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Repentance and Holiness | 3
At this time, He asked me to warn
the Church to repent and to Prepare
the Way for the Second Coming of
Christ, the Lamb of GOD. This event,
The Lord said, would change the four
beginning of the massive repentance
revival across the nations of the earth
in preparation for Coming of The
On that material day (August 13,
to the exact site at which HIS Spirit
descended from Heaven, and came
upon John the Baptist;The Spirit that
empowered and commissioned John
the Baptist to preach repentance and
Holiness for the remission of sins and
for the Preparation of the Way for
The Lord JESUS. Astonishingly, a few
hours after this encounter with the
Holy Spirit, The LORD showed me
how HE allowed scientists in Israel
to discover and open up the cave at
which John the Baptist first received
THE SPIRIT OF The LORD that led him
into the wilderness to proclaim the
Coming of The Lord JESUS. This event
greatly shocked the earth when
different media networks interrupted
their broadcasts of the popular, well
announcements carefully explained
the big mystery that had taken place
in Israel by the discovery of this site at
which John the Baptist first began his
ministry. The news media networks
displayed in different languages, the
drawings made on the wall by the
disciples of John the Baptist, of his
his prophetic finger. Many
specialists belonging to
networks on this day
implications of this
to h e a r s e c u l a r
specialists drawing
analysis to the effect that
this discovery would have far
Coming of Christ JESUS.
APTURE of the Church is the
day when The Lord JESUS will
come for His Glorious Church
in a twinkling of an eye. That material
day will come without notice like a
thief, and Heaven will open, followed
by a loud command of the Archangel
and The Mighty Trumpet Call of GOD.
The Lord JESUS will then appear in the
clouds, and the dead in Christ will rise
up first to meet Him in the clouds,
then those Christians LIVING IN COMPLETE
HOLINESS at the time, will be lifted up
to catch up with the rest in the air to
meetThe Lord.
The Mighty RAPTURE Vision
The LORD talked to me (Dr. Owuor)
and showed me how the RAPTURE of
the Glorious Church of Christ would
take place. In this conversation, HE
asserted the need for the Church in
walk in Holiness and prepare for the
Glorious RAPTURE.
Ever since then, The LORD has
repeatedly shown me this vision of
theRAPTURE morethanfourtimeswhile
emphasizing the urgency with which
the Church should prepare herself in
Holiness. In this vision, the Bride of
on the extreme right-hand side of
the sky, the voice of the Archangel
“Look! The Lord Is About
To Appear In The Sky.”
This was immediately followed by the
sounding of the Mighty Trumpet Call
of The LORD GOD. Then The Lord
JESUS appeared in the sky and showed
me His right nail-pierced hand and
then suddenly, took away His Holy
and Glorious Bride (The Repented,
Restored, Holy, Latter Church).
Hallelujah, what a MightyVision!
However, what stood out, were the
hands ofThe Lord, that were receiving
the Perfect Bride (Holy Church). This
of Christ, the Person whose might, the
at His might, thereby honouring Him
and living to please Him. The Church
can now see, that the earth is just a
He created. No wonder His
Glorious hands are
large during
even as
He took
u p H i s
B r i d e .
l y ,
during the
writing of this
magazine on the
July 31, 2006 night,
The LORD showed
me what the earth
would look like after the
RAPTURE of the Church. Considering
that The LORD has previously been
showing me what the RAPTURE would
look like, more than four times, then
this new vision of what the earth
would look like after the RAPTURE,
represents a significant time shift
whose purpose is by all means to
emphasize the urgency with which
the mighty and sometimes dreadful
John The Baptist Appears To Me
It was not until the afternoon of
April 2, 2004, that it became
apparent to me that the
Church had changed.
Person of the Holy
Spirit appeared to
me in repeated
visitations, in which
He commanded me
to prophesy to the
Church during a period
of more than one year
concerning a very significant
spiritual event that would occur in
Israel on exactly August 13, 2004.
Church has not perceived rightfully.
was purposefully intended by The
LORD GOD to open up the spiritual
eyes of the Church
(Christians) to a
new realisation
of the supre-
m a c y o f
with Christ
respecting and
honouring Him. Surely,
this realisation that
Christ JESUS is mightier
than Christians have
thought, can be seen in the above
hands which received the Church are
enormously larger and mightier than
of the Saints in one go.
The Lord JESUS indeed is the Head
and the Bridegroom of the Church.
The LORD GOD in this vision is also
reflected in the book of Colossians,
chapter 1, verses 15 through 20,
which clearly state that He is the
invisible image of GOD and the first
born over all creation, and that by
Him all things were created, things
in Heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or powers
created by Him and for Him. The
supremacy of Christ presented by
JEHOVAH GOD in the above vision
implies that The Lord JESUS is above
even the higher Heavens (Ephesians
4: 8-10; Ephesians 1:9-10).
This demonstration of The Lord JESUS
by The LORD GOD, is meant to help
the Church review her relationship
with The Lord JESUS and to be in awe
The Mighty Vision of the RAPTURE
of the Glorious Church, that The
LORD showed Dr. Owuor on
the May 17, 2004.
presentation of
The Lord JESUS by
is meant to help the
Church review her
relationship with Him
and to be in awe at
His Might, thereby
Him and living
to please Him.
The MightyVisionThe LORD GOD
gave Dr. Owuor
4 | Repentance and Holiness
TheWhiteGloriousLambof GOD,that
was slain with BLOOD dripping around
His neck, came straight to the feet of
John the Baptist and looked at him
and John released Him to me then
He came to my feet. Upon reaching
at my feet, He looked up at me and I
said to myself in HIS Presence, “He is
so Glorious and Holy, I am not worthy
of touching Him.”Immediately, He left
towards 3 feet in front of me and then
then came back to my feet. Then THE
VOICE of The LORD GOD said,
“ G o w a r n t h e f o u r
corners of the ear th to
repent and Prepare the
Way for the Coming of The
Lord JESUS.”
At that point, I woke up. Later, The
LORD GOD started revealing to me
was ready to be released. This White,
Glorious Horse essentially represent
the Second Coming of The Lord JESUS
South, East,West). And to date, I keep
wondering. . .
. . . is the Church aware that THE
SPIRIT OF The LORD which brings
repentance has been released to
the four corners of the earth?
The Bible On The RAPTURE
The Bible speaks very clearly about
the RAPTURE of the Church as the main
spiritual event within the prophetic
time line towards the Second Coming
ofChristJESUS.TheLordJESUS beforeHe
was taken up into Heaven, promised
the Church that He was going to The
FATHER’s (The LORD GOD) house
Mighty Visitation in which The LORD
GOD presented John the Baptist on
my right hand side in the presence
of His Glory. It all began on April 2,
2004, with a mighty vision in which
the moon became very glorious and
was covered with blood on one half
(its right side), and the Glory of The
LORD GOD covered the entire place
including myself. Then suddenly, The
LORD presented John the Baptist on
my right-hand side in the presence of
HIS Glory.AndJohntheBaptistspoke
with me about the White, Glorious
Horse that was about to be released
This The LORD said was meant as a
signal to the four corners of the earth
in order to Prepare the Way for the
Second Coming of Christ, the Lamb
of God. The White Horse was in the
centre ofThe Glory of The LORD GOD
with its tail lifted and wagging as in,
ready to be released. Then John the
Baptist told me to go warn the four
corners of the earth to Prepare the
Way for the Second Coming of Christ,
the Lamb of GOD who is coming
back for the Church. At that instant,
The LORD GOD in HIS Glory released
a White, Very Glorious Lamb that
was slain with blood dripping around
His neck. The White, Glorious and
Pure Lamb of GOD came all the way
from the centre of the Glory of The
LORD GOD towards John the Baptist,
HE said,
“Behold, this is The Lamb
of GOD that was slain. It
was the will of the FATHER
that He be slain for the
sins of the world. He is
now coming back for the
Bomet Repentance: Repentance Revival fire entered Kenya’s Rift Valley Province during
Repentance in Bomet, a small unknown town, where thousands received The Lord JESUS
as their Saviour. Many brought repentance before The LORD which HE commands
from us, for our relationship with Him to be restored, a foundation for the process of
perfecting the Bride of Christ. The Lord JESUS is coming back for a Glorious and Holy
Bride during the RAPTURE of the Church. These communities in Bomet returned to The
LORD in a very historic way, thereby becoming a model prototype for the East African
nation of Kenya.
in Heaven to prepare for her a place,
after which He would return and
take her to be with Him
forever as His Bride. For
example, in the book of
John, chapter 14, verses
1 through 3, The Lord
JESUS says,
“Do not let your
hearts be troubled.
Trust in God; trust
also in me. 2
In my
Fa t h e r ’s h o u s e
are many rooms;
if it were not so,
I would have told
you. I am going
there to prepare a
place for you.
And if I go and
prepare a place
for you, I will come
back and take you
to be with me that
you also may be where
I am.”
LordJESUS wasspeakingaboutgoingto
prepare a place for His Bride (Church)
and He would return for her, in effect
describing the RAPTURE of the Church.
In lay man’s terms, this illustrates
an impending Glorious Wedding
between the Church and Christ JESUS
whose date is a top secret except to
The LORD GOD. Furthermore, in the
book of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4,
verses 15 through 17, Paul writes, in
his letter of encouragement, to the
brethren in Thessalonica and asks
them to look forward in anticipation
for the RAPTURE;
According to The Lord’s
own word, we tell you that
we who are still alive, who
are left till the coming of
The Lord, will certainly not
precede those who have
fallen asleep. 16
For The
Lord himself will come down
from Heaven, with a loud
command, with the voice of
the archangel and with the
trumpet call of God, and
the dead in Christ will rise
first. 17
After that, we who
are still alive and are left
will be caught up together
with them in the clouds to
meet The Lord in the air.
And so we will be with The
Lord forever.
Furthermore, it is important for
Christians to realise that the book of
the Church while Revelation 4 to 22
talks about Endtime judgement.This
is evidence that the Church ceases
to exist after the RAPTURE. In other
words, keep it in your
mind, that THERE WILL
RAPTURE. Therefore,
it is very critical that
all Christians strive
the RAPTURE. The signs
of the RAPTURE which
include wars, rumours
of wars, famines,
fearful events from
Heavenly bodies are
leaving the Church
with a very short time
and Glorious RAPTURE. It is noteworthy
predicted as coming to consume
the Church in these last days. One
characteristic being the godlessness
of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-7) and
the falling away of true faith in Christ
JESUS (Apostasy) (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
It is also important for Christians
to be sensitive in THE SPIRIT OF The
LORD and keep away from these two
the RAPTURE. The implication here is
supernatural transformation that has
among both the living and the dead
elect. This spiritual transformation is
of GOD categorically states that from
dust men came, thus to dust men
shall return. So, for any man to leave
dust and join Christ, he would have
to be transformed into the spiritual.
(Genesis 2:7 (Spirit); Genesis 3:19;
Psalms 103:14; Ecclesiastes 3:20)
Moreover, the impendingWedding to
which the Bride (Church) is looking
forward, is a spiritual one, given that
theBridegroom (LordJESUS) is spiritual
and from Heaven, while the Bride is
physical and earthly in her current
nature. A clear reflection of this is
seen in the book of 1 Corinthians
chapter 15 verse 47, which states
that the first man (Physical Adam)
THE BIBLE: When the groom
visits the bride’s family
and drinks from the same
glass of wine with her, he is
given a scroll as a written
covenant of their wedding
engagement. The same
thing happened when The
Lord JESUS gave the Church
His blood as the true drink
(John 6:53-56) and gave
her the Bible as the written
covenant of engagement.
No wonder The Lord JESUS
said “Whoever eats of my
flesh (the living Bread from
Heaven) & drinks my BLOOD
remains in me, & I, in Him.”
Repentance and Holiness | 5
PROPHECY: Thousands of people gathered for Repentance in Nyamira, a small town in
the western part of Kenya on March 26, 2006. At this meeting, the Holy Spirit made
utterances concerning the massive historic earthquakes that were coming to Iran and
Russia. Dr. Owuor said, “Listen to me the nations of the earth, listen to me the nation
of Iran, listen to me the nation of Russia, I have seen a historic earthquake hit you and
The LORD GOD BY VOICE said ‘Preparing For The RAPTURE Of The Church’ and when this
earthquakes happen, you shall know that I AM The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and that the
mouth ofThe LORD has spoken’”.
Fulfilment: It took only five days and on Friday, March 31, 2006, all news networks all
over the earth reported massive historic earthquakes that devastated the western part
of Iran. After 26 days following the prophecy on April 21st, 2006, a historic Russian
quake hit with a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale.
The Wedding
Covenant given to the
Groom by the Brides
Parents afer drinking
with her from the
securing a place in which he will live
with his bride. Once all preparations
have been made, the father sends his
agents to monitor the faithfulness of
the bride, and whether she is worthy
of marrying his son. If all is well and
of the wedding, then the bridegroom
returns for his bride. This is the most
joyous moment that she would ever
have, to see her bridegroom come to
pick her up and is a valuable life-long
bridegroom was not around.
The wedding ceremony however, is
not complete until a glass is crashed
underfoot by the bridegroom, with
all his might while holding the
hands of his bride. Subsequently, the
to his father’s house for the wedding
For the Church, this represents the
to the RAPTURE. The red wine of
covenant that is taken from the same
glass between the Bridegroom and
the Bride, is the BLOOD of JESUS that
was shed as a Covenant betweenThe
Lord JESUS and the Church and used
to purchase her so she may totally
belong to Him. (John 6:49-58) And,
the scroll of the written Covenant is
represented by the Holy Bible which
contains the terms and conditions of
the Wedding Covenant. That is also
a broken and stripped body of Christ
which is theWord.While the Servants
to survey on the bride’s faithfulness
to the Church before the RAPTURE. In
this case only The Father JEHOVAH
GOD knows the date of theWedding
that will be announced abruptly
without notice.
Having identified His Bride, we see
that Christ went back to His FATHER
in Heaven to prepare a place for
the Church. (John 14:1-6) The pre-
the Church is the Everlasting, Mighty,
All Powerful, BLOOD of JESUS, the Son
of GOD, shed at Calvary. In this case,
the Bride who is the Church, is not
involved in an ordinary wedding but
is looking forward to an all Glorious
wedding with the Darling of Heaven,
who is seated at the centre of the
Throne (Revelation 5:6) and already
gave His life for the Church thereby
earning Him a place at the right
hand of The LORD GOD. As though
that were not enough, a search was
made above Heaven, in Heaven, in
The scroll of the
wedding covenant
g i v e n
t o
t h e
was of the earth and the second
man (Spiritual JESUS) is from Heaven.
her earthly nature will wed Christ, is
to be spiritually transformed.
The Wedding
On the day of the RAPTURE, the Church
will wed Christ in a much anticipated
Glorious event. However, it is very
critical to realise that every wedding is
normally preceded by a pre-wedding
covenant that both parties
must observe and respect
faithfully. Many times, the
his bride, goes into a covenant
on the scenario. An example
of the pre-wedding seal is
the popularly exchanged
engagement ring.
Bride of Christ &
Jehovah’s Wife
According to the command handed
to them by Moses, among the Jews,
once the bridegroom has identified
parents. At the bride’s home,
her parents become witnesses
herself and the groom-to-be.
This pre-wedding covenant
has two very important
features, one of them
being the glass of red
wine that the bride and
the groom have to share;
while the other is the
written scroll of the pre-
wedding covenant that
they wait for the wedding date.
The Last Supper
In the book of Mark chapter 14 during
The Lord’s Last Supper with His
disciples, He broke bread and gave
a piece to each and took the same
cup of wine and gave each one of the
twelve disciples to drink from.
While they were eating,
JESUS took bread, gave
thanks and broke it, and
gave it to His disciples,
saying, “Take it; this is
my body.” 23
Then He took
the cup, gave thanks and
offered it to them, and they
all drank from it. 24
“This is
my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for
many,”He said to them.
“I tell you the truth, I will
not drink again of the fruit
of the vine until that day
when I drink it anew in the
Kingdom of God.”
This represents the pre-wedding
covenant when The Lord JESUS had
found His Bride (The Church).
Note that unlike other pre-wedding
covenants, this is one in which He
gave His own life and His BLOOD as the
Pre-wedding Covenant. The BLOOD
the day of the Wedding. This
very powerful pre-wedding
Covenant of the BLOOD of JESUS
is supposed to have sustained
the Church (The Christian)
and kept her focussed on
waiting for Christ. No
wonder in the book of 1
He told her,
And when He had
given thanks, he broke
it and said, “This is my
body, which is for you; do
this in remembrance of
me.” 25
In the same way,
after supper He took the
cup, saying, “This cup is
the new covenant in
my Blood; do this,
whenever you drink
it, in remembrance of
me.” 26
For whenever
you eat this bread
and drink this cup,
y o u p r o c l a i m
The Lord’s death
until He comes.
Covenant that should
have kept the Church
(The Christian) busy
purifying the wedding
gown in anticipation of the RAPTURE.
In the Jewish Rabbinic Laws, this
powerful pre-wedding session
represents a formal announcement
that the bridegroom has found his
preparations, a wedding whose date
is kept secret by his father. The father
then prepares the required resources
for the wedding vis a vis the season
because the season must be ripe for
during the harvest time. However,
even within the season, only the
father knows the exact date of the
THE COVENANT: Just as the wine
is taken from one glass by
the bride & the groom, so
is the BLOOD of the Covenant
that The Lord JESUS shed
for His Bride (Church) for
the engagement covenant
with her.
6 | Repentance and Holiness
The confirmation of the crushing
defeatoverdeathduringtheRAPTURE of
the Church is also seen in the book of
1 Corinthians, chapter 15, from verses
24 through 27 which says,
Then the end will come,
when he hands over the
kingdom over to GOD
the Father after he has
destroyed all dominion,
authority and power. 25
he must reign until he has
put all his enemies under
his feet. 26
The last enemy
to be destroyed is death. 27
For he “has put everything
under his feet.” Now when
it says that “everything”
has been put under him,
it is clear that this does
not include GOD himself,
who put everything under
A major hallmark of victory will
consume the Glorious and Holy
Church that qualifies to be taken up
in RAPTURE. This is the finality of the
victory that The Lord JESUS scored
for the Church at Cavalry, a victory
no Christian would want to
miss, thereby, stressing
the need for the entire
Church to prepare a
Glorious, Spotless
and Sinless Gown.
Furthermore, in the
Jewish wedding,
during the time of
preparation, the bride
is usually heavily involved
preparing the gown for the wedding
bride. It is absolutely vital during this
time of preparation that faithfulness,
her. Any breach of covenant leading
to unfaithfulness usually nullifies the
preparation has taken.
Breaching the Covenant
The LORD GOD makes HIS Servant
HE may demonstrate to the Church
the gravity of breaching the marital
covenant. In this case, HE makes
HIS Servant Hosea feel the pain and
agony thatThe LORD JEHOVAH GOD
felt when HIS wife, Israel, became
unfaithful and prostituted with other
gods in the land. HE speaks jealously
of her (Hosea 2:14-16; Hosea 3: 1-4).
However, when Israel becomes so
unfaithful to JEHOVAH, HE is able
to abandon her and forget about
the Covenant of Love that HE had
with her. For example, Israel whom
The LORD delivered from slavery in
Egypt through a mighty covenant of
love with Jacob, is abandoned and
thrown back to Babylon into slavery
when she becomes unfaithful to
It is interesting that JEHOVAH GOD
out of HIS mercies often allows
Israel to return to HIM as HIS first
love when she seeks HIM with all
her heart and turns away from her
wickedness. One case being, when
Prophet Ezekiel promised to cleanse
her from all impurities, after a long
period of defilement. (Ezekiel 36:24-
30). Likewise, the Church is the
Bride of Christ and ought to walk
in complete faithfulness. Moreover,
Christ, like JEHOVAH GOD, promises
to cleanse the Church using
His own BLOOD that was
shed at Calvary. The
only condition being
that His Bride (the
Church) should
be willing to seek
Him with every
fibre of her heart
in faithfulness. By
inference, this means
that the same rules of
faithfulness between Israel
and JEHOVAH GOD, definitely apply
to the relationship between Christ
and His Bride (the Church), except
that Israel is yet to receive The Lord
JESUS. In which case, He loves her
jealously, to the point of dying for
her at the Cross, and despite falling
away to unfaithfulness, He is able
to cleanse her with His own BLOOD
upon her return to Him during these
last days when the Spirit of Endtime
Repentance Revival sweeps the
earth. Therefore, on that mighty day
of RAPTURE, surely, the Church will be
and Glorious Bride of Christ JESUS.This
of every Christian preparing for this
are the Church, then this inevitably
raises the question;
“Will all Christians be taken up
in the RAPTURE?”
