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So You Think Objects Are Records
With Byte Codes On The Side?
Where Do Objects Fit?
    As a vehicle for implementing programs.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   2
Where Do Objects Fit?
    As a vehicle for implementing programs.
    As a vehicle for modeling actual business entities and
    the diverse, complex rules that govern their
    interpretation and use.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   3
How Do We View Objects?
   Traditional thinking holds that objects are the managers
   and clients of state stored in data base records.

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   4
How Do We View Objects?
   Traditional thinking holds that objects are the managers
   and clients of state stored in data base records.
   An intuitively appealing conceptual model...

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   5
How Do We View Objects?
   Traditional thinking holds that objects are the managers
   and clients of state stored in data base records.
   An intuitively appealing conceptual model...
   … that is inherently external to the data base.

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   6
How Do We Implement Objects?
   Traditional thinking holds that objects are records with
   methods on the side.

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   7
How Do We Implement Objects?
   Traditional thinking holds that objects are records with
   methods on the side.
   An intuitively appealing conceptual model...

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   8
How Do We Implement Objects?
   Traditional thinking holds that objects are records with
   methods on the side.
   An intuitively appealing conceptual model...
   … that insists on viewing the world one individual at a

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   9
So What’s Wrong With That?
   It may work for clients that consume relatively small
   amounts of data...

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   10
So What’s Wrong With That?
   It may work for clients that consume relatively small
   amounts of data...
   It may work for programs…

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   11
So What’s Wrong With That?
   It may work for clients that consume relatively small
   amounts of data...
   It may work for programs…
   … but it leaves the hard problem of implementing
   scaleable business objects, particularly entity objects, as
   an exercise for the ‘reader’.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   12
So Where Do We Go Next?
   Establishing Principles
   Starting At The Top
   Questioning Assumptions
   Developing a New Foundation

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   13
Establishing Principles
    From an application perspective:
        » most applications we encounter are ultimately
          developed by involved, business knowledgeable users,
          not programmers.
        » solving interface and impedance matching problems
          is a jargon laden waste of time.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   14
Establishing Principles
    From a technology perspective:
        » a collection centric theory of operation is critical to
          achieving reliable application scalability and
        » solving interface and impedance matching problems
          is a jargon laden waste of time.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   15
Establishing Principles
    From any perspective:
        » most applications are a collection of many simple,
          hard problems.
        » it is impossible to overstate the complexity of even
          the simplest looking applications.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   16
Starting At The Top
    Without creating an application specific technology,
    start with an understanding of how entity based
    applications work and what needs to be in place in
    order to create them.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   17
For Example, …
                                           Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap |
   A mutual fund analysis                  !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ;
                                           holdings send: [security].
   system powered by our                     select: [type isEquity].
   technology needs to                       collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].
                                             groupedBy: [account].
   rank funds based on                       select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct
                                                && pctEq <= ^my upperPct].
   the overlap of their                      extendBy: [
   holdings with another,                       !xref <- ^my holdings;
                                                !ofactor <- groupList total: [
   arbitrarily chosen,                            percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security.

   fund:                                        ]

                                             sortDown: [ofactor]

          So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                    18
Collections Are Everywhere
                                             Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap |
    Query and collection                     !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ;
                                             holdings send: [security].
    operations are                             select: [type isEquity].
    embedded throughout                        collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].
                                               groupedBy: [account].
    this application’s logic,                  select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct
                                                  && pctEq <= ^my upperPct].
    not simply at the                          extendBy: [
    ‘database’ end of a data                      !xref <- ^my holdings;
                                                  !ofactor <- groupList total: [
    pipeline.                                       percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security.
                                               sortDown: [ofactor]

