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Now Everyone Can Heal
The Prana Healing Wand.
My name is SIVA.P
Our Organizer :
We envisage where families are healthy and
enjoy healthy life with the Prana Healing
We believe all people are made in the image
of God and can heal themselves easily
Every Person Must Be Pain Free
What we want is Very Happy
Families Everywhere
Our Mission
Health is the birth right of a human. Prana Violet
Healing with the PHW shall be made available to
everyone regardless of race or religion.
 Prana Healing Wand is for all.
 Every home should have a Prana Healing Wand
We want to Reduce This
Nobody wants to become this.
Prana Violet Healing is for ALL
Evaluation and Acceptance of This
1)You are not to accept this teaching blindly. You
have to make your own evaluation.
2) You do not have to accept everything that is
happening here today.
3) Most Important please have an open mind.
What we don’t want to do
 Convince anything that you don’t want to
 Teach you some wrong
 Bring some new belief
 Sell you something
 Create a group or cult
 Upset you in anyway
What we want to do, Is
 Share our experience
 Bring some simple awareness
 Make you realize today that
Every One Can Now Heal
India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Surat,
Ahmedabad, Chennai, Pondicherry, Tirunelveli, Trichy, Thanjavur,
Madurai, Kochi, Nagercoil, Coimbatore,
USA – San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas
South America –Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
UK- Leicester
Switzerland - Geneva; Italy
Canada – Calgary, Montreal
Spain- Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca
Russia- St Petersburg
Burma -Yangon
Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Melaka
Singapore ; Indonesia
1. Ask as many questions as possible
2. Do not be Shy
3. Share your experience so that other can benefit from
your experience. You may have a unique experience.
4. Get to know as many people here in this workshop.
We are all children of GOD.
There is no copyright on this workshop
Teach whatever that is being taught today
Share with everyone your experience today
and this teaching today.
1) Prana Healing is a No Touch , No Drug Prana Therapy.
2) Prana Healing is open to all races and religion. Anyone
above 5 years old can learn Prana Violet Healing.
3) Prana Healing does not replace any form of medical
4) Prana Healing complements all forms of medical or other
5) Prana Healers should not interfere with any prescribed
6) Prana Healers are not doctors. Always ask the patient to
consult a doctor.
Prana Violet Healing Workshop- Beginners
Advance Prana Violet Healing Workshop
Food and Health
Emotional Freedom Healing
Black Magic
The Art of Dying
What is Prana
Prana is the Life Force that surrounds us, it is around us
Surrounds the Earth
Surrounds our Solar System
Surrounds the Entire Universe
It’s the
Divine Energy
Prana in Sanskrit
Chi in Chinese
Ki in Japanese
Manna in Polynesian
Other nations have other names
Now its known as Life Force by the
Chi Kung
Akido Etc
Sun Prana
Earth Prana
Cosmic Prana
The Sun emits Light, Magnetic fields, Heat and Prana.
Most important Prana. Reaches every microorganism on our
planet and on other planets.
Suns Prana consists of 7 Colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green. Blue,
Indigo and Violet.
To receive the Sun Prana stand in the direction of the Sun and say this
simple affirmation :
Oh Divine Sun Thank you being here for all of us, I need your energy to
heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
With the process of photosynthesis the
plant makes its own food by using the Sun
energy or Prana with Carbon Dioxide.
The other ingredients come from the
ground such as water and minerals to make
whatever is required.
Earth emits its own Prana in the form of Magnetic Field called the Force
of Gravity.
The Earth holds the Moon in its Orbit and the Moon has its own
Magnetic Field.
The Moon’s Magnetic Force attracts the Water on our Planet and causes
High and Low Tide. High tide can be as high as 2 to 3 Meters at times.
We are constantly within the Magnetic Forces of the Earth and Moon.
To receive the Prana from Mother Earth say this Simple Affirmation
Dear Mother Earth, thank you for being my home, please
give me some of your energy to heal and rejuvenate me. Thank
you, Thank you, Thank you.
Receiving Cosmic Prana
from the Crown Chakra
Certain Mantras can activate
the flow of Cosmic Prana.
Some examples are
Allah Uh Akbar
Om Prabrahma
Oh Divine Heavenly Father
1. Prana From The Air We Breathe
2. Prana From Food We Eat
3. Prana From Water We Drink
4. Prana From Trees
5. Prana From Crystals
6. Prana from Holy Places
7. Prana from Holy persons
8. Prana From Objects and Talisman
1. Indian art of breathing Pranayama is used to
receive abundance of Air Prana into the
Physical Body and Energy Body
2. You can see Air Prana by looking at the Blue
Sky and you can see white sparkles floating
and moving rapidly.
3. Yogis can stay without food for many days just
by receiving and being in tune with this Air
1. Plants take the Prana make the required food and store
then in their leaves, stems, roots and fruits.
2. Certain plants store certain aura from the sun.
1. Yogis/seers from many parts of the world have seen plants
having different Prana and have used these plants for
healing of the physical body which has brought about the
healing of Indian Ayurveda, Indonesian Jamu and Chinese
Herbal Healing.
2. Cooked food also contains Emotional Energy like mother’s
cooking is the best cooking. There can be lots of negative
emotions from restaurant food.
