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Hi Ianst, have you tried Treasure Hunt? It goes like this: Each team has to find 5 instruction sheets assigned to each team and are forbidden to take another team’s sheets. There is no real treasure at the end of the hunt actually; only the instruction sheets which guide the team to the location of the next instruction sheet in the correct order. The winner is the team which first submits all 5 instruction sheets to the instructor. This game is best played in a big location such as park, swimming pool or any other locations to conceal each instruction sheet.
you could make all "Independence Day" games as examples. i know some but at this time i have no time to write it... i'm quite busy. just a quick sample: children game: game title: make a mummy equipment: toilet tissues game teams: 2 children (below 5 years) in one group....could be 5 pairs at one time how to do it: make one of the child make a mummy to rolll over of his/her friend's body with tissues. give 5 minutes. winner of the game: the most covered child with tissue result: could be very funny for everybody adult game: game title: i don't know the name equipment: pink ponk balls game team: two or three groups of 6 or 7 or 8 people in one team how to do: the quickest group to slipped the pink ponk ball under their clothes and pants and hand it over to another member of the team...(like estafet) pair games: game title: dunno the name equipment: 2 balloons for each group, 4 chairs game team: husband and wife, make 4 teams how to do: to sit on the balloon until it is explode. the quickest husband and wife to explode it is the winner.   i have some more but i've got to go............. lots of works to do hehe...
Family Memory Match   Supplies: Photos, space to lay them out The classic memory card game is turned into a fun get family game that can help kids learn names of family, share vacation stories or just share laughs. Play as teams or individuals and add a fun theme for more fun. Game details and instructions   Sarah -  Party Game Ideas Origina
Genealogy Game Genealogy Game Supplies: Photos, information on family, time ShareThis - Email this Game to Friend! or Click to Bookmark This can be fun and interesting for young children while teach about the history of your family. This takes some time and energy, but can be very rewarding. Basically you are creating cards, so the kids can play a Memory Game. The goal is to create cards of people in your family and give a brief synopsis of who they are, employment, and relationship in the family. If you have a computer you can scan in the pictures, resize them, add text and print out. Basically, you are making baseball cards for each family member. I have found it easy to create a standard size for the cards and place the photo and text beside each other on a piece of paper. Then print, cut out and fold to create the front and back and then laminate! Example: Get a photo of "Jim Smith" and resize if needed, but try to get them all the same size. Under the photo place his name "Jim Smith" and then create the information section for the back of the card. Born, parents, occupation, wife, kids, unique facts, etc… Come up with a standard format for everyone. Once you get done with everything you will need to have  2 cards per person FYI: I think it can be help for family members to learn that your rich Uncle once worked at McDonald’s  or that Aunt Joan was on the swim team while attending college. And once these cards and the document are created you can update them and share again and again. It is even more interesting if you make cards for family history.   Here is a tip: Try and get 1 person from each family to create a group of cards or gather the information and photos for you and have them send it to you. If they can do their own set great.  Once you have started creating your set you can play several games with them: Matching Game : Young kids Once you have 10 or more people in your deck, you a range the cards face down. The kids take turns flip one card over at a time and then flipping another over and hope that it is identical to the first flipped card. If they match remove those two cards, and that player gets to go again. If they do not match the cards are turned face down and the next player goes. This continues until all the cards have been cleared from the game. Then the person with the most set wins that game. Family Game  - Who Is Quiz Whether the kids have seen the cards or not, you can bring them out and say I am going to share some information about a family member and you can guess who it is. If you are heading to a family reunion this is a great intro into people they don’t know yet. If you have a large family you may want to give them a list of who you have cards for.  Now read a fact about a family member and see if the kids can guess who it is. If they can they get that card to read and review. At the end of the game the person with the most cards wins, but in a sense everyone who is listening wins.  Be creative and have fun. This game is at its best when there is adult supervision and you can take time to learn and share stories about the person on the card. A  Party Game Ideas Original  by Sarah 2002
Family Reunion - Get To Know You Game Supplies: Paper and pen, stories ShareThis - Email this Game to Friend! or Click to Bookmark We made up this game at a family gathering because it was a fun way to get to know one another better. Each person writes a paragraph or more about something that happened in his life that no one knows about (travel, adventure, etc…).  The papers are then handed in to one person who reads them all. Each person writes on a piece of paper who they think each story belongs to. It is a great way to learn a lot about each other and get conversations started. Thanks – Amy Note: It can be hard for Mom, Dad and brothers and sisters not to know about unique activities and events, so do not count current family in point scoring.
Sack RaceEquipment Needed  – One sack per participant. How to Play  – The old standard…get in a sack and hop to the finish line. Variation  – Put weights in the bottom of the sacks. Even more fun, put lots of weights in there without the people knowing. Ha, ha, ha…Mister Spiffy, you’re so mean.
