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JAN/FEB 2015 / OneRecruit MAGAZINE
Social Media Recruitment
How’s the best way to illic-
it a great reference
Argument & Reality
The importance of politeness when dealing
with prospective Employers
Why recruitment is a
game to win
Whats This?
Interview preparation tips that help you make
a good impression.
How Skills Matter
The importance of skills in job interviews
What is HR?
All you need to know about HR
de rigour
Blind Interview
How to face a Blind Interview
From the Editor
32 37
43 44
6 From the CEO
22 White Lies
Is telling lies in an interview, good?
Seven Basic Salary Negotiation Tips
Money is the most sensitive issue in the whole hiring process
How to create the perfect cover letter
Before you send your resume, you will want to take a close look at
the cover letter of your resume.
How should you dress for them
Resume Tips
Tips that would guarantee you spot on the interview
Six things to avoid whilst facing
an interview
Do you need a professional to write
your resume
Know your Story
We are asked at a very young age to make decisions that
affect the rest of our lives.
12The Importance of skills on
job interviews
Online Learning-is it effective
Many businesses are gearing towards on-line learning
Important questions that you must
ask your interviewer
Sometimes its important to as the interviewer some
© OneRecruit 2015. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
not permitted.
SMR is part of a recruiters daily situation. There is no
doubt that it serves one, to be vocationally astute with
online professional profiles. Here are some tips, news
and revelations about getting it right.
Manage Your Profile- Restricting access to your profile is
one way to manage who sees your information, however
there are alternative ways for you to engage reciters by
opening a success list, or group that you keep open and
promote yourself with. In other words, give recruiters
something to find.
87% of recruiters now search for new candidates
through social media. Linkedin is by far the professional
profile of choice, But serious recruiters are also searching
Facebook, tumblr, Pinterest Google + and niche sites like
Wotteva for cultural fit and Quora for expert advisors.
Freelance websites are rolling out all over the place and
there are few that are complementary to building a profile,, and Odesk all have great user
experiences and sites like behance, 99designs, Design Crowd,
ServiceCrowd are really taking on the creative industries.
Practice your Elevator Bio - It’s no longer okay to just write
that you like music and sailing. Thats okay when you’re twelve
years old and are still in school. Have a succinct message
in your bio status. One that encourages engagement and
Emoticons are trending in a big way. To really make yours
sing and dance visit online and make yours
for free. Everyone loves great emoticons.
Social Media RecruitmentWhats new and trending in the metaverse
74% Actively seeking
new jobs
Candidate Behavior Trends
69% Search for
opportunities employed
or not
15 - Number of sources
consulted per job search
88% Have a social media
64% have 2
44% have 3
1 in 6 credit social media
for their current job
Recruiter Behavior Trends
7/10 Hire candidates via social
89% through LinkedIn
26% through Facebook
15% through Twitter
4/5 Companies outsource
to provide agility and lower
cost per hire
88% Have an increase
in candidate quality
from Social Recruitment
49% Have a demonstrated
an increase in the quality
of hire
Thank you for downloading OneRecruit Magazine, our new
format for reaching out to you and finding out what matters
most to anyone in the Human Resources industry or anyone
looking for a job.
When we decided on the format for this magazine, we
wanted to ensure that it was not just another magazine
delivering content that regurgitated academic transcripts
and provided cynical yet witty improvisations of what could
inevitably be referred to as some sort of comedy satire.
In fact we searched high and low for something to advertise
in before we decided that there was very little dedicated
to vocation, people, jobs and the values most of us carry
with us throughout our careers. Which is why we chose
to create this e-zine as a forum where everyone could
respectfully contribute online and join us in contributing
to what could become a well endorsed dose of human
resource reality. (HRR), Social Media Recruitment (SMR),
and Learning and Development.
What kind of reality you ask?
The reality of knowing we are all people with needs.
Candidates don’t always know what to do when searching
for a job in job boards, or just what to write in a cover
letter. People are not great at discussing themselves in
most circumstances and so often we leave so much on
the table because no-one taught us that getting a job, or
giving a job is part skill-set and part negotiation. So many
candidates walk away with the first offer they get, and
most employers settle for less than mediocre. So over the
coming months we aim to change how people see vocations and start discussing what really matters, both to the team in HR and
those candidates that are reaching out for jobs.
Its our mission to see candidates and companies match each other by their values and priorities and build cultures that co-exist
productively. No one should be in a job unless they truly are inspired to be there. Anything short of waking up every morning
and being inspired to be in a role that you are in requires energy, motivation, drive and support. These 4 factors will drag you
down before they drag you out the door. Anything that requires motivation will always require motivation and can never be the
right decision. However, when you are inspired from within to live and breath a role of your dreams. You will land your dream
job and that will be the inspiring reason for you to wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to handle anything that life has
to offer.
We have all heard some of the greatest minds on the planet talk about how everything is for sale. We are entering a new era in
recruitment where people and companies are going to come together in really unusual circumstances. Social media recruitment
is one such reality and the jobs we see today are a small drop in the ocean compared to the roles that are being invented for
So grab on to your hats! Enjoy the ride and tell the world what you think by joining us as we celebrate inspired ones that share
their vocations, careers, and people that make up their world. And if you have something to say, join us in our social media
platforms below and tell us what you think, or send me an email at
We hope you enjoy this issue just as we have enjoyed creating it for you!!
AzharAzhar Khan
Executive Editor
CMO OneRecruit
A Warm Welcome
Welcome to OneRecruit Magazine, a new bi-monthly e-magazine that shines light on the topics,
challenges and trends in recruitment.
Recruiting the right employee is a critically important, yet often complicated and drawn out part
of any business. As any manager or business owner knows, a bad hire can have a devastating
effect on performance and morale and can leads to significant expenses that go over and above
the initial costs of hire.
Drawing on the insight and experience from some of the best and most respected minds
and practitioners in fields of HR and recruitment, our mission is to provide business owners,
managers, human resource professionals and recruiters with relevant, informative and practical
resources for hiring employees and managing team members.
Over the next couple of issues we’ll take a look at why communication with candidates is an
important yet often poorly executed part of the recruitment process. Why? Candidates, be they
successful or not, very often associate their experience during the recruitment process with
the corporate identity. As it is frequently their first experience outside what they may have as
a client, it also sets an important “tone” for what they may expect the culture to be like and if
poorly executed, can damage a relationship with a client or future business partner.
I trust you will find the following pages informative, insightful but importantly useful and
Finally, I invite you to join in or start a discussion on our LinkedIn page.
Jeremy Stewart
CEO, OneRecruit
How’s the
best way to
a great
A Resume Reference Guide - (Here’s a hint - Hugging is not going to win you any
recommendation worth having.)
re you in the process of finding a new job or
changing careers? If you are, you may also be
in the process of creating a resume for your-
self. Although resumes can be complicated and
nerve-wracking to develop, they are usually a lot easier
to write than originally thought.
With that in mind, there are still many problems or
complications that arise. For many resume writers that
problem has to do with references.
On your resume, there is a good chance that you will
list references. These references can typically come
in two different formats. These formats are personal
references and professional references.
You will find that many employers actually like to see
a combination of them both. Also, on average, most
hiring companies like to see at least three references
on their job applications and resumes.
Now that you know what many companies look for, in
terms of references on a resume, you may want to start
listing your references right away. While this approach
is one that you can take, you may want to proceed with
caution. As previously stated, one of the many mistakes
that resume writers make involves their references.
Some of the most common mistakes, as well as ways to
prevent those mistakes from happening, are outlined
below for your convenience.
One of the biggest mistakes that a job seeker, possibly
just like you, makes involves listing no references at all.
If you are simply submitting your resume, you may be
able to get away without having any references listed,
but you may not want to take any chances.
If you are currently still lining up your references, you
may want to have the phrases “references available
upon request,” under the heading of references on your
Should you fill out a job application and are asked to
provide references, you will want to do so. Omitting
information on a job application may cause your
application to be overlooked.
Another mistake that many job seekers make, in terms
of their resume references, is
not asking to use a reference
in the first place. In almost
all cases, you will find that
your references are checked.
That is why it is important
that you ask each individual
that you would like to have
listed on a resume or a job
application before officially
listing them as a reference.
If you have already submitted
your job application and
resume, without asking
first, you will want to let
each individual know, as
soon as possible, that
you used them as a job
reference and that they may
be receiving a phone call.
This is important, as you do
not want your references
to be caught off guard, as it
may impact their responses.
As previously stated, most
companies like to see a
combination of professional
and personal references on
their job applications and
on all submitted resumes.
seekers also make and one
For that reason, you may
want to consider listing
four references on your job
applications or resumes.
This would allow you to
have an even number of
personal references and
professional references.
The above mentioned mis-
takes are common mis-
takes that many job seek-
ers make when writing a
resume for themselves.
By keeping these common
mistakes in mind, you can
ensure that you do not make
similar ones. This should
automatically improve
your chances of landing
the job of your dreams or
at least a job interview.
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Interview Preparation Tips
to Help You Make a Good
Are you currently on the
hunt for a new job? If
you are, you will likely find
yourself with a number of job
interviews scheduled. If you
have been out of work for
sometime now or if your last
employment was long-term,
you may be a little bit nervous
about soon-to-be upcoming
job interviews. If you are,
you are definitely not alone.
The good news, however, is
that there are a number of
steps that you can take to
prepare yourself for success.
If you have the financial
means needed to do so, you
may want to consider buy-
ing yourself a new job inter-
view outfit or getting your
hair done, even with just
a simple trim. Many have
claimed that a quick hair
style or a new outfit has in-
creased their confidence.
This increased confidence
may be just what you need to
breeze through your upcom-
ing job interviews with suc-
cess. Even if you do not have
the financial means needed
to purchase a new outfit or have your hair styled, you may
want to turn to a close friend or family member for assis-
tance, possibly for the borrowing of professional attire.
Another one of the many steps that you can take to make a
good impression at your next interview involves research-
ing common job interview questions. There are a number
of books on the market that are designed to assist those
with finding new jobs. Many of these books include job
interview tips, including questions that may be asked. Fa-
miliarizing yourself with questions that you may be asked,
such as questions surrounding your strengths, weakness-
es, goals, and so forth, can help to improve your response
time, as well as ease any nervousness that you may have.
tions that you may be asked during a job interview, you may
want to hold a few practice or mock interviews. These prac-
tice sessions can be done in front of a mirror or they can be
done with the assistance of a close friend or family member.
You will want to treat all job interview practice sessions like
they are the real thing. Be sure to answer all questions in
a professional matter, as if you were in a real job interview.
Another steps that you can take, when looking to prepare
for an upcoming interview that you may have scheduled,
involves printing off an extra copy of your resume. This
makes you look prepared, in more ways than one.
Although the interviewer should already have a copy of
your resume on hand, it wouldn’t hurt to ask them if they
would like to see a new copy.
You may also want to bring along a pen and a notebook.
These items can be used to write down information about
the employer or job position in question. Once again, this
proves that you are serious about finding a secure job and
it should show that you will go through great lengths to
find that job.
You will also want to take the time to
research the company in question. This is
ideal if they have an online website. You
can impress your interviewer if you know
about the company, even just a little bit.
Researching each company that you
have an interview with should only take
a few minutes of your time, a few hours
at the most. The basic information,
such as the goals of the company
and where their main headquarters
are located is often enough to grab
the attention of your interviewer.
The above mentioned steps are just
a few of the many steps that you
can take to prepare for an upcoming
interview or a job interview that you will
likely have scheduled soon. Preparation
can do you no harm, only good.
Additional preparation steps that you
may want to take include arriving early
for your job interview, properly thanking
everyone for your time and so forth.
kill emphasis during the interview is important to
show the employer what makes you different from all
the other job candidates. In this competitive world,
companies search for the most qualified employees by
weighing skills of the candidates and determining how they
would benefit the company.
Majority of the top companies search for employers who
stands out based from their expertise, ability to give new
developments, and pleasing personalities that would enhance
the organization.
The Importance of
Skills Emphasis on Job
by Azhar Khan
Skills are grouped into three kinds :
knowledge-based, transferable, and personal traits.
1.	 Knowledge-based skills are those learned from
experiences. These may include educational
attainment, additional training, seminars attended,
and other practices that you have studied to
enhance your expertise.
Knowledge-based skills include computer and
communication skills, marketing or managerial
knowledge, product development, and many more.
These skills vary depending on the field of industry
of each job candidate.
2.	 Transferable or portable skills are those you bring
to a specific job. This is the reason why interviewers
ask, “What could you offer the company?”
Transferable skills are important because
companies strive to look for quality employees that
would improve the development of the workforce.
