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"New to Bank Acquisition:
An insight of the factors influencing customers to select HDFC bank in
Surat city. "
Submitted to
Institute code - 750
Instutute name -
Under the direction of
Faculty Guide:
Dr.Jayshree Siddhpuria
(Asst. Professor)
In The Partial Fullfillment Of TheRequirement Of The Award For The Degree Of
Master Of Business Administration Offered By
Gujarat Technological University
Prepared by
[Lot n. 2018-20, registration number 187500592061]
Month and Year -
July 2019
As we know, in the modern competitive sector, only theoretical knowledge it can not work
anymore. Today, in all sectors, research is needed to understand the current scenario,
changing the situation and going to the bottom of the problems in order to develop an
adequate knowledge of this area. The research work is about finding new ways to add value
to this area and contribution to this particular area. Further research increases the depth
knowledge of particular areas and also helps society in general.
The main objective and the study were:- "New to Bank Acquisition:An insight of the factors
influencing customers to select HDFC bank in Surat city. "
I made my best efforts and listed the possible information later observing the activities
carried out on the HDFC bank, to make this report a satisfactory report. It was a great
opportunity and a memorable experience interact with the people who work there, collecting
information about their work and acquire knowledge. Even from the respondents who
provided suggestions for the same.
It is a great pleasure for me to recognize a great help. the collaboration I received from my
entourage to succeed completion of my project. I am grateful to the Gujarat Technological
University who gave me the opportunity to do so undertake this research as part of my
master's degree program in Business Administration.
I am also grateful to S.R. Luthra Institute of Management to give me this opportunity. I
deeply recognize the support of our respected director Dr. Jimmy Kapadia. I would like to
thank Dr Jayshree Siddhpuria who helped me and guided me during the development of the
project. Her support and advice in all respects, her encouragement and her worth the
suggestion was decisive in the realization of this project.
For complition of project, I would like to express my gratitude to the HDFC Bank Ltd. for
giving me the opportunity to work. I sincerely express mine gratitude to Mrs. Pankti
Doctor(branch manager) and other staff members members of the HDFC bank, Althan
(Surat) because they helped me completing my project by giving their valuable time and
information about their organization.
I am very grateful for their supervision and supervision of the consultants provide the
necessary information on the project and also for their support for the realization of the
project. Finally, I would like to thank all those interviewed for their time and collaboration.
The research “New to Bank Acquisition: An insight of the factors influencingcustomers
to select HDFC bank in Surat city. "will help to understand about the customers
expectations from banks products and services.
This study aims at to give suggestions regarding banks offerings to the HDFC bank which
helps to acquire new customers.
In this, Questionnaire method has been used to know the response keeping the objectives of
research in mind and collecting the information by conducting personal interview and for
analysis of data SPSS software has been used.
The entire research work has been divided into different sections. The first section titled
“Introduction” deals with introduction to topic, Present Scenario of Banking Sector in India,
Recent Trends in the Banking Industry and Indian Banking Sector in Global Perspective.
The second section titled “Review of Literature” deals with survey of some studies relating to
analysis conducted in the past.
The third section titled “Research Methodology” describes brief introduction of research
Last section contains the “Finding, Suggestions and Conclusion”
Particulars Page
1. Introduction 01.
2. Banking Industry Profile 04.
a. Global level of broking industry
b. National level of banking industry
c. State level of banking industry
e. Current trends
f. Major Players
g. Major Offerings
3. HDFC Bank Ltd. 16.
a. Company Profile
b. Organogram of Bank
c. Divisions/ Departments
d. SWOT of Bank
e. Market Position
4. Review of Literature 25.
5. Research Methodology 34.
a. Problem Statement
b. Research Objective
c. Research Design
i. Type of Design
ii. Sampling
iii. Data Collection
iv. Tools for Analysis
v. Limitations of the Study
6. Data Analysis 37.
7. Findings & Conclusions 58.
8. Bibliography 60.
9. Annexure 65.
List of Tables
Table 1 : In which type of Bank do you prefer to have an account? 37
Table 2 : Types of services customers using. 38
Table 3 : Have you ever changed your previous bank or thinking to change in
Table 4 : Factors affecting the selection of Bank 40
Table 5 : Factors affecting for the selection of bank for investment purpose 41
Table 6 : Who is your main influencer when you choose the bank? (Only one tick is
Table 7 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? 43
Table 8 : Gender 44
Table 9 : Age 45
Table 10 : Occupation 46
Table 11 : Income (Monthly) 47
Table 12 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Occupation 52
Table 13 : Chi-Square Tests 52
Table 14 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Age 54
Table 15 : Chi-Square Tests 54
Table 16 : Gender and Likliness 56
Table 17 : Chi-Square Tests 56
List of Figure
Figure 1 : Network of Top Seven Banks in Gujarat 10
Figure 2 : Current Trend 13
Figure 3 : Major offerings 15
Figure 4 : Products 18
Figure 5 : Awards 19
Figure 6 : Organogram 20
Figure 7 : Market value 24
Figure 8 : Key financials 24
Figure 9 : Type of Bank Preference 37
Figure 10 :Services used 38
Figure 11 : Change of previous Bank 39
Figure 12 : Main Influencer 42
Figure 13 : Likelyness 43
Figure 14 : Gender 44
Figure 15 : Age 45
Figure 16 :Occupation 46
Figure 17 : Income 47
Figure 18 : Test between Occupation and importance of selecting bank 48
Figure 19 : Test between Types of Bank and Importance of selection of Bank 49
Figure 20 : Test between income and investment factors 50
Figure 21 : Test between type of bank and investment factors. 51
Figure 22 : Likeness of selection of bank and occupation 53
Figure 23 : Likeness of selection of bank and age 55
Figure 24 : Likeness of selection of bank and Gender 57
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New to Bank – Acquisitions
Client procurement suggests to increasing new purchasers. Organizations and associations
consider the expense of client procurement as a significant measure in assessing how much
esteem clients bring to their organizations. The market for budgetary items is more packed
now than any other time in recent memory, making it testing to catch new clients and meet
execution objectives. Numerous money related organizations (FIs) are putting forth
progressively liberal, eye-getting rewards advancements. Discovering new and progressively
viable approaches to contact potential clients and win their business is a noteworthy upper
Here are five center focuses.
1. The relationship between acquisition growth control and the account switching process.
The more difficult the switching process is, the greater the potential customers will go and go
to a competitor.
2. Consider the attitudes, feelings and preferences of consumers that resemble them consider
making the move.
3. Banks that have optimized their switching process have discovered that they can do so to
be a differentiator to attract new customers to their marketing
4. Financial institutions must identify the weaknesses of change process and what
improvements can be made. Review the client Travel and determine Guide, Automation and
Support & assistance is available when needed
5. Describe the steps you need to take now to improve your progress
process and start opening multiple current accounts.
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Factors that aid acquisition
 Personal variables
 Technological variables
 Service Quality elements
 Convenience factor
 Promotional components
 Brand notoriety
 Word-of-mouth proposals
 Customer experience
 Features
 Assurance and Trust
 Benefits
As client frames of mind generationally and demographically change, it is continuously
imperative to make a stride back and modify your securing approaches what's more,
objectives to meet the customer's, not simply the bank's desires.
Some fact about customer acquisition
Importance of positive customer experience
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 1% of the customers always feels that their customer experiance always meet.
 86% of the customers can pay 25% more for better experiance.
 89% of the customers stop doing business after bad experiance.
cost of churn
 One negative experiance can take 12 good experiances with them.
 Average company losses 30% customers every year.
 New customers cost 7 times more then existing customers.
Positive business impact
 Enterprises who raise their customers experiance score by 10% realized additional
revanue of $1 billion.
 Companies who raise their customer retention rate 10% increase their value by
 Companies who lower their customer attrition rate by 5% achieved raise in
company profites upto 95%.1
McKinsey White House Office of Consumer Affairs Forrester, The Business
Impact of Customer Experience Bain & Company.
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2.Banking Industry Profile
The banking sector is the most dominant sector of the financial system in Europe. India. The
money related strength of business banks has improved assorted variety regarding capital
ampleness, productivity, resource quality and hazard the board. A financial area satisfies
three fundamental capacities in the economy: the working of the installment framework, the
assembly of reserve funds and the allotment of investment funds to speculation items.
Origin of the word bank:
There is no consistency among financial experts of "bank" According to certain creators,
"bank" is gotten from the word ancBancus or "bank" which is a bank. The primary brokers,
the Jews of Lombardy, treated their issues available. At the point when a financier fizzled, his
"bank" was destroyed by the general population. it was designated "Bankrupt". This historical
background, be that as it may, is mocked by the reason that Italian cash changers all things
considered were never called Banchiers in the Middle Ages.
By and large, it is said that "bank" begins from Italy. in amidst the twelfth century there was a
major money related emergency in Italy as a result of war. To adapt to the expenses of the
war, the legislature of this period was constrained Loan marked for the nation's residents at
the rate of 5% per annum. These credits were classified "Look at", "minto" and so forth. In
Germany the word 'Monte' was called Bank. As per a few Authors, Bank derved from the
word Banke. The word Bank is gotten from the word 'Banko' which means Bench. Jewish
cash banks used to arrange their business sitting on seat in various markets.
At the point when none of them were acclimated with not meeting their commitments, their
"Banco" or their financial balance he would be broken by furious leasers. "Bankrupt" is by all
accounts originates from the messed up bank. From that point forward, the financial
framework has been made cash that gets business; it is appropriately contended that "bank"
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has originates from "Banco", whatever the beginning of "Bank" as Professor Ram Chandra
Rao says, "It would follow the historical backdrop of banking in Europe since the Middle
Ages.4 Today, the word bank is utilized as a total term for various establishments that
complete certain budgetary exercises.
By and by, the "bank" implies that he obtains cash from a class of individuals and still loans cash to
another class of individuals for a premium or a benefit.
Truly, the significance of a bank isn't indicated in any guideline or act. in India, various
individuals have various implications for the bank. Ordinary pay the beneficiary knows the
methods for the bank which is a reserve funds foundation, on a present record The proprietor
or representative knows the bank as a money related establishment and numerous others. The
bank isn't revenue driven, it makes worker investment funds exercises.
History of bank
The first banks were probably the religious temples of antiquity world, and have probably
been established in the third millennium NEXT CHRIST. Banks probably preceded the
invention of money. Stores at first comprised of wheat, at that point different items, including
domesticated animals, rural items instruments, and conceivably valuable metals, for example,
gold, as packed plates simple to convey. Sanctuaries and castles were the most secure spots
keep gold as continually frequented and very much fabricated. As consecrated spots, the
sanctuaries offered an extra obstacle to potential cheats. They are still there eighteenth
century BC credit reports in Babylon that were made by the clerics/priests of the sanctuary to
the shippers. At the season of the Hammurabi code, the financial framework was adequately
created to legitimize the order of laws government banking.
Antiquated Greece is additional confirmation of the financial segment. Greek sanctuaries, as
private and common elements, these budgetary exchanges advances, stores, money trade and
cash approval. there additionally credit confirmation, so in return for an installment from a
client, a the loan specialist in a Greek port will compose a credit note to the client who could
"gather" the ticket in another city, along these lines sparing the client from the risk of the
tramway piece in his voyage. Pythius, who functioned as a trader broker all through Asia
Minor in the early fifth century BC, this is the principal single financier whose documents we
have. A significant number of the principal investors of Greek urban communities were
"metics" or outside occupants.
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The fourth century BC observed more utilization of the credit-based bank a the
Mediterranean world. In Egypt, since the most punctual occasions, wheat had been utilized as
type of silver notwithstanding valuable metals, and state outbuildings function as the banks.
At the point when Egypt fell under the rule of a Greek administration, the Ptolemies (332-30
BC), the many dispersed outbuildings of the legislature have been changed in a system of oat
banks, brought together in Alessandria where the primary the records of all the upper room
banks have been enlisted. This bank the system worked as a business credit framework in
which installments were influenced move starting with one record then onto the next without
burning through cash.
Toward the finish of the third century BC, the parched island of Delos, in the Aegean Sea, is
known for its radiant harbor and the acclaimed Temple of Apollo, it has turned into a
significant financial focus. As in Egypt, money exchanges have been supplanted by genuine
credits the receipts and installments were made based on straightforward directions with
records held for every customer. With the destruction of his primary adversaries, Carthage
and Corinth, by the Romans, the significance of Delos has expanded. Thus, it has been It's
normal for Delos Bank to turn into the most imitated model from the shores of Rome.
Old Rome idealized the managerial part of the financial division and saw more prominent
guideline of money related establishments and monetary practices. refill enthusiasm on
advances and enthusiasm on stores wound up higher created and aggressive. The
advancement of Roman banks was restricted, be that as it may, the Roman inclination for
money exchanges. During the rule of the Roman sovereign Gallienus(260-268 AD), there
was a temperory break of the Roman financial framework after the banks have rejected the
shrapnel of copper created by its monetary forms. With the ascent of Christianity, the bank
subject to extra confinements as premium has been charged as shameless. After the fall of
Rome, banks were deserted in the west Europe and did not spring up before the season of the
Incidentally, ecclesiastical investors were the most fortunate in the West world just as the
information foundation called Monte di Pieta When Pope John XXII (or Jacques of Euse
(1249 - 1334) was delegated in Lyon in 1316, living arrangement built up in Avignon.
