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Operations is a
                       Strategic Weapon
                          (Part Deux)

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Are you an ...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-If it's not it should be
-Let's take a look at yep
-they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS
-Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended....
-But today that is not enough....
-What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ?
_aaS (circle the "S")

-Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to
address the "S" in your aaS
Saturday, September 24, 2011

-Most of you are probably familiar with “Software” TD
-I am going to tell you a story about “Infrastructure TD”
Saturday, September 24, 2011

-How many ppl know who these guys are?
-The dudes who invented Facebook.. rght?
-However, this was not there first venture.
-Green vs Red Widgits compnay story.
-After many arguments the both decide to split up. Cameron to make green widgets and Tyler
decides to make red widgets.
-They both go to their father each ask for a 1m dollars and the father asks how much money
are you going to make. They both say 10 million.
 -Father calculates the ROR to be 900% and gives em each 1m.
10-1 = 9/1 = 900%
-However one of them lied.... The red widgets only return 233%
10-1-2 = 7/3 = 233%
Green vs Red

         1 Million                               1 Million
         2 Million                               No TD
         10 Million Profit                        10 Million Profit
         10 - 3 = 7/3                            10 - 1 = 9/1
         233% ROR                                900% ROR

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-Father is not pleased with Rehaus.
It Gets Worse...

             Technical                      Vicious                        Toxic
               Debt                          Cycle                       Operations

Saturday, September 24, 2011

- It gets even worse. Rehause starts getting what Isreal Ghat of the Cutter Group call the vicious cycle of TD.
- You wind up fixing a lot of things that you didn’t fix in the first place..
- this pulls more resources from delivery good service and compound effect is that you are spending more and more
  resources that you should have gotten right the firs time..
- but ever worse the effect of customer satisfaction starts loosing more business and the “V” cycle is out of control.
- TD->VTD->Toxic operations->Terminal

- I call this are you running a business or building a business?
- Toxic operations. Amertrade/etrade story
Tale of Two Startups

Saturday, September 24, 2011

- Jesse Robbins my ex boss and CEO of Opscode/Chef did a great post on O’rielly rdar a few years ago called the Tale of
  Two Startups.
- The chart looked like this first 4 weeks.
- First chart legacy (I call it the non devops startup/project)
- Second Chart is the (secret sauce startup ... #devops)
- I played around with this using “R” to be cool and I came up with a=140% ROR and 700% ROR
The Meat to Math Ratio


Saturday, September 24, 2011

- Alistar Croll has a great post called the meat to math ratio.
- Amazon had $12.95B in Q410 revenues and 33,700 employees, revenue per employee of $384,273.
- For Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble: $1.91B in Q410 revenues, and 35,000 employees, meaning a revenue per employee
  of $54,571.
- Netflix: $444M in Q409 revenues, and 1,000 employees, meaning a revenue-per-employee of $444,000.
- Blockbuster: $400M in Q409 revenues. The company peaked at 60,000 employees i
- Dropbox: In Q211 Dropbox had $25M in revenues, and 74 employees, for a revenue per employee of $338K.
Saturday, September 24, 2011

•I got into a Twttier argument that went like this...
• See “Cloud Gone Wrong”
Clouds Gone Wild

                                                             s                         s

                      business           s3put                             s3
                       ideas !
                               apache/php                              Rightscale

Saturday, September 24, 2011

-So letʼs start the story in the begining... Biz guy got a great idea for a service.

-They used a classic web2.0 app architecture: apache/php, memcached & mysql.
Development done on a single server
-Production ran on EC2 and they used rightscale server templates
-Release done by pushing code and assets to s3 buckets and then running a parallel SSH
scripts to distribute them
-This approach seemed to work... They got up to a few hundred nodes pretty fast.. business
was cooking
                                    p arty,
                               3rd                                s3
                                     & are                 AWS                 mysql
                                mi ddle

                     apache/php                      puppet
                         mysql                                            apache/php
                               AWS                                s3       memcached
                                                           AWS                mysql
                                          s3put                        s3put
                                              ssh                          ssh