For the
Church to
receive the latter
promised Glory,
she has to preach the
dirty, rugged Cross
at Calvary, which is
the heart of the
The Cross is the heart of the
gospel while the BLOOD of JESUS
is the power of the gospel.
The only way through which
the Church can go up with
The Lord JESUS in the RAPTURE,
is the Way of the Cross (John
14:1-6). But, how can today’s
modern Church which has
made the gospel of prosperity
central, while the BLOOD and
Cross alien, make it into the
RAPTURE. It is saddening that
the message of the Cross has
become very, very rare and
yet for the Church to receive
the latter promised Glory, she
has to restore and preach this
dirty, rugged Cross, at Calvary,
atThe LORD’s Altar.
Dr. Owuor preaching during a Mighty Repentance Meeting at Nyahururu, in Kenya. A
massive wave of repentance hit the nation of Kenya when The Lord sent Dr. Owuor
to that country to tell them to repent and Prepare The Way. Many towns went into a
repentance revival of return to Holiness in this E. African nation. After repentance,
the Mighty power of the Holy Spirit came down and delivered and healed hundreds of
people in all the meetings.
was found that could
purchase and redeem
of her fallen nature
(Revelations 5:1-5).
In the beginning, she
had no hope till the
King of Glory brought
and suffered rejection
(Isaiah 53), thereby
qualifying her to be
acceptable through
His BLOOD Covenant of
love. Surely, this much
anticipated wedding
during the RAPTURE is
one of its own kind,
that has never been,
and after which, there
surely will never be another. In other
words, the Church (Bride) will be
fellowship with The Lord during the
is symbolised by the crushing of the
glass by the bridegroom during the
TheLordJESUS andimplyingthatdeath
will never again have dominion over
His Bride (Church). The crushing of
death practically means crushing of
sin because it is sin that brings death
to His Bride. And it is this crushing of
death during the RAPTURE that fulfils
the prophecy in the book of Genesis
man was cursed by The
LORD saying,
“And I will put
enmity between you
a n d t h e w o m a n ,
and between your
offspring and hers;
HE will crush your
head, and you will
strike his heel.”
It is important to
realise that ‘HE’ in
this Scripture refers to
Christ, the Son of Man,
who would come and
offer a crushing defeat
over death at the peak
of the RAPTURE. It is
the climax of man’s
redemption (Galatians
4:4; Revelation 12:5).
above by the RAPTURE,
restores fellowship between man and
GOD to the original level when Adam
used to walk with GOD in the cool of
the day. And that is whyThe Lord JESUS
during the last supper said He would
not drink from that cup again until He
drinks it anew in the Kingdom of GOD
with His Bride (RAPTURED Saints). This
is seen in the book of 1 Corinthians,
chapter 15, and verses 54 through 56
which say,
When the perishable
has been clothed with
imperishable, and the
mortal with immortality,
then the saying that is
written will come true:
“Death has been swallowed
up in victory.” 55
“Where, O
death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your
sting?” 56
The sting of death
is sin, and the power of sin
is the law.
Repentance and Holiness | 7
Will All Christians Be
This probably, has been the most
confusing, daunting and unsettling
Christian, thereby, at times creating
extreme fear and enormous anxiety
and to some extent, leading many to
even dread the day of the RAPTURE.The
truth is that no Christian would want
to miss the day of the RAPTURE and
plunge themselves into Tribulation.
At the same time, there is a common
generic over assumption and comfort
by some Christians who have not
treated RAPTURE with gravity. In this
respect, it is noteworthy, that Heaven
and earth will come and go but every
Biblical Scripture will be fulfilled to
the letter.
The position of the Bible regarding
those who will qualify for the RAPTURE,
has been clearly stated without any
of Genesis to Revelation.
The LORD GOD in the
book of Hebrews,
chapter 12 verse
14, already gave
us a benchmark
s t a n d a rd t o
H e a v e n l y
In this Scripture,
Holiness is the
key to entering
the much awaiting
eternal fellowship with
The HOLY LORD in Heaven.
But, how does the daily Christian
relate to this standard in his/her
walk with Christ? To answer this
question, there is great relevance in
examining Apostle Paul’s letter of
encouragement to the Corinthian
Church in which he emphasizes
the importance of receiving the
Holy Spirit and transforming their
that the dust, which is the flesh and
blood and returns to dust, cannot
inherit the RAPTURE (Genesis 2:7).
Whilst at the same time The LORD
GOD gave HIS breath of life, who is
Christ, through whom man can now
in through the dust of the ground,
eternal life came in through Christ,
the Spirit-filled man. Therefore, only
those who live Spiritual lives, through
LORD GOD, will inherit the RAPTURE.
Given the current state of defilement
of perennial sin and coupled with
her heavy involvement in deceptive
it becomes apparent that only a small
minute fraction of Christians (Church)
that have fallen asleep (dead) will be
resurrected in the RAPTURE. This is a
swallow, if she is to be restored back
to Holiness.
Will All Living Christians
in absolute Holiness at the time of
death will inherit the RAPTURE, it comes
out very clearly, that the decision to
cross into the RAPTURE is made by the
Christian before death. The question
then becomes: in this world littered
with rampant sexual immorality,
lusting with eyes, pornography,
watching TV programs and movies
that do not glorify JESUS, idolatry of
and false prophecies,
corruption, malice,
murder, slander, back
stabbing, gossip, anger,
coarse jokes and filthy
language from the same
tongue used to worship
bitterness, smoking,
abortions, promotion
of condoms, listening
to unholy music like
which are marks of the
kingdom of darkness,
bringing unholy and
immoral dancing at the
Altar of The LORD, the
syndrome of modern
Christianity, blackmailing, abusiven-
ess in marriage, ungratefulness,
unfor-giveness, without self-control
even relating to food, rash, conceited,
loving pleasure rather than The LORD
the true anointed ones of The LORD,
rejecting repentance which is the
BLOOD of JESUS, selfishness, laziness,
neglect of street children (Chokoras),
neglect of widows and single mothers
in the streets by the traffic lights while
driving by them almost knocking
them down on your way to Church,
raping, in-fighting in the Churches
and splitting into small evil groups,
keeping stocks of timber for coffins
in anticipation of Church members’
death, homosexuality, lesbianism
in Church, picking condoms in
Church compounds after Kesha
nights, threatening one another with
death because of their involvement
in repentance, inheritance of wives,
practising traditional rituals in births,
burials, marriages, circumcisions
and initiations, ground breaking
ceremonies, boat launching,
traditional ceremonies by football
teams before matches, Church ‘seed’
planting, scarring, polygamy, immoral
tight dressing showing navals and
anatomies, wearing transparent
clothes, men piercing ears and noses,
of homosexuality, bringing cultural
dancers wearing traditional regalia
of witch doctors at the Altar of The
LORD GOD, receiving gifts in Church
from devil worshippers, idolising and
adoring of wealthy devil worshippers
in Church, enthroning men other
than Christ JESUS in big ceremonial
occasions, slaughtering
bringing politicians and
coffins at the Altar ofThe
LORD GOD, engaging in
political talks at the Altar
of The LORD GOD, not
the BLOOD of JESUS and the
Cross at Calvary, even at
the Altar of The
LORD GOD, bribing,
prostitution, theft,
religiousness without
the Holy Spirit, faking
miracles and speaking
in false (devil’s) tongues,
openly practising
comedy at the Altar of
The LORD GOD without fearing the
wrath of The LORD GOD, publishing
Christian walk into the spiritual
realm as a prerequisite of finally
entering Heaven.
Will All The Dead Be RAPTURED?
In the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter
15, verses 50 through 53, the Holy
Bible lays it plainly, that flesh and
blood cannot inherit the Kingdom
of GOD. Furthermore, the perishable
cannot inherit the imperishable and
the mystery of the RAPTURE lies in the
fact that both the living and the dead
will be spiritually transformed in a
flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the
dead will be raised imperishable and
the living will be changed. No where
does it come out clearer than verse
53, in which The Lord says, that the
perishable must clothe themselves
immortality, to bring into fulfilment
the final defeat over death, that was
gloriously handed over to us by The
Lord JESUS upon locking the doors to
Death and Hades.
To every Christian (Church), this
marks a very clear definition of who
exactly will be able to make it into
the RAPTURE. The flesh and blood
represent the perishable and the
physical realm in which case, it
cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD,
while the imperishable realm can
only be attained through the
of the Holy Spirit. This
flesh and blood is
die because:-
i) it is loaded
with the sinful
desires of man,
and yet the Bible
says that the
wages of sin is
death (Romans
ii) it derived its
origin from dust, and
must return to dust, as The
LORD has destined it (Genesis
2:7; 3:19).
Amazingly, The LORD GOD, in HIS
supernatural infinite plan for man,
formed the first Adam from the dust
of the ground, and then breathed
into HIS nostrils the breath of life
(HIS Spirit) and man became a living
being. Now, it becomes very evident
The Church has neglected
orphaned street children,
widows and single mothers
by the traffic lights.
Christians drive by them
almost hitting them on
the way to Church and not
realising that this will cost
them seeing The Lord JESUS
(Matthew 25:35-46). The
gospel in today’s Church
has been perverted for
financial gain leading to the
blindness of the sheep.
It is fearful
that over 90%
of those confessing
to be Christians,
Spirit visitation does not
enter the Church and
the Church.
RAPTURE: Heaven will open, followed by
the loud command of the Archangel, the
Trumpet call of God, and The Lord JESUS
will come to meet His Holy and Glorious
Church; only those living, and those who
died, in complete Holiness.
8 | Repentance and Holiness
It makes one wonder, how small the
number is, of the Christians from this
otherwise modern and perennially
infant today’s Church, will qualify for
the RAPTURE if it happened right now.
T h o u g h
one may
E n d t i m e
p r o p h e c y
towards the
RA P T U R E would
usher in a dispensation
of the love of pleasure and
absence of perseverance
among other evil traits (2
Timothy 3:1-9), the Church
by no means should be caught
up in that bracket, because she right
now unknowingly carries a very
the End of Age. This is the latter
anointing, that is supposed to come
of the Holy Spirit, an anointing that
has long been prophesied (Joel 2:
28-32) as being unique, mightier than
the previous, and cannot be shared
with the kingdom of darkness. In
other words, this is an anointing that
requires a new wine skin (Matthew
9:16-17, John 2:8-10) because it is
more effervent and hence capable of
preparing the Church from any level
of filth (fall) to become the Glorious,
Sinless, Perfect Bride of Christ.
Considering that the former rain
of the order seen in the primitive
revelation, was a very, very powerful
rain on its own merit, then how
much more anointing, is the latter
in, immediately prior to the RAPTURE?
The period immediately prior to the
RAPTURE of the Church actually refers
of Repentance and Holiness, that
the planet earth has entered into
right now. Having said this, it is
disappointingly sad, that the current
Church is constantly embroiled in
incorporating worldly principles
without knowing that for her to be
taken up into the RAPTURE, she has
to be absolutely Holy, Glorious,
(Ephesians 5:26; Romans 12: 15-16).
in secular national newspapers the
collected in Churches among other
sins; then, is it really possible for
the today’s modern Christian to
live in absolute Holiness and be
part of the RAPTURE of the Church?
It goes without saying, that only the
Person of the Holy Spirit can enable
mentioned, (A spiritual life pleasing
to God) and be part of the RAPTURE.
The above situation that currently
characterises the today’s Church,
demonstrates the depth of the fall of
the Church which directly impacts
on the number of Christians living
today that will be able to make it into
the RAPTURE. It is fearful that over 90%
of those confessing to be Christians,
will definitely miss the RAPTURE, if the
mighty, Holy Spirit visitation does
not enter the Church and completely
reverse every single item mentioned
calls for her being able to recognise
her hour of Holy Spirit visitation.
The Holy Spirit & RAPTURE
Qualifying for the RAPTURE demands
walk as a spiritual being more than in
the corrupt flesh and blood (physical
being). This calls for the crucifixion of
the flesh through the mighty power
of the Holy Spirit during salvation,
in a process known as Spiritual
Sanctification. In order to partake of
the RAPTURE, the today’s Church must
therefore, centre herself around the
message of the BLOOD and the Cross,
and cannot have the luxury of side-
liningtheBLOOD andtheCross.Neither
has she the privilege of replacing the
BLOOD and the Cross with the false
camefromthedevil.TheBLOOD andthe
way to the RAPTURE.The Bible explicitly
presents the fact that The Lord JESUS,
who came from Glory unto the earth,
was crucified on the Cross at Calvary,
we may know theWay toThe FATHER
(The LORD GOD). (John 14: 1-6). The
and lead Christians into the RAPTURE is
absolutely without question. Which
brings us to the book of Colossians,
chapter 2, verse 15 that says
And having disarmed
t h e p o w e r s a n d
authorities, he made
a public spectacle of
them, triumphing over
them by the Cross.
F o r t h i s
r e a s o n ,
The Lord
JESUS said
that anyone
who does
n o t c a r r y
His Cross, is not
worthy of Him, and
that whoever finds
his life will lose
it and whoever
looses his life for
His sake will find
it (Matthew 10:38;
16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27).
to gain the immortality.
This directly ties the RAPTURE to the
importance of crucifying the flesh
as a Christian, so as to live as a
transforming Power of the Holy Spirit.
In other words, the way to the RAPTURE
man can enter the Kingdom of GOD.
However, considering the sinful world
in which the today’s Church (the
Christian) finds herself, it becomes
today, to live for Christ as a spiritual
being and qualify for the RAPTURE.
The world in which the Church finds
herself, encourages compromise with
sin, to an extent that the Church has
become insensitive to THE SPIRIT OF
The LORD, thence not being able to
crucify the flesh and operate in the
spiritual realm. The love of pleasure
which the Church was expected to
operate in, for purposes of executing
gown for her Groom. Unfortunately,
for today’s Church, the process
leading to the RAPTURE through the
Cross is a painful one, requiring her
to completely separate out from
the world in order that she maybe
sanctified. This separation that the
Church must go through, practically
calls for the Christian to deny herself
of all pleasure (crucify the flesh on the
Cross) in the process of Sanctification.
Holy Spirit After RAPTURE
theRAPTURE isvisiblyevidencedby‘The
Abomination of the Desolation’
(Daniel 9:26-27) that takes place after
the RAPTURE, thereby, bringing to a
complete stop all sacrifices of Praise
during the Tribulation. This is when
HIMSELF promises to send a spirit of
confusion to the remnant Christians,
of the beast within theTemple, during
the Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2:5-
Only the Holy Spirit of GOD has the
authority and the power to prepare
the Church for the RAPTURE because
Holiness, no one will be able to see
The LORD (Hebrews 12:14). Holiness
is a benchmark that The LORD has
be taken for granted. HE requires
absolute Holiness in the nature of
The LORD in all that the Church
does. In the book of 1 Peter, chapter
1 verse 15, The LORD appears to call
the Church to a very high level of
uncompromised complete Holiness,
a level that when one evaluates the
circumstances around which the
Church finds herself, one would say
it is absolutely impossible to achieve
Church. In this Scripture, The LORD
asserts affirmatively HIS position on
Holiness when HE says,
But just as he who
called you is holy, so
be holy in all you do;
for it is written:
“Be holy, because I
am holy.”
in, is absolutely high and there is no
way the Church can achieve this level
without the help of the supernatural
transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
The Vision after RAPTURE
In a Mighty Vision on July 31, 2006,
JEHOVAH GOD showed me (Dr.
Owuor) what the earth would look
like after the Church has been taken
up in the RAPTURE. In this particular
vision, the earth was immediately
Repentance and Holiness | 9
right after the Church was taken up in
the RAPTURE. The RAPTURE took place
in a split second in a very shocking
manner without notice andThe LORD
said, not only will HE take away
the Church, but also the Holy Spirit.
Going by this, one has no choice but
to look into the Old Testament, when
such as the Prophets and was not
universal. This was however, reversed
on the day of Pentecost in the
New Testament when
the initial rain poured
LORD entered the
Church to help her live
a life pleasing to Christ
hence becoming the light of
the world. It is noteworthy that the
removal of the Church and the Holy
Spirit during the RAPTURE accounts for
the gross darkness that covered the
earth in this vision. The absence of
the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation
will create a very difficult situation, for
the Christians who will fail to make it
into the RAPTURE and yet try to resist
the mark of the Beast. It is immensely
absurd when one looks at the Church
Spirit who is available right now, has
been abused by the Church herself,
make it into the RAPTURE. Therefore, it
this last opportunity in these last days
beforetheRAPTURE andtakeadvantage
of the availability of the Holy Spirit
to prepare for the Coming for The
Hour not known . . .
The Lord JESUS made it very clear to
the Church, that she should await in
Holiness because the RAPTURE could
happen at any time though the hour
is not known (Matthew 24:36-42).
This uncertainty of The Lord’s hour
of return is well presented in many
Scriptures across the Holy Bible,
in such a way that it should have
actually acted as a warning sign to
the Church. Unfortunately, going by
what one sees in today’s Church, it
is very heartbreaking to realise that
these warning signs have not been
read and heeded.
AndTheTrumpet of
GOD will sound on
that day.
Lamps, Oil and the RAPTURE
The parable of the ten virgins in the
book of Matthew chapter 25, is the
mirror image of the RAPTURE of the
Church and one of such warnings
placed in the Holy Bible to sensitise
the Church on the need to be RAPTURE-
ready at all times. In this parable, The
LordJESUS likenedtheKingdom
of Heaven to ten virgins
and of whom five
were wise and carried
their lamps and jars of
oil as they waited;
while the foolish five
At the midnight hour, a cry rang out
(The voice of the Archangel and the
Trumpet Call of GOD) and the five
their burning lamps, made it into the
wedding banquet (RAPTURE) while
the five foolish virgins who had no
oil did not make it into the Kingdom
of GOD and the door was shut on
them.The shutting of the door on the
foolish virgins who had no oil (Holy
Spirit) was done by JEHOVAH GOD.
And that is why The LORD said in the
book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 37
that as it was during the days of Noah,
so will it be at the Coming of the Son
of Man. During the time of Noah, they
were hard-hearted, busy giving into
marriage until Noah entered the Ark
and the book of Genesis chapter 7
verse 16 says
“. . . Then The LORD
shut him in.”
The implication being that it is The
LORD that usually shuts the door and
so will it be at the RAPTURE. However,
one may want to know that at one
point both the five lamps with oil
and those without oil are lighting,
therefore, creating confusion in the
Church which represents the times
when false tongues and true Holy
Spirit-driven tongues were being
spoken in Church. It also symbolises
the time when false prophets are
prophesying in Church while the
Holy Spirit is also passing a message
of The LORD to the Church. At the
midnight cry when the RAPTURE nears
all the false prophecies, prophets,
false tongues die out and only THE
SPIRIT OF The LORD lights (Joel 2:
28-32). Furthermore, the failure of
the modern Church (Christian) to
back-up their faith
with the Holy
Spirit leads
to Apostasy,
meaning the
falling away of
faith. (2 Timothy
This is a very critical
message to the
Church regarding
the importance of
the Holy Spirit in
preparing her for the RAPTURE without
WHOM she cannot make it into the
the salvation that
makes Christians
the light of the
world (Matthew
5:13-14), but this
salvation strongly
depends on their
faith in Christ JESUS.
However, the faith
that Christians have
inChristJESUS asthey
await the RAPTURE,
is always under
constant attack
from the world
(devil) and can only
be sustained when they receive the
Holy Spirit of GOD (the oil), lest they
loose faith and their lamps (salvation)
go off. When their lamps are off, then
world. Is this familiar today?
Furthermore, having the Holy Spirit
allows the Christians to be RAPTURE-
ready at all times. Failure to back-up
their faith with the power of the
Holy Spirit, leads the Church to
failing to make it into the Holy and
Glorious RAPTURE and thus entering
the Tribulation when the door has
been shut (the five foolish virgins).
