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Dear Friends,
For the past seven years I have been enjoying what I consider to be one of the best jobs in the
world – retirement; the pay is not great but now we have the freedom to get out and about
with no time pressures.
After 38 years as a Parish priest and after the initial adjustment to letting go, one of the things
I really miss is my beloved veg plot. In the past we were lucky as most Vicarages have very
good sized gardens. Gardening is, like most things in life, you only get out of it what you are
prepared to put into it. After all the hours you put into preparation and planting, the battle
against the weather, weeds, birds and insects there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying
the fruits of your labours.
I have a photograph in my study of me with my four year old grandson picking runner beans, it
captures one of the many happy moments of the hours which I spent in the veg patch,
particularly when he was there gladly helping Granddad. These are God-given moments and
very precious.
There must be a Harvest Parable in there somewhere . . . . . .
Terry Freeman
Lord of the harvest
Who has given us each day our daily bread,
We give thanks now for the bounty of your earth
And for those who nurture its crops:
For the crisp crunch of apples,
For the ripened heads of grain,
For the hours of summer sunshine
And the drenches of rain.
For the sharpness of onions
And the roundness of peas,
For all crops of the earth
And the fruit of the trees.
For all your abundance this day we give thanks.
8am Parish Service of Holy Communion
St John’s ~ 8am Communion on 1
& 3
St Mary’s ~ 8am Communion on 2
& 4
EVENSONG at St John’s Church, 4.00pm on October 11
This will be the last for the summer season.
Friday 23
- Sunday 25
October 2015
Sheldon Community, Devon
We would love for you to join us for our Parish of Plymstock & Hooe Fellowship Weekend. As we do
more together across the Mission Community we thought it would be fun to go away together, spend
time socializing and building friendships.
We hope the weekend will be a relaxed, informal time. You will be able to pick and choose what you
do. There will be a range of social activities for you to enjoy if you wish; some of which will be faith
based. There will also be opportunities for worship and quiet time throughout the weekend.
Sheldon is a Christian community based in a beautiful converted farm in the Teign Valley, north of
Bovey Tracey.
The cost is £88.00 which includes your accommodation and all meals (apart from a trip to the pub for
Saturday lunch).
More information and booking forms are available in each church and should be returned, along with
a £28 deposit, to the clergy, Tim Provost or Rob Wevill
as soon as possible.
There are still some places available so do come along and join us and enjoy a relaxing social
Sunday, 4th
10.45am ~ HARVEST MORNING PRAISE at St John’s Church
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sunday, 4th
9.15am ~ HARVEST FAMILY EUCHARIST at Church of the Good Shepherd
5.00pm ~ SONGS OF PRAISE at Good Shepherd Church
followed by HARVEST SUPPER in the Hall.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sunday, 11th
10.45am ~ ALL AGE HARVEST SERVICE at St Mary’s
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Monday, 17th
11.00am ~ HARVEST THANKSGIVING at Selkirk House
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
R E M E M B E R:
Adventures in prayer: 2
Autumn events
Each of the three evenings will explore a biblical prayer in the context
of prayer & worship, followed by tea & coffee.
Wednesday 7
October, 7.00-8.30p.m
St. John’s Church, Hooe
With a service of Compline
Wednesday 4
November, 7.00-8.30p.m
St. Mary & All Saints Church, Plymstock
With a service of Celtic Evening Prayer
Wednesday 2
December, 7.00-8.30p.m
Church of the Holy Family
With a service of Taizé Prayer
Saturday 12
December, 10.00a.m-12 noon
Church of the Good Shepherd
Advent Quiet Morning
Further details from any of the clergy.
@ The Staddy
Sunday 27th
September, 4-6pm
Games, crafts, food, fun, mess!
Come and join us!
This is a free event for all the family!
More details & booking with Bob: Tel 481020
As the sun shone in Exeter and the bells of the Cathedral rang out, so
hundreds of people gathered together to welcome Bishop Sarah Mullally,
the new Bishop of Crediton.
During a Service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 12
September, she was
firstly installed as a Member of the College of Canons. Bishop Robert then
presented Bishop Sarah to the congregation and she was greeted with
enthusiastic applause before being welcomed by various church and civic
representatives from the Diocese and County.
In her sermon she preached about compassion and the need to
demonstrate it as Christians, referring to the present refugee crisis.
At the end of the Service, as the clergy returned to the Lady Chapel at East
end of the Cathedral, Bishop Sarah processed out of the West Doors, again
to enthusiastic applause. She was then in demand for photographs and
everyone wanted to have a word with our new bishop!
It was an historic day for us all in the Cathedral to witness and welcome the first woman bishop in the
Diocese of Exeter. Bishop Sarah deserves our prayers and support as she begins her ministry
amongst us.
-Rev. Jennie Appleby
Dame Sarah, a former nurse, gave distinguished service in the NHS before
ordination, culminating in her appointment as the government’s Chief Nursing
Officer for England in 1999, when she was the youngest person to be appointed
to the post. She became a Christian as a teenager and her relationship with, and
understanding of, God has shaped her life including her vocation as nurse and
She was ordained in 2001 and served her curacy in St Saviour’s Battersea
Fields, initially as a self-supporting minister. She left her post as Chief Nursing
Officer in 2004 to take up full time ministry becoming a Team Rector in Sutton,
Surrey, in 2006 where she also became Borough Dean and Assistant Area Dean.
In 2012 she was installed as Canon Treasurer at Salisbury Cathedral. Sarah is
an appointed member of the Dioceses Commission and she was made a Dame
Commander of the British Empire in 2005 in recognition of her outstanding
contribution to nursing and midwifery.
She is married to Eamonn and they have two children, Grace and Liam. She was consecrated Bishop
of Crediton on 22
July 2015 at Canterbury Cathedral.
(A picture from the Open House at Hooe Vicarage (29
which raised funds for 'Love into Action'.)
Hilary and Pat Garnet wish to thank all who attended the Garden Party to raise funds for ‘Love into
Action’ and are pleased to say £420 has been raised to date.
Steve and Jackie Payne would like to thank all those who expressed their sympathy and support
following the death of his mother last month. It is much appreciated.
-Steve & Jackie
HOLY MATRIMONY: We offer our congratulations and pray for God’s blessing upon:
St John’s Church, Hooe
10.45am Sunday, 4th
Followed by Coffee & Doughnuts in the Church Hall
Harvest Gifts to be collected for the Shekinah Mission
We will be decorating the Church for Harvest on Saturday, October 3
at 10am. All welcome to
help, you don't need to be a flower arranger!
-Heather Broom
Could the holders of the Children’s Society collection boxes please return them to me at Church or to
46 Furzehatt Way or give me a ring on Tel: 402949.
Many thanks. -Angela Woodward
As 25
September is St John’s dedication festival, it is time for the collection of the Church boxes.
Please bring to Church or Hooe’s Place or ring Tel: 407447 to arrange collection.
Thank you.
-Mary Skilton
EVENSONG at St John’s Church
SUNDAY, 11th
OCTOBER 2015 at 4.00pm
7 pm for 7.30pm in St John’s Church Hall
Cost with pasty £2.50.
Ring 407447 to book a table
Serious questions, serious laughter
Nineteen members of ‘Young @ Heart’ met in September for what proved to be a light-hearted
meeting with the Rev’d Steve Payne joining us for our Summer Party.
Steve had prepared a talk for us telling us of the various houses in which he had lived throughout
his adult life. These varied from a gardener’s cottage to houses tied to his work in the Church. He
had entitled his talk ‘Through the Keyhole’ a take on the popular TV programme. As always, Steve
illustrated his talk with little snippets of information which he knew would amuse us.
After an assortment of appointments and homes Steve finished up as first our Vicar and then Rector
of the Parish and now lives with his wife, Jackie, in St John’s Vicarage.
‘Young @ Heart’ members showed their appreciation in the usual way and Steve was presented with
a small thank you gift.
An Anagram Quiz followed Steve’s talk and this was followed by a delicious Cream Tea provided by
We finished with our hymn and notices of next month’s meeting when we hope to have a
demonstration of Card Craft and a competition with a Harvest theme – a good chance to be
imaginative! Hope to see you there.
