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INSIDEstaff newsletter                          November 2009
Inside                ‘The Story of Chocolate’ brings sweet
                      temptation to our museum
‘The Story of

                                 andy bars, milk
                                 shakes, cookies,
                                 flavoured coffee
Page 1/2                         – even cereal
                      and medicine! Chocolate
Welcome back,         is a key ingredient in many
‘Black George’!       foods.
                          We tend to think of
Page 1/4
                      chocolate as a sweet candy
                      created during modern
Discounted access     times. But actually, humans
to Bannatyne’s        have been fascinated with
Health Club           this delicious phenomenon
                      for thousands of years.
Page 2
                          In fact, it ranks as the
                      favourite flavour of most UK
‘Minnies & Mickies’   residents – we consume
comes to the aid      a quarter of all Europe’s
of all women          chocolate!
employees             ‘The Story of Chocolate’        Chocolate’s roots in            museum,        the   ancient
Page 3                                                ancient Mesoamerica             masterpiece was stored in
                      In a unique collaboration                                       the archive of the British
                      with Cadbury, our museum        The Maya and their
Employee              hosts      Europe’s      first   ancestors were the first to
                                                                                      Library until now. The
                                                                                      codex from the 14th century,
Spotlight             chocolate exhibition. ‘The      turn the bitter seeds into      showing       Mixtec   kings
Page 3                Story of Chocolate’, open       a spicy drink for use in        consuming chocolate, will
                      through 5th April 2010,         ceremonies and trade.           for the first time be opened
                      takes visitors on a journey         Cacao was coveted by
Healthy eating                                                                        to the public within this
                      through the history of          other cultures and soon
during cold and flu   a     confectionary   which     became a valuable article
season                is indulged in so many          of trade in the Aztec culture   A European sweet
Page 4                different variations.           in 16th -century Mexico. An
                          All the chocolate we        interactive and authentic          Europe’s first contact
                      eat comes from one rather       Aztec marketplace shows         with    chocolate     came
‘Taste Chocolate’                                                                     during     the     conquest
                      special plant which seeds       visitors the purchasing
Weeks                 started it all – the cacao      power of a handful of beans.    of Mexico in 1521.The
Page 4                tree. But the journey from          Among several other         Spaniards recognized the
                      seed to sweet is a long one,    pre-Columbian       ceramics    value attached to cacao,
                      spanning many centuries         and ritual objects, the         brought it home and began
                      and requiring numbers of        historical Codex Zouche-        sweetening it with sugar.
                      different and complicate        Nuttall will be displayed.
                      processes.                      Acquired in 1917 by our         continue on page 2

                      Welcome back, ‘Black George’!
                      The Metropolitan Police London has put         was stolen from the British Museum almost
                      an end to a breath-taking game of cat-and-     two weeks ago, has been authenticated
                      mouse: Last Friday, the famous Russian         by art experts who examined it in a secret
                      painting of St George was recovered in a       vault.
                      police raid at Heathrow Airport which led to
                      the arrest of two men. ‘Black George’, which   continue on page 4
Discounted access to Bannatyne’s Health Club
There really is no excuse         that you want, at a price        available, the health club       The next club is just
now! The staff health             that’s right.                    offers you the flexibility to     around the corner
questionnaire told us you             With off peak and full       become members with a
wanted to improve your            membership packages as           package that suits your          The nearest Bannatyne’s
fitness levels and cheap           well as with single, joint and   personal circumstances.          Health club is located at
staff memberships to a gym        children’s     memberships                                        Russell Square. For further
which has facilities located                                                                        information, membership
near to the British Museum,                                                                         enquiries and club opening
so here it is!                                                                                      hours please visit the club’s
Exceptional discount of
15%                                                                                                  Bannatyne’s
Bannatyne’s Health Club,                                                                             Health Club
the largest independently
owned health club operator
in the UK offers a discount
                                                                                                     32 Woburn Place,
corporate rate of 15% on                                                                             Russell Square
all available membership                                                                             London, WC1H 0JR
packages for staff of the                                                                            Phone: +44 (0)20 72 91
British Museum.                                                                                      65 00
    Whatever your personal                                                                 
situation, the club’s off                                                                            Discount
peak and full membership                                                                             15% on all membership
packages will allow you to                                                                           packages
access its facilities at a time

‘The Story of Chocolate Brings sweet temptation to our museum
continued from page 1             ‘Exhibition Celebration          Events and workshops              Are you up for
Sweetened           chocolate     On the opening day,              Throughout the exhibition,
soon became the latest            16th November 2009, a            several        events      and    Exclusive ‘Exhibition
and greatest fad to hit the       chocolate fountain will be       workshops will take place.        Celebration Party’
continent.                        set up in the Great Court.           On Sundays, three
   The exhibition shows               After closing time, all      chocolate       manufacturers     Date
ancient European silver           staff and friends of our         from Cadbury will hold            16 November
and porcelain chocolate           museum are invited to join       special shows, introducing        19.00
services, cocoa tins from         the exclusive ‘Exhibition        the visitors to the many
the 19th and 20th century and     Celebration Party’ in the        ways one can experience           Pricing
antique and contemporary          Court Restaurant. Guests         chocolate.                        35 £ per person – Drinks
candy moulds.                     will be treated to a strolling       On Saturdays, children        are not included.
