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Migraine in Women
     Deborah Friedman, MD,
    Professor, Neurology and
       University of Texas
     Southwestern Medical
          Dallas, Texas
Consultant: Iroko, MAP Pharmaceuticals,
Grant Support: AGA Pharmaceuticals,
Merck, Pfizer, MAP Pharmaceuticals,
Quark Pharmaceuticals
Honoraria: Allergan
Other: Neurology News Editorial Board
Migraine is a Female Disorder

Average lifetime percent of population
 with migraine:
 22.6% women (range 13-32%)
 10.5% men (range 5.7-9%)
Women are roughly 3 times as likely as
 men to have migraine
Hormonally associated migraine affect 12
 million women in the U.S.
Is it Migraine?
Migraine without Aura

At least 5 attacks
Headache lasts 4-72 hours (untreated) in adults,
  1-72 hours in children
At least 2 of the following:
  Unilateral location
  Pulsating quality
  Moderate or severe intensity
  Aggravated by routine physical activity
During the headache, at least 1 of the following:
  Nausea and/or vomiting
  Photophobia and phonophobia
Migraine with Aura

At least 2 attacks           Scintillating scotoma
At least 3 of the following:
  Fully reversible aura symptoms explained
  by focal brain dysfunction
  At least one aura symptoms evolving over
  at least 4 minutes or two or more
  symptoms in succession
  Each symptom lasts less than 60 minutes
  Headache usually begins during or follows
  the aura
  Paresthesias (tongue; hand-mouth)
  Unilateral or bilateral weakness (spreads)
  Gustatory hallucinations
  Common (50%) but does not distinguish
  migraine with/without aura

                 Fortification spectra
 Automatic behavior
 Transient global amnesia
 Emotional (anxiety, euphoria)
 Déjà vu (strange things look familiar)
 Jamais vu (familiar things look strange)
  Altered level of consciousness
  Unilateral episodic mydriasis
What’s not aura
  Blurred vision
  Premonitory photophobia, phonophobia,
Quick and Easy Migraine Diagnosis:
“I.D. Migraine”

1. Headache related
2. Photophobia
3. Nausea

93% of migraineurs have 2 of 3 features
81% sensitivity, 75% specificity
Aura 100% sensitive
Phases of Migraine

Pre-Headache              Headache             Post-Headache
  Premonitory    Aura                            Postdrome

                        Mild Moderate Severe

  *Yawning, mood
change, sleepiness,
   food cravings,
 excessive thirst or
Taking the History: The American
Migraine Communication Study
60 visits (approximately 12 minutes each)
  between healthcare professionals (primary
  care, neurologists, NP) and patients were
  video and audio-recorded
Post-visit interviews were conducted
  separately with patients and healthcare
All interviews were transcribed and analyzed
  looking for discordance
91% of the questions asked were closed-
  ended or short-answer
90% of visits did not address impairment
  in any way (60% were severely impaired
  during attacks; average frequency
Of the 50 patients, 35 were not on a
  preventive medication after the first visit
Prevention was only mentioned in 50% of
  the 25 patients who would qualify for
  one based on standard guidelines
Suggestions for Improving
Patient-centered interviewing focused on

“How do migraines affect your daily life?”
“How does migraine affect your work and
“How does migraine make you feel – even
  when you aren’t having one?”
Other General Features

Migraine changes throughout life
Migraine may change with hormones
You can have a migraine without a
Children get migraines too
People with migraine often get other
   kinds of headaches as well
It runs in the family
Occurs in the peak productive

Migraine affects:
 18% of women
  6.5% of men
 7% of children
Estrogen Paradox
Being female increases the likelihood of
  having migraine (estrogen)
Sudden decreases in estrogen can trigger
  migraine headaches
Fall in estrogen
  Prior to menses
  Pill free week of oral contraceptives
Migraine Throughout
the (Hormonal) Life Cycle
Adolescence – Puberty
  Hormone replacement therapy
  Oral contraceptives
Migraine in Children
Boys=girls prior to puberty
  Peak incidence of
  migraine with aura
  Boys – age 5
  Girls – age 12-13
Peak incidence of migraine
  without aura
  Boys – age 10-11
  Girls – age 14-17
After puberty ratio is 3 to 1
  (girls to boys)
Boys often outgrow them
Migraine in Childhood

