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Mar -Apr 2015 - Issue 02
Las Vegas
Identify your
personal strategic
Office tips
Hiring when
working from
Fresh news on
Writing down
your objective
when creating a
resume is critical
all set for
08 28
Working from home
Cultural ideas
Assess your personal
CollisionOneRecruit is off to the States
Editors notes and a quick
look at our new issue and
Social Media.
Recruit Hub where all
the news on what’s
happening in recruitment.
SOHO and what’s
happening in the home
office of the new recruiter.
Must See strategies for the
leadership agility using the website
Quick bite sized chunks of
information that is taken
from the course.
BSoCre8ive where you go
to learn about social media
and Digital Marketing.
Do you have the right
qualifications for the role
you are applying for.
Collision Las Vegas, Learn
all about how OneRecruit
will be in America in May
Resume Objectives, What
you think about you bring
What you shouldn’t
discuss in interviews.
OneRecruit Enterprise
edition is a custom ATS
platform available today
The Culture Code - what
are your people saying
about your culture?
Helps you to deliver goals
Creating talent
Learning and development
InterviewsWhat you shouldn’t talk about
ModelsGood or bad?
checksAre you prepared for what your employer will find
regarding your credit scores.
Full of absolute
Learning and Development
Discover how the 70:20:10
principle will change work.
World Jobs - all the jobs
that are currently available
through our ATS globally.
Role Models - They can be
good or bad.
Work related credit check
and what you need to have
in order.
Business - How mentoring
encourages self confidence.
Wellness in the workplace.
Small tips you can take to
ensure you’re eating well
Posture -How you stand, sit
and move can have great
impact on your health
The OneRecruit Applicant
Tracking System for
a strategic approach
Martin Staael
Azhar Khan
Jeremy Stewart
Douglas Devere
Liam Byrne
Anthony Levy
Azhar Khan / Aviva Cohen
Howie Chang / Azhar Khan
Studio -
Sales -
Advertising -
Limits of Liability/Disclaimer
Of Warranty
The publishers and author of this magazine
and all products related to this magazine
have used their best efforts in creating this
product. Neither the publisher nor the authors
make any representation of warranties with
respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or
completeness of the contents of this program.
They disclaim any warranties that are either
expressed and/or implied merchantability, or
fitness for any particular purpose. The Editor
and the publisher shall in no event be held liable
for any loss or other damages, including but not
limited to special, incidental, consequential, or
other damages. The advice of a competent legal,
tax, accounting or other professional should be
sought. You do not have the right to give this
book away, include it in any membership site, or
offer it as a bonus! You may not sell this book
unless granted permission or have become one
of our authorised affiliates. Violators will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
from the
Azhar Khan.
Welcome to the March/April issue of OneRecruit
xciting times ahead
as OneRecruit is
one of 25 startup
companies in
the world that
been invited and
sponsored to visit
Las Vegas in May for Collision.
The event that brings together key
influencers in the tech community.
Bloomberg has referred to this
event as the DAVOS for geeks.
Visited by the worlds leading
investors, accelerators and leaders
of all kinds this event is the gold
standard of startup events on the
planet. Naturally we can hardly
contain the excitement of being
sponsored to attend and are
looking forward to meeting and
hanging out with some amazing
people in the industry.
We’ve also taken a little format
change as we explore the
best ways to provide you with
content that you find interesting
and relevant to your career.
We also welcome our fantastic
contributors who have bent over
backwards to help me pull together
content for this issue.
If you have something that you
would like us to consider in
the next issue please feel free
to contact us via the website
We look forward to bringing you
more exciting new developments in
our next issue and hope you enjoy
reading this one.
Boorer has been involved in hospitality
start-ups for the past 25 years turning
ideas into realities, building teams, creating
company visions, culture and strategies,
marketing, policies and procedures.
Lisa Boorer. MBA/MNLP
Stewart is an experienced executive
manager with more than seventeen years’
experience in a diverse range of business
functions ranging from industrial sales to
executive leadership appointments.
Jeremy Stewart. MBA GAICD, JP.Qual
Staael is the Founder of OneRecruit and
currently the CTO. Staael’s passion for
business solutions is defined by the clear
and concise applications he develops for
business and Human Capital Management.
Martin Staael.
Amanda Attard is a freelance author and
writer of cook books. She has been cooking
for over 35 years and creating her own
recipes for more than 20. Inspired by the
abundance of organic produce coming from
some of the world’s most fertile soil.
Amanda Attard.
Azhar Khan
Executive Editor - CMO
09. SOHO Office Talk 13. Strategic Agility
18. OneRecruit World 22. Resume 24. Interviews
26. ATS Review 28. Culture 30. Development 33. Quick Tip
34. Learning 38. Business 39. Wellness
Office Rules.
Resume Objective.
Front Side.
World Jobs.
issue. let’s get
Issue 2: Mar/Apr 2015
Get some winning ideas on how
to handle working from home.
Recruiters are turning their
homes into the office to be more
productive and efficient.
Knowing why you write your resume
and for whom should be an essential
strategic approach to ensuring
your are not being haphazard and
careless with the way you portray
yourself to a potential employer.
Developing staff is an ongoing
process. This principle will guide
your staff to accept the most
efficient way to learn on the fly and
develop themselves whilst working
Where do you want to be. This
new feature section will display
any job using the OneRecruit
applicant tracking system across the
globe. The easy to use way for any
company to track their recruiting
Keep in touch.
We thank you for your support.
#OneRecruit twitter
13 signs you should quit your
Age is on a barrier, Tech Designer, 91, lands her dream job in Silicon valley
The top ten hourly highest
paying jobs
3 questions at the heart of improving
disability employment in Australia.
The ugly side of brand, culture and
flexibility in the workplace.
#OneRecruit facebook
Cheaper robots could take away
these jobs; is yours at risk?
Do you have the best job in the world? - The future of work
Lisa Evans
13 CEO’s share their favourite
job interview questions
Online hiring activity grows by 19% in
December; 2015 forecast looks bullish
The 20 best paying jobs for women
Recruit Hub
Eliciting values
The latest news stories from the HR community
How do you choose the right candidates in a behavioural interview?
Ask your recruiter
to only refer you
candidates he has
done a cultural fit
assessment on.
If the candidate
matches the
values of your
company there
should be a
perfect fit for the
role they get.
Applicant tracking
software is part
of a much larger
toolkit that
more than just
Azhar Khan talks
to our CTO about
OneRecruits plans
for the future.
Screening has
to be the worst
part of applicant
tracking and
whilst tools are
in place to make
life easier, many
great candidates
fall through the
cracks. Tell us
your favorite
ingredients for
dishing up great
or most recruiters choosing
the right candidates in a
behavioural interview can be
a hit and miss result. Candidates
can appear great on paper and
on the phone can talk themselves
into an interview only to lose
themselves entirely in the interview
process. There is no right way to
do it or wrong way to screw it up,
so most people do what they know
best and rely on their gut feel.
Some recruiters just want to feel
comfortable around the candidates
to measure the likelihood that the
person they are interviewing is
the person they want to be sitting
down with to eat lunch with when
in a break. Some candidates just
stand out in behavioural interviews,
especially when they are being
recruited in groups. They ask the
right questions and they prepare
for the right answers. Making sure
that they have not been coached for
the interview can also be a red flag
for any recruiter. Those candidates
are just trying too hard and body
language is the tell tale sign for just
how much they are prepared to suck
“I ask people one question. If I gave
you a cheque... then I write one out
for a million dollars and hand it to
them; what would you do with it?
Then I sit back and let them tell me
what they want to do with their
lives. If what they say aligns to the
role they are applying for and my
company they are hired on the spot.
“ says Human Behavioural Specialist
Dr John Demartini. “If you have a
multi-million dollar company hire
leaders that know how to handle
millions of dollars or risk losing it all.
Their values will tell you just how
much they value your company and
their priorities will lead you their
motives. Ask how they spend their
time and money, How they fill their
space and who inspires them most.
The results will be transformational
for your business.” Says Demartini.
Standing out in group interviews
work seen
New additions
to the world
of HR
Follow the evolution to recruit in the subtle way
Human Relationships or
Human Resources?
’m a true baby boomer born in 1946, I
believed that all was possible for me if
I worked hard enough. The proved to
be somewhat true. Being well educated,
upper middle class and white helped
more that i understood, while being
female proved to be more of a drawback
than I ever acknowledged. Still the
mind-set that all things are possible,
has stood me in good stead in my life.
First you must believe it, then you can
do it. I still believe this and so it is self
reinforcing and is still true for me. I have
been successful in my work life and after
years of struggle, also in my personal life.
Work and Love, Freud says, is what we
all must face and master during our lives.
I can say at 66 I have learned to feel
comfortable and at ease with both. What
would I tell them about my life standing
where I am today? So many cliches come
to mind that are partially true, but not
totally true. Take care of your body with
the same attention you would give your
most treasured car. Our bodies won’t
last forever without maintenance and
regular check ups. Pleasure is not a bad
thing, it is just not the only thing. Turn off
your electronics and get outside more.
I guess the most important thing I would
pass on is to give the other person a
break. We have no idea the load each of
us carry, if we did we would have more
kindness toward one another and less
judgement.” Says retired baby boomer
Susan Darin Pohl on her blog.
Keep up to
date with
plug-ins for your own
ot off the press is
OneRecruit’s new plug-
in that allows you to
integrate the job listings you have
directly on your own website by
simply adding a piece of code
that you can find in the setting
or directly from the blog. This
means you can easily integrate
with your own site without having
to program everything yourself.
What this means is that you can
load whatever jobs you have
directly into your OneRecruit
portal and have the content show
up on your own website. “Its a
simple HTML code you add to the
page and the system takes care of
the rest” says Martin Staael CTO
of OneRecruit.
The content does not need to be
formatted either. It automatically
assumes that the settings for
the website you are placing the
plugin on has it own CSS setting
and therefore uses the settings
that are relevant for your site.
It makes it the easiest adoption
plug-in for an ATS.
Ever heard of
an SMR or
SMH. They
are two roles that
have recently
appeared on the
HR scene. They
stand for Social
Media Recruiter
and Social Media
Headhunter. Two
new characters to
look out for.
As paper applications are
becoming less of an
advantage in the
recruitment process it stands
to reason that the more familiar
you are with online profiles, the
better you will be at leaving a
trail of interesting online gifts
for recruiters to find. This can
be a well SEO’ed professional
profile or a portfolio of articles
that pertain to your role that
they find online. Its the subtle
way to get head hunted and
results in a much better offer.
If you’re
looking for a
change in
career and
don’t know how
you can transfer
your skills to
another industry
you may want
to consider pod
casting. There are
plenty of people
wanting to know
your skill-set and
you can even
charge them for it.
Judging on what’s
on the AppStore
for recruitment
you would have a
head start.
Add an ATS directly to your site today!
More kindness, less judgement
From Pixar to portraits of animals
this Adobe website has a fantastic
resource to find and hire creative
talent. The galleries are amazing
and search facilities filter
candidates by schools of thought,
tools used and color.
Creative expression takes on a
new dimension on this website
as a place to view candidates
portfolios in the design and
creative space. With over 32
million members and 65m unique
visitors a month its the place to
meet successful artists
gifts for
1. Take it to the limit
Setting up your home office has its
own distinct set of advantages and
disadvantages. Therefore, you need to
recognize those before you decide to work
from home. The most obvious challenge lies
in the fact that you are at the comfort of
your own home and it is easy to be deceived
by the idea that you are not working. Hence,
you can assume a laid back approach at work
and achieve less than you normally would
when having to attend work at the office.
Finding a balance between work and home
life is vital. Most importantly, you need to
be able to separate the two. That is the first
step that you must take in order to succeed
with work from your home office. The most
important thing that should drive you to
work, even when you are right at home is
the delivery of quality work expected of you
from your clients. Below are some tips to
get yourself motivated and become more
successful with work at home.
2. Discipline Yourself
When at home, there are several
responsibilities to look after. Juggling
them proves to become more difficult
with the addition of work priorities. With
several things to attend to, it is easy to
compromise your work and make them
last in your priorities. However, you need
to create a boundary in terms of when you
need to work and when you must attend to
all these errands at home. Treat yourself
professionally, such that you have a specific
schedule dedicated for work. However, you
also need to ensure that your obligations
at home are not neglected when you focus
much of your time at work. The key here is
3. Come Up With A Plan
The best way to come up with a solid plan
concerning your home office and work,
break them down into short- and long-term
plans. Here is how you should approach
either one.
Short-term plans: Before starting your daily
work, you need to determine what tasks you
need to accomplish. This will allow you to
allocate how much time is allowed for each
one, so as not to forsake other necessary
tasks. If possible, do this daily planning
method a week ahead. This will help you
determine whether you have enough time
to squeeze in other rush tasks. In between
doing your tasks, take time to relax. This will
provide you enough strength and vitality to
finish the rest of the day’s tasks.
Long-term plans: Every month, take time
to review your business. Examine the
possibility of growth and adding up more
ideas to help your work at home business
thrive and grow. Since the market is
TIPSThe challenge of working
from home and achieving
business success...
Make a list of where you can build your
business by listing daily tasks.
continually evolving, you have to evolve with
it as well. This is also your opportunity to
assess where your business is headed to and
what you can do to improve it further.
4. Hire Assistance
Since you are still doing business, you can
opt to hire help from personnel that will
attend to different areas of your work.
Whether it is accounting, bookkeeping,
secretarial, scheduling appoints, and so on,
you will find that it is worth investing for. It
should be able to provide you with enough
organization and produce more work in the
same amount of time.
5. Pace Yourself Well
Never be too hard on yourself. When you
become your own boss, it could either be
a positive or negative thing. You can tend
to relax too much to forsake work, or you
can overwork yourself too. After every
accomplished task, take time to relax. It will
enable you to revive and gather enough
strength needed to complete the next set of
tasks. By doing this, you will also notice that
you produce more quality work.
