the prevailing culture. Slide 1 Transformation – creation of a new organizational reality. These organizations are continuously and fundamentally adaptive and self–renewing. Slide 2 The challenge of Transformational Change Discontinuous Thinking Building a New Consciousness Practical Dimensions of Transformation The Path of Least Resistance Discontinuous Thinking Rapid and unpredictable changes in an organizational environment lead to understanding that the traditional response modes, such as downsizing and piecemeal structural process rearrangements, no longer provide sufficient competitive edge. Corporations must change in ways that are discontinuous with what has gone before. For example, (Insert example of your organization such as when your new leadership came in or the relationship of your dean with the guy that did ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Managing Organizational Structure Change Managing Organizational Structure Change LDR 531 Managing Organizational Structure Change Smith & Falmouth (S&F), a mid–sized phone and mail order product company, has expanded into the online product market. S&F created S&;F Online as an independent business unit while it proves the strategic viability and value of online as a sales channel. S&F Online is made up of a small team that has been successful, and is now working to increase sales and diversify their online offerings to add health and beauty services. As S&F Online grows, it needs to determine the best organizational structure to support its business strategy and builds on its current organizational culture. Current Organizational Structure S&F Online is currently a ... Show more content on ... Considerations. In order to successfully design a matrix organization, though, a few key considerations need to be planned for. First, informal communication channels need to be developed and leadership needs to watch for any signs of organizational silos. Effective communication among the dimensions of the matrix structure is essential for a successful implementation. A great deal of this communication is informal in nature, leading to voluntary coordination among employees. Informal communication relies on personal networks and relationships built on trust. One barrier to informal communication is organizational silos. Leaders must break down these silos whenever possible (Galbraith, 2010, p.6). Next, it is important for cross–departmental goal achievement that the rewards be aligned for all areas. "The goals of the different matrix dimensions must be aligned to work together. The more dimensions that exist, the more likely it is that fragmentation will occur" (Galbraith, 2010, p.6). Lastly, since the unity–of–command is no longer in existence, i.e., there are essentially two bosses (functional and product managers) there needs to be absolute clarity in the work priorities. "When you dispense with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Organizational Change : An Effective Organization In today 's business world, many elements are forcing companies to change in order to survive, such as the new technology, new customers' taste and also new systems of management. Under the dynamic business environment, organizational change becomes one of the essential parts of a business. During different stages of organizational change, various resistances between employers and employees will be created because of different perspectives from both employers and employees. In order to carry out a successful organizational change, developing an effective strategy to overcome the challenge became the most crucial part in the process of organizational change. Undoubtedly, it can be difficult for managers to decide which approach they want to apply to deal with the resistance to organizational change as they need to figure out the 'best' solution depends on their company's condition. It is therefore essential to evaluate critically different ways of solving resistance to organizational change. In the first part of the essay, I will state various kinds of resistances to organizational change, stages of organizational change and methods of solving resistance to organizational change. Next part will be the evaluation of those solutions for managing resistance to organizational change. The final section of this essay explores how to select an appropriate scheme to overcome their challenges. The literature review begins with definition organisational change which defined by Van de ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Organizational Change Model Organizational Change Models Grand Canyon University: LDR 615 March 12, 2014 Organizational Change Models It is common knowledge by now that change is inevitable. It is everywhere around us. Change can be fun, for example when a new version of the iPhone comes out. However, when change affects what we do everyday, there usually is a lot of skepticism and resistance to change involved. Apple employees were sure to feel enormous pressure as the sales of iPhones skyrocketed. To implement change on an organizational scale it is always a good idea to have a framework for building upon. Using change models can guide leaders through organizational changes and help pave their way to the future. This article discusses and ... Show more content on ... Thirdly, Lewin unheeded the role of politics and power in organizations and its conflictual nature. Finally, Lewin was seen as supporting from a top–down management driven approach to change and ignoring conditions requiring bottom–up changes. Several strengths of Lewin's Change Model are his effective approach to resolving social conflict through changing group behavior, promoting an ethical and humanistic approach to change, and using his four mutually–reinforcing concepts of: Field Theory, Group Dynamics, Action Research as well as the 3–Step Model in combination for the process of effective change (Levasseur, 2001). Bridge's Transition Model Bridges Transition Model, written by William Bridges in 1991, is based on how people feel as they transition through changes (Evision, 2014). This model highlights three stages of transition that we all go through as we experience change. One is Ending, Losing and Letting Go that begin as the initial stage of transition when people are presented with a change. This is an uncomfortable stage as people are forced to give up something that is familiar to them. It is common to experience many types of emotion in this stage such as fear, denial, and anger. Stage two is the Neutral Zone where it is not uncommon to see confusion, impatience and uncertainty. Experiencing resentment, low morale, decreased productivity, anxiety and skepticism is often seen as the change is taking place. This is an important ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. The Impact Of Organizational Change On Change Management Introduction Change is a phenomenon which is inevitable in every aspect of human life and it is always constant despite the fact that people do resist change due to some reasons. Organizational change is also a phenomenon