The shutting of the doors of Heaven
to the Church that had not received
the Holy Spirit during the critical time
of her Mighty, Holy Spirit visitation
into a spiritual desolation, and the
abomination that was foretold in the
book of Daniel.
This means that without the Holy
Spirit the Church cannot enter into
the Kingdom of GOD. The Lamp
in this case, is the heart
of the Saint and
the wick of the
Lamp, which
draw the oil to
is actually the
fibres of the heart that
are fully saturated in the
Holy Spirit. When the
fibres of the heart are
Spirit, then there is
between the desires of the heart of
the Saint and that of the Holy Spirit,
thereby causing the fire of the Holy
Spirit to burn away
the chaff (impurities
of the heart). The
righteousness that
comes out of this heart,
therefore, becomes the
light of the world. This
is the only way there
can be a difference
oil and those that had
no oil. In other words,
it is the righteousness
and Holiness as fruit of
repentance, that distinguish the Bride
of Christ from the Today’s Church
(Matthew 3:8).
The only way the heart can genuinely
is when the heart has been crucified,
shredded and broken, thereby
presenting her fibres as a perfect wick
soaked in the Holy Spirit and drawing
the anointing to light the Lamp (show
fruit of repentance) in the life of the
Rosh Hashanah & RAPTURE
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year
all over the world and especially
in Israel. This festivity which was
commanded by The LORD GOD, The
Holy One of Israel, unto the Israelites
in the book of Leviticus, chapter 23,
verses 23 through 25, presents yet
another mirror image of the RAPTURE of
very important warning sign on the
The five lamps with oil represent
the Christian living in Holiness
under the guidance and influence
of the Holy Spirit in preparation
The five lamps without
oil represent today’s Christian
living in sexual sin, lying,
giving false prophecies and
preaching the false gospel of
prosperity, enjoying both the
world and the Church and
whose destiny will ultimately
lead her to miss the RAPTURE.
10 | Repentance and Holiness
The Shofar is normally sounded
during Rosh Hashanah during
the transition into a new
year in the Jewish culture.
The sounding of the Shofar
usually takes place in the middle
of the repentance service in
preparation for the day of
divine judgment which comes
8 days after the Rosh Hashanah.
This is the Yom Kipur day. To
the Church this gives food for
thought since in preparing the
way for the RAPTURE there is
supposed to be repentance, and
in the middle of repentance the
Trumpet of GOD is supposed to
sound announcing the RAPTURE,
which comes prior to the day
of judgment the Day of The
Lord. Surely Israel is the Wife
of JEHOVAH and the Church the
Bride of Christ only that Israel
has to receive JESUS as Lord and
for the Coming of The Lord. There is
a lot the Church can learn about the
RAPTURE and its requirements from
this Scripture in the book of Leviticus.
new year is about the changing of
seasons, which actually parallels the
change of seasons that the Church is
going through right now during
this period towards t h e
RAPTURE. However,
it is so crucial that
when one reads
Leviticus chapter 23,
verse 24, one should
notice the fact that
the Rosh Hashanah
(Jewish new year’s
eve) services thatThe
LORD commanded
upon Israel, are
i n d e e d d e e p
repentance services.
The one thing that
is unique about this
by the waiting for
a mighty trumpet
blast, whose hour is
unknown. To make
it worse, just as this
repentance service begins to peak
and the heat picking up, the shofar
(trumpet) usually unexpectedly blasts
in air announcing the arrival of the
new year (season). This is absolutely
synonymous with when John the
Baptist appeared and had just started
preaching repentance to Prepare
the Way for The Lord, and when
repentance almost began to climax,
then all of a sudden in a very short
time, he shocked them by shouting
these words,
“. . . Behold, the Lamb
of GOD, who takes away
the sin of the world!”
and The Lord JESUS had arrived (John
1:29). This implies that the Coming of
The Lord will be very sudden, in the
middle of repentance revival, like is
currently going on in Kenya, just as
the Bible had promised. To take it
to another level of gravity, Leviticus
chapter 23, verse
25, is The LORD’s
c o m m a n d o n
how they should
this repentance
season in which HE
2 5
D o n o
regular work,
but present an
offering made
to The LORD
by fire.
This is a very powerful
lesson, that today’s
Church ought to have
picked and lived by, if
she had been centred
LORD. In this Scripture
lies the secret of how
the Church should
prepare for the RAPTURE
and the importance of the Holy Spirit
in that preparation. In other words,
what The LORD is saying here, is that,
when it comes to the Repentance
season which is meant to Prepare
the Way for the RAPTURE, HE does not
need regular Church services but
commands that a Holy and Glorious
Church, who has been prepared by
the Holy fire of the Holy Spirit be
presented before HIM. This is exactly
what The LORD meant in Matthew
HE said, HE would baptise the Church
fire, and that this unquenchable fire
would burn away the chaff thereby
separating it from the wheat. It is this
kind of bread without yeast (chaff)
(This bread is Jesus; John 6:48-58)
thatThe LORD has commanded to be
presented to HIM before the Mighty
RAPTURE. The Church must therefore
eat the TRUE BREAD. The emphasis
here is on the role of the Holy Spirit in
purifying the Church to be a glorious
and Holy sacrifice without blemish for
The LORD during the RAPTURE. In the
book of Zechariah chapter 13 verses 7
through 9 says,
“Awake, O sword,
against my shepherd,
against the man who is
close to me!” declares
The LORD Almighty.
“Strike the shepherd,
and the sheep will be
scattered, and I will
turn my hand against
the little ones. 8
In the
whole land,” declares
The LORD, “Two-thirds
will be struck down and
perish; yet one-third
will be left in it. 9
third I will bring into the
fire; I will refine them
like silver and test them
like gold. They will call
on my name and I will
answer them; I will say,
they are my people, and
they will say, ‘The LORD
is our GOD.’”
The unquenchable fire described
above purifies the Church and gives
her a perfect identity and fellowship
with JEHOVAH.This fire burns off two-
false prophets, false evangelists, false
pastors, false teachers and the false
flock that have learned the falsehood
preached by above false priesthood.
The result of this fire is a remnant
Church that has been prepared
by the Holy Spirit for the Glorious
RAPTURE. In the same way in which
the unquenchable fire prepares the
offering unto The LORD on Rosh
It makes one wonder why teachings
on the importance of the Holy Spirit
in the Christian walk, have not been
cherished and emphasized in the
modern day Church. The parable of
the ten virgins given byThe Lord JESUS
himself, regarding the Kingdom of
GOD, is a wake up call to the Church
the Holy Spirit in this entire process
of preparing for the RAPTURE. The
statement made by The Lord JESUS in
Matthew chapter 25, verse 12, when
he said,
“But he replied, ‘I tell
you the truth, I don’t
know you.’”
to the five foolish virgins, when they
in them at the time of the RAPTURE, will
The Church then, had rather urgently
change her sermons and focus on
last days. The reason today’s modern
Church, which operates without the
Holy Spirit cannot make it into the
RAPTURE, is because she preaches the
gospel in which people come in and
receive The Lord JESUS and yet are
not led to receiving the Holy Spirit
therefore, transferring the world right
is meant to change their identity into
the Bride of Christ.
receive the salvation ofThe Lord, and
go on to receiving the Holy Spirit and
of the Holy Spirit which leads to
(Perfecting the Bride of Christ).This is
the blue print and the true plan that
The LORD GOD had for the Church,
as seen in the book of Ezekiel chapter
47, verses 1 through 7, in which
every Christian is endowed with an
now since 2005, Dr. Owuor has been
prophesying a major nuclear war
between Iran and the United States with
Israel. It is amazing that this year, Iran
is now preparing in training for a major
all out war. According to Dr. Owuor,
this upcoming war will build up a very
strong alliance against Israel, an alliance
that will fulfil Ezekiel chapter 38 verse
9. However, this acts as a very strong
signal for the Church to prepare herself
for the RAPTURE since the big storm on
Israel comes after the Glorious Church
has been taken up by Christ JESUS. The
key word here is Glorious, which means
without Holiness no man will see The
Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
The LORD has
warned the nations to
REPENT and prepare
for the RAPTURE in
anticipation of the
loud command of the
Archangel and the
Trumpet call of GOD
from the sky.The
Glorious Bride that
obeys this command
will be caught up
withThe LORD in the
1Thess 4:16-17
Repentance and Holiness | 11
enormous capacity to receive higher
the Glorious RAPTURE. On the contrary,
the five foolish virgins who did not
carry oil, further correspond to the
today’s modern Church, in which
Christians are lukewarm, in other
state that makes them lukewarm;
the exact kind of Christians that The
Lord JESUS vowed and promised to
vomit out.
I know your deeds,
that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you
were either one or the
other! 16
So, because
you are lukewarm
— neither hot nor cold
— I am about to spit
you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3: 15-16.
by Christians who live in a form of
godliness, loving pleasure such as
bringing comedians during Church
while denying the power of GOD
thereof. (2 Timothy 3: 1-9 talks very
well about her). She is immune to
the gospel, such that, when The Lord
sends prophets to tell her to repent
saying “we have to discern the spirit”
person to stand in the gap”and she is
good at quoting these Scriptures like
an expert. The Lord JESUS says that,
because she is lukewarm by receiving
salvation and recycling back to the
world, she is worse off in this state,
than she was in the beginning, when
she never knew Christ, because she
is sending Christ back to the Cross
(Hebrews 6:4-6; Hebrews 10:26-31;
2 Peter 2:19-22).
The RAPTURE Church
What Christians should be more
worried about, is the identity of the
RAPTURE Church, so they can make
it into the Kingdom of GOD. This,
automatically brings into mind, what
characteristics the RAPTURE Church
of today’s Church verses the RAPTURE
Church, gives the Christians a blessed
in these last days. Also, what does the
Holy Bible say about the character of
the RAPTURE Church? The Holy Bible is
RAPTURE Church. The only problem is
that the Church has not taught about
these characteristics. In the book of
14, The Lord JESUS, gave yet another
parable about the RAPTURE of the
Church, while exposing the conduct
of the today’s modern Church, so that
thisparable,TheLordJESUS likenedthe
GOD) who prepared the wedding
banquet (RAPTURE), for HIS Son (The
Lord JESUS), and HE sent out HIS
Servants (Prophets) to tell those who
had been invited to the banquet (The
Church) to come, but they refused to
come. In this parable, the KING sent
more servants and said in the book of
Matthew, chapter 22, verse 4,
‘. . . tell those who
have been invited that
I have prepared my
dinner: My oxen and
fattened cattle have
been butchered, and
everything is ready.
Come to the wedding
his business. The rest (Church) seized
HIS Servants (Prophets), mistreated
them and killed them. In this parable,
The Lord JESUS concluded by saying
that the KING finally sent another set
of Servants to go out to the streets to
look for anyone they could find, both
good and bad, and bring them into
the banquet.
The Glorious Wedding
The Church must be clothed in the
glorious wedding gown on the day
of the RAPTURE, if she is to make it into
the Kingdom of GOD. In the book
of Matthew chapter 22 parable, it is
shocking and stunning that when the
Servants of The LORD had brought
people from the streets into the
wedding hall, JEHOVAH GOD, The
KING, as HE went around looking
at the guests, HE noticed in there a
person sitting, who was not wearing
the wedding gown. And in verses 11
through 13, The LORD GOD ordered
this person to be bound and thrown
into the lake of fire as seen in verses
11 through 13 below;
1 1
“ B u t w h e n t h e
King came to see the
guests, He noticed a
man there who was
not wearing WEDDING
‘Friend,’ He
asked, ‘How did you
get in here without
wedding clothes?’ The
man was speechless.
“Then the King told
the attendants, ‘Tie
him hand and foot,
and throw him outside,
into the dark ness,
where there will be
weeping and gnashing
of teeth.’
Now, there are a few key issues
to learn and keep in your heart
regarding the RAPTURE of the Church,
from this Scripture;
(i) TheLORDnoticesapersonwhom
THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL: The process of restoring Israel was a long and tedious, one
of the constant wars between Israel and her Arab neighbours. However, The LORD
promised to restore her to peace and it is from Israel that JESUS will rule on David’s
Throne. In the book of Amos chapter 9 verses 11 and 12, The LORD promises Israel
of a major restoration that would rebuild David’s fallen tent and restore its ruins as
it used to be. Now, this is a physical but most importantly a spiritual restoration of
Israel and the Church of Christ. The LORD JEHOVAH GOD, in this regard, promises
to restore the fellowship HE had with Israel, HIS Wife, after redeeming her from her
fallen state, and likewise, it refers to restoration of the Church from her fallen state
in order to recapture her place as the Glorious Bride of Christ. 1. Injuries incurred in
recent Israel-Lebanon war (2006) following a Katyusha rocket attack. 2. Israeli solder
pray over the missiles before launching them at Pro-Iranian Hizbollah.
THE DAY HEAVEN OPENED OVER KENYA: A meeting at Njoro, a small wayside town in the Kenyan Rift Valley province was organised. The nation was going through a very severe
unexplained drought that killed a lot of livestock and dried up vegetation in the land. Dr. Owuor at this meeting, lifted his hands up towards Heaven, and said, “Mighty Lord
open Heaven and bring rain here today.” To the great shock and amazement of those gathered at the grounds, Heaven obeyed and rain came down instantly. This day essentially
marked the beginning of rain into a nation that had been heavily hit by drought with carcasses littered everywhere. This was a repeat of the events of June 5, 2005 at Bukhungu
Stadium in Kakamega, when Dr. Owuor stunned a large repentance meeting as he stood on the Altar and commanded Heaven to open and in less than one minute, Heaven
obeyed and rain came down in a massive force, a strange rain that healed many people in a broad sunny summer day. (See Testimony section below).
12 | Repentance and Holiness
HE addresses as ‘Friend’ and yet
a wedding gown. This ‘Friend’ if
you remember, is comparable to
the five foolish virgins who, like
everybody else in the beginning
had received the salvation ofThe
and had the love of JEHOVAH
GOD when they got saved but
refused to take oil (Holy Spirit)
with them. Considering that the
oil (Holy Spirit) is a free gift from
JEHOVAH GOD upon receiving
salvation ofThe Lord JESUS, which
gift is so badly needed to sustain
the light of the candle (Faith in
their salvation) then refusing to
GOD, and however
friendly you may
be to HIM, HE
will reject you.
five foolish
v i r g i n s
without oil
came back
with fake
oil, when the
(The Lord JESUS)
had arrived for the
wedding (RAPTURE), in
Matthew chapter 25 verse 12
the Holy Bible says,
But he replied, ‘I tell
you the truth, I don’t
know you.’
So it becomes very obvious, that
this‘Friend’is the today’s Church
which by all means and standard
has refused to receive the Holy
Spirit and make Him central,
a requirement The LORD is not
willing to waiver.
(ii) that actually the Church for
missed the RAPTURE because she
Repentance and Holiness from
the Servants ofThe LORD.
(iii) that it is very critical to have the
glorious wedding gown ready,
the gown without which, no one
will seeThe LORD.
The wearing of the glorious wedding
gown, that the Church ought to be
preparing by this time, is a basic
requirement for anyone to appear
before The LORD. This requirement
Church. It is however, the obligation
of the Church, to keep this gown
clean and Holy, even as Joshua was
being instructed by the Angel of The
LORD (JESUS) in Zechariah chapter 3,
verse 7, that:
7 ‘
If you will walk in
my ways and keep my
requirements, then you
will govern my house
and have charge of
my courts, and I will
give you a place among
these standing here.’
In other words, this conversation
in the book of Zechariah chapter
3, was actually being directed to
the Church, on how The Lord JESUS
paid a horrendous price to get the
glorious gown, tailor-made for her
and now it is her obligation to keep
the gown spotless without blemish.
It is interesting that the only way
through which the Church can keep
this Precious, Glorious Gown spotless
is by walking in the Holy ways of The
LORD, and keeping the requirements
of JEHOVAH GOD. Ironically, it is
practically impossible, for the Church
in today’s world,
to live in the Holy
requirements of
receiving the
Holy Spirit. This
explains why the
five foolish virgins
whose lamps had
no oil failed to
make it into the
The conversation
of The LORD and
of Zechariah, is
actually The Lord
JESUS telling the
Church that when
she qualifies for
the RAPTURE, by keeping the hard-
worn Wedding Gown spotless,
she gets an automatic right to rule
with Him for a thousand years (a
millennium), when He returns on the
Day of The Lord. There has always
been a constant reminder of the
nature of this miraculous Glorious
Gown, within the Scriptures of the
Holy Bible. For instance, in the book
of Isaiah chapter 61, verse 10, this
Glorious Gown when worn, has the
limitless, enormous capacity to bring
salvation and joy unspeakable to the
Church, and Righteousness thereby
converting the Church into a jewel
before The LORD. This Glorious
preparing the Church for the RAPTURE,
chapter 19, verses 7, through 8, when
The LORD says,
“. . . for the wedding
of the Lamb has come,
and His Bride has
made herself ready. 8
Fine linen, bright and
clean, was given her
to wear.”
This Scripture describes the Glorious
Gown as being fine linen, bright and
clean, which represents the Holiness
their hearts, in order to qualify for the
RAPTURE. It is extremely disturbing to
note that, the character of today’s
Church, matches the‘Friend’that had
no wedding gown and was thrown
out without mercy by JEHOVAH GOD.
This is because
she has indulged
herself in the
g o s p e l o f
p r o s p e r i t y ,
which is sweet
to the flesh, yet,
seriously lacking
in Repentance
and Holiness.
Has she been
given a chance
of dialoguing
Of course yes,
but the tragedy
is that when The
LORD sends HIS
Prophets to tell
Prepare the Way
for the RAPTURE, she often mistreats
however, about this Scripture, is the
fact that when The Lord JESUS said
in the book Matthew chapter 22,
verse 8,
‘The wedding banquet is
ready, but those I invited did
not deserve.’
the RAPTURE is prepared as a wedding
BIRTHPAINS: Historic record-breaking floods
have recently hit many regions across the
world including, Asia, America, Ethiopia,
Kenya, China etc. The Biblical birthpains
predicted by The Lord JESUS mention
historic floods, never seen before, that
would sweep across the earth, right
before the RAPTURE of the Church. This
is synonymous to physical human
birthpains in which right before a baby
is born, the mother has to go through
a phenomenon called “breaking of the
water”. Therefore, these historic floods
sweeping the earth, imply that the
RAPTURE of the Church is extremely close
to happen.
cuts across the entire Scripture in the
Holy Bible, which is very busy talking
about the Holy nature of JEHOVAH
in Holiness to encounter The LORD.
For instance, when Joshua had to
appear before the Angel of The LORD
(The Lord JESUS), he had to have his
heart), and wear a rich garment (the
wedding gown). In the same way
Bartimaeus, the blind man took off
his filthy clothes and threw them
away when JESUS called him; thereby
receiving the physical healing of his
eyes and the healing of his spiritual
(the Wedding Gown), one
finds in the book of
Luke chapter 15,
son was able to
repent andThe
LORD placed
in HIS hand,
and ordered a
wealthy gown
to be placed
on him, before
the banquet (the
wedding supper of the
It is obvious that from Joshua to the
chapter 19, this glorious Wedding
Gown has to be given by The LORD,
to those who qualify and are invited
for the wedding supper of The Lamb.
Surely by now, it becomes very clear
to the Church, that it is HE, The LORD
GOD that prepares a tailor-made
Wedding Gown for the Bride of Christ,
and it is HE, The LORD GOD, that puts
the Wedding Gown on the Bride of
Christ who qualifies for the wedding
supper of The Lamb. In this process,
Spirit to dress the Bride of Christ with
the Righteousness and the Holiness
of The LORD, through the BLOOD of
JESUS. The process of tailoring this
Glorious Gown for the Bride of Christ,
is a long, and tortuous one, found
in the book of Isaiah chapter 53. A
process characterised with a lot of
flesh to release the Glorious BLOOD
of JESUS, that washes the heart of the
Christians may often
are treasured by the
JEHOVAH because
without them Christ
would have had no
perfect Bride.
