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The Divine Intervention is more than a training, it is one of the best programs you can attend.
At the Spiritual level, the Divine Intervention is one of the most powerful prayers that is known.
At the Energetic level, it is an exceptional way of exploiting and directing the electrical and
magnetic energy, both in the physical body and in the etheric body. By using the Divine
Intervention energy, it is possible to isolate what prevents the body from regaining its vital
energy so it can heal properly. In order to do this, a specific Dimension and a precise vibratory
frequency are used that allow the Divine to manifest itself.
The results of Divine Intervention are observable both at the physical level, with spontaneous
remissions of diseases, but also at the emotional level, when the healee regains harmony and
balance. The Divine Intervention energy enables the healee to become aware of the original
cause of their illness and gives them the ability to solve it.
This process is facilitated by external guidance given by the practitioner. Developing your ability
to provide this external guidance to others is at the center of this two-week-long training.
During these 2 weeks of intensive retreat, be prepared for deep personal healing and to receive
sacred teachings that will allow you to support yourself as well as others. Those two weeks of
deep transformation will be taking place in a wooded environment, chosen for its peacefulness
and quietness.
Our ancestors spent their entire lives learning these teachings. However, as our world vibrates
faster and higher, we can now learn it in two weeks.
We are looking forward to sharing this moment of intense vibrations with you.
*Share in co-creation with a group
* Detoxify and purify yourself (thanks to a sweat lodge with Olivier, a healthy
diet and hammam)
* Do Yoga and meditate every morning.
* Create and maintain a suitable Sacred Space for magic to work.
* Experience a deep healing and transformation process, physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual.
* Experience the joy of sacred service (seva among Hindus).
* Have healthy relationships with others.
* Be initiated to the first 52 Dimensions of the lineage and their areas of
* Receive the Divine Intervention energy.
* Learn several healing techniques from different traditions around the world.
* Discover a dictionary of the original causes of diseases written by Starr
Fuentes, Master Curandera.
* Be introduced to a millennium lineage of healers, from Mexico.
* Experience a mineral crypt healing with Carole MONDON and John
SHEMWELL, Masters in the art of crystals and minerals.
* Receive the teachings in the presence of Cédric Delaveau and, using Skype, of
* And many other surprises …
During This 2 weeks you will:
5 Reasons to Participate
1. Transform your Life
Marina and Olivier, thanks to their successive transformations, have the ability
to see each student clearly, this enable them to help the students to awaken
and elevate their inner potential. By taking part into the Divine Intervention
training, you give yourself permission to evolve and progress in all areas of your
2. Regenerate Yourself
During these two weeks, you will have the opportunity to learn techniques of
healing and learn how to use the Divine Intervention energy. You will gain access
to a powerful tool for yourself and for the people around you. Whether it is to
cure a cold, to facilitate the healing of a broken bone, to heal cancer...
3. Push your limits further
Have you ever felt like being stuck, restricted or compressed in your life? What
would happen if these limitations suddenly disappeared? You would be free!!
Free to move forward, free to evolve, free to create more work, more
relationships, more money ...The Divine Intervention is about making the
impossible, possible.
4. Spread a larger connection
"When a connection to Source that is as large as a pencil is increased to become
as large as a boulevard, the possibilities are multiplied by quantum jumps"
Starr Fuentes
Practicing the Divine Intervention means discovering new ways of connecting
and discovering who you are, but also how to connect deeply with people you
love. It's about better connecting yourself with your community and get support from your
practice buddies and your teachers. This is connecting with the Source at a higher level.
5. Quicken your healing practice
This program could be compared to a PhD in healing. Whether you are a
beginner in energetic practice or an experienced practitioner, these two weeks
of retreat will help you make a difference in people's lives and serve your
community while developing your career.
Your Teachers
Marina is the teacher and principal organizer of this Divine Intervention training.
Olivier will assist her on this first edition. Starr Fuentes and Selena Rodriguez will intervene by Skype.
Cédric Delaveau, Carole Mondon & John Schemwell will be accompanying you too.
Marina Moreau
Healing Teacher • Healer • Awakener
Being both a Healer and a Teacher, Marina combines
psychological, energetic and shamanic knowledge. In
addition to the Divine Intervention, she teaches Sacred
Geometry such as Light Language and Catalan solids. She
also teaches numerous energetic techniques from the
Curanderos of Mexico, as well as teachings on denial,
limiting beliefs, core patterns ... She easily mixes these
different practices with Humanist Hypnosis, a precious tool
to her.
