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Opposition To The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was one of the least supported wars in American History. It faced an immense and inexorable sum of social outcry that, while initially
ignored, could not go completely unnoticed and unacknowledged by the government. While the majority of American citizens supported the war, they
remained silent, most likely to protect themselves from the scrutiny of the minority that opposed the war. This minority of Americans were opposed to
the war for moral reasons. They argued that the war was not any of the business of the united states and that it would be morally unjust to intervene
because the North Vietnamese "were fighting a patriotic war to rid themselves of foreign aggressors." that "Innocent Vietnamese peasants were being
killed ... Show more content on ...
Amongst these reasons is the ineffectiveness of conventional military tactics, the overabundant loss of American lives and the loss of both militant
and civilian Vietnamese lives, as well as the insurmountable opposition to the war itself. The most detrimental to the Vietnam War effort, however,
was indisputably the lack of public support for the war. A country can hardly fight a war without the support of its people, let alone a war that requires
an immense amount of resources and manpower. In addition to this, no prolonged conflict can be maintained by a country without the support of its
people. The Vietnam War involved all of these elements. It was an intense conflict that required an unprecedented amount of manpower as well as
supplies to be maintained. It was also an incredibly prolonged conflict that produced little to no progression and lacked any definitive goal to be
progressed toward. Due to the powerful opposition supplied by the Anti–war Movement, civil leader, such as Martin Luther King Jr., and the general
disdain for the war on behalf of the American public, especially later in the war, it became a necessity for the American government to retract from
Vietnam. Conclusively, the public opposition to the war was the largest and most impactful cause of America's withdrawal from the Vietnam War,
resulting in
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Comparing Dorian Gray And Heart Of Darkness
According to principles explained by Jacques Derrida, binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or meaning; each
unit is defined in reciprocal determination with another term. Derrida adds that, "for each center, an opposing center exists" (Bressler, 110). For
example, "we know truth, because we know deception; we know good because we know bad" (Bressler, 111). Joseph Conrad and Oscar Wilde's use of
the binary opposition of light/dark within The Picture of Dorian Gray and Heart of Darkness establishes both racial and class tension by contrasting a
"superior" concept with its inferior. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, setting plays a major role in displaying class differences within the novel. Darker
imagery is used to portray the East End, or the lower–class part of London, while the West End is described as wealthy and cultured. For example, as
Dorian travels through the East End, the chapter begins with, "A cold rain began to fall, and the blurred street–lamps looked ghastly in the dripping
mist" (Wilde, 176). Further, Wilde uses more dark images to create the scene of the East End. He states, "The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow
skull... the gas–lamps grew fewer, and the streets more narrow and gloomy" (Wilde, 177). The description of the East End strongly opposes the
description of the upper ... Show more content on ...
He further states that, "they were nothing now–nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation" (Conrad, 33). Marlow fails to give the natives
human qualities and simply reduces them to "shadows" and "unearthly" beings. He does not see the men as humans, but rather formless shapes and
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Oppositions In Othello And Brabantio
One of the main oppositions that are presented in this act in the difference in the characters of Othello and Brabantio. Brabantio is angry at Othello for
marrying his daughter behind his back and shows it through his harsh and unthoughtful words. He genuinely believes that it is completely impossible for
Desdemona to truly love Othello as he is of a different skin color, and accuses him of witchcraft: "O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my
daughter? / Damned as thou art, thou hast enchanted her!" (1.2.61–32) Here, Brabantio's frantic language gives off the tone of dread and anxiety, and
shows him as a gullible character who easily jumps to conclusions. On the other hand, Othello's language proves him very calm and collected and also
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The Pros And Cons Of Political Parties
In a letter to Jonathan Jackson in October, 1789, John Adams wrote, "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two
great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as
the greatest political evil under our Constitution", yet in modern day society, this is exactly the way the government is set up. Political parties, or, similar
politically–minded people who work as a group to influence public policy by getting candidates elected to office, are in control of the current
government. In the United states political parties compete each other to gain more political power and for the ability to put their policies into effect.
As a result of events in history leading up to today, there are now two major political parties in the US. The United States is known to have a variety
of political parties within it, but the Republican and Democratic parties have shown through the strongest, disagreeing with each other on most
political and social issues, but being able to find some agreement on others. There are minor parties, but none so far have been able to gain the support
needed to win a national election. Political parties had beginnings outside of the US, when they were first thought of in Greece. During the late 1600
ancient Greeks had a senate with two groups that represented people with different interests, called the Plebeians and the Patricians. The
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Binary Opposition In Euripides
Binary Opposition in the Works of Euripides Binary opposition, as defined by Corey Marvin "simply describes a pair of theoretical opposites or
thematic contrasts." Euripides uses binary opposition as an effective literary device in both the Medea and the Bacchae. One of the overarching
dichotomies in both works is masculinity versus femininity. In the Medea, the protagonist flips the gender roles, and in the Bacchae, Dionysus'
androgynous nature allows him to often adopt a feminine persona in the play. Many binary oppositions are encompassed in that of masculinity versus
femininity, a few of which are aggressiveness versus docility, intelligence versus ignorance, and the understandable versus the mysterious. Medea
exhibits typical ... Show more content on ...
These women, who are typically docile and reserved are the complete opposite while worshiping Dionysus. They dance, make music and even hunt and
kill animals with their bare hands, (Bacchae 736–737). . it is the Bacchae who kill Pentheus, dismissing forever the idea that they are purely domestic.
As the messenger relays, "[a]ll the women, with blood spattered hands, were playing ball with Pentheus' flesh" (1135). In the Medea, the dichotomy
of intelligence versus ignorance is shown when the protagonist's cunning is severely underestimated by all those around her. Jason believes that she is
foolish for carrying on as she does; he says, "[y]ou women have come to such a point to think, if things go right in bed, you have everything,"
(569–570) but he misses that she is angry about her station in life and intends to change it. As Shirley A Barlow explains in "Stereotype and
Reversal in the Medea," The protagonist is "aware of more than the fact that she suffers and injustice. She is aware that the root cause is beyond
herself." (Barlow 160). Creon seems to glimpse what she is capable of when he tells her that he fears her (282), but he still allows her to stay in Corinth
for one more day, (355–6) proving that he is ignorant after all. Medea is far more clever than the men around her and she knows how to manipulate
them. When she appeals to Creon (340) and later
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Binary Oppositions From Multiple Forms Within This Poem
Binary Oppositions appear in multiple forms within this poem. We find the pairs of conflicting words and the readers are expected sort out which
words have the ideal interpretation to the poem. Most of these pairs are descriptions about the pebble, the "coldness (line 9) and the "false warmth"
(line 14) skew our interpretation of this pebble. Pebbles are naturally cold but the text tries to resolve this fact by presenting warmth to the pebble.
Yet the pebble did not produce this warmth itself, a living creature is required to generate the heat and to transfer it to the pebble. Also, the pebble
will not be able to maintain the warmth once the heat source is taken away, thus "false" warmth. The pebble does have the potential to harness this
warmth so is it really a cold being or a warm one? These conflicting ideas help to unravel the validity of the poem. The same can be done with the
words "coldness" (line 9) and "ardour" (line 9), or its "fierce or burning heat" (Oxford English Dictionary). These words are given to the reader in the
same line yet they hold completely unique ideas to the pebble. Is ardour heat that the pebble theoretically can hold or is it a kind of burning heat
that a person feels due to emotions? A reader could also question how a pebble "cannot be tamed" (line 15) yet also be "mindful of its limits" (line 4).
These are all human qualities which are getting placed onto the pebble, and due to the limitations of pebbles we can understand these binary
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Causes Of Growing Opposition
Adelle Cron Miraya Honors History 1/31/2016 Growing Opposition Response Hamilton's Financial Plan largely benefitted the northern states rather
than the southern ones. The majority of the southern states completely paid off their war debt. The northern states on the other hand were nowhere
close to reaching this goal. Hamilton's plan put in place that the southern states would help the northern states pay their debts. Obviously, the southern
states were completely opposed to this, while the northern states full–heartedly agreed with it. States, such as Virginia, would gain nothing from having
a central bank. The groups that would benefit the most from Hamilton's Plan were merchants, leading financiers, and large cities. These groups were
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Postmodern Deconstructionism In Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'
No matter what age or generation, people live in a world filled with opposition and conflict. Though this sounds harsh and unforgiving, this
description is completely and utterly accurate. In society, people run into all sorts of oppositions without realizing it at all. For example, a person
could walk into a darkened room and flip on the light without stopping to ponder the conflict between "light" and "dark". These examples in our daily
lives drones on and on from the difference between hot and cold water to the difference between your phone when it is on or off. Though these types
of oppositions seem mundane to the average person, to a deconstructionist these distinct concepts are imperative in deconstructing a text. When people
describe deconstructing a text, they are referring to the postmodern deconstructionism which focuses mainly on these oppositions and the type of
relationship they share. When referring to these oppositions, a deconstructionist uses the word "binary" which can be found in literature of all types
and through all sorts of literary interpretations. Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" is no exception to this concept with its story focusing on lifestyle and
heritage differences displayed between the main characters. Though one can interpret "Everyday Use" as a story presenting the two binary aspects of
"a traditional, heritage based, yet impoverished lifestyle" and "an affluent, modern, yet forward thinking lifestyle" as completely opposing concepts, one
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Examples Of Alienation In Ponthan Mada
In the film, Ormakalundayirikkanam, there is a scene which portrays the real life situation of a Theyyam performer, moving away from the upper
class people, he achieves an elated divine and powerful status while performing the rituals. This contradiction where he is considered as a demi–god
while performing and an outcaste in the society in other times, brings the real life situation of the low caste in a feudal set up. In the same film, the
director also represents the political reality of Kerala Liberation Struggle of 1959 through the contradicting views of the Communist party and Congress
party. The parties' perspectives on the 'Education Bill', 'Agrarian Relation Bill', and other associated human rights violations along and their adverse ...
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The scene which shows the cart wheel and the water wheel moving in different directions signify the contradictions in the world of feudal class and
working class. In the same film, director has also used the same technique to present the persona of the character Resmi, who is also a victim of
alienation. In Alicinte Aneshanam, the director uses these approaches to makes the protagonist understand the real nature of her husband, and the
perceived difference when looked from a familial perspective and non familial perspectives, leads her to self realization. Through these binary
oppositions, TV Chandran persuades the women folk to come out of the family confinement to understand the reality, and to overcome the alienation
they are facing the society. In Mangamma, through the opposites, TV Chandran portray the differences between idealism and the social reality, and
women's' struggle to exists in that contradicting situation. The scene of the beggar singing Subrahmaniya Bharathiar's poem in the day, and trying to
molest her in the night depicts the hypocrisy in the persona of males in a male chauvinistic society. The scene 82B, depicts Mangamma's perceptions of
a real male through the comparison of characters Velayudhan and
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Essay Tsarism in Russia
Tsarism in Russia
Although the 1905 Revolution did not bring Tsarism to its demise, it had important consequences on Tsarism. It illuminates the problems of Russian
society and exposed the government's weaknesses. Nevertheless, the Tsar managed to suppress his opponents and appeased the masses, saving his
regimes from collapse. However, this security was only temporarily as the root of Russia's problems were not solved and WWI in 1914 was the last
straw for the decaying regime. Hence, I agree with the statement to a large extent.
The inherent problems in Russian society were never dealt with properly by the Tsar. The peasants suffered from the problem of land hunger, the
workers had poor ... Show more content on ...
By the October Manifesto, the Tsar allowed the formation of an elected legislative assembly, the Duma. Technically, this would mean that the Tsar had
to share his autocratic power with his people and by inviting opposition into the government, he may be endangering his status. However, this was
not the case. Ironically, it helped strengthened the Tsar's power. The forming of the Duma appeased the liberals and satisfied their appetite for
reforms, hence they are willing to cooperate with the Tsar rather than confront Tsarism directly. In addition, the Duma did not reduce the Tsar's
power. Not only did the Duma had limited powers to begin with, it was subjected to the whims and fancy if the Tsar. The Tsar could dissolve the
Duma should he not like their proposals and they could only give suggestions to the Tsar. The Fundamental Laws passed in April 1906 decreed theta
the Tsar had absolute power and the last say in all matters, hence, the Tsar had not lose any of his power and with his absolute authority, he could do
all that he can to secure his rule.
