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Organic, functional, designer &
SPF feed production
Presented by:
Dr J. BalaKesava Reddy,
Department Of Animal Nutrition,
NTR College Of Veterinary Science.
Organic Feed Production
Feed rations must provide the levels of nutrients (protein, energy,
minerals and vitamins) appropriate to the type of bird, breed and age
or stage of development.
Typically, organic corn is used for energy, while organic soybeans
provide protein.
Roasted, extruded or expelled soybeans are used because feeds that
have been defatted with chemical solvents are not permitted.
In cold areas, wheat and peas are often used for energy and protein,
No animal drugs or antibiotics are allowed in organic feed. Nor can
feed from genetically modified crops be used.
Although chickens are omnivores in nature, animal slaughter
byproducts are not permitted in feed in organic production.
The feed must be organic, including pasture and forage.
Therefore, any pasture used for organic poultry should be free of
synthetic chemicals for three years before it can be used.
Organic seed must be used when seeding pastures and weeds should
be managed with cultural practices rather than synthetic chemicals.
If organic hay is harvested for poultry, it should be stored separately
from conventional hay.
If grains are sprouted for poultry or roughage provided during
temporary confinement, it must be organic.
Organic feeds are very expensive compared to conventional.
According to the National Organic Program, feed may also contain
natural, nonagricultural feed additives and supplements or approved
synthetic substances that are allowed by the National List, which
basically allows trace minerals and vitamins, as well as some inerts
and excipients.
Feed additives and supplements must comply with the Federal
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
To further clarify, feed additives such as vitamins and minerals are
used in micro amounts to fulfill a specific nutritional need.
However, synthetic amino acids are not permitted in organic
production, although synthetic methionine is permitted for a limited
time for poultry.
Synthetic Methionine
Methionine is the only synthetic amino acid permitted in organic
livestock production and only for poultry on a temporary basis.
Synthetic methionine is added to virtually all commercial poultry
diets; however, it will be banned after October 2010 under the NOP.
Although some feedstuffs are naturally high in methionine, such as
fishmeal and corn gluten meal, there is a lack in organic form.
There is no organic corn gluten meal and only limited fishmeal
without prohibited preservatives.
Supplying sufficient methionine to birds with plant proteins such as
soybeans or sunflower meal results in diets that are excessive in overall
protein that is hard on birds (causing heat stress, excreting excessive
nitrogen and more) and the environment (excess nitrogen and ammonia
Innovative protein sources such as algae, earthworm or insect meal are of
interest. Some literature suggests the use of alternative genetics that are
lower-yielding; however, research at the University of Arkansas (Fanatico et
al., 2006; Fanatico et al., 2007) has not shown slow-growing meat birds to
have lower methionine requirements.
Feed supplements, such as fishmeal, enzymes and oyster shell, are
permitted in larger amounts to improve the nutrient balance.
The fishmeal does not have to be organic because it is a natural
substance used as a feed supplement.
However, prohibited substances such as ethoxyquine cannot be
added to preserve fishmeal.
As a reminder, feed additives and supplements cannot be from
genetically modified organisms.
If poultry feed is raised on-farm, crop production must comply with the
organic production standards for crops.
Handled feed must comply with organic handling requirements
or the feed must be from a certified organic feed mill.
Water should be from a clean source and may need to be tested for fecal
coliform bacteria and nitrates.
Water chlorination must not be above accepted levels of 4 ppm.
Designer feed Production
The health conscious consumers are demanding quality poultry
products and ready to pay premium price.
This leads to development in designer foods.
The Designer foods are also termed as functional, fortified, enriched
or nutraceutical value added foods.
Designer foods have better potential effects on health besides
providing the basic nutritional benefits.
The designer eggs and meat are produced by nutritional manipulation of
poultry diets i.e. addition of different health promoting components like
antioxidants, minerals, omega fatty acids, vitamins, and various non-nutrient
The altered fatty acid profiles specifically the enrichment of egg and meat with
omega 3 fatty acids, lowering of cholesterol and other compositional
components such as choline, conjugated linoleic acid, lutein, selenium, and
vitamins B, D, E and K, were produced recently.
In this review, an attempt has been made to bring forth the different nutritional
manipulations for production of designer poultry eggs and meat.
Designer Eggs
Designer eggs are those specially produced eggs which are rich in
additional nutrients and health promoting components like carotenoids,
chelated minerals, EPA and DHA like omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin
E and other immune-modulating factors.
