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Growing a YouTube channel is HARD.
These tips I learned from others have been super helpful.
To make sure you do these things EVERY time you publish a video…
I made this checklist to mark off as you create.
Be epic,
Get your (free) YouTube
Quick Intro
From Noah:
P.S. Shoutout to Mitchell and Aswin for helping me put these tips together.
I’ve been posting on
YouTube for years
At first, I had NO CLUE
what I was doing
I’ve started to grow my channel by stealing their tips and
copying everything they said.
So I found some friends who are legit
Make Your Videos Discoverable 5
Promote Engagement From Viewers 6
Suggest More Videos from Your Channel Using End Cards 9
Use Playlists to Keep People Watching 11
Find Keywords for Your Channel 13
Address Specific Keywords in Your Title 14
Make Your Video Descriptions Helpful 16
Make Your Thumbnails Clicky 21
Get More Views on Your Content 23
Collaborate With Other YouTubers 24
Turn Videos Into More Pieces of Content 27
Embed Your Videos on Your Website 30
Have People Share Your Video on Their Pages 32
Make Your Channel Page Ready to Convert 34
Make a Good First Impression 36
Update Your “About” Section 40
Add a Subscription Link to Your Quick Links 42
Use Your Channel Art to Provide Information at a Glance 43
Change your channel icon 44
Closing Words 45
Here are the key factors to help
your videos rank and get shared
with more viewers
Make Your
How do you get YouTube to show
your video to more people?
Promote Engagement From Viewers
There is a significant correlation between ranking in YouTube and user engagement
(comments, likes, and subscribes).
Comments especially seem to improve a video’s ranking on YouTube.
How do you encourage people to comment on your video? Ask questions.
At the end of each of their videos, the New Rockstars team poses a question to their
audience based on the topic they just covered.
They then reply and engage with those comments.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 6
Similarly, Yuri and Jakub from TheStraightPipes pin a question in their comments
section related to the car they just reviewed.
They reply to comments and keep the conversation going (note the 158 replies on one
You can also pin a related video that you’ve made in the past.
Michael Fisher from MrMobile pinned the link to a review he made for a wireless
charger that was in the background of this video.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 7
Graham Stephan
consistently gets nearly 1
out of every 10 people to
“smash” the like button
on his videos. He reminds
the viewer to hit the like
button at least twice in
every video.
In fact, he does it so often that it’s
now a meme in his community:
The majority of people
subscribe to pages
from watch pages, not
the channel page.
As people watch your
video and see the value
you provide, remind
them to Subscribe to
your channel to see
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 8
Suggest More Videos from Your
Channel Using End Cards
YouTube loves session time. Session time refers to how long someone stays on
YouTube after watching your video.
Showing related videos when your video is wrapping up is a good way to keep
viewers on your YouTube channel and engaging with your content.
In a video about his earnings, Ali Abdaal uses the End Screen to display videos that he
recommends the viewer should move onto next, such as:
) A video on how he built his YouTube business
) A video covering the three books that encouraged him to start making
money online
) A video on how to make money online
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 9
To add an End Card, go to
your video and hit “Edit Video”
underneath the Share button.
Next, go to the
Editor panel.
Press the “+” button
next to the End
screen icon and select
Apply template.
Select a template from the screen that pops up.
Your video will auto-populate with your channel icon and videos, but you can use
the “+ Element” button at the top to add a specific video, playlist, or channel.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 10
Use Playlists to Keep People Watching
You can also increase session time by creating playlists.
Playlists let you organize your videos in a way that allows the viewer and YouTube to
understand what to play next.
You can make playlists to organize all videos around a specific topic or keyword.
But you can also focus a playlist around a particular solution or course of action.
Sunny Lenarduzzi created THE ULTIMATE WORK FROM HOME GUIDE playlist
to house videos related to passive income.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 11
Brian Dean also organizes his playlists around outcomes and benefits (he calls these
“Power Playlists”).
