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Object Lesson 
- Turkey 
Feathers of 
Thanksgiving Day was first 
celebrated in the American 
Plymouth colony in 1621, when 
Governor William Bradford 
proclaimed a day of thanksgiving 
and prayer. Before that, a Native 
American named Squanto taught 
the pilgrims how to plant corn 
and how to survive in the new 
land. When the harvest came, it 
was celebrated by all the colonists 
and neighboring Native 
Americans who had helped them. 
Gradually it became a common 
annual custom to celebrate 
thanksgiving after the harvest. 
While turkeys were known to the 
colonists and Indians, we don't 
have any proof they were served at 
the first thanksgiving. But they 
were added later as part of the 
celebration that continues until 
today. Long before that, the 
Isrealites has a similar feast day to 
Thank God for what he had done 
for them. It was called the Feast of 
Tabernacles and can be found in 
Leviticus 23:33-44; Numbers 29:12- 
39; Deuteronomy 16:13. The games 
in this lesson use feathers, not only 
because they are associated with 
Thanksgiving, but also because 
there are places in the Bible where 
God is compared to a protective 
bird who covers us with his wings. 
What You Need 
Lots of feathers – Most of these 
games work best with feathers that 
are light and fluffy and not the 
heavy quill-like feathers. You can 
buy them at any craft store or pluck 
them from a cheap feather boa. 
Games using Feathers 
Falling Turkey Feathers – The youth 
on one or more teams must all hold 
hands in a circle. Throw a feather up 
into the air inside each circle and 
then each team must keep the 
feather from touching the ground 
only by blowing it upward. They are 
not allowed to release their hands to 
keep the feather up. Have a 
competition to see which group can 
keep the feather in the air the 
longest, or which group in the matter 
of three minutes drops the feather 
the least, etc. 
Feather Blow Floor Race – Tape two 
lines on the floor at opposite ends of 
the room as goal lines. Teams blow the 
feather along the floor to the opposite 
goal and back. First team to complete 
the relay wins. Team members should 
cheer their teams on with the loudest 
gobble-gobble sounds as possible. 
Fluffy Turkey Feathers Matre d: Youth 
must carry feathers on a plate or 
plastic spoon to a target and back. The 
players must pick up any feathers that 
drop. First team to have every 
member complete the relay wins. You 
can also designate a body part the 
feather must rest on such as the back 
of a hand, on the shoulder, on an 
elbow, etc. 
Feathers – Play the regular game of 
Spoons, but substitute feathers for 
the spoons. In the middle of the 
table, place one less feather than 
the number of players you have. 
Shuffle a standard 52-card deck and 
deal 4 cards to each person. Have 
everyone take one of their cards and 
discard it to their left 
simultaneously. The person to the 
right of the dealer, however, should 
put one of their cards down on the 
table to start the discard pile, while 
the dealer picks up a new card. 
Repeat this process of everyone 
passing to the left. 
Each round the dealer should pick 
up a new card and the person to 
their right should add to the discard 
pile, so as to have a continuous 
influx of new cards. The first person 
to have 4 of a kind (e.g. all 4 aces or 
all 4 nines) has to pick up a feather. 
Following this, all other players need 
to do the same, with the slowest 
person left without a feather and 
out of the game. 
Highest Feather Blow – Award a prize 
for the person who can blow a feather 
up to the greatest height. 
Pin the feather on the Turkey - In this 
thanksgiving version of the classic kids 
game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, 
blindfolded kids try to pin the Tail 
Feather on the Turkey. 
Turkey Feather Circle Relay – Youth 
form a circle. The first person blows a 
feather to the next person who 
catches it in his or her cupped hands. 
Each person blows the feather to the 
next person. First team to have the 
feather travel around the circle wins. If 
the feather is dropped on the floor the 
team must start over. 
Turkey Feather Darts – Attach a 
small weight to the tip of some 
feathers. These can then be tossed 
like a dart at cups or targets. You can 
play with harder to hit targets which 
are worth more points or have a 
bullseye like in darts where the 
closest toss wins. 
Turkey Feather Float – Give a light 
fluffy feather to each youth. On 
“GO” each youth starts blowing to 
keep their feather in the air. The 
youth that keeps their feather in the 
air the longest is the winner. 