Designer eggs contain 600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, equivalent to a 100
g serving of fish.
Omega-3 fatty acids help in lowering dietary cholesterol content in the
These eggs prevent cancer causing factors, cardiovascular diseases
(CVD),and improve immunity and overall health status.
Studies have shown that when 2-3 designer eggs are consumed every day,
100 per cent of the daily requirement of essential fatty acids is met (Fraeye
et al.,2012; Tur et al., 2012).
The omega-3 fatty acids, also called as n-3 fattyacids are a family of
polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Important omega-3 fatty acids are derived largely as
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from
fish oils and as α-linolenic acid (LNA) from plant oil.
Marine algae are an efficient dietary alternative to other n-3 fatty
acid sources.
Manipulation Of Fatty Acid Profile In Eggs
The incorporation of ω-3 PUFA into eggs has been used by scientists to
alter ω-6: ω-3 ratio towards the desired dietary ratio.
As an important part of the diet, the omega 6 to omega 3 ratios in the
chicken egg has increased dramatically, from 1.3 under absolutely
natural conditions to 19.4.
In designer eggs the n-6: n-3 PUFA ratio is decreased to about 1.5, from
as much as 20 in regular eggs.
This favorable change in designer eggs, will supply about 50% of the
daily requirement of n-3 PUFA to the consumers, without any change in
the sensory quality of the egg.
Sources of ω-3 PUFA such as fish oils, fish meal marine algae or a
combination of several of the above can be used as supplements in layer
However, supplementation with fishmeal or fish oil can exert a negative
influence on the sensory properties of the egg.
Schizochytrium sp. has been used commercially as an alternative source
of omega-3 fatty acids.
The terrestrial type ω-3 PUFA, LNA found in canola oil, soybean oil,
flaxseed, walnuts, and spinach and mustard greens.
 As omega-3 fatty acid dietary sources, flaxseed oil is widely used in
poultry egg and meat enrichment, due to its high content of LNA (50 to
But flaxseed reduces the availability of minerals and also inhibits the
activity of proteolytic enzymes.
The ω-3 fatty acid recommendation to achieve nutritional adequacy
is 0.6–1.2% of energy for LNA; up to 10% of this can be provided by
A dietary level of 500 mg/d of EPA and DHA is recommended for
cardiovascular disease risk reduction.
For treatment of existing CVD, 1 g/d is recommended and these
recommendations have been followed by many health agencies
n-3 PUFA will undergo rancidity quickly, it is essential to prevent the
rancidity of the designer egg yolk lipids, by incorporating anti-
oxidants in the hens diet.
Designer meat and its products
There is growing public concern towards coronary heart disease and
artherosclerosis with the consumption of poultry meat due to having
more cholesterol and saturated fatty acids.
Supplementation of copper, garlic, and omega-3 fatty acids has been
used successfully to reduce the cholesterol content of the poultry meat
(Esenbuğa et al., 2013).
Manipulating amino acid concentration and calorie to protein ratio in
the diet can enhance the protein and moisture concentration of the
breast and thigh muscles.
Manipulation Of Fatty Acid Profile In Meat
The fatty acid composition of the n-3 rich PUFA source depends on its
origin and oxidative status.
Therefore, the dose of each n-3 rich PUFA source added to the feed
impacts the fatty acid composition of meat and eggs differently, although
there are some general recommendations.
Zuidhof et al. (2009) have suggested that feeding flaxseed for 24 days
before processing gave optimal breast meat ω-3 enrichment, carcass
weight and meat yield.
More than 95% of ω-3 PUFA enrichment is due to LNA which is mainly
deposited in the tri acyl glycerol (TAG) fraction of both breast and thigh
meat (Betti et al. 2009a).
Addition of fish oil at 1.5% in the diet, acts as a good source of n-3 fatty
acids (Basmacoglu et al., 2003).
Rymer et al. (2010) have reported that algal biomass is as effective as
fish oil at enriching broiler diets with fish oil with significant difference
on the oxidative stability of the meat produced.
CLA Enrichment
CLAs have been shown to have anticarcinogenic, antiadipogenic,
antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Concentrations of CLA in yolk lipids increased linearly as dietary CLA
Eggs produced by hens when fed with 5% CLA will contain 310 to
1000 mg of CLA/egg.