Water can hold an abundance of Prana
Water received from holy places have a lot of Prana that can
be used for healing.
Healing can also be done by blessing the water with words of
healing. Usually done by muslim priest.
Many of us have never thanked the water that we drink or
bathe with
Sea water or salt water is a great cleanser of human aura.
1. It has been shown by Dr.Emoto that
water can be frozen and they become
2.The water crystals are affected by
3 Even just words and thoughts can change
the crystals of water.
Each and every cell in our body has 72 to 75% water.
Imagine when we have negative thoughts how each and
every cell in the body would behave and become.
We should always change all the negative into positive
Trees have abundance of Prana
The Prana they have are Pink/Violet in colour
Temples have Trees that provide the Prana to the whole place.
Sometimes Temple and Holy Places are built under an already
existing Tree that has much Prana.
We can get Prana from trees and heal ourself by just asking
“ Oh Divine Tree Both Of Us Are Divine Creation,
Please Give Me Some Of Your Excess Energy To
Heal Me And Rejuvenate Me. Thank You, Thank
You Thank You.
Crystals can store much prana and can re-
transmit this prana to anyone who requires them.
Some crystals can activate some specific chakras
and also make the aura more powerful.
Crystals can also be programmed for protection
of persons, homes and offices from negative or
evil energy.
Crystals can get contaminated
Can become negative
Need to be programmed or need to
Certain type of crystals activate certain
Many temples are designed to receive the Cosmic
Prana so that the temples are always charged with
Prana. These pyramid, dome, mineret, meru
shaped structures etc are constructed such that
they can receive prana.
Prana from these holy places can be received by
the disciples.
Many structures of deities are made to energize
these temples
They are receiving energy from the cosmic
and re-transmitting it to the holy places.
All these statues have been sculptured with
a purpose.
Protection for home, person, family
Love , compassion , kindness
Removing obstacles
Yogis and spiritual persons can provide abundance of
Prana to their disciples and also to anyone who needs
them. Also called spiritual energy and these can heal
and rejuvenate the person receiving them.
The aura of some holy people can stretch as far as
many meters or maybe even kilometers.
Prana can be transmitted by the holy persons by
using their palms, eyes, the brow area and also from
their whole body.
Certain Objects carry a lot of Prana. Objects such
as holy books, talisman, pictures and special
symbols can carry a lot of Prana.
The Bible, Koran and the Bhagwad Gita all emit
spiritual energy.
The Prana Healing Wand is a very powerful object
that emits Prana. This prana can be used to heal,
clean homes, clean negative energies etc.
Prana Healing
The Human Body Heals
Prana is required by the
Human Body for its well
Presence of Prana
Accelerates The Well-Being
of the Physical and Energy
Causes of Diseases and
 External Factors such as Bacteria ,
Viruses, Protozoa's etc There is no
cure for virus infection only
prevention by vaccination and the
body’s immune system needs to
find its own way to heal itself.
 Poisonous insects and animals
 Poisonous Plants, Fruits and Seeds
 Allergies
 Fungi and yeast infection
 Accidents , Fire, Broken Bones,
Bodily Hurts, Damaged Organs
 Balanced Diet Requirement for
Vitamins and Minerals
 Wrong Food Short Term and Long
 Bad Habits such as Smoking,
Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
 Unbalance, Blocks, Disruption in
the Energy Body ( Aura )
 Psychosomatic Conditions
 Psychic attack, White Magic and
Black Magic ( No medical cure )
 Karmic Conditions
Bacteria – Fever, H-Pylori Stomach Disorder, Tuberculosis of
the Lungs more recent Digestive Tract, spine
Virus – Common Flue, Fever, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Mumps,
Polio, Dengue Fever, Hepatitis, HINI, Bird Flu, HIV, Herpes Etc
Protozoas from water source and from insects such as
mosquitos which is the cause of Malaria.
Parasitic worms
Food that we eat / water that we
Touch , sharing, close contact
From animals, insects
Certain plants, fruits and seeds are
Insects can be poisonous such as
Bees , wasps
Scorpions, Centipedes,
Reptiles can also be poisonous such as
Certain living things in the sea
Food Allergies -some protein in the food can cause
this. The immune system has an excessive reaction
to this and some can be allergic to milk, nuts,
seafood etc.
Air Borne dust and pollen can irritate the nasal
lining and cause allergic reaction.
Certain food does not suit some people
They can grow on the skin where the area is
moist. They feed on the sweat, moisture and
live on us. Some of them are inside the body
as well.
Ringworm, athletic foot to name some.
Ladies may have yeast infection on their
private parts.
Car accident etc
Major and Simple Falls
Playing games and sports can affect the
body parts
Fire burns
• Lack of Balanced Diet can cause problems
to the body
• Lacking of vitamins
• Lacking of Minerals
• Lacking of food that contains Protein, Fat
and Carbohydrate
B1. B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 and B12
Sodium Copper
Potassium Phosphorous
Magnesium Manganese
Today’s food contains large amount of preservatives. Salts,
sugar, bitter, sourness etc.
Food is rich with protein.
Indian food can be fermented and acidic.
Eating food that has large amounts of fats, sugar, salt etc.
