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Debugging Node.js in Production
Yunong Xiao
Software Engineer
Node Platform
Node.js @ Netflix
❖ 65+ Million Subscribers
❖ Website (
❖ Dynamic asset packager
❖ PaaS on Node
❖ Internal Services
–Gene Kranz, Flight Director, Apollo 13
“Let's work the problem, people. Let's not make
things any worse by guessing”
Apply the Scientific Method
1. Construct a Hypothesis
2. Collect data
3. Analyze data and draw a conclusion
4. Repeat
Production Crisis
❖ Runtime Performance
❖ Runtime Crashes
❖ Memory Leaks
Netflix is “Slow”
Gather Request Data
Observable REST Framework
to the Rescue
[2014-12-09T14:07:26.293Z] INFO: shakti/restify-audit/20067: handled:
200, latency=1402
(req_id=b3fa3820-7fac-11e4-8908-a5c7b70d676f, latency=1435)
GET / HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-netflix.client.instance: i-057e47ef
x-frame-options: DENY
content-type: text/html
req.timers: {
"parseBody": 700123,
"apiRpc": 701911,
"render": 400031
req.timers: {
"parseBody": 700123,
“apiRPC”: 301911,
"render": 400031,
CPU is Critical
❖ Node is essentially “single threaded”
❖ Cascading effect on ALL requests in process
req.timers: {
"parseBody": 700123,
“apiRPC”: 301911,
"render": 400031,
Can’t process ANY other request for 1.1 seconds
How Much Code?
$ find . -name "*.js*" | xargs cat | wc -l
6 042 301
Statistically Sample Stack Traces
Snapshot What’s Currently Executing
Stacktrace: A stack trace is a report of the active stack frames
at a certain point in time during the execution of a program.
> console.log(ex, ex.stack.split("n"))
ReferenceError: ex is not defined
at repl:1:13
at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:132:27)
at bound (domain.js:254:14)
at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:267:12)
at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:279:12)
at REPLServer.emit (events.js:107:17)
at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:214:10)
at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:553:8)
at REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:830:14)
at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:109:10)
Two Problems
1) How to sample stack traces from a running
2) How to do 1) without affecting the process?
Linux Perf Events
PERF(1) perf Manual PERF(1)
perf - Performance analysis tools for Linux
perf [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]
Performance counters for Linux are a new kernel-based subsystem
that provide a framework for all things performance analysis.
It covers hardware level (CPU/PMU, Performance Monitoring Unit)
features and software features (software counters, tracepoints)
as well.
Sample Stack Traces w/ perf(1)
# perf record -F 99 -p `pgrep -n node` -g -- sleep 30
[ perf record: Woken up 2 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.524 MB
(~22912 samples) ]
Sample Stack Trace
ab2fee v8::internal::Heap::DeoptMarkedAllocationSites() (/apps/node/bin/
a69754 v8::internal::StackGuard::HandleInterrupts() (/apps/node/bin/node)
c9f13b v8::internal::Runtime_StackGuard(int, v8::internal::Object**
3c793e3060bb (/tmp/
3c793e3060bb (/tmp/
3c793e3060bb (/tmp/
3c793e3060bb (/tmp/ (repeated 30 more lines)
8e6b2f v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Context>, v8::Local<v8::Value>,
int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node)
8f2281 v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Value>, int,
v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node)
df599a node::MakeCallback(node::Environment*, v8::Local<v8::Value>,...
df5ccb node::CheckImmediate(uv_check_s*) (/apps/node/bin/node)
fb1597 uv__run_check (/apps/node/bin/node)
fabcee uv_run (/apps/node/bin/node)
dfaa50 node::Start(int, char**) (/apps/node/bin/node)
7fcc3ef6876d __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Missing JS Frames
Why? v8 places symbols JIT(Just in
node --perf_basic_prof_only_functions
“outputs the files in a format that the existing perf tool
can consume.”