Three-legged RaceEquipment Needed  – Some short pieces of rope. How to Play  – Divide up into teams of two.  Tie the right leg of one teammate to the left leg of the other teammate.  Now try to run the race.   Hopefully they’ll gradually get in sync and it won’t be quite as hard to make it there. Variation  – Tie five people together and see what happens.  Keep moving the numbers up until you have all the kids on two teams, all tied together.
Egg TossEquipment Needed  – One raw egg for each team. How to Play  – Divide up into teams of two. Have them stand, facing each other, two or three feet apart. Pass out the eggs, one to each team. Have the player with the egg throw it to his teammate. After the toss, every team with an unbroken egg is still in the game. Have each team member take one giant step backwards (away from his teammate) and toss the egg again. Repeat this until only one team has an unbroken egg. Variation  – You can also use water balloons, though it isn’t as funny when it breaks.
Tug of War Equipment Needed  – Strong, thick rope (not nylon, which can stretch and break). How to Play  – Divide the group into two teams (try to make them even by total size, not necessarily by numbers). On the mark, each team tries to pull the other across a line – a small creek, mud hole, or the stream of water created by a hose. Variation  – One branch of the family against the other, male against female, et cetera.
Red Light, Green Light How to Play  – Choose one person to be the stoplight. Everyone else is a car. The stoplight stands at the finish line with his or her back towards the starting line. Everyone else lines up. The stoplight calls, "Green light!" At this signal, everyone races towards the stoplight. The stoplight can shout "Red light" at any time, and then turn around quickly to see if he or she can catch any of the cars still moving. If the stoplight sees someone still moving, that person must go back to the starting line and start over. Whoever gets to and tags the stoplight first gets to be the stoplight for the next round. Variation  – Have two stoplights standing up there. Then the cars have to watch both.
Red Rover How to Play  – Divide everyone into two large groups. Each group lines up, joining hands and facing the other group. One groups shouts in unison, "Red Rover, Red Rover, send Johnny right over." Whoever’s name is called (in the place of ‘Johnny’) has to run towards the group and try to break through the line between two people by breaking their hand grips (or perhaps their arms). If he successfully breaks through, he can take one of the other team’s players back to his group. If he fails to break through, he must join the other team.
Capture the Flag Ah, Capture the Flag. The old favorite, chock-full of wheezing, gasping old men and giggling flag-guards who have done absolutely nothing. Equipment Needed  – A very large area in which to play, two rags that serve as flags, and a middle boundary. How to Play  – A classic. Mister Spiffy’s second favorite running-around game when he was younger, just under Kick the Can. You break into two teams and set the sides. Both teams hide their flag. Then you break and go across the center, trying to steal the other team’s flag and make it back to your home area without getting tagged. If you get tagged, you’re caught and go to the other team’s prison. The only way to get out of prison is for someone on your team (who isn't also in prison) to touch you in jail.  Then you can run free (be careful, you can get recaptured if you get tagged on the opponent's side of the field again).  First team to get the other’s flag and bring it across the boundry line wins. Mister Spiffy’s friendly warning – this game can be hazardous to your health. Don’t run around any more than you can handle. If necessary, slump down in the dirt and play dead until you can breathe again.
Kick the Can Kick the Can, Mister Spiffy’s favorite. The basis of a Twilight Zone episode, in which old people become young again through the playing of this very game. Memories… Equipment Needed  – A can. How to Play  – Kick the can. Ha, ha, no, really, here’s the instructions. One person is  It .  It  tries to catch people, while protecting the precious can at the same time. If the can gets kicked over, all the captured people run free, and  It  has to put the can back in place before they can go and try to catch people again.   Game continues until  It  catches everyone, or collapses from exhaustion.
Hide and SeekEquipment Needed  – Absatively posolutely nothing. How to Play  – Oh, please. Don’t tell me there’s anyone out there who doesn’t know how to play hide and seek. What  is  the world coming to? You pick an  It , and everybody hides, and  It  goes to find ‘em. How hard can it possibly be? Variation  – The game is called Sardines. Kind of a twisting backwards of hide and seek. You choose an  It , as usual, but this time,  It  goes and hides. Everyone else goes to look. When someone finds  It , they have to squeeze into the hiding place with them. Y’know, like sardines. The game ends when everyone is all squished in with  It .
War BallEquipment Needed  – As many soft rubber balls as you can possibly get your paws on. How to Play  – To say it in the words of a young Mister Spiffy fan, "You take a bunch of balls, and you huck ‘em, and you hit people. Then they’re out and that means you’re good."  Basically, you divide into two teams, face each other, and play dodge ball against each other.  When someone gets hit, they go to prison in the back of the opponents.  Then they catch balls that come back there and try to hit the people of the other side. If they do, they’re free again. By the way, the balls can’t bounce before hitting someone – if they do, they’re dead and don’t do any damage. And if a person catches the ball, the one who threw it is out. Variation  – Another version of this game is Medic. When you get hit, you sit where you were hit. Before the game you choose a Medic, who can walk around and touch the sitting people so they can get back up. Don’t let the other team know who your Medic is – if they do, they’ll kill him off real quick. The objective of the entire game – kill off the Medic!