-Ruth Earl
Next Meeting ~ Tuesday, 6th
October, 2015, at 2.00pm in St John’s Hall
New members are always made very welcome.
Annual Remembrance
of your family and loved ones
NOVEMBER at 4.00pm
Light a candle in remembrance
Followed by tea in the church hall
At a Service on Saturday 12
September held at Hooe Primary Academy the Rev'd Vanessa
Appleton was inducted as the new Minster of Hooe Baptist Church. The Service was attended by
members of Hooe Baptist, friends and family of Vanessa, representatives of Baptist churches from the
across the south-west and local MP Gary Streeter. The mission community was represented by Steve
Payne and Tim Provost. It ended with the song 'Come on and Celebrate' during which party poppers
were set off and balloons thrown across the room.
Vanessa has just completed her training at Bristol Bible College and the talk at the Induction Service
was given by the college's chaplain. She is married to John, a senior executive with Tearfund, and
has two sons; Charlie, who is also moving to Hooe, and Harvey who has just got married.
St John's had a good relationship with Vanessa's predecessor, Stu Clarke, and we look forward to
working with her and the rest of the Baptist Church in the years to come.
ERNIE RULTON was a long term member and supporter of the Royal British Legion for at least 30
years. He was the Poppy Appeal Organiser in Plymstock and the western side of the South Hams
and was still involved in that right up to last November’s poppy appeal. Ernie with the help of his
family delivered and then collected and counted the collection boxes and trays of poppies across
Plymstock and the western side of South Hams. He was the contact person for poppy wreaths and
frequently gave advice on Services of Remembrance. He was the face most
known in the area as Mr British Legion
He was very much involved at County level serving as the County Treasurer,
as well as the deputy Vice Chairman and then Vice Chairman. In 1997, he was
elected County Chairman serving until 2001. When he stood down as County
Chairman, he did not stand back from being involved. He was the first
Chairman of the Dartmoor branch which is in effect the County holding branch
for those who do not, for whatever reason, belong to a local geographic branch. He later became
President of that branch. He was a regular attendee at National conference, either as a delegate or an
interested visitor.
He was awarded the Legion gold badge, and later he was made a life member of the Legion which is
the highest award the Legion can give. He attended the Queen’s garden party in recognition of his
His other interests were in working especially with young people. He, with his wife Ann, formed the
local Scout pack. The family were in the forefront of the twinning of Brixton with Poullaouen, Brittany,
and frequently visited the cottage they purchased in France.
His Funeral Service on 4
September at St Mary’s, Brixton, was attended by many local people as
well as representatives of the Royal British Legion. The final hymn – ‘I vow to thee my country’
summed up his life and his service to others.
On Thursday August 20
the Church of the Good Shepherd, Oreston, staged an ‘All Age Summer
Special’ day.
The day included the making and decorating of ceramic birds and mermaid mobiles along with
‘scratch models’ and various sea creatures. Various Word-searches were attempted.
The young people enjoyed a competition involving playing pool, table football,
darts and Connect Four.
The DVD ‘Despicable Me’ was shown and copious amounts of food comprising of Ploughman lunches
and courtesy of Josie lovely lemon and chocolate cakes!
A good time was had by everyone. Many thanks to the Rev Steve Payne and all those who helped to
make the day a great success.
-Allan & Sue
Here among long-discarded cassocks, damp stools and half-split open hassocks;
Here where the Vicar never looks I nibble through old Service books.
Lean and alone I spend my days behind this Church of England baize.
I share my dark forgotten room with two oil lamps and half a broom.
The cleaner never bothers me, so here I eat my frugal tea.
My bread is sawdust mixed with straw, my jam is polish for the floor.
Christmas and Easter may be feasts for congregations and for priests,
And so may Whitsun. All the same they do not fill my meagre frame.
For me the only feast of all is Autumn’s Harvest Festival;
When I can satisfy my want with ears of corn around the font.
I climb the eagle’s brazen head to burrow through a loaf of bread.
I scramble up the pulpit stair and gnaw the marrows hanging there.
It is enjoyable to taste these items ere they go to waste,
But how annoying when one finds that other mice with pagan minds
Come into church my food to share who have no proper business there.
Two field mice who have no desire to be baptised, invade the choir.
A large and most unfriendly rat comes in to see what we are at.
He says he thinks there is no God and yet he comes . . . it’s rather odd.
This year he stole a sheaf of wheat (it screened our special preacher’s seat)
And prosperous mice from fields away come in to hear the organ play,
And under cover of its notes eat through the altar’s sheaf of oats.
A Low Church mouse, who thinks that I am too papistical, and High,
Yet somehow doesn’t think it wrong to munch through Harvest Evensong.
While I who starve the whole year through must share my food with rodents who
Except at this time of the year not once inside the church appear.
Within the human world I know such goings-on could not be so,
For human beings only do what their religion tells them to.
They read the bible every day and always, night and morning, pray,
And just like me, the good church mouse, worship each week in God’s own house.
But all the same it’s strange to me how very full the church can be
With people I don’t see at all except at Harvest Festival.
John Betjeman
Last month I asked you if you had looked closely at a flower. This month see if you can label the parts
of a wheat plant. Choose a word from the list to write at the end of each line.
We think that the wheat we eat has been developed from the seeds of a grass that still grows wild on
Mount Hermon in Syria. Wheat is first mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament, in the book of
Genesis chapter 30 at verse 14. The best quality wheat was bearded.
Wheat is an annual plant. This means that it takes one year to grow from a seed to the mature plant
about a metre tall. If you have been into the country you may have seen fields of wheat growing. Early
on in the year the plants were green and the seeds were unripe. In September the plants would have
ripened to a golden yellow colour. Once the crop of wheat is ready to reap, the farmer uses a combine
harvester to cut the plants down.
The grains or kernels will be milled to make into flour that is then used to make cakes, biscuits, bread,
cereals and lots of other foods. The stalks of corn are made into bales of straw. That can be used by
farmers, horse owners and pet owners so very little of the plant is wasted.
Farmers all over the world grow wheat and other types of corn. Each year they will have prayed for
good weather so their crops grow strong. If there is too much rain they get washed away or rot. If
there is no sun the plant can’t make food for itself to grow. If there is lots of sunshine and very little
rain, the plants shrivel up and die. Farmers can’t control the sun and rain.
In this country, at this time of the year, Christians who go to church will particularly think of the farmers
who work hard to grow all sorts of food for us all so that we do not go hungry. We Thank God for all
the food the farmers have grown. Most importantly we remember to thank God for the earth, seeds,
sunshine and rain. Without them the plants would not grow, The special service is called Harvest
Thanksgiving. Will you say thank you in your prayers at home, at school or at church?
“I read with interest an article in your recent Parish magazine regarding our submission for planning
permission to erect a security fence. Can I clarify the details of this application as your article gives
an incorrect account.
We - The Community Centre - provide a preschool facility that operates five days a week. In order to
continually improve our facilities for the children and improve our OFSTED rating we intend providing
a secure outside play area and cover in the existing outside hard standing. The fencing will be erected
to provide this secure area and will extend out from the rear of the centre approx nine metres and
about six metres to the side adjacent to Age UK.
Your article gives the impression that the fencing will extend around the centre and cut off the original
footpath - this is not the case as the drawings submitted with our application clearly show. The closing
of the footpath was an action taken by Age UK due to vandalism to their property and had nothing to
do with Plymstock Community Centre.
We would appreciate that the correct facts are printed in your next publication.
Doug Richmond”
The Plymstock Community Centre is located at the top of the Broadway car park. It is extensively
used for a wide range of activities by regular weekly groups/lettings and one off bookings such as
private parties, fetes etc.
Regular groups using the centre include Alzheimers Society, Apostolic church, Billacombe Residents
Association, Bridge Clubs, Dancing, Flea Market, Organ Club, Over 60's club, Flower club, Short Mat
Bowls, Slimming World, Town Womens Guild, Weight Watchers, Whist club and Writers Circle.