Making a list of daily tasks and setting
priorities for them to the point that they can
be scheduled will help you to grow quickly
and easily pass on the tasks to others
This is where you will be able to start
recruiting the right staff for your business
and ensure they roles and duties are well
documented. If you know what you do and
what the role entails you can provide full
details and document the rest so that it is
easy to leverage your position to others.
Before you know it you will be employing
staff and ensuring that they have the right
place to work from will become another
issue you will need to consider. There are
plenty shared workplaces that help get you
started in that space.
It really becomes
too easy to stack
things on top of one
another. A cluttered
desk is a cluttered
mind. Take the
time to tidy up your space and respect
the space you are in. By having this
sense of concern for your immediate
surroundings you inherently give your
mind clarity in your objectives.
Especially when
you have achieved
certain milestones
and goals. It does
not have to be
lavish or big. It just has to be a token
appreciation gift you give yourself
for winning, Having the attitude of
gratitude is an essential and critical
part of being an entrepreneur.
scheduled breaks
and know when to
walk away. Its not
the amount of hours
that you put in but
the quality of those
hours that you are engaged. More
often than not being overworked is
the most common reason for failure in
the SOHO space, If you have trouble
leaving your desk at the end of the day
then schedule a gym session at the time
you think you should leave. Even if you
just go in to use the treadmill. Walking
is better for your mind and health then
14 hours straight at a desk.
A clean desk is an essential tool
in working from home. The most
successful home workers clean every
day and at periodic scheduled times.
Strategic Thinking
This course assists you to identify your
personal decision making strategies as
well as your business decision making
strategies highlighting gaps that exist
between them both. In identifying the
gaps and the different success rates you
will be able to start to create a defined
decision making process that removes
emotions, knee jerk reactions and
ego. You will identity your motivating
factors, what is useful information, new
insights into yourself, the company
you are representing and the need for
Getting Stared -Know your bird type
Lift off
Take the self assessment and join up
at This part of your
learning will help you to identify your
leadership agility practices. Once you
are a member you can begin to obtain
access to the HomeStudy section.
Here you will find the course on the
Foundation of Strategic Thinking.
Open your mind
Included in the course is a list of suggested
readings that will assist you in opening your
mind to the different internal and external
drivers for your current decision making
processes and the opportunity to change these
where required.
The tool of reflective decision making
and gap identification will add another
dimension to your strategic thinking
giving you the tools to identify the right
style of person with whom you would
discuss and seek advice from. You will
be able to identify their strengths and
weaknesses and how these will hinder
or assist you enabling to cut out the time
wasters in your life. This will go a long
way in creating an outcome orientated
decision making strategic thinker.
Through research, collaboration and process, provides an
exciting strategic framework for your business. Download the homestudy
course to discover how you make decisions and how they affect all around
Focus Globally
With global business available to every
person with a computer the need to make
strategic decisions in the most effective
and least disruptive manner has become
extremely important, especially for those
who are the decision makers.
Where are you heading,
where is the company
heading? What will it look
like when you have achieved
the vision? Does the picture
you are mapping fit with
the company brand; does it
support and strengthen the
current climate within the
With the new strategy will the
company be able to sustain
the change with the current
levels of finance, systems and
resources? Will it support the
brand in the long term, from and
environmental and ecological
view point.
As a person and as a company
strategic mapper, have you
identified the different challenges
within yourself and the company?
This could include personnel,
finances, change management or
the belief system of those who you
are consulting with. Every challenge
is an opportunity, how are you
identifying with the challenge?
Never enough! As you are forming the strategic map you must be
acutely aware of the cost of this project compared to the projected
returns, the people that it will include and if the company has all of
the qualified persons on staff or if this will be out-sourced and at what
cost. What state is the internal IT system operating at? Are you aware
of its limitations? The time and logistics of the map will need to be
considered when choosing the path to the desired outcome.
To be the strategist for any company
you must have an understanding
for the company values, they could
be honesty, integrity, ethics, team,
responsibility, faithfulness, do you
align with these core values? To
make sound strategic decisions the
values of the company has to be
supported for the long term
sustainability and for the
support of the team.
What level did the
company finances
have in your decision
making? What will
be the cost and the
projected return or
savings involved in
the strategy?
Does the culture of
the company align
with the strategy?
How will this be
introduced to those
who will be affected
and what is the
assumed result?
Does the internal
and external
environment support
the changes that
your strategy will
As a strategic thinker are you aware
of your own strengths? You need to
identify the strengths of your com-
pany and how they align with your
own. For each strategic decision to
be successful you will need to work
with these strengths and balance any
challenges that the company has.
Are you aware of the systems currently operating within
the company? What level of CRM, Project Management,
Risk Management, Data, Key point indicators, Internal
and External communication paths, does the company
currently operate. If these systems are capable of
operating the new strategies or will they need to be
updated or created.
Not what country you are from, is the
company a family based culture, a collective
culture, linear or hierarchal. Identifying your
culture from the work force and not the top
end management will be important to the
success of your strategy.
BuildingNow that you have identified your
career bird, this course will give
you the information needed to
create the ultimate strategic team,
decision makers and visionaries.
By identifying the birds you flock
with and those birds who’s traits
you lack, you will be able to create
a balanced team. This will ensure
that you have the support for the
changes required to make decisions
that will guarantee the longevity
of the business, the purity of the
brand and the drive to take the
business to the next level. .
Are you considering,
customers current and
new, market share,
growth, products,
benefits, location,
scope, distribution and
research, and basing
your strategy on these?
Does your strategy
provide them with the
answers and outcomes
to satisfy their decision
making? Are you aware
of the outcome that the
major stakeholders are
Is this strategy
being made due to a
change in legislation?
Are you changing
your strategy to
remain in line with
best practices?
The world of digital marketing has changed the dynamics of business and companies that have learnt to
embrace the challenges associated with new media are the ones that are consistently wining.
BSoCre8ive is a company that can help connect your company to the digital marketing space. We make
things easy to understand and build strategies for social media, client engagement, campaign planning,
producton and lead nurturing.
Visit our website and book yourself a specialist that can helpout with your plans.
Are you in the market for work or a change of career?
If you are, you will likely come across a number of job listings,
some of which you may be qualified for and others that you may
not necessarily be qualified for. When it comes to applying for
a job, there are many job seekers who wonder if they should
bother applying for a job that they are not really qualified for. To
determine whether or not you should, you may want to examine
the pros and cons of doing so.
When it comes to applying for a job that you may not necessarily
be qualified for, the biggest pro of doing so is the unexpected.
You would be surprised how many employers just schedule
interviews without actually examining resumes first. This is most
often done when an employee needs to be hired right away or
when there weren’t a large number of applicants. When that is
the case, your resume wont necessarily do all of the talking for
you, your personality will. There are thousands of instances each
year where employers actually hire those that weren’t necessarily
qualified for the job in question. The reasons why they were hired
tend to vary, but many were just impressed with the applicants
personality, goals, and need to succeed.
Another pro or plus side to applying for a job that you may not
necessarily be qualified for is other opportunities, often from
the same employer. It is not uncommon for an employer to be
doing hiring for more than one position. Although you may not
necessarily be qualified for the position that you applied for, the
employer in question may have another position available; another
position that you may be better suited for. If an employer likes
your resume or your personality, if an interview was scheduled,
you actually stand a good chance of getting hired, even if it is for a
different position than the one that you originally applied for.
Is it
Worth Applying
for Jobs without
the right
Although there are a number of pros or plus sides to applying for
a job that you are not necessarily qualified for, there are also a
number of cons or downsides to doing so as well. One of those
cons is the impression that you may end up giving of yourself.
Some employers easily get frustrated or fed up with those who
apply for jobs that they aren’t qualified for. From the perspective
of an employer, it is time consuming to sort through hundreds or
thousands resumes or job applications, especially when a good
portion of them are from those who aren’t even qualified for
the available position.
When it comes to applying for a job that you aren’t
qualified for, the decision as to whether or not you
want to do so is yours to make, but it is advised that
you use your best judgment. For instance, do not
apply for a position as a teacher or a doctor if you
don’t have the proper degree or required training.
However, if you are interested in becoming a
retail store manager and it is required that you
have a business degree, you may want to think
about applying for the job if you are currently
working on your degree, even just part-time, or if
you have the equal years work experience.
If you are able to land an interview, the question
as to why you applied for a job that you aren’t
qualified for may arise. When answering that
question, you will want to spin it in a way that
you will benefit you. For instance, respond with
something like how you are always up for a challenge
or go into detail about how you think you are qualified
in other ways. One thing you will definitely not want to
do is respond with “I was hoping that I would get lucky” If
you do, you will leave a lasting negative impression.
Collision is Web Summits’s sister event, and found a
home in Tony Hsieh’s Downtown project in Vegas. In four
short years, Web Summit has become Europe’s largest
tech conference attracting over 20.000 attendees
from around the world. Collision is the vision for a new
type of conference for America: A meeting place for
10.000 people who are both building the companies
of tomorrow and managing the companies of today.
The first Collision was held in Downtown Vegas in May
2014. It was the first Beta test. In 2015, Collision will
grow to a 10.000 person conference. OneRecruit will
be colliding with some amazing companies that all have
the potential to be the next big thing. It is why some of
the biggest names in the tech industry can’t keep away
from being seen at the event. “Its where talent meets
success, and it make sense for us to be represented
there” says founder and CTO, Martin Staael.
Where the tech industry’s high priests meet startups
Meet us at our booth
May 5 - 6
Downtown Las Vegas
OneRECRUIT is one of 25 companies
that have been sponsored to attend
all the way from surfers paradise
in Australia
The details are not the details
Web Summit started in a bedroom just over 4 years
ago. 3.5 years ago they migrated to the sitting room.
2.5 years ago to an office. Now they are 100 engineers,
data scientists and more, and growing faster every day.
They have gone from being a conference company to a
technology company
Scaling from 400 to 22,100 attendees in 4 years is a
product of having an approach that engineers serendipity
for an industry we’re passionate about: tech conferences.
Whilst traditional conference organisers hire event
managers, this team hire engineers and data scientists.
Why? In the words of Marc Andreessen from Venturebeat
“software is eating the world”, rapidly disrupting
every industry, and conferences will be no exception.
Media companies and conference companies still do a
fantastic job – don’t get me wrong – but data science
has the potential to change the value of conferences for
attendees, and dramatically.
The team at Collision have been slowly pioneering change
and so far enough people like what we’re doing that they
have been able to grow unexpectedly fast.
In Web Summit’s second year, 2011, 30 startups chose
to exhibit. For Collision’s second year, so far 403 startups
have chosen to exhibit. You’ll find a list of those incredible
startups below. By the time May comes around, over 1,000
startups from more than 50 countries are estimated to
have placed their trust in Collision and exhibit.
In other words, Collision is growing far faster than Web
Summit ever did, and by orders of magnitude. And yes, 400
to 22,100 in 4 years is fast, but Collision is going to get
far bigger, far quicker. And hopefully, in terms of quality of
outcome for attendees, it will be far more valuable than
year two of Web Summit because of the technology that
underpins how we structure everything from a seating
plan at dinner to the group you find yourself surrounded
by on a pub crawl.
Most importantly, interesting startups are invited to
exhibit. For example here are just 15 startups who
exhibited at Web Summit in November who have since
raised $270 million. Of course, that’s down to visionary
entrepreneurs, who are prepared to hustle, and then
hustle some more. But these startups don’t go to the
conference for the good of their health, they’re here to
meet people, and that’s something we’re getting better at
facilitating at an ever growing scale and sophistication.
So, we’ll be in Vegas in May, as will quite a number of
visionary entrepreneurs, young startups, respected
investors, seasoned CEOs and influential media. Collision,
are building something a little different for attendees as
compared to traditional tech conferences.
Either way, I hope to see you in Downtown Vegas, and if
not there then somewhere else in the world where we’re
sprinkling our software driven approach to conferences.
“OneRecruit are thrilled to be one of 25 companies to
be sponsored to attend the conference from Australia.
Our aim is to find and secure a local partner/investor in
America where the majority of our clients are now based.
This is a meet and greet tour for us and so feel free to
stop by our booth and introduce yourself. “ said Martin
Staael founder and CTO. “ Being based in Australia for
RD gives us an advantage over other startups seeking
investors at Collision as we don’t come with the overheads
of American startups. Plus its much cheaper to scale RD
in Australia whilst still being a global company, just like
Atlassian have done. “ Said Staael.
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W riting the resume objective statement
could be the most difficult stage in the
whole resume writing process. And since
it is the most difficult, it also open a wide
gate for mistakes that would cost every resume writer the
chance for a job interview. Therefore, if you are planning
to create a resume, focus first on your resume objective
statement and everything would follow accordingly.
What is a resume objective?
Resume objective is located at the top-most part of the
resume usually below the your name, address, contact
number, email address, and sometimes website. It is a
short statement stating your desire for the job. Common
headings are professional objective or career goals.
Why write a resume objective?
Resume objective serves several purposes. First, it informs
the reader of your intention and the position you are
applying. Second it summarizes your main qualification
that should state the things you can contribute to the
organization. And last, it establishes your personal identity
as a professional.
Importance of resume objective...
Resume is the first contact you can make to your potential
employer and resume objective is the first line the reader
would look into next to your name. If you have an excellent
resume objective, it could start a spark to your potential
Common resume objective mistakes:
“To have the opportunity to work hard, prove my skill, and
be challenged so that my training and education would
Employers seek applicants who can help improve the
present state of their business. They are not there to
pamper individuals who want to use their company as
another training ground or a refugee camp.
Remember also that the employer is not and will never
be interested to what you want. Making it right...Resume
objective should state what you could do for the company
and not the other way around.
You can be very specific by stating your contributions to
your previous employers. Doing such would give you a
good chance in making it to the interview.
Say you were able to increase the previous company’s sales
by 40%. Don’t be shy to mention it. Wouldn’t the reader be
very interested in meeting you face to face if he reads this
kind of lines?
Resume objective should have the right ingredient in
providing you a paved way towards your goad so better
make it right.
be utilize.” What is wrong with this objective statement?
Does it contain the right purpose of a resume objective
statement? Is it attractive enough to make the reader
consider writer for an interview?
