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6 Grand Challenges   10,000 People   138 Countries
584 inspirations   194 concepts   40 evaluation concepts      Announced!
584 inspirations               194 concepts   40 evaluation concepts      Announced!


        We asked what challenge
        should be addressed.
OpenIDEO — where we
create better, together.






What global challenge do
you think innovation leaders
    should work to solve
         right now?
Show us what’s innovative
    where you live.
159 inspirations,
108 challenge ideas...
6 Grand
1   With, Not For.

    Participatory Budgeting
    (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

                              Contributed by

                              Nicole Skibola

                              Give ordinary residents a role
                              in deciding how to allocate
                              part of a municipal or public
1           With, Not For.

            Participatory Budgeting
            (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

                                      Contributed by

How might we
redesign government for
                                      Thao Vo

                                      Can we use existing tech to
                                      create a more people-centered
                                      government? Can we mend the
                                      gap between decision-makers
                                      and the people with platforms
                                      where civic participation is not
                                      only encouraged, but is a core
                                                                    The Discussion
    Arjan Tupan                                         Thao Vo                                             addressing this issue at large.
    November 26, 2010, 08:31AM                          November 26, 2010, 09:43AM                                                                              OpenCorporates just launched today: http://
    Hi Thao,                                            We are multi-tasking like crazy! I try my best      Thao Vo                                   
    I think you touched a very important subject. I     to read through all the submissions, but they       December 08, 2010, 02:32AM
    also feel there is a growing disconnect between     come in at a pretty quick rate. It’s when I miss    Hi Christian, I share your concern about digital    OpenCorporates is a website and service to
    officials and the people they represent. And        the really really good ones that I go “darn it!”.   media, a technology in general, being a tool for    help build an open database of the corporate
    I agree that having more direct communica-                                                              the privilege. “Us Now” was a great inspiration     world.
    tion can help. Media, and blogs for that matter,    Arjan Tupan                                         nonetheless, because it showed how technol-
    often have a colored way of reporting, so they      November 26, 2010, 11:16AM                          ogy has connected individuals across the globe.     In addition to an open Governement, we could
    might not be the best intermediates.                Don’t worry, there’ll be someone who reminds        If you take a look at some of the inspirations      extend openness to Corporations. The financial
    I like to draw your attention to an inspiration     you ;)                                              on here, there are examples of non-tech based       crisis could have been prevented by connecting
    I uploaded. It’s in Latvian, but the platform is                                                        innovations that still connect people in an open    data and having a better understanding of the
    very interesting. It is an independent place        OpenIDEO                                            and collaborative way. Some good examples           world we live in. This sites helps to make better
    where members of parliament have profiles           November 26, 2010, 03:02PM                          are Eric’s “Dynamic Teen Company”: http://t.        sense of
    and where they can interact with the public         Great Thao. If you update your post and add         co/4ZJhC6I and Nicole’s “Participatory Budget-      corporations/companies.
    directly.                      all the related inspirations you’ll get more DQ     ing”:
                                                        points. It also helps folks find material related                                                       I might need to update this concept to include
    Meena Kadri                                         to your discussion... and as you say – connects     Vincent Cheng                                       corporations and other institutions.
    November 26, 2010, 08:52AM                          the dots.                                           December 08, 2010, 08:45PM
    Good call Thao. Regarding your question “how                                                            Well put Thao. Have been away from OpenIdeo         Luke Burns
    do we close the information gap?” An earlier        Christian Halsted                                   for a bit, but glad to return and see the idea of   December 24, 2010, 05:38PM
    inspiration comes to mind for starters – Making     December 03, 2010, 05:21PM                          an open and collaborative government gaining        Pablo,
    Policy Public:                 Most important question Thao!                       so much steam!
                                                        I suggested something on line with this yester-                                                         I think what’d be most important is to place
    Thao Vo                                             day:                                                Pablo F. Méndez                                     objective decisions at the core of the system
    November 26, 2010, 09:28AM                          Public Sphere, Technology and Media - http://       December 11, 2010, 07:24PM                          and force subjective decisions more difficult
    Arjan, I don’t know how I missed your inspira-                                       This is probably one of the biggest challenges      to make. And through education, grow this
    tion about Gudras Galvas; it’s a great example                                                          we face, how the very society or local commu-       culturally into future generations-- rather than
    of an open communication platform. I used           The Us Now video was very interesting, but          nities could take (and be responsible of) their     just by law.
    Google translate, and I found the information       it seems that digital media is that it remains      own decisions. There is a lot of debate here.
    on there to be very informative. We could use       the preserve of the globally privileged, and it     The issue of justice is crucial, what is fair for   Whatever the case, education will probably play
    more platforms like it. Thanks for calling it to    seems those who often make most use of it do        someone is unfair for anyone else. What is ob-      the biggest role. If a redesigned system can
    my attention.                                       so in the interest of the states and corporations   jective and what is subjective? Which is the role   get education right, it’s bound to be successful.
                                                        who employ them.                                    of knowledge (both scientific and traditional)      Ultimately, education is what determines the
    Thanks, Meena. You’re right, many of the            Have a nice weekend.                                on this? Which is the role of risk-aversion? Is     future of every citizen and every leader.
    inspirations on here are solutions; it’s a matter                                                       everybody equally equipped with the same
    of connecting the dots and implementing the         CHARITY-FOUNDATION GLOBALFIRM™                      skills to tackle uncertainty? Are more power-       Luke
    solutions so they reach far and wide.               December 03, 2010, 05:38PM                          ful people ready for delegating power? Which
                                                        If you are interested in this, I already designed   is the origin and the medicine for corruption?
    Arjan Tupan                                         that.                                               Is a matter of institutional design, education,
    November 26, 2010, 09:34AM                                                                              empathy...
    Thao, just add up all the numbers of the inspi-     OpenIDEO
    rations phases of the several challenges here,      December 04, 2010, 06:44AM                          Thao Vo
    and I think you shouldn’t be surprised about        Thao – thanks for the update. This will help        December 21, 2010, 03:47AM
    missing one :)                                      show how many inspiring things are already          I’m really excited to have discovered this web-
                                                        going on in this space to give an added push to     site, and to share it here on OpenIDEO.
2   Happy At Last.

    Gallup Poll

                     Contributed by

                     Fred Dust

                     The predominant means of
                     measuring national success
                     is a financial metric. Some
                     countries however have started
                     making a shift from purely
                     monetary means of measuring
                     the health of their nations.
2           Happy At Last.

            Gallup Poll

                             Contributed by

How might we
truly measure and value
well-being as much as GDP?
                             Vincent Cheng

                             Studies show that GDP growth
                             produces diminishing returns
                             for our life satisfaction and
                             happiness. Other factors,
                             like social relations, health,
                             meaningful work, freedom, etc.
                             become far more important for
                             our overall wellbeing.
                                                                   The Discussion
    Meena Kadri                                        However, just recognizing and being aware of        Great post, Vincent! I agree, we should pursue
    December 18, 2010, 04:42PM                         wellbeing as the end goal, can have profound        accomplishment in wellbeing as we pursue ac-
    Great call Vincent! You might be interested        impact. As Albert Einstein so eloquently put it,    complishment in business, politics, education,
    to check out the Happy Planet Index by NEF         “Not everything that matters can be counted.        etc.
    (a think tank which explores “economics as if      Not everything that can be counted matters.”        I think we’d find that the pursuit of wellbeing,
    people and the planet mattered”)                                                                       as a broad foundation, would exponentially el-                   Nicholas Masso                                      evate the value, depth and richness of business,
                                                       December 19, 2010, 05:19PM                          politics, education, etc.
    Vincent Cheng                                      Excellent ideas, Vincent. Reading your post
    December 19, 2010, 02:26AM                         reminded me of a psychology research method-        Kale
    Thanks for the support and link Meena! I’m a       ology used to quantify happiness. Participants      December 25, 2010, 09:55AM
    fan of NEF and their work on the Happy Planet      are given wristwatches devices for a week. 8        I applauded and evaluated your concept, and
    Index...definitely worth a read through. I think   times a day, at random times, the watch would       I love the humanistic motives, yet I feel like
    the big challenge is how to integrate such         ring and the participant would fill out a short     the question your asking has been asked here
    thoughts, feelings, and actions (I believe who     paper survey asking them what they were do-         and elsewhere many, many times before only
    we truly are and are meant to be) into all areas   ing, how they were feeling on a scale of 1 to 10,   in different ways. My concept certainly covers
    of our lives.                                      feelings of loneliness/belongingness, etc. Today,   the same question, however, poses a solution. I
                                                       something similar could be done with texting        think you’d be very much interested.
    Nicholas Masso                                     and cellphones to help get a better quantitative
    December 19, 2010, 03:55AM                         picture of happiness. Being able to say whether     If I could have built on this, I most definitely
    One of the largest challenges for this concept     the average American had an overall happier         would have.
    is metrics. GDP is used partially because it is    week would be a powerful tool.
    easily quantifiable.
                                                       Vincent Cheng
    Vincent Cheng                                      December 20, 2010, 06:58PM
    December 19, 2010, 03:11PM                         Thanks Nicholas. Your expansion on the psy-
    Agreed Nicholas. I had a work background in        chology research methodology and applying it
    strategy consulting and academic background        to mobiles is a great example of what’s possible
    in computer science, both where quantifica-        in terms of measurement. In fact, here are 2
    tion definitely has a lot of power. Metrics is a   projects (from Harvard University and London
    definite challenge, but not insurmountable, as     School of Economics) that are doing exactly
    seen by the measurements that are cropping         that: ,
    up in various corners of the world from NEF to
    the country of Bhutan to recent popularization
    of various books/research on happiness. For        Thao Vo
    example, in the US, think of the resources going   December 21, 2010, 12:30AM
    into the census. It would definitely be possible   Loving the Einstein quote Vincent. How about,
    to piggyback some questions on wellbeing           “How do we foster a “Culture of We” instead of
    there. Now imagine other avenues where such        a “Culture of Me?”
    information could be collected from the voting
    polling booths to say phone apps that provide      Vincent Cheng
    personal tracking and tips for increasing hap-     December 22, 2010, 02:00AM
    piness while providing anonymous aggregate         Thanks Thao. Yes, “Me to We” is definitely a big
    statistics for policy makers/researchers. Of       part of it!
    course, these measurements will be a combina-
    tion of qualitative and quantitative, direction-   Andreänna
    ally meaningful though by no means perfect.        December 23, 2010, 04:43AM
3   Who’s Next?