                        Business2                           Business3
Saturday, September 24, 2011

-First service was such a huge success they decided to launch other sevices
-So they ”Copy and pasted” the whole architecture and lifecycle to launch the new businesses
-Each new group pushed assets to s3, scripted the distribution, and hacked the rightscripts and
-Things were obviously getting more complicated, so they did what they were supposed to do
and added centralized tooling like puppet and yum
-They thought they were doing things the cloud way and that all would be fine
                                                                operations            server

                                                          RPM                  restarts

                                     content                              pupp
                                                   deploys                 et                              RS
                     app                                                                            RS deployment
                     devs                                                                       deployment

                                                                                                               Provision-time builds


                                            TAR                                                                                 EXE
                                             TAR                                                               AUTO
                                            code                                                 templates
                                  devs                              platform                      CONTROL      PROVISION       RELEASE


Saturday, September 24, 2011

First we got the team on the whiteboard to map out the “as is” picture. This is a, believe it or
not, a simplified version of that.
Some of the highlights...
-First youʼll notice that different groups had their own path to production... different methods of
control, provisioning, and release.
-Each group and role seemed to have a different way to editing or storing config
-There were differing ways of packaging software... sometimes it might be a .tar.gz other times
it might be an RPM.
-Shockingly... Some things were even being built directly on production servers.
-There was no authoritative source of information is maintained about nodes, application
topology, software versions, etc....
-Everything was being stored in S3 buckets... which is great because itʼs so easy to use... but
itʼs unversioned and people would just upload whatever was newest for them. But that stuff
was never really tested in unison.. so old stuff wasnʼt working with new stuff... and its was
unclear what was different or why it was different.
-We can go on... but you should get the point that they had the right cloud, the right tools, and
lots of smart people, but it all got dangerously out of control very quickly


-Changes hit all customers at once => Puppet configs in unversioned S3 buckets
-Buggy node classification causing provisioning problems = > complex/long node classifier
-”Dead boxes” after provisioning => rightscript/puppet ordering problems
-”my box got clobbered!” => puppet, is it supposed to be on or off?
-new environment setup was taking longer and longer => from days to weeks because of

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Infrastructure Deveopment Life Cycle
        Everything starts

                                                                        hud                                 agent cfg
                                                                                     yum       pup
                                                                        son          repo      pet

                         active users             run                         packages

                       directory                  deck
                                                                                                            nag         splunk
                                       resource model

                                                            sys cfg

                               right      instance create

                                            new node                       Node a                                 log data

                                                                                         CONTROL    PROVISION           RELEASE

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I wonʼt go into too much detail about the tooling that was put into place to support all of this but
here are some highlights..
-took a loosely coupled toolchain approach... using mostly open source tools
-This became their standard stack of “operations middleware”. Of course, we are all used to
the notion of application middleware... but to an online service, the management infrastructure
is just as much a part of the service as the application itself.
-This operations middleware stack is a first class citizen along with application stack and it all
goes through the same SDLC... everything is versioned, built, deployed, and packaged via the
same process
-Once in place, this middleware provides a single path for releasing, provisioning, and
controlling anything that goes into an environment.

Management infrastructure based on “swap-able” sets of integrated tools
- Organized into three rough categories: Control, Provisioning, Monitoring
  - Control tools support routine and ad hoc procedures executed as commands/scripts
  - Provisioning tools support package delivery and post install customization
  - Monitoring tools actively check health and collect log data

When you think of middleware, you think of where your app code works.. but in the service
world, you have an operations middleware that is just as important. All the provisioning and
management stuff... itʼs just as important. Itʼs one and the same.

Solve the information problem... where is the system of record? easy in cloud to get basic
node data... that comes from the compute service... but what about everything else you need
to manage your infrastructure?
Meet your competition

Saturday, September 24, 2011
•Betting on better experience
                           •Attacking / chased by the majors
                           •Real money at stake

Saturday, September 24, 2011

One last quick tale for you all....

So what does it look like when you start with the end in mind...