All the answers would be a big “NO”. So what’s wrong with
this statement? The self-serving words. Because no matter
how bad you want a job, if your resume objective contains
self-serving words you can never have any chance of
getting an interview.
What you shouldn’t
discuss at interviews
ob interviews, although nerve-
wracking, are often a lot easier than
originally thought. With that in
mind, there are preparation steps
that you can and should take to
ensure that your next job interview
is a successful one.
One of the most important tips
that you can remember, when
looking to prepare for an upcoming
job interview, is what not to say. There are
some topics that need to be discussed during
a job interview, but there are others that
should be left out of the conversation. For
more information on what you should or
shouldn’t discuss at one of your upcoming
job interviews, you will want to continue
reading on. One of the many topics that
you should refrain from discussing at one of
your upcoming job interviews involves your
personal life.
For instance, you may not want to talk about
your family or any friends that you may
have. If you are asked if you are a parent,
you will want to respond, as well as answer
any other questions, but you will want to
try and refrain from bringing up the topic
yourself. You will want to try to keep your
personal and professional lives separate.
Bad experiences at past jobs are another
one of the many topics that you may want to
refrain from discussing at job interviews. For
starters, your information may be deemed
as gossip. You will also want to refrain from
divulging important information about your
past employer, especially if they can be
considered competitors.
Simply taking the high road and avoiding
any topics that have to deal with poor
experiences at your previous places of
employment should help your public
perception. In addition to bad experiences at
one of your previous jobs, it is also advised
that you refrain from speaking poorly about
any of your former supervisors.
No matter if your boss was in the wrong, you
will want avoid speaking about the conflict.
That doesn’t mean that you should lie if
asked, but it does mean that you should at
fighting in the workplace Bullying is not tolerated at any level red cards managers that have no endorsements from previous Staff on profiles
least use your best judgment. You will want to show all prospective
employers that you have respect for management, even if you don’t
like the management members.
If you were ever terminated from a job, you will want to proceed with
caution during your job interviews. Discussing a job in which you
were terminated from may not work in your best interest. With that
in mind, it is important to examine the reason for your termination.
Anything serious such as sexual harassment or theft may want to
be avoided during a job interview. However, if you will receive
a background check, this information may come into light
anyway. Once again, you will want to use your best judgment.
Bad pay is another topic that you may want to refrain from discussing
in upcoming job interviews. It is not uncommon for pay to be
discussed during a job interview.
With that in mind, should you find the starting salary to be lower
than you may have thought, you will want to keep your composure. It
would be impolite for you to leave in the middle of your interview or
complain about the pay.
What you may want to do, instead, is spin it in a somewhat positive
matter that can still display your disapproval. You may want to
consider asking about the other benefits, like sick days or vacation
days, which can be used as other forms of compensation.
The above mentioned topics are just a few of the many topics that you
may want to leave out at your next job interview. Of course, during
a job interview it is important to answer all questions asked, but just
be cautious with your answers and do not divulge more information
than needed.
Outrageous statements Especially about your previous bosses or teammates
Applicant Tracking
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Enterprise Standard is an application in a box
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In todays competitive and somewhat global world,
organisations are recognising that they should be
concerned with what is going on outside of the
organisation, as much as what is happening or being
manifested internally. Culture is not just about
geographic location. It’s so much more...
Knowing the values, mission,
purpose, process, strategy and
payoff of a company can help you
navigate the companies ethos.
However peoples interpretation and
validation in upholding the credo
of the company may not always be
in sync. Especially if you have not
hierarchal structure.
WHAT TO DO: Does the secretary
answering the phone care about
the company culture? How do you
know? Building your companies
vision means that you have to get all
stakeholders no matter how small all
working on the same page. Everyone
wants to be valued for what they
do vocationally and its up to the
managers and leaders to ensure
that the ethos of the company is
upheld. Most people don’t leave
organisations because they hate the
company. They leave because of bad
management that didn’t value them.
Know your values and if recruitment
is high, change management.
People are very easy to understand
when you understand the triggers
that make a person do what they
are meant to do. The best cultural
practices and on boarding programs
I have seen don’t take this into
consideration. Assuming that
you have the right characters and
behaviours ironed out during the
interview process its essential to
consider how each personality you
hire will integrate into the company.
All it takes is the dynamic of one
person to change the productivity of
an entire team.
WHAT TO DO: Assess everyone
before they start and know where
they would be best placed within the
company. Having a great dynamic
team relies on people that support
and challenge one another.
“Dhaling you can’t put
flowers in an asshole
and call it a vase”
“Dhaling you must
be nicer to the staff,
especially the butler”
Getting people interested and
engaged is usually not hard at the
beginning. But somewhere around
the third month when they think the
probation is over is when they really
start to see the company what it is.
They call this period the end of the
honeymoon phase. Millennial staff
especially are very aware of this
phase and will quickly axe a job in
search of greener pastures if the role
is not stacked up to what was sold to
them in the first place. It is therefore
essential to have a program that
people can adopt and grow with.
Learning and development is
essential and training can be ongoing
throughout the life span of the role.
People like to know that they will get
as much as they will give.
WOTCULTURE.COM is a terrific
way to assess and learn about the
values and personality of a team
member before they start with you.
The free assessment can be taken
by any organisation and each person
can identify with 8 different culture
cats. Once you know what cat a
team member is , you can create
your own games to engage their
personal culture. The fun begins
when teams of tigers take on a pride
of lions to demonstrate loyalty to the
brand and increase productivity.
Once new recruits start you must
keep the game alive for all staff.
Learning about the companies values
and what it stands for is one thing,
practicing it is another. And unless
you run a small business you will find
it hard to be everything to everyone.
WHAT TO DO: Create a game of
making people uphold the values
of the organisation. Put people
in teams to keep the games going
and let each team get some sort
of bonus prize for demonstrating
the honouring of the values of the
company in some way or form.
Have a trophy that can be
won by the team or even
activate a team bonding
exercise on a daily
basic level.
The saying that we never stop learning is an adage that many people
are likely familiar with. What is perhaps less well known is where our
cumulative knowledge and life lessons are typically gathered from.
Fundamentally, learning takes place through a combination of both formal and informal situations and
through our interactions with others.
In the context of personal development and todays demands for professionals to become more
effective in their vocations, the 70:20:10 model provides a simple, effective and widely used model
for culminating formal training and education, coaching and mentoring interactions and every day
experiences into how we can become better at doing what we do.
While Interpretations of the 70:20:10 model vary somewhat, general consensus provides an accepted
definition that 70% of the lessons learned by successful managers and leaders are gained from the
experiences found in on the job training and stretch situations while 20% is obtained from exposure
to coaching and mentoring interaction and 10% is gathered during education and formalised training
Application and Implementation
The application of the model is wide spread and used by many local and global corporations and
government departments. Nokia, SAP, Earnst  Young, Price Waterhouse Coopers, KPMG, Del, Oracle,
HP, Sony Ericson, Morgan Stanley, NAB, Westinghouse, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, Maersk,
GlaxoSmithKline, Princeton University, the Australian Federal
Government and countless others have acknowledged their use of
the model in varying guises.
According to a study by Deakin University, application and
implementation spans a broad range. One company studied used
the 70:20:10 model informally as a guide for employee development
while another company applied the model as their guiding metaphor
for all organisational development activities.
What is important to note is that the model provides flexibility
and can be tailored to suit the widely varying situations and
requirements of modern and traditional organisations and business
models. Specifically, the ratios are not rigid and can be moulded to
suit the requirements of a variety of situations.
For example, industries dominated by trade apprenticeships may
require an increased focus of classroom education and on the job
training in order to first establish the core skills needed and then
hone and ingrain those skills though practical application.
In comparison, industries requiring high levels of creativity and
innovation may preference higher ratios of exposure to mentors,
coaches and reflection on role models and reduced time in
Whatever the case, effective application relies on customising any
LD model to take into account the specific requirements of the
organisation, the resources available, the industry and the desired
Benefits and Challenges
One of the key benefits of the model is that it provides an anchoring
point for acknowledging that learning and development comes
in many forms. This anchoring point can lead to higher levels
of member engagement through the realisation that personal
development is happening all around.
Further, managers and supervisors can be encouraged to
become more involved in developing direct reports through their
involvement in coaching, mentoring and general interaction with
employees as they go about their daily duties and stretch targets.
What is not clear however is how to best measure the return
on investment and the impact of such programs. Further, not all
managers in an organisation may be competent in the coaching and
mentoring aspects that account for the proposed 20% of learning
and development.
Added difficulties may also include gaining buy in from key stake
holders such as Human Resource and Learning and Development
These challenges are not unique to the 70:20:10 model as many
other LD initiatives are often accompanied by challenges in
measuring their effectiveness. Regardless, the consensus is that the
benefits far outweigh the challenges.
Blended Learning Every Day
The 70:20:10 model, or indeed an
iteration of it provides an effective
framework for developing and
integrating a true blended learning
approach for organisations,
employees and individuals alike.
What’s more, it provides some clarity on where we gather our
cumulative knowledge from and allows users to expand their
perspectives on how they can continue to learn from not only
formalised training, but from interactions with others and from
every day activities to become more effective professionals.
On the job training with daily
tasks, assignments and job
Interactions with coaches and
mentors. Observation of role
Formal education and training
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Bad role models
can be good
Accordingto theExpertsWhat do I want to be? Where do I see
myself in one, five, ten year’s time? What
is my plan on how to get there? What
role models can I follow and look to for
hese are no doubt questions
that many of us have
asked at varying points but
perhaps what we rarely
consider is, what do we not want to
become and who do we not want
to be like? These can be equally
important questions.
An understanding of what we do not want to
be and acknowledging lessons from negative
role models can help us understand our goals
and aspirations, elevating us to a higher level
in a similar way positive goal setting and role
models do.
Early in my sales career, I regularly had
business dealings with the employees and the
owner of a construction company that by all
accounts, was run by a real tyrant. Not once
did I hear a positive word mentioned about the
The owner was rude and abusive to his staff,
employee turnover was high, and despite
the owner driving an expensive new Jag,
he regularly skimped on buying the right
equipment for the workers to do their job
efficiently, which created great resentment.
What stuck with me was how the actions and
behaviours of this owner negatively affected
everyone around him and I vowed that I would
never be like that.
When we work and interact with negative role
models, we often observe undesirable traits
or behaviours that we distaste personally.
Arrogance, rudeness, uncaring, manipulative,
the list goes on. These traits often strike a
deep cord with us as they conflict with our
values of say humility, politeness and sincerity;
traits that are commonly found in our chosen
positive role models. Because these negative
behaviours and traits strike a deep cord with
us, they can leave a deep impression on us
contrasting strongly against what we value,
and may lead us to become more in tune with
what we value and aspire to be. Perhaps even
clarifying and challenging our visions for
ourselves when we experience what we think
we want to be, but don’t like it when we see it
in others.
I am far from suggesting that we all adopt
and follow negative role models and pay
credence to their arguably undesirable traits
and behaviours. Rather, anti-role models and
negative experiences can and do play a part
in keeping us on track to reaching our dreams
and aspirations.
Several studies suggest that we can learn as
much, if not more from negative role models
and challenging experiences than we do
positive ones.
Across a series of studies conducted at the
University of Waterloo, Lockwood, Jordan and
Kunda found that the inspirational impact of
positive and negative role models depends on
the goals people are striving to achieve when
they encounter these models.
They go on to say that we may be especially
likely to be inspired by our chosen positive role
models, who represent aspects of a desired
self, when we are bent on pursuing success.
“In life, you realise that there is a purpose for
every person you meet. Some will test you,
some will use you, some will teach you and
some will bring out the best in you.”
Similarly, negative role models, who represent
a feared self, can inspire us when we are intent
on avoiding failure.
The take away is that both positive and
negative role models play a part in inspiring us
and focussing our development.
Positive role models, individuals who have
achieved outstanding success, are widely
expected to inspire others to pursue similar
excellence. So the Steve Jobs, Jack Welch’s
and others on yours and my list of positive
role models of course play a significant role
in providing guidance and clarifying a vision
for the behaviours we would like to see of
Examples of bad role modelling are not always
as stark as my construction company owner
example. They can come from all walks, from
the driver that flipped you the bird as they cut
you off to that colleague who always sees the
problems and negatives in everything.
Similarly, we encounter positive role models
who aren’t necessarily famous. Later in my
career, I had the opportunity to observe and
learn from what many people consider a great
leader. Despite their positional power at the
top of the organisation, they regularly spent
time at the coal face, knew the names of the
hundreds of employees and exhibited many of
the behaviours and traits that are essential for
being perceived a great leader; trustworthy,
authentic, honest, transformational and so
It was a fantastic learning experience and I
endeavour to model much of their behaviour.
Role models, both positive and negative are all
around us. Keep your positive role models and
learn from them, but be prepared to learn the
occasional lesson from the anti-role models
that breeze in and out of our lives.
hen many of us think of
credit history, credit scores,
or credit ratings, financial
loans are often the first
things that come to mind.
While financial lenders are known for their
regular use of credit checks, did you know
that employers are also starting to perform
credit checks on their new hires? They are
and if you are looking for a career change,
this may have a negative impact on your
ability to obtain the job of your dreams.
When it comes to employment and credit
checks, you are either concerned or not
concerned at all. If you have a poor credit
score, you may be unsure as to whether
or not you should even apply for certain
jobs. In the past, many financial institutions
and insurance companies required credit
checks, but now more and more employers
are starting to do the same. In fact, if you
are looking to work in a fast food restaurant
or even as a stocker at one of your local
supermarkets, there is a good chance that
you may still have a credit check performed
on you.
If you are interested in avoiding all jobs that
check your credit, you will want to keep a
close eye on all of the applications that you
fill out. Many employers will outline their
hiring practices, such as whether or not
credit checks are performed, on their job
applications. If you are not filling out an
application, but rather sending in a resume,
you may be able to find what you are looking
for one the company’s website, should they
have one. If you are still coming up empty
handed, you should be informed of all credit
checks before they are performed.
