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W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t U n i v e r s i t y
MUST Matters
FEB 2013
Table Of Contents
1 - Editorial
2 - Cover Story: CEO in the Making:
Get the CEO Mindset
3 - Expert Corner: Two Job Offers
4 - World Events: The 85th
Academy Awards
5 - Testimonial: MUST University
Helped Me Turn My Life Aroun
6 - Person in Focus: Vice President
Joe Biden
W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t U n i v e r s i t y
W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t U n i v e r s i t y
Dear Readers,
Having leadership qualities is definitely a plus. However, it is not necessary
for one to be at the managerial layer to develop and exhibit leadership skills;
nowadays, the need to lead, take charge and motivate is encouraged at all
levels in an organization. Find out how you can inculcate such leadership
skills with our Cover Story, ‘CEO in the Making – Get the CEO Mindset’.
Re-elected for a second term alongside President Obama, Joe Biden has
been known to act for the benefit of the American people; learn more about
him in our Person in Focus. By the end of this month, we shall get to witness
the much-hyped 85th Academy Awards. Get the inside scoop on your
favorite celebrities and films in our World Events
We hope you shall find this edition informative and interesting.
Happy Reading!
CEO in the Making: Get the CEO Mindset
So, we all know the traits a successful CEO should possess:
excellent leadership skills, dedication, honesty, creativity and
confidence. But just because you’re not yet a CEO doesn’t
mean that you can’t get into the CEO mindset. According to
Jeffrey Fox and Robert Reiss, authors of ‘The Transformative
CEO: Impact Lessons from Industry Game Changers’, it
doesn’t matter if you’ve just moved into your new cubicle or
whether you’re looking forward to claim the corner office,
you can start making the impossible happen right now.
Taking insight from the most ambitious, talented and
successful CEOs of our time, Jeffrey Fox and Robert Reiss
provide valuable lessons that will help you seamlessly
integrate CEO-like qualities in no time!
Be Hired By a Culture You Respect
Every company has its own values and organizational culture
that are in line with its vision and mission. Successfully
becoming a part of a company’s work culture leads to better
working relationships, better productivity and increased
motivation. When a company is able to find people who
share their vision, it automatically helps create an environ-
ment that encourages the exchange of innovative ideas.
Perform While Transforming
The need for change normally arises when a company is not
performing as well as it should. But it is during the time when
a company is doing well that disrupting the status quo and
ultimately bringing about positive change helps an organiza-
tion get closer to its goals. This depicts a drive to continu-
ously improve and better oneself. Just because you’re doing
well doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to grow. Remem-
ber, the biggest obstacle in the way of success is compla-
Be Willing to Take the Risk
When pitching forward a new idea, you put your reputation
at risk. Moreover, there is no guarantee that your idea will be
immediately approved. Yet, in the world of business,
taking risks is the only way to move forward. You will
make mistakes, but you will learn from them. Dan Amos,
CEO of the well-reputed company, Aflac, puts forward
three principles related to risk-taking: first, never risk a lot
for a little–it should be worth the shot; second, don’t risk
more than you can afford to lose. Third, consider the
odds. There are many factors that are beyond your
control. Keep your eyes and ears open for any possible
circumstance that could affect the outcome of your
Beware of Your To-Do List
Having a to-do list can prove to be very helpful as it helps
you keep track of all the tasks that you’ve managed to
complete in a single day. Alas, ticking items off your list
doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve accomplished anything
meaningful or done something that has added value to
the company. The key here is to prioritize; figure out
which task or project will truly add value to a company’s
operations and achieve that target first. This way, you will
get done with more things, faster.
Nothing is Impossible
Turning a company around 180 degrees is not enough
for most CEOs. Many of them go to the extent of
challenging industry standards. CEO of Royal Caribbean
Cruises, Richard Fain says, “Our advertising describes us
as the 'Nation of Why Not.' And that is absolutely true.
We really do believe in 'Why not.'" Become known for
coming up with crazy ideas and solutions to problems
that haven't occurred yet. This attitude can help you
secure a spot at the head of the pack.”
Expert Column: Two Job Offers
I have graduated with honors in the field of computer science
and have just recently applied to a leading software company
for a job. Their HR department informed me that the hiring
process normally takes one whole month and that I would be
notified as soon as it was complete. During that time, I
received another job offer from a second, less-attractive,
software company. However, I have yet to receive a
response from my first choice employer. I am now consider-
ing sending a letter to them requesting a time frame for their
decision. However, I am afraid that it might leave a negative
impression. Please advise. Thanks.
