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Change Management
Change Management Questionnaire
Change management according to many becomes essential for the following reason: external
pressure; which can encompass competition, new technology, cost, and regulation changes.
Furthermore, economic and social conditions can escalate long–term change necessary. This paper
will discuss several aspects of change management models, theories, and application thereof. In
addition, it will provide overviews of the drivers of change, factors necessary for to implement
change successfully, strategies and expectations of management, and leadership styles needed for
influence and effectiveness. Kurt Lewin 's three–phase model of change is described as unfreeze,
move or change, and refreeze. In more content...
Communication with employees at all levels is key, even if the news is bad continually
communicate again this makes the employee still feel s/he is valuable to the organization, reduces
absenteeism and keeps them aware of the continued changes. Awareness to the strengths and
weaknesses each individual as they will be the producers to attain any new goals or targets placed
on them. Encourage feedback, even if it is not what you want to hear, everyone wants to feel his or
her opinion really makes a difference and is heard. Expect resistance, not everyone is adaptable to
change; changes may not work the first time and may need further adjustments. Facilitate
organizational learning teach members of the staff what all the organizational processes (Bowers, T.
According to S. McShane author of Organizational Behavior, many organizational behavior scholars,
suggest that employee resistance represents symptoms of underlying restraining forces and should
be removed. Employees may be concerned about the consequences of change, like how the new
conditions can take away their power and status. Others may be worried about the process of change
itself, which can the effort required to break old habits and learn the new skills. The listed main
reasons are listed as: direct cost, saving face, fear of the unknown, breaking routines, incongruent
organizational systems, and team dynamics. Brief examination of these reasons follows; with direct
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Change Management Essay
Change Management
"Change is the only constant, we are told" in the twenty–first century marketplace(Ojala, 1997, p.1).
In order for many companies, organizations, or institutions to stay competitive in their fields, they
must be prepared for change and the effects of that change. According to a 1994 American
Management Association and Deliotte & Touche LLP study "approximately 84% of American
companies" are experiencing some type of change (Carson, 1998, p.1). Change management helps
companies predict, institute, guide, facilitate, and evaluate change. Change management is "the
focus of the change project (or initiative), whether it be to bring about alterations at the individual,
group...or organizational level"(Henderson more content...
"New and innovative technologies, along with process improvements, add value to
organizations...[and] introduce change"(Puccinelli, 1998, p.1). Economic factors such as "interest
rates and inflation" can wreak havoc on organizations despite their own internal "economic systems"
(Carson, 1998, p.1). Organizations must also be aware of "legal–political element[s] that develop
under the "legal and governmental systems within which an organization must function"(Carson,
1998, p.1). For instance, many companies must shift their attitudes or change their products as
society pressures political systems to change with their new attitudes. The lawsuits against tobacco
companies are a perfect example of organizational change forced by litigation and politics.
Furthermore, organizations must be prepared to face "socio–cultural element[s]"(Carson, 1998, p.1)
that will influence who works for them and who buys their products as America becomes more
culturally diverse and the members of the job market shift. All of these factors bring shifts in
"norms, values, beliefs and behaviors" with which every organization must cope (Carson, 1998, p.2).
And lastly, organizations must cope with
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Change Management Essay example
Change Management
Change management according to many becomes essential for the following reason: external
pressure; which can encompass competition, new technology, cost, and regulation changes.
Furthermore, economic and social conditions can escalate long–term change necessary. This paper
will discuss several aspects of change management models, theories, and application thereof. In
addition, it will provide overviews of the drivers of change, factors necessary for to implement
change successfully, strategies and expectations of management, and leadership styles needed for
influence and effectiveness. Kurt Lewin's three–phase model of change is described as unfreeze,
move or change, and refreeze. In simplified terms of more content...
The Tichy Strategic Alignment Process focuses onstrategic management areas and tools set up in a
grid of three blocks across and three blocks down each in representation of a particular area which
are as follows, managerial tools are horizontal, mission and strategy, organizational structure, and
human resource management. The managerial areas are vertical being the technical system, political
system and cultural system (Organizational Development Network, 2004.) Several
internal and external drivers have pushed Synergetic Solutions Inc., (SSI) in a direction to implement
organizational change. To begin with there has been a stagnation of the systems integration market,
industry standards for system building, selling and reselling and system networking solutions have
made significant process improvements, and finally productivity and absenteeism are declining
(Organizational Structure Simulation, 2004.) In application of the Lewin's three–phase model
because of these drivers of change, it is now time to unfreeze the current processes (McShane, S.