Although your first impulse, as mentioned
above, many be to avoid applying for jobs
where your credit will be checked, you may
want to rethink your decision to do so. What
you need to remember is that more and
more employers are starting to check the
credit history of all new hires. By avoiding
these types of companies, you may seriously
hinder your ability to get a new job. Instead,
there are a few steps that you may want to
take and these steps are outlined below for
your convenience.
If you are currently employed and just
looking for a career change, you may want to
consider holding off on that career change.
Until you are able to repair your credit, even
just a little bit, you may want to refrain from
apply for new jobs, especially those that will
check your credit. What many individuals do
not know is that if you pay off only a couple
of your debts, your credit rating will improve.
When looking for new employees to hire,
employers are realistic. They know that they
will rarely be able to find employees with
perfect credit scores.
How to Handle Them If You Have a Poor Credit Score
Many great ideas go
unexecuted, and many great
executioners are without
ideas. One without the other
is worthless. If you do what
you always did, you will get
what you always got.
Great minds discuss
ideas. Average minds
discuss events. Small
minds discuss people.
That is why any improvements that
you can make, no matter how large or
small, should help you.
Although controversial, there are
many who state that you should
openly discuss your credit history
with potential employers, especially
if they ask you about your credit or
ask you to okay a check on your credit
If your debt is due to an unexpected
emergency, like a medical
emergency, you may want to state
so. As previously mentioned, most
employers are realistic; they know
that not everyone is perfect. Of
course, you will want to take every
step to improve your credit, but
having a good, verifiable excuse may
help your case. If you have a poor
credit rating, you really don’t have
that much to do lose, do you?
The above mentioned points are all
points that you will want to take into
consideration, when encountering
a company who wants to check
your credit. In some countries it
is against the law to ask for such
information. Be prepared to
answer this question with a firm but
tentative response that does not
imply the interviewer is an idiot for
asking. It may just be a screening
question to see how you handle
confronting situations. Especially if
you are applying for a role in finance.
Employers tend to think of their
companies as their babies and as one
owner put it. “Why would I entrust
my multimillion dollar business to
someone that isn’t a millionaire
themselves. If they can’t handle
their own finances, why in the world
would I think they would be any good
handling mine?”
Some of the benefits of
mentoring include:
•	 Becoming a standout
•	 Leadership abilities
•	 Working smarter, not
These benefits may sound
simple, but when you
translate it in real life, you
can definitely feel that
mentoring is one of the best
options to succeed in your
career. Mentoring is actually
a two-way relationship and
both the mentor and the
protégé will learn something
from the mentoring program.
Primarily though, mentoring
programs are designed to
enhance the capabilities of
the protégé.
At the start of any mentoring
programs, both the mentor
and the protégé are
encouraged to clarify their
goals and expectations from
the program. They need to
create a well-designed plan
and follow a specific course
of action. There are a lot of
cases wherein the mentoring
program far exceeded the
expectations of the protégé
because the program
provided the following as
•	 An insiders realistic
goals and progress
•	 Clearer understanding
of his career plans
•	 Exposure to varied
experiences and
•	 Access to powerful
sources of information
•	 Access to resources
within the industry
•	 Greater knowledge
about yourself and your
•	 A wider network of
Mentoring programs establish
the self-confidence and the self-
assurance of a protégé who
uses it as a tool for personal
and professional development.
There are certainly many
benefits you can expect from
joining a mentoring program
because you will learn from
someone who has the
necessary experience to coach
you on what you have to do.
HowMentoring establishes
Self Confidence
By Paul Cohen
Never just lookat one great
companyor mentor. You don’t
want to be tainted byone
persons view. Especiallyifthey
turn out to be abad apple.
•	 Identification of any lacking
skill that is required for career
•	 Establishment of a foundation
for a lasting professional
•	 Access to a support system
during the critical stages of
your career growth
•	 But the mentor would not
be able to do everything for
you; you need to help yourself
as well. You need to do this
by listening to the mentor’s
ideas and suggestions,
try implementing these
suggestions if you feel that
these can help you in your
career. It is also essential for
you to listen to the feedback of
others especially the opinion of
the mentor during this critical
time so that you can adjust to
the situation accordingly. In
addition, you should have set
realistic expectations from
what you hope to achieve
from the mentoring program
because it is difficult to have
impossible goals and then
expect the mentor to help you
achieve these objectives.
•	 You likewise need to have the
willingness to learn and adapt
to the different situations you
might be facing at work. The
mentor is simply the person
you should count on for advice
and suggestions about the
path you should take.
Mentoring should not be seen as
the easy way out; rather, it should
be seen as a tool that will help you
grow further in your career and on
your personal life.
And these objectives are only
possible if you learn to believe in
yourself and know that you are
capable of doing great things in
your life. Mentoring programs can
help you reach this state and once
you are at this point, it would be
inevitable for you to enjoy the fruits
of your success.
As you can see, while the mentor
will provide you with guidance
during the mentoring program,
your success is entirely up to you.
Wellness in the workplace?
e spend roughly one-third
of every day, five days a
week in our workplaces.
And if you have a desk job, then that’s a
lot of time to be sitting down. With this
sedentary lifestyle it’s important that
we create healthy habits that not only
get us through our work hours but also
create lasting benefits so we can enjoy
the other two thirds of every day.
When we talk about being well, most
people think of diets and food and
whilst food plays an important role,
it’s not the only part of the wellness
puzzle. Wellness encompasses
nutrition, physical health and mental
health. And all three are important to
create wellness.
Food is designed to sustain us. We
have to eat food to survive, to keep our
bodies and our brains active and alive
and yet most of the time we eat food
that causes our brains to fog and our
bodies to feel lethargic. After a tough
day you might feel you want a pick
me up. Sometimes the easiest thing
to grab is a coffee or a snack from the
vending machine, however, these are
more likely to have the opposite effect
of what you really need.
One of the biggest reasons for poor
food choices is tiredness. Most people
know what to do to be healthy. Most
people are aware of the foods that
make their body feel alive and those
that make their body feel drained. And
yet so many people will still choose
the poor food choice. Why? Because
they’re tired, or it’s easier (because
they’re tired and it’s too hard to put
effort into thinking about good food
The best ways to be prepared is to
make extra dinner the night before
and take it to work with you. Prepare
extra meals when you have some free
time and freeze them so you always
have something on hand, ready to
reheat. And know in advance what
you’re planning on eating so you
always have the best food ready to eat.
If you haven’t done any food planning
before it can be difficult to prepare
for a whole week, so break it down.
Be prepared for two or three days, or
even one day if you’ve never done it
If you love to have something sweet,
then be prepared and find something
sweet that will satisfy you.
Some of my favourite sweet snacks
•	 a banana sliced down the
middle and filled with peanut
•	 dates filled with almond butter,
•	 chia puddings with fresh fruit
Some of my favourite savoury snacks
•	 seed crackers topped with
avocado or hummus
•	 rice paper rolls
•	 falafels with spinach dip
These can either be prepared ahead, or
take the ingredients with you to work
and prepare it on your break.
Whilst you probably can’t be working
out during work time (unless you
work at a gym) it’s important to do
some physical activity every day. Early
morning walking, running or gym
sessions can set you up for a successful
healthy day. If the morning is not for
you, then head out after work for your
exercise. Knowing that you still have
to work out can help you watch out for
those cravings and not give in to them.
POSTURE - Self esteem and
lack of confidence is linked to
osture is really important
in everything we do. Bad
posture can lead to lethargy
and tiredness. One of the
best and easiest ways to ensure good
posture is to find a wall. Stand with you
back against it, on flat feet but as tall as
you can.
Press your heels, legs, back, shoulders
and head into the wall and hold it for
about thirty seconds. Then walk away
keeping the same posture. Try and hold
that posture whilst you walk. Repeat
this as many times as you can each day
and soon you’ll begin to notice how
much straighter and taller you are,
without the hunched over shoulders
that too much computer work can
Something as simple as good posture
can help with your wellness at work.
Straight posture allows you to breathe
more deeply and with every breath
you are getting more oxygen into your
blood stream. More oxygen means
more energy and more energy means
more life, self esteem and confidence.
If you invest great posture into your
life and energy, you’ll create alignment
in your workplace by linking your
physiology to your wellness you’ll bring
the best out in yourself.
By Amanda Attard -
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  • 2. 2 contents. 08 28 16 SOHO TOP 5 Working from home Cultural ideas Assess your personal culture CollisionOneRecruit is off to the States Strategy 04 Editors notes and a quick look at our new issue and Social Media. 06 Recruit Hub where all the news on what’s happening in recruitment. 08 SOHO and what’s happening in the home office of the new recruiter. 10 Must See strategies for the leadership agility using the website 12 Quick bite sized chunks of information that is taken from the course. 14 BSoCre8ive where you go to learn about social media and Digital Marketing. 15 Do you have the right qualifications for the role you are applying for. 16 Collision Las Vegas, Learn all about how OneRecruit will be in America in May 20 Resume Objectives, What you think about you bring about. 24 What you shouldn’t discuss in interviews. 26 OneRecruit Enterprise edition is a custom ATS platform available today 28 The Culture Code - what are your people saying about your culture? 10
  • 3. 3 13 30 24 36 34 Writing Objectives Helps you to deliver goals 70:20:10 Creating talent Learning and development InterviewsWhat you shouldn’t talk about Role ModelsGood or bad? Credit checksAre you prepared for what your employer will find regarding your credit scores. 40 pages Full of absolute dynamic creative content! 22 30 Learning and Development Discover how the 70:20:10 principle will change work. 32 World Jobs - all the jobs that are currently available through our ATS globally. 34 Role Models - They can be good or bad. 36 Work related credit check and what you need to have in order. 38 Business - How mentoring encourages self confidence. 39 Wellness in the workplace. Small tips you can take to ensure you’re eating well 39 Posture -How you stand, sit and move can have great impact on your health 40 The OneRecruit Applicant Tracking System for recruitment, Strength a strategic approach
  • 4. FOUNDER Martin Staael DIRECTOR -CMO/Editor Azhar Khan DIRECTOR Jeremy Stewart COMMUNICATION MANAGER Douglas Devere PHOTOGRAPHY Liam Byrne SENIOR MARKETING Anthony Levy EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Azhar Khan / Aviva Cohen ART STUDIO Howie Chang / Azhar Khan CONTACTS Studio - Sales - Editorial Advertising - Limits of Liability/Disclaimer Of Warranty The publishers and author of this magazine and all products related to this magazine have used their best efforts in creating this product. Neither the publisher nor the authors make any representation of warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties that are either expressed and/or implied merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The Editor and the publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. You do not have the right to give this book away, include it in any membership site, or offer it as a bonus! You may not sell this book unless granted permission or have become one of our authorised affiliates. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. editor. from the Azhar Khan. Welcome to the March/April issue of OneRecruit E xciting times ahead as OneRecruit is one of 25 startup companies in the world that been invited and sponsored to visit Las Vegas in May for Collision. The event that brings together key influencers in the tech community. Bloomberg has referred to this event as the DAVOS for geeks. Visited by the worlds leading investors, accelerators and leaders of all kinds this event is the gold standard of startup events on the planet. Naturally we can hardly contain the excitement of being sponsored to attend and are looking forward to meeting and hanging out with some amazing people in the industry. We’ve also taken a little format change as we explore the best ways to provide you with content that you find interesting and relevant to your career. We also welcome our fantastic contributors who have bent over backwards to help me pull together content for this issue. If you have something that you would like us to consider in the next issue please feel free to contact us via the website We look forward to bringing you more exciting new developments in our next issue and hope you enjoy reading this one. Boorer has been involved in hospitality start-ups for the past 25 years turning ideas into realities, building teams, creating company visions, culture and strategies, marketing, policies and procedures. Lisa Boorer. MBA/MNLP Stewart is an experienced executive manager with more than seventeen years’ experience in a diverse range of business functions ranging from industrial sales to executive leadership appointments. Jeremy Stewart. MBA GAICD, JP.Qual Staael is the Founder of OneRecruit and currently the CTO. Staael’s passion for business solutions is defined by the clear and concise applications he develops for business and Human Capital Management. Martin Staael. Amanda Attard is a freelance author and writer of cook books. She has been cooking for over 35 years and creating her own recipes for more than 20. Inspired by the abundance of organic produce coming from some of the world’s most fertile soil. Amanda Attard. contributors. credits Azhar Khan Executive Editor - CMO 04
  • 5. theUSUALsuspects. 09. SOHO Office Talk 13. Strategic Agility 18. OneRecruit World 22. Resume 24. Interviews 26. ATS Review 28. Culture 30. Development 33. Quick Tip 34. Learning 38. Business 39. Wellness Office Rules. Resume Objective. Front Side. World Jobs. issue. let’s get social. inside this Issue 2: Mar/Apr 2015 Get some winning ideas on how to handle working from home. Recruiters are turning their homes into the office to be more productive and efficient. Knowing why you write your resume and for whom should be an essential strategic approach to ensuring your are not being haphazard and careless with the way you portray yourself to a potential employer. Developing staff is an ongoing process. This principle will guide your staff to accept the most efficient way to learn on the fly and develop themselves whilst working Where do you want to be. This new feature section will display any job using the OneRecruit applicant tracking system across the globe. The easy to use way for any company to track their recruiting process. 08. 17. 32. 22. onerecruit onerecruit onerecruit company/ onerecruit Keep in touch. We thank you for your support. #OneRecruit twitter 13 signs you should quit your job? @wef Age is on a barrier, Tech Designer, 91, lands her dream job in Silicon valley @edXonline The top ten hourly highest paying jobs @frugalis 3 questions at the heart of improving disability employment in Australia. @mediaaccessaus The ugly side of brand, culture and flexibility in the workplace. firebrandtalent #OneRecruit facebook Cheaper robots could take away these jobs; is yours at risk? Emirates247 Do you have the best job in the world? - The future of work Lisa Evans 13 CEO’s share their favourite job interview questions businessinsider Online hiring activity grows by 19% in December; 2015 forecast looks bullish businesstoday The 20 best paying jobs for women businessinsider 05