Consumption of Alcohol
Gutkaa / Paan Masaala/ Tobacco
Worries, sadness, sorrow, anger, fear, jealousy etc
Anxiety, depression, frustration
Past life traumas
Child hood traumas
Black Magic ( 1st
, 2nd
, 3rd
& 5th
Level BM)
White Magic
Psychic Vampire
Losing energy at Negative Area / Location
Presence of negative entities
Born with disabilities
Organs underdeveloped
Family Conditions , brother, sisters, inlaws
The need to balance karma
Part of body that can
be seen
External body parts
Part of Inside the Physical Body not seen
by the eyes Consist of Glands and Organs
that runs the
Circulation or Blood Vessels
Nervous System
Urinary System
Lymphatic System
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Reproduction System
Skeletal / Muscular / Skin System
Today One Can See Internal
MRI Scans
CAT Scan / CT Scan
Ultra Sound Scan
X-Ray, MRI and CT Scan
The human body is made up of 4 distinct Body
1) The Visible physical Body with Internal Organs
2) The Energy or Etheric Body
3) The Astral (Emotional ) Body
4) The Mental Body
The Human Aura is made up of the Lower
Energy Body
•1) Energy or Etheric Body
•2) The Astral or Emotional Body
•3) The Mental Body
Etheric Body
Astral Body
Mental Body
Causal Body
Connects to Our Higher Self
Not in the Physical Plane
It is part of our Karmic Bank
Connected Via A Divine Cord, Silver Cord or Antahkarna to
the Lower Subtle Bodies and the physical body.
The Prana Flows within your energy
field through the entire energy body
and enters into the physical body via
the chakras.
Any disruption in the this flow of
prana due to blocks in the chakras or
meridians can cause pain, discomfort
in that area.
Proper undisrupted flow of Prana is
extremely important to the physical
Can You See Your Aura
Yes U Can
Kirlian Photography
 From a Person who is a Clairvoyant but they may
have limited vision.
By Sensing your aura
Ball over crown
Other Kirlian Photography
Plants have energy field
Kirllian Photo of Leaf
What Are Chakras
They were found by Indian Yogis who were
Clairvoyants in Ancient Times.
They are rotating energy centers found in the
energy body of the Human Beings.
They are Power Transformers that transmit Prana
into the physical body through NADIS or
Major Chakras
Minor Chakras
Mini Chakras
Chakras of Organs
Nadi points / Meridians
Type of Chakras
Simple pendulum made
From tissue and thread
Placed over the palm chakra
or any chakra would show
some type of movement.
Detecting A Chakra
The Chakras Rotate and Perform
Many Functions
1. Clockwise
2. Anti clockwise
3. Vertical
4. Horizontal
5. Oval
6. No movement at all.
Chakra Spin
Rapidly rotating Vortex,
2 to 8 inches, opening into the
surface of the Energy Body
Stem ending on the
corresponding Center
on the Spine
Chakra location on the
Energy Body
Located on the front and back
Always rotating
Receiving and emitting prana
throughout their life time.
Golden Yellow
White / Silver
Golden Yellow
Or Mixture of Golden Yellow
and White
All The Chakras are White
Can emit any Colour Prana
When Needed.
Location of the Major Chakras
Note the Palm Chakras and the
Sole Chakras
And the Lowermost Chakra
The Major Chakras
Note the many chakras
above the
Crown Chakra.
Dirty Energy Body
Energy Block on the energy heart
Cord coming to the physical heart
Energy body of liver affected
Energy drain at the left hand via
palm chakra
 Dirty Energy on
Ajna, Ovaries
 Dirty Energy at
Breast Area.
 Cord on Breast Area
where the cell
growth is.
 Throat Chakra affected
Ajna area affected
Hole in the energy body losing
Cord coming in or going out.
Cords are Energy Links, linking two people or many
people together.
These cords can block the flow of Prana in that area
and cause physical problems .
Cords can disrupt the operation of a chakra if it is
lodged in that area.
Can be intentionally or unintentionally directed
towards someone.
Cords blocking marriage
Cords Blocking Prosperity / Success
Cords from Grey / Black Magic
Cords from White Magic
On Chakras
On Organs
On area of physical body
On Astral body, Mental Body
Family Members Brother, Sister , Sister in Law etc
In-laws Family Members
Ex Boy/ Girl Friends, Ex-Husband and Wife
Friends, Neighbors, Classmates.
Work Mates
Spiritual Gurus, Priests
Bomoh, Dukun, Tantrics & Occult Practitioners.
Prana Exercise To Feel The Prana
Magnetic Pull
Simple Breathing
Prana Breathing
Yogi Breathing
Balance Breathing
Folding the tongue and touching the upper palate is
called the Kechari Mudra
During all types of breathing the tongue should be
rolled and placed above the upper mouth, or even
when breathing normally, it would greatly help the
energy flow.
This rolling of the tongue would allow the Prana
energy to flow between the front and back of the
body. This helps to spread the Prana via the Nadis to
all over the physical body.
Simple Breathing
We have to breathe but most of the time it is
unconscious breathing.
Simple breathing is breathing consciously through
the nose. It would be good to breathe with extending
the abdomen outwards when inhaling and inwards
when exhaling.
Sit comfortably and breathe. Would be wonderful if
we can focus our mind on the inhaling and exhaling.
