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EURO MILLIONS WINNER IN ELCHE Last week, a neighbour of Elche won the Euro millions jackpot, which was almost fifty million Euros. A reporter of this newspaper has been able to speak with this neighbour who wants to remain anonymous, so we’ll call him M.L.. We can only say he lives in Altabix Neighbourhood . M.L. couldn’t believe he was the owner of the only ticket with the numbers of the jackpot. He is so happy and he doesn’t know what to do with so much money. He told us he would pay debts but he would continue working. M.L. wants to share some of this money with his family and, another part of it, with the rest of the citizens of Elche so he’ll donate it to improve the city. By Miguel Ángel León THE DAILY NEWS ELCHE FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 1879 A  neighbour in Elche won Euro millions lottery last week and he said he would donate some money to the city.   RECORD REGISTERED IN BARCELONA MARATHON 33 rd  edition of Barcelona marathon on March 6.  This marathon has entered history when it achieved a 14,000 registered participants’ record.  The marathon will be held in Barcelona and will have the same race outline as last year and, just a week before the registration deadline, there are over 14,000 people registered,  54% from Spain and 46% foreigners.  This marathon was presented in Barcelona by the sports delegate Pere Alcober, the technical director of the race Bep Solé and the president of the company that organizes it, Jaime Alguersuari. All organizers are very happy because they have just reached the figures of other important races. The favourite athlete is Jackson Kotut with a record time of: 2h.07:30 and  Debole Wolnesh with a record time of: 2h.31:51.  All participants must have the runner card, which they’ll get when registering the race. This is an innovation this year, to save last year’s organization problems with the  Real Federación Española de Atletismo (RFEA).   By Gloria Andre u
INTERNATIONAL NEWS   WHERE IS OBAMA? United State Police, have launched an appeal for any new information which may help in the search for Barack Obama who went missing last weekend in Italy . Barack Obama was with his friend Berlusconi at seven o’ clock on Saturday. Mrs. Obama said to the Police that she had spoken with him at nine o’clock on Saturday, since then, she’s had no news from him.  The police think he would have disappeared intentionally, but his wife is quite worried.    By Inma Román Date today 09/03/11 ROCKET ROBBED, ASTRONAUT ENRAGED When everybody in the ISS was waiting for the supplies, only the rocket driver appeared floating on the gate. Last Saturday, James Oldman, who was supposed to arrive at the ISS (International Space Station) in his shuttle to provide all kinds of supplies for the astronauts who stay there, was robbed in his way to the station by two aliens from Mars whose spacecraft had broken down. Oldman stopped to help them repair their vehicle, but when he met them, they threw him away and they got into the rocket and escaped. When Oldman was rescued, he looked as if he had lost his temper: a thin thread of slobber was sliding from his mouth.  ‘ Why are you so angry?’ asked their workmates, ‘Eventually you have been saved and we have enough supplies to wait for another shipment!’ Oldman answered that they had stolen his furry teddy bear and, without it, he shouldn’t sleep nowhere near as good as he used to. By Maite Redondo
NATIONAL NEWS Date today 09/03/11   SUCH IS LIFE Our council has launched an appeal for women with low self-esteem problems They believe that the economic crisis is nowhere near as important as personal crisis. Mrs. T.S. has been the first woman profited of public money because the city council has realized that a lot of women in this town have low self esteem problems because they don´t have the right clothes size. The council believes that being happy is very important and that people around you realize it, including residents and visitors. Visitors are currently by far the happiest in the world because there is a show to see while visiting the city center: Mrs. F.S.- an important ophthalmologist’s wife – who is now a 175 European breast size, in her luxury brand suit fully tightened. Visitors in our city are increasing more and more and we have a waiting list of two hundred women who want to increase their boobs. Have you seen her yet? When you see her, remember me! Everything is for the sake of mental health! By Reme Rodenas OUR BRAVE OLD NEIGHBOURS  A gang of swindler “which had been looked for by the Police during a year” have been caught this week thanks to the collaboration of our older neighbours.  A group of twelve people who had been lying during a year to the old people from Elche. The Police Captain has informed that this group of swindler had been asked for other cities in Spain, Police thinks that by far more than thousands old people had been cheated from one or more members of this group. They promised that the old people had won a trip but they had to answer some questions and pay a bit tax to participate but it wasn´t all true. This arrest that hadn´t been possible until now, has been possible thanks a brave group from the old people´s home (Elche Senior). Some of this brave group of old people had been cheated by the gang of swindler so they decided to collaborate with the Police pretending  to be victims of this group sothanks to the collaboration of our neighbours the gang of swindler are been held by the Police they will be judged next week.  By Adrian Poveda
NATIONAL NEWS Date today 09/03/11 POLICE ARREST ‘PYROMANIAC OF MADRID’   Two courageous police officers arrested a teenager before 20 minutes running across streets of Madrid.   Last Saturday, the police arrested a teenager called Mario Fernandez, when he was burning a car in the centre of Madrid. A couple of police officers were walking along the street when, suddenly, they saw a thick column of smoke towards which they ran as quickly as they could. When they arrived where the fire was, Mario saw them and he started to run but, twenty minutes later, Mario was caught.  Mario declared that he had been burning cars for two months because he was unemployed, his girlfriend had left him and he had been feeling alone and stressed. The police have caught the ‘fireman of Madrid’ at last.   By Miguel Angel Aranzueque SAVE ELCHE At the end of last month, Elche’s major met a team of Environmental Science students in the Universitat of Elche.  They had been studying the effect of car pollution in our city. For hours, they had been speaking about it and, finally, they decided that a good idea will be that drivers would have free access to bus service, i.e. they wouldn´t have to pay to get on a bus. It´s widely said that drivers don´t want to give up their cars but, we must have hope. Before 2012, we will know this project results. Make your minds up!. There´s no point in complaining, it´s necessary to do something. By Susana España