Portable skills include problem solving, team lead-
er potential, organized, writing and communication
skills, customer service oriented, time and project
management, and good with numbers and budget.
This kind of skills varies depending on the experi-
ence and versatility of each job candidate.
3.	 Personal traits determine who you are. In a job
interview, one of the most common things an
employer says is “Tell me something about
yourself” Your response is vital because it would set
the tone for the rest of the interview.
Personal traits include good judgment, well organized,
analytical, goal oriented, flexible, creative and many
more. Try to sell yourself in as modest as possible within
a limited time.
Self-assessment. In order to provide an impressive
presentation, examine your resume and list all the
skills you have used for each past job experience.
Make a comprehensive list of your skills and
strengths including personal traits, knowledge-based
and transferable skills. This would be the basis for your
personal commercial.
Once you have completed your script, you are now
ready to face the interviewer. Remember that em-
ployers are interested in your accomplishments.
Use words that are concise, direct and clear.
Although many companies require a unique set of skills,
you should still highlight your technical skills in the
interview. These skills, which top companies usually
seek, include leadership, communication, confidence,
flexibility, problem solving and energy.
Emphasizing all of your strengths and skills on job
interviews would increase your chances of landing the
desired job.
All You
Need to
Know about
anagement is also responsible for ensuring that records are
kept up to date and any insurance and benefits information
is being kept properly. The management is also responsible
for dealing with any performance or personal issues. This helps to
ensure that they are performing at their best which ensures better
business. Human resources management can ensure that these
tasks are done by properly managing assistant staff or by carrying
out the tasks themselves. Small businesses typically cannot afford
assistant staff and therefore the management staff is forced to carry
out these tasks.
Human resources management also has to ensure that the staff un-
derstands the policies that they are working under. When someone
is first hired the management staff will most often give them an em-
ployee’s manual which will cover all the basics about the company
and the policies they must abide by.
If the staff does not follow policy or do not understand the policies
then it can interfere with performance and reduce productivity and
What is HR?
Human resources management consists of
several different areas of work. One of the
most important is dealing with staffing needs.
This can include deciding who to hire or fire.
Having a productive and content staff is one
of the most beneficial elements of a business.
could even result in the termination of that employee.
The area of human resources management is increasing in
popularity among businesses and therefore is increasing in
popularity among students seeking an area of study at colleges
and schools.
Human resources management programs have become
increasingly popular among schools and therefore there are
more qualified persons for these positions than ever before.
The students finishing in these programs will have a diverse
education and be fluent in the areas of economics, personal
relations, computer skills, and several other necessary areas
that are applicable.
However, when businesses are searching for human resources
management staff it is also important to have work experience
after their education has been completed.
It may be more possible to be hired among smaller businesses
and then after some experience has been obtained then apply
at the large businesses and corporations.
Human resources management can be a very important ele-
ment of a business. Because they are in charge of productivity
of staff as well as well as any personal issues that may come,
how well the management staff is doing their jobs can influ-
ence the business as a whole.
The management team is a very essential part of the business.
Often because of their work experience and education the man-
agement staff has a strong relationship with the executives of
the business.
The executives must trust the management staff to keep the
staff productive so that the business continues to grow and
make money.
de rigourThe cycle of human resources
training and development should
start directly after on-boarding and
continue long after the candidate
leaves the organisation.
he human resources profession is a growing
within the business world as well as in many other
organizations and areas of study and work. Human
Resources is the connection between the clients or
customers, employees, and senior executives.
The human resources department is not only
responsible for clerical duties like organizing files,
but also of hiring and firing as well as training and
The department has so many different positions
and responsibilities that it allows for a dynamic yet stable career. Human
resources training and development starts with education.
There are several human resources programs available at many different
institutes and colleges. The human resources training and development is
often well rounded including several different areas of study.
These areas include business, administration, human relations, computer
skills, and other areas depending on the specific course of study. The
programs often focus on several different areas in order to educate the
students on the business, clerical, and staff relations areas of the job
Employers will look for knowledge and competence in many of these areas
when hiring for their human resources department. During the training and
development received at the college, the students will most likely come
into contact with different recruiters. These recruiters will come to the
schools looking for eligible and competent future employees.
The human resources training and development then continues once
the student has been hired with an organization. The human resources
department is responsible for the training and development of the new
employees. The new employees are trained by their future colleagues of
the department.
The new employee will get trained in all elements of the human resources
What’s the big idea about
training? If you train them they
might leave, if you don’t they
might stay. :)
Learning on the fly can work
in some businesses. But
underestimating the candidates
need to remain relevant through
developing specific skills can have
dire consequences as talent seek a
way to grow from their experiences.
department. The job description and the specifics of the job
will depend on the organization and will vary from company
to company. The prior education that the employee received
in their program will help them in the job regardless of their
specific duties.
Not only are the new employees in the human resources
department trained by the department, but employees in
other areas of the work place are trained there as well. The
human resources training and development also included the
other business employees.
Employees hired into the organization must go through
human resources before entering into their new position.
There, the employee will fill out paper work, give their
personal information, and be trained on the policies and
procedures of the business.
The human resources training and development regardless
of the level at which it occurs needs to be as concrete and
professional as possible in order to keep the business running
as smooth as possible.
There appears to be much that human resources gives,
however to maintain a balance of growth they also need
to receive. Knowledge creation and development for the
entire organisation are essential areas that human resources
departments must shine a bright light on. Human resources
are not just the resource of human assets for a company, they
should be walking libraries of processes and systems that can
guide the organisation. Strategically this makes them the
one gatekeeper that can determine the rate of growth and
culture of the business too.
Training therefore should encompass learning and
development as an essential element of up-skilling and
progression planning right across the company. Businesses
that have the skills to provide a pathway for their high
potentials are the ones that will have clear and sustainable
planning strategies for the future proofing of leadership and
will have no problem in attracting the right candidates.
Letting people in your organisation know about development
opportunities and building them into activities for
engagement in roles is critical for in house recruitment.
Championing training as an incentive shouldn’t only be
accessible for the privileged few or used as a dangling carrot
to gain productivity.
Organizational behavior is a science and measuring the
outcomes of departments within the business can be directly
correlated to the growth a person receives in their work
environment. The light bulb moment essentially should come
by the face that people are not the most valuable
asset of a business. Individual success whilst with the
organisation and beyond is what builds great companies.
Are you in a role where training and develop-
ment matter?
Tell us what you think at
ow To Face a Blind Interview?
You are lucky if you know someone from
the company that you are about to go for
an interview, or even better if you know
someone from the interview panel. How-
ever, this is a rare case for a lucky few.
Most of the times, you just know the com-
pany name and the post that you have
applied for.
A blind interview is generally the one
where you know the least about the company profile or the job
profile. So, if you are ever stuck on a situation when you have to
attend a blind interview then here are some things to remember:
Dress speaks a lot about your personality and character, so
dress appropriately according to the situation. Someone people
recommend that you must always wear a suit for an interview.
But this is not as right as it may seem. Dresses may depend upon
the company and the post that you have applied for. If you have
applied for a corporate management position then a suit would
be alright. If you are going for an interview for the post of a ware-
house worker then dress in a way that it looks like that you can
fit in. Something like slacks and loafers would do instead of jeans
and snickers.
One important thing to remember before going for a blind inter-
view is to prepare well for it. Find out as much information as you
can about the company using mediums like Internet and media.
Find out how long they have been in the business and what is
important for them and how you can help them.
During the interview, come up with some questions to ask. The
employers are there to interview you because they have a need,
asking questions to them about it make them feel good as well
as helps you in understanding the job role. Show enthusiasm
and interest in fulfilling the need of the company. Clarify what
kind of expectations they have from you and find out if you fit
in. These steps can help you be successful in the blind interview
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White LiesIs Telling Lies In An Interview, good?
One of the biggest NO’s when it
comes to getting a job, is telling
lies to your prospective employer.
In most cases the lies get caught
and you will end up losing the job. How-
ever, if your are fortunate enough to dupe
them and get the job by telling lies then
this may cause complications for you later
during your career in the company.
A little bit of lie, such as saying that you are
sick is something excusable, but lying about
your qualifications and experience is just
not acceptable.
No matter how tempted you feel to lie,
this will come back to cause you sleepless
nights. Sometimes, when people are
desperately looking for a job, they tend to
lie in the following ways:
•	 Putting the name of a friend in the
place of the previous employer, in the
application form.
•	 Giving out wrong information about the
qualification and experience, so that the
background matches with the ‘desirable
candidate checklist’
•	 Making up in the qualification and
education front
•	 Telling lies about why you left your
previous job. Especially in cases where
you say that you resigned, but were
actually removed
•	 Giving wrong reference contacts
There is a little chance that the employers
would be duped and the HR would be too
lazy to do a background check. However,
would you like to risk your entire career like
this? This tough job market salutation, it
may be quite tempting to tell a lie, but you
need to understand that it may have bad
Most of the times, the employers will get
your references checked carefully before
taking you in the job. A lie can spill water
on all your hard work and preparation.
Thus it is highly recommended that you
abstain from any temptations to lie to your
re you looking to find a new
job? If you are, you will
likely come into contact
with a number of different
individuals, likely from a number of
different companies. No matter whom
you are dealing with, it is important
that you are polite at all times. For
more information on the importance
of politeness, when dealing with
prospective employers, you will want
to read on.
One of the best ways to understand
the importance of politeness is to put
yourself in someone else’s place. For
starters, imagine yourself as the hiring
manager for a local retail store. If
you were to come into contact with
two job applicants, one of which who
responded with “please” and “thank
you,” and another that acted as if
speaking to you was just a waste of
their time, which individual would you
be more likely to hire? It is likely that
you would respond with the candidate
who was polite. It is no secret that
employers do not want to hire those
who are impolite or have bad matters.
One of the many reasons why it is
important for companies to hire
polite and compassionate people
is because their employees can
either make or break their business.
This is particularly true when direct
customer contact is required. In
keeping with the retail setting, retailers
want and need employees who
are warm, welcoming, and inviting.
An employee with a poor attitude
can cause customers to take their
business elsewhere. That is why it is
important to be polite when dealing
with all prospective employers, no
matter which type of industry you are
interested in working in.
It is also important to mention that
you should be polite at all times and
to whomever you come into contact
with. Unfortunately, many job seekers
make this mistake. Many mistakenly
believe that the only person they need
to impress is the individual conducting
the job interview. Yes, most of your
focus and politeness should be
focused on your job interview, but
you need to keep other instances in
mind. For instance, should you drop
off a job application or a resume, it is
advised that you greet the acceptor in
a pleasant and positive matter. It is
not uncommon for some employees
to pass word on to their supervisors
about poor experiences they had with
those dropping off applications or
Should you receive a call asking to
schedule an interview, there is a good
chance that the supervisor conducting
the interview will not be the one on
the telephone with you. Often times
assistants or secretaries handles
these types of scheduling issues. This
is something that shouldn’t impact
your behavior or demeanor when
speaking to the individual in question
though. That is why it important
that you are polite to whomever you
may be speaking with on the phone.
Whether you dealing with a secretary
or an assistant manager, it is advised
that you are polite as possible.
Answering another telephone call, not
saying “thank you,” or quickly ending
the phone call can land you in hot
The above mentioned scenarios are a
few of the many situations in which it
is important to be polite when looking
for a job. As a reminder, politeness
comes in a number of different
sizes, shapes, and styles. In most
cases, saying “please,” and “thank
you,” should be enough for those of
importance to take notice.
The Importance of Politeness When
Dealing with Prospective Employers
“When we set up
OneRecruit we had only
one thing in mind and
that was to create the
best applicant tracking
system in the world,
no compromises and
no shortcuts, yet being
sophisticated and
engaging.” Thats how
Martin Staael, founder of
OneRecruit chooses to
identify and introduce the
applicant tracking system
he built, and his clients
o what makes a great applicant
tracking system? After searching
for a system that easily helps
manage the recruitment process
in his own businesses, Staael found that
other applicant tracking systems fell
short in one simple area. Easy of use.
The complexity of using such systems
often outweighed the need to use one.
There were just too many widgets and
components that tracked and monitored
areas of the recruitment process that
made it time consuming and over
compensated for a relatively easy
process that was needed for small and
medium sized businesses.
Staael decided that the best way
forward was to create his own, as you
do when you are entrepreneurial and a
programmer. The result is an ingenious
way to track applicants at a fraction of
the cost it would take to regularly perform
these duties. “We took what HRO’s
needed and made it accessible even to
the most challenged computer users,”
said CEO Jeremy Stewart. “Our greatest
asset is empowering people who do
recruitment.” he said.