node --perf_basic_prof_only_functions
Available right now in Node v5.x
Coming soon to Node v4.3:
node 5382 cpu-clock:
3c793e38b0c1 LazyCompile:DELETE native runtime.js:349 (/tmp/
3c793e31981d Builtin:JSConstructStubGeneric (/tmp/
3c793ff2ca94 (/tmp/
3c793e98a10f LazyCompile:~AtlasClient._run /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-atlas-client/lib/client/AtlasClient.js:85 (/tmp/
3c793f47de29 LazyCompile:*AtlasClient.timer /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-atlas-client/lib/client/AtlasClient.js:70 (/tmp/
3c793e9eee38 LazyCompile:~fetchSingleGetCallback /apps/node/webapp/singletons/ShaktiFetcher.js:120 (/tmp/
3c793f6cffee LazyCompile:*Model.get /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-models/lib/Model.js:90 (/tmp/
3c793ed3e2ad (/tmp/
3c7940e4357b Handler:ca (/tmp/
3c793f060e3c Function:~ /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/vasync/lib/vasync.js:134 (/tmp/
3c79404edbfa (/tmp/
3c79401fd3f7 (/tmp/
3c79400e307b LazyCompile:*fetchMulti /apps/node/webapp/singletons/ShaktiFetcher.js:50 (/tmp/
3c793fb9a59f LazyCompile:*fetch /apps/node/webapp/singletons/ShaktiFetcher.js:32 (/tmp/
3c793e896697 (/tmp/
3c7943aaabbe (/tmp/
3c793ef4c53c Function:~ /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/vasync/lib/vasync.js:245 (/tmp/
3c793eaf4f01 LazyCompile:* /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-packager/lib/index.js:194 (/tmp/
3c793eab130a LazyCompile:processImmediate timers.js:352 (/tmp/
3c793e319f7d Builtin:JSEntryTrampoline (/tmp/
3c793e3189e2 Stub:JSEntryStub (/tmp/
a65baf v8::internal::Execution::Call(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>,
v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>*, bool) (/apps/node/bin/node)
8e6b2f v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Context>, v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node)
8f2281 v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node)
df599a node::MakeCallback(node::Environment*, v8::Local<v8::Value>, v8::Local<v8::Function>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*)
df5ccb node::CheckImmediate(uv_check_s*) (/apps/node/bin/node)
fb1597 uv__run_check (/apps/node/bin/node)
fabcee uv_run (/apps/node/bin/node)
dfaa50 node::Start(int, char**) (/apps/node/bin/node)
7fcc3ef6876d __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
JS Frames
Native Frames
Problem: Too Many Traces
$ cat out.nodestacks01 | grep cpu-clock | wc -l
$ wc -l out.nodestacks01
Too Many Traces
Solution: Flame Graphs
❖ Each box presents a function in
the stack (stack frame)
❖ x-axis: percent of time on CPU
❖ y-axis: stack depth
❖ colors: random, or can be a
built ins
Flame Graph Interpretation
b() h()
e() f()
Flame Graph Interpretation
Top edge shows who is running on-CPU,

and how much (width)
b() h()
e() f()
Flame Graph Interpretation
Top-down shows ancestry
e.g., from g():
Flame Graph Interpretation
b() h()
e() f()
Widths are proportional to presence in samples
e.g., comparing b() to h() (incl. children)
> 50% time on CPU
function merge(object) {
var args = arguments,
length = 2;
Use _.assign() Instead
Flame Graphs
Helps you find 1 LoC out of 6 Million
❖ Dramatically reduced request latency
❖ Reduced CPU utilization
❖ Increased throughput
Runtime Performance Technique
❖ Sample stack traces via perf(1)
❖ Visualize code distribution with CPU flame graphs
❖ Identify candidate code paths for performance
❖ Repeat
Runtime Crashes
- Chafin, R. "Pioneer F & G Telemetry and Command Processor Core Dump
Program." JPL Technical Report XVI, no. 32-1526 (1971): 174.
“The method described in this article was designed
to provide a core dump… with a minimal impact
on the spacecraft… as the resumption of data
acquisition from the spacecraft is the highest
Core Dumps — A Brief History
❖ Magnetic core memory
❖ Dump out the contents of
“core” memory for debugging
❖ “Core dump” was born
❖ Initially printed on paper!
❖ Postmortem debugging was
Production Constraints
❖ Uptime is critical
❖ Not easily reproducible
❖ Can’t simulate environment
❖ Resume normal operations ASAP
Postmortem Debugging
Take core
Restart app
Load core
Configure Node to Dump Core on Error
!"[0] <> node --abort_on_uncaught_exception throw.js
Uncaught Error
Object.<anonymous> (/Users/yunong/throw.js:1:63)
Module._compile (module.js:435:26)
Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
Module.load (module.js:356:32)
Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
Function.Module.runMain (module.js:467:10)
startup (node.js:134:18)
[1] 4131 illegal hardware instruction (core dumped) node --
abort_on_uncaught_exception throw.js
Node Post Mortem Tooling
❖ Netflix uses Linux in Prod
❖ Linux — Work in progress
❖ Solaris — Full featured, compatible with Linux cores
Socks & Duct Tape: Setup a Debug Solaris Instance
Post Mortem Methodology
❖ Where: Inspect stack trace
❖ Why: Inspect heap and stack variable state
mdb(1) JS commands
❖ ::help <cmd>
❖ ::jsstack
❖ ::jsprint
❖ ::jssource
❖ ::jsconstructor
❖ ::findjsobjects
❖ ::jsfunctions
Load the Core Dump
# mdb ./node-v4.2.2-linux/node-v4.2.2-linux-x64/bin/node ./core.7186
> ::load ./
mdb_v8 version: 1.1.1 (release, from 28cedf2)
V8 version:
Autoconfigured V8 support from target
C++ symbol demangling enabled
linux node binary core dumpload mdb_v8 module
> ::jsstack
js: test
js: storeHeader
js: <anonymous> (as OutgoingMessage._storeHeader)
js: <anonymous> (as ServerResponse.writeHead)
js: restifyWriteHead
js: _cb
js: send
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
js: <anonymous> (as ReactRenderer._renderLayout)
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
js: <anonymous> (as dispatchHandler)
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
js: runHooks
js: runTransitionToHooks
js: <anonymous> (as
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
js: runHooks
js: runTransitionFromHooks
js: <anonymous> (as assign.from)
js: <anonymous> (as React.createClass.statics.dispatch)
native: _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0...
native: v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xc8
native: v8::internal::Runtime_Apply+0x1ce
frame type
func name
Always name your functions!
var foo = function foo() {}; = function bar() {};
foo(function bar() {});
::jsstack -v Frame Source
> ::jsstack -v
js: storeHeader
file: http.js
posn: position 18774
this: 2ad561306c91 (<unknown>)
arg1: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
arg2: 3dfe966ae299 (JSObject: Object)
arg3: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString)
arg4: 34d5391d8881 (SeqAsciiString)
653 function storeHeader(self, state, field, value) {
654 // Protect against response splitting. The if statement is there to
655 // minimize the performance impact in the common case.