For example, his “How to Get Higher Google Rankings” playlist includes all his videos
about SEO.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 12
Find Keywords for Your Channel4
For example, let’s
say you wanted
to make videos
about social media
You could use vidIQ
on this video Matt
D’Avella made to
see the tags he
Input your topic in
to identify YouTube and Google
keywords you can target.
You can also steal keywords from popular channels in your niche.
Use the vidIQ browser extension to see all the tags that someone is using on their
video and channel.
These tags and
keywords can be
inserted into your title
and description.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 13
YouTube’s internal data has confirmed that your title can make or break your entire
You want to include your keyword in your title.
Now that you know which keywords you want to rank for, you can use YouTube
Autocomplete to see phrases that people are searching for.
Use those phrases to inspire your title.
Think Media uses this strategy when coming up with their titles.
5 inspired by the first and third
result that comes up when you
search “how to get first...”
For example, the title for this video...
This strategy was also used for this video on Mirrorless vs. DSLR cameras.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 14
You can enter your keywords into AnswerThePublic to get hundreds of autofill
You also want to entice the viewer to click on your video. Make your titles more
appealing and improve Click Through Rate (CTR) by doing the following:
) Use a number in your title (# of tips/steps/strategies, current year, or result)
) Use parentheses, colons, or dividers to make it readable
) Make the title between 30-45 characters
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 15
Make Your Video Descriptions Helpful
The description lets you define what your video is about for both users and the
YouTube algorithm.
YouTube has stated that video descriptions inform YouTube’s algorithms what videos
are about for search results and suggested videos.
It’s essentially a space to provide value to the viewer and drop calls to action.
The first 2 to 3 lines of your description will appear under your video. You can use this
section as a subheadline, a quick summary of your video, or a space for sponsorships
and other links.
My friend Patrick from TechLead uses the first few lines of his description to give a
one-sentence overview of the topic of the video and promote the link for his sponsor.
If you click “Show More,” YouTube displays the rest of the description. Patrick breaks
out more CTA’s using emojis.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 16
You can also use your description to explain the video in its entirety.
In his descriptions, Graham Stephan posts in-depth breakdowns of the topics
covered in the video.
These YouTube descriptions basically serve as supplemental blog posts.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 17
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 18
Here’s a template you can use:
) Strong intro (2 to 3 sentences)
] Summarize the video
] Include the target keyword in the first 1 to 2 sentences
] Entice people to click your video on the search results page
] Include a call to action (subscribe, affiliate link, etc.)
) Links to blogs or videos related to the video
) Timestamps of subtopics (or in-depth breakdown)
) Promotional links
] YouTube Channel Subscribe link
] Subscribe link for your newsletter
] Social media group/links
] Courses/affiliate links
] Ways to contact you
) Affiliate or sponsorship disclaimer
Ali Abdaal structures his descriptions using this template. That way, he can pack his
descriptions with information while keeping them easy to read.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 19
Reminders when
crafting your
Your first three lines
show up right under
the title
This area should briefly
describe the video and lead
to a call to action (subscribe
to your channel, click on the
sponsored link, visit your
website, etc). Unlike the rest
of the description, which
the viewer needs to click to
expand, this section doesn’t
require extra action to read.
Give more useful
resources related to
the topic
This could be relevant videos,
additional resources, or CTA’s
like a course or email list you
would like viewers to join.
Insert keywords
) Include your target keyword in the first 25 words
) The description should be at least 250 words
) Include your keyword 2-4 times
Make it readable
Use emojis and white space to make the content easy to read.
Pro tip: Use the emoji keyboard
(CMD + CTRL + Spacebar on Mac or Windows Key + “.” on PC).
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 20
Another huge aspect of improving the CTR to your video is having great thumbnails.
Your thumbnails should be eye-catching and preview what the video is going to be
Shelby Church uses thumbnails to supplement her titles.
Each thumbnail includes a picture of her with a few large words that are readable even
when the thumbnail is in its 200x100 format.
Notice how the text in the thumbnail and the title play off each other.