Let’s look a hot startup called Wealthfront
-Its a financial services company... but all you have to know that it manages real people’s
retirement funds. It’s not a game or a toy.
-They are being chased by the majors so they have to move fast and can’t screw up
-To make this work, they subscribe to the theories of these two gentlemen, steven blank and
eric reiss, and are using the Lean Startup methodology to run their business... and all you
really need to know about that right now is that it all hinges on getting new ideas in front of
your customers as fast as possible and getting feedback as fast as possible.

Customer discovery -> Customer Validation -> Customer Creation -> Company Building
•Betting on better experience
                           •Attacking / chased by the majors
                           •Real money at stake

Saturday, September 24, 2011

One last quick tale for you all....

So what does it look like when you start with the end in mind...

Let’s look a hot startup called Wealthfront
-Its a financial services company... but all you have to know that it manages real people’s
retirement funds. It’s not a game or a toy.
-They are being chased by the majors so they have to move fast and can’t screw up
-To make this work, they subscribe to the theories of these two gentlemen, steven blank and
eric reiss, and are using the Lean Startup methodology to run their business... and all you
really need to know about that right now is that it all hinges on getting new ideas in front of
your customers as fast as possible and getting feedback as fast as possible.

Customer discovery -> Customer Validation -> Customer Creation -> Company Building
Saturday, September 24, 2011

So what was immediately identified as a major impediment to that fast cycle?

The traditional development and deployment cycle. Even the 1 - 4 weeks cycles that are so
common is too long to wait.
Saturday, September 24, 2011

So they rewired it in classic Continuous Deployment fashion...
Get rid of the idea of batching up change for a release... They are always deploying as soon
as a a piece of code is ready
Don’t have staging... that’s a waste of time... production is the real environment anyway
Don’t have an explicit QA stage... built extensive automated testing in all across the lifecycle
and made quality be everyone’s responsibility
They are always deploying from trunk... so no need to worry about patching and merging
oh and do they whole thing from check-in to running in production in 5 - 10 minutes
are they crazy? They don’t think so. They have extreme confidence in this system and are
kicking ass with it.
go read:
Saturday, September 24, 2011

The results are striking...

They are sometimes averaging 30 deployments to production a day. But they aren’t sacrificing

A release can get from check-in in to production in under 10 minutes but it’s got to pass over
6k tests and then there is a phased rollout with ongoing and extensive system and traffic
analysis post deployment.

The result is that their customers are happy. Their partners are happy. And more importantly
their team is burnout and releases are non-events. Want to go on vacation? No
problem, any developer can step in and take over your task or fix problem because of
extensive test coverage and confidence in their quality systems.

Operations is their strategic weapon
go read:
Saturday, September 24, 2011

The results are striking...

They are sometimes averaging 30 deployments to production a day. But they aren’t sacrificing

A release can get from check-in in to production in under 10 minutes but it’s got to pass over
6k tests and then there is a phased rollout with ongoing and extensive system and traffic
analysis post deployment.

The result is that their customers are happy. Their partners are happy. And more importantly
their team is burnout and releases are non-events. Want to go on vacation? No
problem, any developer can step in and take over your task or fix problem because of
extensive test coverage and confidence in their quality systems.

Operations is their strategic weapon
95%          5%

                Necessary Liability   Strategic Weapon

Saturday, September 24, 2011
DevOps Cafe

                                          subscribe in

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I also do a podcast with the famous cloud and IT management guru john willis.
Interview based series where we talk to all kinds of movers and shakers across the
development and operation spectrum.

Between DTO and doing the devops cafe content I get to talk to a lot of companies and see
what’s working and what isn’t working.
Let’s Talk....



Saturday, September 24, 2011

We do this stuff all day long for a lot of large and cutting edge clients... and we love talking
about DevOps so drop me a line anytime if you want to talk
Let’s Talk....



