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    October 2011
               111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
               Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
               We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
               We believe in Justice and Peace.
Principal Contacts
Minister:                Rev. Sue Powell            Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary:        Mr Alistair Wilson         Tel: 020 8402 0026
Fabric Steward           Mr. Chris Wood             Tel: 020 8462 2444
Treasurer:               Mr. Bill Michie            Tel: 020 8658 4167
Lettings Secretary:      Mrs Undine Connolly        Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker:               Mr. Ian Jones         Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website 

Editor:                  Mr Richard Brown
             Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
Sunday Services; Preachers’ info 2       Notice board               10 - 11
Church notices;                3-4       Poem; The way things once were 13
Hayes Philharmonic Choir         5       Lesson from geese              14
Christmas Tree Festival          6       Parkinson’s UK                 15
Catalyst needs you               7       Christmas Fair                 16
Scouts and Guides, HFC           8       The Firefighters Creed         20
Justice & Peace Group            9       Church Organisations         IBC

This month’s website - Parkinson’s UK
This is the main charity supported by this year’s Christmas Tree Festival.
The charity says “Because we're here, no one has to face Parkinson's
  alone.” More information from the charity’s website can be read
  on page 15.
Website is           Ed

    Copy for the November 2011 edition needs to be handed in by
                         Sunday, 16th October.
                   Please submit items in good time.
 You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,
            or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
       You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You.      Editor
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends

Harvest time! Like many this year, the apple tree
 in the manse garden has given a bumper crop; so
 many apples and not enough people to take and eat
 them all. It has given us great joy to see the tree so laden with fruit,
 and it is difficult to remember the time in late spring when farmers
 were complaining about the possible loss of their crops due to the very
 dry and hot early weather!

For Harvest this year we are supporting the Bromley URC Homelessness
 Project, a project that provides advice, advocacy, practical help and
 direct assistance to people who are living on the street or in temporary
 accommodation, to help them negotiate the housing, benefits, health
 and criminal justice systems. They provide financial support for daily
 needs e.g. food, fares to hospital and court, gas and electricity key
 cards and mobile phone top-ups. They also hold a ‘Dinner with Friends’, a
 fortnightly candlelit, two course meal on Mondays at 7.30pm, with
 around 40 regular diners – homeless people, people in vulnerable housing
 situations mixing on equal terms with members of local churches. If
 anyone wants to get involved then talk to me and I will give you contact
 information of the worker involved.

When it comes to sharing from our plenty, we really do not have to go
 very far to find those who need our help.
‘God helps those who help themselves’… Hmmm. You know that sentence
  is NOT in our Bible. I’ve read it from cover to cover many times now,
  and that sentence just isn’t there. God expects US to help those in
  need, and this Harvest we have a way to do just that.
Please give generously, the list of food required is printed in Catalyst on
 page 10.


Sunday Services
                              October 2011
 2nd      10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant
           6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
 9th      10.30 a.m. - Harvest Festival Parade Service - The Minister
           6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister
 16th     10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Allan Evison
           6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister
 23rd     10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
           6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - Miss Tracy Wilson
 30th     10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Tony Miller, Whitechapel Mission
           6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister

                             November 2011
 6th      10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - T. B. A.
           6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister

                 Some notes on the visiting preachers.
v       Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill Baptist
        Church. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on a number
        of occasions.
v       Allan Evison is a lay preacher at Hayes Parish Church. He has
        conducted worship on a number of occasions.
v       Miss Tracy Wilson is a student on the TLS course. She is currently
        worshipping at Christ Church URC/Methodist Church in East
v       Tony Miller is Director of the Whitechapel Mission which was
        founded in 1876. The Mission continues to care for the poor and
        homeless of London regardless of race or religion, in their struggle
        against hunger, poverty, disease, prejudice and exclusion.

 A woman approached the minister after the sermon, and thanked him
  for his talk. "I found it so helpful," she said.
 The minister replied: "I hope it will not prove as helpful as the last
  sermon you heard me preach."
"Why, what do you mean?" asked the astonished woman.
"Well," said the minister, "that sermon lasted you three months."

News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
 BMD - Changes of address, etc.

We regret to record the passing of one of our
 former members, Grahame Mundy, on
 8 September. We extend our deepest
 condolences to Roger and Tina, Colin and Jenny, and other
 members of his family.

We also record the passing of Marguerite “Peggy” Holmes on
 27 August and extend our condolences to Margaret and Bruce
 Tannock and other members of her family.

Church Meetings
The next Church meeting will be held on Sunday, 27th November at
 12.00 noon.
The next Elders’ meeting will be held on Tuesday, 18th October,
  at 8.00 pm in the small hall.

Women's Contact Group
The Contact Group will next meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 3rd October
 at Barbara Jones’s home - 133 Pickhurst Lane.
Sylvia Mack
Tuesday Prayer Meetings
Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:-
October 4th Martin Nunn’s.                11th    Betty Coster’s.
          18th Brenda Cordingley’s.       25th    The Church.
November 1st Martin Nunn’s
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.

Saturday Fellowship
We will meet at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the 1st of October at
 7 Sedgewood Close.
There will be a Bible discussion lead by Martin Nunn.
All are welcome to join us.

Men's Group
The next meeting is on Thursday 20th October at 8.00 pm and will be a
 Mystery Night organised by Al. Evans.
Ministry of Flowers
Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in October.
 2nd - Pauline Chapman.             9th - Mr McCracken I.m.o. Jeanne.
 16th - T.B.A.                     23rd - Undine and David Connolly
 30th - T.B.A.                                  I.m.o. Undine’s mother.

 A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
 members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini

Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
 by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
 afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time.
The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided.
This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care
 are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other
Sue Fitzgerald the photographer is coming to the club on October
 Our half term is on October 28th.

Do come and join us!

Judith Stoner   - Secretary.

Notice Sheets - October - 1st Sunday in November 2011
 2nd                Joan Smith        8462 3920
  9th & 16th        Daphne Cummings 8777 2487
23rd & 30th         Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867
  6th               Pam Collison        8658 0748

If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact
the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.