  • 6. Recruit Hub Eliciting values What'shotthismonth The latest news stories from the HR community How do you choose the right candidates in a behavioural interview? TOP STORY GET THE BEST FROM YOUR RECRUITER ONERECRUIT SOFTWARE RECRUIT DELICACY Ask your recruiter to only refer you candidates he has done a cultural fit assessment on. If the candidate matches the values of your company there should be a perfect fit for the role they get. Applicant tracking software is part of a much larger toolkit that encompasses more than just recruitment. Azhar Khan talks to our CTO about OneRecruits plans for the future. Screening has to be the worst part of applicant tracking and whilst tools are in place to make life easier, many great candidates fall through the cracks. Tell us your favorite ingredients for dishing up great candidates RECRUIT F or most recruiters choosing the right candidates in a behavioural interview can be a hit and miss result. Candidates can appear great on paper and on the phone can talk themselves into an interview only to lose themselves entirely in the interview process. There is no right way to do it or wrong way to screw it up, so most people do what they know best and rely on their gut feel. Some recruiters just want to feel comfortable around the candidates to measure the likelihood that the person they are interviewing is the person they want to be sitting down with to eat lunch with when in a break. Some candidates just stand out in behavioural interviews, especially when they are being recruited in groups. They ask the right questions and they prepare for the right answers. Making sure that they have not been coached for the interview can also be a red flag for any recruiter. Those candidates are just trying too hard and body language is the tell tale sign for just how much they are prepared to suck up. “I ask people one question. If I gave you a cheque... then I write one out for a million dollars and hand it to them; what would you do with it? Then I sit back and let them tell me what they want to do with their lives. If what they say aligns to the role they are applying for and my company they are hired on the spot. “ says Human Behavioural Specialist Dr John Demartini. “If you have a multi-million dollar company hire leaders that know how to handle millions of dollars or risk losing it all. Their values will tell you just how much they value your company and their priorities will lead you their motives. Ask how they spend their time and money, How they fill their space and who inspires them most. The results will be transformational for your business.” Says Demartini. Standing out in group interviews 06
  • 7. ReflectionGetyour work seen New additions to the world of HR Follow the evolution to recruit in the subtle way Recruiter podcast Human Relationships or Human Resources? BLOG I ’m a true baby boomer born in 1946, I believed that all was possible for me if I worked hard enough. The proved to be somewhat true. Being well educated, upper middle class and white helped more that i understood, while being female proved to be more of a drawback than I ever acknowledged. Still the mind-set that all things are possible, has stood me in good stead in my life. First you must believe it, then you can do it. I still believe this and so it is self reinforcing and is still true for me. I have been successful in my work life and after years of struggle, also in my personal life. Work and Love, Freud says, is what we all must face and master during our lives. I can say at 66 I have learned to feel comfortable and at ease with both. What would I tell them about my life standing where I am today? So many cliches come to mind that are partially true, but not totally true. Take care of your body with the same attention you would give your most treasured car. Our bodies won’t last forever without maintenance and regular check ups. Pleasure is not a bad thing, it is just not the only thing. Turn off your electronics and get outside more. I guess the most important thing I would pass on is to give the other person a break. We have no idea the load each of us carry, if we did we would have more kindness toward one another and less judgement.” Says retired baby boomer Susan Darin Pohl on her blog. Keep up to date with widget plug-ins for your own website H ot off the press is OneRecruit’s new plug- in that allows you to integrate the job listings you have directly on your own website by simply adding a piece of code that you can find in the setting or directly from the blog. This means you can easily integrate with your own site without having to program everything yourself. What this means is that you can load whatever jobs you have directly into your OneRecruit portal and have the content show up on your own website. “Its a simple HTML code you add to the page and the system takes care of the rest” says Martin Staael CTO of OneRecruit. The content does not need to be formatted either. It automatically assumes that the settings for the website you are placing the plugin on has it own CSS setting and therefore uses the settings that are relevant for your site. It makes it the easiest adoption plug-in for an ATS. Ever heard of an SMR or SMH. They are two roles that have recently appeared on the HR scene. They stand for Social Media Recruiter and Social Media Headhunter. Two new characters to look out for. As paper applications are becoming less of an advantage in the recruitment process it stands to reason that the more familiar you are with online profiles, the better you will be at leaving a trail of interesting online gifts for recruiters to find. This can be a well SEO’ed professional profile or a portfolio of articles that pertain to your role that they find online. Its the subtle way to get head hunted and results in a much better offer. If you’re looking for a change in career and don’t know how you can transfer your skills to another industry you may want to consider pod casting. There are plenty of people wanting to know your skill-set and you can even charge them for it. Judging on what’s on the AppStore for recruitment you would have a head start. Add an ATS directly to your site today! More kindness, less judgement CREATIVE SHOWCASE From Pixar to portraits of animals this Adobe website has a fantastic resource to find and hire creative talent. The galleries are amazing and search facilities filter candidates by schools of thought, tools used and color. BLEED AND BREED ART Creative expression takes on a new dimension on this website as a place to view candidates portfolios in the design and creative space. With over 32 million members and 65m unique visitors a month its the place to meet successful artists Shorts... THIS MONTH IN SHORT Tip... Leave online gifts for recruiters PORTFOLIO 07
  • 8. 1. Take it to the limit Setting up your home office has its own distinct set of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you need to recognize those before you decide to work from home. The most obvious challenge lies in the fact that you are at the comfort of your own home and it is easy to be deceived by the idea that you are not working. Hence, you can assume a laid back approach at work and achieve less than you normally would when having to attend work at the office. Finding a balance between work and home life is vital. Most importantly, you need to be able to separate the two. That is the first step that you must take in order to succeed with work from your home office. The most important thing that should drive you to work, even when you are right at home is the delivery of quality work expected of you from your clients. Below are some tips to get yourself motivated and become more successful with work at home. 2. Discipline Yourself When at home, there are several responsibilities to look after. Juggling them proves to become more difficult with the addition of work priorities. With several things to attend to, it is easy to compromise your work and make them last in your priorities. However, you need to create a boundary in terms of when you need to work and when you must attend to all these errands at home. Treat yourself professionally, such that you have a specific schedule dedicated for work. However, you also need to ensure that your obligations at home are not neglected when you focus much of your time at work. The key here is balance. 3. Come Up With A Plan The best way to come up with a solid plan concerning your home office and work, break them down into short- and long-term plans. Here is how you should approach either one. Short-term plans: Before starting your daily work, you need to determine what tasks you need to accomplish. This will allow you to allocate how much time is allowed for each one, so as not to forsake other necessary tasks. If possible, do this daily planning method a week ahead. This will help you determine whether you have enough time to squeeze in other rush tasks. In between doing your tasks, take time to relax. This will provide you enough strength and vitality to finish the rest of the day’s tasks. Long-term plans: Every month, take time to review your business. Examine the possibility of growth and adding up more ideas to help your work at home business thrive and grow. Since the market is TOPFIVE AWESOME OFFICE TIPSThe challenge of working from home and achieving business success... Make a list of where you can build your business by listing daily tasks. 08
  • 9. continually evolving, you have to evolve with it as well. This is also your opportunity to assess where your business is headed to and what you can do to improve it further. 4. Hire Assistance Since you are still doing business, you can opt to hire help from personnel that will attend to different areas of your work. Whether it is accounting, bookkeeping, secretarial, scheduling appoints, and so on, you will find that it is worth investing for. It should be able to provide you with enough organization and produce more work in the same amount of time. 5. Pace Yourself Well Never be too hard on yourself. When you become your own boss, it could either be a positive or negative thing. You can tend to relax too much to forsake work, or you can overwork yourself too. After every accomplished task, take time to relax. It will enable you to revive and gather enough strength needed to complete the next set of tasks. By doing this, you will also notice that you produce more quality work. Making a list of daily tasks and setting priorities for them to the point that they can be scheduled will help you to grow quickly and easily pass on the tasks to others efficiently. This is where you will be able to start recruiting the right staff for your business and ensure they roles and duties are well documented. If you know what you do and what the role entails you can provide full details and document the rest so that it is easy to leverage your position to others. Before you know it you will be employing staff and ensuring that they have the right place to work from will become another issue you will need to consider. There are plenty shared workplaces that help get you started in that space. IT INSTANT GUIDE FOR THE PERFECT DESKTOPS OFFICE RULES NEED TO KNOW DON’T STACK: It really becomes too easy to stack things on top of one another. A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind. Take the time to tidy up your space and respect the space you are in. By having this sense of concern for your immediate surroundings you inherently give your mind clarity in your objectives. REWARD YOURSELF: Especially when you have achieved certain milestones and goals. It does not have to be lavish or big. It just has to be a token appreciation gift you give yourself for winning, Having the attitude of gratitude is an essential and critical part of being an entrepreneur. COFFEE TIME: Take scheduled breaks and know when to walk away. Its not the amount of hours that you put in but the quality of those hours that you are engaged. More often than not being overworked is the most common reason for failure in the SOHO space, If you have trouble leaving your desk at the end of the day then schedule a gym session at the time you think you should leave. Even if you just go in to use the treadmill. Walking is better for your mind and health then 14 hours straight at a desk. A clean desk is an essential tool in working from home. The most successful home workers clean every day and at periodic scheduled times. 09
  • 10. MUSTSEEIDENTIFY YOUR PERSONAL DECISION MAKING STRATEGIES OUR APPROACH PRODUCES INSPIRATIONAL CREATIVE AND TIGHTLY-FOCUSED STRATEGY Strategic Thinking HOME STUDY Foundation This course assists you to identify your personal decision making strategies as well as your business decision making strategies highlighting gaps that exist between them both. In identifying the gaps and the different success rates you will be able to start to create a defined decision making process that removes emotions, knee jerk reactions and ego. You will identity your motivating factors, what is useful information, new insights into yourself, the company you are representing and the need for collaboration. Getting Stared -Know your bird type Lift off Take the self assessment and join up at This part of your learning will help you to identify your leadership agility practices. Once you are a member you can begin to obtain access to the HomeStudy section. Here you will find the course on the Foundation of Strategic Thinking. READINGS Open your mind Included in the course is a list of suggested readings that will assist you in opening your mind to the different internal and external drivers for your current decision making processes and the opportunity to change these where required. REFLECTION Tools The tool of reflective decision making and gap identification will add another dimension to your strategic thinking giving you the tools to identify the right style of person with whom you would discuss and seek advice from. You will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and how these will hinder or assist you enabling to cut out the time wasters in your life. This will go a long way in creating an outcome orientated decision making strategic thinker. Through research, collaboration and process, provides an exciting strategic framework for your business. Download the homestudy course to discover how you make decisions and how they affect all around you. BY LISA BOORER 10
  • 11. STRATEGIC MAPPING Focus Globally With global business available to every person with a computer the need to make strategic decisions in the most effective and least disruptive manner has become extremely important, especially for those who are the decision makers. 11
  • 12. COMPANY/PERSONAL Vision Where are you heading, where is the company heading? What will it look like when you have achieved the vision? Does the picture you are mapping fit with the company brand; does it support and strengthen the current climate within the industry? COMPANY/PERSONAL Sustainability With the new strategy will the company be able to sustain the change with the current levels of finance, systems and resources? Will it support the brand in the long term, from and environmental and ecological view point. COMPANY/PERSONAL Challenges As a person and as a company strategic mapper, have you identified the different challenges within yourself and the company? This could include personnel, finances, change management or the belief system of those who you are consulting with. Every challenge is an opportunity, how are you identifying with the challenge? COMPANY/PERSONAL Resources Never enough! As you are forming the strategic map you must be acutely aware of the cost of this project compared to the projected returns, the people that it will include and if the company has all of the qualified persons on staff or if this will be out-sourced and at what cost. What state is the internal IT system operating at? Are you aware of its limitations? The time and logistics of the map will need to be considered when choosing the path to the desired outcome. COMPANY/PERSONAL Values To be the strategist for any company you must have an understanding for the company values, they could be honesty, integrity, ethics, team, responsibility, faithfulness, do you align with these core values? To make sound strategic decisions the values of the company has to be supported for the long term sustainability and for the support of the team. BREATHING STRATEGY AND SUCCESS MUSTSEE FINANCIAL What level did the company finances have in your decision making? What will be the cost and the projected return or savings involved in the strategy? STAFF MORAL Does the culture of the company align with the strategy? How will this be introduced to those who will be affected and what is the assumed result? ENVIRONMENT Does the internal and external corporate environment support the changes that your strategy will incur? 12
  • 13. COMPANY/PERSONAL Strengths As a strategic thinker are you aware of your own strengths? You need to identify the strengths of your com- pany and how they align with your own. For each strategic decision to be successful you will need to work with these strengths and balance any challenges that the company has. COMPANY/PERSONAL Systems Are you aware of the systems currently operating within the company? What level of CRM, Project Management, Risk Management, Data, Key point indicators, Internal and External communication paths, does the company currently operate. If these systems are capable of operating the new strategies or will they need to be updated or created. COMPANY/PERSONAL Culture Not what country you are from, is the company a family based culture, a collective culture, linear or hierarchal. Identifying your culture from the work force and not the top end management will be important to the success of your strategy. Team BuildingNow that you have identified your career bird, this course will give you the information needed to create the ultimate strategic team, decision makers and visionaries. By identifying the birds you flock with and those birds who’s traits you lack, you will be able to create a balanced team. This will ensure that you have the support for the changes required to make decisions that will guarantee the longevity of the business, the purity of the brand and the drive to take the business to the next level. . NEW COMPETITORS Are you considering, customers current and new, market share, growth, products, benefits, location, scope, distribution and research, and basing your strategy on these? STAKEHOLDERS Does your strategy provide them with the answers and outcomes to satisfy their decision making? Are you aware of the outcome that the major stakeholders are requiring? LEGISLATION Is this strategy being made due to a change in legislation? Are you changing your strategy to remain in line with best practices? 13