656 if (/[rn]/.test(value))
657 value = value.replace(/[rn]+[ t]*/g, '');
659 state.messageHeader += field + ': ' + value + CRLF;
661 if (connectionExpression.test(field)) {
662 state.sentConnectionHeader = true;
663 if (closeExpression.test(value)) {
664 self._last = true;
665 } else {
666 self.shouldKeepAlive = true;
667 }
::jsstack -vn0 Frame and Function Args
> ::jsstack -vn0
js: test
file: native regexp.js
posn: position 2677
this: 2421205bd4d9 (JSRegExp)
arg1: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString)
js: storeHeader
file: http.js
posn: position 18774
this: 2ad561306c91 (<unknown>)
arg1: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
arg2: 3dfe966ae299 (JSObject: Object)
arg3: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString)
arg4: 34d5391d8881 (SeqAsciiString)
js: <anonymous> (as OutgoingMessage._storeHeader)
file: http.js
posn: position 15652
this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
arg1: 3dfe966ae271 (ConsString)
arg2: 3dfe966add99 (JSObject: Object)
js: restifyWriteHead
file: /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/restify/lib/response.js
posn: position 6964
this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
(1 internal frame elided)
js: _cb
Func Name
JS File
Line #
Func Args
::jsstack Function Args
> ::jsstack -vn0
js: test
file: native regexp.js
posn: position 2677
this: 2421205bd4d9 (JSRegExp)
arg1: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString)
js: storeHeader
file: http.js
posn: position 18774
this: 2ad561306c91 (<unknown>)
arg1: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
arg2: 3dfe966ae299 (JSObject: Object)
arg3: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString)
arg4: 34d5391d8881 (SeqAsciiString)
js: <anonymous> (as OutgoingMessage._storeHeader)
file: http.js
posn: position 15652
this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
arg1: 3dfe966ae271 (ConsString)
arg2: 3dfe966add99 (JSObject: Object)
js: restifyWriteHead
file: /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/restify/lib/response.js
posn: position 6964
this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse)
(1 internal frame elided)
js: _cb
Memory Address of Var Var Type
::jsprint Print JS Objects
> 3bd67e0669b9::jsprint
"_time": 1437690472539,
"_headers": {
"content-type": "text/html",
"req_id": "5b7f18f2-7f12-4c68-b07f-3cd75698ba65",
"set-cookie": “CENSORED;; Expires=Fri, 24 Jul 2015 10:27:52 GMT
"x-frame-options": "DENY",
"x-ua-compatible": "IE=edge",
"x-netflix.client.instance": "i-c420596c",
"output": [],
"_last": false,
"_hangupClose": false,
"_hasBody": true,
"socket": {
"_connecting": false,
"_handle": [...],
"_readableState": [...],
"readable": true,
"domain": null,
"_events": [...],
"_maxListeners": 10,
"_writableState": [...],
"writable": true,
"allowHalfOpen": true,
Actual JS Object Instance
::jsconstructor Show Object Constructor
> 3bd67e0669b9::jsconstructor -v
ServerResponse (JSFunction: 2421205bced9)
::jssource Print f() Source
> 2421205bced9::jssource
file: http.js
1066 function ServerResponse(req) {
1069 if (req.method === 'HEAD') this._hasBody = false;
1071 this.sendDate = true;
1073 if (req.httpVersionMajor < 1 || req.httpVersionMinor < 1) {
1074 this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = chunkExpression.test(req.headers.te);
1075 this.shouldKeepAlive = false;
1076 }
1077 }
1078 util.inherits(ServerResponse, OutgoingMessage);
Core Dump === Complete Process State
Memory Leaks
Memory Leaks
Generate Core Dump Ad-hoc
gcore(1) GNU Tools gcore(1)
gcore - Generate a core file for a running process
gcore [-o filename] pid
Take a Core Dump!
root@demo:~# gcore `pgrep node`
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
[New Thread 0x7facaeffd700 (LWP 5650)]
[New Thread 0x7facaf7fe700 (LWP 5649)]
[New Thread 0x7facaffff700 (LWP 5648)]
[New Thread 0x7facbc967700 (LWP 5647)]
[New Thread 0x7facbd168700 (LWP 5617)]
[New Thread 0x7facbd969700 (LWP 5616)]
[New Thread 0x7facbe16a700 (LWP 5615)]
[New Thread 0x7facbe96b700 (LWP 5614)]
0x00007facbea5b5a9 in syscall () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Saved corefile core.5602
Problem: Find Leaking Objects
findjsobjects - find JavaScript objects
[ addr ] ::findjsobjects [-vb] [-r | -c
cons | -p prop]
::findjsobjects Find ALL JS Objects on Heap
> ::findjsobjects
3dfe97453121 18 6721 Array
157a020e01 1304 101 <anonymous> (as Constructor): ...
8f1a53211 13879 12 ReactDOMComponent: _tag, tagName,
props, ...
8f1a05691 85776 2 Array
3dfe97451a99 36 5589 Array
23e5d7d44351 1 218020 Object: .2f5hpw2hgjk.1.0.3, ...
8f1a05f31 40533 6 <anonymous> (as ReactElement): type, ...
8f1a04da1 252133 1 Array
8f1a04dc1 125869 7 Array
8f1a04f01 114914 8 Array
8f1a04d39 230924 7 Module: id, exports, parent,
filename, ...
