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KU Vigil—the Change in Dispensation
February 2009—The State of Kenya
Prophet Dr. Owuor
Precious listeners we have yet again come to a mighty time; most important time in this
night. I know that many have waited for this that this might come in the Name of Jesus. And
this is the moment of reckoning right now. Well I’m going to share in this precious Gideon’s
night on things that are very, very critical to the church and critical to you as a Christian and
also critical to the entire nation. And this precious night is going to be very, very deep because
I’m going to handle most of the conversation the Lord is having with the church now. And today
I will share right from the beginning to build the same background here.
I’ll speak with you about the Wedding rings in the sky the Lord showed me in a mighty
vision and then I will speak to you about the rapture of the dead even as the Lord spoke with
me on that November 26th
; and then when He lavished the church and showed me the Golden
Clock of God in the sky; I will talk about that. I will touch on the temple of the LORD.
And then what I want to begin with most importantly is the, Black Horse, the vision of
the Black Horse; when the Lord spoke to me on the Black Horse from Heaven, the Black Horse
that came from Heaven and the rider rode it across the whole earth and then I gave it in Nakuru
in a big meeting more than 1 million in attendance on 23rd
and 24th
Saturday, Sunday of August
2008, Saturday and Sunday and I said there is a Global Economic Crisis coming to the earth
which means Global famine because people go to work to bring bread at the table. And now
you see that it was fulfilled very fast in October 2008. Until today many banks have shut down;
many people have lost their jobs across the globe; probably the biggest prophecy ever the Lord
has sent me to give that touched the whole entire earth. Until now if you watch your news you
see the banks collapsing; nations are declaring mere bankruptcies and all that is happening;
people are been laid off from work; people are losing homes. That is a mighty prophecy. I will
speak about that quite a bit.
But most importantly at the end of it all I will talk about the youth. There is a very
special message here from the Lord to the youth of this country and even especially the
university communities, the students out there, the high school students, the polytechnic
student, the students in different colleges. And this is going to be a very important message
that you may know how does the youth church prepare for the Coming of the Lord.
But first I want to talk about the Black Horse from Heaven that mighty visitation of the
Lord of August 19th
. I have spoken again and again and I have said that the church has fallen
even as the Lord has spoken with me. When the Lord speaks with me about the church, I have
faithfully relayed it to the church.
But why would the Lord be speaking to me about the church because as we know the
church is the light of the world; the church is where the authority of God is; the church is
supposed to be the opinion leader; touch a little bit on the case of the church of Christ in
Kenya—remember very well more than 4 years ago when I walked into this country and I said
repent or I else see a tremendous judgment coming to this land. And I remember I opened TV
programs every Sunday in this country, broadcasted over radio—Jesus is Lord Radio and all
radios across this land, published in newspapers of this country in the streets. And I said,
number 1: the Lord has spoken with me about the horrendous sin in the church and because of
that horrendous sin that there is tremendous sin in the land. And you can see He talked about
the sin in the church and then He said because of that the nation has fallen into sin.
And you see very, very clearly that I spoke about the earthquake that was coming to
shake this nation; even geologists will tell you that nobody can ever precisely tell you that there
is an earthquake coming and say that it is going to hit here; and say “it is going to be in this
place.” And so I warned this nation about the earthquakes and I also said, “I see blood coming
to flow in this land.” Published them everywhere; everybody read it. And then later I said if you
don’t repent I see you going into refugee camps. And then even as the nation continued to
refuse to repent, then I again spoke to the nation and I told them that if Kenya does not repent,
I see a ravaging famine coming to this land.
And it continued like that and what did you see happen to this land—earthquakes befell
this land; and then also tremendous blood flow has visited this land; the large columns of
people that I was talking about when I prophesied; I was saying I see you Kenyans walking in
large columns and women are carrying all their belongings in one leso and pulling children;
large columns going to refugee camps—in long columns; those columns we saw in this land.
And surely the refugee camps are there until today as I speak. At that time when I spoke
everybody castigated, especially the pastors and the bishops.
The Lord allowed their evil; He allowed them; some even went to TV stations to say,
“Don’t worry Kenya; we’ll pray for you, that earthquake will not take place. That blood flow will
not take place. Don’t worry—the Lord is a Lord of mercy and grace and love—nothing will
happen to you.” But look at how God did not listen to their prayers! And He fulfilled to the
letter every word of prophecy that He spoke to this land. Why did these things happen to
The Book of Acts chapter 17 verse 30, that is where I want to begin with you people
today. I want to start by first bringing to your understanding the steps of the country—what
God is saying to Kenya today. You’ve been seeing fires burning people here and there; famine
there is no “unga”. People say, “O, the ugali is so expensive. What else.” Famine, famine,
people are eating mice; people are eating wild bitter fruits; everything we have watched on
TVs. It’s tremendous; the kind of famine that has visited here is big. And yet I spoke about
these things very, very early to this country. Why have they happened to Kenya?
The Book of Acts chapter 17 verse 30, He says, “In the past God overlooked such
ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.” He says, “In the past God
overlooked such ignorance, but now he gives a command that all people everywhere must
repent.” Why would the Lord allow a nation like Kenya to live in peace refugees come from
many countries like Somali; when there is war in Somali they come; this becomes a fatherly
nation, a father nation that takes care of those who are afflicted by war. The people from Sudan
they came to Kenya when there was war there; DRC is in Kenya when they have war, Uganda,
Rwanda, Burundi—a country that takes care of refugees. Only God can make a country such a
father country.
But what happened? How come all of a sudden now they, Kenyans themselves, are
refugees in their own country? And I warned them 4 years before that they are going to be
refugees in their country. You see the Lord says in this Scripture that “In the past God
overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands a total repentance from all people
everywhere.” And so you begin to understand that there must have been a change in
dispensation, season. That is the only thing that can cause God now to put sanction: say “If you
don’t repent this will happen.”
I remember when I published in the newspapers in 2005. I said “Kenya repent or else!”
“Repent or else!” And I remember a lot of bishops and pastors went on TV and radio, started
preaching against me. They said no: what he is saying is wrong. How can God say like that: that
“Repent or else!” They did not know the Lord had shown me what would happen if Kenya does
not repent. Remember the role of the watchman is to see what is coming and to warn people
to avoid it. I warned Kenya very faithfully to the letter of every gravity of what was going to
happen and Kenya did not listen until the judgment befell the land until now.