  • 14. BSoCre8ive The world of digital marketing has changed the dynamics of business and companies that have learnt to embrace the challenges associated with new media are the ones that are consistently wining. BSoCre8ive is a company that can help connect your company to the digital marketing space. We make things easy to understand and build strategies for social media, client engagement, campaign planning, producton and lead nurturing. Visit our website and book yourself a specialist that can helpout with your plans. 14
  • 15. QUALIFY TO THE MAX? Are you in the market for work or a change of career? If you are, you will likely come across a number of job listings, some of which you may be qualified for and others that you may not necessarily be qualified for. When it comes to applying for a job, there are many job seekers who wonder if they should bother applying for a job that they are not really qualified for. To determine whether or not you should, you may want to examine the pros and cons of doing so. When it comes to applying for a job that you may not necessarily be qualified for, the biggest pro of doing so is the unexpected. You would be surprised how many employers just schedule interviews without actually examining resumes first. This is most often done when an employee needs to be hired right away or when there weren’t a large number of applicants. When that is the case, your resume wont necessarily do all of the talking for you, your personality will. There are thousands of instances each year where employers actually hire those that weren’t necessarily qualified for the job in question. The reasons why they were hired tend to vary, but many were just impressed with the applicants personality, goals, and need to succeed. Another pro or plus side to applying for a job that you may not necessarily be qualified for is other opportunities, often from the same employer. It is not uncommon for an employer to be doing hiring for more than one position. Although you may not necessarily be qualified for the position that you applied for, the employer in question may have another position available; another position that you may be better suited for. If an employer likes your resume or your personality, if an interview was scheduled, you actually stand a good chance of getting hired, even if it is for a different position than the one that you originally applied for. Is it Worth Applying for Jobs without the right Qualifications? Although there are a number of pros or plus sides to applying for a job that you are not necessarily qualified for, there are also a number of cons or downsides to doing so as well. One of those cons is the impression that you may end up giving of yourself. Some employers easily get frustrated or fed up with those who apply for jobs that they aren’t qualified for. From the perspective of an employer, it is time consuming to sort through hundreds or thousands resumes or job applications, especially when a good portion of them are from those who aren’t even qualified for the available position. When it comes to applying for a job that you aren’t qualified for, the decision as to whether or not you want to do so is yours to make, but it is advised that you use your best judgment. For instance, do not apply for a position as a teacher or a doctor if you don’t have the proper degree or required training. However, if you are interested in becoming a retail store manager and it is required that you have a business degree, you may want to think about applying for the job if you are currently working on your degree, even just part-time, or if you have the equal years work experience. If you are able to land an interview, the question as to why you applied for a job that you aren’t qualified for may arise. When answering that question, you will want to spin it in a way that you will benefit you. For instance, respond with something like how you are always up for a challenge or go into detail about how you think you are qualified in other ways. One thing you will definitely not want to do is respond with “I was hoping that I would get lucky” If you do, you will leave a lasting negative impression. 15
  • 16. Collision is Web Summits’s sister event, and found a home in Tony Hsieh’s Downtown project in Vegas. In four short years, Web Summit has become Europe’s largest tech conference attracting over 20.000 attendees from around the world. Collision is the vision for a new type of conference for America: A meeting place for 10.000 people who are both building the companies of tomorrow and managing the companies of today. The first Collision was held in Downtown Vegas in May 2014. It was the first Beta test. In 2015, Collision will grow to a 10.000 person conference. OneRecruit will be colliding with some amazing companies that all have the potential to be the next big thing. It is why some of the biggest names in the tech industry can’t keep away from being seen at the event. “Its where talent meets success, and it make sense for us to be represented there” says founder and CTO, Martin Staael. Where the tech industry’s high priests meet startups Meet us at our booth May 5 - 6 Downtown Las Vegas 16
  • 17. OneRECRUIT is one of 25 companies that have been sponsored to attend all the way from surfers paradise in Australia 17
  • 18. The details are not the details Web Summit started in a bedroom just over 4 years ago. 3.5 years ago they migrated to the sitting room. 2.5 years ago to an office. Now they are 100 engineers, data scientists and more, and growing faster every day. They have gone from being a conference company to a technology company Scaling from 400 to 22,100 attendees in 4 years is a product of having an approach that engineers serendipity for an industry we’re passionate about: tech conferences. Whilst traditional conference organisers hire event managers, this team hire engineers and data scientists. Why? In the words of Marc Andreessen from Venturebeat “software is eating the world”, rapidly disrupting every industry, and conferences will be no exception. Media companies and conference companies still do a fantastic job – don’t get me wrong – but data science has the potential to change the value of conferences for attendees, and dramatically. The team at Collision have been slowly pioneering change and so far enough people like what we’re doing that they have been able to grow unexpectedly fast. In Web Summit’s second year, 2011, 30 startups chose to exhibit. For Collision’s second year, so far 403 startups have chosen to exhibit. You’ll find a list of those incredible startups below. By the time May comes around, over 1,000 startups from more than 50 countries are estimated to have placed their trust in Collision and exhibit. In other words, Collision is growing far faster than Web Summit ever did, and by orders of magnitude. And yes, 400 to 22,100 in 4 years is fast, but Collision is going to get far bigger, far quicker. And hopefully, in terms of quality of outcome for attendees, it will be far more valuable than year two of Web Summit because of the technology that underpins how we structure everything from a seating plan at dinner to the group you find yourself surrounded by on a pub crawl. Most importantly, interesting startups are invited to exhibit. For example here are just 15 startups who exhibited at Web Summit in November who have since raised $270 million. Of course, that’s down to visionary entrepreneurs, who are prepared to hustle, and then hustle some more. But these startups don’t go to the conference for the good of their health, they’re here to meet people, and that’s something we’re getting better at facilitating at an ever growing scale and sophistication. So, we’ll be in Vegas in May, as will quite a number of visionary entrepreneurs, young startups, respected investors, seasoned CEOs and influential media. Collision, are building something a little different for attendees as compared to traditional tech conferences. Either way, I hope to see you in Downtown Vegas, and if not there then somewhere else in the world where we’re sprinkling our software driven approach to conferences. “OneRecruit are thrilled to be one of 25 companies to be sponsored to attend the conference from Australia. Our aim is to find and secure a local partner/investor in America where the majority of our clients are now based. This is a meet and greet tour for us and so feel free to stop by our booth and introduce yourself. “ said Martin Staael founder and CTO. “ Being based in Australia for RD gives us an advantage over other startups seeking investors at Collision as we don’t come with the overheads of American startups. Plus its much cheaper to scale RD in Australia whilst still being a global company, just like Atlassian have done. “ Said Staael. 18
  • 19. 10Sec 10X 30Minmba Ad 2 My Account Adatrix Addapp Adhishtaana Adore Me Adrapid Adrapid Aegis Airdog Algolia Allgreenup Allpet Alugha Alugha Aluni Andy Os Appliana Appreciation Engine Apptentive Ark Analytics Askyuru Atmospheir Audienti Augmented Class! Auranest Auranest Baby2Body Bazinga Technologies Be Well Marketplace Bebe2Go.Com Bemychef Benchit Berkeley Bettracks Bewellmarketplace Billy’S Billing Binox Bio3D Technologies Bios Urn Biowatch Blooders Boatsetter Brabov Branch Branddy Bravotipping Bright Bright.Md Bugfinders Bundly Calide Calide Call-Levels Campsited Catchpool Centschange.Com Champio Changers Chilikids Chromville Chui Cityfalcon Clipcard Cloudfind Cloudfinity Cloudkeyz Clouds Coinalytics Collaborative Boating Comb Confiq Congo Connextor Contract-Live Cookstream Cooljunk Cosytech As Countly Crate.Io Crayonstock Creativ Cronofy Crowdedreality Crowdflow.Io Crowdstreet Cruise.Me Cryptosigma Cuipo Curbninja Customer360 Deliradio Designsuccess Digi.Me Digon Games Dime-Detroit Discovereel Dissolve Dooing Dreamquark Dressandfriends Drizly Dronekraft Dropship Dsco Dstrux Dstrux Dwelling Society Dxlab Design E Info Solutions Pvt Ea Eatt Eclipse Wifi Efabrika Effectus Media D.O.O. Efiester Eieadvisory Ekids Emotuit Emotuit Endeavorforward Epitomical Eslife Eve Tab Exovite Expatmate Facemedia Favcy Dot Com Feedespy Feex Fern Software File Expenses Filestory Filevine Finova Firstjob Fishartis Fishartis Fishidy Fitly Fitly Floop Technologies Foosye Formisimo Forter Forter Forthscale Foxship Technologies Foxtrot Fractals Fracture Frontdesk Frugoton Fundbase Gametime Gdilab Geekrowd Georama Gestigon Getaccept Getdivano Getfilestory Getfloop Getifinity Getturnstyle Giftstarter Givvr Gladsome Studios Glanse Glistrr Glowbl Gobierno Del Estado De Guanajuato Gomore Goodbarber Goyeepa Gpredictive Groundfloor Grove Instruments Grupojad Gudpod Gurucargo Gurucargo Haparo Happily Happilywedding Hapyak Interactive Video Harmonica Digital Harmonica Digital Heddoko Hedgechatter Helpya Homeswipe Homing In Horyou Huntup.Me I.Me Ibm Indonesia Ice-Breakrr Iifm Import.Io Innovativebrands Intelie Invibox Islero Jedlik Electric Sapi De Cv Jobhive Joomb Karmagy Kasisto Keeptrax Key Authentication Keyport, . Kolektio Kompany.Com Kompyte Koopmedia Kozo Kozo Software Latamvoices Lately Leadferret Leapshot Ledger Ledger Lemeno Liana Ligflat Telecom Lightstream Live Liveonegroup Localmaven Lootsie Lost In Reality Louise Eleanor Luckylink Luly Magecloud Maidsafe Mailjet Makerbloks Maneer Mantro Marketman Mashwithme Matchful Medyear Meetey Meetkali Megavenues Mektron Menyooo Mirens Mirens Mobigraph Modopayments Moneero Monese Money Amigo Mosaikx Mouse Potato Mouthful Move This World, . Movethisworld Musella Mybazinga Myeffect Mykeyport Myvillage N-Ix Nama Nanolive Nicotrax Nitekite Nitrocam Notesfirst Numbridge Nutshell Nvrs Ocean Print Officerank Ohava Onerecruit Onroute Digital Media Orb Intelligence Orbeus Orderbird Orderella Overdog Payandsplit Peerbelt Phenixp2P Picstars . Pinshape Pitchbox Pivotshare Pixhug Platypi Pledgerunner Pocketguard Pokitdok Prbb Price Patrol Pricelizer.Com Priceshoppers Printoo Procurement Land Proreturn Pryynt Pumpup Qapint Qbox Qzzr Rabbit Radario Ranggo Rarenative Raviteq Re3D Readdict Redtree Robotics Reesio Referanza Responsetap Riddle Ringaround Ringcaptcha Riverway Robonica Safello Sailogy Sales Prodigy Samegrain Samhoud Media Sante Sci Ventures Sciencebox Scriptbook Selfstir Selfstir Servicegems.Com Shake It Sharewave Sherpany Shiphawk Shippabo Shopa Showd.Me Siberia Siliconprime Simplewan Simplifly Sinapsi Sinterit Skit! Skitapp Skyhitz Music Skyworks Aerial Systems Skyworksas Slope Smartmunk Smartphonerecords Smpu Snapd Soampli Socialsafe Softbot Softtoll Somewhere Sonicvr Souqalmal Spacio Sparkgig Spaziodati Speechmatics Splice Sporple Sport Around Me Sqor Sqwiggle Srpago Stabtechs Stampay Standard Health Steadybudget Stockjock Streamframe Sunshine Swift Shift Synasource P.C Syncano Taabs Tacit Innovations Corp Talktochef Taptax Tblox Tenderscout Ternpro Teslastudios Testtracks The Author Hub The Credit Junction The Daily Pundit The Hunter Network The Present Thebeautyst Thecreditjunction Thegiantpixel Theparty Thermosiv Technologies Theyoucloud Thickbuttons Timerepublik Tinggly Tinybeans Toky Topazresearch Touchotel Toyourdoor24 Tradewarrior Transfercar Transterra Media Trialbee Triposo Truedash Trustatom Tryad Games Tsisportsnet Tvsmiles Usercycle Utrip Vakast Venteo Verascan Vinjavideo Vulcantronics Vyuu Warren Wegowise Wiredin.Io Wishdm Wooepa Wrappler Xaptum Xetal Xpert Inventions Xplenty Yeepa, . Yonderbound Youcloud Youmail Your Music Company Yousnapd Yuru Zeek Mobile Zefly.Com Zeuseye Zipments Zoobe Zoomcharts Zoopit As 19
  • 22. W riting the resume objective statement could be the most difficult stage in the whole resume writing process. And since it is the most difficult, it also open a wide gate for mistakes that would cost every resume writer the chance for a job interview. Therefore, if you are planning to create a resume, focus first on your resume objective statement and everything would follow accordingly. What is a resume objective? Resume objective is located at the top-most part of the resume usually below the your name, address, contact number, email address, and sometimes website. It is a short statement stating your desire for the job. Common headings are professional objective or career goals. Why write a resume objective? Resume objective serves several purposes. First, it informs the reader of your intention and the position you are applying. Second it summarizes your main qualification that should state the things you can contribute to the organization. And last, it establishes your personal identity as a professional. Importance of resume objective... Resume is the first contact you can make to your potential employer and resume objective is the first line the reader would look into next to your name. If you have an excellent resume objective, it could start a spark to your potential employer. Common resume objective mistakes: “To have the opportunity to work hard, prove my skill, and be challenged so that my training and education would H ow do theyknow to pick you? To position yourselfasthe obviouschoice you should dem onstrate your com petency 22
  • 23. Employers seek applicants who can help improve the present state of their business. They are not there to pamper individuals who want to use their company as another training ground or a refugee camp. Remember also that the employer is not and will never be interested to what you want. Making it right...Resume objective should state what you could do for the company and not the other way around. You can be very specific by stating your contributions to your previous employers. Doing such would give you a good chance in making it to the interview. Say you were able to increase the previous company’s sales by 40%. Don’t be shy to mention it. Wouldn’t the reader be very interested in meeting you face to face if he reads this kind of lines? Resume objective should have the right ingredient in providing you a paved way towards your goad so better make it right. be utilize.” What is wrong with this objective statement? Does it contain the right purpose of a resume objective statement? Is it attractive enough to make the reader consider writer for an interview? All the answers would be a big “NO”. So what’s wrong with this statement? The self-serving words. Because no matter how bad you want a job, if your resume objective contains self-serving words you can never have any chance of getting an interview. OBJECTIVES ARE POWERFUL WAYS OF SETTING GOALS FOR LIFE. W hen you know w here you are goingyou give yourselfperm ission to m aterialise w hatyou w ant. 23