Repentance and Holiness | 13
banquet between The Lord JESUS and
Church; and yet we see very clearly,
that the Church failed to make it into
the RAPTURE. Moreover, this Scripture
clearly states that, the Servants were
sent to get other people who were
ready; and these ‘other people’ made
it into the RAPTURE. This is absolutely
worrying, because every Scripture
in the Holy Bible, will be fulfilled,
and it makes one wonder if today’s
Church will make it into the RAPTURE,
because she has rejected the Servants
of The LORD (Prophets) sent to invite
her into the Wedding (RAPTURE). The
Lord JESUS concluded by saying that,
those who were collected from the
had wedding gowns on (Holiness
& Righteousness), thereby implying
that some people who may not be
in the conventional Churches today,
and are busy praying in their prayer
closets, the so-called unheard voices,
and yet in the eyes of JEHOVAH GOD
theyarebeautifulRAPTURE materialand
actually RAPTURE-ready. Most of these
people are usually unpopular in their
behaviour and choices of things, and
do not fit well in conventionally man-
established Churches and structures.
They choose Holiness without
compromise, thereby being branded
Christians who try to achieve out-
of-this-earth levels of Holiness. Their
prayer burden is to see the Kingdom
of GOD established, hence materially,
they are normally poor and yet they
and wealth. This position they often
acquire through the help of the Holy
in Matthew chapter 19, verse 24 in
whichThe Lord JESUS says,
“. . . it is easier for
a camel to go through
the eye of a needle
than for a rich man
to enter the Kingdom
of GOD.”
The today’s Church tend to throw this
correction to the Church demanding
repentance on defilement, and they
wearing a sackcloth and putting ash
on their faces while fasting, in today’s
rampant sexual sin in the Church.This
established Churches is the work of
the Holy Spirit who actually sets them
apart from defilement, so they can be
the Glorious RAPTURE-ready Bride of
at all. Going by the current, modern,
Altar of The LORD, rampant sexual sin
(1 Cor. 6: 12-20), lusting for money,
false prophecies, lies and deception,
which deception is actually the sin of
(Acts 5: 1-11; Ananiah and Sapphirah).
of pastors going to witchdoctors to
get charms for attracting a wealthy
congregation that can ‘sow hefty
seed’. However, the Glorious RAPTURE-
ready Christians are often sad people
in the external outlook, a people
whose appearance may often be
disfigured and unappealing to the
world especially during fasting, and
if they are ladies their dressing may
be unusually long even at their work
places. Their being disfigured and
unattractive to the world make these
RAPTURE-ready Christians, Christ-like in
character because the Glorious Bride
of Christ is surely Christ-like.
The same scenario is also seen
when a donkey, which is one of the
most despised animals on earth,
was mightily used to carry the Glory
of The Lord through the Eastern
Gate into Jerusalem (Mark 11: 1-11).
most attractive animal to man, and
often man compares it with the horse
whose value is very high and loved
by the world for its beauty, then The
Lord must have spoken a very major
animal. The donkey is usually quiet,
down-looking, burden-bearing and
looked-down-upon. In other words,
just like the donkey, chosen by The
Lord, the carriers of The Lord’s glory
are all the time not attractive to man
and the world. And the prophecy of
the donkey ushering in theTriumphal
Entry of The Lord into Jerusalem, will
be fulfilled when the RAPTURED Saints
in their Glorious Wedding-Gowns
return with Lord during the Second
Coming ofThe Lord. On this day, they
will line up on both sides from the
Mount of Olives towards the Eastern
Gate of Jerusalem shouting ‘Hossana
to the highest’ as they usher in the
King of Glory.
Glorious Gown &
It is amazing to see the similarity
by The Lord and the non-attractive,
despised Saints who make it into the
RAPTURE. In the same way when John
the Baptist appeared, he was most
unattractive, wearing camel hair and
a leather belt, roaming the wilderness
eating locusts and wild honey and
preaching an unattractive gospel of
Repentance and Holiness, but he
ushered in, like the donkey, the KING
OF GLORY. The deep message that
The Lord left us in this regard, was
the RAPTURE, must be rejected by the
Church and be outside Church.
WhenJESUS wasrejectedbytheTemple
in Jerusalem, He was crucified and
resurrected and came and passed
of Olives, then He was RAPTURED. This
is a very deep message the Church
clear that The Lord was saying that
for anyone to make it into the RAPTURE
they must wear immortal bodies (His
resurrection) that one can only get
when rejected by Church and hence
operating outside the Church. Hence,
who came as the RAPTURED Spirit of
Elijah operated completely outside
the Church despite his father being a
Priest (Bishop). Prophet Elijah himself
was RAPTURED because he operated
outside the Church in the caves and
to know the life of Enoch who too
was RAPTURED into Heaven. It is now
interesting to realise that the killing
of the flesh which is a prerequisite
for anyone to be RAPTURED can
only occur outside the man-made
institution of Church, because it is
only outside Church that there is
the wilderness of Repentance and
Holiness.This is the fulfilment of the
book of Leviticus chapter 23 verse
25, when JEHOVAH said,
‘Do no regular work, but present
offering made to The LORD by
This means that preparing for the
RAPTURE is where the Church norm
isn’t. It is not surprising that the carrier
of The Lord’s Glory into Jerusalem,
the donkey, is outside and not in
pens. It is common to find donkeys
outside at night after they have been
used for heavy duty. This is unlike the
beautiful horse which have been kept
in pens and carefully watched over
In Joel’s Prophecy of the Endtime Signs, there would be wonders in Heaven and on
earth; blood, fire and billows of smoke . . . before the coming of The Lord JESUS (Joel 2:30-
32) These words are echoed in the pictures above. Events such as massive droughts,
Tsunamis, tornadoes, storms, famines, droughts and wars are currently unfolding all
over the earth and are proof of the Signs of the End of Age. 1. Top: A historic drought
that swept across the horn of Africa e.g. Ethiopia, Somali, Kenya, at the beginning
of the year 2006 leading to loss of livestock. The carcass shows a camel that finally
succumbed to the drought. 2. Above: Very strange storms of lightening hit Australia and
caused severe panic. 3. Billow of smoke from the Israeli-Hizbollah conflict in Lebanon
July, 2006.These events mark the beginning of birthpains. (Matthew 24; Luke 21)
14 | Repentance and Holiness
GETHSEMANE: Olive trees in
Gethsemane symbolise extreme
perserverance in the midst of
extreme bitter rejection by the
world. The Lord JESUS had to go
through this to teach the Church
to embrace bitter rejection by the
world (Mark 14: 32-52).
that set the Church free when
it was placed on The Lord JESUS
and he bled profusely; How could
the Church forget this so soon.
Matthew 27: 28-29 “. . . and they
stripped Him naked and put a
scarlet robe on Him, and then
twisted together a crown of thorns
and set it on his head.”
by veterinary doctors and well fed
indoors. This same likeness of Christ
that is not attractive to the world and
yet brings Glory to The LORD GOD,
and which the Church is commanded
52 verse 14 and Isaiah chapter 53,
verses 2 and 3.
The selflessness that goes with the
wearing of The Lord’s Glorious
Wedding Gown is astounding. In this
regard, it is not uncommon for these
RAPTURE-prepared Saints, who are not
and other sins, but inside their hearts,
theylongtoseeTheLordJESUS glorified
These unrecognized Christians are
usually fewer than the majority and
popular modern Churches of today.
And their appearance in the book of
Matthew chapter 7, verse 13, fulfils
the Scripture thatThe Lord JESUS gave,
follow it; while the path leading to
hell is wide with a lot of fun, pleasure
and much lights some of which look
like disco lights
and majority of
the people are
walking there.
Therefore, the
Church is hereby
warned to find her
rightful wedding
gown and watch
o u t t h a t t h i s
glorious wedding
gown is actually
of the Saints!
Bitter Rejection & RAPTURE
Christ JESUS was rejected by the world
and there is no way The Lord JESUS
would love to come for and wed the
filthy and unfaithful state. A state that
acceptance from the world, whereas
JESUS was Himself rejected by the
of The Lord JESUS by the world is a
rejection of Christ by the world. In this
context, the book of 1 Peter chapter 2
of rejection, and says
As yo u co m e to
Him, the Living Stone
– rejected by men
but chosen by GOD
and Precious to Him
– 5
you also, like living
stones, are being built
into a spiritual house
to be a holy
o f f e r i n g
s p i r i t u a l
s a c r i f i c e s
acceptable to
GOD through
JESUS Christ.
Men in this Scripture
i.e. the flesh and
blood which is the
miniature version of
the world in us. It is
absolutely pathetic
(flesh and blood) that rejects JESUS.
A situation well put in the book of
Genesis chapter 8 verse 21 describes
every fibre of man as being naturally
inclined to evil from childhood. This
is the world in us that rejects JESUS
thereby technically disqualifying us
frombeingpartoftheRAPTURE without
notice. The global
version of this, is
the outside world
that also fights Christ
to another level
and magnitude,
often manifested in
movies like Da Vinci
Code, blasphemous
comedies, movies,
magazines, websites,
other mass movements and religions.
In all these cases, overcoming the
world will most definitely always
require the help of the transforming
Power of The Holy Spirit. This allows
the Christians (Church) to put on the
RAPTURE prerequisite imperishable
(immortality) wedding gown. From
the above, the message of the Cross
therefore, still remains foolishness
to the perishing, and the Power of
JEHOVAH GOD to those destined for
the RAPTURE. (1 Corinthians 1:18). How
then, can this Church embrace other
gospels like the gospel of prosperity,
gospel of ‘sow a seed’ and get your
that the sinful desires of the flesh
are always driven by the menacing
spirit of addiction and keeps them
away from living in Holiness, makes
it worse for the Church.
On the contrary, a stronger spiritual
life signifies a weaker flesh, thereby
overruling the sinful desires of the
heart and making Christians desire
everything that pleases The Lord
JESUS in complete Holiness and
Righteousness. This the true identity
marker of the Bride of Christ who
will qualify for the RAPTURE (Ephesians
4:12-15). In this respect, the stronger
spiritual life will always lead the
Christians into the things of the Holy
Spirit, thereby encouraging fasting
which essentially crucifies the flesh.
The Christians then grow from one
level of Holiness to the next till they
Bride of Christ (Ezekiel 47:1-6).
At this juncture, it is important to
note that, a Perfect Bride is a mature
Christian that can resist the devil and
stage a fight till the adversary flees.
(James 4:7-8). Furthermore, given
the Holy nature of The LORD GOD,
certainly, no man will see The Lord
JESUS or inherit the Kingdom of GOD
without Holiness (Hebrews 12:14).
This definitely implies that a mature
Bride of Christ (Christian) will have
repented and received the Holy Spirit
self. Now, when such a Christian living
in Holiness dies, then the perishable
mortal body made out of dust returns
to dust (Genesis 2:7; Genesis 3:19;
miracle now? This problem has been
Repentance which should otherwise
have been the centre of the Christian
Holiness essentially means rejecting
the BLOOD of JESUS and therefore,
plunging her into the raging fire
that will consume the enemies of
GOD (Hebrews 10:26-31). In order
to make it into the
RAPTURE, one must
be bitterly rejected
by the world (Isaiah
53:3; Isaiah 52:13-
15; Matthew 2:18;
Jeremiah 31:15;
John 1:11).
Is Church
Prepared For
During the RAPTURE, flesh and
blood will not inherit the Kingdom of
God. Thence, the mortality will have
the perishable with imperishable
(1 Corinthians 15:50-53). In this
case, it becomes very important to
realise that the spirit and the flesh
are always in constant conflict with
one another (Galatians 5:16:18),
within the Christian. Subsequently,
this results into a situation in which,
when one nurtures and cherishes
the flesh, then their spiritual lives are
overruled by the sinful desires of the
flesh.Theresultof the above contest
(spirit vs the flesh) ultimately leads
to the Church (Christians) living in
perpetual cycles of perennial sin
which eventually becomes very
difficult to break out of. The fact
BIRTHPAINS: The signs of Endtime have increasingly been replayed in our Age, reminding
the Church to seek Holiness. Left picture: Pestilences coming in this last days have long
been prophesied in the book of Luke chapter 21. But when they come, they surely pose
an unmatched challenge to mankind. The man is masked out of the fear for contracting
the H5N1 virus that causes birdflu. Right picture: Massive floods in China have caused
over 1.3 million residents to flee for their lives in August 2006. News media around the
world have reported that this is the worst ever storm China has had to face in over
half a century making it absolutely historic. It is important for the Church to realise
that the signs of the End of Age would cause distress of historic proportions and living
to see this during our age is completely humbling.
Repentance and Holiness | 15
the breath of GOD that gave him His
Spirit qualifies for an immortal body
and is raised up during the RAPTURE to
catch up with The Lord JESUS in the
air. This practically disarms death
and brings to completion
the plan of GOD into the
life of a Christian by
accomplishing the
true meaning of the
salvation ofThe Lord
JESUS Christ into the
Church (Genesis 3:
15; Colossians 2: 13-
15; 1 Corinthians 15:
54-58; Galatians 3:13-14).
that, a minimum and very small
theRAPTURE becausetotheirdismay,the
failure of the majority of Christians to
strive for absolute Holy living, will put
many to shame.
Clearly, the way the Christians are
currently living in complete lack of
Holiness and in total compromise
with sin inside the Church, and by
accommodating wickedness at the
expense of Holiness, by the time they
of the Holiness requirement of The
has not taught the true doctrine of
the BLOOD of JESUS; Repentance and
Holiness and how to receive the
Holy Spirit. Even more disappointing
is that the Church has focused on
prosperity teachings, a gospel of
miracles and read only Scriptures
that are sweet and itching to their
flesh, making the Christians stunted
in growth and infants forever. The
result has been widescale sexual sin
in Church and rampant idolatry of
money, together with other sins like
lying, taking root in the Church. The
situation is no different between the
Altar (Servants of The Lord) and the
congregation. False prophets have
by making it difficult to know which
voice is coming from The LORD
and which one isn’t. With five wise
virgins having lamps burning under
the Holy Spirit and five foolish virgins
having the lamps burning without
the Holy Spirit at one point, all the
ten lamps are burning. It becomes
very difficult to discern which light is
genuine and coming from the Holy
Spirit, a situation that has reigned
in Church for a sometime now. No
wonder perverted worship has taken
centre stage at the Altar ofThe LORD,
making one question whether
the GOD of Elijah, HE still
lives! The failure of the
Church to teach on
Mighty Holy Spirit
during their walk
with Christ accounts
for this.
Scriptures like Hebrews
through 22 are hardly read to the
young Christians as they receive The
Lord JESUS. In which case, misleading
them to think that they can recycle
Yet the emphasis should have been
on zero tolerance to sin and Holy
living. This has created a calamity
within the Christian faith and only
a Repentance and Holiness revival,
where Repentance means confessing
your sins and turning away from sin,
can save this Church in the last days.
The tragedy though, is that RAPTURE is
End of Age are already in place (see
sections below on earthquakes, wars,
droughts, pestilence, floods
etc) leaving the Church
restore this massive
and wide scale
gotten herself into.
Ark Of The
New Covenant
& The Glorious
In the Throneroom of The LORD
GOD in Heaven, The Ark of the New
piece of the Throne. On either side of
the Ark of the New Covenant of The
LORD, are the Cherubim of Glory. The
Ark of the New Covenant ofThe LORD
between the two Cherubim (Matthew
19:28; 1 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 6:2; 2
Kings 19:15; 1 Chronicles 13:6; Psalms
2:4; Psalms 80:1 Psalms 99:1).
The Throneroom Vision
HE took him into the Throneroom
of The LORD GOD in Heaven, and
showed him the
Ark of the New
Covenant of The
LORD and the
two Cherubim of
Glory on either
side. After this,
started giving
Dr. Owuor new
revelation on the
Ark of GOD and
how it relates to
the RAPTURE of the
Church (see below section on ‘Prophetic
Calling’). While at the Throneroom,
the Glory of The LORD came and sat
on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the
New Covenant of The LORD. Then
immediately, so much Glory covered
the inside of the Ark of the New
CovenantofThe LORD andlightening
stroke the Bible that was seated in
there, three times, thereby causing a
quake. It is important to realise that in
so doing The LORD GOD, essentially
gave a very deep revelation on the
was amazing was that when the Holy
Bible was finally placed inside the Ark
of the New Covenant, The Cloud of
HIS Presence came and sat on
Glorious. In this
visitation, The
revealed what
w i l l h a p p e n
to the Church
in the latter days.
The Ark of the New Covenant of The
the Holy Bible is placed at the centre
and the Glory of The LORD has sat on
the Mercy Seat, then the entire Ark
of the New Covenant becomes very
Glorious. This implies that The LORD
GOD has decided that the Church
of Christ in which the Bible is central
(takes a centre position) andThe Lord
JESUS is enthroned on the Mercy Seat,
will be the Glorious latter Church that
qualifies to be taken up in the RAPTURE.
The Holy Spirit has always been very
the Church offer acceptable Spiritual
Sacrifices to JEHOVAH GOD.
Mercy Seat
& Spiritual
The atonement
cover (Mercy
Seat) of the
Ark of the New
Covenant of
The LORD is the
Spiritual Altar
of the Church
of Christ, that
HE HIMSELF having removed her
from the earthly sanctuary into the
For that matter, it is on this atonement
cover that the Precious BLOOD of JESUS
is so much poured. And furthermore,
the fact that in the vision ofThe LORD
that Dr. Owuor was shown, when the
Cloud of His Glory was enthroned on
of Glory, then the entire Ark of the
New Covenant became very Glorious.
This implies that the latter Church of
Christ will be one in which Christ is
fully enthroned thereby bearing an
enormous latter Glory of The LORD. It
is the Glory of The LORD visiting the
Altar (today’s Church) that restores
the favour of The LORD over the
Church. And when the Glory of The
LORD comes and seats on the Mercy
Seat (Spiritual Altar) then The LORD
placed at the Altar by the Church
essentially enthrones The LORD and
restores honour unto His Holy Name.
For this reason, with all the Heavenly
of angels, the two Cherubim of The
Glory usually still have to stretch
out their wings and cover the Mercy
Seat (Spiritual Altar). These actions
of the two Cherubim of The Glory, in
constantly covering the Mercy Seat,
presents a major lesson that today’s
Church must learn from. It is pretty
obvious that the two Cherubim of
The Glory constantly protect the site
at which the Glory of The LORD will
touch during the visitation of the Holy
how about the Church today . . . has
THE HOLY BIBLE:The LORD GOD showed Dr. Owuor
the Ark of the New Covenant in The LORD’s
Throneroom in Heaven, in which the complete
Bible was at the centre and lightening hit the
Bible three times then it opened, and Glory
filled the inside of the Ark of the New Covenant.
This signifies that the Holy Bible should be at
the central position in the Church of Christ for
the latter Glory ofThe LORD to be manifested.
The two
Cherubim of The
Glory constantly
protect the site at
which the Glory of The
Lord will touch during
the visitation of the
Holy Spirit. How
about the Church
today. . .