Recruitment is a
game to win
Then why is OneRecruit a great Applicant Tracking
System? For one thing you don’t go about creating the
best system without firstly demonstrating how what is
available is reductive in comparison.
OneRecruit was built on certifiably great technology
that scales with a businesses needs and requirements.
“It’s what we put into the process of using the system
that makes it a long lasting solution, whilst giving the
recruiter the power to use a platform that will serve
even the most discerning user,” said CMO Azhar Khan.
“Recruitment is a game much like a game of chess, you
have to play the game strategically to win. It’s the same
when meeting the right candidates. Business need to
be strategic in positioning themselves to attract and win
over the right people for the company. Our ATS makes
the game easier and a lot more strategic.” he said
Applicant tracking systems are meant to make life
easier and thats exactly what OneRecruits user interface
offers. Clean and clear processes for managing
recruitment. Try OneRecruit for free with the trial period
available now by visiting the website online at:
Money is the most
sensitive issue in the
whole hiring process.
Discussing the compensation
often causes anxiety on both
employee and employer. Here
are seven ways to make the
process of salary negotiating
Before the interview process begins, contact the
professional organization that represents your
field of career. As soon as they provide you with
your salary information, you can now examine
your monthly cash requirements. Remember
that once your taxes are added to your paycheck,
approximately 30% of your gross
monthly salary is deducted.
Weigh the company’s compensation package: To
determine your fair market value for a specific job,
you should consider the economic, geographic, and
industry factors of the job offer. Weigh the benefits
of compensation and promotions, insurance,
allowed time off and retirement
settlements of the offer
to ensure a fair
proposed salary.
Show what you are made of: The interview
is only the first step in having an enhanced
compensation. Once you are hired, offer
your skills to the company and prove your
worth by doing quality work. You may even
get a promotion for doing so.
The final offer: Be aware when
the negotiation is done. Pushing
further when a deal has been
set could give a negative first
impression on your part.
Determine your skills. You should understand that different segments of
the economy require a variety of skills depending on the industry setting.
Once you have established what your skills are and what they are worth to
the current employment market, you would know the limitations of your
Salary range information is available at American Almanac of Jobs and
Salaries, National Association of College and Employers, Career Center, and
professionals in your related field. Websites like Glassdoor and carry a host of information.
In stating your salary range, avoid basing your desired salary on
your current salary. Always tell the truth when it comes to your
past salary. It is acceptable to extend a range to approximately
$6,000 to show that you are within the company’s
price range but interested
in more compensation.
Sell yourself! If you know what you could
offer the company requires a larger income,
never say it directly. Once you sell yourself
discreetly, the interviewer would understand
that the proposed salary is not appropriate
for your background.
Have a positive attitude: In negoti-
ating, never compete. Negotiation
is basically a process which could
benefit both parties.
Understand your needs
and those of the company.
Based from a survey conducted by the Society for Human
Resource Management, four out of five employees are willing
to negotiate compensation. Understanding these basic tips will
allow you to enhance the terms of your new job.
efore you send
out your resume
or resumes, you
will want to take
a close look at
the cover letter
of your resume.
For starters, are
you even using a
cover letter?
If you are currently not using a cover
letter, you will want to refrain from
mailing out your resume, at least right
away. Many businesses expect to
receive cover letters attached to all
resumes. In fact, many now require
them, especially with mailed in appli-
cations or resumes. If you are unsure
as to how you can go about creating
the perfect resume or at least one
that can benefit the application, you
will want to continue reading on.
When it comes to creating the perfect
cover letter, there are a number of
important factors to take into consid-
eration. One of those factors is the
job that you are applying for and the
wishes of that company. It is com-
mon for some employers to list ex-
actly what they want cover letters to
include. If you are given a sample or
directions, you are advised to follow
them. Not following instructions can
result in your resume, as well as your
cover letter ending up in the “don’t
call,” pile.
How to Create
the Perfect
Cover Letter
As previously stated, a company may have their own
preferences as to what they would like cover letters to
include. This is because no two companies are truly the
same. That is why it is advised that you do not use the
same cover letter for each resume that you send out. In-
stead, you will want to create and distribute different cover
letters for each employer that you have. You can have a
sample cover letter or a template to use, but it is advised
that you take the time to personalize each cover letter in
one way or another.
Speaking of personalizing your cover letter, you will want
to personalize each cover letter that you send out to the
jobs that you are applying for and the companies in which
you are sending your resume to. For instance, if you are
applying for the position of a legal secretary, you will want
to plainly state that position. This will automatically set
you apart from a good percentage of your competition.
Customizing each of your cover letters to the particular
job that you are applying for is a great way to get yourself
noticed, as you took a few extra steps not necessarily
Another one of the many ways that you can create the
perfect cover letter for yourself is by being short and
to the point. With that in mind, you will not want to be
too short either. A cover letter should be at least three
paragraphs and you should try and keep all cover letters
under one page long. It is advised that you do not use any
colored fonts, as black ink should do. It is also advised
that you do not use any colored paper for your resume
cover letter. Some job seekers mistakenly believe that
this catches the eye of those in charge of scheduling job
interviews. Yes, it may, but not always in the ways that
you had hoped for.
As for what you should include in your cover letter, it is
advised that you list a few of your skills and qualifications.
It is also important to keep this portion of your cover letter
short and to the point. Your resume will go into further
detail, but it is still advised that you quickly outline the
qualifications and skills that you have. Be sure to focus on
those that apply directly to the job that you are applying
for. For example, if you are applying for the position of a
legal secretary, you will want to summarize your computer
software knowledge, typing skills, transcription skills, and
so forth.
The above mentioned points are all points that you will
want to take into consideration, when making a cover
letter for yourself. In all honesty, any cover letter is better
than no cover letter at all, but with cover letters being rela-
tively easy to create, why take the chance.
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n fact, you may even have
a number of job interviews
already lined up. If that is
the case, have you start-
ed preparing for your job
interviews? Job interviews
can be tricky and extremely
important at the same time.
That is why you are advised
to proceed with caution and
refrain from walking into a
job interview without having
done even the simplest amount of
When it comes to job interviews,
one of the biggest mistakes
that a job seeker, possibly just
like you, makes involves their
appearance, namely the clothing
that they choose to wear. When
it comes to a job interview,
it is important to remember
professionalism, professionalism,
and professionalism again.
In fact, professionalism cannot
be said enough when it comes to
job interviews. Your appearance,
namely the clothes that you
choose to wear, says a lot about
you, your seriousness, and your
professionalism. The worse mistake
that you can make is showing up
for a job interview like you were
simply taking a trip to the mall.
Not carefully planning out your
appearance, especially your clothes,
can have you eliminated from the
job running instantly.
Although it is important to hear that
you need to dress professionally
for a job interview, you may be
curious as to why it is so important
to do so. As previously stated, your
appearance, namely the clothes
that you wear, can say a lot about
yourself and your personality.
Professional clothes, such as a
dress or a paints suit, shows that
you are serious about the job and
making a good impression. Your
professionalism and responsibility
will also be brought into light as
well. You may be surprised to
know that many job interviewers
remember the appearance of their
applicants, namely the clothes,
before all else.
“Interviews”How should you dress for them?
BY Maria Cucinotta - The Image CEO
“You only have one chance to make a first impression”
Are you in the process of changing careers or even just jobs? If you are, you may be in the
process of scheduling job interviews.
If you are serious about finding a job or landing the job of your
dreams, you will want to dress professional in nature. With that in
mind, different individuals have different definitions of profession-
alism. When trying to determine what you should wear to a job
interview, there are a number of factors that should be taken into
consideration. For instance, it is advised that men try and wear
dress pant suit sets. This is ideal; however, if the temperature is
ninety degrees outside, it may be difficult or impossible for you
to do so. In that instance, you may want to opt for a light pair of
tan pants and a golf shirt. In the same instance, women should
consider wearing knee length skirts instead of full length skirts
and so forth.
In addition to dressing professionally for a job interview, you may
want to consider doing the same for you submission process. If
you will be submitting your job applications or resumes in per-
son, it is advised that you dress in a professional matter. This is
because you may get the opportunity to quickly meet with the su-
pervisor who will be handling all job interviews. This is your best
opportunity to make a good first impression of yourself. It is also
important to mention that many supervisors, especially those in
retail, choose to give job interviews right on the spot. That is why
you may want to dress as if you were attending a job interview,
even when just submitting your job applications and resumes.
Although you may have a suitable outfit in your closet already,
you may want to consider going shopping. In fact, you may also
want to consider making an appointment at your local barber
shop or hair salon.
If you have the funds needed to do so, you may want to purchase
a new job interview outfit or have your hair trimmed.
You may be surprised, but these simple steps can uplift your
confidence like you would never believe. This confidence can help
you successfully breeze through your next job interview.
Maria Cucinotta is a Director at Femme &
Homme International, Executive Personal
Brand and Civility Coach. She is a certified
Master Results Coach and NLP Practitioner
and Trainer, specializing in Rapport and Pre-
sentation Skills, Her clients have included
Estee Lauder, 3M, and Myer.and a range of
private, corporate and SME’s.
Identity. Influence. Impact.
Resume Tip That Would
Guarantee You a Spot on
the Interview
There are many ways to write a resume but there are guide-
lines that should be taken into great account when writing
a great one. Here are resume tips that would make your
potential employer scrambling to have you interviewed:
The heading. Placing yourself to the position of the
employer, you surely would want to see a resume that is
easy to read. Thus, winning the attention of your potential
employer means that your resume should have the right
heading. Use headings that are appropriate to the job
description you are applying. Avoid too much heading with
useless content.
Advertising the achievements. Again if you put yourself to
the position of the employer, you would want to hire a win-
ner and a performer. Make sure you include the necessary
achievements that would impress anyone that would get
hold of your resume. Your achievements should be one of
your priorities while making your resume.
Highlight your education. Many employers require their
applicants to have a certain level of education achievement.
If you have finished college with flying colors or if you are
one of the campus’ greatest student, feel free to include it to
your resume. I guarantee you it would help.
Make a good content. The right heading needs to have a
good content. Without it, the resume will go to the trashcan.
You surely don’t want your resume to end up on the bottom
of the list either. So, your task is to supply good content
to your resume. The content should be able to sell you to
the reader. It should be written in a manner that the reader
would build enough interest to call you for an interview.
Unique design. Now this would depend on the job
description you are trying to enter. Just make sure that
your design would not be make you look ridiculous. Design
should be simple yet different. Try to experiment on your
Wet fish handshake
One thing that potentially could have dire
consequences for your interview process is the
wet fish handshake. Both men and women in
recruitment agree that there is no excuse for a
wet fish handshake.
How do you know if you have a wet fish
handshake? It’s simple, you will feel overpowered
by the other person, your palms will be sweaty
and the moment you pull away you’ll feel like you
have a limp wrist.
design like relocating the position of the heading and the
content. Remember that you do this to attract attention not to
confuse the reader so you better make it good. Proper use of
words. Use of simple words with depth is the most advisable way
to write your resume.
Make a matching cover letter. Resume would not stand alone.
It still needs a backup and cover letter is what it needs. A good
cover letter that would state your interest to the job. Make sure
all your social media profiles have content that support your
interests and not just pictures of the latest meal you have had.
Success leaves traces online
and recruiters will stalk you
online to find out if you really
walk your talk, or are you one
person at work and another
everywhere else. Authenticity
is key to recruitment.
ometimes an interview can be all to
change your fate and career for the best.
Therefore, it is important that you attend
every interview with enthusiasm and the
right attitude. To optimize your chances
to be successful, remember to avoid the
following things while facing an inter-
The first thing to avoid is being un-
prepared for an interview. If you have
decided to attend an interview then remember to always
prepare for it, plan it out, and practice to get your best.
Today’s job market is extremely tough and in order to get
through you need to have a competitive advantage, a good
preparation is key to it. Second thing to avoid, that may
cost your job, is the inability to communicate effectively
and clearly. It is an important aspect that is checked in an
individual during a job interview. If you are nervous on the
spot then you can give out weak and wrong signals that may
cost you the job. It is always better to practice in advance,
what you plan to say.
Thirdly, avoid being too arrogant or aggressive during an
interview. Don’t act in an “I know it all” attitude. This will not
help at all, and may even cost you the job. Always be humble
and act in a very careful manner. Being confident is good but
see that you don’t get too over confident while talking to your
prospective employer.
