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No-Tier Applications
Lars Röwekamp | CIO New Technologies
Branchenneutrale Softwareentwicklung & IT-Beratung
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• Enterprise & Mobile
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Lars Röwekamp (a.k.a. @mobileLarson)
„May I submit my billing info to your
merchant account via your payment
Die gute „alte“ Schichtenarchitektur
Fachliche Injection
Fachliche Transaktionen
Fachliche Scopes
Fachliche Methoden
No-Tier Applications
Die gute „alte“
Die Use Cases
Call Center Anwendung
• Kunde neu erfassen und speichern
• Kunde löschen mit Bestätigung
Der Use Case
UC-001: „create Customer“
• Kunde neu erfassen und speichern
• Call Center Agent als Audit-Info speichern
• Begrüßungs-Mail an Neukunden versenden
Der Use Case
UC-001: „create Customer“
• Kunde neu erfassen und speichern
• Call Center Agent als Audit-Info speichern
• btw: wenn CC Agent Trainee, dann Tracing
• Begrüßungs-Mail an Neukunden versenden
• btw: nur wenn Kunde eMail hinterlegt hat
Der Use Case
UC-001: „create Customer“
• (JSF) View ruft UI Controller via U-EL
• UI Controller ruft CustomerService EJB/CDI
• UI Controller ruft MailService EJB/CDI
„Create v2“
public class CreateCustomerController {
private CustomerService customerService;
private MailService mailService;
private Customer customer;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Und was ist mit dem
Call Center Agent?
Der Use Case
UC-001: „create Customer“
• (JSF) View ruft UI Controller via U-EL
• UI Controller ruft CustomerService EJB/CDI
• UI Controller ruft MailService EJB/CDI
• UI Controller ruft AuthenticationController
„Create v3“
public class CreateCustomerController {
private AuthenticationController authController;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Ist der Call Center
Agent ein Trainee?
Hat der Kunde
eine eMail?
public class CreateCustomerBean {
private CustomerService customerService;
private MailService mailService;
private TrackService trackService;
private AuthenticationController authenController;
private Customer customer;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
// get logged in call center agent for auditing
CrmUser callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
// set audit information
// track call center activity, if trainee
if (callCenterAgent.isTrainee()) {
TrackAction trackAction = TrackAction.ADD_CUSTOMER;
List<TrackParameter> trackParameters = new ArrayList<TrackParameter>();
TrackParameter trackParameter = new TrackParameter(TrackParameterKey.CALL_CENTER_AGENT, callCenterAgent);
trackService.track(trackAction, trackParameters);
// add customer to db via customer service
// send welcome mail, if customer has an email address
if (customer.getEmail() != null
&& customer.getEmail().length() > 0) {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM“, customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class CreateCustomerController {
private AuthenticationController authController;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Wie steht‘s eigentlich
mit Transaktionen?
Der Use Case
UC-001: „create Customer“
• (JSF) View ruft UI Controller via U-EL
• UI Controller ruft AuthenticationController
• UI Controller ruft CustomerFacade EJB
• Delegate EJB ruft CustomerService EJB/CDI
• Delegate EJB ruft MailService EJB/CDI
„Create v4“
„Create v4“
public class CreateCustomerController {
private CustomerFacade customerFacade;
private AuthenticationController authController;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
customerFacade.createCustomer(customer, callCenterAgent);
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class CreateCustomerController {
private CustomerFacade customerFacade;
private AuthenticationController authController;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
customerFacade.createCustomer(customer, callCenterAgent);
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class CustomerFacade {
private CustomerService customerService;
private MailService mailService;
private Customer customer;
public void createCustomer(Customer customer,
CallCenterAgentz callCenterAgent) {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
Fühlt sich „fachlich“
nicht wirklich gut an!