ENTERTAINMENT NEWS   AND THE OSCAR GOES TO… Thousands of people are socked after easily the most international lie ever discovered It seems incredible that during these years the most famous Spanish couple in Hollywood was a farce. After the Oscars, Javier Bardem y Penelope Cruz had been seen in a strange attitude. Our journalist in Hollywood followed them until the party where the couple said to everybody that they had been performing.  One of the guests in the party told our journalist that the couple was caught last week in Spain with their real husband and girlfriend, but they wanted to keep it in secret until yesterday. We know that Penelope’s real husband studies English at the EOI in Elche, exactly in the 2 nd  intermediate year. Who is him? We are looking forward to your answers. Make your bets!     By Lorena Málaga    Date today 09/03/11 'FLEA MARKET GARAGE IN ELCHE'  As in an American film, this whole weekend the neighborhood organizes the 'Flea Market Garage', where you can sell or buy everything you can imagine.  The 'Flea Market Garage' is free to participate. You only have to register at theCity hall and pay 5€ for the area were you are going to sell.The schedule of the Flea Market Garage is from 8:00 am from 8:30 pm.In the market, you can have lunch in some of the food stalls and have a break in the area prepared for that.The idea came up from a group of university students that live in the city centre and want to build an official place there. In this reserved place, people can sell whatever they like when they need to. Run, book your place before we run out of it!  By Anabel Pallarés
ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Date today 09/03/11 FROM THE RED CARPET Last Sunday the 83 th edition of the Academy Awards was held in the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles This edition of the ‘Oscar’ was discussed in real time by millions of twitters from his home, saying every detail about the prizes or the dresses of the candidates. This time, ‘Facebook’ was deposed by ‘stutterer King George VI’, the film  the King's Speech  won 3 statuettes (best film, best director and best actor for Colin Firth).  The Oscar for best actress went to Natalie Portman for his impressive role in  The Black Swan , directed by Darren Aronofsky, who tells the story of Nina Sayers, a member of a ballet company in New York, who is under pressure to achieve the principal dancer role in  Swan Lake , but she has to compete with another dancer, with his over-protective mother, and above all, fight against herself.     By Alicia Morugán Coronado  TECHNOLOGY RETUNE YOUR DTT CHANNELS   From today, the DTT channels into the 800 MHz band of electromagnetic spectrum begin to broadcast into a new band, which will be used in telecommunication services   The reallocation of frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum (airwaves) over Spain, that is carried out from the analogical switch-off, newly force Spanish people, from today, to retune some of the DTT channels to access them. The channels affected are: channel 66 (Telesport, Veo 7, AXN, Intereconomy), channel 67 (Four, Big Brother 24H, Channel + Two, the Sixth), channel 68 (Telefive, The Seven, FDF, Disney Channel) and channel 69 (Antenna 3, Neox, Nova, Goal TV). This change is due to release of the 800 MHz band of airwaves to be used in telecommunication services. Until now, the affected channels have been used for DTT with national coverage. Their relocation will use the frequencies that were free after the cessation of analogical broadcasts. The process of release of the 800 MHz band of radio spectrum and frequency reassignment will be done in different phases and stages, until January 1, 2015, as the Audiovisual Council of Navarra (CoAn) explained. Today, the affected channels have begun to broadcast in the new frequency and, in the previous ones, they will provide labels or tickers to spectators with all the information needed to make the change. After a three-month period, at the latest, they will only broadcast by the new frequency so, it will be necessary to retune the TV or external decoder if you haven’t done this action. Initially, it isn’t necessary to require the services of an approved antenna installer.  By Luis Requena
EDUCATION NEWS CHANGES FOR IMPROVEMENT   “ Conselleria d’ Educació” demands improvements in the education system of our Community.    Since the new education law came out in 2006, the Valencian Community is demanding to reform the situation of the Valencian language which is considered the second language of the community. The “Conselleria de Educació”, the legal agency that regulates the education in this community has been demanding twice as many hours of Valencian teaching in all schools. They say that this measure is going to lead to the improvement of this second language. In addition, The “Conselleria de Educació” is designing a plan to improve Valencian competence in towns where Valencian is known by a minority. The Valencian language will be introduced in all primary levels, which will make the high school students going to public universities’ command of this language improve in a few years,. This measure is essential to make equal opportunities at universities of the Valencian Community.   By Marina González Antón   Date today 09/03/11 Technology and women    According to the latest polls, women students in High School show more and more interest for science and technologies studies, but then, most of the jobs are taken by men.    Traditionally, women have been interested in studying Social Sciences, History, Arts and Education. When a woman studies at university, she normally chooses the so-called Arts degrees. According to the study carried out by Studies Consulting Co., 55% of high school girl students have showed interest in scientific or technological degrees. But when the study asked them what degree they’ll study only 20% of the girls chose a scientific degree. The reason was that the best jobs in this area are usually taken by men. Nowadays, the percentage of women studying a scientific or technological degree is different from the one fourteen years ago. If there were only 10% of women studying these degrees, now the percentage has risen up to 15%. Yes, the world changes but some things more than others and at a different pace.  By Ana Pérez