Prana Breathing
Make a rhythmic count by counting the pulse rate.
Count 6-3-6-3 or 8-4-8-4 or 10-5-10-5 or higher. This is
your body rhythm.
Breathe by inhaling with the abdomen extending
outwards counting 6 counts based on the pulse
count, hold the breath for 3 counts and then exhale
for 6 counts and hold for 3 counts. This is one cycle.
You can do this for 2 to 3 mins. You can also do 8-4-
8-4 or 10-5-10-5 when you become used to this
Yogi Breathing
This is done just like the Prana Breathing but this
time it’s going to be 8-4-8-4. During inhaling 6 counts
out of the 8 counts, is for inhaling with abdomen
extending outwards and rest of the 2 counts for
extending the chest outwards . Hold for 4 counts and
exhale for 8 counts. Repeat for 2 to 3 mins.
During the inhaling process the finger tips can be
used to energize the cells in the lungs.
Balance Breathing
This is done with the Prana Breathing by alternating the breath
between the right and left nostril.
Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right and inhale
with the left nostril.
Then close the left nostril with the left thumb and exhale
through the right nostril.
Now breathe in with the right nostril and keep the left nostril
Now close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.
This complete one cycle of balance breathing. Do this
breathing for about 2 to 3 minutes 3 times every day.
You can also count 6-3-6-3 breathing timing.
This would keep migraine and headache away if done daily.
Healing is done using the
Prana Healing Wand
Everyone can be a healer
Everyone has the potential
It is not a gift but a simple technique you can
learn easily
We are going to teach you.
Karma cannot be transferred
to anyone.You will have to
balance and deal with your
own karma.
No need to CLEAN
No need to RECHARGE
No need to say any MANTRA
No need for MEDITATION of any kind
No need for INITIATION of any kind
There is actually no rules for the wand
Can take it anywhere
Can Keep it anywhere
Share It with Anyone
Do you need to be Vegetarian
NO other Rules
Nuts Most Cleanest
Fish- Sea Fish with scales
Sea Fish without scales
Fresh water fish
Flying animal ( chicken )
Vegetable eating Mammals ( goat, cow, deer etc)
Meat eating Mammals ( dog, bear, lizards etc)
Catfish and Eel etc. Most Dirtiest
You will not take
Anything derived from the hard work of another
animal unless it is given to you willingly.
One side is for the sensing of the aura
The other side to perform the healing
Aura Sensing
Prana Healing
Sensing the energy body at the 4
planes to check if they are evenly
1. Aura Cleansing
2. Ida - Pingala Balancing
3. Finding / Removing Cords and Chakra
4. Prana Healing at required Area.
The Prana Healing Wand would remove all
the unwanted Disease and Toxic energies
from the aura
Once the aura is cleansed the natural prana
energy would flow smoothly and rectify any
health issue in the physical body.
This technique
Clears the Principal /Main Nadis the Pingala
Nadi, Ida Nadi and the Central Nadi -
Balances the Autonomous Nervous System
i.e The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Nervous System
Caduceus Represents the Greek
Symbol for Kundalini
Sense the Solar Plexus Chakra and check for
cords, if the energy extends by 6 feet then
there is a possibility that there is a cord.
Read the Forgiveness Affirmation-
Recheck for cords, if cord is still there then
identify where the cord is coming from.
Read the relevant Forgiveness Affirmation.
Chakra size should be about 2 to 8 inches; depending
upon one’s spiritual development it may be much larger.
Some times these chakras are larger or smaller i.e over-
activated or under-activated
Chakra conditioning is done by sensing the size of the
chakra and healing the chakra by rotating the PHW about
5 circular motions in clockwise direction. Then re-sense
and recondition until the chakras are normalized
Sense the energy/aura at that area that
needs healing.
Healing is done by showing the PHW
about 2 feet or more depending on the
energy/aura at that area to be healed.
Imagine your self at a distance and do the 4
simple steps of healing.
The importance here is imagine full body
You can sense your aura as well.
Just like how self healing is done, this time
imagine that person in front and do all the
If not able to imagine, use a wall with a
picture of the figure of a man.
Or use someone in place of that person.
Home and Office space can be filled with a lot of
negative energies. The place can be physically
clean but may not be energetically clean.
These negative energies can come from within or
from outside, such as neighbors and other people.
There can be anger, disappointments, stress,
jealousy, pride, ego, negative spells.
The Human Body is made up of
70 to 75% water
Water easily absorbs Prana
Prana Healing Wand can be used to
charge water
This charged water when drunk will
transmit Prana to the Physical Body
Cleanse medication to remove side effects
and toxic energy
Cleanse coffee, tea and beer before
Cleanse and remove negative energy from
Phone Sticker to Cut Mobile Electronic
Clean and Programme Crystals
Clean objects
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016
Now everyone can heal english 2016

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Now everyone can heal english 2016

  • 1. Now Everyone Can Heal With The Prana Healing Wand.
  • 2. My name is SIVA.P Our Organizer :
  • 3. We envisage where families are healthy and enjoy healthy life with the Prana Healing Wand We believe all people are made in the image of God and can heal themselves easily
  • 4. Every Person Must Be Pain Free
  • 5. What we want is Very Happy Families Everywhere
  • 6. Our Mission  Health is the birth right of a human. Prana Violet Healing with the PHW shall be made available to everyone regardless of race or religion.  Prana Healing Wand is for all.  Every home should have a Prana Healing Wand
  • 7. We want to Reduce This
  • 8. Nobody wants to become this.