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance
6 repentance

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6 repentance

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  • 2. Repentance and Holiness | 3 At this time, He asked me to warn the Church to repent and to Prepare the Way for the Second Coming of Christ, the Lamb of GOD. This event, The Lord said, would change the four cornersoftheearthandwouldbethe beginning of the massive repentance revival across the nations of the earth in preparation for Coming of The Lord JESUS. On that material day (August 13, 2004),TheLORDtookmeintheSpirit, to the exact site at which HIS Spirit descended from Heaven, and came upon John the Baptist;The Spirit that empowered and commissioned John the Baptist to preach repentance and Holiness for the remission of sins and for the Preparation of the Way for The Lord JESUS. Astonishingly, a few hours after this encounter with the Holy Spirit, The LORD showed me how HE allowed scientists in Israel to discover and open up the cave at which John the Baptist first received THE SPIRIT OF The LORD that led him into the wilderness to proclaim the Coming of The Lord JESUS. This event greatly shocked the earth when different media networks interrupted their broadcasts of the popular, well publicisedandwatched2004Olympic GamesinAthens,Greece,withspecial announcements.Thesesecularmedia announcements carefully explained the big mystery that had taken place in Israel by the discovery of this site at which John the Baptist first began his ministry. The news media networks displayed in different languages, the drawings made on the wall by the disciples of John the Baptist, of his beheadedheadanddrawingsof his prophetic finger. Many specialists belonging to differentsecularmedia networks on this day startedanalysingthe implications of this discovery. Tomeitwasshocking to h e a r s e c u l a r specialists drawing analysis to the effect that this discovery would have far reachingrepercussionsfortheSecond Coming of Christ JESUS. The RAPTURE OF THE CHURCHR APTURE of the Church is the day when The Lord JESUS will come for His Glorious Church in a twinkling of an eye. That material day will come without notice like a thief, and Heaven will open, followed by a loud command of the Archangel and The Mighty Trumpet Call of GOD. The Lord JESUS will then appear in the clouds, and the dead in Christ will rise up first to meet Him in the clouds, then those Christians LIVING IN COMPLETE HOLINESS at the time, will be lifted up to catch up with the rest in the air to meetThe Lord. The Mighty RAPTURE Vision InaMightyVisitationonMay17,2004, The LORD talked to me (Dr. Owuor) and showed me how the RAPTURE of the Glorious Church of Christ would take place. In this conversation, HE asserted the need for the Church in thefourcornersoftheearthtorepent, walk in Holiness and prepare for the Glorious RAPTURE. Ever since then, The LORD has repeatedly shown me this vision of theRAPTURE morethanfourtimeswhile emphasizing the urgency with which the Church should prepare herself in Holiness. In this vision, the Bride of ChristthatistakenupbyTheLordJESUS isaPerfectandtotallyGloriousChurch. Onethingthatisevidentlyconspicuous inthisMightyVisitation,isthefactthat on the extreme right-hand side of the sky, the voice of the Archangel announcedwithaMightyShoutsaying “Look! The Lord Is About To Appear In The Sky.” This was immediately followed by the sounding of the Mighty Trumpet Call of The LORD GOD. Then The Lord JESUS appeared in the sky and showed me His right nail-pierced hand and then suddenly, took away His Holy and Glorious Bride (The Repented, Restored, Holy, Latter Church). Hallelujah, what a MightyVision! However, what stood out, were the mighty,largeandexcessivelyGlorious hands ofThe Lord, that were receiving the Perfect Bride (Holy Church). This soundsagreatawakeningandanother revelationtotheChurchonthePerson of Christ, the Person whose might, the RAPTURE at His might, thereby honouring Him and living to please Him. The Church can now see, that the earth is just a miniaturefractionofthetotaluniverse He created. No wonder His Glorious hands are significantly large during the RAPTURE even as He took u p H i s Glorious B r i d e . Strange- l y , during the writing of this magazine on the July 31, 2006 night, The LORD showed me what the earth would look like after the RAPTURE of the Church. Considering that The LORD has previously been showing me what the RAPTURE would look like, more than four times, then this new vision of what the earth would look like after the RAPTURE, represents a significant time shift whose purpose is by all means to emphasize the urgency with which theChurchshouldprepareherselffor the mighty and sometimes dreadful RAPTURE. John The Baptist Appears To Me It was not until the afternoon of April 2, 2004, that it became apparent to me that the propheticseasonforthe Church had changed. Previously,beginning onMay19,2003,the Person of the Holy Spirit appeared to me in repeated visitations, in which He commanded me to prophesy to the Church during a period of more than one year concerning a very significant spiritual event that would occur in Israel on exactly August 13, 2004. Church has not perceived rightfully. Subsequently,thisvisionoftheRAPTURE, was purposefully intended by The LORD GOD to open up the spiritual eyes of the Church (Christians) to a new realisation of the supre- m a c y o f ChristJESUS. Evidently, theChurch haswalked with Christ JESUS and takenHimfor grantedwithout respecting and honouring Him. Surely, this realisation that Christ JESUS is mightier than Christians have thought, can be seen in the above illustrationofthevisionthatTheLORD gaveme.ThesupremacyofChristJESUS isseeninthefactthatthesupernatural hands which received the Church are enormously larger and mightier than theSaintsandbeingabletotakeupall of the Saints in one go. The Lord JESUS indeed is the Head and the Bridegroom of the Church. ThesupremacyofChristpresentedby The LORD GOD in this vision is also reflected in the book of Colossians, chapter 1, verses 15 through 20, which clearly state that He is the invisible image of GOD and the first born over all creation, and that by Him all things were created, things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers orrulersorauthorities,allthingswere created by Him and for Him. The supremacy of Christ presented by JEHOVAH GOD in the above vision implies that The Lord JESUS is above even the higher Heavens (Ephesians 4: 8-10; Ephesians 1:9-10). This demonstration of The Lord JESUS by The LORD GOD, is meant to help the Church review her relationship with The Lord JESUS and to be in awe The Mighty Vision of the RAPTURE of the Glorious Church, that The LORD showed Dr. Owuor on the May 17, 2004. This presentation of The Lord JESUS by The LORD GOD is meant to help the Church review her relationship with Him and to be in awe at His Might, thereby honouring Him and living to please Him. The MightyVisionThe LORD GOD gave Dr. Owuor
  • 3. 4 | Repentance and Holiness TheWhiteGloriousLambof GOD,that was slain with BLOOD dripping around His neck, came straight to the feet of John the Baptist and looked at him and John released Him to me then He came to my feet. Upon reaching at my feet, He looked up at me and I said to myself in HIS Presence, “He is so Glorious and Holy, I am not worthy of touching Him.”Immediately, He left towards 3 feet in front of me and then returnedtowardsJohntheBaptistand then came back to my feet. Then THE VOICE of The LORD GOD said, “ G o w a r n t h e f o u r corners of the ear th to repent and Prepare the Way for the Coming of The Lord JESUS.” At that point, I woke up. Later, The LORD GOD started revealing to me theimportanceoftheWhite,Glorious HorsethatIhadseeninthisvisionand was ready to be released. This White, Glorious Horse essentially represent the Second Coming of The Lord JESUS tothefourcornersoftheearth(North, South, East,West). And to date, I keep wondering. . . . . . is the Church aware that THE SPIRIT OF The LORD which brings repentance has been released to the four corners of the earth? The Bible On The RAPTURE The Bible speaks very clearly about the RAPTURE of the Church as the main spiritual event within the prophetic time line towards the Second Coming ofChristJESUS.TheLordJESUS beforeHe was taken up into Heaven, promised the Church that He was going to The FATHER’s (The LORD GOD) house Thisgavemeadeeperrevelationofthe Mighty Visitation in which The LORD GOD presented John the Baptist on my right hand side in the presence of His Glory. It all began on April 2, 2004, with a mighty vision in which the moon became very glorious and was covered with blood on one half (its right side), and the Glory of The LORD GOD covered the entire place makingeverythingextremelyglorious including myself. Then suddenly, The LORD presented John the Baptist on my right-hand side in the presence of HIS Glory.AndJohntheBaptistspoke with me about the White, Glorious Horse that was about to be released byTheLORDGODtothefourcorners. This The LORD said was meant as a signal to the four corners of the earth in order to Prepare the Way for the Second Coming of Christ, the Lamb of God. The White Horse was in the centre ofThe Glory of The LORD GOD with its tail lifted and wagging as in, ready to be released. Then John the Baptist told me to go warn the four corners of the earth to Prepare the Way for the Second Coming of Christ, the Lamb of GOD who is coming back for the Church. At that instant, The LORD GOD in HIS Glory released a White, Very Glorious Lamb that was slain with blood dripping around His neck. The White, Glorious and Pure Lamb of GOD came all the way from the centre of the Glory of The LORD GOD towards John the Baptist, HE said, “Behold, this is The Lamb of GOD that was slain. It was the will of the FATHER that He be slain for the sins of the world. He is now coming back for the Church.” Bomet Repentance: Repentance Revival fire entered Kenya’s Rift Valley Province during Repentance in Bomet, a small unknown town, where thousands received The Lord JESUS as their Saviour. Many brought repentance before The LORD which HE commands from us, for our relationship with Him to be restored, a foundation for the process of perfecting the Bride of Christ. The Lord JESUS is coming back for a Glorious and Holy Bride during the RAPTURE of the Church. These communities in Bomet returned to The LORD in a very historic way, thereby becoming a model prototype for the East African nation of Kenya. in Heaven to prepare for her a place, after which He would return and take her to be with Him forever as His Bride. For example, in the book of John, chapter 14, verses 1 through 3, The Lord JESUS says, 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. 2 In my Fa t h e r ’s h o u s e are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” InthisScripture,itisveryclear,thatThe LordJESUS wasspeakingaboutgoingto prepare a place for His Bride (Church) and He would return for her, in effect describing the RAPTURE of the Church. In lay man’s terms, this illustrates an impending Glorious Wedding between the Church and Christ JESUS whose date is a top secret except to The LORD GOD. Furthermore, in the book of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verses 15 through 17, Paul writes, in his letter of encouragement, to the brethren in Thessalonica and asks them to look forward in anticipation for the RAPTURE; 15 According to The Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of The Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For The Lord himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet The Lord in the air. And so we will be with The Lord forever. Furthermore, it is important for Christians to realise that the book of Revelationchapters1,2and3mention the Church while Revelation 4 to 22 talks about Endtime judgement.This is evidence that the Church ceases to exist after the RAPTURE. In other words, keep it in your mind, that THERE WILL BE NO CHURCH AFTER THE RAPTURE. Therefore, it is very critical that all Christians strive veryhardtobepartof the RAPTURE. The signs of the RAPTURE which include wars, rumours of wars, famines, droughts,earthquakes, pestilences,floodsand fearful events from Heavenly bodies are rightnowinyournews, leaving the Church with a very short time topreparefortheHoly and Glorious RAPTURE. It is noteworthy that,twospiritualcharacteristicswere predicted as coming to consume the Church in these last days. One characteristic being the godlessness of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-7) and the falling away of true faith in Christ JESUS (Apostasy) (1 Timothy 4:1-3). It is also important for Christians to be sensitive in THE SPIRIT OF The LORD and keep away from these two spiritualcharacteristics,lesttheymiss the RAPTURE. The implication here is that,thereisaninevitablespiritualand supernatural transformation that has totakeplaceonthedayoftheRAPTURE, among both the living and the dead elect. This spiritual transformation is necessitatedbythefactthat,theWord of GOD categorically states that from dust men came, thus to dust men shall return. So, for any man to leave dust and join Christ, he would have to be transformed into the spiritual. (Genesis 2:7 (Spirit); Genesis 3:19; Psalms 103:14; Ecclesiastes 3:20) Moreover, the impendingWedding to which the Bride (Church) is looking forward, is a spiritual one, given that theBridegroom (LordJESUS) is spiritual and from Heaven, while the Bride is physical and earthly in her current nature. A clear reflection of this is seen in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 47, which states that the first man (Physical Adam) RAPTURE THE BIBLE: When the groom visits the bride’s family and drinks from the same glass of wine with her, he is given a scroll as a written covenant of their wedding engagement. The same thing happened when The Lord JESUS gave the Church His blood as the true drink (John 6:53-56) and gave her the Bible as the written covenant of engagement. No wonder The Lord JESUS said “Whoever eats of my flesh (the living Bread from Heaven) & drinks my BLOOD remains in me, & I, in Him.”
  • 4. Repentance and Holiness | 5 PROPHECY: Thousands of people gathered for Repentance in Nyamira, a small town in the western part of Kenya on March 26, 2006. At this meeting, the Holy Spirit made utterances concerning the massive historic earthquakes that were coming to Iran and Russia. Dr. Owuor said, “Listen to me the nations of the earth, listen to me the nation of Iran, listen to me the nation of Russia, I have seen a historic earthquake hit you and The LORD GOD BY VOICE said ‘Preparing For The RAPTURE Of The Church’ and when this earthquakes happen, you shall know that I AM The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and that the mouth ofThe LORD has spoken’”. Fulfilment: It took only five days and on Friday, March 31, 2006, all news networks all over the earth reported massive historic earthquakes that devastated the western part of Iran. After 26 days following the prophecy on April 21st, 2006, a historic Russian quake hit with a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale. The Wedding Covenant given to the Groom by the Brides Parents afer drinking with her from the sameglassofwine securing a place in which he will live with his bride. Once all preparations have been made, the father sends his agents to monitor the faithfulness of the bride, and whether she is worthy of marrying his son. If all is well and thebridehaskeptherfaithfulness,then thefatherabruptlyannouncestheday of the wedding, then the bridegroom returns for his bride. This is the most joyous moment that she would ever have, to see her bridegroom come to pick her up and is a valuable life-long rewardforherfaithfulnessbyfaitheven whenthedatewasnotknownandthe bridegroom was not around. The wedding ceremony however, is not complete until a glass is crashed underfoot by the bridegroom, with all his might while holding the hands of his bride. Subsequently, the bridegroombringsherhomewithhim to his father’s house for the wedding supper. For the Church, this represents the mirrorimageoftheGloriouswedding betweenChristandherselfinrelation to the RAPTURE. The red wine of covenant that is taken from the same glass between the Bridegroom and the Bride, is the BLOOD of JESUS that was shed as a Covenant betweenThe Lord JESUS and the Church and used to purchase her so she may totally belong to Him. (John 6:49-58) And, the scroll of the written Covenant is represented by the Holy Bible which contains the terms and conditions of the Wedding Covenant. That is also a broken and stripped body of Christ which is theWord.While the Servants thatthefatherofthebridegroomsends to survey on the bride’s faithfulness aretheProphetsofGODwhoaresent to the Church before the RAPTURE. In this case only The Father JEHOVAH GOD knows the date of theWedding that will be announced abruptly without notice. Having identified His Bride, we see that Christ went back to His FATHER in Heaven to prepare a place for the Church. (John 14:1-6) The pre- weddingcovenantbetweenChristand the Church is the Everlasting, Mighty, All Powerful, BLOOD of JESUS, the Son of GOD, shed at Calvary. In this case, the Bride who is the Church, is not involved in an ordinary wedding but is looking forward to an all Glorious wedding with the Darling of Heaven, who is seated at the centre of the Throne (Revelation 5:6) and already gave His life for the Church thereby earning Him a place at the right hand of The LORD GOD. As though that were not enough, a search was made above Heaven, in Heaven, in thelowerHeaven,onearthandunder RAPTURE The scroll of the wedding covenant g i v e n t o t h e groom. was of the earth and the second man (Spiritual JESUS) is from Heaven. Therefore,theonlywaytheChurchin her earthly nature will wed Christ, is to be spiritually transformed. The Wedding On the day of the RAPTURE, the Church will wed Christ in a much anticipated Glorious event. However, it is very critical to realise that every wedding is normally preceded by a pre-wedding covenant that both parties must observe and respect faithfully. Many times, the bridegroomafteridentifying his bride, goes into a covenant withher,withasealdepending on the scenario. An example of the pre-wedding seal is the popularly exchanged engagement ring. Bride of Christ & Jehovah’s Wife According to the command handed to them by Moses, among the Jews, once the bridegroom has identified hisbride-to-be,heisobligedtovisither parents. At the bride’s home, her parents become witnesses toapowerfulcovenantbetween herself and the groom-to-be. This pre-wedding covenant has two very important features, one of them being the glass of red wine that the bride and the groom have to share; while the other is the written scroll of the pre- wedding covenant that thebridegroomtakestohisparentsas they wait for the wedding date. The Last Supper In the book of Mark chapter 14 during The Lord’s Last Supper with His disciples, He broke bread and gave a piece to each and took the same cup of wine and gave each one of the twelve disciples to drink from. 22 While they were eating, JESUS took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.” 23 Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, and they all drank from it. 24 “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,”He said to them. 25 “I tell you the truth, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the Kingdom of God.” This represents the pre-wedding covenant when The Lord JESUS had found His Bride (The Church). Note that unlike other pre-wedding covenants, this is one in which He gave His own life and His BLOOD as the Pre-wedding Covenant. The BLOOD covenantisverypowerfulandeternalif allpartiesremainfaithfuluntil the day of the Wedding. This very powerful pre-wedding Covenant of the BLOOD of JESUS is supposed to have sustained the Church (The Christian) and kept her focussed on waiting for Christ. No wonder in the book of 1 Corinthianschapter11, He told her, 24 And when He had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my Blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, y o u p r o c l a i m The Lord’s death until He comes. Thisisthepre-wedding Covenant that should have kept the Church (The Christian) busy purifying the wedding gown in anticipation of the RAPTURE. In the Jewish Rabbinic Laws, this powerful pre-wedding session represents a formal announcement that the bridegroom has found his bride,therebypavingwayforWedding preparations, a wedding whose date is kept secret by his father. The father then prepares the required resources for the wedding vis a vis the season because the season must be ripe for theweddingtotakeplace,forexample during the harvest time. However, even within the season, only the father knows the exact date of the wedding.Meanwhile,duringthistime ofwaiting,thebridegroomwillbebusy THE COVENANT: Just as the wine is taken from one glass by the bride & the groom, so is the BLOOD of the Covenant that The Lord JESUS shed for His Bride (Church) for the engagement covenant with her.
