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Page 1Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
No. 672 F.&A.M.
Grand Master of Masons of California Bruce R. Galloway
Worshipful Master
Senior Warden
Junior Warden-Elect
“In the end all seekers after truth follow a common path, comrades in one great quest.”
– Joseph Fort Newton
November 2017 Page 2Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
Message from the East
Master’s Note
And Other
Stately Edifices
The allure of Freemasonry for
many men who knock on our doors
is the rich lore which surrounds
the origins of our Fraternity.  Many
theories have been propounded
and many books written on the
subject.  Some suggest that we
are an offshoot of the Order of
the Knights Templar.  Others have
us emerge from the Rosicrucian
Order and the alchemical traditions
of the Middle Ages.  Still others
find our beginnings in the history
of the Phoenician, Mycenean, and
Egyptian civilizations. A few have
even supposed the people of the
lost island of Atlantis, or aliens
hailing from the far reaches of our
Galaxy, to be our progenitors.  Of
course, the most common
understanding of many Masons
is that our Institution began with
the building of King Solomon’s
Temple.  Indeed, that legend,
grounded as it is in the Biblical
traditions of the West, is the
central motif of our ritual.
Yet even our ritual advises us to
be cautious in ascribing too much
literalism to that legend, stating
that our ancient Brethren also
worked on other great monuments
of antiquity.  Masons have in fact
been architecting and building
temples, palaces, fortresses,
aqueducts, and other stately and
civic structures for a very long
time.  As Brother Daniel Bennett of
Santa Monica-Palisades Lodge No.
307 so eloquently demonstrated
in his recent Masonic Education
Night, “The Archetype of the
Stonemason”, the archeological
and anthropological record is clear
that operative Masons were busy
at the Craft millennia before the
historical time of King Solomon’s
“Facts are stubborn things; and
whatever may be our wishes, our
inclinations, or the dictates of our
passion, they cannot alter the
state of facts and evidence.”
– John Adams
While the evidence of ancient
monumental stonemasonry
revealed in scientific and academic
research may not be nearly as
charming and entertaining as our
traditional legends, in a certain
way it speaks more profoundly
and compellingly to who we are
as modern Freemasons.  For
those ancient stonemasons were
our Masonic forebears, both
operatively and speculatively.  The
ruins of their works illuminate
still today the utmost exertions
of human genius.  What kind of
man did it take, in those primitive
times, to architect and build a
temple complex, an astronomical
observatory, or an aqueduct with
massive stones hewn from the
mountainside, engineered with
geometric precision, and adorned
with symbols?  This at a time when
the rest of the clan still hunted and
gathered!  Who was this Mason at
the dawn of civilization?
It cannot be doubted that he was a
political, cultural, or spiritual leader
of his society, someone who had
the wherewithal to get something
done.  Yet, more personally, he
must have been a thinking man, a
contemplative soul, a scientist.  He
was not content simply to gratify
his basic instincts for sustenance
and procreation, or to blindly
follow the dogma of the day.  He
was an artist and a builder, who
in his necessity to invent and
create, yearned for knowledge
and meaning.  He observed the
world around him – the Earth,
the Sun, the Moon, and the stars
– and wondered, “How?” and
“Why?”   And through Reason,
symbolism, and abstraction, he
pondered the mystery of Being,
revered the Divine, and deduced
and eventually mastered the
mathematical code at the heart of
the laws of Nature.
The key to being a Mason, both
ancient and modern, has always
been to enrich the mind in a
general knowledge of things,
and to be a lover of the Liberal
Arts and Sciences, especially of
Geometry.  In the development
of his free, open, and rational
Kenneth Bennett
November 2017 Page 3Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
Master’s Note
thinking mind, the Mason nurtures his Morality, and learns that Truth is discovered in the seeking, not the
knowing.  He realizes that the path to Wisdom is rough and rugged, and that the great Light of the Universe
is found, as Plutarch might have said, in a harmonious place that is as far away from superstition as it is from
Upon the Square,
Kenneth Bennett
93 Million Miles
Jason Mraz
93 million miles from the Sun, people get ready, get ready,
‘cause here it comes
it’s a light, a beautiful light,
over the horizon into our eyes
Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother
She told me, “Son in life you’re gonna go far, and if you do it right you’ll love
where you are
Just know, that wherever you go, you can always come home”
240 thousand miles from the Moon, we’ve come a long way to belong here,
To share this view of the night, a glorious night, over the horizon is another
bright sky
Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my irrefutable father,
He told me, “Son sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is
a necessary part.
