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The Role of DNS in Botnet Command and Control (C&C)
                           DNS is powerful, ubiquitous and yet ignored by most organizations. Today, cybercriminals rely on DNS
                           for rallying infected devices to join a botnet and to mitigate takedowns by authorities. In 2011,
                           cybercriminals started covertly tunneling botnet communications over DNS traffic to mitigate
                           detection by security solutions, despite security researchers widely publishing this threat in 2004!
QUESTION: What do you know about                                                                                                                                                                                      ANSWER: Analyze logs... RESULT: Post-damage forensics
• Are any devices outside your network trying to resolve Stored on:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Locates infected devices delegated to be
  such domain hostnames through your network?            • DNS servers,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     proxies or name servers for botnet C&C.
• Are any devices within your network trying to          • Web servers, or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Locates infected devices attempting to tunnel
  resolve hostnames to that domain?                      • Firewalls.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     botnet C&C communications over DNS.

If you cannot answer the above questions, either because you                                                                                                                                                                                 build botnets to bypass firewall filters or Web proxies.3 Ethical
don’t keep these logs, they’re not readily available, or you                                                                                                                                                                                 hackers have constructed a reverse shellcode exploit that could
wouldn’t know how to analyze them, you’re likely blind to                                                                                                                                                                                    provide cybercriminals VPN and remote access into an insecure
infected devices that have compromised your network by                                                                                                                                                                                       network using valid DNS syntax to avoid detection.4 Furthermore,
performing these botnet command and control (C&C) activities.                                                                                                                                                                                with the future adoptions of DKIM, IPv6 and other extensions to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the basic DNS protocol, big and complex packets within DNS
Botnet’s principal single point of failure and beacon to security
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             traffic will become more common. Thereby assisting DNS-based
researchers is its Internet-wide C&C architecture. From 2007-8,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             botnet C&C communications to more easily and efficiently blend
cybercriminals began building distributed or hybrid C&C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in since it’ll appear normal in DNS query streams (see page 2).
topologies leveraging more advanced DNS-based C&C rallying
mechanisms, such as third-party dynamic or its own distributed                                                                                                                                                                               In the arms race between cybercriminal organizations and the
DNS services, to enable C&C communications to be redirected                                                                                                                                                                                  security community, C&C techniques have become so robust,
through its own distributed proxy service. Infected devices within                                                                                                                                                                           stealth and mobile that botnets are ubiquitous in both home and
insecure home or business networks host these services. DNS is                                                                                                                                                                               business networks despite so-called “next generation” security
used to add robustness and mobility to remove single points of                                                                                                                                                                               solutions’ best attempts to prevent all malware. The “defense-
failure within the architecture and provide anonymity for the                                                                                                                                                                                in-depth” strategy needs to migrate from adding prevention
cybercriminals running botnet C&C servers (see page 2). Fluxing                                                                                                                                                                              layers, to adding containment layers. DNS traffic is often
domain names and/or the IP addresses in DNS records used by                                                                                                                                                                                  examined after security incidents; for example, Google
botnets makes them more difficult for the security community to                                                                                                                                                                              discovered the advanced and persistent “Aurora” botnet that
take down or over.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           breached its network by analyzing DNS logs after damage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             occurred. The most costly damage is no longer the lost time for
Today, most botnets rely on a mix of P2P-, HTTP- or IRC-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             IT to remediate infected devices, but the stolen data enclosing
protocols to communicate between bots and/or C&C servers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sensitive company or personal info for legal and regulatory
However, in late 2011, security researchers began publishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             bodies to resolve.
papers and blogs on botnets, such as “Morto”, “Feederbot” and
“Katusha/Timestamper”, using a covert C&C communication
method known as DNS tunneling to add stealth.1 DNS tunneling                                                                                                                                                                                                             “DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH” STRATEGY MIGRATION
is not new; it existed since 1998 and the first implementation                                                                                                                                                                                                      DETECT MALWARE                                                                                                          PREVENT MALWARE                                                                     CONTAIN BOTNETS
published by Slashdot in 2000. In 2004, Dan Kaminsky widely
presented his implementation to tunnel arbitrary data over DNS
to the security community, but lost their short-term attention as
other exploited DNS vulnerabilities, such as DNS cache                                                                                                                                                                                                         INFECTED DEVICE /                                                                                                           UNINFECTED DEVICE                                                                    INFECTED DEVICE /
poisoning, became more prevalent. 2 Today, many popular DNS                                                                                                                                                                                                   INSECURE NETWORK                                                                                                             / SECURE NETWORK                                                                      SECURE NETWORK
tunnels exist that are readily available for cybercriminals to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,,,,,                                                                                                                                           ,,,
2                                                                                                                                                                                                        4
                                                                                                    1st prototype fully          1st successful P2P-based botnets

         Evolution of Botnet C&C                                                                    P2P-based botnet
                                                                                                           1st HTTP-
                                                                                                                                        1st hybrid P2P/HTTP-based botnets
                                                                                                                               1st Web site/service-
                                                                                                           based botnets                                             Web Services
                                                                                                                               based botnets                         seed domain
                                                                       1stIRC-       IRC       Domain
                                IRC-based       IRC-based              based         botnets flux                        Bots change host DNS settings               flux crypto
                                benign bot      malicious bot          botnet        pervasive                                          IP flux (double)
                                                                                               DNS tunneling                                                  1st fully DNS-
                                                                DNS tunneling developed        for cybercrime                    IP flux (single)             based botnets
                                                          P2P !! !! !! !! "! "! "! "! #!
                                                                                      #! #! #!                                                                #!     #!      #!
                                                 HTTP $! $! $! $! $! $! !! !! #! #! #! #!
                                                                                      #! #! #!                                                                #!     #!      #!
                    IRC $! !! !! !! !! "! "! "! "! "! "! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #!                                                                  #!     #!      #!
       DNS $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! !! !! !! !! !! !! "! "! "! "! "! "! "!                                                                #!     #!      #!
                     MALWARE (VIRUS, WORMS, TROJANS, ETC.)                                INFECTED DEVICES ARE CONNECTED                                      BOTNETS ARE
                        INFECTING DEVICES ARE ISOLATED                                TO FORM ROBOT NETWORKS (AKA. BOTNETS)                                    UBIQITIOUS
