There is a coffee lounge that is open to anybody who wishes to drop in each Tuesday to Friday
morning between 10am and 12noon.
The centre operates its own Pre-school, called Playdays, that is open five days a week for children
over two years old up to school age.
Further details and updates for the Community centre can be found on our website and for Playdays Preschool on
Invite you to their
at the
& 23rd OCTOBER 9am – 6pm
OCTOBER 9am – 4pm
Admission Free
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are interested in joining our Club to improve your art skills,
please contact us:
Shirley Hole ~ 01752 291143 Eunice Jackson ~ 01752 401564
This year the Quayside Artists have changed the venue for their Art Exhibition. It will now be held at
Plymstock Library, details above.
Our members have tried to produce pictures of interest, of local scenes and subjects that you might
find different from the usual art work. We hope our friends and supporters will come along to the
library. All paintings sold at reasonable prices.
When a member of the Art Club painted a picture of a Spitfire flying over green fields and cliffs, it
brought back memories of the one I saw during the War. When the Blitz started and our house at
Milehouse was badly damaged, my Father thought it best if my Grandmother, Mother, Sister and
Myself should go to stay with Cousins on a farm just outside of Kelly Bray. My Father, being in a
reserved occupation as a baker, stayed in Plymouth. He used to visit us at weekends whenever
One Sunday afternoon everyone was resting after lunch, when we heard the sound of a plane. My
father jumped up saying “He’s in trouble!” We all ran outside to see this Spitfire, smoke and flames
trailing out at the back. One of the men said “He’s coming down in our field”, then there was a loud
explosion. I shouted to my father that I would come and help. He turned to me and said “Go back to
your Mother now!” I didn’t always do as I was told, but I did this time. It wasn’t until a few years later
that I came to fully realise what must have
happened to one of our many brave RAF pilots.
On a lighter note I always wanted to help on the farm. So at about 7 years old I used to go and bring
the cows in for milking. There were only 3 or 4 cows to fetch. I didn’t bring them in, I just opened the
gate and the cows knew exactly where they had to go on their own.
I fed the chickens and also a few turkeys. The trouble was the male turkey, known as ‘Father Turkey’,
attacked everyone who went into his enclosure. I was the only one that he would not take any notice
of. Maybe because I was a small child he did not think I was a threat to him. One day he decided he
would attack me, so I just threw the bucket of food straight at him and ran. The thing was the bucket
went over his head and he was running about bumping into everything, whilst the other turkeys were
eating all the food!! It took two men the best part of an hour to catch him and take the bucket off his
head. He never gave me any more trouble.
Perhaps someone in the Art Club may paint a picture of a turkey after this story, including the bucket!!
-Eunice Jackson
Invites you to visit 52 of the most inspiring Studios, Workshops,
Galleries and Exhibition halls In the South Hams.
The Arts Trail 2015 runs from 17
to 25
The South Hams Arts Forum (SHAF) is an active association of artists and craftspeople from across
the region. Membership is so diverse, some create in purpose built studios while others produce their
work at the kitchen table.
This year the Arts Trail features 52 venues across the South Hams.
Those close to home:-
Plymstock 143, Wembury Road, PL9 0DF Open10am-5pm
(closed Sun 18
& Sun 25
Wembury Channel View, Cliff Road, PL90HW Open 10am-4pm
closed Wed 21
Sea Call, Cliff Road, PL90HW Open 11am-4.30pm
Heybrook Bay (2 artists in this venue) Xanadu, West Hill, PL90BB
Open 11am-4.30pm
(closed Mon 19
For more information of other works in South Hams see
The TABLE TOP SALE held on Saturday, 12
September raised £280 for St Mary & All Saints
Church funds.
David Roberts
For your Diary:-
10.00am to 2.00pm
St Mary & All Saints Parish Hall, Church Road
Light meals – Tea or Coffee
Admission 20p.
Tour around St Mary’s Church; leader Mr Graham Naylor
On Saturday 12
September several of us enjoyed a very interesting tour around St Mary’s & All
Saints Church.
Graham Naylor gave us a detailed insight into the building itself, and also the furniture, carvings, rood
screen & memorials, all of which have a fascinating story to tell.
We saw the many stained glass windows which are very beautiful indeed. The people who were
commemorated in them have passed into history, but are still with us when we look at their windows.
Thank you so much, Graham, for a fascinating tour.
-Margaret Hindmarsh
St Mary’s Church at 7.30pm
Tickets £5 – from St Mary’s, David Roberts (Tel:408861) or on the door.
Refreshments available afterwards.
For more information about the choir google ‘Plymouth Clarion Choir’
-Pauline Anning
We welcomed into God’s family through Baptism at St Mary’s in August:-
August ISABELLE CAROL KENNELLY, the daughter of Matthew and Georgina
DOMINIC FENTONE, the son of Richard and Lize Fentone.
August ELLIE NORA SLYDE, the daughter of Faye Slyde.
THEO ROBERT BATTEN, the son of Joseph Batten and Emma Quaye.
Our next coach trip will be to Clarks Village and Wells.
This is your chance to do some early Christmas Shopping in any one
of the various retail shops in this complex.
From here we continue to Wells where the drop off for coaches
is only a 2 minute walk from the Cathedral Green.
On Wednesdays there is a very good market selling
fresh local produce at reasonable prices.
Entry to the Cathedral is free but donations are welcome on leaving.
We are going on Wednesday, 7
October, and it will cost £25.
We leave at 8.30am from the bus stop opposite Lidl Plymstock.
Please let me know if you are interested, as soon as possible,
by phoning me on Tel:404481.
Please Note:
Our final coach trip for the year is on
Wednesday, 2
December, to Exeter
allowing time to visit the Cathedral and to do some
Christmas shopping at the same time.
The coach leaves at 10.00am from the bus stop opposite
the Plymstock Library. The cost is £18.
Please let me know by early November because I have to know the
numbers before I confirm the coach. Thank you.
Margaret Ayres (Tel: 404481)
The press photograph of a military policeman in Turkey bending over the body of the dead child in his
arms reminded me of Michelangelo’s PIETA of Mary holding the dead body of Christ in her arms. It
seems that the battle between good and evil, cruelty and compassion have always been part of the
human DNA.
We pray constantly for peace. Can we even imagine a world where no one hurts another person,
physically or mentally? This really would be a ‘Heaven on Earth’. Would we ever be capable of
sustaining it?
-Shula Molyneaux
The theme is 5 centuries of Great European organ music.
OCTOBER 2015 at 2.00pm
(Farringdon Road, Mount Gould)
The first concert in aid of the work of renovating St Simon’s Church
and a chance to hear this superb organ played by Richard Line.
Tickets £7.50. Refreshments available.
Oct 11
Tour de Moor. A cycle challenge on Dartmoor. Starts and finishes
at Harrowbeer Airfield, Nr Yelverton. Start 8.30am.
Oct 17
Plymstock Broadway Food & Crafts Market
Oct 18
Central Park’s Halloween Music, Food & Fun Day, Central Park.
Oct 22
Plymouth Clarion Choir, Plymstock Community Centre
Oct 25
West Country Mini Scene Rally at Sutton Harbour
Oct 30
Plymouth Area Police Choir, Plymouth Guildhall (Tel: 406995)
Oct 31
The Great Sell Off. Grab a bargain at Plymouth Guildhall, over 50
Music at St Andrew’s Minster Church
Oct 10
English String Renaissance (Tel: 585050)
Oct 17
West Devon Chorale with the WDC Chamber Choir (776479)
We will be welcoming Trish Hodge on Thursday, 15
October @ 7.30pm as guest speaker. Trish’s
talk is entitled ‘William Cookworthy, the Man’. William Cookworthy was a local man and producer of
local porcelain.
The Wembury walk will now take place on Tuesday, 29
September and David Pinder, local historian,
will be our guide. Please meet at the N.T. Car Park at 1.55pm and the walk will finish at approximately
4.00pm. Please wear suitable footwear, especially if it has been raining, as it can be muddy. If not
N.T. members, then the Church car park can be used but please make a suitable donation in the box
Members and visitors welcome – no booking necessary – a collection for St. Luke’s Hospice will be
For you Diary ~ Our guest speaker for November will be Ursula Myers, our Archivist. Ursula’s talk is
entitled ‘Hallsands - A Predictable Disaster’. (Thursday,19
November @ 7.30 p.m.)