Just know, you’re never alone, you can always come back home”
You can always come back…back…
Every road is a slippery slope
There is always a hand that you can hold on to.
Looking deeper through the telescope
You can see that your home’s inside of you.
Just know, that wherever you go, no you’re never alone, you will always get
back home
93 million miles from the Sun, people get ready, get ready,
‘cause here it comes
it’s a light, a beautiful light,
over the horizon into our eyes…
The Heart of Life
John Mayer
I hate to see you cry
Laying there in that position
There’s things you need to hear
So turn off your tears and listen
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won’t all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
You know it’s nothing new
Bad news never had good timing
But then the circle of your friends
Will defend the silver lining
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won’t all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
Fear is a friend w­ho’s misunderstood
But I know the heart of life is good
I know it’s good
November 2017 Page 4Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
The Importance
of Service
We hear all the time how important
it is to take care of those around
you. From your little brother or
sister, to the homeless you see
in the street, we are constantly
reminded how important it is to
take care of others. But do we
really know why service to others
is so important? I know it helps
them, but how does it help me?
How will serving others make a
difference in my life?
The answer is quite simple. When
you decide to notice, when you
decide to act, when you decide
to make a difference, you have
taken the first step in changing the
What’s in it for you? Your actions
will not only be appreciated, but
chances are, they will touch the
lives of both the people you meet
and many people you may never
even see. The greatest reward of
serving others is how it makes you
feel about yourself. No one can
give that to you. It can only be
earned through service.
Charity and service have no
substitutes in Freemasonry. To
practice charity through service
provides that solace we appreciate,
and provides that soothing effect
on our mind, body and soul. Give
of your time and talents. Give of
yourself, with a happy and loving
heart. It is when we do this, that
we realize that our actions will be
rewarded with the fulfillment that
comes from serving others.
In some Masonic jurisdictions,
this responsibility is delegated to
the Lodge Almoner. The Almoner,
sometimes called the Caring
Officer, is responsible for the well-
being of Lodge members and their
families. He remains in contact
with members who are unwell, and
also maintains a discreet presence
in the lives of widows of former
members, so that the Lodge may
readily assist them should they find
themselves in any particular need.
He is also well versed in local and
national Masonic charities, and the
scope of their charitable work, so
as to offer advice to those who
might qualify for such assistance.
He is also responsible for charitable
works performed outside the
Lodge in the community. In
short, the Lodge Almoner has a
substantial role in ensuring the
overall well-being of the Lodge
and its link to the community, and
provides that conduit by which
all Brothers can find their place
in offering service to others. As a
Lodge we should strive to become
better in all aspects of Masonry,
but the greatest of these is charity.
On the Level,
Tom “Cookie” Gruenbeck
Senior Warden’s Note
Tom Gruenbeck
Message from the West
November 2017 Page 5Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
Message from the South
Junior Warden’s Note
The Masonic Experience
Freemasonry has brought me many
great things in my life. So far it has
been a part of my greatest chapter.
Several times recently I have
been asked the question  “What is
Freemasonry all about, anyways?” I
am sure you have most likely been
confronted with the same question.
You might even propose it on
yourself. Being, a Past Master of the
lodge, many have looked to me for
that answer. The answer is dynamic
and difficult to explain to those who
have not experienced the beauties
of the craft.
Freemasonry is a study of self-
improvement. The experience
changes for every individual.
The candidate for Freemasonry
goes into the journey with a
preconceived perception of what
they are searching for. The search
starts with an idea of what the
prospect perceives Freemasonry
is about. He seeks out initiation
because of his attraction to that
idea. Then the experience usually
goes one of three ways. He either
embraces the fact that he has only
begun to comprehend the beauties
of Freemasonry and the path ahead
will be a mission of labor, love and
vulnerability. Or, the experiences
were not at all what he imagined
and only find the ritual to be a
repetitive drab with no meaning and
eventually, if not immediately, fall
away from the Lodge. Others, look
past the ritual and look towards our
philanthropic and fraternal aspects
and consume themselves on these
I feel the first experience is the
proper experience to pursue.