Memory Leak Strategy
❖ Look at objects on heap for suspicious objects
❖ Take successive core dumps and compare object counts
❖ Growing object counts are likely leaking
❖ Inspect object for more context
❖ Walk reverse references to find root object
Look at Object Delta Between
Successive Core Dumps
Uptime = 45mins
> ::findjsobjects
8f1a04d39 230924 7 Module: id, exports,
parent, filename, ...
Uptime = 90 mins
> ::findjsobjects
8f1a04d39 323454 7 Module: id, exports,
parent, filename, ...
Analyze Leaked Objects
Representative Object
> ::findjsobjects
8f1a04d39 323454 7 Module: id, exports,
parent, filename, ...
Representative Object, 1 of 323454
Look Closer
> 8f1a04d39::jsprint
"id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
"exports": {},
"parent": {
"id": "/apps/node/webapp/middleware/autoClientStrings.js",
"exports": function autoExposeClientStrings,
"parent": [...],
"filename": "/apps/node/webapp/middleware/
"loaded": true,
"children": [...],
"paths": [...],
"filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
Use ::findjsobjects to Find All “Module” Objects
> 8f1a04d39::findjsobjects
Analyze All 320K+ Objects?
Custom Querying With Pipes and Unix Tools
8f1a04d39::findjsobjects | ::jsprint ! grep filename | sort | uniq -c
1 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/akira/
2 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/
1 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/
3 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/
111061 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/
7103 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/
111061 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/
118257 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/middleware/
... Client Side Modules
What’s holding on to these
Aim: Find Root Object
Walk Reverse Refs with ::findjsobjects -r
> 8f1a04d39::findjsobjects -r
8f1a04d39 referred to by 14fd6c5b13c1.parent
Root Object
> 1f313791bb41::jsprint
"id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
"exports": [...],
"parent": [...],
"filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
"loaded": false,
"children": [...],
"paths": [...],
"id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
"exports": [...],
"parent": [...],
"filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
"loaded": false,
"children": [...],
"paths": [...],
"id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
"exports": [...],
"parent": [...],
Spot the Leak
var cache = {};
function checkCache(someModule) {
var mod = cache[someModule];
if (!mod) {
try {
mod = require(someModule);
cache[someModule] = mod;
return mod;
} catch (e) {
return {};
return mod;
Module could be client only, must catch
Should cache the
fact we caught an exception here
Root Cause
❖ Node caches metadata for each module
❖ If require process throws an exception, the module
metadata is leaked (bug?)
❖ Client side module meant we were throwing during
every request, and not caching the fact we tried to
require it
❖ Each request leaks 3+ module metadata objects
Memory Leaks
❖ Take successive core dumps (gcore(1))
❖ Compare object counts (::findjsobjects)
❖ Growing objects are likely leaking
❖ Inspect object for more context (::jsprint)
❖ Walk reverse references to find root obj (::findjsobjects -
Post Mortem Debugging is Critical to
Large Scale Prod Node Deployments
More State than Just Logs
❖ Detailed stack trace (::jsstack)
❖ Function args for each frame (::jsstack -vn0)
❖ Get state of any object and its provenance
(::jsprint, ::jsconstructor)
❖ Get source code of any function (::jssource)
❖ Find arbitrary JS objects (::findjsobjects)
❖ Unmodified Node binary!
Production Failures are Inevitable
But We Can Learn From Them
Production Debugging
❖ Runtime Performance
❖ CPU profiling/flame graphs
❖ Runtime Crashes
❖ Inspect program state with core dumps and mdb
❖ Memory leaks
❖ Analyze objects and references with core dumps and
Use the Scientific Method
Epilogue — State of Tooling
❖ Join Working Group
❖ Help make mdb_v8 cross platform
❖ Contribute to
❖ mdb_v8
❖ Dave Pacheco, TJ Fontaine, Julien Gilli, Bryan Cantrill
❖ CPU Profiling/Flamegraphs
❖ Brendan Gregg, Google V8 team, Ali Ijaz Sheikh
❖ Linux Perf
❖ Ingo Molnar, Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo, Namhyung Kim, Jiri Olsa, Peter Zijlstra
❖ lldb-v8
❖ TJ Fontaine
❖ llnode
❖ Fedor Indutny
Get Involved!
❖ Questions? We’re Hiring!
❖ @yunongx
❖ Slides 29-32 used with permission from “Java Mixed-
Mode Flame Graphs”, Brendan Gregg, Oct 2015
❖ Slide 26 used with permission from http://

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  • 1. Debugging Node.js in Production Yunong Xiao @yunongx Software Engineer Node Platform
  • 2. Node.js @ Netflix ❖ 65+ Million Subscribers ❖ Website ( ❖ Dynamic asset packager ❖ PaaS on Node ❖ Internal Services
  • 3.
