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Reiki Seminar
presented by
Reiki Center Baroda
Universal Life Force Energy
What is Reiki?
It is Universal Life Force Energy. The word
Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei
which means “Universal" and Ki which is
"life force energy". So Reiki is actually
"spiritually guided life force energy."
Reiki is a form of spiritual practice, used as
a complementary therapy, proposed for the
treatment of physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual ailments.
Reiki is positive energy. It never causes harm to any
living thing!
I recommend Reiki for ongoing health maintenance; it
promotes strong health & prevents illness. You don't have
to be sick to benefit from Reiki.
Reiki is for everyone: it heals adults, elderly, babies (on
mother's stomach), toddlers, children, pets, plantations
and non living things like gadgets, equipments etc. In
short it is for anything & everything.
Reiki for pets? Yes, pets may be helped in recovery from
stress, separation anxiety, trauma, and illness. Treat your
pet with a dose of Distance Healing following doctor's
Is Reiki Safe? For Whom is Reiki?
Dr. Mikao Usui developed Reiki in early 20th
century in Japan, where he said he received the
ability of ‘healing without energy depletion' after
three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount
Kuriama. Practitioners use a technique similar to
the laying on of hands, which will channel "healing
energy". Practitioners state that energy flows
through their palms to bring about healing and that
the method can be used for self-treatment as well
as treatment of others.
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi is generally
considered the main disciple of Dr.
Mikao Usui and responsible for turning
Reiki into a medicinal practice.
Dr. Hayashi was a naval physician, and
employed Reiki to treat his patients.
Dr. Hayashi, stressed physical healing
and taught a more codified and simpler
set of Reiki techniques. Among Dr.
Hayashi's contributions was a set of
fixed hand positions to be used in the
course of a treatment; Dr. Usui often
preferred a more mystical means of
diagnosing the patient's problem.
Dr. Hayashi initiated and trained
Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who brought
Reiki to the USA.
Mrs. Hawayo Takata’s greatest
achievement is the transplanting of
this gentle spiritual Eastern healing
modality to the West. It stands as
her gift to humanity.
Mr.Haren Patel is a graduate in
Science with Micro-biology and
Post Graduate in Social Work.
He became Reiki Master in
September 2000. Since then, more
than 2,900 participants have
learned Reiki Level I, more than
1,800 participants have learned
Reiki Level II, more than 400
participants have learned Reiki
Level 3A and 24 participants have
become Reiki Master under his
During the process of healing and
teaching Reiki innumerable
miraculous healings have
happened with many participants.
Your Reiki Lineage
Dr Mikao UsUi
Dr ChUgiro hayashi
Mrs hawayo TakaTa
BarBara weBer ray
MaUreen o‘ Toole
kaTe nani
Dr PaUla horan
P.D. PaTel
haren PaTel
What are the Benefits of Reiki?
Reiki helps calm the body and mind
Reiki can restore balance to the body
Reiki supports the body’s natural ability
to heal itself
Reiki enhances spiritual awareness
Reiki Benefits in Detail
Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, enhancing
everything in your life.
Reiki is extremely Pleasant, Blissful and Holistic Method of Healing.
Reiki accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Reiki stimulates the immune system.
Reiki cleanses toxins from the body.
Reiki is effective ancillary treatment for chronic and acute illness or injury.
Reiki revitalizes body, mind and soul.
Reiki loosens up blocked energy and promotes the state of total relaxation.
Reiki releases emotions and stress.
Reiki Benefits in Detail (cont’d……)
Reiki functions on all levels whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional.
Reiki works on causal level of diseases.
Reiki gives peace, confidence and security.
Reiki balances and amplifies the body’s energies, which helps to increase
Reiki increases the awareness, mental clarity and creativity.
Reiki re-establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well being.
Reiki reverses the ageing process.
Reiki is intended to compliment and be used alongwith medical treatment
Advance Reiki Practitioners can heal at a distance, through the power of third eye
which develops intuition and telepathy.