                                          supper featuring a       will have the opportunity
                                          delicious chocolate      to     create     their    own    ‘Kids Chocolate
                                          infused menu. The        personalised chocolates in        Making Workshops’
                                          atmosphere is all-       interactive ‘Kids Chocolate
                                          chocolate café and       Making Workshops’. The
                                                                                                     On Saturdays
                                          the bar will feature     workshops are free of cost
                                                                                                     10.30, 14.30
                                          selected         wine    for all children of staff.
                                          pairings   for     the       During the exhibition,        Pricing
                                          evening’s menu.          visitors     can     purchase     10 £ per child
                                              One     of     the   limited Cadbury editions
                                                                                                     FREE OF CHARGE for
                                          main highlights of       from the souvenir and guide
                                                                                                     children of staff –
                                          the evening is the       shop. All proceeds will be        Reservations are
                                          ‘Chocolate      Legs     donated to the Cadbury            appreciated.
                                          Live Performance’        Cocoa Partnership.
                                          of the world-famous                                        Tickets & Bookings
                                          r&b soul singer Eric
                                          Benét.                                                     Souvenir & guide shop
‘Minnies & Mickies’ comes to the aid of all women employees
Women seek to constantly       In good hands
strike the balance between
                               The capacity of the crèche
family and job. But for all
                               will be thirty children,
our female employees,
                               between the ages of one
help is at hand, or in the
                               and five. With trained
museum rather.
                               staff and caretakers, the
Bring your little ones         crèche promises to offer
along                          all-round day care including
                               medical, recreational and
On 30th November 2009, a
                               educational activities, from
crèche for the children of
                               9.30 to 18.30.                   to have, together with a          The   fees     for the
staff will be inaugurated.
                                   The employees can also       computer room, snacks,         crèche are subsidized
Located right next to the
                               meet their children during       toys, abaci, jigsaw puzzles    and deductible from the
staff area on the ground
                               lunch hours and spend time       and other odds and ends.       employee’s salaries.
floor, ‘Minnies & Mickies’
                               with them.
will offer employees the
advantage of dropping their    A second home                     Minnies & Mickies
kids to the crèche as soon                                       Opening date                  Minimum/Maximum Age
                               With     its    colour-striped
as they enter the ambient
                               floor and a wall that              30 November 2009              1-5
premises of the museum.
                               seems to pictorially depict
    As 60 % of all employees                                     Opening hours                 Cont@ct
                               Walt Disney characters            Mon-Fri, 9.30 to 18.30        Minnies & Mickies
are women the museum
                               from Mickey Mouse to                                            Phone: +44 (0)20 73 23
decided to introduce this
                               Cinderella, the place has         Capacity                      00 00
path-breaking        concept
                               all the requisites one would      30 children                   E-Mail: info@emandem.
and probably decides on
                               envision a kindergarten                                         org

Employee Spotlight
Our monthly ‘Employee          How long have you                did several courses on First   What is your mission?
Spotlight’ page profiles        been in the business of          Aid, Equal Opportunities,
some of the people and         childcare?                       Working with Parents,          Children will be treated with
projects that make our                                          Language & Literacy, etc       respect as individuals and
museum a success. This         Altogether 7 years. As I                                        service and delivery will be
month’s spotlight shines on    used to work as a midwife        What is the most positive      developed and designed
Sarah Foster.                  before, babies and children      aspect of your service?        around their changing
                               have always played an                                           needs. Racial and cultural
                               important role in my             Our opening hours accord       values will be recognised
                               professional life.               with those of the British      and respected. Qualified,
                                                                Museum. We offer all           supportive and caring staff
                               Why did you pursue a             employees the advantage        have been trained to listen
                               career in childcare?             of dropping their kids aged    and communicate in a
                                                                between one and five to         non-judgemental way, with
                               I have always had a great        the crèche.                    clear polices and standards
                               love for children. There                                        to ensure consistency of
                               is huge job satisfaction in      Describe the facilities of     care.