  • 4. –Gene Kranz, Flight Director, Apollo 13 “Let's work the problem, people. Let's not make things any worse by guessing”
  • 5. Apply the Scientific Method 1. Construct a Hypothesis 2. Collect data 3. Analyze data and draw a conclusion 4. Repeat
  • 6. Production Crisis ❖ Runtime Performance ❖ Runtime Crashes ❖ Memory Leaks
  • 9. to the Rescue [2014-12-09T14:07:26.293Z] INFO: shakti/restify-audit/20067: handled: 200, latency=1402 (req_id=b3fa3820-7fac-11e4-8908-a5c7b70d676f, latency=1435) GET / HTTP/1.1 host: -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-netflix.client.instance: i-057e47ef x-frame-options: DENY content-type: text/html -- req.timers: { "parseBody": 700123, "apiRpc": 701911, "render": 400031 }
  • 10. req.timers: { "parseBody": 700123, “apiRPC”: 301911, "render": 400031, } On CPU
  • 11. CPU is Critical ❖ Node is essentially “single threaded” ❖ Cascading effect on ALL requests in process
  • 12. req.timers: { "parseBody": 700123, “apiRPC”: 301911, "render": 400031, } Can’t process ANY other request for 1.1 seconds On CPU
  • 13. How Much Code? $ find . -name "*.js*" | xargs cat | wc -l 6 042 301
  • 15. Snapshot What’s Currently Executing Stacktrace: A stack trace is a report of the active stack frames at a certain point in time during the execution of a program. > console.log(ex, ex.stack.split("n")) ReferenceError: ex is not defined at repl:1:13 at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:132:27) at bound (domain.js:254:14) at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:267:12) at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:279:12) at REPLServer.emit (events.js:107:17) at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:214:10) at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:553:8) at REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:830:14) at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:109:10)
  • 16. Two Problems 1) How to sample stack traces from a running process? 2) How to do 1) without affecting the process?
  • 17. Linux Perf Events PERF(1) perf Manual PERF(1) NAME perf - Performance analysis tools for Linux SYNOPSIS perf [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS] DESCRIPTION Performance counters for Linux are a new kernel-based subsystem that provide a framework for all things performance analysis. It covers hardware level (CPU/PMU, Performance Monitoring Unit) features and software features (software counters, tracepoints) as well.
  • 18. Sample Stack Traces w/ perf(1) # perf record -F 99 -p `pgrep -n node` -g -- sleep 30 [ perf record: Woken up 2 times to write data ] [ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.524 MB (~22912 samples) ]
  • 19. Sample Stack Trace ab2fee v8::internal::Heap::DeoptMarkedAllocationSites() (/apps/node/bin/ a69754 v8::internal::StackGuard::HandleInterrupts() (/apps/node/bin/node) c9f13b v8::internal::Runtime_StackGuard(int, v8::internal::Object** 3c793e3060bb (/tmp/ 3c793e3060bb (/tmp/ 3c793e3060bb (/tmp/ 3c793e3060bb (/tmp/ (repeated 30 more lines) 8e6b2f v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Context>, v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node) 8f2281 v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node) df599a node::MakeCallback(node::Environment*, v8::Local<v8::Value>,... df5ccb node::CheckImmediate(uv_check_s*) (/apps/node/bin/node) fb1597 uv__run_check (/apps/node/bin/node) fabcee uv_run (/apps/node/bin/node) dfaa50 node::Start(int, char**) (/apps/node/bin/node) 7fcc3ef6876d __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Missing JS Frames
  • 20. Why? v8 places symbols JIT(Just in Time)
  • 21. node --perf_basic_prof_only_functions “outputs the files in a format that the existing perf tool can consume.”
  • 22. node --perf_basic_prof_only_functions Available right now in Node v5.x Coming soon to Node v4.3:
  • 23. Results node 5382 cpu-clock: 3c793e38b0c1 LazyCompile:DELETE native runtime.js:349 (/tmp/ 3c793e31981d Builtin:JSConstructStubGeneric (/tmp/ 3c793ff2ca94 (/tmp/ 3c793e98a10f LazyCompile:~AtlasClient._run /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-atlas-client/lib/client/AtlasClient.js:85 (/tmp/ 3c793f47de29 LazyCompile:*AtlasClient.timer /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-atlas-client/lib/client/AtlasClient.js:70 (/tmp/ 3c793e9eee38 LazyCompile:~fetchSingleGetCallback /apps/node/webapp/singletons/ShaktiFetcher.js:120 (/tmp/ 3c793f6cffee LazyCompile:*Model.get /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-models/lib/Model.js:90 (/tmp/ 3c793ed3e2ad (/tmp/ 3c7940e4357b Handler:ca (/tmp/ 3c793f060e3c Function:~ /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/vasync/lib/vasync.js:134 (/tmp/ 3c79404edbfa (/tmp/ 3c79401fd3f7 (/tmp/ 3c79400e307b LazyCompile:*fetchMulti /apps/node/webapp/singletons/ShaktiFetcher.js:50 (/tmp/ 3c793fb9a59f LazyCompile:*fetch /apps/node/webapp/singletons/ShaktiFetcher.js:32 (/tmp/ 3c793e896697 (/tmp/ 3c7943aaabbe (/tmp/ 3c793ef4c53c Function:~ /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/vasync/lib/vasync.js:245 (/tmp/ 3c793eaf4f01 LazyCompile:* /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/nf-packager/lib/index.js:194 (/tmp/ 3c793eab130a LazyCompile:processImmediate timers.js:352 (/tmp/ 3c793e319f7d Builtin:JSEntryTrampoline (/tmp/ 3c793e3189e2 Stub:JSEntryStub (/tmp/ a65baf v8::internal::Execution::Call(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>*, bool) (/apps/node/bin/node) 8e6b2f v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Context>, v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node) 8f2281 v8::Function::Call(v8::Local<v8::Value>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node) df599a node::MakeCallback(node::Environment*, v8::Local<v8::Value>, v8::Local<v8::Function>, int, v8::Local<v8::Value>*) (/apps/node/bin/node) df5ccb node::CheckImmediate(uv_check_s*) (/apps/node/bin/node) fb1597 uv__run_check (/apps/node/bin/node) fabcee uv_run (/apps/node/bin/node) dfaa50 node::Start(int, char**) (/apps/node/bin/node) 7fcc3ef6876d __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ) JS Frames Native Frames
  • 24. Problem: Too Many Traces $ cat out.nodestacks01 | grep cpu-clock | wc -l 744 $ wc -l out.nodestacks01 58116
  • 27. Flamegraph ❖ Each box presents a function in the stack (stack frame) ❖ x-axis: percent of time on CPU ❖ y-axis: stack depth ❖ colors: random, or can be a dimension ❖ brendangregg/FlameGraph v8 libc JS built ins
  • 28. Flame Graph Interpretation a() b() h() c() d() e() f() g() i()
  • 29. Flame Graph Interpretation Top edge shows who is running on-CPU,
 and how much (width) a() b() h() c() d() e() f() g() i()
  • 30. Flame Graph Interpretation Top-down shows ancestry e.g., from g(): h() d() e() i() a() b() c() f() g()
  • 31. Flame Graph Interpretation a() b() h() c() d() e() f() g() i() Widths are proportional to presence in samples e.g., comparing b() to h() (incl. children)
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. > 50% time on CPU
  • 36. function merge(object) { var args = arguments, length = 2; ...