The Tsar bought over the peasants by the November Manifesto in which he pledged to progressively reduce and then abolish the mortgage repayments
of their lands. Economic reforms were carried out by
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Life and Death
When a woman gets pregnant, she and her partner make a serious decision whether they should give birth to the unborn child or abort it. However,
sometimes every couple can have a different outlook about giving birth or aborting because every male and female has his or her ways of thinking. In
"Hills Like White Elephants," the author, Ernest Hemingway tells a story of an American man and his girlfriend, Jig, who have a disagreement in the
train station on the subject of whether to keep the unborn child or to abort. However, the author uses binary opposition of life and death to portray the
polemic argument a couple encounters regarding abortion. As a symbol for the binary opposition of life and death, he represents the couple's
expressions, ... Show more content on ...
For example, Jig says, "Then what will we do afterward" (401)? Literally, this statement shows Jig's concerns about what will happen after the
operation, like the emotions she will feel, because abortion is something that can leave emotional damage on her after the operation. However,
symbolically, Jigs concerned feelings suggest that Jig is not quite sure about abortion. Therefore, Jig's feelings can be a representation of life because
if a woman is sure about abortion, she will do the operation. As a result, one can conclude that Jig is just wasting time with her unsure feelings to
postpone the abortion.
However, The American's feeling suggests to the readers his agreement on abortion, which symbolizes death. As the American states to Jig, "I
know we will. You don't have to be afraid. I've knows lots of people that have done it" (402). The American states his feeling after Jig states, "And
you think then we'll be all right and be happy" (402). Literally, the American wants Jig to have an abortion because he does not want to settle down
and raise a family. Instead, he wanted to continue his trip around the world. As the author states, "He did say anything but looked at the bags... There
were labels on them from all the hotels where they had spent nights" (403). The bag that has all the labels from all the hotels brings evidence that the
American likes living his life by having trips and not by making a family. Therefore, symbolically, when
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Examples Of Logical Opposition
V.Logical Opposition (Square of Opposition) Opposition is the relation existing between propositions having the same subject and predicate but
different quality or quantity or both. There are four types of opposition: contradiction, contrariety, sub–contrariety, and sub–alternation. While quality
and quantity are absolute properties of proposition, logical opposition is considered as a relative property of proposition because opposition happens
only when we relate two propositions with the same subject and predicate. Types of Opposition A. Contradiction Contradiction is the opposition
existing between two propositions having the same subject, the same predicate, but different quality and quantity. It is the opposition between A and...
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Subject copula predicate 2.Contradict the predicate – this means replacing the predicate with a term of an opposite or contrary meaning. By prefixing
the term with non–, un–, im–, dis–, il–, and other similar terms, we form their contradictory or opposite. Or we can give a different term with an
opposite meaning. All men are not immortal. Subject copula predicate men mortal 3.Negate the copula – this means changing the quality of the
proposition. If the original proposition is negative then it is changed to affirmative, if it is affirmative it is changed to negative. All men are not
immortal. Subject copula predicate men mortal 4.Retain the quantity. All men are not immortal. Subject copula
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In today’s socio-political currency, often there is...
In today's socio–political currency, often there is cheapened 'Hero Inflation' devoid of serious moral reflection in indiscriminate glory of dubious value.
Within that promiscuous praise that greases the path for bottom of the barrel hyperbole debased hero–worshipping, and if you throw partisan
vituperation of political complexities in the mix, it becomes absurd ventilation of the small soul's lowest common denominator. You get all kinds of
cluttered mind, suffocating echo chamber, denialism barking on style over substance. In their politically charged hyper reality, truth is variable, partial
and filtered through narrow partisan optics. Soullessness of the chattering class are so vein that even old chestnuts falling from their favorite... Show
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Today it is clear to all as to why this upheaval, madness, blood–shed starts as the Election–process gets underway? Isn't it a manifestation of some
politicians' insecurity? Affliction of narcissistic personality–cult? To whom facts, in Orwellian terminology, becomes 'un(non)facts', persons
'un(non)persons'. When convenient unpersons and unfacts are revived. The personal vectors are conveniently promoted, conversely if situation
demands, demoted. Their governing principle: 'Truth is the political line of the day.' In their need to hold onto power, making of a dictator, tyrant,
despot and overbearing autocrat is a requirement of the time. Psychologists might say, such requirement is a compensation for inner vulnerability.
Afraid to face the inner–Shadow, in Jungian terms, they project that Shadow onto others who then become their enemies and thus represent everything
that stands in the way of success and comfort.
In Bangla political dynamics all indications are there, popularity of the ruling party, Awami League hit the rock bottom; exemplified when the BNP
"thrashed the League in mayoral elections in June and July, notably in Gazipur in the industrial belt, hitherto one of the League's safest constituencies"
and polling data showing a plunge in the government's popularity. Consequent to opposition called general strike, many stores and schools were closed
in Dhaka and very few vehicles were
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Syrian Activists ' Main Goals
Syrian activists' main goal from these talks was always about the formation of a transitional government enjoying full executive powers, without Assad
in the picture; while, naming the members of this transitional governing body and the immediate start of performing its functions; followed by a
ceasefire throughout the nation. These goals were, more or less, achieved through the passing of the France–US document; that included the point of
cessation of hostilities among the warring parties and the immediate lifting of all sieges on towns held by parties to the ceasefire: an important step
toward decreasing and deescalating the war momentum on the ground and a gateway for rebuilding Syria and the return of the refugees. From the
humanitarian side, every day, people are dying because of the lack of goods and services that are essential for their survival and one of the main
reasons was the failure of aid efforts to relieve the accompanying humanitarian crisis. The UNHCR was, more or less, successful in voicing the
concerns of the refugees and the internally displaced during these meetings, especially when it came to the implementation of humanitarian corridors:
allowing NGOs to be able to reach the conflict zones where scandalous massacres are taking place. Syrian activists considered this point in the
resolution to be of major importance, not only in terms of providing humanitarian help in areas of conflict but also, about the fact that it will be
monitored by a committee
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Theory of Opposition Essay
Theory of Opposition
In looking at the reasoning and theories of different philosophers throughout history, we see numerous themes develop which play various and
sometimes very significant roles in each philosopher's arguments. In their discussions of the cause or source of the universe as well as those regarding
the relationships that exist inherently in nature, we see the different thinkers utilize themes such as unity, change and opposition. While many
philosophers may employ one or many of these such themes, it is important to note that, often, the significance, interpretation and specific roles of these
themes will vary from one philosopher to another. With this in mind, I will attempt to outline the role and interpretation of... Show more content on ...
Rather, Anaximander believes, theuniverse is the result of four elements in opposition to eachother. He proposes that Thales' water is just one element
among many and, therefore, is limited. He sets forth the four elements, essentilly, as being dry, moist, hot and cold. He utilizes this theory of the four
elements in opposition to account for the balance that occurs in nature. It is this opposition, he believes, that keeps order to the universe. Were they not
in opposition to eachother, any one of the elements would be unbounded and would cancel out the others. The importance of opposition in
Anaxamander's argument is summed up in a statement of Aristotle's regarding Anaximander's assertions. Aristotle tells us that "...they are in opposition
to one another–air is cold, water is moist, and fire hot–and, therefore, if any one of them were unbounded, the rest would have ceased to be by this time
..." Anaximander's warring opposites commit injustice upon eachother and this relationship is evident in such natural phenomena as the cyclical
revolution of the seasons. In his theory, it is interesting to note, however, that Anaximander does not rely solely on the theory of opposition. Although
opposition is central to his argument, he does introduce the superior, unbounded, unifying factor of Time. The next philosopher I will discuss with
regard to this topic is Heraclitus. The way Heraclitus uses the theme of opposition is
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Opposition to Apartheid
The South African Apartheid, instituted in 1948 by the country's Afrikaner National Party, was legalized segregation on the basis of race, and is a
system comparable to the segregation of African Americans in the United States. Non–whites – including blacks, Indians, and people of color in
general– were prohibited from engaging in any activities specific to whites and prohibited from engaging in interracial marriages, receiving higher
education, and obtaining certain jobs. The National Party's classification of "race" was loosely based on physical appearance and lineage. White
individuals were superficially defined as being "obviously white'' on the basis of their "habits, education and speech as well as deportment and
demeanor"; an... Show more content on ...
The quest for international support, mass mobilization, armed operations, and underground organization became the basis for the ANC's "Four Pillars
of Struggle". On March 21st, 1960, the Pan Africanists Congress, an anti–Apartheid splinter organization formed in 1959, organized a protest to the
National Party's "pass laws" which required all citizens, as well as native Africans, to carry identification papers on them at all times. Over five
thousand individuals came to protest the cause in Sharpeville. Unfortunately, police forces arrived and open fired on the protesters, killing ninety–six in
what became known as the Sharpeville massacre. Beginning early in the 1970s and extending into the '80s, students, laborers and ordinary citizens
became more involved in the struggle against Apartheid. High school students began protesting the segregated system more vigorously, and many
ended up dead at the hands of National Party police forces in the June uprising of 1976. The late 70's and 80's saw the rise in dissidence amongst
ordinary South Africans towards the Apartheid laws. After the student uprising of 1976, the ranks of MK were augmented considerably, leading to
resurgence in anti–Apartheid activities and ushered in the first reforms to the Apartheid since its
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Opposition In The Crucible
The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is the recurring theme in the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
John Proctor is an example of an opposition to his society because he doesn't go to church as much as he is expected to, he cheated on his wife with
Abigail Williams, and he tries to speak out against the court and church to get them to believe what is true. John Proctor didn't show up to church as
much as he should have in the past because of varying reasons such as his wife, Elizabeth Proctor becoming ill. This raised concern with the church and
the court. Back in the time when the Salem Witch Trials were going on, Puritans went to church every time it was available to keep the devil out
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Analysis Of Binary Oppositions In Heathers
Nietzsche wrote that language invents truths that do not have an actual reference to the outside world. One of the primary examples are binary
oppositions: two terms that give each other meaning when they are compared. The conflicting terms serve to simplify concepts down to their most
basic forms. In literary works, however, the binary oppositions that are presented are often deconstructed. In Heathers, the main drama of the story
comes from the ideas of conformity and nonconformity. As the story takes place in a high school ruled by an all–powerful clique, students who mold
themselves to the Heathers are well–liked. Those who do not resemble them– whether because they are unpopular or because they try to actively rebel
against the norm– are deemed outcasts. Veronica's internal conflict stems from her being torn between these two worlds. A part of her wants to follow
in the footsteps of the Heathers in order to be just as admired as they are; on the other hand, she does not enjoy being around them, and finds herself
gravitating back towards other nonconformists. Beyond just Veronica's struggle,deconstruction is also presented in the character arcs of McNamara,
Duke, and J.D. To begin with, Nietzsche believed that all binary oppositions have a single term that is superior. He wrote that, "Metaphysical
philosophy has hitherto surmounted this difficulty that the one originates in the other and assuming for the more valued thing a miraculous source in
the very kernel and
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Binary Oppositions
The difference of characters in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory emphasizes the binary oppositions "excitement" and "calm" through the
verbs in which the characters–Charlie and Willy Wonka–explain. Nodelman and Reimer analyze binary oppositions in children's literature as it
"define[s] some of the most central thematic concerns of a surprising amount of children's literature" (Nodelman and Reimer 199). Specifically, in the
chapter 28 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dahl juxtaposes Willy Wonka from Charlie through the oppositions: excitement and calm. Dahl
portrays these qualities through the verbs in how Willy Wonka and Charlie react to the news that Charlie is the remaining child in his company. When
Charlie confirms
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Opposition To Nazi Regime
Despite the fact all opposition to the Nazi Regime recorded ended in perpetrators going to concentration camps and, in all likelihood, executed,
opposition to the Nazi Regime was unquestionably significant. There were groups who dedicated a great deal of their time opposing the Nazi Regime
while others took up years planning assassinations of Hitler. Considering the fact that anything significant is sufficiently great or important and worthy
of attention, means that with the countless amounts of reported cases and how important they were, and are, to many people including citizens, Nazis,
Hitler, and even modern day studies, there is no question that many of the opposition, if not all, was and is absolutely significant. In spite of Hitler
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Essay about Hugo Chavez and the Death of Democracy in...