Features of Reiki
Since Reiki is a Positive and neutralising energy, there is no damage or side effect.
Since Reiki is drawn by a person scientifically, he/she remains charged with vitality
from time to time.
Reiki works for results in a person according to the needs of that person.
No harm can be sustained to a person with Reiki as it is a Divine Energy.
A Reiki channel is also charged with energy to the same extent and duration for
which, he/she has given Reiki treatment to another.
Reiki can ensure better health, both physical and mental which are interdependent
on each other.
The levels of reiki
Thereare4 levelsof Reiki in theUsui System of Reiki
Reiki First Level – Reiki 1
(Reiki Basic Course)
Reiki Second Level – Reiki 2
(Reiki Advance Course)
Reiki Third Level – Reiki 3A
(Reiki Master Course Part I)
Reiki Master Level - Reiki 3B
(Reiki Master Course Part II)
First Level Reiki – Reiki 1
The first degree Reiki course teaches the basic theories and procedures of how
to work with Reiki energy. The channel through which Reiki energy passes to the
practitioner is said to be opened or widened through four "attunements" given to
the student by the teacher. Students learn hand placement positions on the
recipient's body that are thought to be most conducive to the healing process in
a whole body treatment. Having completed the first degree course, the
participant can treat himself and others with Reiki. The course duration is
typically two days, although this varies widely.
Details of Reiki Levels
Second Level Reiki – Reiki 2
In the second degree Reiki course, the student learns the use of three symbols
which are said to enhance the healing effect and allow for distance healing.
Another attunement is given which is said to further increase the capacity for
Reiki to flow through the student, as well as empowering the use of the symbols.
Having completed the second level, the student can treat people with Reiki
without being physically present with the recipient. The first degree is a
prerequisite for the second degree, which is usually taught over two days,
although this varies considerably.
Third Level Reiki or Advanced Training – Reiki 3A
Through the third degree, one more attunement is carried out and the student
learns a further master-level symbol. The first and second degrees are
prerequisites for the third degree. This level is usually taught over one to two
Details of Reiki Levels
Master Level – Reiki 3B
Through the “Master Training", the student becomes a Reiki master. Having
completed the master training, the new Reiki master can attune other people to
Reiki and teach the three degrees of Reiki. The first, second and third degrees
are prerequisites for the master training. The duration of the master training is
usually around three to four days.
What is Aura?
In parapsychology, spirituality and New Age belief, an Aura is a
subtle field of luminous multicoloured radiation surrounding a
person or object as a cocoon or halo. An aura may be held to represent
or be composed of soul vibrations or chakras, and may reflect the
moods or thoughts of the person it surrounds.
Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom,
every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”,
even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we
may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an
object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for
example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading
Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.
The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it
contains INFORMATION about the object.
What is Aura? (cont’d……)
Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes
with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object
(stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed, but can be changed by
our conscious intent. Above facts have been observed by scientists in
Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last
50 years.
The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM
(electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR)
to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the
spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the
functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.)
whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious
activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humour and
emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of
everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our
DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high
frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely
unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes.
Layers of aura
In Normal
Aura Seven
Layers are
However in
Saints 12
Layers are
said to be
The Layers
of Aura as
explained in
Layers of aura
The 12 Layers of Aura are :
Layer 1 - Etheric Body (Lower Etheric Aspect)
Layer 2 - Emotional Body (Lower Emotional Aspect)
Layer 3 - Mental Body (Lower Mental Aspect)
Layer 4 - Astral Body
Layer 5 - Etheric Template Body (Physical Aspect)
Layer 6 - Celestial Body (Emotional Aspect)
Layer 7 - Ketheric or Causal Body (Mental Aspect)
Layer 8 - Memory Body
Layer 9 - Soul Body
Layer 10 - Integrative Body
Layer 11 - Eternal Body
} Auric Body
/ Physical
Auric Body /
Astral Plane
} Auric Body
/ Spiritual
} Auric Body
/ Cosmic
Auric Body
/ Universal
Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning
wheel. There is a vast literature on
chakra models, philosophy and lore
that underpin many philosophical
systems and spiritual energetic
practices, religious observance and
personal discipline. Chakras
function and relate within the
systemic suite of the human body-
mind. The philosophical theories
and models of chakras as systemic
vortices of energy were identified
through the existential mystical
practice of yoga in Ancient India
where they were first codified.