             Young children may not be
                  able to describe pain or
                      associated features
           Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity
            to light and noise is inferred
        Headaches are often shorter than
                                 in adults
Think about migraine in children with:
Episodes of unexplained vomiting and
  abdominal pain lasting an hour or more
Attacks of imbalance or dizziness lasting
Recurring attacks of head tilt, vomiting,
  imbalance lasting hours to days
Alternating one-sided weakness
Headaches followed by droopy eyelid and
  double vision (lasting days to weeks)
Migraine and Menstruation
60-70% of women with migraine have
  them with menstruation
Pure Menstrual Migraine
  2 days prior to menses to 4th day of
  menses only (14% of women) for 2 of 3
Menstrually-Related Migraine
  Within the above window and at other
  times of the month
Perimenstrual Migraine
  Attacks 2-7 days prior to menses
Keep a diary! Compare menstrual and
  non-menstrual attacks.
May Be Associated with Other
        Features of PMS
(DSM-4: 5 days before to 4 days into menses,
          interfere with activities)
 Affective             Physical
 Depression            Breast tenderness
 Angry outbursts       Abdominal bloating
 Irritability          Headache
 Anxiety               Peripheral edema
 Confusion             Acne
 Social withdrawal     Cramping
 Food cravings
 Increased appetite
 Sexual disinterest
What’s Different During Menses?
No difference in sex hormones
  between migraineurs and
  controls (testosterone, LH, FSH)
Headaches more severe, more
  nausea and vomiting
Treatments may not
  be as effective during
  menses (?)

Loder E. Neurol Sci 2005;26:S121-124
Treatment of Menstrual Migraine
Acute symptomatic treatment
  Migraine specific, anti-inflammatories
Standard preventive treatment
Short-term preventive treatment (“mini-
  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
  Long-acting triptans (frova) or ergots
  Hormonal therapy (estradiol gel)
  Increase usual preventative
Non-pharmacologic therapy
 **Pringsheim T, et al. Acute treatment and prevention of menstrually
 related migraine headache. Neurology 2008;70:1555-1563
Use of Oral Contraceptives to
Prevent Menstrual Migraine
1. Extended cycle OCs
Suppress ovulation for months
May have breakthrough bleeding in first few
   months (accompanied by migraine)
2. Reduce monthly decline in estrogen
Use low-dose estrogen instead of 7 placebo pills
    each month
3. Contraceptive patch + vaginal ring
Less daily fluctuation in estrogen level
Migraine and Pregnancy

Better (50-60+%)
Worse (15-%)
The Same (25%)

May worsen during the first trimester
May only occur during pregnancy
May be headache free in last trimester
New Onset of Headaches During
Increased intracranial pressure
Tension-type headache
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
Intracranial hemorrhage
Reversible cerebrovasoconstrictive
  syndrome (RCVS)
Headache Medications and
Pregnancy – General Concepts
Pharmakokinetics vary during gestation
Increased plasma volume – increase
unbound drug
Decreasing albumin – increase free
fraction (total assays unreliable)
Increased renal clearance
Changes in CYP and glucuronidation

  **Lucas S. Medication Use in the Treatment of Migraine
  During Pregnancy and Lactation. Curr Pain Headache
  Rep 2009;13:392-398.
Symptomatic Treatment of Migraine
  During Pregnancy (Category B – no
  evidence of risk but no studies)


*Avoid in third trimester
Barbiturates, opioids,
      Neonatal withdrawal syndrome
      Opioids are category B
      Beware medication overuse
Triptans are all category C
Ergots are contraindicated
Treatment of Migraine-Related
Nausea (Category B)