    Bridge International Academics
    (Nairobi, Kenya)

                                     Contributed by

                                     Sandy Speicher

                                     Bridge International Academies
                                     are low-cost private schools
                                     rapidly scaling in africa.
                                     They’ve innovated the space
                                     with a “School In a Box” model,
                                     planning to have 1800 schools
                                     under their umbrella by 2015.
3            Who’s Next?

             Bridge International Academics
             (Nairobi, Kenya)

                                              Contributed by

How might we
rapidly innovate education to
foster the next generation?
                                              Adam Hueniken

                                              There is a severe lack of
                                              design and innovation
                                              education throughout many
                                              schooling systems. How can
                                              we encourage them to provide
                                              more opportunities to learn
                                              about the power of innovation
                                              and design?
                                                                     The Discussion
    Johan Löfström                                       they have going on there. Really interesting
    November 24, 2010, 08:15PM                           and definitely the type of thing I think we need
    Feel free to add information about a project         to see more of.
    that I wrote about, Innovation plant It is written
    as comments in an inspiration made by user :
    (scroll down to the bottom)

    November 29, 2010, 06:17AM
    Hey man, very good point there and we
    definitely need everyone to apply creative
    thinking in every field, the only thing i’d like
    to add is that i personally believe that even
    though i agree with you saying that children
    should be exposed to creative thinking at an
    early stage, i also believe that Design itself
    is a profession that people chooses based on
    their understanding of their skills and prefer-
    ences, current education programs introduce a
    variety of subjects in order to give students a
    broader vision of the world and its complexities
    and finally giving them the choice to develop
    an expertise in a particular subject or profes-
    sion; creative thinking can be applied from any
    profession and therefore it should be actively
    encouraged in every subject being taught , but
    how can we do that in a more effective way
    that hasn’t been tried out by the educational
    systems already?

    Adam Hueniken
    November 29, 2010, 07:47AM
    Very good point Pablo. I’m definitely in agree-
    ment with the thought that design and innova-
    tion can come from any profession and area.
    So it’s not only providing more opportunities
    to design and innovate but to provide them in
    various different subject areas.

    Johan that sounds like a wonderful event that
4   Not the Problem.

    Mahila Milan “women together”
    (Dharavi Slum, Mumbai)

                                    Contributed by

                                    Meena Kadri

                                    Mahila Milan means “women
                                    together” and provides a
                                    vehicle for the empowerment
                                    of women via leadership roles
                                    and advocacy alongside its
                                    pivotal daily savings collection.
4           Not the Problem.

            Mahila Milan “women together”
            (Dharavi Slum, Mumbai)

                                            Contributed by

How might we
enable and empower women to
create lasting change for low
income communities?
                                            David Griffith

                                            There’s a growing recognition
                                            in the world that focusing on
                                            women and girls is the most
                                            effective way to fight global
                                            poverty and extremism. Women
                                            and girls aren’t the problem;
                                            they’re the solution.
                                                          The Discussion
    Arjan Tupan
    December 27, 2010, 09:17AM
    Important concept. The position of women
    is fortunately more and more being seen as
    important all around the world. The rise of
    Grameen bank and micro financing is a great
    example of this. Although I really feel this is an
    important issue, my question is if there is not
    already so much being done around this issue,
    that it might be better to take more specific
    action. For example how to ensure that young
    girls get equal access to education.

    Demian Repucci
    January 03, 2011, 09:25PM
    David, thanks for this concept. It is a vital issue
    to be dealt with. Unfortunately made all the
    more complex by the many and varied contexts
    within which women and girls are repressed
    and relegated. If it were simply a matter of edu-
    cation that would be one thing, but too often it
    is the environments and societies within which
    these women live that resist any change to
    the status quo. No amount of new educational
    resources will help if the culture in which they
    are delivered does not see women’s education
    as valuable and vital also. Positive change for
    women needs to happen as a change on the
    larger cultural, societal and religious scale if it
    is going to have a lasting effect on each woman
    and girl in that community on an individual
    level. Therein lies the trick, I think.
    Great stuff to think about and lots of opportuni-
    ties. Thanks for putting the concept in there!
5   When Bad Things

                      Contributed by

                      Meena Kadri, Arjan Tupan,
                      Adriana Olmos
                       Ushahidi means ‘testimony’
                      in Swahili. It’s now a website
                      used to map violence, disaster
                      response, corruption, sexual
                      harrassment and more in the
                      Congo, Gaza, Chile India, Haiti,
                      Pakistan and beyond.
5            When Bad Things

                                  Contributed by

How might we
use new (and old) technology to
improve disaster relief ?
                                  Demian Repucci