                                                    DISTRIBUTED C&C TOPOLOGY

                                                                                                                  HYBRID C&C TOPOLOGY*

              DYNAMIC &                                                                                                            (*one example)
            DNS SERVICES
                     DNS TRAFFIC             HTTP TRAFFIC
                     REDIRECTED               REDIRECTED                                 DNS-BASED C&C COMMUNICATION
                                   can be                                             HELPS AVOID DETECTION BY BLENDING IN
                                  same bot
            ns1.cnc.tld ns2.cnc.tld     
               QUERY:                           QUERY:
             flux.cnc.tld RESPONSE:            HTTP GET RESPONSE:                                       ONLY      ALLOW                   BASIC
                                           C&C                                      PORT 80/443 PORT 53                RESOLVERS
                                       RESPONSE:                                                                                        NO SINKHOLE
                                                                                      NO PROXY          NO FILTER

                                        QUERY:                                                        QUERY:                QUERY:             QUERY:
                                     flux.cnc.tld                            LEAK DATA =              where is              where is           where is       11010 + 01010
                                                                         11010 + 01010                00110.                01010.             11010.           + … 00110
                  flux.cnc.tld                    DISTRIBUTED              + … 00110                  cnc.tld?              cnc.tld?           cnc.tld?       = DATA STOLEN
               REFERRER:                          PROXY                 01110 + 11011               RESPONSE: RESPONSE:                    RESPONSE:           COMMAND =
               ns1.cnc.tld                       SERVICES                 + … 11100                   00110.     01010.                      11010.           01110 + 11011
                                                                             = CONTROL               cnc.tld is cnc.tld is                  cnc.tld is          + … 11100
                                                                                                     at 01110   at 11011                    at 11100

                                                                         DNS TUNNELING FOR COVERT C&C COMMUNICATIONS

The Past, Present and Future of Significant Botnet C&C Techniques

       C&C Attributes            Past                                       Present                       Future
                                 Centralized topology                       Distributed or hybrid topology using
                                 using static IP lists                      domain flux and/or IP flux (via DNS records)
        > Static Lists           IP addresses                               Domain names and/or IP addresses
                                                                            Dynamic content hidden on popular websites (e.g.
        > Domain Flux > Seeding Predictable timestamp                       Twitter trends) that can be customized in do-it-
                                                                            yourself kits
        > Domain Flux > Crypto   Static                                     Frequently changing
        > Domain Flux > Names    Random characters                          Dictionary word combinations
        > Domain Flux > Volume Hundreds of domains                          Tens of thousands of domains
                                 Single flux networks changing A            Double flux networks changing both A and NS
        > IP Flux > Records      resource records (first seen in the        resource records (first seen in the Asprov botnet in
                                 Storm/Peacomm botnets in 2007)             2008)
                                 Existing dynamic DNS services or
                                                                            As dynamic DNS services are taking a more
                                 “personalized” third-level domain (3LD)
                                                                            aggressive stance against botnet abuse, and
                                 services. Alternatively, custom DNS
                                                                            governments are cooperating quicker with the
                                 servers on bulletproof hosts, which
                                                                            security community, cybercriminals are building their
        > IP Flux > Service      allows a cybercriminal to bypass the
                                                                            own distributed DNS services using multiple
                                 laws or contractual terms of service
                                                                            compromised hosts. Often these are initially
                                 regulating Internet content and service
                                                                            bootstrapped via custom DNS servers on bulletproof
                                 use in its country of operation and are
                                 unlikely to cooperate with authorities.
                                                                            Distributed or hybrid         Hybrid topology with
                                 Centralized topology using
COMMUNICATION                                                               topology using P2P-and/or     protocol tunneling such
                                 IRC- or HTTP-based protocols
                                                                            HTTP-based protocols          as DNS traffic
        > IRC > Client           Common IRC client                          Cybercriminal’s custom IRC client
                                 Paid do-it-yourself malware exploit kits   Paid or open-source do-it-yourself botnet kits
        > HTTP > DIY Kits
                                 (e.g. Mpack, ICEPack, Fiesta)              (e.g. Zeus, SpyEye, TDSS)
        > HTTP > Protocol        Unencrypted                                Encrypted
                                                                            Public Web 2.0 services (e.g. Amazon Elastic
        > HTTP > Hosts           Privately owned Web servers                Compute Cloud, Google App Engine) and social
                                                                            network sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google Groups)
                                 Non-standard port numbers used by P2P standard ports numbers used by common encrypted
        > P2P > Port
                                 protocols                             protocols (e.g. SSH, HTTPS)
        > P2P > Protocol         Unauthenticated                            Authenticated
        > P2P > Discovery        Centralized in cache servers               Distribute hashed tables across the network
                                                                                                          Trickled, non-
                                                                            Phone home, data              consecutive DNS
        > DNS                    Not used                                   exfiltration and/or bot       queries over long time
                                                                            instructions                  periods to further
                                                                                                          mitigate detection