Duck, Duck, GooseEquipment Needed  – People intelligent enough to sit in a circle. How to Play  – Sit everyone in a circle and choose someone to be  It .  It  walks around the circle, patting everyone on the head, saying "Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck…" et cetera. Finally they choose someone and say "Goose!" and promptly begin running. The chosen Goose stands up and chases after them.  It  has to run clear around the circle, then sit down in the Goose’s previous spot. If the Goose catches  It , then  It  has to go through this pattern again. If not, the Goose becomes  It , and they have to go through it. A prime example of a never-ending game.
Musical ChairsEquipment Needed  – One less chair than the number of people. How to Play  – "Here at  Spiffy World Airlines , we have designated seats – not musical chairs."  Ah, yes, musical chairs. Walk in a circle while music is playing in the background.  When the music stops at a random time, everyone sits.  Unfortunately, there are not enough chairs, and one person is left standing.  That one lonely person is forced to leave, for they are out.  And then, although there are now enough chairs for everyone, take one away.  Go through this pattern until one person is left.  As is understandable, that person is the winner.
Fruit BasketEquipment Needed  – People intelligent enough to  stand  in a circle. How to Play  – Make a tight circle – no gaps. Each person chooses a fruit (a little help – strawberry, banana, watermelon, tomato [yes, it is a fruit], cherry, grape). Then  It  is in the middle.  It  calls out a fruit. Everyone who has chosen that fruit has to run to another area – an empty space left by a member of the same fruit group.  It  tries to get into one of those places, therefore leaving one different person in the middle to be  It . One cannot move to the space directly beside them, nor can they stay in the same spot – if  It  doesn’t make it to an empty space,  It  has to do the whole thing over again, with another fruit.   Oh, the ghastly horrors!
Mummy WrapEquipment Needed  – One roll of toilet paper for every 2 people How to Play  – A fun game. Split into teams of two and give each team a roll of toilet paper. Games with toilet paper are always good. Then one person tries to turn the other into a mummy.  Everything  has to be covered except the eyes. First team done wins.
Hay is for HorsesEquipment Needed  – A bale of hay or straw How to Play  – Cut the twine and heap the bale into a random pile.   Sprinkle coins and small prizes all over in the straw (er, I mean, hay) and let the kids have at it. They’ll tear it apart by the time it’s done, and all you have to do is clean up some hay.  Mister Spiffy advises against playing this game indoors.
Fish PondEquipment Needed  – Homemade fishing poles with clothes pins for hooks, a wall or divider to fish over, and a bunch of cheap little toys. How to Play  – Give kids a fishing rod and throw the string over the barrier.   Have some of the older kids behind the barrier clipping the cheap little toys onto the end of the fishing line.  It's thrilling for the little kids, amuses the older kids, and is cheap for you.  Mister Spiffy says you can't ask for more.
Family TriviaEquipment Needed  – None How to Play  – Find out odd facts about Grandpa Joe and Aunt Rose, then tell everyone and have them guess who it is.  The weirder the facts, the more far-out the trivia, the better the game!  "Did you know Grandma Gertrude can put her ankles behind her head? Yeah, she’s a contortionist!"
Board gamesEquipment Needed  – Any board game. How to Play  – Read the instructions that come with the game.  There are board games for almost any age,  and many which can be played by folks of all ages.   Here are a  bunch of board games for all ages .
Scavenger HuntEquipment Needed  – A list of things to hunt for (one copy per person or team) How to Play  – Give people or groups a list of things to hunt for, and the first one done wins.  The common version is to have everyone find strange things (tennis ball, piece of string, coconut...) and bring them back. Variations  – There are a million variations to this.  Here are just a few...
Cleanup hunt  - This version is especially good near the end of the reunion.  Give everyone a list of different types of trash (Dr. Pepper can, napkin, plastic fork, watermelon rind, etc), or just see who can pick up the most pieces of trash.  No digging in the trash can allowed.  They have to find them on the ground.  Service scavenger hunt  - Give them a list of things to do: vacuum one room, read a book to a small child, wash a window, etc.   You can even have them do each of these things at a different neighbor's home, and the neighbor has to initial the item as proof.  Family hunt  - Give them a list of personal characteristics, and have them find family members who match (for example, green eyes, no hair, same color eyes, born the same year).  Mister Spiffy suggests tossing in a couple of easy ones like same number of arms, born after 1850, etc.
GETTING-TO-KNOW-YOU GAMES 1. Get Aquainted Card  Fill up the cards/chart with the name of the person whose characteristics match those on the card. A name is allowed only to appear once. The first group to complete the chart is the winner.  Variation: You can have a team helping each other to finish one card.  Sample items on the card: Is six feet tall, is your cousin, has pierced earrings, loves to drink milk, can drive a truck, born in the month of December, collects stamps for a hobby, is under 15 years old, has long hair, can recite a nursery rhyme, is 140-145 pounds..etc.