This style can capture attention when people are browsing through recommended
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 21
Brian Dean from Backlinko summarizes his titles into 5 to 6 words that can fit in his
thumbnails. The bold color in the background with the contrasting text background
makes the thumbnails eye-catching, while also easy to read.
) Use a consistent color palette and font
) Use repeating imagery: Do you appear in every thumbnail? Does the
thumbnail include the product you’re talking about?
) Include part of the video title in all your thumbnails
You can make YouTube thumbnails using Canva or its alternatives.
Note how Brian uses numbers in each of his thumbnails, as suggested above.
Make your thumbnails look consistent, so people start to recognize your brand:
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 22
Here are some strategies for promoting
your channel and content:
Get More
Views on
Your Content
You’ve created the perfect video
and optimized it. Now you need to
get more people watching it.
Collaborations are KEY.
First, you get to create dope
content with another creator.
Second, you get introduced to
a new audience that might not
already follow you.
TheStraightPipes and Engineering
Explained did a two-part
collaboration that generated
around 2 million combined views.
The first video was published to
And the next day a video was published to Engineering Explained.
These channels are not directly related.
They found a way to use each other to make a video that was relevant to their respective
audiences (and hopefully reached an audience that was interested in both topics).
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 24
Here’s how to find creators to collaborate with:
Then, go to their “About” page and click “View Email Address” to get their contact
Find people that subscribe to
your channel
In the Creator Studio, under
“Dashboard,” click “SEE ALL” in the
Recent Subscriber box. It’ll show you all
your subscribers, along with how many
subscribers they have.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 25
Find channels from Suggested Video sources
In YouTube Analytics, you can see which videos are recommending yours,
along with the specific people clicking through to your video.
Go to the “Traffic Source” tab and click on “Suggested Videos.”
You’ll see the videos across YouTube that are suggesting your video. Reach out
to the people who run those pages and ask to do a collaboration.
Reach out for a collaboration
Email them or send them a DM on Instagram or Twitter. Your message can look
something like this:
“Hey Amigo,
Saw that we [subscribe to each other]/[make videos on similar topics]. Thought
we could collaborate to introduce our audiences to each other. Win-win!
Based on your top videos, I thought we could make a video about [this super
awesome thing]. What do you think? :)”
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 26
You put all that effort into making your video. Why not convert that into more pieces
of content?
Anthony Pompliano takes the full-length video versions of Pomp Podcast episodes
and clips out 2-5 highlights from each video.
Now, his 40 to 60 minute video podcast episodes have become multiple YouTube videos.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 27
You can also take your video and use websites like to create 1 to 10
minute clips that you can share on social media.
For example, I took this video…
And shared it on LinkedIn... Twitter...
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 28
...and Facebook.
Notice how I’m posting short tidbits natively on each platform, but drawing people
back to YouTube to watch the full video.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 29
Putting videos on your website has two advantages.
1. You get more views on your YouTube video.
2. People spend more time on your website page, increasing Average Time On
Page (an important ranking factor for Google search).
I actually used this tip on one of my most popular articles:
Why I Walked Out on Tony Robbins.
I made a 17-minute video and embedded it under the article intro.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 30
You can make YouTube videos about popular articles and topics on your website.
Find your most popular articles in Google Analytics.
Go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages to see ‘Pageviews’ and ‘Avg. Time on Page’
for video ideas.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 31
Have People Share Your Video
Why limit extra views to pages YOU own?
After you publish a video, do a Google search to find articles ranking for your target
keywords. Contact the authors to see if they’re willing to embed your video into their
Let’s say you just published a video on how to make dalgona tea.
A quick Google search reveals the following sites:
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 32
Reach out to the owners of each site and pitch your video as a benefit to their
audience (and a way to get readers to stay on their site longer).
Here’s a template you can use:
Hi [Name],
I came across your excellent post: [Post Title] while searching for some
content to read about [Topic].
Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t have any videos
on your page.
I’ve seen videos help boost average time on page on my site, which has
really helped with Google rankings!