The rallying mechanism enables new bots to locate its peers      IP Flux
or the C&C servers and join the botnet. While rallying can       Modern botnets primarily use one or more hard-coded
also be related to botnet recruitment and propagation, the       domain names for DNS servers to resolve to many different IP
following mechanisms are only for the purposes of                addresses over a short span of time. This technique is also
networking the bots.                                             widely known as “Fast Flux” Service Networks (FFSN) as it’s
If the security community is 100% successful in shutting         also associated with spam and phishing attacks. However,
down or hijacking the rallying mechanisms, the botnet falls      the term “IP Flux” best describes the result of rapidly
apart into a benign collection of discrete, unorganized          changing the location (i.e. IP address) to which the domain
infections. However, if even a few C&C servers remain alive,     name of an Internet host (A) or authoritative name server
the botnet can adapt and reconfigure itself to be undetected     (NS) resolves, caused by rapid and repeated changes to DNS
or protected behind the virtual walls of international           records using very low time-to-live (TTL) cache settings.
jurisdiction. Several movie analogies come to mind such as       Relative to using IP lists, taking down malicious DNS records
Terminator’s shape-shifting T-1000 series cyborg or Star         is often more difficult than compromised IP addresses
Trek’s Borg collective; both these entities are very resilient   because many records can be established for the same or
unless the entire control mechanism is eliminated. Today,        many IP addresses.
botnets use a hybrid of up to all three of the following         These locations are actually a network of compromised hosts
techniques, where one may initiate the rallying, one             that act as front-end nodes to proxy DNS and C&C
maintains the rallying, and another backs up the rallying if     communication protocols to a group of backend C&C servers,
the other one or two are disrupted.                              commonly referred to as a “fast flux mothership” (see page
                                                                 2). This second layer of abstraction further increases
Static Lists                                                     anonymity, security, high availability and load balancing of
Early botnets primarily used hardcoded static lists of IP        the botnet. It makes it nearly impossible to filter only by IP
addresses or domain names. However, many firewalls can           address, ASNs or geo-location and adds resiliency to
add an optional feed of known bad IP addresses to help           takedown attempts as it shifts the centralizing agent of
mitigate this legacy technique and it is often not agile         control from the C&C servers to the distributed DNS
enough for today’s large botnet operations. While some           architecture. In many ways the idea is comparable to Content
compromised hosts will initially rely on static IPs to           Delivery Networks (CDN). It has evolved and advanced since
bootstrap communications with the botnet, they then switch       the The Honeynet Project Research Alliance first discovered
to one of the following, more robust methods. For added          its use.
mobility, cybercriminals used domain names with round-           The evolution for cybercriminals to use their own
robin/multi-homing techniques to associate multiple IP           authoritative name servers has added greater robustness
addresses with a single DNS record or dynamic DNS services,      and mobility to IP Flux, and makes successful takedown more
but not abusing them via IP flux, which is described next.       difficult for the security community. Alternatively, if the
                                                                 compromised devices are redirected to the cybercriminals
Domain Flux                                                      own recursive DNS servers, bots are able to resolve domain
The botnet uses cryptographically generated domain names         names to different IP addresses relative to the rest of the
by a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), which makes it           Internet, so for example, if a security researcher or other
more difficult for static reputation systems to maintain an      network device tries to access the domain, it may appear to
accurate list of all possible C&C domains or for the security    not exist. Also, it allows the bot to resolve well-known domain
community to attempt to hijack the domain. Many                  names (e.g. to C&C servers.
cybercriminals register only a few of the possible generated
domains at a time using dynamic DNS services. In limited
recent cases such as the “Android bot”, URL Flux has been
used, which is similar to domain flux in that the bot uses a
list of usernames generated by a Username Generation
Algorithm (UGA) from which it selects a username to visit on
a Web 2.0 site.
Once the bots have joined the botnet, they regularly maintain          the century, many first-generation cybercriminals were very
communications to receive new commands, send back data                 familiar with IRC as a simple, synchronized and scalable
to the C&C servers, such as sensitive company or personal              means to chat between thousands of hosts so it was natural
information, or learn how to adapt itself in response to the           evolution to utilize it for the first C&C communications in
security community’s efforts to disrupt or take down its               1999. Despite the advent of instant-messaging (IM)
operations. There are advantages and disadvantages as the              protocols such as ICQ, AIM, and MSN Messenger that gained
following table explains.                                              popularity over IRC for the masses, many “old school”
                                                                       networking and security professionals still use IRC. In fact,
       Evolution          Past            Present
                                                                       the original C&C functionality of three evolved IRC-based bot
                                          Distributed or hybrid, yet   families – Agobot, SDBot, and GTBot – still constitute a large
       Topology           Centralized
                                          many are still centralized   percent of today’s botnet infections especially since some of
       Protocols          IRC or HTTP     P2P                          the source code was published by its author, with occasional
       Setup              Easy            Hard                         infections by variants of the DSNX, Q8, kaiten, and Perlbot
       Detection          Easy            Hard                         IRC-based families. While almost the same in principal to
                                                                       IRC, there have been only a few botnets based on IM
       Communication Small delays         Small to medium delays       protocols due to the difficulty of creating individual IM
       Resiliency         Bad             Good                         accounts for each bot.
       Anonymity          Bad             Good
                                                                       Centralized Communications via HTTP-based Protocols
Based on the communication topology, different push and
                                                                       However, as the security community adapted to use network
pull control mechanisms will be used together with the
                                                                       firewalls to block seldom used or unnecessary ports at the
communication protocol. Also, command authentication can