Using her psychic and intuitive abilities, she brings you
back into your body, your heart and your soul in order to
regain your personal power.
By using Inter-dimensional and Multidimensional keys,
Marina brings you clarity. She helps you opening the doors
of your deepest being with consciousness, wisdom,
dynamism and humor.
"Marina has studied a wide range of topics, deepening her
vast insight into the inner workings of spirit and body."
Starr Fuentes
Olivier Masson
Guide of Shamanistic Ceremonies
Healer • Teacher
Is a Healer and Teacher of a millenary lineage of Mexican
Curanderos as well as a Shamanic Guide. He accompanies
you and guides you so you can discover your abilities and
your potential. His connection with the ancestors and with
all the elements of nature allows him to be a powerful
multidimensional catalyst who opens the doors of your
deepest being and enables you to enter in co-creation
with the Whole. Olivier has deep shamanistic knowledge,
notably as guide of Sweat Lodges, but also in making
sacred drums. He can also rely on numerous healing
techniques such as soul retrieval, the 12 Initiations of the
Mastery, cutting cords and attachments, cleansing harmful
energies ... He helps you with all his tools to safely regain
your inner strength and overcome the difficulties that slow
you down in your evolution.
Starr Fuentes
Master Curandera and Miracles Maker,
Holder of a Millennium Lineage of Curanderos,
Starr Fuentes has devoted the majority of her life to the alleviation of much suffering of all kinds. Being initiated into a long
lineage of healers, Starr Fuentes has sought to broaden her knowledge by studying with Masters and attending Mystery
Schools from around the world.
After years of study with healers, masters, curanderos, and shamans, Starr Fuentes has dedicated her life to helping others
with the full unfolding of their purpose, path, and destiny.
Starr has been leading seminars for several decades now, and is known throughout the world as a fountain of knowledge,
compassion, and honesty. She has 52 certifications and can teach over 400 subjects. Her teaching style is animated,
dynamic, and full of life. She combines the use of modern psychological tools with ancient healing and shamanistic
traditions. Her years of travel and study have given her a unique perspective on teaching the fundamental issues of
humanity. She understands the process of the unfolding of the self as it learns through teaching.
When Starr's not traveling the world, she resides at the Divine Intervention Dome in Hot Springs, Arkansas where she
conducts church services, ongoing seminars, and numerous private healing sessions in person and by telephone. In January
2008 her book Healing with Energy: the Definitive Guide to Hands On Techniques from a Master was published by New
Page Books. Several other books are currently in process.
Divine Intervention
Starr Fuentes
To explain the Divine is an impossible task; what I will do is give you my human observations on Divine Intervention. As
bishop of over 226 churches where Divine Intervention is practiced, I have insight into, and wisdom about, the process and
results. As a teacher of Divine intervention, I know the mechanics.
Divine Intervention is where Source (God, Buddha, higher power) comes through and the physical and the spiritual take
action at the same instant to create a miracle. In other words, Divine Intervention is the phenomenon where tumors fall to
the floor and/or diseases may go into spontaneous remission.
Divine Intervention may be referred to as the loudest, most specific prayer that can call the forces of nature and heaven
together, hand in hand. The most intimate connection that one can have with another being on this planet is to hold the
space for a split second of heaven to appear in or for someone. As Source intervenes in a situation, through a minister or
healer, the laws of a larger physics come into play. The possibility that the body may return to its natural state of
wholeness jumps astronomically. At this moment, the physical body may surrender to be used to the fullest by Source as
the electric and magnetic energies split. When this happens anything that is not vital to the energetic structure of the body
appears outside of the body.
Source intervening in any situation brings up several questions. There are a number of things that need to precede this
“Miraculous event”: The minister/healer needs to create the space for the “divine” to manifest. Source needs to be called
upon and directed by blending healing wisdom with the power of the divine.
The minister/ healer needs to “Let Go” of judgment of the condition of the Healee, step out of ego and stay out of the way
mentally and emotionally. The healer/minister is the instrument of Source and raises the vibrations of Source by using
specific dimensions and emanating a precise hertz frequency.
The Healee’s state of consciousness, emotional overlays, amount of repressed emotions, and original cause play an
important part of the process. No matter how good the energy, until someone’s lesson is learned or they totally put their
dis-ease into the hands of a higher power, healing comes at its own natural pace or not at all. To create a connection with
Source that supersedes most belief systems and most scientific results causes miraculous events.