SOCIETY NEWS ROYAL WEDDINGS AHEAD   This year we have to book two romantic dates with the European royalty: marriages of the princes Guillermo of England and Alberto of Monaco. These marriages will be very different because they are very different couples, for example, the origin of the brides as well as the countries they come from, one former empire and one microstate. The marriage of Guillermo of England and Kate Middleton will be unaffected because there are difficult times. Therefore, the bride won’t use the traditional royal carriage. The marriage will take place on the 29th of April in Westminster Abbey. The bride’s father, Michel Middleton, will be the responsible for accompanying the bride to the altar, while the prince will be accompanied by his brother, Enrique. The marriage of Alberto de Monaco y Charlene will be a religious ceremony and will be followed by more than 4.000 guests. The marriage will take place on the 2 nd  of July in Grimaldi palace.   By Yaiza Méndez Martín     Date today 09/03/11 Madonna announces her retirement from music  Considered one of the most influential figures in contemporary music, the singer announced in a press release this afternoon that she leaves music to devote her life to fashion. She will continue to own her record label, Maverick and co-producing shows. Madonna is known for constantly reinventing her music and image and has the world record for "most successful female artist and best-selling musical of all times. Spotted: The wedding of Shakira and Piqué  We saw them yesterday at the airport. But where did they go? According to “UFU” agency sources, Shakira and Pique got married yesterday in a discreet ceremony in the town of Elche.  We don’t know the rest of details yet, but we’ll keep you informed. Spotted: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston together! This two ex, were spotted in a restaurant in Spain while Jennifer was in a tour, promoting her film with Adam Sandler. They had dinner in Atocha, sharing romantic moments. We suppose that Angelina did already know they were back, because she has already asked for a divorce.   By Belén Mondéjar Román
HEALTH NEWS THE DISCOVERY OF THE CENTURY Aids virus final days   After many years trying to find solutions to the AIDS VIRUS, scientists of the MEDICAL SCHOOL of Madrid have recently found a possible cure for this illness. The discovery has been successful. AIDS, one of the reasons of high mortality in the world which is causing millions of deaths it could have its days numbered After several years experimenting with rats, it is now the time when they have had results, thanks to a molecule hidden in the eye’s rat. Scientists are very proud of their discovery and they have promised to continue investigating until they find the final cure. By Raul Mira   Date today 09/03/11 *AIDS TREATMENT HAS BEEN FOUND BY SCIENTISTS OF THE UNIVERSITY MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ IN ELCHE, SPAIN.* Yesterday, the main researcher of the group of genetics announced that they have created a novel vaccination that could treat AIDS.  The vaccine consists of a new virus which is called AIDSout. Once the vaccine has been jabbed, AIDS proteins are recognized by AIDSout and the AIDS virus, which lives inside human cells, is destroyed. Furthermore, AIDSout is not harmful for humans because it does not infect healthy cells. Even more, it does not have secondary effects. Only one dose is enough to cure one person and the effect takes almost four months. 'The disadvantage of this kind of treatment is that it cannot prevent new infections by AIDS', said the main researcher. So far, AIDS does not have a treatment and it is widely known that this disease kills lots of people every year. So this discovery implies a great science advantage and it will contribute to improve life quality. By Ana Belen Sanchez   
HEALTH NEWS Date today 09/03/11 Benefits of laughing Every person laughs approximately 17 times a  day . It is widely known that laughing helps us to show our happiness and enhances our ability to connect with other people, but it has also a lot of physiological effects.  A prestigious research group at Oxford University has published several studies about health benefits of laughing during this year. In these studies, they have proved that laugh causes an improvement of our immune system by the activation of T-cells and the production of natural antihistamines. Studies have showed that children watching comedy films tolerate pain easily.  In addition to that, laughing is extremely beneficial for people who suffer from hypertension, and that is because when they laugh, the inner walls of their arteries are being expanded, so their blood pressure drops to baseline. Moreover, this group has found that laugh reduces the level of certain hormones which are associated with stress response, so it helps us to fight against depression, anxiety or anger. They are currently trying to find the connection between laughing and diabetes. Their last study has showed that people who watched a funny video after their meal had lesser blood sugar levels than those who watched a drama film. By Tamara Muñoz Nortes RELEASING YOUR CANCER AS A THERAPY.   Celebrities’ testimony helps people to normalize the illness.  Medicine is developing more tools to save lives and society is getting over the stigma of the tumor. Esperanza Aguirre’s announcement seems to be really positive in order to normalize the disease in two ways: from her experience, she has informed what happens to her explaining it down to the last detail ”cancer”. As a result, she managed to play the situation down to help patients not to feel alone. Moreover, specifying that her tumor was detected in a routine checkup gives a boost to the programmes of early detection, not only breast  tumors, but other tumors. By Palmira Boix.