2002.) In the Burke–Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change theory, the application
process has begun with the strategic initiatives by Harold Redd (CFO), implementation of growth
targets, employee involvement in productivity and absenteeism and forays to networking solutions
(George, H. 1992.) In application of Tichy Strategic Alignment Process model
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Change Management
LITERATURE REVIEW ESSAY As competitions within the global market continue to intensify,
change is arguably the only element that ensures organisation survival. Nadler and Tushman (1986)
supported the view that organisations must accept change as the corporate way of life to remain
competitive. Albeit the notion "change or else perish" sounded relatively simple, it can be difficult
to execute to perfection given that change comes in many shapes and forms. Meyerson (2001)
stipulated that there is no one right way to manage change and what work for one individual under
one set of circumstances may not work for others under different conditions. In other words, there is
no one panacea to managing change. In the subsequent parts of more content...
Convergent and Revolutionary/Episodic Change: Element Transformation – Changes at this level
involves a revolutionary shift but not in a radical reconfiguration to the organisation system. The
changes are mostly concentrated at the organisation's subsystems or elements where the overall
organisation can gain by its effectiveness (Roberts, 1998). Radical and Revolutionary/Episodic
Change: System Transformation – "Revolutionary or episodic change is often viewed as a response
to planned replacement whereby a new structure, strategy or program replaces an old one. The
planned replacements of episodic change are distinct interruptions intended to negate and remove a
previous condition" (Ford & Ford, 1994). "Changes at this level usually happen relatively
quickly as a result of a major episode or crisis which command radical approach to overcome
organisation inertia" (Plowman et al, 2007). Dunphy and Stance (1993) further characterised such
change as corporate transformation where frame breaking shift in business strategy and
revolutionary changes throughout the entire organisation are needed to form a new desired end
state. Roberts (1998) stated that the four types of change are not necessarily mutually exclusive and
it is possible to combine types of change into an overarching theory of change where
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Managing Change Essay
"Managing Change"
Massive change is impacting on all facets of society, creating new dimensions and great uncertainty.
Instant communication, super small high–tech equipments, the globalization movement, the deadly
terrorist attacks in the U.S., the emerging of foreign investments in China nation are all the changing
dimensions of the world. These are few of the changes which have occurred around last two decades.
The issue facing people in business today is how to manage such changes.
The origin of one change has an impact on other origin of changes. For example, technological break
thorough of the communication in computers resulted in tremendous change of
more content...
Scott and Jaffe (1995) point that organizations and individual must operate in the environment exist
today and will exist in the future .The main thrust is to identify, classify, and organize such
environment. Then the task is to provide guidelines and prescriptions for organizations and
individuals, to manage such environment in effect manage change.
Every facet of life from behavioral ethics to organizational and even national survival is undergoing
change as forces external to facet changes. Three origins of change such as:
1. Institutional–structural
2. Technological
3. Social–behavioral
Almost any change in the management of the organization falls under the structural change category.
The implementation of new pay incentives, an affirmative action program, and a move from
functional to product structure are all examples of structural changes. Successful structural changes
are accomplished from the top down. The experts of administrative or structural improvement
originate at upper middle to top managers.
Technology change relates to the organization's way of doing its work. A good example of
technological change is the adoption of robotics to improve production efficiency in the automobile
industry. Technological
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Change Management Essay
What a manager does and how it is done can be categorised by Henri Fayol's four functions of
management: Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling. Through these functions managers
can be catalysts for change or by definition change agents – "People who act as catalysts and manage
the change process." (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter, 2000, p.438) Wether performing the
role of the change agent or not, change is an integral part of a manager's job. Change is "An alteration
in people, structure or technology." (Robbins et al., 2000, p.437) Change occurs within and around
organisations today at an unprecedented speed and complexity. Change poses threats and creates
opportunities. The fact that change creates opportunities is more content...
The staff will need to learn how to use the new equipment and it may affect the duties required of
them. Their jobs may have to be redesigned. New company strategies, which may involve the
change in management practices, enterprise agreements and industrial relations, will create a vast
variety of needs for change. So will the attitudes of the workers. In fact employee attitudes can create
the need for new company strategies in the case of job dissatisfaction, poor team spirit, lack of
commitment and job insecurity.
External forces affecting an organisation demand change by creating threats and opportunities. The
organisation it compelled to respond to these threats and opportunities. These external forces are
apparent in many of the segments of the organisations external environment. These include
political–legal, technological, economic, marketplace and sociocultural dimensions.