„Create v5“
Der Use Case
UC-002: „delete Customer“
• (JSF) View ruft UI Controller via U-EL
• UI Controller „merkt“ sich Kunde in Session
• UI Controller navigiert zu Bestätigungsseite
• UI Controller bekommt Bestätigung
• …
public class DeleteCustomerController implements Serializable {
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer customer;
public Outcome askForDeletion(Customer aCustomer) {
customer = aCustomer;
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public Outcome deleteCustomer() {
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Wie kommt der Kunde
aus der Session raus?
Problemkind Schichtenmodell
• UI Controller via CDI Managed Beans
• Service Facade und Services via EJB/CDI
• Persistenz via EntityManager und Entities
• Alles nur Infrastruktur!
• Wo steckt eigentlich die fachliche Domain?
Die bessere „neue“
Fachliche Injection
Fachliche Injection
CDI Producer Methods & Fields
• Factory Method Pattern für fachliche Objekte
• @Produces als Mittel zum Zweck
• @Qualifier als Mittel zur fachlichen Qualifizierung
public class CreateCustomerController {
private AuthenticationController authController;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class CreateCustomerController {
private AuthenticationController authController;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent = authController.getAuthenticatedUser();
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject ...
private CallCenterAgent callCenterAgent;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class AuthenticationController implements Serializable {
private UserService UserService;
private CallCenterAgent authenticatedCallCenterAgent;
@Produces ...
public CallCenterAgent getAuthenticatedCallCenterAgent() {
return authenticatedCrmUser;
// call center authentication
public String authenticate(...) {
@Inject CallCenterAgent
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Der aktuell angemeldete …
public class AuthenticationController implements Serializable {
private UserService UserService;
private CallCenterAgent authenticatedCallCenterAgent;
@Produces @Current @RequestScoped
public CallCenterAgent getAuthenticatedCallCenterAgent() {
return authenticatedCrmUser;
// call center authentication
public String authenticate(...) {
@Inject @Current CallCenterAgent
package de.openknowledge.fullstack.jeecrm.annotation;
import …
public @interface Current {
// no implementation by default
Fachliche Injection V2
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Cool, oder?
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
mailService.sendMail("Welcome", "Welcome to jeeCRM", customer.getEmail());
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Cool, oder?
public class CustomerService {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
private EntityManager em;
// transactional by default
public void createCustomer(Customer customer) {
Das ist cool!
public class CustomerService {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
private EntityManager em;
// transactional by default
public void createCustomer(Customer customer) {
Das ist cool!
Fachliche Transaktionen
// Customer Service EJB
public class CustomerService {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
private EntityManager em;
// transactional by default
public void createCustomer(Customer customer) {
Warum EJB?
// Customer Service CDI ManagedBean
public class CustomerService {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
private EntityManager em;
// transactional by default
public void createCustomer(Customer customer) {
} Ok, aber wo bekommen wir
jetzt die Transaktion her?
// Customer Service CDI ManagedBean
public class CustomerService {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
private EntityManager em;
@javax.transaction.Transactional // JTA 1.2 – TxType.REQUIRED by default
public void createCustomer(Customer customer) {
public class CreateCustomerController {
private CustomerService customerService;
public Outcome createCustomer() {
... // some additional „tx“ related work at use case level
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Fachlicher Scope
Fachlicher Scope
UC-002: „delete Customer“
• Kunde-Löschen-Wizard:
• Kunde zum Löschen aus Tabelle auswählen
• Löschwunsch bestätigen*
• erfolgreiche Löschung anzeigen*
*auf Folgeseite
Fachlicher Scope
Anti-Pattern „pumped up Session“
• RequestScoped ist zu kurz
• ViewScoped passt irgendwie auch nicht
• SessionScoped aus Mangel an Alternativen
Fachlicher Scope
Anti-Pattern „pumped up Session“
• RequestScoped ist zu kurz
• ViewScoped passt irgendwie auch nicht
• SessionScoped aus Mangel an Alternativen
• FlowScoped (ab Java EE 7) als Lösung?