2. Family Hunt  Form several groups. Give each group a list of people/items that they need to "collect." The group who could complete the list first shall be the winner. By the way, make sure that the people they will gather will be lined up. When it's complete, the group shouts FAMILY! Sample List: 1. Get a child between ages 2-10 years old whose name begins with letter A 2. Get a married couple who has been married for 20 years and more. 3. Get a person who is a graduate of a medical profession. 4. Get a person who is the eldest sibling in their family. 5. Get a person whose birthday falls on February. 6. Get a person who has a pet dog. 7. Get a person who is 5 feet tall. 8. Get a person who weighs between 100-120 pounds. 9. Get a person who is wearing a pink slippers. 10. Get a person who is wearing eyeglasses.
3. Animal Farm  Prepare rolled sheets of paper with different farm animals written on it. Examples: Frog, Pig, Duck, Birds, Dog, Cat, Rooster, Cow, Sheep, Goat. Each one will have to get one paper. When the gamemaster says GO! You will have to sound off the animal written on your paper (ex. meow for cat and moo for cow.) Now go around the room to look for the other animals the same as you. When you are complete, you have to get to know their names, their age, occupation/school. The first group to finish first is the winner. Variation: You can also ask one representative per group to introduce his "animal" family.
4. Arrange the Family  Form the participants into groups. The game master will call out an instruction and the group who could follow the instruction correctly gets a point. The group with the most points wins. 1. Arrange yourselves from the oldest to the youngest. 2. Arrange yourselves alphabetically whose names begins with letter A. 3. Arrange yourselves from the heaviest weight to the lightest- in pounds. 4. Arrange yourselves from the shortest to the tallest. 5. Arrange your birth month starting from January to December.
5. Guess the Voice  Call all the parents (just one parent will do) and their children. The parents will face the opposite direction while the child will group themselves at their back. The children will be given a phrase to say aloud. The parent will have to identify the voice of their child. Example: The child will say "I am Special!" (note: The game master will be the one to direct who will voice out first. This is done one by one.) When the mom or dad hears the voice of her child, she would say "That's Mia!"
igners on the Loose : Divide the partipicants into several groups. The group will choose one person to be the "manequin." The goal of the game is to design an outfit (Specify a style. For instance, an evening gown or a belly dancing costume--let your imagination run!). Now here's the twist, design the outfit by giving materials using newspapers or manila paper or old magazines only; also supply them with odds and ends (your choice) like colored papers, ribbons, etc... Make sure you assign judges and come up with a scoring system. Be sure to announce a time limit or time frame (15-20 minutes will do) to finish their design. After, you can let them pose or do a ramp modeling. The contestant with the highest points of course is the winner! Options: You could also dress up a Santa, decorate a Christmas tree (yes using one of your relatives as the tree), make a "girly-looking" girl into a tough looking one (we did this one for our teachers and we were laughing so hard as they had to walk and pose like tough guys) or the other way around, design gowns for the men.
2. Lights, Camera...Action!  Form two groups with equal number of participants, 6 or more per group. The gamemaster will call out a scene (e.g. a bank robbery); and at his directive "ACTION!", the players will portray that scene. At the count of ten, the gamemaster shouts "FREEZE!" The judges will now look at the scene and give the group points for clarity, beauty and ingenuity. (Tip: Persons can be used as props like a table or chair since no props are allowed.) Here are sample scenes which you can use: 1. Mother giving birth in the delivery room  2. Lovers in the park  3. An Acrobat show  4. At a beauty parlor  5. A rock concert  6. Handicapped people in a marathon  7. Firemen to the rescue  8. Animals in the zoo  9. A wake (at the funeral) 10. Family watching a funny tv show in their home
3. Team Gift Wrapping  Break up the players up into two teams. Each pair of players must hold hands and not let go. With their free hands, the teams must wrap up a box, put a ribbon around it and tie a bow. The team which wraps the package wins first. You could also give extra points if it's nicely done!
4. Guess the Occupation Game  Form two groups. This is a combination of actionary and message relay. This time what we pass on is the action and not words. All participants start by facing the other end. The gamemaster will prepare flashcards with different occupations written on it. He will call the first people of each group to face him. He flashes a card to them and when he gives the signal, the person will run to his teammate and pats the shoulder of the person standing next to him. That person will turn and face him, and he will show him the action. This will go on until the last person on the line; who will then run to the gamemaster to guess the occupation.  Remember: No mouthing of the word and no talking aloud while the game is going on. Also no spelling of the occupation is allowed. Of course, the group with the most points wins. Suggested Occupations (add your own): teacher, farmer, judge, architect, doctor, dressmaker, chef, gymnast, fireman, politician...etc..
5. Math Fun  Divide the participants into two groups. The gamemaster will prepare Math equations for them to answer and flashcards numbering from 0 to 9. The ten participants of each team will hold one flashcard. For instance, the gamemaster will call out 1+7 -3 X 8 is equals to? So the persons holding the flashcard 4 and 0 will run to the front to show their answer. The group who got the most correct answers wins the game.