The political–legal environment is that which consists of government bodies, pressure groups and
laws. It is pertinent for companies to keep abreast of and change in political environment because
these changes can have dramatic effect. Change in political environment can see legislation
introduced that will not make selling or providing a product feasible or somewhat difficult. There are
many political factors and laws that can affect business. Pricing, competition, fair trade packaging,
labelling, advertising, product safety and minimum wages can all affect business. The
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Change Management Essay
Change Management
Change is not something to be taken lightly. "This issue of change is one of the greatest challenges
in the workplace today" (Fralix, P., 1998). One of the pitfalls of change within an organization is
employees' fear of what change will bring. Will implementing new technologies destroy my job?
Will I be able to keep up with the changes in my organization? These are some of the questions that
bring about employee apprehension to changes in business. This very apprehension can determine
the success or the failure of change within that system. Yet change is inevitable. Much like the
Darwinian theory of survival, the company that can adapt with changes in emerging technologies
will survive in today's society. So more content...
Since change is inevitable, ongoing process, these management levers must constantly be altered also
Even though this is not an altogether accurate definition from an instructional technology standpoint,
it does contain factors about change management. Most companies are concerned with aligning
themselves with their marketplace. Who hasn't seen a PetSmart or a KayBee's commercial where
the consumer may order his/her toys for either pet or human online. These corporations have aligned
themselves to their marketplace––Ebusiness. Another factor in change management is the tools to
accomplish this smooth transition. Most companies will agree that one must look at strategy,
operations of the actual and the optimal systems, culture of the work environment, and incentives to
those who facilitate the smooth changes. Also change is an ongoing process, so management of that
change is also going to be an ongoing process. In order to prepare for change within the company, it
is important to identify any destabilizing forces that bring about change.
"Change can be stimulated by three specific forces external and three specific internal forces to the
External Forces
Society Political/legal environment Technological developments
Internal Forces
Membership in professional associations New organizational
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Change Management Essay
Change Management The purpose of this paper is to discuss organizational change and the
management of that change. I will talk about the different drivers of change, the factors a leader
needs to weigh to implement change effectively, the various resistances a leader may encounter
while trying to implement change, and how various leadership styles will effect the realization of
change. I will also discuss the knowledge I have gained through the completion of this assignment
and how I think it might affect the way I manage change in my workplace.
Drivers for change come in two categories, internal and external. In the simulation, "Organization
Structure", the pretence was that the stagnating system integration market, lead the CEO
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This employee was not an outsider that was helping out, but rather someone in the company who
was trained to fill a specific duty. His leaving pressed the manager or leader into making adjustments
to the way operations would be carried out without the use of his talents. These adjustments included
rotating personnel through various positions to upgrade their training and skill level.
Before effective change can be made in any organization, there are certain factors that need to be
weighed. First, a clear–cut objective needs to be in place. As with any change, without a goal one
flounders, and will surely have difficulty making any rewarding progress. A leader must also
consider how the change will affect the personnel who are needed to bring about the change. A
long time officer of the organization will not be amiable to phasing out her duties in the name of
progress no matter how dedicated to the company she may be. Without first considering this issue, a
leader is sure to run into resistance and perhaps sabotage while trying to advance a project.
Other factors to be watchful for are the time line and costs of the change, and how employee
development will be carried out. Will there be a need for on–the–job training, or are formal classes
going to have to be conducted?
Resistance is an obstacle that gets in the way whenever change is
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Change Management Essay
Change Management
"Toto, I've got a feeling that we're not in Kansas any more."
Dorothy, Wizard of Oz
Over the past few decades, large–scale organizational change has become a way of life in American
business. Many organizational changes, however, have failed to deliver promises of increased
productivity and morale, decreased costs, decreased waste , and increased customer satisfaction. A
common theme among these failures is a lack of understanding of the power of the collective human
system to obstruct the progress of initiatives. The result has been to reinforce fear, defensiveness,
and cynicism among workers toward change efforts (Dooley, 1998).
Failure of an organizational change for businesses has both short term more content...
They ask themselves, "Where did this come from?", "What is going on?", "I didn't know anything
about this!", or "This isn't what I agreed to!" (Department of Defense, __ ).
After the shock of the new situation has passed, most people, if they view the change as a
negative impact on their personal situation, become very angry. They may begin to talk about the
new situation in very negative terms, such as, "It won't work!" or "I'm not going to support this!"
This anger, if not addressed, may lead to some workers actually trying to sabotage the change
process. A person going through this phase will make up excuses why they should not be held
accountable for anything that goes wrong with the organization as a result of the change such as
"Don't blame me if it doesn't work!" Once workers have accepted the change as real and that it is
going to happen, they begin to rationalize their role in the new situation (Department of Defense,
___ ).
Productivity will also fluctuate during change. Productivity, at a given level before change, will
drop during the period of transition. After the change is complete, this level should rise to a new
higher level (Wakulczyk, 1995).