  • 9.
  • 10. Prana Violet Healing is for ALL
  • 11.
  • 12. Evaluation and Acceptance of This Workshop 1)You are not to accept this teaching blindly. You have to make your own evaluation. 2) You do not have to accept everything that is happening here today. 3) Most Important please have an open mind.
  • 13. What we don’t want to do  Convince anything that you don’t want to believe  Teach you some wrong  Bring some new belief  Sell you something  Create a group or cult  Upset you in anyway
  • 14. What we want to do, Is  Share our experience  Bring some simple awareness  Make you realize today that Every One Can Now Heal
  • 15.
  • 16. India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Surat, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Pondicherry, Tirunelveli, Trichy, Thanjavur, Madurai, Kochi, Nagercoil, Coimbatore, USA – San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas South America –Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) UK- Leicester Switzerland - Geneva; Italy Canada – Calgary, Montreal Spain- Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca Russia- St Petersburg Mauritius Burma -Yangon Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Melaka Singapore ; Indonesia
  • 17. 1. Ask as many questions as possible 2. Do not be Shy 3. Share your experience so that other can benefit from your experience. You may have a unique experience. 4. Get to know as many people here in this workshop. We are all children of GOD.
  • 18. There is no copyright on this workshop Teach whatever that is being taught today Share with everyone your experience today and this teaching today.
  • 19. 1) Prana Healing is a No Touch , No Drug Prana Therapy. 2) Prana Healing is open to all races and religion. Anyone above 5 years old can learn Prana Violet Healing. 3) Prana Healing does not replace any form of medical treatment. 4) Prana Healing complements all forms of medical or other treatment. 5) Prana Healers should not interfere with any prescribed medication. 6) Prana Healers are not doctors. Always ask the patient to consult a doctor.
  • 20. Prana Violet Healing Workshop- Beginners Advance Prana Violet Healing Workshop Food and Health Emotional Freedom Healing Black Magic The Art of Dying
  • 21. What is Prana Prana is the Life Force that surrounds us, it is around us Surrounds the Earth Surrounds our Solar System Surrounds the Entire Universe It’s the Divine Energy
  • 22.
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  • 26. Prana in Sanskrit Chi in Chinese Ki in Japanese Manna in Polynesian Other nations have other names Now its known as Life Force by the Westerners
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  • 33. The Sun emits Light, Magnetic fields, Heat and Prana. Most important Prana. Reaches every microorganism on our planet and on other planets. Suns Prana consists of 7 Colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green. Blue, Indigo and Violet. To receive the Sun Prana stand in the direction of the Sun and say this simple affirmation : Oh Divine Sun Thank you being here for all of us, I need your energy to heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  • 34.
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  • 42.
  • 43. With the process of photosynthesis the plant makes its own food by using the Sun energy or Prana with Carbon Dioxide. The other ingredients come from the ground such as water and minerals to make whatever is required.
  • 44. Earth emits its own Prana in the form of Magnetic Field called the Force of Gravity. The Earth holds the Moon in its Orbit and the Moon has its own Magnetic Field. The Moon’s Magnetic Force attracts the Water on our Planet and causes High and Low Tide. High tide can be as high as 2 to 3 Meters at times. We are constantly within the Magnetic Forces of the Earth and Moon. To receive the Prana from Mother Earth say this Simple Affirmation Dear Mother Earth, thank you for being my home, please give me some of your energy to heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
  • 45.
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  • 50.
  • 51. Receiving Cosmic Prana from the Crown Chakra Certain Mantras can activate the flow of Cosmic Prana. Some examples are Allah Uh Akbar Om Prabrahma Oh Divine Heavenly Father
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. 1. Prana From The Air We Breathe 2. Prana From Food We Eat 3. Prana From Water We Drink 4. Prana From Trees 5. Prana From Crystals 6. Prana from Holy Places 7. Prana from Holy persons 8. Prana From Objects and Talisman
  • 56. 1. Indian art of breathing Pranayama is used to receive abundance of Air Prana into the Physical Body and Energy Body 2. You can see Air Prana by looking at the Blue Sky and you can see white sparkles floating and moving rapidly. 3. Yogis can stay without food for many days just by receiving and being in tune with this Air Prana.
  • 57.
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  • 59.
  • 60. 1. Plants take the Prana make the required food and store then in their leaves, stems, roots and fruits. 2. Certain plants store certain aura from the sun. 1. Yogis/seers from many parts of the world have seen plants having different Prana and have used these plants for healing of the physical body which has brought about the healing of Indian Ayurveda, Indonesian Jamu and Chinese Herbal Healing. 2. Cooked food also contains Emotional Energy like mother’s cooking is the best cooking. There can be lots of negative emotions from restaurant food.
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  • 68. Water can hold an abundance of Prana Water received from holy places have a lot of Prana that can be used for healing. Healing can also be done by blessing the water with words of healing. Usually done by muslim priest. Many of us have never thanked the water that we drink or bathe with Sea water or salt water is a great cleanser of human aura.