ω-3 fatty acid enriched eggs are more susceptible to lipid oxidation.
Supplementation with vitamin E is generally recommended to stabilize
egg lipids against rancidity and extend the shelf life of the product.
There is an improved feed intake, egg production, vitelline membrane
strength (VMS), albumen and yolk height and foam stability (Kirunda et
al., 2001) in heat stressed hens when fed with vitamin E supplemented
diet (60 IU vitamin E/kg feed).
Vitamin E enrichment in Eggs
Panda et al. (2011) reported that supplementation of vit E in layer diets
enhance egg production and increase antioxidant properties of egg
yolks and plasma of White Leghorn hens during heat stress.
Kucuk et al. (2003) have noticed that dietary vitamin E improved laying
hen performance significantly in a cold environment, including feed
conversion rate, body weight and egg production.
Leeson et al. (1998) reported a decline in egg yolk flavour and overall
egg acceptability when a higher level of vitamin E (100 ppm vs. 10
ppm) was used along with 20% dietary flaxseed.
Leeson et al. (1998) recommended that the level of dietary vitamin E in
feed should be 100 IU/kg in commercial n-3 fatty acid egg production.
Vit. E Enrichment In Meat
Konjufca et al. (2004) reported that supplemental α-tocopherol
acetate enhances Fcreceptor-mediated macrophage phagocytic
activity at early stages (up to 3 weeks) of broiler growth.
Dietary vitamin E supplementation improved the immune response
of broilers under heat stress.
Vitamin E at levels of 200-400mg/kg are supplemented in the diet.
Selenium Enrichment In Eggs
Selenium (Se) is a necessary trace mineral in reducing the oxidative
damage of cell membranes of animals.
Inorganic sources (selenate and selenite) and organic sources of selenium
supplements (selenium yeast) are used in typical corn soybean meal based
layer diets to develop the Se enriched egg.
Organic Se supplementation provides longer duration of freshness
qualities of eggs and it is used widely because its absorption is higher than
that of the inorganic form.
Inorganic Se has a lower transfer efficiency to eggs than the organic Se.
Supplementation of organic Se to layer diets significantly improved egg
production, egg weight, feed conversion ratio, albumen height, and
specific gravity.
Selenium Enrichment In meat
In several broiler performance trials, organic Se supplementation
showed a positive effect on weight gain and FCR compared to controls
(Spring, 2008).
Organic Se exerts an antioxidant effect on the birds’ cellular
membranes and tissue structures resulting in less exudative losses
from meat.
Organic Se (Selplex) at 0.1-0.3ppm can be added as anti-oxidants to
the poultry diet.
Role Of Antioxidants In Eggs And Meat
Poultry eggs and meat are rich sources of natural antioxidants like vitamin-
E, Se, carotenoid pigments, flavinoid compounds, lecithin and phosvitin but
at the same time, are highly susceptible to oxidative rancidity during
These antioxidants will protect the fat-soluble vitamins and other yolk lipids
from oxidative rancidity.
The designer eggs and meat, not only contain high levels of the above anti-
oxidants but also contain synthetic anti-oxidant like Ethoxyquin and anti-
oxidants of herbal origin such as Carnosine, Curcumin, Lycopene, Quercetin
and Sulforaphene, depending upon the herbs used in the poultry diet
(Narahari, 2005).
Hence, supplementation of these antioxidants in the diet is essential
to maintain the shelf life of the product.
Along with antioxidants like Vitamin E and Se, the enzymes like
glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalaze constitute an
integral part of antioxidant cellular enzyme system in omega-3
enriched products to reduce lipid peroxidation.
Advantages Of Antioxidant Enrichment
Reduce susceptibility to lipid peroxidation and rancidity.
Prevent ‘fishy taint’ of the product.
These could be a good source of antioxidants in human diet.
Prevent destruction of fat-soluble vitamins and natural fat-soluble
Reduction In Cholesterol Content
A large egg contains about 213 mg of cholesterol per yolk (USDA,
1991) and chicken meat contains about 60 mg/100 g.
Egg cholesterol levels are very difficult to influence by dietary
manipulation, but some improvement has been reported from
supplementing with Cu (Pesti and Bakalli, 1998) and Cr (Lien et al.,
Supplementation with dietary micro minerals may reduce the yolk
cholesterol level.