Miracles come into many packages. As energetic blockages are removed from the subtle bodies and the physical body, the
energy flowing into the natural healing process increases. As a connection to Source that is as “wide as pencil” is increased
to the size of a “two lane highway” the possibilities multiply in quantum leaps. At this point in time what scientists call a
“singularity” happens. A shift in some states or in all states occurs. The results can be having nothing happen, small cells
like grains of sand or rice appearing, or large chunks of matter appearing in this physical plane.
As people move along their personal spiritual path, opportunities present themselves to learn Divine Intervention. This
method can only be learned by being in the presence of a teacher who has learned from a teacher in a long lineage of
healers. The movement of energies on the planet at this time makes classes like this possible.
In January 1996, I had the privilege of watching the first class of Divine Intervention Facilitators graduate. As I Looked
around the room and saw 22 people who had changed so much during the year, I started to cry. These people had walked
into class as healers, nurses, practitioners, and even a M.D. and now were walking out with the knowledge to do what only
Masters could do in former times. These people had watched and learned as tumors had fallen out of people, as
cancerous cells had rained out of others, and as MRI reports would come back as “no cancer present” (Spontaneous
Remission). The graduates now touch people and hold a place for Source and heaven to appear for their clients. The
Lineage has been passed down, again!
Selena Rodriguez
Master Healer and Teacher
Selena Rodriguez is a master at facilitating profound shifts in both individuals and groups. Her 21 years of experience
working with ancient lineage teachings from around the world, combined with her deep connection to parallel universes,
angelic realms, and the spaces between the worlds, result in astounding inner and outer transformation.
Selena is a master spiritual teacher and a respected elder of the 24th generation in an unbroken Mayan lineage that
originated in Southeastern Mexico. Her depth of spiritual study and transformation is reflected in every aspect of her work.
Selena is also a gifted stylist, and can often be found shopping with her clients for clothing and accessories that reflect the
light of their soul and support their purpose and life path.
A vast array of individuals in Europe, Asia, Israel, the United States, and South America regularly seek out Selena's many and
varied services. Numerous people work with Selena from a distance, while others choose to fly to Selena's home state of
Florida to work with her in person.
Selena speaks German (Deutsch), French (Français), Spanish (Español) and Italian (Italiano). If you write to her in any of
these languages, she will write back to you in your language as well.
Cédric Delaveau
Master Healer and Teacher
We are children of the stars,
We are children of the Earth.
Cedric has received teachings, initiations and transmissions through the blessings of teachers, shamans, healers and
spiritual guides, of many traditions around the world, over the last 18 years. He transmits teachings and initiations from a
very ancient lineage of Mexico, such as Light Language, Divine Intervention, the 12 initiations of mastery, Cutting Cords,
cleaning thought forms, Kundalini Enhancement and many other healing techniques in order to help us emanating our
authentic being.
Guide of shamanic ceremonies, sweat lodges, visions quests, shamanic dances, fire walks, earth cleansing ceremonies,
shamanic drum journeys, he also trains and teaches students how to guide sweat lodges and shamanic drum journeys.
Healer and energy therapist, he offers his services throughout the year. Cedric has taught essential Yoga for 3 years and has
practiced meditation for over 15 years.
He is an official teacher of the Divine Intervention since 2013.
Carole Mondon et John Shemwell
Healers, Teachers and Master in mineral energy
John Shemwell is an intuitive healer with a living connection to Nature. His high vibrations and magic support you into your
healing and transformation process, with gentleness and wisdom.
With a spark of genius, Carole Mondon, will guide you to awaken your healing power. She is a powerful and subtle healer
from a Mexico lineage of curanderos and will help you reconnect with your full powers.
Together, they dance with minerals. They feel the vibrations generated by crystals and the vibratory reaction they create in
your body.
They have developed their listening and feeling skills over time and today they guide you to feel the energy of minerals in
your body and awaken your intuitive power.
Carole & John first imagined crystalline healings in a mineral crypt (bath in the middle of 78 crystals).
Then, the idea of combining the mineral crypt with the energy of the sacred geometry of the flower of life led Carole & John
to build a mandala of 441 crystals.
Thus, this crystal-clear flower of life creates a powerful mineral egregor that can accommodate 6 people and make them
travel, in relation to the intentions of each one of them, beyond time and beyond our dimension ...
Enjoy the experience, minerals talk to us: "dive, because the impossible becomes possible ..."
Do you want to know more?
Do you have any questions?
3, La Lande Petite –
44360 Saint Etienne de Montluc
+33 06 44 11 54 67
The Place
Bed and meals are included in these two weeks of training.