Fourth thing to stay away from is making lame excuses for
your failure. If your career graph or anything of the past shows
a failure, accept it. Don’t make lame excuses in front of the
employers. Let them know that you have understood your
mistake and learn’t from it, and that you will be doubly careful
in your future. Fifth thing to avoid is bad mouthing your
previous employer. Even if they were not good or you didn’t
have good terms with them, never say anything bad about
them during your interview. Sixth thing to avoid is a poor or
limp handshake. A bad handshake can turn people off and
give a wrong impression about you. So, remember to shake
hand confidently and firmly.
Do you need a Professional to Write
your Resume?
Do you need to find work? If you are, you will likely
come across numerous job listings that you would
like to apply for. When applying for a job, you are
almost always required to submit a copy of your
resume. When it comes to submitting a resume for a
job, it is advised that your resume be professional in
nature. A professional resume is one that will up your
chances of getting the job of your dreams.
When it comes to submitting a professional resume,
there are many job seekers who wonder if they should
hire the services of a professional resume writer. As
you likely already know a professional resume writer
is often a freelancer writer, but one who specializes
in writing professional resumes. Many professional
resume writers have a degree or years of experience
with creating professional resumes. In all honesty,
the decision as to whether or not you want to hire the
services of a professional resume writer is yours to
make, but there are a number of benefits to doing so.
As it was previously mentioned, many professional
resume writers have training and experience. Not all,
but many freelance writers have a degree or at least
some schooling that is either related to journalism or
English. You may also find some professional resume
writers who have some freelance writing experience,
but who have also worked as hiring managers or
company representatives. Perhaps, these types of
professionals are the best ones to do business with,
as they can not only write professional resumes, but
they also often know what hiring employers look for
in a resume.
Another one of the many benefits to hiring a
professional resume writer is the work that you
will have to do. Of course, you will need to be in
communication with your hired resume writer, as
they need to gather information on your work history
and education, but that is about it. After the needed
information has been obtained, you pretty much just
need to review your resume and submit payment for
it. If you are inexperienced with writing or resumes in
general, it could literally take you days or even weeks
to get your resume exactly the way that you want it.
In fact, there are many who never get their resumes
exactly, how they want them, so many just end up
settling with what they have. When doing business
with a professional resume writer, you don’t have to
settle for second best; you should always be given
the best service and the best results available.
In fact, many professional resume writers have
satisfaction guaranteed policies.
The only downside to hiring the services
of a professional resume writer is the
cost of one. However, it is important to
remember that there are an unlimited
number of professional resume writers
to choose from, especially if you use the
Internet to examine all of your options.
This means that you should be able
to find a number of professional
resume writers, many of which who
have affordable rates. Of course, it is
important that you don’t go too cheap,
as you want to make sure that you get
professional results. Spending fifty or
one hundred dollars on a professional
resume writer really isn’t that bad of
a deal, especially when a professional
resume writer may be able to get you a
higher paying job.
It is also important to mention your
competition. When applying for a job,
there is a good chance that you will
not be the only applicant. Many jobs,
especially those advertised online,
receive hundreds and sometimes even
thousands of applicants. Out of all of
those applicants, you would actually be
surprised to see how many do not use
the services of a professional resume
writer. In fact, you may be surprised with
how many applicants turn in resumes
that were never even proofread. To stand
out from the crowd hire a professional
resume writer. They will see a whole lot
further than you think and can position
your talents like you were standing on
the back of an elephant walking a tight-
rope and still make it sound reasonable.
Know your STORYWe are asked at a very young age to make decisions that affect the rest of our lives. Yet our
vocation often ends up with people searching for more. Getting to grips with the story you
want to give the world and the legacy you want to leave on the planet is a clue to where and
what you should consider when making the decision to write the story of your life. To get
started you first need to evaluate where you are, what position are you in and where do you
intend to go. Making a plan starts now...
ou can’t really
evaluate a position
unless you do the
research. From a
recent survey in
the U.S., graduate
degree holders
earn an average of
35 to 50 percent
more than just
bachelor’s degree holders. This is a
reason why more and more are taking
their Masters. There could be an offer
or two, all you have to do is make a
concrete decision to ensure the right
job for you in the present job market.
Know what you want
Knowing what kind of personality you
have and your interests gives you an
idea how you would like to spend your
day on a job. The activities you’d like
to get involved in plays a great role
in keeping you motivated. You could
make a list of the kinds of people you
would like to be working with. Say,
people who like being told what to do
or authoritative types; how about loud
people or quiet types; and would you
like a place where people love social-
izing or not? There are different sizes
of companies as well, there are small,
medium, large, overseas, local, and
The Internet is a valuable tool that
assists online job seekers in looking for
a job they could fit in. Trim down the
choices depending on your needs and
wants to get the more possible pool
of companies you can try submitting
How Desperate are you for Work?
How desperate are you for a job? If
you are currently unemployed or if
you truly think that your current job
is making you “crazy,” you may be.
When it comes to finding a new job,
especially in a hurry, there are many
individuals who think that the more
job applications they fill out or the
more resumes they submit, the better
their chances of finding a new job are.
But, what about the employers who
are currently not hiring? If you are
wondering whether or not you should
fill out a job application or submit your
resume to a place that isn’t hiring, you
are not alone.
When it comes to determining whether
or not you should submit a job
application or drop off your resume
to a place that isn’t hiring, there are
a number of important factors that
need to be taken into consideration.
Perhaps, the most important factor
is if you know for sure they are not
hiring. When it comes to filling out
job applications, there are many
applicants who try and determine,
upfront, whether or not there are any
positions available. If you happen
to stop by a local business or call to
ask about hiring and get a negative
response, you may not want to submit
an application anyways, especially if
you gave your name. This tends to
create a bad impression; an impression
that states that you don’t necessarily
listen to what you are being told.
Now, there is a difference between
knowing in advance that a business
isn’t hiring versus being told as soon as
you go to turn in your job application
or your resume. If you are told when
you are submitting your resume or job
application, it is advised that you ask
about the future? Does the company
representative that you are speaking with
think that they will be doing any hiring in
the future? If so, you may want to think
about asking them to hang on to your
job application or your resume for future
In some states, employers are required to
save all job applications and resumes for
about a year. Of course, if the business
in question later advertises the fact that
they are hiring, you are advised against
automatically assuming that your
resume is still on file. You may want to
call, just to make sure. One of the few
downsides to applying to places that
aren’t necessarily hiring at the current
moment is the timing.
As it was previously mentioned, many
employers are required to save any job
applications or resumes that they receive
for a period of time, like a year. This is
nice because some employers decide to
not even advertise the fact that they are
hiring, instead many just go through the
resumes or job applications that they
accumulated overtime.
The only problem is the overtime
part. You may have submitted your
application eight months ago and only
end up getting a response now. If you
are like many job seekers, you should
be able to find a job in as little as a few
weeks, sometimes a month or two at the
most. That means that by the time your
application or resume gets noticed, it
may already end up being too late.
As a reminder, the decision as to whether
or not you want to apply at a place that
isn’t hiring is yours to make, but it is
advised that you proceed with caution
when doing so.
If you are told that applications are not
being accepted at the current time, even
just to hang on to, you are advised to cut
your loses and move on. Don’t cause a
fuss or push the issue, thank them for
their time and assistance and you will
be remembered in a positive light. Your
major strengths and weaknesses will
help indicate how well you will perform
in the work you have chosen. Your
progress dictates your maturity and
enthusiasm at work. Finding the best job
for you is a full time job itself. It requires
time and passion to get positive results.
No matter what you choose, it should
always be a place where you can identify
yourself and remain happy.
% of Job Hunters Search Technique Effectiveness
66.0 %
50.8 %
41.8 %
28.4 %
27.3 %
45.9 %
21.0 %
12.5 %
15.3 %
10.4 %
1.6 %
6.0 %
Direct Application
Referral from Friends (work)
Asking friends (other places)
Asking family
Asking relatives
Career Centre
School Organisation/Club
Civil Service Exams
Referrals from Mentors
Local ads
Cooperative programs
47.71 %
22.1 %
11.9 %
19.3 %
7.4 %
23.9 %
24.2 %
21.4 %
12.5 %
12.1 %
12.9 %
22.2 %
is it effective?
Online Learning
Many business are gearing towards online
teaching. Why more and more people are
showing interest is because of different
administrative and accessibility reasons.
For trainers and program administrators,
facilitating online education can be a lot easier
than traditional teaching.
irst, materials could be easily updated. Access to
certain files can be restricted by using passwords,
time and date access. Aside from that, organizations
could also facilitate large teams easily and subject
and course materials could be easily distributed.
It is also more flexible, since online teaching can encompass
different limitations like time zones, geographic locations and
physical limitations. Technology can also help in enhancing
learning and knowledge among team members. Technology
would also allow your team to collaborate with other staff
beyond borders. Trainers could also explore different
teaching methods of presentation. To make online teaching
a great experience for both trainers and staff, there are things
that you can do.
•	 Set time frames at the beginning of the course. Use these
times to respond or reply to student comments and
questions. This practice would help a trainer develop
discipline among the team and at the same time set
a routine for them. Make sure that everyone is well
informed about the time frame you have set.
If there would be any circumstances that you should
change the time frame for responses, then make sure
that you staff are informed of the changes. Give them
adequate time to be informed of the changes.
If you have assignments and discussions, then provide
general feedback to the entire class. This would allow teams
to get exposed to other ideas and at the same time learn
from each other. Give your teams positive reinforcement and
encouragement. Give them feedback that would actually
help them in improving their work. Comments like “good”
can never be sufficient. Give enough comments.
Avoid over-facilitating. As a trainer, you do not have to answer
all the questions. If you having online discussions, let your
students answer to each other. For example, if somebody
asked about a certain topic do not respond immediately.
After a few days you would notice that some of your team will
be giving feedback or answers on their own.
To make sure that the participation or discussion is
continuous, regularly post acknowledgment to team
comments or post an idea that would encourage staff to
answer or post messages. Aside from that, avoid having
long lulls in the discussion boards. There would be times
when team members would not be posting anything since
there are nothing new to post about, so best to avoid those
circumstances. There are also tendencies that staff would
stray away from the topics and discuss something else. Guide
your team and make sure that they would be discussing the
topic. Redirect the discussion but do not appear to be harsh,
use humor, jokes or graphics to redirect the discussion.
Before you move on to a new topic, make sure to summarize
or having a closing session about the topic. Make sure that all
team members are united in understanding the concepts.
This would be the time to level-off with the students so that
they would not get lost in the next topic. Online teaching has
many benefits, it is flexible and technology can be explored
in different ways so that you, the trainer and your team
members would benefit from it.
Important Questions
That You Must Ask Your
n interview is mostly about the interviewers
asking questions to you. However, sometimes
it becomes necessary for you to ask questions
to the interviewers. It helps in striking a conversa-
tion and getting to know more about the expecta-
tions of the employer and the need f the company.
Some of the important questions that you must ask
to your interview are:
1.	 Who according to you is an ideal employee?
What according to you should he be like? An
answer to this question will reveal what the
employer is trying to find in you. Listen to the
answer carefully and try to explain how close
you are to his requirement in a very humble
2.	 You can ask them what the other people in the
office are like. This will help you understand
how close and understanding your boss is. Try
to catch the tone of his/ her voice. Is he or she
enthusiastic about the team, or disappointed?
This will help you to understand the employer
3.	 Ask them how a team member succeeds
in their team. Hopefully she/ he will give
you a clear picture of the job role and
requirements of the job. It will also help you
understand the expectations and answer
their questions accordingly. This will even
help you in your job if you are selected.
You can also them about the goals that an
employee should keep to succeed in life.
Give your employer importance and listen
to their answers carefully.
4.	 Another important thing to ask is that how
do they think is that best way to solve a
problem. The answer to this question will
give you an insight to their management
As your employer answers your questions,
study his/ her body language. Try to figure out if
she /he was open to the questions and an-
swered them thoughtfully or just side lined the
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Track you applicants with ease and make great hiring decisions with
Creating innovative solutions
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  • 2. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 CONTENTS CONTENTS 4 15 24 45 10 12 14 16 18 5 Social Media Recruitment How’s the best way to illic- it a great reference Argument & Reality The importance of politeness when dealing with prospective Employers Why recruitment is a game to win Whats This? Interview preparation tips that help you make a good impression. How Skills Matter The importance of skills in job interviews What is HR? All you need to know about HR Training de rigour Blind Interview How to face a Blind Interview From the Editor 8 32 37 38 43 44 6 From the CEO 22 White Lies Is telling lies in an interview, good?