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                    19
Detail Counts
                                             Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap |
    The collection level                     !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ;
                                             holdings send: [security].
    detail associated with                     select: [type isEquity].
    an object is just as                       collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].
                                               groupedBy: [account].
    important as its                           select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct
                                                  && pctEq <= ^my upperPct].
    summary information                        extendBy: [
    and must be just as                           !xref <- ^my holdings;
                                                  !ofactor <- groupList total: [
    easily accessible.                              percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security.
                                               sortDown: [ofactor]

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                    20
Information Is Dynamic
                                             Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap |
    New collections of                       !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ;
                                             holdings send: [security].
    data, complete with                        select: [type isEquity].
    new and additional                         collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].
                                               groupedBy: [account].
    properties, need to be                     select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct
                                                  && pctEq <= ^my upperPct].
    created, used, and                         extendBy: [
    returned ‘on-the-fly’.                        !xref <- ^my holdings;
                                                  !ofactor <- groupList total: [
                                                    percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security.
                                               sortDown: [ofactor]

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                    21
Complexity Is Hidden
                                             Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap |
    Many complex details                     !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ;
                                             holdings send: [security].
    are hidden, including                      select: [type isEquity].
    the fact that important                    collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].
                                               groupedBy: [account].
    data used in even this                     select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct
                                                  && pctEq <= ^my upperPct].
    ‘simple’ application is                    extendBy: [
    time-varying and,                             !xref <- ^my holdings;
                                                  !ofactor <- groupList total: [
    therefore, context                              percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security.

    sensitive.                                    ]

                                               sortDown: [ofactor]

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                    22
Complexity Is Embeddable
   It is impossible to anticipate how encapsulated
   functionality will be used:

      TRoweFunds do: [^self getHoldingsOverlap first: 5 . do: […] ]

      ^today to: ^today - 1 years by: 1 quarterEnds. evaluate: [
        MagellanFund getHoldingsOverlap do: [ … ]

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   23
Starting At The Top, Epilogue …
    The functionality required by entity based applications
    profoundly affects all of the technologies it touches
    without fitting neatly into any of them.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   24
… And Prologue:
   Time to start thinking outside the box and questioning
   assumptions, ...

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   25
Questioning Assumptions
  From an application perspective:
    Entity based applications fit into a neat little
  From a technology perspective:
    That which an application sees and
    manipulates is the way it really works.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   26
Questioning Assumptions
  And its corollaries:
    Who said sets are defined by the elements they keep?
    Who said objects are records?

             So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   27
Who said sets are defined by the
elements they keep?
    Sets have come to be known as ‘unique-ifers of things’.
    This operational definition is understandable given
    everyone’s intuitive concept of a set

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   28
Set Elements Don’t Matter, …
    The intuitive definition of sets in terms of their
    elements imparts unnecessary structure.
    The structure it does impart is misplaced anyway.

             So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   29
… And Sets Are Structureless
    A better intuitive definition
    for a set is that it is                       MySetOf3
    ‘collection of distinguishable
    things’, without reference to
    the particular things:
         my set of three things
         the Integers

              So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?           30
But Where Are The Elements?
   But where do you
   represent the fact that a                    MySetOf3

   particular set of three
   things ‘contains’ the
   elements {4, 14, 34}?


            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?           31
In A Morphism, …
 2 → 14
 3 → 34


          So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                32
That, Along With The Set, Is
Unique Up To Isomorphism, …
 m0       i01         i02
 1→4      1→3         1→2
 2 → 14   2→1         2→3
 3 → 34   3→2         3→1                        i01
 i10                  i12                                     i10          m0
 1→2                  1→3            i02   i20                       m1
 2→3                  2→1                              S1
 3→1                  3→2
 i20      i21         m2                                i12    i21
 1→3      1→2         1 → 34                                          m2        TheIntegers
 2→1      2→3         2→4
 3→2      3→1         3 → 14                                    S2