OBITUARIES NEWS Trash TV has died   Today is a great day. Today, trash TV has died.  This phenomenon arrived in Spain in 1990, when the  first two private television channels began to broadcast, with programs such as ‘Tutti Frutti’ -with the very famous  ‘ Mama Chicho’ - or  ‘Su media naranja’ , both in Telecinco  Channel. Some years later, the gossip columns arrived at television, with magazines or talk shows such as ‘ Qué  me dices’, ‘Salsa rosa’, ‘A tu lado’, ‘Aquí hay tomate’  or,  at the moment, ‘ Sálvame ’ and  ‘La noria’ . Luckily, spectators have got tired of this type of television and people such  as Belén Esteban, Jorge Javier Vázquez, Jesús Mariñas  or Lydia Lozano have disappeared from TV.  Trash TV has just died. Rest in peace . By Jose Vicente Martinez SUNNY DAYS   * Today and tomorrow are going to be sunny in the whole country.* The weather is getting better. It's expected to be sunny in the next few days in the whole country. Temperatures are going up and they can even reach 30 degrees in the southeast and south of Spain. In the north and centre of Spain Lower temperatures are expected. The maximum temperature will reach 20 degrees. Only in the northeast a rainy afternoon is expected for tomorrow. So make the most of these days, probably the weather will get worse next week.     By  Ana Parreño Reyes Date today 09/03/11
CLASSIFIED ADS Contact  Rich WilsonCity  Los Angeles Zip 85327 Created in February 28, 2.011 Expires in March 28, 2.011  Sales Position-Transportation-Compensation + Commission  An important company is seeking a full or part time salesperson. This person will be responsible for seeking new customers who have a need for our service. Must be highly motivated, able to deal with freight sales. Experience is not necessary. You set your own schedule, work from home. Will train the right person!. So, if you like sales, we can train you in this world and make you succeed.  Job Requirements: High School Diploma Basic computer skills Phone and Computer skills needed By Miguel Ángel Aranzueque NEWS   Woman wanted to work as flight attendant. Must be willing to travel.   Used Tombstone for sale, perfect for someone named José. 100 €.   PONY for sale. Description: Looks like small horse. 800 € . Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.   Dinner Special: Turkey €4.00; Chicken or Beef €3.50; Children €3.00.   3-year old teacher needed for pre-school. Experience preferred. Shy guy looks, well...nothing... it doesn’t matter...   Lost mother-in-law and dog. Reward for Dog.       Change nice Doberman dog for orthopedic hand By Jorge Coves Date today 09/03/11
   18:30 Ghost Whisperer.  Melinda and Avery try to discover the secret behind Damon Weaver and his special skill: drawing the meetings with ghosts before they happened.   19:20 Melrose Place. Violet suggests Auggie to leave the city with her. Amanda asks her to organize a party for Ben, her rich boyfriend. However, when Amanda discovers that She and Ben are together, she gets mad. Meanwhile, Riley asks Jonah to start again.     NEWS 20:10 House. Cuddy wants to be with her little baby for longer so Cameron starts to supervise House. Cameron has to argue with House because of his crazy ideas. Meanwhile, the team has to save a teacher who has spitted blood in class.  21:03 Lie to me. Lightman investigates Zach Morstein, the creator of a social network who is a suspect of being the murderer of his partner.   22:00 The Defenders. The girlfriend of a comedian is accused of being his murderer. Nick accepts to defend the girl but only because of his friendship with Pete.   22:50 The good wife. Diana asks Alicia to make a decision about the division of the company. By Yamal Nieto   Date today 09/03/11

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  • 1. EURO MILLIONS WINNER IN ELCHE Last week, a neighbour of Elche won the Euro millions jackpot, which was almost fifty million Euros. A reporter of this newspaper has been able to speak with this neighbour who wants to remain anonymous, so we’ll call him M.L.. We can only say he lives in Altabix Neighbourhood . M.L. couldn’t believe he was the owner of the only ticket with the numbers of the jackpot. He is so happy and he doesn’t know what to do with so much money. He told us he would pay debts but he would continue working. M.L. wants to share some of this money with his family and, another part of it, with the rest of the citizens of Elche so he’ll donate it to improve the city. By Miguel Ángel León THE DAILY NEWS ELCHE FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 1879 A neighbour in Elche won Euro millions lottery last week and he said he would donate some money to the city.   RECORD REGISTERED IN BARCELONA MARATHON 33 rd edition of Barcelona marathon on March 6. This marathon has entered history when it achieved a 14,000 registered participants’ record.  The marathon will be held in Barcelona and will have the same race outline as last year and, just a week before the registration deadline, there are over 14,000 people registered, 54% from Spain and 46% foreigners.  This marathon was presented in Barcelona by the sports delegate Pere Alcober, the technical director of the race Bep Solé and the president of the company that organizes it, Jaime Alguersuari. All organizers are very happy because they have just reached the figures of other important races. The favourite athlete is Jackson Kotut with a record time of: 2h.07:30 and Debole Wolnesh with a record time of: 2h.31:51.  All participants must have the runner card, which they’ll get when registering the race. This is an innovation this year, to save last year’s organization problems with the Real Federación Española de Atletismo (RFEA).   By Gloria Andre u