Turkey Feather Juggling – In this 
minute to Win It Game, keep your 
head up, eyes open, and a steady 
stream of air coming through your 
mouth as you attempt to keep two 
feathers in the air for a full sixty 
seconds while staying within set 
boundaries. Prior to the game 
create a circle in the middle of the 
floor that will be the playing area. 
Make the boundaries large enough 
to allow some moving room but 
small enough to keep things 
Turkey Feather Relay – Designate a 
start line and a finish line. At the start 
signal, the first person on each team 
tosses the turkey tail feather into the 
air and tries to blow it up into the air 
and across the finish line. Anytime a 
turkey tail feather touches the floor, 
the person must make loud gobble 
gobble sounds and take three large 
steps backward toward the start line. 
They can then toss the turkey tail 
feather up again and start moving 
forward. When a player makes it back 
to the team the next person starts and 
the person who just completed the 
dash, goes to the back of the line and 
sits down. Team members should 
cheer their teams on with the loudest 
gobble-gobble sounds as possible. 
Turkey Feather Soccer – Play a 
game where the youth must blow a 
feather into a cup, bucket or small 
box that is lying on its side. It is not 
as easy as it seems. This can also be 
a great minute to win it game. 
Turkey Feather Table Tennis – 
Youth split into two teams across 
from each other on opposite ends 
of a table. The objective is to blow 
the feather off the opponent’s end 
for a point. 
Turkey Feather Toss Race – First 
youth in each team is given a 
feather. On ‘GO’, he or she throws 
the feather towards the finish line. 
From where it lands, it is thrown 
again, repeating until it lands past 
the finish line. The participant can 
then pick up the feather and run it 
back to the next person on the 
team. First team to complete the 
relay wins. 
Turkey Feather Volleyball – Tie a 
string across the room as a net. 
Each team tries to blow a feather 
over the string rather than hitting 
a ball. Rules are similar to 
volleyball, but they have to blow 
the feather. The feather can be 
blown as many times as necessary 
to get it over the net. You can also 
play with four teams and the room 
divided into quarters. Add more 
than one feather for more fun! 
Feathers and Gobblers – All the 
players sit in a circle. The leader 
stands on a chair and releases a 
light fluffy feather. As it flies 
through the air, everyone must 
make the gobbling sounds of a 
turkey. The moment it lands they 
must become completely quiet. 
Anyone who makes a noise after it 
lands is out. The objective is to be 
wild and crazy so that others can’t 
help but laugh and make noise. 
Turkey Feathers in the Wind – The 
youth kneel around the four sides of 
a sheet or blanket and then grab the 
edge. They must then pull the sheet 
taut and hold it just beneath their 
chins. Place a light fluffy feather on 
the middle of the sheet. Each side of 
the sheet is one team. The youth try 
to blow the feather away from their 
side. If a feather touches someone, 
get’s blown off the edge, or gets 
blown over the head of someone 
then that side gets a penalty point. 
The lowest points wins. You can also 
play this like musical chairs and the 
person the feather is closest to when 
the music stops is out. 
Turkey Tail-feathers – With a glue gun or 
piece of adhesive tape, attach feathers 
to both legs of each clothespin. Give 
every person two clothespins (Turkey 
Feathers) as they enter. When everyone 
has their turkey feathers, tell them 
you’re giving them two minutes to get 
rid of their feathers. The only way for 
participants to get rid of the feathers is 
onto pin them to someone else. Award a 
prize to the person with the least 
number of feathers. The person with the 
MOST feathers is the official TURKEY! 
Icebreaker idea: After playing the game, 
each person must state one Fun Fact 
about themselves for each feather they 
are wearing. If they have no feathers 
they only have to say ONE thing about 
The first Thanksgiving was a 
time to remember and thank 
God for what he had done. What 
do you think people do the 
most: complain or give thanks? 
• What are some of the things we 
should be thankful to God for? 
• Looking at some of the scripture 
verses, what does the Bible teach 
us about Giving thanks? (Share 
some of the scriptures included 
in the lesson plan) 
• What are some ways we can say, 
“Thank you” to God? 