Common wars in Florence between adversaries Guelph and Ghibelline The groups prompted
the triumph of a gathering of hired soldier families from Guelph in the city. They assumed
responsibility for the ecclesiastical financial imposing business models of opponents from the
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adjacent city of Siena and They progressed toward becoming duty authorities for all of
Europe. In 1306, Philip IV Jews removed from France. In 1307, Philips had the Knights
Templar captured and had claimed their property, which had turned out to be informal
fortune of France. In 1311, the ejection of the Italian investors and assembled their
remarkable credit. In 1327, account Avignon 43 Italian financial organizations at maisons- In 1347, Edward III of England kicked the bucket obtained. Later there was the
chapter 11 of Peruzzi (1374) and Bardi (1353). instructing the development of Italian banks
in France was the start of the Lombard cash changers in Europe, here were going from town
to town along the clamoring pioneer significant exchange courses. A key town around then
was Cahors, origin of Pope John XXII and Figeac. Possibly it was a direct result of these
starting points the Lombard is synonymous with Cahorsin in medieval Europe, e signifies
"pawnbroker". The SPA of Monte dei Paschi of Siena (MPS) is Italy the most established
enduring bank on the planet. After 1400, political powers revolted the techniques for the
Italian financiers of free venture. In 1401, King Martin 1 of Aragon ousted them. In 1403,
Henry IV of England prohibits him take benefits in any capacity in his kingdom. In 1409,
Flanders imprisioned and after that ousted Genoese brokers. In 1410all Italian Merchants
were removed from Paris. In 1401, the Bankers of Barcelona was evaluated. In 1407, the
Bank of San Giorgio was established in Genoa. This bank ruled business in the
Mediterranean. In 1403, the gathering of enthusiasm on the advances was viewed as lawful in
Florence notwithstanding the customary Christian restriction on usury. Italian banks, for
example, The Lombards, who had operators in the fundamental financial focuses of Europe,
had makes advance charges. Legal advisor and scholar Lorenzo di Antonio Ridolfi was
effective for a situation legitimizing the installment of enthusiasm by the Florentines
government. In 1413, Giovanni di Bicci de 'Medici was named financier at the Father. In
1440, Gutenberg designs present day typography regardless of whether Europe he definitely
knew the utilization of paper cash in China. The structure of the printing machine was in this
manner changed, specifically by Leonardo da Vinci, to be utilized begetting coins for almost
two centuries before the creation of printed banknotes. The thirteenth of 1390 silver west was
short all through Europe aside from in Venice. The silver mines of Kutná Hora started to
decrease during the 1870s lastly shut in the wake of being sacked by King Sigismund in
1422. Just about 1450 all monetary standards in northwestern Europe were shut for absence
of cash. the last cash changer in the primary French port of Dieppe bombed in 1446. In 1455,
the Turks attacked the Serbian silver mines and in 1460 caught the last Bosnian mine. The
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last huge Venetian silver was developed in 1462. A few banks in Venice have fizzled, as has
the bank Strozzi in Florence, the second biggest in the city. Indeed, even the littlest of the
little changes has turned out to be uncommon. The monetary and budgetary history of the
cutting edge West is normally followed in London bistros. The Royal Exchange in London
was made in 1565. Around then cash changers were at that point called brokers, in spite of
the fact that the expression "bank" for the most part alludes to their workplaces and does not
bode well done today. There was likewise a various leveled request between the experts; a the
best were the financiers who were working with the heads of state and after that the city
trades Lombard and down, lombards or second hand stores. European urban communities
today have a Lombard street where the second hand store was found.
At the time of Adam Smith (1776), the number of people the banking sector. Banks played a
key role in the transition of gold and silver monetization based on paper money, repayable
with the availability of the bank. It's an increasing globallness and opportunities in financial
services completely changed the competitive landscape, as many banks now have showed a
preference for the "universal Banking" model that prevailed in Europe. Universal banks are
free to engage in all forms of financial services, make investments in corporate clients and
exploit as much as possible a Single provider of retail and wholesale financial services.
A. Global
HomeBlog The value of the global banking sector reached $ 134.1 trillion in 2016 and will
grow robustly until 2021, according to MarketLine MarketLine Blog The value of the global
banking sector reached $ 134.1 trillion in 2016 and will experience strong growth until 2021,
according to MarketLine. Posted on 25 April 2017 by Graeme Roberts Comments.
The global banking sector has enjoyed healthy growth in recent years, recording a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% between 2012 and 2016 to reach a value of $ 134.1
trillion, according to data from the business. Search MarketLine. The company's latest report
indicates that the Asia-Pacific region remains the largest region in terms of asset value,
accounting for more than 42% of the global total in 2016. Europe followed with more than
38%. the United States continued to influence the industry with 12%.
China has once again become the largest domestic market, with more than $ 31.8 trillion in
assets. This equates to more than 55% of the entire Asia-Pacific region, demonstrating its
importance regionally and globally. Nicholas Wyatt, project manager for MarketLine, said:
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"This is a double-edged sword because, despite the slowdown in China's internal growth, it
remains very healthy by global standards. generate wealth and mobilize more people average
to low credit rating Asset management is particularly dynamic thanks to a culture that
attaches great importance to savings and all these factors in our dynamic growth projections
double digit until 2021. "
However, issues related to non-performing loans (NPLs) continue to cause concern, with the
latest ICBC financial report indicating that NPL rates continue to rise.
Wyatt continues: "ICBC is not alone: CCB, the Bank of Agriculture and the Bank of China
have announced similar trends and Fitch estimates that nonplet loan rates in China could be
10 times higher than official rates This would make it a time bomb, which would typically
require tighter credit conditions, but government participation in banks and the desire for
economic growth could mean that this is not happening as expected and that China's industry
continues to grow rapidly. "
MarketLine also expects the United States to spur growth, especially if the Trump
administration delivers on its promises of reduced banking regulation.
"Although this may lead to another financial crisis caused by overheating of the sector and
sunk debts, deregulation seems certain and should help stimulate growth, especially in the
areas of consumption and business loans", concludes -he. Wyatt.2
B. National
The Indian Banking system compresis 27 public sector banks, 21 private sector banks, 49
foreign banks, 56 rural banks, 1562 cooperative banks and 94384 rural cooperative banks, as
a well cooperative credit institutions. During the year 18-19, total loans increased to a CAGR
of 10.94% and total deposits reached a CAGR of 11.66%. India's retail credit market is the
fourth largest in emerging markets. In December 2017, it reached 281 billion USD, against
181 billion USD in December 2014.
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 Beginning in September 2018, the Indian government established the Indian Postal
Payment Bank (IPPB) and opened branch offices in 650 districts to achieve the goal of
financial inclusion.
 The total merger and acquisition value in NBFC's diversified financial and banking
services in 2017 was $ 2.564 billion, $ 103 million and $ 79 million respectively.
 The largest merger agreement for fiscal year 2017 was US $ 2.4 billion in the
microfinance sectors of IndusInd Bank Limited and Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited.
 In May 2018, total equity funds in the microfinance sector increased from 39.88 to 96.31
billion rupees (4.49 billion rand) in 2017-18, from 68.85 billion rand. (1.03 billion USD).
 Also invested in pradhan mantri jan dhan yojna in 2018.
 planning to invest 42000 cr in public banks by 2019 and nfuse the next tranche of
recapitalisation by mid- December 2018.3
C. State
Gujarat has one of the best banking networks in the country and the state banking sector is
well supported by booming trade and industries. An article in Banking Frontiers indicates that
SLBC's affiliated banks in this state have 9566 branches and 11,346 ATMs as of the second
quarter of 2018-19. Public sector banks include 1,384 branches and 4,861 ATMs, with the
SBI at the top of the list. Among the private banks, HDFC Bank ranks first, followed by
ICICI Bank and Axis Bank.
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Figure 1 : Network of Top Seven Banks in Gujarat
In the cooperative sector, the DCCB has 1355 branches and 226 ATMs. The Gujarat State
Cooperative for Agriculture and Rural Development, or Kheti bank, has 181 branches and 25
branches and 23 ATMs. The Saurashtra Gramin Bank is the largest in the RRB, with 267
branches and 20 ATMs, followed by the Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank (258) and the Baroda
Gramin Bank (245). The Jana Small Finance Bank has the largest network of 6 small
financial banks, with 54 branches and 6 ATMs, followed by the UA Small Finance Bank (40,
40). According to the article, SBI, with deposits of 1.447 billion rupees and loans of 1.068
`billion rupees, is the leader. The total activity of all banks reached 12,451 billion rupees in
2222018-19, with deposits reaching 6,742 billion rupees and loans of 5,708 billion dollars.4
D. PESTLE Analysis of Banking Sector
Banking industry influence all the nation. In any case, it is influenced by numerous
components, especially to the administration and the economy.
Political factors :- A tool for good guys
The financial area appears to be almighty - however it is liable to a greater goliath: the
legislature. Government can intercede in banking each time, leaving the part defenseless
against political impact. This incorporates debasement between ideological groups or explicit
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administrative laws, for example, work laws, exchange confinements, levies and political
Economic factors : - Easily influenced
The financial division and the economy are connected. In addition, when swelling taking off,
the bank is hit back. Expansion impacts the cash and its worth and causes precariousness.
Outside speculators reconsider before giving their assets when the estimation of a cash of a
given nation is high. Conversion scale they likewise influence worldwide banks - stable
monetary standards, for example, the effect on the US dollar monetary standards, utilization
examples and expansion rates of different nations.
Sociocultural factors : - Consumers want ease
Social impacts, for example, acquiring practices and needs, influence the general population
see and use banking choices. Individuals are going to the banks for counsel and credit help to
organizations, people and scholastics. Buyers scan for data from clerks on investment
accounts, banking exchanges Mastercards, ventures and that's just the beginning.
Technological factors : - Smartphones to the rescue
Innovation is changing the manner in which shoppers deal with their assets. Numerous banks
offer a versatile application to help with records, move assets and pay bills cell phone. Check
cards likewise change. The chips have been set up, power clients to embed their cards into
charge machines as opposed to slithering their. Indeed, even the banks themselves use
innovation at their work environment. Media transmission is coordinated with virtual
Enviornmental Factors : -Reduced footprint
With the utilization of innovation - particularly with portable financial applications - use for
the card is diminished. What's more, the need to drive legitimately to a branch even the
administration of the business is decreased to a base. In this way, diminish the individual
condition impressions.
Legal factors : - Strict guidelines
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The financial division pursues severe laws on security assurance, purchaser laws, and
business structures to affirm the pioneers of the business. Like, how offices are required for
clients in the appointed nation and for global clients. Legitimately, banks think about
purchaser laws, exchange understandings, and security laws. They should likewise have a top
notch data security with the expanding utilization of innovation in banking exchanges.
E. Current trends in banking sectors
1) Machine Learning:
The financial division is making incredible walks in adjusting AI. They put resources into
innovation as a self-intervened conversational advertising device. This spotlights on and
cooperate with client needs dependent on client information gathered over some stretch of
Figure 2 : Current Trend
2) The advent of robots:
Banks are energetic about the computerization of mechanical procedures (RPA). This uses
programming robots or "bots" to impersonate human movement and in this manner can
possibly communicate with clients as genuine human pioneers progressively. This liberates
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representatives who would now be able to concentrate on the worth included work they so
seriously need.
3) AI Power:
Computerized reasoning is the new sensation in the patterns of the financial part. Like other
innovative advances, this has made a buzz and the financial segment is never again what we
know up until now. Man-made brainpower arrangements are utilized to robotize dreary
procedures in banks and improve the client experience. With the mechanization of banking
forms, AI can extend client information and give data about their interests and inclinations.
This has brought about altered administrations that emphasis on taking care of client issues
and giving the most ideal arrangements continuously.
4) Cloud Computing:
The financial area has seen the advantage of distributed computing just in parts. For instance,
actualizing distributed computing in frameworks, for example, acquiring, HR, and so forth.
However at this point, banks are moving their whole framework to the cloud. This has
decreased the difficulties confronting the financial segment from numerous points of view,
including diminished framework costs, expanded business adaptability and expanded
5) Digital payment and mobile wallets:
Most areas have moved to advanced installment nowadays. Portable wallets are as of now in
extreme interest available. The financial division has likewise entered the advanced
installments and versatile wallet showcase, with an accentuation using a loan and charge card
use, the site and the installment application. New installment strategies are picking up
notoriety among educated clients as installment models are basic, reasonable and to a great
extent secure.
F. Major players
 HDFC Bank
 ICICI Bank
 Axis Bank
 Kotak Bank
 State Bank of India
 Canara Bank
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 Bank of India
 Bank of Baroda
 IDBI Bank
 Yes Bank
G. Major Offerings
Figure 3 : Major offerings
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3. HDFC Bank Profile
A. HDFC Profile
Incorporated - January, 1994
Tagline - We Understand Your World
Mission - To be a World Class Bank
Core Focus - Operational Excellence, CustomerFocus, Product Leadership, People,
Core Values - Trust, Integrity, Transparency, Professional Service
Capital Structure - Authorized Share Capital of Rs 650 cr.
Paid-up Share Capital of Rs 519,01,80Operational Excellence, CustomerFocus, Product
Leadership, People, Sustainability
Equity Share Face Value is Rs 2/- each
Listed In - Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE), NSE, BSE
Headquarter - Mumbai, India
Website -
Amalgamation with - Times Bank( 26th February, 2000)
Centurion Bank of Punjab(23rd May, 2008)
Branches - 4787 (2019)
ATM's - 12635
Employees - 88000+
Customers - 4.9 cr + across 2748 towns and cities in 2019
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Business Profile
HDFC Bank offers a broad range of banking services covering commercial and banking
investment activity, retail wholesale, as well as bank and transactional / banking branches.
The bank has three key business areas:
Wholesale bank
The Bank's benchmark market consists primarily of large, top-tier manufacturing companies
in the Indian sector and, to a lesser extent, small and medium-sized businesses and agri-food
companies. For these clients, the Bank offers a wide range of commercial and transactional
banking services, including working capital financing, commercial services, transaction
services, liquidity management, and more. These bank is one of the a leading provider of
structured solutions combining liquid management services with supplier and distributer
financing to facilitate superior supply chain management for it corporate clients. Based on its
higher delivery / service levels and strong customer focus, the Bank has made significant
progress in the banking consortia of a number of large Indian companies, including
multinationals, domestic companies and leading companies in the public sector. He is
recognized as a leading provider of liquidity and business banking solutions, mutual funds,
stock market members and banks.
Within this business, the bank has three main products: currencies and derivatives, money
market in local currency, debt securities and equities. With the liberalization of financial
markets in India, companies need more sophisticated information on risk management,
advice and product structures. These prices, along with the good prices on various cash
products, are provided by the bank's treasury team. To meet minimum reserve requirements,
the bank must hold 25% of its government bond deposits. The treasury business is
responsible for managing the returns and market risks on this investment portfolio.