                  Anticholinergics –
                    meconium ileus
Migraine Prevention During
Pregnancy (Category B/C)
Avoid migraine triggers
Beta blockers (C)
Fluoxetine (C)
Venlafaxine (C)
Vitamin B2 (B)
Coenzyme Q-10 (B)
Magnesium (B)
Avoid valproate,
   topiramate, AEDs,
   lithium (D)
Breast Feeding – General Principles
               No evidence that
                 lactation worsens
               Safe in pregnancy ≠ safe
                 in lactation
               Amount passed to breast
                 milk depends on:
               • average plasma
               • amount excreted into
                 breast milk
               • volume of milk
Is the drug necessary?
Use the safest one
Consider measuring blood levels in
  the infant
Take medication after completing a
  breast feeding to minimize
  exposure to the baby
Symptomatic Treatment While Breast
Compatible          Benzodiazepines
 Acetaminophen,    Contraindicated
 caffeine, NSAID    Antihistamines
Caution             Ergotamine/DHE
Preventive Treatment While Breast
Compatible             Tricyclic
 Beta blockers         antidepressants
 Calcium blockers      Verapamil
 Valproate            Contraindicated
 Corticosteroids       Bromocriptine
               **Hale TW. Medications and
Caution        Mother’s Milk. Amarillo, TX, Hale
               Publishing, 2008.
Women with a history of menstrual
  migraine (“hormonally sensitive”)
  may have worsening of migraines in
  Hormone replacement therapy
  Low dose OC (without placebo week)
  Standard migraine therapies
Migraine and natural
  20-40% worsen
  20-30% improve
  30-50% unchanged

Effect of surgical menopause:
(hysterectomy, oophorectomy)
  38-87% worsen

Some women develop migraines
  for the first time at menopause
Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Conflicting data regarding migraine
  Delivery (patch*, cream, pill, injection)
  Need for continuous use
  Type and dosage
Natural estrogens (estradiol) are better
  tolerated than conjugated estrogen
One size does not fit all
Risk-benefit ratio
Migraine and Stroke

Women under 45
Posterior circulation strokes and white
 matter lesions more likely in MWA and
 high attack frequency of migraine than
Women 45 years and older
MWA twice as likely to develop ischemic
 stroke and MI over 10 years of follow-up
Ferrari M, et al. Brain 2005
Migraine and Stroke
Numerous studies document increase
National Health and Nutrition Examination
  Survey – prospective (11,777 men and
  women; RR 2.1)
Meta-analysis of 14 observational studies
Risk among all migraineurs, OR = 2
MWA, OR = 2.9
MWOA, OR = 1.6
Women’s Health Study
Prospective cohort study of 39,754 health
  professionals ages 45 and older
No migraine or MWOA – no increased risk
MWA – Adjusted hazards ratio
 1.53 for total stroke
 1.71 for ischemic stroke
 No increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke
Women < 55 with MWA had greatest risk:
 1.75 for total stroke
 2.25 for ischemic stroke
Stroke Risk: Low Dose OCs
Meta analysis of 16 studies (Gillum)
 RR = 1.92 (1.4-2.7) controlling for
 smoking and hypertension = 1
 additional stroke per 24,000

Meta analysis of 14 studies (Baillargeon)
 RR 1.84 (1.4-2.4) with low dose OC use
 Also risk of 2nd and 3rd generation OC
Risk of Stroke Varies by Age:
9 per 100,000 in 20-year-old MWA
3 per 100,000 in 20-year-old w/o migraine