As organizations change more frequently and radically, the training profession is getting more
deeply involved in the change process. Trainers used to assist an organization change by teaching
the skills needed to carry it out, as determined by
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Management Of Change Essay
Introducing a new concept of work practice to an organization means changes have to occur in order
to accommodate it. This would lead to organizational changes and may disrupt work patterns. Often,
a change is necessary if an organization means to be competitive, and unless new ways and methods
are developed and introduced, an organization may find itself lagging and not competitive.
Benchmarking is one of those concepts that aim to improve work practices and achieve optimum
results. Because change can bring negative connotations, it is important to take careful steps to effect
change without major disruption to employees who would, more likely, be resistant to a new
concept that may threaten their work comfort zone. So, more content...
There are many factors that have to be considered prior to implementation of change in an
organization, in this case a hospital. Employees in an organization, such as a hospital, are likely to
resist changes. So it is inevitable that some obstacles will appear when benchmarking is introduced.
The resistance to change is often generated by the lack of understanding of the proposed change, so,
providing training to people affected by the change would help reduce their resistance and make the
change more acceptable. (Massey & Williams, 2006) argues that when management provides
employees with guidance and training then they are more likely to be accepting of change and
taking responsibility, ownership and commitment to the new working environment. When the
benefits of benchmarking to employees are outlined, whereby their work will be easier and their
product would be more optimal, then they are likely to recognize the need for the introduction of the
proposed system. (Massey & Williams, 2006) states that the aforementioned argument would lead
employees to agree that their workplace needs the change and what follows will be a discussion on
how to make the process and the job easier to perform. Ensuring that employees are well informed
about the nature of the proposed changes and the expectations of their organization management of
them in implementing the change is
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Change Management Essay
Change Management Plan
No matter which type of industry is discussed В– change management is an essential component in
today's ever–changing business environment. To better understand this concept it should be
recognized that change management is not just a task to be checked off and considered finished В–
instead, it is a constant process that should be undertaken with a sense of urgency, implemented
swiftly, and monitored continuously to ensure a successful transformation. To illustrate the
knowledge of the change management process throughout the simulation, the learner is assigned the
task of providing the information necessary to build a culture in which to sustain change. Using the
key concepts identified throughout the course more content...
The change at CrysTel will not come without a price. Developing, implementing, operating, and
marketing new technologies will require substantial capitol investment and a degree of risk–taking.
It seems that after all the above conditions have been put into place that it falls on the shoulders of
the Sales and Delivery department to ensure that the investments pay off in the form of financial
returns В– unfortunately this department is identified as one of the weakest based on the behavioral
parameters of: leading by example; risk–taking; and resolving conflicts. Ironically, it was the
suggestion of T.J. Smith, Vice President of Sales and Delivery, to commission an Employee
Satisfaction Survey in which the above weaknesses were identified. These weaknesses of the
department will need to be addressed and the employees associated with it require additional training.
Select an appropriate change model for CrysTel. Develop a plan that addresses human variables and
potential resistance to change. Be sure to include contingency strategies for managing any resistance.
Resistance to change will derail even the best laid plans if not identified and dealt with in a positive,
re–enforcing manner. In Organizational Behavior 6th Edition, resistance to change is defined as, "an
emotional/behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an
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Change Management Essay
Change is an integral part of any organization that needs to keep abreast of its competitors in the
business. It is important since it is the process through which an organization embraces new ideas or
technology for running a business and quits using old–fashioned ways that have proved not to be
working. The process of change management is a very crucial one since it determines the success or
failure of the change. People fear change, and it is very important that steps are taken towards
making them embrace this change and be part and parcel of the change process. This essay delves
into the recent structural change that General Electric Company had in its subsidiary, in India.
Change in the management of an organization more content...
It is a process that encountered many challenges, most notably, a huge resistance for it to take place.
There are a couple of reasons that drove Flannery to adopt this new organizational structure. Among
them was to decentralize power and make the G.E Indian subsidiary more autonomous. In the matrix
structure, power was centralized. The country head's involvement in running the business was
reduced since they even the business heads in their own countries would directly report at Fairfield.
This left their hands tied as to the influence they could exert on the business heads for better
performance of the organization. The aspect of also constrained autonomy comes to play in the
matrix structure when business heads who are in very far countries report at the headquarters,
meaning that the headquarters are responsible even for the decisions on the ground (Ganguly, 2012).