Venezuela, located in the Latin American region, is a country that has been characterized by its abundance of oil reserve. A natural resource that has
shaped the history and development of the country, affecting its economic, social and most important is political spheres. For many years Venezuela
was controlled by authoritarian regimes. The country, being very important in the sense of geo–politics due to its abundance of oil, has been a key
player in the international arena and most important, to those that for many years kept the country under their regime. It was not until 1958 that
Venezuelaexperienced the change to democracy and a stable democracy was kept between the two main political parties of the time, Accion
Democratica (AD) ... Show more content on ...
In order to explain the questions of whether or not Chavez has increase or decreased democracy in Venezuela, people needs to know what is the
concept of democracy. Due to the fact that democracy is different in every country and that each country has a different perception or view on what
democracy really is, has been very difficult to have a specific concept that fits all criteria. For some, democracy is based on how democratic
institutions perform in the countries and for others is based on the majority rule. For the sake of this report I will focus on democratic institutions as a
based of how democracy has decreased in Venezuela through out Chavez regime.
As I said before, many critics agreed that Hugo Chavez has been able to diminished Venezuelan democracy to convert it to a competitive authoritarian
regime. Chavez has controlled the country and stills does, in a way in that using populism and his policy of clientism he gets the masses and specially
the poor to support him and agreed with him in many of his reforms and actions. Allying himself with leftist countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua
and especially Cuba, Chavez has implemented what he calls a "Bolivarian Revolution", revolution that allows him to have a complete control of the
country. Furthermore, Chavez has been using the oil revenues not only as a method of getting international support for his ideas and type of regime but
also, for his own personal enrichment
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Opposition To Reconstruction
In the same way, the issue of racism was more opposed to people and was more openly abused in the past compare to present. African Americans were
mistreated, and were slaved for a long time, and they did not have any rights until the 18th century. In 1865 and 1866 Southern states passed a laws
called "black codes" which was meant to limit the rights of black and segregate them from whites; however, during the 1865 African American believed
that the process of reconstruction would bring equality. The main object of reconstruction was to help African Americans become equal citizens, but
reconstruction failed to help them, because the Southerners were not willing to accept the laws that were placed to give rights to the African Americans.
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In addition, anger whites southerners were not accepting blacks in the society they started lynching African Americans. " Excuse to get rid of
Negroes who were acquiring wealth and property and thus keep the race terrorized and ' keep the nigger down this is what opened my eyes to what
lynching really was" said Wells. One of the most cruel and memorable lynching in history was Emmett Till. Emmett Till a 14
–year–old African
American from Chicago, visited his family in Mississippi was accused of flirting with a white woman. White woman's husband and her brother
found Till and took him to Tallahatchie River and asked him to take off his clothes. Then they started beating him nearly to death, gouged out his
eye, shot him in the head, and then threw his body into the river. Moreover Well points out that " I found that in order to justify these horrible
atrocities to the world, the Negro was branded as a race of rapists, who were especially after white women."(P66) There was no trial in a court for the
accused criminal, which made it easy for the racist white mob to hold the law and sentence any African American.
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Opposition To Slavery
In this article journal, Larry makes a "crucial distinction" between self–interested opposition to slaveholder power and moral opposition to slavery as an
oppressive institution. He praised his contemporaries for restoring slavery to narratives of the sectional conflict but worried that "the impact of the new
scholarship might prove more misleading than helpful." Recognizing that antiracism and support for African American civil rights informed scholarly
interpretations of Civil War causation, Larry warned: "Moral indignation at racial prejudice in the twentieth century does not necessarily provide the
key to an understanding of the dispute between the sections in the nineteenth century. While some abolitionists were indignant at the slave
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The Fall of Both Mubarak’s Regime and the Legal...
Introduction :
By the end of Mubarak's rule, the legalised political opposition in Egypt was already a mirror to the regime it was presumed to challenge:
discreditable, central, aging and undemocratic.
Systematic state repression and internal divisions fragmented the opposition and deviated it from the role assumed by its counterparts in liberal
democracies. Instead of competitive interaction with the regime, the legal opposition stationed itself as an integral part of the authoritarian polity. Years
of regime–opposition dynamics ended with the latter's alignment with the regime and becoming more of a domesticated opposition. This clientelist
relationship was necessary for the survival of the semi–authoritarian regime. It enabled it ... Show more content on ...
The 1990s were labeled as Egypt's "deliberalisation" period (Stacher, 2004).
They were regarded as the years when the regime gave birth to new forms of authoritarianism that do not fit into classic categories of one–party,
military, or personal dictatorship (Schedler, 2002).
Since the publication of Huntington's Third Wave in 1991, many analysts have anticipated a democratic transition to occur in Egypt.
Indicators of the progress of the democratization process in Egypt included the emergence of thousands of civil society groups, legal political parties,
and numerous newspapers, as well as the increasing role of the judiciary and rule of law. Yet, despite the arguments that Egypt's managed process has
a democratic endgame, the 1990s witnessed a rollback of civil society and political opposition.
The "deliberalisation" process began in the early 1990s and was initially directed at Islamist activism and political aspirations. When the regime
successfully dealt with the Islamists, it began to curtail its own weak opposition parties. Of the sixteen legalized opposition parties in Egypt, seven
have been closed since 1998. The regime also prevented prominent independent members of parliament from using already existing parties to challenge
the ruling party (Stacher, 2004).
As Kienle (1998) argues: Since the
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Essay on The Death Of Liberal America
Americans seem to have lost any sense whatsoever of what liberalism means and what it strives to insure. Liberals have insisted that tyranny can only
be combated by the multiplication and fragmentation of power. A free society is one in which there are various centers of power, various positions
from which people have the ability to influence decisions. That's the whole point behind creating three branches of government, the vaunted "separation
of powers." Liberalism aims to insure peace and prevent tyranny in pluralistic societies. Liberalism strives to place lots of individual actions outside the
pale of politics and beyond interference from the state or other powers. And, culturally, it strives to promote tolerance, where tolerance is,... Show more
content on ...
Democracy has it benefits, with the most obvious being peace. The most important corollary benefit is that the opposition party plays a key role in
keeping the party in power honest. It is obviously in the opposition party's interest to keep the public informed about the missteps and misdeeds of the
administration party. The opposition party is as crucial to ongoing publicity as a free press. And publicity is a crucial safeguard (not the only one, but a
crucial one) against governmental abuse of power. Democracy, in short, prevents one party rule.
So what's the problem in 2005? Up until now American democracy has been remarkably stable with the notable exceptions of the Civil War and the
Civil Rights conflicts. But now, the Republicans have launched a full–scale assault upon democracy at home. This assault is about grabbing and using
power, and it also reflects an impoverished view of democracy – basically one that limits democracy to free elections. The understanding of democracy
tends toward the plebiscite and toward the establishment of a strong leader, usually one who promises to sweep aside the complexities, compromises,
frustrations, and inefficiencies introduced by parliamentary janglings and an independent judiciary. The plebiscite has almost always favored right
wing leaders impatient with legal and institutional impediments to forceful action. In other words the plebiscite is perfect for establishing the tyranny of
the majority. By emphasizing a direct, even
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Privatization Reform During Latin America
Since the 1980s, transnational actors have disseminated ideas of education privatization throughout Latin America. Although by similar means, these
policy ideas arrived at different historical moments at Chile and Argentina. Privatization ideas made its way in Chile carried by the influential Chicago
boys, during the critical juncture of the authoritarian regime. The market–based reform served the interests of the military regime, and faced very little
resistance given the repression and dismantling of the teacher union, and the penetration of the economic logic in the Ministry of Education. Timing,
carriers and weak opposition allowed a complete replacement of the domestic education policy. Later in democracy, state–oriented education
bureaucrats were not able to reverse the policy change. Although they tried to build on the inherited model and use the state as a way to correct the
failures of the education market, the inconsistency between their goals and their means ended up reproducing and strengthening the privatized model.
By contrast in Argentina, the economic perspective arrived timidly and late when the country was making its transition to democracy. The resistance of
the teacher union and provincial governments towards fiscal decentralization, and the reluctance of the ministry of education to market–based reforms,
refrained the government from proposing explicit privatization instruments such as vouchers. Instead, the government gradually changed
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Media And Its Impact On The Political Movement Essay
The norm of journalism is to present information or news to the general public via mass media. Thus, it plays an important part in everyday life.
Notwithstanding, media have a vigorous relation with politics especially among the democratic societies (Fernandez–Quijada 2013). Moreover, the
media is also perceived as the "fourth estate" due to the fact that it able to influence and affects the perceptions of the general public towards the
political movement (Kemp 2013). However, in comparison to the past, nowadays, the modernisation of technology, the change of social patterns and
political conditions somewhat change how the media works (Gerth & Siegert 2012). In their article stated that media companies are predominantly
private–owned companies, thus, the media are more to market orientation. Therefore, the media are not necessarily providing vital information to the
general public (Gerth & Siegert 2012). Henceforth, the media commonly utilise the practise of framing to provide information on political matter to the
general public (Hanggli 2012). Framing denotes how the role of media influences its audiences in interpreting and contemplating on issues provided
(Kemp 2013). Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to analyse how the media presents the overall political contents in newspaper from the New
Zealand Herald dated April 23rd and how framing in the political contents influences the general public. The advancement and modernisation of
technology transform how
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Vietnam War Opposition
The Vietnam War which was very important in the history that has shaped the country that we know today.The conflict in Vietnam was very
controversial and brought out two different groups ,the doves and the hawks.The United States put troops in Vietnam to try and stop communism and
the domino theory.The downside to the involvement was the opposition to the war.Billions of dollars was spent when the congress gave Johnson a
blank check.The general public was also mislead by the media and the government.Another reason for opposition was that the army even turned onto
the civilians in Vietnam thinking that they were the Vietcong. The first opposition that we are going to talk about is the money that was spent on the
war.Before we even sent troops ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, I don't think we should have fought this war.We wasted billions of dollars that we could have used on our own economy and on our
own people to better their lives.We also caused chaos in our own country from getting involved in this war.It led to peace protest and the devolopement
of the doves which tried to get people to see that the war wasn't worth it.We also killed civilians which doesn't sound like to me something that the
United states needs to be doing.And finally we wasted our own people lives by sending them over there and not giving them a choice so they could
fight and possibly die. In conclusion, this war was very tedious and led to nothing.After we got done and left the North Vietnamese took over anyway
so there was really nothing we could do.We cause disruptions all throughout our country,and even sent off our own men to be
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Opposition To Slavery Dbq
Slavery has been a widespread practice for decades, before slowly disappearing. In the period from 1776 to 1852 there was both opposition and
approval for slavery in the United States. However, underlying forces such as change in religious morals, the rise of abolition groups and the abolition
movement, and support in the black community contributed to growing opposition over slavery in this period. Change in religious morals was
probably one of the major causes for growing opposition to slavery. People were beginning to use Christian ideals to support the stance that all men
were created equal, as stated in the Declaration of Independence that was signed in 1776 when the nation was first founded. Whereas laws once allowed
the harsh treatment... Show more content on ...
Such support even existed in places where slavery was no longer legal, which could have promoted the eventual opposition of slavery in other
places, especially when blacks in free states would buy the freedom of their family who were located in slave states. This is evident in document
C, where it mentions how the Reverend Mr. Gloucester visited New Jersey to find financial aid to free his wife and children. In this black
community, people were able to come up with a good sum of money, though they were also poor, to help Mr. Gloucester. This is an example of how
helpful blacks were to one another during this odd time of the debate over slavery. Inspiration to others in the black community was important too.
Frederick Douglass, when enslaved and treated extremely inhumanely, managed to find himself fighting back against his white overseer (Doc. G).
Fighting back became a widespread tactic to shut down the support for slavery, whether it was through subtle disobedience or physical resistance.
There was also support through media, which protected and informed blacks. There were advertisements for Uncle Tom's Cabin directed toward the
black community for sale. Posters existed to warn free blacks of white officers (Doc. I), showing how even when trying to find freedom, slaves were
still hunted down and denied their basic rights. However,
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Opposition To War
ground and many people believed we weren't helping the situation. Many songs of the time period show the opposition towards the war.
Another very popular song which was used as an anti–war song was Joe McDonald's "Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die" . This was a very popular and
catchy song which was even performed it at Woodstock. He had the entire crowd singing along and clapping. The course of the song showed that
people didn't really understand what they were fighting for and why it was the United States responsibility. "And it's one, two, three, what are we
fighting for? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam; and it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to
wonder why, Whoopee! We're all gonna... Show more content on ...