We must approach the studies
of Freemasonry at our own pace
but we must realize that there is
a demand to enlighten oneself
to become a better man. This is
done through the ritual and the
interpretation and reflection of each
of the words associated with it. My
personal Masonic experience only
began to reveal its benefits when
I started to study what was said in
the rituals and then it lead to me
reading about the many revelations
and discoveries of many of our
Masonic Scholars.
This process created an action
plan in my life because I now had
a guideline to follow. The first
degree alone tells us exactly what
is necessary to make good men
better men. Understanding the
symbols, virtues and tenets of this
degree should be of your utmost
concern as a Freemason.  
If you find yourself in a Masonic
slump, I ask that you pick up the
ritual or a good book about the
meaning of Masonry and give it
thought. So the next time someone
asks you what Freemasonry is all
about, you might be able to tell
them that Freemasonry improves
the world by improving ourselves.
It creates a guideline as to what
works to promote humanity. It helps
bridge spiritual values towards
everyday interactions and causes
great intentions to fall into place
because of the willingness for them
to happen. For now I charge you
with this as a goal, let us convince
the world by our actions that we
are indeed made better because of
By the Plumb,
Russ Hennings
Russ Hennings, P.M.
November 2017 Page 6Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
Recent Events
The Brothers of Saddleback Laguna Lodge participated in a charitable act of operative Masonry, repairing
a wall for a local Eastern Star widow in need of assistance.
November 2017 Page 7Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
• Donald G. Mc Myne 1976
• Leonard L. Todd Sr., 1981
• George H. Claude 1985
• Lyle J. Robertson 1987
• Frederick H. Baribeault 1991
• Steven J. Frogue 1996
• James T. Brown 1998
• James T. Brown 1999
• Frederick H. Baribeault 2000
• Joseph H. Stout III 2001
• Gary L. Peterson 2002
• Scott E. Preston 2003
• Tuoc K. Pham 2004
• Joe J. Suarez 2005
• Wil B. Garcia 2006
• Erich Kreidler 2007
• Erich Kreidler 2008
• Jerad M. Schulte 2009
• Steven Bass 2010
• Gary C. Silverman 2011
• Eric Hanan 2012
• Peter C. Lofthouse 2013
• Jack C. Hennings Jr. 2014
• Russ Hennings 2015
• Jason Petz 2016
November 2017 Calendar
Related Organizations
Past Masters (Living Members)
Saddleback Laguna Masonic Hall Association	 Meets 1st Thursday of the Month		 Tom Gruenbeck (949)-683-3362
Order of the Eastern Star 		 Meets 3rd Monday of the Month 		 Charlene Norris (949) 364-2854	
Rainbow for Girls, Infinity Assembly No. 261 	 Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday 		 Angie Thomas (949) 606-6867
Lake Forest DeMolay			 Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month 	
Thursday 11/16 7:00 PM Masonic Education Night
Wor. Jordan Yelinek
Saddleback Laguna Lodge
Monday 11/27 8:00 PM Executive Committee Online Meeting GoToMeeting
Thursday 11/30 7:00 PM Degree Meeting - 3rd Degree Saddleback Laguna Lodge
Monday 12/4 6:30 PM OSI - Officer School of Instruction
907th Masonic District
Newport Mesa Lodge No. 604
1401 E 15th. Street
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Thursday 12/7 7:00 PM Stated Meeting Saddleback Laguna Lodge
Thursday 12/14 7:00 PM Degree Meeting - 3rd Degree Saddleback Laguna Lodge
Saturday 12/16 1:00 PM Installation of Officers Saddleback Laguna Lodge
Thursday 12/21 7:00 PM Winter Solstice Holiday Party Saddleback Laguna Lodge
Inspector of the 907th Masonic District
Worshipful Craig Reade, P.M.
Meetings Every Thursday
23685 Birtcher Drive, Lake Forest, CA
November 2017 Page 8Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M.