Supplementation of natural products like garlic, probiolac and
Lactobacillus acidophilus in poultry feed help to reduce egg yolk
Feeding dehydrated alfalfa free of choice also produce lean
chicken breast meat as alfalfa is a good source of saponins which is
hypocholesterolaemic in nature.
Dietary supplementation of amino acids like glycine, lysine,
methionine and tryptophan can decrease body fat deposition
(Takahashi et al., 1994).
The carcass and yolk cholesterol levels can be significantly
reduced by supplementing herbal plants and products like basil
(tulsi), citrus pulp (nirangenin), garlic, grape seed pulp, tomato
pomace (lycopene).
The present health conscious consumers prefer chicken meat with
high protein, low fat and low cholesterol.
Addition of chromium (Cr) in feed shows a decrease in the fat content
of the poultry meat (Toghyani et al., 2012).
Cr enriched yeast at 1 g/kg diet showed an improvement in the
carcass quality, whereas chromium picolinate at 0.5 ppm had
significantly lowered the carcass fat level (Ibrahim et al., 2010).
Lean meat production
Feeding of probiotics at 100 mg/kg diet improved moisture, protein,
ash and decreased fat content in leg and breast meat of chicken
(Khaksefidi and Rahimi, 2005).
Narrowing the calorie:protein ratio, either by decreasing the energy
level or increasing the protein level also helps in producing lean meat.
An increase in the lysine level in the pre-starter diets and methionine
level in the finisher diets will yield lean breast meat in broilers.
Poultry eggs and meat are a good source of essential nutrients.
The development of nutrient enriched value added poultry eggs and meat
greatly increased the context of functional foods for human health.
Hence, by manipulating the diet of chicken with the different available feed
supplements in requisite amounts, value added and health promoting
chicken egg, meat and their products, free from drugs, pesticide residues
and other harmful toxic additives can be made available to the health
conscious consumers.
The designing must take into consideration the production facilities,
available materials, technical know-how, economic resources of the
producers and environmental impacts with welfare issues.
SPF Feeds
The eggs from SPF parent stock are incubated in a totally controlled
sterile environment until hatching.
 From day one, the SPF flocks used for production of SPF eggs are
reared under totally controlled sterile ambience in SPF farm.
These farms have high-tech infrastructure maintained under filtered
air positive pressure (FAPP).
The birds are fed with feed and water that is suitably treated to
avoid introduction of any undesirable microorganisms.
The health of the SPF flocks is continuously monitored using a battery of
Avian Antigens, antisera and serological tests such as Fluorescent
Antibody Test (FAT),ELISA, Serum Neutralization Test, Haemagglutination
Inhibition Tests and Micro-neutralization Test, etc.
SPF status and fertility characteristics of the flocks are preserved by
employing special techniques of handling and taking extra measures to
assure biosecurity.
Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Eggs are fertile chicken eggs produced from
known SPF parent flocks.
SPF eggs are free from the vertically transmitted agents namely
Avian Adenovirus, Avian encephalomyelitis virus, Reo viruses,
Mycoplasma gallispticum, M.synoviae, Salmonella and other
vertically transmitted agents.
In addition, the SPF eggs are also free from laterally transmitted
infections such as RD, IB, IBD, MD and Avian influenza, etc.
Usage of SPF Eggs in the production of vaccine assures absence of
extraneous agents.
SPF eggs are predominantly preferred over an ordinary fertile egg
for virus growth because of absence of specific antibodies in SPF egg
SPF eggs totally avoid the hazardous risk of embryo – transmitted
and laterally transmitted viral agents as contaminants in virological
and immunological research work.
Production of poultry vaccines (Avian Biologicals)
Production of some of the human vaccines e.g. Anti-Rabies, Measles,
Development of primary cell cultures and cell lines
To study epidemiology of poultry and human diseases e.g. isolation
and characterization of infectious agents.
To conduct research on live viruses such as Lymphoid leukosis virus.
To study virus-cell interaction in cancer processes
Designer egg and meat through nutrient manipulation
-Journal of Poultry Science and Technology
MOSES organic fact sheet
Antioxidant, cholesterol reducing, immunomodulating and other health
promoting properties of herbal enriched designer eggs
D. Narahari*, P. Michealraj, A. Kirubakaran And T. Sujatha
XI th European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg
Products, Doorwerth, The Netherlands
23-26 May 2005
* Significant (P<0.05), ** Highly significant (P<0.01)
* Significant (P<0.05), ** Highly significant (P<0.01)
Organic, functional, designer &amp; spf feed production
Organic, functional, designer &amp; spf feed production

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Organic, functional, designer &amp; spf feed production

  • 1. Organic, functional, designer & SPF feed production Presented by: Dr J. BalaKesava Reddy, GVM/16-005, Department Of Animal Nutrition, NTR College Of Veterinary Science.