Women's Fellowship

M    eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
     on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
The programme for October is:-
  4th "A holiday in Spain" - an Illustrated talk by Linda Jennings"
11th at 2.30 p.m. Anniversary Service in the Church - conducted by
     the Rev. John Marchant. Followed by tea in the small hall.
18th A talk on the Bible Society by Geoff Larcombe.
25th Invitation from Coney Hill Baptist Women's Fellowship to their
     Anniversary Service.
November starts off with:-
  1st   Brian and Marion Edwards entertain.
We welcome all ladies to our meetings . Please come along for a
 pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with
 plenty to interest everyone.
Linda Jennings, Marion Swanborough and myself are now jointly
 following in Jessie's footsteps and leading Women's Fellowship.
 Sylvia Mack

Here is an early reminder of next month’s concert in Hayes Free Church
 by Hayes Philharmonic Choir on Saturday 19 November. The main
 work will be Vivaldi’s Gloria. This piece has a freshness and an
 immediacy even for those who know it well, and if you have always
 thought that classical music is not for you, it is one of those pieces that
 could be key to changing your mind. We shall also be singing the
 more tranquil Hymn to St Cecilia by Spohr (St Cecilia is the patron saint
 of music, always remembered on 22 November). Spohr composed
 some beautiful music, which is being rediscovered now (by Classic FM
 among others!) after a period of neglect, though he was very well
 known in Victorian times (as you may remember from a reference in
 Gilbert and Sullivan!). Haydn’s Little Organ Mass will complete the

As you read this there is still just about time to join us and sing in this
 concert if you would like to do so. And you would certainly be in time
 to take part in our traditional charity carol concert (fixed for Saturday
 17 December in the Parish church). More information is available from
 07989 192928 or You can also pick up one of our
 leaflets from Hayes Library.

Hayes Free Church
                 Christmas Tree
                      In aid of Parkinson’s UK
   From Friday 2nd December to Sunday 11th December 2011
 The Festival will be open each day from 2.00pm from December 3 to December 10
 The church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30am and 6.30pm)
Programme of Entertainment for the Festival
Friday       2nd December Opening Concert by Just Voices           7.30pm
             Shortlands Poetry Group and Friends of Hayes Free Church
Saturday     3rd December Fettuccine Opera                7.30 for 7.45pm

Sunday       4th December Pickhurst Junior School                   6.30pm

Monday       5th December Bishop Justus School                      7.30pm

Tuesday   6th December Variety Show                         7.30 for 7.45pm
           by The Talent Optional Players
Wednesday 7th December Wandle Ringers                               7.30pm

Thursday     8th December Bromley Boy Singers                       7.30pm
Friday    9th December An Evening of Songs from the Shows 7.30pm
                       by In Harmony
Saturday 10th December Beckenham Concert Band             7.45pm

Sunday     11th December     Churches Together in Hayes with         6.30pm
                             the Musicians from Hayes School
Admission to Fettuccine Opera, the Variety Show All the money raised will
and Songs from the Shows is £8.00 per person
Please book a table for 4 or more and bring your
own drinks, crockery, cutlery, glasses etc
 (Call Alistair Wilson on 020 8402 0026 to reserve
 seats for these 3 events.)
 Cheques payable to Hayes Free Church Tree Appeal
    Hayes Free Church, 111 Pickhurst Lane, Bromley BR2 7HU
Catalyst needs you
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
It would be great to receive items from          Leaders - please encourage your charges
  other groups - Mothers and Toddlers, the       to be creative. Catalyst has wonderful
  cubs, brownies, Sunday Club. Also,             material from the adult members and
  family members are most welcome to             friends, but this magazine should be for all
  submit material.                               of us to enjoy. Also, isn’t it nice to see your
Uniformed groups - can your members              message or creation in print?
 earn a badge for contributions to this
                                             Surely, an important aspect of our lives is to
 page?                                       encourage the youngsters to develop - to
Pictures, poems, letters or thoughts are all be creative. So, this page is here to help
welcome.                                     with this.

                                 12th Sept 2011
           We all would like to congratulate
           our Assistant Scout Leader of the
           22nd Bromley Troop Steve
           Bowman on his recent award.
            Steve has been awarded by The
            Greater London South East
            County District as Scout Leader
            of the Year Bromley District.

                              John Moren

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Scouts and Guides.
                              Hayes Free Church.
                              The success story
Looking back over many years it is of great interest to see how the uniform
  sections of the Church have successfully progressed under the named
Scouts/Cubs: Fred Wyatt, Richard Ash, Roy Buchan, Chris Fitzgerald, Paul
  Hasling, Jamie Fraser, Steve Bowman, Simon Narracott, Pamela Hasling
  who later became District Commissioner Cubs, and Brenda Petts
Guides/Brownies: Shirley Lancaster, Denise Fackrell, Janet Freak, Teresa
  Cheyne also District Commissioner Hayes, Sarah Humphrey, Kerry Sullivan,
 Tania Venables, Alison Hetherington, Connie Russell, Linda Graham
  and Zoë Curry.
There are others whose names I cannot remember but who are just as
  important. The success is due to all these wonderful people who are
  willing not only to give of their time but also give up some of their holidays
  to take the young people to camp. The organisation of camps and the
  weekly meetings takes up many hours of research and planning so that
  the young people benefit and enjoy the camps and activities. These
  attract the boys and girls to Scouting and Guiding. If we had poor leaders
  these groups would not have had the waiting lists that have existed. The
  quality of these men and women is beyond belief and we owe so much
  to each and every one for the time and effort that they put into the
  activities for Scouting and Guiding.
It has always been said that good preparation for any meeting is worth
  while for it to be successful and enjoyable.
Many of the above people have received awards from the Scouting and
  Guiding Associations for their outstanding work and dedication. We can
  never say a big enough thank you to all of them, both past and present,
  for all they do.
It is always good in later life for the Leaders to look back and see how a
  Scout or Guide had progressed in his or her future life. An example -
  recently a man, who had previously been for some years a helper with
  the Cubs, was stopped in Brighton from parking his car on the front by a
  policeman who looked into the car and said “ You can’t park there sir”.
 When asked why he said “ Because I say so”. It was then the driver
  recognised the policeman - he had been a member of the Cubs many
  years before - and he had himself already recognised who the car driver
  was after all those years! Needless to say he was allowed to park his car.
So again we all say thank you for the time, effort, dedication and
  responsibility that our Leaders give to the young people.
The Justice and Peace Group.             (From the MAF Website)
We invite you to join us in praying for the growing famine crisis
 in East Africa.
The situation is heartbreaking and the scale of the required global
 relief efforts is vast, but we believe that our compassionate God is in
 control and listens to the prayers of His people.
Pray for:
v Effective and efficient mobilisation of resources to meet the needs
   in East Africa
v Wisdom for all those involved in decision making in how to plan the
   famine response
v Great cooperation between organisations and efficiency in
   distributing supplies
v For our Kenya programme, as they seek to respond to the increased
   demand upon their service
v For protection over our staff, and grace as they work under pressure
   to optimise MAF’s ability to respond
v For people in remote locations, – help their need to be made
   known and MAF to reach them at their place of need
v      For protection over our planes – that there will be no unexpected
       engineering needs
To join the prayer movement, visit

Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00
We continue to raise funds for disaster relief causes.
Our next coffee morning will be on the 8th of October. We
 hope to see you there, and why not bring a friend.

   Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
There will be a stall after the morning services on the 9th and 23rd of
Do visit the stall, especially after Parade on the 9th. (We have
 individual cartons of fruit juice, cards and wrapping paper for sale)
 We have restocked those favourite lines, and have some refreshing
 summer goods for sale.
The regular items for sale are food and drink - all of very good quality.
 Remember that by purchasing Fairtrade goods you are helping to
 support communities in the world, and to give those communities a
 chance to enjoy a better life for their families - standards which we
 may take for granted here in the UK.
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.
         Richard, Barbara and Helen.
 Example ‘Shopping List’ for Food Parcels
 Teabags                                                                                            This year we have
 Coffee                                                                                          a bumper crop of apples,
 Sugar                                                                                              quince and soft fruit.
‘Long life’ milk / milk powder
‘Meal in a tin’ such as:
                                                                                                As a consequence, Martin
     Tinned Irish stew                                                                         Nunn’s Jam factory is working to
     Tinned beef in tomato sauce                                                                full capacity and then some
     Tinned chicken in white sauce                                                                          more.
     Tinned sweet and sour chicken
  Chunky soup in a can, such as Scotch                                                         Martin is looking for 1 Lb (0.454
   Broth or Country Veg.                                                                       Kg) jam jars. So if you have any
 Rice                                                                                           to be recycled please give
 Packet of pasta                         Small packets and cans are preferred to avoid waste
                                                                                                  clean jars to him A.S.A.P.
 Jar of pasta sauce
 Baked beans
 Tinned spaghetti
 Tinned macaroni cheese                                                                             The Leprosy Mission
 Tinned ravioli
                                                                                                Martin Nunn has taken over
 Can of tuna
 Tinned minced beef                                                                             the reins from Jessie Martin.
 Tinned hotdogs                                                                                 So, in future, please contact
 Tinned vegetables: tomatoes, green
   beans, peas, sweetcorn, potatoes
                                                                                                  Martin with material, or
 Cereal                                                                                           make payments for the
 Carton of fruit juice                                                                               Mission’s work to him.
 Jar of peanut butter
 Jar of jam
 Packet of biscuits
 Packet of rice cakes
  Tinned fruit
  Baby milk
                                                                                                 The Church’s external
 Toddler food
 Bar of chocolate                                                                                    Notice-boards
 Packet of ‘fun sized’ sweets                                                                  Martin Nunn has the keys
 Packets of crisps
                                                                                               to the notice-boards, so
 Toothbrush and toothpaste
 Bar of soap
                                                                                                please contact him if
Wipes                                                                                           you have any items to
 Toilet roll                                                                                         go onto them.
 (Please, where possible, supply tinned
   goods with ring pulls)


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                       HAYES FREE CHU
                                         CARD SALE
                  CHA RITY CHRISTMAS
                                       ober 2011
                     Saturday, 29 Oct
                             10am - 2pm
                       Refreshments Av

                                        SONGS O
                                              F PRAISE
                              Please no
                                        te that th
                              of events             is series
                                        will not sta
                                  the Spring          rt until
                                              o f 2012.
                             More info
                                       rmation to
                            With apo                 follow.
                                     logies for
                                                the delay


        Saturday 5 th November
             10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

                HAYES FREE CHURCH
                  PICKHURST LANE
 Interested table holders – tables available David Connolly.
                        Tel: 020 8776 0108.

                     ENTRANCE £1.00
Sponsored by:- Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & Trusts
       Elite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JP
                           tel. 01959 577000


                Comets seen from the earth
                1066 and all that
                Like a fiery rock
                Maybe to God
                If it means something
                We're in for a shock

                 Comets seen from the earth
                 Halley had one
                 Like a large snowball
                 In orbit from God
                 Debris in space
                 That's not very small

                Comets seen from the earth
                Streak across the sky
                Leaving a tail far behind
                A portent of God
                Or a ball of dirty ice
                Which nobody seems to mind

                 James Wyatt

                    The way things once were
         From The Nottinghamshire Almanac for October 1841.
In this month little can be done for the kitchen garden beyond
  preparing for future operations, by digging, manuring, or trenching
  vacant ground, and collecting dung, leaves and turf, to make
                                         Passages transcribed as shown Ed
Editor’s Note:
This is the last of the 19th Century Garden tips. I have a couple of
 other themes, which can be taken from the Almanac pages. I have
 short pieces of verse for each month, or monthly agricultural fairs and
 historical events. Please tell me whether you would like me to
 continue with these snippets about the way things once were.

Lessons from Geese

In Celtic Christianity, the symbol for The Holy Spirit is the wild goose. By
flying in a V-formation, as each bird flaps its wings the whole flock adds
seventy-one per cent more flying range than if each bird flew alone.
People who share a common direction and sense of community can
get where they want to go more quickly and easily because they are all
travelling on the thrust generated by all.

Whenever a goose falls out of formation it quickly gets back so that it
can continue to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird
immediately in front.
If we have as much sense as a goose we will stay in formation with those
who are headed where we want to go.

When the lead goose gets tired, it moves back into the formation and
another goose flies at the point position.
It pays to take turns at doing the hard tasks - sharing leadership and
maintaining interdependence.

The geese in formation 'honk' from behind to encourage those up front
to keep up their speed.
We need to be sure that our 'honking from behind' is encouragement
and not something else.