  • 39. After
  • 40. Flame Graphs Helps you find 1 LoC out of 6 Million
  • 41. Results ❖ Dramatically reduced request latency ❖ Reduced CPU utilization ❖ Increased throughput
  • 42. Runtime Performance Technique ❖ Sample stack traces via perf(1) ❖ Visualize code distribution with CPU flame graphs ❖ Identify candidate code paths for performance improvement ❖ Repeat
  • 44. - Chafin, R. "Pioneer F & G Telemetry and Command Processor Core Dump Program." JPL Technical Report XVI, no. 32-1526 (1971): 174. “The method described in this article was designed to provide a core dump… with a minimal impact on the spacecraft… as the resumption of data acquisition from the spacecraft is the highest priority.”
  • 45. Core Dumps — A Brief History ❖ Magnetic core memory ❖ Dump out the contents of “core” memory for debugging ❖ “Core dump” was born ❖ Initially printed on paper! ❖ Postmortem debugging was born!
  • 46.
  • 47. Production Constraints ❖ Uptime is critical ❖ Not easily reproducible ❖ Can’t simulate environment ❖ Resume normal operations ASAP
  • 48. Postmortem Debugging Take core dump Restart app Load core dump elsewhere Engineer Fix Debug Continue serving traffic
  • 49. Configure Node to Dump Core on Error !"[0] <> node --abort_on_uncaught_exception throw.js Uncaught Error FROM Object.<anonymous> (/Users/yunong/throw.js:1:63) Module._compile (module.js:435:26) Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10) Module.load (module.js:356:32) Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12) Function.Module.runMain (module.js:467:10) startup (node.js:134:18) node.js:961:3 [1] 4131 illegal hardware instruction (core dumped) node -- abort_on_uncaught_exception throw.js
  • 50. Node Post Mortem Tooling ❖ Netflix uses Linux in Prod ❖ Linux — Work in progress ❖ ❖ ❖ Solaris — Full featured, compatible with Linux cores ❖
  • 51.
  • 52. Socks & Duct Tape: Setup a Debug Solaris Instance EC2: Installation#IntheCloud VM: Installation#Quickstart
  • 53. Post Mortem Methodology ❖ Where: Inspect stack trace ❖ Why: Inspect heap and stack variable state
  • 54. mdb(1) JS commands ❖ ::help <cmd> ❖ ::jsstack ❖ ::jsprint ❖ ::jssource ❖ ::jsconstructor ❖ ::findjsobjects ❖ ::jsfunctions
  • 55. Load the Core Dump # mdb ./node-v4.2.2-linux/node-v4.2.2-linux-x64/bin/node ./core.7186 > ::load ./ mdb_v8 version: 1.1.1 (release, from 28cedf2) V8 version: Autoconfigured V8 support from target C++ symbol demangling enabled linux node binary core dumpload mdb_v8 module
  • 56. ::jsstack > ::jsstack js: test js: storeHeader js: <anonymous> (as OutgoingMessage._storeHeader) js: <anonymous> (as ServerResponse.writeHead) js: restifyWriteHead js: _cb js: send js: <anonymous> (as <anon>) js: <anonymous> (as ReactRenderer._renderLayout) js: <anonymous> (as <anon>) js: <anonymous> (as <anon>) js: <anonymous> (as dispatchHandler) js: <anonymous> (as <anon>) js: runHooks js: runTransitionToHooks js: <anonymous> (as js: <anonymous> (as <anon>) js: runHooks js: runTransitionFromHooks js: <anonymous> (as assign.from) js: <anonymous> (as React.createClass.statics.dispatch) native: _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0... native: v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xc8 native: v8::internal::Runtime_Apply+0x1ce frame type func name
  • 57. Always name your functions! var foo = function foo() {}; = function bar() {}; foo(function bar() {});
  • 58. ::jsstack -v Frame Source > ::jsstack -v js: storeHeader file: http.js posn: position 18774 this: 2ad561306c91 (<unknown>) arg1: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) arg2: 3dfe966ae299 (JSObject: Object) arg3: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString) arg4: 34d5391d8881 (SeqAsciiString) 652 653 function storeHeader(self, state, field, value) { 654 // Protect against response splitting. The if statement is there to 655 // minimize the performance impact in the common case. 656 if (/[rn]/.test(value)) 657 value = value.replace(/[rn]+[ t]*/g, ''); 658 659 state.messageHeader += field + ': ' + value + CRLF; 660 661 if (connectionExpression.test(field)) { 662 state.sentConnectionHeader = true; 663 if (closeExpression.test(value)) { 664 self._last = true; 665 } else { 666 self.shouldKeepAlive = true; 667 } 668