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  • 74. 1. It has been shown by Dr.Emoto that water can be frozen and they become crystals. 2.The water crystals are affected by emotion. 3 Even just words and thoughts can change the crystals of water.
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  • 79. Each and every cell in our body has 72 to 75% water. Imagine when we have negative thoughts how each and every cell in the body would behave and become. We should always change all the negative into positive thoughts
  • 80. Trees have abundance of Prana The Prana they have are Pink/Violet in colour Temples have Trees that provide the Prana to the whole place. Sometimes Temple and Holy Places are built under an already existing Tree that has much Prana. We can get Prana from trees and heal ourself by just asking “ Oh Divine Tree Both Of Us Are Divine Creation, Please Give Me Some Of Your Excess Energy To Heal Me And Rejuvenate Me. Thank You, Thank You Thank You.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Crystals can store much prana and can re- transmit this prana to anyone who requires them. Some crystals can activate some specific chakras and also make the aura more powerful. Crystals can also be programmed for protection of persons, homes and offices from negative or evil energy.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86. Crystals can get contaminated Can become negative Need to be programmed or need to reprogrammed Certain type of crystals activate certain chakras
  • 87. Many temples are designed to receive the Cosmic Prana so that the temples are always charged with Prana. These pyramid, dome, mineret, meru shaped structures etc are constructed such that they can receive prana. Prana from these holy places can be received by the disciples. Many structures of deities are made to energize these temples
  • 88.
  • 89. They are receiving energy from the cosmic and re-transmitting it to the holy places. All these statues have been sculptured with a purpose.
  • 90. Protection for home, person, family Prosperity Healing Love , compassion , kindness Removing obstacles Knowledge Etc
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. Yogis and spiritual persons can provide abundance of Prana to their disciples and also to anyone who needs them. Also called spiritual energy and these can heal and rejuvenate the person receiving them. The aura of some holy people can stretch as far as many meters or maybe even kilometers. Prana can be transmitted by the holy persons by using their palms, eyes, the brow area and also from their whole body.
  • 94.
  • 95. Certain Objects carry a lot of Prana. Objects such as holy books, talisman, pictures and special symbols can carry a lot of Prana. The Bible, Koran and the Bhagwad Gita all emit spiritual energy. The Prana Healing Wand is a very powerful object that emits Prana. This prana can be used to heal, clean homes, clean negative energies etc.
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 99. The Human Body Heals Itself
  • 100. Prana is required by the Human Body for its well being
  • 101. Presence of Prana Accelerates The Well-Being of the Physical and Energy Body
  • 102. Causes of Diseases and Sickness  External Factors such as Bacteria , Viruses, Protozoa's etc There is no cure for virus infection only prevention by vaccination and the body’s immune system needs to find its own way to heal itself.  Poisonous insects and animals  Poisonous Plants, Fruits and Seeds  Allergies  Fungi and yeast infection  Accidents , Fire, Broken Bones, Bodily Hurts, Damaged Organs  Balanced Diet Requirement for Vitamins and Minerals  Wrong Food Short Term and Long Term.  Bad Habits such as Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Abuse.  Unbalance, Blocks, Disruption in the Energy Body ( Aura )  Psychosomatic Conditions  Psychic attack, White Magic and Black Magic ( No medical cure )  Karmic Conditions
  • 103. Bacteria – Fever, H-Pylori Stomach Disorder, Tuberculosis of the Lungs more recent Digestive Tract, spine Virus – Common Flue, Fever, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Mumps, Polio, Dengue Fever, Hepatitis, HINI, Bird Flu, HIV, Herpes Etc Protozoas from water source and from insects such as mosquitos which is the cause of Malaria. Parasitic worms
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  • 106. Food that we eat / water that we drink Touch , sharing, close contact Breathing From animals, insects
  • 107. Certain plants, fruits and seeds are poisonous Plants Mushroom Berries Seeds
  • 108. Insects can be poisonous such as Bees , wasps Spiders Scorpions, Centipedes, Reptiles can also be poisonous such as Snakes Frogs Certain living things in the sea Squid starfish
  • 109. Food Allergies -some protein in the food can cause this. The immune system has an excessive reaction to this and some can be allergic to milk, nuts, seafood etc. Air Borne dust and pollen can irritate the nasal lining and cause allergic reaction. Certain food does not suit some people
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  • 112. They can grow on the skin where the area is moist. They feed on the sweat, moisture and live on us. Some of them are inside the body as well. Ringworm, athletic foot to name some. Ladies may have yeast infection on their private parts.
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  • 114. Car accident etc Major and Simple Falls Playing games and sports can affect the body parts Fire burns
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  • 116. • Lack of Balanced Diet can cause problems to the body • Lacking of vitamins • Lacking of Minerals • Lacking of food that contains Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate
  • 117. Vitamins A B1. B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 and B12 C D E K
  • 118. Sodium Copper Potassium Phosphorous Magnesium Manganese Calcium Iron Iodine Zinc Selenium
  • 119. Today’s food contains large amount of preservatives. Salts, sugar, bitter, sourness etc. Food is rich with protein. Indian food can be fermented and acidic. Eating food that has large amounts of fats, sugar, salt etc.