  • 2. INTERNATIONAL NEWS   WHERE IS OBAMA? United State Police, have launched an appeal for any new information which may help in the search for Barack Obama who went missing last weekend in Italy . Barack Obama was with his friend Berlusconi at seven o’ clock on Saturday. Mrs. Obama said to the Police that she had spoken with him at nine o’clock on Saturday, since then, she’s had no news from him. The police think he would have disappeared intentionally, but his wife is quite worried.   By Inma Román Date today 09/03/11 ROCKET ROBBED, ASTRONAUT ENRAGED When everybody in the ISS was waiting for the supplies, only the rocket driver appeared floating on the gate. Last Saturday, James Oldman, who was supposed to arrive at the ISS (International Space Station) in his shuttle to provide all kinds of supplies for the astronauts who stay there, was robbed in his way to the station by two aliens from Mars whose spacecraft had broken down. Oldman stopped to help them repair their vehicle, but when he met them, they threw him away and they got into the rocket and escaped. When Oldman was rescued, he looked as if he had lost his temper: a thin thread of slobber was sliding from his mouth. ‘ Why are you so angry?’ asked their workmates, ‘Eventually you have been saved and we have enough supplies to wait for another shipment!’ Oldman answered that they had stolen his furry teddy bear and, without it, he shouldn’t sleep nowhere near as good as he used to. By Maite Redondo
  • 3. NATIONAL NEWS Date today 09/03/11   SUCH IS LIFE Our council has launched an appeal for women with low self-esteem problems They believe that the economic crisis is nowhere near as important as personal crisis. Mrs. T.S. has been the first woman profited of public money because the city council has realized that a lot of women in this town have low self esteem problems because they don´t have the right clothes size. The council believes that being happy is very important and that people around you realize it, including residents and visitors. Visitors are currently by far the happiest in the world because there is a show to see while visiting the city center: Mrs. F.S.- an important ophthalmologist’s wife – who is now a 175 European breast size, in her luxury brand suit fully tightened. Visitors in our city are increasing more and more and we have a waiting list of two hundred women who want to increase their boobs. Have you seen her yet? When you see her, remember me! Everything is for the sake of mental health! By Reme Rodenas OUR BRAVE OLD NEIGHBOURS  A gang of swindler “which had been looked for by the Police during a year” have been caught this week thanks to the collaboration of our older neighbours.  A group of twelve people who had been lying during a year to the old people from Elche. The Police Captain has informed that this group of swindler had been asked for other cities in Spain, Police thinks that by far more than thousands old people had been cheated from one or more members of this group. They promised that the old people had won a trip but they had to answer some questions and pay a bit tax to participate but it wasn´t all true. This arrest that hadn´t been possible until now, has been possible thanks a brave group from the old people´s home (Elche Senior). Some of this brave group of old people had been cheated by the gang of swindler so they decided to collaborate with the Police pretending to be victims of this group sothanks to the collaboration of our neighbours the gang of swindler are been held by the Police they will be judged next week. By Adrian Poveda
  • 4. NATIONAL NEWS Date today 09/03/11 POLICE ARREST ‘PYROMANIAC OF MADRID’   Two courageous police officers arrested a teenager before 20 minutes running across streets of Madrid.   Last Saturday, the police arrested a teenager called Mario Fernandez, when he was burning a car in the centre of Madrid. A couple of police officers were walking along the street when, suddenly, they saw a thick column of smoke towards which they ran as quickly as they could. When they arrived where the fire was, Mario saw them and he started to run but, twenty minutes later, Mario was caught. Mario declared that he had been burning cars for two months because he was unemployed, his girlfriend had left him and he had been feeling alone and stressed. The police have caught the ‘fireman of Madrid’ at last.   By Miguel Angel Aranzueque SAVE ELCHE At the end of last month, Elche’s major met a team of Environmental Science students in the Universitat of Elche. They had been studying the effect of car pollution in our city. For hours, they had been speaking about it and, finally, they decided that a good idea will be that drivers would have free access to bus service, i.e. they wouldn´t have to pay to get on a bus. It´s widely said that drivers don´t want to give up their cars but, we must have hope. Before 2012, we will know this project results. Make your minds up!. There´s no point in complaining, it´s necessary to do something. By Susana España