And by the way the judgment will continue until she does repent and return to the Lord
because the Lord has spoken with me. And you see a lot of sin in the church. There is sexual sin
in the church. It is the church; the church is the one that has let down the nation. The church
has not gone back to Jesus in repentance as the Father commanded me to instruct her; because
I said if you don’t repent blood will flow; I said if you don’t repent there is famine; I said if you
don’t repent there is going to be earthquakes. And all those things have taken place until this
day. There is famine! And I warned very, very, early that there is a ravaging famine and in that
paper I said a ravaging famine and the only remedy, I gave the only remedy; the only solution—
to repent and to return to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
But what the pastors are doing now and the bishops of this land they are driving the
anger of God to another level. You know that God is the one who has caused this because He
prophesied before it happened. And now they bring Hindu priests here, they bring a Muslim
here, they bring a Buddhist here, they bring many, many gods and they ask Him to heal the
nation. Don’t they know Jehovah is the most jealous God of Israel? He is the Prince of Peace. He
brings His peace to the nation. Only He created Kenya and gave Kenya peace.
There is no other God who created Kenya; no other idol god, idol, small wooden gods,
those gods of cow and wood; none of them ever created the people of Kenya—those things are
going to bring the wrath of God. Kenya must repent even from that sin; it’s a national sin. And
the church must repent first. The church has no authority to rebuke sin and evil right now;
because the church herself; the pastors and the bishops have fallen to the love of money. They
have fallen into sexual sin with women; they have fallen into witchcraft; the pastors and the
bishops of this nation they bear a lot of blood of Kenyans in their hands because when I came
and warned them to return the whole nation into repentance to avoid this, they argued with it.
They are the ones to blame for the state in which Kenya finds herself in right now.
The church is the light of the nation. If the church is busy in corruption preaching, “Sow
a seed; sow a seed; panda begu,” how can she rebuke corruption? The church is in sin of
corruption. They worship the things of the earth in Kenya here. If you see the Kenya secular
newspapers how they wrote about the church; that was the church in bad light. They said the
dressing and the discos and the dancing going on in the church beats the discos in clubs in the
world. When Israel had fallen to sin, the Bible says the Lord spoke to Israel and told Israel that
“Look you have fallen in sin and become defiled and fallen lower than the defiled communities
you found in that land.”
And that’s what you saw written about the church in this nation. Everybody read it. How
today when you pay money you can be prayed for; how the youths, the church must be
modernized, they are bored with the old church; the holy church is boring to them; they want
tumbo cuts, they want to dance like disco, they want everything like that; because it’s boring to
them; the holy church is boring to them; they want one which is modern; the dressing is
modern; they dance modern, anything goes. That is the world that has entered the church. That
is the devil that has entered the church.
You hear pastors saying “I have 8,000 youths in the church.” Where are you leading
them with all that world? Are you leading them to hell? The church of Christ in Kenya does not
have any authority to rebuke any sin until she repents first. The Lord has spoken to me about
almost all of them; the pastors and the bishops here. And there is need for a national
repentance; for the church to repent, turn away from sin and begin praying for the nation.
But now the church is still blind. Their top national leaders, they invite Hindus to pray
with them; and they invite all the others to pray with them. Time has come for this nation to be
healed. And the healing will come from the Lord. Remember this is a nation that is beloved by
the Lord. That’s why everybody, everywhere, they say, we want to come to Kenya and see what
the Lord is doing in Kenya. The nation of Kenya must repent as Nineveh did. I wanted to bring
you to that level so you may understand what is happening in the land.
But today I want to talk about the vision of the Black Horse; that’s where we start from.
In fact, I am talking about the Wedding of the Lamb of God, the rapture of the church. But I
want to feature first of all the vision of the Black Horse on that August 19th
2008 when the Lord,
He spoke with me about the Wedding of the Lamb of God. Now it’s very important for a church
like the church in Kenya, which is quite mixed a bit, they are a bit confused, they don’t know
which direction to go, it’s important for her to understand that every time the Lord speaks you
must find it in the Bible. In fact, if you don’t find it in the Bible, then the Lord God Almighty He
has not spoken. And you have to understand another most important thing that every time He
speaks, He speaks to the church of Christ.
I want to describe this vision so you may have every detail here. It was on the 19th
August 2008 and again in the direction facing east and then the Lord lifted me up and Heaven
opened. And I found myself standing before the mighty Throne of the Lord God Almighty. And
there was tremendous glory that covered that entire presence; but He made me know that He
that sits on the Throne was seated on the Throne. And then after that the third living creature
around the Throne of God, the third living creature appeared from that glory and the Lord
wanted me to see his face of that third living creature around the Throne of God. And He
brought him very, very close to me; after I had seen his face then he went towards the glory of
God and then he released the Black Horse.
And that Black Horse, he has white mane then a tremendous glorious white mane. And
he went around heaven; the rider of the horse took him around heaven and then I saw him live
towards the earth and he rode the Black Horse all across the earth at the speed of lightening,
and then after that I woke up. What is the Lord speaking to you the church, you the Christian,
you the nation of Kenya in that mighty conversation of the Black Horse from Heaven?
Remember what I’m giving to you, you cannot get on Christian Television, Global
Christian TV, national Christian TV; you cannot get anywhere, or any radio, or any church. This
comes by revelation of God. That’s why you see our calendar is packed. Everybody wants to
hear about this; every corner of the earth. But what is the message the Lord is speaking to the
church. I want to begin from here today. Let us turn to the Scripture. The Bible in the Book of
Revelation; precious people turn with me to Revelation. And I am going to walk you very quietly
that you may understand the bigger picture of what the Lord is saying.
If you look at the Book of Revelation from chapter 1 all the way to chapter 3 you see the
Lord speaking to the church to prepare for the Wedding of the Lamb; again I repeat Revelation
chapter 1 to chapter 3 He is preparing the church and He is talking to her; He is talking to the
church of Ephesus; He is talking to many churches for example in the Book of Revelation
chapter 3 beginning from verse 1 He is talking about the release of the 7 spirits unto the church.
For example verse 1 there is a place He says, “I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being
alive, but you are dead.” Verse 2 He says, “2
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to
die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.” Verse 3 He says “3
Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent.” He says “…if you
do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.”
Verse 4 He says, “4
Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They
will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.”
Chapter 1 of Revelation up to chapter 3, He is using this to prepare the church. He is
preparing the church for the Wedding of the Lamb that’s why He’s talking about the white,
those who have kept their glorious clothes white. He says, “Keep that which you have
received.” He’s telling the church “Remember the Blood and the Cross; remember your first
love.” Isn’t that what is happening to the church today that they have forgotten their first love?
The church today is preaching the gospel of prosperity and not the gospel of the Blood and the
Cross. The church is preaching another gospel not the one that she was given by the Lord Jesus.