When a goose gets sick or wounded or shot down, two geese drop out
of formation and follow the one to help and protect it. They stay until it is
able to fly again or dies.
If we have as much sense as geese we stand by each other in all

                                           Author unknown

              When you reach the end of your tether,
                 you will find the hem of HIS garment.

Parkinson’s UK offers support to sufferers and their families and carers
 on a local level, as well as nationally. Passages have been extracted
 from the charity’s website to illustrate how this is being achieved.
 There are contact details for the local groups at the end of this piece.

Parkinson’s UK has 6 goals for 2010-2014 to help achieve their vision:
  1)    No one has to face Parkinson's alone.
  2)    We will listen and respond to the needs of everyone affected
        by Parkinson's.
  3)    We will improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson's.
  4)    Our research will have resulted in better treatments and
        progress towards a cure.
  5)    We will raise more than £110 million to meet the costs of
        delivering our ambitious plans.
  6)    We will be a united, focused and effective organisation.

The charity provides:
Information and support through:
   v   A UK-wide team of information and support workers
   v   A free confidential help line 0808 800 0303
   v   Publications
   v   Education and training for health and social care professionals
       to help improve services for people affected by Parkinson's.

Local to you
We have local groups across the UK that offer friendship and support.
Bromley Branch, Lewisham Branch, Greenwich Support Group,
 Southwark and Lambeth Support Group, and Croydon and District

Bromley Branch
Meeting venue: MS Hall, Northlands, Freelands Grove, Bromley BR1 3LH

We meet on the second Saturday of the month from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Contacts: Jackie Wyatt - Telephone: 01691 688946.
          Norma Elliott - Telephone: 0844 225 3705.

Christmas Fair
      Hayes Free Church
   Saturday 12th November
     10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.
Morning Coffee and Lunches
Cakes, Jewellery, Bottle Stall,
 Bric-a-Brac, Books, etc., etc.
   Book the date NOW!
       Offers of help will be
        greatly appreciated.
Please ring Chris Wood on 8462 2444
     or John Curry on 8249 3663.

Churches Together in Central Bromley

        THE BIBLE
      A celebration of the King James Authorized Version
           of the Bible in this anniversary year, with

                  LANCE PIERSON (Actor)
                 (‘St Mark’s Gospel’ Bromley 2009)

         BELINDA YATES (Soprano)

      The Central Library Hall, High Street, Bromley
           Thursday 13th October : 7.30 for 8.00 pm

               Tickets, priced £8, available from
                David Lemmon 020 8659 3316
          151 Ravenscroft Road, Beckenham, BR3 4TN
                  Russell Chadwick 07868 716036

‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
         for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.’
                               II Timothy 3:16

October 2011
1st    Sat

2nd    Sun   10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant
              6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
3rd    Mon    8.00 p.m. - Women’s Contact Group                Page 3

4th    Tue   10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting               Page 3
              2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                   Page 5
5th    Wed
6th    Thu
7th    Fri    2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group         Page 4
8th    Sat   10.00 a.m. - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning          P9
                          Harvest Festival              Pages 10 & 11
9th    Sun   10.30 a.m. - Parade Service - The Minister
                             Followed by the Fairtrade Stall Page 9
             6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister
10th   Mon

11th   Tue   10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting               Page 3
              2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                   Page 5
12th   Wed     3.00 p.m. - Minister’s Surgery                  Page 11
13th   Thu    7.30 p.m. - The Bible in voice and verse         Page 17
14th   Fri    2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group         Page 4
15th   Sat

16th   Sun   10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Allan Evison
             6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister
17th   Mon
             10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting               Page 3
18th   Tue    2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                   Page 5
              8.00 p.m. - Elders’ Meeting                      Page 3
19th   Wed
20th   Thu
21st   Fri    2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group         Page 4
22nd Sat
             10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
23rd   Sun                   Followed by the Fairtrade Stall   Page 9
             6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - Miss Tracy Wilson

October 2011
24th    Mon

25th   Tue     10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting            Page 3
                2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                Page 5
26th Wed
27th   Thu
28th    Fri
29th    Sat    10.00 a.m. - Christmas Card Sale               Page 11
               BST Ends
30th    Sun    10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Tony Miller,
                                                      Whitechapel Mission
31st    Mon

                           November 2011
1st    Tue    10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting            Page 3
               2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                Page 5
2nd Wed
3rd    Thu
4th    Fri     2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group      Page 4
5th    Sat    10.00 a.m. - Antique and Collectors Fair       Page 12

           10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - T. B. A.
6th    Sun                 Followed by the Fairtrade Stall   Page 9
            6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister

 12    November         CHRISTMAS FAIR
 13    November         REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY and CHURCH PARADE
 27    November         CHURCH MEETING 12.00 noon
 2-11 December          CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL
 10 December            CRAFT FAIR
 11 December            CHURCH PARADE
 18 December            CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT
  7    January          T.B.A.

The Firefighters Creed

       When I'm called to duty, God
        wherever flames may rage
       give me strength to save a life
           whatever be their age.

        Help me to embrace a child
              before it is too late
        or save an older person from
            the horror of that fate.

           Enable me to be alert
         to hear the weakest shout
         and quickly and efficiently
             to put the fire out.

        I want to fulfill my calling and
            to give the best in me
         to guard my Neighbour and
             protect his property.

       And if according to your will
            I have to lose my life
      bless with your protecting hand
         my children and my wife.

If Prometheus was worthy of the wrath of heaven for kindling the first
  fire upon the earth, how ought all the Gods to honour the men who
  make it their professional business to put it out?

All of the above taken from a memorial in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.