  • 2. Organic Feed Production Feed rations must provide the levels of nutrients (protein, energy, minerals and vitamins) appropriate to the type of bird, breed and age or stage of development. Typically, organic corn is used for energy, while organic soybeans provide protein.
  • 3. Roasted, extruded or expelled soybeans are used because feeds that have been defatted with chemical solvents are not permitted. In cold areas, wheat and peas are often used for energy and protein, respectively. No animal drugs or antibiotics are allowed in organic feed. Nor can feed from genetically modified crops be used. Although chickens are omnivores in nature, animal slaughter byproducts are not permitted in feed in organic production.
  • 4. The feed must be organic, including pasture and forage. Therefore, any pasture used for organic poultry should be free of synthetic chemicals for three years before it can be used. Organic seed must be used when seeding pastures and weeds should be managed with cultural practices rather than synthetic chemicals. If organic hay is harvested for poultry, it should be stored separately from conventional hay.
  • 5. If grains are sprouted for poultry or roughage provided during temporary confinement, it must be organic. Organic feeds are very expensive compared to conventional. According to the National Organic Program, feed may also contain natural, nonagricultural feed additives and supplements or approved synthetic substances that are allowed by the National List, which basically allows trace minerals and vitamins, as well as some inerts and excipients.
  • 6. Feed additives and supplements must comply with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. To further clarify, feed additives such as vitamins and minerals are used in micro amounts to fulfill a specific nutritional need. However, synthetic amino acids are not permitted in organic production, although synthetic methionine is permitted for a limited time for poultry.
  • 7. Synthetic Methionine Methionine is the only synthetic amino acid permitted in organic livestock production and only for poultry on a temporary basis. Synthetic methionine is added to virtually all commercial poultry diets; however, it will be banned after October 2010 under the NOP. Although some feedstuffs are naturally high in methionine, such as fishmeal and corn gluten meal, there is a lack in organic form. There is no organic corn gluten meal and only limited fishmeal without prohibited preservatives.
  • 8. Supplying sufficient methionine to birds with plant proteins such as soybeans or sunflower meal results in diets that are excessive in overall protein that is hard on birds (causing heat stress, excreting excessive nitrogen and more) and the environment (excess nitrogen and ammonia emissions). Innovative protein sources such as algae, earthworm or insect meal are of interest. Some literature suggests the use of alternative genetics that are lower-yielding; however, research at the University of Arkansas (Fanatico et al., 2006; Fanatico et al., 2007) has not shown slow-growing meat birds to have lower methionine requirements.
  • 9. Feed supplements, such as fishmeal, enzymes and oyster shell, are permitted in larger amounts to improve the nutrient balance. The fishmeal does not have to be organic because it is a natural substance used as a feed supplement. However, prohibited substances such as ethoxyquine cannot be added to preserve fishmeal. As a reminder, feed additives and supplements cannot be from genetically modified organisms.
  • 10. Conclusion: If poultry feed is raised on-farm, crop production must comply with the organic production standards for crops. Handled feed must comply with organic handling requirements or the feed must be from a certified organic feed mill. Water should be from a clean source and may need to be tested for fecal coliform bacteria and nitrates. Water chlorination must not be above accepted levels of 4 ppm.
  • 12. The health conscious consumers are demanding quality poultry products and ready to pay premium price. This leads to development in designer foods. The Designer foods are also termed as functional, fortified, enriched or nutraceutical value added foods. Designer foods have better potential effects on health besides providing the basic nutritional benefits.
  • 13. The designer eggs and meat are produced by nutritional manipulation of poultry diets i.e. addition of different health promoting components like antioxidants, minerals, omega fatty acids, vitamins, and various non-nutrient additives. The altered fatty acid profiles specifically the enrichment of egg and meat with omega 3 fatty acids, lowering of cholesterol and other compositional components such as choline, conjugated linoleic acid, lutein, selenium, and vitamins B, D, E and K, were produced recently. In this review, an attempt has been made to bring forth the different nutritional manipulations for production of designer poultry eggs and meat.