Flannery saw the need to change this so that the G.E Indian subsidiary would be autonomous, so as
to reduce bureaucracy and quicken decision making processes. This change was also necessary to
improve the relations of the departmental heads and the Country head through constant
communication, consequently creating the team work spirit necessary for successful business
The process of bringing in the change was a difficult one, John Flannery admitted. The three change
management processes dubbed Lewin's Change Management Model
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Change Management Essay

  • 1. Change Management Change Management Questionnaire Change management according to many becomes essential for the following reason: external pressure; which can encompass competition, new technology, cost, and regulation changes. Furthermore, economic and social conditions can escalate long–term change necessary. This paper will discuss several aspects of change management models, theories, and application thereof. In addition, it will provide overviews of the drivers of change, factors necessary for to implement change successfully, strategies and expectations of management, and leadership styles needed for influence and effectiveness. Kurt Lewin 's three–phase model of change is described as unfreeze, move or change, and refreeze. In more content... Communication with employees at all levels is key, even if the news is bad continually communicate again this makes the employee still feel s/he is valuable to the organization, reduces absenteeism and keeps them aware of the continued changes. Awareness to the strengths and weaknesses each individual as they will be the producers to attain any new goals or targets placed on them. Encourage feedback, even if it is not what you want to hear, everyone wants to feel his or her opinion really makes a difference and is heard. Expect resistance, not everyone is adaptable to change; changes may not work the first time and may need further adjustments. Facilitate organizational learning teach members of the staff what all the organizational processes (Bowers, T. 2004.) According to S. McShane author of Organizational Behavior, many organizational behavior scholars, suggest that employee resistance represents symptoms of underlying restraining forces and should be removed. Employees may be concerned about the consequences of change, like how the new conditions can take away their power and status. Others may be worried about the process of change itself, which can the effort required to break old habits and learn the new skills. The listed main reasons are listed as: direct cost, saving face, fear of the unknown, breaking routines, incongruent organizational systems, and team dynamics. Brief examination of these reasons follows; with direct Get more content on
  • 2. Change Management Essay Change Management "Change is the only constant, we are told" in the twenty–first century marketplace(Ojala, 1997, p.1). In order for many companies, organizations, or institutions to stay competitive in their fields, they must be prepared for change and the effects of that change. According to a 1994 American Management Association and Deliotte & Touche LLP study "approximately 84% of American companies" are experiencing some type of change (Carson, 1998, p.1). Change management helps companies predict, institute, guide, facilitate, and evaluate change. Change management is "the focus of the change project (or initiative), whether it be to bring about alterations at the individual, group...or organizational level"(Henderson more content... "New and innovative technologies, along with process improvements, add value to organizations...[and] introduce change"(Puccinelli, 1998, p.1). Economic factors such as "interest rates and inflation" can wreak havoc on organizations despite their own internal "economic systems" (Carson, 1998, p.1). Organizations must also be aware of "legal–political element[s] that develop under the "legal and governmental systems within which an organization must function"(Carson, 1998, p.1). For instance, many companies must shift their attitudes or change their products as society pressures political systems to change with their new attitudes. The lawsuits against tobacco companies are a perfect example of organizational change forced by litigation and politics. Furthermore, organizations must be prepared to face "socio–cultural element[s]"(Carson, 1998, p.1) that will influence who works for them and who buys their products as America becomes more culturally diverse and the members of the job market shift. All of these factors bring shifts in "norms, values, beliefs and behaviors" with which every organization must cope (Carson, 1998, p.2). And lastly, organizations must cope with Get more content on
  • 3. Change Management Essay example Change Management Change management according to many becomes essential for the following reason: external pressure; which can encompass competition, new technology, cost, and regulation changes. Furthermore, economic and social conditions can escalate long–term change necessary. This paper will discuss several aspects of change management models, theories, and application thereof. In addition, it will provide overviews of the drivers of change, factors necessary for to implement change successfully, strategies and expectations of management, and leadership styles needed for influence and effectiveness. Kurt Lewin's three–phase model of change is described as unfreeze, move or change, and refreeze. In simplified terms of more content... The Tichy Strategic Alignment Process focuses onstrategic management areas and tools set up in a grid of three blocks across and three blocks down each in representation of a particular area which are as follows, managerial tools are horizontal, mission and strategy, organizational structure, and human resource management. The managerial areas are vertical being the technical system, political system and cultural system (Organizational Development Network, 2004.) Several internal and external drivers have pushed Synergetic Solutions Inc., (SSI) in a direction to implement organizational change. To begin with there has been a stagnation of the systems integration market, industry standards for system building, selling and reselling and system networking solutions have made significant process improvements, and finally productivity and absenteeism are declining (Organizational Structure Simulation, 2004.) In application of the Lewin's three–phase model because of these drivers of change, it is now time to unfreeze the current processes (McShane, S. 2002.) In the Burke–Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change theory, the application process has begun with the strategic initiatives by Harold Redd (CFO), implementation of growth targets, employee involvement in productivity and absenteeism and forays to networking solutions (George, H. 1992.) In application of Tichy Strategic Alignment Process model Get more content on