                               childcare, helping children      your service?
                               develop to their best
                                                                We will be located on the        Cont@ct
                                                                ground floor of the museum
                               What is the highest level        next to the staff area. The      Sarah Foster
                               of training you recently         facilities are divided into
                                                                two sections: the baby           Director
                                                                unit and the toddler & pre-      Minnies & Mickies
                               I obtained both the ‘Award       school unit. We provide a
                                                                                                 Phone: +44 (0)20 73
                               in Playwork for Early Years      fully equipped indoor play       23 00 24
As the Director of ‘Minnies    and Child Care Workers’          area with an extensive           E-Mail:
& Mickies’ (see article        and the ‘Certificate              range of toys and books          sfoster@emandem.
above), she will inaugurate    of Managing Quality              for different ages and           org
the British Museum’s first      Standards in Children’s          stages of development and
on-site crèche at the end of   Services’ from Crechendo         a lovingly arranged nap
November.                      Training, London. Further, I     room.
Healthy eating during cold and flu season                                                        Stay healthy
As the weather becomes         power from garlic, crush the    levels of vitamin D may          Get plenty of rest
colder and we stay indoors     cloves with the flat side of a   be linked to a seasonal
more, people often catch       knife before adding them to     increase in colds and flu         Eat a well-balanced
colds or other viruses. The    your food. This releases the    and a higher incidence of        diet
cold and flu season can         garlic juice, which has great   respiratory infections.
                                                                                                Exercise regularly
begin as early as October      immune properties.                  Vitamin C, found in citrus
and usually ends sometime          Cheese      and     other   fruits and juices, may also      Decrease stress
in April.                      dairy products contain          help the body’s immune
   While there is no way       conjugated linoleic acid,       system.                          Get enough sleep
to cure the common cold        a natural component of              Zinc, found in meat,
or the flu, healthy eating      dairy fat which has boosted     chicken,     peanuts      and    Cut back on
during cold and flu season      immune response in animal       peanut butter, plays an          unhealthy habits,
can help you avoid getting     studies.                        important role in the proper     such as smoking
sick.                              Yogurt and all other        functioning of the immune        and over consuming
Foods that may boost
                               cultured     milk    products   system in the body.              alcohol
                               contain essential probiotics,
your immune system                                             Foods that heal
                               beneficial bacterial with
Researchers are finding         immune-boosting benefits.                                         ‘Taste Chocolate’
                                                               Fresh ginger root can help
positive   links    between    Look for the “live active
                                                               you when you are sick by         weeks
immune       function   and    culture”      seal,     which                                    If chocolate is your
                                                               inducing sweating and
components in food.            indicates that probiotics                                        passion,    you     should
                                                               decreasing nausea and
    Garlic may boost your      have been added.                                                 definitely not miss the
                                                               diarrhea. Make ginger tea
immune system, increasing          Also check milk product
                                                               by grating one ounce of
resistance to infection and    labels for vitamin D. Early                                      ‘Taste Chocolate’ weeks
                                                               fresh ginger in a pint of
stress. To get the immune      research suggests low                                            in the Court Restaurant.
                                                               water. Cover and simmer
                                                               for 10 minutes. Add lemon        During the first two weeks
                                                               and honey to taste.              of the exhibition ‘Story of
                                                                   Chicken soup and warm        Chocolate’, it invites all
                                                               beverages increase the           visitors and staff to feel
                                                               flow of nasal secretions,         the origin of chocolate, the
                                                               helping     alleviate   cold     taste of cocoa from Chuao
                                                               symptoms. Of course, the         — Venezuela, Trinidad,
                                                               taste and wonderful aroma        Jamaica and other exotic
                                                               of chicken soup may be           places.
                                                               an important part of the             Among many other
                                                               beneficial effects.               luscious treats, chocolate
                                                                   Healthy eating during        pizzas, cupcakes or even
                                                               cold and flu season               steak & vegetables in
                                                               means getting the daily          chocolate beer are on the
                                                               requirement of essential         menu.