  • 5. 6 | Repentance and Holiness The confirmation of the crushing defeatoverdeathduringtheRAPTURE of the Church is also seen in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 15, from verses 24 through 27 which says, 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom over to GOD the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include GOD himself, who put everything under Christ. A major hallmark of victory will consume the Glorious and Holy Church that qualifies to be taken up in RAPTURE. This is the finality of the victory that The Lord JESUS scored for the Church at Cavalry, a victory no Christian would want to miss, thereby, stressing the need for the entire Church to prepare a Glorious, Spotless and Sinless Gown. Furthermore, in the Jewish wedding, during the time of preparation, the bride is usually heavily involved inpreparingabrandnew,white gownthathasnospot.Thisprocessof preparing the gown for the wedding dayisafulltimepreoccupationforthe bride. It is absolutely vital during this time of preparation that faithfulness, andpurity(virginity)bemaintainedby her. Any breach of covenant leading to unfaithfulness usually nullifies the entireprocessnomatterhowlongthe preparation has taken. Breaching the Covenant The LORD GOD makes HIS Servant Hosea,marryaprostituteinorderthat HE may demonstrate to the Church the gravity of breaching the marital covenant. In this case, HE makes HIS Servant Hosea feel the pain and agony thatThe LORD JEHOVAH GOD felt when HIS wife, Israel, became unfaithful and prostituted with other gods in the land. HE speaks jealously of her (Hosea 2:14-16; Hosea 3: 1-4). However, when Israel becomes so unfaithful to JEHOVAH, HE is able to abandon her and forget about the Covenant of Love that HE had with her. For example, Israel whom The LORD delivered from slavery in Egypt through a mighty covenant of love with Jacob, is abandoned and thrown back to Babylon into slavery when she becomes unfaithful to JEHOVAH GOD. It is interesting that JEHOVAH GOD out of HIS mercies often allows Israel to return to HIM as HIS first love when she seeks HIM with all her heart and turns away from her wickedness. One case being, when Prophet Ezekiel promised to cleanse her from all impurities, after a long period of defilement. (Ezekiel 36:24- 30). Likewise, the Church is the Bride of Christ and ought to walk in complete faithfulness. Moreover, Christ, like JEHOVAH GOD, promises to cleanse the Church using His own BLOOD that was shed at Calvary. The only condition being that His Bride (the Church) should be willing to seek Him with every fibre of her heart in faithfulness. By inference, this means that the same rules of faithfulness between Israel and JEHOVAH GOD, definitely apply to the relationship between Christ and His Bride (the Church), except that Israel is yet to receive The Lord JESUS. In which case, He loves her jealously, to the point of dying for her at the Cross, and despite falling away to unfaithfulness, He is able to cleanse her with His own BLOOD upon her return to Him during these last days when the Spirit of Endtime Repentance Revival sweeps the earth. Therefore, on that mighty day of RAPTURE, surely, the Church will be takenawayintoHeavenasthePerfect and Glorious Bride of Christ JESUS.This essentiallyemphasizestheimportance of every Christian preparing for this Gloriousday.GiventhattheChristians are the Church, then this inevitably raises the question; “Will all Christians be taken up in the RAPTURE?” For the Church to receive the latter promised Glory, she has to preach the dirty, rugged Cross at Calvary, which is the heart of the gospel. The Cross is the heart of the gospel while the BLOOD of JESUS is the power of the gospel. The only way through which the Church can go up with The Lord JESUS in the RAPTURE, is the Way of the Cross (John 14:1-6). But, how can today’s modern Church which has made the gospel of prosperity central, while the BLOOD and Cross alien, make it into the RAPTURE. It is saddening that the message of the Cross has become very, very rare and yet for the Church to receive the latter promised Glory, she has to restore and preach this dirty, rugged Cross, at Calvary, atThe LORD’s Altar. RAPTURE Dr. Owuor preaching during a Mighty Repentance Meeting at Nyahururu, in Kenya. A massive wave of repentance hit the nation of Kenya when The Lord sent Dr. Owuor to that country to tell them to repent and Prepare The Way. Many towns went into a repentance revival of return to Holiness in this E. African nation. After repentance, the Mighty power of the Holy Spirit came down and delivered and healed hundreds of people in all the meetings. theearthandnoname was found that could purchase and redeem thisBridefromthefilth of her fallen nature (Revelations 5:1-5). In the beginning, she had no hope till the King of Glory brought HisGloriousfeettoour dustyandmuddyroads and suffered rejection (Isaiah 53), thereby qualifying her to be acceptable through His BLOOD Covenant of love. Surely, this much anticipated wedding during the RAPTURE is one of its own kind, that has never been, and after which, there surely will never be another. In other words, the Church (Bride) will be completelytakenawayintoaneternal fellowship with The Lord during the RAPTURE. Thepeakofthisweddingevent,which is symbolised by the crushing of the glass by the bridegroom during the Jewishwedding,essentiallyrepresents thetriumphantcrushingoftheheadof theserpentandhiscompletedefeatby TheLordJESUS andimplyingthatdeath will never again have dominion over His Bride (Church). The crushing of death practically means crushing of sin because it is sin that brings death to His Bride. And it is this crushing of death during the RAPTURE that fulfils the prophecy in the book of Genesis chapter3verse15when man was cursed by The LORD saying, 15 “And I will put enmity between you a n d t h e w o m a n , and between your offspring and hers; HE will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” It is important to realise that ‘HE’ in this Scripture refers to Christ, the Son of Man, who would come and offer a crushing defeat over death at the peak of the RAPTURE. It is the climax of man’s redemption (Galatians 4:4; Revelation 12:5). Thehealingofthecurse above by the RAPTURE, restores fellowship between man and GOD to the original level when Adam used to walk with GOD in the cool of the day. And that is whyThe Lord JESUS during the last supper said He would not drink from that cup again until He drinks it anew in the Kingdom of GOD with His Bride (RAPTURED Saints). This is seen in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 15, and verses 54 through 56 which say, 54 When the perishable has been clothed with imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
  • 6. Repentance and Holiness | 7 Will All Christians Be RAPTURED? This probably, has been the most confusing, daunting and unsettling questioninthemindandheartofevery Christian, thereby, at times creating extreme fear and enormous anxiety and to some extent, leading many to even dread the day of the RAPTURE.The truth is that no Christian would want to miss the day of the RAPTURE and plunge themselves into Tribulation. At the same time, there is a common generic over assumption and comfort by some Christians who have not treated RAPTURE with gravity. In this respect, it is noteworthy, that Heaven and earth will come and go but every Biblical Scripture will be fulfilled to the letter. The position of the Bible regarding those who will qualify for the RAPTURE, has been clearly stated without any speckofambiguity,fromthebook of Genesis to Revelation. The LORD GOD in the book of Hebrews, chapter 12 verse 14, already gave us a benchmark s t a n d a rd t o H e a v e n l y qualification. In this Scripture, Holiness is the key to entering the much awaiting eternal fellowship with The HOLY LORD in Heaven. But, how does the daily Christian relate to this standard in his/her walk with Christ? To answer this question, there is great relevance in examining Apostle Paul’s letter of encouragement to the Corinthian Church in which he emphasizes the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit and transforming their that the dust, which is the flesh and blood and returns to dust, cannot inherit the RAPTURE (Genesis 2:7). Whilst at the same time The LORD GOD gave HIS breath of life, who is Christ, through whom man can now inherittheRAPTURE.Evenasdeathcame in through the dust of the ground, eternal life came in through Christ, the Spirit-filled man. Therefore, only those who live Spiritual lives, through theHolySpiritandyetpleasingtoThe LORD GOD, will inherit the RAPTURE. Given the current state of defilement intheChurchthroughperpetualcycles of perennial sin and coupled with her heavy involvement in deceptive teachingsofthefalseprosperitygospel, it becomes apparent that only a small minute fraction of Christians (Church) that have fallen asleep (dead) will be resurrected in the RAPTURE. This is a bittertruth(pill)thattheChurchhasto swallow, if she is to be restored back to Holiness. Will All Living Christians RAPTURE? Havingseenthatonlythosewholived in absolute Holiness at the time of death will inherit the RAPTURE, it comes out very clearly, that the decision to cross into the RAPTURE is made by the Christian before death. The question then becomes: in this world littered with rampant sexual immorality, lusting with eyes, pornography, watching TV programs and movies that do not glorify JESUS, idolatry of money,witchcraft,pride,chroniclying and false prophecies, corruption, malice, murder, slander, back stabbing, gossip, anger, coarse jokes and filthy language from the same tongue used to worship JEHOVAH,drunkardness, bitterness, smoking, abortions, promotion of condoms, listening to unholy music like Christianrapandreggae which are marks of the kingdom of darkness, bringing unholy and immoral dancing at the Altar of The LORD, the syndrome of modern Christianity, blackmailing, abusiven- ess in marriage, ungratefulness, unfor-giveness, without self-control even relating to food, rash, conceited, loving pleasure rather than The LORD GOD,failuretofast,grumblingagainst the true anointed ones of The LORD, rejecting repentance which is the BLOOD of JESUS, selfishness, laziness, neglect of street children (Chokoras), neglect of widows and single mothers in the streets by the traffic lights while driving by them almost knocking them down on your way to Church, raping, in-fighting in the Churches and splitting into small evil groups, keeping stocks of timber for coffins in anticipation of Church members’ death, homosexuality, lesbianism in Church, picking condoms in Church compounds after Kesha nights, threatening one another with death because of their involvement in repentance, inheritance of wives, practising traditional rituals in births, burials, marriages, circumcisions and initiations, ground breaking ceremonies, boat launching, traditional ceremonies by football teams before matches, Church ‘seed’ planting, scarring, polygamy, immoral tight dressing showing navals and anatomies, wearing transparent clothes, men piercing ears and noses, menpermingandbraidinghair,amark of homosexuality, bringing cultural dancers wearing traditional regalia of witch doctors at the Altar of The LORD GOD, receiving gifts in Church from devil worshippers, idolising and adoring of wealthy devil worshippers in Church, enthroning men other than Christ JESUS in big ceremonial occasions, slaughtering cowsbyPastorsongraves, bringing politicians and coffins at the Altar ofThe LORD GOD, engaging in political talks at the Altar of The LORD GOD, not stickingtothemessageof the BLOOD of JESUS and the Cross at Calvary, even at the Altar of The LORD GOD, bribing, prostitution, theft, religiousness without the Holy Spirit, faking miracles and speaking in false (devil’s) tongues, openly practising comedy at the Altar of The LORD GOD without fearing the wrath of The LORD GOD, publishing RAPTURE Christian walk into the spiritual realm as a prerequisite of finally entering Heaven. Will All The Dead Be RAPTURED? In the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 15, verses 50 through 53, the Holy Bible lays it plainly, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD. Furthermore, the perishable cannot inherit the imperishable and the mystery of the RAPTURE lies in the fact that both the living and the dead will be spiritually transformed in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the lastTrumpet.Itgoesontosaythatthe dead will be raised imperishable and the living will be changed. No where does it come out clearer than verse 53, in which The Lord says, that the perishable must clothe themselves withimperishable,andthemortalwith immortality, to bring into fulfilment the final defeat over death, that was gloriously handed over to us by The Lord JESUS upon locking the doors to Death and Hades. To every Christian (Church), this marks a very clear definition of who exactly will be able to make it into the RAPTURE. The flesh and blood represent the perishable and the physical realm in which case, it cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD, while the imperishable realm can only be attained through the Mighty,transformingPower of the Holy Spirit. This flesh and blood is perishableandmust die because:- i) it is loaded with the sinful desires of man, and yet the Bible says that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). ii) it derived its origin from dust, and must return to dust, as The LORD has destined it (Genesis 2:7; 3:19). Amazingly, The LORD GOD, in HIS supernatural infinite plan for man, formed the first Adam from the dust of the ground, and then breathed into HIS nostrils the breath of life (HIS Spirit) and man became a living being. Now, it becomes very evident The Church has neglected orphaned street children, widows and single mothers by the traffic lights. Christians drive by them almost hitting them on the way to Church and not realising that this will cost them seeing The Lord JESUS (Matthew 25:35-46). The gospel in today’s Church has been perverted for financial gain leading to the blindness of the sheep. It is fearful that over 90% of those confessing to be Christians, RAPTURE Spirit visitation does not enter the Church and the Church. RAPTURE: Heaven will open, followed by the loud command of the Archangel, the Trumpet call of God, and The Lord JESUS will come to meet His Holy and Glorious Church; only those living, and those who died, in complete Holiness.
  • 7. 8 | Repentance and Holiness It makes one wonder, how small the number is, of the Christians from this otherwise modern and perennially infant today’s Church, will qualify for the RAPTURE if it happened right now. T h o u g h one may arguethat E n d t i m e p r o p h e c y towards the RA P T U R E would usher in a dispensation of the love of pleasure and money,lackofgodliness,and absence of perseverance among other evil traits (2 Timothy 3:1-9), the Church by no means should be caught up in that bracket, because she right now unknowingly carries a very powerfulandGloriousdestinytowards the End of Age. This is the latter anointing, that is supposed to come totheChurchthroughtheoutpouring of the Holy Spirit, an anointing that has long been prophesied (Joel 2: 28-32) as being unique, mightier than the previous, and cannot be shared with the kingdom of darkness. In other words, this is an anointing that requires a new wine skin (Matthew 9:16-17, John 2:8-10) because it is more effervent and hence capable of preparing the Church from any level of filth (fall) to become the Glorious, Sinless, Perfect Bride of Christ. Considering that the former rain of the order seen in the primitive Church,whenPaulandJohnreceived revelation, was a very, very powerful rain on its own merit, then how much more anointing, is the latter gloriousChurch,expectedtooperate in, immediately prior to the RAPTURE? The period immediately prior to the RAPTURE of the Church actually refers tothecurrentpropheticdispensation of Repentance and Holiness, that the planet earth has entered into right now. Having said this, it is disappointingly sad, that the current Church is constantly embroiled in incorporating worldly principles without knowing that for her to be taken up into the RAPTURE, she has to be absolutely Holy, Glorious, (spotless)andChrist-likeincharacter. (Ephesians 5:26; Romans 12: 15-16). in secular national newspapers the amountofmonetarytithesandoffering collected in Churches among other sins; then, is it really possible for the today’s modern Christian to live in absolute Holiness and be part of the RAPTURE of the Church? It goes without saying, that only the Person of the Holy Spirit can enable theChristiantototallycrucifytheflesh andlivefreefromanyoneoftheabove mentioned, (A spiritual life pleasing to God) and be part of the RAPTURE. The above situation that currently characterises the today’s Church, demonstrates the depth of the fall of the Church which directly impacts on the number of Christians living today that will be able to make it into the RAPTURE. It is fearful that over 90% of those confessing to be Christians, will definitely miss the RAPTURE, if the mighty, Holy Spirit visitation does not enter the Church and completely reverse every single item mentioned aboveintheChurchandthisdefinitely calls for her being able to recognise her hour of Holy Spirit visitation. The Holy Spirit & RAPTURE Qualifying for the RAPTURE demands thatthetoday’sChristianpurposefully walk as a spiritual being more than in the corrupt flesh and blood (physical being). This calls for the crucifixion of the flesh through the mighty power of the Holy Spirit during salvation, in a process known as Spiritual Sanctification. In order to partake of the RAPTURE, the today’s Church must therefore, centre herself around the message of the BLOOD and the Cross, and cannot have the luxury of side- liningtheBLOOD andtheCross.Neither has she the privilege of replacing the BLOOD and the Cross with the false doctrineandgospelofprosperitythat camefromthedevil.TheBLOOD andthe Cross,thenbecomestheoneandonly way to the RAPTURE.The Bible explicitly presents the fact that The Lord JESUS, who came from Glory unto the earth, was crucified on the Cross at Calvary, andresurrectedintoGlory,inorderthat we may know theWay toThe FATHER (The LORD GOD). (John 14: 1-6). The poweroftheCrosstoovercomedeath and lead Christians into the RAPTURE is absolutely without question. Which brings us to the book of Colossians, chapter 2, verse 15 that says 15 And having disarmed t h e p o w e r s a n d authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the Cross. F o r t h i s r e a s o n , The Lord JESUS said that anyone who does n o t c a r r y His Cross, is not worthy of Him, and that whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever looses his life for His sake will find it (Matthew 10:38; 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27). Thence,wemustlooseourfleshylives to gain the immortality. This directly ties the RAPTURE to the importance of crucifying the flesh as a Christian, so as to live as a spiritualbeingthroughthehelpofthe transforming Power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, the way to the RAPTURE isthroughtheCross,withoutwhich,no man can enter the Kingdom of GOD. However, considering the sinful world in which the today’s Church (the Christian) finds herself, it becomes practicallyimpossiblefortheChristian today, to live for Christ as a spiritual being and qualify for the RAPTURE. The world in which the Church finds herself, encourages compromise with sin, to an extent that the Church has become insensitive to THE SPIRIT OF The LORD, thence not being able to crucify the flesh and operate in the spiritual realm. The love of pleasure hasdiminishedtheperseverancewith which the Church was expected to operate in, for purposes of executing hernobledutyofpreparingthespotless gown for her Groom. Unfortunately, for today’s Church, the process leading to the RAPTURE through the Cross is a painful one, requiring her to completely separate out from the world in order that she maybe sanctified. This separation that the Church must go through, practically calls for the Christian to deny herself of all pleasure (crucify the flesh on the Cross) in the process of Sanctification. Holy Spirit After RAPTURE ThedisappearanceoftheChurchduring theRAPTURE isvisiblyevidencedby‘The Abomination of the Desolation’ (Daniel 9:26-27) that takes place after the RAPTURE, thereby, bringing to a complete stop all sacrifices of Praise andWorshipinthehouseofTheLORD during the Tribulation. This is when theworshippingoftheBeastwillbeat peak.Thatnotwithstanding,TheLORD HIMSELF promises to send a spirit of confusion to the remnant Christians, thatwillmakethembelievetheimage of the beast within theTemple, during the Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2:5- 12). Only the Holy Spirit of GOD has the authority and the power to prepare the Church for the RAPTURE because theHolyBibleemphasizesthatwithout Holiness, no one will be able to see The LORD (Hebrews 12:14). Holiness is a benchmark that The LORD has stressedineveryScriptureandcannot be taken for granted. HE requires absolute Holiness in the nature of The LORD in all that the Church does. In the book of 1 Peter, chapter 1 verse 15, The LORD appears to call the Church to a very high level of uncompromised complete Holiness, a level that when one evaluates the circumstances around which the Church finds herself, one would say it is absolutely impossible to achieve withintheframeworksetupintoday’s Church. In this Scripture, The LORD asserts affirmatively HIS position on Holiness when HE says, 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” Therefore,thestandardofHolinessthat TheLORDhascalledtheChurchtolive in, is absolutely high and there is no way the Church can achieve this level without the help of the supernatural transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The Vision after RAPTURE In a Mighty Vision on July 31, 2006, JEHOVAH GOD showed me (Dr. Owuor) what the earth would look like after the Church has been taken up in the RAPTURE. In this particular vision, the earth was immediately coveredwithcompletegrossdarkness RAPTURE
  • 8. Repentance and Holiness | 9 RAPTURE right after the Church was taken up in the RAPTURE. The RAPTURE took place in a split second in a very shocking manner without notice andThe LORD said, not only will HE take away the Church, but also the Holy Spirit. Going by this, one has no choice but to look into the Old Testament, when Scripturerepeatsitself,whereTheHoly SpiritonlyexistedamongtheServants such as the Prophets and was not universal. This was however, reversed on the day of Pentecost in the New Testament when the initial rain poured and THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD entered the Church to help her live a life pleasing to Christ hence becoming the light of the world. It is noteworthy that the removal of the Church and the Holy Spirit during the RAPTURE accounts for the gross darkness that covered the earth in this vision. The absence of the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation will create a very difficult situation, for the Christians who will fail to make it into the RAPTURE and yet try to resist the mark of the Beast. It is immensely absurd when one looks at the Church todayandfindsthatthepreciousHoly Spirit who is available right now, has been abused by the Church herself, andonecan’thelpbutwonderhowthe earthwilllooklikeforthosewhofailto make it into the RAPTURE. Therefore, it isimportantthattheChurchwillgrasp this last opportunity in these last days beforetheRAPTURE andtakeadvantage of the availability of the Holy Spirit to prepare for the Coming for The Lord JESUS. Hour not known . . . The Lord JESUS made it very clear to the Church, that she should await in Holiness because the RAPTURE could happen at any time though the hour is not known (Matthew 24:36-42). This uncertainty of The Lord’s hour of return is well presented in many Scriptures across the Holy Bible, in such a way that it should have actually acted as a warning sign to the Church. Unfortunately, going by what one sees in today’s Church, it is very heartbreaking to realise that these warning signs have not been read and heeded. AndTheTrumpet of GOD will sound on that day. Lamps, Oil and the RAPTURE The parable of the ten virgins in the book of Matthew chapter 25, is the mirror image of the RAPTURE of the Church and one of such warnings placed in the Holy Bible to sensitise the Church on the need to be RAPTURE- ready at all times. In this parable, The LordJESUS likenedtheKingdom of Heaven to ten virgins whowerewaitingforthe Bridegroomtoappear, and of whom five were wise and carried their lamps and jars of oil as they waited; while the foolish five carriedtheirlampswithoutoil. At the midnight hour, a cry rang out (The voice of the Archangel and the Trumpet Call of GOD) and the five wisevirginswhohadoiltogetherwith their burning lamps, made it into the wedding banquet (RAPTURE) while the five foolish virgins who had no oil did not make it into the Kingdom of GOD and the door was shut on them.The shutting of the door on the foolish virgins who had no oil (Holy Spirit) was done by JEHOVAH GOD. And that is why The LORD said in the book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 37 that as it was during the days of Noah, so will it be at the Coming of the Son of Man. During the time of Noah, they were hard-hearted, busy giving into marriage until Noah entered the Ark and the book of Genesis chapter 7 verse 16 says 16 “. . . Then The LORD shut him in.” The implication being that it is The LORD that usually shuts the door and so will it be at the RAPTURE. However, one may want to know that at one point both the five lamps with oil and those without oil are lighting, therefore, creating confusion in the Church which represents the times when false tongues and true Holy Spirit-driven tongues were being spoken in Church. It also symbolises the time when false prophets are prophesying in Church while the Holy Spirit is also passing a message of The LORD to the Church. At the midnight cry when the RAPTURE nears all the false prophecies, prophets, false tongues die out and only THE SPIRIT OF The LORD lights (Joel 2: 28-32). Furthermore, the failure of the modern Church (Christian) to back-up their faith with the Holy Spirit leads to Apostasy, meaning the falling away of faith. (2 Timothy 3). This is a very critical message to the Church regarding the importance of the Holy Spirit in preparing her for the RAPTURE without WHOM she cannot make it into the KingdomofGOD.Thelampsrepresent the salvation that makes Christians the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14), but this salvation strongly depends on their faith in Christ JESUS. However, the faith that Christians have inChristJESUS asthey await the RAPTURE, is always under constant attack from the world (devil) and can only be sustained when they receive the Holy Spirit of GOD (the oil), lest they loose faith and their lamps (salvation) go off. When their lamps are off, then theChurchceasestobethelightofthe world. Is this familiar today? Furthermore, having the Holy Spirit allows the Christians to be RAPTURE- ready at all times. Failure to back-up their faith with the power of the Holy Spirit, leads the Church to failing to make it into the Holy and Glorious RAPTURE and thus entering the Tribulation when the door has been shut (the five foolish virgins). The shutting of the doors of Heaven to the Church that had not received the Holy Spirit during the critical time of her Mighty, Holy Spirit visitation (fivefoolishvirginswithoutoil),results into a spiritual desolation, and the abomination that was foretold in the book of Daniel. This means that without the Holy Spirit the Church cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. The Lamp in this case, is the heart of the Saint and the wick of the Lamp, which draw the oil to keepitburning is actually the fibres of the heart that are fully saturated in the Holy Spirit. When the fibres of the heart are fullysoakedintheHoly Spirit, then there is perfectcommunication between the desires of the heart of the Saint and that of the Holy Spirit, thereby causing the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn away the chaff (impurities of the heart). The righteousness that comes out of this heart, therefore, becomes the light of the world. This is the only way there can be a difference betweenthelightemitted fromtheLampsthathad oil and those that had no oil. In other words, it is the righteousness and Holiness as fruit of repentance, that distinguish the Bride of Christ from the Today’s Church (Matthew 3:8). The only way the heart can genuinely repentandyieldthefruitofrepentance is when the heart has been crucified, shredded and broken, thereby presenting her fibres as a perfect wick soaked in the Holy Spirit and drawing the anointing to light the Lamp (show fruit of repentance) in the life of the Christian. Rosh Hashanah & RAPTURE Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year whichishighlycelebratedandmarked all over the world and especially in Israel. This festivity which was commanded by The LORD GOD, The Holy One of Israel, unto the Israelites in the book of Leviticus, chapter 23, verses 23 through 25, presents yet another mirror image of the RAPTURE of theChurchofChristandagainanother very important warning sign on the needfortheChurchtoprepareherself The five lamps with oil represent the Christian living in Holiness under the guidance and influence of the Holy Spirit in preparation of RAPTURE. The five lamps without oil represent today’s Christian living in sexual sin, lying, giving false prophecies and preaching the false gospel of prosperity, enjoying both the world and the Church and whose destiny will ultimately lead her to miss the RAPTURE.