Saturday, September 24, 2011

We do this stuff all day long for a lot of large and cutting edge clients... and we love talking
about DevOps so drop me a line anytime if you want to talk
Extra Slides

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011

First get you mind around what you are looking for... Simple framework for categorizing
DevOps problems and solutions.
Saturday, September 24, 2011

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Operations as a Strategic Weapon (Part 2)

  • 1. Operations is a Strategic Weapon (Part Deux) Saturday, September 24, 2011
  • 2. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 3. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 4. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 5. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 6. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 7. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 8. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 9. Are you an ... aaS Saturday, September 24, 2011 -If it's not it should be -Let's take a look at yep -they sell GW as a service GreenWidgits_aaS -Obviously you better have kick “ass” green widgets; Pun intended.... -But today that is not enough.... ---------------------------------------- -What does amazon and netflix get that barnes and noble and blockbuster don't ? _aaS (circle the "S") -Over the next 45 minutes I am going to try and convince you that the principles behind Devops are the best solution to address the "S" in your aaS
  • 10. Saturday, September 24, 2011 -Most of you are probably familiar with “Software” TD -I am going to tell you a story about “Infrastructure TD”
  • 11. Saturday, September 24, 2011 -How many ppl know who these guys are? -The dudes who invented Facebook.. rght? -However, this was not there first venture. -Green vs Red Widgits compnay story. -After many arguments the both decide to split up. Cameron to make green widgets and Tyler decides to make red widgets. -They both go to their father each ask for a 1m dollars and the father asks how much money are you going to make. They both say 10 million. -Father calculates the ROR to be 900% and gives em each 1m. 10-1 = 9/1 = 900% -However one of them lied.... The red widgets only return 233% 10-1-2 = 7/3 = 233%
  • 12. Green vs Red Widgits 1 Million 1 Million 2 Million No TD 10 Million Profit 10 Million Profit 10 - 3 = 7/3 10 - 1 = 9/1 233% ROR 900% ROR Saturday, September 24, 2011 -Father is not pleased with Rehaus.
  • 13. It Gets Worse... Technical Vicious Toxic Terminal Debt Cycle Operations Saturday, September 24, 2011 - It gets even worse. Rehause starts getting what Isreal Ghat of the Cutter Group call the vicious cycle of TD. - You wind up fixing a lot of things that you didn’t fix in the first place.. - this pulls more resources from delivery good service and compound effect is that you are spending more and more resources that you should have gotten right the firs time.. - but ever worse the effect of customer satisfaction starts loosing more business and the “V” cycle is out of control. - TD->VTD->Toxic operations->Terminal - I call this are you running a business or building a business? - Toxic operations. Amertrade/etrade story
  • 14. Tale of Two Startups Saturday, September 24, 2011 - Jesse Robbins my ex boss and CEO of Opscode/Chef did a great post on O’rielly rdar a few years ago called the Tale of Two Startups. - The chart looked like this first 4 weeks. - First chart legacy (I call it the non devops startup/project) - Second Chart is the (secret sauce startup ... #devops) - I played around with this using “R” to be cool and I came up with a=140% ROR and 700% ROR
  • 15. The Meat to Math Ratio Saturday, September 24, 2011 - Alistar Croll has a great post called the meat to math ratio. - Amazon had $12.95B in Q410 revenues and 33,700 employees, revenue per employee of $384,273. - For Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble: $1.91B in Q410 revenues, and 35,000 employees, meaning a revenue per employee of $54,571. - Netflix: $444M in Q409 revenues, and 1,000 employees, meaning a revenue-per-employee of $444,000. - Blockbuster: $400M in Q409 revenues. The company peaked at 60,000 employees i - Dropbox: In Q211 Dropbox had $25M in revenues, and 74 employees, for a revenue per employee of $338K.
  • 16. Saturday, September 24, 2011 •I got into a Twttier argument that went like this... • See “Cloud Gone Wrong”
  • 17. Clouds Gone Wild Busine s s Dev AWS business s3put s3 ssh ideas ! apache/php Rightscale memcached mysql Saturday, September 24, 2011 -So letʼs start the story in the begining... Biz guy got a great idea for a service. -They used a classic web2.0 app architecture: apache/php, memcached & mysql. Development done on a single server -Production ran on EC2 and they used rightscale server templates -Release done by pushing code and assets to s3 buckets and then running a parallel SSH scripts to distribute them -This approach seemed to work... They got up to a few hundred nodes pretty fast.. business was cooking
