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June 2015
Copy for the July / August 2015 edition needs to be handed in by
Sunday, the 14th of June.
Please submit items in good time
You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to
collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You. Editor
Principal Contacts
Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168
Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004
Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website
Editor: Mr Richard Brown
Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
We believe in Justice and Peace.
This month’s website: -
This month we are introducing a very local website. It’s L.B. Bromley
You can access council services and community matters here..
The web address is
Now, turn to Page 17 for details of an appeal. Ed
Sunday Services; 2
Church Notices 3 - 4
Filler item 4
Christmas Tree Festival 2015 5
Circle the City walk 2015 6
Your page 7
Mental Awareness 8
HFC Charter for evangelism 9
Notice Board 10 - 11
Holiday from Home;
Summer Concert 12
Gardening conversation 13 - 14
A.I. - Bangladesh 14
Deaf Access in Bromley 15 - 16
The way things once were 16
Website of the month 17
Amnesty International letter 20
Church Organisations I B C
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends
When I was a small child, I wandered from church
to church on different Sundays, trying to find
somewhere I liked. I remember one church in
Peckham, the Baptist church in Rye Lane. One lady in that place had
a profound effect on me; she was the Junior Church group leader.
One Sunday afternoon she took us out on a visit to a Convent out in
the countryside, and I found there a quietness and peace that I had
never experienced before. I found within myself that day a sense of
the wonder of God, of the tranquillity and love that can come when
we give time to be with God in the quiet places. That sense of God
has never left me.
I wonder if you can think of the people in your life who have had that
same quiet influence on you? Perhaps it was someone who spoke of
their faith in a way that you could understand. Maybe there were
bible passages that were special to them, or which you were able to
share. Or maybe faith was never mentioned but they lived their lives
in a way that made you want to be like them.
Through Jesus’ death and resurrection we have the promise of eternal
life, and that all of God’s people are kept forever in God’s keeping, in
this world and the next. That is a promise that is worth sharing, so
perhaps the challenge for each of us is how we can become that
special person to someone else, to share that good news and to show
others how to live through our quiet actions, words and love; enabling
someone else to find a sense of God within their lives.
Every blessing
Sunday Services
v Revd Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible
Society. He has conducted Sunday Services at HFC in the past.
v Dr. Clive Timehin is a local preacher who comes from West Wickham
Methodist Church. He is a member of the Methodist Council
Medical Committee. He has conducted Sunday worship at HFC on
many occasions.
v It has been a few years since we last had Marion Moore lead a
service for us. She is a member at our sister church Emmanuel URC
West Wickham.
v Tony Russell is very well known to us - He is a member of HFC.
Some notes on the visiting preachers.
June 2015
10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
Queen's Offical Birthday
Church Anniversary
10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
10.30 am - Morning Service - Dr. Clive Timehin
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
11.15 am - Morning Service - CTH at Hayes Library (see below)
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Marion Moore
NOTE - The HFC Prayer and Gift Day is on Saturday 20th June - NOTE
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sign up sheet at the back of the church for your 20 minute prayer slot.
Let us support our church in prayer and in gifts.
Churches Together in Hayes
Open Air Service in the Library gardens on 28th June at 11.15 a.m.
Bring a picnic and stop for lunch and games.
If it rains, the village hall will be used
(Please note, no service at Hayes Free that morning)
July 2015
10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
BMD - Changes of address, etc.
Your prayers would be appreciated for: -
Jim Pearson, Jessie Martin, Tony Atkinson
& Helen Hebbes. Kate Sheardown who underwent
an operation, and Alison Winton who has a broken ankle.
Church Meetings
The next Elders’ meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesday,
2nd June.
The June meeting has been cancelled, therefore the next Church
meeting will be on Sunday 26th July at 12.00 noon – after the morning
Women's Contact Group
The Contact lunch in June will be held on the second Monday the 1st. It
will again be held at the Conservative Club in Elmfield Road, Bromley at
12.30pm. After this, we will be meeting at a different venue.
Sylvia Mack
Tuesday Prayer Meetings for June
Held at 10.00am at the following homes:-
2nd Martin Nunn’s. 9th Betty Coster’s.
16th Brenda Cordingley’s. 23rd The Church.
30th Martin Nunn’s
Then in July: -
7th Martin Nunn’s.
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.
Saturday Fellowship
We will be meeting on the 13th of June at 2.30pm at Ruth White’s
home, for a Bible study, lead by Martin Nunn. The date has been put
back by a week because the Hayes Fair takes place on the 6th of
You are welcome to join us.
Men's Group
The next Men’s Group meeting is at 6.30 pm on Thursday 18 June and
will be a walk in the Westerham area led by Bill Bowman. Details are
on the Notice board – Page 10.
PLEASE NOTE. The July meeting will be on the 23rd & NOT on the 16th.
Ministry of Flowers
Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in June.
7th - Gwenda Banwell 14th - Joan Smith
21st - Cath Brown 28th - Kate & Philip Sheardown
A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini
Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per
family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when
adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing
with toys and activities in the company of other children.
The current term will end on the 10th of July.
Wendy Smith
Messy Church
This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from
3.30 - 5.00pm, and children from 2 to12 years are welcome.
Book Club
We will be meeting at 8.00 pm on Thursday, 4th of June.
Notice Sheets – June
7th & 14th Pamela Collison 8658 0748
21st & 28th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867
5th Joan Smith 8462 3920
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please
contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.
You know you’re getting old when…you get the same sensation
from a rocking chair that you used to get from a roller coaster.
Women's Fellowship
Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
2nd Flower arranging with Jean.
9th Christine Pope entertains with poetry: subject: Food.
16th Christine McKinnel talks about her life in France during the war.
23rd Outing to Crockenhill for tea, provided by our friends of the W.I.
30th Michele Jacobs, our Community Police Officer.
7th Talk on scams and rogue traders by Bromley Trading Standards
Members who use this service are asked to phone Marion
Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they
are unable to come to the meetings.
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along
for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with
plenty to interest everyone.
As everyone knows, this is a big joint effort for the church and its friends,
and I am making a first contact with you so that we can all do our
best to raise as much as possible for this year’s chosen charity, the
Chartwell Cancer Trust. The Festival will run from Friday 27 November
to Sunday 6 December, so please put these dates in your diary now.