                                                                       Internet gateway, cybercriminals realized that a more
be added to the communication protocol such as passwords
                                                                       ubiquitous C&C protocol was needed to blend in with normal
or encryption certificates to help mitigate outsiders taking
                                                                       user traffic. Ports 80 and 443 used for unencrypted and
command over the botnet from the cybercriminals; especially
                                                                       encrypted Web traffic over HTTP/S is almost universally
with P2P-based protocols.
                                                                       allowed through firewalls, and a few GET and POST requests
       Direction /                                                     used for C&C can easily be lost amongst the exponentially
       Topology Centralized                        Distributed
                                                                       growing volume of legitimate Web traffic. HTTP-based
                                                   DDoS & spam         botnets greatly accelerated with advances in do-it-yourself
       Push         IRC-based protocols
                                                   attacks             kits developed mainly by professional Russian cybercriminals
                    HTTP-based protocols, IP Flux P2P-based            to aspiring amateur cybercriminals, and in mid-2011 several
       Pull                                                            botnet kits were leaked. Recently, public or social Web
                    rallying mechanisms           protocols
                                                                       services have been gaining popularity as C&C hosts via
                                                                       obfuscated commands due to their added anonymity,
Centralized Topologies
                                                                       openness and scalability. However, the security research
All early botnets and still the majority of botnets today use          community can also leverage this openness to quickly shut
centralized topologies via HTTP-based, IRC-based or other              such botnets down. IDS/IPS solutions can often detect
protocols because they are easier to setup and ensure that             suspicious URI strings or nonstandard HTTP headers (e.g.
new commands are disseminated to large botnet populations              Entity-Info, Magic-Number) used by botnets (e.g. Bredolab).
quickly. However, centralized C&C servers are easier to
detect and become a single point of failure for the botnet             Centralized Communications via Other Protocols
(see page 2).
                                                                       FTP isn‘t commonly seen in the wild; however, several
                                                                       phishing or banking Trojan horses regularly drops off stolen
Centralized Communications via IRC-based Protocols
                                                                       data to FTP servers. Some botnets use custom UDP-only
Only one year after the IRC protocol was invented in 1988              protocols, which while easily blocked by business networks,
programmers created the first bots to enable chat room (aka.           often are able to bypass misconfigured firewalls.
channel) operators to log in, ensure the channel remained
open, and to give them non-malicious control. At the turn of
Distributed Topologies (via P2P-based protocols)                  Hybrid Topologies
Peer-to-peer (P2P) communications were created to                 Advanced hybrid, hierarchal C&C architectures combine the
distribute file sharing (e.g. MP3s) amongst large                 stealth from a few centralized C&C servers and robustness
populations. From 1999 to 2003, P2P topologies and                from distributed peers to prevent take down. For example,
protocols quickly evolved to add robustness, stealth and          one group of bots act as servants since they behave as both
mobility from the recording industry’s and ISP’s attempts to      clients and servers, which have static, non-private IP
disrupt communications and/or prosecute guilty individuals;       addresses and is accessible from the global Internet. The
exactly what cybercriminals also seek for their botnet C&C        second group of bots only act as clients since they don’t
communications. Using structured P2P communications as a          accept incoming connections. The second group contains the
C&C topology was first envisioned as early as 2000, but the       remaining bots, including: (1) bots with dynamic IP
first botnets to use it appeared in 2003, the security research   addresses; (2) private IP addresses; or (3) bots behind
community began to publish its use in 2005, and it wasn’t         firewalls such that they cannot be connected from the global
until 2006 that they achieved some limited success. The bots      Internet. Only servant bots are candidates in peer lists.
are able to loosely communicate amongst its peers using the       Another example, is the Hierarchical Kademlia bot, which
same or similar non-RFC TCP, UDP (used to bypass NAT              extends the base Kademlia bot. Each level in the hierarchy
situations) or encrypted ICMP protocols as many file sharing      consists of a set of clusters or islands of bots. These clusters
clients (see page 2). This topology offers the botnet better      use Kademlia for intra-cluster communication. Each cluster
anonymity and resiliency without any single points of failure     has a super peer that is responsible for communicating with
at the expense of higher setup overhead and communication         other super peers in the next level up in the hierarchy. The
latency. However, since the knowledge about participating         super peers thus facilitate inter-cluster communication (see
peers is distributed throughout the botnet itself, which gives    page 2).
the security research community equal access to this
information, cybercriminals evolved the standard P2P
protocols to include proprietary authentications.
A future evolution for P2P-based botnet C&C would be to
blend in with common encrypted P2P protocol traffic
ubiquitously within business networks. Fortunately, only one
protocol really exists today; Skype. Despite known malware
instances using Skype plugins and its API, to the best of the
security community’s knowledge, Skype-based botnets are
still exclusively theoretical. In 2005, researchers presented
an extremely distributed C&C topology using random,
unstructured P2P communications broadcast to any other
available peers. While one of the very first experimental P2P
botnets in 2003 had used such a method, it was not
successful, and no other botnets have since been reported to
use this topology.
Overall, despite the advancements that cybercriminals have
developed, some of the oldest botnet C&C communication
techniques are still being used today due to their availability
via open or leaked source code, or do-it-yourself kits. The
table below provides a few data
                                          C&C                   Apr 2008  2008   2009     Q2 2010 2011
points published by the security
                                          Communications Arbor Networks Symantec Symantec Microsoft
community over the past few years.
                                          Centralized / IRC           90%   44%    31%     38.2%       30%
                                         Centralized / HTTP        4%             57%         69%         29.1%
                                         Distributed / P2P         5%              n/a         n/a        2.3%         70%
                                         Other                    1%`              n/a         n/a        30.5%