A wooded place that includes a student house (collective rooms), a classroom and a hammam.

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Divine Intervention 2017 - France

  • 1. The Divine Intervention is more than a training, it is one of the best programs you can attend. At the Spiritual level, the Divine Intervention is one of the most powerful prayers that is known. At the Energetic level, it is an exceptional way of exploiting and directing the electrical and magnetic energy, both in the physical body and in the etheric body. By using the Divine Intervention energy, it is possible to isolate what prevents the body from regaining its vital energy so it can heal properly. In order to do this, a specific Dimension and a precise vibratory frequency are used that allow the Divine to manifest itself. The results of Divine Intervention are observable both at the physical level, with spontaneous remissions of diseases, but also at the emotional level, when the healee regains harmony and balance. The Divine Intervention energy enables the healee to become aware of the original cause of their illness and gives them the ability to solve it. This process is facilitated by external guidance given by the practitioner. Developing your ability to provide this external guidance to others is at the center of this two-week-long training. During these 2 weeks of intensive retreat, be prepared for deep personal healing and to receive sacred teachings that will allow you to support yourself as well as others. Those two weeks of deep transformation will be taking place in a wooded environment, chosen for its peacefulness and quietness. Our ancestors spent their entire lives learning these teachings. However, as our world vibrates faster and higher, we can now learn it in two weeks. We are looking forward to sharing this moment of intense vibrations with you.
  • 2. *Share in co-creation with a group * Detoxify and purify yourself (thanks to a sweat lodge with Olivier, a healthy diet and hammam) * Do Yoga and meditate every morning. * Create and maintain a suitable Sacred Space for magic to work. * Experience a deep healing and transformation process, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. * Experience the joy of sacred service (seva among Hindus). * Have healthy relationships with others. * Be initiated to the first 52 Dimensions of the lineage and their areas of application. * Receive the Divine Intervention energy. * Learn several healing techniques from different traditions around the world. * Discover a dictionary of the original causes of diseases written by Starr Fuentes, Master Curandera. * Be introduced to a millennium lineage of healers, from Mexico. * Experience a mineral crypt healing with Carole MONDON and John SHEMWELL, Masters in the art of crystals and minerals. * Receive the teachings in the presence of Cédric Delaveau and, using Skype, of Starr FUENTES and Selena RODRIGUEZ. * And many other surprises … PROGRAMME During This 2 weeks you will:
  • 3. 5 Reasons to Participate 1. Transform your Life Marina and Olivier, thanks to their successive transformations, have the ability to see each student clearly, this enable them to help the students to awaken and elevate their inner potential. By taking part into the Divine Intervention training, you give yourself permission to evolve and progress in all areas of your life. 2. Regenerate Yourself During these two weeks, you will have the opportunity to learn techniques of healing and learn how to use the Divine Intervention energy. You will gain access to a powerful tool for yourself and for the people around you. Whether it is to cure a cold, to facilitate the healing of a broken bone, to heal cancer... 3. Push your limits further Have you ever felt like being stuck, restricted or compressed in your life? What would happen if these limitations suddenly disappeared? You would be free!! Free to move forward, free to evolve, free to create more work, more relationships, more money ...The Divine Intervention is about making the impossible, possible. 4. Spread a larger connection "When a connection to Source that is as large as a pencil is increased to become as large as a boulevard, the possibilities are multiplied by quantum jumps" Starr Fuentes Practicing the Divine Intervention means discovering new ways of connecting and discovering who you are, but also how to connect deeply with people you love. It's about better connecting yourself with your community and get support from your practice buddies and your teachers. This is connecting with the Source at a higher level. 5. Quicken your healing practice This program could be compared to a PhD in healing. Whether you are a beginner in energetic practice or an experienced practitioner, these two weeks of retreat will help you make a difference in people's lives and serve your community while developing your career.