80 per 100,000 in 40-year-old MWA
11 per 100,000 in 40 year-old w/o migraine
Summary of Risk
Migraine increases risk of stroke, OR = 2-3
Aura, female sex, age > 45, high
 frequency, migraine duration – higher
 risk > 12 attacks/year, > 12 years of
OC increases risk of ischemic stroke,
 OR = 2
 OC increase risk of venous sinus
 thrombosis, OR = 22
 OC increase risk of subarachnoid
 hemorrhage, OR = 1.6
Recommendations (ACOG, WHO, IHS)
Women with migraine should minimize
 other vascular risks
Women with MWOA on hormone therapy
 should stop if aura develops or
 headache worsens
Women with migraine over 35 who smoke
 should not use OCs
Women with a history of stroke or venous
 clot should not use OCs
Controversy: Women with MWA should
 not use hormonal therapy
Migraine and Cardiovascular
Disease (Women’s Health Study)
580 major CVD events occurred
Active MWA: hazard ratio 2.15 overall
  1.91 for ischemic stroke
  2.08 for MI
  1.74 for coronary revascularization
  1.71 for angina
  2.33 for ischemic CVD death
18 additional major CVD events/10,000
  women per year, after adjusting for age
MWOA: No increased risk
Migraine as a Clinically
       Progressive Disorder
Episodic migraine evolves over time in
  some patients, AKA “transformed
Attacks increase in frequency (medication
Chronic daily headache (>180 days yearly)
  with superimposed migraine
Development of allodynia
Risk Factors for Development of
Chronic Daily Headache
Definition: Headache on more days than
  not (> 15 days monthly X 3 months
Case-control, cross sectional population
Longitudinal follow-up for progression
800 people with episodic headache
  3% developed CDH
  6% developed 105-179 HA days
Predictors of Progression
Medication overuse
  Especially OTC with caffeine
  combinations, narcotic combinations,
  barbiturate combinations
Weight: Overweight = 2X, Obesity = 5X!!
Baseline headache frequency (>1/wk)
Low socioeconomic status
Head injury

     Lipton RB, Bigal M. Headache 2005; 45 (suppl 1) S3-S13
           Goadsby PJ. Med J Austr 2005;182(3):103-4
Stressful life events (moving, death in
  family, work-related changes)
Risk Factors and Development of CDH

Not readily modifiable   Modifiable
Migraine as a disorder   Attack frequency
 (predisposition)        Obesity
Female sex               Medication overuse
Low SES                  Stressful life events
Head injury              Snoring (OSA and
                         other sleep disorders)
Central Sensitization and Allodynia

Allodynia – a normally non-painful
  stimulus becomes painful
Occurs in 75% of migraineurs during
Usually takes years to develop
Allodynia – Taking the History
Positive in 70%
 Peripheral sensitization
  Throbbing quality
  Hair / eye glasses / earrings hurt
  Hurts to touch: shave, sleep, wash
 Central sensitization
  Pain is worse with coughing, sneezing
  Triptans less likely to work when central
  allodynia is present
Implications for Treatment
Stratified care based on disability
Reduce environmental triggers, if present
Weight management
Investigate for sleep disorder when
Reduce modifiable cardiovascular risk
Stratified Care by Overall
Little to none “Low end” Triptans

Moderate     Combination treatments
             Triptans Anti-emetics
Severe       “High end” Triptans
             Prophylaxis Narcotics
             Anti-emetics Ergots
             Refer to specialist
Women are different.
Migraines change
throughout the
reproductive cycle.
Estrogen is
Migraine may be
progressive –
consider preventive
Additional Recommended Reading
 Dodick DW. Chronic daily headache. NEJM
 Elliott D. Migraine and stroke: current
 perspectives. Curr Pain Headache Rep
 Ferrante E, Tassorelli C, Rossi P, et al. Focus
 on the management of thunderclap headache:
 from nosography to treatment. J Headache
 Pain 2011;12:251-258
 Klein AM, Loder E. Postpartum headache. Int J
 Obstet Anesth. 2010;19:422-30
Kurth T, Gaziano JM, Cook NR, et al. Migraine
and risk of cardiovascular disease in women.
JAMA 2006;296;283-291
Lipton RB, Bigal ME. Ten lessons on the
epidemiology of migraine. Headache
McGregor EA. Prevention and treatment of
menstrual migraine. Drugs 2010;70:1799-818
Sullivan E, Bushnell C. Management of
menstrual migraine: a review of current
abortive and prophylactic therapies. Curr Pain
Headache Rep 2010;14:376-84