How do Chakras Work?
A chakra is a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life
force energy. The word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk and refers to a
spinning sphere of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve
ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. There are seven of these
wheels stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to
the top of the head. There are also minor chakras in the hands, feet, fingertips,
and shoulders. Literally, any vortex of activity could be called a chakra. It is the
seven major chakras that correlate with basic states of consciousness.
Chakras are considered to be a nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical
energy of the human body.
Chakra are often explained according to the protocols of evidence-based
medicine like accupuncture points. In some Eastern thought, chakras are
considered to be gradations of consciousness, and states of the soul, and
'proving' the existence of chakras is asking to 'prove' the existence of the
thought process. A mystic deals with these metaphysical concepts as a model
for their internal and external experience, and when talking about 'energy
centers', they are generally talking about subtle electromagnetic forces, which
connect to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Flow of Energy into the Body from the Chakras
Incoming Primary Energy
Chakra Seven: Crown Chakra
Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge
This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater
world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge,
wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.
Chakra Six: Brow Chakra
Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection
This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and
intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it
allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture."
Chakra Five: Throat Chakra
Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression
This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience
the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.
Chakra Four: Heart Chakra
Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance
This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is
the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity.
A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness
Chakra Three: Solar Plexus Chakra
Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition
This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and
autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity,
and non-dominating power.
Chakra Two: Navel Chakra
Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification
The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and
to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally
this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.
Chakra One: Root Chakra
Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation
Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is
therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the
physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.
Chakras and the Body Mind Interface – Chart
Reiki Center Baroda, Reiki Center North Carolina,
Mr. Haren Patel Mr Haren Patel
Reiki Grand Master, Reiki Grand Master
15, Sevagram Soc,
Vadodara 390 002
Gujarat - India
Call : +91 9824019717
Email : Email:
Contact us …..

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Reiki presentation by Haren Patel

  • 3. What is Reiki? It is Universal Life Force Energy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means “Universal" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." Reiki is a form of spiritual practice, used as a complementary therapy, proposed for the treatment of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ailments.
  • 4. Reiki is positive energy. It never causes harm to any living thing! I recommend Reiki for ongoing health maintenance; it promotes strong health & prevents illness. You don't have to be sick to benefit from Reiki. Reiki is for everyone: it heals adults, elderly, babies (on mother's stomach), toddlers, children, pets, plantations and non living things like gadgets, equipments etc. In short it is for anything & everything. Reiki for pets? Yes, pets may be helped in recovery from stress, separation anxiety, trauma, and illness. Treat your pet with a dose of Distance Healing following doctor's treatment. Is Reiki Safe? For Whom is Reiki?
  • 5. Dr. Mikao Usui developed Reiki in early 20th century in Japan, where he said he received the ability of ‘healing without energy depletion' after three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kuriama. Practitioners use a technique similar to the laying on of hands, which will channel "healing energy". Practitioners state that energy flows through their palms to bring about healing and that the method can be used for self-treatment as well as treatment of others.
  • 6. Dr. Chujiro Hayashi is generally considered the main disciple of Dr. Mikao Usui and responsible for turning Reiki into a medicinal practice. Dr. Hayashi was a naval physician, and employed Reiki to treat his patients. Dr. Hayashi, stressed physical healing and taught a more codified and simpler set of Reiki techniques. Among Dr. Hayashi's contributions was a set of fixed hand positions to be used in the course of a treatment; Dr. Usui often preferred a more mystical means of diagnosing the patient's problem.
  • 7. Dr. Hayashi initiated and trained Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to the USA. Mrs. Hawayo Takata’s greatest achievement is the transplanting of this gentle spiritual Eastern healing modality to the West. It stands as her gift to humanity.