Editor’s Footnote
October falls between two days of remembrance connected with
  massive events which affected the entire world.
It therefore felt fitting to publish the above verse and short piece of
Day              Organisation          Contact          Phone
10.25 am         Sunday Club           Mike Duke        8462 5103
9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group       Jayne Carvell    07913 299773
2.30 & 7.30 pm West Wickham            Carol Crouch     8462 3642
                  Arts Association
5.45 pm        Brownies                Sarah Humphrey   8249 9982
6.30 pm        Cubs                    Brenda Petts     8325 3956
8.00 pm - 1st  Women's Contact         Sylvia Mack      8462 1938
 Mon monthly    Group
2.00 pm          Women's Fellowship    Linda Jennings   07778 238587
7.00 - 8.00 pm   Weight Watchers       Area Office      0845 345 1500
7.15 pm          Scouts                Paul Hasling     3236 0083
5.00 pm          Rainbows              Tania Venables   8462 9759
6.00 pm          Beavers               Brenda Petts     8325 3956
6.30 pm          Worship Group         Bill Michie      8658 4167
6.45 pm          Slimming World        Val              0750 6015064
7.30 pm          Explorers             Tom Strachan     07745 813 295
2.30 pm - See    Justice & Peace       David Stoner     8462 3023
 Catalyst         Group
5.30 pm          Brownies              Stevie Blair.    8325 3469
7.00 - 8.30 pm   Senior Guides         Kerry Sullivan   8777 3139
8.00 pm - 3rd    Men's Group           Bruce Tannock    8325 6264
 Thu monthly
9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00 pm         Mothers & Toddlers   Judith Stoner      8462 3023
6.30 pm          Guides                Teresa Cheyne    8777 6042
7.30 pm          Choir                 Martin Nunn      8462 5918
2.30 pm          Saturday Fellowship   Martin Nunn      8462 5918
Final Thought

Holy Spirit, source of all truth, giver of power
Come upon me now
As gently as a dove
Or like tongues of living fire
As quietly as a summer breeze
Or as a mighty roaring wind.
Come and dwell within me.
Enable me now to do those things which before were
Unworthy as I am, Holy Spirit of the living God
Give me those gifts which I can use to your honour
and glory
That I may show forth your fruit
Even in my life.


                         © Maranatha Community, UK Office
        102 Irlam Road, Flixton, Manchester M41 6JT, England
                                      Tel: +44 (0) 161 748 4858
                                     Fax. +44 (0) 161 747 7379