2017 Officers of the Lodge
Worshipful Master
Kenneth Bennett
Senior Warden
Tom Gruenbeck
David Hansch
Senior Steward
Chuck Chiodo
Bob Feldtz
Michael Ballou
Junior Warden
Senior Deacon
John Grace
Junior Steward
Sean Gorman
Junior Deacon
Lachlan MacKinnon
Wor. Jack Hennings
Assistant Secretary
Brett Bevan
Junior Warden
Wor. Russ Hennings

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November 2017 tb

  • 1. Page 1Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. SADDLEBACK LAGUNA LODGE No. 672 F.&A.M. Grand Master of Masons of California Bruce R. Galloway AND OTHER STATELY EDIFICES KENNETH BENNETT Worshipful Master THE IMPORTANCE OF SERVICE TOM GRUENBECK Senior Warden THE MASONIC EXPERIENCE RUSS HENNINGS, P.M. Junior Warden-Elect MASTER’S TRESTLEBOARD NOVEMBER 2017 “In the end all seekers after truth follow a common path, comrades in one great quest.” – Joseph Fort Newton
  • 2. November 2017 Page 2Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. Message from the East Master’s Note And Other Stately Edifices The allure of Freemasonry for many men who knock on our doors is the rich lore which surrounds the origins of our Fraternity.  Many theories have been propounded and many books written on the subject.  Some suggest that we are an offshoot of the Order of the Knights Templar.  Others have us emerge from the Rosicrucian Order and the alchemical traditions of the Middle Ages.  Still others find our beginnings in the history of the Phoenician, Mycenean, and Egyptian civilizations. A few have even supposed the people of the lost island of Atlantis, or aliens hailing from the far reaches of our Galaxy, to be our progenitors.  Of course, the most common understanding of many Masons is that our Institution began with the building of King Solomon’s Temple.  Indeed, that legend, grounded as it is in the Biblical traditions of the West, is the central motif of our ritual. Yet even our ritual advises us to be cautious in ascribing too much literalism to that legend, stating that our ancient Brethren also worked on other great monuments of antiquity.  Masons have in fact been architecting and building temples, palaces, fortresses, aqueducts, and other stately and civic structures for a very long time.  As Brother Daniel Bennett of Santa Monica-Palisades Lodge No. 307 so eloquently demonstrated in his recent Masonic Education Night, “The Archetype of the Stonemason”, the archeological and anthropological record is clear that operative Masons were busy at the Craft millennia before the historical time of King Solomon’s Temple. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” – John Adams While the evidence of ancient monumental stonemasonry revealed in scientific and academic research may not be nearly as charming and entertaining as our traditional legends, in a certain way it speaks more profoundly and compellingly to who we are as modern Freemasons.  For those ancient stonemasons were our Masonic forebears, both operatively and speculatively.  The ruins of their works illuminate still today the utmost exertions of human genius.  What kind of man did it take, in those primitive times, to architect and build a temple complex, an astronomical observatory, or an aqueduct with massive stones hewn from the mountainside, engineered with geometric precision, and adorned with symbols?  This at a time when the rest of the clan still hunted and gathered!  Who was this Mason at the dawn of civilization? It cannot be doubted that he was a political, cultural, or spiritual leader of his society, someone who had the wherewithal to get something done.  Yet, more personally, he must have been a thinking man, a contemplative soul, a scientist.  He was not content simply to gratify his basic instincts for sustenance and procreation, or to blindly follow the dogma of the day.  He was an artist and a builder, who in his necessity to invent and create, yearned for knowledge and meaning.  He observed the world around him – the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the stars – and wondered, “How?” and “Why?”   And through Reason, symbolism, and abstraction, he pondered the mystery of Being, revered the Divine, and deduced and eventually mastered the mathematical code at the heart of the laws of Nature. The key to being a Mason, both ancient and modern, has always been to enrich the mind in a general knowledge of things, and to be a lover of the Liberal Arts and Sciences, especially of Geometry.  In the development of his free, open, and rational Kenneth Bennett
  • 3. November 2017 Page 3Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. Master’s Note Songs for THANKSGIVING thinking mind, the Mason nurtures his Morality, and learns that Truth is discovered in the seeking, not the knowing.  He realizes that the path to Wisdom is rough and rugged, and that the great Light of the Universe is found, as Plutarch might have said, in a harmonious place that is as far away from superstition as it is from atheism. Upon the Square, Kenneth Bennett 93 Million Miles Jason Mraz 93 million miles from the Sun, people get ready, get ready, ‘cause here it comes it’s a light, a beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother She told me, “Son in life you’re gonna go far, and if you do it right you’ll love where you are Just know, that wherever you go, you can always come home” Ohh…ohh…ohh… Ohh…ohh…ohh… 240 thousand miles from the Moon, we’ve come a long way to belong here, To share this view of the night, a glorious night, over the horizon is another bright sky Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my irrefutable father, He told me, “Son sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part. Just know, you’re never alone, you can always come back home” Ohh…ohh…ohh… Ohh…ohh…ohh… You can always come back…back… Every road is a slippery slope There is always a hand that you can hold on to. Looking deeper through the telescope You can see that your home’s inside of you. Just know, that wherever you go, no you’re never alone, you will always get back home Ohh…ohh…ohh… Ohh…ohh…ohh… Ohh…ohh…ohh… Ohh…ohh…ohh… Ohh…ohh…ohh… 93 million miles from the Sun, people get ready, get ready, ‘cause here it comes it’s a light, a beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes… The Heart of Life John Mayer I hate to see you cry Laying there in that position There’s things you need to hear So turn off your tears and listen Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around No, it won’t all go the way it should But I know the heart of life is good You know it’s nothing new Bad news never had good timing But then the circle of your friends Will defend the silver lining Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around No, it won’t all go the way it should But I know the heart of life is good Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around Fear is a friend w­ho’s misunderstood But I know the heart of life is good I know it’s good