DNS-based Communications within Any Topology
                                                                  Notable Quote from Ed Skoudis, Founder of Counter Hack
Essentially, DNS records are abused to traffic data in and out    Challenges and SANS Fellow (Feb 2012)
of a network. Every type of record (NULL, TXT, SRV, MX,           “Number of malware threats that receive instructions from
CNAME or A) can be used, but the speed of the connection          attackers through DNS is expected to increase, and most
                                                                  companies are not currently scanning for such activity on
differs by the amount of data that can be stored in a single      their networks, security experts said at the RSA Conference
record (see page 2).                                              2012 on Tuesday. While most malware-generated traffic
                                                                  passing through most channels used for communicating
The outbound phase starts with the bot on the compromised         with botnets (such as TCP, IRC, HTTP or Twitter feeds and
device requesting a response from the local host or network       Facebook walls) can be detected and blocked, it's not the
                                                                  case for DNS (Domain Name System) and attackers are
DNS server for a DNS query to [data].cnc-domain.tld. The          taking advantage of that.”
data (base32-encoded) is split and placed in the third- and

lower-level domain name labels of multiple queries. Since
there will be no cached response on either local DNS server,
the requests are forwarded to the ISP’s recursive DNS
servers, which in turn will get responses from the
cybercriminal’s authoritative name server.
For the inbound phase, TXT records can store the most data
(base64-encoded) as typically suggested in DNS tunnel
implementations up to 110 kbps, but may not be ideal for
botnets to avoid detection by network devices since these are
not common records. Unfortunately simply blocking TXT
records as a defense method is insufficient, because it will
break other protocols (e.g. SPF, DKIM) and alternative DNS
records such as CNAME are common, and used in series, can
still transmit detailed instructions for the compromised host
to act on.
Alternatively, if two-way communication is not necessary,
either the queries or responses can exclude the encoded
outbound or inbound data, respectively. This would make the
transfer more inconspicuous to avoid anomaly detection
At present time, there are not many countermeasures cited
by the security community that are “silver bullets” to detect
DNS-based botnet C&C communications. While some larger,
security-aware organizations could use techniques such as
“split horizon” DNS to force internal hosts to send their DNS
requests only through the network DNS server and then use
statistical anomaly detection (aka. signatures) for this DNS
traffic, there are unfortunately little to no readily-available
signatures that are well tested to both guarantee protection
and cause no false positives.


       Internet Security
       Trusted by millions around the world.
       The easiest way to prevent malware and phishing
       attacks, contain botnets, and make your Internet faster
       and more reliable.

       OpenDNS, Inc. • • 1.877.811.2367

       Copyright © 2012 OpenDNS, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by
       any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of OpenDNS, Inc. Information
       contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, OpenDNS, Inc. assumes no
       responsibility for its use.


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OpenDNS Whitepaper: DNS's Role in Botnet C&C