Our Xmas Buffet is on Thursday 10
December at 7.30 pm. Members only and admission will be
ticket only. Numbers limited, so please book early.
-Gill Whillock
On Monday, 26
October, 7.30pm, our talk is:-
‘The Natural History of Devonport Park’ by Nigel Overton.
We meet at Plymstock United Church Hall. Non-members welcome ~ £1.
Contact number 01752 407578.
We meet at the Hooe & Turnchapel Community Centre on the 1
and 3
Tuesday of each month at
8.00pm. ALL ladies welcome.
Our programme for OCTOBER is:-
For further information please contact: -Diane McCarthy (Sec) Tel: 311931
Worry’s like a rocking chair – It doesn’t get you anywhere!
Put your feet down to the ground, walk about, look around.
Don’t just sit there – up and do; don’t let worry worry you!
With the ending of ‘First Bus’ in the Plymstock area, so ends an era that started 92 years ago.
In 1923, Devon Motor Transport Company started running to Plymstock. In 1928 there were bus
services as far as Hooe, run by three more companies, Palace Saloons, Eddystone Motors and
Hopper & Berryman. The latter took over Eddystone Motors in 1928 to become HB buses. In 1929
Palace was taken over by the Western National, and in 1930 HB buses were swallowed by Southern
The 1930 Road Traffic Act required all bus services to be licensed and in 1931 Western National took
over Southern National and it remained run by Western National until 1988 when Western National
was sold off in separate lots to local buyers – the Plymouth section sold to a local taxi firm who within
two years had sold it to Badger Line, a Bath Bus company. During the mid 1990’s Badger Line was
bought by First Group – an Aberdeen company who have been running the Plymouth operation until
2015 when they sold off many of their municipal routes around the country.
(Picture: A war time Western National bus No.95A – Plymouth to Plymstock service, at a bombed out
Drake Circus. Note the tram lines and overhead tram wires. Photo: R.C. Sambourne).
Local News
Buildings at Risk
Mount Batten Gun Tower is one of five Scheduled Ancient Monument sites listed in a Plymouth City Council
delegated decision for renovation before the end of March 2016. All the sites, Plympton Castle, Mount Batten
Tower, Knowle Battery, Woodland Fort and Fort Austin are on the National ‘Heritage at Risk’ Register.
Historic England and Plymouth City Council will provide funding of £410,920 for the renovation work on
condition it is completed before the 31st
March next year and a five year Management Plan to be in place for each
site to keep it in a good state of repair. This will protect against claw back of the grant and increases chances of
finding future uses for the buildings.
Former Nursing Home Plans
New plans (15/01609/FUL) have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority for the demolition of the
former Fanshaw Nursing Home in Hooe and the erection of a new 12 apartment block and designated parking at
the rear of the building.
Theatre Royal Open Day
This autumn the Theatre Royal in Plymouth will again hold an Open Day on 4th
October 2015 offering everyone
the opportunity to explore the building and experience how it works and get a taste for the exciting world of
theatre. Activities include drama workshops, treasure hunts, make-up demos, the chance to explore the stage,
costume exhibitions and much more… and all absolutely free!
To book a viewing phone: 01752 267222.
Plymstock Community Centre
Details of planning application (13/01257/FUL) in last month’s Local News (September) were not correct.
Trustees of Plymstock Community Centre have stated that security fencing at the rear of the building does not
extend up to the former Downham School boundary and does not affect the footpath between Horn Lane and the
Broadway Car Park.
Plymouth City Council on the 27 August 2015 granted conditional permission for the installation of canopy over
existing rear terrace and erection of a security fence.
The footpath between Horn Lane and Broadway Car Park has been fenced off by the William Venton Centre in
order to prevent vandalism to the building. The footpath is not a public right of way although used over many
years by local residents. The footpath closure was raised with Councillor Ken Foster as a Radford Ward
Councillor and member Plymouth Local Access Form to investigate.
It is unlikely the closure will be taken further as the Plymouth Right of Way Officer position is vacant. Plymouth
City Council does not now have an officer in post, although walking is an important part of the emerging
Plymouth Plan, to progress the many outstanding right of way applications and the 750 known footpaths known
to exist within the Plymouth City Boundary, as yet unrecorded. Under present legislation rights of way footpaths
not recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement by 2026 will be lost.
Plymstock Library Films
The film, The Theory of Everything, will be shown on Monday 19 October at 2.00pm. It is a Certificate
12A film and runs for 123minutes.
Classic Films showing this month:
Under the Tuscan Sun- Tuesday 13 October at 2.00pm. A Certificate 12 film running for 112 minutes.
Tea with Mussolini- Tuesday 27 October at 2.00pm. A Certificate PG film runs for 113 minutes.
Garden Waste Collection
The fortnightly collection of garden waste from household properties this year will end on Thursday 26
Horn Lane Development
Plans for 31 residential units and access road are proposed in a planning application (15/01520/FUL) for the
redevelopment of the former Downham school site in Horn lane was submitted to the local planning authority
last month. The development will consist of a mix of open market and affordable houses and flats.
Flu Jabs
Local GP surgeries and pharmacies will be offering the flu vaccination to people in at-risk groups in October and
Flu is a highly infectious illness caused by the flu virus. It spreads rapidly through small droplets coughed or
sneezed into the air by an infected person. Some people are at greater risk of developing serious complications of
flu, such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
Check with local surgeries to book a vaccination appointment.
Gun Tower to be Floodlit
Mount Batten gun tower will be floodlit before Christmas after Historic England gave listed building consent to
have LED lights installed around the tower of one the city’s oldest fortifications. They described the proposal as
‘beneficial for the presentation and public enjoyment of the monument’.
A set of 16 lights will be lighting up the walls of the 17th Century tower which stands on a knoll at Mount Batten
looking across to the Citadel. The historic tower is a scheduled monument and takes its name from Captain
William Batten, a commander in Cromwell’s Parliamentarian navy.
Traffic Order
Plymouth City Council on the 7 September published a traffic order proposing the speed limit in Elburton Road
and Billacombe Road be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.
The Order can be viewed at First Stop in New George Street and comments submitted to the Assistant Director
for Transport, Department for Place, (Plymouth Transport & Highways), Plymouth City Council, Ballard House,
West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ
Quoting reference Amd.2015.2040411 – Speed by the 28th of September 2015
Navel Heritage Open Day
HMS Raleigh Submarine museum exhibits, tours of the decommission nuclear submarine Courageous, river boat
trips of the Naval Base and trips around the Devonport Naval Heritage Centre.
Sunday 27 September - 10am to 5pm.
Call 01752 552907 for more information.
Note: The deadline date for items for November 2015 Magazine is October 15 2015
Our thanks to the Advertisers who sponsor this Magazine.
Advertisements and service quotes do not imply recommendations on the part of the Church.
Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor.
Printed & published by St John’s DCC, Hooe, Plymouth UK. © Plymstock & Hooe PCC 2015

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October mag 2015

  • 1.
  • 2. FROM THE REV’D TERRY FREEMAN Dear Friends, For the past seven years I have been enjoying what I consider to be one of the best jobs in the world – retirement; the pay is not great but now we have the freedom to get out and about with no time pressures. After 38 years as a Parish priest and after the initial adjustment to letting go, one of the things I really miss is my beloved veg plot. In the past we were lucky as most Vicarages have very good sized gardens. Gardening is, like most things in life, you only get out of it what you are prepared to put into it. After all the hours you put into preparation and planting, the battle against the weather, weeds, birds and insects there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying the fruits of your labours. I have a photograph in my study of me with my four year old grandson picking runner beans, it captures one of the many happy moments of the hours which I spent in the veg patch, particularly when he was there gladly helping Granddad. These are God-given moments and very precious. There must be a Harvest Parable in there somewhere . . . . . . Terry Freeman A PRAYER FOR HARVEST Lord of the harvest Who has given us each day our daily bread, We give thanks now for the bounty of your earth And for those who nurture its crops: For the crisp crunch of apples, For the ripened heads of grain, For the hours of summer sunshine And the drenches of rain. For the sharpness of onions And the roundness of peas, For all crops of the earth And the fruit of the trees. For all your abundance this day we give thanks. PARISH OF PLYMSTOCK AND HOOE 8am Parish Service of Holy Communion St John’s ~ 8am Communion on 1 st & 3 rd Sundays St Mary’s ~ 8am Communion on 2 nd & 4 th Sundays EVENSONG at St John’s Church, 4.00pm on October 11 th This will be the last for the summer season.