  • 4. Your Teachers Marina is the teacher and principal organizer of this Divine Intervention training. Olivier will assist her on this first edition. Starr Fuentes and Selena Rodriguez will intervene by Skype. Cédric Delaveau, Carole Mondon & John Schemwell will be accompanying you too. Marina Moreau Healing Teacher • Healer • Awakener Being both a Healer and a Teacher, Marina combines psychological, energetic and shamanic knowledge. In addition to the Divine Intervention, she teaches Sacred Geometry such as Light Language and Catalan solids. She also teaches numerous energetic techniques from the Curanderos of Mexico, as well as teachings on denial, limiting beliefs, core patterns ... She easily mixes these different practices with Humanist Hypnosis, a precious tool to her. Using her psychic and intuitive abilities, she brings you back into your body, your heart and your soul in order to regain your personal power. By using Inter-dimensional and Multidimensional keys, Marina brings you clarity. She helps you opening the doors of your deepest being with consciousness, wisdom, dynamism and humor. "Marina has studied a wide range of topics, deepening her vast insight into the inner workings of spirit and body." Starr Fuentes Olivier Masson Guide of Shamanistic Ceremonies Healer • Teacher Is a Healer and Teacher of a millenary lineage of Mexican Curanderos as well as a Shamanic Guide. He accompanies you and guides you so you can discover your abilities and your potential. His connection with the ancestors and with all the elements of nature allows him to be a powerful multidimensional catalyst who opens the doors of your deepest being and enables you to enter in co-creation with the Whole. Olivier has deep shamanistic knowledge, notably as guide of Sweat Lodges, but also in making sacred drums. He can also rely on numerous healing techniques such as soul retrieval, the 12 Initiations of the Mastery, cutting cords and attachments, cleansing harmful energies ... He helps you with all his tools to safely regain your inner strength and overcome the difficulties that slow you down in your evolution.
  • 5. Starr Fuentes Master Curandera and Miracles Maker, Holder of a Millennium Lineage of Curanderos, Starr Fuentes has devoted the majority of her life to the alleviation of much suffering of all kinds. Being initiated into a long lineage of healers, Starr Fuentes has sought to broaden her knowledge by studying with Masters and attending Mystery Schools from around the world. After years of study with healers, masters, curanderos, and shamans, Starr Fuentes has dedicated her life to helping others with the full unfolding of their purpose, path, and destiny. Starr has been leading seminars for several decades now, and is known throughout the world as a fountain of knowledge, compassion, and honesty. She has 52 certifications and can teach over 400 subjects. Her teaching style is animated, dynamic, and full of life. She combines the use of modern psychological tools with ancient healing and shamanistic traditions. Her years of travel and study have given her a unique perspective on teaching the fundamental issues of humanity. She understands the process of the unfolding of the self as it learns through teaching. When Starr's not traveling the world, she resides at the Divine Intervention Dome in Hot Springs, Arkansas where she conducts church services, ongoing seminars, and numerous private healing sessions in person and by telephone. In January 2008 her book Healing with Energy: the Definitive Guide to Hands On Techniques from a Master was published by New Page Books. Several other books are currently in process. Divine Intervention by Starr Fuentes To explain the Divine is an impossible task; what I will do is give you my human observations on Divine Intervention. As bishop of over 226 churches where Divine Intervention is practiced, I have insight into, and wisdom about, the process and results. As a teacher of Divine intervention, I know the mechanics. Divine Intervention is where Source (God, Buddha, higher power) comes through and the physical and the spiritual take action at the same instant to create a miracle. In other words, Divine Intervention is the phenomenon where tumors fall to the floor and/or diseases may go into spontaneous remission. Divine Intervention may be referred to as the loudest, most specific prayer that can call the forces of nature and heaven together, hand in hand. The most intimate connection that one can have with another being on this planet is to hold the space for a split second of heaven to appear in or for someone. As Source intervenes in a situation, through a minister or healer, the laws of a larger physics come into play. The possibility that the body may return to its natural state of wholeness jumps astronomically. At this moment, the physical body may surrender to be used to the fullest by Source as the electric and magnetic energies split. When this happens anything that is not vital to the energetic structure of the body appears outside of the body. Source intervening in any situation brings up several questions. There are a number of things that need to precede this “Miraculous event”: The minister/healer needs to create the space for the “divine” to manifest. Source needs to be called upon and directed by blending healing wisdom with the power of the divine. e