                                  Is there a better way to
                                  coordinate the good will,
                                  resources and energy of the
                                  global community to more
                                  efficiently and effectively bring
                                  relief to the victims of disaster?
                                                                         The Discussion
    Meena Kadri                                              areas of specific need, etc. This could greatly      trapped people to text their location and condi-   suffer from inertia. Once they are in place it is
    December 15, 2010, 05:42PM                               help inform other aid organizations on what          tion to the system. Rescue workers monitoring      very hard to get families back to their original
    Nice one Demian. You can add Ushahidi from               is needed at the moment and how best their           the map generated by the texted data can then      homes. So, yes, the more efficient and effec-
    the Inspiration Phase as a Build Upon post for           available resources could be put to use.             more efficiently target areas with the most        tive a disaster relief effort is, using Ushahidi,
    this. I’ll let you search for it ;^) but here’s an ar-   I could go on and on... but I love it. Thanks        trapped people which would enable them to          something like it, or a combination of methods,
    ticle that talks about how it’s assisted disaster        again for alerting me to Ushahidi. I actually        hopefully save more lives more quickly.            the less victims may have to be relocated to
    management efforts:                 think that it could be beautifully developed to      Thanks again for your comment!                     refugee camps and face an even more uncer-
                                                             address my concept on utilizing cell phones to                                                          tain future.
    Sabra Marcroft                                           gather real-time health data in the develop-         Sabra Marcroft                                     Thanks again Sabra!
    December 16, 2010, 04:27AM                               ing world I will go       December 21, 2010, 01:54AM
    This is a most needed concept Demian. In our             there now to tie it in...                            Another area that this concept will help with is   Demian Repucci
    current human degraded environment with                                                                       reducing refugee stress in surrounding popula-     December 21, 2010, 05:51AM
    such a quickly growing human population, we              daniel sunden                                        tions. Coordination of aid means less people       Thao, thanks for your comment! Yes, I need to
    are bound to have even more disasters in the             December 16, 2010, 05:36AM                           have to be displaced long distances from their     spend some more time with Ushahidi to truly
    future. Coordinating and systematizing disaster          Good stuff as always Meena. Thank you!               home place, and the demand for food and other      understand it but from what I can tell at this
    relief will enable us to greatly reduce wastage                                                               resources doesn’t destabilize the economy of       point it looks really great. Definitely very usable
    of resources and human lives.                            Meena Kadri                                          host populations as much.                          for situations I am thinking about. My main
                                                             December 16, 2010, 11:29AM                                                                              question that I would like to explore further
    Demian Repucci                                           Indeed Demian: Ushahidi is used in both those        Thao Vo                                            is it’s usefulness on a coordination level from
    December 16, 2010, 05:23AM                               ways. One of the things I like about Ushahidi is     December 21, 2010, 02:10AM                         the standpoint of the multitude of incoming
    Meena! Thanks for the tip! How did I not see             that it facilitates P2P, collaborative networks      What’s also great about Ushahidi are the many      independent relief organizations. Can each
    Ushahidi?! It is amazing! The story you linked           which often work more efficiently than single        applications that people have come up with.        of them fully utilize Ushahidi to orchestrate
    to is here:               organisations. Frontline SMS and Samasource          From violence in Kenya to harassment in Egypt,     their movements with those of all the other aid
    techtonic-shifts/2010/03/03/ushahidi-technol-            have also been doing good work along these           and Sabra’s idea about using it to stabilize the   groups to maximize efficiency and effective-
    ogy-saves-lives-in-haiti-and-chile.html# in case         lines at sites of disaster. I feel that innovation   economy of nations – these are just a few of       ness, responding to the information they are
    anyone missed it. Ushahidi’s use and adaptation          for disaster relief needs to include acknowl-        the creative applications and the possibilities    receiving from on the ground? But from what I
    to the earthquake situation in Haiti was really          edgment of the power and opportunity in P2P          are endless. Ushahidi is a mashup of all things    can tell so far, this capability is either available
    great. I am sure I do not understand completely          networks – both digital and otherwise.               great: mobile phones and SMS, web and social       already or easily developed within the Ushahidi
    how it was utilized but I think it would be great                                                             media, crowdsourcing and peer-to-peer, etc.        framework. Very cool.
    if it could be used in both directions. From one         Demian Repucci                                       Yes, I’m a big fan!                                Thanks again Thao!
    perspective, victims could use it to report their        December 16, 2010, 01:44PM
    medical need, location, an emergency, etc. so            Sabra, thanks for the comment! Yes, the              Demian Repucci                                     Kale
    that a working map of situational need could             increasing global population does bring with         December 21, 2010, 05:45AM                         December 25, 2010, 09:51AM
    be established and monitored. But also from              it more more dangers and challenges. The             Sabra, great point! Displacement and refugee       I applauded and evaluated your concept. While
    the other side Ushahidi could be utilized by             world’s urban centers are much more popu-            camps are a very serious problem. Not only         it’s a compelling issue, I feel that a humane
    incoming aid organizations and rescue work-              lated, and densely populated at that, than ever      do neighboring countries such as Pakistan in       global system of technology and resources
    ers to notify other aid organizations of their           before. And with large portions of those urban       relation to Afghanistan and Kenya and Ethiopia     would quickly solve it.
    contributions and capabilities. Aid organiza-            populations living in substandard housing,           in relation to Somalia feel the burden of thou-
    tions could post the supplies, food, equipment,          many people are left more vulnerable than            sands of refugees flooding across their borders    If I could have built on this, I would have.
    etc. that they have brought in. They could also          they should be. I agree with you that a more         but also the sad fact that refugee camps are
    give information on their location, the person-          efficient system of disaster response will have      quick to succumb to the spread of disease,         Meena Kadri
    nel they have on their team, their mobility,             direct impact on the lives of the victims. As we     crime, rape, etc. Right now Haiti is suffering     January 01, 2011, 04:43PM
    established nodes of distribution, any immedi-           saw in Haiti, the survival of people trapped in      from the outbreak of cholera And this is almost    Demian – thought you might be interested that
    ate need in their current location, etc., etc. All       the rubble of collapsed buildings was utterly        a year after the earthquake that devastated        Ushahidi has even been used in your own NYC
    of this information from every aid group could           dependent on how quickly relief workers could        that country. Which brings up another grim         this winter! – to deal with snow via social col-
    be aggregated to form a continually updating             be mobilized and get to them. One thing I like       fact in that on top of all the suffering that      laboration:
    map of relief work being done, current clear             very much about the Ushahidi system that             the victims of whatever disaster have already
    lines of transportation, points of distribution,         Meena brought to my attention, is the ability of     gone through, refugee camps tend to also
6   Collaborate, Really!
    United Health Group created Diabetes
    Prevention & Control Alliance (partnership
    between YMCA, USA & Walgreens)
    (Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.)

                                    Contributed by

                                    Patrice Martin

                                    UCSF and Pfizer have
                                    collaborated to create the
                                    Global Center for Therapeutic
                                    Innovation (CTI) — an open
                                    network of information,
                                    technology platforms, and
                                    scientists with goals to share
                                    and collaborate upon research.
6            Collaborate, Really!
             United Health Group created Diabetes
             Prevention & Control Alliance (partnership
             between YMCA, USA & Walgreens)
             (Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.)

                                             Contributed by

How might we
create serious public / private
partnerships for the right
                                             Meena Kadri