You see for example in Revelation chapter 3 verse 15 down there, “15
I know your deeds,
that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either of one or the other! 16
So, because you
are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” That
lukewarmness (uvugu vugu) is the one that you see in the church today where the world has
mixed with the church now you wonder whether she is a Christian or not; is he a Christian or he
is not? (vugu vugu) are you hot or cold? There is a big mix; they are warm now—warm
Christians. And so you see that in Revelation chapters 1 to chapter 3, God is preparing the
church of Christ for the Wedding of the Lamb of God. And remember the most important
reason for which the Bible was written is that she may enter into the Wedding of the Lamb of
God and the only way to do that is to enter into the rapture of the church and the only way to
enter into the Kingdom of God is through rapture.
The other way is a little bit too hazardous, too toxic, too dangerous as we will see. And
so you see Revelation 1 to 3 again is for preparing the church. But when you move to
Revelation chapter 4 then He begins to talk about the Throne of God Almighty in Heaven. And
the reason I am taking my time to go through this very deep with you the church of Christ is
that because today let ignorance leave the church and let the truth, the revelation that He has
given me, the revelation of God, let it now enter the church and set the church free. And so you
see that in Revelation chapter 4 He now begins to talk about the Throne of God.
And around the Throne of God He talks about the 24 other thrones that surround the
Throne of God Almighty. And then you see very quickly He also describes the 4 living creatures
around the Throne of God and He says in verse 6 part b, He says “In the center, around the
throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back.” Verse
7, He says, “7
The first living creature was like a lion, and the second was like an ox, and the third
had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.” Now do you understand why He
made the third living creature come and show me his face in that vision and after I had seen his
face then He knew now I would understand what number of creature (it) is that released the
Black Horse.
But anyway chapter 4 talks about the Throne of God, the 24 elders and the 4 living
creatures around the Throne of God and how they worship the Lord God Almighty in Heaven
and the Lamb. And then it’s amazing because in verse 9 of Revelation chapter 4 He says, “9
Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him that sits on the throne and
who lives for ever and ever, 10
the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the
throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and
say:” Halleluyah! And they say, “11
“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and
the honor and the power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and they
have their being.”
And so you begin to quickly understand that He (is) also talking about worship, how the
church ought to worship God Almighty in this chapter 4 of Revelation. And He says, “They lay
their crowns as they worship Him.” And so He is also teaching the church worship in Chapter 4
here even as He talks about the Throne of God. He is saying, “Please lay down your thrones; lay
down your crowns as you worship He that sits on the Throne. Lay down your thrones; lay down
your crowns.”
I hear some pastors going all over here and bishops and saying, “You know He is the
King of kings. We are the kings, so He is the King of we the kings.” “Please lay down those
crowns and worship the Lord. Get out of those jokes.” If the 24 elders who are having thrones
around God can bow down, face down and lay down their crowns as they worship the Father;
how about the church; how about mere men? Remember the crown is a symbol of
achievement—I have achieved this. The Lord is saying, “Lay down your achievements and
worship God Almighty in Heaven.”
We remember Jesus; Jesus laid down the glorious life He led in Heaven; the glorious
crown He had in Heaven to come down here and worship the LORD on the cross at Calvary. And
He worshipped God by laying down that crown of Glory and then now He was able to worship
the LORD on the cross. Why hasn’t the church laid down her crown? Right now I see a lot of
crowns in the church and time is running out; every pastor is spotting a crown. Those crowns;
they are being worshipped in those little kingdoms of their’s. When they go they get the tithes,
the offerings, they touch the glory of Lord; they take the glory. A little sadaka like this; a little
offering like this they are already kings; they are so much flying in the sky. How about the
crowns in Heaven?
If the crowns in Heaven can be laid down to worship the Father of Christ; the only thing
Jesus taught us was how to worship the Father in Heaven; the only thing Jesus came to teach us
on the cross was how to worship the Father in Heaven; which means lay down your lives. He
laid down His life on the cross as He worshipped the Father in Heaven and atoned for our sins.
And the Bible even says, “Whoever tries to keep His life will finally lose it when they go to hell
and whoever loses his life will gain it when the day comes.”
Listen to me precious people, Revelation chapter 3 prepares the church for the rapture;
Revelation chapter 4 talks about the events around the Throne of God and how to worship this
God; but Revelation chapter 5 you see now He introduces a scroll and He says that He that sits
on the Throne on His right hand is a scroll and that scroll has 7 seals. And so you see that now in
chapter 5 He is introducing a scroll with 7 seals. And there is a big crisis in Revelation chapter 5
because He says they searched above the higher heavens, and they searched within the
heavens and they searched below the heavens and they searched above the earth, on the
earth, under the earth, above the waters, under the seas and no one was found that could open
the seals of this God. And for that matter a crisis began.
There was a big crisis, they were saying, “But who will open the seals of this scroll?”
Don’t lose track here. I am giving the revelation of the Black Horse from Heaven the reason you
see the Global Economic Crisis today; the prophesy I gave on August 19th
the year 2008 and
stood before 2 million plus in Nakuru; again gave the same prophesy on August 23rd
and 24th
and said there is going to be a Global Economic Crisis and famine coming to the earth and you
see that in October very quickly, less than 2 months everything happened until today there is
an economic crisis that has covered the whole globe. And that is the revelation I am bringing to
you today; I’m saying, “What is the Lord saying to the church?”
What is the Lord speaking to the church through this mighty vision of the God Almighty?
And I said since this is a mighty kesha in the Gideon’s night let me use this opportunity to open
up and give you everything; every detail that never again will you say you don’t know. Again
Revelation 1 to 3 God is preparing the church for the Wedding of the Lamb; Revelation chapter
4 we saw the events around the Throne of God—the 24 thrones of the 24 elders around the
Throne of God and how they worship the LORD by laying down their crowns in honor of God
Almighty. And I said the Lord is telling the church that she should also lay down her
achievements, her crowns for the sake of this Jesus of Nazareth and He that sits on the Throne.
And then we see also the 4 living creatures being introduced in Revelation chapter 4.
And we see that that is a preamble; that is a prelude to what happens in Revelation chapter 5.
And in Revelation chapter 5 we see that now He talks about a scroll; He talks about a scroll that
has to be opened. And it looks like if that scroll is not open there is a crisis—something wrong
will happen. And they were searching in heaven, on earth and under the earth. And then finally
He says, “Don’t weep for the Lion of the tribe of Judah, He has triumphed. By His own merit
now He is able to open the seals of the scroll.”
Why was there such a crisis for the scrolls to be opened? Listen to me precious
Christians in this nation and the people of this country; listen to me, inside the scroll was
hidden the blueprint for the salvation of men; it is hidden the blueprint for the redemption of
mankind. And that’s why you see in chapter 6 then there is now the opening of the seals of the
scroll. Just to talk about the hidden nature of what is inside the scroll, look at the Book of
Matthew 24; Matthew 24 beginning from verse 4 all the way to verse 9; He is giving to them a
very important secret.