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Family gathering games

  • 1. Hi Ianst, have you tried Treasure Hunt? It goes like this: Each team has to find 5 instruction sheets assigned to each team and are forbidden to take another team’s sheets. There is no real treasure at the end of the hunt actually; only the instruction sheets which guide the team to the location of the next instruction sheet in the correct order. The winner is the team which first submits all 5 instruction sheets to the instructor. This game is best played in a big location such as park, swimming pool or any other locations to conceal each instruction sheet.
  • 2. you could make all "Independence Day" games as examples. i know some but at this time i have no time to write it... i'm quite busy. just a quick sample: children game: game title: make a mummy equipment: toilet tissues game teams: 2 children (below 5 years) in one group....could be 5 pairs at one time how to do it: make one of the child make a mummy to rolll over of his/her friend's body with tissues. give 5 minutes. winner of the game: the most covered child with tissue result: could be very funny for everybody adult game: game title: i don't know the name equipment: pink ponk balls game team: two or three groups of 6 or 7 or 8 people in one team how to do: the quickest group to slipped the pink ponk ball under their clothes and pants and hand it over to another member of the team...(like estafet) pair games: game title: dunno the name equipment: 2 balloons for each group, 4 chairs game team: husband and wife, make 4 teams how to do: to sit on the balloon until it is explode. the quickest husband and wife to explode it is the winner. i have some more but i've got to go............. lots of works to do hehe...
  • 3. Family Memory Match Supplies: Photos, space to lay them out The classic memory card game is turned into a fun get family game that can help kids learn names of family, share vacation stories or just share laughs. Play as teams or individuals and add a fun theme for more fun. Game details and instructions Sarah - Party Game Ideas Origina
  • 4. Genealogy Game Genealogy Game Supplies: Photos, information on family, time ShareThis - Email this Game to Friend! or Click to Bookmark This can be fun and interesting for young children while teach about the history of your family. This takes some time and energy, but can be very rewarding. Basically you are creating cards, so the kids can play a Memory Game. The goal is to create cards of people in your family and give a brief synopsis of who they are, employment, and relationship in the family. If you have a computer you can scan in the pictures, resize them, add text and print out. Basically, you are making baseball cards for each family member. I have found it easy to create a standard size for the cards and place the photo and text beside each other on a piece of paper. Then print, cut out and fold to create the front and back and then laminate! Example: Get a photo of "Jim Smith" and resize if needed, but try to get them all the same size. Under the photo place his name "Jim Smith" and then create the information section for the back of the card. Born, parents, occupation, wife, kids, unique facts, etc… Come up with a standard format for everyone. Once you get done with everything you will need to have 2 cards per person FYI: I think it can be help for family members to learn that your rich Uncle once worked at McDonald’s  or that Aunt Joan was on the swim team while attending college. And once these cards and the document are created you can update them and share again and again. It is even more interesting if you make cards for family history.   Here is a tip: Try and get 1 person from each family to create a group of cards or gather the information and photos for you and have them send it to you. If they can do their own set great. Once you have started creating your set you can play several games with them: Matching Game : Young kids Once you have 10 or more people in your deck, you a range the cards face down. The kids take turns flip one card over at a time and then flipping another over and hope that it is identical to the first flipped card. If they match remove those two cards, and that player gets to go again. If they do not match the cards are turned face down and the next player goes. This continues until all the cards have been cleared from the game. Then the person with the most set wins that game. Family Game - Who Is Quiz Whether the kids have seen the cards or not, you can bring them out and say I am going to share some information about a family member and you can guess who it is. If you are heading to a family reunion this is a great intro into people they don’t know yet. If you have a large family you may want to give them a list of who you have cards for. Now read a fact about a family member and see if the kids can guess who it is. If they can they get that card to read and review. At the end of the game the person with the most cards wins, but in a sense everyone who is listening wins. Be creative and have fun. This game is at its best when there is adult supervision and you can take time to learn and share stories about the person on the card. A Party Game Ideas Original by Sarah 2002
  • 5. Family Reunion - Get To Know You Game Supplies: Paper and pen, stories ShareThis - Email this Game to Friend! or Click to Bookmark We made up this game at a family gathering because it was a fun way to get to know one another better. Each person writes a paragraph or more about something that happened in his life that no one knows about (travel, adventure, etc…). The papers are then handed in to one person who reads them all. Each person writes on a piece of paper who they think each story belongs to. It is a great way to learn a lot about each other and get conversations started. Thanks – Amy Note: It can be hard for Mom, Dad and brothers and sisters not to know about unique activities and events, so do not count current family in point scoring.
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  • 7. Sack RaceEquipment Needed – One sack per participant. How to Play – The old standard…get in a sack and hop to the finish line. Variation – Put weights in the bottom of the sacks. Even more fun, put lots of weights in there without the people knowing. Ha, ha, ha…Mister Spiffy, you’re so mean.
  • 8. Three-legged RaceEquipment Needed – Some short pieces of rope. How to Play – Divide up into teams of two.  Tie the right leg of one teammate to the left leg of the other teammate.  Now try to run the race.   Hopefully they’ll gradually get in sync and it won’t be quite as hard to make it there. Variation – Tie five people together and see what happens.  Keep moving the numbers up until you have all the kids on two teams, all tied together.