I recently published a video about [Topic] that I thought would be helpful
for your audience. It would be perfect for [Section of their article].
Either way, thanks for writing this awesome post and have a great day!
[Your Name]
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 33
Make Your
Page Ready
to Convert
Your Channel Page is the homepage
for your YouTube Channel. You want
what you do and what you cover to
be clear to visitors.
Show off your best stuff and let them know what action you want them to take.
For example, when you land on Nick Nimmin’s Channel Page, you immediately know
his channel is about YouTube and video tips.
He also makes it clear what call-to-action (CTA) he wants the visitor to take by
including the word “Subscribe” in his channel art and the quick links section.
Here’s how to improve your Channel page
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 35
When people land on your homepage, give them an appetizer of the content they’re
going to find on your site.
New viewers on your Channel Page will be shown one featured video.
To start, you can make this your most popular video.
You can also rotate this regularly to give a video an extra boost in views from
people who visit your channel.
From there, show off some playlists.
Marques Brownlee from MKBHD chooses to showcase his most recent uploads.
Then he displays different playlists like “Reviews!”, “Dope Tech!”, “First
Impressions”, and more.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 36
You can start by featuring your “Popular Uploads” and then displaying your newest
videos with an “Uploads” section.
That’s how Neville Medhora from Kopywriting Kourse has his Channel Page set up.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 37
Here’s how to customize your homepage.
Set Your Featured Video
You can edit your page by clicking your profile in the top right and clicking “Your
channel.” Then press the “Customize Channel” button.
From there, you can choose which content to feature by clicking the
“Feature content” button.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 38
Note that you can customize how your page appears for returning subscribers
vs. new visitors.
Then select the video you want to feature at the top of your page.
Next, add more sections by clicking the “Add a section” button.
And select the playlists and layout for the content:
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 39
If someone is seeing your channel for the first time, they’ll likely head straight to your
“About” page for some context.
The information on the “About” page is also what appears in the meta description in
Google Search results.
For example, the first few sentences of Matt D’Avella’s “About” section... up under his channel name in the search results.
Try to address:
) Who your channel is for
) The types of videos you put out
) When you upload new videos
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 40
Nick Nimmon’s “About” section is a perfect example.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 41
People on YouTube want to stay on YouTube. Here’s how to add a subscription link to
your quick links:
Click the Customize Channel button and go to the “About” section.
Click the Links area to add a custom link.
Create a call to action like “Click Here to Subscribe!”.
Make the link your channel link with “?sub_confirmation=1” added to the end.
This will make it so a pop-up to subscribe appears when people land on your
Channel Page.
Use Your Channel Art to Provide
As we saw with Nick Nimmon’s channel art above, you can use this image to highlight
the topics you will cover and encourage action (like subscribing).
You can also let people know when you post, as Shelby Church does on her Channel
For example, Sunny Lenarduzzi uses her Cover Art to:
) Explain what she does (e.g. help you be your own boss)
) Let people know when she posts (Tuesday and Friday)
) Provide social proof (featured in Forbes, Fast Company, etc.)
) Call the user to action (Subscribe!)
Think about how you can convey the same information from your “About” section
at a glance.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 43
Change your channel icon
Your channel icon is probably the first thing people will notice about you.
It will appear under every video you make, in your comments, and in searches across
Make it a picture of your face, your logo, or something else that represents your brand
in a few pixels.
Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 44
Closing Words
These are some of the best tips and tricks I’ve found to be most effective for my
Use this YouTube GROWTH CHECKLIST as part of your content process.
But the most important thing to keep in mind is to HAVE FUN.
If you’re not enjoying the process, people notice. Plus, you’ll burn yourself out.
Experiment with these tips, make it fun, and be proud of what you put out in the
I’m rooting for you.
Be Epic,
Noah Kagan

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Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips from TOP YouTubers

  • 1.