  • 1. SECURITY WHITEPAPER The Role of DNS in Botnet Command and Control (C&C) DNS is powerful, ubiquitous and yet ignored by most organizations. Today, cybercriminals rely on DNS for rallying infected devices to join a botnet and to mitigate takedowns by authorities. In 2011, cybercriminals started covertly tunneling botnet communications over DNS traffic to mitigate detection by security solutions, despite security researchers widely publishing this threat in 2004! QUESTION: What do you know about ANSWER: Analyze logs... RESULT: Post-damage forensics • Are any devices outside your network trying to resolve Stored on: • Locates infected devices delegated to be such domain hostnames through your network? • DNS servers, proxies or name servers for botnet C&C. • Are any devices within your network trying to • Web servers, or • Locates infected devices attempting to tunnel resolve hostnames to that domain? • Firewalls. botnet C&C communications over DNS. If you cannot answer the above questions, either because you build botnets to bypass firewall filters or Web proxies.3 Ethical don’t keep these logs, they’re not readily available, or you hackers have constructed a reverse shellcode exploit that could wouldn’t know how to analyze them, you’re likely blind to provide cybercriminals VPN and remote access into an insecure infected devices that have compromised your network by network using valid DNS syntax to avoid detection.4 Furthermore, performing these botnet command and control (C&C) activities. with the future adoptions of DKIM, IPv6 and other extensions to the basic DNS protocol, big and complex packets within DNS Botnet’s principal single point of failure and beacon to security traffic will become more common. Thereby assisting DNS-based researchers is its Internet-wide C&C architecture. From 2007-8, botnet C&C communications to more easily and efficiently blend cybercriminals began building distributed or hybrid C&C in since it’ll appear normal in DNS query streams (see page 2). topologies leveraging more advanced DNS-based C&C rallying mechanisms, such as third-party dynamic or its own distributed In the arms race between cybercriminal organizations and the DNS services, to enable C&C communications to be redirected security community, C&C techniques have become so robust, through its own distributed proxy service. Infected devices within stealth and mobile that botnets are ubiquitous in both home and insecure home or business networks host these services. DNS is business networks despite so-called “next generation” security used to add robustness and mobility to remove single points of solutions’ best attempts to prevent all malware. The “defense- failure within the architecture and provide anonymity for the in-depth” strategy needs to migrate from adding prevention cybercriminals running botnet C&C servers (see page 2). Fluxing layers, to adding containment layers. DNS traffic is often domain names and/or the IP addresses in DNS records used by examined after security incidents; for example, Google botnets makes them more difficult for the security community to discovered the advanced and persistent “Aurora” botnet that take down or over. breached its network by analyzing DNS logs after damage occurred. The most costly damage is no longer the lost time for Today, most botnets rely on a mix of P2P-, HTTP- or IRC-based IT to remediate infected devices, but the stolen data enclosing protocols to communicate between bots and/or C&C servers. sensitive company or personal info for legal and regulatory However, in late 2011, security researchers began publishing bodies to resolve. papers and blogs on botnets, such as “Morto”, “Feederbot” and “Katusha/Timestamper”, using a covert C&C communication method known as DNS tunneling to add stealth.1 DNS tunneling “DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH” STRATEGY MIGRATION is not new; it existed since 1998 and the first implementation DETECT MALWARE PREVENT MALWARE CONTAIN BOTNETS published by Slashdot in 2000. In 2004, Dan Kaminsky widely presented his implementation to tunnel arbitrary data over DNS to the security community, but lost their short-term attention as other exploited DNS vulnerabilities, such as DNS cache INFECTED DEVICE / UNINFECTED DEVICE INFECTED DEVICE / poisoning, became more prevalent. 2 Today, many popular DNS INSECURE NETWORK / SECURE NETWORK SECURE NETWORK tunnels exist that are readily available for cybercriminals to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 3,,,,,,,, 2 4  
  • 2.   1st prototype fully 1st successful P2P-based botnets Evolution of Botnet C&C P2P-based botnet 1st HTTP- 1st hybrid P2P/HTTP-based botnets 1st Web site/service- based botnets Web Services based botnets seed domain 1stIRC- IRC Domain IRC-based IRC-based based botnets flux Bots change host DNS settings flux crypto benign bot malicious bot botnet pervasive IP flux (double) DNS tunneling 1st fully DNS- DNS tunneling developed for cybercrime IP flux (single) based botnets P2P !! !! !! !! "! "! "! "! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! HTTP $! $! $! $! $! $! !! !! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! IRC $! !! !! !! !! "! "! "! "! "! "! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! #! DNS $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! !! !! !! !! !! !! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! #! #! #! MALWARE (VIRUS, WORMS, TROJANS, ETC.) INFECTED DEVICES ARE CONNECTED BOTNETS ARE INFECTING DEVICES ARE ISOLATED TO FORM ROBOT NETWORKS (AKA. BOTNETS) UBIQITIOUS FUTURE 2001 2007 2011 2012 1987 1991 1997 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 1983 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 CENTRALIZED C&C TOPOLOGY DISTRIBUTED C&C TOPOLOGY HYBRID C&C TOPOLOGY* DNS-BASED RALLYING MECHANISMS HELP CYBERCRIMINALS STOP TAKEDOWNS BY REMOVING SINGLE POINTS OF FAILURE C&C RALLYING MECHANISMS DYNAMIC & (*one example) DISTRIBUTED DNS SERVICES DNS TRAFFIC HTTP TRAFFIC REDIRECTED REDIRECTED DNS-BASED C&C COMMUNICATION can be HELPS AVOID DETECTION BY BLENDING IN same bot ns1.cnc.tld ns2.cnc.tld cnc.tld QUERY: QUERY: flux.cnc.tld RESPONSE: HTTP GET RESPONSE: ONLY ALLOW BASIC C&C PORT 80/443 PORT 53 RESOLVERS RESPONSE: NO SINKHOLE NO PROXY NO FILTER QUERY: QUERY: QUERY: QUERY: flux.cnc.tld LEAK DATA = where is where is where is 11010 + 01010 11010 + 01010 00110. 01010. 11010. + … 00110 QUERY: flux.cnc.tld DISTRIBUTED + … 00110 cnc.tld? cnc.tld? cnc.tld? = DATA STOLEN REFERRER: PROXY 01110 + 11011 RESPONSE: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: COMMAND = ns1.cnc.tld SERVICES + … 11100 00110. 01010. 11010. 01110 + 11011 = CONTROL cnc.tld is cnc.tld is cnc.tld is + … 11100 at 01110 at 11011 at 11100 DNS TUNNELING FOR COVERT C&C COMMUNICATIONS  
  • 3.   The Past, Present and Future of Significant Botnet C&C Techniques C&C Attributes Past Present Future Centralized topology Distributed or hybrid topology using RALLYING MECHANISMS using static IP lists domain flux and/or IP flux (via DNS records) > Static Lists IP addresses Domain names and/or IP addresses Dynamic content hidden on popular websites (e.g. > Domain Flux > Seeding Predictable timestamp Twitter trends) that can be customized in do-it- yourself kits > Domain Flux > Crypto Static Frequently changing > Domain Flux > Names Random characters Dictionary word combinations > Domain Flux > Volume Hundreds of domains Tens of thousands of domains Single flux networks changing A Double flux networks changing both A and NS > IP Flux > Records resource records (first seen in the resource records (first seen in the Asprov botnet in Storm/Peacomm botnets in 2007) 2008) Existing dynamic DNS services or As dynamic DNS services are taking a more “personalized” third-level domain (3LD) aggressive stance against botnet abuse, and services. Alternatively, custom DNS governments are cooperating quicker with the servers on bulletproof hosts, which security community, cybercriminals are building their > IP Flux > Service allows a cybercriminal to bypass the own distributed DNS services using multiple laws or contractual terms of service compromised hosts. Often these are initially regulating Internet content and service bootstrapped via custom DNS servers on bulletproof use in its country of operation and are hosts. unlikely to cooperate with authorities. Distributed or hybrid Hybrid topology with Centralized topology using COMMUNICATION topology using P2P-and/or protocol tunneling such IRC- or HTTP-based protocols HTTP-based protocols as DNS traffic > IRC > Client Common IRC client Cybercriminal’s custom IRC client Paid do-it-yourself malware exploit kits Paid or open-source do-it-yourself botnet kits > HTTP > DIY Kits (e.g. Mpack, ICEPack, Fiesta) (e.g. Zeus, SpyEye, TDSS) > HTTP > Protocol Unencrypted Encrypted Public Web 2.0 services (e.g. Amazon Elastic > HTTP > Hosts Privately owned Web servers Compute Cloud, Google App Engine) and social network sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google Groups) Non-standard port numbers used by P2P standard ports numbers used by common encrypted > P2P > Port protocols protocols (e.g. SSH, HTTPS) > P2P > Protocol Unauthenticated Authenticated > P2P > Discovery Centralized in cache servers Distribute hashed tables across the network Trickled, non- Phone home, data consecutive DNS > DNS Not used exfiltration and/or bot queries over long time instructions periods to further mitigate detection  