  • 3. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Seven Basic Salary Negotiation Tips Money is the most sensitive issue in the whole hiring process 28 32 34 36 37 38 40 How to create the perfect cover letter Before you send your resume, you will want to take a close look at the cover letter of your resume. Interviews How should you dress for them Resume Tips Tips that would guarantee you spot on the interview Six things to avoid whilst facing an interview Do you need a professional to write your resume Know your Story We are asked at a very young age to make decisions that affect the rest of our lives. 12The Importance of skills on job interviews 42 Online Learning-is it effective Many businesses are gearing towards on-line learning 44 Important questions that you must ask your interviewer Sometimes its important to as the interviewer some questions © OneRecruit 2015. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are not permitted. THIS MAGAZINE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS MAGAZINE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
  • 4. 4 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 SMR is part of a recruiters daily situation. There is no doubt that it serves one, to be vocationally astute with online professional profiles. Here are some tips, news and revelations about getting it right. Manage Your Profile- Restricting access to your profile is one way to manage who sees your information, however there are alternative ways for you to engage reciters by opening a success list, or group that you keep open and promote yourself with. In other words, give recruiters something to find. 87% of recruiters now search for new candidates through social media. Linkedin is by far the professional profile of choice, But serious recruiters are also searching Facebook, tumblr, Pinterest Google + and niche sites like Wotteva for cultural fit and Quora for expert advisors. Freelance websites are rolling out all over the place and there are few that are complementary to building a profile,, and Odesk all have great user experiences and sites like behance, 99designs, Design Crowd, ServiceCrowd are really taking on the creative industries. Practice your Elevator Bio - It’s no longer okay to just write that you like music and sailing. Thats okay when you’re twelve years old and are still in school. Have a succinct message in your bio status. One that encourages engagement and contact. Emoticons are trending in a big way. To really make yours sing and dance visit online and make yours for free. Everyone loves great emoticons. Social Media RecruitmentWhats new and trending in the metaverse 74% Actively seeking new jobs Candidate Behavior Trends 69% Search for opportunities employed or not 15 - Number of sources consulted per job search 88% Have a social media profile. 64% have 2 44% have 3 1 in 6 credit social media for their current job Recruiter Behavior Trends 7/10 Hire candidates via social media 89% through LinkedIn 26% through Facebook 15% through Twitter 4/5 Companies outsource to provide agility and lower cost per hire 88% Have an increase in candidate quality from Social Recruitment Marketing 49% Have a demonstrated an increase in the quality of hire
  • 5. 5ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 FROM THE EDITOR Thank you for downloading OneRecruit Magazine, our new format for reaching out to you and finding out what matters most to anyone in the Human Resources industry or anyone looking for a job. When we decided on the format for this magazine, we wanted to ensure that it was not just another magazine delivering content that regurgitated academic transcripts and provided cynical yet witty improvisations of what could inevitably be referred to as some sort of comedy satire. In fact we searched high and low for something to advertise in before we decided that there was very little dedicated to vocation, people, jobs and the values most of us carry with us throughout our careers. Which is why we chose to create this e-zine as a forum where everyone could respectfully contribute online and join us in contributing to what could become a well endorsed dose of human resource reality. (HRR), Social Media Recruitment (SMR), and Learning and Development. What kind of reality you ask? The reality of knowing we are all people with needs. Candidates don’t always know what to do when searching for a job in job boards, or just what to write in a cover letter. People are not great at discussing themselves in most circumstances and so often we leave so much on the table because no-one taught us that getting a job, or giving a job is part skill-set and part negotiation. So many candidates walk away with the first offer they get, and most employers settle for less than mediocre. So over the coming months we aim to change how people see vocations and start discussing what really matters, both to the team in HR and those candidates that are reaching out for jobs. Its our mission to see candidates and companies match each other by their values and priorities and build cultures that co-exist productively. No one should be in a job unless they truly are inspired to be there. Anything short of waking up every morning and being inspired to be in a role that you are in requires energy, motivation, drive and support. These 4 factors will drag you down before they drag you out the door. Anything that requires motivation will always require motivation and can never be the right decision. However, when you are inspired from within to live and breath a role of your dreams. You will land your dream job and that will be the inspiring reason for you to wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to handle anything that life has to offer. We have all heard some of the greatest minds on the planet talk about how everything is for sale. We are entering a new era in recruitment where people and companies are going to come together in really unusual circumstances. Social media recruitment is one such reality and the jobs we see today are a small drop in the ocean compared to the roles that are being invented for tomorrow. So grab on to your hats! Enjoy the ride and tell the world what you think by joining us as we celebrate inspired ones that share their vocations, careers, and people that make up their world. And if you have something to say, join us in our social media platforms below and tell us what you think, or send me an email at We hope you enjoy this issue just as we have enjoyed creating it for you!! AzharAzhar Khan Executive Editor CMO OneRecruit
  • 6. 6 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 A Warm Welcome Welcome to OneRecruit Magazine, a new bi-monthly e-magazine that shines light on the topics, challenges and trends in recruitment. Recruiting the right employee is a critically important, yet often complicated and drawn out part of any business. As any manager or business owner knows, a bad hire can have a devastating effect on performance and morale and can leads to significant expenses that go over and above the initial costs of hire. Drawing on the insight and experience from some of the best and most respected minds and practitioners in fields of HR and recruitment, our mission is to provide business owners, managers, human resource professionals and recruiters with relevant, informative and practical resources for hiring employees and managing team members. Over the next couple of issues we’ll take a look at why communication with candidates is an important yet often poorly executed part of the recruitment process. Why? Candidates, be they successful or not, very often associate their experience during the recruitment process with the corporate identity. As it is frequently their first experience outside what they may have as a client, it also sets an important “tone” for what they may expect the culture to be like and if poorly executed, can damage a relationship with a client or future business partner. I trust you will find the following pages informative, insightful but importantly useful and practical. Finally, I invite you to join in or start a discussion on our LinkedIn page. Jeremy Stewart CEO, OneRecruit FIND US ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK.COM/ONERECRUIT FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @ONERECRUIT FOLLOW US ON GOOGLE+ ONRECRUIT@GMAIL.COM Jeremy FOLLOW US LINKEDIN /COMPANY/ONERECRUIT
  • 7. 7ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 How’s the best way to illicit a great reference? A Resume Reference Guide - (Here’s a hint - Hugging is not going to win you any recommendation worth having.) A re you in the process of finding a new job or changing careers? If you are, you may also be in the process of creating a resume for your- self. Although resumes can be complicated and nerve-wracking to develop, they are usually a lot easier to write than originally thought. With that in mind, there are still many problems or complications that arise. For many resume writers that problem has to do with references. On your resume, there is a good chance that you will list references. These references can typically come in two different formats. These formats are personal references and professional references. You will find that many employers actually like to see a combination of them both. Also, on average, most hiring companies like to see at least three references on their job applications and resumes. Now that you know what many companies look for, in terms of references on a resume, you may want to start listing your references right away. While this approach is one that you can take, you may want to proceed with caution. As previously stated, one of the many mistakes that resume writers make involves their references. Some of the most common mistakes, as well as ways to prevent those mistakes from happening, are outlined below for your convenience. One of the biggest mistakes that a job seeker, possibly just like you, makes involves listing no references at all. If you are simply submitting your resume, you may be able to get away without having any references listed, but you may not want to take any chances. If you are currently still lining up your references, you may want to have the phrases “references available upon request,” under the heading of references on your resume. Should you fill out a job application and are asked to provide references, you will want to do so. Omitting information on a job application may cause your application to be overlooked. Another mistake that many job seekers make, in terms Cont...
  • 8. 8 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 of their resume references, is not asking to use a reference in the first place. In almost all cases, you will find that your references are checked. That is why it is important that you ask each individual that you would like to have listed on a resume or a job application before officially listing them as a reference. If you have already submitted your job application and resume, without asking first, you will want to let each individual know, as soon as possible, that you used them as a job reference and that they may be receiving a phone call. This is important, as you do not want your references to be caught off guard, as it may impact their responses. As previously stated, most companies like to see a combination of professional and personal references on their job applications and on all submitted resumes. Thisisamistakethatmanyjob seekers also make and one thatyouwillwanttonotmake. For that reason, you may want to consider listing four references on your job applications or resumes. This would allow you to have an even number of personal references and professional references. The above mentioned mis- takes are common mis- takes that many job seek- ers make when writing a resume for themselves. By keeping these common mistakes in mind, you can ensure that you do not make similar ones. This should automatically improve your chances of landing the job of your dreams or at least a job interview.
  • 9. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 CareerBirds Advertisement CAREERBIRDS.COM Career Birds are the perfect way for you to discover leadership agility. Earnyourwingswhenyouvisitthewebsite today and take the quiz to get an ebook report that shares how you can be ahead of the flock. You will discover how you can master the way you lead, learn and develop by discovering the 12 practices of leadership agility. Your report will tell you the practice you are the most active in and how to best navigate when you fly. FIND THE PATHWAY TO YOUR SUCCESS Every bird type has a leadership practice that supports and challenges their existence. Master yours today.
  • 10. 10 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 WHAT THIS? Interview Preparation Tips to Help You Make a Good Impression Are you currently on the hunt for a new job? If you are, you will likely find yourself with a number of job interviews scheduled. If you have been out of work for sometime now or if your last employment was long-term, you may be a little bit nervous about soon-to-be upcoming job interviews. If you are, you are definitely not alone. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to prepare yourself for success. If you have the financial means needed to do so, you may want to consider buy- ing yourself a new job inter- view outfit or getting your hair done, even with just a simple trim. Many have claimed that a quick hair style or a new outfit has in- creased their confidence. This increased confidence may be just what you need to breeze through your upcom- ing job interviews with suc- cess. Even if you do not have the financial means needed to purchase a new outfit or have your hair styled, you may want to turn to a close friend or family member for assis- tance, possibly for the borrowing of professional attire. Another one of the many steps that you can take to make a good impression at your next interview involves research- ing common job interview questions. There are a number of books on the market that are designed to assist those with finding new jobs. Many of these books include job interview tips, including questions that may be asked. Fa- miliarizing yourself with questions that you may be asked, such as questions surrounding your strengths, weakness- es, goals, and so forth, can help to improve your response time, as well as ease any nervousness that you may have. Inadditiontoresearchingorfamiliarizingyourselfwithques- tions that you may be asked during a job interview, you may want to hold a few practice or mock interviews. These prac- tice sessions can be done in front of a mirror or they can be done with the assistance of a close friend or family member. You will want to treat all job interview practice sessions like they are the real thing. Be sure to answer all questions in a professional matter, as if you were in a real job interview. Another steps that you can take, when looking to prepare for an upcoming interview that you may have scheduled, involves printing off an extra copy of your resume. This makes you look prepared, in more ways than one. Although the interviewer should already have a copy of your resume on hand, it wouldn’t hurt to ask them if they would like to see a new copy. You may also want to bring along a pen and a notebook. These items can be used to write down information about the employer or job position in question. Once again, this proves that you are serious about finding a secure job and it should show that you will go through great lengths to find that job.
  • 11. 11ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Interview You will also want to take the time to research the company in question. This is ideal if they have an online website. You can impress your interviewer if you know about the company, even just a little bit. Researching each company that you have an interview with should only take a few minutes of your time, a few hours at the most. The basic information, such as the goals of the company and where their main headquarters are located is often enough to grab the attention of your interviewer. The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many steps that you can take to prepare for an upcoming interview or a job interview that you will likely have scheduled soon. Preparation can do you no harm, only good. Additional preparation steps that you may want to take include arriving early for your job interview, properly thanking everyone for your time and so forth.
  • 12. 12 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 How Skills Matter S kill emphasis during the interview is important to show the employer what makes you different from all the other job candidates. In this competitive world, companies search for the most qualified employees by weighing skills of the candidates and determining how they would benefit the company. Majority of the top companies search for employers who stands out based from their expertise, ability to give new developments, and pleasing personalities that would enhance the organization. The Importance of Skills Emphasis on Job Interviews by Azhar Khan
  • 13. 13ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Skills are grouped into three kinds : knowledge-based, transferable, and personal traits. 1. Knowledge-based skills are those learned from experiences. These may include educational attainment, additional training, seminars attended, and other practices that you have studied to enhance your expertise. Knowledge-based skills include computer and communication skills, marketing or managerial knowledge, product development, and many more. These skills vary depending on the field of industry of each job candidate. 2. Transferable or portable skills are those you bring to a specific job. This is the reason why interviewers ask, “What could you offer the company?” Transferable skills are important because companies strive to look for quality employees that would improve the development of the workforce. Portable skills include problem solving, team lead- er potential, organized, writing and communication skills, customer service oriented, time and project management, and good with numbers and budget. This kind of skills varies depending on the experi- ence and versatility of each job candidate. 3. Personal traits determine who you are. In a job interview, one of the most common things an employer says is “Tell me something about yourself” Your response is vital because it would set the tone for the rest of the interview. Personal traits include good judgment, well organized, analytical, goal oriented, flexible, creative and many more. Try to sell yourself in as modest as possible within a limited time. * Self-assessment. In order to provide an impressive presentation, examine your resume and list all the skills you have used for each past job experience. Make a comprehensive list of your skills and strengths including personal traits, knowledge-based and transferable skills. This would be the basis for your personal commercial. * Once you have completed your script, you are now ready to face the interviewer. Remember that em- ployers are interested in your accomplishments. Use words that are concise, direct and clear. Although many companies require a unique set of skills, you should still highlight your technical skills in the interview. These skills, which top companies usually seek, include leadership, communication, confidence, flexibility, problem solving and energy. Emphasizing all of your strengths and skills on job interviews would increase your chances of landing the desired job.