  • 4. November 2017 Page 4Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. The Importance of Service We hear all the time how important it is to take care of those around you. From your little brother or sister, to the homeless you see in the street, we are constantly reminded how important it is to take care of others. But do we really know why service to others is so important? I know it helps them, but how does it help me? How will serving others make a difference in my life?   The answer is quite simple. When you decide to notice, when you decide to act, when you decide to make a difference, you have taken the first step in changing the world. What’s in it for you? Your actions will not only be appreciated, but chances are, they will touch the lives of both the people you meet and many people you may never even see. The greatest reward of serving others is how it makes you feel about yourself. No one can give that to you. It can only be earned through service.   Charity and service have no substitutes in Freemasonry. To practice charity through service provides that solace we appreciate, and provides that soothing effect on our mind, body and soul. Give of your time and talents. Give of yourself, with a happy and loving heart. It is when we do this, that we realize that our actions will be rewarded with the fulfillment that comes from serving others.   In some Masonic jurisdictions, this responsibility is delegated to the Lodge Almoner. The Almoner, sometimes called the Caring Officer, is responsible for the well- being of Lodge members and their families. He remains in contact with members who are unwell, and also maintains a discreet presence in the lives of widows of former members, so that the Lodge may readily assist them should they find themselves in any particular need. He is also well versed in local and national Masonic charities, and the scope of their charitable work, so as to offer advice to those who might qualify for such assistance. He is also responsible for charitable works performed outside the Lodge in the community. In short, the Lodge Almoner has a substantial role in ensuring the overall well-being of the Lodge and its link to the community, and provides that conduit by which all Brothers can find their place in offering service to others. As a Lodge we should strive to become better in all aspects of Masonry, but the greatest of these is charity. On the Level, Tom “Cookie” Gruenbeck Senior Warden’s Note Tom Gruenbeck Message from the West
  • 5. November 2017 Page 5Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. Message from the South Junior Warden’s Note The Masonic Experience Freemasonry has brought me many great things in my life. So far it has been a part of my greatest chapter. Several times recently I have been asked the question  “What is Freemasonry all about, anyways?” I am sure you have most likely been confronted with the same question. You might even propose it on yourself. Being, a Past Master of the lodge, many have looked to me for that answer. The answer is dynamic and difficult to explain to those who have not experienced the beauties of the craft. Freemasonry is a study of self- improvement. The experience changes for every individual. The candidate for Freemasonry goes into the journey with a preconceived perception of what they are searching for. The search starts with an idea of what the prospect perceives Freemasonry is about. He seeks out initiation because of his attraction to that idea. Then the experience usually goes one of three ways. He either embraces the fact that he has only begun to comprehend the beauties of Freemasonry and the path ahead will be a mission of labor, love and vulnerability. Or, the experiences were not at all what he imagined and only find the ritual to be a repetitive drab with no meaning and eventually, if not immediately, fall away from the Lodge. Others, look past the ritual and look towards our philanthropic and fraternal aspects and consume themselves on these opportunities. I feel the first experience is the proper experience to pursue. We must approach the studies of Freemasonry at our own pace but we must realize that there is a demand to enlighten oneself to become a better man. This is done through the ritual and the interpretation and reflection of each of the words associated with it. My personal Masonic experience only began to reveal its benefits when I started to study what was said in the rituals and then it lead to me reading about the many revelations and discoveries of many of our Masonic Scholars. This process created an action plan in my life because I now had a guideline to follow. The first degree alone tells us exactly what is necessary to make good men better men. Understanding the symbols, virtues and tenets of this degree should be of your utmost concern as a Freemason.   If you find yourself in a Masonic slump, I ask that you pick up the ritual or a good book about the meaning of Masonry and give it thought. So the next time someone asks you what Freemasonry is all about, you might be able to tell them that Freemasonry improves the world by improving ourselves. It creates a guideline as to what works to promote humanity. It helps bridge spiritual values towards everyday interactions and causes great intentions to fall into place because of the willingness for them to happen. For now I charge you with this as a goal, let us convince the world by our actions that we are indeed made better because of Freemasonry. By the Plumb, Russ Hennings Russ Hennings, P.M.