which cannot be avoided by organization, because internal and external factors exist which can cause an organization to change. According to Mills an et al (2008) organization change can be defined as an alteration of a core aspect of an organization's operations. Theses core aspects involve culture of the company, the technology used or the structure of the organization. This report will evaluate the impact of organizational changes. Change Management The change Management function will assess the nature and magnitude of the change as a result of the change programme and who it will affect. In parallel to this, the team should put in place measures to assess how ready people are for the change. As an output of the change readiness assessments, and any areas of the organisation who look to be particularly resistant to change or are facing a significant volume of change can be given specific focus. The readiness to change will be measured across the project lifecycle to monitor and track the sentiment of the organisation. Policies and Procedures against the Strategic Plan Once reviewed, policies which had been developed in response to meeting the requirements of the strategic plan must b reviewed to identify those that require change. The time taken ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Study Of Organizational Change The study of organizational change is a subject that has attracted diverse academic discourses. Over time and across academia, scholars are concerned with various aspects change. Moreover, in spite of the various perspectives and conclusions on the subject matter, there appears to be consensus that indeed, the way change is introduced in an organization determines the success of the intended projects or strategic goals of the organization (Williams, 2006). Practically, in most of the organizations, change is viewed as a bad thing. In other words, managers may not wish to condone the resistance of their proposed projects since they delay the achievement of the goals. Hence the salient question to ask is whether resistance to change is ... Show more content on ... In both cases, the relevant theories and models are invoked and a suitable synthesis applied. Conclusions are made and the answer to the essay question reiterated. In the final analysis, the essay emphasizes on the need to view change resistance in an alternative manner; as opposed to the traditional demonized approach. Resistance to Change In many cases, resistance to change is viewed and analyzed from the managerial perspective (Schultz & Schultz, 2004). From the managerial point of view, resistance to change is considered as a cause to the delay in the achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Hence managers are aware of the effects of the resistance to change, such as wastage of time. As a result, change projects are introduced earlier than the actual time, so that by the time the management can mobilize consensus on the proposed change, the ideal time for the commencement of the project is fulfilled. Hayes (2002) outlines other ways of managing change, such as coercion, manipulation and dialogue with the employees. At this point, it is also necessary to realize that change is not only a property of the employees but also an aspect common with the middle level managers. According to Folger and Skarlicki (1999), such managers are reprimanded, transferred to given higher positions in order to allow the change process to take its course. In some cases, employees who resist change were sacked such as shown below. Toyota represents a ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Organizational Change Management Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT Organizational Change Management Warrien Poole Abstract This research project focused on organizational change management initiated through strategic planning. Knowing that organizational changes are inevitable and necessary for companies to achieve their mission and goals, the intent was to present an analysis on some of the important areas that could affect successful outcomes. Included are strategy, technology, structure, and people as the four major areas of concentration because they are related and most cases, interchangeable when there is change. There are also techniques explored that counter the resistance of employees either afraid or unwilling to change. Introduction ... Show more content on ... The science of organization development was created to deal with changing people on the job through techniques such as education and training, team building, and career planning. Purpose and Objectives The purpose of this research was to understand how successful organizations adapt strategic planning to the need for change. I also wanted to explore the various methods and responsibilities for implementing changes effectively. My objectives were to identify successful strategies, how to respond to resistance, and effectively implement change. Method Collection of information for this project included books, journals, videos, interviews and performance observation with organization administrators and employees. Findings/Results A successful organization responds intelligently to factors which precipitate change. Economic climates, political trends, changes in consumer demands, management policy or structure, employment levels and financial resources all these elements are constantly at play to ensure that organizations clinging on to static structures will ultimately lose out. But change is a dynamic and alarming thing and HRD must address how to manage it positively, so that employees give their support and the positive goals set are worked towards with enthusiasm. Research shows that the success rate for implementing major organizational change is quite low, for several reasons. First, asking organizations to change the way they conduct their ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Organizational Change Week Four Assignment Darryl Friedlund Forecasting & Leading Change – STL 420 Chapter 10 Page 298 1. How do evolutionary change and revolutionary change differ? Evolutionary change is gradual, incremental, and narrowly focused and does not involve drastic or sudden altering of the basic nature of the organization's strategy or structure. Whereas revolutionary change is rapid, dramatic, and broadly focused in order to quickly and decisively find new ways to be effective. 2. What is a business process, and why is reengineering a popular instrument of change today? A business process is any activity that cuts across functional boundaries. It is the ability of people and groups to act in a cross–functional way ... Show more content on ... I think that the steps a company must take to implement any TQM program is much the same as the five main steps in action research; diagnosing the organization, determining the desired future state, implementing action, evaluation the action, and institutionalizing action research. Along with training the team and using Lewin's three–step change process. 