Retail bank
Retail Banking's goal is to provide target clients with a full range of financial products and
banking services, giving their clients a window into all their banking needs. The products are
Page | 18
supported by world-class service and delivered to customers through the expanding branch
network, as well as through other distribution channels such as ATMs, telephone banking,
Net Banking and Mobile Banking. HDFC Bank Preferred for High Net Worth, HDFC Bank
Plus and Investment Advisory Services have been designed to take into account the needs of
clients looking for financial solutions, information and separate advice on the different
avenues. investment. The Bank also offers a broad range of consumer credit products,
including auto loans, marketable loans, personal loans and two-wheel loans. It is also a
leading provider of Participant Depository (PD) services to retail clients, offering clients the
ability to hold their investments electronically. HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to
launch an international debit card in combination with VISA (VISA Electron) and to issue
Maestro MasterCard debit card. The Bank began its credit card business at the end of 2001.
As of March 2015, the card base (debit and credit cards) totaled more than $ 25 million. The
Bank is also a major player in the acquisition market, with more than 235,000 point-of-sale
(POS) terminals enabling the acceptance of debit / credit cards in commercial establishments.
The Bank is well positioned as a leader in various net B2C opportunities, including a wide
range of Internet banking services for term deposits, loans, bill payments and more.
Figure 4 : Products
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Figure 5 : Awards
Page | 20
B. Organogram of Bank
Figure 6 : Organogram
Page | 21
C. Divisions and Departments
Operations Service / Customer Service:
The main function of each bank is to accept deposits from public bodies and to grant loans to
the most needy sectors - production, trade, agriculture and implementation of government
social programs. Customer Support. To this end, banks open numerous branch offices to
expand their network to ensure quality and optimal customer service to meet the needs of
their valued customers in order to expand their reach and develop their business capabilities.
commercial. Banks offer different products to adapt to different segments of society: the
elderly, women, children, students, etc.
Treasury / Exchange Management Service:
Banks have integrated treasury and foreign exchange management in order to have more
synergy in their operations. This department is responsible for maintaining the statutory
responsibilities as prescribed by the RBI as CRR, SLR. To this end, banks invest in
government securities, bonds, corporate bonds and treasury bills. Even the Forex needs of its
valued customers, the export units are managed by this department.
Risk Management Department:
After globalization, this department has become more vital because it has to ensure that the
portfolios of banks are balanced in terms of risk perception. Credit, marketing, financial and
operational risk factors are monitored and monitored to ensure that the bank is well managed
and in line with Basel's global standards. It is usually under the direct control of management.
Control Department:
Internal control plays an important role and the credibility of a bank is judged on the basis of
the number of frauds / financial losses. Banking management is more man-made. The Bank
carries out a number of audits, such as simultaneous audits, solvency checks, internal audits
in its branches according to the risk profile of each branch, to ensure that internal control and
the branch are sufficient in accordance with the rules, systems and procedures. In addition to
Page | 22
the internal audit by the bank's staff / representatives, the RBI and the statutory audit are
conducted once a year in all the main branches of the bank.
Information Technology Department:
After computerization, these department is made up of technically qualified professionals
who takes care of its basic banking operations, introducing the latest technology products
such as mobile Banking, secure mobile banking. Gone are the days when the customer had to
go personally to the banks to get their financial reports. ATMs are used in most banks to
allow customers to withdraw their deposits at any time and deposit money after the bank's
opening hours. This allowed the companies / traders to deposit their daily cash surplus largely
on their account even after the closure of their assets 7 and 8 and the amount is posted to their
account the same day. safe and secure way.
Personal / Human Resources Department:
The role of this department is staff recruitment, separation training in the banking sector in
general, identification of vacancies, updating of existing employees with the latest
technologies, motivation of employees provide better service to its customers, etc.
D. SWOT Analysis
• HDFC Bank is the second largest private banking sector in India with 5103 branches and
12635 ATMs.
• HDFC Bank is located in 2748 cities in India and has more than 1000 locations to serve
customers via telephone banking.
• The bank card of the bank is compatible with all national and international Visa / Master
cards, Visa Electron / Maestro, Plus / cirus and American Express. This is one of the reasons
why HDFC cards are the preferred card for business and online transactions.
• HDFC Bank has a high degree of customer satisfaction compared to other private banks •
HDFC's dropout rate is low and one of the best places to work in the private banking sector.
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• HDFC has received numerous awards and honors and received the "Best Bank" award from
various financial rating institutions such as Dun and Bradstreet, Financial Express,
Euromoney Awards of Excellence, Finance Asia Awards, etc.
• HDFC lacks aggressive marketing strategies like ICICI
• The bank focuses primarily on high-end customers
• Certain product categories of the bank are underperforming and not marketed
• HDFC stock prices often fluctuate and create uncertainty for investors.
• HDFC Bank has better asset quality metrics than government banks. As a result, earnings
growth is expected to increase.
• Large companies and SMEs are growing at a very fast pace. HDFC has a good reputation in
terms of maintaining the company's payroll
• HDFC Bank has improved its bad debt portfolio and the collection of bad debts is high
compared to government banks.
• HDFC Bank Has Excellent Opportunities Abroad
• Greater space for acquisitions and strategic alliances thanks to strong financial position
• Gross Non-performing assets of HDFC Bank (NPA) increased from 1.30% to 1.36%.
Although this is a slight variation, it is not a good sign for the financial health of the bank
• Non-bank financial corporations and new age banks are on the rise in India
• The HDFC Bank is unable to increase its market share, with ICICI posing a serious threat.
• Government banks try to modernize to compete with private banks
• RBI has opened up to 74% of funds to foreign banks to invest in the Indian market.
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E. Most Valued Bank
Figure 7 : Market value
Key Financials
Figure 8 : Key financials
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4. Review of Leterature
Huu Phuong Ta, Kar Yin Har(2000), had conducted a research on A study of bank
selection decisions in Singapore using the Analytical Hierarchy Process and concluded
that undergraduates place high emphasis on the pricing and product dimensions of bank
services. The result are the interest of the bank managers because they provide
informantion on the importance of selection criteria as well as areas of strength and
weakness of banks.
Rita Martenson, (1985), had conducted a research on Consumer Choice Criteria in Retail
Bank Selection and find that Consumers do not choose their primary bank in a particularly
conscious manner; The results of a survey of 558 Swedish bank clients and 53 bank branch
managers revealed that the choice was random for one-third of respondents. However, the
location of the bank, the availability of loans and the payment of wages by a specific bank are
reasons for choice, as well as the influence of parental choice. The choice is probably the
result of a correspondence between the image of the bank and the interests of consumers.
Muhmmad Imitiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan, Muhmmad Fayzan Rafiq, Nayaz, Amber
Osman(2012), had concluded in the research of Consumer Criteria for the Selection of an
Islamic Bank: Evidence from Pakistan that
Ten factors that include convenience, the quality of services provided by banks, Religious
consumption, ATM availability, confidentiality, bank reputation and image, variety of
financing options, high profitability and reduced service costs Recommendations from
friends and relatives and friendly attitude and responsible staff of the bank were taken to
study the consumption criteria for the selection of Islamic banks. the the results suggest that
high profitability and low service costs are the most important factor religious reasons and
quality of service for the selection of Islamic banks by consumers.
Maran Marimuthu, Chan Wai Jing, Lim Phei Gie, Low Pey Mun, Tan Yew Ping(2010),
had given special emphasis on factors that determine the acceptance of the Islamic banking
system. this considers a sample of 450 respondents from the Klang Valley that he uses non-
probability sampling. This study largely uses the face value and ordinal measurement scales
and therefore not parametric This approach is adopted for statistical tests. The results indicate
what costs-benefits, delivery service, convenience, the influence of friends / relatives has
significant relationships with the acceptance of the Islamic bank.
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Carolyn Kennington, Jeanne Hill, Anna Rakowska(1996), had made a research on
Consumer selection criteria for banks in Poland and concluded that Poles basically have the
same simple reasons for choosing banks as consumers studied in other countries, very clear
ideas about how banks could better treat them Because of the history of the Polish economy
and the current state of transition, reputation and price issues may be more important for
Polish consumers in relation to other countries. They are still relatively cautious in adopting
new financial products but they show that they accept the redistribution of the financial
responsibility of the state to themselves as individuals, and they look at for the best ways to
manage their inflated funds. It seems, their comments and their relatively slow recovery more
innovative products than banks I did not use particularly effective marketing strategies.
However, the clear indication Benefits Requested by Banks and Identification of Specific
Purchase Decision Criteria should make sense to the banks variables for better segmentation
and targeting of the financial services market in Poland.
Charles Blankson, Julian Ming-Sung Cheng, Nancy Spears(2007), had a purpose is to
understanding the selection criteria for international consumers of banks using the United
States, Taiwan and Ghana for illustrative purposes. The researc methodoligy used in these is
the classical multi-step scale development process which demanded that thorough attention
be paid to every step of the process. The study employed exploratory and confirmatory factor
analyses to assess the reliability of the results. It concludes that open and liberal business
climate appear to explain customers decisions.
Dr. Wario Guyo, Noordin Adan(2013), had conducted a research on The Determinants Of
Retail Consumer Choice Of Islamic Banking In Kenya and focused on four factors namely
religious reasons, financial options, benefits and service costs and the characteristics of
human resources. The studio has adopted a descriptive design. Simple random sampling was
used to select 293 respondents from the customer database. Primary and secondary the data
were collected using a questionnaire sent via email from the database. AT preliminary
analysis was also performed to verify the reliability and validity of the instruments. The data
it was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and presented using tables and figures.
the the results show that the four factors collectively influence the choice of clients to invest
with overwhelming Islamic banks. It is concluded that the factors religious values, influences
least the choice of Islamic banking customers, while the range of financial options offered by
the bank had the greatest influence. It has been recommended that leaders step up their efforts
exploit the strongest factors as part of the strategic marketing tool.
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James Devlin, Philip Gerrard(2005), had conducted a research on Astudy of customer
choice criteria for multiple bank users and concluded that The analysis uses an aquantitative
methodology that includes 495 respondents. The results show that differences between the
selection of a first bank and a secondary bank. The recommendations of others are influential
and much more important important to suggest the choice of the secondary bank. Providing
an incentive is also much more important to promote the choice of secondary bank, but it is
less influential in terms of overall ranking of importance. Waiting time and minimal fees /
overdraft fees they suggest less the choice of the secondary bank. The implications for
marketing primary and secondary accounts are explored.
Safiek Mokhlis, Nik Hazimah Nik Mat and Hayatul Safrah Salleh(2008), had concluded
that The results of the factor analysis for the total sample indicate that the selection of the
bank the decision is based mainly on nine selection criteria. 'Sure feelings' was the best
important factor in influencing students in choosing a bank. The "ATM" services was the
second priority factor then after "Financial Benefits". The following three criteria, ranked
fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively, were "service delivery", "proximity" and "agency"
"Position" that can be grouped into moderate factors. On the contrary, the students took into
account "Non-influential people", "attractiveness" and "people's influences" ranked the
seventh, eighth and ninth, respectively, did not play an important role in influencing their
decision in the selection of the bank. It is interesting to note that the answers are not
constitute a homogeneous group by sex, flow of studies, ethnicity and number of the savings
accounts held have produced several priority factors in the selection of banks.
Kaynak, Erdener; Kucukemiroglu, Orsay(2016), had find that on the survey of 106 people
that The banking conditions in Hong Kong are for the most part parallel to those of many
developed countries in the West. Respondents were divided into 56 frequent users and 50
infrequent bank accounts. There were statistically significant differences between the 2
groups. The high level of prompt and efficient service and the kindness of the banking staff
as a reason for favoritism suggest that the Hong Kong banking sector needs to put more
emphasis on staff training. The focus should be on improving the efficiency of banking
transactions and developing interpersonal communication skills. Banks should also follow a
market segmentation strategy. The success of Hong Kong's foreign banks is attributed to a
strategy of providing high quality services to Hong Kong's banking market niches.
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Constantine Lymperopoulos, Ioannis E. Chaniotakis, Magdalini Soureli(2006), was
intended to understand the buying behavior of bank customers in relation to the selection
process and to provide bank executives with useful information on developing high quality
customer relationships. The research involved a review of available literature on bank
selection criteria, fieldwork, identification of factors that influence client choice, and
changing management implications. A research questionnaire was administered through
personal interviews with 1,092 clients of banks in the greater Athens area. Four distinct
factors have been identified as the main selection criteria that influence the choice of
consumer banks. The quality of the banking service is the most important element that
customers consider in choosing their mortgage creditors and establishing a long-term
relationship with them. The other three refersto products attributes, access, and
communication. The limitation is to use a non-probability sampling method and a limited
geo-geometric area.
Čičić, Muris; Brkić, Nenad; Agić, Emir(2004), had concluded that
Based on the research of 300 students, the main factors that determine the choice of student
banks are: the reception in the bank, the kindness of its staff, the low cost of services,
confidence in the management of the bank . The results also suggest that there are some
differences from the bank selection process used by students in developed countries. An
interesting point is that gender differences do not distinguish between attitudes towards
banking services and bank selection. Factor analysis presents the elements of reputation,
technology and financial conditions as the main variables for determining the number of
students for banking affiliation and services.
Mohammad Saif Noman Kha, M. Kabir Hassan & Abdullah Ibneyy Shahid(2007),
conducted a study on the banking behavior of customers of Islamic banks in Bangladesh and
found that, on a sample of 100 students, the researchers performed a complete analysis of the
profile, a series of chi-square tests and t-tests. , as well as several key findings concerning the
behavior of Islamic bank customers in Bangladesh. First, most of the clients of Islamic banks
belong to the age group between 25 and 35 years. The clients of Islamic banks are highly
qualified and have long-standing relationships with the banks. Secondly, there is a great deal
of awareness and use by customers for various deposit mobilization tools, but there is not
much awareness and use of the individual financing mechanisms of Islamic banks. Third, the
income category and education play an important role in the use by customers of various
products / services of Islamic banks. Fourth, customers seem satisfied with a number of
Page | 29
Islamic bank products / services. Fifth, among the elements of service provision, "employees"
deserve immediate attention to improve customer satisfaction. Finally, "religious principles"
are the main criteria for selecting banks for Islamic bank clients, while customer
demographics play a role in determining which selection criteria matter most.