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2011 oct

  • 1. Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.) October 2011
  • 2. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mr Alistair Wilson Tel: 020 8402 0026 Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444 Treasurer: Mr. Bill Michie Tel: 020 8658 4167 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. Sunday Services; Preachers’ info 2 Notice board 10 - 11 Church notices; 3-4 Poem; The way things once were 13 Hayes Philharmonic Choir 5 Lesson from geese 14 Christmas Tree Festival 6 Parkinson’s UK 15 Catalyst needs you 7 Christmas Fair 16 Scouts and Guides, HFC 8 The Firefighters Creed 20 Justice & Peace Group 9 Church Organisations IBC This month’s website - Parkinson’s UK This is the main charity supported by this year’s Christmas Tree Festival. The charity says “Because we're here, no one has to face Parkinson's alone.” More information from the charity’s website can be read on page 15. Website is Ed Copy for the November 2011 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 16th October. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor
  • 3. Letter from the Minister Dear Friends Harvest time! Like many this year, the apple tree in the manse garden has given a bumper crop; so many apples and not enough people to take and eat them all. It has given us great joy to see the tree so laden with fruit, and it is difficult to remember the time in late spring when farmers were complaining about the possible loss of their crops due to the very dry and hot early weather! For Harvest this year we are supporting the Bromley URC Homelessness Project, a project that provides advice, advocacy, practical help and direct assistance to people who are living on the street or in temporary accommodation, to help them negotiate the housing, benefits, health and criminal justice systems. They provide financial support for daily needs e.g. food, fares to hospital and court, gas and electricity key cards and mobile phone top-ups. They also hold a ‘Dinner with Friends’, a fortnightly candlelit, two course meal on Mondays at 7.30pm, with around 40 regular diners – homeless people, people in vulnerable housing situations mixing on equal terms with members of local churches. If anyone wants to get involved then talk to me and I will give you contact information of the worker involved. When it comes to sharing from our plenty, we really do not have to go very far to find those who need our help. ‘God helps those who help themselves’… Hmmm. You know that sentence is NOT in our Bible. I’ve read it from cover to cover many times now, and that sentence just isn’t there. God expects US to help those in need, and this Harvest we have a way to do just that. Please give generously, the list of food required is printed in Catalyst on page 10. Sue 1
  • 4. Sunday Services October 2011 2nd 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 9th 10.30 a.m. - Harvest Festival Parade Service - The Minister 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister 16th 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Allan Evison 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister 23rd 10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - Miss Tracy Wilson 30th 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Tony Miller, Whitechapel Mission 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister November 2011 6th 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - T. B. A. 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister Some notes on the visiting preachers. v Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill Baptist Church. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on a number of occasions. v Allan Evison is a lay preacher at Hayes Parish Church. He has conducted worship on a number of occasions. v Miss Tracy Wilson is a student on the TLS course. She is currently worshipping at Christ Church URC/Methodist Church in East Dulwich. v Tony Miller is Director of the Whitechapel Mission which was founded in 1876. The Mission continues to care for the poor and homeless of London regardless of race or religion, in their struggle against hunger, poverty, disease, prejudice and exclusion. A woman approached the minister after the sermon, and thanked him for his talk. "I found it so helpful," she said. The minister replied: "I hope it will not prove as helpful as the last sermon you heard me preach." "Why, what do you mean?" asked the astonished woman. "Well," said the minister, "that sermon lasted you three months." 2
  • 5. News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Deaths We regret to record the passing of one of our former members, Grahame Mundy, on 8 September. We extend our deepest condolences to Roger and Tina, Colin and Jenny, and other members of his family. We also record the passing of Marguerite “Peggy” Holmes on 27 August and extend our condolences to Margaret and Bruce Tannock and other members of her family. Church Meetings The next Church meeting will be held on Sunday, 27th November at 12.00 noon. The next Elders’ meeting will be held on Tuesday, 18th October, at 8.00 pm in the small hall. Women's Contact Group The Contact Group will next meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 3rd October at Barbara Jones’s home - 133 Pickhurst Lane. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:- October 4th Martin Nunn’s. 11th Betty Coster’s. 18th Brenda Cordingley’s. 25th The Church. November 1st Martin Nunn’s Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship We will meet at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the 1st of October at 7 Sedgewood Close. There will be a Bible discussion lead by Martin Nunn. All are welcome to join us. Men's Group The next meeting is on Thursday 20th October at 8.00 pm and will be a Mystery Night organised by Al. Evans. 3
  • 6. Ministry of Flowers Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in October. October 2nd - Pauline Chapman. 9th - Mr McCracken I.m.o. Jeanne. 16th - T.B.A. 23rd - Undine and David Connolly 30th - T.B.A. I.m.o. Undine’s mother. A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Sue Fitzgerald the photographer is coming to the club on October 14th. Our half term is on October 28th. Do come and join us! Judith Stoner - Secretary. Notice Sheets - October - 1st Sunday in November 2011 2nd Joan Smith 8462 3920 9th & 16th Daphne Cummings 8777 2487 23rd & 30th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 November 6th Pam Collison 8658 0748 If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. 4
  • 7. Women's Fellowship M eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The programme for October is:- 4th "A holiday in Spain" - an Illustrated talk by Linda Jennings" 11th at 2.30 p.m. Anniversary Service in the Church - conducted by the Rev. John Marchant. Followed by tea in the small hall. 18th A talk on the Bible Society by Geoff Larcombe. 25th Invitation from Coney Hill Baptist Women's Fellowship to their Anniversary Service. November starts off with:- 1st Brian and Marion Edwards entertain. We welcome all ladies to our meetings . Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Linda Jennings, Marion Swanborough and myself are now jointly following in Jessie's footsteps and leading Women's Fellowship. Sylvia Mack HAYES PHILHARMONIC CHOIR Here is an early reminder of next month’s concert in Hayes Free Church by Hayes Philharmonic Choir on Saturday 19 November. The main work will be Vivaldi’s Gloria. This piece has a freshness and an immediacy even for those who know it well, and if you have always thought that classical music is not for you, it is one of those pieces that could be key to changing your mind. We shall also be singing the more tranquil Hymn to St Cecilia by Spohr (St Cecilia is the patron saint of music, always remembered on 22 November). Spohr composed some beautiful music, which is being rediscovered now (by Classic FM among others!) after a period of neglect, though he was very well known in Victorian times (as you may remember from a reference in Gilbert and Sullivan!). Haydn’s Little Organ Mass will complete the programme. As you read this there is still just about time to join us and sing in this concert if you would like to do so. And you would certainly be in time to take part in our traditional charity carol concert (fixed for Saturday 17 December in the Parish church). More information is available from 07989 192928 or You can also pick up one of our leaflets from Hayes Library. 5
  • 8. Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival In aid of Parkinson’s UK From Friday 2nd December to Sunday 11th December 2011 The Festival will be open each day from 2.00pm from December 3 to December 10 The church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30am and 6.30pm) Programme of Entertainment for the Festival Friday 2nd December Opening Concert by Just Voices 7.30pm Shortlands Poetry Group and Friends of Hayes Free Church Saturday 3rd December Fettuccine Opera 7.30 for 7.45pm Sunday 4th December Pickhurst Junior School 6.30pm Monday 5th December Bishop Justus School 7.30pm Tuesday 6th December Variety Show 7.30 for 7.45pm by The Talent Optional Players Wednesday 7th December Wandle Ringers 7.30pm Thursday 8th December Bromley Boy Singers 7.30pm Friday 9th December An Evening of Songs from the Shows 7.30pm by In Harmony Saturday 10th December Beckenham Concert Band 7.45pm Sunday 11th December Churches Together in Hayes with 6.30pm the Musicians from Hayes School Admission to Fettuccine Opera, the Variety Show All the money raised will and Songs from the Shows is £8.00 per person Please book a table for 4 or more and bring your own drinks, crockery, cutlery, glasses etc (Call Alistair Wilson on 020 8402 0026 to reserve seats for these 3 events.) Cheques payable to Hayes Free Church Tree Appeal Hayes Free Church, 111 Pickhurst Lane, Bromley BR2 7HU 6