  • 9. 10 | Repentance and Holiness The Shofar is normally sounded during Rosh Hashanah during the transition into a new year in the Jewish culture. The sounding of the Shofar usually takes place in the middle of the repentance service in preparation for the day of divine judgment which comes 8 days after the Rosh Hashanah. This is the Yom Kipur day. To the Church this gives food for thought since in preparing the way for the RAPTURE there is supposed to be repentance, and in the middle of repentance the Trumpet of GOD is supposed to sound announcing the RAPTURE, which comes prior to the day of judgment the Day of The Lord. Surely Israel is the Wife of JEHOVAH and the Church the Bride of Christ only that Israel has to receive JESUS as Lord and Saviour. RAPTURE for the Coming of The Lord. There is a lot the Church can learn about the RAPTURE and its requirements from this Scripture in the book of Leviticus. Oneseesundoubtedly,thattheJewish new year is about the changing of seasons, which actually parallels the change of seasons that the Church is going through right now during this period towards t h e RAPTURE. However, it is so crucial that when one reads Leviticus chapter 23, verse 24, one should notice the fact that the Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year’s eve) services thatThe LORD commanded upon Israel, are i n d e e d d e e p repentance services. The one thing that is unique about this repentanceservice,is thatitischaracterised by the waiting for a mighty trumpet blast, whose hour is unknown. To make it worse, just as this repentance service begins to peak and the heat picking up, the shofar (trumpet) usually unexpectedly blasts in air announcing the arrival of the new year (season). This is absolutely synonymous with when John the Baptist appeared and had just started preaching repentance to Prepare the Way for The Lord, and when repentance almost began to climax, then all of a sudden in a very short time, he shocked them by shouting these words, 29 “. . . Behold, the Lamb of GOD, who takes away the sin of the world!” and The Lord JESUS had arrived (John 1:29). This implies that the Coming of The Lord will be very sudden, in the middle of repentance revival, like is currently going on in Kenya, just as the Bible had promised. To take it to another level of gravity, Leviticus chapter 23, verse 25, is The LORD’s c o m m a n d o n how they should approachHIMduring this repentance season in which HE says. 2 5 D o n o regular work, but present an offering made to The LORD by fire. This is a very powerful lesson, that today’s Church ought to have picked and lived by, if she had been centred aroundtheWordofThe LORD. In this Scripture lies the secret of how the Church should prepare for the RAPTURE and the importance of the Holy Spirit in that preparation. In other words, what The LORD is saying here, is that, when it comes to the Repentance season which is meant to Prepare the Way for the RAPTURE, HE does not need regular Church services but commands that a Holy and Glorious Church, who has been prepared by the Holy fire of the Holy Spirit be presented before HIM. This is exactly what The LORD meant in Matthew chapter3,verses11through12,when HE said, HE would baptise the Church withtheHolySpiritandunquenchable fire, and that this unquenchable fire would burn away the chaff thereby separating it from the wheat. It is this kind of bread without yeast (chaff) (This bread is Jesus; John 6:48-58) thatThe LORD has commanded to be presented to HIM before the Mighty RAPTURE. The Church must therefore eat the TRUE BREAD. The emphasis here is on the role of the Holy Spirit in purifying the Church to be a glorious and Holy sacrifice without blemish for The LORD during the RAPTURE. In the book of Zechariah chapter 13 verses 7 through 9 says, 7 “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is close to me!” declares The LORD Almighty. “Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and I will turn my hand against the little ones. 8 In the whole land,” declares The LORD, “Two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it. 9 This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, they are my people, and they will say, ‘The LORD is our GOD.’” The unquenchable fire described above purifies the Church and gives her a perfect identity and fellowship with JEHOVAH.This fire burns off two- thirdsintheChurch;thefalseapostles, false prophets, false evangelists, false pastors, false teachers and the false flock that have learned the falsehood preached by above false priesthood. The result of this fire is a remnant Church that has been prepared by the Holy Spirit for the Glorious RAPTURE. In the same way in which the unquenchable fire prepares the offering unto The LORD on Rosh Hashanah. It makes one wonder why teachings on the importance of the Holy Spirit in the Christian walk, have not been cherished and emphasized in the modern day Church. The parable of the ten virgins given byThe Lord JESUS himself, regarding the Kingdom of GOD, is a wake up call to the Church andgreatlyhighlightsthecentralityof the Holy Spirit in this entire process of preparing for the RAPTURE. The statement made by The Lord JESUS in Matthew chapter 25, verse 12, when he said, 12 “But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’” to the five foolish virgins, when they triedtoknockonthedoor,impliesthat thosewhowillnothavetheHolySpirit in them at the time of the RAPTURE, will notmakeitintotheKingdomofGOD. The Church then, had rather urgently change her sermons and focus on theteachingoftheHolySpiritinthese last days. The reason today’s modern Church, which operates without the Holy Spirit cannot make it into the RAPTURE, is because she preaches the gospel in which people come in and receive The Lord JESUS and yet are not led to receiving the Holy Spirit therefore, transferring the world right intotheChurchwithoutexperiencing spiritualtransformationalgrowththat is meant to change their identity into the Bride of Christ. Whilstthefivewisevirginswhocarried oilinjarsrepresenttheChristiansthat receive the salvation ofThe Lord, and go on to receiving the Holy Spirit and continuallygrowundertheanointing of the Holy Spirit which leads to greaterlevelsofspiritualsanctification (Perfecting the Bride of Christ).This is the blue print and the true plan that The LORD GOD had for the Church, as seen in the book of Ezekiel chapter 47, verses 1 through 7, in which every Christian is endowed with an THE UPCOMING WAR IN IRAN: For sometime now since 2005, Dr. Owuor has been prophesying a major nuclear war between Iran and the United States with Israel. It is amazing that this year, Iran is now preparing in training for a major all out war. According to Dr. Owuor, this upcoming war will build up a very strong alliance against Israel, an alliance that will fulfil Ezekiel chapter 38 verse 9. However, this acts as a very strong signal for the Church to prepare herself for the RAPTURE since the big storm on Israel comes after the Glorious Church has been taken up by Christ JESUS. The key word here is Glorious, which means without Holiness no man will see The Lord (Hebrews 12:14). The LORD has warned the nations to REPENT and prepare for the RAPTURE in anticipation of the loud command of the Archangel and the Trumpet call of GOD from the sky.The Glorious Bride that obeys this command will be caught up withThe LORD in the clouds. 1Thess 4:16-17
  • 10. Repentance and Holiness | 11 RAPTURE enormous capacity to receive higher levelsofanointing,makingthemmore andmoreglorious,astheypreparefor the Glorious RAPTURE. On the contrary, the five foolish virgins who did not carry oil, further correspond to the today’s modern Church, in which Christians are lukewarm, in other words,theyarenotinandtheyarenot outoftheChurch,therebyfittingboth intheworldandtheChurch,apathetic state that makes them lukewarm; the exact kind of Christians that The Lord JESUS vowed and promised to vomit out. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3: 15-16. ThislukewarmChurchischaracterised by Christians who live in a form of godliness, loving pleasure such as bringing comedians during Church servicestoentertainthecongregation, while denying the power of GOD thereof. (2 Timothy 3: 1-9 talks very well about her). She is immune to the gospel, such that, when The Lord sends prophets to tell her to repent andreturntoHoliness,sheanswersby saying “we have to discern the spirit” orattimesshealsosays“weneedone person to stand in the gap”and she is good at quoting these Scriptures like an expert. The Lord JESUS says that, because she is lukewarm by receiving salvation and recycling back to the world, she is worse off in this state, than she was in the beginning, when she never knew Christ, because she is sending Christ back to the Cross (Hebrews 6:4-6; Hebrews 10:26-31; 2 Peter 2:19-22). The RAPTURE Church What Christians should be more worried about, is the identity of the RAPTURE Church, so they can make it into the Kingdom of GOD. This, automatically brings into mind, what characteristics the RAPTURE Church shouldhave.Interrogatingthecharacter of today’s Church verses the RAPTURE Church, gives the Christians a blessed opportunitytoreviewthemselveseven in these last days. Also, what does the Holy Bible say about the character of the RAPTURE Church? The Holy Bible is absolutelyclear,withoutanyambiguity orconfusion,aboutthecharacterofthe RAPTURE Church. The only problem is that the Church has not taught about these characteristics. In the book of Matthew,chapter22,verses1through 14, The Lord JESUS, gave yet another parable about the RAPTURE of the Church, while exposing the conduct of the today’s modern Church, so that theChristiancanbeonthelook-out.In thisparable,TheLordJESUS likenedthe KingdomofGODtoaKING(TheLORD GOD) who prepared the wedding banquet (RAPTURE), for HIS Son (The Lord JESUS), and HE sent out HIS Servants (Prophets) to tell those who had been invited to the banquet (The Church) to come, but they refused to come. In this parable, the KING sent more servants and said in the book of Matthew, chapter 22, verse 4, 4 ‘. . . tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’ Butthey(Church)paidnoattention,and wentoffonetohisfield,andanotherto his business. The rest (Church) seized HIS Servants (Prophets), mistreated them and killed them. In this parable, The Lord JESUS concluded by saying that the KING finally sent another set of Servants to go out to the streets to look for anyone they could find, both good and bad, and bring them into the banquet. The Glorious Wedding Gown The Church must be clothed in the glorious wedding gown on the day of the RAPTURE, if she is to make it into the Kingdom of GOD. In the book of Matthew chapter 22 parable, it is shocking and stunning that when the Servants of The LORD had brought people from the streets into the wedding hall, JEHOVAH GOD, The KING, as HE went around looking at the guests, HE noticed in there a person sitting, who was not wearing the wedding gown. And in verses 11 through 13, The LORD GOD ordered this person to be bound and thrown into the lake of fire as seen in verses 11 through 13 below; 1 1 “ B u t w h e n t h e King came to see the guests, He noticed a man there who was not wearing WEDDING CLOTHES. 12 ‘Friend,’ He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 “Then the King told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the dark ness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ Now, there are a few key issues to learn and keep in your heart regarding the RAPTURE of the Church, from this Scripture; (i) TheLORDnoticesapersonwhom THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL: The process of restoring Israel was a long and tedious, one of the constant wars between Israel and her Arab neighbours. However, The LORD promised to restore her to peace and it is from Israel that JESUS will rule on David’s Throne. In the book of Amos chapter 9 verses 11 and 12, The LORD promises Israel of a major restoration that would rebuild David’s fallen tent and restore its ruins as it used to be. Now, this is a physical but most importantly a spiritual restoration of Israel and the Church of Christ. The LORD JEHOVAH GOD, in this regard, promises to restore the fellowship HE had with Israel, HIS Wife, after redeeming her from her fallen state, and likewise, it refers to restoration of the Church from her fallen state in order to recapture her place as the Glorious Bride of Christ. 1. Injuries incurred in recent Israel-Lebanon war (2006) following a Katyusha rocket attack. 2. Israeli solder pray over the missiles before launching them at Pro-Iranian Hizbollah. THE DAY HEAVEN OPENED OVER KENYA: A meeting at Njoro, a small wayside town in the Kenyan Rift Valley province was organised. The nation was going through a very severe unexplained drought that killed a lot of livestock and dried up vegetation in the land. Dr. Owuor at this meeting, lifted his hands up towards Heaven, and said, “Mighty Lord open Heaven and bring rain here today.” To the great shock and amazement of those gathered at the grounds, Heaven obeyed and rain came down instantly. This day essentially marked the beginning of rain into a nation that had been heavily hit by drought with carcasses littered everywhere. This was a repeat of the events of June 5, 2005 at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega, when Dr. Owuor stunned a large repentance meeting as he stood on the Altar and commanded Heaven to open and in less than one minute, Heaven obeyed and rain came down in a massive force, a strange rain that healed many people in a broad sunny summer day. (See Testimony section below).
  • 11. 12 | Repentance and Holiness RAPTURE HE addresses as ‘Friend’ and yet this‘Friend’unfortunatelyisnotin a wedding gown. This ‘Friend’ if you remember, is comparable to the five foolish virgins who, like everybody else in the beginning had received the salvation ofThe LordasagiftfromJEHOVAHGOD, and had the love of JEHOVAH GOD when they got saved but refused to take oil (Holy Spirit) with them. Considering that the oil (Holy Spirit) is a free gift from JEHOVAH GOD upon receiving salvation ofThe Lord JESUS, which gift is so badly needed to sustain the light of the candle (Faith in their salvation) then refusing to pursuetheHolySpirit,amountsto disobediencetoJEHOVAH GOD, and however friendly you may be to HIM, HE will reject you. Markthis,the five foolish v i r g i n s without oil came back with fake oil, when the Bridegroom (The Lord JESUS) had arrived for the wedding (RAPTURE), in Matthew chapter 25 verse 12 the Holy Bible says, 12 But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’ So it becomes very obvious, that this‘Friend’is the today’s Church which by all means and standard has refused to receive the Holy Spirit and make Him central, consequentlylackinginHoliness, a requirement The LORD is not willing to waiver. (ii) that actually the Church for whomtheweddingwasprepared missed the RAPTURE because she refusedtoreceivethemessageof Repentance and Holiness from the Servants ofThe LORD. (iii) that it is very critical to have the glorious wedding gown ready, the gown without which, no one will seeThe LORD. The wearing of the glorious wedding gown, that the Church ought to be preparing by this time, is a basic requirement for anyone to appear before The LORD. This requirement Church. It is however, the obligation of the Church, to keep this gown clean and Holy, even as Joshua was being instructed by the Angel of The LORD (JESUS) in Zechariah chapter 3, verse 7, that: 7 ‘ If you will walk in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.’ In other words, this conversation in the book of Zechariah chapter 3, was actually being directed to the Church, on how The Lord JESUS paid a horrendous price to get the glorious gown, tailor-made for her and now it is her obligation to keep the gown spotless without blemish. It is interesting that the only way through which the Church can keep this Precious, Glorious Gown spotless is by walking in the Holy ways of The LORD, and keeping the requirements of JEHOVAH GOD. Ironically, it is practically impossible, for the Church in today’s world, to live in the Holy requirements of TheLORDwithout receiving the Holy Spirit. This explains why the five foolish virgins whose lamps had no oil failed to make it into the RAPTURE. The conversation betweentheAngel of The LORD and Joshuainthebook of Zechariah, is actually The Lord JESUS telling the Church that when she qualifies for the RAPTURE, by keeping the hard- worn Wedding Gown spotless, she gets an automatic right to rule with Him for a thousand years (a millennium), when He returns on the Day of The Lord. There has always been a constant reminder of the nature of this miraculous Glorious Gown, within the Scriptures of the Holy Bible. For instance, in the book of Isaiah chapter 61, verse 10, this Glorious Gown when worn, has the limitless, enormous capacity to bring salvation and joy unspeakable to the Church, and Righteousness thereby converting the Church into a jewel before The LORD. This Glorious Gown,isthereforeextremelycrucialin preparing the Church for the RAPTURE, evenasseeninthebookofRevelation chapter 19, verses 7, through 8, when The LORD says, 7 “. . . for the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready. 8 Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” This Scripture describes the Glorious Gown as being fine linen, bright and clean, which represents the Holiness andRighteousnessofTheLORDwithin whichtheSaintsaresupposedtowalk their hearts, in order to qualify for the RAPTURE. It is extremely disturbing to note that, the character of today’s Church, matches the‘Friend’that had no wedding gown and was thrown out without mercy by JEHOVAH GOD. This is because she has indulged herself in the promiscuous g o s p e l o f p r o s p e r i t y , which is sweet to the flesh, yet, seriously lacking in Repentance and Holiness. Has she been given a chance of dialoguing with JEHOVAH? Of course yes, but the tragedy is that when The LORD sends HIS Prophets to tell hertorepent,and Prepare the Way for the RAPTURE, she often mistreats andkillsthem.Whatismostdisturbing however, about this Scripture, is the fact that when The Lord JESUS said in the book Matthew chapter 22, verse 8, 8 ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve.’ HeactuallymeanttheChurch,because the RAPTURE is prepared as a wedding BIRTHPAINS: Historic record-breaking floods have recently hit many regions across the world including, Asia, America, Ethiopia, Kenya, China etc. The Biblical birthpains predicted by The Lord JESUS mention historic floods, never seen before, that would sweep across the earth, right before the RAPTURE of the Church. This is synonymous to physical human birthpains in which right before a baby is born, the mother has to go through a phenomenon called “breaking of the water”. Therefore, these historic floods sweeping the earth, imply that the RAPTURE of the Church is extremely close to happen. cuts across the entire Scripture in the Holy Bible, which is very busy talking about the Holy nature of JEHOVAH GODandhowtheChurchcanprepare in Holiness to encounter The LORD. For instance, when Joshua had to appear before the Angel of The LORD (The Lord JESUS), he had to have his filthyclothesremoved(uncircumcised heart), and wear a rich garment (the wedding gown). In the same way Bartimaeus, the blind man took off his filthy clothes and threw them away when JESUS called him; thereby receiving the physical healing of his eyes and the healing of his spiritual eyesthroughtheGloriousGown(Mark 10:46-52)Thisisthesamerichgarment (the Wedding Gown), one finds in the book of Luke chapter 15, whentheprodigal son was able to repent andThe LORD placed a GLORIOUS RING in HIS hand, and ordered a wealthy gown to be placed on him, before the banquet (the wedding supper of the Lamb). It is obvious that from Joshua to the prodigalson,tothebookofRevelation chapter 19, this glorious Wedding Gown has to be given by The LORD, to those who qualify and are invited for the wedding supper of The Lamb. Surely by now, it becomes very clear to the Church, that it is HE, The LORD GOD that prepares a tailor-made Wedding Gown for the Bride of Christ, and it is HE, The LORD GOD, that puts the Wedding Gown on the Bride of Christ who qualifies for the wedding supper of The Lamb. In this process, TheLORDGODsendstheMightyHoly Spirit to dress the Bride of Christ with the Righteousness and the Holiness of The LORD, through the BLOOD of JESUS. The process of tailoring this Glorious Gown for the Bride of Christ, is a long, and tortuous one, found in the book of Isaiah chapter 53. A process characterised with a lot of pain,rejectionandthetearingofsinful flesh to release the Glorious BLOOD of JESUS, that washes the heart of the The Glorious RAPTURE-ready Christians may often are treasured by the JEHOVAH because without them Christ would have had no perfect Bride.