M Colgate, R Hedge(2001), concluded that the reasons for the change of bank could be
classified into three main areas: service problems, price problems and refused services. The
results showed that price problems had the most significant impact on switching behavior. On
the contrary, customers tend to they complain more often about service failures before
leaving the company. This result suggests that customers can remain silent about the
problems they encounter the most important in their decision to leave the company.
Anamitra Shome, Fauzia Jabeen, Rajesh Rajaguru(2018), noted that the decision to open
an account in an Islamic bank is influenced by consumers 'expectations regarding the
compliance of its operations with Islamic principles, as well as consumers' Arabic language
skills. Variables so as consumer nationality, gender, education and familiarity with IB have
no significant influence on the decision to open an account in Ismalic Bank.
Nizar Souiden, Marzouki Rani(2015), had used a convenient sampling method with 188
respondents and found that the more a person feared God's punishment, the more he or she
would develop a positive attitude toward Islamic banks. In addition, the more a person
believes in Islamic laws, the more his attitude toward Islamic banks is favorable. However,
the relationship between religious commitment (practice and interest) and attitude towards
Islamic banks is considered insignificant. Other alternative models have been tested and the
results indicate that neither fear, nor beliefs, nor religious commitment have a direct effect on
the intention to purchase. Therefore, religiosity has an indirect effect on the intention to
purchase Islamic banking through attitude towards these banks.
Aysha Shahid, Talat Mehmood, Naveed Ahmad, Hussain Ahmad, Muhammad Nouman
Shafique(2015), aimed at the preferences of Malaysian consumers for Islamic banking
attributes and used both qualitative and quantitative methods, and found that the quantitative
disclosure method of banking transactions preferred by the Malaysian Islamic Bank was
typical of the Islamic banks' contribution service and also attracted the customer. The
qualitative method shows that, due to religious beliefs, Islamic banks are better than
Page | 30
conventional banks and that Malaysian customers are more interested in the Islamic banking
system. Malaysian customers feel comfortable with the Islamic banking system. This is one
of the most famous objects. We have collected data qualitatively to learn the favorite of the
Malaysian participant regarding Islamic banking characteristics.
Mosad Zineldin(2013), found that that in Sweden, there is not a single leading bank in all
financial areas, but there are many leaders: a leader in terms of deposit base, a leader in terms
of outstanding credit, a larger bank in business, and a leading niche bank. Show that
functional quality is a bigger factor than traditional marketing activities. As expected, the
convenience of location, pricing and advertising had less impact on bank selection.
Kassim Hussein(2010), had found that Islamic banks generally tend to increase the level of
consumer confidence because they are more capitalized than conventional banks, although
conventional banks have had greater liquidity than Islamic banks. Consumer confidence
levels or the discipline of depositors as indicated by deposits and customer financing related
to liabilities generally appear higher in Islamic banks than in conventional banks.
Luther Delton, Allan K.K. Chan(1991), The survey includes an analysis of the number of
banks used by each person, types of services used in each bank, and the factors that influence
this type of consumer behavior. Report this multiple banking transactions are widespread and
are heavily influenced by factors such as risk reduction, convenience in terms of the number
of branches and ATMs machines, the relative advantage of selected banks, prestige, credit
needs and credit cards and special circumstances. The statistically significant differences
were noted in the assessment of the relative importance of these factors on several points
banking behavior based on gender, age, marital status, income and education discriminatory.
Almossawi (2001), had used a methodology of analysis of the self-managed questionnaire
with descriptive analysis and factor analysis (Bahrain) among 1,000 students and found that
the main factors determining the choice of student banks were: banking reputation, parking
availability near the bank, staff friendliness , the availability and location of ATMs. The
results suggest that it may be necessary to treat students as distinctive segments with different
priorities in the bank selection process.
Chin Tiong Tan, C Chua (1986), reveals that the criteria for selecting traditional banks
considered important by many bankers may be less important factors in the Oriental culture.
Page | 31
It reveals that social factors have a stronger influence than other variables, probably because
social and other connections are closer in Eastern culture and that consumers are more
vulnerable to advice friends, neighbors and family. Service which is friendly is important
when social factors are not taken into account. Position is not dominant factor because
Singapore is a small city and most banks are conveniently located.
David Cohen Christopher Gan Hua Hwa Au Yong and Esther Choong(2006), had foumd
that the impact of several retention-relevant constructs that influence consumers’ decisions to
stay with or leave their banks in New Zealand. Customers felt that these concepts had a
significant effect on the loyalty of their banks. Demographic characteristics (age, sex,
education level and income) were also evaluated to determine their contribution to intentions
to stay or find another bank. The results suggest that the most important concepts were
customer satisfaction, followed by corporate image and switching barriers. It has also been
shown that age groups and the level of training of clients have helped to explain the
propensity of respondents to stay in their current banks.
Thabet A. Edris(1997), revised various segmentation analysis tools for banking marketing
strategies. It aims to identify the relative importance of banking services to the needs of
business customers and to determine the true determinants of bank selection decisions. The
results of the profile analysis revealed that Kuwaiti, non-Kuwaiti and mixed companies had
very different perceptions of the relative importance of many services offered by Kuwaiti
banks. He argues that the real determinants of bank selection decisions made by professional
clients are more likely to depend on the perceived importance of banking attributes and the
differences between banks in a given region with respect to each of these attributes. List of
the most important factors influencing bank selection. A multidisciplinary analysis
demonstrates that belonging to a group of segments of corporate clients of different
nationalities can be envisaged on the basis of the determinants of bank selection decisions.
S Rao, DRK Sharma (2010), concluded that reliability is an important choice criteria, which
includes courtesy of employees, parking, loyalty programs, brand, security system and low
costs with the bank. Other factors, such as they also increased the importance of
responsiveness and value-added services and convenience. Insurance factors, such as fast
services, good rates interest and zero balance are also important in motivating choice of a
Page | 32
R.S.Bulomine Regi (2005), provides the result of variables like convenience, quality of
service, price of products and services, safety and technology and concluded that these
variables have a significant effect on the bank selection.
Kenny Lam, Joydeep Sengupta (2013) reveals the fact that the universal Asian banks
will have to be multi-talent innovators in at least one of three dimensions retail banking:
distribution, credit risk management and customer analysis. The multichannel bank is
maturing. Because the branch continues to be relevant, the bank must provide customers with
a completely transparent experience in which information, the quality of transactions and
communications are identical in all cases. channel. Focus on building deep relationships with
selected sub-segments, focus on the excellence of the service provided at all points of contact
with customers and strive make banking as simple as possible for customers. Leverage of
technology can significantly increase the productivity of frontline sales and transform the
sales force management.
Michel Laroche, Jerry A. Rosenblatt, Terrill Manning (1986)
concluded that Current account services are larger than those relating to savings accounts.
Speed of service, convenience of location, the competence and kindness of the banking staff
are also important. significant differences in attitudes and opinions between the sexes,
language, age, income and education groups are revealed. These results come from a study
conducted in Montreal, chosen for its high competitiveness banking environment. Adapt their
marketing strategies to focus on satisfaction of the above characteristics, bank brokers may be
better able to influence the market segments targeted.
Mark Tucker, Christine Jubb (2018) The key factors used by students to select a bank in
Australia was the responsibility of the bank, of the recommendations and outside influences,
bank costs, returns and services and finally position. The main bank the products and services
used by the students were ATMs, savings accounts, Internet and telephone banking and debit
Ahmad Jamal, Kamal Naser(2003), examined the determinants of customer satisfaction in
the retail banking sector in Pakistan. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed randomly
to clients of a specific bank in Pakistan. The results indicate that there is a strong link
between quality of service and customer satisfaction. However, there was no relationship
Page | 33
between customer satisfaction and the concrete aspects of the service environment. The paper
discusses implications for banking management.
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5. Research Methodology
Need for Research
Because of increasing the new players in the market in banking sector, the competition level
of the bank has been increased. So customers are getting more and more choices of selecting
the bank. So it is very important that bank should know about the factors that affect
customers to select the bank and how they make decisions to maintain the position of HDFC
bank. Acquisition are directly related to profit. So the research aims to know the factors
regarding the bank selection that can be helpful for the bank to Acquisition.
A. Research Problem
The research point that is explored in this research is the acquisition of new clients at the
bank (NTB). These customers are those who have never benefited from the banking services
or new services offered by HDFC Bank. This study focused on the opportunities and
challenges of the acquisition process. At a deeper level, the research aims to better understand
the factors influencing the acquisition of new clients and to analyze the reasons why HDFC
banking is not used.
Research Questions
Research design made according to the following questions :-
1. Which type of banking services customers look for?
2. Does convenience have significant relationship on bank selection?
3. Who are the major influencers while selecting the bank?
4. What are the chances of selecting HDFC bank in future?
5. Does Brand image have significant relationship between selection of bank?
B. Research Objective
Prime Objective
To study the how to acquire new customers in HDFC bank while understanding the
selection criteria by new customers to select bank in surat city.
Secondary Objective
 To know the major influencers of customers while selecting the HDFC bank.
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 To know the position of HDFC bank in mind of the people and willingness of the people
to select HDFC bank in future.
C. Research Design
 Type of Design
The course of action of conditions reasonable for accumulation and examination of
information differs relying on the kind of research contemplate. For this examination
Descriptive research configuration has been directed.
 Sample Plan
Target Population
Any individual who does not uses HDFC Bank services in Surat city.
Sample Population
Customers who does not use service of HDFC Bank are the sample population.
Sample size
Total 207 respondent are chosen.
Sampling Method
Method is based on Non-Probability Convenience Sampling.
 Data Collection
Primary Data
Instrument - Questionair
Type of Questionair - Semi structured Questionair - Close Ended Questions
Types of Scale - Multiple choice single response scale, Likert scale, five point Likert
Page | 36
Secondary Data
Literature review and other relevant publications has been used to find out theoratical
framework and also to know what early research mentioned.
 Tools for Data Analytics
 Microsoft Excel 2010
 SPSS version 20.0
 Benefits of The Study
 The study will help HDFC to acquire new customers by offering the services according
the preferences of the customers.
 It would be of significant benefit for HDFC Bank in Surat to manage the exposure to the
 These will help to know the various factors that influence the customers to select bank
and also help to provide offerings that will attract the customers.
 Limiations
 The data is collected not from specific zone, so there is an limitation fix areas.
 The data is limited to 250 respondents because of time and cost constraints.
 Some respondents may not answer the questionair properly.
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6.Data Analysis
Table 1 : In which type of Bank do you prefer to have an account?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Public 68 32.9 32.9 32.9
Private 108 52.2 52.2 85.0
Co-operative 31 15.0 15.0 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 9 : Type of Bank Preference
 It shows that 52% of the target population prefer private bank.
 33% of the target population prefer public bank.
 Rest 15% prefer co-operative bank.
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Table 2 : Types of services customers using.
Responses Percent of Cases
N Percent
[Current, Saving A/c] 168 32.7% 81.2%
[Cards] 127 24.8% 61.4%
[Insurance] 56 10.9% 27.1%
[Lockers] 28 5.5% 13.5%
[Term Deposits] 28 5.5% 13.5%
[Loans] 52 10.1% 25.1%
[Investments] 47 9.2% 22.7%
[Others] 7 1.4% 3.4%
Total 513 100.0% 247.8%
a. Dichotomy group tabulated at value 1.
Figure 10 :Services used
 Here we can see that highest number of services which is being used is Current and saving
account which is 32.7 %.
 Than the services of card is being used which is 24.8 % .
 Insurance is having 10.9 %.
 Locker facilities and term deposits are of 5.5 %.
 Than after loan facility is used which is 10.9 %.
Page | 39
 Investment is 9.3 %
 The least servise which is used is other services is 1.4 %.
Table 3 : Have you ever changed your previous bank or thinking to
change in future?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
No 171 82.6 82.6 82.6
Yes 36 17.4 17.4 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 11 : Change of previous Bank
 17 % of the target population have changed the Bank previously.
 83 % of the population have not changed the popultion previously.
Page | 40
table 4 : Factors affecting the selection of Bank
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Concenient Branch and ATM
207 1 5 1.54 .793
Brand & trust 207 1 5 1.69 .790
[Ambience] 207 1 4 2.00 .779
[Innovation and Technology] 207 1 5 1.70 .841
[Conduct of staff] 207 1 5 1.75 .796
[Availability of Product information] 207 1 5 1.81 .805
[Query Resolution Effeciency] 207 1 5 1.58 .777
[Attractive Proposal] 207 1 5 1.98 .908
[E- Banking Facility] 207 1 5 1.60 .875
[Recommendations of family and
207 1 5 1.93 .927
Valid N (listwise) 207
 Here 1 means extremely important and 5 means least important.
 Convienient branch and ATM location is having an mean of 1.54 means it is having an
highest importance among all.
 Ambience is having an mean of 2.00 means it is having an least importance.
 While Brand and trust is of 1.69, Innovation and technology is of 1.70, Conduct of staff is
of 1.75, Availability of product information is of 1.81, Query resolution is of 1.58,
Attractive proposal is of 1.98, E-Banking facility is of 1.60 and recommendation of
friends and family is of 1.93.
Page | 41
Table 5 : Factors affecting for the selection of bank for investment purpose
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
[Easy accessibility & Proximity] 207 1 5 1.62 .706
[Less documentation] 207 1 5 1.92 .817
[Staff Efficiancy] 207 1 5 1.71 .733
[Brand Image] 207 1 5 1.81 .860
[Loan facility(secured and
207 1 5 1.83 .829
[Variety of Products] 207 1 5 1.92 .939
[Low service charge] 207 1 5 1.66 .832
[Cash and cheque facilities
(Depositing, Withdrawal)]
207 1 5 1.73 .831
[E- Banking(POS machine, Payment
gateway, E net, etc.)]