Television was a major participant in this opposition towards the war. Reporters were able to capture living images of the war and bring it directly into
the homes of millions Americans. Reporters were able to captures the audience's attention with heart–felt stories about the death of soldiers and the
impact that had on their loved ones back home. The media used these images to make Americans question whether the war was worth it. With incidents
like the Kent State massacre, the media was able to use those images which made American fear the government completely which added to the
anti–war movement. All three presidents who served in office during the Vietnam War felt opposition from the media. This is extremely important to
note the media was not basis to one of the presidents and that the media just opposed the war in general. Although they opposed Nixon and his war
efforts the most, but Johnson and Kennedy felt the effects as well. This opposition the media had towards the war also made it extremely difficult for
the presidents to gain and maintain the nations support when it came to the war efforts. Anti–war songs, posters and various other types of propaganda
all added to the disapproval of the war. To this day, many people still question if the media is to blame for the loss of the Vietnam
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Opposition To Thatcherism
Assess the reasons for opposition to Thatcher's social and economic policies.
Thatcherism gained lots of opposition due to her social and economic policies. Her focus on reducing inflation and creating a self–sufficient society
meant that unemployment rose. Also, those who did benefit from her policies such as privatisation encouraged the gap between the rich and poor to
grow. Ultimately the growth of the get rich quick, capitalist society in the most important criticism of Thatcher as it links in with many of the other
points of opposition
Thatcher's lack of policy for unemployment caused it to increase between 1979 and 1983 to over 3 million. In fact it was higher that the post–war
record furthermore, the spread of unemployment was unevenly distributed with the majority in the North. Even by the end of the Conservative
government rule, the unemployment figures failed to recover after the 1981 recession. In addition, Thatcher allowed communities to remain
unemployed, as the main priority was inflation. This caused social tension especially in inner city areas, such as riots in Brixton. Unemployment was
such a renowned criticism of Thatcherism as she focused more on the economic state of Britain. This came from the government ... Show more content
on ...
Some businesses were run in the interests of big shareholders rather than for the national benefit. Furthermore, shares were done too cheaply meaning it
did not maximise governmental sums hence were purchased by the large investors. Thatcher led Britain towards capitalism, the public state in
capitalist ownership of businesses increased from 3 million in 1979 to 11 million. Privatisation created a private monopoly, which would exploit
customers. This policy only favoured the rich instead of its intended demographic, the richer people were more well off which also highlighted the gap
between the North and the
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Opposition Death Penalty
The intent of this paper is to share the views of those who oppose capital punishment. I, for one, am part of the majority that is in support of the death
penalty. I am in agreeance of the old saying of "An eye for an eye". The death penalty is one of the most controversial issues in our criminal justice
system. There is an increase in opposition against the death penalty, not only in the United States. Many Americans feel thatcapital punishment is
wrong. It is hard for people to fathom the idea of putting someone else to death. It is not the physical mechanics involved in executions that are hard to
handle. It is the emotions involved in carrying out the process. Many feel that the death penalty violates the eight Amendment of a ... Show more
content on ...
The people that are mainly given a conviction of death are those of minority and the poor. Oppositionist feel that if a white or rich person committed
the same crime would be sent away with a lesser punishment or a slap on the wrist. Economic and racial bias is an argument that is made across the
board in our justice system. This is an argument that has caught the eye of many Civil Rights unions. It has been said that with the use of capital
punishment, violent crimes will be reduced. This is the third argument. However, the opposition does not agree. There is no prove that the rates of
violent crimes have been reduced. The opposition argues that capital punishment does not act as a deterrent for these crimes. They also argue that it is
irreversible. The fourth and final argument involves the amount of time that a prisoner spends on death row. Prisoners tend to spend a lot of time on
death row prior to executing day because retrials, technicalities, appeals, or other delays. Due to those reasons the opposition argues that having a
person wait for years for execution is both costly and cruel. They feel that if a prisoner is going to wait that long then he or she should be convicted of
life imprisonment without the option of being
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The Presentation Of The Working Class Statement By Thomas...
The document under study is an excerpt from a speech. This speech was delivered in May 1842 by Thomas Babington Macaulay. In 1842, several
events occurred in England. First, England went through a recession. This recession was due to a decrease on the workers' wages. This decrease was
introduced by the Anti–Corn laws manufacturers. As a consequence, England observed a widespread on Chartist activity. Chartists belonged to an
important working class movement called Chartism. Chartists wanted to get some recognition for the working class. They presented to parliament a
petition divided into six points. They aimed to pass them. However, they met radical oppositions. Indeed, this year marked the second presentation of
the petition to parliament. ... Show more content on ...
This quotation opposes the rich and the poor. The institution of property refers indeed to the money people get from their properties, the rich. The
institution of property is linked with "the well–being of society". Consequently, according to Macaulay, the rich are the only ones who are able to lead
the country. This idea is enforced by the fact that he considers workers as children. "I would not give the draught of water because I know it would be
poison" (l.53–54), he placed himself as a protector of the lower
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Theme Of Dichotomy In Jane Eyre
Charlotte BrontГ«'s Jane Eyre, has not only been interpreted as a novel advocating Victorian conventional norms, but one that exercises the fiery act of
female rebellion against hypocritical, patriarchal oppression. With reference to the quotation provided, along with additional extracts from the text, the
angelic representation of Jane Eyre along with the demonic demonstration of Bertha Rochester, informed by the angel demon dichotomy, is not only
significant in terms of the language and imagery used to portray the female binary, but the source from which the representation is derived, particularly
Mr Rochester and Jane herself. Themes concerning the challenging of patriarchal oppression for the purpose of achieving female individualism, places
the absolutism of the Victorian angel demon dichotomy under threat. Central to the attainment of self–identification, is the ability to have a voice, of
which Bertha has none, emphasising a rupture within the sustainability of the feminist narrative, from a postcolonial perspective.
Charles Bressler (1996) emphasised the belief, that according to feminists, it is in fact "man who defines ... Show more content on ...
85), in other words, a novel that had blindly failed to emancipate female characters situated within an alternative social class, than Jane herself, or rather
Charlotte BrontГ«'s fellow comrades. Even though Jane momentarily sympathises for Bertha, when she exclaims to Mr Rochester that his depictions
are "cruel – she cannot help being mad" (p. 265), BrontГ«'s exclusion of certain social classes and women of colour, from her female empowerment
movement, undoubtedly places a question mark next to the feminist movement presented within the text in terms of its emancipatory
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Binary Opposition of Life of Pi
The Binary Opposition Narrative in Life of Pi
жќЋи‹± 2012010285
Abstract: Ever since its publication in 2002, Life of Pi has gained great popularity and high critical acclaim from critical circle. It arose the study of
Li of Pi from various angels. But most kinds of analysis about the novel are focus on existing doubts about the story, and the religious symbols in the
novels. The binary opposition narrative in the novel discussed rarely. The novel is full of the binary oppositions narrative, these made the story
distinctive. By expounding the existence of the binary oppositions in the novel, to reveal the meaning of the novel conveys.
Key words: Binary opposition; Pi; Tiger; Evil; Ego
Yann Martel ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, the tiger behaviors are also quite extraordinary. The tiger in the story acted more like a man, from Pi's description; Richard Parker is a name
of the hunter who caught him, because the mistake of transportation's work, the tiger's name exchanged with the name of hunter. Thus, Richard Parker
got a man's name. In the story, Richard Parker used 'him' instead of 'it', proved the tiger's personification. Further more, he expressed excessive
endures for Pi. He ate the animals and a blind man except Pi. These also can make people re–examine the role of Bengal tiger as well. In the third part,
as the only survivor of ship of Pi, he told his all experience on the ocean with Bengal tiger but Japanese Ministry of Transport didn't believe the story.
Then he told another story, the four animals became four people. He described sailor's broken leg, the ferocious of cook, the kind–hearted mother, and
the instinct of Pi. The plot in the second story is correspond to the first story very well. From his state of second story, the research also found the
connection with the two story, "So the Taiwanese sailor is the zebra, his mother is the orangutan, the cook is...the hyena? Which mean he is the
These evidences all proved that the personalized tiger is fantasy. Just as investigator's conclusion, the Bengal tiger is Pi. Fantasy tiger stands for Pi is a
sort of personality
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structural functionlism theory
In any political system are structures that have different functions to ensure an effective and smooth running of things in that particular political
system. This is why this essay will discuss the problems faced by opposition political parties in Zambia using the structural functionalist theory. First it
will explain what structural functionalism is, then it will define structures, functions, a political party and an opposition party then before giving the
conclusion it will discuss the problems faced by opposition parties in Zambia.
Johari (2011) defines structural functionalism as a means of explaining what political ... Show more content on ...
The Media is also another structure involved with the dissemination of information to the society. According to Almond and Powell (1966) a political
party needs to communicate with the electorate. Every time opposition parties receive coverage in an article, have their face on television or their
voice on radio, they assume that they increase their chances among potential voters. In Zambia however instead of the media being one of the means
of popularity exposure for opposition parties, it tends not to give them enough time because of the media being influenced by government. Zambian
Economist (accessed on 17.12.13) states "if the press was free we would for example expect high degree of information compared to a government
controlled media". Hence this becomes a problem for the opposition.
The Judiciary has a function of enforcing the law and making sure the rule of law is observed. The Zambia Reports (accessed on 9.12.13) states
"UPND chairperson for Tourism and Culture Ephraim Belemus said Acting Chief Justice Chibesakunda was compromised and her continued stay at the
helm of the Judiciary had proved costly to the justice system of the country". From this quotation we can tell that in Zambia the opposition political
parties have been shut from making meaningful contribution to the nation. This absence of effective participation in the political process is a very
serious limitation that Zambian opposition parties face.
The executive is in
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Bureaucratic Regimes And Political Politics
The relationship between bureaucratic authoritarian regimes and any/all their political opposition is not one that is harmonious with respect to social
order and government functioning. These two parties often attempt to obstruct the other. The regime typically explores ways to eliminate all opposition
from political society, and political society in turn attempts to discredit the regime in the eyes of civil society.
One common way the regime eliminates political opposition is by separating political society from civil society. Political society alone cannot
effectively challenge the regime as it does not have the means to interrupt state functioning and increase the cost of oppression. One way they are able
to divide the two societies is propagating the people into believing that politicians are all corrupt and do not truly have the interests of the people at
heart.1 Bureaucratic authoritarian regimes commonly rely on bonapartism in order to gain power and keep political and civil society divided. In order
to achieve this effect, the military offers the masses protection from communism in exchange for popular support in their bid for power. Such was the
case in Chile, where the bourgeoisie are so worried about communism that they supported Pinochet's bid for power. Such was their fear (and by
extension lack of faith in the current government/ political society to keep them safe from communism) of being dispossessed of their property in
status, like what happened to the
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Oppositions In Departures
In the Academy winning movie Departures, there are many cultural oppositions displayed. These cultural oppositions displayed in this movie
played both positive and negative roles. The was able to overcome some of the negative effects from the demands the culture, which will be further
explained in one of the next paragraphs. Luckily, there were some benefits from the unspoken rules in his society that helped him in his journey. He
didn't realize it at first, but losing his dream was really a blessing, At the end of the movie, the audience realizes everything happens for a reason in
his life, no matter how hard the journey is. One of the major cultural oppositions in the movie is high context. High context basically means that they
don't put high value on being direct. When someone is speaking the person listening will more than likely have to interpret it. It is found to be rude if
you speak too straightforwardly. This could be problematic, and that's very apparent in this movie. The main character and his wife has a seemingly
good relationship on the outside, but his girlfriend, Mika, doesn't seem to express her true feelings about the main character losing his job in the
beginning, so when she found out about his new, controversial job, she felt a lot anger which in return caused her to spew how she really felt.... Show
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The ideology that you live for an eternity after dying shows a certain type of patience. In the movie, Daigo and his boss show up five minutes late to
a funeral where they are needed to prep the body, and by the irritated look on the hosts face and rude comments you can see that he was offended that
they were late. Daigo's childhood friends father explained about how he believes in eternal life as they are watching his departed wife be cremated.