  • 14. 14 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 All You Need to Know about Human Resources Management M anagement is also responsible for ensuring that records are kept up to date and any insurance and benefits information is being kept properly. The management is also responsible for dealing with any performance or personal issues. This helps to ensure that they are performing at their best which ensures better business. Human resources management can ensure that these tasks are done by properly managing assistant staff or by carrying out the tasks themselves. Small businesses typically cannot afford assistant staff and therefore the management staff is forced to carry out these tasks. Human resources management also has to ensure that the staff un- derstands the policies that they are working under. When someone is first hired the management staff will most often give them an em- ployee’s manual which will cover all the basics about the company and the policies they must abide by. If the staff does not follow policy or do not understand the policies then it can interfere with performance and reduce productivity and
  • 15. 15ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 What is HR? Human resources management consists of several different areas of work. One of the most important is dealing with staffing needs. This can include deciding who to hire or fire. Having a productive and content staff is one of the most beneficial elements of a business. JEREMY STEWART could even result in the termination of that employee. The area of human resources management is increasing in popularity among businesses and therefore is increasing in popularity among students seeking an area of study at colleges and schools. Human resources management programs have become increasingly popular among schools and therefore there are more qualified persons for these positions than ever before. The students finishing in these programs will have a diverse education and be fluent in the areas of economics, personal relations, computer skills, and several other necessary areas that are applicable. However, when businesses are searching for human resources management staff it is also important to have work experience after their education has been completed. It may be more possible to be hired among smaller businesses and then after some experience has been obtained then apply at the large businesses and corporations. Human resources management can be a very important ele- ment of a business. Because they are in charge of productivity of staff as well as well as any personal issues that may come, how well the management staff is doing their jobs can influ- ence the business as a whole. The management team is a very essential part of the business. Often because of their work experience and education the man- agement staff has a strong relationship with the executives of the business. The executives must trust the management staff to keep the staff productive so that the business continues to grow and make money.
  • 16. 16 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 TRAINING de rigourThe cycle of human resources training and development should start directly after on-boarding and continue long after the candidate leaves the organisation. T he human resources profession is a growing within the business world as well as in many other organizations and areas of study and work. Human Resources is the connection between the clients or customers, employees, and senior executives. The human resources department is not only responsible for clerical duties like organizing files, but also of hiring and firing as well as training and development. The department has so many different positions and responsibilities that it allows for a dynamic yet stable career. Human resources training and development starts with education. There are several human resources programs available at many different institutes and colleges. The human resources training and development is often well rounded including several different areas of study. These areas include business, administration, human relations, computer skills, and other areas depending on the specific course of study. The programs often focus on several different areas in order to educate the students on the business, clerical, and staff relations areas of the job position. Employers will look for knowledge and competence in many of these areas when hiring for their human resources department. During the training and development received at the college, the students will most likely come into contact with different recruiters. These recruiters will come to the schools looking for eligible and competent future employees. The human resources training and development then continues once the student has been hired with an organization. The human resources department is responsible for the training and development of the new employees. The new employees are trained by their future colleagues of the department. The new employee will get trained in all elements of the human resources
  • 17. 17ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 What’s the big idea about training? If you train them they might leave, if you don’t they might stay. :)
  • 18. 18 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Learning on the fly can work in some businesses. But underestimating the candidates need to remain relevant through developing specific skills can have dire consequences as talent seek a way to grow from their experiences. department. The job description and the specifics of the job will depend on the organization and will vary from company to company. The prior education that the employee received in their program will help them in the job regardless of their specific duties. Not only are the new employees in the human resources department trained by the department, but employees in other areas of the work place are trained there as well. The human resources training and development also included the other business employees. Employees hired into the organization must go through human resources before entering into their new position. There, the employee will fill out paper work, give their personal information, and be trained on the policies and procedures of the business. The human resources training and development regardless of the level at which it occurs needs to be as concrete and professional as possible in order to keep the business running as smooth as possible. There appears to be much that human resources gives, however to maintain a balance of growth they also need to receive. Knowledge creation and development for the entire organisation are essential areas that human resources departments must shine a bright light on. Human resources are not just the resource of human assets for a company, they should be walking libraries of processes and systems that can guide the organisation. Strategically this makes them the one gatekeeper that can determine the rate of growth and culture of the business too. Training therefore should encompass learning and development as an essential element of up-skilling and progression planning right across the company. Businesses that have the skills to provide a pathway for their high potentials are the ones that will have clear and sustainable planning strategies for the future proofing of leadership and will have no problem in attracting the right candidates. Letting people in your organisation know about development opportunities and building them into activities for engagement in roles is critical for in house recruitment. Championing training as an incentive shouldn’t only be accessible for the privileged few or used as a dangling carrot to gain productivity. Organizational behavior is a science and measuring the outcomes of departments within the business can be directly correlated to the growth a person receives in their work environment. The light bulb moment essentially should come by the face that people are not the most valuable asset of a business. Individual success whilst with the organisation and beyond is what builds great companies. Are you in a role where training and develop- ment matter? Tell us what you think at
  • 19. 19ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 H ow To Face a Blind Interview? You are lucky if you know someone from the company that you are about to go for an interview, or even better if you know someone from the interview panel. How- ever, this is a rare case for a lucky few. Most of the times, you just know the com- pany name and the post that you have applied for. A blind interview is generally the one where you know the least about the company profile or the job profile. So, if you are ever stuck on a situation when you have to attend a blind interview then here are some things to remember: Dress speaks a lot about your personality and character, so dress appropriately according to the situation. Someone people recommend that you must always wear a suit for an interview. But this is not as right as it may seem. Dresses may depend upon the company and the post that you have applied for. If you have applied for a corporate management position then a suit would be alright. If you are going for an interview for the post of a ware- house worker then dress in a way that it looks like that you can fit in. Something like slacks and loafers would do instead of jeans and snickers. One important thing to remember before going for a blind inter- view is to prepare well for it. Find out as much information as you can about the company using mediums like Internet and media. Find out how long they have been in the business and what is important for them and how you can help them. During the interview, come up with some questions to ask. The employers are there to interview you because they have a need, asking questions to them about it make them feel good as well as helps you in understanding the job role. Show enthusiasm and interest in fulfilling the need of the company. Clarify what kind of expectations they have from you and find out if you fit in. These steps can help you be successful in the blind interview dates. BLIND INTERVIEW
  • 20. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Applicant Tracking Track applicants with ease. Get full view of all communication, notes and resumes in one place. Career site Create a Branded job site com- plete with your own styling or add to your own site. Your active jobs will automatically be listed on the site as you add them. Recruiter friendly Build searchable talent pools. Set-up and manage job positions & unsolicited application pools for your clients. Team hiring Make better hiring decisions as a team. Invite your colleagues or ex- ternal recruiters to upload, review and screen candidates. Search Search all resumes and candidates using powerful search engine. Automation No more Excel spreadsheets or post-it notes. Send automatic welcome and reject e-mails based on applicant stages. Spending time hiring for any business is usually down to administrative tasks that eat into profits and affect the bottom line. OneRecruit helps you minimize the time spent on administrative tasks, screening and applicant tracking in a solution your team will love using. Keep track of all candidates, resumes, correspondence and feedback notes. Invite your team to help you find the perfect hire. Enterprise Standard is an application in a box platformthatcanbeusedbyanyorganisation that has an email address. This simple and easy to use cloud based software as a service (SaaS) application can be used by anyone with no training at all. Enterprise Standard FREE Starter Package ✓ Free basic applicant tracking ✓ Access 24/7 from anywhere ✓ No software installation ✓ No hosting required ✓ Multi-language support ✓ Integrate Jobs listings on your website Get started today by visiting our website. Save time and resources
  • 21. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 ✓ Applicant tracking ✓ Hosted Careers Site ✓ Rate candidates ✓ Add notes ✓ Receive applications by e-mail ✓ E-mail templates ✓ Candidate workflow ✓ Fields control in Applicant Form ✓ Custom screening questions ✓ Notifications ✓ Talent pool ✓ Unsolicited applications ✓ Resume keyword search ✓ Advanced searching ✓ Resume parsing ✓ Application acknowledgment e-mail ✓ Notifications to unsuccessful candidates ✓ Face detection ✓ Social Media integration ✓ Tiered Permission Levels ✓ VIP Support ✓ Enterprise storage tiers Languages Supported Enterprise Premium Enterprise Support OneRecruit is built using state of the art technology supported by a host of premium training and customised support solutions that include: ✓ Custom development online and mobile ✓ Project scoping and consulting ✓ Psychometric testing & screening ✓ Learning and development planning ✓ Analytics and custom reporting ✓ On-site and Online Training Features
  • 22. 22 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 White LiesIs Telling Lies In An Interview, good? One of the biggest NO’s when it comes to getting a job, is telling lies to your prospective employer. In most cases the lies get caught and you will end up losing the job. How- ever, if your are fortunate enough to dupe them and get the job by telling lies then this may cause complications for you later during your career in the company. A little bit of lie, such as saying that you are sick is something excusable, but lying about your qualifications and experience is just not acceptable. No matter how tempted you feel to lie, this will come back to cause you sleepless nights. Sometimes, when people are desperately looking for a job, they tend to lie in the following ways: • Putting the name of a friend in the place of the previous employer, in the application form. • Giving out wrong information about the qualification and experience, so that the background matches with the ‘desirable candidate checklist’ • Making up in the qualification and education front • Telling lies about why you left your previous job. Especially in cases where you say that you resigned, but were actually removed • Giving wrong reference contacts There is a little chance that the employers would be duped and the HR would be too lazy to do a background check. However, would you like to risk your entire career like this? This tough job market salutation, it may be quite tempting to tell a lie, but you need to understand that it may have bad consequences. Most of the times, the employers will get your references checked carefully before taking you in the job. A lie can spill water on all your hard work and preparation. Thus it is highly recommended that you abstain from any temptations to lie to your employer.