  • 14. Designer Eggs Designer eggs are those specially produced eggs which are rich in additional nutrients and health promoting components like carotenoids, chelated minerals, EPA and DHA like omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin E and other immune-modulating factors. Designer eggs contain 600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, equivalent to a 100 g serving of fish. Omega-3 fatty acids help in lowering dietary cholesterol content in the diet. These eggs prevent cancer causing factors, cardiovascular diseases (CVD),and improve immunity and overall health status. Studies have shown that when 2-3 designer eggs are consumed every day, 100 per cent of the daily requirement of essential fatty acids is met (Fraeye et al.,2012; Tur et al., 2012).
  • 15. The omega-3 fatty acids, also called as n-3 fattyacids are a family of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Important omega-3 fatty acids are derived largely as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from fish oils and as α-linolenic acid (LNA) from plant oil. Marine algae are an efficient dietary alternative to other n-3 fatty acid sources. Manipulation Of Fatty Acid Profile In Eggs
  • 16. The incorporation of ω-3 PUFA into eggs has been used by scientists to alter ω-6: ω-3 ratio towards the desired dietary ratio. As an important part of the diet, the omega 6 to omega 3 ratios in the chicken egg has increased dramatically, from 1.3 under absolutely natural conditions to 19.4. In designer eggs the n-6: n-3 PUFA ratio is decreased to about 1.5, from as much as 20 in regular eggs. This favorable change in designer eggs, will supply about 50% of the daily requirement of n-3 PUFA to the consumers, without any change in the sensory quality of the egg.
  • 17. Sources of ω-3 PUFA such as fish oils, fish meal marine algae or a combination of several of the above can be used as supplements in layer diets. However, supplementation with fishmeal or fish oil can exert a negative influence on the sensory properties of the egg. Schizochytrium sp. has been used commercially as an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids. The terrestrial type ω-3 PUFA, LNA found in canola oil, soybean oil, flaxseed, walnuts, and spinach and mustard greens.  As omega-3 fatty acid dietary sources, flaxseed oil is widely used in poultry egg and meat enrichment, due to its high content of LNA (50 to 60%). But flaxseed reduces the availability of minerals and also inhibits the activity of proteolytic enzymes.
  • 18. The ω-3 fatty acid recommendation to achieve nutritional adequacy is 0.6–1.2% of energy for LNA; up to 10% of this can be provided by EPA or DHA. A dietary level of 500 mg/d of EPA and DHA is recommended for cardiovascular disease risk reduction. For treatment of existing CVD, 1 g/d is recommended and these recommendations have been followed by many health agencies worldwide. n-3 PUFA will undergo rancidity quickly, it is essential to prevent the rancidity of the designer egg yolk lipids, by incorporating anti- oxidants in the hens diet.
  • 19.
  • 20. Designer meat and its products There is growing public concern towards coronary heart disease and artherosclerosis with the consumption of poultry meat due to having more cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Supplementation of copper, garlic, and omega-3 fatty acids has been used successfully to reduce the cholesterol content of the poultry meat (Esenbuğa et al., 2013). Manipulating amino acid concentration and calorie to protein ratio in the diet can enhance the protein and moisture concentration of the breast and thigh muscles.
  • 21. Manipulation Of Fatty Acid Profile In Meat The fatty acid composition of the n-3 rich PUFA source depends on its origin and oxidative status. Therefore, the dose of each n-3 rich PUFA source added to the feed impacts the fatty acid composition of meat and eggs differently, although there are some general recommendations. Zuidhof et al. (2009) have suggested that feeding flaxseed for 24 days before processing gave optimal breast meat ω-3 enrichment, carcass weight and meat yield.
  • 22. More than 95% of ω-3 PUFA enrichment is due to LNA which is mainly deposited in the tri acyl glycerol (TAG) fraction of both breast and thigh meat (Betti et al. 2009a). Addition of fish oil at 1.5% in the diet, acts as a good source of n-3 fatty acids (Basmacoglu et al., 2003). Rymer et al. (2010) have reported that algal biomass is as effective as fish oil at enriching broiler diets with fish oil with significant difference on the oxidative stability of the meat produced.
  • 23. CLA Enrichment CLAs have been shown to have anticarcinogenic, antiadipogenic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Concentrations of CLA in yolk lipids increased linearly as dietary CLA increased. Eggs produced by hens when fed with 5% CLA will contain 310 to 1000 mg of CLA/egg.