Such an intense scene shows that they value eternal
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The Most Loyal Opposition
The Member of Parliament for Eltham, Peter Harrington, said that after the most recent scandals concerning the Labour leadership "the Opposition has
totally lost its way" "Their role is to be in Parliament, to discuss Bills, to announce policies, to scrutinize the government, but in reality Labour MPs
occupy their time with leaks to the Press and internal battles". The most unfortunate things of all, however, is that this absolute absence of the Most
Loyal Opposition comes at a time of great constitutional changes such as the Scotland and Wales Bills, the newly established committee considering a
written constitution. A time shaking Europe and the Middle East. "Unfortunately, the Party in a position often explained as the Alternative Government,
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Opposition To The Vietnam War

  • 1. Opposition To The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was one of the least supported wars in American History. It faced an immense and inexorable sum of social outcry that, while initially ignored, could not go completely unnoticed and unacknowledged by the government. While the majority of American citizens supported the war, they remained silent, most likely to protect themselves from the scrutiny of the minority that opposed the war. This minority of Americans were opposed to the war for moral reasons. They argued that the war was not any of the business of the united states and that it would be morally unjust to intervene because the North Vietnamese "were fighting a patriotic war to rid themselves of foreign aggressors." that "Innocent Vietnamese peasants were being killed ... Show more content on ... Amongst these reasons is the ineffectiveness of conventional military tactics, the overabundant loss of American lives and the loss of both militant and civilian Vietnamese lives, as well as the insurmountable opposition to the war itself. The most detrimental to the Vietnam War effort, however, was indisputably the lack of public support for the war. A country can hardly fight a war without the support of its people, let alone a war that requires an immense amount of resources and manpower. In addition to this, no prolonged conflict can be maintained by a country without the support of its people. The Vietnam War involved all of these elements. It was an intense conflict that required an unprecedented amount of manpower as well as supplies to be maintained. It was also an incredibly prolonged conflict that produced little to no progression and lacked any definitive goal to be progressed toward. Due to the powerful opposition supplied by the Anti–war Movement, civil leader, such as Martin Luther King Jr., and the general disdain for the war on behalf of the American public, especially later in the war, it became a necessity for the American government to retract from Vietnam. Conclusively, the public opposition to the war was the largest and most impactful cause of America's withdrawal from the Vietnam War, resulting in ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Comparing Dorian Gray And Heart Of Darkness According to principles explained by Jacques Derrida, binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or meaning; each unit is defined in reciprocal determination with another term. Derrida adds that, "for each center, an opposing center exists" (Bressler, 110). For example, "we know truth, because we know deception; we know good because we know bad" (Bressler, 111). Joseph Conrad and Oscar Wilde's use of the binary opposition of light/dark within The Picture of Dorian Gray and Heart of Darkness establishes both racial and class tension by contrasting a "superior" concept with its inferior. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, setting plays a major role in displaying class differences within the novel. Darker imagery is used to portray the East End, or the lower–class part of London, while the West End is described as wealthy and cultured. For example, as Dorian travels through the East End, the chapter begins with, "A cold rain began to fall, and the blurred street–lamps looked ghastly in the dripping mist" (Wilde, 176). Further, Wilde uses more dark images to create the scene of the East End. He states, "The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull... the gas–lamps grew fewer, and the streets more narrow and gloomy" (Wilde, 177). The description of the East End strongly opposes the description of the upper ... Show more content on ... He further states that, "they were nothing now–nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation" (Conrad, 33). Marlow fails to give the natives human qualities and simply reduces them to "shadows" and "unearthly" beings. He does not see the men as humans, but rather formless shapes and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Oppositions In Othello And Brabantio One of the main oppositions that are presented in this act in the difference in the characters of Othello and Brabantio. Brabantio is angry at Othello for marrying his daughter behind his back and shows it through his harsh and unthoughtful words. He genuinely believes that it is completely impossible for Desdemona to truly love Othello as he is of a different skin color, and accuses him of witchcraft: "O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? / Damned as thou art, thou hast enchanted her!" (1.2.61–32) Here, Brabantio's frantic language gives off the tone of dread and anxiety, and shows him as a gullible character who easily jumps to conclusions. On the other hand, Othello's language proves him very calm and collected and also ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Political Parties In a letter to Jonathan Jackson in October, 1789, John Adams wrote, "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution", yet in modern day society, this is exactly the way the government is set up. Political parties, or, similar politically–minded people who work as a group to influence public policy by getting candidates elected to office, are in control of the current government. In the United states political parties compete each other to gain more political power and for the ability to put their policies into effect. As a result of events in history leading up to today, there are now two major political parties in the US. The United States is known to have a variety of political parties within it, but the Republican and Democratic parties have shown through the strongest, disagreeing with each other on most political and social issues, but being able to find some agreement on others. There are minor parties, but none so far have been able to gain the support needed to win a national election. Political parties had beginnings outside of the US, when they were first thought of in Greece. During the late 1600 ancient Greeks had a senate with two groups that represented people with different interests, called the Plebeians and the Patricians. The ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Binary Opposition In Euripides Binary Opposition in the Works of Euripides Binary opposition, as defined by Corey Marvin "simply describes a pair of theoretical opposites or thematic contrasts." Euripides uses binary opposition as an effective literary device in both the Medea and the Bacchae. One of the overarching dichotomies in both works is masculinity versus femininity. In the Medea, the protagonist flips the gender roles, and in the Bacchae, Dionysus' androgynous nature allows him to often adopt a feminine persona in the play. Many binary oppositions are encompassed in that of masculinity versus femininity, a few of which are aggressiveness versus docility, intelligence versus ignorance, and the understandable versus the mysterious. Medea exhibits typical ... Show more content on ... These women, who are typically docile and reserved are the complete opposite while worshiping Dionysus. They dance, make music and even hunt and kill animals with their bare hands, (Bacchae 736–737). . it is the Bacchae who kill Pentheus, dismissing forever the idea that they are purely domestic. As the messenger relays, "[a]ll the women, with blood spattered hands, were playing ball with Pentheus' flesh" (1135). In the Medea, the dichotomy of intelligence versus ignorance is shown when the protagonist's cunning is severely underestimated by all those around her. Jason believes that she is foolish for carrying on as she does; he says, "[y]ou women have come to such a point to think, if things go right in bed, you have everything," (569–570) but he misses that she is angry about her station in life and intends to change it. As Shirley A Barlow explains in "Stereotype and Reversal in the Medea," The protagonist is "aware of more than the fact that she suffers and injustice. She is aware that the root cause is beyond herself." (Barlow 160). Creon seems to glimpse what she is capable of when he tells her that he fears her (282), but he still allows her to stay in Corinth for one more day, (355–6) proving that he is ignorant after all. Medea is far more clever than the men around her and she knows how to manipulate them. When she appeals to Creon (340) and later ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Binary Oppositions From Multiple Forms Within This Poem Binary Oppositions appear in multiple forms within this poem. We find the pairs of conflicting words and the readers are expected sort out which words have the ideal interpretation to the poem. Most of these pairs are descriptions about the pebble, the "coldness (line 9) and the "false warmth" (line 14) skew our interpretation of this pebble. Pebbles are naturally cold but the text tries to resolve this fact by presenting warmth to the pebble. Yet the pebble did not produce this warmth itself, a living creature is required to generate the heat and to transfer it to the pebble. Also, the pebble will not be able to maintain the warmth once the heat source is taken away, thus "false" warmth. The pebble does have the potential to harness this warmth so is it really a cold being or a warm one? These conflicting ideas help to unravel the validity of the poem. The same can be done with the words "coldness" (line 9) and "ardour" (line 9), or its "fierce or burning heat" (Oxford English Dictionary). These words are given to the reader in the same line yet they hold completely unique ideas to the pebble. Is ardour heat that the pebble theoretically can hold or is it a kind of burning heat that a person feels due to emotions? A reader could also question how a pebble "cannot be tamed" (line 15) yet also be "mindful of its limits" (line 4). These are all human qualities which are getting placed onto the pebble, and due to the limitations of pebbles we can understand these binary ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Causes Of Growing Opposition Adelle Cron Miraya Honors History 1/31/2016 Growing Opposition Response Hamilton's Financial Plan largely benefitted the northern states rather than the southern ones. The majority of the southern states completely paid off their war debt. The northern states on the other hand were nowhere close to reaching this goal. Hamilton's plan put in place that the southern states would help the northern states pay their debts. Obviously, the southern states were completely opposed to this, while the northern states full–heartedly agreed with it. States, such as Virginia, would gain nothing from having a central bank. The groups that would benefit the most from Hamilton's Plan were merchants, leading financiers, and large cities. These groups were ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Postmodern Deconstructionism In Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use' No matter what age or generation, people live in a world filled with opposition and conflict. Though this sounds harsh and unforgiving, this description is completely and utterly accurate. In society, people run into all sorts of oppositions without realizing it at all. For example, a person could walk into a darkened room and flip on the light without stopping to ponder the conflict between "light" and "dark". These examples in our daily lives drones on and on from the difference between hot and cold water to the difference between your phone when it is on or off. Though these types of oppositions seem mundane to the average person, to a deconstructionist these distinct concepts are imperative in deconstructing a text. When people describe deconstructing a text, they are referring to the postmodern deconstructionism which focuses mainly on these oppositions and the type of relationship they share. When referring to these oppositions, a deconstructionist uses the word "binary" which can be found in literature of all types and through all sorts of literary interpretations. Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" is no exception to this concept with its story focusing on lifestyle and heritage differences displayed between the main characters. Though one can interpret "Everyday Use" as a story presenting the two binary aspects of "a traditional, heritage based, yet impoverished lifestyle" and "an affluent, modern, yet forward thinking lifestyle" as completely opposing concepts, one can ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Examples Of Alienation In Ponthan Mada In the film, Ormakalundayirikkanam, there is a scene which portrays the real life situation of a Theyyam performer, moving away from the upper class people, he achieves an elated divine and powerful status while performing the rituals. This contradiction where he is considered as a demi–god while performing and an outcaste in the society in other times, brings the real life situation of the low caste in a feudal set up. In the same film, the director also represents the political reality of Kerala Liberation Struggle of 1959 through the contradicting views of the Communist party and Congress party. The parties' perspectives on the 'Education Bill', 'Agrarian Relation Bill', and other associated human rights violations along and their adverse ... Show more content on ... The scene which shows the cart wheel and the water wheel moving in different directions signify the contradictions in the world of feudal class and working class. In the same film, director has also used the same technique to present the persona of the character Resmi, who is also a victim of alienation. In Alicinte Aneshanam, the director uses these approaches to makes the protagonist understand the real nature of her husband, and the perceived difference when looked from a familial perspective and non familial perspectives, leads her to self realization. Through these binary oppositions, TV Chandran persuades the women folk to come out of the family confinement to understand the reality, and to overcome the alienation they are facing the society. In Mangamma, through the opposites, TV Chandran portray the differences between idealism and the social reality, and women's' struggle to exists in that contradicting situation. The scene of the beggar singing Subrahmaniya Bharathiar's poem in the day, and trying to molest her in the night depicts the hypocrisy in the persona of males in a male chauvinistic society. The scene 82B, depicts Mangamma's perceptions of a real male through the comparison of characters Velayudhan and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay Tsarism in Russia Tsarism in Russia Although the 1905 Revolution did not bring Tsarism to its demise, it had important consequences on Tsarism. It illuminates the problems of Russian society and exposed the government's weaknesses. Nevertheless, the Tsar managed to suppress his opponents and appeased the masses, saving his regimes from collapse. However, this security was only temporarily as the root of Russia's problems were not solved and WWI in 1914 was the last straw for the decaying regime. Hence, I agree with the statement to a large extent. The inherent problems in Russian society were never dealt with properly by the Tsar. The peasants suffered from the problem of land hunger, the workers had poor ... Show more content on ... By the October Manifesto, the Tsar allowed the formation of an elected legislative assembly, the Duma. Technically, this would mean that the Tsar had to share his autocratic power with his people and by inviting opposition into the government, he may be endangering his status. However, this was not the case. Ironically, it helped strengthened the Tsar's power. The forming of the Duma appeased the liberals and satisfied their appetite for reforms, hence they are willing to cooperate with the Tsar rather than confront Tsarism directly. In addition, the Duma did not reduce the Tsar's power. Not only did the Duma had limited powers to begin with, it was subjected to the whims and fancy if the Tsar. The Tsar could dissolve the Duma should he not like their proposals and they could only give suggestions to the Tsar. The Fundamental Laws passed in April 1906 decreed theta the Tsar had absolute power and the last say in all matters, hence, the Tsar had not lose any of his power and with his absolute authority, he could do all that he can to secure his rule. The Tsar bought over the peasants by the November Manifesto in which he pledged to progressively reduce and then abolish the mortgage repayments of their lands. Economic reforms were carried out by ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Life and Death When a woman gets pregnant, she and her partner make a serious decision whether they should give birth to the unborn child or abort it. However, sometimes every couple can have a different outlook about giving birth or aborting because every male and female has his or her ways of thinking. In "Hills Like White Elephants," the author, Ernest Hemingway tells a story of an American man and his girlfriend, Jig, who have a disagreement in the train station on the subject of whether to keep the unborn child or to abort. However, the author uses binary opposition of life and death to portray the polemic argument a couple encounters regarding abortion. As a symbol for the binary opposition of life and death, he represents the couple's expressions, ... Show more content on ... For example, Jig says, "Then what will we do afterward" (401)? Literally, this statement shows Jig's concerns about what will happen after the operation, like the emotions she will feel, because abortion is something that can leave emotional damage on her after the operation. However, symbolically, Jigs concerned feelings suggest that Jig is not quite sure about abortion. Therefore, Jig's feelings can be a representation of life because if a woman is sure about abortion, she will do the operation. As a result, one can conclude that Jig is just wasting time with her unsure feelings to postpone the abortion. However, The American's feeling suggests to the readers his agreement on abortion, which symbolizes death. As the American states to Jig, "I know we will. You don't have to be afraid. I've knows lots of people that have done it" (402). The American states his feeling after Jig states, "And you think then we'll be all right and be happy" (402). Literally, the American wants Jig to have an abortion because he does not want to settle down and raise a family. Instead, he wanted to continue his trip around the world. As the author states, "He did say anything but looked at the bags... There were labels on them from all the hotels where they had spent nights" (403). The bag that has all the labels from all the hotels brings evidence that the American likes living his life by having trips and not by making a family. Therefore, symbolically, when ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Examples Of Logical Opposition V.Logical Opposition (Square of Opposition) Opposition is the relation existing between propositions having the same subject and predicate but different quality or quantity or both. There are four types of opposition: contradiction, contrariety, sub–contrariety, and sub–alternation. While quality and quantity are absolute properties of proposition, logical opposition is considered as a relative property of proposition because opposition happens only when we relate two propositions with the same subject and predicate. Types of Opposition A. Contradiction Contradiction is the opposition existing between two propositions having the same subject, the same predicate, but different quality and quantity. It is the opposition between A and... Show more content on ... Subject copula predicate 2.Contradict the predicate – this means replacing the predicate with a term of an opposite or contrary meaning. By prefixing the term with non–, un–, im–, dis–, il–, and other similar terms, we form their contradictory or opposite. Or we can give a different term with an opposite meaning. All men are not immortal. Subject copula predicate men mortal 3.Negate the copula – this means changing the quality of the proposition. If the original proposition is negative then it is changed to affirmative, if it is affirmative it is changed to negative. All men are not immortal. Subject copula predicate men mortal 4.Retain the quantity. All men are not immortal. Subject copula ... Get more on ...