The regular events involving schools are already in place, and so is
the Wandle Ringers’ visit on 2 December. Nearer the time I shall of
course be asking for stewards and other help, but at the moment,
early as it is, I would be grateful if you would let me know if you would
like (or might like!) to take part in the opening concert on 27
November. I won’t hold you to it if things change, but I need to get a
feel for this event and start planning it, just like the other evenings.
And if you have any general thoughts about the Festival, please let
me know. I can’t promise to accommodate everyone’s ideas but
would like to know what they are!
Thank you,
Circle the City Walk 2015
The walk takes place every year on the last Sunday of Christian Aid
week and as the title says circles the city taking the walkers through
several centuries of worship history of the City of London. This year
Christine Rees and I were stewarding the Christian Aid walk at St Giles
Cripplegate. This is one of the few remaining medieval churches in
the City of London and is at the heart of the modern Barbican
development. Christine has many years experience of the churches
as she is a City Guide. As we walked from Blackfriars to St Giles she
was able to point out many places of interest to me.
The weather was fine, although a little windy, and we put out the
bunting and blew up the balloons for the walkers coming.
It is thought there has been a church on the site for a 1000 years and
sometime during the middle ages it was dedicated to St Giles. The
full name of the church is St Giles without Cripplegate as the church
is situated outside the wall at the Cripplegate. The church escaped
the Great fire of London in 1666 although it was damaged by fire on
three other occasions.
There have been many famous people connected with St Giles,
Edward Alleyn who founded Dulwich College also John Bunyan the
famous writer and preacher, a non-conformist who occasionally
attended the church. Oliver Cromwell was married at the church
and John Milton the poet is probably the most famous former
parishioner and there is a statue of him in the church.
We spent a happy day at St Giles as checkpoint stampers. No not a
new dance group just Christine and I stamping the walkers’ books
and wishing them well as they went on their way to the next church
on the route.
Forthcoming Events at the Manse
On Saturday 27th June, there will be
a Children’s Fun Afternoon
between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm.
On Saturday 25th July, there will be
the Two Churches Bar-be-que
from 3.00 pm.
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories.
Your Page
Women’s Coffee Morning - VE Day themed.
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning
We will be holding the next coffee morning
from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall
on the 13th of June.
We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to
disaster relief funds in different parts of the world.
We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend?
Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are
separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after
Sunday morning services.
Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th
Sunday of each month.
The stall will be held on the 14th of June only. The stall for the 28th has
been cancelled because of the open air service.
We have some lovely small non-food items. Perfect as gifts. They are
worth a look at least.
Please continue to support your stall.
Thank you.
Richard and Barbara.
Mental Awareness
Mental Awareness Week took place between the 11th and 17th of
May. We have received a long article about Dementia and
The article will appear as a part series over 6 editions of Catalyst: -
Dementia is not a disease in itself. Dementia is a word used to
describe a group of symptoms that occur when brain cells stop
working properly.
This happens inside specific areas of the brain, which can affect how
you think, remember and communicate.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but there
are other types of dementia too. It is possible to have more than one
type of dementia at the same time. Alzheimer’s is sometimes seen
with vascular dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies. You might
hear this called ‘mixed dementia’.
Hayes Free Church
Charter for evangelism
We share faith through
cooperating with the Holy Spirit
¡ We share faith with prayer
¡ We share faith in hope
¡ We share faith with joy
¡ We share faith through stories
¡ We share faith as a whole church
¡ We share faith without
a guarantee of success
¡ We share faith through
being vulnerable
¡ We share faith in a variety of ways
¡ We share faith by affirming
what we are doing already
¡ We share faith with Encouragement
Men’s Group
The June meeting will take place on Thursday 18th June and will
take the form of a guided walk round the historically significant and
picturesque village of Westerham. We meet in the “George &
Dragon” pub in Westerham at 6.15 for 6.30pm. The 246 bus runs from
outside the New Inn, Hayes and takes approximately 30 minutes to
Westerham. The 17.43 from Hayes gets to Westerham Green at 18.16.
The George & Dragon is a short walk away in Market Square
opposite the King’s Arms Hotel.
The walk will finish with an opportunity for us to share a meal. I will
need to have an idea of numbers in order to book a place to eat.
If you intend to come on the 18th June and would like a meal,
please let me know as soon as possible but by Sunday 14th June
at the latest.
My phone numbers are 020 8777 1150 (office),
020 8777 0626 (home)
or you can email me on
Hope to see you on the 18th!!
Bill Bowman
Strawberry Cream Tea
Saturday 11th July
3.00 - 5.00 pm
At 18, Hurstdene Ave
Bring & Buy and Raffled
£6 tickets from Joan Smith -
tel. 020 8462 3920
The Hayes Fair
The fair will be taking place on
Saturday 6th June
Between 12 noon and 5.00 pm
Do come along and support
the fair.
Church Membership
Discussions are scheduled for
23rd and 30th June 2015.
At the manse,
from 8 pm to 9,30 pm.
A lift can easily be arranged should you require it.
Come and find out about Church Membership
and all that it offers.
Sue .....
Other events - in brief
Cancer Research UK
West Wickham & Hayes Local Committee
Fashion Show by Travelling Trends at The Warren
On Tuesday 23rd June 2015 from 7.00 p.m.
Tickets £10.00 - Contact Mary Jones on 020 8650 5171
Summer Concert
An Italian Concert
On Saturday 13th June 2015 at 7.45 p.m.
At St George’s Church, Beckenham
By Beckenham Chorale
Conducted by Adam Treadaway.
With us will be the internationally renowned period instrument
players of Sinfonia Britannica, all of whom are specialists in
historical performance and work regularly with the UK's leading
period instrumental orchestras.
Numbered tickets £13 & £10 in advance. / £14 & £11 on the night.
Un-numbered seats £8.
Telephone bookings 020 8658 0329 or 020 8658 0875
We hope to see you at what promises to be a very
memorable occasion.