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  • 127. Worries, sadness, sorrow, anger, fear, jealousy etc Anxiety, depression, frustration Past life traumas Child hood traumas Grief
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  • 129. Black Magic ( 1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th & 5th Level BM) White Magic Psychic Vampire Losing energy at Negative Area / Location Presence of negative entities
  • 130. Born with disabilities Organs underdeveloped Family Conditions , brother, sisters, inlaws Poverty The need to balance karma
  • 131. Part of body that can be seen External body parts
  • 132. Part of Inside the Physical Body not seen by the eyes Consist of Glands and Organs that runs the Circulation or Blood Vessels Nervous System Urinary System Lymphatic System Digestive System Endocrine System Reproduction System Skeletal / Muscular / Skin System
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  • 150. Today One Can See Internal Body X-ray MRI Scans CAT Scan / CT Scan Ultra Sound Scan Endoscope
  • 151. X-Ray, MRI and CT Scan
  • 152. The human body is made up of 4 distinct Body 1) The Visible physical Body with Internal Organs 2) The Energy or Etheric Body 3) The Astral (Emotional ) Body 4) The Mental Body
  • 153. The Human Aura is made up of the Lower Energy Body •1) Energy or Etheric Body •2) The Astral or Emotional Body •3) The Mental Body
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  • 156. Causal Body Connects to Our Higher Self Not in the Physical Plane It is part of our Karmic Bank Connected Via A Divine Cord, Silver Cord or Antahkarna to the Lower Subtle Bodies and the physical body.
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  • 162. The Prana Flows within your energy field through the entire energy body and enters into the physical body via the chakras. Any disruption in the this flow of prana due to blocks in the chakras or meridians can cause pain, discomfort in that area. Proper undisrupted flow of Prana is extremely important to the physical body.
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  • 164. Can You See Your Aura Yes U Can Kirlian Photography  From a Person who is a Clairvoyant but they may have limited vision. By Sensing your aura
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  • 169. Plants have energy field Leaf Kirllian Photo of Leaf
  • 170. What Are Chakras They were found by Indian Yogis who were Clairvoyants in Ancient Times. They are rotating energy centers found in the energy body of the Human Beings. They are Power Transformers that transmit Prana into the physical body through NADIS or MERIDIANS.
  • 171. Major Chakras Minor Chakras Mini Chakras Chakras of Organs Nadi points / Meridians Type of Chakras
  • 172. Simple pendulum made From tissue and thread Placed over the palm chakra or any chakra would show some type of movement. Detecting A Chakra
  • 173. The Chakras Rotate and Perform Many Functions
  • 174. 1. Clockwise 2. Anti clockwise 3. Vertical 4. Horizontal 5. Oval 6. No movement at all. Chakra Spin
  • 175. Rapidly rotating Vortex, 2 to 8 inches, opening into the surface of the Energy Body Stem ending on the corresponding Center on the Spine
  • 176. Chakra location on the Energy Body Located on the front and back Always rotating Receiving and emitting prana throughout their life time.
  • 179. Golden Yellow Or Mixture of Golden Yellow and White
  • 180. All The Chakras are White Can emit any Colour Prana When Needed.
  • 181. Location of the Major Chakras Note the Palm Chakras and the Sole Chakras And the Lowermost Chakra The Major Chakras
  • 182. Note the many chakras above the Crown Chakra.
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  • 185. Dirty Energy Body Energy Block on the energy heart Cord coming to the physical heart Energy body of liver affected Energy drain at the left hand via palm chakra
  • 186.  Dirty Energy on Ajna, Ovaries  Dirty Energy at Breast Area.  Cord on Breast Area where the cell growth is.
  • 187.  Throat Chakra affected Ajna area affected Hole in the energy body losing Energy Cord coming in or going out.
  • 188. Cords are Energy Links, linking two people or many people together. These cords can block the flow of Prana in that area and cause physical problems . Cords can disrupt the operation of a chakra if it is lodged in that area. Can be intentionally or unintentionally directed towards someone.
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  • 191. Revenge Anger Disappointment Jealous Lust Cords blocking marriage Cords Blocking Prosperity / Success Cords from Grey / Black Magic Cords from White Magic
  • 192. On Chakras On Organs On area of physical body On Astral body, Mental Body
  • 193. Family Members Brother, Sister , Sister in Law etc In-laws Family Members Ex Boy/ Girl Friends, Ex-Husband and Wife Friends, Neighbors, Classmates. Work Mates Spiritual Gurus, Priests Bomoh, Dukun, Tantrics & Occult Practitioners.
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  • 196. Prana Exercise To Feel The Prana Magnetic Pull Heat Whirling
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  • 199. Simple Breathing Prana Breathing Yogi Breathing Balance Breathing
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  • 202. Folding the tongue and touching the upper palate is called the Kechari Mudra During all types of breathing the tongue should be rolled and placed above the upper mouth, or even when breathing normally, it would greatly help the energy flow. This rolling of the tongue would allow the Prana energy to flow between the front and back of the body. This helps to spread the Prana via the Nadis to all over the physical body.
  • 203. Simple Breathing We have to breathe but most of the time it is unconscious breathing. Simple breathing is breathing consciously through the nose. It would be good to breathe with extending the abdomen outwards when inhaling and inwards when exhaling. Sit comfortably and breathe. Would be wonderful if we can focus our mind on the inhaling and exhaling.