  • 3. PARISH FELLOWSHIP WEEKEND Friday 23 rd - Sunday 25 th October 2015 Sheldon Community, Devon We would love for you to join us for our Parish of Plymstock & Hooe Fellowship Weekend. As we do more together across the Mission Community we thought it would be fun to go away together, spend time socializing and building friendships. We hope the weekend will be a relaxed, informal time. You will be able to pick and choose what you do. There will be a range of social activities for you to enjoy if you wish; some of which will be faith based. There will also be opportunities for worship and quiet time throughout the weekend. Sheldon is a Christian community based in a beautiful converted farm in the Teign Valley, north of Bovey Tracey. The cost is £88.00 which includes your accommodation and all meals (apart from a trip to the pub for Saturday lunch). More information and booking forms are available in each church and should be returned, along with a £28 deposit, to the clergy, Tim Provost or Rob Wevill as soon as possible. There are still some places available so do come along and join us and enjoy a relaxing social weekend. HARVEST FESTIVALS Sunday, 4th October 10.45am ~ HARVEST MORNING PRAISE at St John’s Church ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sunday, 4th October 9.15am ~ HARVEST FAMILY EUCHARIST at Church of the Good Shepherd 5.00pm ~ SONGS OF PRAISE at Good Shepherd Church followed by HARVEST SUPPER in the Hall. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sunday, 11th October 10.45am ~ ALL AGE HARVEST SERVICE at St Mary’s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Monday, 17th October 11.00am ~ HARVEST THANKSGIVING at Selkirk House ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • 4. R E M E M B E R: SUMMER TIME ENDS ON OCTOBER 25th 2015 CLOCKS GO BACK 1 HOUR . Adventures in prayer: 2 Autumn events Each of the three evenings will explore a biblical prayer in the context of prayer & worship, followed by tea & coffee. Wednesday 7 th October, 7.00-8.30p.m St. John’s Church, Hooe With a service of Compline Wednesday 4 th November, 7.00-8.30p.m St. Mary & All Saints Church, Plymstock With a service of Celtic Evening Prayer Wednesday 2 nd December, 7.00-8.30p.m Church of the Holy Family With a service of Taizé Prayer Saturday 12 th December, 10.00a.m-12 noon Church of the Good Shepherd Advent Quiet Morning Further details from any of the clergy. @ The Staddy Sunday 27th September, 4-6pm Games, crafts, food, fun, mess! Come and join us! This is a free event for all the family! More details & booking with Bob: Tel 481020 CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY FAMILY, STADDISCOMBE
  • 5. WELCOME TO BISHOP SARAH! As the sun shone in Exeter and the bells of the Cathedral rang out, so hundreds of people gathered together to welcome Bishop Sarah Mullally, the new Bishop of Crediton. During a Service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 12 th September, she was firstly installed as a Member of the College of Canons. Bishop Robert then presented Bishop Sarah to the congregation and she was greeted with enthusiastic applause before being welcomed by various church and civic representatives from the Diocese and County. In her sermon she preached about compassion and the need to demonstrate it as Christians, referring to the present refugee crisis. At the end of the Service, as the clergy returned to the Lady Chapel at East end of the Cathedral, Bishop Sarah processed out of the West Doors, again to enthusiastic applause. She was then in demand for photographs and everyone wanted to have a word with our new bishop! It was an historic day for us all in the Cathedral to witness and welcome the first woman bishop in the Diocese of Exeter. Bishop Sarah deserves our prayers and support as she begins her ministry amongst us. -Rev. Jennie Appleby Dame Sarah, a former nurse, gave distinguished service in the NHS before ordination, culminating in her appointment as the government’s Chief Nursing Officer for England in 1999, when she was the youngest person to be appointed to the post. She became a Christian as a teenager and her relationship with, and understanding of, God has shaped her life including her vocation as nurse and priest. She was ordained in 2001 and served her curacy in St Saviour’s Battersea Fields, initially as a self-supporting minister. She left her post as Chief Nursing Officer in 2004 to take up full time ministry becoming a Team Rector in Sutton, Surrey, in 2006 where she also became Borough Dean and Assistant Area Dean. In 2012 she was installed as Canon Treasurer at Salisbury Cathedral. Sarah is an appointed member of the Dioceses Commission and she was made a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 2005 in recognition of her outstanding contribution to nursing and midwifery. She is married to Eamonn and they have two children, Grace and Liam. She was consecrated Bishop of Crediton on 22 nd July 2015 at Canterbury Cathedral. OPEN HOUSE AT THE VICARAGE (A picture from the Open House at Hooe Vicarage (29 th August)
  • 6. which raised funds for 'Love into Action'.) Hilary and Pat Garnet wish to thank all who attended the Garden Party to raise funds for ‘Love into Action’ and are pleased to say £420 has been raised to date. MANY THANKS Steve and Jackie Payne would like to thank all those who expressed their sympathy and support following the death of his mother last month. It is much appreciated. -Steve & Jackie FROM ST JOHN’S PARISH REGISTERS HOLY MATRIMONY: We offer our congratulations and pray for God’s blessing upon: 21st August STUART STEVENS and REBECCA MCGOVARIN 29th August ALEXANDER MITCHELL and GEMMA BAKER 5th September SAMUEL ACTON and BONNIE RENDLE St John’s Church, Hooe HARVEST MORNING PRAISE 10.45am Sunday, 4th October Followed by Coffee & Doughnuts in the Church Hall Harvest Gifts to be collected for the Shekinah Mission HARVEST FLOWERS IN ST JOHN'S We will be decorating the Church for Harvest on Saturday, October 3 rd at 10am. All welcome to help, you don't need to be a flower arranger! -Heather Broom CHILDREN’S SOCIETY BOXES Could the holders of the Children’s Society collection boxes please return them to me at Church or to 46 Furzehatt Way or give me a ring on Tel: 402949. Many thanks. -Angela Woodward ST JOHN’S CHURCH BOXES As 25 th September is St John’s dedication festival, it is time for the collection of the Church boxes. Please bring to Church or Hooe’s Place or ring Tel: 407447 to arrange collection. Thank you. -Mary Skilton EVENSONG at St John’s Church SUNDAY, 11th OCTOBER 2015 at 4.00pm
  • 7. ST JOHN’S ANNUAL QUIZ THURSDAY, 8th OCTOBER, 2015 7 pm for 7.30pm in St John’s Church Hall Cost with pasty £2.50. Ring 407447 to book a table Serious questions, serious laughter ‘YOUNG @ HEART’ Nineteen members of ‘Young @ Heart’ met in September for what proved to be a light-hearted meeting with the Rev’d Steve Payne joining us for our Summer Party. Steve had prepared a talk for us telling us of the various houses in which he had lived throughout his adult life. These varied from a gardener’s cottage to houses tied to his work in the Church. He had entitled his talk ‘Through the Keyhole’ a take on the popular TV programme. As always, Steve illustrated his talk with little snippets of information which he knew would amuse us. After an assortment of appointments and homes Steve finished up as first our Vicar and then Rector of the Parish and now lives with his wife, Jackie, in St John’s Vicarage. ‘Young @ Heart’ members showed their appreciation in the usual way and Steve was presented with a small thank you gift. An Anagram Quiz followed Steve’s talk and this was followed by a delicious Cream Tea provided by members. We finished with our hymn and notices of next month’s meeting when we hope to have a demonstration of Card Craft and a competition with a Harvest theme – a good chance to be imaginative! Hope to see you there. -Ruth Earl Next Meeting ~ Tuesday, 6th October, 2015, at 2.00pm in St John’s Hall New members are always made very welcome. ALL SOULS’ SERVICE Annual Remembrance of your family and loved ones SUNDAY, 1st NOVEMBER at 4.00pm Light a candle in remembrance Followed by tea in the church hall NEW BAPTIST MINISTER INDUCTED At a Service on Saturday 12 th September held at Hooe Primary Academy the Rev'd Vanessa Appleton was inducted as the new Minster of Hooe Baptist Church. The Service was attended by members of Hooe Baptist, friends and family of Vanessa, representatives of Baptist churches from the across the south-west and local MP Gary Streeter. The mission community was represented by Steve Payne and Tim Provost. It ended with the song 'Come on and Celebrate' during which party poppers were set off and balloons thrown across the room. Vanessa has just completed her training at Bristol Bible College and the talk at the Induction Service was given by the college's chaplain. She is married to John, a senior executive with Tearfund, and has two sons; Charlie, who is also moving to Hooe, and Harvey who has just got married. St John's had a good relationship with Vanessa's predecessor, Stu Clarke, and we look forward to working with her and the rest of the Baptist Church in the years to come. IN MEMORIAM ERNIE RULTON was a long term member and supporter of the Royal British Legion for at least 30 years. He was the Poppy Appeal Organiser in Plymstock and the western side of the South Hams and was still involved in that right up to last November’s poppy appeal. Ernie with the help of his family delivered and then collected and counted the collection boxes and trays of poppies across Plymstock and the western side of South Hams. He was the contact person for poppy wreaths and