  • 4. Change Management LITERATURE REVIEW ESSAY As competitions within the global market continue to intensify, change is arguably the only element that ensures organisation survival. Nadler and Tushman (1986) supported the view that organisations must accept change as the corporate way of life to remain competitive. Albeit the notion "change or else perish" sounded relatively simple, it can be difficult to execute to perfection given that change comes in many shapes and forms. Meyerson (2001) stipulated that there is no one right way to manage change and what work for one individual under one set of circumstances may not work for others under different conditions. In other words, there is no one panacea to managing change. In the subsequent parts of more content... Convergent and Revolutionary/Episodic Change: Element Transformation – Changes at this level involves a revolutionary shift but not in a radical reconfiguration to the organisation system. The changes are mostly concentrated at the organisation's subsystems or elements where the overall organisation can gain by its effectiveness (Roberts, 1998). Radical and Revolutionary/Episodic Change: System Transformation – "Revolutionary or episodic change is often viewed as a response to planned replacement whereby a new structure, strategy or program replaces an old one. The planned replacements of episodic change are distinct interruptions intended to negate and remove a previous condition" (Ford & Ford, 1994). "Changes at this level usually happen relatively quickly as a result of a major episode or crisis which command radical approach to overcome organisation inertia" (Plowman et al, 2007). Dunphy and Stance (1993) further characterised such change as corporate transformation where frame breaking shift in business strategy and revolutionary changes throughout the entire organisation are needed to form a new desired end state. Roberts (1998) stated that the four types of change are not necessarily mutually exclusive and it is possible to combine types of change into an overarching theory of change where Get more content on
  • 5. Managing Change Essay "Managing Change" Massive change is impacting on all facets of society, creating new dimensions and great uncertainty. Instant communication, super small high–tech equipments, the globalization movement, the deadly terrorist attacks in the U.S., the emerging of foreign investments in China nation are all the changing dimensions of the world. These are few of the changes which have occurred around last two decades. The issue facing people in business today is how to manage such changes. The origin of one change has an impact on other origin of changes. For example, technological break thorough of the communication in computers resulted in tremendous change of more content... Scott and Jaffe (1995) point that organizations and individual must operate in the environment exist today and will exist in the future .The main thrust is to identify, classify, and organize such environment. Then the task is to provide guidelines and prescriptions for organizations and individuals, to manage such environment in effect manage change. AN OVERVIEW OF CHANGE Every facet of life from behavioral ethics to organizational and even national survival is undergoing change as forces external to facet changes. Three origins of change such as: 1. Institutional–structural 2. Technological 3. Social–behavioral Almost any change in the management of the organization falls under the structural change category. The implementation of new pay incentives, an affirmative action program, and a move from functional to product structure are all examples of structural changes. Successful structural changes are accomplished from the top down. The experts of administrative or structural improvement originate at upper middle to top managers. Technology change relates to the organization's way of doing its work. A good example of technological change is the adoption of robotics to improve production efficiency in the automobile industry. Technological Get more content on
  • 6. Change Management Essay What a manager does and how it is done can be categorised by Henri Fayol's four functions of management: Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling. Through these functions managers can be catalysts for change or by definition change agents – "People who act as catalysts and manage the change process." (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter, 2000, p.438) Wether performing the role of the change agent or not, change is an integral part of a manager's job. Change is "An alteration in people, structure or technology." (Robbins et al., 2000, p.437) Change occurs within and around organisations today at an unprecedented speed and complexity. Change poses threats and creates opportunities. The fact that change creates opportunities is more content... The staff will need to learn how to use the new equipment and it may affect the duties required of them. Their jobs may have to be redesigned. New company strategies, which may involve the change in management practices, enterprise agreements and industrial relations, will create a vast variety of needs for change. So will the attitudes of the workers. In fact employee attitudes can create the need for new company strategies in the case of job dissatisfaction, poor team spirit, lack of commitment and job insecurity. External forces affecting an organisation demand change by creating threats and opportunities. The organisation it compelled to respond to these threats and opportunities. These external forces are apparent in many of the segments of the organisations external environment. These include political–legal, technological, economic, marketplace and sociocultural dimensions. The political–legal environment is that which consists of government bodies, pressure groups and laws. It is pertinent for companies to keep abreast of and change in political environment because these changes can have dramatic effect. Change in political environment can see legislation introduced that will not make selling or providing a product feasible or somewhat difficult. There are many political factors and laws that can affect business. Pricing, competition, fair trade packaging, labelling, advertising, product safety and minimum wages can all affect business. The Get more content on