At time of writing it feels that we still have some way to go before it feels
summery, but it’s all right - music can transport you there! Come away
with us to a time when the songs of cuckoos and nightingales
resounded in Hayes (sadly no longer, though swallows can still be seen
Hayes Phil Choir offers you a feast of tuneful summer music, not to
mention a warm welcome, and a relaxed atmosphere as our
conductor chats about the music in between the pieces.
So we hope to see you on
Saturday 20th June in Hayes Parish Church at 7.45pm
(tickets cost £7 including a programme and an interval drink, and £2 for
school-age children.
Hayes Free Church Holiday from Home 3rd - 7th August 2015
10.30am -
11.00am -
12.30pm -
1.30pm -
2.30pm -
‘Strawberry Jam’
10.30am -
11.00am -
12.30pm -
1.30pm -
2.30pm -
10.30am -
11.00am -
12.30pm -
1.30pm -
2.30pm -
Bring a packed
10.30am -
11.00am -
12.30pm -
1.30pm -
2.30pm -
10.30am -
11.00am -
12.30pm -
1.30pm -
2.30pm -
Come and enjoy the week of fun and friendship for £30.00
or £6.00 per day.
If you only want to go on the outing the cost for this will be £20
Book now to avoid disappointment Phone Joan Smith 020 8462 3920
We can collect you in the mini-bus if you require transport.
Don’t forget to book!
020 8462 3920
A conversation about Gardening
-- * --
As stupid as it may sound, this is exactly what we do!
God to St. Francis: Frank, you know all about gardens and nature; what
in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to
the dandelions, violets, thistles and the stuff I started eons ago? I had a
perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type
of soil, withstand drought, and multiply with abandon. The nectar from
the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honeybees, and flocks of
songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colour by now. All I see
are patches of green.
St. Francis: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. They are called the
Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers "weeds", and went to
great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.
God: Grass? But it is so boring. It's not even colourful. It doesn't attract
butterflies, bees, or birds, only grubs and sod worms. It's temperamental
with temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want grass growing
St. Francis: apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and
keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilising grass and poisoning
any other plant that crops up in the lawn.
God: The spring rains and warm weather probably make the grass grow
really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.
St. Francis: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it has grown a little, they cut
it; sometimes two times a week.
God: They cut it? Do they bale it like hay?
St. Francis: Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.
God: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?
St. Francis: No sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.
God: Now let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow, but
when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?
St. Francis: Yes, sir.
God: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut
back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth
and saves them a lot of work.
St. Francis: You aren't going to believe this Lord, but when the grass
stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to
water it so they can continue to mow it then pay to get rid of it.
God: What nonsense! At least they kept some of the trees. That was a
sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the
Spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the Autumn they
fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep the moisture in
Continued on the next page .....
the soil and protect the trees and bushes. Plus, as they rot, the leaves
become compost to enhance the soil. It's a natural circle of life.
St. Francis: You'd better sit down, Lord. As soon as the leaves fall, the
Suburbanites rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled
God: No way! What do they do to protect the shrubs and tree roots in
the winter, to keep the soil moist and loose?
St. Francis: After throwing the leaves away, they go out and buy
something called mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in
place of the leaves.
God: And where do they get this mulch?
St. Francis: They cut down the trees and grind them up to make mulch.
God: Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. Saint Catherine,
you're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us
St. Catherine: "Dumb and Dumber," Lord. It's a really stupid movie
God: Never mind. I think I just heard the whole story from Saint Francis!
Contributed by Philip Sheardown
... Continued from the previous page
Bromley & Orpington Group
May 2015 Newsletter
Monthly Letter: Bangladesh: 18 years without Justice
Kalpana Chakma was the organising secretary of the Hill Women’s
Federation which campaigns for the rights of indigenous peoples in
the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. As a Group, we have long
supported the campaign for justice in the Chittagong, and we again
signed a letter calling for an inquiry into the arrest and disappear-
ance of Kalpana who was abducted as long ago as June 1996. 23 at
the time, she has never been seen since following police failure to
investigate her abduction. The Indigenous tribes of the eastern Chit-
tagong are still waiting for their traditional lands to be restored to
them following an historic agreement 15 years ago. Tens of thousands
are still landless and subject to persecution and violence by settlers. In
January 2013 a court demanded a new investigation into the case,
but this is still to happen. We wrote to the Minister of Home Affairs call-
ing for an urgent, thorough and independent investigation into her
disappearance. Please sign, address and post the attached letter.
This will cost £1.00 to post
The letter is on Page 20
Deaf Access in Bromley
Information about the charity nominated for the
2014 Christmas Tree Festival
I received the following from David Connolly: -
I thought the attached from the teacher of the English course which is
being funded by the tree festival proceeds would be of information to
the members and maybe put in Catalyst .......
English Practice for Deaf Adults is unique in that it is, as far as I can tell, the only free,
informal way to improve English through practise and explanation in a relaxed and
unpressurised environment.
.... The best way to learn a second language is through practise, practise practise!
Yet, for many Deaf adults this is either difficult or impossible. What’s needed is a
strong signer with fluent English to practise with the adults, reinforce whatever
knowledge they do have, and build upon that knowledge. This is what I am trying
to do.
In Basic English I have Deaf adults who were born abroad, (with) little or no English,
& no access to any. I use a mixture of pictures, stories and resources .... to
explain (words and) how to put them together in a sentence. For some, this is the
first time they’ve been able to write ..... in a coherent manner.
In Intermediate English, I have adults .... born in Britain (wishing) to brush up their skills,
(using) a more advanced vocabulary & stretch their grammatical skills. (Those on)
accredited courses .... can bring their homework (to) discuss ... together.
.... I always make sure to bring an item from the newspaper to discuss. ... Foreign
born BSL users, .... may completely unaware of .... current events. Using ESL (English
as a Foreign Language) websites, I get them to read the articles themselves at
whatever level they’re able to achieve. ....
.... We have 13 students enrolled on the course, though for a variety of reasons some
do not come regularly. I would like to think that word of mouth will spread and
publicise our course, & that we will grow!
The following was emailed to our Minister by Vicki......,
You mentioned the other day that it would still be helpful to know WHY
people are joining our English Practice Group.
I decided to put the following questions directly to my students and
record their replies.
Why do you come to a practice group instead of a proper English course at City Lit?