  • 5. ENTERTAINMENT NEWS   AND THE OSCAR GOES TO… Thousands of people are socked after easily the most international lie ever discovered It seems incredible that during these years the most famous Spanish couple in Hollywood was a farce. After the Oscars, Javier Bardem y Penelope Cruz had been seen in a strange attitude. Our journalist in Hollywood followed them until the party where the couple said to everybody that they had been performing. One of the guests in the party told our journalist that the couple was caught last week in Spain with their real husband and girlfriend, but they wanted to keep it in secret until yesterday. We know that Penelope’s real husband studies English at the EOI in Elche, exactly in the 2 nd intermediate year. Who is him? We are looking forward to your answers. Make your bets!     By Lorena Málaga   Date today 09/03/11 'FLEA MARKET GARAGE IN ELCHE' As in an American film, this whole weekend the neighborhood organizes the 'Flea Market Garage', where you can sell or buy everything you can imagine. The 'Flea Market Garage' is free to participate. You only have to register at theCity hall and pay 5€ for the area were you are going to sell.The schedule of the Flea Market Garage is from 8:00 am from 8:30 pm.In the market, you can have lunch in some of the food stalls and have a break in the area prepared for that.The idea came up from a group of university students that live in the city centre and want to build an official place there. In this reserved place, people can sell whatever they like when they need to. Run, book your place before we run out of it! By Anabel Pallarés
  • 6. ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Date today 09/03/11 FROM THE RED CARPET Last Sunday the 83 th edition of the Academy Awards was held in the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles This edition of the ‘Oscar’ was discussed in real time by millions of twitters from his home, saying every detail about the prizes or the dresses of the candidates. This time, ‘Facebook’ was deposed by ‘stutterer King George VI’, the film the King's Speech won 3 statuettes (best film, best director and best actor for Colin Firth). The Oscar for best actress went to Natalie Portman for his impressive role in The Black Swan , directed by Darren Aronofsky, who tells the story of Nina Sayers, a member of a ballet company in New York, who is under pressure to achieve the principal dancer role in Swan Lake , but she has to compete with another dancer, with his over-protective mother, and above all, fight against herself.     By Alicia Morugán Coronado TECHNOLOGY RETUNE YOUR DTT CHANNELS   From today, the DTT channels into the 800 MHz band of electromagnetic spectrum begin to broadcast into a new band, which will be used in telecommunication services   The reallocation of frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum (airwaves) over Spain, that is carried out from the analogical switch-off, newly force Spanish people, from today, to retune some of the DTT channels to access them. The channels affected are: channel 66 (Telesport, Veo 7, AXN, Intereconomy), channel 67 (Four, Big Brother 24H, Channel + Two, the Sixth), channel 68 (Telefive, The Seven, FDF, Disney Channel) and channel 69 (Antenna 3, Neox, Nova, Goal TV). This change is due to release of the 800 MHz band of airwaves to be used in telecommunication services. Until now, the affected channels have been used for DTT with national coverage. Their relocation will use the frequencies that were free after the cessation of analogical broadcasts. The process of release of the 800 MHz band of radio spectrum and frequency reassignment will be done in different phases and stages, until January 1, 2015, as the Audiovisual Council of Navarra (CoAn) explained. Today, the affected channels have begun to broadcast in the new frequency and, in the previous ones, they will provide labels or tickers to spectators with all the information needed to make the change. After a three-month period, at the latest, they will only broadcast by the new frequency so, it will be necessary to retune the TV or external decoder if you haven’t done this action. Initially, it isn’t necessary to require the services of an approved antenna installer. By Luis Requena
  • 7. EDUCATION NEWS CHANGES FOR IMPROVEMENT   “ Conselleria d’ Educació” demands improvements in the education system of our Community.   Since the new education law came out in 2006, the Valencian Community is demanding to reform the situation of the Valencian language which is considered the second language of the community. The “Conselleria de Educació”, the legal agency that regulates the education in this community has been demanding twice as many hours of Valencian teaching in all schools. They say that this measure is going to lead to the improvement of this second language. In addition, The “Conselleria de Educació” is designing a plan to improve Valencian competence in towns where Valencian is known by a minority. The Valencian language will be introduced in all primary levels, which will make the high school students going to public universities’ command of this language improve in a few years,. This measure is essential to make equal opportunities at universities of the Valencian Community.   By Marina González Antón   Date today 09/03/11 Technology and women   According to the latest polls, women students in High School show more and more interest for science and technologies studies, but then, most of the jobs are taken by men.   Traditionally, women have been interested in studying Social Sciences, History, Arts and Education. When a woman studies at university, she normally chooses the so-called Arts degrees. According to the study carried out by Studies Consulting Co., 55% of high school girl students have showed interest in scientific or technological degrees. But when the study asked them what degree they’ll study only 20% of the girls chose a scientific degree. The reason was that the best jobs in this area are usually taken by men. Nowadays, the percentage of women studying a scientific or technological degree is different from the one fourteen years ago. If there were only 10% of women studying these degrees, now the percentage has risen up to 15%. Yes, the world changes but some things more than others and at a different pace. By Ana Pérez