• How many of us have said THANK 
YOU to someone today? . . .in the 
past day? . . . in the past week? . . 
. the past month? Why should we 
be thankful to other people? 
• What do you do the most: 
complain or give thanks? 
• What are some things that 
you are thankful for? 
• Name 5 things that God 
has done for you that make 
you thankful? 
• What are some things you 
can do to show your 
thankfulness to God this 
In advance, make a large 
turkey body with no tail 
feathers. Give each youth a 
piece of paper cut in the shape 
of a turkey feather. Ask the 
youth to write at least 5 things 
they are thankful to God for on 
the tail-feather and attach it to 
the turkey. 
1 Chronicles 16:34 – “Give thanks 
to the Lord, for he is good; his love 
endures forever.” 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “give thanks 
in all circumstances; for this is 
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 
1 Timothy 4:4 – “For everything 
God created is good, and nothing is 
to be rejected if it is received with 
Colossians 3:17 – “And whatever you 
do, whether in word or deed, do it all 
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving 
thanks to God the Father through 
Ephesians 5:20 – “always giving 
thanks to God the Father for 
everything, in the name of our Lord 
Jesus Christ.” 
Matthew 23:37 – “Jerusalem, 
Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets 
and stone those sent to you, how 
often I have longed to gather your 
children together, as a hen gathers 
her chicks under her wings, and you 
were not willing.” 
Philippians 4:6 – “Do not be anxious 
about anything, but in every 
situation, by prayer and petition, 
with thanksgiving, present your 
requests to God.” 
Psalm 100:4-5 – “Enter his gates with 
thanksgiving and his courts with 
praise; give thanks to him and praise 
his name. For the LORD is good and 
his love endures forever; his 
faithfulness continues through all 
Psalm 105:1 – “O give thanks unto 
the LORD; call upon his name: make 
known His deeds among the people.” 
Psalm 107:8 – “Let them give 
thanks to the LORD for his 
unfailing love and his wonderful 
deeds for men.” 
Psalm 118:1 – “Give thanks to the 
LORD, for he is good; his love 
endures forever.” 
Psalm 118:21 – “I will give you 
thanks, for you answered me; you 
have become my salvation.” 
Psalm 136:1 – “Give thanks to the 
LORD, for he is good; his love 
endures forever.” 
Psalm 17:8 – “Keep me as the 
apple of your eye; hide me in 
the shadow of your wings” 
Psalm 28:7 – “The LORD is my 
strength and my shield; my 
heart trusts in him, and I am 
helped. My heart leaps for joy 
and I will give thanks to him in 
Psalm 36:7 – “How priceless is 
your unfailing love, O God! 
People take refuge in the 
shadow of your wings.” 
Psalm 91:4 – “He will cover you 
with his feathers, and under his 
wings you will find refuge; his 
faithfulness will be your shield and 
Psalm 95:2 – “Let us come before 
him with thanksgiving and extol 
him with music and song.” 
Ruth 2:12 – “May the Lord repay 
you for what you have done. May 
you be richly rewarded by the 
Lord, the God of Israel, under 
whose wings you have come to 
take refuge.”
Creative Object Lessons 
MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons” 
200 page e-book that explains everything you 
need to know when planning your very own 
object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed 
object lesson ideas and another 200 object 
lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms 
and Names / Descriptions of God. 
Learn More… 
Holiday Collection 
Games and Activities in Celebration 
of common Holidays. 
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of 
ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s 
Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s 
Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and 
Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered 
what you’re going to do for all these holidays 
and how you’re going to do it, this resource is 
for you. 
=> Tell me more about the Holiday Collection

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Object Lesson - Turkey Feathers of Thanksgiving

  • 1. Object Lesson - Turkey Feathers of Thanksgiving
  • 2. Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated in the American Plymouth colony in 1621, when Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Before that, a Native American named Squanto taught the pilgrims how to plant corn and how to survive in the new land. When the harvest came, it was celebrated by all the colonists and neighboring Native Americans who had helped them. Gradually it became a common annual custom to celebrate thanksgiving after the harvest.