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Noon friedman

  • 1. Migraine in Women Deborah Friedman, MD, MPH Professor, Neurology and Ophthalmology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Texas
  • 2. Disclosure: Consultant: Iroko, MAP Pharmaceuticals, Zogenix Grant Support: AGA Pharmaceuticals, Merck, Pfizer, MAP Pharmaceuticals, Quark Pharmaceuticals Honoraria: Allergan Other: Neurology News Editorial Board
  • 3. Migraine is a Female Disorder Average lifetime percent of population with migraine: 22.6% women (range 13-32%) 10.5% men (range 5.7-9%) Women are roughly 3 times as likely as men to have migraine Hormonally associated migraine affect 12 million women in the U.S.
  • 4. Is it Migraine? Migraine without Aura At least 5 attacks Headache lasts 4-72 hours (untreated) in adults, 1-72 hours in children At least 2 of the following: Unilateral location Pulsating quality Moderate or severe intensity Aggravated by routine physical activity During the headache, at least 1 of the following: Nausea and/or vomiting Photophobia and phonophobia
  • 5. Migraine with Aura At least 2 attacks Scintillating scotoma At least 3 of the following: Fully reversible aura symptoms explained by focal brain dysfunction At least one aura symptoms evolving over at least 4 minutes or two or more symptoms in succession Each symptom lasts less than 60 minutes Headache usually begins during or follows the aura
  • 6. Sensory Paresthesias (tongue; hand-mouth) Motor Unilateral or bilateral weakness (spreads) Olfactory Gustatory hallucinations Vertigo/dizziness Common (50%) but does not distinguish migraine with/without aura Fortification spectra
  • 7. Speech Dysarthria Aphasia Behavioral Depersonalization Automatic behavior Transient global amnesia Emotional (anxiety, euphoria) Déjà vu (strange things look familiar) Jamais vu (familiar things look strange)
  • 8. Other Diplopia Ptosis Altered level of consciousness Ataxia Unilateral episodic mydriasis Auditory What’s not aura Blurred vision Premonitory photophobia, phonophobia, nausea
  • 9. Quick and Easy Migraine Diagnosis: “I.D. Migraine” 1. Headache related disability 2. Photophobia 3. Nausea 93% of migraineurs have 2 of 3 features 81% sensitivity, 75% specificity Aura 100% sensitive
  • 10. Phases of Migraine Pre-Headache Headache Post-Headache Premonitory Aura Postdrome symptoms* Mild Moderate Severe *Yawning, mood change, sleepiness, food cravings, excessive thirst or urination
  • 11. Taking the History: The American Migraine Communication Study 60 visits (approximately 12 minutes each) between healthcare professionals (primary care, neurologists, NP) and patients were video and audio-recorded Post-visit interviews were conducted separately with patients and healthcare professionals All interviews were transcribed and analyzed looking for discordance
  • 12. Findings 91% of the questions asked were closed- ended or short-answer 90% of visits did not address impairment in any way (60% were severely impaired during attacks; average frequency 5/month) Of the 50 patients, 35 were not on a preventive medication after the first visit Prevention was only mentioned in 50% of the 25 patients who would qualify for one based on standard guidelines
  • 13. Suggestions for Improving Communication Patient-centered interviewing focused on disability: “How do migraines affect your daily life?” “How does migraine affect your work and family?” “How does migraine make you feel – even when you aren’t having one?”
  • 14. Other General Features Migraine changes throughout life Migraine may change with hormones You can have a migraine without a headache Children get migraines too People with migraine often get other kinds of headaches as well It runs in the family
  • 15. Occurs in the peak productive years Migraine affects: 18% of women 6.5% of men 7% of children
  • 16. Estrogen Paradox Being female increases the likelihood of having migraine (estrogen) Sudden decreases in estrogen can trigger migraine headaches Fall in estrogen Prior to menses Pill free week of oral contraceptives Perimenopause Postpartum