207 1 5 1.66 .915
Valid N (listwise) 207
 Here 1 means extremely important and 5 means least important.
 Convienient branch and Easy accessiblity and proximity is having an mean of 1.62 means
it is having an highest importance among all.
 Less documentation and Variety of products is having an mean of 1.92 means it is having
an least importance.
 While staff effeciency is of 1.71, Brand image is of 1.81, Loan facility is of 1.83, Low
service charge is of 1.66 and Cash and cheque facility is of 1.73, E-Banking facility is of
Page | 42
Table 6 : Who is your main influencer when you choose the bank? (Only
one tick is allowed)
Percent Valid
Family 87 42.0 42.0 42.0
Employee/Personnel 37 17.9 17.9 59.9
Colleagues 18 8.7 8.7 68.6
23 11.1 11.1 79.7
Friends 29 14.0 14.0 93.7
Internet 13 6.3 6.3 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 12 : Main Influencer
 It shows tha 14 % of the influence is given by the friends for selection bank.
 17.9 % influence is given by the Employees.
 42 % influence is given by family.
 11.1 % by Promotional schemes.
 8.7 % improtance given by colleagues.
 6.3 % is of internet.
Page | 43
Table 7 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Very likely 45 21.7 21.7 21.7
Likely 80 38.6 38.6 60.4
Somewhat likely 54 26.1 26.1 86.5
Not at all likely 28 13.5 13.5 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 13 : Likelyness
 39 % o the people are likely to open an account in HDFC Bank.
 26 % are somewhat likely to open an accoumt .
 22 % are Very likely to open an account.
 13% of the people are Not at all likely to open an account.
Page | 44
Table 8 : Gender
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Male 150 72.5 72.5 72.5
Female 57 27.5 27.5 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 14 : Gender
 72.5 % of the Gender are male and 27.5 % are female.
Page | 45
Table 9 : Age
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
18 – 25 years 110 53.1 53.1 53.1
25 – 35 years 64 30.9 30.9 84.1
35 – 50 years 29 14.0 14.0 98.1
More than 50 years 4 1.9 1.9 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 15 : Age
 53.1 % are o the age 18 to 25 years.
 30.9 % are of 25 to 35 years.
 14 % are of 35 to 50 years.
 1.9 % are of 50 or more.
Page | 46
Table 10 : Occupation
Percent Valid
Student 53 25.6 25.6 25.6
Professional 36 17.4 17.4 43.0
Housewife 14 6.8 6.8 49.8
56 27.1 27.1 76.8
Salaried 47 22.7 22.7 99.5
Retired 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 16 :Occupation
 25.6 % are students while .5 % are retired.
 17.4 % are professionals, 22.7 % are salaried and 27.1 % are self employed.
 6.8 % are Housewife.
Page | 47
Table 11 : Income (Monthly)
Frequency Percent Valid
Less than 10,000 50 24.2 24.2 24.2
10,000 – 50,000 105 50.7 50.7 74.9
50,000 – 1,00,000 23 11.1 11.1 86.0
1,00,000 – 3,00,000 22 10.6 10.6 96.6
More than 3,00,000 7 3.4 3.4 100.0
Total 207 100.0 100.0
Figure 17 : Income
 24.2 % of population are having income less than 10000.
 50.7 % percent population is having an income between 10000 to 50000.
 11.1 % is having an income of 50000 to 100000.
 10.6 percent is having an income between 100000 to 300000.
 3.4 % is having an income of more than 300000 per month.
Page | 48
Different types of tests
o Kruskal-wallis test
o Figure 18 : Test between Occupation and importance of selecting bank
o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant
influence of occupation on Branch and ATM location, Brand and trust, Ambience,
Innovation and technology, Conduct of staff, Availability of product information, Query
resolution effeciency, Attractive Proposal, E-Banking facility and Recommendation of
friend and family.
Page | 49
o Figure 19 : Test between Types of Bank and Importance of selection of Bank
o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant
influence of Type of Bank on Branch and ATM location, Brand and trust, Ambience,
Innovation and technology, Conduct of staff, Availability of product information, Query
Page | 50
resolution effeciency, Attractive proposal, E-Banking facility and Recommendation of
friend and family.
o Figure 20 : Test between income and investment factors
o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant
influence of Income on Easy accessability and proximity, Less documentation, Staff
effeciency, Brand image, Loan facility, variety of product, Low service charge, Cash and
cheque facility and E-banking.
Page | 51
o Figure 21 : Test between type of bank and investment factors.
o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant
difference of Income on Easy accessability and proximity, Less documentation, Staff
effeciency, Brand image, Loan facility, variety of product, Low service charge and Cash
and cheque facility. But in E-Banking the value is less than 0.05, so there is a significant
difference between E-Banking and Type of Bank.
Page | 52
o Test between Likeness of selection of bank and occupation
Table 12 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Occupation
d Salaried Retired
What is
s to
bank in
11 9 2 11 12 0 45
Likely 26 15 3 19 17 0 80
t likely
13 9 5 14 12 1 54
Not at all
3 3 4 12 6 0 28
Total 53 36 14 56 47 1 207
Table 13 : Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 15.541a
15 .413
Likelihood Ratio 15.314 15 .429
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.760 1 .185
N of Valid Cases 207
a. 8 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .14.
Page | 53
Figure 22 : Likeness of selection of bank and occupation
o Very likely - Total 45 respondents are there out of which 11 are of Student, 9 are
Professional, 2 housewife, 11 are selfemployed,12 are Salaried,0 are Retired.
o Likely - Total 80 respondents are there out of which 26 are of Student, 15 are
Professional, 3 housewife, 19 are selfemployed,17 are Salaried,0 are Retired.
o Somewhat likely - Total 54 respondents are there out of which 13 are of Student, 9 are
Professional, 5 housewife, 14 are selfemployed,12 are Salaried,1 are Retired.
o Not at all likely - Total 28 respondents are there out of which 3 are of Student, 3 are
Professional, 4 are housewife, 12 are selfemployed, 6 are Salaried, 0 are Retired.
o Here chi square test is less than .05 so there is a significant difference between occupation
and Likliness.
Page | 54
o Test between Age group and likeness of selecting HDFC bank
Table 14 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Age
18 – 25
25 – 35
35 – 50
More than
50 years
What is
likeliness to
HDFC bank
in future?
Very likely 26 14 5 0 45
Likely 52 22 6 0 80
22 16 12 4 54
Not at all
10 12 6 0 28
Total 110 64 29 4 207
Table 15 : Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square 24.807a
9 .003
Likelihood Ratio 24.264 9 .004
9.623 1 .002
N of Valid Cases 207
a. 5 cells (31.2%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is .54.
Page | 55
Figure 23 : Likeness of selection of bank and age
o Very likely - Total 45 respondents are there out of which 26 are of between 18 to 25, 14
are between 25 to 35, 5 between 35 to 50 and 0 are more than 50.
o Likely - Total 80 respondents are there out of which 52 are of 18 to 25, 22 are of 25 to 35
and 6 are of between 35 to 50.
o Somewhat likely - Total 54 respondents are there out of which 22 are of between 18 to
25, 16 are between 25 to 35, 12 between 35 to 50 and 4 are more than 50.
o Not at all likely - Total 28 respondents are there out of which 10 are of between 18 to 25,
12 are between 25 to 35, 6 between 35 to 50 and 0 are more than 50.
o Here chi square test is less than .05 so there is a significant difference between Age and
Page | 56
o Test between Gender and Likeliness
Table 16 : Gender and Likliness Crosstab
Gender Total
Male Female
What is your likeliness to
select HDFC bank in future?
Very likely 36 9 45
Likely 53 27 80
Somewhat likely 38 16 54
Not at all likely 23 5 28
Total 150 57 207
Table 17 : Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square 4.262a
3 .235
Likelihood Ratio 4.406 3 .221
.021 1 .884
N of Valid Cases 207
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is 7.71.
Page | 57
Figure 24 : Likeness of selection of bank and Gender
o Very likely - Total 45 respondents are there out of which 36 are male and 9 is female.
o Likely - Total 80 respondents are there out of which 53 are male and 27 are female.
o Somewhat likely - Total 54 respondents are there out of which 38 are male and 16 are
o Not at all likely - Total 23 respondents are there out of which 5 are male.
o Here chi square test is less than .05 so there is a significant difference between Gender
and Likliness.
Page | 58
7.Findings & Conclusion
So here we have find that majority of the population prefer to have an account in private
bank and also majority of the population are likely to open an account in HDFC. Here we
have seen that very less number of people have changed an account from previous bank.
The main factor that the customer see is the location of the branch and ATM while least
important factor is the Ambeiance of the branch. While easy accessability is the main
factor for investing in the branch and variety of the produst is least important factor. The
main influencer while selecting the bank is the family.40 % of the population are likely to
select HDFC bank in future. In these survey 72.5 % of the people are male and 27.5 % are
female in which 18 yo 25 years of age people are the highest and people above 50 years
of age are lowest of which majority of population are self employed are self employed
and least are retired. Highest number of population is having an income between 10000 to
50000 and least number of people is having an income above 300000 per month. Also we
have found that self employed and salaried are the one who are very likely to open an
account with HDFC bank in near future. And also majority of the population are likely to
open an account with HDFC Bank.
So here the recommendation is Bank should increase the branch location and ATM location
while E banking is the second most important factor so Bank should also enhance the
techonology so the customer can use net banking facility easily. Bank should approach
customer having an good income so that they should be able to maintain the account. Also
maximum number of the population use the service of current and savings account. so Bank
should make a product of current and saving account to attract the population. after that card
services, Bank should make a card services more and more accurate so that customer can use
that with ease. Also because of the majority of the population is between 10000 to 50000,
Bank should made a products that can be maintained by these class of people. Also Bank
should make net banking facility user friendly so that customer can use that facility with ease.
Because people in india is not that much educated user freindly netbanking facility can be
very helpful. Also language is very important factor, net banking should be in home language
so that customer like housewife can use it for paying basic bills and other transactions and
also it will help to make digital india much faster. Also for current and saving accounts. Bank
should give flexibility in accounts so that different segment of the customers can use it like
customer can not use it according to its need like if Bank give only option of giving account
Page | 59
on balance of 10000 and 25000 because if customers is having different need than it will not
satisfy them. One more point is that students are very likely to open an account so there is an
opportunity of the students that they will open an account in Bank. So banks should make a
plan to attract the students and also that will be afforded by the students whos started an
earning at initial stage. Also flexibility should by like it should fullfill the need of high net
income profile and also of low income profile. Also bank should give financing facility like
lifestyle finance that will attract the customers. So it is very recommended to focus on the
flexibility of the accounts. Service is also one of the most important factor that Bank should
focus on. Because of the service bank are able to retain the customers. So service is important
factor because it will make the work of the customer very easy.
Page | 60
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Page | 64
Page | 65
 Questionair
Dear Sir / Madam,
I Chaitya Mehta, student of S.R. Luthra Institute of Management, is conducting "New to
Bank Acquisition:An insight of the factors influencing customers to select HDFC bank in the
Surat city. ". It is a part of my curriculum in pursuing the degree of Master of
Business Administration. Your response will help me in conducting this survey. I
appreciate your response and assure you that all the information provided by you will be
kept confidential. Each aspect will only be used for the research purpose.
1. In which type of Bank do you prefer to have an account?
□ Public
□ Private
□ Co-operative
2. Which of the following banking services do you currently use? (Multiple
ticks allowed)
□ Current, Saving A/c □ Term Deposits
□ Cards □ Loans
□ Insurance □ Investments
□ Lockers □ Others
3. Have you ever changed your previous bank or thinking to change in future?
○ No
○ Yes (Mention reason if yes)____________________________________
Page | 66
4. Rate the following factors on basis of its importance in Selection of Banks. (1 =
Extremely important, 5 = Least important)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Convenient Branch and ATM Location
2. Brand & Trust
3. Ambience
4. Innovation and Technology
5. Conduct of staff
6. Availability of Product information
7. Query Resolution Effeciency
8. Attractive Proposal
9. E- Banking Facility
10. Recommendations of family and friends
5. Rate the following factors behind choice of bank for investment needs. (Answer only
if applicable) (1=Extremely important, 5= Least important)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Easy accessibility & Proximity
2. Less documentation
3. Staff Effeciency
4. Brand Image
5. Loan facility(secured and .
Page | 67
6. Variety of Products
7. Low service charge
8. Cash and cheque facilities
(Depositing, Withdrawal)
9. E- Banking(POS machine, Payment gateway, E net,
6.Who is your main influencer when you choose the bank? (Only one tick is allowed)
○ Family ○ Promotional Schemes
○ Employee/Personnel ○ Friends
○ Colleagues ○ Internet
7. What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future?
○ Very likely ○ Likely
○ Somewhat likely ○ Not at all likely
Personal Details
1. Name: ________________________________________________
2. Gender: ○ Male ○ Female
3. Age:
○ 18 – 25 years ○ 25 – 35 years
○ 35 – 50 years ○ More than 50 years
4. Occupation
○ Student ○ Self-Employed
○ Professional ○ Salaried
Page | 68
○ Housewife ○ Retired
5. Income (Monthly):
○ Less than 10,000 ○ 10,000 – 50,000
○ 50,000 – 1,00,000 ○ 1,00,000 – 3,00,000
○ More than 3,00,000
6. Contact No.: _____________________________
7. E-mail ID: __________________________________________

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New to Bank Acquisition

  • 1. A SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT ON "New to Bank Acquisition: An insight of the factors influencing customers to select HDFC bank in Surat city. " At HDFC Bank Submitted to Institute code - 750 Instutute name - S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Under the direction of Faculty Guide: Dr.Jayshree Siddhpuria (Asst. Professor) In The Partial Fullfillment Of TheRequirement Of The Award For The Degree Of Master Of Business Administration Offered By Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad Prepared by CHAITYA MEHTA [Lot n. 2018-20, registration number 187500592061] MBA SEMESTER III Month and Year - July 2019
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  • 7. PREFACE As we know, in the modern competitive sector, only theoretical knowledge it can not work anymore. Today, in all sectors, research is needed to understand the current scenario, changing the situation and going to the bottom of the problems in order to develop an adequate knowledge of this area. The research work is about finding new ways to add value to this area and contribution to this particular area. Further research increases the depth knowledge of particular areas and also helps society in general. The main objective and the study were:- "New to Bank Acquisition:An insight of the factors influencing customers to select HDFC bank in Surat city. " I made my best efforts and listed the possible information later observing the activities carried out on the HDFC bank, to make this report a satisfactory report. It was a great opportunity and a memorable experience interact with the people who work there, collecting information about their work and acquire knowledge. Even from the respondents who provided suggestions for the same.