2. In what ways can Six Sigma bring about types of change that improve an organization's competitive advantage? The Six Sigma process can improve an organization's competitive advantage in many ways. It can streamline processes to save time and money, it can generate a restructure, it could find ways to improve employee working conditions which could improve productivity, or it could even generate potential new programs or products to increase customer satification. Chapter 11 Page 328 1. What factors influence the number of organizations that are founded in a population? How can pursuing a specialist strategy increase a company's chance of survival? The factors that influence the number of organizations that are founded in a population are population ecology theory, population of organizations, environmental niches, and population density. A company's chance of survival can be increased by using a specialist strategy because they would focus their activities in one niche which would enable them to develop core competences and allow them to outperform generalist in that ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Organizational Change Essay INTRODUCTION Organizational Development (OD) has become more and more important for today's organizations because the world is moving so fast that organizations have to find ways to be more effective, more innovation, more customer–driven, and more agile. Cumming and Worley (1997) define organizational development as "a process that applies a broad range of behaviour science knowledge and practices to help organizations build their capacity to change and to achieve greater effectiveness". Therefore, OD will help organizations understand how people act to change and which change methods can work with the resistance to change that usually occurs in organizations undergoing change. In the study of organizational development, it is ... Show more content on ... 4. Task–Job Design: The way work is performed in the organization can be changed with new procedures and methods for performing work. 5. Organizational Structure: Organizations can change the way they are structured in order to be more responsive to their external environment. Again to be more responsive to the marketplace, this also includes where decisions should be made in the organization (centralized or decentralized). 6. Organizational Culture: Entities can attempt to change their culture, including management and leadership styles, values and beliefs. Of all the things organizations can change, this is by far the most difficult to undertake. These are the major elements in the organizations for the change process. It is that changes in one of the elements will usually effect or impact on another element. For example, changing technology may require changes in the human–behavioural area, changes in task–job design may require changes in organization structure, etc. WHY ORGANIZATION FAIL IN CHANGE? People in organization resists to change. There are much reasons for resisting to change. Some of the facts shown in below. Loss of control: Change interferes with autonomy and can make people feel that they've lost control over their territory. It's not just political, as in who has the power. Our sense of self–determination is often the first things to ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Organizational Change And The Implementation Of The Change... Introduction: Organisational change and the implementation of the change is a relevant issue when analysing the Nora case. Organisation change is the ability of an organisation to change over time and is reliant on the ability of the organisation to change the individual behaviour of individual employees (Robertson, Roberts and Porras, 1993). Organisational change is a common occurrence in modern organisations and the change can come from new employees to new strategies. It is relevant in the case where organisational change is occurring however a lack of communication about the change has cause issues among the organisation and its clients. The iceberg model created by George Clampitt (2005) will be used in the analysis of the case and therefore recommendations can be made based on the conclusions. Background: The unexpected consequence of implementing change is a relevant issue when analysing the Nora case. Nora is a social worker at Bridges Care and Village, Clevedon, South Auckland. Charity Trust National controls the operations and Bridges Care and Village, is one of the care centres they provide for the elderly. The organisation was originally structured using a communal based model; drug, alcohol, social, and child services. Charity Trust National now seek to change the organisations structure and split services into three categories; age, community and residential. Georgina, one of the staff tells Nora that there will be change to the whole organisation, resulting ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Organizational Change Paper Organizational change is the process of transforming or modifying an organizational system (Heather & Heather, 2010). Just like anything in life, markets and cultures, which requires constant attention and preparation because of change. Change capability establishes the core competency of improving just about every aspect of an organization performance. Conscious change leaders understand this and recognize the importance of building their organizations' change capabilities. According to Cawsey et al. (2012), "Change is a necessary prerequisite to organizational change" (p. 18). Organizational change enables an organization to achieve organizational success by providing tools and techniques for an organization to meet the challenges and demands ... Show more content on ... Paramo, personal communication, July17, 2015). VOZ has successfully led these efforts and in the process has generated over 16,000 jobs for the Portland area day laborers. Moreover, there has been a decreased public safety concern as less people congregate on the street to look for work and disrupt area businesses. Ignacio defined the success of VOZ as the amount secured jobs they were able to provide to the day laborers. One thing Ignacio learned about organizational change is that it allows an organization to establish techniques and tactics to guarantee successful operations and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Organizational Change Essay Module #6: Critical Thinking Assignment INTRODUCTION At the core of every successful organization lies that specific organization's application of the basic principles of organization development. In the book written by Carter (2004) entitled Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change, the concept of organization development was defined as an organization–wide effort and conceptual initiative intended to increase an organization's viability and effectiveness. In most cases, organization development is described as a change initiative and educational strategy aimed at changing the values, beliefs, attitudes, as well as the structure of an organization for the betterment and improvement of the