  • 24. 24 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Argument A re you looking to find a new job? If you are, you will likely come into contact with a number of different individuals, likely from a number of different companies. No matter whom you are dealing with, it is important that you are polite at all times. For more information on the importance of politeness, when dealing with prospective employers, you will want to read on. One of the best ways to understand the importance of politeness is to put yourself in someone else’s place. For starters, imagine yourself as the hiring manager for a local retail store. If you were to come into contact with two job applicants, one of which who responded with “please” and “thank you,” and another that acted as if speaking to you was just a waste of their time, which individual would you be more likely to hire? It is likely that you would respond with the candidate who was polite. It is no secret that employers do not want to hire those who are impolite or have bad matters. One of the many reasons why it is important for companies to hire polite and compassionate people is because their employees can either make or break their business. This is particularly true when direct customer contact is required. In keeping with the retail setting, retailers want and need employees who are warm, welcoming, and inviting. An employee with a poor attitude can cause customers to take their business elsewhere. That is why it is important to be polite when dealing with all prospective employers, no matter which type of industry you are interested in working in. It is also important to mention that you should be polite at all times and to whomever you come into contact with. Unfortunately, many job seekers make this mistake. Many mistakenly believe that the only person they need to impress is the individual conducting the job interview. Yes, most of your focus and politeness should be focused on your job interview, but you need to keep other instances in mind. For instance, should you drop off a job application or a resume, it is advised that you greet the acceptor in a pleasant and positive matter. It is not uncommon for some employees to pass word on to their supervisors about poor experiences they had with those dropping off applications or resumes. Should you receive a call asking to schedule an interview, there is a good chance that the supervisor conducting the interview will not be the one on the telephone with you. Often times assistants or secretaries handles these types of scheduling issues. This is something that shouldn’t impact your behavior or demeanor when speaking to the individual in question though. That is why it important that you are polite to whomever you may be speaking with on the phone. Whether you dealing with a secretary or an assistant manager, it is advised that you are polite as possible. Answering another telephone call, not saying “thank you,” or quickly ending the phone call can land you in hot water. The above mentioned scenarios are a few of the many situations in which it is important to be polite when looking for a job. As a reminder, politeness comes in a number of different sizes, shapes, and styles. In most cases, saying “please,” and “thank you,” should be enough for those of importance to take notice. The Importance of Politeness When Dealing with Prospective Employers & Reality
  • 26. 26 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 “When we set up OneRecruit we had only one thing in mind and that was to create the best applicant tracking system in the world, no compromises and no shortcuts, yet being sophisticated and engaging.” Thats how Martin Staael, founder of OneRecruit chooses to identify and introduce the applicant tracking system he built, and his clients agree. S o what makes a great applicant tracking system? After searching for a system that easily helps manage the recruitment process in his own businesses, Staael found that other applicant tracking systems fell short in one simple area. Easy of use. The complexity of using such systems often outweighed the need to use one. There were just too many widgets and components that tracked and monitored areas of the recruitment process that made it time consuming and over compensated for a relatively easy process that was needed for small and medium sized businesses. Staael decided that the best way forward was to create his own, as you do when you are entrepreneurial and a programmer. The result is an ingenious way to track applicants at a fraction of the cost it would take to regularly perform these duties. “We took what HRO’s needed and made it accessible even to the most challenged computer users,” said CEO Jeremy Stewart. “Our greatest asset is empowering people who do recruitment.” he said. Why Recruitment is a game to win
  • 27. 27ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Then why is OneRecruit a great Applicant Tracking System? For one thing you don’t go about creating the best system without firstly demonstrating how what is available is reductive in comparison. OneRecruit was built on certifiably great technology that scales with a businesses needs and requirements. “It’s what we put into the process of using the system that makes it a long lasting solution, whilst giving the recruiter the power to use a platform that will serve even the most discerning user,” said CMO Azhar Khan. “Recruitment is a game much like a game of chess, you have to play the game strategically to win. It’s the same when meeting the right candidates. Business need to be strategic in positioning themselves to attract and win over the right people for the company. Our ATS makes the game easier and a lot more strategic.” he said Applicant tracking systems are meant to make life easier and thats exactly what OneRecruits user interface offers. Clean and clear processes for managing recruitment. Try OneRecruit for free with the trial period available now by visiting the website online at:
  • 28. 28 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Seven Basic Salary Negotiation Tips Money is the most sensitive issue in the whole hiring process.
  • 29. 29ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Discussing the compensation often causes anxiety on both employee and employer. Here are seven ways to make the process of salary negotiating efficient.
  • 30. 30 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Before the interview process begins, contact the professional organization that represents your field of career. As soon as they provide you with your salary information, you can now examine your monthly cash requirements. Remember that once your taxes are added to your paycheck, approximately 30% of your gross monthly salary is deducted. Weigh the company’s compensation package: To determine your fair market value for a specific job, you should consider the economic, geographic, and industry factors of the job offer. Weigh the benefits of compensation and promotions, insurance, allowed time off and retirement settlements of the offer to ensure a fair proposed salary. Show what you are made of: The interview is only the first step in having an enhanced compensation. Once you are hired, offer your skills to the company and prove your worth by doing quality work. You may even get a promotion for doing so. The final offer: Be aware when the negotiation is done. Pushing further when a deal has been set could give a negative first impression on your part.
  • 31. 31ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Determine your skills. You should understand that different segments of the economy require a variety of skills depending on the industry setting. Once you have established what your skills are and what they are worth to the current employment market, you would know the limitations of your negotiation. Salary range information is available at American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries, National Association of College and Employers, Career Center, and professionals in your related field. Websites like Glassdoor and carry a host of information. In stating your salary range, avoid basing your desired salary on your current salary. Always tell the truth when it comes to your past salary. It is acceptable to extend a range to approximately $6,000 to show that you are within the company’s price range but interested in more compensation. Sell yourself! If you know what you could offer the company requires a larger income, never say it directly. Once you sell yourself discreetly, the interviewer would understand that the proposed salary is not appropriate for your background. Have a positive attitude: In negoti- ating, never compete. Negotiation is basically a process which could benefit both parties. Understand your needs and those of the company. Based from a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, four out of five employees are willing to negotiate compensation. Understanding these basic tips will allow you to enhance the terms of your new job.
  • 32. 32 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 B efore you send out your resume or resumes, you will want to take a close look at the cover letter of your resume. For starters, are you even using a cover letter? If you are currently not using a cover letter, you will want to refrain from mailing out your resume, at least right away. Many businesses expect to receive cover letters attached to all resumes. In fact, many now require them, especially with mailed in appli- cations or resumes. If you are unsure as to how you can go about creating the perfect resume or at least one that can benefit the application, you will want to continue reading on. When it comes to creating the perfect cover letter, there are a number of important factors to take into consid- eration. One of those factors is the job that you are applying for and the wishes of that company. It is com- mon for some employers to list ex- actly what they want cover letters to include. If you are given a sample or directions, you are advised to follow them. Not following instructions can result in your resume, as well as your cover letter ending up in the “don’t call,” pile. How to Create the Perfect Cover Letter
  • 33. 33ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 As previously stated, a company may have their own preferences as to what they would like cover letters to include. This is because no two companies are truly the same. That is why it is advised that you do not use the same cover letter for each resume that you send out. In- stead, you will want to create and distribute different cover letters for each employer that you have. You can have a sample cover letter or a template to use, but it is advised that you take the time to personalize each cover letter in one way or another. Speaking of personalizing your cover letter, you will want to personalize each cover letter that you send out to the jobs that you are applying for and the companies in which you are sending your resume to. For instance, if you are applying for the position of a legal secretary, you will want to plainly state that position. This will automatically set you apart from a good percentage of your competition. Customizing each of your cover letters to the particular job that you are applying for is a great way to get yourself noticed, as you took a few extra steps not necessarily required. Another one of the many ways that you can create the perfect cover letter for yourself is by being short and to the point. With that in mind, you will not want to be too short either. A cover letter should be at least three paragraphs and you should try and keep all cover letters under one page long. It is advised that you do not use any colored fonts, as black ink should do. It is also advised that you do not use any colored paper for your resume cover letter. Some job seekers mistakenly believe that this catches the eye of those in charge of scheduling job interviews. Yes, it may, but not always in the ways that you had hoped for. As for what you should include in your cover letter, it is advised that you list a few of your skills and qualifications. It is also important to keep this portion of your cover letter short and to the point. Your resume will go into further detail, but it is still advised that you quickly outline the qualifications and skills that you have. Be sure to focus on those that apply directly to the job that you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for the position of a legal secretary, you will want to summarize your computer software knowledge, typing skills, transcription skills, and so forth. The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, when making a cover letter for yourself. In all honesty, any cover letter is better than no cover letter at all, but with cover letters being rela- tively easy to create, why take the chance. 1/2 page Advert Ever wondered what the culture of your team is like? Visit our website and take the FREE assesment to discover your Cultural Cat WOTCULTURE.COM GET A FREE E-Book on YOUR PERSONAL CULTURE
  • 34. 34 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 I n fact, you may even have a number of job interviews already lined up. If that is the case, have you start- ed preparing for your job interviews? Job interviews can be tricky and extremely important at the same time. That is why you are advised to proceed with caution and refrain from walking into a job interview without having done even the simplest amount of preparation. When it comes to job interviews, one of the biggest mistakes that a job seeker, possibly just like you, makes involves their appearance, namely the clothing that they choose to wear. When it comes to a job interview, it is important to remember professionalism, professionalism, and professionalism again. In fact, professionalism cannot be said enough when it comes to job interviews. Your appearance, namely the clothes that you choose to wear, says a lot about you, your seriousness, and your professionalism. The worse mistake that you can make is showing up for a job interview like you were simply taking a trip to the mall. Not carefully planning out your appearance, especially your clothes, can have you eliminated from the job running instantly. Although it is important to hear that you need to dress professionally for a job interview, you may be curious as to why it is so important to do so. As previously stated, your appearance, namely the clothes that you wear, can say a lot about yourself and your personality. Professional clothes, such as a dress or a paints suit, shows that you are serious about the job and making a good impression. Your professionalism and responsibility will also be brought into light as well. You may be surprised to know that many job interviewers remember the appearance of their applicants, namely the clothes, before all else. “Interviews”How should you dress for them? BY Maria Cucinotta - The Image CEO “You only have one chance to make a first impression” STYLE Are you in the process of changing careers or even just jobs? If you are, you may be in the process of scheduling job interviews.
  • 35. 35ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 If you are serious about finding a job or landing the job of your dreams, you will want to dress professional in nature. With that in mind, different individuals have different definitions of profession- alism. When trying to determine what you should wear to a job interview, there are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration. For instance, it is advised that men try and wear dress pant suit sets. This is ideal; however, if the temperature is ninety degrees outside, it may be difficult or impossible for you to do so. In that instance, you may want to opt for a light pair of tan pants and a golf shirt. In the same instance, women should consider wearing knee length skirts instead of full length skirts and so forth. In addition to dressing professionally for a job interview, you may want to consider doing the same for you submission process. If you will be submitting your job applications or resumes in per- son, it is advised that you dress in a professional matter. This is because you may get the opportunity to quickly meet with the su- pervisor who will be handling all job interviews. This is your best opportunity to make a good first impression of yourself. It is also important to mention that many supervisors, especially those in retail, choose to give job interviews right on the spot. That is why you may want to dress as if you were attending a job interview, even when just submitting your job applications and resumes. Although you may have a suitable outfit in your closet already, you may want to consider going shopping. In fact, you may also want to consider making an appointment at your local barber shop or hair salon. If you have the funds needed to do so, you may want to purchase a new job interview outfit or have your hair trimmed. You may be surprised, but these simple steps can uplift your confidence like you would never believe. This confidence can help you successfully breeze through your next job interview. Maria Cucinotta is a Director at Femme & Homme International, Executive Personal Brand and Civility Coach. She is a certified Master Results Coach and NLP Practitioner and Trainer, specializing in Rapport and Pre- sentation Skills, Her clients have included Estee Lauder, 3M, and Myer.and a range of private, corporate and SME’s. Identity. Influence. Impact.
  • 36. 36 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Resume Tip That Would Guarantee You a Spot on the Interview There are many ways to write a resume but there are guide- lines that should be taken into great account when writing a great one. Here are resume tips that would make your potential employer scrambling to have you interviewed: The heading. Placing yourself to the position of the employer, you surely would want to see a resume that is easy to read. Thus, winning the attention of your potential employer means that your resume should have the right heading. Use headings that are appropriate to the job description you are applying. Avoid too much heading with useless content. Advertising the achievements. Again if you put yourself to the position of the employer, you would want to hire a win- ner and a performer. Make sure you include the necessary achievements that would impress anyone that would get hold of your resume. Your achievements should be one of your priorities while making your resume. Highlight your education. Many employers require their applicants to have a certain level of education achievement. If you have finished college with flying colors or if you are one of the campus’ greatest student, feel free to include it to your resume. I guarantee you it would help. Make a good content. The right heading needs to have a good content. Without it, the resume will go to the trashcan. You surely don’t want your resume to end up on the bottom of the list either. So, your task is to supply good content to your resume. The content should be able to sell you to the reader. It should be written in a manner that the reader would build enough interest to call you for an interview. Unique design. Now this would depend on the job description you are trying to enter. Just make sure that your design would not be make you look ridiculous. Design should be simple yet different. Try to experiment on your Wet fish handshake One thing that potentially could have dire consequences for your interview process is the wet fish handshake. Both men and women in recruitment agree that there is no excuse for a wet fish handshake. How do you know if you have a wet fish handshake? It’s simple, you will feel overpowered by the other person, your palms will be sweaty and the moment you pull away you’ll feel like you have a limp wrist. design like relocating the position of the heading and the content. Remember that you do this to attract attention not to confuse the reader so you better make it good. Proper use of words. Use of simple words with depth is the most advisable way to write your resume. Make a matching cover letter. Resume would not stand alone. It still needs a backup and cover letter is what it needs. A good cover letter that would state your interest to the job. Make sure all your social media profiles have content that support your interests and not just pictures of the latest meal you have had. Success leaves traces online and recruiters will stalk you online to find out if you really walk your talk, or are you one person at work and another everywhere else. Authenticity is key to recruitment.