  • 9. Egg TossEquipment Needed – One raw egg for each team. How to Play – Divide up into teams of two. Have them stand, facing each other, two or three feet apart. Pass out the eggs, one to each team. Have the player with the egg throw it to his teammate. After the toss, every team with an unbroken egg is still in the game. Have each team member take one giant step backwards (away from his teammate) and toss the egg again. Repeat this until only one team has an unbroken egg. Variation – You can also use water balloons, though it isn’t as funny when it breaks.
  • 10. Tug of War Equipment Needed – Strong, thick rope (not nylon, which can stretch and break). How to Play – Divide the group into two teams (try to make them even by total size, not necessarily by numbers). On the mark, each team tries to pull the other across a line – a small creek, mud hole, or the stream of water created by a hose. Variation – One branch of the family against the other, male against female, et cetera.
  • 11. Red Light, Green Light How to Play – Choose one person to be the stoplight. Everyone else is a car. The stoplight stands at the finish line with his or her back towards the starting line. Everyone else lines up. The stoplight calls, "Green light!" At this signal, everyone races towards the stoplight. The stoplight can shout "Red light" at any time, and then turn around quickly to see if he or she can catch any of the cars still moving. If the stoplight sees someone still moving, that person must go back to the starting line and start over. Whoever gets to and tags the stoplight first gets to be the stoplight for the next round. Variation – Have two stoplights standing up there. Then the cars have to watch both.
  • 12. Red Rover How to Play – Divide everyone into two large groups. Each group lines up, joining hands and facing the other group. One groups shouts in unison, "Red Rover, Red Rover, send Johnny right over." Whoever’s name is called (in the place of ‘Johnny’) has to run towards the group and try to break through the line between two people by breaking their hand grips (or perhaps their arms). If he successfully breaks through, he can take one of the other team’s players back to his group. If he fails to break through, he must join the other team.
  • 13. Capture the Flag Ah, Capture the Flag. The old favorite, chock-full of wheezing, gasping old men and giggling flag-guards who have done absolutely nothing. Equipment Needed – A very large area in which to play, two rags that serve as flags, and a middle boundary. How to Play – A classic. Mister Spiffy’s second favorite running-around game when he was younger, just under Kick the Can. You break into two teams and set the sides. Both teams hide their flag. Then you break and go across the center, trying to steal the other team’s flag and make it back to your home area without getting tagged. If you get tagged, you’re caught and go to the other team’s prison. The only way to get out of prison is for someone on your team (who isn't also in prison) to touch you in jail.  Then you can run free (be careful, you can get recaptured if you get tagged on the opponent's side of the field again).  First team to get the other’s flag and bring it across the boundry line wins. Mister Spiffy’s friendly warning – this game can be hazardous to your health. Don’t run around any more than you can handle. If necessary, slump down in the dirt and play dead until you can breathe again.
  • 14. Kick the Can Kick the Can, Mister Spiffy’s favorite. The basis of a Twilight Zone episode, in which old people become young again through the playing of this very game. Memories… Equipment Needed – A can. How to Play – Kick the can. Ha, ha, no, really, here’s the instructions. One person is It . It tries to catch people, while protecting the precious can at the same time. If the can gets kicked over, all the captured people run free, and It has to put the can back in place before they can go and try to catch people again.   Game continues until It catches everyone, or collapses from exhaustion.
  • 15. Hide and SeekEquipment Needed – Absatively posolutely nothing. How to Play – Oh, please. Don’t tell me there’s anyone out there who doesn’t know how to play hide and seek. What is the world coming to? You pick an It , and everybody hides, and It goes to find ‘em. How hard can it possibly be? Variation – The game is called Sardines. Kind of a twisting backwards of hide and seek. You choose an It , as usual, but this time, It goes and hides. Everyone else goes to look. When someone finds It , they have to squeeze into the hiding place with them. Y’know, like sardines. The game ends when everyone is all squished in with It .
  • 16. War BallEquipment Needed – As many soft rubber balls as you can possibly get your paws on. How to Play – To say it in the words of a young Mister Spiffy fan, "You take a bunch of balls, and you huck ‘em, and you hit people. Then they’re out and that means you’re good."  Basically, you divide into two teams, face each other, and play dodge ball against each other.  When someone gets hit, they go to prison in the back of the opponents.  Then they catch balls that come back there and try to hit the people of the other side. If they do, they’re free again. By the way, the balls can’t bounce before hitting someone – if they do, they’re dead and don’t do any damage. And if a person catches the ball, the one who threw it is out. Variation – Another version of this game is Medic. When you get hit, you sit where you were hit. Before the game you choose a Medic, who can walk around and touch the sitting people so they can get back up. Don’t let the other team know who your Medic is – if they do, they’ll kill him off real quick. The objective of the entire game – kill off the Medic!