  • 4.   C&C RALLYING MECHANISM DESCRIPTIONS The rallying mechanism enables new bots to locate its peers IP Flux or the C&C servers and join the botnet. While rallying can Modern botnets primarily use one or more hard-coded also be related to botnet recruitment and propagation, the domain names for DNS servers to resolve to many different IP following mechanisms are only for the purposes of addresses over a short span of time. This technique is also networking the bots. widely known as “Fast Flux” Service Networks (FFSN) as it’s If the security community is 100% successful in shutting also associated with spam and phishing attacks. However, down or hijacking the rallying mechanisms, the botnet falls the term “IP Flux” best describes the result of rapidly apart into a benign collection of discrete, unorganized changing the location (i.e. IP address) to which the domain infections. However, if even a few C&C servers remain alive, name of an Internet host (A) or authoritative name server the botnet can adapt and reconfigure itself to be undetected (NS) resolves, caused by rapid and repeated changes to DNS or protected behind the virtual walls of international records using very low time-to-live (TTL) cache settings. jurisdiction. Several movie analogies come to mind such as Relative to using IP lists, taking down malicious DNS records Terminator’s shape-shifting T-1000 series cyborg or Star is often more difficult than compromised IP addresses Trek’s Borg collective; both these entities are very resilient because many records can be established for the same or unless the entire control mechanism is eliminated. Today, many IP addresses. botnets use a hybrid of up to all three of the following These locations are actually a network of compromised hosts techniques, where one may initiate the rallying, one that act as front-end nodes to proxy DNS and C&C maintains the rallying, and another backs up the rallying if communication protocols to a group of backend C&C servers, the other one or two are disrupted. commonly referred to as a “fast flux mothership” (see page 2). This second layer of abstraction further increases Static Lists anonymity, security, high availability and load balancing of Early botnets primarily used hardcoded static lists of IP the botnet. It makes it nearly impossible to filter only by IP addresses or domain names. However, many firewalls can address, ASNs or geo-location and adds resiliency to add an optional feed of known bad IP addresses to help takedown attempts as it shifts the centralizing agent of mitigate this legacy technique and it is often not agile control from the C&C servers to the distributed DNS enough for today’s large botnet operations. While some architecture. In many ways the idea is comparable to Content compromised hosts will initially rely on static IPs to Delivery Networks (CDN). It has evolved and advanced since bootstrap communications with the botnet, they then switch the The Honeynet Project Research Alliance first discovered to one of the following, more robust methods. For added its use. mobility, cybercriminals used domain names with round- The evolution for cybercriminals to use their own robin/multi-homing techniques to associate multiple IP authoritative name servers has added greater robustness addresses with a single DNS record or dynamic DNS services, and mobility to IP Flux, and makes successful takedown more but not abusing them via IP flux, which is described next. difficult for the security community. Alternatively, if the compromised devices are redirected to the cybercriminals Domain Flux own recursive DNS servers, bots are able to resolve domain The botnet uses cryptographically generated domain names names to different IP addresses relative to the rest of the by a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), which makes it Internet, so for example, if a security researcher or other more difficult for static reputation systems to maintain an network device tries to access the domain, it may appear to accurate list of all possible C&C domains or for the security not exist. Also, it allows the bot to resolve well-known domain community to attempt to hijack the domain. Many names (e.g. to C&C servers. cybercriminals register only a few of the possible generated domains at a time using dynamic DNS services. In limited recent cases such as the “Android bot”, URL Flux has been used, which is similar to domain flux in that the bot uses a list of usernames generated by a Username Generation Algorithm (UGA) from which it selects a username to visit on a Web 2.0 site.  
  • 5.   C&C COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTIONS Once the bots have joined the botnet, they regularly maintain the century, many first-generation cybercriminals were very communications to receive new commands, send back data familiar with IRC as a simple, synchronized and scalable to the C&C servers, such as sensitive company or personal means to chat between thousands of hosts so it was natural information, or learn how to adapt itself in response to the evolution to utilize it for the first C&C communications in security community’s efforts to disrupt or take down its 1999. Despite the advent of instant-messaging (IM) operations. There are advantages and disadvantages as the protocols such as ICQ, AIM, and MSN Messenger that gained following table explains. popularity over IRC for the masses, many “old school” networking and security professionals still use IRC. In fact, Evolution Past Present the original C&C functionality of three evolved IRC-based bot Distributed or hybrid, yet families – Agobot, SDBot, and GTBot – still constitute a large Topology Centralized many are still centralized percent of today’s botnet infections especially since some of Protocols IRC or HTTP P2P the source code was published by its author, with occasional Setup Easy Hard infections by variants of the DSNX, Q8, kaiten, and Perlbot Detection Easy Hard IRC-based families. While almost the same in principal to IRC, there have been only a few botnets based on IM Communication Small delays Small to medium delays protocols due to the difficulty of creating individual IM Resiliency Bad Good accounts for each bot. Anonymity Bad Good Centralized Communications via HTTP-based Protocols Based on the communication topology, different push and However, as the security community adapted to use network pull control mechanisms will be used together with the firewalls to block seldom used or unnecessary ports at the communication protocol. Also, command authentication can Internet gateway, cybercriminals realized that a more be added to the communication protocol such as passwords ubiquitous C&C protocol was needed to blend in with normal or encryption certificates to help mitigate outsiders taking user traffic. Ports 80 and 443 used for unencrypted and command over the botnet from the cybercriminals; especially encrypted Web traffic over HTTP/S is almost universally with P2P-based protocols. allowed through firewalls, and a few GET and POST requests Direction / used for C&C can easily be lost amongst the exponentially Topology Centralized Distributed growing volume of legitimate Web traffic. HTTP-based DDoS & spam botnets greatly accelerated with advances in do-it-yourself Push IRC-based protocols attacks kits developed mainly by professional Russian cybercriminals HTTP-based protocols, IP Flux P2P-based to aspiring amateur cybercriminals, and in mid-2011 several Pull