  • 8. SOCIETY NEWS ROYAL WEDDINGS AHEAD   This year we have to book two romantic dates with the European royalty: marriages of the princes Guillermo of England and Alberto of Monaco. These marriages will be very different because they are very different couples, for example, the origin of the brides as well as the countries they come from, one former empire and one microstate. The marriage of Guillermo of England and Kate Middleton will be unaffected because there are difficult times. Therefore, the bride won’t use the traditional royal carriage. The marriage will take place on the 29th of April in Westminster Abbey. The bride’s father, Michel Middleton, will be the responsible for accompanying the bride to the altar, while the prince will be accompanied by his brother, Enrique. The marriage of Alberto de Monaco y Charlene will be a religious ceremony and will be followed by more than 4.000 guests. The marriage will take place on the 2 nd of July in Grimaldi palace.   By Yaiza Méndez Martín     Date today 09/03/11 Madonna announces her retirement from music Considered one of the most influential figures in contemporary music, the singer announced in a press release this afternoon that she leaves music to devote her life to fashion. She will continue to own her record label, Maverick and co-producing shows. Madonna is known for constantly reinventing her music and image and has the world record for "most successful female artist and best-selling musical of all times. Spotted: The wedding of Shakira and Piqué We saw them yesterday at the airport. But where did they go? According to “UFU” agency sources, Shakira and Pique got married yesterday in a discreet ceremony in the town of Elche.  We don’t know the rest of details yet, but we’ll keep you informed. Spotted: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston together! This two ex, were spotted in a restaurant in Spain while Jennifer was in a tour, promoting her film with Adam Sandler. They had dinner in Atocha, sharing romantic moments. We suppose that Angelina did already know they were back, because she has already asked for a divorce.   By Belén Mondéjar Román
  • 9. HEALTH NEWS THE DISCOVERY OF THE CENTURY Aids virus final days   After many years trying to find solutions to the AIDS VIRUS, scientists of the MEDICAL SCHOOL of Madrid have recently found a possible cure for this illness. The discovery has been successful. AIDS, one of the reasons of high mortality in the world which is causing millions of deaths it could have its days numbered After several years experimenting with rats, it is now the time when they have had results, thanks to a molecule hidden in the eye’s rat. Scientists are very proud of their discovery and they have promised to continue investigating until they find the final cure. By Raul Mira   Date today 09/03/11 *AIDS TREATMENT HAS BEEN FOUND BY SCIENTISTS OF THE UNIVERSITY MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ IN ELCHE, SPAIN.* Yesterday, the main researcher of the group of genetics announced that they have created a novel vaccination that could treat AIDS. The vaccine consists of a new virus which is called AIDSout. Once the vaccine has been jabbed, AIDS proteins are recognized by AIDSout and the AIDS virus, which lives inside human cells, is destroyed. Furthermore, AIDSout is not harmful for humans because it does not infect healthy cells. Even more, it does not have secondary effects. Only one dose is enough to cure one person and the effect takes almost four months. 'The disadvantage of this kind of treatment is that it cannot prevent new infections by AIDS', said the main researcher. So far, AIDS does not have a treatment and it is widely known that this disease kills lots of people every year. So this discovery implies a great science advantage and it will contribute to improve life quality. By Ana Belen Sanchez  
  • 10. HEALTH NEWS Date today 09/03/11 Benefits of laughing Every person laughs approximately 17 times a day . It is widely known that laughing helps us to show our happiness and enhances our ability to connect with other people, but it has also a lot of physiological effects. A prestigious research group at Oxford University has published several studies about health benefits of laughing during this year. In these studies, they have proved that laugh causes an improvement of our immune system by the activation of T-cells and the production of natural antihistamines. Studies have showed that children watching comedy films tolerate pain easily. In addition to that, laughing is extremely beneficial for people who suffer from hypertension, and that is because when they laugh, the inner walls of their arteries are being expanded, so their blood pressure drops to baseline. Moreover, this group has found that laugh reduces the level of certain hormones which are associated with stress response, so it helps us to fight against depression, anxiety or anger. They are currently trying to find the connection between laughing and diabetes. Their last study has showed that people who watched a funny video after their meal had lesser blood sugar levels than those who watched a drama film. By Tamara Muñoz Nortes RELEASING YOUR CANCER AS A THERAPY.   Celebrities’ testimony helps people to normalize the illness. Medicine is developing more tools to save lives and society is getting over the stigma of the tumor. Esperanza Aguirre’s announcement seems to be really positive in order to normalize the disease in two ways: from her experience, she has informed what happens to her explaining it down to the last detail ”cancer”. As a result, she managed to play the situation down to help patients not to feel alone. Moreover, specifying that her tumor was detected in a routine checkup gives a boost to the programmes of early detection, not only breast tumors, but other tumors. By Palmira Boix.