public class DeleteCustomerController implements Serializable {
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer customer;
public Outcome askForDeletion(Customer aCustomer) {
customer = aCustomer;
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public Outcome deleteCustomer() {
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
class MyBeanA
class MyWizard
@Inject Conversation conv;
// inside „start“ Methode
// inside „end“ Methode
class MyBeanB
public class DeleteCustomerController implements Serializable {
private Conversation customerDeleteConversation;
public Outcome askForDeletion(Customer aCustomer) {
customerToDelete = aCustomer;
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public Outcome deleteCustomer() {
... // call backend services
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class DeleteCustomerController implements Serializable {
private Conversation customerDeleteConversation;
public Outcome askForDeletion(Customer aCustomer) {
customerToDelete = aCustomer;
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public Outcome deleteCustomer() {
... // call backend services
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Was ist, wenn
Conversation schon
Was ist, wenn
Conversation noch
public class DeleteCustomerController implements Serializable {
private Conversation customerDeleteConversation;
public Outcome askForDeletion(Customer aCustomer) {
if (customerDeleteConversation.isTransient()) {
customerToDelete = aCustomer;
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
public class DeleteCustomerController implements Serializable {
private Conversation customerDeleteConversation;
public Outcome cancelDeletion() {
// make sure to end a long-running transaction
if (!conversation.isTransient()) {
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
Fachlicher Scope
Conversation eXtended via DeltaSpike
• Normal Conversations
• Grouped Conversations
• Sub Conversations
Fachliche Methoden
Fachliche Methoden
a.k.a. „no more doAll(…)-Methods“
• Primärer Use Case: create Customer
• Sekundärer Use Case: send Welcome Mail
• Sekundärer Use Case: trace Trainee Audit Info
• Sekundärer Use Case: if tenant X …
Fachliche Methoden
Idee der Domänen-Events
• Primärer Use Case löst Event aus
• Sekundäre Use Cases reagieren auf Event
Fachliche Methoden
CDI Events zur losen Kopplung
• Event Object & Event Producer
• Observer Methoden
Fachliche Methoden
CDI Events zur losen Kopplung
• schichtenneutral für POJOs
• ggf. transaktionsgebunden
• (a)synchrone Interaktion
Fachliche Methoden
CDI Events? Klingt super, aber ….
• Wie sieht ein solches Event aus?
• Wie fange ich es ab?
• Und vor allem: wie löse ich es aus?
// event to indicate that a new customer was created
public class CustomerCreatedEvent {
private Customer customer;
public CustomerCreatedEvent(Customer customer) {
this.customer = customer;
public Customer getCustomer() {
return this.customer;
public class CreateCustomerController {
private Event<CustomerCreatedEvent> customerCreatedEventSource;
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer currentCustomer;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
customerService.createCustomer(currentCustomer); CustomerCreatedEvent(currentCustomer));
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
public class CreateCustomerController {
private Event<CustomerCreatedEvent> customerCreatedEventSource;
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer currentCustomer;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
customerService.createCustomer(currentCustomer); CustomerCreatedEvent(currentCustomer));
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
public class Mailer implements Serializable {
private MailService mailService;
public void sendWelcomeMail(@Observes CustomerCreatedEvent event) {
// send welcome mail, if customer has an email address
Customer customer = event.getCustomer();
if (customer.getEmail() != null) {
public void sendGoodbyeMail(@Observes CustomerDeletedEvent event) {
public class CreateCustomerController {
private Event<CustomerCreatedEvent> eventSource;
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer currentCustomer;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
customerService.createCustomer(currentCustomer); CustomerCreatedEvent(currentCustomer));
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
Infrastruktur vs
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Created
private Event<Customer> eventSource;
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer currentCustomer;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
public class Mailer implements Serializable {
MailService mailService;
public void sendWelcomeMail(@Observes @Created Customer customer) {
// send welcome mail, if customer has an email address
if (customer.getEmail() != null) {
public void sendGoodbyeMail(@Observes @Deleted Customer customer) {
public class TrackingService implements Serializable {
@Inject @Current
private CallCenterAgent currentCallCenterAgent;
// conditional observer method that takes into account:
// - Transaction status, e.g. AFTER_SUCCESS, AFTER_FAILURE
public void trackCustomerCreated(@Observes(during=AFTER_SUCCESS)
@Created Customer newCustomer) {
// track only if agent is in role TRAINEE
if (Role.TRAINEE.equals(currentCallCenterAgent.getRole()){
this.trackAction(TrackAction.CUSTOMER_CREATED, newCustomer)
public class GlobalCache implements Serializable {
// conditional observer method that takes into account:
// - Bean instance status: ALLWAYS or IF_EXISTS
// - Transaction status, e.g. AFTER_SUCCESS, AFTER_FAILURE
public void insertIntoCache(@Observes(receive=IF_EXISTS,
@Created Customer newCustomer) { ... }
// conditional observer method that takes into account:
// - Bean instance status: ALLWAYS or IF_EXISTS
// - Transaction status, e.g. AFTER_SUCCESS, AFTER_FAILURE
public void insertIntoCache(@Observes(receive=IF_EXISTS,
@Deleted Customer deletedCustomer) { ... }
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Created
private Event<Customer> eventSource;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
synchronous vs.