Your situation, though frustrating, is not uncommon. There
are many employers who face the same dilemma of having
to choose between two job offers from different companies.
There could be a number of reasons that cause delays in the
recruitment process: changes in budget and rescheduling of
interviews amongst others can affect the otherwise smooth
hiring process. Whatever the reason, the company to which
you have applied has indeed taken longer than promised.
That makes it perfectly acceptable for you to ask them about
the progress of recruitment and how soon you should expect
to be notified of your employment. Instead of writing them a
letter, try calling them; not only will it be quick, it will also
convey your interest in the position. This will help develop
further rapport between you and your potential employer as
well as facilitate you in gaining insight as to the needs and
priorities of the organization.
Lack of Satisfaction
I am currently working in an advertising agency and loving
every minute of it. The work is indeed very fulfilling and my
colleagues are great; even the work setting is more than
what I could’ve asked for. However, I feel that, despite
everything, there’s still something missing; I feel that I am
capable of doing so much more. My work at the advertis-
ing agency has definitely accomplished 90% of that – it’s
the 10% that continues to elude me. I don’t know what to
do. Would I have to move on in order to find work that
satisfies me 100%? Please help.
Most employees dream to have a job that matches their
passion; it makes it all the much easier to get up in the
morning, as one is motivated to work. Although you have
experienced immense success as a result of your effort
and dedication, it sounds as if there is something lacking.
I suggest trying a dual approach: eliminating trivial and
mundane tasks and applying your passion.
Eliminating Trivial and Mundane Tasks
Let’s face it: there is not a single job on this planet that
does not consist of annoying tasks or details that are
more of an obstacle than an addition of value. However,
that does not mean that your passion has fallen out of
sync with your work. Rather than scrap the whole job
altogether, figure out ways to minimize the amount of
such tasks to save valuable time and to make work more
Applying Your Passion
Becoming more involved is another way to make life at
work more invigorating and interesting; talk to your
manager about the ways in which you can apply yourself
that will not only add value to your work but also enhance
your experience in the field.
The 85th Academy Awards
It’s that time of the year again. Some of Hollywood’s biggest
stars and highly acclaimed directors will gather together on
one platform for a star-studded evening at the Academy
Awards which will mark its 85th anniversary this year. This
spectacular event has gotten everyone, young and old,
talking with fervor about who they think will be the winners of
the most coveted award for the year.
Although the list of nominees for all categories is the main
highlight of the evening and is therefore the centre of all
attention, there are other aspects of the famed ceremony
that prove to be enjoyable for many. The host, for example;
previously, the Academy Awards, in an attempt to appeal to
the younger audience, took on board Anne Hathaway and
James Franco as the hosts for the ceremony. Unfortunately,
both fell short of people’s expectations as the show lacked
the spark and intelligent wit that was normally associated
with the Academy Award ceremonies. Therefore, this time,
popular comedian and actor, Seth MacFarlane, has been
chosen to host the show. Mostly known as the creator of
‘The Family Guy’, Seth MacFarlane will try to apply his own
popular brand of humor to the Academy Awards in order to
bring clarity for the benefit of his audience.
The red carpet is another highlight for star struck fans waiting
to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrities. One can bask
in the limelight of famous actors and actresses as they stroll
down the entrance to the Academy Awards, giving interviews
to media personnel and waving to their fans along the way.
In the end, however, it all boils down to the nominees. This
year, the list is a formidable one as it carries names of highly
acclaimed films that sport strong casts and solid story lines
that hit home. Many an actor and actress also stand to win
an Academy Award which will cement their image as a
serious actor for many years to come. Some of the nominees
for various categories are listed as follows:
Best Actress in a Supporting Role:
Anne Hathaway for ‘Les Miserables’, Amy Adams for
‘The Master’, Sally Field for ‘Lincoln’, Helen Hunt for ‘The
Sessions’, Jacki Weaver for ‘Silver Linings Playbook’
Best Animated Feature Film:
‘Brave’, ‘Frankenweenie’, ‘ParaNorman’, ‘The Pirates!
Band of Misfits’, ‘Wreck-it Ralph’.