  • 6. The minister/ healer needs to “Let Go” of judgment of the condition of the Healee, step out of ego and stay out of the way mentally and emotionally. The healer/minister is the instrument of Source and raises the vibrations of Source by using specific dimensions and emanating a precise hertz frequency. The Healee’s state of consciousness, emotional overlays, amount of repressed emotions, and original cause play an important part of the process. No matter how good the energy, until someone’s lesson is learned or they totally put their dis-ease into the hands of a higher power, healing comes at its own natural pace or not at all. To create a connection with Source that supersedes most belief systems and most scientific results causes miraculous events. Miracles come into many packages. As energetic blockages are removed from the subtle bodies and the physical body, the energy flowing into the natural healing process increases. As a connection to Source that is as “wide as pencil” is increased to the size of a “two lane highway” the possibilities multiply in quantum leaps. At this point in time what scientists call a “singularity” happens. A shift in some states or in all states occurs. The results can be having nothing happen, small cells like grains of sand or rice appearing, or large chunks of matter appearing in this physical plane. As people move along their personal spiritual path, opportunities present themselves to learn Divine Intervention. This method can only be learned by being in the presence of a teacher who has learned from a teacher in a long lineage of healers. The movement of energies on the planet at this time makes classes like this possible. In January 1996, I had the privilege of watching the first class of Divine Intervention Facilitators graduate. As I Looked around the room and saw 22 people who had changed so much during the year, I started to cry. These people had walked into class as healers, nurses, practitioners, and even a M.D. and now were walking out with the knowledge to do what only Masters could do in former times. These people had watched and learned as tumors had fallen out of people, as cancerous cells had rained out of others, and as MRI reports would come back as “no cancer present” (Spontaneous Remission). The graduates now touch people and hold a place for Source and heaven to appear for their clients. The Lineage has been passed down, again! Selena Rodriguez Master Healer and Teacher Selena Rodriguez is a master at facilitating profound shifts in both individuals and groups. Her 21 years of experience working with ancient lineage teachings from around the world, combined with her deep connection to parallel universes, angelic realms, and the spaces between the worlds, result in astounding inner and outer transformation. Selena is a master spiritual teacher and a respected elder of the 24th generation in an unbroken Mayan lineage that originated in Southeastern Mexico. Her depth of spiritual study and transformation is reflected in every aspect of her work. Selena is also a gifted stylist, and can often be found shopping with her clients for clothing and accessories that reflect the light of their soul and support their purpose and life path. A vast array of individuals in Europe, Asia, Israel, the United States, and South America regularly seek out Selena's many and varied services. Numerous people work with Selena from a distance, while others choose to fly to Selena's home state of Florida to work with her in person. Selena speaks German (Deutsch), French (Français), Spanish (Español) and Italian (Italiano). If you write to her in any of these languages, she will write back to you in your language as well.
  • 7. Cédric Delaveau Master Healer and Teacher We are children of the stars, We are children of the Earth. Cedric has received teachings, initiations and transmissions through the blessings of teachers, shamans, healers and spiritual guides, of many traditions around the world, over the last 18 years. He transmits teachings and initiations from a very ancient lineage of Mexico, such as Light Language, Divine Intervention, the 12 initiations of mastery, Cutting Cords, cleaning thought forms, Kundalini Enhancement and many other healing techniques in order to help us emanating our authentic being. Guide of shamanic ceremonies, sweat lodges, visions quests, shamanic dances, fire walks, earth cleansing ceremonies, shamanic drum journeys, he also trains and teaches students how to guide sweat lodges and shamanic drum journeys. Healer and energy therapist, he offers his services throughout the year. Cedric has taught essential Yoga for 3 years and has practiced meditation for over 15 years. He is an official teacher of the Divine Intervention since 2013. Carole Mondon et John Shemwell Healers, Teachers and Master in mineral energy John Shemwell is an intuitive healer with a living connection to Nature. His high vibrations and magic support you into your healing and transformation process, with gentleness and wisdom. With a spark of genius, Carole Mondon, will guide you to awaken your healing power. She is a powerful and subtle healer from a Mexico lineage of curanderos and will help you reconnect with your full powers. Together, they dance with minerals. They feel the vibrations generated by crystals and the vibratory reaction they create in your body. They have developed their listening and feeling skills over time and today they guide you to feel the energy of minerals in your body and awaken your intuitive power. Carole & John first imagined crystalline healings in a mineral crypt (bath in the middle of 78 crystals). Then, the idea of combining the mineral crypt with the energy of the sacred geometry of the flower of life led Carole & John to build a mandala of 441 crystals. Thus, this crystal-clear flower of life creates a powerful mineral egregor that can accommodate 6 people and make them travel, in relation to the intentions of each one of them, beyond time and beyond our dimension ... Enjoy the experience, minerals talk to us: "dive, because the impossible becomes possible ..."
  • 8. Contact-us Do you want to know more? Do you have any questions? 3, La Lande Petite – 44360 Saint Etienne de Montluc France +33 06 44 11 54 67 The Place Bed and meals are included in these two weeks of training. A wooded place that includes a student house (collective rooms), a classroom and a hammam.