· I know my standard of English is low, and it’s keeping me from getting a job. But
the waiting list at City Lit is 2 years long! ..... I want to work now!
· City Lit is too far from my house. I have small children. This group is just right for
· At City Lit the classes are too big. ..... These small practice groups are perfect.
Continued on the next page .....
The way things once were
Taken from a long email from a contact in Australia. The sender
explains that the statistics may only refer to UK, although there are
many sayings from New Zealand.
* Leftovers went in the dog.
* Special food for dogs and cats was unheard of.
* Fish was only eaten on Fridays.
* Fish didn't have fingers in those days.
* Eating raw fish was called poverty, not sushi.
* Ready meals only came from the fish and chip shop.
* For the best taste fish and chips had to be eaten out of old
· I love the feeling here. There is no pressure so I am relaxed and I feel like I can
learn better. I come from far away, ... but it’s worth it.
· I want to go to City Lit. The waiting list is too long. Vicki said I could go to the
course & bring my Homework here for practice, so that ‘s what I will do- I’ll do
both and learn faster.
Why don’t you just join one of the hearing English Courses and use an interpreter?
· .... I have been to English at my local college and I have a certificate, but
I forgot everything I learned. Without practice, you just forget!
· Hearing teachers don’t understand my problems learning.
· I tried this before. The interpreter will translate, but he/she won’t explain.
... Here I feel like I’m really learning and remembering what I learn.
· I love it here. Vicki signs, it means that I learn directly from her. Through an
interpreter, things get lost. This is much better for me. Also, Vicki will repeat things
over and over because she is patient and relaxed and it’s just a practice class.
· I have told all of my friends to come here, not college!
So there you have it! Straight from the clients’ mouths (or hands)
I grew up in a bilingual school from the age of 5. I then started teaching a foreign
language ...., and continue to do so today. .... We had au pairs from all over
Europe staying with us, trying to learn English .... with our English speaking family.
I started learning BSL myself 3 years ago. From all these experiences, what I have
learned that when it comes to language, you can take course after course.
Without practice it WILL NOT STICK!
Deaf people need to do the same thing to keep their English skills sharp- practice
everyday. The only problem is, they can’t just learn through everyday interactions
with English people. So, where are they to go? Luckily, they can come to us.
.... Continued from the previous page
Website of the month: -
Bromley Council are seeking community groups and
organisations to manage one or more of the following libraries:
n Burnt Ash n Hayes n Mottingham n Shortlands n
n Southborough n St Paul’s Cray n
Find out more by visiting
Innovative and creative proposals welcomed, including those
that provide benefit to your group as well as the community
The closing date for registrations of interest is 26th June 2015
Working together to secure the future of our Community Libraries
Could you manage a
library in Bromley?
June 2015
1st Mon 12.30 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3
2nd Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3
3rd Wed
4th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4
5th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
6th Sat 12.00 noon - Hayes Fair Page 10
7th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
8th Mon
9th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
10th Wed
11th Thu
12th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
13th Sat
10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8
2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3
7.45 pm - Summer Concert Page 11
14th Sun
Queen's Offical Birthday
Church Anniversary
10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister
Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
15th Mon
16th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
17th Wed
18th Thu 6.30 pm - Men’s Group Pages 3 & 10
19th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
26 July - 12.00 noon - Church Meeting after the Morning service.
3rd - 7th August - Holiday from Home.
June 2015
20th Sat
9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. - HFC Prayer and Gift Day Page 2
7.45 pm - Summer Music Concert Page 12
21st Sun
Father's Day
10.30 am - Morning Service - Dr. Clive Timehin
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
22nd Mon
23rd Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
7.00 pm - Fashion Show Page 11
24th Wed 3.30 pm - Messy Church Page 4
25th Thu
26th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
27th Sat 3.00 pm - Children’s Fun Afternoon Page 6
28th Sun
11.15 am - Morning Service - CTH at Hayes Library. Page 2
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Marion Moore
29th Mon
30th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
July 2015
1st Wed
2nd Thu
3rd Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
4th Sat
5th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
Sheikh Hasina Wajed
Minister of Home Affairs
Prime Minister's Office
Old Sangsad Bhaban
Bangladesh May 2015
Dear Home Minister,
I would like to express my concern about the case of Kalpana Chakma, former
organizing secretary of the Hill Women's Federation. She and two of her brothers
were abducted from their home, apparently by plain-clothed security officers, in the
early morning of 12 June 1996.
Although her brothers managed to escape and identified their three captors, the
police reportedly failed to investigate. By all accounts, a Bangladeshi court demand-
ed a new investigation into the case in January 2013 but the police have not yet
submitted a report.
Accordingly, I appeal to you to allot the Rangamati District police the resources
needed to re-investigate this case required under the court order. It is absolutely
necessary to protect investigators and witnesses from harm. I trust you will ensure
that the re-investigation of the case is thorough and independent. The three main
suspects should be interrogated and the culprits called to account.
Yours respectfully
Day Organisation Contact Phone
10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 020 8462 5103
9.15 -12.15pm
12.15 -12.45pm
Pre School Group
P/School lunch club
Jayne Carvell 07913 299773
5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113
6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956
8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact
Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938
10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918
2.00pm Women's Fellowship MarionSwanborough 020 8462 3981
7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083
3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168
5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962
6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956
8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295
5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 020 8325 3469
7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308
7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Julia Hart 07518 361038
8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264
8.00pm - 2nd,
& 4th
Ignatian Spirituality
David Hawthorn 020 8249 7188
9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042
2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918
NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.
This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which
week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
Thought for the month
Love cannot be measured, nor counted and stored,
It cannot be saved in some miserly hoard.
Love grows and increases when given away,
It blossoms with kindness and blooms every day.
It knows no divisions, no borders nor creeds,
But thrives among thoughtfulness, sowing fresh seeds.
Unseeking, unselfish and eager to share,
Love triumphs in trouble and shines through despair.
The bounty of heaven is faith, hope and truth,
The wisdom of age and the courage of youth.
So many great blessings received from above,
Most precious of all is the great gift of love.
Iris Hesselden
OK, can anyone tell us more about this photograph of
2 geese with their goslings.