  • 9. Catalyst needs you This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. It would be great to receive items from Leaders - please encourage your charges other groups - Mothers and Toddlers, the to be creative. Catalyst has wonderful cubs, brownies, Sunday Club. Also, material from the adult members and family members are most welcome to friends, but this magazine should be for all submit material. of us to enjoy. Also, isn’t it nice to see your Uniformed groups - can your members message or creation in print? earn a badge for contributions to this Surely, an important aspect of our lives is to page? encourage the youngsters to develop - to Pictures, poems, letters or thoughts are all be creative. So, this page is here to help welcome. with this. 12th Sept 2011 We all would like to congratulate our Assistant Scout Leader of the 22nd Bromley Troop Steve Bowman on his recent award. Steve has been awarded by The Greater London South East County District as Scout Leader of the Year Bromley District. John Moren ppy e ha uld b W e wo cce pt r to a mbe e d nu limit a v e ry tices o f no e ld b h wou whic nefit to o f be unity . co mm the 7
  • 10. Scouts and Guides. Hayes Free Church. The success story Looking back over many years it is of great interest to see how the uniform sections of the Church have successfully progressed under the named Leaders: Scouts/Cubs: Fred Wyatt, Richard Ash, Roy Buchan, Chris Fitzgerald, Paul Hasling, Jamie Fraser, Steve Bowman, Simon Narracott, Pamela Hasling who later became District Commissioner Cubs, and Brenda Petts Guides/Brownies: Shirley Lancaster, Denise Fackrell, Janet Freak, Teresa Cheyne also District Commissioner Hayes, Sarah Humphrey, Kerry Sullivan, Tania Venables, Alison Hetherington, Connie Russell, Linda Graham and Zoë Curry. There are others whose names I cannot remember but who are just as important. The success is due to all these wonderful people who are willing not only to give of their time but also give up some of their holidays to take the young people to camp. The organisation of camps and the weekly meetings takes up many hours of research and planning so that the young people benefit and enjoy the camps and activities. These attract the boys and girls to Scouting and Guiding. If we had poor leaders these groups would not have had the waiting lists that have existed. The quality of these men and women is beyond belief and we owe so much to each and every one for the time and effort that they put into the activities for Scouting and Guiding. It has always been said that good preparation for any meeting is worth while for it to be successful and enjoyable. Many of the above people have received awards from the Scouting and Guiding Associations for their outstanding work and dedication. We can never say a big enough thank you to all of them, both past and present, for all they do. It is always good in later life for the Leaders to look back and see how a Scout or Guide had progressed in his or her future life. An example - recently a man, who had previously been for some years a helper with the Cubs, was stopped in Brighton from parking his car on the front by a policeman who looked into the car and said “ You can’t park there sir”. When asked why he said “ Because I say so”. It was then the driver recognised the policeman - he had been a member of the Cubs many years before - and he had himself already recognised who the car driver was after all those years! Needless to say he was allowed to park his car. So again we all say thank you for the time, effort, dedication and responsibility that our Leaders give to the young people. D.R.W. 8
  • 11. The Justice and Peace Group. (From the MAF Website) We invite you to join us in praying for the growing famine crisis in East Africa. The situation is heartbreaking and the scale of the required global relief efforts is vast, but we believe that our compassionate God is in control and listens to the prayers of His people. Pray for: v Effective and efficient mobilisation of resources to meet the needs in East Africa v Wisdom for all those involved in decision making in how to plan the famine response v Great cooperation between organisations and efficiency in distributing supplies v For our Kenya programme, as they seek to respond to the increased demand upon their service v For protection over our staff, and grace as they work under pressure to optimise MAF’s ability to respond v For people in remote locations, – help their need to be made known and MAF to reach them at their place of need v For protection over our planes – that there will be no unexpected engineering needs To join the prayer movement, visit Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00 We continue to raise funds for disaster relief causes. Our next coffee morning will be on the 8th of October. We hope to see you there, and why not bring a friend. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall There will be a stall after the morning services on the 9th and 23rd of October. Do visit the stall, especially after Parade on the 9th. (We have individual cartons of fruit juice, cards and wrapping paper for sale) We have restocked those favourite lines, and have some refreshing summer goods for sale. The regular items for sale are food and drink - all of very good quality. Remember that by purchasing Fairtrade goods you are helping to support communities in the world, and to give those communities a chance to enjoy a better life for their families - standards which we may take for granted here in the UK. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. Richard, Barbara and Helen. 9
  • 12. NOTICE Example ‘Shopping List’ for Food Parcels Teabags This year we have Coffee a bumper crop of apples, Sugar quince and soft fruit. ‘Long life’ milk / milk powder ‘Meal in a tin’ such as: As a consequence, Martin Tinned Irish stew Nunn’s Jam factory is working to Tinned beef in tomato sauce full capacity and then some Tinned chicken in white sauce more. Tinned sweet and sour chicken Chunky soup in a can, such as Scotch Martin is looking for 1 Lb (0.454 Broth or Country Veg. Kg) jam jars. So if you have any Rice to be recycled please give Packet of pasta Small packets and cans are preferred to avoid waste clean jars to him A.S.A.P. Jar of pasta sauce Baked beans Tinned spaghetti Tinned macaroni cheese The Leprosy Mission Tinned ravioli Martin Nunn has taken over Can of tuna Tinned minced beef the reins from Jessie Martin. Tinned hotdogs So, in future, please contact Tinned vegetables: tomatoes, green beans, peas, sweetcorn, potatoes Martin with material, or Cereal make payments for the Carton of fruit juice Mission’s work to him. Jar of peanut butter Jar of jam Packet of biscuits Packet of rice cakes Tinned fruit Baby milk The Church’s external Toddler food Bar of chocolate Notice-boards Packet of ‘fun sized’ sweets Martin Nunn has the keys Packets of crisps to the notice-boards, so Toothbrush and toothpaste Bar of soap please contact him if Wipes you have any items to Toilet roll go onto them. (Please, where possible, supply tinned goods with ring pulls) 10
  • 13. BOARD urgery *** Min ister's S The Ha ***** rvest F rgery ****** estiva on thly su ****** l S ue ’ s m il l b e ****** Ch urch w Su n da y, 9th * at the OND Octob nt h e S EC er 2 0 1 held o ach 1 sd ay of e Wedne month m. .0 0 - 5 .4 5 p f ro m 3 ******** RCH HAYES FREE CHU CARD SALE CHA RITY CHRISTMAS * ****************** ober 2011 Saturday, 29 Oct 10am - 2pm ailable Refreshments Av **************** SONGS O F PRAISE Please no te that th of events is series will not sta the Spring rt until o f 2012. More info rmation to With apo follow. logies for the delay . 11
  • 14. ROTARY CLUB OF LANGLEY PARK & DEAF ACCESS Saturday 5 th November 2011 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. AT HAYES FREE CHURCH PICKHURST LANE HAYES KENT LUNCHES & REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Interested table holders – tables available David Connolly. Tel: 020 8776 0108. ENTRANCE £1.00 Sponsored by:- Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & Trusts Elite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JP tel. 01959 577000 12
  • 15. COMETS SEEN FROM THE EARTH Comets seen from the earth 1066 and all that Like a fiery rock Maybe to God If it means something We're in for a shock Comets seen from the earth Halley had one Like a large snowball In orbit from God Debris in space That's not very small Comets seen from the earth Streak across the sky Leaving a tail far behind A portent of God Or a ball of dirty ice Which nobody seems to mind James Wyatt The way things once were From The Nottinghamshire Almanac for October 1841. GARDEN. In this month little can be done for the kitchen garden beyond preparing for future operations, by digging, manuring, or trenching vacant ground, and collecting dung, leaves and turf, to make compost. Passages transcribed as shown Ed Editor’s Note: This is the last of the 19th Century Garden tips. I have a couple of other themes, which can be taken from the Almanac pages. I have short pieces of verse for each month, or monthly agricultural fairs and historical events. Please tell me whether you would like me to continue with these snippets about the way things once were. 13