  • 7. Change Management Essay Change Management Change is not something to be taken lightly. "This issue of change is one of the greatest challenges in the workplace today" (Fralix, P., 1998). One of the pitfalls of change within an organization is employees' fear of what change will bring. Will implementing new technologies destroy my job? Will I be able to keep up with the changes in my organization? These are some of the questions that bring about employee apprehension to changes in business. This very apprehension can determine the success or the failure of change within that system. Yet change is inevitable. Much like the Darwinian theory of survival, the company that can adapt with changes in emerging technologies will survive in today's society. So more content... Since change is inevitable, ongoing process, these management levers must constantly be altered also (1997). Even though this is not an altogether accurate definition from an instructional technology standpoint, it does contain factors about change management. Most companies are concerned with aligning themselves with their marketplace. Who hasn't seen a PetSmart or a KayBee's commercial where the consumer may order his/her toys for either pet or human online. These corporations have aligned themselves to their marketplace––Ebusiness. Another factor in change management is the tools to accomplish this smooth transition. Most companies will agree that one must look at strategy, operations of the actual and the optimal systems, culture of the work environment, and incentives to those who facilitate the smooth changes. Also change is an ongoing process, so management of that change is also going to be an ongoing process. In order to prepare for change within the company, it is important to identify any destabilizing forces that bring about change. "Change can be stimulated by three specific forces external and three specific internal forces to the organization External Forces Society Political/legal environment Technological developments Internal Forces Membership in professional associations New organizational Get more content on
  • 8. Change Management Essay Change Management The purpose of this paper is to discuss organizational change and the management of that change. I will talk about the different drivers of change, the factors a leader needs to weigh to implement change effectively, the various resistances a leader may encounter while trying to implement change, and how various leadership styles will effect the realization of change. I will also discuss the knowledge I have gained through the completion of this assignment and how I think it might affect the way I manage change in my workplace. Drivers for change come in two categories, internal and external. In the simulation, "Organization Structure", the pretence was that the stagnating system integration market, lead the CEO more content... This employee was not an outsider that was helping out, but rather someone in the company who was trained to fill a specific duty. His leaving pressed the manager or leader into making adjustments to the way operations would be carried out without the use of his talents. These adjustments included rotating personnel through various positions to upgrade their training and skill level. Before effective change can be made in any organization, there are certain factors that need to be weighed. First, a clear–cut objective needs to be in place. As with any change, without a goal one flounders, and will surely have difficulty making any rewarding progress. A leader must also consider how the change will affect the personnel who are needed to bring about the change. A long time officer of the organization will not be amiable to phasing out her duties in the name of progress no matter how dedicated to the company she may be. Without first considering this issue, a leader is sure to run into resistance and perhaps sabotage while trying to advance a project. Other factors to be watchful for are the time line and costs of the change, and how employee development will be carried out. Will there be a need for on–the–job training, or are formal classes going to have to be conducted? Resistance is an obstacle that gets in the way whenever change is Get more content on
  • 9. Change Management Essay Change Management "Toto, I've got a feeling that we're not in Kansas any more." Dorothy, Wizard of Oz Over the past few decades, large–scale organizational change has become a way of life in American business. Many organizational changes, however, have failed to deliver promises of increased productivity and morale, decreased costs, decreased waste , and increased customer satisfaction. A common theme among these failures is a lack of understanding of the power of the collective human system to obstruct the progress of initiatives. The result has been to reinforce fear, defensiveness, and cynicism among workers toward change efforts (Dooley, 1998). Failure of an organizational change for businesses has both short term more content... They ask themselves, "Where did this come from?", "What is going on?", "I didn't know anything about this!", or "This isn't what I agreed to!" (Department of Defense, __ ). After the shock of the new situation has passed, most people, if they view the change as a negative impact on their personal situation, become very angry. They may begin to talk about the new situation in very negative terms, such as, "It won't work!" or "I'm not going to support this!" This anger, if not addressed, may lead to some workers actually trying to sabotage the change process. A person going through this phase will make up excuses why they should not be held accountable for anything that goes wrong with the organization as a result of the change such as "Don't blame me if it doesn't work!" Once workers have accepted the change as real and that it is going to happen, they begin to rationalize their role in the new situation (Department of Defense, ___ ). Productivity will also fluctuate during change. Productivity, at a given level before change, will drop during the period of transition. After the change is complete, this level should rise to a new higher level (Wakulczyk, 1995). As organizations change more frequently and radically, the training profession is getting more deeply involved in the change process. Trainers used to assist an organization change by teaching the skills needed to carry it out, as determined by Get more content on