Answers to the editor by the July Press date. The best answer will be published in the
next edition of Catalyst. There could be a prize here.
Photograph borrowed from a posting on Facebook

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2015 jun

  • 1. June 2015 Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.)
  • 2. Copy for the July / August 2015 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, the 14th of June. Please submit items in good time You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. This month’s website: - This month we are introducing a very local website. It’s L.B. Bromley You can access council services and community matters here.. The web address is Now, turn to Page 17 for details of an appeal. Ed Sunday Services; 2 Church Notices 3 - 4 Filler item 4 Christmas Tree Festival 2015 5 Circle the City walk 2015 6 Your page 7 Mental Awareness 8 HFC Charter for evangelism 9 Notice Board 10 - 11 Holiday from Home; Summer Concert 12 Gardening conversation 13 - 14 A.I. - Bangladesh 14 Deaf Access in Bromley 15 - 16 The way things once were 16 Website of the month 17 Amnesty International letter 20 Church Organisations I B C
  • 3. 1 Letter from the Minister Dear Friends When I was a small child, I wandered from church to church on different Sundays, trying to find somewhere I liked. I remember one church in Peckham, the Baptist church in Rye Lane. One lady in that place had a profound effect on me; she was the Junior Church group leader. One Sunday afternoon she took us out on a visit to a Convent out in the countryside, and I found there a quietness and peace that I had never experienced before. I found within myself that day a sense of the wonder of God, of the tranquillity and love that can come when we give time to be with God in the quiet places. That sense of God has never left me. I wonder if you can think of the people in your life who have had that same quiet influence on you? Perhaps it was someone who spoke of their faith in a way that you could understand. Maybe there were bible passages that were special to them, or which you were able to share. Or maybe faith was never mentioned but they lived their lives in a way that made you want to be like them. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection we have the promise of eternal life, and that all of God’s people are kept forever in God’s keeping, in this world and the next. That is a promise that is worth sharing, so perhaps the challenge for each of us is how we can become that special person to someone else, to share that good news and to show others how to live through our quiet actions, words and love; enabling someone else to find a sense of God within their lives. Every blessing
  • 4. 2 Sunday Services v Revd Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society. He has conducted Sunday Services at HFC in the past. v Dr. Clive Timehin is a local preacher who comes from West Wickham Methodist Church. He is a member of the Methodist Council Medical Committee. He has conducted Sunday worship at HFC on many occasions. v It has been a few years since we last had Marion Moore lead a service for us. She is a member at our sister church Emmanuel URC West Wickham. v Tony Russell is very well known to us - He is a member of HFC. Some notes on the visiting preachers. June 2015 7th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 14th Queen's Offical Birthday Church Anniversary 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 21st 10.30 am - Morning Service - Dr. Clive Timehin 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 28th 11.15 am - Morning Service - CTH at Hayes Library (see below) 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Marion Moore NOTE - The HFC Prayer and Gift Day is on Saturday 20th June - NOTE 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sign up sheet at the back of the church for your 20 minute prayer slot. Let us support our church in prayer and in gifts. ------------------------------------------------------------- Churches Together in Hayes Open Air Service in the Library gardens on 28th June at 11.15 a.m. Bring a picnic and stop for lunch and games. If it rains, the village hall will be used (Please note, no service at Hayes Free that morning) July 2015 5th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
  • 5. 3 News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Your prayers would be appreciated for: - Jim Pearson, Jessie Martin, Tony Atkinson & Helen Hebbes. Kate Sheardown who underwent an operation, and Alison Winton who has a broken ankle. Church Meetings The next Elders’ meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesday, 2nd June. The June meeting has been cancelled, therefore the next Church meeting will be on Sunday 26th July at 12.00 noon – after the morning service. Women's Contact Group The Contact lunch in June will be held on the second Monday the 1st. It will again be held at the Conservative Club in Elmfield Road, Bromley at 12.30pm. After this, we will be meeting at a different venue. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings for June Held at 10.00am at the following homes:- 2nd Martin Nunn’s. 9th Betty Coster’s. 16th Brenda Cordingley’s. 23rd The Church. 30th Martin Nunn’s Then in July: - 7th Martin Nunn’s. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship We will be meeting on the 13th of June at 2.30pm at Ruth White’s home, for a Bible study, lead by Martin Nunn. The date has been put back by a week because the Hayes Fair takes place on the 6th of June. You are welcome to join us. Men's Group The next Men’s Group meeting is at 6.30 pm on Thursday 18 June and will be a walk in the Westerham area led by Bill Bowman. Details are on the Notice board – Page 10. PLEASE NOTE. The July meeting will be on the 23rd & NOT on the 16th.
  • 6. 4 Ministry of Flowers Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in June. 7th - Gwenda Banwell 14th - Joan Smith 21st - Cath Brown 28th - Kate & Philip Sheardown A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. The current term will end on the 10th of July. Wendy Smith Messy Church This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from 3.30 - 5.00pm, and children from 2 to12 years are welcome. Book Club We will be meeting at 8.00 pm on Thursday, 4th of June. Notice Sheets – June June 7th & 14th Pamela Collison 8658 0748 21st & 28th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 July 5th Joan Smith 8462 3920 If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. You know you’re getting old when…you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you used to get from a roller coaster.