Best Actor in a Supporting Role:
Alan Arkin for ‘Argo’, Robert De Niro for ‘Silver Linings
Playbook’, Philip Seymour Hoffman for ‘The Master’,
Tommy Lee Jones for ‘Lincoln’, Christoph Waltz for
‘Django Unchained’.
Best Cinematography:
Claudio Miranda for ‘Life of Pi’, Seamus McGarvey for
‘Anna Karenina’, Robert Richardson for ‘Django
Unchained’, Janusz Kaminski for ‘Lincoln’, Roger
Deakins for ‘Skyfall’.
Best Actress in a Leading Role:
Jessica Chastain for ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, Naomi Watts for
‘The Impossible’, Jennifer Lawrence for ‘Silver Linings
Playbook’, Emmanuelle Riva for ‘Amour’, Quvenzhané
Wallis for ‘Beasts of Southern Wild’.
MUST University Helped Me Turn My Life Aroun
Being a single mom and bringing up two young children is quite a challenge. Couple this with a terrible financial situation
and your life becomes hell.
My life had not always been like this, though; it was not too long ago when all four of us – my husband, I, and our two
beautiful young children – lived like one big, happy family, free from all worries. But then, the unthinkable happened – my
husband died in a car accident on his way home from work one evening. I was devastated, left to fend for myself and my
two young children. I felt I was going to suffer nervous breakdown. However, things began to look up when a neighbor, out
of sympathy, referred me to a consulting agency. Alas, the hiring manager at the agency expressed reservations about my
academic profile—I only had a bachelor’s degree and no work experience. She was kind enough though to tell me about
MUST University, a premier online institute that provides top-quality and flexible education. Given my situation at the time, I
figured it was worth a shot.
After conducting a little bit of research on the university in terms of the quality of programs and the acceptance rate of its
degrees, I enrolled in MUST University’s MBA program. I couldn’t have made a better decision – I was able to study from
home which meant I could spend as much time as I wanted with my children. Moreover, I was provided with all the
relevant study material that I needed for the courses as well as valuable teacher support and guidance.
Pretty soon, I found myself walking into the same consulting agency that had turned me down months ago with my MBA
degree in hand. Now, I am a successful consultant who caters to numerous clients. MUST University gave me the
opportunity to help rebuild my life for myself and for my children. Thanks, MUST University!
Deborah Matthews, California.
Vice President Joe Biden
Vice President Joe Biden has come to represent the majority
of American households existing in the United States today;
a single parent bringing up two young children amid financial
constraints and lack of support, soon after the sudden death
of his wife, Neilia Biden, and their 1-year-old daughter in a
tragic automobile accident. His struggle to ensure a normal
life for his two sons where they had access to the best things
in life, even when the chips were down, symbolizes the great
efforts many American single moms and dads make every
day to provide for their families. That’s what makes Joe
Biden so relevant; his life is living proof that by braving a
variety of obstacles, one can reap the rewards of persistence
and determination. This is what, ultimately, helped him
succeed in clinching the Vice President post during the 2009
Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden Jr. is the 47th and current
Vice President of the United States of America, jointly elected
with President Barack Obama. His life has mostly revolved
around politics; he joined the U.S Senate in 1972 at the
tender age of 29, making him the 6th youngest senator in
U.S history. He was re-elected to the Senate a total of 6
times and has earned the title of being the 15th longest-
serving senator in the history of the United States.
Joe Biden was also an active member of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee. During his tenure, he helped bring about
U.S military assistance during the Bosnian War and was also
a strong advocate of the Iraq War Resolution in 2002. While
serving as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Joe
Biden worked on issues related to drug policy, crime preven-
tion and civil liberties, aiming to enhance the standard of life
for American citizens.
Joe Biden is the first Roman Catholic and the first Delawar-
ean to be elected to the post of Vice President. His role as
Vice President is monumental as he has made numerous
contributions to the Obama stimulus package which was
designed to counter the adverse effects of the late-2000’s
recession. His ability to negotiate with Congressional Repub-
licans played an integral role in the creation of the Tax
Relief, Unemployment Reauthorization and Job Creation
Act of 2010. This act helped remove a long-standing
taxation deadlock. Other contributions made by Joe
Biden as Vice President included the Budget Control Act
of 2011 which resolved the year’s debt ceiling crisis and
the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that addressed
the issues circulating the impending ‘fiscal cliff’.