                                             Communities become resilient
                                             from within. Some of the best
                                             ideas for improving them can
                                             best be conceptualised by the
                                             community itself. How can
                                             we support processes which
                                             provide collaboration and
                                             creative thinking within?
                                                                       The Discussion
    Demian Repucci                                        receiving from on the ground? But from what I          Another area that this concept will help with is     daniel sunden
    January 03, 2011, 04:03AM                             can tell so far, this capability is either available   reducing refugee stress in surrounding popula-       December 16, 2010, 05:36AM
    Meena! Thanks for the heads up and the link!          already or easily developed within the Ushahidi        tions. Coordination of aid means less people         Good stuff as always Meena. Thank you!
    How funny! It seems the city got caught on            framework. Very cool.                                  have to be displaced long distances from their
    it’s heels by the snow storm and left lots of         Thanks again Thao!                                     home place, and the demand for food and other        Demian Repucci
    neighborhoods unplowed. So people started                                                                    resources doesn’t destabilize the economy of         December 16, 2010, 05:23AM
    shoveling each other out. Almost all of the           Demian Repucci                                         host populations as much.                            Meena! Thanks for the tip! How did I not see
    20 inches of snow has melted already but it           December 21, 2010, 05:45AM                                                                                  Ushahidi?! It is amazing! The story you linked
    caused an uproar while it lasted. The mayor           Sabra, great point! Displacement and refugee           Demian Repucci                                       to is here:
    had to publicly apologize for not getting all of      camps are a very serious problem. Not only             December 16, 2010, 01:44PM                           techtonic-shifts/2010/03/03/ushahidi-technol-
    New York’s streets plowed right away.                 do neighboring countries such as Pakistan in           Sabra, thanks for the comment! Yes, the              ogy-saves-lives-in-haiti-and-chile.html# in case
    Definitely not as life threatening as something       relation to Afghanistan and Kenya and Ethiopia         increasing global population does bring with         anyone missed it. Ushahidi’s use and adaptation
    like the Haiti earthquake but it shows how            in relation to Somalia feel the burden of thou-        it more more dangers and challenges. The             to the earthquake situation in Haiti was really
    adaptable Ushahidi is.                                sands of refugees flooding across their borders        world’s urban centers are much more popu-            great. I am sure I do not understand completely
    Thanks again!                                         but also the sad fact that refugee camps are           lated, and densely populated at that, than ever      how it was utilized but I think it would be great
    And Happy New Year!                                   quick to succumb to the spread of disease,             before. And with large portions of those urban       if it could be used in both directions. From one
                                                          crime, rape, etc. Right now Haiti is suffering         populations living in substandard housing,           perspective, victims could use it to report their
    Meena Kadri                                           from the outbreak of cholera And this is almost        many people are left more vulnerable than            medical need, location, an emergency, etc. so
    January 01, 2011, 04:43PM                             a year after the earthquake that devastated            they should be. I agree with you that a more         that a working map of situational need could
    Demian – thought you might be interested that         that country. Which brings up another grim             efficient system of disaster response will have      be established and monitored. But also from
    Ushahidi has even been used in your own NYC           fact in that on top of all the suffering that          direct impact on the lives of the victims. As we     the other side Ushahidi could be utilized by
    this winter! – to deal with snow via social col-      the victims of whatever disaster have already          saw in Haiti, the survival of people trapped in      incoming aid organizations and rescue work-
    laboration:                      gone through, refugee camps tend to also               the rubble of collapsed buildings was utterly        ers to notify other aid organizations of their
                                                          suffer from inertia. Once they are in place it is      dependent on how quickly relief workers could        contributions and capabilities. Aid organiza-
    Kale                                                  very hard to get families back to their original       be mobilized and get to them. One thing I like       tions could post the supplies, food, equipment,
    December 25, 2010, 09:51AM                            homes. So, yes, the more efficient and effec-          very much about the Ushahidi system that             etc. that they have brought in. They could also
    I applauded and evaluated your concept. While         tive a disaster relief effort is, using Ushahidi,      Meena brought to my attention, is the ability of     give information on their location, the person-
    it’s a compelling issue, I feel that a humane         something like it, or a combination of methods,        trapped people to text their location and condi-     nel they have on their team, their mobility,
    global system of technology and resources             the less victims may have to be relocated to           tion to the system. Rescue workers monitoring        established nodes of distribution, any immedi-
    would quickly solve it.                               refugee camps and face an even more uncer-             the map generated by the texted data can then        ate need in their current location, etc., etc. All
                                                          tain future.                                           more efficiently target areas with the most          of this information from every aid group could
    If I could have built on this, I would have.          Thanks again Sabra!                                    trapped people which would enable them to            be aggregated to form a continually updating
                                                                                                                 hopefully save more lives more quickly.              map of relief work being done, current clear
    Demian Repucci                                        Thao Vo                                                Thanks again for your comment!                       lines of transportation, points of distribution,
    December 21, 2010, 05:51AM                            December 21, 2010, 02:10AM                                                                                  areas of specific need, etc. This could greatly
    Thao, thanks for your comment! Yes, I need to         What’s also great about Ushahidi are the many          Meena Kadri                                          help inform other aid organizations on what
    spend some more time with Ushahidi to truly           applications that people have come up with.            December 16, 2010, 11:29AM                           is needed at the moment and how best their
    understand it but from what I can tell at this        From violence in Kenya to harassment in Egypt,         Indeed Demian: Ushahidi is used in both those        available resources could be put to use.
    point it looks really great. Definitely very usable   and Sabra’s idea about using it to stabilize the       ways. One of the things I like about Ushahidi is     I could go on and on... but I love it. Thanks
    for situations I am thinking about. My main           economy of nations – these are just a few of           that it facilitates P2P, collaborative networks      again for alerting me to Ushahidi. I actually
    question that I would like to explore further         the creative applications and the possibilities        which often work more efficiently than single        think that it could be beautifully developed to
    is it’s usefulness on a coordination level from       are endless. Ushahidi is a mashup of all things        organisations. Frontline SMS and Samasource          address my concept on utilizing cell phones to
    the standpoint of the multitude of incoming           great: mobile phones and SMS, web and social           have also been doing good work along these           gather real-time health data in the develop-
    independent relief organizations. Can each            media, crowdsourcing and peer-to-peer, etc.            lines at sites of disaster. I feel that innovation   ing world I will go
    of them fully utilize Ushahidi to orchestrate         Yes, I’m a big fan!                                    for disaster relief needs to include acknowl-        there now to tie it in...
    their movements with those of all the other aid                                                              edgment of the power and opportunity in P2P
    groups to maximize efficiency and effective-          Sabra Marcroft                                         networks – both digital and otherwise.
    ness, responding to the information they are          December 21, 2010, 01:54AM
Tanja Aitamurto        Eddie Sun                   Varun Rai Seth               Nicole Skibola               Peter Borenstein
Navneet Chaudhary      Jay Cousins                 Giordano Miani               Ben Smith                    clayton lewis
Joy                    Vincent Cheng               Christina Eliason            Rich Cox                     Zeb Dropkin
Ben                    Jan Bartscht                Robbert Geelen               Morey Bean, AIA, LEED AP     Orna M. Nemcova
Andrea Wiholm          zuhre ayse erdogan          Brennan Letkeman             Voamay                       Anna Pippus
Bonnie                 Bonnie Cooper               Clark Patrick                James McBennett              James Nyika
Philip de los Reyes    Aditya Pradhan              Sabra Marcroft               Christine Hendrickson        Kristin
Kale                   Tom Miller                  kaoutar bouseffour Er-rady   Matthew P                    Luke Burns
Adriana Peon           Demian Repucci              Kyle Hawke                   Stephane Martel              Pedro Grawunder
Valerie Villarreal     Pablo F. Méndez            Jacqueline Gallier           Nicholas Masso               Chris Mudd
Dafeng Guo             Michael Stenclik            INNO                         Dane Murray                  Jack Zhao
sonali nigam           Ramanand J                  Ben Morgan                   Paul Bennett                 Arturo San Vicente
Eric Villarama         Pier Paolo Comida           steve f                      Rebekah Ingall               Isabelle Duston
Will Koehler           Nefaur Khandker             Johan Löfström             Bonnie Shaw                  Rob Close
Peter Kelly            John Mayerhofer             Emily Wiseman                Lena                         Lindsey Zouein
Sergio Gomes           David Haddad                Caroline Sherry              René Churquina              simon weir
Ashley Jablow          Tabata Tomohira             Barry Shaman                 Dan Northover                Mike Mitchell
Reinette Kortenhorst   suzanne howard              Samantha Morshed             Chloe L                      Satoshi Iritani
John Flower            Rachel Murray               Kutlu Kazanci                Danny Robins                 sadek zefizef
Andrew Hsu             Jorge Lopera                Guillermo Venegas            Krishna Somisetty            FRANCISCO GOMEZ
Nadia Tuma             Jeremy Innes-Hopkins        Meriel Taylor                Sydney Malawer               Julian Dennis
Victoria Pino          Claudia Garduño García    andrea schneider             Jorge Eduardo Alba           Kate M
Luis E. Flores G.      Pradeep Suthram             Jeremy Side                  Mikael Fuhr                  Matt Currie
Brian Stanley          Brandon Lee                 David Griffith               Diego Fernandez              Kanika Gupta
Stefan Schmidt         Aaron W.                    Alexandra Grimmius           Kyle Baptista                Simon Carstensen
Zoë Eisenberg         Pedram Vaghefinazari        Mike Brunt                   Liz Kramer                   Amy Bright
Paul Hess              DEVANG KANTER               lee edwards                  Narcisse Mbunzama            Arjun Adamson
Meena Kadri            Adriana Olmos               Robb Schiller                Leah MacVie                  Cassian Opara
Juheon Lee             arunachalam s               Mark Jensen                  Louis Cyrille MPONDO MBOKA   Elizabeth Franzmann
Sean Jalleh            Christopher Ritter          Sophie Knightley             WL Wong
Richard Bravman        Christian Nicolaj Halsted   Maarten Oonk                 Masaood Yunus
Brooke Farrell         Soud Hyder                  Andrew Gantt                 Shana Fong
Mike Erskine           Andy Shrader                Nathan Waterhouse            Fabiano Gallindo
andy lovegrove         Sachpreet Chandhoke         Larry Cheng                  Diego Rodriguez
Michelle               Alex Pozin                  Min Shin                     Reinhard Ematinger
Samantha Hammar        Bruno Lorenz                Mary Vincent                 Amy Soyka
Rahul Singh            Bruno Pontes                Yakup Sezer                  maria
lukasz krupinski       Matthew Pang                Lauren Todd                  Kristine Tsung
Deirdre Daly           Adam Hueniken               Jie Jin                      Alicia Johnson
Avi Solomon            DrK Greene                  Jeffrey Blydenburgh          PABLO QUINTERO
anjelika deogirikar    Andreänna                  Dominic Michalec             Emma Mudd
James Mason            Justin Kurtz                Sophie Uesson                Sidi Soueina
Kara Pecknold          Anne Ditmeyer               Emily Lovegrove              Tom Bell
Nikola Rupev           Steve Curati                Philipp Schaefer             Sean O’Neill
Julie Ackerman         Jocelyn Wyatt               CHARITY-FOUNDATION GLOBAL-   Sanjay Bajpai
Warren Anthony         Jonathan Yap                FIRM                         Caroline McLaren
Jaime Florentino       Arjan Tupan                 Sina Mossayeb                Thao Vo
daniel sunden          Jackson Ng                  Suzie Wiley                  Nicholas Innes-Taylor
Participants’ Countries
United States          Vietnam          Estonia              Slovakia                 Afghanistan
United Kingdom         Romania          Macedonia [FYROM]    Cambodia                 Maldives
Canada                 Cameroon         Costa Rica           Sri Lanka                Panama
Germany                (not set)        Egypt                Nigeria                  Albania
India                  Ghana            Morocco              Luxembourg               Mongolia
Brazil                 Jordan           Serbia               Bahrain                  Armenia
Australia              Bulgaria         Haiti                Tunisia                  Bolivia
Netherlands            Hungary          Iceland              Ecuador                  Trinidad and Tobago
Italy                  Saudi Arabia     Honduras             Tanzania                 Mauritius
South Korea            Pakistan         Malta                Madagascar               Myanmar [Burma]
Spain                  Croatia          Puerto Rico          Bosnia and Herzegovina   Nepal
Philippines            Lebanon          Dominican Republic   Guatemala                Gambia
France                 Lithuania        Kuwait               Ethiopia                 Cyprus
Singapore              Czech Republic   Uruguay              Kazakhstan               Georgia
Japan                  Kenya            Venezuela            El Salvador              Antigua and Barbuda
Mexico                 Moldova          Senegal              Algeria                  Barbados
Sweden                 Iran             Jamaica              Oman                     Qatar
Denmark                Peru             Bangladesh           Belarus                  Botswana
Poland                 Ukraine          Uganda               Macau                    Aruba
Malaysia                                                                              Nicaragua
Switzerland                                                                           Grenada
Portugal                                                                              Guinea-Bissau
Norway                                                                                New Caledonia
China                                                                                 Libya
Chile                                                                                 Guam
Taiwan                                                                                Bermuda
Thailand                                                                              Swaziland
Finland                                                                               Azerbaijan
United Arab Emirates                                                                  Palestinian Territories
Indonesia                                                                             Saint Lucia
Argentina                                                                             Netherlands Antilles
Hong Kong                                                                             Cayman Islands
Russia                                                                                Djibouti
New Zealand
South Africa
How the Community Voted
  When Bad Things
          Happen              7%         Collaborate, Really!
     Disaster Relief    7%               Public/Private
              4                    34%
 Not the Problem
Empowering Women
                                         With Not For
                                         Open Government
       Who’s Next?
Innovative Education                     Happy At Last
                                         Value Well-Being