  • 7. 5 Women's Fellowship Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. June 2nd Flower arranging with Jean. 9th Christine Pope entertains with poetry: subject: Food. 16th Christine McKinnel talks about her life in France during the war. 23rd Outing to Crockenhill for tea, provided by our friends of the W.I. 30th Michele Jacobs, our Community Police Officer. July 7th Talk on scams and rogue traders by Bromley Trading Standards officer. MINI-AMBULANCE Members who use this service are asked to phone Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to the meetings. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Marion CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2015 ---------------- As everyone knows, this is a big joint effort for the church and its friends, and I am making a first contact with you so that we can all do our best to raise as much as possible for this year’s chosen charity, the Chartwell Cancer Trust. The Festival will run from Friday 27 November to Sunday 6 December, so please put these dates in your diary now. The regular events involving schools are already in place, and so is the Wandle Ringers’ visit on 2 December. Nearer the time I shall of course be asking for stewards and other help, but at the moment, early as it is, I would be grateful if you would let me know if you would like (or might like!) to take part in the opening concert on 27 November. I won’t hold you to it if things change, but I need to get a feel for this event and start planning it, just like the other evenings. And if you have any general thoughts about the Festival, please let me know. I can’t promise to accommodate everyone’s ideas but would like to know what they are! Thank you, Christine
  • 8. 6 Circle the City Walk 2015 ------------- The walk takes place every year on the last Sunday of Christian Aid week and as the title says circles the city taking the walkers through several centuries of worship history of the City of London. This year Christine Rees and I were stewarding the Christian Aid walk at St Giles Cripplegate. This is one of the few remaining medieval churches in the City of London and is at the heart of the modern Barbican development. Christine has many years experience of the churches as she is a City Guide. As we walked from Blackfriars to St Giles she was able to point out many places of interest to me. The weather was fine, although a little windy, and we put out the bunting and blew up the balloons for the walkers coming. It is thought there has been a church on the site for a 1000 years and sometime during the middle ages it was dedicated to St Giles. The full name of the church is St Giles without Cripplegate as the church is situated outside the wall at the Cripplegate. The church escaped the Great fire of London in 1666 although it was damaged by fire on three other occasions. There have been many famous people connected with St Giles, Edward Alleyn who founded Dulwich College also John Bunyan the famous writer and preacher, a non-conformist who occasionally attended the church. Oliver Cromwell was married at the church and John Milton the poet is probably the most famous former parishioner and there is a statue of him in the church. We spent a happy day at St Giles as checkpoint stampers. No not a new dance group just Christine and I stamping the walkers’ books and wishing them well as they went on their way to the next church on the route. Barbara. Forthcoming Events at the Manse ------------ On Saturday 27th June, there will be a Children’s Fun Afternoon between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm. On Saturday 25th July, there will be the Two Churches Bar-be-que from 3.00 pm.
  • 9. 7 This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories. Your Page Women’s Coffee Morning - VE Day themed.
  • 10. 8 Women’s Contact Coffee Morning We will be holding the next coffee morning from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall on the 13th of June. We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend? Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after Sunday morning services. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. The stall will be held on the 14th of June only. The stall for the 28th has been cancelled because of the open air service. We have some lovely small non-food items. Perfect as gifts. They are worth a look at least. Please continue to support your stall. Thank you. Richard and Barbara. Mental Awareness Mental Awareness Week took place between the 11th and 17th of May. We have received a long article about Dementia and Alzheimer's. The article will appear as a part series over 6 editions of Catalyst: - ---------------------- Dementia is not a disease in itself. Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms that occur when brain cells stop working properly. This happens inside specific areas of the brain, which can affect how you think, remember and communicate. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but there are other types of dementia too. It is possible to have more than one type of dementia at the same time. Alzheimer’s is sometimes seen with vascular dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies. You might hear this called ‘mixed dementia’.
  • 11. 9 Hayes Free Church Charter for evangelism We share faith through cooperating with the Holy Spirit ¡ We share faith with prayer ¡ We share faith in hope ¡ We share faith with joy ¡ We share faith through stories ¡ We share faith as a whole church ¡ We share faith without a guarantee of success ¡ We share faith through being vulnerable ¡ We share faith in a variety of ways ¡ We share faith by affirming what we are doing already ¡ We share faith with Encouragement
  • 12. 10 NOTICE Men’s Group ----------------------- The June meeting will take place on Thursday 18th June and will take the form of a guided walk round the historically significant and picturesque village of Westerham. We meet in the “George & Dragon” pub in Westerham at 6.15 for 6.30pm. The 246 bus runs from outside the New Inn, Hayes and takes approximately 30 minutes to Westerham. The 17.43 from Hayes gets to Westerham Green at 18.16. The George & Dragon is a short walk away in Market Square opposite the King’s Arms Hotel. The walk will finish with an opportunity for us to share a meal. I will need to have an idea of numbers in order to book a place to eat. If you intend to come on the 18th June and would like a meal, please let me know as soon as possible but by Sunday 14th June at the latest. My phone numbers are 020 8777 1150 (office), 020 8777 0626 (home) or you can email me on Hope to see you on the 18th!! Bill Bowman Strawberry Cream Tea Saturday 11th July 3.00 - 5.00 pm At 18, Hurstdene Ave Bring & Buy and Raffled £6 tickets from Joan Smith - tel. 020 8462 3920 The Hayes Fair The fair will be taking place on Saturday 6th June Between 12 noon and 5.00 pm Do come along and support the fair.
  • 13. 11 BOARD Church Membership -------------------- Discussions are scheduled for 23rd and 30th June 2015. At the manse, from 8 pm to 9,30 pm. A lift can easily be arranged should you require it. Come and find out about Church Membership and all that it offers. Sue ..... Other events - in brief -------------------- Cancer Research UK West Wickham & Hayes Local Committee Fashion Show by Travelling Trends at The Warren On Tuesday 23rd June 2015 from 7.00 p.m. Tickets £10.00 - Contact Mary Jones on 020 8650 5171 ----------------------------------------------------------- Summer Concert An Italian Concert On Saturday 13th June 2015 at 7.45 p.m. At St George’s Church, Beckenham By Beckenham Chorale Conducted by Adam Treadaway. With us will be the internationally renowned period instrument players of Sinfonia Britannica, all of whom are specialists in historical performance and work regularly with the UK's leading period instrumental orchestras. Numbered tickets £13 & £10 in advance. / £14 & £11 on the night. Un-numbered seats £8. Telephone bookings 020 8658 0329 or 020 8658 0875 We hope to see you at what promises to be a very memorable occasion.