  • 37. 37ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 S ometimes an interview can be all to change your fate and career for the best. Therefore, it is important that you attend every interview with enthusiasm and the right attitude. To optimize your chances to be successful, remember to avoid the following things while facing an inter- view. The first thing to avoid is being un- prepared for an interview. If you have decided to attend an interview then remember to always prepare for it, plan it out, and practice to get your best. Today’s job market is extremely tough and in order to get through you need to have a competitive advantage, a good preparation is key to it. Second thing to avoid, that may cost your job, is the inability to communicate effectively and clearly. It is an important aspect that is checked in an individual during a job interview. If you are nervous on the spot then you can give out weak and wrong signals that may cost you the job. It is always better to practice in advance, what you plan to say. Thirdly, avoid being too arrogant or aggressive during an interview. Don’t act in an “I know it all” attitude. This will not help at all, and may even cost you the job. Always be humble and act in a very careful manner. Being confident is good but see that you don’t get too over confident while talking to your prospective employer. Fourth thing to stay away from is making lame excuses for your failure. If your career graph or anything of the past shows a failure, accept it. Don’t make lame excuses in front of the employers. Let them know that you have understood your mistake and learn’t from it, and that you will be doubly careful in your future. Fifth thing to avoid is bad mouthing your previous employer. Even if they were not good or you didn’t have good terms with them, never say anything bad about them during your interview. Sixth thing to avoid is a poor or limp handshake. A bad handshake can turn people off and give a wrong impression about you. So, remember to shake hand confidently and firmly. Theremaybeatimewhereyoumayfindyour- selfinanawkwardpause.Preparingforthese momentscandifferentiateyou. SixThingstoAvoidWhilstFacingAnInterview
  • 38. 38 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Do you need a Professional to Write your Resume? Do you need to find work? If you are, you will likely come across numerous job listings that you would like to apply for. When applying for a job, you are almost always required to submit a copy of your resume. When it comes to submitting a resume for a job, it is advised that your resume be professional in nature. A professional resume is one that will up your chances of getting the job of your dreams. When it comes to submitting a professional resume, there are many job seekers who wonder if they should hire the services of a professional resume writer. As you likely already know a professional resume writer is often a freelancer writer, but one who specializes in writing professional resumes. Many professional resume writers have a degree or years of experience with creating professional resumes. In all honesty, the decision as to whether or not you want to hire the services of a professional resume writer is yours to make, but there are a number of benefits to doing so. As it was previously mentioned, many professional resume writers have training and experience. Not all, but many freelance writers have a degree or at least some schooling that is either related to journalism or English. You may also find some professional resume writers who have some freelance writing experience, but who have also worked as hiring managers or company representatives. Perhaps, these types of professionals are the best ones to do business with, as they can not only write professional resumes, but they also often know what hiring employers look for in a resume. Another one of the many benefits to hiring a professional resume writer is the work that you will have to do. Of course, you will need to be in communication with your hired resume writer, as they need to gather information on your work history and education, but that is about it. After the needed information has been obtained, you pretty much just need to review your resume and submit payment for it. If you are inexperienced with writing or resumes in general, it could literally take you days or even weeks to get your resume exactly the way that you want it. In fact, there are many who never get their resumes exactly, how they want them, so many just end up settling with what they have. When doing business with a professional resume writer, you don’t have to settle for second best; you should always be given the best service and the best results available. In fact, many professional resume writers have
  • 39. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 satisfaction guaranteed policies. The only downside to hiring the services of a professional resume writer is the cost of one. However, it is important to remember that there are an unlimited number of professional resume writers to choose from, especially if you use the Internet to examine all of your options. This means that you should be able to find a number of professional resume writers, many of which who have affordable rates. Of course, it is important that you don’t go too cheap, as you want to make sure that you get professional results. Spending fifty or one hundred dollars on a professional resume writer really isn’t that bad of a deal, especially when a professional resume writer may be able to get you a higher paying job. It is also important to mention your competition. When applying for a job, there is a good chance that you will not be the only applicant. Many jobs, especially those advertised online, receive hundreds and sometimes even thousands of applicants. Out of all of those applicants, you would actually be surprised to see how many do not use the services of a professional resume writer. In fact, you may be surprised with how many applicants turn in resumes that were never even proofread. To stand out from the crowd hire a professional resume writer. They will see a whole lot further than you think and can position your talents like you were standing on the back of an elephant walking a tight- rope and still make it sound reasonable.
  • 40. 40 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Know your STORYWe are asked at a very young age to make decisions that affect the rest of our lives. Yet our vocation often ends up with people searching for more. Getting to grips with the story you want to give the world and the legacy you want to leave on the planet is a clue to where and what you should consider when making the decision to write the story of your life. To get started you first need to evaluate where you are, what position are you in and where do you intend to go. Making a plan starts now... Y ou can’t really evaluate a position unless you do the research. From a recent survey in the U.S., graduate degree holders earn an average of 35 to 50 percent more than just bachelor’s degree holders. This is a reason why more and more are taking their Masters. There could be an offer or two, all you have to do is make a concrete decision to ensure the right job for you in the present job market. Know what you want Knowing what kind of personality you have and your interests gives you an idea how you would like to spend your day on a job. The activities you’d like to get involved in plays a great role in keeping you motivated. You could make a list of the kinds of people you would like to be working with. Say, people who like being told what to do or authoritative types; how about loud people or quiet types; and would you like a place where people love social- izing or not? There are different sizes of companies as well, there are small, medium, large, overseas, local, and regional. The Internet is a valuable tool that assists online job seekers in looking for a job they could fit in. Trim down the choices depending on your needs and wants to get the more possible pool of companies you can try submitting resumes. How Desperate are you for Work? How desperate are you for a job? If you are currently unemployed or if you truly think that your current job is making you “crazy,” you may be. When it comes to finding a new job, especially in a hurry, there are many individuals who think that the more job applications they fill out or the more resumes they submit, the better their chances of finding a new job are. But, what about the employers who are currently not hiring? If you are wondering whether or not you should fill out a job application or submit your resume to a place that isn’t hiring, you are not alone. When it comes to determining whether or not you should submit a job application or drop off your resume to a place that isn’t hiring, there are a number of important factors that need to be taken into consideration. Perhaps, the most important factor is if you know for sure they are not hiring. When it comes to filling out job applications, there are many applicants who try and determine, upfront, whether or not there are any positions available. If you happen to stop by a local business or call to ask about hiring and get a negative response, you may not want to submit an application anyways, especially if you gave your name. This tends to create a bad impression; an impression that states that you don’t necessarily listen to what you are being told.
  • 41. 41ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Now, there is a difference between knowing in advance that a business isn’t hiring versus being told as soon as you go to turn in your job application or your resume. If you are told when you are submitting your resume or job application, it is advised that you ask about the future? Does the company representative that you are speaking with think that they will be doing any hiring in the future? If so, you may want to think about asking them to hang on to your job application or your resume for future use. In some states, employers are required to save all job applications and resumes for about a year. Of course, if the business in question later advertises the fact that they are hiring, you are advised against automatically assuming that your resume is still on file. You may want to call, just to make sure. One of the few downsides to applying to places that aren’t necessarily hiring at the current moment is the timing. As it was previously mentioned, many employers are required to save any job applications or resumes that they receive for a period of time, like a year. This is nice because some employers decide to not even advertise the fact that they are hiring, instead many just go through the resumes or job applications that they accumulated overtime. The only problem is the overtime part. You may have submitted your application eight months ago and only end up getting a response now. If you are like many job seekers, you should be able to find a job in as little as a few weeks, sometimes a month or two at the most. That means that by the time your application or resume gets noticed, it may already end up being too late. As a reminder, the decision as to whether or not you want to apply at a place that isn’t hiring is yours to make, but it is advised that you proceed with caution when doing so. If you are told that applications are not being accepted at the current time, even just to hang on to, you are advised to cut your loses and move on. Don’t cause a fuss or push the issue, thank them for their time and assistance and you will be remembered in a positive light. Your major strengths and weaknesses will help indicate how well you will perform in the work you have chosen. Your progress dictates your maturity and enthusiasm at work. Finding the best job for you is a full time job itself. It requires time and passion to get positive results. No matter what you choose, it should always be a place where you can identify yourself and remain happy. % of Job Hunters Search Technique Effectiveness 66.0 % 50.8 % 41.8 % 28.4 % 27.3 % 45.9 % 21.0 % 12.5 % 15.3 % 10.4 % 1.6 % 6.0 % Direct Application Referral from Friends (work) Asking friends (other places) Asking family Asking relatives Newspaper Career Centre School Organisation/Club Civil Service Exams Referrals from Mentors Local ads Cooperative programs 47.71 % 22.1 % 11.9 % 19.3 % 7.4 % 23.9 % 24.2 % 21.4 % 12.5 % 12.1 % 12.9 % 22.2 %
  • 42. 42 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 is it effective? Online Learning
  • 43. 43ONERECRUITJAN/FEB 2015 Many business are gearing towards online teaching. Why more and more people are showing interest is because of different administrative and accessibility reasons. For trainers and program administrators, facilitating online education can be a lot easier than traditional teaching. F irst, materials could be easily updated. Access to certain files can be restricted by using passwords, time and date access. Aside from that, organizations could also facilitate large teams easily and subject and course materials could be easily distributed. It is also more flexible, since online teaching can encompass different limitations like time zones, geographic locations and physical limitations. Technology can also help in enhancing learning and knowledge among team members. Technology would also allow your team to collaborate with other staff beyond borders. Trainers could also explore different teaching methods of presentation. To make online teaching a great experience for both trainers and staff, there are things that you can do. • Set time frames at the beginning of the course. Use these times to respond or reply to student comments and questions. This practice would help a trainer develop discipline among the team and at the same time set a routine for them. Make sure that everyone is well informed about the time frame you have set. If there would be any circumstances that you should change the time frame for responses, then make sure that you staff are informed of the changes. Give them adequate time to be informed of the changes. If you have assignments and discussions, then provide general feedback to the entire class. This would allow teams to get exposed to other ideas and at the same time learn from each other. Give your teams positive reinforcement and encouragement. Give them feedback that would actually help them in improving their work. Comments like “good” can never be sufficient. Give enough comments. Avoid over-facilitating. As a trainer, you do not have to answer all the questions. If you having online discussions, let your students answer to each other. For example, if somebody asked about a certain topic do not respond immediately. After a few days you would notice that some of your team will be giving feedback or answers on their own. To make sure that the participation or discussion is continuous, regularly post acknowledgment to team comments or post an idea that would encourage staff to answer or post messages. Aside from that, avoid having long lulls in the discussion boards. There would be times when team members would not be posting anything since there are nothing new to post about, so best to avoid those circumstances. There are also tendencies that staff would stray away from the topics and discuss something else. Guide your team and make sure that they would be discussing the topic. Redirect the discussion but do not appear to be harsh, use humor, jokes or graphics to redirect the discussion. Before you move on to a new topic, make sure to summarize or having a closing session about the topic. Make sure that all team members are united in understanding the concepts. This would be the time to level-off with the students so that they would not get lost in the next topic. Online teaching has many benefits, it is flexible and technology can be explored in different ways so that you, the trainer and your team members would benefit from it.
  • 44. 44 ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Important Questions That You Must Ask Your Interviewer A n interview is mostly about the interviewers asking questions to you. However, sometimes it becomes necessary for you to ask questions to the interviewers. It helps in striking a conversa- tion and getting to know more about the expecta- tions of the employer and the need f the company. Some of the important questions that you must ask to your interview are: 1. Who according to you is an ideal employee? What according to you should he be like? An answer to this question will reveal what the employer is trying to find in you. Listen to the answer carefully and try to explain how close you are to his requirement in a very humble manner. 2. You can ask them what the other people in the office are like. This will help you understand how close and understanding your boss is. Try to catch the tone of his/ her voice. Is he or she enthusiastic about the team, or disappointed? This will help you to understand the employer better. 3. Ask them how a team member succeeds in their team. Hopefully she/ he will give you a clear picture of the job role and requirements of the job. It will also help you understand the expectations and answer their questions accordingly. This will even help you in your job if you are selected. You can also them about the goals that an employee should keep to succeed in life. Give your employer importance and listen to their answers carefully. 4. Another important thing to ask is that how do they think is that best way to solve a problem. The answer to this question will give you an insight to their management sight. As your employer answers your questions, study his/ her body language. Try to figure out if she /he was open to the questions and an- swered them thoughtfully or just side lined the answers.
  • 46. ONERECRUIT JAN/FEB 2015 Applicant Tracking System More than 1000+ fast growing companies use OneRecruit for hiring. Track you applicants with ease and make great hiring decisions with Creating innovative solutions for on-line recruitment Visit Recruiting Software That Works!!!