Now, again, Joe Biden has been re-elected for a second
term as Vice President of the United States and it seems
that, this time, he is bringing more resolve and is armed
with new and innovative ideas that will not only bring
change but will also help enhance the living standards of
the average American citizen, so that every one of them
has the chance to live the American dream.
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Discover New Horizons with MUST University

  • 1. W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t U n i v e r s i t y MUST Matters FEB 2013
  • 2. Table Of Contents TableOfContent 1 - Editorial 2 - Cover Story: CEO in the Making: Get the CEO Mindset 3 - Expert Corner: Two Job Offers 4 - World Events: The 85th Academy Awards 5 - Testimonial: MUST University Helped Me Turn My Life Aroun 6 - Person in Focus: Vice President Joe Biden W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t U n i v e r s i t y 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 3. W o r l d ’ s L a r g e s t U n i v e r s i t y Dear Readers, Having leadership qualities is definitely a plus. However, it is not necessary for one to be at the managerial layer to develop and exhibit leadership skills; nowadays, the need to lead, take charge and motivate is encouraged at all levels in an organization. Find out how you can inculcate such leadership skills with our Cover Story, ‘CEO in the Making – Get the CEO Mindset’. Re-elected for a second term alongside President Obama, Joe Biden has been known to act for the benefit of the American people; learn more about him in our Person in Focus. By the end of this month, we shall get to witness the much-hyped 85th Academy Awards. Get the inside scoop on your favorite celebrities and films in our World Events We hope you shall find this edition informative and interesting. Happy Reading!
  • 4. CEO in the Making: Get the CEO Mindset 03 So, we all know the traits a successful CEO should possess: excellent leadership skills, dedication, honesty, creativity and confidence. But just because you’re not yet a CEO doesn’t mean that you can’t get into the CEO mindset. According to Jeffrey Fox and Robert Reiss, authors of ‘The Transformative CEO: Impact Lessons from Industry Game Changers’, it doesn’t matter if you’ve just moved into your new cubicle or whether you’re looking forward to claim the corner office, you can start making the impossible happen right now. Taking insight from the most ambitious, talented and successful CEOs of our time, Jeffrey Fox and Robert Reiss provide valuable lessons that will help you seamlessly integrate CEO-like qualities in no time! Be Hired By a Culture You Respect Every company has its own values and organizational culture that are in line with its vision and mission. Successfully becoming a part of a company’s work culture leads to better working relationships, better productivity and increased motivation. When a company is able to find people who share their vision, it automatically helps create an environ- ment that encourages the exchange of innovative ideas. Perform While Transforming The need for change normally arises when a company is not performing as well as it should. But it is during the time when a company is doing well that disrupting the status quo and ultimately bringing about positive change helps an organiza- tion get closer to its goals. This depicts a drive to continu- ously improve and better oneself. Just because you’re doing well doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to grow. Remem- ber, the biggest obstacle in the way of success is compla- cency. Be Willing to Take the Risk When pitching forward a new idea, you put your reputation at risk. Moreover, there is no guarantee that your idea will be immediately approved. Yet, in the world of business, taking risks is the only way to move forward. You will make mistakes, but you will learn from them. Dan Amos, CEO of the well-reputed company, Aflac, puts forward three principles related to risk-taking: first, never risk a lot for a little–it should be worth the shot; second, don’t risk more than you can afford to lose. Third, consider the odds. There are many factors that are beyond your control. Keep your eyes and ears open for any possible circumstance that could affect the outcome of your project. Beware of Your To-Do List Having a to-do list can prove to be very helpful as it helps you keep track of all the tasks that you’ve managed to complete in a single day. Alas, ticking items off your list doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve accomplished anything meaningful or done something that has added value to the company. The key here is to prioritize; figure out which task or project will truly add value to a company’s operations and achieve that target first. This way, you will get done with more things, faster. Nothing is Impossible Turning a company around 180 degrees is not enough for most CEOs. Many of them go to the extent of challenging industry standards. CEO of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Richard Fain says, “Our advertising describes us as the 'Nation of Why Not.' And that is absolutely true. We really do believe in 'Why not.'" Become known for coming up with crazy ideas and solutions to problems that haven't occurred yet. This attitude can help you secure a spot at the head of the pack.”