  • 17. Duck, Duck, GooseEquipment Needed – People intelligent enough to sit in a circle. How to Play – Sit everyone in a circle and choose someone to be It . It walks around the circle, patting everyone on the head, saying "Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck…" et cetera. Finally they choose someone and say "Goose!" and promptly begin running. The chosen Goose stands up and chases after them. It has to run clear around the circle, then sit down in the Goose’s previous spot. If the Goose catches It , then It has to go through this pattern again. If not, the Goose becomes It , and they have to go through it. A prime example of a never-ending game.
  • 18. Musical ChairsEquipment Needed – One less chair than the number of people. How to Play – "Here at Spiffy World Airlines , we have designated seats – not musical chairs."  Ah, yes, musical chairs. Walk in a circle while music is playing in the background.  When the music stops at a random time, everyone sits.  Unfortunately, there are not enough chairs, and one person is left standing.  That one lonely person is forced to leave, for they are out.  And then, although there are now enough chairs for everyone, take one away.  Go through this pattern until one person is left.  As is understandable, that person is the winner.
  • 19. Fruit BasketEquipment Needed – People intelligent enough to stand in a circle. How to Play – Make a tight circle – no gaps. Each person chooses a fruit (a little help – strawberry, banana, watermelon, tomato [yes, it is a fruit], cherry, grape). Then It is in the middle. It calls out a fruit. Everyone who has chosen that fruit has to run to another area – an empty space left by a member of the same fruit group. It tries to get into one of those places, therefore leaving one different person in the middle to be It . One cannot move to the space directly beside them, nor can they stay in the same spot – if It doesn’t make it to an empty space, It has to do the whole thing over again, with another fruit.   Oh, the ghastly horrors!
  • 20. Mummy WrapEquipment Needed – One roll of toilet paper for every 2 people How to Play – A fun game. Split into teams of two and give each team a roll of toilet paper. Games with toilet paper are always good. Then one person tries to turn the other into a mummy. Everything has to be covered except the eyes. First team done wins.
  • 21. Hay is for HorsesEquipment Needed – A bale of hay or straw How to Play – Cut the twine and heap the bale into a random pile.   Sprinkle coins and small prizes all over in the straw (er, I mean, hay) and let the kids have at it. They’ll tear it apart by the time it’s done, and all you have to do is clean up some hay.  Mister Spiffy advises against playing this game indoors.
  • 22. Fish PondEquipment Needed – Homemade fishing poles with clothes pins for hooks, a wall or divider to fish over, and a bunch of cheap little toys. How to Play – Give kids a fishing rod and throw the string over the barrier.   Have some of the older kids behind the barrier clipping the cheap little toys onto the end of the fishing line.  It's thrilling for the little kids, amuses the older kids, and is cheap for you.  Mister Spiffy says you can't ask for more.
  • 23. Family TriviaEquipment Needed – None How to Play – Find out odd facts about Grandpa Joe and Aunt Rose, then tell everyone and have them guess who it is.  The weirder the facts, the more far-out the trivia, the better the game!  "Did you know Grandma Gertrude can put her ankles behind her head? Yeah, she’s a contortionist!"
  • 24. Board gamesEquipment Needed – Any board game. How to Play – Read the instructions that come with the game.  There are board games for almost any age, and many which can be played by folks of all ages.   Here are a bunch of board games for all ages .
  • 25. Scavenger HuntEquipment Needed – A list of things to hunt for (one copy per person or team) How to Play – Give people or groups a list of things to hunt for, and the first one done wins.  The common version is to have everyone find strange things (tennis ball, piece of string, coconut...) and bring them back. Variations – There are a million variations to this.  Here are just a few...
  • 26. Cleanup hunt - This version is especially good near the end of the reunion.  Give everyone a list of different types of trash (Dr. Pepper can, napkin, plastic fork, watermelon rind, etc), or just see who can pick up the most pieces of trash.  No digging in the trash can allowed.  They have to find them on the ground. Service scavenger hunt - Give them a list of things to do: vacuum one room, read a book to a small child, wash a window, etc.   You can even have them do each of these things at a different neighbor's home, and the neighbor has to initial the item as proof. Family hunt - Give them a list of personal characteristics, and have them find family members who match (for example, green eyes, no hair, same color eyes, born the same year).  Mister Spiffy suggests tossing in a couple of easy ones like same number of arms, born after 1850, etc.
  • 27. GETTING-TO-KNOW-YOU GAMES 1. Get Aquainted Card Fill up the cards/chart with the name of the person whose characteristics match those on the card. A name is allowed only to appear once. The first group to complete the chart is the winner. Variation: You can have a team helping each other to finish one card. Sample items on the card: Is six feet tall, is your cousin, has pierced earrings, loves to drink milk, can drive a truck, born in the month of December, collects stamps for a hobby, is under 15 years old, has long hair, can recite a nursery rhyme, is 140-145 pounds..etc.