  • 13. In today’s socio-political currency, often there is... In today's socio–political currency, often there is cheapened 'Hero Inflation' devoid of serious moral reflection in indiscriminate glory of dubious value. Within that promiscuous praise that greases the path for bottom of the barrel hyperbole debased hero–worshipping, and if you throw partisan vituperation of political complexities in the mix, it becomes absurd ventilation of the small soul's lowest common denominator. You get all kinds of cluttered mind, suffocating echo chamber, denialism barking on style over substance. In their politically charged hyper reality, truth is variable, partial and filtered through narrow partisan optics. Soullessness of the chattering class are so vein that even old chestnuts falling from their favorite... Show more content on ... Today it is clear to all as to why this upheaval, madness, blood–shed starts as the Election–process gets underway? Isn't it a manifestation of some politicians' insecurity? Affliction of narcissistic personality–cult? To whom facts, in Orwellian terminology, becomes 'un(non)facts', persons 'un(non)persons'. When convenient unpersons and unfacts are revived. The personal vectors are conveniently promoted, conversely if situation demands, demoted. Their governing principle: 'Truth is the political line of the day.' In their need to hold onto power, making of a dictator, tyrant, despot and overbearing autocrat is a requirement of the time. Psychologists might say, such requirement is a compensation for inner vulnerability. Afraid to face the inner–Shadow, in Jungian terms, they project that Shadow onto others who then become their enemies and thus represent everything that stands in the way of success and comfort. In Bangla political dynamics all indications are there, popularity of the ruling party, Awami League hit the rock bottom; exemplified when the BNP "thrashed the League in mayoral elections in June and July, notably in Gazipur in the industrial belt, hitherto one of the League's safest constituencies" and polling data showing a plunge in the government's popularity. Consequent to opposition called general strike, many stores and schools were closed in Dhaka and very few vehicles were ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Syrian Activists ' Main Goals Syrian activists' main goal from these talks was always about the formation of a transitional government enjoying full executive powers, without Assad in the picture; while, naming the members of this transitional governing body and the immediate start of performing its functions; followed by a ceasefire throughout the nation. These goals were, more or less, achieved through the passing of the France–US document; that included the point of cessation of hostilities among the warring parties and the immediate lifting of all sieges on towns held by parties to the ceasefire: an important step toward decreasing and deescalating the war momentum on the ground and a gateway for rebuilding Syria and the return of the refugees. From the humanitarian side, every day, people are dying because of the lack of goods and services that are essential for their survival and one of the main reasons was the failure of aid efforts to relieve the accompanying humanitarian crisis. The UNHCR was, more or less, successful in voicing the concerns of the refugees and the internally displaced during these meetings, especially when it came to the implementation of humanitarian corridors: allowing NGOs to be able to reach the conflict zones where scandalous massacres are taking place. Syrian activists considered this point in the resolution to be of major importance, not only in terms of providing humanitarian help in areas of conflict but also, about the fact that it will be monitored by a committee ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Theory of Opposition Essay Theory of Opposition In looking at the reasoning and theories of different philosophers throughout history, we see numerous themes develop which play various and sometimes very significant roles in each philosopher's arguments. In their discussions of the cause or source of the universe as well as those regarding the relationships that exist inherently in nature, we see the different thinkers utilize themes such as unity, change and opposition. While many philosophers may employ one or many of these such themes, it is important to note that, often, the significance, interpretation and specific roles of these themes will vary from one philosopher to another. With this in mind, I will attempt to outline the role and interpretation of... Show more content on ... Rather, Anaximander believes, theuniverse is the result of four elements in opposition to eachother. He proposes that Thales' water is just one element among many and, therefore, is limited. He sets forth the four elements, essentilly, as being dry, moist, hot and cold. He utilizes this theory of the four elements in opposition to account for the balance that occurs in nature. It is this opposition, he believes, that keeps order to the universe. Were they not in opposition to eachother, any one of the elements would be unbounded and would cancel out the others. The importance of opposition in Anaxamander's argument is summed up in a statement of Aristotle's regarding Anaximander's assertions. Aristotle tells us that "...they are in opposition to one another–air is cold, water is moist, and fire hot–and, therefore, if any one of them were unbounded, the rest would have ceased to be by this time ..." Anaximander's warring opposites commit injustice upon eachother and this relationship is evident in such natural phenomena as the cyclical revolution of the seasons. In his theory, it is interesting to note, however, that Anaximander does not rely solely on the theory of opposition. Although opposition is central to his argument, he does introduce the superior, unbounded, unifying factor of Time. The next philosopher I will discuss with regard to this topic is Heraclitus. The way Heraclitus uses the theme of opposition is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Opposition to Apartheid The South African Apartheid, instituted in 1948 by the country's Afrikaner National Party, was legalized segregation on the basis of race, and is a system comparable to the segregation of African Americans in the United States. Non–whites – including blacks, Indians, and people of color in general– were prohibited from engaging in any activities specific to whites and prohibited from engaging in interracial marriages, receiving higher education, and obtaining certain jobs. The National Party's classification of "race" was loosely based on physical appearance and lineage. White individuals were superficially defined as being "obviously white'' on the basis of their "habits, education and speech as well as deportment and demeanor"; an... Show more content on ... The quest for international support, mass mobilization, armed operations, and underground organization became the basis for the ANC's "Four Pillars of Struggle". On March 21st, 1960, the Pan Africanists Congress, an anti–Apartheid splinter organization formed in 1959, organized a protest to the National Party's "pass laws" which required all citizens, as well as native Africans, to carry identification papers on them at all times. Over five thousand individuals came to protest the cause in Sharpeville. Unfortunately, police forces arrived and open fired on the protesters, killing ninety–six in what became known as the Sharpeville massacre. Beginning early in the 1970s and extending into the '80s, students, laborers and ordinary citizens became more involved in the struggle against Apartheid. High school students began protesting the segregated system more vigorously, and many ended up dead at the hands of National Party police forces in the June uprising of 1976. The late 70's and 80's saw the rise in dissidence amongst ordinary South Africans towards the Apartheid laws. After the student uprising of 1976, the ranks of MK were augmented considerably, leading to resurgence in anti–Apartheid activities and ushered in the first reforms to the Apartheid since its ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Opposition In The Crucible The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is the recurring theme in the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller. John Proctor is an example of an opposition to his society because he doesn't go to church as much as he is expected to, he cheated on his wife with Abigail Williams, and he tries to speak out against the court and church to get them to believe what is true. John Proctor didn't show up to church as much as he should have in the past because of varying reasons such as his wife, Elizabeth Proctor becoming ill. This raised concern with the church and the court. Back in the time when the Salem Witch Trials were going on, Puritans went to church every time it was available to keep the devil out ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Analysis Of Binary Oppositions In Heathers Nietzsche wrote that language invents truths that do not have an actual reference to the outside world. One of the primary examples are binary oppositions: two terms that give each other meaning when they are compared. The conflicting terms serve to simplify concepts down to their most basic forms. In literary works, however, the binary oppositions that are presented are often deconstructed. In Heathers, the main drama of the story comes from the ideas of conformity and nonconformity. As the story takes place in a high school ruled by an all–powerful clique, students who mold themselves to the Heathers are well–liked. Those who do not resemble them– whether because they are unpopular or because they try to actively rebel against the norm– are deemed outcasts. Veronica's internal conflict stems from her being torn between these two worlds. A part of her wants to follow in the footsteps of the Heathers in order to be just as admired as they are; on the other hand, she does not enjoy being around them, and finds herself gravitating back towards other nonconformists. Beyond just Veronica's struggle,deconstruction is also presented in the character arcs of McNamara, Duke, and J.D. To begin with, Nietzsche believed that all binary oppositions have a single term that is superior. He wrote that, "Metaphysical philosophy has hitherto surmounted this difficulty that the one originates in the other and assuming for the more valued thing a miraculous source in the very kernel and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Binary Oppositions The difference of characters in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory emphasizes the binary oppositions "excitement" and "calm" through the verbs in which the characters–Charlie and Willy Wonka–explain. Nodelman and Reimer analyze binary oppositions in children's literature as it "define[s] some of the most central thematic concerns of a surprising amount of children's literature" (Nodelman and Reimer 199). Specifically, in the chapter 28 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dahl juxtaposes Willy Wonka from Charlie through the oppositions: excitement and calm. Dahl portrays these qualities through the verbs in how Willy Wonka and Charlie react to the news that Charlie is the remaining child in his company. When Charlie confirms ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Opposition To Nazi Regime Despite the fact all opposition to the Nazi Regime recorded ended in perpetrators going to concentration camps and, in all likelihood, executed, opposition to the Nazi Regime was unquestionably significant. There were groups who dedicated a great deal of their time opposing the Nazi Regime while others took up years planning assassinations of Hitler. Considering the fact that anything significant is sufficiently great or important and worthy of attention, means that with the countless amounts of reported cases and how important they were, and are, to many people including citizens, Nazis, Hitler, and even modern day studies, there is no question that many of the opposition, if not all, was and is absolutely significant. In spite of Hitler ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay about Hugo Chavez and the Death of Democracy in... Venezuela, located in the Latin American region, is a country that has been characterized by its abundance of oil reserve. A natural resource that has shaped the history and development of the country, affecting its economic, social and most important is political spheres. For many years Venezuela was controlled by authoritarian regimes. The country, being very important in the sense of geo–politics due to its abundance of oil, has been a key player in the international arena and most important, to those that for many years kept the country under their regime. It was not until 1958 that Venezuelaexperienced the change to democracy and a stable democracy was kept between the two main political parties of the time, Accion Democratica (AD) ... Show more content on ... In order to explain the questions of whether or not Chavez has increase or decreased democracy in Venezuela, people needs to know what is the concept of democracy. Due to the fact that democracy is different in every country and that each country has a different perception or view on what democracy really is, has been very difficult to have a specific concept that fits all criteria. For some, democracy is based on how democratic institutions perform in the countries and for others is based on the majority rule. For the sake of this report I will focus on democratic institutions as a based of how democracy has decreased in Venezuela through out Chavez regime. As I said before, many critics agreed that Hugo Chavez has been able to diminished Venezuelan democracy to convert it to a competitive authoritarian regime. Chavez has controlled the country and stills does, in a way in that using populism and his policy of clientism he gets the masses and specially the poor to support him and agreed with him in many of his reforms and actions. Allying himself with leftist countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and especially Cuba, Chavez has implemented what he calls a "Bolivarian Revolution", revolution that allows him to have a complete control of the country. Furthermore, Chavez has been using the oil revenues not only as a method of getting international support for his ideas and type of regime but also, for his own personal enrichment ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Opposition To Reconstruction In the same way, the issue of racism was more opposed to people and was more openly abused in the past compare to present. African Americans were mistreated, and were slaved for a long time, and they did not have any rights until the 18th century. In 1865 and 1866 Southern states passed a laws called "black codes" which was meant to limit the rights of black and segregate them from whites; however, during the 1865 African American believed that the process of reconstruction would bring equality. The main object of reconstruction was to help African Americans become equal citizens, but reconstruction failed to help them, because the Southerners were not willing to accept the laws that were placed to give rights to the African Americans. ... Show more content on ... In addition, anger whites southerners were not accepting blacks in the society they started lynching African Americans. " Excuse to get rid of Negroes who were acquiring wealth and property and thus keep the race terrorized and ' keep the nigger down this is what opened my eyes to what lynching really was" said Wells. One of the most cruel and memorable lynching in history was Emmett Till. Emmett Till a 14 –year–old African American from Chicago, visited his family in Mississippi was accused of flirting with a white woman. White woman's husband and her brother found Till and took him to Tallahatchie River and asked him to take off his clothes. Then they started beating him nearly to death, gouged out his eye, shot him in the head, and then threw his body into the river. Moreover Well points out that " I found that in order to justify these horrible atrocities to the world, the Negro was branded as a race of rapists, who were especially after white women."