overall firm's ... Show more content on ... Based on the studies conducted by Hellriegel and Slocum (2007) regarding the importance and crucial role of diagnosis in starting and implementing organizational change programs, it was identified that through diagnosis, the organization's information collecting process is accomplished. This makes the organization more aware of the need for such changes in their business process or system. The reality is that sometimes, the implementation of change plans in an organization may create confusion among the members of the firm. Thus, this could lead to various different approaches to implement the change needed in the firm. Another reason why diagnosis is important to be accomplished in organizations is that it importantly guides an organization in terms of making decisions on what specific changes must be implemented in the organization, and how such changes must be executed (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007). Explain the concept of organization intervention and why any particular management or organizational change can be considered an intervention. In the book published by Richard Arvid Johnson (1976) entitled Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction, the concept of organization intervention was defined as the principal learning process in the so–called action stage of the entire organization development. In simple terms, organization interventions ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Organizational Change In The American Colonies Change is inevitable (Ecclesiastes 3, NIV) and that timing is a critical part of this process, which according to Burke (2013) can be either revolutionary or evolutionary. Organizational change, the outgrowth of strategic thinking and planning often competes with strong human emotion (Wimberly, 2007) and behaviors that often put up a valent fight and resistance to changing attitudes and values in favor of a new culture (Burke, 2013), irrespective of the outcome, which could be permanent (Beach, 2006). For example, Great Britain, as an organization, resisted revolutionary change when the American colonies refused to submit to the taxation without representation, which led to strong emotions, resistance, a valent fight (the Revolutionary War). ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Organizational Change Organizational Change Organizational Change Management is "all of the actions required for an organization to understand, prepare for, implement and take full advantage of significant change". The goals of Change Management are: * The successful design, implementation, measurement and maintenance of an organization's change initiative * Enhancement of their on–going capacity for managing change Lewin's force field analysis model states that all systems have driving and restraining forces. Change occurs through the process of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. One side of the force field model represents the driving forces that push organizations toward a new state of affairs. These might include new competitors ... Show more content on ... Creating an Urgency for Change * Inform employees about driving forces * Most difficult when organization is doing well * Must be real, not contrived * Customer–driven change * Adverse consequences for firm * Human element energizes employees Minimizing Resistance to Change 1. Communication * Communication is the highest priority and first strategy required for any organizational change. * Top strategy for engaging employees in the change process * Improves urgency to change * Reduces uncertainty (fear of unknown) * Problems –– time consuming and costly 2. Learning * Provides new knowledge and skills * Includes coaching and action learning * Helps break old routines and adopt new roles * Problems –– potentially time consuming and costly 3. Employee Involvement * Increases ownership of change * Helps saving face and reducing fear of unknown * Includes task forces, search conferences * Problems –– time–consuming, potential conflict 4. Stress Management * When communication, training, and involvement do not resolve stress * Potential benefits * More motivation to change * Less fear of unknown * Fewer direct costs * Problems –– time–consuming, expensive, doesn't help everyone 5. Negotiation * When people clearly lose something and won't otherwise support change * ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Organizational Change Change Management Introduction A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature of ... Show more content on ... There is a problem with the organization that involving communication. To eliminate any type of rumor about how and what type of change is going to occur within the organization, meetings will need to be held. To assist in this type of meeting the company can incorporate Town Hall meetings and teleconferences to ensure that all employees can be apart of the meeting. The next phase of organization will include the split of Sales and Delivery sections of the company. These departments have very different focuses, and it will be easier to focus on needs with separate sections. Opening the lines of communications will also be an essential for developing sustained change. Once each department is split, a conference will need to be conducted to solicit ideas of goals and performance based incentives so that each employee understand the need to grow along with what they can do to further themselves within the organization and other incentives. Some types of incentives that may be need would include sales based incentives for but the Marketing and Sales departments and a benchmark performance based incentive for the Delivery section of the company. Once these types of changes are in place a new program with the organization will be needed to ensure a continued growth for CrysTel. A Leadership Counsel comprised of 2 to 3 members from each department will be selected to meet once a month to discuss challenges and needs ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Organizational Change : An Organization Organizational change is an important matter in all organizations. It is in fact it is a process in which an organization can optimize performance as it aims toward its idyllic state. A change in an organizational happens as a response to a dynamic environment, a reaction to an existing predicament, or is instigated by the manager (Yang & Yu, 2009). Moreover, organizational change is particularly evident when an organization has just experienced a transfer of managerial power. Processes of organizational recruitment have to be structured in a way that engages and attracts officials with similar beliefs and values making up the organizational culture. It makes certain that new employees are assimilated to the company and go ahead to strengthen the corporate culture. Organizations should also make sure that they bring into line the corporate culture with systems for performance management. When management systems and culture are not in line, management must readdress them