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                33
Only Morphism Structure Matters
    The properties and internal structure of morphisms and
    families of morphisms:
       express constraints
       implement operations
       characterize transformations and relationships
       provide an algebraic framework
    These roles are not mutually exclusive.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   34
Morphisms Express Constraints
    Morphism structure
    expresses constraints:                        MySetOf3

       m0, as the ‘element’ specifier
       for MySetOf3, must be                                                  m0

               2 → 14
               3 → 34

              So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                35
Morphisms Implement Operations
   Morphism structure supports
   operation implementation:                     MySetOf3

      m1 = m0 º i10
                                                             i10             m0
      ∀j∈S1 m1[j] = m0[i10[j]]

   i10        m0               m1
   1→2        1→4              1 → 14                                             TheIntegers
   2→3        2 → 14           2 → 34
   3→1        3 → 34           3→4

             So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                36
Morphisms Characterize
Transformations and Relationships
 Composition                                       Product (Projection)
          g                f                                          pr1

 Partition                                         Disjoint Union
 Values                          Elements                       in0
              v=kºe                                                   in1
          k               e                                     inn


                    So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   37
Morphisms Characterize
Transformations and Relationships
 Instantiation                                    Deletion
             Sv0                                                    Sv0
                   in                                                     in

             Sv1                                                    Sv1

 Insertion                                        Join

                   So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   38
So Where Are We?
   Structureless sets.
   Information bearing morphisms.
   What does this have to do with objects and data bases?

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   39
Structureless Sets Denote Things
    Structureless sets
    represent sets of
    distinguishable things:                                                  AccountId

       the set of Account
       objects                                 Holding
       the set of Holding
       the set of Security
       objects                                 Security

             So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?          40
Morphisms Hold Values
   Information bearing
   morphisms hold                                                id
   property values …                                                           AccountId



          So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               41
… Including Navigational Values
  …including the values of
   navigational properties.                                        id


            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               42
… Without Violating Theory
  …while remaining on
   firm theoretical                                               id
   ground.                                                                      AccountId



           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               43
Properties Can Be Polymorphic
    Properties are usually
    polymorphic…                                                   id


            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               44
So Morphisms Need Fine Structure
 Portfolio                          super
                                Index                                     id
                 in0             in1              in2
account                                                                        accountId

      … like disjoint union.                                              id

                   So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               45
Properties Can Be Time-Varying
    Properties often
    express time varying                                            id
    relationships.                              account

    We won’t go there right                                              accountId
    now except to say that the                 Holding
    fine structure gets even                    security
    richer.                                                                       SecurityId

             So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               46
It Computes …
                                                        Compose                     accountId
 collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].                                               securityId
 groupedBy: [account].                                     security
 extendBy: [                                                                                 SecurityId
    …                                                                          id
    !ofactor <- groupList total: […]                      Security

                        So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               47
In Parallel …
Portfolio                          super
                               Index                                     id
                in0             in1              in2

               Compose/Join                                              id

                  So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?               48
But All Of This Is Well Hidden …
                                            Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap |
    All a user sees is a                    !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ;
                                            holdings send: [security].
    conventional object                       select: [type isEquity].
    oriented programming                      collectListElementsFrom: [holdings].
                                              groupedBy: [account].
    language.                                 select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct
                                                 && pctEq <= ^my upperPct].
                                              extendBy: [
                                                 !xref <- ^my holdings;
                                                 !ofactor <- groupList total: [
                                                   percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security.
                                              sortDown: [ofactor]

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?                    49
This Is Necessarily An Overview
    What you have seen is an overview of a straightforward
    but non-trivial technology.
    The principles described here easily address the data
    definition and manipulation needs of a general purpose,
    integrated data base management, data base
    programming environment.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   50
Questioning Assumptions - Reprise
  From an application perspective:
    Entity based applications fit into a neat little
  From a technology perspective:
    That which an application sees and
    manipulates is the way it really works.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   51
By The Way, What Are Objects?
   The theory underlying all of this is Category Theory.
   By the way, objects are sub-categories of the concrete
   category Set.