  • 8. Mr.Haren Patel is a graduate in Science with Micro-biology and Post Graduate in Social Work. He became Reiki Master in September 2000. Since then, more than 2,900 participants have learned Reiki Level I, more than 1,800 participants have learned Reiki Level II, more than 400 participants have learned Reiki Level 3A and 24 participants have become Reiki Master under his guidance. During the process of healing and teaching Reiki innumerable miraculous healings have happened with many participants.
  • 9. Your Reiki Lineage Dr Mikao UsUi Dr ChUgiro hayashi Mrs hawayo TakaTa BarBara weBer ray MaUreen o‘ Toole kaTe nani Dr PaUla horan P.D. PaTel ravishankar haren PaTel “yoUrself”
  • 10. What are the Benefits of Reiki? Reiki helps calm the body and mind Reiki can restore balance to the body Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself Reiki enhances spiritual awareness
  • 11. Reiki Benefits in Detail Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, enhancing everything in your life. Reiki is extremely Pleasant, Blissful and Holistic Method of Healing. Reiki accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki stimulates the immune system. Reiki cleanses toxins from the body. Reiki is effective ancillary treatment for chronic and acute illness or injury. Reiki revitalizes body, mind and soul. Reiki loosens up blocked energy and promotes the state of total relaxation. Reiki releases emotions and stress.
  • 12. Reiki Benefits in Detail (cont’d……) Reiki functions on all levels whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional. Reiki works on causal level of diseases. Reiki gives peace, confidence and security. Reiki balances and amplifies the body’s energies, which helps to increase productivity. Reiki increases the awareness, mental clarity and creativity. Reiki re-establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well being. Reiki reverses the ageing process. Reiki is intended to compliment and be used alongwith medical treatment simultaneously. Advance Reiki Practitioners can heal at a distance, through the power of third eye which develops intuition and telepathy.
  • 13. Features of Reiki Since Reiki is a Positive and neutralising energy, there is no damage or side effect. Since Reiki is drawn by a person scientifically, he/she remains charged with vitality from time to time. Reiki works for results in a person according to the needs of that person. No harm can be sustained to a person with Reiki as it is a Divine Energy. A Reiki channel is also charged with energy to the same extent and duration for which, he/she has given Reiki treatment to another. Reiki can ensure better health, both physical and mental which are interdependent on each other.
  • 14. The levels of reiki Thereare4 levelsof Reiki in theUsui System of Reiki Reiki First Level – Reiki 1 (Reiki Basic Course) Reiki Second Level – Reiki 2 (Reiki Advance Course) Reiki Third Level – Reiki 3A (Reiki Master Course Part I) Reiki Master Level - Reiki 3B (Reiki Master Course Part II)
  • 15. First Level Reiki – Reiki 1 The first degree Reiki course teaches the basic theories and procedures of how to work with Reiki energy. The channel through which Reiki energy passes to the practitioner is said to be opened or widened through four "attunements" given to the student by the teacher. Students learn hand placement positions on the recipient's body that are thought to be most conducive to the healing process in a whole body treatment. Having completed the first degree course, the participant can treat himself and others with Reiki. The course duration is typically two days, although this varies widely. Details of Reiki Levels Second Level Reiki – Reiki 2 In the second degree Reiki course, the student learns the use of three symbols which are said to enhance the healing effect and allow for distance healing. Another attunement is given which is said to further increase the capacity for Reiki to flow through the student, as well as empowering the use of the symbols. Having completed the second level, the student can treat people with Reiki without being physically present with the recipient. The first degree is a prerequisite for the second degree, which is usually taught over two days, although this varies considerably.
  • 16. Third Level Reiki or Advanced Training – Reiki 3A Through the third degree, one more attunement is carried out and the student learns a further master-level symbol. The first and second degrees are prerequisites for the third degree. This level is usually taught over one to two days. Details of Reiki Levels Master Level – Reiki 3B Through the “Master Training", the student becomes a Reiki master. Having completed the master training, the new Reiki master can attune other people to Reiki and teach the three degrees of Reiki. The first, second and third degrees are prerequisites for the master training. The duration of the master training is usually around three to four days.