so that the behavior of its employees results in the attainment of organizational goals (Jones, 2004). The positive model, the action research model and Lewin's change model suggest diverse views of the stages through which transformation occurs in organizations. Lewin's change model assesses change as a three–step process of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. It gives an overall depiction of the process of change. The action research model, on the other hand, emphasis on change as a cyclic process linking ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Organizational Change : An Organization Most of the times change is interpreted as an action that makes improvement. Everyone needs change to overcome problems in their environment. Direct implication of change can be applied in organisation as well. Organisation change is one of the keys of a successful growth in organisation. By the definition organisational change is shift from a current state to a new different state with continuous process (Smith, 2005). The purpose of organisational change practice is to improve and develop the organisation's effectiveness and efficiency through better management, competence, commnications, systems, and structures. Elias (2009) explains that due to the modern world influence that change in a rapid speed, organisation need to adapt in order to prevent organisation's failure and to survive in the competitive market. There are some major environmental reasons that change organisation such as, technology innovation, and globalisation (Brodbeck, 2002). However, recently organisational change only happened in a low success rate. Low success rate of change means it is going to be hard for organisation to reach success. If company can adapt with change, it can shape the company's objective and goals in a better way. This essay will explain the factors why the success rate of organisation is low, and discuss how organisational consultant can solve the problem and bring organisation to success. It is obvious that change is very critical to organisation in order to implementing ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Organizational Change Essay Change Management Introduction A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature of ... Show more content on ... The Sales/Delivery and Marketing departments have shown the most need for improvement, developing a learning culture and promoting innovation can help an organization sustain change. Maintaining a learning culture by identifying possible resistance, implementing behavioral action plans, and evaluating implemented behavior is essential for smooth transitions. CrysTel has come to a point where change is needed in order to continue and maintain success. After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization based on behavioral parameters, Change is constant. Change Model In developing an organization and preparing for the changes necessary a reliable change management plan is often required to overcome workplace resistance when employees are presented with a new way of doing things. Change management is a strategy designed to transition from the status quo to some new ideal way of doing business. CrysTel, a growing telecommunications company, finds itself in a very dynamic industry that along with frequent advances in technology will dictate that it adapt to rapid and persistent changes. Developing a successful change management plan for CrysTel will have distinct goals: optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. Change management at CrysTel will involve identifying the strengths and weaknesses of departments within the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Organizational Change My company needs serious organizational change in two areas. First is improving our vendor payment processes. We have been having problems getting the funds to our vendors on time and sometimes paid them the wrong amounts due to our current process. This problem must be fixed for the future of our relationships with our vendors, suppliers, and contractor agencies. We must establish a change that will help repair and build the relationships and ensure the we also receive our merchandise in a timely fashion. The other area that needs to be improved is our company culture by means of employee evaluation. Currently, our employee evaluations are based on a numerical scale, measuring performance in a 1 to 5 basis. This leaves almost no room for improvement ... Show more content on ... Visions set forth the expected future of the company. In regards to a specific change, a vision will tell demonstrate what the expected result of this change is and essentially why anyone should care about this change. The initial creation of this vision could take several months to put together. This step involves laying out the goals that this change is trying to achieve. Our goals for changing the vendor payment process is to make it more effective. We want to ensure that our vendors are being paid on time and accurately. This in turn ensures that we receive out merchandise on time and that are contractors are paid correctly and on time. The long–term goal of this change is to maintain great relationships with our vendors. Our vision for changing the culture of the company by means of employee evaluation is to promote internal growth. We as a company pride ourselves on offering the tools to help our employees grow and develop within the company. The vision must also be communicated in a way that is convincing and motivating. We'll cover that a little more in the next ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Managing Organizational Change Content Introduction .........................................................3 Discussion  Definition and Triggers ....................................4  The Resistance to Change ..............................4  Overcome Resistance ....................................5  The Leadership of Organizational Change ..........6  Stages of Change Process ..............................6  Organization Culture Change ...........................7  Motivation and Performance ............................8  Stakeholder Relevant issues ..............................9  A Case Study ..............................................10 Conclusion ...........................................................12 Reference ..............................................................13 Introduction Managing organizational change has been an essential topic for years and it is still widely discussed at present. Change has many definitions, and change is evitable ... Show more content on ... Overcome resistance Reducing or overcoming resistance to change depends on identifying source of resistance; it also depends on a leader's ability to be task oriented when it is required. Here are 3 major strategies to deal with resistance to change (Cummings and Worley, 1993): Empathy and support: this is the first step to know those who are experiencing troubles of change, giving them possible ways of support, it is important to let those people notice that they are taken care of, and a more friendly relationship will be made. Communication: people tend to resist when things become uncertain, an effective communication is strongly demanded, it also help people prepare for the change. Participation and involvement: it is a very good idea to get those who are facing change involve