  • 8. frequently gave advice on Services of Remembrance. He was the face most known in the area as Mr British Legion He was very much involved at County level serving as the County Treasurer, as well as the deputy Vice Chairman and then Vice Chairman. In 1997, he was elected County Chairman serving until 2001. When he stood down as County Chairman, he did not stand back from being involved. He was the first Chairman of the Dartmoor branch which is in effect the County holding branch for those who do not, for whatever reason, belong to a local geographic branch. He later became President of that branch. He was a regular attendee at National conference, either as a delegate or an interested visitor. He was awarded the Legion gold badge, and later he was made a life member of the Legion which is the highest award the Legion can give. He attended the Queen’s garden party in recognition of his work His other interests were in working especially with young people. He, with his wife Ann, formed the local Scout pack. The family were in the forefront of the twinning of Brixton with Poullaouen, Brittany, and frequently visited the cottage they purchased in France. His Funeral Service on 4 th September at St Mary’s, Brixton, was attended by many local people as well as representatives of the Royal British Legion. The final hymn – ‘I vow to thee my country’ summed up his life and his service to others.
  • 9. ‘SUMMER SPECIAL’ On Thursday August 20 th the Church of the Good Shepherd, Oreston, staged an ‘All Age Summer Special’ day. The day included the making and decorating of ceramic birds and mermaid mobiles along with ‘scratch models’ and various sea creatures. Various Word-searches were attempted. The young people enjoyed a competition involving playing pool, table football, darts and Connect Four. The DVD ‘Despicable Me’ was shown and copious amounts of food comprising of Ploughman lunches and courtesy of Josie lovely lemon and chocolate cakes! A good time was had by everyone. Many thanks to the Rev Steve Payne and all those who helped to make the day a great success. -Allan & Sue
  • 10.
  • 11. DIARY 0F A CHURCH MOUSE Here among long-discarded cassocks, damp stools and half-split open hassocks; Here where the Vicar never looks I nibble through old Service books. Lean and alone I spend my days behind this Church of England baize. I share my dark forgotten room with two oil lamps and half a broom. The cleaner never bothers me, so here I eat my frugal tea. My bread is sawdust mixed with straw, my jam is polish for the floor. Christmas and Easter may be feasts for congregations and for priests, And so may Whitsun. All the same they do not fill my meagre frame. For me the only feast of all is Autumn’s Harvest Festival; When I can satisfy my want with ears of corn around the font. I climb the eagle’s brazen head to burrow through a loaf of bread. I scramble up the pulpit stair and gnaw the marrows hanging there.
  • 12. It is enjoyable to taste these items ere they go to waste, But how annoying when one finds that other mice with pagan minds Come into church my food to share who have no proper business there. Two field mice who have no desire to be baptised, invade the choir. A large and most unfriendly rat comes in to see what we are at. He says he thinks there is no God and yet he comes . . . it’s rather odd. This year he stole a sheaf of wheat (it screened our special preacher’s seat) And prosperous mice from fields away come in to hear the organ play, And under cover of its notes eat through the altar’s sheaf of oats. A Low Church mouse, who thinks that I am too papistical, and High, Yet somehow doesn’t think it wrong to munch through Harvest Evensong. While I who starve the whole year through must share my food with rodents who Except at this time of the year not once inside the church appear. Within the human world I know such goings-on could not be so, For human beings only do what their religion tells them to. They read the bible every day and always, night and morning, pray, And just like me, the good church mouse, worship each week in God’s own house. But all the same it’s strange to me how very full the church can be With people I don’t see at all except at Harvest Festival. John Betjeman CHILDRENS PAGE Last month I asked you if you had looked closely at a flower. This month see if you can label the parts of a wheat plant. Choose a word from the list to write at the end of each line. roots ear leaf beard stalk seed We think that the wheat we eat has been developed from the seeds of a grass that still grows wild on Mount Hermon in Syria. Wheat is first mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament, in the book of Genesis chapter 30 at verse 14. The best quality wheat was bearded. Wheat is an annual plant. This means that it takes one year to grow from a seed to the mature plant about a metre tall. If you have been into the country you may have seen fields of wheat growing. Early on in the year the plants were green and the seeds were unripe. In September the plants would have ripened to a golden yellow colour. Once the crop of wheat is ready to reap, the farmer uses a combine harvester to cut the plants down. The grains or kernels will be milled to make into flour that is then used to make cakes, biscuits, bread, cereals and lots of other foods. The stalks of corn are made into bales of straw. That can be used by farmers, horse owners and pet owners so very little of the plant is wasted. Farmers all over the world grow wheat and other types of corn. Each year they will have prayed for good weather so their crops grow strong. If there is too much rain they get washed away or rot. If there is no sun the plant can’t make food for itself to grow. If there is lots of sunshine and very little rain, the plants shrivel up and die. Farmers can’t control the sun and rain. In this country, at this time of the year, Christians who go to church will particularly think of the farmers who work hard to grow all sorts of food for us all so that we do not go hungry. We Thank God for all
  • 13. the food the farmers have grown. Most importantly we remember to thank God for the earth, seeds, sunshine and rain. Without them the plants would not grow, The special service is called Harvest Thanksgiving. Will you say thank you in your prayers at home, at school or at church? LETTER TO THE EDITOR “I read with interest an article in your recent Parish magazine regarding our submission for planning permission to erect a security fence. Can I clarify the details of this application as your article gives an incorrect account. We - The Community Centre - provide a preschool facility that operates five days a week. In order to continually improve our facilities for the children and improve our OFSTED rating we intend providing a secure outside play area and cover in the existing outside hard standing. The fencing will be erected to provide this secure area and will extend out from the rear of the centre approx nine metres and about six metres to the side adjacent to Age UK. Your article gives the impression that the fencing will extend around the centre and cut off the original footpath - this is not the case as the drawings submitted with our application clearly show. The closing of the footpath was an action taken by Age UK due to vandalism to their property and had nothing to do with Plymstock Community Centre. We would appreciate that the correct facts are printed in your next publication. Doug Richmond” THE PLYMSTOCK COMMUNITY CENTRE The Plymstock Community Centre is located at the top of the Broadway car park. It is extensively used for a wide range of activities by regular weekly groups/lettings and one off bookings such as private parties, fetes etc. Regular groups using the centre include Alzheimers Society, Apostolic church, Billacombe Residents Association, Bridge Clubs, Dancing, Flea Market, Organ Club, Over 60's club, Flower club, Short Mat Bowls, Slimming World, Town Womens Guild, Weight Watchers, Whist club and Writers Circle. There is a coffee lounge that is open to anybody who wishes to drop in each Tuesday to Friday morning between 10am and 12noon. The centre operates its own Pre-school, called Playdays, that is open five days a week for children over two years old up to school age. Further details and updates for the Community centre can be found on our website and for Playdays Preschool on THE QUAYSIDE ARTISTS Invite you to their ART EXHIBITION at the PLYMSTOCK LIBRARY THURSDAY/FRIDAY 22 nd & 23rd OCTOBER 9am – 6pm SATURDAY 24 th OCTOBER 9am – 4pm Admission Free ART WORK FOR SALE OR JUST COME AND BROWSE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you are interested in joining our Club to improve your art skills, please contact us: Shirley Hole ~ 01752 291143 Eunice Jackson ~ 01752 401564 QUAYSIDE ARTISTS This year the Quayside Artists have changed the venue for their Art Exhibition. It will now be held at Plymstock Library, details above.