  • 16. Lessons from Geese In Celtic Christianity, the symbol for The Holy Spirit is the wild goose. By flying in a V-formation, as each bird flaps its wings the whole flock adds seventy-one per cent more flying range than if each bird flew alone. People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they want to go more quickly and easily because they are all travelling on the thrust generated by all. Whenever a goose falls out of formation it quickly gets back so that it can continue to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. If we have as much sense as a goose we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go. When the lead goose gets tired, it moves back into the formation and another goose flies at the point position. It pays to take turns at doing the hard tasks - sharing leadership and maintaining interdependence. The geese in formation 'honk' from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. We need to be sure that our 'honking from behind' is encouragement and not something else. When a goose gets sick or wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow the one to help and protect it. They stay until it is able to fly again or dies. If we have as much sense as geese we stand by each other in all circumstances. Author unknown When you reach the end of your tether, you will find the hem of HIS garment. 14
  • 17. Parkinson’s UK offers support to sufferers and their families and carers on a local level, as well as nationally. Passages have been extracted from the charity’s website to illustrate how this is being achieved. There are contact details for the local groups at the end of this piece. Parkinson’s UK has 6 goals for 2010-2014 to help achieve their vision: 1) No one has to face Parkinson's alone. 2) We will listen and respond to the needs of everyone affected by Parkinson's. 3) We will improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson's. 4) Our research will have resulted in better treatments and progress towards a cure. 5) We will raise more than £110 million to meet the costs of delivering our ambitious plans. 6) We will be a united, focused and effective organisation. The charity provides: Information and support through: v A UK-wide team of information and support workers v A free confidential help line 0808 800 0303 v Publications v Education and training for health and social care professionals to help improve services for people affected by Parkinson's. Local to you We have local groups across the UK that offer friendship and support. Bromley Branch, Lewisham Branch, Greenwich Support Group, Southwark and Lambeth Support Group, and Croydon and District Branch. Bromley Branch Meeting venue: MS Hall, Northlands, Freelands Grove, Bromley BR1 3LH We meet on the second Saturday of the month from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Contacts: Jackie Wyatt - Telephone: 01691 688946. Email: Norma Elliott - Telephone: 0844 225 3705. Email: 15
  • 18. Christmas Fair at Hayes Free Church on Saturday 12th November 10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Morning Coffee and Lunches Cakes, Jewellery, Bottle Stall, Bric-a-Brac, Books, etc., etc. Book the date NOW! Offers of help will be greatly appreciated. Please ring Chris Wood on 8462 2444 or John Curry on 8249 3663. 16
  • 19. Churches Together in Central Bromley presents THE BIBLE IN VOICE AND VERSE A celebration of the King James Authorized Version of the Bible in this anniversary year, with LANCE PIERSON (Actor) (‘St Mark’s Gospel’ Bromley 2009) BELINDA YATES (Soprano) HEATHER CHAMBERLAINE (Keyboard) The Central Library Hall, High Street, Bromley Thursday 13th October : 7.30 for 8.00 pm Tickets, priced £8, available from David Lemmon 020 8659 3316 151 Ravenscroft Road, Beckenham, BR3 4TN or Russell Chadwick 07868 716036 ‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.’ II Timothy 3:16 17
  • 20. October 2011 1st Sat 2nd Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 3rd Mon 8.00 p.m. - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 4th Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 5th Wed 6th Thu 7th Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 8th Sat 10.00 a.m. - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning P9 Harvest Festival Pages 10 & 11 9th Sun 10.30 a.m. - Parade Service - The Minister Followed by the Fairtrade Stall Page 9 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister 10th Mon 11th Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 12th Wed 3.00 p.m. - Minister’s Surgery Page 11 13th Thu 7.30 p.m. - The Bible in voice and verse Page 17 14th Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 15th Sat 16th Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Allan Evison 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister 17th Mon 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 18th Tue 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 p.m. - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 19th Wed 20th Thu 21st Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 22nd Sat 10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 23rd Sun Followed by the Fairtrade Stall Page 9 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - Miss Tracy Wilson 18
  • 21. October 2011 24th Mon 25th Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 26th Wed 27th Thu 28th Fri 29th Sat 10.00 a.m. - Christmas Card Sale Page 11 BST Ends 30th Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Tony Miller, Whitechapel Mission 31st Mon November 2011 1st Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 2nd Wed 3rd Thu 4th Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 5th Sat 10.00 a.m. - Antique and Collectors Fair Page 12 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - T. B. A. 6th Sun Followed by the Fairtrade Stall Page 9 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 12 November CHRISTMAS FAIR 13 November REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY and CHURCH PARADE 27 November CHURCH MEETING 12.00 noon 2-11 December CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 10 December CRAFT FAIR 11 December CHURCH PARADE 18 December CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT 7 January T.B.A. 19
  • 22. The Firefighters Creed When I'm called to duty, God wherever flames may rage give me strength to save a life whatever be their age. Help me to embrace a child before it is too late or save an older person from the horror of that fate. Enable me to be alert to hear the weakest shout and quickly and efficiently to put the fire out. I want to fulfill my calling and to give the best in me to guard my Neighbour and protect his property. And if according to your will I have to lose my life bless with your protecting hand my children and my wife. If Prometheus was worthy of the wrath of heaven for kindling the first fire upon the earth, how ought all the Gods to honour the men who make it their professional business to put it out? ---------------------- All of the above taken from a memorial in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. Editor’s Footnote October falls between two days of remembrance connected with massive events which affected the entire world. It therefore felt fitting to publish the above verse and short piece of text. 20
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25 am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 2.30 & 7.30 pm West Wickham Carol Crouch 8462 3642 Arts Association 5.45 pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30 pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00 pm - 1st Women's Contact Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Mon monthly Group Tuesday 2.00 pm Women's Fellowship Linda Jennings 07778 238587 7.00 - 8.00 pm Weight Watchers Area Office 0845 345 1500 7.15 pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 5.00 pm Rainbows Tania Venables 8462 9759 6.00 pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.30 pm Worship Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 6.45 pm Slimming World Val 0750 6015064 7.30 pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 2.30 pm - See Justice & Peace David Stoner 8462 3023 Catalyst Group 5.30 pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.00 - 8.30 pm Senior Guides Kerry Sullivan 8777 3139 8.00 pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 Thu monthly Friday 9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00 pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30 pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 7.30 pm Choir Martin Nunn 8462 5918 Saturday 2.30 pm Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918
  • 24. Final Thought Holy Spirit, source of all truth, giver of power Come upon me now As gently as a dove Or like tongues of living fire As quietly as a summer breeze Or as a mighty roaring wind. Come and dwell within me. Enable me now to do those things which before were impossible Unworthy as I am, Holy Spirit of the living God Give me those gifts which I can use to your honour and glory That I may show forth your fruit Even in my life. DW © Maranatha Community, UK Office 102 Irlam Road, Flixton, Manchester M41 6JT, England Tel: +44 (0) 161 748 4858 Fax. +44 (0) 161 747 7379 Email.