  • 2. Howdy, Growing a YouTube channel is HARD. These tips I learned from others have been super helpful. To make sure you do these things EVERY time you publish a video… I made this checklist to mark off as you create. Be epic, Noah Get your (free) YouTube GROWTH CHECKLIST here Quick Intro From Noah: P.S. Shoutout to Mitchell and Aswin for helping me put these tips together.
  • 3. I’ve been posting on YouTube for years At first, I had NO CLUE what I was doing I’ve started to grow my channel by stealing their tips and copying everything they said. So I found some friends who are legit YouTube EXPERTS
  • 4. Contents Make Your Videos Discoverable 5 Promote Engagement From Viewers 6 Suggest More Videos from Your Channel Using End Cards 9 Use Playlists to Keep People Watching 11 Find Keywords for Your Channel 13 Address Specific Keywords in Your Title 14 Make Your Video Descriptions Helpful 16 Make Your Thumbnails Clicky 21 Get More Views on Your Content 23 Collaborate With Other YouTubers 24 Turn Videos Into More Pieces of Content 27 Embed Your Videos on Your Website 30 Have People Share Your Video on Their Pages 32 Make Your Channel Page Ready to Convert 34 Make a Good First Impression 36 Update Your “About” Section 40 Add a Subscription Link to Your Quick Links 42 Use Your Channel Art to Provide Information at a Glance 43 Change your channel icon 44 Closing Words 45
  • 5. Here are the key factors to help your videos rank and get shared with more viewers Make Your Videos Discoverable How do you get YouTube to show your video to more people?
  • 6. Promote Engagement From Viewers Comments There is a significant correlation between ranking in YouTube and user engagement (comments, likes, and subscribes). Comments especially seem to improve a video’s ranking on YouTube. How do you encourage people to comment on your video? Ask questions. At the end of each of their videos, the New Rockstars team poses a question to their audience based on the topic they just covered. They then reply and engage with those comments. 1 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 6 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 7. Similarly, Yuri and Jakub from TheStraightPipes pin a question in their comments section related to the car they just reviewed. They reply to comments and keep the conversation going (note the 158 replies on one comment). You can also pin a related video that you’ve made in the past. Michael Fisher from MrMobile pinned the link to a review he made for a wireless charger that was in the background of this video. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 7 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 8. Likes Graham Stephan consistently gets nearly 1 out of every 10 people to “smash” the like button on his videos. He reminds the viewer to hit the like button at least twice in every video. In fact, he does it so often that it’s now a meme in his community: Subscribes The majority of people subscribe to pages from watch pages, not the channel page. As people watch your video and see the value you provide, remind them to Subscribe to your channel to see more. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 8 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 9. Suggest More Videos from Your Channel Using End Cards YouTube loves session time. Session time refers to how long someone stays on YouTube after watching your video. Showing related videos when your video is wrapping up is a good way to keep viewers on your YouTube channel and engaging with your content. In a video about his earnings, Ali Abdaal uses the End Screen to display videos that he recommends the viewer should move onto next, such as: 2 ) A video on how he built his YouTube business ) A video covering the three books that encouraged him to start making money online ) A video on how to make money online Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 9 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 10. To add an End Card, go to your video and hit “Edit Video” underneath the Share button. Next, go to the Editor panel. Press the “+” button next to the End screen icon and select Apply template. Select a template from the screen that pops up. Your video will auto-populate with your channel icon and videos, but you can use the “+ Element” button at the top to add a specific video, playlist, or channel. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 10 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 11. Use Playlists to Keep People Watching You can also increase session time by creating playlists. Playlists let you organize your videos in a way that allows the viewer and YouTube to understand what to play next. You can make playlists to organize all videos around a specific topic or keyword. But you can also focus a playlist around a particular solution or course of action. Sunny Lenarduzzi created THE ULTIMATE WORK FROM HOME GUIDE playlist to house videos related to passive income. 3 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 11 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 12. Brian Dean also organizes his playlists around outcomes and benefits (he calls these “Power Playlists”). For example, his “How to Get Higher Google Rankings” playlist includes all his videos about SEO. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 12 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 13. Find Keywords for Your Channel4 For example, let’s say you wanted to make videos about social media detoxing. You could use vidIQ on this video Matt D’Avella made to see the tags he used. Input your topic in to identify YouTube and Google keywords you can target. You can also steal keywords from popular channels in your niche. Use the vidIQ browser extension to see all the tags that someone is using on their video and channel. These tags and keywords can be inserted into your title and description. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 13 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 14. YouTube’s internal data has confirmed that your title can make or break your entire video. You want to include your keyword in your title. Now that you know which keywords you want to rank for, you can use YouTube Autocomplete to see phrases that people are searching for. Use those phrases to inspire your title. Think Media uses this strategy when coming up with their titles. 5 inspired by the first and third result that comes up when you search “how to get first...” For example, the title for this video... This strategy was also used for this video on Mirrorless vs. DSLR cameras. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 14 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 15. You can enter your keywords into AnswerThePublic to get hundreds of autofill suggestions. You also want to entice the viewer to click on your video. Make your titles more appealing and improve Click Through Rate (CTR) by doing the following: ) Use a number in your title (# of tips/steps/strategies, current year, or result) ) Use parentheses, colons, or dividers to make it readable ) Make the title between 30-45 characters Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 15 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 16. Make Your Video Descriptions Helpful The description lets you define what your video is about for both users and the YouTube algorithm. YouTube has stated that video descriptions inform YouTube’s algorithms what videos are about for search results and suggested videos. It’s essentially a space to provide value to the viewer and drop calls to action. The first 2 to 3 lines of your description will appear under your video. You can use this section as a subheadline, a quick summary of your video, or a space for sponsorships and other links. My friend Patrick from TechLead uses the first few lines of his description to give a one-sentence overview of the topic of the video and promote the link for his sponsor. If you click “Show More,” YouTube displays the rest of the description. Patrick breaks out more CTA’s using emojis. 6 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 16 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 17. You can also use your description to explain the video in its entirety. In his descriptions, Graham Stephan posts in-depth breakdowns of the topics covered in the video. These YouTube descriptions basically serve as supplemental blog posts. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 17 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 18. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 18 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 19. Here’s a template you can use: ) Strong intro (2 to 3 sentences) ] Summarize the video ] Include the target keyword in the first 1 to 2 sentences ] Entice people to click your video on the search results page ] Include a call to action (subscribe, affiliate link, etc.) ) Links to blogs or videos related to the video ) Timestamps of subtopics (or in-depth breakdown) ) Promotional links ] YouTube Channel Subscribe link ] Subscribe link for your newsletter ] Social media group/links ] Courses/affiliate links ] Ways to contact you ) Affiliate or sponsorship disclaimer Ali Abdaal structures his descriptions using this template. That way, he can pack his descriptions with information while keeping them easy to read. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 19 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 20. Reminders when crafting your description: Your first three lines show up right under the title This area should briefly describe the video and lead to a call to action (subscribe to your channel, click on the sponsored link, visit your website, etc). Unlike the rest of the description, which the viewer needs to click to expand, this section doesn’t require extra action to read. Give more useful resources related to the topic This could be relevant videos, additional resources, or CTA’s like a course or email list you would like viewers to join. Insert keywords ) Include your target keyword in the first 25 words ) The description should be at least 250 words ) Include your keyword 2-4 times Make it readable Use emojis and white space to make the content easy to read. Pro tip: Use the emoji keyboard (CMD + CTRL + Spacebar on Mac or Windows Key + “.” on PC). 1 2 3 4 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 20 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 21. Another huge aspect of improving the CTR to your video is having great thumbnails. Your thumbnails should be eye-catching and preview what the video is going to be about. Shelby Church uses thumbnails to supplement her titles. Each thumbnail includes a picture of her with a few large words that are readable even when the thumbnail is in its 200x100 format. Notice how the text in the thumbnail and the title play off each other. 7 This style can capture attention when people are browsing through recommended videos. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 21 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 22. Brian Dean from Backlinko summarizes his titles into 5 to 6 words that can fit in his thumbnails. The bold color in the background with the contrasting text background makes the thumbnails eye-catching, while also easy to read. ) Use a consistent color palette and font ) Use repeating imagery: Do you appear in every thumbnail? Does the thumbnail include the product you’re talking about? ) Include part of the video title in all your thumbnails You can make YouTube thumbnails using Canva or its alternatives. Note how Brian uses numbers in each of his thumbnails, as suggested above. Make your thumbnails look consistent, so people start to recognize your brand: Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 22 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 23. Here are some strategies for promoting your channel and content: Get More Views on Your Content You’ve created the perfect video and optimized it. Now you need to get more people watching it.