  • 204. Prana Breathing Make a rhythmic count by counting the pulse rate. Count 6-3-6-3 or 8-4-8-4 or 10-5-10-5 or higher. This is your body rhythm. Breathe by inhaling with the abdomen extending outwards counting 6 counts based on the pulse count, hold the breath for 3 counts and then exhale for 6 counts and hold for 3 counts. This is one cycle. You can do this for 2 to 3 mins. You can also do 8-4- 8-4 or 10-5-10-5 when you become used to this breathing.
  • 205. Yogi Breathing This is done just like the Prana Breathing but this time it’s going to be 8-4-8-4. During inhaling 6 counts out of the 8 counts, is for inhaling with abdomen extending outwards and rest of the 2 counts for extending the chest outwards . Hold for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts. Repeat for 2 to 3 mins. During the inhaling process the finger tips can be used to energize the cells in the lungs.
  • 206. Balance Breathing This is done with the Prana Breathing by alternating the breath between the right and left nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right and inhale with the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the left thumb and exhale through the right nostril. Now breathe in with the right nostril and keep the left nostril closed. Now close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. This complete one cycle of balance breathing. Do this breathing for about 2 to 3 minutes 3 times every day. You can also count 6-3-6-3 breathing timing. This would keep migraine and headache away if done daily.
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  • 221. Healing is done using the Prana Healing Wand
  • 222. Everyone can be a healer Everyone has the potential It is not a gift but a simple technique you can learn easily We are going to teach you.
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  • 224. Karma cannot be transferred to anyone.You will have to balance and deal with your own karma.
  • 225. No need to CLEAN No need to RECHARGE No need to PROGRAM or REPROGRAM No need to say any MANTRA No need for MEDITATION of any kind No need to CONNECT to the UNIVERSAL ENERGY No need for INITIATION of any kind
  • 226. There is actually no rules for the wand Can take it anywhere Can Keep it anywhere Share It with Anyone
  • 227. Do you need to be Vegetarian NO other Rules
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  • 232. Nuts Most Cleanest Fruits Vegetables Fish- Sea Fish with scales Sea Fish without scales Fresh water fish Flying animal ( chicken ) Vegetable eating Mammals ( goat, cow, deer etc) Meat eating Mammals ( dog, bear, lizards etc) Pig Catfish and Eel etc. Most Dirtiest
  • 233. You will not take Milk Honey Anything derived from the hard work of another animal unless it is given to you willingly.
  • 234. One side is for the sensing of the aura The other side to perform the healing
  • 236. Sensing the energy body at the 4 planes to check if they are evenly distributed
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  • 241. 1. Aura Cleansing 2. Ida - Pingala Balancing 3. Finding / Removing Cords and Chakra Conditioning 4. Prana Healing at required Area.
  • 242. The Prana Healing Wand would remove all the unwanted Disease and Toxic energies from the aura Once the aura is cleansed the natural prana energy would flow smoothly and rectify any health issue in the physical body.
  • 243. This technique Clears the Principal /Main Nadis the Pingala Nadi, Ida Nadi and the Central Nadi - Sushumna Balances the Autonomous Nervous System i.e The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • 244. Caduceus Represents the Greek Symbol for Kundalini Awakening
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  • 251. Sense the Solar Plexus Chakra and check for cords, if the energy extends by 6 feet then there is a possibility that there is a cord. Read the Forgiveness Affirmation- “ForgivingYourself”. Recheck for cords, if cord is still there then identify where the cord is coming from. Read the relevant Forgiveness Affirmation.
  • 252. Chakra size should be about 2 to 8 inches; depending upon one’s spiritual development it may be much larger. Some times these chakras are larger or smaller i.e over- activated or under-activated Chakra conditioning is done by sensing the size of the chakra and healing the chakra by rotating the PHW about 5 circular motions in clockwise direction. Then re-sense and recondition until the chakras are normalized
  • 253. Sense the energy/aura at that area that needs healing. Healing is done by showing the PHW about 2 feet or more depending on the energy/aura at that area to be healed.
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  • 267. Imagine your self at a distance and do the 4 simple steps of healing. The importance here is imagine full body size. You can sense your aura as well.
  • 268. Just like how self healing is done, this time imagine that person in front and do all the technique. If not able to imagine, use a wall with a picture of the figure of a man. Or use someone in place of that person.
  • 269. Home and Office space can be filled with a lot of negative energies. The place can be physically clean but may not be energetically clean. These negative energies can come from within or from outside, such as neighbors and other people. There can be anger, disappointments, stress, jealousy, pride, ego, negative spells.
  • 270. The Human Body is made up of 70 to 75% water Water easily absorbs Prana
  • 271. Prana Healing Wand can be used to charge water This charged water when drunk will transmit Prana to the Physical Body
  • 272. Cleanse medication to remove side effects and toxic energy Cleanse coffee, tea and beer before drinking Cleanse and remove negative energy from Food Phone Sticker to Cut Mobile Electronic Field
  • 273. Clean and Programme Crystals Clean objects

Editor's Notes

  1. Pearson N., Space, Time and Self, TPH, 1964, Fig. 55, p. 149