                                                               vitamins and minerals by             The most seductive
                                                               eating a balanced diet that      offer: staff of the museum
                                                               contains a variety of foods      get a 30 % discount on
                                                               from all food groups.            all chocolate specials.

Welcome back, ‘Black George’!
continued from page 1                                             In the last two weeks, the Metropolitan police detained
                                                               and questioned several suspects – admittedly without
The act had been arranged way beforehand                       success. Through careful investigations and intelligence-
In the night of 29th October 2009, two perpetrators scored     led police work, the experts were able to locate the painting
a big coup: By putting the security system out of operation,   and make two arrests.
the committers succeeded in abstracting the £850.000           All’s well that ends well
masterpiece from the museum.
    The Byzantine icon, on loan from Moscow’s State            The ‘missing child’ has finally been returned to our
Historical Museum, is part of a collection of five icons and    museum where it has been welcomed warmly. Despite the
has an extremely high historical value. Its theft sparked      incidence, it will be exhibited within the exhibition ‘Roman
a worldwide search and was put on the FBI’s list of fifty       and Byzantine icons’ until July 2010.
most wanted stolen artworks, while a £10,000 reward was            At this point, we want to thank the Historical State
offered by the State Historical Museum for its return.         Museum for its unconditional support.

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Newsletter For Staff Of The British Museum

  • 1. INSIDEstaff newsletter November 2009 Inside ‘The Story of Chocolate’ brings sweet temptation to our museum ‘The Story of C andy bars, milk shakes, cookies, Chocolate’ flavoured coffee Page 1/2 – even cereal and medicine! Chocolate Welcome back, is a key ingredient in many ‘Black George’! foods. We tend to think of Page 1/4 chocolate as a sweet candy created during modern Discounted access times. But actually, humans to Bannatyne’s have been fascinated with Health Club this delicious phenomenon for thousands of years. Page 2 In fact, it ranks as the favourite flavour of most UK ‘Minnies & Mickies’ residents – we consume comes to the aid a quarter of all Europe’s of all women chocolate! employees ‘The Story of Chocolate’ Chocolate’s roots in museum, the ancient Page 3 ancient Mesoamerica masterpiece was stored in In a unique collaboration the archive of the British with Cadbury, our museum The Maya and their Employee hosts Europe’s first ancestors were the first to Library until now. The codex from the 14th century, Spotlight chocolate exhibition. ‘The turn the bitter seeds into showing Mixtec kings Page 3 Story of Chocolate’, open a spicy drink for use in consuming chocolate, will through 5th April 2010, ceremonies and trade. for the first time be opened takes visitors on a journey Cacao was coveted by Healthy eating to the public within this through the history of other cultures and soon during cold and flu a confectionary which became a valuable article exhibition. season is indulged in so many of trade in the Aztec culture A European sweet Page 4 different variations. in 16th -century Mexico. An All the chocolate we interactive and authentic Europe’s first contact eat comes from one rather Aztec marketplace shows with chocolate came ‘Taste Chocolate’ during the conquest special plant which seeds visitors the purchasing Weeks started it all – the cacao power of a handful of beans. of Mexico in 1521.The Page 4 tree. But the journey from Among several other Spaniards recognized the seed to sweet is a long one, pre-Columbian ceramics value attached to cacao, spanning many centuries and ritual objects, the brought it home and began and requiring numbers of historical Codex Zouche- sweetening it with sugar. different and complicate Nuttall will be displayed. processes. Acquired in 1917 by our continue on page 2 Welcome back, ‘Black George’! The Metropolitan Police London has put was stolen from the British Museum almost an end to a breath-taking game of cat-and- two weeks ago, has been authenticated mouse: Last Friday, the famous Russian by art experts who examined it in a secret painting of St George was recovered in a vault. police raid at Heathrow Airport which led to the arrest of two men. ‘Black George’, which continue on page 4
  • 2. Discounted access to Bannatyne’s Health Club There really is no excuse that you want, at a price available, the health club The next club is just now! The staff health that’s right. offers you the flexibility to around the corner questionnaire told us you With off peak and full become members with a wanted to improve your membership packages as package that suits your The nearest Bannatyne’s fitness levels and cheap well as with single, joint and personal circumstances. Health club is located at staff memberships to a gym children’s memberships Russell Square. For further which has facilities located information, membership near to the British Museum, enquiries and club opening so here it is! hours please visit the club’s homepage. Exceptional discount of 15% Bannatyne’s Bannatyne’s Health Club, Health Club the largest independently owned health club operator Cont@ct in the UK offers a discount 32 Woburn Place, corporate rate of 15% on Russell Square all available membership London, WC1H 0JR packages for staff of the Phone: +44 (0)20 72 91 British Museum. 