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OpenIDEO i20 Presentation 1.13.11

  • 1. 6 Grand Challenges 10,000 People 138 Countries
  • 2. INSPIRATION CONCEPTING EVALUATION WINNING CONCEPTS 584 inspirations 194 concepts 40 evaluation concepts Announced!
  • 3. INSPIRATION CONCEPTING EVALUATION WINNING CONCEPTS 584 inspirations 194 concepts 40 evaluation concepts Announced! CHALLENGE ? We asked what challenge should be addressed.
  • 5. What global challenge do you think innovation leaders should work to solve right now?
  • 6. Show us what’s innovative where you live.
  • 9. 1 With, Not For. Participatory Budgeting (Porto Alegre, Brazil) Contributed by Nicole Skibola Give ordinary residents a role in deciding how to allocate part of a municipal or public budgets.
  • 10. 1 With, Not For. Participatory Budgeting (Porto Alegre, Brazil) Contributed by How might we redesign government for openness? Thao Vo Can we use existing tech to create a more people-centered government? Can we mend the gap between decision-makers and the people with platforms where civic participation is not only encouraged, but is a core principle?
  • 11. 1 The Discussion Arjan Tupan Thao Vo addressing this issue at large. November 26, 2010, 08:31AM November 26, 2010, 09:43AM OpenCorporates just launched today: http:// Hi Thao, We are multi-tasking like crazy! I try my best Thao Vo I think you touched a very important subject. I to read through all the submissions, but they December 08, 2010, 02:32AM also feel there is a growing disconnect between come in at a pretty quick rate. It’s when I miss Hi Christian, I share your concern about digital OpenCorporates is a website and service to officials and the people they represent. And the really really good ones that I go “darn it!”. media, a technology in general, being a tool for help build an open database of the corporate I agree that having more direct communica- the privilege. “Us Now” was a great inspiration world. tion can help. Media, and blogs for that matter, Arjan Tupan nonetheless, because it showed how technol- often have a colored way of reporting, so they November 26, 2010, 11:16AM ogy has connected individuals across the globe. In addition to an open Governement, we could might not be the best intermediates. Don’t worry, there’ll be someone who reminds If you take a look at some of the inspirations extend openness to Corporations. The financial I like to draw your attention to an inspiration you ;) on here, there are examples of non-tech based crisis could have been prevented by connecting I uploaded. It’s in Latvian, but the platform is innovations that still connect people in an open data and having a better understanding of the very interesting. It is an independent place OpenIDEO and collaborative way. Some good examples world we live in. This sites helps to make better where members of parliament have profiles November 26, 2010, 03:02PM are Eric’s “Dynamic Teen Company”: http://t. sense of and where they can interact with the public Great Thao. If you update your post and add co/4ZJhC6I and Nicole’s “Participatory Budget- corporations/companies. directly. all the related inspirations you’ll get more DQ ing”: points. It also helps folks find material related I might need to update this concept to include Meena Kadri to your discussion... and as you say – connects Vincent Cheng corporations and other institutions. November 26, 2010, 08:52AM the dots. December 08, 2010, 08:45PM Good call Thao. Regarding your question “how Well put Thao. Have been away from OpenIdeo Luke Burns do we close the information gap?” An earlier Christian Halsted for a bit, but glad to return and see the idea of December 24, 2010, 05:38PM inspiration comes to mind for starters – Making December 03, 2010, 05:21PM an open and collaborative government gaining Pablo, Policy Public: Most important question Thao! so much steam! I suggested something on line with this yester- I think what’d be most important is to place Thao Vo day: Pablo F. Méndez objective decisions at the core of the system November 26, 2010, 09:28AM Public Sphere, Technology and Media - http:// December 11, 2010, 07:24PM and force subjective decisions more difficult Arjan, I don’t know how I missed your inspira- This is probably one of the biggest challenges to make. And through education, grow this tion about Gudras Galvas; it’s a great example we face, how the very society or local commu- culturally into future generations-- rather than of an open communication platform. I used The Us Now video was very interesting, but nities could take (and be responsible of) their just by law. Google translate, and I found the information it seems that digital media is that it remains own decisions. There is a lot of debate here. on there to be very informative. We could use the preserve of the globally privileged, and it The issue of justice is crucial, what is fair for Whatever the case, education will probably play more platforms like it. Thanks for calling it to seems those who often make most use of it do someone is unfair for anyone else. What is ob- the biggest role. If a redesigned system can my attention. so in the interest of the states and corporations jective and what is subjective? Which is the role get education right, it’s bound to be successful. who employ them. of knowledge (both scientific and traditional) Ultimately, education is what determines the Thanks, Meena. You’re right, many of the Have a nice weekend. on this? Which is the role of risk-aversion? Is future of every citizen and every leader. inspirations on here are solutions; it’s a matter everybody equally equipped with the same of connecting the dots and implementing the CHARITY-FOUNDATION GLOBALFIRM™ skills to tackle uncertainty? Are more power- Luke solutions so they reach far and wide. December 03, 2010, 05:38PM ful people ready for delegating power? Which If you are interested in this, I already designed is the origin and the medicine for corruption? Arjan Tupan that. Is a matter of institutional design, education, November 26, 2010, 09:34AM empathy... Thao, just add up all the numbers of the inspi- OpenIDEO rations phases of the several challenges here, December 04, 2010, 06:44AM Thao Vo and I think you shouldn’t be surprised about Thao – thanks for the update. This will help December 21, 2010, 03:47AM missing one :) show how many inspiring things are already I’m really excited to have discovered this web- going on in this space to give an added push to site, and to share it here on OpenIDEO.
  • 12. 2 Happy At Last. Gallup Poll Contributed by Fred Dust The predominant means of measuring national success is a financial metric. Some countries however have started making a shift from purely monetary means of measuring the health of their nations.
  • 13. 2 Happy At Last. Gallup Poll Contributed by How might we truly measure and value well-being as much as GDP? Vincent Cheng Studies show that GDP growth produces diminishing returns for our life satisfaction and happiness. Other factors, like social relations, health, meaningful work, freedom, etc. become far more important for our overall wellbeing.
  • 14. 2 The Discussion Meena Kadri However, just recognizing and being aware of Great post, Vincent! I agree, we should pursue December 18, 2010, 04:42PM wellbeing as the end goal, can have profound accomplishment in wellbeing as we pursue ac- Great call Vincent! You might be interested impact. As Albert Einstein so eloquently put it, complishment in business, politics, education, to check out the Happy Planet Index by NEF “Not everything that matters can be counted. etc. (a think tank which explores “economics as if Not everything that can be counted matters.” I think we’d find that the pursuit of wellbeing, people and the planet mattered”) as a broad foundation, would exponentially el- Nicholas Masso evate the value, depth and richness of business, December 19, 2010, 05:19PM politics, education, etc. Vincent Cheng Excellent ideas, Vincent. Reading your post December 19, 2010, 02:26AM reminded me of a psychology research method- Kale Thanks for the support and link Meena! I’m a ology used to quantify happiness. Participants December 25, 2010, 09:55AM fan of NEF and their work on the Happy Planet are given wristwatches devices for a week. 8 I applauded and evaluated your concept, and Index...definitely worth a read through. I think times a day, at random times, the watch would I love the humanistic motives, yet I feel like the big challenge is how to integrate such ring and the participant would fill out a short the question your asking has been asked here thoughts, feelings, and actions (I believe who paper survey asking them what they were do- and elsewhere many, many times before only we truly are and are meant to be) into all areas ing, how they were feeling on a scale of 1 to 10, in different ways. My concept certainly covers of our lives. feelings of loneliness/belongingness, etc. Today, the same question, however, poses a solution. I something similar could be done with texting think you’d be