  • 17. Migraine Throughout the (Hormonal) Life Cycle Children Adolescence – Puberty Menstruation Pregnancy Menopause Other: Hormone replacement therapy Oral contraceptives
  • 18. Migraine in Children Boys=girls prior to puberty Peak incidence of migraine with aura Boys – age 5 Girls – age 12-13 Peak incidence of migraine without aura Boys – age 10-11 Girls – age 14-17 After puberty ratio is 3 to 1 (girls to boys) Boys often outgrow them
  • 19. Migraine in Childhood Under-diagnosed Young children may not be able to describe pain or associated features Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and noise is inferred Headaches are often shorter than in adults
  • 20. Think about migraine in children with: Episodes of unexplained vomiting and abdominal pain lasting an hour or more Attacks of imbalance or dizziness lasting minutes Recurring attacks of head tilt, vomiting, imbalance lasting hours to days Alternating one-sided weakness Headaches followed by droopy eyelid and double vision (lasting days to weeks)
  • 21. Migraine and Menstruation 60-70% of women with migraine have them with menstruation Pure Menstrual Migraine 2 days prior to menses to 4th day of menses only (14% of women) for 2 of 3 cycles Menstrually-Related Migraine Within the above window and at other times of the month Perimenstrual Migraine Attacks 2-7 days prior to menses Keep a diary! Compare menstrual and non-menstrual attacks.
  • 22.
  • 23. May Be Associated with Other Features of PMS (DSM-4: 5 days before to 4 days into menses, interfere with activities) Affective Physical Depression Breast tenderness Angry outbursts Abdominal bloating Irritability Headache Anxiety Peripheral edema Confusion Acne Social withdrawal Cramping Food cravings Increased appetite Sexual disinterest
  • 24. What’s Different During Menses? No difference in sex hormones between migraineurs and controls (testosterone, LH, FSH) Headaches more severe, more nausea and vomiting Treatments may not be as effective during menses (?) Loder E. Neurol Sci 2005;26:S121-124
  • 25. Treatment of Menstrual Migraine Acute symptomatic treatment Migraine specific, anti-inflammatories Standard preventive treatment Short-term preventive treatment (“mini- prevention”) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories Long-acting triptans (frova) or ergots Magnesium Hormonal therapy (estradiol gel) Increase usual preventative Non-pharmacologic therapy **Pringsheim T, et al. Acute treatment and prevention of menstrually related migraine headache. Neurology 2008;70:1555-1563
  • 26. Use of Oral Contraceptives to Prevent Menstrual Migraine 1. Extended cycle OCs Suppress ovulation for months May have breakthrough bleeding in first few months (accompanied by migraine) 2. Reduce monthly decline in estrogen Use low-dose estrogen instead of 7 placebo pills each month 3. Contraceptive patch + vaginal ring Less daily fluctuation in estrogen level
  • 27. Migraine and Pregnancy Better (50-60+%) Worse (15-%) The Same (25%) May worsen during the first trimester May only occur during pregnancy May be headache free in last trimester
  • 28. New Onset of Headaches During Pregnancy Increased intracranial pressure Tension-type headache Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis Stroke Tumor Vasculitis Intracranial hemorrhage Reversible cerebrovasoconstrictive syndrome (RCVS)
  • 29. Headache Medications and Pregnancy – General Concepts Pharmakokinetics vary during gestation Increased plasma volume – increase unbound drug Decreasing albumin – increase free fraction (total assays unreliable) Increased renal clearance Changes in CYP and glucuronidation **Lucas S. Medication Use in the Treatment of Migraine During Pregnancy and Lactation. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2009;13:392-398.
  • 30. Symptomatic Treatment of Migraine During Pregnancy (Category B – no evidence of risk but no studies) Acetaminophen Caffeine Ibuprofen* Indomethacin* Naproxen* Meperidine Morphine Prednisone *Avoid in third trimester