  • 59. directly in planning and implementing change, participation is the best way to overcome resistance. No matter how we think change may be, there is one thing that we shouldn't forget is that change can be exciting and can bring new and positive opportunities for all. The leadership of organizational change The leadership is very important to the change of organizations, it is discussed in many works that management may be more emphasized than leadership, however, I would like to put leadership in the first ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Organizational Change Plan Organizational Change Plan Part II University of Phoenix HCS 587 Doria Chege September 5, 2011 Organizational Change Plan Part II Change Methods Monitoring change processes during/after implementation determines the effectiveness of the organizational change, unsuspected problems and reveal potential solutions to problems that surface during the change. Dr. Lindsey Medical Clinic recently employed a filing staff to sort records, file records in accordance with the correct patient, and scan records into electronic format. The monitoring process consist of training two file room employees to use a computerized change monitor software. The change monitor software implementation addresses performance evaluations based on ... Show more content on ... The patient information software (ITniserv) prevents medical fraud because accurate records reveal the nature of each patient visit, the medicines disbursed, and the price of patient services. Under the paper method doctors, nurses, and pharmacists experienced difficulty in preventing patient name fraud because patients allowed family members to receive treatment using the patient insurance plans. The difficulty arose because the fraudulent patient changed the middle initial of the existing patient name. Dr. Lindsey medical office experienced high chargebacks from Medicare and other insurance providers. Preventing fraud and medicine abuse is difficult however, an automated tracking system capable of alerting the staff of medicine distributions and duplicate insurance benefit accounts reduces/prevents this problem. Dr. Lindsey medical group achieves regulatory compliance, automated information access and a user–friendly work environment by converting records from paper to an electronic format. Organizational Processes, Systems, and Roles The organizations processes consist of documenting patient visits on paper, writing paper prescriptions, and writing hand–written referrals. The staff engaged verbal doctor/nurse communications for follow up treatment. The problem with verbal communication surfaces when a doctor/nurse forget, which patient chart to ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Organizational Change Plan Organizational Change Plan: CrysTel XXXXXXXXXX University of Phoenix Organizational Change Plan: CrysTel Introduction Change comes at a fast or slow rate it all depends on whom is watching and what they are looking for, one thing is for sure change will happen. It will happen because we make it happen or it happens because someone else forces us. Either way we have to be ready to make the change, we do this by studying and learning, the business, the business environment, the competitors, and the industry. Watching for the signs that change is in the wind and watching which way the change is blowing. Change is described as "... something that presses us out of our comfort zone. It is destiny–filtered, heart grown, faith ... Show more content on ... Since the marketing department is spread, cross–country training is lax along with a lack of job descriptions. (Building a Culture, 2007) Sales and Delivery: the sales team calls on Customers to explain the products and to ensure compatibility of products. They also track sales and inventory to ensure product availability and timely delivery of orders. Senior Staff set job responsibilities and do not encourage the raising of issues at any other time then during performance reviews. (Building a Culture, 2007) There are many factors at CrysTel that will be affected by changes; one of the basic tenets of physics is that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. In this case, changes in one department will ultimately affect the other departments. However, this is also conversely true when one department is doing a sub par job it will affect in a likely manner. Two surveys were commissioned, an employee satisfaction survey and a climate survey from these two surveys we were able to ascertain where some of the problems can occur within the ranks of CrysTel. Using a six–factor parameter, we are able to determine where the strongest and weakest departments lie; the six factors taken into consideration are leading by example, employee in senior communications, empowering teams, risk taking, resolving conflicts, and mentoring sessions. When looking at the results the human ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Considerations For Effective Organizational Change What Is Organizational Change? Organizational change is the term used to describe the transformation process that a company goes through in response to a strategic reorientation, restructure, change in management, merger or acquisition or the development of new goals and objectives for the company. The realignment of resources and the redeployment of capital can bring many challenges during the transformation process and organizational change management seeks to address this by adopting best practice standards to assist with the integration of new company vision. Organizational change is not just change for the sake of change itself. The major precursor for organizational change is some form of exogenous force such as an external ... Show more content on ... If workers don 't embrace or see the reason for change, resentment and resistance can occur You have to emphasize the positive reason for the change and convey it to the workers. This way, improve the chances of support. For effective organizational change, you should create a transition management team. You should also select a change leader from every department and conduct regular meetings. This will comprise the transition team that can drive the change initiatives and help facilitate and implement the initiatives throughout the various departments. This also provides a support structure for the initiatives. Resources should be provided to the transition management team. Additional Considerations For Effective Organizational Structure: Evaluation of the aesthetic appeal is essential for effective organizational change. The plan should be clear defined goals and rationale and should be concise. Ensure that the decision makers within the organization are onboard. Any change in the policy affects the operation of the organization which needs broad approval at some levels. Ensure you adequately define the nature of the changes. This will help team members and employees to interpret the core objectives. You should measure whether the change has taken place or not. Often this process is neglected but to ensure effective organizational change you need to have predefined benchmarks to measure implementation progress. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Organizational Strategies and Change TERM PAPER ON ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES AND CHANGE AMAL ALTAF MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to summarize several strategies and describe how these strategies can help bring about changes in an organization. The authors show how different strategies can be used for successful implementation of change process. The article compares the four level strategies, namely functional level strategy, business level strategy, corporate level strategy and global strategy. There are many strategies to bring about a change in an organization but the most commonly used strategies are summarized in this article. An organization is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. As ... Show more content on ... ➢ Monitoring product or service markets so that strategies conform to the needs of the markets at the current stage of evolution. The strategies in business level are: 1) Cost leadership strategy The cost leadership strategy emphasizes having the lowest costs, not necessarily the lowest price, in a market. A firm attempting to realize a low cost strategy should stress resources that facilitate efficiency. A firm that has successfully achieved a low cost position will have the lowest costs relative to competitors. A firm can use such a position to either lower its prices and gain market share and sales from rivals or keep its prices at the present market level and make relatively more profit per unit sold. The key idea is that cost and price are independent choices, and this strategy is focused on cost. 2) Differentiation The differentiation strategy focuses on developing a unique product or a perception of a unique product that customers are willing to pay a premium for. If a firm is not receiving a premium price for its goods or services it is not a differentiator. A firm seeking to follow a differentiation strategy should attempt to develop and enhance its resources that promote customer responsiveness, quality, and/or innovation. Note that costs are still important to a differentiator because it is possible that the costs of making the product unique will be greater than the premium consumers are ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Models of Organizational Change Organizational Models of Change Olympia Ross Grand Canyon University Organizational Development and Change LDR–615 Dr. Jerry Griffin August 14, 2013 Organizational Models of Change Organizational change is occurring at an intense rate within modern organizations, as demands to stay current with technology and marketplace trends are ever increasing. Although knowledge exists amongst management and leadership regarding the need for change, the ability to deliver the expected results of proposed changes often fails. Recent literature actually suggests that failures are frequently attributed to the level of employee involvement and commitment, and that employees actually "play a major role in the success or failure of change within ... Show more content on ... 5). Three–Phase Change Model and Communication Communication is truly the most central component to Lewin's model. It is highlighted at each of the three phases, with lack of communication being a barrier to successfully transitioning between phases. That said, it must not be discounted the impact that strong lines of communication have on successful change initiatives, as high percentages of change failures are often attributed to poor communication, thus hindering the transition process (Shin et al., 2012, p. 727). Harris's Five–Phase Model Ben Harris developed a five–phase organizational change model in the mid 1970's. According to Harris, the phases are sequential; however, they often overlap one another (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 4). The five–phases are as follows: planning & initiation, momentum, problems, turning point, and termination. Five–Phase Model: Role of the Leader Unlike Lewin's three–phase model, Harris's model is less dependent upon concrete leadership initiatives at each phase. For example, per the five–phase model, the role of the leader is accentuated most at phases II–IV; posited by Lunenburg when he acknowledged "the importance of leadership at various phases of program implementation" (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 5). During planning and initiation, ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Organizational Change and Resistance Intervention Organizational Change and Resistance Intervention Honor Student University of Somewhere Organizational Change and Resistance Intervention Growth within any organization brings about a certain amount of change, and this can be unsettling to some individuals who have grown accustomed to a certain way of doing things, as well as a feeling of being overwhelmed with new functionalities and a sense that their once close nit family oriented business has exploded into an organization where they are now just a number on a spreadsheet. This can be the springboard towards resistance to change, but numerous varieties exist, and it is those that might originate from our organization's structure and culture towards our planned changes that I ... Show more content on ... Instituting such change as self–managed work teams or participative decision making can threaten middle managers and supervisors, and a change to resource allocations that could possibly mean a cut in staff size or a reduction in budget will definitely be seen as a threat by those groups within an organization that are in control of sizable resources (Explore HR, n.d.). There are numerous ways to decrease, or mitigate resistance to change; some of which are: * Education and Communication * Participation and Involvement * Building Support and Commitment * Manipulation and Co–option * Coercion Of the ones mentioned here, most believe education and communication are among the top methods of mitigating and overcoming resistance to change. Communicating and educating your personnel and organization with regard to the change in advance can aid employees in visualizing the logic in the change effort, which can be extremely beneficial to reducing resistance as it can alleviate the possibility of unsubstantiated and inaccurate rumors relating to the effects of the change on the organization. Participation and involvement is also extremely important, because when employees are actually involved in the change effort they are generally more likely to accept it, rather than resist it. Building support