very much interested. Nicholas Masso and cellphones to help get a better quantitative December 19, 2010, 03:55AM picture of happiness. Being able to say whether If I could have built on this, I most definitely One of the largest challenges for this concept the average American had an overall happier would have. is metrics. GDP is used partially because it is week would be a powerful tool. easily quantifiable. Vincent Cheng Vincent Cheng December 20, 2010, 06:58PM December 19, 2010, 03:11PM Thanks Nicholas. Your expansion on the psy- Agreed Nicholas. I had a work background in chology research methodology and applying it strategy consulting and academic background to mobiles is a great example of what’s possible in computer science, both where quantifica- in terms of measurement. In fact, here are 2 tion definitely has a lot of power. Metrics is a projects (from Harvard University and London definite challenge, but not insurmountable, as School of Economics) that are doing exactly seen by the measurements that are cropping that: , up in various corners of the world from NEF to the country of Bhutan to recent popularization of various books/research on happiness. For Thao Vo example, in the US, think of the resources going December 21, 2010, 12:30AM into the census. It would definitely be possible Loving the Einstein quote Vincent. How about, to piggyback some questions on wellbeing “How do we foster a “Culture of We” instead of there. Now imagine other avenues where such a “Culture of Me?” information could be collected from the voting polling booths to say phone apps that provide Vincent Cheng personal tracking and tips for increasing hap- December 22, 2010, 02:00AM piness while providing anonymous aggregate Thanks Thao. Yes, “Me to We” is definitely a big statistics for policy makers/researchers. Of part of it! course, these measurements will be a combina- tion of qualitative and quantitative, direction- Andreänna ally meaningful though by no means perfect. December 23, 2010, 04:43AM
  • 15. 3 Who’s Next? Bridge International Academics (Nairobi, Kenya) Contributed by Sandy Speicher Bridge International Academies are low-cost private schools rapidly scaling in africa. They’ve innovated the space with a “School In a Box” model, planning to have 1800 schools under their umbrella by 2015.
  • 16. 3 Who’s Next? Bridge International Academics (Nairobi, Kenya) Contributed by How might we rapidly innovate education to foster the next generation? Adam Hueniken There is a severe lack of design and innovation education throughout many schooling systems. How can we encourage them to provide more opportunities to learn about the power of innovation and design?
  • 17. 3 The Discussion Johan Löfström they have going on there. Really interesting November 24, 2010, 08:15PM and definitely the type of thing I think we need Feel free to add information about a project to see more of. that I wrote about, Innovation plant It is written as comments in an inspiration made by user : Nicole (scroll down to the bottom) global-challenge-that-most-concerns-you- right-now-and-that-global-innovation- leaders-could-begin-to-solve/inspiration/ interdisciplinary-incubators/ PABLO QUINTERO November 29, 2010, 06:17AM Hey man, very good point there and we definitely need everyone to apply creative thinking in every field, the only thing i’d like to add is that i personally believe that even though i agree with you saying that children should be exposed to creative thinking at an early stage, i also believe that Design itself is a profession that people chooses based on their understanding of their skills and prefer- ences, current education programs introduce a variety of subjects in order to give students a broader vision of the world and its complexities and finally giving them the choice to develop an expertise in a particular subject or profes- sion; creative thinking can be applied from any profession and therefore it should be actively encouraged in every subject being taught , but how can we do that in a more effective way that hasn’t been tried out by the educational systems already? Adam Hueniken November 29, 2010, 07:47AM Very good point Pablo. I’m definitely in agree- ment with the thought that design and innova- tion can come from any profession and area. So it’s not only providing more opportunities to design and innovate but to provide them in various different subject areas. Johan that sounds like a wonderful event that
  • 18. 4 Not the Problem. Mahila Milan “women together” (Dharavi Slum, Mumbai) Contributed by Meena Kadri Mahila Milan means “women together” and provides a vehicle for the empowerment of women via leadership roles and advocacy alongside its pivotal daily savings collection.
  • 19. 4 Not the Problem. Mahila Milan “women together” (Dharavi Slum, Mumbai) Contributed by How might we enable and empower women to create lasting change for low income communities? David Griffith There’s a growing recognition in the world that focusing on women and girls is the most effective way to fight global poverty and extremism. Women and girls aren’t the problem; they’re the solution.
  • 20. 4 The Discussion Arjan Tupan December 27, 2010, 09:17AM Important concept. The position of women is fortunately more and more being seen as important all around the world. The rise of Grameen bank and micro financing is a great example of this. Although I really feel this is an important issue, my question is if there is not already so much being done around this issue, that it might be better to take more specific action. For example how to ensure that young girls get equal access to education. Demian Repucci January 03, 2011, 09:25PM David, thanks for this concept. It is a vital issue to be dealt with. Unfortunately made all the more complex by the many and varied contexts within which women and girls are repressed and relegated. If it were simply a matter of edu- cation that would be one thing, but too often it is the environments and societies within which these women live that resist any change to the status quo. No amount of new educational resources will help if the culture in which they are delivered does not see women’s education as valuable and vital also. Positive change for women needs to happen as a change on the larger cultural, societal and religious scale if it is going to have a lasting effect on each woman and girl in that community on an individual level. Therein lies the trick, I think. Great stuff to think about and lots of opportuni- ties. Thanks for putting the concept in there!
  • 21. 5 When Bad Things Happen. Ushahidi Contributed by Meena Kadri, Arjan Tupan, Adriana Olmos Ushahidi means ‘testimony’ in Swahili. It’s now a website used to map violence, disaster response, corruption, sexual harrassment and more in the Congo, Gaza, Chile India, Haiti, Pakistan and beyond.
  • 22. 5 When Bad Things Happen. Ushahidi Contributed by How might we use new (and old) technology to improve disaster relief ? Demian Repucci Is there a better way to coordinate the good will, resources and energy of the global community to more efficiently and effectively bring relief to the victims of disaster?
  • 23. 5 The Discussion Meena Kadri areas of specific need, etc. This could greatly trapped people to text their location and condi- suffer from inertia. Once they are in place it is December 15, 2010, 05:42PM help inform other aid organizations on what tion to the system. Rescue workers monitoring very hard to get families back to their original Nice one Demian. You can add Ushahidi from is needed at the moment and how best their the map generated by the texted data can then homes. So, yes, the more efficient and effec- the Inspiration Phase as a Build Upon post for available resources could be put to use. more efficiently target areas with the most tive a disaster relief effort is, using Ushahidi, this. I’ll let you search for it ;^) but here’s an ar- I could go on and on... but I love it. Thanks trapped people which would enable them to something like it, or a combination of methods, ticle that talks about how it’s assisted disaster again for alerting me to Ushahidi. I actually hopefully save more lives more quickly. the less victims may have to be relocated to management efforts: think that it could be beautifully developed to Thanks again for your comment! refugee camps and face an even more uncer- address my concept on utilizing cell phones to tain future. Sabra Marcroft gather real-time health data in the develop- Sabra Marcroft Thanks again Sabra! December 16, 2010, 04:27AM ing world I will go December 21, 2010, 01:54AM This is a most needed concept Demian. In our there now to tie it in... Another area that this concept will help with is Demian Repucci current human degraded environment with reducing refugee stress in surrounding popula- December 21, 2010, 05:51AM such a quickly growing human population, we daniel sunden tions. Coordination of aid means less people Thao, thanks for your comment! Yes, I need to are bound to have even more disasters in the December 16, 2010, 