  • 14. Our members have tried to produce pictures of interest, of local scenes and subjects that you might find different from the usual art work. We hope our friends and supporters will come along to the library. All paintings sold at reasonable prices. MEMORIES When a member of the Art Club painted a picture of a Spitfire flying over green fields and cliffs, it brought back memories of the one I saw during the War. When the Blitz started and our house at Milehouse was badly damaged, my Father thought it best if my Grandmother, Mother, Sister and Myself should go to stay with Cousins on a farm just outside of Kelly Bray. My Father, being in a reserved occupation as a baker, stayed in Plymouth. He used to visit us at weekends whenever possible. One Sunday afternoon everyone was resting after lunch, when we heard the sound of a plane. My father jumped up saying “He’s in trouble!” We all ran outside to see this Spitfire, smoke and flames trailing out at the back. One of the men said “He’s coming down in our field”, then there was a loud explosion. I shouted to my father that I would come and help. He turned to me and said “Go back to your Mother now!” I didn’t always do as I was told, but I did this time. It wasn’t until a few years later that I came to fully realise what must have happened to one of our many brave RAF pilots. On a lighter note I always wanted to help on the farm. So at about 7 years old I used to go and bring the cows in for milking. There were only 3 or 4 cows to fetch. I didn’t bring them in, I just opened the gate and the cows knew exactly where they had to go on their own. I fed the chickens and also a few turkeys. The trouble was the male turkey, known as ‘Father Turkey’, attacked everyone who went into his enclosure. I was the only one that he would not take any notice of. Maybe because I was a small child he did not think I was a threat to him. One day he decided he would attack me, so I just threw the bucket of food straight at him and ran. The thing was the bucket went over his head and he was running about bumping into everything, whilst the other turkeys were eating all the food!! It took two men the best part of an hour to catch him and take the bucket off his head. He never gave me any more trouble. Perhaps someone in the Art Club may paint a picture of a turkey after this story, including the bucket!! -Eunice Jackson THE SOUTH HAMS ARTS FORUM Invites you to visit 52 of the most inspiring Studios, Workshops, Galleries and Exhibition halls In the South Hams. The Arts Trail 2015 runs from 17 th to 25 th October. The South Hams Arts Forum (SHAF) is an active association of artists and craftspeople from across the region. Membership is so diverse, some create in purpose built studios while others produce their work at the kitchen table. This year the Arts Trail features 52 venues across the South Hams. Those close to home:- Plymstock 143, Wembury Road, PL9 0DF Open10am-5pm (closed Sun 18 th & Sun 25 th Oct) Wembury Channel View, Cliff Road, PL90HW Open 10am-4pm closed Wed 21 st Oct) Sea Call, Cliff Road, PL90HW Open 11am-4.30pm Heybrook Bay (2 artists in this venue) Xanadu, West Hill, PL90BB Open 11am-4.30pm (closed Mon 19 th Oct) For more information of other works in South Hams see
  • 15. The TABLE TOP SALE held on Saturday, 12 th September raised £280 for St Mary & All Saints Church funds. - David Roberts For your Diary:- NOVEMBER MARKET SATURDAY, 28 th NOVEMBER 2015 10.00am to 2.00pm St Mary & All Saints Parish Hall, Church Road Light meals – Tea or Coffee Bulbs Admission 20p. HERITAGE OPEN DAYS Tour around St Mary’s Church; leader Mr Graham Naylor On Saturday 12 th September several of us enjoyed a very interesting tour around St Mary’s & All Saints Church. Graham Naylor gave us a detailed insight into the building itself, and also the furniture, carvings, rood screen & memorials, all of which have a fascinating story to tell. We saw the many stained glass windows which are very beautiful indeed. The people who were commemorated in them have passed into history, but are still with us when we look at their windows. Thank you so much, Graham, for a fascinating tour. -Margaret Hindmarsh PLYMOUTH CLARION CHOIR SATURDAY 26 th SEPTEMBER 2015 St Mary’s Church at 7.30pm Tickets £5 – from St Mary’s, David Roberts (Tel:408861) or on the door. Refreshments available afterwards. For more information about the choir google ‘Plymouth Clarion Choir’ -Pauline Anning FROM THE PARISH REGISTER We welcomed into God’s family through Baptism at St Mary’s in August:- 16 th August ISABELLE CAROL KENNELLY, the daughter of Matthew and Georgina Kennelly. DOMINIC FENTONE, the son of Richard and Lize Fentone. 30 th August ELLIE NORA SLYDE, the daughter of Faye Slyde. THEO ROBERT BATTEN, the son of Joseph Batten and Emma Quaye.
  • 16. COACH TRIP Our next coach trip will be to Clarks Village and Wells. This is your chance to do some early Christmas Shopping in any one of the various retail shops in this complex. From here we continue to Wells where the drop off for coaches is only a 2 minute walk from the Cathedral Green. On Wednesdays there is a very good market selling fresh local produce at reasonable prices. Entry to the Cathedral is free but donations are welcome on leaving. We are going on Wednesday, 7 th October, and it will cost £25. We leave at 8.30am from the bus stop opposite Lidl Plymstock. Please let me know if you are interested, as soon as possible, by phoning me on Tel:404481. Please Note: Our final coach trip for the year is on Wednesday, 2 nd December, to Exeter allowing time to visit the Cathedral and to do some Christmas shopping at the same time. The coach leaves at 10.00am from the bus stop opposite the Plymstock Library. The cost is £18. Please let me know by early November because I have to know the numbers before I confirm the coach. Thank you. Margaret Ayres (Tel: 404481) JUST A THOUGHT The press photograph of a military policeman in Turkey bending over the body of the dead child in his arms reminded me of Michelangelo’s PIETA of Mary holding the dead body of Christ in her arms. It seems that the battle between good and evil, cruelty and compassion have always been part of the human DNA. We pray constantly for peace. Can we even imagine a world where no one hurts another person, physically or mentally? This really would be a ‘Heaven on Earth’. Would we ever be capable of sustaining it? -Shula Molyneaux A CONCERT OF ORGAN MUSIC The theme is 5 centuries of Great European organ music. SATURDAY, 17th OCTOBER 2015 at 2.00pm ST SIMON’S CHURCH (Farringdon Road, Mount Gould) The first concert in aid of the work of renovating St Simon’s Church and a chance to hear this superb organ played by Richard Line. Tickets £7.50. Refreshments available. OUT & ABOUT Oct 11 th Tour de Moor. A cycle challenge on Dartmoor. Starts and finishes at Harrowbeer Airfield, Nr Yelverton. Start 8.30am. Oct 17 th Plymstock Broadway Food & Crafts Market Oct 18 th Central Park’s Halloween Music, Food & Fun Day, Central Park. Oct 22 nd Plymouth Clarion Choir, Plymstock Community Centre Oct 25 th West Country Mini Scene Rally at Sutton Harbour
  • 17. Oct 30 th Plymouth Area Police Choir, Plymouth Guildhall (Tel: 406995) Oct 31 st The Great Sell Off. Grab a bargain at Plymouth Guildhall, over 50 stalls. Music at St Andrew’s Minster Church Oct 10 th English String Renaissance (Tel: 585050) Oct 17 th West Devon Chorale with the WDC Chamber Choir (776479) PLYM VALLEY HERITAGE We will be welcoming Trish Hodge on Thursday, 15 th October @ 7.30pm as guest speaker. Trish’s talk is entitled ‘William Cookworthy, the Man’. William Cookworthy was a local man and producer of local porcelain. The Wembury walk will now take place on Tuesday, 29 th September and David Pinder, local historian, will be our guide. Please meet at the N.T. Car Park at 1.55pm and the walk will finish at approximately 4.00pm. Please wear suitable footwear, especially if it has been raining, as it can be muddy. If not N.T. members, then the Church car park can be used but please make a suitable donation in the box provided. Members and visitors welcome – no booking necessary – a collection for St. Luke’s Hospice will be taken. For you Diary ~ Our guest speaker for November will be Ursula Myers, our Archivist. Ursula’s talk is entitled ‘Hallsands - A Predictable Disaster’. (Thursday,19 th November @ 7.30 p.m.) Our Xmas Buffet is on Thursday 10 th December at 7.30 pm. Members only and admission will be ticket only. Numbers limited, so please book early. -Gill Whillock PLYMSTOCK GARDENING SOCIETY On Monday, 26 th October, 7.30pm, our talk is:- ‘The Natural History of Devonport Park’ by Nigel Overton. We meet at Plymstock United Church Hall. Non-members welcome ~ £1. Contact number 01752 407578. HOOE & TURNCHAPEL LADIES GROUP We meet at the Hooe & Turnchapel Community Centre on the 1 st and 3 rd Tuesday of each month at 8.00pm. ALL ladies welcome. Our programme for OCTOBER is:- OCTOBER 6 th EASY EXERCISE OCTOBER 20 th ROSEMARY’S JOURNEY For further information please contact: -Diane McCarthy (Sec) Tel: 311931 A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Worry’s like a rocking chair – It doesn’t get you anywhere! Put your feet down to the ground, walk about, look around. Don’t just sit there – up and do; don’t let worry worry you!