  • 24. What you shouldn’t discuss at interviews J ob interviews, although nerve- wracking, are often a lot easier than originally thought. With that in mind, there are preparation steps that you can and should take to ensure that your next job interview is a successful one. One of the most important tips that you can remember, when looking to prepare for an upcoming job interview, is what not to say. There are some topics that need to be discussed during a job interview, but there are others that should be left out of the conversation. For more information on what you should or shouldn’t discuss at one of your upcoming job interviews, you will want to continue reading on. One of the many topics that you should refrain from discussing at one of your upcoming job interviews involves your personal life. For instance, you may not want to talk about your family or any friends that you may have. If you are asked if you are a parent, you will want to respond, as well as answer any other questions, but you will want to try and refrain from bringing up the topic yourself. You will want to try to keep your personal and professional lives separate. Bad experiences at past jobs are another one of the many topics that you may want to refrain from discussing at job interviews. For starters, your information may be deemed as gossip. You will also want to refrain from divulging important information about your past employer, especially if they can be considered competitors. Simply taking the high road and avoiding any topics that have to deal with poor experiences at your previous places of employment should help your public perception. In addition to bad experiences at one of your previous jobs, it is also advised that you refrain from speaking poorly about any of your former supervisors. No matter if your boss was in the wrong, you will want avoid speaking about the conflict. That doesn’t mean that you should lie if asked, but it does mean that you should at IF YOU ARE LIKELY TO HAVE A NUMBER OF JOB INTERVIEWS COMING UPINTHENEXTFEWWEEKSORMONTHS,YOUSHOULDBE PREPARED GREAT MINDS DISCUSS IDEAS. AVERAGE MINDS DISCUSS EVENTS. SMALL MINDS DISCUSS PEOPLE fighting in the workplace Bullying is not tolerated at any level red cards managers that have no endorsements from previous Staff on profiles 24
  • 25. NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PAY. THINK ABOUT NEGOTIATING least use your best judgment. You will want to show all prospective employers that you have respect for management, even if you don’t like the management members. If you were ever terminated from a job, you will want to proceed with caution during your job interviews. Discussing a job in which you were terminated from may not work in your best interest. With that in mind, it is important to examine the reason for your termination. Anything serious such as sexual harassment or theft may want to be avoided during a job interview. However, if you will receive a background check, this information may come into light anyway. Once again, you will want to use your best judgment. Bad pay is another topic that you may want to refrain from discussing in upcoming job interviews. It is not uncommon for pay to be discussed during a job interview. With that in mind, should you find the starting salary to be lower than you may have thought, you will want to keep your composure. It would be impolite for you to leave in the middle of your interview or complain about the pay. What you may want to do, instead, is spin it in a somewhat positive matter that can still display your disapproval. You may want to consider asking about the other benefits, like sick days or vacation days, which can be used as other forms of compensation. The above mentioned topics are just a few of the many topics that you may want to leave out at your next job interview. Of course, during a job interview it is important to answer all questions asked, but just be cautious with your answers and do not divulge more information than needed. Outrageous statements Especially about your previous bosses or teammates 25
  • 26. Applicant Tracking Track applicants with ease. Get full view of all communication, notes and resumes in one place. Career site Create a Branded job site com- plete with your own styling or add to your own site. Your active jobs will automatically be listed on the site as you add them. Recruiter friendly Build searchable talent pools. Set-up and manage job positions unsolicited application pools for your clients. Team hiring Make better hiring decisions as a team. Invite your colleagues or ex- ternal recruiters to upload, review and screen candidates. Search Search all resumes and candidates using powerful search engine. Automation No more Excel spreadsheets or post-it notes. Send automatic welcome and reject e-mails based on applicant stages. Spending time hiring for any business is usually down to administrative tasks that eat into profits and affect the bottom line. OneRecruit helps you minimize the time spent on administrative tasks, screening and applicant tracking in a solution your team will love using. Keep track of all candidates, resumes, correspondence and feedback notes. Invite your team to help you find the perfect hire. Enterprise Standard is an application in a box platformthatcanbeusedbyanyorganisation that has an email address. This simple and easy to use cloud based software as a service (SaaS) application can be used by anyone with no training at all. Enterprise Standard FREE Starter Package ✓ Free basic applicant tracking ✓ Access 24/7 from anywhere ✓ No software installation ✓ No hosting required ✓ Multi-language support ✓ Integrate Jobs listings on your website Get started today by visiting our website. Save time and resources
  • 27. ✓ Applicant tracking ✓ Hosted Careers Site ✓ Rate candidates ✓ Add notes ✓ Receive applications by e-mail ✓ E-mail templates ✓ Candidate workflow ✓ Fields control in Applicant Form ✓ Custom screening questions ✓ Notifications ✓ Talent pool ✓ Unsolicited applications ✓ Resume keyword search ✓ Advanced searching ✓ Resume parsing ✓ Application acknowledgment e-mail ✓ Notifications to unsuccessful candidates ✓ Face detection ✓ Social Media integration ✓ Tiered Permission Levels ✓ VIP Support ✓ Enterprise storage tiers Languages Supported Enterprise Premium Enterprise Support OneRecruit is built using state of the art technology supported by a host of premium training and customised support solutions that include: ✓ Custom development online and mobile ✓ Project scoping and consulting ✓ Psychometric testing screening ✓ Learning and development planning ✓ Analytics and custom reporting ✓ On-site and Online Training Features
  • 28. FACTOR In todays competitive and somewhat global world, organisations are recognising that they should be concerned with what is going on outside of the organisation, as much as what is happening or being manifested internally. Culture is not just about geographic location. It’s so much more... VALUES Knowing the values, mission, purpose, process, strategy and payoff of a company can help you navigate the companies ethos. However peoples interpretation and validation in upholding the credo of the company may not always be in sync. Especially if you have not hierarchal structure. WHAT TO DO: Does the secretary answering the phone care about the company culture? How do you know? Building your companies vision means that you have to get all stakeholders no matter how small all working on the same page. Everyone wants to be valued for what they do vocationally and its up to the managers and leaders to ensure that the ethos of the company is upheld. Most people don’t leave organisations because they hate the company. They leave because of bad management that didn’t value them. Know your values and if recruitment is high, change management. PERSONALITY People are very easy to understand when you understand the triggers that make a person do what they are meant to do. The best cultural practices and on boarding programs I have seen don’t take this into consideration. Assuming that you have the right characters and behaviours ironed out during the interview process its essential to consider how each personality you hire will integrate into the company. All it takes is the dynamic of one person to change the productivity of an entire team. WHAT TO DO: Assess everyone before they start and know where they would be best placed within the company. Having a great dynamic team relies on people that support and challenge one another. “Dhaling you can’t put flowers in an asshole and call it a vase” “Dhaling you must be nicer to the staff, especially the butler” 28
  • 29. ONBOARDING Getting people interested and engaged is usually not hard at the beginning. But somewhere around the third month when they think the probation is over is when they really start to see the company what it is. They call this period the end of the honeymoon phase. Millennial staff especially are very aware of this phase and will quickly axe a job in search of greener pastures if the role is not stacked up to what was sold to them in the first place. It is therefore essential to have a program that people can adopt and grow with. Learning and development is essential and training can be ongoing throughout the life span of the role. People like to know that they will get as much as they will give. GETTING THERE WOTCULTURE.COM is a terrific way to assess and learn about the values and personality of a team member before they start with you. The free assessment can be taken by any organisation and each person can identify with 8 different culture cats. Once you know what cat a team member is , you can create your own games to engage their personal culture. The fun begins when teams of tigers take on a pride of lions to demonstrate loyalty to the brand and increase productivity. W H AT TO D O : Cultureisbuiltby thepeopleyou hire and theteam sthey arem ostlikelyto beproductivein.If you treatpeoplelike assets,they’lltreat yourcom panylikea resourceand you w ill end up w ith abunch ofbackstabber’s. GAMIFICATION Once new recruits start you must keep the game alive for all staff. Learning about the companies values and what it stands for is one thing, practicing it is another. And unless you run a small business you will find it hard to be everything to everyone. WHAT TO DO: Create a game of making people uphold the values of the organisation. Put people in teams to keep the games going and let each team get some sort of bonus prize for demonstrating the honouring of the values of the company in some way or form. Have a trophy that can be won by the team or even activate a team bonding exercise on a daily basic level. 29
  • 30. Front SIDE A LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT MODEL MY EQUIPMENT IS DIALED. MY BODY IS READY. AND MY MIND. ENGAGED. GO FASTER - WORK HARDER LEARNING ON The saying that we never stop learning is an adage that many people are likely familiar with. What is perhaps less well known is where our cumulative knowledge and life lessons are typically gathered from. Fundamentally, learning takes place through a combination of both formal and informal situations and through our interactions with others. In the context of personal development and todays demands for professionals to become more effective in their vocations, the 70:20:10 model provides a simple, effective and widely used model for culminating formal training and education, coaching and mentoring interactions and every day experiences into how we can become better at doing what we do. While Interpretations of the 70:20:10 model vary somewhat, general consensus provides an accepted definition that 70% of the lessons learned by successful managers and leaders are gained from the experiences found in on the job training and stretch situations while 20% is obtained from exposure to coaching and mentoring interaction and 10% is gathered during education and formalised training programs. Application and Implementation The application of the model is wide spread and used by many local and global corporations and government departments. Nokia, SAP, Earnst Young, Price Waterhouse Coopers, KPMG, Del, Oracle, HP, Sony Ericson, Morgan Stanley, NAB, Westinghouse, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, Maersk, MODEL CHOICE 70:20:10 Creating TALENT Jeremy Stewart WE HAVE TO CONTINUALLY BE JUMPING OFF CLIFFS AND DEVELOPING OUR WINGS ON THE WAY DOWN. OTHERS HAVE SEEN WHAT IS AND ASKED WHY. I HAVE SEEN WHAT COULD BE AND ASKED WHY NOT. WKD STUFF 30
  • 31. GlaxoSmithKline, Princeton University, the Australian Federal Government and countless others have acknowledged their use of the model in varying guises. According to a study by Deakin University, application and implementation spans a broad range. One company studied used the 70:20:10 model informally as a guide for employee development while another company applied the model as their guiding metaphor for all organisational development activities. What is important to note is that the model provides flexibility and can be tailored to suit the widely varying situations and requirements of modern and traditional organisations and business models. Specifically, the ratios are not rigid and can be moulded to suit the requirements of a variety of situations. For example, industries dominated by trade apprenticeships may require an increased focus of classroom education and on the job training in order to first establish the core skills needed and then hone and ingrain those skills though practical application. In comparison, industries requiring high levels of creativity and innovation may preference higher ratios of exposure to mentors, coaches and reflection on role models and reduced time in classrooms. Whatever the case, effective application relies on customising any LD model to take into account the specific requirements of the organisation, the resources available, the industry and the desired outcomes. Benefits and Challenges One of the key benefits of the model is that it provides an anchoring point for acknowledging that learning and development comes in many forms. This anchoring point can lead to higher levels of member engagement through the realisation that personal development is happening all around. Further, managers and supervisors can be encouraged to become more involved in developing direct reports through their involvement in coaching, mentoring and general interaction with employees as they go about their daily duties and stretch targets. What is not clear however is how to best measure the return on investment and the impact of such programs. Further, not all managers in an organisation may be competent in the coaching and mentoring aspects that account for the proposed 20% of learning and development. Added difficulties may also include gaining buy in from key stake holders such as Human Resource and Learning and Development departments. These challenges are not unique to the 70:20:10 model as many other LD initiatives are often accompanied by challenges in measuring their effectiveness. Regardless, the consensus is that the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Blended Learning Every Day The 70:20:10 model, or indeed an iteration of it provides an effective framework for developing and integrating a true blended learning approach for organisations, employees and individuals alike. What’s more, it provides some clarity on where we gather our cumulative knowledge from and allows users to expand their perspectives on how they can continue to learn from not only formalised training, but from interactions with others and from every day activities to become more effective professionals. TO BECOME YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. THE FLY EDUCATION 10% 70% EXPOSURE EXPERIENCE 20% On the job training with daily tasks, assignments and job rotations Interactions with coaches and mentors. Observation of role models Formal education and training 31
  • 32. AUSTRALIA Hair Transplant Specialist DHI Australia Junior Hair Transplant Specialist DHI Australia Private Clinic Nurse DHI Australia Project Managers Dialog Information Technology AUSTRIA .NET Softwareentwickler/in mit Schwerpunkt Frontend talent 2 talent GmbH BANGLADESH Software Engineer Therap BRAZIL Professor de Língua Estrangeira Instituto de Língua e Cultura Brasileira Deixe seu cv conosco para futuras oportunidades Keys Talent Recruitment CANADA Junior Unity Programmer Archiact Interactive Ltd. Software Developer in Test Archiact Interactive Ltd. Junior Programmer - Internship Archiact Interactive Ltd. DENMARK Project manager Zend ApS Uopfordret ansøgning Avodan Bogholderi medarbejder Avodan Uopfordret ansøgning APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Uopfordret ansøgning - Parker- ingsservicemedarbejder APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S P-Servicemedarbejder Viborg 10 timer APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Parkeringsservicemedarbejder 20 timer Horsens APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Parkeringsservicemedarbejder 15 timer Odense APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Parkeringsservicemedarbejder Aften Weekend APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Parkeringsservicemedarbejder dag weekend APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Parkeringsservicemedarbejder Esbjerg APCOA PARKING Danmark A/S Salgskonsulent (Fuldtid) BluePhone Freelance detektiv Boysen Investigations Sales manager E-recruit Blade repair technician KLS Energy A/S Key Account Manager Mindbiz Salgskonsulenter til salg af 3Business Mondo Rekruttering Salgskonsulenter til salg af e-cigaret startpakker Mondo Rekruttering Salgskonsulenter til salg af online markedsføring Mondo Rekruttering Salgskonsulenter til salg af 3Business eller SEAS Mondo Rekruttering Mødebooking for konsulentvirksom- heder Mondo Rekruttering Salgskonsulenter til salg af reklam- emedier Mondo Rekruttering Trainee søges til ejendomsbranchen i nytÃ_nkende virksomhed Mondo Rekruttering Uopfordret ansøgning RD-huset Marketing manager Zend ApS Assistant HR Manager Zend ApS Software Engineer - Korea Zend ApS Sales and Marketing Manager - Berlin Zend ApS Client Care manager Zend ApS Marketing Director - Pharmaceutical and Medical Zend ApS Auxiliar RRHH DyC Consulting FAROE ISLANDS Rov-pilot general Faroe Maritime Services Chief Cook General Faroe Maritime Services Captain General Faroe Maritime Services Chief Officer General Faroe Maritime Services Navigator (1st and 2nd) General Faroe Maritime Services Chief Engineer General Faroe Maritime Services Jr. Engineer General Faroe Maritime Services Electrician General Faroe Maritime Services Pipefitter General Faroe Maritime Services Rigger General Faroe Maritime Services Lossingarfólk Faroe Maritime Services Lossing kranaførari Faroe Maritime Services Lossing Truck førari Faroe Maritime Services GREAT BRITAIN Value Added Resellers CLASSIFIED JOB LIST WorldJobs Wheredoyouwanttobe? Coming SOON EASY RECRUIT RECRUITMENT SEMINARS Click on the logo to visit the job listings below. 32