  • 14. 12 CONCERT OF MUSIC FOR SUMMER ----------------------------- At time of writing it feels that we still have some way to go before it feels summery, but it’s all right - music can transport you there! Come away with us to a time when the songs of cuckoos and nightingales resounded in Hayes (sadly no longer, though swallows can still be seen here). Hayes Phil Choir offers you a feast of tuneful summer music, not to mention a warm welcome, and a relaxed atmosphere as our conductor chats about the music in between the pieces. So we hope to see you on Saturday 20th June in Hayes Parish Church at 7.45pm (tickets cost £7 including a programme and an interval drink, and £2 for school-age children. Hayes Free Church Holiday from Home 3rd - 7th August 2015 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.15pm 12.30pm - 1.15pm 1.30pm - 2.30pm 2.30pm - 3.00pm MONDAY TEA/COFFEE QUIZZES SHORT TALK - WW1 LUNCH AFTERNOON DRAMA ‘Strawberry Jam’ CREAM TEA 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.15pm 12.30pm - 1.15pm 1.30pm - 2.30pm 2.30pm - 3.00pm TUESDAY TEA/COFFEE FITNESS / DARTS LUNCH BINGO TEA/COFFEE 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.15pm 12.30pm - 1.15pm 1.30pm - 2.30pm 2.30pm - 3.00pm WEDNESDAY OUTING TO LEEDS CREAM TEA CASTLE PROVIDED Bring a packed lunch 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.15pm 12.30pm - 1.15pm 1.30pm - 2.30pm 2.30pm - 3.00pm THURSDAY TEA/COFFEE FLOWERS DARTS / QUOITS LUNCH CHOIR TEA/COFFEE 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.15pm 12.30pm - 1.15pm 1.30pm - 2.30pm 2.30pm - 3.00pm FRIDAY TEA/COFFEE TALK LUNCH OLD TIME SING AND DANCE TEA/COFFEE Come and enjoy the week of fun and friendship for £30.00 or £6.00 per day. If you only want to go on the outing the cost for this will be £20 Book now to avoid disappointment Phone Joan Smith 020 8462 3920 We can collect you in the mini-bus if you require transport. Don’t forget to book! 020 8462 3920
  • 15. 13 A conversation about Gardening -- * -- As stupid as it may sound, this is exactly what we do! God to St. Francis: Frank, you know all about gardens and nature; what in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistles and the stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought, and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honeybees, and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colour by now. All I see are patches of green. St. Francis: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. They are called the Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers "weeds", and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass. God: Grass? But it is so boring. It's not even colourful. It doesn't attract butterflies, bees, or birds, only grubs and sod worms. It's temperamental with temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want grass growing there? St. Francis: apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilising grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn. God: The spring rains and warm weather probably make the grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy. St. Francis: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it has grown a little, they cut it; sometimes two times a week. God: They cut it? Do they bale it like hay? St. Francis: Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags. God: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it? St. Francis: No sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away. God: Now let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow, but when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away? St. Francis: Yes, sir. God: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work. St. Francis: You aren't going to believe this Lord, but when the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it so they can continue to mow it then pay to get rid of it. God: What nonsense! At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the Spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the Autumn they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep the moisture in Continued on the next page .....
  • 16. 14 the soil and protect the trees and bushes. Plus, as they rot, the leaves become compost to enhance the soil. It's a natural circle of life. St. Francis: You'd better sit down, Lord. As soon as the leaves fall, the Suburbanites rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled away. God: No way! What do they do to protect the shrubs and tree roots in the winter, to keep the soil moist and loose? St. Francis: After throwing the leaves away, they go out and buy something called mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves. God: And where do they get this mulch? St. Francis: They cut down the trees and grind them up to make mulch. God: Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. Saint Catherine, you're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight? St. Catherine: "Dumb and Dumber," Lord. It's a really stupid movie about... God: Never mind. I think I just heard the whole story from Saint Francis! ---------------------------------------- Contributed by Philip Sheardown ... Continued from the previous page From the : - AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Bromley & Orpington Group May 2015 Newsletter Monthly Letter: Bangladesh: 18 years without Justice Kalpana Chakma was the organising secretary of the Hill Women’s Federation which campaigns for the rights of indigenous peoples in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. As a Group, we have long supported the campaign for justice in the Chittagong, and we again signed a letter calling for an inquiry into the arrest and disappear- ance of Kalpana who was abducted as long ago as June 1996. 23 at the time, she has never been seen since following police failure to investigate her abduction. The Indigenous tribes of the eastern Chit- tagong are still waiting for their traditional lands to be restored to them following an historic agreement 15 years ago. Tens of thousands are still landless and subject to persecution and violence by settlers. In January 2013 a court demanded a new investigation into the case, but this is still to happen. We wrote to the Minister of Home Affairs call- ing for an urgent, thorough and independent investigation into her disappearance. Please sign, address and post the attached letter. This will cost £1.00 to post The letter is on Page 20
  • 17. 15 Deaf Access in Bromley Information about the charity nominated for the 2014 Christmas Tree Festival -------------------- I received the following from David Connolly: - I thought the attached from the teacher of the English course which is being funded by the tree festival proceeds would be of information to the members and maybe put in Catalyst ....... English Practice for Deaf Adults is unique in that it is, as far as I can tell, the only free, informal way to improve English through practise and explanation in a relaxed and unpressurised environment. .... The best way to learn a second language is through practise, practise practise! Yet, for many Deaf adults this is either difficult or impossible. What’s needed is a strong signer with fluent English to practise with the adults, reinforce whatever knowledge they do have, and build upon that knowledge. This is what I am trying to do. In Basic English I have Deaf adults who were born abroad, (with) little or no English, & no access to any. I use a mixture of pictures, stories and resources .... to explain (words and) how to put them together in a sentence. For some, this is the first time they’ve been able to write ..... in a coherent manner. In Intermediate English, I have adults .... born in Britain (wishing) to brush up their skills, (using) a more advanced vocabulary & stretch their grammatical skills. (Those on) accredited courses .... can bring their homework (to) discuss ... together. .... I always make sure to bring an item from the newspaper to discuss. ... Foreign born BSL users, .... may completely unaware of .... current events. Using ESL (English as a Foreign Language) websites, I get them to read the articles themselves at whatever level they’re able to achieve. .... .... We have 13 students enrolled on the course, though for a variety of reasons some do not come regularly. I would like to think that word of mouth will spread and publicise our course, & that we will grow! The following was emailed to our Minister by Vicki......, You mentioned the other day that it would still be helpful to know WHY people are joining our English Practice Group. I decided to put the following questions directly to my students and record their replies. Why do you come to a practice group instead of a proper English course at City Lit? · I know my standard of English is low, and it’s keeping me from getting a job. But the waiting list at City Lit is 2 years long! ..... I want to work now! · City Lit is too far from my house. I have small children. This group is just right for me. · At City Lit the classes are too big. ..... These small practice groups are perfect. Continued on the next page .....