  • 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is a great pleasure for me to recognize a great help. the collaboration I received from my entourage to succeed completion of my project. I am grateful to the Gujarat Technological University who gave me the opportunity to do so undertake this research as part of my master's degree program in Business Administration. I am also grateful to S.R. Luthra Institute of Management to give me this opportunity. I deeply recognize the support of our respected director Dr. Jimmy Kapadia. I would like to thank Dr Jayshree Siddhpuria who helped me and guided me during the development of the project. Her support and advice in all respects, her encouragement and her worth the suggestion was decisive in the realization of this project. For complition of project, I would like to express my gratitude to the HDFC Bank Ltd. for giving me the opportunity to work. I sincerely express mine gratitude to Mrs. Pankti Doctor(branch manager) and other staff members members of the HDFC bank, Althan (Surat) because they helped me completing my project by giving their valuable time and information about their organization. I am very grateful for their supervision and supervision of the consultants provide the necessary information on the project and also for their support for the realization of the project. Finally, I would like to thank all those interviewed for their time and collaboration.
  • 9. EXECUTIVE SUMMERY The research “New to Bank Acquisition: An insight of the factors influencingcustomers to select HDFC bank in Surat city. "will help to understand about the customers expectations from banks products and services. This study aims at to give suggestions regarding banks offerings to the HDFC bank which helps to acquire new customers. In this, Questionnaire method has been used to know the response keeping the objectives of research in mind and collecting the information by conducting personal interview and for analysis of data SPSS software has been used. The entire research work has been divided into different sections. The first section titled “Introduction” deals with introduction to topic, Present Scenario of Banking Sector in India, Recent Trends in the Banking Industry and Indian Banking Sector in Global Perspective. The second section titled “Review of Literature” deals with survey of some studies relating to analysis conducted in the past. The third section titled “Research Methodology” describes brief introduction of research study. Last section contains the “Finding, Suggestions and Conclusion”
  • 10. Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 1. Introduction 01. 2. Banking Industry Profile 04. a. Global level of broking industry b. National level of banking industry c. State level of banking industry d. PESTEL e. Current trends f. Major Players g. Major Offerings 08. 09. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 3. HDFC Bank Ltd. 16. a. Company Profile b. Organogram of Bank c. Divisions/ Departments d. SWOT of Bank e. Market Position 16. 20. 21. 22. 24. 4. Review of Literature 25. 5. Research Methodology 34. a. Problem Statement b. Research Objective c. Research Design i. Type of Design ii. Sampling iii. Data Collection iv. Tools for Analysis v. Limitations of the Study 34 34 35 6. Data Analysis 37. 7. Findings & Conclusions 58.
  • 11. 8. Bibliography 60. 9. Annexure 65. List of Tables Tables Table 1 : In which type of Bank do you prefer to have an account? 37 Table 2 : Types of services customers using. 38 Table 3 : Have you ever changed your previous bank or thinking to change in future? 39 Table 4 : Factors affecting the selection of Bank 40 Table 5 : Factors affecting for the selection of bank for investment purpose 41 Table 6 : Who is your main influencer when you choose the bank? (Only one tick is allowed) 42 Table 7 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? 43 Table 8 : Gender 44 Table 9 : Age 45 Table 10 : Occupation 46 Table 11 : Income (Monthly) 47 Table 12 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Occupation 52 Table 13 : Chi-Square Tests 52 Table 14 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Age 54 Table 15 : Chi-Square Tests 54 Table 16 : Gender and Likliness 56 Table 17 : Chi-Square Tests 56
  • 12. List of Figure Figures Figure 1 : Network of Top Seven Banks in Gujarat 10 Figure 2 : Current Trend 13 Figure 3 : Major offerings 15 Figure 4 : Products 18 Figure 5 : Awards 19 Figure 6 : Organogram 20 Figure 7 : Market value 24 Figure 8 : Key financials 24 Figure 9 : Type of Bank Preference 37 Figure 10 :Services used 38 Figure 11 : Change of previous Bank 39 Figure 12 : Main Influencer 42 Figure 13 : Likelyness 43 Figure 14 : Gender 44 Figure 15 : Age 45 Figure 16 :Occupation 46 Figure 17 : Income 47 Figure 18 : Test between Occupation and importance of selecting bank 48 Figure 19 : Test between Types of Bank and Importance of selection of Bank 49 Figure 20 : Test between income and investment factors 50 Figure 21 : Test between type of bank and investment factors. 51 Figure 22 : Likeness of selection of bank and occupation 53 Figure 23 : Likeness of selection of bank and age 55 Figure 24 : Likeness of selection of bank and Gender 57
  • 13. Page | 1 1.Introduction New to Bank – Acquisitions Client procurement suggests to increasing new purchasers. Organizations and associations consider the expense of client procurement as a significant measure in assessing how much esteem clients bring to their organizations. The market for budgetary items is more packed now than any other time in recent memory, making it testing to catch new clients and meet execution objectives. Numerous money related organizations (FIs) are putting forth progressively liberal, eye-getting rewards advancements. Discovering new and progressively viable approaches to contact potential clients and win their business is a noteworthy upper hand. Here are five center focuses. 1. The relationship between acquisition growth control and the account switching process. The more difficult the switching process is, the greater the potential customers will go and go to a competitor. 2. Consider the attitudes, feelings and preferences of consumers that resemble them consider making the move. 3. Banks that have optimized their switching process have discovered that they can do so to be a differentiator to attract new customers to their marketing communication. 4. Financial institutions must identify the weaknesses of change process and what improvements can be made. Review the client Travel and determine Guide, Automation and Support & assistance is available when needed 5. Describe the steps you need to take now to improve your progress process and start opening multiple current accounts.
  • 14. Page | 2 Factors that aid acquisition  Personal variables  Technological variables  Service Quality elements  Convenience factor  Promotional components  Brand notoriety  Word-of-mouth proposals  Customer experience  Features  Assurance and Trust  Benefits As client frames of mind generationally and demographically change, it is continuously imperative to make a stride back and modify your securing approaches what's more, objectives to meet the customer's, not simply the bank's desires. Some fact about customer acquisition Importance of positive customer experience
  • 15. Page | 3  1% of the customers always feels that their customer experiance always meet.  86% of the customers can pay 25% more for better experiance.  89% of the customers stop doing business after bad experiance. cost of churn  One negative experiance can take 12 good experiances with them.  Average company losses 30% customers every year.  New customers cost 7 times more then existing customers. Positive business impact  Enterprises who raise their customers experiance score by 10% realized additional revanue of $1 billion.  Companies who raise their customer retention rate 10% increase their value by 30%.  Companies who lower their customer attrition rate by 5% achieved raise in company profites upto 95%.1 1 McKinsey White House Office of Consumer Affairs Forrester, The Business Impact of Customer Experience Bain & Company. better-service-experience.html
  • 16. Page | 4 2.Banking Industry Profile Introduction The banking sector is the most dominant sector of the financial system in Europe. India. The money related strength of business banks has improved assorted variety regarding capital ampleness, productivity, resource quality and hazard the board. A financial area satisfies three fundamental capacities in the economy: the working of the installment framework, the assembly of reserve funds and the allotment of investment funds to speculation items. Origin of the word bank: There is no consistency among financial experts of "bank" According to certain creators, "bank" is gotten from the word ancBancus or "bank" which is a bank. The primary brokers, the Jews of Lombardy, treated their issues available. At the point when a financier fizzled, his "bank" was destroyed by the general population. it was designated "Bankrupt". This historical background, be that as it may, is mocked by the reason that Italian cash changers all things considered were never called Banchiers in the Middle Ages. By and large, it is said that "bank" begins from Italy. in amidst the twelfth century there was a major money related emergency in Italy as a result of war. To adapt to the expenses of the war, the legislature of this period was constrained Loan marked for the nation's residents at the rate of 5% per annum. These credits were classified "Look at", "minto" and so forth. In Germany the word 'Monte' was called Bank. As per a few Authors, Bank derved from the word Banke. The word Bank is gotten from the word 'Banko' which means Bench. Jewish cash banks used to arrange their business sitting on seat in various markets. At the point when none of them were acclimated with not meeting their commitments, their "Banco" or their financial balance he would be broken by furious leasers. "Bankrupt" is by all accounts originates from the messed up bank. From that point forward, the financial framework has been made cash that gets business; it is appropriately contended that "bank"
  • 17. Page | 5 has originates from "Banco", whatever the beginning of "Bank" as Professor Ram Chandra Rao says, "It would follow the historical backdrop of banking in Europe since the Middle Ages.4 Today, the word bank is utilized as a total term for various establishments that complete certain budgetary exercises. By and by, the "bank" implies that he obtains cash from a class of individuals and still loans cash to another class of individuals for a premium or a benefit. Truly, the significance of a bank isn't indicated in any guideline or act. in India, various individuals have various implications for the bank. Ordinary pay the beneficiary knows the methods for the bank which is a reserve funds foundation, on a present record The proprietor or representative knows the bank as a money related establishment and numerous others. The bank isn't revenue driven, it makes worker investment funds exercises. History of bank The first banks were probably the religious temples of antiquity world, and have probably been established in the third millennium NEXT CHRIST. Banks probably preceded the invention of money. Stores at first comprised of wheat, at that point different items, including domesticated animals, rural items instruments, and conceivably valuable metals, for example, gold, as packed plates simple to convey. Sanctuaries and castles were the most secure spots keep gold as continually frequented and very much fabricated. As consecrated spots, the sanctuaries offered an extra obstacle to potential cheats. They are still there eighteenth century BC credit reports in Babylon that were made by the clerics/priests of the sanctuary to the shippers. At the season of the Hammurabi code, the financial framework was adequately created to legitimize the order of laws government banking. Antiquated Greece is additional confirmation of the financial segment. Greek sanctuaries, as private and common elements, these budgetary exchanges advances, stores, money trade and cash approval. there additionally credit confirmation, so in return for an installment from a client, a the loan specialist in a Greek port will compose a credit note to the client who could "gather" the ticket in another city, along these lines sparing the client from the risk of the tramway piece in his voyage. Pythius, who functioned as a trader broker all through Asia Minor in the early fifth century BC, this is the principal single financier whose documents we have. A significant number of the principal investors of Greek urban communities were "metics" or outside occupants.