  • 5. Expert Column: Two Job Offers 04 Question: I have graduated with honors in the field of computer science and have just recently applied to a leading software company for a job. Their HR department informed me that the hiring process normally takes one whole month and that I would be notified as soon as it was complete. During that time, I received another job offer from a second, less-attractive, software company. However, I have yet to receive a response from my first choice employer. I am now consider- ing sending a letter to them requesting a time frame for their decision. However, I am afraid that it might leave a negative impression. Please advise. Thanks. Answer: Your situation, though frustrating, is not uncommon. There are many employers who face the same dilemma of having to choose between two job offers from different companies. There could be a number of reasons that cause delays in the recruitment process: changes in budget and rescheduling of interviews amongst others can affect the otherwise smooth hiring process. Whatever the reason, the company to which you have applied has indeed taken longer than promised. That makes it perfectly acceptable for you to ask them about the progress of recruitment and how soon you should expect to be notified of your employment. Instead of writing them a letter, try calling them; not only will it be quick, it will also convey your interest in the position. This will help develop further rapport between you and your potential employer as well as facilitate you in gaining insight as to the needs and priorities of the organization. Lack of Satisfaction Question: I am currently working in an advertising agency and loving every minute of it. The work is indeed very fulfilling and my colleagues are great; even the work setting is more than what I could’ve asked for. However, I feel that, despite everything, there’s still something missing; I feel that I am capable of doing so much more. My work at the advertis- ing agency has definitely accomplished 90% of that – it’s the 10% that continues to elude me. I don’t know what to do. Would I have to move on in order to find work that satisfies me 100%? Please help. Answer: Most employees dream to have a job that matches their passion; it makes it all the much easier to get up in the morning, as one is motivated to work. Although you have experienced immense success as a result of your effort and dedication, it sounds as if there is something lacking. I suggest trying a dual approach: eliminating trivial and mundane tasks and applying your passion. Eliminating Trivial and Mundane Tasks Let’s face it: there is not a single job on this planet that does not consist of annoying tasks or details that are more of an obstacle than an addition of value. However, that does not mean that your passion has fallen out of sync with your work. Rather than scrap the whole job altogether, figure out ways to minimize the amount of such tasks to save valuable time and to make work more interesting. Applying Your Passion Becoming more involved is another way to make life at work more invigorating and interesting; talk to your manager about the ways in which you can apply yourself that will not only add value to your work but also enhance your experience in the field.
  • 6. The 85th Academy Awards 05 It’s that time of the year again. Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars and highly acclaimed directors will gather together on one platform for a star-studded evening at the Academy Awards which will mark its 85th anniversary this year. This spectacular event has gotten everyone, young and old, talking with fervor about who they think will be the winners of the most coveted award for the year. Although the list of nominees for all categories is the main highlight of the evening and is therefore the centre of all attention, there are other aspects of the famed ceremony that prove to be enjoyable for many. The host, for example; previously, the Academy Awards, in an attempt to appeal to the younger audience, took on board Anne Hathaway and James Franco as the hosts for the ceremony. Unfortunately, both fell short of people’s expectations as the show lacked the spark and intelligent wit that was normally associated with the Academy Award ceremonies. Therefore, this time, popular comedian and actor, Seth MacFarlane, has been chosen to host the show. Mostly known as the creator of ‘The Family Guy’, Seth MacFarlane will try to apply his own popular brand of humor to the Academy Awards in order to bring clarity for the benefit of his audience. The red carpet is another highlight for star struck fans waiting to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrities. One can bask in the limelight of famous actors and actresses as they stroll down the entrance to the Academy Awards, giving interviews to media personnel and waving to their fans along the way. In the end, however, it all boils down to the nominees. This year, the list is a formidable one as it carries names of highly acclaimed films that sport strong casts and solid story lines that hit home. Many an actor and actress also stand to win an Academy Award which will cement their image as a serious actor for many years to come. Some of the nominees for various categories are listed as follows: Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Anne Hathaway for ‘Les Miserables’, Amy Adams for ‘The Master’, Sally Field for ‘Lincoln’, Helen Hunt for ‘The Sessions’, Jacki Weaver for ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ Best Animated Feature Film: ‘Brave’, ‘Frankenweenie’, ‘ParaNorman’, ‘The Pirates! Band of Misfits’, ‘Wreck-it Ralph’. Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Alan Arkin for ‘Argo’, Robert De Niro for ‘Silver Linings Playbook’, Philip Seymour Hoffman for ‘The Master’, Tommy Lee Jones for ‘Lincoln’, Christoph Waltz for ‘Django Unchained’. Best Cinematography: Claudio Miranda for ‘Life of Pi’, Seamus McGarvey for ‘Anna Karenina’, Robert Richardson for ‘Django Unchained’, Janusz Kaminski for ‘Lincoln’, Roger Deakins for ‘Skyfall’. Best Actress in a Leading Role: Jessica Chastain for ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, Naomi Watts for ‘The Impossible’, Jennifer Lawrence for ‘Silver Linings Playbook’, Emmanuelle Riva for ‘Amour’, Quvenzhané Wallis for ‘Beasts of Southern Wild’.