  • 18. apache/php p arty, 3rd s3 memcached & are AWS mysql w mi ddle Rightscale yum Business apache/php puppet memcached mysql apache/php s3 AWS s3 memcached AWS mysql Rightscale Rightscale s3put s3put ssh ssh Business2 Business3 Saturday, September 24, 2011 -First service was such a huge success they decided to launch other sevices -So they ”Copy and pasted” the whole architecture and lifecycle to launch the new businesses -Each new group pushed assets to s3, scripted the distribution, and hacked the rightscripts and templates -Things were obviously getting more complicated, so they did what they were supposed to do and added centralized tooling like puppet and yum -They thought they were doing things the cloud way and that all would be fine
  • 19. “As-is” operations server templates TAR RPM restarts TAR TAR code, EC2 content pupp deploys et RS app RS deployment devs deployment S3 yum repo Provision-time builds reconfigs TAR EXE TAR AUTO server TOOLS code templates TAR RPM middleware devs platform CONTROL PROVISION RELEASE system eng Saturday, September 24, 2011 First we got the team on the whiteboard to map out the “as is” picture. This is a, believe it or not, a simplified version of that. Some of the highlights... -First youʼll notice that different groups had their own path to production... different methods of control, provisioning, and release. -Each group and role seemed to have a different way to editing or storing config -There were differing ways of packaging software... sometimes it might be a .tar.gz other times it might be an RPM. -Shockingly... Some things were even being built directly on production servers. -There was no authoritative source of information is maintained about nodes, application topology, software versions, etc.... -Everything was being stored in S3 buckets... which is great because itʼs so easy to use... but itʼs unversioned and people would just upload whatever was newest for them. But that stuff was never really tested in unison.. so old stuff wasnʼt working with new stuff... and its was unclear what was different or why it was different. -We can go on... but you should get the point that they had the right cloud, the right tools, and lots of smart people, but it all got dangerously out of control very quickly Other: -Changes hit all customers at once => Puppet configs in unversioned S3 buckets -Buggy node classification causing provisioning problems = > complex/long node classifier script -”Dead boxes” after provisioning => rightscript/puppet ordering problems -”my box got clobbered!” => puppet, is it supposed to be on or off? -new environment setup was taking longer and longer => from days to weeks because of
  • 20. Tec hnic al Saturday, September 24, 2011
  • 21. Infrastructure Deveopment Life Cycle Everything starts here SVN hud agent cfg yum pup son repo pet packages active users run packages directory deck commands nag splunk ios resource model sys cfg right instance create scale events new node Node a log data CONTROL PROVISION RELEASE Saturday, September 24, 2011 I wonʼt go into too much detail about the tooling that was put into place to support all of this but here are some highlights.. -took a loosely coupled toolchain approach... using mostly open source tools -This became their standard stack of “operations middleware”. Of course, we are all used to the notion of application middleware... but to an online service, the management infrastructure is just as much a part of the service as the application itself. -This operations middleware stack is a first class citizen along with application stack and it all goes through the same SDLC... everything is versioned, built, deployed, and packaged via the same process -Once in place, this middleware provides a single path for releasing, provisioning, and controlling anything that goes into an environment. Other: Management infrastructure based on “swap-able” sets of integrated tools - Organized into three rough categories: Control, Provisioning, Monitoring - Control tools support routine and ad hoc procedures executed as commands/scripts - Provisioning tools support package delivery and post install customization - Monitoring tools actively check health and collect log data When you think of middleware, you think of where your app code works.. but in the service world, you have an operations middleware that is just as important. All the provisioning and management stuff... itʼs just as important. Itʼs one and the same. Solve the information problem... where is the system of record? easy in cloud to get basic node data... that comes from the compute service... but what about everything else you need to manage your infrastructure?
  • 22. Meet your competition Saturday, September 24, 2011