  • 24. Collaborations are KEY. First, you get to create dope content with another creator. Second, you get introduced to a new audience that might not already follow you. TheStraightPipes and Engineering Explained did a two-part collaboration that generated around 2 million combined views. The first video was published to TheStraightPipes… 1 And the next day a video was published to Engineering Explained. These channels are not directly related. They found a way to use each other to make a video that was relevant to their respective audiences (and hopefully reached an audience that was interested in both topics). Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 24 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 25. Here’s how to find creators to collaborate with: Then, go to their “About” page and click “View Email Address” to get their contact information. Find people that subscribe to your channel 1 In the Creator Studio, under “Dashboard,” click “SEE ALL” in the Recent Subscriber box. It’ll show you all your subscribers, along with how many subscribers they have. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 25 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 26. Find channels from Suggested Video sources In YouTube Analytics, you can see which videos are recommending yours, along with the specific people clicking through to your video. Go to the “Traffic Source” tab and click on “Suggested Videos.” You’ll see the videos across YouTube that are suggesting your video. Reach out to the people who run those pages and ask to do a collaboration. Reach out for a collaboration Email them or send them a DM on Instagram or Twitter. Your message can look something like this: “Hey Amigo, Saw that we [subscribe to each other]/[make videos on similar topics]. Thought we could collaborate to introduce our audiences to each other. Win-win! Based on your top videos, I thought we could make a video about [this super awesome thing]. What do you think? :)” 2 3 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 26 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 27. You put all that effort into making your video. Why not convert that into more pieces of content? Anthony Pompliano takes the full-length video versions of Pomp Podcast episodes and clips out 2-5 highlights from each video. Now, his 40 to 60 minute video podcast episodes have become multiple YouTube videos. 2 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 27 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 28. You can also take your video and use websites like to create 1 to 10 minute clips that you can share on social media. For example, I took this video… And shared it on LinkedIn... Twitter... Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 28 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 29. Instagram... ...and Facebook. Notice how I’m posting short tidbits natively on each platform, but drawing people back to YouTube to watch the full video. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 29 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 30. Putting videos on your website has two advantages. 1. You get more views on your YouTube video. 2. People spend more time on your website page, increasing Average Time On Page (an important ranking factor for Google search). 3 I actually used this tip on one of my most popular articles: Why I Walked Out on Tony Robbins. I made a 17-minute video and embedded it under the article intro. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 30 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 31. You can make YouTube videos about popular articles and topics on your website. Find your most popular articles in Google Analytics. Go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages to see ‘Pageviews’ and ‘Avg. Time on Page’ for video ideas. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 31 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 32. Have People Share Your Video Why limit extra views to pages YOU own? After you publish a video, do a Google search to find articles ranking for your target keywords. Contact the authors to see if they’re willing to embed your video into their article. Let’s say you just published a video on how to make dalgona tea. A quick Google search reveals the following sites: 4 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 32 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 33. Reach out to the owners of each site and pitch your video as a benefit to their audience (and a way to get readers to stay on their site longer). Here’s a template you can use: Hi [Name], I came across your excellent post: [Post Title] while searching for some content to read about [Topic]. Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t have any videos on your page. I’ve seen videos help boost average time on page on my site, which has really helped with Google rankings! I recently published a video about [Topic] that I thought would be helpful for your audience. It would be perfect for [Section of their article]. Either way, thanks for writing this awesome post and have a great day! Thanks, [Your Name] Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 33 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 34. Make Your Channel Page Ready to Convert Your Channel Page is the homepage for your YouTube Channel. You want what you do and what you cover to be clear to visitors.