05:36AM have to be displaced long distances from their spend some more time with Ushahidi to truly future. Coordinating and systematizing disaster Good stuff as always Meena. Thank you! home place, and the demand for food and other understand it but from what I can tell at this relief will enable us to greatly reduce wastage resources doesn’t destabilize the economy of point it looks really great. Definitely very usable of resources and human lives. Meena Kadri host populations as much. for situations I am thinking about. My main December 16, 2010, 11:29AM question that I would like to explore further Demian Repucci Indeed Demian: Ushahidi is used in both those Thao Vo is it’s usefulness on a coordination level from December 16, 2010, 05:23AM ways. One of the things I like about Ushahidi is December 21, 2010, 02:10AM the standpoint of the multitude of incoming Meena! Thanks for the tip! How did I not see that it facilitates P2P, collaborative networks What’s also great about Ushahidi are the many independent relief organizations. Can each Ushahidi?! It is amazing! The story you linked which often work more efficiently than single applications that people have come up with. of them fully utilize Ushahidi to orchestrate to is here: organisations. Frontline SMS and Samasource From violence in Kenya to harassment in Egypt, their movements with those of all the other aid techtonic-shifts/2010/03/03/ushahidi-technol- have also been doing good work along these and Sabra’s idea about using it to stabilize the groups to maximize efficiency and effective- ogy-saves-lives-in-haiti-and-chile.html# in case lines at sites of disaster. I feel that innovation economy of nations – these are just a few of ness, responding to the information they are anyone missed it. Ushahidi’s use and adaptation for disaster relief needs to include acknowl- the creative applications and the possibilities receiving from on the ground? But from what I to the earthquake situation in Haiti was really edgment of the power and opportunity in P2P are endless. Ushahidi is a mashup of all things can tell so far, this capability is either available great. I am sure I do not understand completely networks – both digital and otherwise. great: mobile phones and SMS, web and social already or easily developed within the Ushahidi how it was utilized but I think it would be great media, crowdsourcing and peer-to-peer, etc. framework. Very cool. if it could be used in both directions. From one Demian Repucci Yes, I’m a big fan! Thanks again Thao! perspective, victims could use it to report their December 16, 2010, 01:44PM medical need, location, an emergency, etc. so Sabra, thanks for the comment! Yes, the Demian Repucci Kale that a working map of situational need could increasing global population does bring with December 21, 2010, 05:45AM December 25, 2010, 09:51AM be established and monitored. But also from it more more dangers and challenges. The Sabra, great point! Displacement and refugee I applauded and evaluated your concept. While the other side Ushahidi could be utilized by world’s urban centers are much more popu- camps are a very serious problem. Not only it’s a compelling issue, I feel that a humane incoming aid organizations and rescue work- lated, and densely populated at that, than ever do neighboring countries such as Pakistan in global system of technology and resources ers to notify other aid organizations of their before. And with large portions of those urban relation to Afghanistan and Kenya and Ethiopia would quickly solve it. contributions and capabilities. Aid organiza- populations living in substandard housing, in relation to Somalia feel the burden of thou- tions could post the supplies, food, equipment, many people are left more vulnerable than sands of refugees flooding across their borders If I could have built on this, I would have. etc. that they have brought in. They could also they should be. I agree with you that a more but also the sad fact that refugee camps are give information on their location, the person- efficient system of disaster response will have quick to succumb to the spread of disease, Meena Kadri nel they have on their team, their mobility, direct impact on the lives of the victims. As we crime, rape, etc. Right now Haiti is suffering January 01, 2011, 04:43PM established nodes of distribution, any immedi- saw in Haiti, the survival of people trapped in from the outbreak of cholera And this is almost Demian – thought you might be interested that ate need in their current location, etc., etc. All the rubble of collapsed buildings was utterly a year after the earthquake that devastated Ushahidi has even been used in your own NYC of this information from every aid group could dependent on how quickly relief workers could that country. Which brings up another grim this winter! – to deal with snow via social col- be aggregated to form a continually updating be mobilized and get to them. One thing I like fact in that on top of all the suffering that laboration: map of relief work being done, current clear very much about the Ushahidi system that the victims of whatever disaster have already lines of transportation, points of distribution, Meena brought to my attention, is the ability of gone through, refugee camps tend to also
  • 24. 6 Collaborate, Really! United Health Group created Diabetes Prevention & Control Alliance (partnership between YMCA, USA & Walgreens) (Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.) Contributed by Patrice Martin UCSF and Pfizer have collaborated to create the Global Center for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) — an open network of information, technology platforms, and scientists with goals to share and collaborate upon research.
  • 25. 6 Collaborate, Really! United Health Group created Diabetes Prevention & Control Alliance (partnership between YMCA, USA & Walgreens) (Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.) Contributed by How might we create serious public / private partnerships for the right problem? Meena Kadri Communities become resilient from within. Some of the best ideas for improving them can best be conceptualised by the community itself. How can we support processes which provide collaboration and creative thinking within?
  • 26. 6 The Discussion Demian Repucci receiving from on the ground? But from what I Another area that this concept will help with is daniel sunden January 03, 2011, 04:03AM can tell so far, this capability is either available reducing refugee stress in surrounding popula- December 16, 2010, 05:36AM Meena! Thanks for the heads up and the link! already or easily developed within the Ushahidi tions. Coordination of aid means less people Good stuff as always Meena. Thank you! How funny! It seems the city got caught on framework. Very cool. have to be displaced long distances from their it’s heels by the snow storm and left lots of Thanks again Thao! home place, and the demand for food and other Demian Repucci neighborhoods unplowed. So people started resources doesn’t destabilize the economy of December 16, 2010, 05:23AM shoveling each other out. Almost all of the Demian Repucci host populations as much. Meena! Thanks for the tip! How did I not see 20 inches of snow has melted already but it December 21, 2010, 05:45AM Ushahidi?! It is amazing! The story you linked caused an uproar while it lasted. The mayor Sabra, great point! Displacement and refugee Demian Repucci to is here: had to publicly apologize for not getting all of camps are a very serious problem. Not only December 16, 2010, 01:44PM techtonic-shifts/2010/03/03/ushahidi-technol- New York’s streets plowed right away. do neighboring countries such as Pakistan in Sabra, thanks for the comment! Yes, the ogy-saves-lives-in-haiti-and-chile.html# in case Definitely not as life threatening as something relation to Afghanistan and Kenya and Ethiopia increasing global population does bring with anyone missed it. Ushahidi’s use and adaptation like the Haiti earthquake but it shows how in relation to Somalia feel the burden of thou- it more more dangers and challenges. The to the earthquake situation in Haiti was really adaptable Ushahidi is. sands of refugees flooding across their borders world’s urban centers are much more popu- great. I am sure I do not understand completely Thanks again! but also the sad fact that refugee camps are lated, and densely populated at that, than ever how it was utilized but I think it would be great And Happy New Year! quick to succumb to the spread of disease, before. And with large portions of those urban if it could be used in both directions. From one crime, rape, etc. Right now Haiti is suffering populations living in substandard housing, perspective, victims could use it to report their Meena Kadri from the outbreak of cholera And this is almost many people are left more vulnerable than medical need, location, an emergency, etc. so January 01, 2011, 04:43PM a year after the earthquake that devastated they should be. I agree with you that a more that a working