  • 23. •Betting on better experience •Attacking / chased by the majors •Real money at stake Saturday, September 24, 2011 One last quick tale for you all.... So what does it look like when you start with the end in mind... Let’s look a hot startup called Wealthfront -Its a financial services company... but all you have to know that it manages real people’s retirement funds. It’s not a game or a toy. -They are being chased by the majors so they have to move fast and can’t screw up -To make this work, they subscribe to the theories of these two gentlemen, steven blank and eric reiss, and are using the Lean Startup methodology to run their business... and all you really need to know about that right now is that it all hinges on getting new ideas in front of your customers as fast as possible and getting feedback as fast as possible. Customer discovery -> Customer Validation -> Customer Creation -> Company Building
  • 24. •Betting on better experience •Attacking / chased by the majors •Real money at stake Saturday, September 24, 2011 One last quick tale for you all.... So what does it look like when you start with the end in mind... Let’s look a hot startup called Wealthfront -Its a financial services company... but all you have to know that it manages real people’s retirement funds. It’s not a game or a toy. -They are being chased by the majors so they have to move fast and can’t screw up -To make this work, they subscribe to the theories of these two gentlemen, steven blank and eric reiss, and are using the Lean Startup methodology to run their business... and all you really need to know about that right now is that it all hinges on getting new ideas in front of your customers as fast as possible and getting feedback as fast as possible. Customer discovery -> Customer Validation -> Customer Creation -> Company Building
  • 25. Saturday, September 24, 2011 So what was immediately identified as a major impediment to that fast cycle? The traditional development and deployment cycle. Even the 1 - 4 weeks cycles that are so common is too long to wait.
  • 26. Saturday, September 24, 2011 So they rewired it in classic Continuous Deployment fashion... Get rid of the idea of batching up change for a release... They are always deploying as soon as a a piece of code is ready Don’t have staging... that’s a waste of time... production is the real environment anyway Don’t have an explicit QA stage... built extensive automated testing in all across the lifecycle and made quality be everyone’s responsibility They are always deploying from trunk... so no need to worry about patching and merging branches oh and do they whole thing from check-in to running in production in 5 - 10 minutes are they crazy? They don’t think so. They have extreme confidence in this system and are kicking ass with it.
  • 27. go read: Saturday, September 24, 2011 The results are striking... They are sometimes averaging 30 deployments to production a day. But they aren’t sacrificing quality! A release can get from check-in in to production in under 10 minutes but it’s got to pass over 6k tests and then there is a phased rollout with ongoing and extensive system and traffic analysis post deployment. The result is that their customers are happy. Their partners are happy. And more importantly their team is burnout and releases are non-events. Want to go on vacation? No problem, any developer can step in and take over your task or fix problem because of extensive test coverage and confidence in their quality systems. Operations is their strategic weapon
  • 28. go read: Saturday, September 24, 2011 The results are striking... They are sometimes averaging 30 deployments to production a day. But they aren’t sacrificing quality! A release can get from check-in in to production in under 10 minutes but it’s got to pass over 6k tests and then there is a phased rollout with ongoing and extensive system and traffic analysis post deployment. The result is that their customers are happy. Their partners are happy. And more importantly their team is burnout and releases are non-events. Want to go on vacation? No problem, any developer can step in and take over your task or fix problem because of extensive test coverage and confidence in their quality systems. Operations is their strategic weapon
  • 29. 95% 5% Necessary Liability Strategic Weapon Saturday, September 24, 2011
  • 30. DevOps Cafe subscribe in iTunes Saturday, September 24, 2011 I also do a podcast with the famous cloud and IT management guru john willis. Interview based series where we talk to all kinds of movers and shakers across the development and operation spectrum. Between DTO and doing the devops cafe content I get to talk to a lot of companies and see what’s working and what isn’t working.
  • 31. Let’s Talk.... @botchagalupe Saturday, September 24, 2011 We do this stuff all day long for a lot of large and cutting edge clients... and we love talking about DevOps so drop me a line anytime if you want to talk
  • 32. Let’s Talk.... @botchagalupe Saturday, September 24, 2011 We do this stuff all day long for a lot of large and cutting edge clients... and we love talking about DevOps so drop me a line anytime if you want to talk
  • 34. C A M S Saturday, September 24, 2011 First get you mind around what you are looking for... Simple framework for categorizing DevOps problems and solutions.
  • 35. Culture Automation Measurement Sharing Saturday, September 24, 2011