  • 35. Show off your best stuff and let them know what action you want them to take. For example, when you land on Nick Nimmin’s Channel Page, you immediately know his channel is about YouTube and video tips. He also makes it clear what call-to-action (CTA) he wants the visitor to take by including the word “Subscribe” in his channel art and the quick links section. Here’s how to improve your Channel page Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 35 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 36. When people land on your homepage, give them an appetizer of the content they’re going to find on your site. New viewers on your Channel Page will be shown one featured video. 1 To start, you can make this your most popular video. You can also rotate this regularly to give a video an extra boost in views from people who visit your channel. From there, show off some playlists. Marques Brownlee from MKBHD chooses to showcase his most recent uploads. Then he displays different playlists like “Reviews!”, “Dope Tech!”, “First Impressions”, and more. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 36 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 37. You can start by featuring your “Popular Uploads” and then displaying your newest videos with an “Uploads” section. That’s how Neville Medhora from Kopywriting Kourse has his Channel Page set up. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 37 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 38. Here’s how to customize your homepage. Set Your Featured Video You can edit your page by clicking your profile in the top right and clicking “Your channel.” Then press the “Customize Channel” button. From there, you can choose which content to feature by clicking the “Feature content” button. 1 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 38 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 39. Note that you can customize how your page appears for returning subscribers vs. new visitors. Then select the video you want to feature at the top of your page. Next, add more sections by clicking the “Add a section” button. And select the playlists and layout for the content: Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 39 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 40. If someone is seeing your channel for the first time, they’ll likely head straight to your “About” page for some context. The information on the “About” page is also what appears in the meta description in Google Search results. For example, the first few sentences of Matt D’Avella’s “About” section... up under his channel name in the search results. Try to address: ) Who your channel is for ) The types of videos you put out ) When you upload new videos 2 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 40 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 41. Nick Nimmon’s “About” section is a perfect example. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 41 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 42. People on YouTube want to stay on YouTube. Here’s how to add a subscription link to your quick links: Click the Customize Channel button and go to the “About” section. Click the Links area to add a custom link. Create a call to action like “Click Here to Subscribe!”. Make the link your channel link with “?sub_confirmation=1” added to the end. This will make it so a pop-up to subscribe appears when people land on your Channel Page. 3
  • 43. Use Your Channel Art to Provide As we saw with Nick Nimmon’s channel art above, you can use this image to highlight the topics you will cover and encourage action (like subscribing). You can also let people know when you post, as Shelby Church does on her Channel Page. 4 For example, Sunny Lenarduzzi uses her Cover Art to: ) Explain what she does (e.g. help you be your own boss) ) Let people know when she posts (Tuesday and Friday) ) Provide social proof (featured in Forbes, Fast Company, etc.) ) Call the user to action (Subscribe!) Think about how you can convey the same information from your “About” section at a glance. Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 43 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 44. Change your channel icon Your channel icon is probably the first thing people will notice about you. It will appear under every video you make, in your comments, and in searches across YouTube. Make it a picture of your face, your logo, or something else that represents your brand in a few pixels. 5 Noah’s Favorite (Stolen) Tips From TOP YouTubers | 44 OkDork NOAH KAGAN by
  • 45. Closing Words These are some of the best tips and tricks I’ve found to be most effective for my channel. Use this YouTube GROWTH CHECKLIST as part of your content process. But the most important thing to keep in mind is to HAVE FUN. If you’re not enjoying the process, people notice. Plus, you’ll burn yourself out. Experiment with these tips, make it fun, and be proud of what you put out in the world. I’m rooting for you. Be Epic, Noah Kagan OkDork NOAH KAGAN by