map of situational need could Demian – thought you might be interested that that country. Which brings up another grim efficient system of disaster response will have be established and monitored. But also from Ushahidi has even been used in your own NYC fact in that on top of all the suffering that direct impact on the lives of the victims. As we the other side Ushahidi could be utilized by this winter! – to deal with snow via social col- the victims of whatever disaster have already saw in Haiti, the survival of people trapped in incoming aid organizations and rescue work- laboration: gone through, refugee camps tend to also the rubble of collapsed buildings was utterly ers to notify other aid organizations of their suffer from inertia. Once they are in place it is dependent on how quickly relief workers could contributions and capabilities. Aid organiza- Kale very hard to get families back to their original be mobilized and get to them. One thing I like tions could post the supplies, food, equipment, December 25, 2010, 09:51AM homes. So, yes, the more efficient and effec- very much about the Ushahidi system that etc. that they have brought in. They could also I applauded and evaluated your concept. While tive a disaster relief effort is, using Ushahidi, Meena brought to my attention, is the ability of give information on their location, the person- it’s a compelling issue, I feel that a humane something like it, or a combination of methods, trapped people to text their location and condi- nel they have on their team, their mobility, global system of technology and resources the less victims may have to be relocated to tion to the system. Rescue workers monitoring established nodes of distribution, any immedi- would quickly solve it. refugee camps and face an even more uncer- the map generated by the texted data can then ate need in their current location, etc., etc. All tain future. more efficiently target areas with the most of this information from every aid group could If I could have built on this, I would have. Thanks again Sabra! trapped people which would enable them to be aggregated to form a continually updating hopefully save more lives more quickly. map of relief work being done, current clear Demian Repucci Thao Vo Thanks again for your comment! lines of transportation, points of distribution, December 21, 2010, 05:51AM December 21, 2010, 02:10AM areas of specific need, etc. This could greatly Thao, thanks for your comment! Yes, I need to What’s also great about Ushahidi are the many Meena Kadri help inform other aid organizations on what spend some more time with Ushahidi to truly applications that people have come up with. December 16, 2010, 11:29AM is needed at the moment and how best their understand it but from what I can tell at this From violence in Kenya to harassment in Egypt, Indeed Demian: Ushahidi is used in both those available resources could be put to use. point it looks really great. Definitely very usable and Sabra’s idea about using it to stabilize the ways. One of the things I like about Ushahidi is I could go on and on... but I love it. Thanks for situations I am thinking about. My main economy of nations – these are just a few of that it facilitates P2P, collaborative networks again for alerting me to Ushahidi. I actually question that I would like to explore further the creative applications and the possibilities which often work more efficiently than single think that it could be beautifully developed to is it’s usefulness on a coordination level from are endless. Ushahidi is a mashup of all things organisations. Frontline SMS and Samasource address my concept on utilizing cell phones to the standpoint of the multitude of incoming great: mobile phones and SMS, web and social have also been doing good work along these gather real-time health data in the develop- independent relief organizations. Can each media, crowdsourcing and peer-to-peer, etc. lines at sites of disaster. I feel that innovation ing world I will go of them fully utilize Ushahidi to orchestrate Yes, I’m a big fan! for disaster relief needs to include acknowl- there now to tie it in... their movements with those of all the other aid edgment of the power and opportunity in P2P groups to maximize efficiency and effective- Sabra Marcroft networks – both digital and otherwise. ness, responding to the information they are December 21, 2010, 01:54AM
  • 27. Participants Tanja Aitamurto Eddie Sun Varun Rai Seth Nicole Skibola Peter Borenstein Navneet Chaudhary Jay Cousins Giordano Miani Ben Smith clayton lewis Joy Vincent Cheng Christina Eliason Rich Cox Zeb Dropkin Ben Jan Bartscht Robbert Geelen Morey Bean, AIA, LEED AP Orna M. Nemcova Andrea Wiholm zuhre ayse erdogan Brennan Letkeman Voamay Anna Pippus Bonnie Bonnie Cooper Clark Patrick James McBennett James Nyika Philip de los Reyes Aditya Pradhan Sabra Marcroft Christine Hendrickson Kristin Kale Tom Miller kaoutar bouseffour Er-rady Matthew P Luke Burns Adriana Peon Demian Repucci Kyle Hawke Stephane Martel Pedro Grawunder Valerie Villarreal Pablo F. M√©ndez Jacqueline Gallier Nicholas Masso Chris Mudd Dafeng Guo Michael Stenclik INNO Dane Murray Jack Zhao sonali nigam Ramanand J Ben Morgan Paul Bennett Arturo San Vicente Eric Villarama Pier Paolo Comida steve f Rebekah Ingall Isabelle Duston Will Koehler Nefaur Khandker Johan L√∂fstr√∂m Bonnie Shaw Rob Close Peter Kelly John Mayerhofer Emily Wiseman Lena Lindsey Zouein Sergio Gomes David Haddad Caroline Sherry Ren√© Churquina simon weir Ashley Jablow Tabata Tomohira Barry Shaman Dan Northover Mike Mitchell Reinette Kortenhorst suzanne howard Samantha Morshed Chloe L Satoshi Iritani John Flower Rachel Murray Kutlu Kazanci Danny Robins sadek zefizef Andrew Hsu Jorge Lopera Guillermo Venegas Krishna Somisetty FRANCISCO GOMEZ Nadia Tuma Jeremy Innes-Hopkins Meriel Taylor Sydney Malawer Julian Dennis Victoria Pino Claudia Gardu√±o Garc√≠a andrea schneider Jorge Eduardo Alba Kate M Luis E. Flores G. Pradeep Suthram Jeremy Side Mikael Fuhr Matt Currie Brian Stanley Brandon Lee David Griffith Diego Fernandez Kanika Gupta Stefan Schmidt Aaron W. Alexandra Grimmius Kyle Baptista Simon Carstensen Zo√´ Eisenberg Pedram Vaghefinazari Mike Brunt Liz Kramer Amy Bright Paul Hess DEVANG KANTER lee edwards Narcisse Mbunzama Arjun Adamson Meena Kadri Adriana Olmos Robb Schiller Leah MacVie Cassian Opara Juheon Lee arunachalam s Mark Jensen Louis Cyrille MPONDO MBOKA Elizabeth Franzmann Sean Jalleh Christopher Ritter Sophie Knightley WL Wong Richard Bravman Christian Nicolaj Halsted Maarten Oonk Masaood Yunus Brooke Farrell Soud Hyder Andrew Gantt Shana Fong Mike Erskine Andy Shrader Nathan Waterhouse Fabiano Gallindo andy lovegrove Sachpreet Chandhoke Larry Cheng Diego Rodriguez Michelle Alex Pozin Min Shin Reinhard Ematinger Samantha Hammar Bruno Lorenz Mary Vincent Amy Soyka Rahul Singh Bruno Pontes Yakup Sezer maria lukasz krupinski Matthew Pang Lauren Todd Kristine Tsung Deirdre Daly Adam Hueniken Jie Jin Alicia Johnson Avi Solomon DrK Greene Jeffrey Blydenburgh PABLO QUINTERO anjelika deogirikar Andre√§nna Dominic Michalec Emma Mudd James Mason Justin Kurtz Sophie Uesson Sidi Soueina Kara Pecknold Anne Ditmeyer Emily Lovegrove Tom Bell Nikola Rupev Steve Curati Philipp Schaefer Sean O’Neill Julie Ackerman Jocelyn Wyatt CHARITY-FOUNDATION GLOBAL- Sanjay Bajpai Warren Anthony Jonathan Yap FIRM Caroline McLaren Jaime Florentino Arjan Tupan Sina Mossayeb Thao Vo daniel sunden Jackson Ng Suzie Wiley Nicholas Innes-Taylor
  • 28. Participants’ Countries United States Vietnam Estonia Slovakia Afghanistan United Kingdom Romania Macedonia [FYROM] Cambodia Maldives Canada Cameroon Costa Rica Sri Lanka Panama Germany (not set) Egypt Nigeria Albania India Ghana Morocco Luxembourg Mongolia Brazil Jordan Serbia Bahrain Armenia Australia Bulgaria Haiti Tunisia Bolivia Netherlands Hungary Iceland Ecuador Trinidad and Tobago Italy Saudi Arabia Honduras Tanzania Mauritius South Korea Pakistan Malta Madagascar Myanmar [Burma] Spain Croatia Puerto Rico Bosnia and Herzegovina Nepal Philippines Lebanon Dominican Republic Guatemala Gambia France Lithuania Kuwait Ethiopia Cyprus Singapore Czech Republic Uruguay Kazakhstan Georgia Japan Kenya Venezuela El Salvador Antigua and Barbuda Mexico Moldova Senegal Algeria Barbados Sweden Iran Jamaica Oman Qatar Denmark Peru Bangladesh Belarus Botswana Poland Ukraine Uganda Macau Aruba Malaysia Nicaragua Switzerland Grenada Portugal Guinea-Bissau Norway New Caledonia China Libya Chile Guam Taiwan Bermuda Thailand Swaziland Finland Azerbaijan United Arab Emirates Palestinian Territories Indonesia Saint Lucia Argentina Netherlands Antilles Hong Kong Cayman Islands Russia Djibouti Turkey New Zealand Slovenia Greece Austria Belgium Colombia Ireland Latvia Israel South Africa
  • 29. How the Community Voted 5 6 When Bad Things Happen 7% Collaborate, Really! Disaster Relief 7% Public/Private Partnerships 4 34% 9% Not the Problem Empowering Women 1 With Not For Open Government 30% 14% 3 2 Who’s Next? Innovative Education Happy At Last Value Well-Being