            So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   52
Where Are We?
   commercially proven
   solid theoretical underpinnings
   unified, inherently parallel data base programming
   language integration

           So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   53
And, Of Course …
   Objects are records with byte codes on the side?

   It Ain’t Necessarily So.

             So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side?   54

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Objects arent records with byte codes on the side

  • 1. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? T h i n k A g a i n
  • 2. Where Do Objects Fit? As a vehicle for implementing programs. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 2
  • 3. Where Do Objects Fit? As a vehicle for implementing programs. As a vehicle for modeling actual business entities and the diverse, complex rules that govern their interpretation and use. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 3
  • 4. How Do We View Objects? Traditional thinking holds that objects are the managers and clients of state stored in data base records. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 4
  • 5. How Do We View Objects? Traditional thinking holds that objects are the managers and clients of state stored in data base records. An intuitively appealing conceptual model... So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 5
  • 6. How Do We View Objects? Traditional thinking holds that objects are the managers and clients of state stored in data base records. An intuitively appealing conceptual model... … that is inherently external to the data base. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 6
  • 7. How Do We Implement Objects? Traditional thinking holds that objects are records with methods on the side. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 7
  • 8. How Do We Implement Objects? Traditional thinking holds that objects are records with methods on the side. An intuitively appealing conceptual model... So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 8
  • 9. How Do We Implement Objects? Traditional thinking holds that objects are records with methods on the side. An intuitively appealing conceptual model... … that insists on viewing the world one individual at a time. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 9
  • 10. So What’s Wrong With That? It may work for clients that consume relatively small amounts of data... So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 10
  • 11. So What’s Wrong With That? It may work for clients that consume relatively small amounts of data... It may work for programs… So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 11
  • 12. So What’s Wrong With That? It may work for clients that consume relatively small amounts of data... It may work for programs… … but it leaves the hard problem of implementing scaleable business objects, particularly entity objects, as an exercise for the ‘reader’. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 12
  • 13. So Where Do We Go Next? Establishing Principles Starting At The Top Questioning Assumptions Developing a New Foundation So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 13
  • 14. Establishing Principles From an application perspective: comprehensibility » most applications we encounter are ultimately developed by involved, business knowledgeable users, not programmers. integration » solving interface and impedance matching problems is a jargon laden waste of time. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 14
  • 15. Establishing Principles From a technology perspective: theory » a collection centric theory of operation is critical to achieving reliable application scalability and deployment. integration » solving interface and impedance matching problems is a jargon laden waste of time. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 15
  • 16. Establishing Principles From any perspective: generality » most applications are a collection of many simple, hard problems. » it is impossible to overstate the complexity of even the simplest looking applications. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 16
  • 17. Starting At The Top Without creating an application specific technology, start with an understanding of how entity based applications work and what needs to be in place in order to create them. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 17
  • 18. For Example, … Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap | A mutual fund analysis !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ; holdings send: [security]. system powered by our select: [type isEquity]. technology needs to collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. groupedBy: [account]. rank funds based on select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct && pctEq <= ^my upperPct]. the overlap of their extendBy: [ holdings with another, !xref <- ^my holdings; !ofactor <- groupList total: [ arbitrarily chosen, percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security. fund: ] percentOfPort) ]. sortDown: [ofactor] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 18