  • 59. ::jsstack -vn0 Frame and Function Args > ::jsstack -vn0 js: test file: native regexp.js posn: position 2677 this: 2421205bd4d9 (JSRegExp) arg1: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString) js: storeHeader file: http.js posn: position 18774 this: 2ad561306c91 (<unknown>) arg1: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) arg2: 3dfe966ae299 (JSObject: Object) arg3: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString) arg4: 34d5391d8881 (SeqAsciiString) js: <anonymous> (as OutgoingMessage._storeHeader) file: http.js posn: position 15652 this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) arg1: 3dfe966ae271 (ConsString) arg2: 3dfe966add99 (JSObject: Object) js: restifyWriteHead file: /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/restify/lib/response.js posn: position 6964 this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) (1 internal frame elided) js: _cb Func Name JS File Line # Func Args
  • 60. ::jsstack Function Args > ::jsstack -vn0 js: test file: native regexp.js posn: position 2677 this: 2421205bd4d9 (JSRegExp) arg1: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString) js: storeHeader file: http.js posn: position 18774 this: 2ad561306c91 (<unknown>) arg1: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) arg2: 3dfe966ae299 (JSObject: Object) arg3: 34d5391d8859 (SeqAsciiString) arg4: 34d5391d8881 (SeqAsciiString) js: <anonymous> (as OutgoingMessage._storeHeader) file: http.js posn: position 15652 this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) arg1: 3dfe966ae271 (ConsString) arg2: 3dfe966add99 (JSObject: Object) js: restifyWriteHead file: /apps/node/webapp/node_modules/restify/lib/response.js posn: position 6964 this: 3bd67e0669b9 (JSObject: ServerResponse) (1 internal frame elided) js: _cb Memory Address of Var Var Type
  • 61. ::jsprint Print JS Objects > 3bd67e0669b9::jsprint { "_time": 1437690472539, "_headers": { "content-type": "text/html", "req_id": "5b7f18f2-7f12-4c68-b07f-3cd75698ba65", "set-cookie": “CENSORED;; Expires=Fri, 24 Jul 2015 10:27:52 GMT "x-frame-options": "DENY", "x-ua-compatible": "IE=edge", "x-netflix.client.instance": "i-c420596c", }, "output": [], "_last": false, "_hangupClose": false, "_hasBody": true, "socket": { "_connecting": false, "_handle": [...], "_readableState": [...], "readable": true, "domain": null, "_events": [...], "_maxListeners": 10, "_writableState": [...], "writable": true, "allowHalfOpen": true, Actual JS Object Instance
  • 62. ::jsconstructor Show Object Constructor > 3bd67e0669b9::jsconstructor -v ServerResponse (JSFunction: 2421205bced9)
  • 63. ::jssource Print f() Source > 2421205bced9::jssource file: http.js 1066 function ServerResponse(req) { 1067; 1068 1069 if (req.method === 'HEAD') this._hasBody = false; 1070 1071 this.sendDate = true; 1072 1073 if (req.httpVersionMajor < 1 || req.httpVersionMinor < 1) { 1074 this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = chunkExpression.test(req.headers.te); 1075 this.shouldKeepAlive = false; 1076 } 1077 } 1078 util.inherits(ServerResponse, OutgoingMessage);
  • 64. Core Dump === Complete Process State
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 70. gcore(1) GNU Tools gcore(1) NAME gcore - Generate a core file for a running process SYNOPSIS gcore [-o filename] pid
  • 71. Take a Core Dump! root@demo:~# gcore `pgrep node` [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". [New Thread 0x7facaeffd700 (LWP 5650)] [New Thread 0x7facaf7fe700 (LWP 5649)] [New Thread 0x7facaffff700 (LWP 5648)] [New Thread 0x7facbc967700 (LWP 5647)] [New Thread 0x7facbd168700 (LWP 5617)] [New Thread 0x7facbd969700 (LWP 5616)] [New Thread 0x7facbe16a700 (LWP 5615)] [New Thread 0x7facbe96b700 (LWP 5614)] 0x00007facbea5b5a9 in syscall () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Saved corefile core.5602
  • 73. ::findjsobjects NAME findjsobjects - find JavaScript objects SYNOPSIS [ addr ] ::findjsobjects [-vb] [-r | -c cons | -p prop]
  • 74. ::findjsobjects Find ALL JS Objects on Heap > ::findjsobjects OBJECT #OBJECTS #PROPS CONSTRUCTOR: PROPS ... 3dfe97453121 18 6721 Array 157a020e01 1304 101 <anonymous> (as Constructor): ... 8f1a53211 13879 12 ReactDOMComponent: _tag, tagName, props, ... 8f1a05691 85776 2 Array 3dfe97451a99 36 5589 Array 23e5d7d44351 1 218020 Object: .2f5hpw2hgjk.1.0.3, ... 8f1a05f31 40533 6 <anonymous> (as ReactElement): type, ... 8f1a04da1 252133 1 Array 8f1a04dc1 125869 7 Array 8f1a04f01 114914 8 Array 8f1a04d39 230924 7 Module: id, exports, parent, filename, ...
  • 75. Memory Leak Strategy ❖ Look at objects on heap for suspicious objects ❖ Take successive core dumps and compare object counts ❖ Growing object counts are likely leaking ❖ Inspect object for more context ❖ Walk reverse references to find root object
  • 76. Look at Object Delta Between Successive Core Dumps
  • 77. Uptime = 45mins > ::findjsobjects OBJECT #OBJECTS #PROPS CONSTRUCTOR: PROPS ... 8f1a04d39 230924 7 Module: id, exports, parent, filename, ...