Again Matthew 24 verses 4 to verse 9, He says, “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5
For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” This was
after the disciples asked Jesus what will be the signs of your coming? And it was hidden. They
realized it was hidden. And that’s why they came to Him privately. And He said, “Watch out
that no one deceives you. 5
Why was there such a crisis for the scrolls to be opened? Listen to
me precious Christians in this nation and the people of this country; listen to me, inside the
scroll was hidden the blueprint for the salvation of men; it is hidden the blueprint for the
redemption of mankind. It would be a dawn of the season of deception because He talks about
deceive you, deceive, they will come and claim; they will deceive you, deceive, deceive many.
And so you begin to understand what hidden secrets are within the scroll. And then He
says, “6
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such
things must happen, but the end is still to come.” And He says, “7
Nation will rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Now
do you understand the famines I have been prophesying and the earthquakes; prophesying and
they happen; and they happen; and they happen; that every time I prophesied it was fulfilled.
And you see now there is a horrendous Global Economic Crisis and famine.
The earthquakes; even I prophesied an earthquake coming to the bottom of the sea the
Lord took me in that mighty vision into the bottom of the sea and He showed me, “Look where
the earthquake is going to come from?” And I went live on air and I said there is going to be a
massive earthquake; it is going to be in Asia. I have seen even the place at the bottom of the
sea, of the ocean; where it will to take place. You remember when I prophesied the Asian
tsunami in the same way; He took me and showed me where it would take place. So these are
the famines He is talking about; “…there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”
Verse 8 He says, “…these are the beginning of birth pains.” But verse 9 is interesting, He
says, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by
all nations because of me. 10
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and
hate each other, 11
and many false prophets will appear and deceive many.” Now listen to this,
Verse 8 He says when you see the famines we are seeing and the earthquakes, they are the
beginning of birth pains—what we are seeing today. He says they are the beginning of birth
pains. Verse 9 He says “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted for the sake of my
testimony; for the sake of me, my name.” But we know that that is what happens in the
tribulation. And so you begin to understand that between verse 8 and verse 9 something has
happened—the rapture has taken place; the Wedding of the Lamb of God has taken place. And
you see He is talking about the great apostasy—the falling away from true faith.
And so today you are going to learn about something so critical that will transform your
lives wherever you are today. We know that the greatest apostasy takes place in the tribulation
when they will now remove the worship from the House of the LORD and replace (it with) the
abomination of the desolation - the image of the antichrist. And the false prophet who is
masquerading at that time will implement and will execute the instruction to worship the
beast, the image of the beast. We know the things about this false prophet; that he will have a
lot of economic power; and he will have power also to demonstrate falsehood. But that is the
greatest abomination; the greatest apostasy in the House.
And that’s why you see that the apostasy you are beginning to see in the church today
is a preamble; it’s a stepping stone to the big apostasy of the day. And so I wanted to share with
you the secrets that you find within the scrolls even by looking at the Book of Matthew 24. And
so you see why there was crisis in Revelation chapter 5 that if no one is found to open the 7
seals of the scroll there would be no revelation for the church; she would not know when He is
coming; they will not know when He is coming or where they are within the prophetic time line.
But now Revelation chapter 6 that is where the message is regarding the Black Horse.
You see now that they have found that the Lion of the tribe of Judah based on the merit of His
Blood, He is able to open the seals of the scroll and inside the seals in the scroll is hidden the
secrets that will reveal, give revelation to the church so she may know where she is or how far
she (is) to the Wedding of the Lamb of God. And if the church does not know how close she is
to the Wedding of the Lamb, then how will she prepare for the Wedding of the Lamb?
The Bible says, “How will they prepare unless you blow the trumpet?” And we see that
the reason that Jesus died on the cross is that the fruit of the cross, the fruit of His work may
enter into the Kingdom of God. And the fruit of the cross is the redeemed church that enters
into the Wedding of the Lamb of God. What is the point in being a Christian, being a Christian
and then miss the Kingdom of God? That’s why this is the most critical day in your Christian
walk that you may be able now to understand that the dispensation has arrived and prepare to
enter into the Kingdom of God; (so) that when you will prepare then you can enter.
So in Revelation chapter 6 the Lamb begins to open the 7 seals; remember there are 7
seals; but remember within the 7 seals only the first 4 are the most critical to the church. That’s
why when the Lord spoke with me about the Wedding of the Lamb on the 2nd
of April 2004,
when He lifted me up before His Mighty Glorious Throne again, then I saw the 4 horses. He
showed me the 4 horses within His Glory that were about to be released; there were 4 horses
in that glory and they were about to be released. And now you begin to understand that they
are the most important to the church right now.
In Revelation chapter 6 now the Lamb begins to open the 7 seals. And He says, “ 1
watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living
creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2
I looked, and there before me was a white horse!
Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on
conquest.” That is now the first seal. And that’s why you see the Lord was saying that when you
see these things happen like earthquakes, famines, wars, “Don’t be worried; don’t be alarmed
as Christians.”
Those should just be landmarks to you that “Look the Lord is about to come.” The war in
Iraq; the war in Afghanistan; the war in Somali; the war in DRC; the war in Bangladesh; the war
in Pakistan; the war in South Africa; the war in Kenya; everywhere; you remember the post
elections violence in Kenya war, war, war, war these are the signs He was talking about in the
And in verse 3 he says, “ 3
When the Lamb opened the second seal,” remember the
second seal, “I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4
Then another horse came out, a
fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each
other. To him was given a large sword.” So you see the first horse, the White Horse and then
the second horse, the Red Horse. And I remember on March 17th
2008 when I announced live
on radio that I have the Red Horse going across the whole earth; March 17th
2008—at the
speed of lightening.
But you see that now the second seal produces the second horse which is the Red
Horse. And the second living creature is involved. Verse 5, “5
When the Lamb opened the third
seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black
horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6
Then I heard what sounded like a voice
among the four; living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, a three quarts of
barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
Now you see the Black Horse is released when the third seal is opened. And when the
third seal is opened you begin to see that the voice of the LORD God Himself begins to speak
from among the 4 living creatures; from the Throne. When the first seal was open the voice of
the Lord God Himself is not heard. But the voice of the first living creature is heard. And we
know that the first living creature even as the Lord spoke is the lion and the second living
creature is the ox and the third is the one with the human face. So you understand why He
brought him so close to me to see his face so I may understand fully how this Black Horse has
been released. And you see now that the voice of the LORD comes from the Throne of God and
says, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, a three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not
damage the oil and the wine!”
That is where the message is that I bring to you as a church. In all this conversation here:
what is God saying to you the church? You will be very astonished at how deep this is. And from
this day on, you will prepare for the Coming of the Messiah. On the other side of the short
break of worship, I am going to go very deep and reveal to you what exactly the Lord is saying
to the church; why I prophesied this and in less than 2 months the whole earth until today is
completely engulfed in a Global Economic Black Day.