  • 19. Collections Are Everywhere Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap | Query and collection !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ; holdings send: [security]. operations are select: [type isEquity]. embedded throughout collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. groupedBy: [account]. this application’s logic, select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct && pctEq <= ^my upperPct]. not simply at the extendBy: [ ‘database’ end of a data !xref <- ^my holdings; !ofactor <- groupList total: [ pipeline. percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security. percentOfPort) ] ]. sortDown: [ofactor] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 19
  • 20. Detail Counts Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap | The collection level !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ; holdings send: [security]. detail associated with select: [type isEquity]. an object is just as collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. groupedBy: [account]. important as its select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct && pctEq <= ^my upperPct]. summary information extendBy: [ and must be just as !xref <- ^my holdings; !ofactor <- groupList total: [ easily accessible. percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security. percentOfPort) ] ]. sortDown: [ofactor] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 20
  • 21. Information Is Dynamic Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap | New collections of !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ; holdings send: [security]. data, complete with select: [type isEquity]. new and additional collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. groupedBy: [account]. properties, need to be select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct && pctEq <= ^my upperPct]. created, used, and extendBy: [ returned ‘on-the-fly’. !xref <- ^my holdings; !ofactor <- groupList total: [ percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security. percentOfPort) ] ]. sortDown: [ofactor] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 21
  • 22. Complexity Is Hidden Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap | Many complex details !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ; holdings send: [security]. are hidden, including select: [type isEquity]. the fact that important collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. groupedBy: [account]. data used in even this select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct && pctEq <= ^my upperPct]. ‘simple’ application is extendBy: [ time-varying and, !xref <- ^my holdings; !ofactor <- groupList total: [ therefore, context percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security. sensitive. ] percentOfPort) ]. sortDown: [ofactor] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 22
  • 23. Complexity Is Embeddable It is impossible to anticipate how encapsulated functionality will be used: TRoweFunds do: [^self getHoldingsOverlap first: 5 . do: […] ] ^today to: ^today - 1 years by: 1 quarterEnds. evaluate: [ MagellanFund getHoldingsOverlap do: [ … ] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 23
  • 24. Starting At The Top, Epilogue … The functionality required by entity based applications profoundly affects all of the technologies it touches without fitting neatly into any of them. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 24
  • 25. … And Prologue: Time to start thinking outside the box and questioning assumptions, ... So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 25
  • 26. Questioning Assumptions From an application perspective: Entity based applications fit into a neat little box. From a technology perspective: That which an application sees and manipulates is the way it really works. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 26
  • 27. Questioning Assumptions And its corollaries: Who said sets are defined by the elements they keep? Who said objects are records? So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 27
  • 28. Who said sets are defined by the elements they keep? Sets have come to be known as ‘unique-ifers of things’. This operational definition is understandable given everyone’s intuitive concept of a set So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 28
  • 29. Set Elements Don’t Matter, … The intuitive definition of sets in terms of their elements imparts unnecessary structure. The structure it does impart is misplaced anyway. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 29
  • 30. … And Sets Are Structureless A better intuitive definition for a set is that it is MySetOf3 ‘collection of distinguishable things’, without reference to the particular things: my set of three things the Integers TheIntegers So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 30
  • 31. But Where Are The Elements? But where do you represent the fact that a MySetOf3 particular set of three things ‘contains’ the elements {4, 14, 34}? TheIntegers So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 31
  • 32. In A Morphism, … m0 1→4 MySetOf3 2 → 14 3 → 34 m0 TheIntegers So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 32
  • 33. That, Along With The Set, Is Unique Up To Isomorphism, … m0 i01 i02 1→4 1→3 1→2 MySetOf3 2 → 14 2→1 2→3 3 → 34 3→2 3→1 i01 i10 i12 i10 m0 1→2 1→3 i02 i20 m1 2→3 2→1 S1 3→1 3→2 i20 i21 m2 i12 i21 1→3 1→2 1 → 34 m2 TheIntegers 2→1 2→3 2→4 3→2 3→1 3 → 14 S2 So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 33