  • 18. Page | 6 The fourth century BC observed more utilization of the credit-based bank a the Mediterranean world. In Egypt, since the most punctual occasions, wheat had been utilized as type of silver notwithstanding valuable metals, and state outbuildings function as the banks. At the point when Egypt fell under the rule of a Greek administration, the Ptolemies (332-30 BC), the many dispersed outbuildings of the legislature have been changed in a system of oat banks, brought together in Alessandria where the primary the records of all the upper room banks have been enlisted. This bank the system worked as a business credit framework in which installments were influenced move starting with one record then onto the next without burning through cash. Toward the finish of the third century BC, the parched island of Delos, in the Aegean Sea, is known for its radiant harbor and the acclaimed Temple of Apollo, it has turned into a significant financial focus. As in Egypt, money exchanges have been supplanted by genuine credits the receipts and installments were made based on straightforward directions with records held for every customer. With the destruction of his primary adversaries, Carthage and Corinth, by the Romans, the significance of Delos has expanded. Thus, it has been It's normal for Delos Bank to turn into the most imitated model from the shores of Rome. Old Rome idealized the managerial part of the financial division and saw more prominent guideline of money related establishments and monetary practices. refill enthusiasm on advances and enthusiasm on stores wound up higher created and aggressive. The advancement of Roman banks was restricted, be that as it may, the Roman inclination for money exchanges. During the rule of the Roman sovereign Gallienus(260-268 AD), there was a temperory break of the Roman financial framework after the banks have rejected the shrapnel of copper created by its monetary forms. With the ascent of Christianity, the bank subject to extra confinements as premium has been charged as shameless. After the fall of Rome, banks were deserted in the west Europe and did not spring up before the season of the reason. Incidentally, ecclesiastical investors were the most fortunate in the West world just as the information foundation called Monte di Pieta When Pope John XXII (or Jacques of Euse (1249 - 1334) was delegated in Lyon in 1316, living arrangement built up in Avignon. Common wars in Florence between adversaries Guelph and Ghibelline The groups prompted the triumph of a gathering of hired soldier families from Guelph in the city. They assumed responsibility for the ecclesiastical financial imposing business models of opponents from the
  • 19. Page | 7 adjacent city of Siena and They progressed toward becoming duty authorities for all of Europe. In 1306, Philip IV Jews removed from France. In 1307, Philips had the Knights Templar captured and had claimed their property, which had turned out to be informal fortune of France. In 1311, the ejection of the Italian investors and assembled their remarkable credit. In 1327, account Avignon 43 Italian financial organizations at maisons- In 1347, Edward III of England kicked the bucket obtained. Later there was the chapter 11 of Peruzzi (1374) and Bardi (1353). instructing the development of Italian banks in France was the start of the Lombard cash changers in Europe, here were going from town to town along the clamoring pioneer significant exchange courses. A key town around then was Cahors, origin of Pope John XXII and Figeac. Possibly it was a direct result of these starting points the Lombard is synonymous with Cahorsin in medieval Europe, e signifies "pawnbroker". The SPA of Monte dei Paschi of Siena (MPS) is Italy the most established enduring bank on the planet. After 1400, political powers revolted the techniques for the Italian financiers of free venture. In 1401, King Martin 1 of Aragon ousted them. In 1403, Henry IV of England prohibits him take benefits in any capacity in his kingdom. In 1409, Flanders imprisioned and after that ousted Genoese brokers. In 1410all Italian Merchants were removed from Paris. In 1401, the Bankers of Barcelona was evaluated. In 1407, the Bank of San Giorgio was established in Genoa. This bank ruled business in the Mediterranean. In 1403, the gathering of enthusiasm on the advances was viewed as lawful in Florence notwithstanding the customary Christian restriction on usury. Italian banks, for example, The Lombards, who had operators in the fundamental financial focuses of Europe, had makes advance charges. Legal advisor and scholar Lorenzo di Antonio Ridolfi was effective for a situation legitimizing the installment of enthusiasm by the Florentines government. In 1413, Giovanni di Bicci de 'Medici was named financier at the Father. In 1440, Gutenberg designs present day typography regardless of whether Europe he definitely knew the utilization of paper cash in China. The structure of the printing machine was in this manner changed, specifically by Leonardo da Vinci, to be utilized begetting coins for almost two centuries before the creation of printed banknotes. The thirteenth of 1390 silver west was short all through Europe aside from in Venice. The silver mines of Kutná Hora started to decrease during the 1870s lastly shut in the wake of being sacked by King Sigismund in 1422. Just about 1450 all monetary standards in northwestern Europe were shut for absence of cash. the last cash changer in the primary French port of Dieppe bombed in 1446. In 1455, the Turks attacked the Serbian silver mines and in 1460 caught the last Bosnian mine. The
  • 20. Page | 8 last huge Venetian silver was developed in 1462. A few banks in Venice have fizzled, as has the bank Strozzi in Florence, the second biggest in the city. Indeed, even the littlest of the little changes has turned out to be uncommon. The monetary and budgetary history of the cutting edge West is normally followed in London bistros. The Royal Exchange in London was made in 1565. Around then cash changers were at that point called brokers, in spite of the fact that the expression "bank" for the most part alludes to their workplaces and does not bode well done today. There was likewise a various leveled request between the experts; a the best were the financiers who were working with the heads of state and after that the city trades Lombard and down, lombards or second hand stores. European urban communities today have a Lombard street where the second hand store was found. At the time of Adam Smith (1776), the number of people the banking sector. Banks played a key role in the transition of gold and silver monetization based on paper money, repayable with the availability of the bank. It's an increasing globallness and opportunities in financial services completely changed the competitive landscape, as many banks now have showed a preference for the "universal Banking" model that prevailed in Europe. Universal banks are free to engage in all forms of financial services, make investments in corporate clients and exploit as much as possible a Single provider of retail and wholesale financial services. A. Global HomeBlog The value of the global banking sector reached $ 134.1 trillion in 2016 and will grow robustly until 2021, according to MarketLine MarketLine Blog The value of the global banking sector reached $ 134.1 trillion in 2016 and will experience strong growth until 2021, according to MarketLine. Posted on 25 April 2017 by Graeme Roberts Comments. The global banking sector has enjoyed healthy growth in recent years, recording a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% between 2012 and 2016 to reach a value of $ 134.1 trillion, according to data from the business. Search MarketLine. The company's latest report indicates that the Asia-Pacific region remains the largest region in terms of asset value, accounting for more than 42% of the global total in 2016. Europe followed with more than 38%. the United States continued to influence the industry with 12%. China has once again become the largest domestic market, with more than $ 31.8 trillion in assets. This equates to more than 55% of the entire Asia-Pacific region, demonstrating its importance regionally and globally. Nicholas Wyatt, project manager for MarketLine, said:
  • 21. Page | 9 "This is a double-edged sword because, despite the slowdown in China's internal growth, it remains very healthy by global standards. generate wealth and mobilize more people average to low credit rating Asset management is particularly dynamic thanks to a culture that attaches great importance to savings and all these factors in our dynamic growth projections double digit until 2021. " However, issues related to non-performing loans (NPLs) continue to cause concern, with the latest ICBC financial report indicating that NPL rates continue to rise. Wyatt continues: "ICBC is not alone: CCB, the Bank of Agriculture and the Bank of China have announced similar trends and Fitch estimates that nonplet loan rates in China could be 10 times higher than official rates This would make it a time bomb, which would typically require tighter credit conditions, but government participation in banks and the desire for economic growth could mean that this is not happening as expected and that China's industry continues to grow rapidly. " MarketLine also expects the United States to spur growth, especially if the Trump administration delivers on its promises of reduced banking regulation. "Although this may lead to another financial crisis caused by overheating of the sector and sunk debts, deregulation seems certain and should help stimulate growth, especially in the areas of consumption and business loans", concludes -he. Wyatt.2 B. National The Indian Banking system compresis 27 public sector banks, 21 private sector banks, 49 foreign banks, 56 rural banks, 1562 cooperative banks and 94384 rural cooperative banks, as a well cooperative credit institutions. During the year 18-19, total loans increased to a CAGR of 10.94% and total deposits reached a CAGR of 11.66%. India's retail credit market is the fourth largest in emerging markets. In December 2017, it reached 281 billion USD, against 181 billion USD in December 2014. Investments 2 robust-growth-to-2021-says-marketline/
  • 22. Page | 10  Beginning in September 2018, the Indian government established the Indian Postal Payment Bank (IPPB) and opened branch offices in 650 districts to achieve the goal of financial inclusion.  The total merger and acquisition value in NBFC's diversified financial and banking services in 2017 was $ 2.564 billion, $ 103 million and $ 79 million respectively.  The largest merger agreement for fiscal year 2017 was US $ 2.4 billion in the microfinance sectors of IndusInd Bank Limited and Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited.  In May 2018, total equity funds in the microfinance sector increased from 39.88 to 96.31 billion rupees (4.49 billion rand) in 2017-18, from 68.85 billion rand. (1.03 billion USD).  Also invested in pradhan mantri jan dhan yojna in 2018.  planning to invest 42000 cr in public banks by 2019 and nfuse the next tranche of recapitalisation by mid- December 2018.3 C. State Gujarat has one of the best banking networks in the country and the state banking sector is well supported by booming trade and industries. An article in Banking Frontiers indicates that SLBC's affiliated banks in this state have 9566 branches and 11,346 ATMs as of the second quarter of 2018-19. Public sector banks include 1,384 branches and 4,861 ATMs, with the SBI at the top of the list. Among the private banks, HDFC Bank ranks first, followed by ICICI Bank and Axis Bank. 3
  • 23. Page | 11 Figure 1 : Network of Top Seven Banks in Gujarat In the cooperative sector, the DCCB has 1355 branches and 226 ATMs. The Gujarat State Cooperative for Agriculture and Rural Development, or Kheti bank, has 181 branches and 25 branches and 23 ATMs. The Saurashtra Gramin Bank is the largest in the RRB, with 267 branches and 20 ATMs, followed by the Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank (258) and the Baroda Gramin Bank (245). The Jana Small Finance Bank has the largest network of 6 small financial banks, with 54 branches and 6 ATMs, followed by the UA Small Finance Bank (40, 40). According to the article, SBI, with deposits of 1.447 billion rupees and loans of 1.068 `billion rupees, is the leader. The total activity of all banks reached 12,451 billion rupees in 2222018-19, with deposits reaching 6,742 billion rupees and loans of 5,708 billion dollars.4 D. PESTLE Analysis of Banking Sector Banking industry influence all the nation. In any case, it is influenced by numerous components, especially to the administration and the economy. Political factors :- A tool for good guys The financial area appears to be almighty - however it is liable to a greater goliath: the legislature. Government can intercede in banking each time, leaving the part defenseless against political impact. This incorporates debasement between ideological groups or explicit 4
  • 24. Page | 12 administrative laws, for example, work laws, exchange confinements, levies and political security. Economic factors : - Easily influenced The financial division and the economy are connected. In addition, when swelling taking off, the bank is hit back. Expansion impacts the cash and its worth and causes precariousness. Outside speculators reconsider before giving their assets when the estimation of a cash of a given nation is high. Conversion scale they likewise influence worldwide banks - stable monetary standards, for example, the effect on the US dollar monetary standards, utilization examples and expansion rates of different nations. Sociocultural factors : - Consumers want ease Social impacts, for example, acquiring practices and needs, influence the general population see and use banking choices. Individuals are going to the banks for counsel and credit help to organizations, people and scholastics. Buyers scan for data from clerks on investment accounts, banking exchanges Mastercards, ventures and that's just the beginning. Technological factors : - Smartphones to the rescue Innovation is changing the manner in which shoppers deal with their assets. Numerous banks offer a versatile application to help with records, move assets and pay bills cell phone. Check cards likewise change. The chips have been set up, power clients to embed their cards into charge machines as opposed to slithering their. Indeed, even the banks themselves use innovation at their work environment. Media transmission is coordinated with virtual gatherings. Enviornmental Factors : -Reduced footprint With the utilization of innovation - particularly with portable financial applications - use for the card is diminished. What's more, the need to drive legitimately to a branch even the administration of the business is decreased to a base. In this way, diminish the individual condition impressions. Legal factors : - Strict guidelines
  • 25. Page | 13 The financial division pursues severe laws on security assurance, purchaser laws, and business structures to affirm the pioneers of the business. Like, how offices are required for clients in the appointed nation and for global clients. Legitimately, banks think about purchaser laws, exchange understandings, and security laws. They should likewise have a top notch data security with the expanding utilization of innovation in banking exchanges. E. Current trends in banking sectors 1) Machine Learning: The financial division is making incredible walks in adjusting AI. They put resources into innovation as a self-intervened conversational advertising device. This spotlights on and cooperate with client needs dependent on client information gathered over some stretch of time. Figure 2 : Current Trend 2) The advent of robots: Banks are energetic about the computerization of mechanical procedures (RPA). This uses programming robots or "bots" to impersonate human movement and in this manner can possibly communicate with clients as genuine human pioneers progressively. This liberates
  • 26. Page | 14 representatives who would now be able to concentrate on the worth included work they so seriously need. 3) AI Power: Computerized reasoning is the new sensation in the patterns of the financial part. Like other innovative advances, this has made a buzz and the financial segment is never again what we know up until now. Man-made brainpower arrangements are utilized to robotize dreary procedures in banks and improve the client experience. With the mechanization of banking forms, AI can extend client information and give data about their interests and inclinations. This has brought about altered administrations that emphasis on taking care of client issues and giving the most ideal arrangements continuously. 4) Cloud Computing: The financial area has seen the advantage of distributed computing just in parts. For instance, actualizing distributed computing in frameworks, for example, acquiring, HR, and so forth. However at this point, banks are moving their whole framework to the cloud. This has decreased the difficulties confronting the financial segment from numerous points of view, including diminished framework costs, expanded business adaptability and expanded security. 5) Digital payment and mobile wallets: Most areas have moved to advanced installment nowadays. Portable wallets are as of now in extreme interest available. The financial division has likewise entered the advanced installments and versatile wallet showcase, with an accentuation using a loan and charge card use, the site and the installment application. New installment strategies are picking up notoriety among educated clients as installment models are basic, reasonable and to a great extent secure. F. Major players  HDFC Bank  ICICI Bank  Axis Bank  Kotak Bank  State Bank of India  Canara Bank
  • 27. Page | 15  Bank of India  Bank of Baroda  IDBI Bank  Yes Bank G. Major Offerings Figure 3 : Major offerings
  • 28. Page | 16 3. HDFC Bank Profile A. HDFC Profile Incorporated - January, 1994 Tagline - We Understand Your World Mission - To be a World Class Bank Core Focus - Operational Excellence, CustomerFocus, Product Leadership, People, Sustainability Core Values - Trust, Integrity, Transparency, Professional Service Capital Structure - Authorized Share Capital of Rs 650 cr. Paid-up Share Capital of Rs 519,01,80Operational Excellence, CustomerFocus, Product Leadership, People, Sustainability Equity Share Face Value is Rs 2/- each Listed In - Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE), NSE, BSE Headquarter - Mumbai, India Website - Amalgamation with - Times Bank( 26th February, 2000) Centurion Bank of Punjab(23rd May, 2008) Branches - 4787 (2019) ATM's - 12635 Employees - 88000+ Customers - 4.9 cr + across 2748 towns and cities in 2019
  • 29. Page | 17 Business Profile HDFC Bank offers a broad range of banking services covering commercial and banking investment activity, retail wholesale, as well as bank and transactional / banking branches. The bank has three key business areas: Wholesale bank The Bank's benchmark market consists primarily of large, top-tier manufacturing companies in the Indian sector and, to a lesser extent, small and medium-sized businesses and agri-food companies. For these clients, the Bank offers a wide range of commercial and transactional banking services, including working capital financing, commercial services, transaction services, liquidity management, and more. These bank is one of the a leading provider of structured solutions combining liquid management services with supplier and distributer financing to facilitate superior supply chain management for it corporate clients. Based on its higher delivery / service levels and strong customer focus, the Bank has made significant progress in the banking consortia of a number of large Indian companies, including multinationals, domestic companies and leading companies in the public sector. He is recognized as a leading provider of liquidity and business banking solutions, mutual funds, stock market members and banks. Treasury Within this business, the bank has three main products: currencies and derivatives, money market in local currency, debt securities and equities. With the liberalization of financial markets in India, companies need more sophisticated information on risk management, advice and product structures. These prices, along with the good prices on various cash products, are provided by the bank's treasury team. To meet minimum reserve requirements, the bank must hold 25% of its government bond deposits. The treasury business is responsible for managing the returns and market risks on this investment portfolio. Retail bank Retail Banking's goal is to provide target clients with a full range of financial products and banking services, giving their clients a window into all their banking needs. The products are
  • 30. Page | 18 supported by world-class service and delivered to customers through the expanding branch network, as well as through other distribution channels such as ATMs, telephone banking, Net Banking and Mobile Banking. HDFC Bank Preferred for High Net Worth, HDFC Bank Plus and Investment Advisory Services have been designed to take into account the needs of clients looking for financial solutions, information and separate advice on the different avenues. investment. The Bank also offers a broad range of consumer credit products, including auto loans, marketable loans, personal loans and two-wheel loans. It is also a leading provider of Participant Depository (PD) services to retail clients, offering clients the ability to hold their investments electronically. HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch an international debit card in combination with VISA (VISA Electron) and to issue Maestro MasterCard debit card. The Bank began its credit card business at the end of 2001. As of March 2015, the card base (debit and credit cards) totaled more than $ 25 million. The Bank is also a major player in the acquisition market, with more than 235,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals enabling the acceptance of debit / credit cards in commercial establishments. The Bank is well positioned as a leader in various net B2C opportunities, including a wide range of Internet banking services for term deposits, loans, bill payments and more. Products Figure 4 : Products
  • 32. Page | 20 B. Organogram of Bank Figure 6 : Organogram
  • 33. Page | 21 C. Divisions and Departments Operations Service / Customer Service: The main function of each bank is to accept deposits from public bodies and to grant loans to the most needy sectors - production, trade, agriculture and implementation of government social programs. Customer Support. To this end, banks open numerous branch offices to expand their network to ensure quality and optimal customer service to meet the needs of their valued customers in order to expand their reach and develop their business capabilities. commercial. Banks offer different products to adapt to different segments of society: the elderly, women, children, students, etc. Treasury / Exchange Management Service: Banks have integrated treasury and foreign exchange management in order to have more synergy in their operations. This department is responsible for maintaining the statutory responsibilities as prescribed by the RBI as CRR, SLR. To this end, banks invest in government securities, bonds, corporate bonds and treasury bills. Even the Forex needs of its valued customers, the export units are managed by this department. Risk Management Department: After globalization, this department has become more vital because it has to ensure that the portfolios of banks are balanced in terms of risk perception. Credit, marketing, financial and operational risk factors are monitored and monitored to ensure that the bank is well managed and in line with Basel's global standards. It is usually under the direct control of management. Control Department: Internal control plays an important role and the credibility of a bank is judged on the basis of the number of frauds / financial losses. Banking management is more man-made. The Bank carries out a number of audits, such as simultaneous audits, solvency checks, internal audits in its branches according to the risk profile of each branch, to ensure that internal control and the branch are sufficient in accordance with the rules, systems and procedures. In addition to
  • 34. Page | 22 the internal audit by the bank's staff / representatives, the RBI and the statutory audit are conducted once a year in all the main branches of the bank. Information Technology Department: After computerization, these department is made up of technically qualified professionals who takes care of its basic banking operations, introducing the latest technology products such as mobile Banking, secure mobile banking. Gone are the days when the customer had to go personally to the banks to get their financial reports. ATMs are used in most banks to allow customers to withdraw their deposits at any time and deposit money after the bank's opening hours. This allowed the companies / traders to deposit their daily cash surplus largely on their account even after the closure of their assets 7 and 8 and the amount is posted to their account the same day. safe and secure way. Personal / Human Resources Department: The role of this department is staff recruitment, separation training in the banking sector in general, identification of vacancies, updating of existing employees with the latest technologies, motivation of employees provide better service to its customers, etc. D. SWOT Analysis Strength • HDFC Bank is the second largest private banking sector in India with 5103 branches and 12635 ATMs. • HDFC Bank is located in 2748 cities in India and has more than 1000 locations to serve customers via telephone banking. • The bank card of the bank is compatible with all national and international Visa / Master cards, Visa Electron / Maestro, Plus / cirus and American Express. This is one of the reasons why HDFC cards are the preferred card for business and online transactions. • HDFC Bank has a high degree of customer satisfaction compared to other private banks • HDFC's dropout rate is low and one of the best places to work in the private banking sector.