People have lost a lot of jobs, in millions. In the US they gave the statistics of 2.8 million
jobs were lost in 2008, immediately from October, 2.6 million jobs since the prophecy was
fulfilled from October; from October when the prophecy was fulfilled to the end of 2008—2.6
million jobs! They said since the earth was created they have not seen that. And in England now
one of the banks has made history. They said the biggest loss in British corporate history and a
lot of jobs have been lost. Many have lost their homes; many have lost their jobs; no bread is
arriving at the table. You see the famine I talked about? And I will explain to you why the rider
of this Black Horse is carrying the scale, ratili on his hand, the balance. And so it’s very, very
important, it’s very important that you catch us on the other side of this short break. May the
Lord bless you.

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NIGHT vigil-the_change_in_dispensation BY PROPHET DR OWOUR

  • 1. KU Vigil—the Change in Dispensation 28th February 2009—The State of Kenya Prophet Dr. Owuor Precious listeners we have yet again come to a mighty time; most important time in this night. I know that many have waited for this that this might come in the Name of Jesus. And this is the moment of reckoning right now. Well I’m going to share in this precious Gideon’s night on things that are very, very critical to the church and critical to you as a Christian and also critical to the entire nation. And this precious night is going to be very, very deep because I’m going to handle most of the conversation the Lord is having with the church now. And today I will share right from the beginning to build the same background here. I’ll speak with you about the Wedding rings in the sky the Lord showed me in a mighty vision and then I will speak to you about the rapture of the dead even as the Lord spoke with me on that November 26th ; and then when He lavished the church and showed me the Golden Clock of God in the sky; I will talk about that. I will touch on the temple of the LORD. And then what I want to begin with most importantly is the, Black Horse, the vision of the Black Horse; when the Lord spoke to me on the Black Horse from Heaven, the Black Horse that came from Heaven and the rider rode it across the whole earth and then I gave it in Nakuru in a big meeting more than 1 million in attendance on 23rd and 24th Saturday, Sunday of August 2008, Saturday and Sunday and I said there is a Global Economic Crisis coming to the earth which means Global famine because people go to work to bring bread at the table. And now you see that it was fulfilled very fast in October 2008. Until today many banks have shut down; many people have lost their jobs across the globe; probably the biggest prophecy ever the Lord has sent me to give that touched the whole entire earth. Until now if you watch your news you see the banks collapsing; nations are declaring mere bankruptcies and all that is happening; people are been laid off from work; people are losing homes. That is a mighty prophecy. I will speak about that quite a bit. But most importantly at the end of it all I will talk about the youth. There is a very special message here from the Lord to the youth of this country and even especially the university communities, the students out there, the high school students, the polytechnic student, the students in different colleges. And this is going to be a very important message that you may know how does the youth church prepare for the Coming of the Lord. But first I want to talk about the Black Horse from Heaven that mighty visitation of the Lord of August 19th . I have spoken again and again and I have said that the church has fallen
  • 2. even as the Lord has spoken with me. When the Lord speaks with me about the church, I have faithfully relayed it to the church. But why would the Lord be speaking to me about the church because as we know the church is the light of the world; the church is where the authority of God is; the church is supposed to be the opinion leader; touch a little bit on the case of the church of Christ in Kenya—remember very well more than 4 years ago when I walked into this country and I said repent or I else see a tremendous judgment coming to this land. And I remember I opened TV programs every Sunday in this country, broadcasted over radio—Jesus is Lord Radio and all radios across this land, published in newspapers of this country in the streets. And I said, number 1: the Lord has spoken with me about the horrendous sin in the church and because of that horrendous sin that there is tremendous sin in the land. And you can see He talked about the sin in the church and then He said because of that the nation has fallen into sin. And you see very, very clearly that I spoke about the earthquake that was coming to shake this nation; even geologists will tell you that nobody can ever precisely tell you that there is an earthquake coming and say that it is going to hit here; and say “it is going to be in this place.” And so I warned this nation about the earthquakes and I also said, “I see blood coming to flow in this land.” Published them everywhere; everybody read it. And then later I said if you don’t repent I see you going into refugee camps. And then even as the nation continued to refuse to repent, then I again spoke to the nation and I told them that if Kenya does not repent, I see a ravaging famine coming to this land. And it continued like that and what did you see happen to this land—earthquakes befell this land; and then also tremendous blood flow has visited this land; the large columns of people that I was talking about when I prophesied; I was saying I see you Kenyans walking in large columns and women are carrying all their belongings in one leso and pulling children; large columns going to refugee camps—in long columns; those columns we saw in this land. And surely the refugee camps are there until today as I speak. At that time when I spoke everybody castigated, especially the pastors and the bishops. The Lord allowed their evil; He allowed them; some even went to TV stations to say, “Don’t worry Kenya; we’ll pray for you, that earthquake will not take place. That blood flow will not take place. Don’t worry—the Lord is a Lord of mercy and grace and love—nothing will happen to you.” But look at how God did not listen to their prayers! And He fulfilled to the letter every word of prophecy that He spoke to this land. Why did these things happen to Kenya? The Book of Acts chapter 17 verse 30, that is where I want to begin with you people today. I want to start by first bringing to your understanding the steps of the country—what
  • 3. God is saying to Kenya today. You’ve been seeing fires burning people here and there; famine there is no “unga”. People say, “O, the ugali is so expensive. What else.” Famine, famine, people are eating mice; people are eating wild bitter fruits; everything we have watched on TVs. It’s tremendous; the kind of famine that has visited here is big. And yet I spoke about these things very, very early to this country. Why have they happened to Kenya? The Book of Acts chapter 17 verse 30, He says, “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.” He says, “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he gives a command that all people everywhere must repent.” Why would the Lord allow a nation like Kenya to live in peace refugees come from many countries like Somali; when there is war in Somali they come; this becomes a fatherly nation, a father nation that takes care of those who are afflicted by war. The people from Sudan they came to Kenya when there was war there; DRC is in Kenya when they have war, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi—a country that takes care of refugees. Only God can make a country such a father country. But what happened? How come all of a sudden now they, Kenyans themselves, are refugees in their own country? And I warned them 4 years before that they are going to be refugees in their country. You see the Lord says in this Scripture that “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands a total repentance from all people everywhere.” And so you begin to understand that there must have been a change in dispensation, season. That is the only thing that can cause God now