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Created
private Event<Customer> eventSource;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
btw: returns a
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Created
private Event<Customer> eventSource;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
.whenComplete((event, throwable) -> {
if (throwable != null) { ... } else { ... }
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
allows beeing
reactive ;-)
public class Mailer implements Serializable {
private MailService mailService;
public void sendWelcomeMail(@ObservesAsync
@Customer Customer customer) {
public void sendGoodbyeMail(@ObservesAsync
@Customer Customer customer) {
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Created
private Event<Customer> eventSource;
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
statische vs. dynamische Qualifier?
public class CreateCustomerController {
@Inject @Created
private Event<Customer> eventSource;
@Inject @TenantId // e.g. @TenantId(“4711“) for tenant „4711“
private String tenantId;
// fire event: @Created @Tenant(“4711“) currentCustomer
public Outcome addCustomer() {
// add customer to db via customer service
customerService.createCustomer(currentCustomer); TenantQualifier(tenantId)).fire(currentCustomer));
return Outcome.SUCCESS;
} …
public class SpecialMailerFor4711 implements Serializable {
private MailService mailService;
public void sendWelcomeMail(@Observes @TenantId(“4711“)
@Customer Customer customer) {
public void sendGoodbyeMail(@Observes @TenantId(“4711“)
@Customer Customer customer) {
X-Tier Application
a.k.a. Infrastructure-driven Architecture
• technische Injection
• technische Transaktionen
• technische Scopes
• technische Methoden
No-Tier Application
a.k.a. Business-driven Architecture
• fachliche Injection
• fachliche Transaktionen
• fachliche Scopes
• fachliche Methoden
Fachliche UI Injection
Fachliche Injection in Views
Views sind nach wie vor ein Problem
• Injection via U-EL
• fachliche von UI Controllern
<html ...>
Vorname: <h:inputText
Name: <h:inputText
<html ...>
Vorname: <h:inputText
Name: <h:inputText
public class CreateCustomerController {
private CustomerService customerService;
private Customer customerToCreate;
public Customer getCustomer () {
return customerToCreate;
public class CustomerController {
private CustomerService customerService;
public Collection<Customer> getAllCustomers() {
return customerService.findAll();
public Collection<Customer> getAllProspects () {
return customerService.findAllOf(CustomerType.PROSPECT);
Infrastructure vs.
public class CustomerRepository {
private EntityManager em;
public Collection<Customer> findAll() {
return em.createNamedQuery(“customer.findAll“, Customer.class)
public Collection<Customer> findAllProspects () {
return em.createNamedQuery(“customer.findProspects“, Customer.class)
? ? ?
+49 (0)441 4082 – 0
#04 © syda Productions –
#30 © Dim Tik –
#36 © Leonova Iuliia –
#38 © print10 –
#96 © Liliya Kandrashevich –
All other pictures inside this presentation orginate
from or were created by my own.

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