(P66) There was no trial in a court for the accused criminal, which made it easy for the racist white mob to hold the law and sentence any African American. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Opposition To Slavery In this article journal, Larry makes a "crucial distinction" between self–interested opposition to slaveholder power and moral opposition to slavery as an oppressive institution. He praised his contemporaries for restoring slavery to narratives of the sectional conflict but worried that "the impact of the new scholarship might prove more misleading than helpful." Recognizing that antiracism and support for African American civil rights informed scholarly interpretations of Civil War causation, Larry warned: "Moral indignation at racial prejudice in the twentieth century does not necessarily provide the key to an understanding of the dispute between the sections in the nineteenth century. While some abolitionists were indignant at the slave ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Fall of Both Mubarak’s Regime and the Legal... Introduction : By the end of Mubarak's rule, the legalised political opposition in Egypt was already a mirror to the regime it was presumed to challenge: discreditable, central, aging and undemocratic. Systematic state repression and internal divisions fragmented the opposition and deviated it from the role assumed by its counterparts in liberal democracies. Instead of competitive interaction with the regime, the legal opposition stationed itself as an integral part of the authoritarian polity. Years of regime–opposition dynamics ended with the latter's alignment with the regime and becoming more of a domesticated opposition. This clientelist relationship was necessary for the survival of the semi–authoritarian regime. It enabled it ... Show more content on ... The 1990s were labeled as Egypt's "deliberalisation" period (Stacher, 2004). They were regarded as the years when the regime gave birth to new forms of authoritarianism that do not fit into classic categories of one–party, military, or personal dictatorship (Schedler, 2002). Since the publication of Huntington's Third Wave in 1991, many analysts have anticipated a democratic transition to occur in Egypt. Indicators of the progress of the democratization process in Egypt included the emergence of thousands of civil society groups, legal political parties, and numerous newspapers, as well as the increasing role of the judiciary and rule of law. Yet, despite the arguments that Egypt's managed process has a democratic endgame, the 1990s witnessed a rollback of civil society and political opposition. The "deliberalisation" process began in the early 1990s and was initially directed at Islamist activism and political aspirations. When the regime successfully dealt with the Islamists, it began to curtail its own weak opposition parties. Of the sixteen legalized opposition parties in Egypt, seven have been closed since 1998. The regime also prevented prominent independent members of parliament from using already existing parties to challenge the ruling party (Stacher, 2004). As Kienle (1998) argues: Since the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay on The Death Of Liberal America Americans seem to have lost any sense whatsoever of what liberalism means and what it strives to insure. Liberals have insisted that tyranny can only be combated by the multiplication and fragmentation of power. A free society is one in which there are various centers of power, various positions from which people have the ability to influence decisions. That's the whole point behind creating three branches of government, the vaunted "separation of powers." Liberalism aims to insure peace and prevent tyranny in pluralistic societies. Liberalism strives to place lots of individual actions outside the pale of politics and beyond interference from the state or other powers. And, culturally, it strives to promote tolerance, where tolerance is,... Show more content on ... Democracy has it benefits, with the most obvious being peace. The most important corollary benefit is that the opposition party plays a key role in keeping the party in power honest. It is obviously in the opposition party's interest to keep the public informed about the missteps and misdeeds of the administration party. The opposition party is as crucial to ongoing publicity as a free press. And publicity is a crucial safeguard (not the only one, but a crucial one) against governmental abuse of power. Democracy, in short, prevents one party rule. So what's the problem in 2005? Up until now American democracy has been remarkably stable with the notable exceptions of the Civil War and the Civil Rights conflicts. But now, the Republicans have launched a full–scale assault upon democracy at home. This assault is about grabbing and using power, and it also reflects an impoverished view of democracy – basically one that limits democracy to free elections. The understanding of democracy tends toward the plebiscite and toward the establishment of a strong leader, usually one who promises to sweep aside the complexities, compromises, frustrations, and inefficiencies introduced by parliamentary janglings and an independent judiciary. The plebiscite has almost always favored right wing leaders impatient with legal and institutional impediments to forceful action. In other words the plebiscite is perfect for establishing the tyranny of the majority. By emphasizing a direct, even ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Privatization Reform During Latin America Conclusion Since the 1980s, transnational actors have disseminated ideas of education privatization throughout Latin America. Although by similar means, these policy ideas arrived at different historical moments at Chile and Argentina. Privatization ideas made its way in Chile carried by the influential Chicago boys, during the critical juncture of the authoritarian regime. The market–based reform served the interests of the military regime, and faced very little resistance given the repression and dismantling of the teacher union, and the penetration of the economic logic in the Ministry of Education. Timing, carriers and weak opposition allowed a complete replacement of the domestic education policy. Later in democracy, state–oriented education bureaucrats were not able to reverse the policy change. Although they tried to build on the inherited model and use the state as a way to correct the failures of the education market, the inconsistency between their goals and their means ended up reproducing and strengthening the privatized model. By contrast in Argentina, the economic perspective arrived timidly and late when the country was making its transition to democracy. The resistance of the teacher union and provincial governments towards fiscal decentralization, and the reluctance of the ministry of education to market–based reforms, refrained the government from proposing explicit privatization instruments such as vouchers. Instead, the government gradually changed ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Media And Its Impact On The Political Movement Essay The norm of journalism is to present information or news to the general public via mass media. Thus, it plays an important part in everyday life. Notwithstanding, media have a vigorous relation with politics especially among the democratic societies (Fernandez–Quijada 2013). Moreover, the media is also perceived as the "fourth estate" due to the fact that it able to influence and affects the perceptions of the general public towards the political movement (Kemp 2013). However, in comparison to the past, nowadays, the modernisation of technology, the change of social patterns and political conditions somewhat change how the media works (Gerth & Siegert 2012). In their article stated that media companies are predominantly private–owned companies, thus, the media are more to market orientation. Therefore, the media are not necessarily providing vital information to the general public (Gerth & Siegert 2012). Henceforth, the media commonly utilise the practise of framing to provide information on political matter to the general public (Hanggli 2012). Framing denotes how the role of media influences its audiences in interpreting and contemplating on issues provided (Kemp 2013). Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to analyse how the media presents the overall political contents in newspaper from the New Zealand Herald dated April 23rd and how framing in the political contents influences the general public. The advancement and modernisation of technology transform how ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Vietnam War Opposition The Vietnam War which was very important in the history that has shaped the country that we know today.The conflict in Vietnam was very controversial and brought out two different groups ,the doves and the hawks.The United States put troops in Vietnam to try and stop communism and the domino theory.The downside to the involvement was the opposition to the war.Billions of dollars was spent when the congress gave Johnson a blank check.The general public was also mislead by the media and the government.Another reason for opposition was that the army even turned onto the civilians in Vietnam thinking that they were the Vietcong. The first opposition that we are going to talk about is the money that was spent on the war.Before we even sent troops ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, I don't think we should have fought this war.We wasted billions of dollars that we could have used on our own economy and on our own people to better their lives.We also caused chaos in our own country from getting involved in this war.It led to peace protest and the devolopement of the doves which tried to get people to see that the war wasn't worth it.We also killed civilians which doesn't sound like to me something that the United states needs to be doing.And finally we wasted our own people lives by sending them over there and not giving them a choice so they could fight and possibly die. In conclusion, this war was very tedious and led to nothing.After we got done and left the North Vietnamese took over anyway so there was really nothing we could do.We cause disruptions all throughout our country,and even sent off our own men to be ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Opposition To Slavery Dbq Slavery has been a widespread practice for decades, before slowly disappearing. In the period from 1776 to 1852 there was both opposition and approval for slavery in the United States. However, underlying forces such as change in religious morals, the rise of abolition groups and the abolition movement, and support in the black community contributed to growing opposition over slavery in this period. Change in religious morals was probably one of the major causes for growing opposition to slavery. People were beginning to use Christian ideals to support the stance that all men were created equal, as stated in the Declaration of Independence that was signed in 1776 when the nation was first founded. Whereas laws once allowed the harsh treatment... Show more content on ... Such support even existed in places where slavery was no longer legal, which could have promoted the eventual opposition of slavery in other places, especially when blacks in free states would buy the freedom of their family who were located in slave states. This is evident in document C, where it mentions how the Reverend Mr. Gloucester visited New Jersey to find financial aid to free his wife and children. In this black community, people were able to come up with a good sum of money, though they were also poor, to help Mr. Gloucester. This is an example of how helpful blacks were to one another during this odd time of the debate over slavery. Inspiration to others in the black community was important too. Frederick Douglass, when enslaved and treated extremely inhumanely, managed to find himself fighting back against his white overseer (Doc. G). Fighting back became a widespread tactic to shut down the support for slavery, whether it was through subtle disobedience or physical resistance. There was also support through media, which protected and informed blacks. There were advertisements for Uncle Tom's Cabin directed toward the black community for sale. Posters existed to warn free blacks of white officers (Doc. I), showing how even when trying to find freedom, slaves were still hunted down and denied their basic rights. However, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Opposition To War ground and many people believed we weren't helping the situation. Many songs of the time period show the opposition towards the war. Another very popular song which was used as an anti–war song was Joe McDonald's "Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die" . This was a very popular and catchy song which was even performed it at Woodstock. He had the entire crowd singing along and clapping. The course of the song showed that people didn't really understand what they were fighting for and why it was the United States responsibility. "And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Vietnam; and it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why, Whoopee! We're all gonna... Show more content on ... Television was a major participant in this opposition towards the war. Reporters were able to capture living images of the war and bring it directly into the homes of millions Americans. Reporters were able to captures the audience's attention with heart–felt stories about the death of soldiers and the impact that had on their loved ones back home. The media used these images to make Americans question whether the war was worth it. With incidents like the Kent State massacre, the media was able to use those images which made American fear the government completely which added to the anti–war movement. All three presidents who served in office during the Vietnam War felt opposition from the media. This is extremely important to note the media was not basis to one of the presidents and that the media just opposed the war in general. Although they opposed Nixon and his war efforts the most, but Johnson and Kennedy felt the effects as well. This opposition the media had towards the war also made it extremely difficult for the presidents to gain and maintain the nations support when it came to the war efforts. Anti–war songs, posters and various other types of propaganda all added to the disapproval of the war. To this day, many people still question if the media is to blame for the loss of the Vietnam ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Opposition To Thatcherism Assess the reasons for opposition to Thatcher's social and economic policies. Introduction: Thatcherism gained lots of opposition due to her social and economic policies. Her focus on reducing inflation and creating a self–sufficient society meant that unemployment rose. Also, those who did benefit from her policies