to put sanction: say “If you don’t repent this will happen.” I remember when I published in the newspapers in 2005. I said “Kenya repent or else!” “Repent or else!” And I remember a lot of bishops and pastors went on TV and radio, started preaching against me. They said no: what he is saying is wrong. How can God say like that: that “Repent or else!” They did not know the Lord had shown me what would happen if Kenya does not repent. Remember the role of the watchman is to see what is coming and to warn people to avoid it. I warned Kenya very faithfully to the letter of every gravity of what was going to happen and Kenya did not listen until the judgment befell the land until now. And by the way the judgment will continue until she does repent and return to the Lord because the Lord has spoken with me. And you see a lot of sin in the church. There is sexual sin in the church. It is the church; the church is the one that has let down the nation. The church has not gone back to Jesus in repentance as the Father commanded me to instruct her; because I said if you don’t repent blood will flow; I said if you don’t repent there is famine; I said if you don’t repent there is going to be earthquakes. And all those things have taken place until this day. There is famine! And I warned very, very, early that there is a ravaging famine and in that
  • 4. paper I said a ravaging famine and the only remedy, I gave the only remedy; the only solution— to repent and to return to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But what the pastors are doing now and the bishops of this land they are driving the anger of God to another level. You know that God is the one who has caused this because He prophesied before it happened. And now they bring Hindu priests here, they bring a Muslim here, they bring a Buddhist here, they bring many, many gods and they ask Him to heal the nation. Don’t they know Jehovah is the most jealous God of Israel? He is the Prince of Peace. He brings His peace to the nation. Only He created Kenya and gave Kenya peace. There is no other God who created Kenya; no other idol god, idol, small wooden gods, those gods of cow and wood; none of them ever created the people of Kenya—those things are going to bring the wrath of God. Kenya must repent even from that sin; it’s a national sin. And the church must repent first. The church has no authority to rebuke sin and evil right now; because the church herself; the pastors and the bishops have fallen to the love of money. They have fallen into sexual sin with women; they have fallen into witchcraft; the pastors and the bishops of this nation they bear a lot of blood of Kenyans in their hands because when I came and warned them to return the whole nation into repentance to avoid this, they argued with it. They are the ones to blame for the state in which Kenya finds herself in right now. The church is the light of the nation. If the church is busy in corruption preaching, “Sow a seed; sow a seed; panda begu,” how can she rebuke corruption? The church is in sin of corruption. They worship the things of the earth in Kenya here. If you see the Kenya secular newspapers how they wrote about the church; that was the church in bad light. They said the dressing and the discos and the dancing going on in the church beats the discos in clubs in the world. When Israel had fallen to sin, the Bible says the Lord spoke to Israel and told Israel that “Look you have fallen in sin and become defiled and fallen lower than the defiled communities you found in that land.” And that’s what you saw written about the church in this nation. Everybody read it. How today when you pay money you can be prayed for; how the youths, the church must be modernized, they are bored with the old church; the holy church is boring to them; they want tumbo cuts, they want to dance like disco, they want everything like that; because it’s boring to them; the holy church is boring to them; they want one which is modern; the dressing is modern; they dance modern, anything goes. That is the world that has entered the church. That is the devil that has entered the church. You hear pastors saying “I have 8,000 youths in the church.” Where are you leading them with all that world? Are you leading them to hell? The church of Christ in Kenya does not have any authority to rebuke any sin until she repents first. The Lord has spoken to me about
  • 5. almost all of them; the pastors and the bishops here. And there is need for a national repentance; for the church to repent, turn away from sin and begin praying for the nation. But now the church is still blind. Their top national leaders, they invite Hindus to pray with them; and they invite all the others to pray with them. Time has come for this nation to be healed. And the healing will come from the Lord. Remember this is a nation that is beloved by the Lord. That’s why everybody, everywhere, they say, we want to come to Kenya and see what the Lord is doing in Kenya. The nation of Kenya must repent as Nineveh did. I wanted to bring you to that level so you may understand what is happening in the land. But today I want to talk about the vision of the Black Horse; that’s where we start from. In fact, I am talking about the Wedding of the Lamb of God, the rapture of the church. But I want to feature first of all the vision of the Black Horse on that August 19th 2008 when the Lord, He spoke with me about the Wedding of the Lamb of God. Now it’s very important for a church like the church in Kenya, which is quite mixed a bit, they are a bit confused, they don’t know which direction to go, it’s important for her to understand that every time the Lord speaks you must find it in the Bible. In fact, if you don’t find it in the Bible, then the Lord God Almighty He has not spoken. And you have to understand another most important thing that every time He speaks, He speaks to the church of Christ. I want to describe this vision so you may have every detail here. It was on the 19th of August 2008 and again in the direction facing east and then the Lord lifted me up and Heaven opened. And I found myself standing before the mighty Throne of the Lord God Almighty. And there was tremendous glory that covered that entire presence; but He made me know that He that sits on the Throne was seated on the Throne. And then after that the third living creature around the Throne of God, the third living creature appeared from that glory and the Lord wanted me to see his face of that third living creature around the Throne of God. And He brought him very, very close to me; after I had seen his face then he went towards the glory of God and then he released the Black Horse. And that Black Horse, he has white mane then a tremendous glorious white mane. And he went around heaven; the rider of the horse took him around heaven and then I saw him live towards the earth and he rode the Black Horse all across the earth at the speed of lightening, and then after that I woke up. What is the Lord speaking to you the church, you the Christian, you the nation of Kenya in that mighty conversation of the Black Horse from Heaven? Remember what I’m giving to you, you cannot get on Christian Television, Global Christian TV, national Christian TV; you cannot get anywhere, or any radio, or any church. This comes by revelation of God. That’s why you see our calendar is packed. Everybody wants to hear about this; every corner of the earth. But what is the message the Lord is speaking to the