  • 10. Management Of Change Essay Introducing a new concept of work practice to an organization means changes have to occur in order to accommodate it. This would lead to organizational changes and may disrupt work patterns. Often, a change is necessary if an organization means to be competitive, and unless new ways and methods are developed and introduced, an organization may find itself lagging and not competitive. Benchmarking is one of those concepts that aim to improve work practices and achieve optimum results. Because change can bring negative connotations, it is important to take careful steps to effect change without major disruption to employees who would, more likely, be resistant to a new concept that may threaten their work comfort zone. So, more content... There are many factors that have to be considered prior to implementation of change in an organization, in this case a hospital. Employees in an organization, such as a hospital, are likely to resist changes. So it is inevitable that some obstacles will appear when benchmarking is introduced. The resistance to change is often generated by the lack of understanding of the proposed change, so, providing training to people affected by the change would help reduce their resistance and make the change more acceptable. (Massey & Williams, 2006) argues that when management provides employees with guidance and training then they are more likely to be accepting of change and taking responsibility, ownership and commitment to the new working environment. When the benefits of benchmarking to employees are outlined, whereby their work will be easier and their product would be more optimal, then they are likely to recognize the need for the introduction of the proposed system. (Massey & Williams, 2006) states that the aforementioned argument would lead employees to agree that their workplace needs the change and what follows will be a discussion on how to make the process and the job easier to perform. Ensuring that employees are well informed about the nature of the proposed changes and the expectations of their organization management of them in implementing the change is Get more content on
  • 11. Change Management Essay Change Management Plan No matter which type of industry is discussed В– change management is an essential component in today's ever–changing business environment. To better understand this concept it should be recognized that change management is not just a task to be checked off and considered finished В– instead, it is a constant process that should be undertaken with a sense of urgency, implemented swiftly, and monitored continuously to ensure a successful transformation. To illustrate the knowledge of the change management process throughout the simulation, the learner is assigned the task of providing the information necessary to build a culture in which to sustain change. Using the key concepts identified throughout the course more content... The change at CrysTel will not come without a price. Developing, implementing, operating, and marketing new technologies will require substantial capitol investment and a degree of risk–taking. It seems that after all the above conditions have been put into place that it falls on the shoulders of the Sales and Delivery department to ensure that the investments pay off in the form of financial returns В– unfortunately this department is identified as one of the weakest based on the behavioral parameters of: leading by example; risk–taking; and resolving conflicts. Ironically, it was the suggestion of T.J. Smith, Vice President of Sales and Delivery, to commission an Employee Satisfaction Survey in which the above weaknesses were identified. These weaknesses of the department will need to be addressed and the employees associated with it require additional training. Select an appropriate change model for CrysTel. Develop a plan that addresses human variables and potential resistance to change. Be sure to include contingency strategies for managing any resistance. Resistance to change will derail even the best laid plans if not identified and dealt with in a positive, re–enforcing manner. In Organizational Behavior 6th Edition, resistance to change is defined as, "an emotional/behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an Get more content on
  • 12. Change Management Essay Change is an integral part of any organization that needs to keep abreast of its competitors in the business. It is important since it is the process through which an organization embraces new ideas or technology for running a business and quits using old–fashioned ways that have proved not to be working. The process of change management is a very crucial one since it determines the success or failure of the change. People fear change, and it is very important that steps are taken towards making them embrace this change and be part and parcel of the change process. This essay delves into the recent structural change that General Electric Company had in its subsidiary, in India. Change in the management of an organization more content... It is a process that encountered many challenges, most notably, a huge resistance for it to take place. There are a couple of reasons that drove Flannery to adopt this new organizational structure. Among them was to decentralize power and make the G.E Indian subsidiary more autonomous. In the matrix structure, power was centralized. The country head's involvement in running the business was reduced since they even the business heads in their own countries would directly report at Fairfield. This left their hands tied as to the influence they could exert on the business heads for better performance of the organization. The aspect of also constrained autonomy comes to play in the matrix structure when business heads who are in very far countries report at the headquarters, meaning that the headquarters are responsible even for the decisions on the ground (Ganguly, 2012). Flannery saw the need to change this so that the G.E Indian subsidiary would be autonomous, so as to reduce bureaucracy and quicken decision making processes. This change was also necessary to improve the relations of the departmental heads and the Country head through constant communication, consequently creating the team work spirit necessary for successful business operations. The process of bringing in the change was a difficult one, John Flannery admitted. The three change management processes dubbed Lewin's Change Management Model Get more content on