such as privatisation encouraged the gap between the rich and poor to grow. Ultimately the growth of the get rich quick, capitalist society in the most important criticism of Thatcher as it links in with many of the other points of opposition Unemployment: Thatcher's lack of policy for unemployment caused it to increase between 1979 and 1983 to over 3 million. In fact it was higher that the post–war record furthermore, the spread of unemployment was unevenly distributed with the majority in the North. Even by the end of the Conservative government rule, the unemployment figures failed to recover after the 1981 recession. In addition, Thatcher allowed communities to remain unemployed, as the main priority was inflation. This caused social tension especially in inner city areas, such as riots in Brixton. Unemployment was such a renowned criticism of Thatcherism as she focused more on the economic state of Britain. This came from the government ... Show more content on ... Some businesses were run in the interests of big shareholders rather than for the national benefit. Furthermore, shares were done too cheaply meaning it did not maximise governmental sums hence were purchased by the large investors. Thatcher led Britain towards capitalism, the public state in capitalist ownership of businesses increased from 3 million in 1979 to 11 million. Privatisation created a private monopoly, which would exploit customers. This policy only favoured the rich instead of its intended demographic, the richer people were more well off which also highlighted the gap between the North and the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Opposition Death Penalty The intent of this paper is to share the views of those who oppose capital punishment. I, for one, am part of the majority that is in support of the death penalty. I am in agreeance of the old saying of "An eye for an eye". The death penalty is one of the most controversial issues in our criminal justice system. There is an increase in opposition against the death penalty, not only in the United States. Many Americans feel thatcapital punishment is wrong. It is hard for people to fathom the idea of putting someone else to death. It is not the physical mechanics involved in executions that are hard to handle. It is the emotions involved in carrying out the process. Many feel that the death penalty violates the eight Amendment of a ... Show more content on ... The people that are mainly given a conviction of death are those of minority and the poor. Oppositionist feel that if a white or rich person committed the same crime would be sent away with a lesser punishment or a slap on the wrist. Economic and racial bias is an argument that is made across the board in our justice system. This is an argument that has caught the eye of many Civil Rights unions. It has been said that with the use of capital punishment, violent crimes will be reduced. This is the third argument. However, the opposition does not agree. There is no prove that the rates of violent crimes have been reduced. The opposition argues that capital punishment does not act as a deterrent for these crimes. They also argue that it is irreversible. The fourth and final argument involves the amount of time that a prisoner spends on death row. Prisoners tend to spend a lot of time on death row prior to executing day because retrials, technicalities, appeals, or other delays. Due to those reasons the opposition argues that having a person wait for years for execution is both costly and cruel. They feel that if a prisoner is going to wait that long then he or she should be convicted of life imprisonment without the option of being ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Presentation Of The Working Class Statement By Thomas... The document under study is an excerpt from a speech. This speech was delivered in May 1842 by Thomas Babington Macaulay. In 1842, several events occurred in England. First, England went through a recession. This recession was due to a decrease on the workers' wages. This decrease was introduced by the Anti–Corn laws manufacturers. As a consequence, England observed a widespread on Chartist activity. Chartists belonged to an important working class movement called Chartism. Chartists wanted to get some recognition for the working class. They presented to parliament a petition divided into six points. They aimed to pass them. However, they met radical oppositions. Indeed, this year marked the second presentation of the petition to parliament. ... Show more content on ... This quotation opposes the rich and the poor. The institution of property refers indeed to the money people get from their properties, the rich. The institution of property is linked with "the well–being of society". Consequently, according to Macaulay, the rich are the only ones who are able to lead the country. This idea is enforced by the fact that he considers workers as children. "I would not give the draught of water because I know it would be poison" (l.53–54), he placed himself as a protector of the lower ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Theme Of Dichotomy In Jane Eyre Charlotte BrontГ«'s Jane Eyre, has not only been interpreted as a novel advocating Victorian conventional norms, but one that exercises the fiery act of female rebellion against hypocritical, patriarchal oppression. With reference to the quotation provided, along with additional extracts from the text, the angelic representation of Jane Eyre along with the demonic demonstration of Bertha Rochester, informed by the angel demon dichotomy, is not only significant in terms of the language and imagery used to portray the female binary, but the source from which the representation is derived, particularly Mr Rochester and Jane herself. Themes concerning the challenging of patriarchal oppression for the purpose of achieving female individualism, places the absolutism of the Victorian angel demon dichotomy under threat. Central to the attainment of self–identification, is the ability to have a voice, of which Bertha has none, emphasising a rupture within the sustainability of the feminist narrative, from a postcolonial perspective. Charles Bressler (1996) emphasised the belief, that according to feminists, it is in fact "man who defines ... Show more content on ... 85), in other words, a novel that had blindly failed to emancipate female characters situated within an alternative social class, than Jane herself, or rather Charlotte BrontГ«'s fellow comrades. Even though Jane momentarily sympathises for Bertha, when she exclaims to Mr Rochester that his depictions are "cruel – she cannot help being mad" (p. 265), BrontГ«'s exclusion of certain social classes and women of colour, from her female empowerment movement, undoubtedly places a question mark next to the feminist movement presented within the text in terms of its emancipatory ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Binary Opposition of Life of Pi The Binary Opposition Narrative in Life of Pi жќЋи‹± 2012010285 Abstract: Ever since its publication in 2002, Life of Pi has gained great popularity and high critical acclaim from critical circle. It arose the study of Li of Pi from various angels. But most kinds of analysis about the novel are focus on existing doubts about the story, and the religious symbols in the novels. The binary opposition narrative in the novel discussed rarely. The novel is full of the binary oppositions narrative, these made the story distinctive. By expounding the existence of the binary oppositions in the novel, to reveal the meaning of the novel conveys. Key words: Binary opposition; Pi; Tiger; Evil; Ego Yann Martel ... Show more content on ... Indeed, the tiger behaviors are also quite extraordinary. The tiger in the story acted more like a man, from Pi's description; Richard Parker is a name of the hunter who caught him, because the mistake of transportation's work, the tiger's name exchanged with the name of hunter. Thus, Richard Parker got a man's name. In the story, Richard Parker used 'him' instead of 'it', proved the tiger's personification. Further more, he expressed excessive endures for Pi. He ate the animals and a blind man except Pi. These also can make people re–examine the role of Bengal tiger as well. In the third part, as the only survivor of ship of Pi, he told his all experience on the ocean with Bengal tiger but Japanese Ministry of Transport didn't believe the story. Then he told another story, the four animals became four people. He described sailor's broken leg, the ferocious of cook, the kind–hearted mother, and the instinct of Pi. The plot in the second story is correspond to the first story very well. From his state of second story, the research also found the connection with the two story, "So the Taiwanese sailor is the zebra, his mother is the orangutan, the cook is...the hyena? Which mean he is the tiger!"[Chpater–99] These evidences all proved that the personalized tiger is fantasy. Just as investigator's conclusion, the Bengal tiger is Pi. Fantasy tiger stands for Pi is a sort of personality ... Get more on ...
  • 36. structural functionlism theory QUESTION BY USING THE STRUCTURAL– FUNCTIONALIST THEORY, DISCUSS PROBLEMS FACING OPPOSITION POLITICAL PARTIES IN ZAMBIA In any political system are structures that have different functions to ensure an effective and smooth running of things in that particular political system. This is why this essay will discuss the problems faced by opposition political parties in Zambia using the structural functionalist theory. First it will explain what structural functionalism is, then it will define structures, functions, a political party and an opposition party then before giving the conclusion it will discuss the problems faced by opposition parties in Zambia. Johari (2011) defines structural functionalism as a means of explaining what political ... Show more content on ... The Media is also another structure involved with the dissemination of information to the society. According to Almond and Powell (1966) a political party needs to communicate with the electorate. Every time opposition parties receive coverage in an article, have their face on television or their voice on radio, they assume that they increase their chances among potential voters. In Zambia however instead of the media being one of the means of popularity exposure for opposition parties, it tends not to give them enough time because of the media being influenced by government. Zambian Economist (accessed on 17.12.13) states "if the press was free we would for example expect high degree of information compared to a government controlled media". Hence this becomes a problem for the opposition. The Judiciary has a function of enforcing the law and making sure the rule of law is observed. The Zambia Reports (accessed on 9.12.13) states "UPND chairperson for Tourism and Culture Ephraim Belemus said Acting Chief Justice Chibesakunda was compromised and her continued stay at the helm of the Judiciary had proved costly to the justice system of the country". From this quotation we can tell that in Zambia the opposition political parties have been shut from making meaningful contribution to the nation. This absence of effective participation in the political process is a very serious limitation that Zambian opposition parties face. The executive is in ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Bureaucratic Regimes And Political Politics The relationship between bureaucratic authoritarian regimes and any/all their political opposition is not one that is harmonious with respect to social order and government functioning. These two parties often attempt to obstruct the other. The regime typically explores ways to eliminate all opposition from political society, and political society in turn attempts to discredit the regime in the eyes of civil society. One common way the regime eliminates political opposition is by separating political society from civil society. Political society alone cannot effectively challenge the regime as it does not have the means to interrupt state functioning and increase the cost of oppression. One way they are able to divide the two societies is propagating the people into believing that politicians are all corrupt and do not truly have the interests of the people at heart.1 Bureaucratic authoritarian regimes commonly rely on bonapartism in order to gain power and keep political and civil society divided. In order to achieve this effect, the military offers the masses protection from communism in exchange for popular support in their bid for power. Such was the case in Chile, where the bourgeoisie are so worried about communism that they supported Pinochet's bid for power. Such was their fear (and by extension lack of faith in the current government/ political society to keep them safe from communism) of being dispossessed of their property in status, like what happened to the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Oppositions In Departures In the Academy winning movie Departures, there are many cultural oppositions displayed. These cultural oppositions displayed in this movie played both positive and negative roles. The was able to overcome some of the negative effects from the demands the culture, which will be further explained in one of the next paragraphs. Luckily, there were some benefits from the unspoken rules in his society that helped him in his journey. He didn't realize it at first, but losing his dream was really a blessing, At the end of the movie, the audience realizes everything happens for a reason in his life, no matter how hard the journey is. One of the major cultural oppositions in the movie is high context. High context basically means that they don't put high value on being direct. When someone is speaking the person listening will more than likely have to interpret it. It is found to be rude if you speak too straightforwardly. This could be problematic, and that's very apparent in this movie. The main character and his wife has a seemingly good relationship on the outside, but his girlfriend, Mika, doesn't seem to express her true feelings about the main character losing his job in the beginning, so when she found out about his new, controversial job, she felt a lot anger which in return caused her to spew how she really felt.... Show more content on ... The ideology that you live for an eternity after dying shows a certain type of patience. In the movie, Daigo and his boss show up five minutes late to a funeral where they are needed to prep the body, and by the irritated look on the hosts face and rude comments you can see that he was offended that they were late. Daigo's childhood friends father explained about how he believes in eternal life as they are watching his departed wife be cremated. Such an intense scene shows that they value eternal ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Most Loyal Opposition The Member of Parliament for Eltham, Peter Harrington, said that after the most recent scandals concerning the Labour leadership "the Opposition has totally lost its way" "Their role is to be in Parliament, to discuss Bills, to announce policies, to scrutinize the government, but in reality Labour MPs occupy their time with leaks to the Press and internal battles". The most unfortunate things of all, however, is that this absolute absence of the Most Loyal Opposition comes at a time of great constitutional changes such as the Scotland and Wales Bills, the newly established committee considering a written constitution. A time shaking Europe and the Middle East. "Unfortunately, the Party in a position often explained as the Alternative Government, ... Get more on ...