  • 78. Uptime = 90 mins > ::findjsobjects OBJECT #OBJECTS #PROPS CONSTRUCTOR: PROPS ... 8f1a04d39 323454 7 Module: id, exports, parent, filename, ...
  • 80. Representative Object > ::findjsobjects OBJECT #OBJECTS #PROPS CONSTRUCTOR: PROPS ... 8f1a04d39 323454 7 Module: id, exports, parent, filename, ... Representative Object, 1 of 323454
  • 81. Look Closer > 8f1a04d39::jsprint { "id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js", "exports": {}, "parent": { "id": "/apps/node/webapp/middleware/autoClientStrings.js", "exports": function autoExposeClientStrings, "parent": [...], "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/middleware/ autoClientStrings.js", "loaded": true, "children": [...], "paths": [...], }, "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js",
  • 82. Use ::findjsobjects to Find All “Module” Objects > 8f1a04d39::findjsobjects 8f1a04d39 3fd996bffb39 3fd996bfcff1 3fd996bfbac1 3fd996bf8a19 3fd996bf7949 3fd996bf3ce9 3fd996bf0f19 3fd996bead71 3fd996bea821 3fd996bea001 3fd996be92b1 3fd996be73d1 3fd996be58d1 3fd996bd88b1 3fd996bcb459 3fd996bcaa41 3fd996bc7009
  • 83. Analyze All 320K+ Objects?
  • 84. Custom Querying With Pipes and Unix Tools 8f1a04d39::findjsobjects | ::jsprint ! grep filename | sort | uniq -c
  • 85. Results ... 1 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/akira/ components/messaging/paymentHold.js", 2 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/ commonCore.js", 1 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/ playPrediction/playPrediction.js", 3 "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/ presentationTracking/presentationTracking.js", 111061 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/common/ playPrediction/playPrediction.js", 7103 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/ reactClientRender.js", 111061 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/ akiraClient.js", 118257 "filename": “/apps/node/webapp/middleware/ autoClientStrings.js", ... Client Side Modules
  • 86. What’s holding on to these modules?
  • 87. Aim: Find Root Object
  • 88. Walk Reverse Refs with ::findjsobjects -r > 8f1a04d39::findjsobjects -r 8f1a04d39 referred to by 14fd6c5b13c1.parent
  • 89. Root Object > 1f313791bb41::jsprint [ { "id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js", "exports": [...], "parent": [...], "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js", "loaded": false, "children": [...], "paths": [...], }, { "id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js", "exports": [...], "parent": [...], "filename": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js", "loaded": false, "children": [...], "paths": [...], }, { "id": "/apps/node/webapp/ui/js/pages/akiraClient.js", "exports": [...], "parent": [...],
  • 90. Spot the Leak var cache = {}; function checkCache(someModule) { var mod = cache[someModule]; if (!mod) { try { mod = require(someModule); cache[someModule] = mod; return mod; } catch (e) { return {}; } } return mod; } Module could be client only, must catch Should cache the fact we caught an exception here
  • 91. Root Cause ❖ Node caches metadata for each module ❖ If require process throws an exception, the module metadata is leaked (bug?) ❖ Client side module meant we were throwing during every request, and not caching the fact we tried to require it ❖ Each request leaks 3+ module metadata objects
  • 92. Memory Leaks ❖ Take successive core dumps (gcore(1)) ❖ Compare object counts (::findjsobjects) ❖ Growing objects are likely leaking ❖ Inspect object for more context (::jsprint) ❖ Walk reverse references to find root obj (::findjsobjects - r)
  • 93. Post Mortem Debugging is Critical to Large Scale Prod Node Deployments
  • 94. More State than Just Logs ❖ Detailed stack trace (::jsstack) ❖ Function args for each frame (::jsstack -vn0) ❖ Get state of any object and its provenance (::jsprint, ::jsconstructor) ❖ Get source code of any function (::jssource) ❖ Find arbitrary JS objects (::findjsobjects) ❖ Unmodified Node binary!
  • 96. But We Can Learn From Them
  • 97. Production Debugging ❖ Runtime Performance ❖ CPU profiling/flame graphs ❖ Runtime Crashes ❖ Inspect program state with core dumps and mdb ❖ Memory leaks ❖ Analyze objects and references with core dumps and mdb
  • 99. Epilogue — State of Tooling ❖ Join Working Group mortem ❖ Help make mdb_v8 cross platform joyent/mdb_v8 ❖ Contribute to and
  • 100. Acknowledgements ❖ mdb_v8 ❖ Dave Pacheco, TJ Fontaine, Julien Gilli, Bryan Cantrill ❖ CPU Profiling/Flamegraphs ❖ Brendan Gregg, Google V8 team, Ali Ijaz Sheikh ❖ Linux Perf ❖ Ingo Molnar, Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo, Namhyung Kim, Jiri Olsa, Peter Zijlstra ❖ lldb-v8 ❖ TJ Fontaine ❖ llnode ❖ Fedor Indutny
  • 102. THANKS ❖ Questions? We’re Hiring! ❖ ❖ @yunongx
  • 103. Citations ❖ Slides 29-32 used with permission from “Java Mixed- Mode Flame Graphs”, Brendan Gregg, Oct 2015 ❖ Slide 26 used with permission from http:// cpuflamegraphs.html