  • 6. church. I want to begin from here today. Let us turn to the Scripture. The Bible in the Book of Revelation; precious people turn with me to Revelation. And I am going to walk you very quietly that you may understand the bigger picture of what the Lord is saying. If you look at the Book of Revelation from chapter 1 all the way to chapter 3 you see the Lord speaking to the church to prepare for the Wedding of the Lamb; again I repeat Revelation chapter 1 to chapter 3 He is preparing the church and He is talking to her; He is talking to the church of Ephesus; He is talking to many churches for example in the Book of Revelation chapter 3 beginning from verse 1 He is talking about the release of the 7 spirits unto the church. For example verse 1 there is a place He says, “I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.” Verse 2 He says, “2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.” Verse 3 He says “3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent.” He says “…if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.” Verse 4 He says, “4 Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.” Chapter 1 of Revelation up to chapter 3, He is using this to prepare the church. He is preparing the church for the Wedding of the Lamb that’s why He’s talking about the white, those who have kept their glorious clothes white. He says, “Keep that which you have received.” He’s telling the church “Remember the Blood and the Cross; remember your first love.” Isn’t that what is happening to the church today that they have forgotten their first love? The church today is preaching the gospel of prosperity and not the gospel of the Blood and the Cross. The church is preaching another gospel not the one that she was given by the Lord Jesus. You see for example in Revelation chapter 3 verse 15 down there, “15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either of one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” That lukewarmness (uvugu vugu) is the one that you see in the church today where the world has mixed with the church now you wonder whether she is a Christian or not; is he a Christian or he is not? (vugu vugu) are you hot or cold? There is a big mix; they are warm now—warm Christians. And so you see that in Revelation chapters 1 to chapter 3, God is preparing the church of Christ for the Wedding of the Lamb of God. And remember the most important reason for which the Bible was written is that she may enter into the Wedding of the Lamb of God and the only way to do that is to enter into the rapture of the church and the only way to enter into the Kingdom of God is through rapture. The other way is a little bit too hazardous, too toxic, too dangerous as we will see. And so you see Revelation 1 to 3 again is for preparing the church. But when you move to Revelation chapter 4 then He begins to talk about the Throne of God Almighty in Heaven. And
  • 7. the reason I am taking my time to go through this very deep with you the church of Christ is that because today let ignorance leave the church and let the truth, the revelation that He has given me, the revelation of God, let it now enter the church and set the church free. And so you see that in Revelation chapter 4 He now begins to talk about the Throne of God. And around the Throne of God He talks about the 24 other thrones that surround the Throne of God Almighty. And then you see very quickly He also describes the 4 living creatures around the Throne of God and He says in verse 6 part b, He says “In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back.” Verse 7, He says, “7 The first living creature was like a lion, and the second was like an ox, and the third had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.” Now do you understand why He made the third living creature come and show me his face in that vision and after I had seen his face then He knew now I would understand what number of creature (it) is that released the Black Horse. But anyway chapter 4 talks about the Throne of God, the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures around the Throne of God and how they worship the Lord God Almighty in Heaven and the Lamb. And then it’s amazing because in verse 9 of Revelation chapter 4 He says, “9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him that sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:” Halleluyah! And they say, “11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and they have their being.” And so you begin to quickly understand that He (is) also talking about worship, how the church ought to worship God Almighty in this chapter 4 of Revelation. And He says, “They lay their crowns as they worship Him.” And so He is also teaching the church worship in Chapter 4 here even as He talks about the Throne of God. He is saying, “Please lay down your thrones; lay down your crowns as you worship He that sits on the Throne. Lay down your thrones; lay down your crowns.” I hear some pastors going all over here and bishops and saying, “You know He is the King of kings. We are the kings, so He is the King of we the kings.” “Please lay down those crowns and worship the Lord. Get out of those jokes.” If the 24 elders who are having thrones around God can bow down, face down and lay down their crowns as they worship the Father; how about the church; how about mere men? Remember the crown is a symbol of achievement—I have achieved this. The Lord is saying, “Lay down your achievements and worship God Almighty in Heaven.” We remember Jesus; Jesus laid down the glorious life He led in Heaven; the glorious crown He had in Heaven to come down here and worship the LORD on the cross at Calvary. And He worshipped God by laying down that crown of Glory and then now He was able to worship
  • 8. the LORD on the cross. Why hasn’t the church laid down her crown? Right now I see a lot of crowns in the church and time is running out; every pastor is spotting a crown. Those crowns; they are being worshipped in those little kingdoms of their’s. When they go they get the tithes, the offerings, they touch the glory of Lord; they take the glory. A little sadaka like this; a little offering like this they are already kings; they are so much flying in the sky. How about the crowns in Heaven? If the crowns in Heaven can be laid down to worship the Father of Christ; the only thing Jesus taught us was how to worship the Father in Heaven; the only thing Jesus came to teach us on the cross was how to worship the Father in Heaven; which means lay down your lives. He laid down His life on the cross as He worshipped the Father in Heaven and atoned for our sins. And the Bible even says, “Whoever tries to keep His life will finally lose it when they go to hell and whoever loses his life will gain it when the day comes.” Listen to me precious people, Revelation chapter 3 prepares the church for the rapture; Revelation chapter 4 talks about the events around the Throne of God and how to worship this God; but Revelation chapter 5 you see now He introduces a scroll and He says that He that sits on the Throne on His right hand is a scroll and that scroll has 7 seals. And so you see that now in chapter 5 He is introducing a scroll with 7 seals. And there is a big crisis in Revelation chapter 5 because He says they searched above the higher heavens, and they searched within the heavens and they searched below the heavens and they searched above the earth, on the earth, under the earth, above the waters, under the seas and no one was found that could open the seals of this God. And for that matter a crisis began. There was a big crisis, they were saying, “But who will open the seals of this scroll?” Don’t lose track here. I am giving the revelation of the Black Horse from Heaven the reason you see the Global Economic Crisis today; the prophesy I gave on August 19th the year 2008 and stood before 2 million plus in Nakuru; again gave the same prophesy on August 23rd and 24th and said there is going to be a Global Economic Crisis and famine coming to the earth and you see that in October very quickly, less than 2 months everything happened until today there is an economic crisis that has covered the whole globe. And that is the revelation I am bringing to you today; I’m saying, “What is the Lord saying to the church?” What is the Lord speaking to the church through this mighty vision of the God Almighty? And I said since this is a mighty kesha in the Gideon’s night let me use this opportunity to open up and give you everything; every detail that never again will you say you don’t know. Again Revelation 1 to 3 God is preparing the church for the Wedding of the Lamb; Revelation chapter 4 we saw the events around the Throne of God—the 24 thrones of the 24 elders around the Throne of God and how they worship the LORD by laying down their crowns in honor of God Almighty. And I said the Lord is telling the church that she should also lay down her achievements, her crowns for the sake of this Jesus of Nazareth and He that sits on the Throne. And then we see also the 4 living creatures being introduced in Revelation chapter 4. And we see that that is a preamble; that is a prelude to what happens in Revelation chapter 5.