  • 12. Repentance and Holiness | 13 RAPTURE banquet between The Lord JESUS and Church; and yet we see very clearly, that the Church failed to make it into the RAPTURE. Moreover, this Scripture clearly states that, the Servants were sent to get other people who were ready; and these ‘other people’ made it into the RAPTURE. This is absolutely worrying, because every Scripture in the Holy Bible, will be fulfilled, and it makes one wonder if today’s Church will make it into the RAPTURE, because she has rejected the Servants of The LORD (Prophets) sent to invite her into the Wedding (RAPTURE). The Lord JESUS concluded by saying that, those who were collected from the streetstoattendtheWeddingbanquet had wedding gowns on (Holiness & Righteousness), thereby implying that some people who may not be in the conventional Churches today, and are busy praying in their prayer closets, the so-called unheard voices, and yet in the eyes of JEHOVAH GOD theyarebeautifulRAPTURE materialand actually RAPTURE-ready. Most of these people are usually unpopular in their behaviour and choices of things, and do not fit well in conventionally man- established Churches and structures. They choose Holiness without compromise, thereby being branded andcataloguedextremists,hardliners andattimescalledunrealisticfanatical Christians who try to achieve out- of-this-earth levels of Holiness. Their prayer burden is to see the Kingdom of GOD established, hence materially, they are normally poor and yet they don’tevenprayformaterialpossession and wealth. This position they often acquire through the help of the Holy SpiritwhorevealstothemtheScripture in Matthew chapter 19, verse 24 in whichThe Lord JESUS says, 24 “. . . it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of GOD.” The today’s Church tend to throw this typeofpeopleoutbecausetheyspeak correction to the Church demanding repentance on defilement, and they exhibit‘strange’behaviourforexample wearing a sackcloth and putting ash on their faces while fasting, in today’s modernworld;andrepentingoverthe rampant sexual sin in the Church.This separationfrommain-streamandman- established Churches is the work of the Holy Spirit who actually sets them apart from defilement, so they can be the Glorious RAPTURE-ready Bride of Christ.InHeaven,theyaretreasuredby JEHOVAHGODbecausewithoutthem ChristwouldhavehadnoperfectBride at all. Going by the current, modern, today’sChurchwhichhashomosexual PastorsandBishopsministeringatthe Altar of The LORD, rampant sexual sin withinthecongregationandattheAltar (1 Cor. 6: 12-20), lusting for money, false prophecies, lies and deception, which deception is actually the sin of theAntichrist,whenhecomestolieto theearth;theirpenaltyisalwaysdeath (Acts 5: 1-11; Ananiah and Sapphirah). Today’sChurchhasalsoseenepisodes of pastors going to witchdoctors to get charms for attracting a wealthy congregation that can ‘sow hefty seed’. However, the Glorious RAPTURE- ready Christians are often sad people in the external outlook, a people whose appearance may often be disfigured and unappealing to the world especially during fasting, and if they are ladies their dressing may be unusually long even at their work places. Their being disfigured and unattractive to the world make these RAPTURE-ready Christians, Christ-like in character because the Glorious Bride of Christ is surely Christ-like. The same scenario is also seen when a donkey, which is one of the most despised animals on earth, was mightily used to carry the Glory of The Lord through the Eastern Gate into Jerusalem (Mark 11: 1-11). Consideringthatthedonkeyisnotthe most attractive animal to man, and often man compares it with the horse whose value is very high and loved by the world for its beauty, then The Lord must have spoken a very major statementandprophecytotheChurch throughHischoiceofthisoftenabused animal. The donkey is usually quiet, down-looking, burden-bearing and looked-down-upon. In other words, just like the donkey, chosen by The Lord, the carriers of The Lord’s glory are all the time not attractive to man and the world. And the prophecy of the donkey ushering in theTriumphal Entry of The Lord into Jerusalem, will be fulfilled when the RAPTURED Saints in their Glorious Wedding-Gowns return with Lord during the Second Coming ofThe Lord. On this day, they will line up on both sides from the Mount of Olives towards the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem shouting ‘Hossana to the highest’ as they usher in the King of Glory. Glorious Gown & Wilderness It is amazing to see the similarity betweenthedespiseddonkeychosen by The Lord and the non-attractive, despised Saints who make it into the RAPTURE. In the same way when John the Baptist appeared, he was most unattractive, wearing camel hair and a leather belt, roaming the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey and preaching an unattractive gospel of Repentance and Holiness, but he ushered in, like the donkey, the KING OF GLORY. The deep message that The Lord left us in this regard, was thefactthatwhoeveristomakeitinto the RAPTURE, must be rejected by the Church and be outside Church. WhenJESUS wasrejectedbytheTemple in Jerusalem, He was crucified and resurrected and came and passed outsidetheTempletowardstheMount of Olives, then He was RAPTURED. This is a very deep message the Church cannotaffordtoignore.Itisabsolutely clear that The Lord was saying that for anyone to make it into the RAPTURE they must wear immortal bodies (His resurrection) that one can only get when rejected by Church and hence operating outside the Church. Hence, itisnotsurprisingthatJohntheBaptist who came as the RAPTURED Spirit of Elijah operated completely outside the Church despite his father being a Priest (Bishop). Prophet Elijah himself was RAPTURED because he operated outside the Church in the caves and ravines.Thismakesonedefinitelywant to know the life of Enoch who too was RAPTURED into Heaven. It is now interesting to realise that the killing of the flesh which is a prerequisite for anyone to be RAPTURED can only occur outside the man-made institution of Church, because it is only outside Church that there is the wilderness of Repentance and Holiness.This is the fulfilment of the book of Leviticus chapter 23 verse 25, when JEHOVAH said, 25 ‘Do no regular work, but present offering made to The LORD by fire.’ This means that preparing for the RAPTURE is where the Church norm isn’t. It is not surprising that the carrier of The Lord’s Glory into Jerusalem, the donkey, is outside and not in pens. It is common to find donkeys outside at night after they have been used for heavy duty. This is unlike the beautiful horse which have been kept in pens and carefully watched over In Joel’s Prophecy of the Endtime Signs, there would be wonders in Heaven and on earth; blood, fire and billows of smoke . . . before the coming of The Lord JESUS (Joel 2:30- 32) These words are echoed in the pictures above. Events such as massive droughts, Tsunamis, tornadoes, storms, famines, droughts and wars are currently unfolding all over the earth and are proof of the Signs of the End of Age. 1. Top: A historic drought that swept across the horn of Africa e.g. Ethiopia, Somali, Kenya, at the beginning of the year 2006 leading to loss of livestock. The carcass shows a camel that finally succumbed to the drought. 2. Above: Very strange storms of lightening hit Australia and caused severe panic. 3. Billow of smoke from the Israeli-Hizbollah conflict in Lebanon July, 2006.These events mark the beginning of birthpains. (Matthew 24; Luke 21)
  • 13. 14 | Repentance and Holiness GETHSEMANE: Olive trees in Gethsemane symbolise extreme perserverance in the midst of extreme bitter rejection by the world. The Lord JESUS had to go through this to teach the Church to embrace bitter rejection by the world (Mark 14: 32-52). THE CROWN OF THORNS: The Crown that set the Church free when it was placed on The Lord JESUS and he bled profusely; How could the Church forget this so soon. Matthew 27: 28-29 “. . . and they stripped Him naked and put a scarlet robe on Him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head.” RAPTURE by veterinary doctors and well fed indoors. This same likeness of Christ that is not attractive to the world and yet brings Glory to The LORD GOD, and which the Church is commanded toacquire,isstillseeninIsaiahchapter 52 verse 14 and Isaiah chapter 53, verses 2 and 3. The selflessness that goes with the wearing of The Lord’s Glorious Wedding Gown is astounding. In this regard, it is not uncommon for these RAPTURE-prepared Saints, who are not mainstreamintheChurch,toevenquit jobsthatpredisposethemtosexualsin and other sins, but inside their hearts, theylongtoseeTheLordJESUS glorified incompleteHolinessthatHedeserves. These unrecognized Christians are usually fewer than the majority and popular modern Churches of today. And their appearance in the book of Matthew chapter 7, verse 13, fulfils the Scripture thatThe Lord JESUS gave, whenHesaidthatthepathleadingto theKingdomofGOD,isaverynarrow andunpopularpaththatishiddenand onehastosearchforit,tolocateitand follow it; while the path leading to hell is wide with a lot of fun, pleasure and much lights some of which look like disco lights and majority of the people are walking there. Therefore, the Church is hereby warned to find her rightful wedding gown and watch o u t t h a t t h i s glorious wedding gown is actually therighteousheart of the Saints! Bitter Rejection & RAPTURE Christ JESUS was rejected by the world and there is no way The Lord JESUS would love to come for and wed the currentprostituteChurchinherpresent filthy and unfaithful state. A state that hasconstantlyattractedaverydefiling acceptance from the world, whereas JESUS was Himself rejected by the world.Apparently,thisbitterrejection of The Lord JESUS by the world is a mirrorimagewhichtheChurchshould haveemulatedifsheistobeChrist-like. TheHolyBiblehasheavilydweltonthis rejection of Christ by the world. In this context, the book of 1 Peter chapter 2 verse4and5isaclassiconthismatter of rejection, and says 4 As yo u co m e to Him, the Living Stone – rejected by men but chosen by GOD and Precious to Him – 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, o f f e r i n g s p i r i t u a l s a c r i f i c e s acceptable to GOD through JESUS Christ. Men in this Scripture representtheChurch, i.e. the flesh and blood which is the miniature version of the world in us. It is absolutely pathetic thattheChurchhasaninherentnature (flesh and blood) that rejects JESUS. A situation well put in the book of Genesis chapter 8 verse 21 describes every fibre of man as being naturally inclined to evil from childhood. This is the world in us that rejects JESUS thereby technically disqualifying us frombeingpartoftheRAPTURE without notice. The global version of this, is the outside world that also fights Christ to another level and magnitude, often manifested in movies like Da Vinci Code, blasphemous comedies, movies, magazines, websites, hostilecorporateworld,governments, other mass movements and religions. In all these cases, overcoming the world will most definitely always require the help of the transforming Power of The Holy Spirit. This allows the Christians (Church) to put on the RAPTURE prerequisite imperishable (immortality) wedding gown. From the above, the message of the Cross therefore, still remains foolishness to the perishing, and the Power of JEHOVAH GOD to those destined for the RAPTURE. (1 Corinthians 1:18). How then, can this Church embrace other gospels like the gospel of prosperity, gospel of ‘sow a seed’ and get your that the sinful desires of the flesh are always driven by the menacing spirit of addiction and keeps them away from living in Holiness, makes it worse for the Church. On the contrary, a stronger spiritual life signifies a weaker flesh, thereby overruling the sinful desires of the heart and making Christians desire everything that pleases The Lord JESUS in complete Holiness and Righteousness. This the true identity marker of the Bride of Christ who will qualify for the RAPTURE (Ephesians 4:12-15). In this respect, the stronger spiritual life will always lead the Christians into the things of the Holy Spirit, thereby encouraging fasting which essentially crucifies the flesh. The Christians then grow from one level of Holiness to the next till they arecompletelyconsumedbytheHoly Spiritandbecomethemature,Perfect Bride of Christ (Ezekiel 47:1-6). At this juncture, it is important to note that, a Perfect Bride is a mature Christian that can resist the devil and stage a fight till the adversary flees. (James 4:7-8). Furthermore, given the Holy nature of The LORD GOD, certainly, no man will see The Lord JESUS or inherit the Kingdom of GOD without Holiness (Hebrews 12:14). This definitely implies that a mature Bride of Christ (Christian) will have repented and received the Holy Spirit andchosenHolinessattheexpenseof self. Now, when such a Christian living in Holiness dies, then the perishable mortal body made out of dust returns to dust (Genesis 2:7; Genesis 3:19; Psalms103:14;Ecclesiastes3:20)while miracle now? This problem has been confoundedbydeliberatealienationof Repentance which should otherwise have been the centre of the Christian message.LittlehasthecurrentChurch knownthatrejectingRepentanceand Holiness essentially means rejecting the BLOOD of JESUS and therefore, plunging her into the raging fire that will consume the enemies of GOD (Hebrews 10:26-31). In order to make it into the RAPTURE, one must be bitterly rejected by the world (Isaiah 53:3; Isaiah 52:13- 15; Matthew 2:18; Jeremiah 31:15; John 1:11). Is Church Prepared For RAPTURE? During the RAPTURE, flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Thence, the mortality will have tobereplacedwithimmortalitywhile the perishable with imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:50-53). In this case, it becomes very important to realise that the spirit and the flesh are always in constant conflict with one another (Galatians 5:16:18), within the Christian. Subsequently, this results into a situation in which, when one nurtures and cherishes the flesh, then their spiritual lives are overruled by the sinful desires of the flesh.Theresultof the above contest (spirit vs the flesh) ultimately leads to the Church (Christians) living in perpetual cycles of perennial sin which eventually becomes very difficult to break out of. The fact BIRTHPAINS: The signs of Endtime have increasingly been replayed in our Age, reminding the Church to seek Holiness. Left picture: Pestilences coming in this last days have long been prophesied in the book of Luke chapter 21. But when they come, they surely pose an unmatched challenge to mankind. The man is masked out of the fear for contracting the H5N1 virus that causes birdflu. Right picture: Massive floods in China have caused over 1.3 million residents to flee for their lives in August 2006. News media around the world have reported that this is the worst ever storm China has had to face in over half a century making it absolutely historic. It is important for the Church to realise that the signs of the End of Age would cause distress of historic proportions and living to see this during our age is completely humbling.
  • 14. Repentance and Holiness | 15 RAPTURE the breath of GOD that gave him His Spirit qualifies for an immortal body and is raised up during the RAPTURE to catch up with The Lord JESUS in the air. This practically disarms death and brings to completion the plan of GOD into the life of a Christian by accomplishing the true meaning of the salvation ofThe Lord JESUS Christ into the Church (Genesis 3: 15; Colossians 2: 13- 15; 1 Corinthians 15: 54-58; Galatians 3:13-14). Therefore,itisabsolutelyclear that, a minimum and very small percentageofthosewhoconfessedto beChristiansanddiedwillmakeitinto theRAPTURE becausetotheirdismay,the failure of the majority of Christians to strive for absolute Holy living, will put many to shame. Clearly, the way the Christians are currently living in complete lack of Holiness and in total compromise with sin inside the Church, and by accommodating wickedness at the expense of Holiness, by the time they fallasleep,theyoftenhavefallenshort of the Holiness requirement of The Lord.ItisunfortunatethattheChurch has not taught the true doctrine of the BLOOD of JESUS; Repentance and Holiness and how to receive the Holy Spirit. Even more disappointing is that the Church has focused on prosperity teachings, a gospel of miracles and read only Scriptures that are sweet and itching to their flesh, making the Christians stunted in growth and infants forever. The result has been widescale sexual sin in Church and rampant idolatry of money, together with other sins like lying, taking root in the Church. The situation is no different between the Altar (Servants of The Lord) and the congregation. False prophets have enteredtheChurchandconfusedher by making it difficult to know which voice is coming from The LORD and which one isn’t. With five wise virgins having lamps burning under the Holy Spirit and five foolish virgins having the lamps burning without the Holy Spirit at one point, all the ten lamps are burning. It becomes very difficult to discern which light is genuine and coming from the Holy Spirit, a situation that has reigned in Church for a sometime now. No wonder perverted worship has taken centre stage at the Altar ofThe LORD, making one question whether the GOD of Elijah, HE still lives! The failure of the Church to teach on theimportanceofthe Mighty Holy Spirit during their walk with Christ accounts for this. Scriptures like Hebrews chapter6verses4through 6,chapter10verses26through 31and2Peterchapter2fromverse19 through 22 are hardly read to the young Christians as they receive The Lord JESUS. In which case, misleading them to think that they can recycle betweensin,theworldandtheChurch. Yet the emphasis should have been on zero tolerance to sin and Holy living. This has created a calamity within the Christian faith and only a Repentance and Holiness revival, where Repentance means confessing your sins and turning away from sin, can save this Church in the last days. The tragedy though, is that RAPTURE is aroundthecornerandthesignsofthe End of Age are already in place (see sections below on earthquakes, wars, droughts, pestilence, floods etc) leaving the Church withverylittletimeto restore this massive and wide scale defilementshehas gotten herself into. Ark Of The New Covenant & The Glorious Church In the Throneroom of The LORD GOD in Heaven, The Ark of the New Covenantisthemostimportantcentre- piece of the Throne. On either side of the Ark of the New Covenant of The LORD, are the Cherubim of Glory. The Ark of the New Covenant ofThe LORD GODistheThroneandHEisenthroned between the two Cherubim (Matthew 19:28; 1 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 6:2; 2 Kings 19:15; 1 Chronicles 13:6; Psalms 2:4; Psalms 80:1 Psalms 99:1). The Throneroom Vision Intheyear2003,whenTheLORDGOD calledDr.Owuorinamightyvisitation, HE took him into the Throneroom of The LORD GOD in Heaven, and showed him the Ark of the New Covenant of The LORD and the two Cherubim of Glory on either side. After this, The LORD GOD started giving Dr. Owuor new revelation on the Ark of GOD and how it relates to the RAPTURE of the Church (see below section on ‘Prophetic Calling’). While at the Throneroom, the Glory of The LORD came and sat on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the New Covenant of The LORD. Then immediately, so much Glory covered the inside of the Ark of the New CovenantofThe LORD andlightening stroke the Bible that was seated in there, three times, thereby causing a quake. It is important to realise that in so doing The LORD GOD, essentially gave a very deep revelation on the EndtimeChurchandtheRAPTURE.What was amazing was that when the Holy Bible was finally placed inside the Ark of the New Covenant, The Cloud of HIS Presence came and sat on theMercySeat,thenthe entireArkoftheNew Covenantbecame Glorious. In this visitation, The L O R D G O D revealed what w i l l h a p p e n to the Church in the latter days. The Ark of the New Covenant of The LORDistheChurchofChristandwhen the Holy Bible is placed at the centre (inside)oftheArkoftheNewCovenant and the Glory of The LORD has sat on the Mercy Seat, then the entire Ark of the New Covenant becomes very Glorious. This implies that The LORD GOD has decided that the Church of Christ in which the Bible is central (takes a centre position) andThe Lord JESUS is enthroned on the Mercy Seat, will be the Glorious latter Church that qualifies to be taken up in the RAPTURE. The Holy Spirit has always been very criticalintheHolyofHoliesandhelping the Church offer acceptable Spiritual Sacrifices to JEHOVAH GOD. Mercy Seat & Spiritual Altar The atonement cover (Mercy Seat) of the Ark of the New Covenant of The LORD is the Spiritual Altar of the Church of Christ, that HE HIMSELF having removed her from the earthly sanctuary into the Spiritualtabernaclenowoffersspiritual sacrificesacceptabletoTheLORDGOD. For that matter, it is on this atonement cover that the Precious BLOOD of JESUS is so much poured. And furthermore, the fact that in the vision ofThe LORD that Dr. Owuor was shown, when the Cloud of His Glory was enthroned on theMercySeatbetweentheCherubim of Glory, then the entire Ark of the New Covenant became very Glorious. This implies that the latter Church of Christ will be one in which Christ is fully enthroned thereby bearing an enormous latter Glory of The LORD. It is the Glory of The LORD visiting the Altar (today’s Church) that restores the favour of The LORD over the Church. And when the Glory of The LORD comes and seats on the Mercy Seat (Spiritual Altar) then The LORD JEHOVAHGODhasbeenenthronedin yourheart.Theimplicationherebeing that,theperfectunblemishedsacrifice placed at the Altar by the Church essentially enthrones The LORD and restores honour unto His Holy Name. For this reason, with all the Heavenly hosts,Heavenlyarmiesandmultitudes of angels, the two Cherubim of The Glory usually still have to stretch out their wings and cover the Mercy Seat (Spiritual Altar). These actions of the two Cherubim of The Glory, in constantly covering the Mercy Seat, presents a major lesson that today’s Church must learn from. It is pretty obvious that the two Cherubim of The Glory constantly protect the site at which the Glory of The LORD will touch during the visitation of the Holy Spirit.Thisraisesaninevitablequestion, how about the Church today . . . has THE HOLY BIBLE:The LORD GOD showed Dr. Owuor the Ark of the New Covenant in The LORD’s Throneroom in Heaven, in which the complete Bible was at the centre and lightening hit the Bible three times then it opened, and Glory filled the inside of the Ark of the New Covenant. This signifies that the Holy Bible should be at the central position in the Church of Christ for the latter Glory ofThe LORD to be manifested. The two Cherubim of The Glory constantly protect the site at which the Glory of The Lord will touch during the visitation of the Holy Spirit. How about the Church today. . .