  • 28. 2. Family Hunt Form several groups. Give each group a list of people/items that they need to "collect." The group who could complete the list first shall be the winner. By the way, make sure that the people they will gather will be lined up. When it's complete, the group shouts FAMILY! Sample List: 1. Get a child between ages 2-10 years old whose name begins with letter A 2. Get a married couple who has been married for 20 years and more. 3. Get a person who is a graduate of a medical profession. 4. Get a person who is the eldest sibling in their family. 5. Get a person whose birthday falls on February. 6. Get a person who has a pet dog. 7. Get a person who is 5 feet tall. 8. Get a person who weighs between 100-120 pounds. 9. Get a person who is wearing a pink slippers. 10. Get a person who is wearing eyeglasses.
  • 29. 3. Animal Farm Prepare rolled sheets of paper with different farm animals written on it. Examples: Frog, Pig, Duck, Birds, Dog, Cat, Rooster, Cow, Sheep, Goat. Each one will have to get one paper. When the gamemaster says GO! You will have to sound off the animal written on your paper (ex. meow for cat and moo for cow.) Now go around the room to look for the other animals the same as you. When you are complete, you have to get to know their names, their age, occupation/school. The first group to finish first is the winner. Variation: You can also ask one representative per group to introduce his "animal" family.
  • 30. 4. Arrange the Family Form the participants into groups. The game master will call out an instruction and the group who could follow the instruction correctly gets a point. The group with the most points wins. 1. Arrange yourselves from the oldest to the youngest. 2. Arrange yourselves alphabetically whose names begins with letter A. 3. Arrange yourselves from the heaviest weight to the lightest- in pounds. 4. Arrange yourselves from the shortest to the tallest. 5. Arrange your birth month starting from January to December.
  • 31. 5. Guess the Voice Call all the parents (just one parent will do) and their children. The parents will face the opposite direction while the child will group themselves at their back. The children will be given a phrase to say aloud. The parent will have to identify the voice of their child. Example: The child will say "I am Special!" (note: The game master will be the one to direct who will voice out first. This is done one by one.) When the mom or dad hears the voice of her child, she would say "That's Mia!"
  • 32. igners on the Loose : Divide the partipicants into several groups. The group will choose one person to be the "manequin." The goal of the game is to design an outfit (Specify a style. For instance, an evening gown or a belly dancing costume--let your imagination run!). Now here's the twist, design the outfit by giving materials using newspapers or manila paper or old magazines only; also supply them with odds and ends (your choice) like colored papers, ribbons, etc... Make sure you assign judges and come up with a scoring system. Be sure to announce a time limit or time frame (15-20 minutes will do) to finish their design. After, you can let them pose or do a ramp modeling. The contestant with the highest points of course is the winner! Options: You could also dress up a Santa, decorate a Christmas tree (yes using one of your relatives as the tree), make a "girly-looking" girl into a tough looking one (we did this one for our teachers and we were laughing so hard as they had to walk and pose like tough guys) or the other way around, design gowns for the men.
  • 33. 2. Lights, Camera...Action! Form two groups with equal number of participants, 6 or more per group. The gamemaster will call out a scene (e.g. a bank robbery); and at his directive "ACTION!", the players will portray that scene. At the count of ten, the gamemaster shouts "FREEZE!" The judges will now look at the scene and give the group points for clarity, beauty and ingenuity. (Tip: Persons can be used as props like a table or chair since no props are allowed.) Here are sample scenes which you can use: 1. Mother giving birth in the delivery room 2. Lovers in the park 3. An Acrobat show 4. At a beauty parlor 5. A rock concert 6. Handicapped people in a marathon 7. Firemen to the rescue 8. Animals in the zoo 9. A wake (at the funeral) 10. Family watching a funny tv show in their home
  • 34. 3. Team Gift Wrapping Break up the players up into two teams. Each pair of players must hold hands and not let go. With their free hands, the teams must wrap up a box, put a ribbon around it and tie a bow. The team which wraps the package wins first. You could also give extra points if it's nicely done!
  • 35. 4. Guess the Occupation Game Form two groups. This is a combination of actionary and message relay. This time what we pass on is the action and not words. All participants start by facing the other end. The gamemaster will prepare flashcards with different occupations written on it. He will call the first people of each group to face him. He flashes a card to them and when he gives the signal, the person will run to his teammate and pats the shoulder of the person standing next to him. That person will turn and face him, and he will show him the action. This will go on until the last person on the line; who will then run to the gamemaster to guess the occupation. Remember: No mouthing of the word and no talking aloud while the game is going on. Also no spelling of the occupation is allowed. Of course, the group with the most points wins. Suggested Occupations (add your own): teacher, farmer, judge, architect, doctor, dressmaker, chef, gymnast, fireman, politician...etc..
  • 36. 5. Math Fun Divide the participants into two groups. The gamemaster will prepare Math equations for them to answer and flashcards numbering from 0 to 9. The ten participants of each team will hold one flashcard. For instance, the gamemaster will call out 1+7 -3 X 8 is equals to? So the persons holding the flashcard 4 and 0 will run to the front to show their answer. The group who got the most correct answers wins the game.
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