  • 18. AS IT WAS……. With the ending of ‘First Bus’ in the Plymstock area, so ends an era that started 92 years ago. In 1923, Devon Motor Transport Company started running to Plymstock. In 1928 there were bus services as far as Hooe, run by three more companies, Palace Saloons, Eddystone Motors and Hopper & Berryman. The latter took over Eddystone Motors in 1928 to become HB buses. In 1929 Palace was taken over by the Western National, and in 1930 HB buses were swallowed by Southern National. The 1930 Road Traffic Act required all bus services to be licensed and in 1931 Western National took over Southern National and it remained run by Western National until 1988 when Western National was sold off in separate lots to local buyers – the Plymouth section sold to a local taxi firm who within two years had sold it to Badger Line, a Bath Bus company. During the mid 1990’s Badger Line was bought by First Group – an Aberdeen company who have been running the Plymouth operation until 2015 when they sold off many of their municipal routes around the country. (Picture: A war time Western National bus No.95A – Plymouth to Plymstock service, at a bombed out Drake Circus. Note the tram lines and overhead tram wires. Photo: R.C. Sambourne). Local News Buildings at Risk Mount Batten Gun Tower is one of five Scheduled Ancient Monument sites listed in a Plymouth City Council delegated decision for renovation before the end of March 2016. All the sites, Plympton Castle, Mount Batten Tower, Knowle Battery, Woodland Fort and Fort Austin are on the National ‘Heritage at Risk’ Register. Historic England and Plymouth City Council will provide funding of £410,920 for the renovation work on condition it is completed before the 31st March next year and a five year Management Plan to be in place for each
  • 19. site to keep it in a good state of repair. This will protect against claw back of the grant and increases chances of finding future uses for the buildings. Former Nursing Home Plans New plans (15/01609/FUL) have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority for the demolition of the former Fanshaw Nursing Home in Hooe and the erection of a new 12 apartment block and designated parking at the rear of the building. Theatre Royal Open Day This autumn the Theatre Royal in Plymouth will again hold an Open Day on 4th October 2015 offering everyone the opportunity to explore the building and experience how it works and get a taste for the exciting world of theatre. Activities include drama workshops, treasure hunts, make-up demos, the chance to explore the stage, costume exhibitions and much more… and all absolutely free! To book a viewing phone: 01752 267222. Plymstock Community Centre Details of planning application (13/01257/FUL) in last month’s Local News (September) were not correct. Trustees of Plymstock Community Centre have stated that security fencing at the rear of the building does not extend up to the former Downham School boundary and does not affect the footpath between Horn Lane and the Broadway Car Park. Plymouth City Council on the 27 August 2015 granted conditional permission for the installation of canopy over existing rear terrace and erection of a security fence. Footpath The footpath between Horn Lane and Broadway Car Park has been fenced off by the William Venton Centre in order to prevent vandalism to the building. The footpath is not a public right of way although used over many years by local residents. The footpath closure was raised with Councillor Ken Foster as a Radford Ward Councillor and member Plymouth Local Access Form to investigate. It is unlikely the closure will be taken further as the Plymouth Right of Way Officer position is vacant. Plymouth City Council does not now have an officer in post, although walking is an important part of the emerging Plymouth Plan, to progress the many outstanding right of way applications and the 750 known footpaths known to exist within the Plymouth City Boundary, as yet unrecorded. Under present legislation rights of way footpaths not recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement by 2026 will be lost. Plymstock Library Films The film, The Theory of Everything, will be shown on Monday 19 October at 2.00pm. It is a Certificate 12A film and runs for 123minutes. Classic Films showing this month: Under the Tuscan Sun- Tuesday 13 October at 2.00pm. A Certificate 12 film running for 112 minutes. Tea with Mussolini- Tuesday 27 October at 2.00pm. A Certificate PG film runs for 113 minutes. Garden Waste Collection The fortnightly collection of garden waste from household properties this year will end on Thursday 26 November. Horn Lane Development Plans for 31 residential units and access road are proposed in a planning application (15/01520/FUL) for the redevelopment of the former Downham school site in Horn lane was submitted to the local planning authority last month. The development will consist of a mix of open market and affordable houses and flats. Flu Jabs Local GP surgeries and pharmacies will be offering the flu vaccination to people in at-risk groups in October and November.
  • 20. Flu is a highly infectious illness caused by the flu virus. It spreads rapidly through small droplets coughed or sneezed into the air by an infected person. Some people are at greater risk of developing serious complications of flu, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Check with local surgeries to book a vaccination appointment. Gun Tower to be Floodlit Mount Batten gun tower will be floodlit before Christmas after Historic England gave listed building consent to have LED lights installed around the tower of one the city’s oldest fortifications. They described the proposal as ‘beneficial for the presentation and public enjoyment of the monument’. A set of 16 lights will be lighting up the walls of the 17th Century tower which stands on a knoll at Mount Batten looking across to the Citadel. The historic tower is a scheduled monument and takes its name from Captain William Batten, a commander in Cromwell’s Parliamentarian navy. Traffic Order Plymouth City Council on the 7 September published a traffic order proposing the speed limit in Elburton Road and Billacombe Road be reduced from 40mph to 30mph. The Order can be viewed at First Stop in New George Street and comments submitted to the Assistant Director for Transport, Department for Place, (Plymouth Transport & Highways), Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ Email: Quoting reference Amd.2015.2040411 – Speed by the 28th of September 2015 Navel Heritage Open Day HMS Raleigh Submarine museum exhibits, tours of the decommission nuclear submarine Courageous, river boat trips of the Naval Base and trips around the Devonport Naval Heritage Centre. Sunday 27 September - 10am to 5pm. Call 01752 552907 for more information. Note: The deadline date for items for November 2015 Magazine is October 15 2015 Our thanks to the Advertisers who sponsor this Magazine. Advertisements and service quotes do not imply recommendations on the part of the Church. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor. Printed & published by St John’s DCC, Hooe, Plymouth UK. © Plymstock & Hooe PCC 2015