  • 18. 16 The way things once were Taken from a long email from a contact in Australia. The sender explains that the statistics may only refer to UK, although there are many sayings from New Zealand. Editor EATING IN THE UK IN THE FIFTIES * Leftovers went in the dog. * Special food for dogs and cats was unheard of. * Fish was only eaten on Fridays. * Fish didn't have fingers in those days. * Eating raw fish was called poverty, not sushi. * Ready meals only came from the fish and chip shop. * For the best taste fish and chips had to be eaten out of old newspapers. · I love the feeling here. There is no pressure so I am relaxed and I feel like I can learn better. I come from far away, ... but it’s worth it. · I want to go to City Lit. The waiting list is too long. Vicki said I could go to the course & bring my Homework here for practice, so that ‘s what I will do- I’ll do both and learn faster. Why don’t you just join one of the hearing English Courses and use an interpreter? · .... I have been to English at my local college and I have a certificate, but I forgot everything I learned. Without practice, you just forget! · Hearing teachers don’t understand my problems learning. · I tried this before. The interpreter will translate, but he/she won’t explain. ... Here I feel like I’m really learning and remembering what I learn. · I love it here. Vicki signs, it means that I learn directly from her. Through an interpreter, things get lost. This is much better for me. Also, Vicki will repeat things over and over because she is patient and relaxed and it’s just a practice class. · I have told all of my friends to come here, not college! So there you have it! Straight from the clients’ mouths (or hands) I grew up in a bilingual school from the age of 5. I then started teaching a foreign language ...., and continue to do so today. .... We had au pairs from all over Europe staying with us, trying to learn English .... with our English speaking family. I started learning BSL myself 3 years ago. From all these experiences, what I have learned that when it comes to language, you can take course after course. Without practice it WILL NOT STICK! Deaf people need to do the same thing to keep their English skills sharp- practice everyday. The only problem is, they can’t just learn through everyday interactions with English people. So, where are they to go? Luckily, they can come to us. .... Continued from the previous page
  • 19. 17 Website of the month: - Bromley Council are seeking community groups and organisations to manage one or more of the following libraries: n Burnt Ash n Hayes n Mottingham n Shortlands n n Southborough n St Paul’s Cray n Find out more by visiting Innovative and creative proposals welcomed, including those that provide benefit to your group as well as the community The closing date for registrations of interest is 26th June 2015 Working together to secure the future of our Community Libraries Could you manage a library in Bromley?
  • 20. 18 June 2015 1st Mon 12.30 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 2nd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 3rd Wed 4th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4 5th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 6th Sat 12.00 noon - Hayes Fair Page 10 7th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 8th Mon 9th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 10th Wed 11th Thu 12th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 13th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 7.45 pm - Summer Concert Page 11 14th Sun Queen's Offical Birthday Church Anniversary 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 15th Mon 16th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 17th Wed 18th Thu 6.30 pm - Men’s Group Pages 3 & 10 19th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
  • 21. 19 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 26 July - 12.00 noon - Church Meeting after the Morning service. 3rd - 7th August - Holiday from Home. June 2015 20th Sat 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. - HFC Prayer and Gift Day Page 2 7.45 pm - Summer Music Concert Page 12 21st Sun Father's Day 10.30 am - Morning Service - Dr. Clive Timehin 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 22nd Mon 23rd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 7.00 pm - Fashion Show Page 11 24th Wed 3.30 pm - Messy Church Page 4 25th Thu 26th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 27th Sat 3.00 pm - Children’s Fun Afternoon Page 6 28th Sun 11.15 am - Morning Service - CTH at Hayes Library. Page 2 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Marion Moore 29th Mon 30th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 July 2015 1st Wed 2nd Thu 3rd Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 4th Sat 5th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
  • 22. 20 Sheikh Hasina Wajed Minister of Home Affairs Prime Minister's Office Old Sangsad Bhaban Tejgaon Dhaka-1215 Bangladesh May 2015 Dear Home Minister, Re: KALPANA CHAKMA I would like to express my concern about the case of Kalpana Chakma, former organizing secretary of the Hill Women's Federation. She and two of her brothers were abducted from their home, apparently by plain-clothed security officers, in the early morning of 12 June 1996. Although her brothers managed to escape and identified their three captors, the police reportedly failed to investigate. By all accounts, a Bangladeshi court demand- ed a new investigation into the case in January 2013 but the police have not yet submitted a report. Accordingly, I appeal to you to allot the Rangamati District police the resources needed to re-investigate this case required under the court order. It is absolutely necessary to protect investigators and witnesses from harm. I trust you will ensure that the re-investigation of the case is thorough and independent. The three main suspects should be interrogated and the culprits called to account. Yours respectfully
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 020 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 -12.15pm 12.15 -12.45pm Pre School Group P/School lunch club Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113 6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956 8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938 Tuesday 10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918 2.00pm Women's Fellowship MarionSwanborough 020 8462 3981 7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083 Wednesday 3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168 5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962 6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956 8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 020 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Julia Hart 07518 361038 8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264 8.00pm - 2nd, & 4th Ignatian Spirituality Group David Hawthorn 020 8249 7188 Friday 9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918 NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
  • 24. Thought for the month Love cannot be measured, nor counted and stored, It cannot be saved in some miserly hoard. Love grows and increases when given away, It blossoms with kindness and blooms every day. It knows no divisions, no borders nor creeds, But thrives among thoughtfulness, sowing fresh seeds. Unseeking, unselfish and eager to share, Love triumphs in trouble and shines through despair. The bounty of heaven is faith, hope and truth, The wisdom of age and the courage of youth. So many great blessings received from above, Most precious of all is the great gift of love. Iris Hesselden OK, can anyone tell us more about this photograph of 2 geese with their goslings. Answers to the editor by the July Press date. The best answer will be published in the next edition of Catalyst. There could be a prize here. Photograph borrowed from a posting on Facebook