  • 11. OBITUARIES NEWS Trash TV has died   Today is a great day. Today, trash TV has died. This phenomenon arrived in Spain in 1990, when the first two private television channels began to broadcast, with programs such as ‘Tutti Frutti’ -with the very famous ‘ Mama Chicho’ - or ‘Su media naranja’ , both in Telecinco Channel. Some years later, the gossip columns arrived at television, with magazines or talk shows such as ‘ Qué me dices’, ‘Salsa rosa’, ‘A tu lado’, ‘Aquí hay tomate’ or, at the moment, ‘ Sálvame ’ and ‘La noria’ . Luckily, spectators have got tired of this type of television and people such as Belén Esteban, Jorge Javier Vázquez, Jesús Mariñas or Lydia Lozano have disappeared from TV. Trash TV has just died. Rest in peace . By Jose Vicente Martinez SUNNY DAYS   * Today and tomorrow are going to be sunny in the whole country.* The weather is getting better. It's expected to be sunny in the next few days in the whole country. Temperatures are going up and they can even reach 30 degrees in the southeast and south of Spain. In the north and centre of Spain Lower temperatures are expected. The maximum temperature will reach 20 degrees. Only in the northeast a rainy afternoon is expected for tomorrow. So make the most of these days, probably the weather will get worse next week.     By Ana Parreño Reyes Date today 09/03/11
  • 12. CLASSIFIED ADS Contact Rich WilsonCity Los Angeles Zip 85327 Created in February 28, 2.011 Expires in March 28, 2.011  Sales Position-Transportation-Compensation + Commission  An important company is seeking a full or part time salesperson. This person will be responsible for seeking new customers who have a need for our service. Must be highly motivated, able to deal with freight sales. Experience is not necessary. You set your own schedule, work from home. Will train the right person!. So, if you like sales, we can train you in this world and make you succeed.  Job Requirements: High School Diploma Basic computer skills Phone and Computer skills needed By Miguel Ángel Aranzueque NEWS   Woman wanted to work as flight attendant. Must be willing to travel.   Used Tombstone for sale, perfect for someone named José. 100 €.   PONY for sale. Description: Looks like small horse. 800 € . Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.   Dinner Special: Turkey €4.00; Chicken or Beef €3.50; Children €3.00.   3-year old teacher needed for pre-school. Experience preferred. Shy guy looks, well...nothing... it doesn’t matter... Lost mother-in-law and dog. Reward for Dog.       Change nice Doberman dog for orthopedic hand By Jorge Coves Date today 09/03/11
  • 13.   18:30 Ghost Whisperer. Melinda and Avery try to discover the secret behind Damon Weaver and his special skill: drawing the meetings with ghosts before they happened.   19:20 Melrose Place. Violet suggests Auggie to leave the city with her. Amanda asks her to organize a party for Ben, her rich boyfriend. However, when Amanda discovers that She and Ben are together, she gets mad. Meanwhile, Riley asks Jonah to start again.     NEWS 20:10 House. Cuddy wants to be with her little baby for longer so Cameron starts to supervise House. Cameron has to argue with House because of his crazy ideas. Meanwhile, the team has to save a teacher who has spitted blood in class. 21:03 Lie to me. Lightman investigates Zach Morstein, the creator of a social network who is a suspect of being the murderer of his partner.   22:00 The Defenders. The girlfriend of a comedian is accused of being his murderer. Nick accepts to defend the girl but only because of his friendship with Pete.   22:50 The good wife. Diana asks Alicia to make a decision about the division of the company. By Yamal Nieto   Date today 09/03/11