  • 24. ω-3 fatty acid enriched eggs are more susceptible to lipid oxidation. Supplementation with vitamin E is generally recommended to stabilize egg lipids against rancidity and extend the shelf life of the product. There is an improved feed intake, egg production, vitelline membrane strength (VMS), albumen and yolk height and foam stability (Kirunda et al., 2001) in heat stressed hens when fed with vitamin E supplemented diet (60 IU vitamin E/kg feed). Vitamin E enrichment in Eggs
  • 25. Panda et al. (2011) reported that supplementation of vit E in layer diets enhance egg production and increase antioxidant properties of egg yolks and plasma of White Leghorn hens during heat stress. Kucuk et al. (2003) have noticed that dietary vitamin E improved laying hen performance significantly in a cold environment, including feed conversion rate, body weight and egg production. Leeson et al. (1998) reported a decline in egg yolk flavour and overall egg acceptability when a higher level of vitamin E (100 ppm vs. 10 ppm) was used along with 20% dietary flaxseed. Leeson et al. (1998) recommended that the level of dietary vitamin E in feed should be 100 IU/kg in commercial n-3 fatty acid egg production.
  • 26. Vit. E Enrichment In Meat Konjufca et al. (2004) reported that supplemental α-tocopherol acetate enhances Fcreceptor-mediated macrophage phagocytic activity at early stages (up to 3 weeks) of broiler growth. Dietary vitamin E supplementation improved the immune response of broilers under heat stress. Vitamin E at levels of 200-400mg/kg are supplemented in the diet.
  • 27. Selenium Enrichment In Eggs Selenium (Se) is a necessary trace mineral in reducing the oxidative damage of cell membranes of animals. Inorganic sources (selenate and selenite) and organic sources of selenium supplements (selenium yeast) are used in typical corn soybean meal based layer diets to develop the Se enriched egg. Organic Se supplementation provides longer duration of freshness qualities of eggs and it is used widely because its absorption is higher than that of the inorganic form. Inorganic Se has a lower transfer efficiency to eggs than the organic Se. Supplementation of organic Se to layer diets significantly improved egg production, egg weight, feed conversion ratio, albumen height, and specific gravity.
  • 28. Selenium Enrichment In meat In several broiler performance trials, organic Se supplementation showed a positive effect on weight gain and FCR compared to controls (Spring, 2008). Organic Se exerts an antioxidant effect on the birds’ cellular membranes and tissue structures resulting in less exudative losses from meat. Organic Se (Selplex) at 0.1-0.3ppm can be added as anti-oxidants to the poultry diet.
  • 29. Role Of Antioxidants In Eggs And Meat Poultry eggs and meat are rich sources of natural antioxidants like vitamin- E, Se, carotenoid pigments, flavinoid compounds, lecithin and phosvitin but at the same time, are highly susceptible to oxidative rancidity during storage. These antioxidants will protect the fat-soluble vitamins and other yolk lipids from oxidative rancidity. The designer eggs and meat, not only contain high levels of the above anti- oxidants but also contain synthetic anti-oxidant like Ethoxyquin and anti- oxidants of herbal origin such as Carnosine, Curcumin, Lycopene, Quercetin and Sulforaphene, depending upon the herbs used in the poultry diet (Narahari, 2005).
  • 30. Hence, supplementation of these antioxidants in the diet is essential to maintain the shelf life of the product. Along with antioxidants like Vitamin E and Se, the enzymes like glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalaze constitute an integral part of antioxidant cellular enzyme system in omega-3 enriched products to reduce lipid peroxidation.
  • 31. Advantages Of Antioxidant Enrichment Reduce susceptibility to lipid peroxidation and rancidity. Prevent ‘fishy taint’ of the product. These could be a good source of antioxidants in human diet. Prevent destruction of fat-soluble vitamins and natural fat-soluble pigments.
  • 32. Reduction In Cholesterol Content A large egg contains about 213 mg of cholesterol per yolk (USDA, 1991) and chicken meat contains about 60 mg/100 g. Egg cholesterol levels are very difficult to influence by dietary manipulation, but some improvement has been reported from supplementing with Cu (Pesti and Bakalli, 1998) and Cr (Lien et al., 1996). Supplementation with dietary micro minerals may reduce the yolk cholesterol level. Supplementation of natural products like garlic, probiolac and Lactobacillus acidophilus in poultry feed help to reduce egg yolk cholesterol.