65 00 Whatever your personal situation, the club’s off Discount peak and full membership 15% on all membership packages will allow you to packages access its facilities at a time ‘The Story of Chocolate Brings sweet temptation to our museum continued from page 1 ‘Exhibition Celebration Events and workshops Are you up for Party’ chocolate? Sweetened chocolate On the opening day, Throughout the exhibition, soon became the latest 16th November 2009, a several events and Exclusive ‘Exhibition and greatest fad to hit the chocolate fountain will be workshops will take place. Celebration Party’ continent. set up in the Great Court. On Sundays, three The exhibition shows After closing time, all chocolate manufacturers Date ancient European silver staff and friends of our from Cadbury will hold 16 November and porcelain chocolate museum are invited to join special shows, introducing 19.00 services, cocoa tins from the exclusive ‘Exhibition the visitors to the many the 19th and 20th century and Celebration Party’ in the ways one can experience Pricing antique and contemporary Court Restaurant. Guests chocolate. 35 £ per person – Drinks candy moulds. will be treated to a strolling On Saturdays, children are not included. supper featuring a will have the opportunity delicious chocolate to create their own ‘Kids Chocolate infused menu. The personalised chocolates in Making Workshops’ atmosphere is all- interactive ‘Kids Chocolate Date chocolate café and Making Workshops’. The On Saturdays the bar will feature workshops are free of cost 10.30, 14.30 selected wine for all children of staff. pairings for the During the exhibition, Pricing evening’s menu. visitors can purchase 10 £ per child One of the limited Cadbury editions FREE OF CHARGE for main highlights of from the souvenir and guide children of staff – the evening is the shop. All proceeds will be Reservations are ‘Chocolate Legs donated to the Cadbury appreciated. Live Performance’ Cocoa Partnership. of the world-famous Tickets & Bookings r&b soul singer Eric Benét. Souvenir & guide shop
  • 3. ‘Minnies & Mickies’ comes to the aid of all women employees Women seek to constantly In good hands strike the balance between The capacity of the crèche family and job. But for all will be thirty children, our female employees, between the ages of one help is at hand, or in the and five. With trained museum rather. staff and caretakers, the Bring your little ones crèche promises to offer along all-round day care including medical, recreational and On 30th November 2009, a educational activities, from crèche for the children of 9.30 to 18.30. to have, together with a The fees for the staff will be inaugurated. The employees can also computer room, snacks, crèche are subsidized Located right next to the meet their children during toys, abaci, jigsaw puzzles and deductible from the staff area on the ground lunch hours and spend time and other odds and ends. employee’s salaries. floor, ‘Minnies & Mickies’ with them. will offer employees the advantage of dropping their A second home Minnies & Mickies kids to the crèche as soon Opening date Minimum/Maximum Age With its colour-striped as they enter the ambient floor and a wall that 30 November 2009 1-5 premises of the museum. seems to pictorially depict As 60 % of all employees Opening hours Cont@ct Walt Disney characters Mon-Fri, 9.30 to 18.30 Minnies & Mickies are women the museum from Mickey Mouse to Phone: +44 (0)20 73 23 decided to introduce this Cinderella, the place has Capacity 00 00 path-breaking concept all the requisites one would 30 children E-Mail: info@emandem. and probably decides on envision a kindergarten org expansion. Employee Spotlight Our monthly ‘Employee How long have you did several courses on First What is your mission? Spotlight’ page profiles been in the business of Aid, Equal Opportunities, some of the people and childcare? Working with Parents, Children will be treated with projects that make our Language & Literacy, etc respect as individuals and museum a success. This Altogether 7 years. As I service and delivery will be month’s spotlight shines on used to work as a midwife What is the most positive developed and designed Sarah Foster. before, babies and children aspect of your service? around their changing have always played an needs. Racial and cultural important role in my Our opening hours accord values will be recognised professional life. with those of the British and respected. Qualified, Museum. We offer all supportive and caring staff Why did you pursue a employees the advantage have been trained to listen career in childcare? of dropping their kids aged and communicate in a between one and five to non-judgemental way, with I have always had a great the crèche. clear polices and standards love for children. There to ensure consistency of is huge job satisfaction in Describe the facilities of care. childcare, helping children your service? develop to their best We will be located on the Cont@ct abilities. ground floor of the museum What is the highest level next to the staff area. The Sarah Foster of training you recently facilities are divided into two sections: the baby Director completed? unit and the toddler & pre- Minnies & Mickies I obtained both the ‘Award school unit. We provide a Phone: +44 (0)20 73 in Playwork for Early Years fully equipped indoor play 23 00 24 As the Director of ‘Minnies and Child Care Workers’ area with an extensive E-Mail: & Mickies’ (see article and the ‘Certificate range of toys and books sfoster@emandem. above), she will inaugurate of Managing Quality for different ages and org the British Museum’s first Standards in Children’s stages of development and on-site crèche at the end of Services’ from Crechendo a lovingly arranged nap November. Training, London. Further, I room.