  • 7. MUST University Helped Me Turn My Life Aroun 06 Being a single mom and bringing up two young children is quite a challenge. Couple this with a terrible financial situation and your life becomes hell. My life had not always been like this, though; it was not too long ago when all four of us – my husband, I, and our two beautiful young children – lived like one big, happy family, free from all worries. But then, the unthinkable happened – my husband died in a car accident on his way home from work one evening. I was devastated, left to fend for myself and my two young children. I felt I was going to suffer nervous breakdown. However, things began to look up when a neighbor, out of sympathy, referred me to a consulting agency. Alas, the hiring manager at the agency expressed reservations about my academic profile—I only had a bachelor’s degree and no work experience. She was kind enough though to tell me about MUST University, a premier online institute that provides top-quality and flexible education. Given my situation at the time, I figured it was worth a shot. After conducting a little bit of research on the university in terms of the quality of programs and the acceptance rate of its degrees, I enrolled in MUST University’s MBA program. I couldn’t have made a better decision – I was able to study from home which meant I could spend as much time as I wanted with my children. Moreover, I was provided with all the relevant study material that I needed for the courses as well as valuable teacher support and guidance. Pretty soon, I found myself walking into the same consulting agency that had turned me down months ago with my MBA degree in hand. Now, I am a successful consultant who caters to numerous clients. MUST University gave me the opportunity to help rebuild my life for myself and for my children. Thanks, MUST University! Deborah Matthews, California.
  • 8. Vice President Joe Biden 07 Vice President Joe Biden has come to represent the majority of American households existing in the United States today; a single parent bringing up two young children amid financial constraints and lack of support, soon after the sudden death of his wife, Neilia Biden, and their 1-year-old daughter in a tragic automobile accident. His struggle to ensure a normal life for his two sons where they had access to the best things in life, even when the chips were down, symbolizes the great efforts many American single moms and dads make every day to provide for their families. That’s what makes Joe Biden so relevant; his life is living proof that by braving a variety of obstacles, one can reap the rewards of persistence and determination. This is what, ultimately, helped him succeed in clinching the Vice President post during the 2009 election. Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden Jr. is the 47th and current Vice President of the United States of America, jointly elected with President Barack Obama. His life has mostly revolved around politics; he joined the U.S Senate in 1972 at the tender age of 29, making him the 6th youngest senator in U.S history. He was re-elected to the Senate a total of 6 times and has earned the title of being the 15th longest- serving senator in the history of the United States. Joe Biden was also an active member of the Foreign Rela- tions Committee. During his tenure, he helped bring about U.S military assistance during the Bosnian War and was also a strong advocate of the Iraq War Resolution in 2002. While serving as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden worked on issues related to drug policy, crime preven- tion and civil liberties, aiming to enhance the standard of life for American citizens. Joe Biden is the first Roman Catholic and the first Delawar- ean to be elected to the post of Vice President. His role as Vice President is monumental as he has made numerous contributions to the Obama stimulus package which was designed to counter the adverse effects of the late-2000’s recession. His ability to negotiate with Congressional Repub- licans played an integral role in the creation of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010. This act helped remove a long-standing taxation deadlock. Other contributions made by Joe Biden as Vice President included the Budget Control Act of 2011 which resolved the year’s debt ceiling crisis and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that addressed the issues circulating the impending ‘fiscal cliff’. Now, again, Joe Biden has been re-elected for a second term as Vice President of the United States and it seems that, this time, he is bringing more resolve and is armed with new and innovative ideas that will not only bring change but will also help enhance the living standards of the average American citizen, so that every one of them has the chance to live the American dream.
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