  • 33. Feeding dehydrated alfalfa free of choice also produce lean chicken breast meat as alfalfa is a good source of saponins which is hypocholesterolaemic in nature. Dietary supplementation of amino acids like glycine, lysine, methionine and tryptophan can decrease body fat deposition (Takahashi et al., 1994). The carcass and yolk cholesterol levels can be significantly reduced by supplementing herbal plants and products like basil (tulsi), citrus pulp (nirangenin), garlic, grape seed pulp, tomato pomace (lycopene).
  • 34. The present health conscious consumers prefer chicken meat with high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. Addition of chromium (Cr) in feed shows a decrease in the fat content of the poultry meat (Toghyani et al., 2012). Cr enriched yeast at 1 g/kg diet showed an improvement in the carcass quality, whereas chromium picolinate at 0.5 ppm had significantly lowered the carcass fat level (Ibrahim et al., 2010). Lean meat production
  • 35. Feeding of probiotics at 100 mg/kg diet improved moisture, protein, ash and decreased fat content in leg and breast meat of chicken (Khaksefidi and Rahimi, 2005). Narrowing the calorie:protein ratio, either by decreasing the energy level or increasing the protein level also helps in producing lean meat. An increase in the lysine level in the pre-starter diets and methionine level in the finisher diets will yield lean breast meat in broilers.
  • 36. Poultry eggs and meat are a good source of essential nutrients. The development of nutrient enriched value added poultry eggs and meat greatly increased the context of functional foods for human health. Hence, by manipulating the diet of chicken with the different available feed supplements in requisite amounts, value added and health promoting chicken egg, meat and their products, free from drugs, pesticide residues and other harmful toxic additives can be made available to the health conscious consumers. The designing must take into consideration the production facilities, available materials, technical know-how, economic resources of the producers and environmental impacts with welfare issues. Conclusion
  • 38. The eggs from SPF parent stock are incubated in a totally controlled sterile environment until hatching.  From day one, the SPF flocks used for production of SPF eggs are reared under totally controlled sterile ambience in SPF farm. These farms have high-tech infrastructure maintained under filtered air positive pressure (FAPP). The birds are fed with feed and water that is suitably treated to avoid introduction of any undesirable microorganisms.
  • 39. The health of the SPF flocks is continuously monitored using a battery of Avian Antigens, antisera and serological tests such as Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT),ELISA, Serum Neutralization Test, Haemagglutination Inhibition Tests and Micro-neutralization Test, etc. SPF status and fertility characteristics of the flocks are preserved by employing special techniques of handling and taking extra measures to assure biosecurity. Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Eggs are fertile chicken eggs produced from known SPF parent flocks.
  • 40. SPF eggs are free from the vertically transmitted agents namely Avian Adenovirus, Avian encephalomyelitis virus, Reo viruses, Mycoplasma gallispticum, M.synoviae, Salmonella and other vertically transmitted agents. In addition, the SPF eggs are also free from laterally transmitted infections such as RD, IB, IBD, MD and Avian influenza, etc.
  • 41. Advantages Usage of SPF Eggs in the production of vaccine assures absence of extraneous agents. SPF eggs are predominantly preferred over an ordinary fertile egg for virus growth because of absence of specific antibodies in SPF egg yolks. SPF eggs totally avoid the hazardous risk of embryo – transmitted and laterally transmitted viral agents as contaminants in virological and immunological research work.
  • 42. Applications Production of poultry vaccines (Avian Biologicals) Production of some of the human vaccines e.g. Anti-Rabies, Measles, etc. Development of primary cell cultures and cell lines To study epidemiology of poultry and human diseases e.g. isolation and characterization of infectious agents. To conduct research on live viruses such as Lymphoid leukosis virus. To study virus-cell interaction in cancer processes
  • 43. References Designer egg and meat through nutrient manipulation -Journal of Poultry Science and Technology MOSES organic fact sheet
  • 44. Antioxidant, cholesterol reducing, immunomodulating and other health promoting properties of herbal enriched designer eggs D. Narahari*, P. Michealraj, A. Kirubakaran And T. Sujatha XI th European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, Doorwerth, The Netherlands 23-26 May 2005 * Significant (P<0.05), ** Highly significant (P<0.01)
  • 45. * Significant (P<0.05), ** Highly significant (P<0.01)