  • 3. While turkeys were known to the colonists and Indians, we don't have any proof they were served at the first thanksgiving. But they were added later as part of the celebration that continues until today. Long before that, the Isrealites has a similar feast day to Thank God for what he had done for them. It was called the Feast of Tabernacles and can be found in Leviticus 23:33-44; Numbers 29:12- 39; Deuteronomy 16:13. The games in this lesson use feathers, not only because they are associated with Thanksgiving, but also because there are places in the Bible where God is compared to a protective bird who covers us with his wings.
  • 5. What You Need Lots of feathers – Most of these games work best with feathers that are light and fluffy and not the heavy quill-like feathers. You can buy them at any craft store or pluck them from a cheap feather boa.
  • 6. Games using Feathers Falling Turkey Feathers – The youth on one or more teams must all hold hands in a circle. Throw a feather up into the air inside each circle and then each team must keep the feather from touching the ground only by blowing it upward. They are not allowed to release their hands to keep the feather up. Have a competition to see which group can keep the feather in the air the longest, or which group in the matter of three minutes drops the feather the least, etc.
  • 7. Feather Blow Floor Race – Tape two lines on the floor at opposite ends of the room as goal lines. Teams blow the feather along the floor to the opposite goal and back. First team to complete the relay wins. Team members should cheer their teams on with the loudest gobble-gobble sounds as possible. Fluffy Turkey Feathers Matre d: Youth must carry feathers on a plate or plastic spoon to a target and back. The players must pick up any feathers that drop. First team to have every member complete the relay wins. You can also designate a body part the feather must rest on such as the back of a hand, on the shoulder, on an elbow, etc.
  • 8. Feathers – Play the regular game of Spoons, but substitute feathers for the spoons. In the middle of the table, place one less feather than the number of players you have. Shuffle a standard 52-card deck and deal 4 cards to each person. Have everyone take one of their cards and discard it to their left simultaneously. The person to the right of the dealer, however, should put one of their cards down on the table to start the discard pile, while the dealer picks up a new card. Repeat this process of everyone passing to the left.
  • 9. Each round the dealer should pick up a new card and the person to their right should add to the discard pile, so as to have a continuous influx of new cards. The first person to have 4 of a kind (e.g. all 4 aces or all 4 nines) has to pick up a feather. Following this, all other players need to do the same, with the slowest person left without a feather and out of the game.
  • 10. Highest Feather Blow – Award a prize for the person who can blow a feather up to the greatest height. Pin the feather on the Turkey - In this thanksgiving version of the classic kids game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, blindfolded kids try to pin the Tail Feather on the Turkey. Turkey Feather Circle Relay – Youth form a circle. The first person blows a feather to the next person who catches it in his or her cupped hands. Each person blows the feather to the next person. First team to have the feather travel around the circle wins. If the feather is dropped on the floor the team must start over.
  • 11. Turkey Feather Darts – Attach a small weight to the tip of some feathers. These can then be tossed like a dart at cups or targets. You can play with harder to hit targets which are worth more points or have a bullseye like in darts where the closest toss wins. Turkey Feather Float – Give a light fluffy feather to each youth. On “GO” each youth starts blowing to keep their feather in the air. The youth that keeps their feather in the air the longest is the winner.
  • 12. Turkey Feather Juggling – In this minute to Win It Game, keep your head up, eyes open, and a steady stream of air coming through your mouth as you attempt to keep two feathers in the air for a full sixty seconds while staying within set boundaries. Prior to the game create a circle in the middle of the floor that will be the playing area. Make the boundaries large enough to allow some moving room but small enough to keep things challenging.
  • 13. Turkey Feather Relay – Designate a start line and a finish line. At the start signal, the first person on each team tosses the turkey tail feather into the air and tries to blow it up into the air and across the finish line. Anytime a turkey tail feather touches the floor, the person must make loud gobble gobble sounds and take three large steps backward toward the start line. They can then toss the turkey tail feather up again and start moving forward. When a player makes it back to the team the next person starts and the person who just completed the dash, goes to the back of the line and sits down. Team members should cheer their teams on with the loudest gobble-gobble sounds as possible.