  • 9. And in Revelation chapter 5 we see that now He talks about a scroll; He talks about a scroll that has to be opened. And it looks like if that scroll is not open there is a crisis—something wrong will happen. And they were searching in heaven, on earth and under the earth. And then finally He says, “Don’t weep for the Lion of the tribe of Judah, He has triumphed. By His own merit now He is able to open the seals of the scroll.” Why was there such a crisis for the scrolls to be opened? Listen to me precious Christians in this nation and the people of this country; listen to me, inside the scroll was hidden the blueprint for the salvation of men; it is hidden the blueprint for the redemption of mankind. And that’s why you see in chapter 6 then there is now the opening of the seals of the scroll. Just to talk about the hidden nature of what is inside the scroll, look at the Book of Matthew 24; Matthew 24 beginning from verse 4 all the way to verse 9; He is giving to them a very important secret. Again Matthew 24 verses 4 to verse 9, He says, “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” This was after the disciples asked Jesus what will be the signs of your coming? And it was hidden. They realized it was hidden. And that’s why they came to Him privately. And He said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 Why was there such a crisis for the scrolls to be opened? Listen to me precious Christians in this nation and the people of this country; listen to me, inside the scroll was hidden the blueprint for the salvation of men; it is hidden the blueprint for the redemption of mankind. It would be a dawn of the season of deception because He talks about deceive you, deceive, they will come and claim; they will deceive you, deceive, deceive many. And so you begin to understand what hidden secrets are within the scroll. And then He says, “6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” And He says, “7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Now do you understand the famines I have been prophesying and the earthquakes; prophesying and they happen; and they happen; and they happen; that every time I prophesied it was fulfilled. And you see now there is a horrendous Global Economic Crisis and famine. The earthquakes; even I prophesied an earthquake coming to the bottom of the sea the Lord took me in that mighty vision into the bottom of the sea and He showed me, “Look where the earthquake is going to come from?” And I went live on air and I said there is going to be a massive earthquake; it is going to be in Asia. I have seen even the place at the bottom of the sea, of the ocean; where it will to take place. You remember when I prophesied the Asian tsunami in the same way; He took me and showed me where it would take place. So these are the famines He is talking about; “…there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Verse 8 He says, “…these are the beginning of birth pains.” But verse 9 is interesting, He says, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many.” Now listen to this,
  • 10. Verse 8 He says when you see the famines we are seeing and the earthquakes, they are the beginning of birth pains—what we are seeing today. He says they are the beginning of birth pains. Verse 9 He says “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted for the sake of my testimony; for the sake of me, my name.” But we know that that is what happens in the tribulation. And so you begin to understand that between verse 8 and verse 9 something has happened—the rapture has taken place; the Wedding of the Lamb of God has taken place. And you see He is talking about the great apostasy—the falling away from true faith. And so today you are going to learn about something so critical that will transform your lives wherever you are today. We know that the greatest apostasy takes place in the tribulation when they will now remove the worship from the House of the LORD and replace (it with) the abomination of the desolation - the image of the antichrist. And the false prophet who is masquerading at that time will implement and will execute the instruction to worship the beast, the image of the beast. We know the things about this false prophet; that he will have a lot of economic power; and he will have power also to demonstrate falsehood. But that is the greatest abomination; the greatest apostasy in the House. And that’s why you see that the apostasy you are beginning to see in the church today is a preamble; it’s a stepping stone to the big apostasy of the day. And so I wanted to share with you the secrets that you find within the scrolls even by looking at the Book of Matthew 24. And so you see why there was crisis in Revelation chapter 5 that if no one is found to open the 7 seals of the scroll there would be no revelation for the church; she would not know when He is coming; they will not know when He is coming or where they are within the prophetic time line. But now Revelation chapter 6 that is where the message is regarding the Black Horse. You see now that they have found that the Lion of the tribe of Judah based on the merit of His Blood, He is able to open the seals of the scroll and inside the seals in the scroll is hidden the secrets that will reveal, give revelation to the church so she may know where she is or how far she (is) to the Wedding of the Lamb of God. And if the church does not know how close she is to the Wedding of the Lamb, then how will she prepare for the Wedding of the Lamb? The Bible says, “How will they prepare unless you blow the trumpet?” And we see that the reason that Jesus died on the cross is that the fruit of the cross, the fruit of His work may enter into the Kingdom of God. And the fruit of the cross is the redeemed church that enters into the Wedding of the Lamb of God. What is the point in being a Christian, being a Christian and then miss the Kingdom of God? That’s why this is the most critical day in your Christian walk that you may be able now to understand that the dispensation has arrived and prepare to enter into the Kingdom of God; (so) that when you will prepare then you can enter. So in Revelation chapter 6 the Lamb begins to open the 7 seals; remember there are 7 seals; but remember within the 7 seals only the first 4 are the most critical to the church. That’s why when the Lord spoke with me about the Wedding of the Lamb on the 2nd of April 2004, when He lifted me up before His Mighty Glorious Throne again, then I saw the 4 horses. He
  • 11. showed me the 4 horses within His Glory that were about to be released; there were 4 horses in that glory and they were about to be released. And now you begin to understand that they are the most important to the church right now. In Revelation chapter 6 now the Lamb begins to open the 7 seals. And He says, “ 1 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.” That is now the first seal. And that’s why you see the Lord was saying that when you see these things happen like earthquakes, famines, wars, “Don’t be worried; don’t be alarmed as Christians.” Those should just be landmarks to you that “Look the Lord is about to come.” The war in Iraq; the war in Afghanistan; the war in Somali; the war in DRC; the war in Bangladesh; the war in Pakistan; the war in South Africa; the war in Kenya; everywhere; you remember the post elections violence in Kenya war, war, war, war these are the signs He was talking about in the Bible. And in verse 3 he says, “ 3 When the Lamb opened the second seal,” remember the second seal, “I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.” So you see the first horse, the White Horse and then the second horse, the Red Horse. And I remember on March 17th 2008 when I announced live on radio that I have the Red Horse going across the whole earth; March 17th 2008—at the speed of lightening. But you see that now the second seal produces the second horse which is the Red Horse. And the second living creature is involved. Verse 5, “5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four; living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, a three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” Now you see the Black Horse is released when the third seal is opened. And when the third seal is opened you begin to see that the voice of the LORD God Himself begins to speak from among the 4 living creatures; from the Throne. When the first seal was open the voice of the Lord God Himself is not heard. But the voice of the first living creature is heard. And we know that the first living creature even as the Lord spoke is the lion and the second living creature is the ox and the third is the one with the human face. So you understand why He brought him so close to me to see his face so I may understand fully how this Black Horse has
  • 12. been released. And you see now that the voice of the LORD comes from the Throne of God and says, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, a three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” That is where the message is that I bring to you as a church. In all this conversation here: what is God saying to you the church? You will be very astonished at how deep this is. And from this day on, you will prepare for the Coming of the Messiah. On the other side of the short break of worship, I am going to go very deep and reveal to you what exactly the Lord is saying to the church; why I prophesied this and in less than 2 months the whole earth until today is completely engulfed in a Global Economic Black Day. People have lost a lot of jobs, in millions. In the US they gave the statistics of 2.8 million jobs were lost in 2008, immediately from October, 2.6 million jobs since the prophecy was fulfilled from October; from October when the prophecy was fulfilled to the end of 2008—2.6 million jobs! They said since the earth was created they have not seen that. And in England now one of the banks has made history. They said the biggest loss in British corporate history and a lot of jobs have been lost. Many have lost their homes; many have lost their jobs; no bread is arriving at the table. You see the famine I talked about? And I will explain to you why the rider of this Black Horse is carrying the scale, ratili on his hand, the balance. And so it’s very, very important, it’s very important that you catch us on the other side of this short break. May the Lord bless you.