  • 6. November 2017 Page 6Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. Recent Events FALL SERVICE PROJECT The Brothers of Saddleback Laguna Lodge participated in a charitable act of operative Masonry, repairing a wall for a local Eastern Star widow in need of assistance.
  • 7. November 2017 Page 7Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. • Donald G. Mc Myne 1976 • Leonard L. Todd Sr., 1981 • George H. Claude 1985 • Lyle J. Robertson 1987 • Frederick H. Baribeault 1991 • Steven J. Frogue 1996 • James T. Brown 1998 • James T. Brown 1999 • Frederick H. Baribeault 2000 • Joseph H. Stout III 2001 • Gary L. Peterson 2002 • Scott E. Preston 2003 • Tuoc K. Pham 2004 • Joe J. Suarez 2005 • Wil B. Garcia 2006 • Erich Kreidler 2007 • Erich Kreidler 2008 • Jerad M. Schulte 2009 • Steven Bass 2010 • Gary C. Silverman 2011 • Eric Hanan 2012 • Peter C. Lofthouse 2013 • Jack C. Hennings Jr. 2014 • Russ Hennings 2015 • Jason Petz 2016 November 2017 Calendar Related Organizations Past Masters (Living Members) Saddleback Laguna Masonic Hall Association Meets 1st Thursday of the Month Tom Gruenbeck (949)-683-3362 Order of the Eastern Star Meets 3rd Monday of the Month Charlene Norris (949) 364-2854 Rainbow for Girls, Infinity Assembly No. 261 Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday Angie Thomas (949) 606-6867 Lake Forest DeMolay Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month DAY DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION Thursday 11/16 7:00 PM Masonic Education Night Wor. Jordan Yelinek Saddleback Laguna Lodge Thursday 11/23 LODGE IS DARK FOR THANKSGIVING Monday 11/27 8:00 PM Executive Committee Online Meeting GoToMeeting Thursday 11/30 7:00 PM Degree Meeting - 3rd Degree Saddleback Laguna Lodge Monday 12/4 6:30 PM OSI - Officer School of Instruction 907th Masonic District Newport Mesa Lodge No. 604 1401 E 15th. Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Thursday 12/7 7:00 PM Stated Meeting Saddleback Laguna Lodge Thursday 12/14 7:00 PM Degree Meeting - 3rd Degree Saddleback Laguna Lodge Saturday 12/16 1:00 PM Installation of Officers Saddleback Laguna Lodge Thursday 12/21 7:00 PM Winter Solstice Holiday Party Saddleback Laguna Lodge Inspector of the 907th Masonic District Worshipful Craig Reade, P.M. Meetings Every Thursday 23685 Birtcher Drive, Lake Forest, CA
  • 8. November 2017 Page 8Saddleback Laguna Lodge No.672 F. & A.M. 2017 Officers of the Lodge Worshipful Master Kenneth Bennett Senior Warden Tom Gruenbeck Chaplain David Hansch Senior Steward Chuck Chiodo Secretary Bob Feldtz Marshal Michael Ballou Junior Warden Senior Deacon John Grace Junior Steward Sean Gorman Treasurer Junior Deacon Lachlan MacKinnon Tiler Wor. Jack Hennings Assistant Secretary Brett Bevan Junior Warden Wor. Russ Hennings