botnet kits were leaked. Recently, public or social Web rallying mechanisms protocols services have been gaining popularity as C&C hosts via obfuscated commands due to their added anonymity, Centralized Topologies openness and scalability. However, the security research All early botnets and still the majority of botnets today use community can also leverage this openness to quickly shut centralized topologies via HTTP-based, IRC-based or other such botnets down. IDS/IPS solutions can often detect protocols because they are easier to setup and ensure that suspicious URI strings or nonstandard HTTP headers (e.g. new commands are disseminated to large botnet populations Entity-Info, Magic-Number) used by botnets (e.g. Bredolab). quickly. However, centralized C&C servers are easier to detect and become a single point of failure for the botnet Centralized Communications via Other Protocols (see page 2). FTP isn‘t commonly seen in the wild; however, several phishing or banking Trojan horses regularly drops off stolen Centralized Communications via IRC-based Protocols data to FTP servers. Some botnets use custom UDP-only Only one year after the IRC protocol was invented in 1988 protocols, which while easily blocked by business networks, programmers created the first bots to enable chat room (aka. often are able to bypass misconfigured firewalls. channel) operators to log in, ensure the channel remained open, and to give them non-malicious control. At the turn of  
  • 6.   Distributed Topologies (via P2P-based protocols) Hybrid Topologies Peer-to-peer (P2P) communications were created to Advanced hybrid, hierarchal C&C architectures combine the distribute file sharing (e.g. MP3s) amongst large stealth from a few centralized C&C servers and robustness populations. From 1999 to 2003, P2P topologies and from distributed peers to prevent take down. For example, protocols quickly evolved to add robustness, stealth and one group of bots act as servants since they behave as both mobility from the recording industry’s and ISP’s attempts to clients and servers, which have static, non-private IP disrupt communications and/or prosecute guilty individuals; addresses and is accessible from the global Internet. The exactly what cybercriminals also seek for their botnet C&C second group of bots only act as clients since they don’t communications. Using structured P2P communications as a accept incoming connections. The second group contains the C&C topology was first envisioned as early as 2000, but the remaining bots, including: (1) bots with dynamic IP first botnets to use it appeared in 2003, the security research addresses; (2) private IP addresses; or (3) bots behind community began to publish its use in 2005, and it wasn’t firewalls such that they cannot be connected from the global until 2006 that they achieved some limited success. The bots Internet. Only servant bots are candidates in peer lists. are able to loosely communicate amongst its peers using the Another example, is the Hierarchical Kademlia bot, which same or similar non-RFC TCP, UDP (used to bypass NAT extends the base Kademlia bot. Each level in the hierarchy situations) or encrypted ICMP protocols as many file sharing consists of a set of clusters or islands of bots. These clusters clients (see page 2). This topology offers the botnet better use Kademlia for intra-cluster communication. Each cluster anonymity and resiliency without any single points of failure has a super peer that is responsible for communicating with at the expense of higher setup overhead and communication other super peers in the next level up in the hierarchy. The latency. However, since the knowledge about participating super peers thus facilitate inter-cluster communication (see peers is distributed throughout the botnet itself, which gives page 2). the security research community equal access to this information, cybercriminals evolved the standard P2P protocols to include proprietary authentications. A future evolution for P2P-based botnet C&C would be to blend in with common encrypted P2P protocol traffic ubiquitously within business networks. Fortunately, only one protocol really exists today; Skype. Despite known malware instances using Skype plugins and its API, to the best of the security community’s knowledge, Skype-based botnets are still exclusively theoretical. In 2005, researchers presented an extremely distributed C&C topology using random, unstructured P2P communications broadcast to any other available peers. While one of the very first experimental P2P botnets in 2003 had used such a method, it was not successful, and no other botnets have since been reported to use this topology. Overall, despite the advancements that cybercriminals have developed, some of the oldest botnet C&C communication techniques are still being used today due to their availability via open or leaked source code, or do-it-yourself kits. The table below provides a few data C&C Apr 2008 2008 2009 Q2 2010 2011 points published by the security Communications Arbor Networks Symantec Symantec Microsoft community over the past few years. Centralized / IRC 90% 44% 31% 38.2% 30% Centralized / HTTP 4% 57% 69% 29.1% Distributed / P2P 5% n/a n/a 2.3% 70% Other 1%` n/a n/a 30.5%  
  • 7.   DNS-based Communications within Any Topology Notable Quote from Ed Skoudis, Founder of Counter Hack Essentially, DNS records are abused to traffic data in and out Challenges and SANS Fellow (Feb 2012) of a network. Every type of record (NULL, TXT, SRV, MX, “Number of malware threats that receive instructions from CNAME or A) can be used, but the speed of the connection attackers through DNS is expected to increase, and most companies are not currently scanning for such activity on differs by the amount of data that can be stored in a single their networks, security experts said at the RSA Conference record (see page 2). 2012 on Tuesday. While most malware-generated traffic passing through most channels used for communicating The outbound phase starts with the bot on the compromised with botnets (such as TCP, IRC, HTTP or Twitter feeds and device requesting a response from the local host or network Facebook walls) can be detected and blocked, it's not the case for DNS (Domain Name System) and attackers are DNS server for a DNS query to [data].cnc-domain.tld. The taking advantage of that.” data (base32-encoded) is split and placed in the third- and lower-level domain name labels of multiple queries. Since there will be no cached response on either local DNS server, the requests are forwarded to the ISP’s recursive DNS servers, which in turn will get responses from the cybercriminal’s authoritative name server. For the inbound phase, TXT records can store the most data (base64-encoded) as typically suggested in DNS tunnel implementations up to 110 kbps, but may not be ideal for botnets to avoid detection by network devices since these are not common records. Unfortunately simply blocking TXT records as a defense method is insufficient, because it will break other protocols (e.g. SPF, DKIM) and alternative DNS records such as CNAME are common, and used in series, can still transmit detailed instructions for the compromised host to act on. Alternatively, if two-way communication is not necessary, either the queries or responses can exclude the encoded outbound or inbound data, respectively. This would make the transfer more inconspicuous to avoid anomaly detection systems. At present time, there are not many countermeasures cited by the security community that are “silver bullets” to detect DNS-based botnet C&C communications. While some larger, security-aware organizations could use techniques such as “split horizon” DNS to force internal hosts to send their DNS requests only through the network DNS server and then use statistical anomaly detection (aka. signatures) for this DNS traffic, there are unfortunately little to no readily-available signatures that are well tested to both guarantee protection and cause no false positives.  
  • 8.   Cloud-based Internet Security Trusted by millions around the world. The easiest way to prevent malware and phishing attacks, contain botnets, and make your Internet faster and more reliable. OpenDNS, Inc. • • 1.877.811.2367 Copyright © 2012 OpenDNS, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of OpenDNS, Inc. Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, OpenDNS, Inc. assumes no responsibility for its use. SWP-Botnets-V1-0612