  • 4. Healthy eating during cold and flu season Stay healthy As the weather becomes power from garlic, crush the levels of vitamin D may Get plenty of rest colder and we stay indoors cloves with the flat side of a be linked to a seasonal more, people often catch knife before adding them to increase in colds and flu Eat a well-balanced colds or other viruses. The your food. This releases the and a higher incidence of diet cold and flu season can garlic juice, which has great respiratory infections. Exercise regularly begin as early as October immune properties. Vitamin C, found in citrus and usually ends sometime Cheese and other fruits and juices, may also Decrease stress in April. dairy products contain help the body’s immune While there is no way conjugated linoleic acid, system. Get enough sleep to cure the common cold a natural component of Zinc, found in meat, or the flu, healthy eating dairy fat which has boosted chicken, peanuts and Cut back on during cold and flu season immune response in animal peanut butter, plays an unhealthy habits, can help you avoid getting studies. important role in the proper such as smoking sick. Yogurt and all other functioning of the immune and over consuming Foods that may boost cultured milk products system in the body. alcohol contain essential probiotics, your immune system Foods that heal beneficial bacterial with Researchers are finding immune-boosting benefits. ‘Taste Chocolate’ Fresh ginger root can help positive links between Look for the “live active you when you are sick by weeks immune function and culture” seal, which If chocolate is your inducing sweating and components in food. indicates that probiotics passion, you should decreasing nausea and Garlic may boost your have been added. definitely not miss the diarrhea. Make ginger tea immune system, increasing Also check milk product by grating one ounce of resistance to infection and labels for vitamin D. Early ‘Taste Chocolate’ weeks fresh ginger in a pint of stress. To get the immune research suggests low in the Court Restaurant. water. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add lemon During the first two weeks and honey to taste. of the exhibition ‘Story of Chicken soup and warm Chocolate’, it invites all beverages increase the visitors and staff to feel flow of nasal secretions, the origin of chocolate, the helping alleviate cold taste of cocoa from Chuao symptoms. Of course, the — Venezuela, Trinidad, taste and wonderful aroma Jamaica and other exotic of chicken soup may be places. an important part of the Among many other beneficial effects. luscious treats, chocolate Healthy eating during pizzas, cupcakes or even cold and flu season steak & vegetables in means getting the daily chocolate beer are on the requirement of essential menu. vitamins and minerals by The most seductive eating a balanced diet that offer: staff of the museum contains a variety of foods get a 30 % discount on from all food groups. all chocolate specials. Welcome back, ‘Black George’! continued from page 1 In the last two weeks, the Metropolitan police detained and questioned several suspects – admittedly without The act had been arranged way beforehand success. Through careful investigations and intelligence- In the night of 29th October 2009, two perpetrators scored led police work, the experts were able to locate the painting a big coup: By putting the security system out of operation, and make two arrests. the committers succeeded in abstracting the £850.000 All’s well that ends well masterpiece from the museum. The Byzantine icon, on loan from Moscow’s State The ‘missing child’ has finally been returned to our Historical Museum, is part of a collection of five icons and museum where it has been welcomed warmly. Despite the has an extremely high historical value. Its theft sparked incidence, it will be exhibited within the exhibition ‘Roman a worldwide search and was put on the FBI’s list of fifty and Byzantine icons’ until July 2010. most wanted stolen artworks, while a £10,000 reward was At this point, we want to thank the Historical State offered by the State Historical Museum for its return. Museum for its unconditional support.