  • 31. Barbiturates, opioids, benzodiazepines Neonatal withdrawal syndrome Opioids are category B Beware medication overuse Triptans are all category C Ergots are contraindicated
  • 32. Treatment of Migraine-Related Nausea (Category B) Dimenhydramine Meclizine Metoclopramide Ondansetron Anticholinergics – meconium ileus
  • 33. Migraine Prevention During Pregnancy (Category B/C) Avoid migraine triggers Beta blockers (C) Fluoxetine (C) Venlafaxine (C) Vitamin B2 (B) Coenzyme Q-10 (B) Magnesium (B) Avoid valproate, topiramate, AEDs, lithium (D)
  • 34. Breast Feeding – General Principles No evidence that lactation worsens migraine Safe in pregnancy ≠ safe in lactation Amount passed to breast milk depends on: • average plasma concentration • amount excreted into breast milk • volume of milk ingested
  • 35. Is the drug necessary? Use the safest one Consider measuring blood levels in the infant Take medication after completing a breast feeding to minimize exposure to the baby
  • 36. Symptomatic Treatment While Breast Feeding Concern Compatible Benzodiazepines Acetaminophen, Contraindicated caffeine, NSAID Antihistamines Caution Ergotamine/DHE Aspirin, barbiturates Triptans
  • 37. Preventive Treatment While Breast Feeding Concern Compatible Tricyclic Beta blockers antidepressants Calcium blockers Verapamil Valproate Contraindicated Corticosteroids Bromocriptine Amitriptyline **Hale TW. Medications and Caution Mother’s Milk. Amarillo, TX, Hale Publishing, 2008. SSRI
  • 38. Perimenopause Women with a history of menstrual migraine (“hormonally sensitive”) may have worsening of migraines in peri-menopause Treatment: Hormone replacement therapy Low dose OC (without placebo week) Standard migraine therapies
  • 39. Menopause Migraine and natural menopause: 20-40% worsen 20-30% improve 30-50% unchanged Effect of surgical menopause: (hysterectomy, oophorectomy) 38-87% worsen Some women develop migraines for the first time at menopause
  • 40. Hormone Replacement Therapy? Conflicting data regarding migraine Considerations: Delivery (patch*, cream, pill, injection) Need for continuous use Type and dosage Natural estrogens (estradiol) are better tolerated than conjugated estrogen One size does not fit all Risk-benefit ratio
  • 41. Migraine and Stroke Women under 45 Posterior circulation strokes and white matter lesions more likely in MWA and high attack frequency of migraine than controls Women 45 years and older MWA twice as likely to develop ischemic stroke and MI over 10 years of follow-up
  • 42. Ferrari M, et al. Brain 2005
  • 43. Migraine and Stroke Numerous studies document increase risk: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey – prospective (11,777 men and women; RR 2.1) Meta-analysis of 14 observational studies Risk among all migraineurs, OR = 2 MWA, OR = 2.9 MWOA, OR = 1.6
  • 44. Women’s Health Study Prospective cohort study of 39,754 health professionals ages 45 and older No migraine or MWOA – no increased risk MWA – Adjusted hazards ratio 1.53 for total stroke 1.71 for ischemic stroke No increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke Women < 55 with MWA had greatest risk: 1.75 for total stroke 2.25 for ischemic stroke
  • 45. Stroke Risk: Low Dose OCs Meta analysis of 16 studies (Gillum) RR = 1.92 (1.4-2.7) controlling for smoking and hypertension = 1 additional stroke per 24,000 Meta analysis of 14 studies (Baillargeon) RR 1.84 (1.4-2.4) with low dose OC use Also risk of 2nd and 3rd generation OC use
  • 46. Risk of Stroke Varies by Age: Women 9 per 100,000 in 20-year-old MWA 3 per 100,000 in 20-year-old w/o migraine 80 per 100,000 in 40-year-old MWA 11 per 100,000 in 40 year-old w/o migraine
  • 47. Summary of Risk Migraine increases risk of stroke, OR = 2-3 Aura, female sex, age > 45, high frequency, migraine duration – higher risk > 12 attacks/year, > 12 years of migraine) OC increases risk of ischemic stroke, OR = 2 OC increase risk of venous sinus thrombosis, OR = 22 OC increase risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage, OR = 1.6