  • 17. What is Aura? In parapsychology, spirituality and New Age belief, an Aura is a subtle field of luminous multicoloured radiation surrounding a person or object as a cocoon or halo. An aura may be held to represent or be composed of soul vibrations or chakras, and may reflect the moods or thoughts of the person it surrounds. Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration. The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it contains INFORMATION about the object.
  • 18. What is Aura? (cont’d……) Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed, but can be changed by our conscious intent. Above facts have been observed by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years. The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humour and emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes.
  • 19. Layers of aura In Normal Aura Seven Layers are visible. However in some Saints 12 Layers are said to be visible.
  • 20. The Layers of Aura as explained in Reiki
  • 21. Layers of aura The 12 Layers of Aura are : Layer 1 - Etheric Body (Lower Etheric Aspect) Layer 2 - Emotional Body (Lower Emotional Aspect) Layer 3 - Mental Body (Lower Mental Aspect) Layer 4 - Astral Body Layer 5 - Etheric Template Body (Physical Aspect) Layer 6 - Celestial Body (Emotional Aspect) Layer 7 - Ketheric or Causal Body (Mental Aspect) Layer 8 - Memory Body Layer 9 - Soul Body Layer 10 - Integrative Body Layer 11 - Eternal Body } Auric Body / Physical Plane Auric Body / Astral Plane } Auric Body / Spiritual Plane } Auric Body / Cosmic Plane } Auric Body / Universal Plane
  • 22. CHAKRAS Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning wheel. There is a vast literature on chakra models, philosophy and lore that underpin many philosophical systems and spiritual energetic practices, religious observance and personal discipline. Chakras function and relate within the systemic suite of the human body- mind. The philosophical theories and models of chakras as systemic vortices of energy were identified through the existential mystical practice of yoga in Ancient India where they were first codified.
  • 23. How do Chakras Work? A chakra is a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk and refers to a spinning sphere of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. There are seven of these wheels stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are also minor chakras in the hands, feet, fingertips, and shoulders. Literally, any vortex of activity could be called a chakra. It is the seven major chakras that correlate with basic states of consciousness. Chakras are considered to be a nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical energy of the human body. Chakra are often explained according to the protocols of evidence-based medicine like accupuncture points. In some Eastern thought, chakras are considered to be gradations of consciousness, and states of the soul, and 'proving' the existence of chakras is asking to 'prove' the existence of the thought process. A mystic deals with these metaphysical concepts as a model for their internal and external experience, and when talking about 'energy centers', they are generally talking about subtle electromagnetic forces, which connect to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
  • 24. Flow of Energy into the Body from the Chakras Incoming Primary Energy
  • 25. Chakra Seven: Crown Chakra Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss. Chakra Six: Brow Chakra Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture." Chakra Five: Throat Chakra Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language. Chakra Four: Heart Chakra Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness Chakra Three: Solar Plexus Chakra Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power. Chakra Two: Navel Chakra Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change. Chakra One: Root Chakra Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. Chakras and the Body Mind Interface – Chart
  • 26. Reiki Center Baroda, Reiki Center North Carolina, Mr. Haren Patel Mr Haren Patel Reiki Grand Master, Reiki Grand Master 15, Sevagram Soc, Nizampura Vadodara 390 002 Gujarat - India Call : +91 9824019717 Email : Email: Contact us …..

Editor's Notes

  1. Rei means Universal
  2. The reiki portion to add to the What is Reiki slide
  3. Dr. Mikao Usui, Dr. Chugiro Hayashi, Mrs. Hawayo Takata, Barbara Weber Ray, Maureen O Toole, Kate Nani, Paula Horan, Karl Everding, Barbara Szepan, P. D. Patel and P Dutta
  4. Add a slide of this as How to Learn Reiki
  5. Fonts change – Book antica bold and heading Arial Black
  6. Fonts
  7. Fonts as suggested