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  • 34. Bad role models can be good JEREMY STEWART MBA,GAICD, JP.QUAL Accordingto theExpertsWhat do I want to be? Where do I see myself in one, five, ten year’s time? What is my plan on how to get there? What role models can I follow and look to for guidance? T hese are no doubt questions that many of us have asked at varying points but perhaps what we rarely consider is, what do we not want to become and who do we not want to be like? These can be equally important questions. An understanding of what we do not want to be and acknowledging lessons from negative role models can help us understand our goals and aspirations, elevating us to a higher level in a similar way positive goal setting and role models do. Early in my sales career, I regularly had business dealings with the employees and the owner of a construction company that by all accounts, was run by a real tyrant. Not once did I hear a positive word mentioned about the owner. The owner was rude and abusive to his staff, employee turnover was high, and despite the owner driving an expensive new Jag, he regularly skimped on buying the right equipment for the workers to do their job efficiently, which created great resentment. What stuck with me was how the actions and behaviours of this owner negatively affected everyone around him and I vowed that I would never be like that. When we work and interact with negative role models, we often observe undesirable traits or behaviours that we distaste personally. Arrogance, rudeness, uncaring, manipulative, the list goes on. These traits often strike a deep cord with us as they conflict with our values of say humility, politeness and sincerity; traits that are commonly found in our chosen positive role models. Because these negative behaviours and traits strike a deep cord with us, they can leave a deep impression on us contrasting strongly against what we value, and may lead us to become more in tune with what we value and aspire to be. Perhaps even clarifying and challenging our visions for ourselves when we experience what we think we want to be, but don’t like it when we see it in others. I am far from suggesting that we all adopt and follow negative role models and pay credence to their arguably undesirable traits and behaviours. Rather, anti-role models and negative experiences can and do play a part in keeping us on track to reaching our dreams and aspirations. Several studies suggest that we can learn as much, if not more from negative role models and challenging experiences than we do positive ones. Across a series of studies conducted at the University of Waterloo, Lockwood, Jordan and Kunda found that the inspirational impact of positive and negative role models depends on the goals people are striving to achieve when they encounter these models. They go on to say that we may be especially likely to be inspired by our chosen positive role models, who represent aspects of a desired self, when we are bent on pursuing success. “In life, you realise that there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will teach you and some will bring out the best in you.” Similarly, negative role models, who represent a feared self, can inspire us when we are intent on avoiding failure. The take away is that both positive and negative role models play a part in inspiring us and focussing our development. Positive role models, individuals who have achieved outstanding success, are widely expected to inspire others to pursue similar excellence. So the Steve Jobs, Jack Welch’s and others on yours and my list of positive role models of course play a significant role in providing guidance and clarifying a vision for the behaviours we would like to see of ourselves. Examples of bad role modelling are not always as stark as my construction company owner example. They can come from all walks, from the driver that flipped you the bird as they cut you off to that colleague who always sees the problems and negatives in everything. Similarly, we encounter positive role models who aren’t necessarily famous. Later in my career, I had the opportunity to observe and learn from what many people consider a great leader. Despite their positional power at the top of the organisation, they regularly spent time at the coal face, knew the names of the hundreds of employees and exhibited many of the behaviours and traits that are essential for being perceived a great leader; trustworthy, authentic, honest, transformational and so forth. It was a fantastic learning experience and I endeavour to model much of their behaviour. Role models, both positive and negative are all around us. Keep your positive role models and learn from them, but be prepared to learn the occasional lesson from the anti-role models that breeze in and out of our lives. 34
  • 36. hen many of us think of credit history, credit scores, or credit ratings, financial loans are often the first things that come to mind. While financial lenders are known for their regular use of credit checks, did you know that employers are also starting to perform credit checks on their new hires? They are and if you are looking for a career change, this may have a negative impact on your ability to obtain the job of your dreams. When it comes to employment and credit checks, you are either concerned or not concerned at all. If you have a poor credit score, you may be unsure as to whether or not you should even apply for certain jobs. In the past, many financial institutions and insurance companies required credit checks, but now more and more employers are starting to do the same. In fact, if you are looking to work in a fast food restaurant or even as a stocker at one of your local supermarkets, there is a good chance that you may still have a credit check performed on you. If you are interested in avoiding all jobs that check your credit, you will want to keep a close eye on all of the applications that you fill out. Many employers will outline their hiring practices, such as whether or not credit checks are performed, on their job applications. If you are not filling out an application, but rather sending in a resume, you may be able to find what you are looking for one the company’s website, should they have one. If you are still coming up empty handed, you should be informed of all credit checks before they are performed. Although your first impulse, as mentioned above, many be to avoid applying for jobs where your credit will be checked, you may want to rethink your decision to do so. What you need to remember is that more and more employers are starting to check the credit history of all new hires. By avoiding these types of companies, you may seriously hinder your ability to get a new job. Instead, there are a few steps that you may want to take and these steps are outlined below for your convenience. If you are currently employed and just looking for a career change, you may want to consider holding off on that career change. Until you are able to repair your credit, even just a little bit, you may want to refrain from apply for new jobs, especially those that will check your credit. What many individuals do not know is that if you pay off only a couple of your debts, your credit rating will improve. When looking for new employees to hire, employers are realistic. They know that they will rarely be able to find employees with perfect credit scores. WORK RELATED CREDIT CHECKS How to Handle Them If You Have a Poor Credit Score Many great ideas go unexecuted, and many great executioners are without ideas. One without the other is worthless. If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got. BY AZHAR KHAN w CREDIT CHECKS ARE BEING DONE PAYING OF DEBT HELPS TO REPAIR 36
  • 37. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. EMPLOYERS ARE SEEKING TO UNDERSTAND YOUR FINANCIAL HABITS CREDIT CARDS ARE THE BIG CULPRITS PAY YOUR DEBTS AND WIN THERES ALWAYS A SOLUTION That is why any improvements that you can make, no matter how large or small, should help you. Although controversial, there are many who state that you should openly discuss your credit history with potential employers, especially if they ask you about your credit or ask you to okay a check on your credit history. If your debt is due to an unexpected emergency, like a medical emergency, you may want to state so. As previously mentioned, most employers are realistic; they know that not everyone is perfect. Of course, you will want to take every step to improve your credit, but having a good, verifiable excuse may help your case. If you have a poor credit rating, you really don’t have that much to do lose, do you? The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, when encountering a company who wants to check your credit. In some countries it is against the law to ask for such information. Be prepared to answer this question with a firm but tentative response that does not imply the interviewer is an idiot for asking. It may just be a screening question to see how you handle confronting situations. Especially if you are applying for a role in finance. Employers tend to think of their companies as their babies and as one owner put it. “Why would I entrust my multimillion dollar business to someone that isn’t a millionaire themselves. If they can’t handle their own finances, why in the world would I think they would be any good handling mine?” 37
  • 38. Some of the benefits of mentoring include: • Becoming a standout • Leadership abilities • Working smarter, not harder These benefits may sound simple, but when you translate it in real life, you can definitely feel that mentoring is one of the best options to succeed in your career. Mentoring is actually a two-way relationship and both the mentor and the protégé will learn something from the mentoring program. Primarily though, mentoring programs are designed to enhance the capabilities of the protégé. At the start of any mentoring programs, both the mentor and the protégé are encouraged to clarify their goals and expectations from the program. They need to create a well-designed plan and follow a specific course of action. There are a lot of cases wherein the mentoring program far exceeded the expectations of the protégé because the program provided the following as well: • An insiders realistic perspectiveonhiscareer goals and progress • Clearer understanding of his career plans • Exposure to varied experiences and perspectives • Access to powerful sources of information • Access to resources within the industry • Greater knowledge about yourself and your goals • A wider network of Mentoring programs establish the self-confidence and the self- assurance of a protégé who uses it as a tool for personal and professional development. There are certainly many benefits you can expect from joining a mentoring program because you will learn from someone who has the necessary experience to coach you on what you have to do. HowMentoring establishes Self Confidence By Paul Cohen BUSINESS Never just lookat one great companyor mentor. You don’t want to be tainted byone persons view. Especiallyifthey turn out to be abad apple. contacts • Identification of any lacking skill that is required for career advancement • Establishment of a foundation for a lasting professional career • Access to a support system during the critical stages of your career growth • But the mentor would not be able to do everything for you; you need to help yourself as well. You need to do this by listening to the mentor’s ideas and suggestions, try implementing these suggestions if you feel that these can help you in your career. It is also essential for you to listen to the feedback of others especially the opinion of the mentor during this critical time so that you can adjust to the situation accordingly. In addition, you should have set realistic expectations from what you hope to achieve from the mentoring program because it is difficult to have impossible goals and then expect the mentor to help you achieve these objectives. • You likewise need to have the willingness to learn and adapt to the different situations you might be facing at work. The mentor is simply the person you should count on for advice and suggestions about the path you should take. Mentoring should not be seen as the easy way out; rather, it should be seen as a tool that will help you grow further in your career and on your personal life. And these objectives are only possible if you learn to believe in yourself and know that you are capable of doing great things in your life. Mentoring programs can help you reach this state and once you are at this point, it would be inevitable for you to enjoy the fruits of your success. As you can see, while the mentor will provide you with guidance during the mentoring program, your success is entirely up to you. 38
  • 39. Wellness in the workplace? W e spend roughly one-third of every day, five days a week in our workplaces. And if you have a desk job, then that’s a lot of time to be sitting down. With this sedentary lifestyle it’s important that we create healthy habits that not only get us through our work hours but also create lasting benefits so we can enjoy the other two thirds of every day. When we talk about being well, most people think of diets and food and whilst food plays an important role, it’s not the only part of the wellness puzzle. Wellness encompasses nutrition, physical health and mental health. And all three are important to create wellness. Food is designed to sustain us. We have to eat food to survive, to keep our bodies and our brains active and alive and yet most of the time we eat food that causes our brains to fog and our bodies to feel lethargic. After a tough day you might feel you want a pick me up. Sometimes the easiest thing to grab is a coffee or a snack from the vending machine, however, these are more likely to have the opposite effect of what you really need. One of the biggest reasons for poor food choices is tiredness. Most people know what to do to be healthy. Most people are aware of the foods that make their body feel alive and those that make their body feel drained. And yet so many people will still choose the poor food choice. Why? Because they’re tired, or it’s easier (because they’re tired and it’s too hard to put effort into thinking about good food choices). The best ways to be prepared is to make extra dinner the night before and take it to work with you. Prepare extra meals when you have some free time and freeze them so you always have something on hand, ready to reheat. And know in advance what you’re planning on eating so you always have the best food ready to eat. If you haven’t done any food planning before it can be difficult to prepare for a whole week, so break it down. Be prepared for two or three days, or even one day if you’ve never done it before. If you love to have something sweet, then be prepared and find something sweet that will satisfy you. Some of my favourite sweet snacks are: • a banana sliced down the middle and filled with peanut butter, • dates filled with almond butter, • chia puddings with fresh fruit Some of my favourite savoury snacks are: • seed crackers topped with avocado or hummus • rice paper rolls • falafels with spinach dip These can either be prepared ahead, or take the ingredients with you to work and prepare it on your break. Whilst you probably can’t be working out during work time (unless you work at a gym) it’s important to do some physical activity every day. Early morning walking, running or gym sessions can set you up for a successful healthy day. If the morning is not for you, then head out after work for your exercise. Knowing that you still have to work out can help you watch out for those cravings and not give in to them. POSTURE - Self esteem and lack of confidence is linked to physiology 39 P osture is really important in everything we do. Bad posture can lead to lethargy and tiredness. One of the best and easiest ways to ensure good posture is to find a wall. Stand with you back against it, on flat feet but as tall as you can. Press your heels, legs, back, shoulders and head into the wall and hold it for about thirty seconds. Then walk away keeping the same posture. Try and hold that posture whilst you walk. Repeat this as many times as you can each day and soon you’ll begin to notice how much straighter and taller you are, without the hunched over shoulders that too much computer work can bring. Something as simple as good posture can help with your wellness at work. Straight posture allows you to breathe more deeply and with every breath you are getting more oxygen into your blood stream. More oxygen means more energy and more energy means more life, self esteem and confidence. If you invest great posture into your life and energy, you’ll create alignment in your workplace by linking your physiology to your wellness you’ll bring the best out in yourself. By Amanda Attard -
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