and commitment is essential on the part of management throughout the change process. The support of management will help employees cope with fear and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Organizational Change Is Significant To An Organization Organizational change is significant to an organization as it can change the success of an organization, remove specific job practices or functions, alter policies and procedures, and change the way an organization operates ( Organizational change efforts should improve the performance of an organization as well as the people in the organization (Campbell, 2014). To begin an organizational change, a change agent should understand the culture of organization, which reflects in its norms and practices. This can include understanding the systems and structures in the organization, including their terms and roles. This also applies to understanding the leadership and management of the organization (Campbell, 2014). ... Show more content on ... The steps to unfreezing includes: determining what needs to be changed, ensuring strong management is in place, determining why change needs to occur, and understanding and empathizing with the concerns and doubts of employees ( The change stage follows next as it is where members of the organization begin to resolve their uncertainties and believe in the change and new direction. This step takes some time as members want to know how the change benefits them. It is important that organizations understand that time and communication are both important to the change process ( As communication is encouraged, it opens the door for employee involvement. The final stage of refreeze takes place once the changes are established and the members of the organization are aligned and have accepted the new ways of working. The refreeze stage involves identifying what supports the change and what affects those changes, developing ways to uphold those changes, and providing adequate training to adequately sustain those changes ( There are different types of internal and external organizational changes. These changes include structural, strategic, process–oriented and people–centered ( People centered changes focus on the attitudes, behaviors, skills, and performance of employees in an organization ( It also can enhance the communication between ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Organizational Change Paper Burke (2014) stated that organizations change from day to day. The changes that take place in organizations can be intentional or unintentional. Generally, the changes that occur is accidental. It is important to have a broader and deeper knowledge of understanding organization change. Understanding what is currently happening as well as trends in which the organization is functioning can provide such awareness. In an effort to grasp the concepts of organization change in greater depth, it is vital to: (a) gain insight of the history of organization change, (b) know the nature of organizational change, (c) identify the levels of organizational change, and (d) review evaluate research, theory and models of change. History of Organization Change Organization change can be traced back to the early Bible days, involving Moses and his father–in–law Jethro. Moses, not only deemed as leader, but also counselor, judge and minister to thousands of Israelite followers. All of the followers had direct contact to Moses, due to his position, was responsible for dealing with various issues. Jethro, Moses' father–in–law, suggested that he reorganize the structure that was in place. Jethro suggested that Moses choose a few noble men to serve as rulers, which in turn will be the only ones to have direct access to him, in the event that a problem arose that they could not resolve. From there, under the rulers would be lieutenants, so forth and so down to the lowest group. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Organizational Changes Within The Public Bodies 1. Introduction With the rapid growth of globalization, organizations face rapid changes like before. This is because globalization has significantly increased the markets as well as the opportunities for more growth and revenue. Campbell and Brown (2015) have opined that in the present scenario of stiff climatic pressure as well as evolving political priorities, organizational changes within the public bodies is gradually increasing the priority. Therefore, it can be stated that organizational is one of the complex processes that have negative as well as positive outcomes and as such it is worth looking at the available evidence so that the process is conducted as efficiently as well as effectively as possible. In this particular task the main focus would be on some of the integral parts of organizational changes and to carry on this particular task, Yahoo has been selected. Therefore, through this research work, the researcher would try to outline as well as discuss the role of diagnosis as well as feedback in the overall process of organizational changes and the ways to achieve that efficiently (Carlson 2015). Apart from that, an analysis would be made to find out whether the feedback is an essential element in an organizational development intervention or not. It has been found that Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo has been in the headlines as she has introduced some of the organizational changes into the corporation. The changed policies adopted in the company have been ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Organizational Change Activities Organizational Change Activities Change activities are healthy for an organization. They keep it up– to–date and relevant within the market place. There are a number of reasons as to why organizations need to change; essentially the organization is in need of a change of because of external factors or a need for a change within the organizational culture. External evolutions of technological and cultural factors can all impact the success of an intended organizational change. Still, such change is often needed to keep an organization healthy. Organizations engage in change activities for a wide number of reasons. Overall, the main reason is to increase the overall success of the organization, whether it is the operational flow or the organizational culture itself. Essentially, organizations engage in change activities to "improve the ability of the organization to adapt to changes in the environment" and to "change employee behavior" (Robbins & Judge, 2008, p 412). External factors can cause an organization to need to revamp its internal strategies. Thus, external factors hold a powerful role in why an organization would need to change. Additionally, organizational culture can have a place in causing a need for change within an organization. When how employees act and function fail to meet organization strategies and objectives, a change is needed in order to intervene and generate a greater sense of balance between the two. There are a number of factors that impact an ... Get more on ...