  • 14. Turkey Feather Soccer – Play a game where the youth must blow a feather into a cup, bucket or small box that is lying on its side. It is not as easy as it seems. This can also be a great minute to win it game. Turkey Feather Table Tennis – Youth split into two teams across from each other on opposite ends of a table. The objective is to blow the feather off the opponent’s end for a point.
  • 15. Turkey Feather Toss Race – First youth in each team is given a feather. On ‘GO’, he or she throws the feather towards the finish line. From where it lands, it is thrown again, repeating until it lands past the finish line. The participant can then pick up the feather and run it back to the next person on the team. First team to complete the relay wins.
  • 16. Turkey Feather Volleyball – Tie a string across the room as a net. Each team tries to blow a feather over the string rather than hitting a ball. Rules are similar to volleyball, but they have to blow the feather. The feather can be blown as many times as necessary to get it over the net. You can also play with four teams and the room divided into quarters. Add more than one feather for more fun!
  • 17. Feathers and Gobblers – All the players sit in a circle. The leader stands on a chair and releases a light fluffy feather. As it flies through the air, everyone must make the gobbling sounds of a turkey. The moment it lands they must become completely quiet. Anyone who makes a noise after it lands is out. The objective is to be wild and crazy so that others can’t help but laugh and make noise.
  • 18. Turkey Feathers in the Wind – The youth kneel around the four sides of a sheet or blanket and then grab the edge. They must then pull the sheet taut and hold it just beneath their chins. Place a light fluffy feather on the middle of the sheet. Each side of the sheet is one team. The youth try to blow the feather away from their side. If a feather touches someone, get’s blown off the edge, or gets blown over the head of someone then that side gets a penalty point. The lowest points wins. You can also play this like musical chairs and the person the feather is closest to when the music stops is out.
  • 19. Turkey Tail-feathers – With a glue gun or piece of adhesive tape, attach feathers to both legs of each clothespin. Give every person two clothespins (Turkey Feathers) as they enter. When everyone has their turkey feathers, tell them you’re giving them two minutes to get rid of their feathers. The only way for participants to get rid of the feathers is onto pin them to someone else. Award a prize to the person with the least number of feathers. The person with the MOST feathers is the official TURKEY! Icebreaker idea: After playing the game, each person must state one Fun Fact about themselves for each feather they are wearing. If they have no feathers they only have to say ONE thing about themselves.
  • 20. TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL MAKE IT SPIRITUAL The first Thanksgiving was a time to remember and thank God for what he had done. What do you think people do the most: complain or give thanks?
  • 21. MAKE IT PRACTICAL • What are some of the things we should be thankful to God for? • Looking at some of the scripture verses, what does the Bible teach us about Giving thanks? (Share some of the scriptures included in the lesson plan) • What are some ways we can say, “Thank you” to God? • How many of us have said THANK YOU to someone today? . . .in the past day? . . . in the past week? . . . the past month? Why should we be thankful to other people?
  • 22. MAKE IT PERSONAL • What do you do the most: complain or give thanks? • What are some things that you are thankful for? • Name 5 things that God has done for you that make you thankful? • What are some things you can do to show your thankfulness to God this week?
  • 23. CLOSING ACTIVITY In advance, make a large turkey body with no tail feathers. Give each youth a piece of paper cut in the shape of a turkey feather. Ask the youth to write at least 5 things they are thankful to God for on the tail-feather and attach it to the turkey.
  • 24. SCRIPTURES 1 Chronicles 16:34 – “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 4:4 – “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,”
  • 25. Colossians 3:17 – “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Ephesians 5:20 – “always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Matthew 23:37 – “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.”
  • 26. Philippians 4:6 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Psalm 100:4-5 – “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 105:1 – “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known His deeds among the people.”
  • 27. Psalm 107:8 – “Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.” Psalm 118:1 – “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 118:21 – “I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.” Psalm 136:1 – “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
  • 28. Psalm 17:8 – “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings” Psalm 28:7 – “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.” Psalm 36:7 – “How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”
  • 29. Psalm 91:4 – “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 95:2 – “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” Ruth 2:12 – “May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”
  • 30. Creative Object Lessons MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons” 200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God. Learn More…
  • 31. Holiday Collection Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays. Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you. => Tell me more about the Holiday Collection