  • 48. Recommendations (ACOG, WHO, IHS) Women with migraine should minimize other vascular risks Women with MWOA on hormone therapy should stop if aura develops or headache worsens Women with migraine over 35 who smoke should not use OCs Women with a history of stroke or venous clot should not use OCs Controversy: Women with MWA should not use hormonal therapy
  • 49. Migraine and Cardiovascular Disease (Women’s Health Study) 580 major CVD events occurred Active MWA: hazard ratio 2.15 overall 1.91 for ischemic stroke 2.08 for MI 1.74 for coronary revascularization 1.71 for angina 2.33 for ischemic CVD death 18 additional major CVD events/10,000 women per year, after adjusting for age MWOA: No increased risk
  • 50. Migraine as a Clinically Progressive Disorder Episodic migraine evolves over time in some patients, AKA “transformed migraine” Attacks increase in frequency (medication overuse) Chronic daily headache (>180 days yearly) with superimposed migraine Development of allodynia
  • 51. Risk Factors for Development of Chronic Daily Headache Definition: Headache on more days than not (> 15 days monthly X 3 months Case-control, cross sectional population study Longitudinal follow-up for progression 800 people with episodic headache 3% developed CDH 6% developed 105-179 HA days
  • 52. Predictors of Progression Medication overuse Especially OTC with caffeine combinations, narcotic combinations, barbiturate combinations Weight: Overweight = 2X, Obesity = 5X!! Baseline headache frequency (>1/wk) Low socioeconomic status Head injury Lipton RB, Bigal M. Headache 2005; 45 (suppl 1) S3-S13 Goadsby PJ. Med J Austr 2005;182(3):103-4
  • 53. Stressful life events (moving, death in family, work-related changes) Snoring
  • 54. Risk Factors and Development of CDH Not readily modifiable Modifiable Migraine as a disorder Attack frequency (predisposition) Obesity Female sex Medication overuse Low SES Stressful life events Head injury Snoring (OSA and other sleep disorders)
  • 55. Central Sensitization and Allodynia Allodynia – a normally non-painful stimulus becomes painful Occurs in 75% of migraineurs during migraine Usually takes years to develop
  • 56. Allodynia – Taking the History Positive in 70% Peripheral sensitization Throbbing quality Hair / eye glasses / earrings hurt Hurts to touch: shave, sleep, wash Central sensitization Pain is worse with coughing, sneezing Triptans less likely to work when central allodynia is present
  • 57. Implications for Treatment Stratified care based on disability Reduce environmental triggers, if present Weight management Investigate for sleep disorder when appropriate Prophylaxis Reduce modifiable cardiovascular risk
  • 58. Stratified Care by Overall Disability Little to none “Low end” Triptans Moderate Combination treatments Triptans Anti-emetics Prophylaxis Severe “High end” Triptans Prophylaxis Narcotics Anti-emetics Ergots Refer to specialist
  • 59. Summary Women are different. Migraines change throughout the reproductive cycle. Estrogen is important. Migraine may be progressive – consider preventive treatment.
  • 60.
  • 61. Additional Recommended Reading Dodick DW. Chronic daily headache. NEJM 2008;354:158-165 Elliott D. Migraine and stroke: current perspectives. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2008;30(8):801-12 Ferrante E, Tassorelli C, Rossi P, et al. Focus on the management of thunderclap headache: from nosography to treatment. J Headache Pain 2011;12:251-258 Klein AM, Loder E. Postpartum headache. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2010;19:422-30
  • 62. Kurth T, Gaziano JM, Cook NR, et al. Migraine and risk of cardiovascular disease in women. JAMA 2006;296;283-291 Lipton RB, Bigal ME. Ten lessons on the epidemiology of migraine. Headache 207;46(Suppl1):S2-S9 McGregor EA. Prevention and treatment of menstrual migraine. Drugs 2010;70:1799-818 Sullivan E, Bushnell C. Management of menstrual migraine: a review of current abortive and prophylactic therapies. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2010;14:376-84