  • 34. Only Morphism Structure Matters The properties and internal structure of morphisms and families of morphisms: express constraints implement operations characterize transformations and relationships provide an algebraic framework These roles are not mutually exclusive. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 34
  • 35. Morphisms Express Constraints Morphism structure expresses constraints: MySetOf3 m0, as the ‘element’ specifier for MySetOf3, must be m0 injective. m0 TheIntegers 1→4 2 → 14 3 → 34 So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 35
  • 36. Morphisms Implement Operations Morphism structure supports operation implementation: MySetOf3 m1 = m0 º i10 i10 m0 ∀j∈S1 m1[j] = m0[i10[j]] m1 S1 i10 m0 m1 1→2 1→4 1 → 14 TheIntegers 2→3 2 → 14 2 → 34 3→1 3 → 34 3→4 So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 36
  • 37. Morphisms Characterize Transformations and Relationships Composition Product (Projection) pr0 g f pr1 … prn fºg Partition Disjoint Union Values Elements in0 v=kºe in1 … k e inn Collections So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 37
  • 38. Morphisms Characterize Transformations and Relationships Instantiation Deletion Sv0 Sv0 in in Sv1 Sv1 Insertion Join So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 38
  • 39. So Where Are We? Structureless sets. Information bearing morphisms. What does this have to do with objects and data bases? So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 39
  • 40. Structureless Sets Denote Things Structureless sets Account represent sets of distinguishable things: AccountId the set of Account objects Holding the set of Holding objects SecurityId the set of Security objects Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 40
  • 41. Morphisms Hold Values Information bearing Account morphisms hold id property values … AccountId accountId Holding securityId SecurityId id Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 41
  • 42. … Including Navigational Values …including the values of Account navigational properties. id AccountId account accountId Holding securityId security SecurityId id Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 42
  • 43. … Without Violating Theory …while remaining on Account firm theoretical id account ground. AccountId accountId Holding securityId SecurityId security id Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 43
  • 44. Properties Can Be Polymorphic Properties are usually Account polymorphic… id AccountId account accountId Holding securityId security SecurityId id Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 44
  • 45. So Morphisms Need Fine Structure Portfolio super Account Aggregate Index id AccountId in0 in1 in2 Holding account accountId securityId security SecurityId … like disjoint union. id Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 45
  • 46. Properties Can Be Time-Varying Properties often Account express time varying id relationships. account AccountId We won’t go there right accountId now except to say that the Holding securityId fine structure gets even security richer. SecurityId id Security price So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 46
  • 47. It Computes … Account id Partition AccountId account Compose accountId Holding collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. securityId groupedBy: [account]. security … extendBy: [ SecurityId … id !ofactor <- groupList total: […] Security … ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 47
  • 48. In Parallel … Portfolio super Account Aggregate Index id AccountId in0 in1 in2 Holding accountId securityId security SecurityId Compose/Join id Security So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 48
  • 49. But All Of This Is Well Hidden … Account defineMethod: [ | getHoldingsOverlap | All a user sees is a !lowerPct <- pctEq * 0.8; !upperPct <- … ; holdings send: [security]. conventional object select: [type isEquity]. oriented programming collectListElementsFrom: [holdings]. groupedBy: [account]. language. select: [pctEq >= ^my lowerPct && pctEq <= ^my upperPct]. extendBy: [ !xref <- ^my holdings; !ofactor <- groupList total: [ percentOfPort min: (^my xref at: security. percentOfPort) ] ]. sortDown: [ofactor] ]; So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 49
  • 50. This Is Necessarily An Overview What you have seen is an overview of a straightforward but non-trivial technology. The principles described here easily address the data definition and manipulation needs of a general purpose, integrated data base management, data base programming environment. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 50
  • 51. Questioning Assumptions - Reprise From an application perspective: Entity based applications fit into a neat little box. From a technology perspective: That which an application sees and manipulates is the way it really works. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 51
  • 52. By The Way, What Are Objects? The theory underlying all of this is Category Theory. By the way, objects are sub-categories of the concrete category Set. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 52
  • 53. Where Are We? commercially proven solid theoretical underpinnings unified, inherently parallel data base programming language integration So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 53
  • 54. And, Of Course … Objects are records with byte codes on the side? It Ain’t Necessarily So. So You Think Objects Are Records With Byte Codes On The Side? 54