  • 35. Page | 23 • HDFC has received numerous awards and honors and received the "Best Bank" award from various financial rating institutions such as Dun and Bradstreet, Financial Express, Euromoney Awards of Excellence, Finance Asia Awards, etc. Weaknesses • HDFC lacks aggressive marketing strategies like ICICI • The bank focuses primarily on high-end customers • Certain product categories of the bank are underperforming and not marketed • HDFC stock prices often fluctuate and create uncertainty for investors. Opportunities • HDFC Bank has better asset quality metrics than government banks. As a result, earnings growth is expected to increase. • Large companies and SMEs are growing at a very fast pace. HDFC has a good reputation in terms of maintaining the company's payroll • HDFC Bank has improved its bad debt portfolio and the collection of bad debts is high compared to government banks. • HDFC Bank Has Excellent Opportunities Abroad • Greater space for acquisitions and strategic alliances thanks to strong financial position Threats • Gross Non-performing assets of HDFC Bank (NPA) increased from 1.30% to 1.36%. Although this is a slight variation, it is not a good sign for the financial health of the bank • Non-bank financial corporations and new age banks are on the rise in India • The HDFC Bank is unable to increase its market share, with ICICI posing a serious threat. • Government banks try to modernize to compete with private banks • RBI has opened up to 74% of funds to foreign banks to invest in the Indian market.
  • 36. Page | 24 E. Most Valued Bank Figure 7 : Market value Key Financials Figure 8 : Key financials
  • 37. Page | 25 4. Review of Leterature Huu Phuong Ta, Kar Yin Har(2000), had conducted a research on A study of bank selection decisions in Singapore using the Analytical Hierarchy Process and concluded that undergraduates place high emphasis on the pricing and product dimensions of bank services. The result are the interest of the bank managers because they provide informantion on the importance of selection criteria as well as areas of strength and weakness of banks. Rita Martenson, (1985), had conducted a research on Consumer Choice Criteria in Retail Bank Selection and find that Consumers do not choose their primary bank in a particularly conscious manner; The results of a survey of 558 Swedish bank clients and 53 bank branch managers revealed that the choice was random for one-third of respondents. However, the location of the bank, the availability of loans and the payment of wages by a specific bank are reasons for choice, as well as the influence of parental choice. The choice is probably the result of a correspondence between the image of the bank and the interests of consumers. Muhmmad Imitiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan, Muhmmad Fayzan Rafiq, Nayaz, Amber Osman(2012), had concluded in the research of Consumer Criteria for the Selection of an Islamic Bank: Evidence from Pakistan that Ten factors that include convenience, the quality of services provided by banks, Religious consumption, ATM availability, confidentiality, bank reputation and image, variety of financing options, high profitability and reduced service costs Recommendations from friends and relatives and friendly attitude and responsible staff of the bank were taken to study the consumption criteria for the selection of Islamic banks. the the results suggest that high profitability and low service costs are the most important factor religious reasons and quality of service for the selection of Islamic banks by consumers. Maran Marimuthu, Chan Wai Jing, Lim Phei Gie, Low Pey Mun, Tan Yew Ping(2010), had given special emphasis on factors that determine the acceptance of the Islamic banking system. this considers a sample of 450 respondents from the Klang Valley that he uses non- probability sampling. This study largely uses the face value and ordinal measurement scales and therefore not parametric This approach is adopted for statistical tests. The results indicate what costs-benefits, delivery service, convenience, the influence of friends / relatives has significant relationships with the acceptance of the Islamic bank.
  • 38. Page | 26 Carolyn Kennington, Jeanne Hill, Anna Rakowska(1996), had made a research on Consumer selection criteria for banks in Poland and concluded that Poles basically have the same simple reasons for choosing banks as consumers studied in other countries, very clear ideas about how banks could better treat them Because of the history of the Polish economy and the current state of transition, reputation and price issues may be more important for Polish consumers in relation to other countries. They are still relatively cautious in adopting new financial products but they show that they accept the redistribution of the financial responsibility of the state to themselves as individuals, and they look at for the best ways to manage their inflated funds. It seems, their comments and their relatively slow recovery more innovative products than banks I did not use particularly effective marketing strategies. However, the clear indication Benefits Requested by Banks and Identification of Specific Purchase Decision Criteria should make sense to the banks variables for better segmentation and targeting of the financial services market in Poland. Charles Blankson, Julian Ming-Sung Cheng, Nancy Spears(2007), had a purpose is to understanding the selection criteria for international consumers of banks using the United States, Taiwan and Ghana for illustrative purposes. The researc methodoligy used in these is the classical multi-step scale development process which demanded that thorough attention be paid to every step of the process. The study employed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to assess the reliability of the results. It concludes that open and liberal business climate appear to explain customers decisions. Dr. Wario Guyo, Noordin Adan(2013), had conducted a research on The Determinants Of Retail Consumer Choice Of Islamic Banking In Kenya and focused on four factors namely religious reasons, financial options, benefits and service costs and the characteristics of human resources. The studio has adopted a descriptive design. Simple random sampling was used to select 293 respondents from the customer database. Primary and secondary the data were collected using a questionnaire sent via email from the database. AT preliminary analysis was also performed to verify the reliability and validity of the instruments. The data it was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and presented using tables and figures. the the results show that the four factors collectively influence the choice of clients to invest with overwhelming Islamic banks. It is concluded that the factors religious values, influences least the choice of Islamic banking customers, while the range of financial options offered by the bank had the greatest influence. It has been recommended that leaders step up their efforts exploit the strongest factors as part of the strategic marketing tool.
  • 39. Page | 27 James Devlin, Philip Gerrard(2005), had conducted a research on Astudy of customer choice criteria for multiple bank users and concluded that The analysis uses an aquantitative methodology that includes 495 respondents. The results show that differences between the selection of a first bank and a secondary bank. The recommendations of others are influential and much more important important to suggest the choice of the secondary bank. Providing an incentive is also much more important to promote the choice of secondary bank, but it is less influential in terms of overall ranking of importance. Waiting time and minimal fees / overdraft fees they suggest less the choice of the secondary bank. The implications for marketing primary and secondary accounts are explored. Safiek Mokhlis, Nik Hazimah Nik Mat and Hayatul Safrah Salleh(2008), had concluded that The results of the factor analysis for the total sample indicate that the selection of the bank the decision is based mainly on nine selection criteria. 'Sure feelings' was the best important factor in influencing students in choosing a bank. The "ATM" services was the second priority factor then after "Financial Benefits". The following three criteria, ranked fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively, were "service delivery", "proximity" and "agency" "Position" that can be grouped into moderate factors. On the contrary, the students took into account "Non-influential people", "attractiveness" and "people's influences" ranked the seventh, eighth and ninth, respectively, did not play an important role in influencing their decision in the selection of the bank. It is interesting to note that the answers are not constitute a homogeneous group by sex, flow of studies, ethnicity and number of the savings accounts held have produced several priority factors in the selection of banks. Kaynak, Erdener; Kucukemiroglu, Orsay(2016), had find that on the survey of 106 people that The banking conditions in Hong Kong are for the most part parallel to those of many developed countries in the West. Respondents were divided into 56 frequent users and 50 infrequent bank accounts. There were statistically significant differences between the 2 groups. The high level of prompt and efficient service and the kindness of the banking staff as a reason for favoritism suggest that the Hong Kong banking sector needs to put more emphasis on staff training. The focus should be on improving the efficiency of banking transactions and developing interpersonal communication skills. Banks should also follow a market segmentation strategy. The success of Hong Kong's foreign banks is attributed to a strategy of providing high quality services to Hong Kong's banking market niches.
  • 40. Page | 28 Constantine Lymperopoulos, Ioannis E. Chaniotakis, Magdalini Soureli(2006), was intended to understand the buying behavior of bank customers in relation to the selection process and to provide bank executives with useful information on developing high quality customer relationships. The research involved a review of available literature on bank selection criteria, fieldwork, identification of factors that influence client choice, and changing management implications. A research questionnaire was administered through personal interviews with 1,092 clients of banks in the greater Athens area. Four distinct factors have been identified as the main selection criteria that influence the choice of consumer banks. The quality of the banking service is the most important element that customers consider in choosing their mortgage creditors and establishing a long-term relationship with them. The other three refersto products attributes, access, and communication. The limitation is to use a non-probability sampling method and a limited geo-geometric area. Čičić, Muris; Brkić, Nenad; Agić, Emir(2004), had concluded that Based on the research of 300 students, the main factors that determine the choice of student banks are: the reception in the bank, the kindness of its staff, the low cost of services, confidence in the management of the bank . The results also suggest that there are some differences from the bank selection process used by students in developed countries. An interesting point is that gender differences do not distinguish between attitudes towards banking services and bank selection. Factor analysis presents the elements of reputation, technology and financial conditions as the main variables for determining the number of students for banking affiliation and services. Mohammad Saif Noman Kha, M. Kabir Hassan & Abdullah Ibneyy Shahid(2007), conducted a study on the banking behavior of customers of Islamic banks in Bangladesh and found that, on a sample of 100 students, the researchers performed a complete analysis of the profile, a series of chi-square tests and t-tests. , as well as several key findings concerning the behavior of Islamic bank customers in Bangladesh. First, most of the clients of Islamic banks belong to the age group between 25 and 35 years. The clients of Islamic banks are highly qualified and have long-standing relationships with the banks. Secondly, there is a great deal of awareness and use by customers for various deposit mobilization tools, but there is not much awareness and use of the individual financing mechanisms of Islamic banks. Third, the income category and education play an important role in the use by customers of various products / services of Islamic banks. Fourth, customers seem satisfied with a number of
  • 41. Page | 29 Islamic bank products / services. Fifth, among the elements of service provision, "employees" deserve immediate attention to improve customer satisfaction. Finally, "religious principles" are the main criteria for selecting banks for Islamic bank clients, while customer demographics play a role in determining which selection criteria matter most. M Colgate, R Hedge(2001), concluded that the reasons for the change of bank could be classified into three main areas: service problems, price problems and refused services. The results showed that price problems had the most significant impact on switching behavior. On the contrary, customers tend to they complain more often about service failures before leaving the company. This result suggests that customers can remain silent about the problems they encounter the most important in their decision to leave the company. Anamitra Shome, Fauzia Jabeen, Rajesh Rajaguru(2018), noted that the decision to open an account in an Islamic bank is influenced by consumers 'expectations regarding the compliance of its operations with Islamic principles, as well as consumers' Arabic language skills. Variables so as consumer nationality, gender, education and familiarity with IB have no significant influence on the decision to open an account in Ismalic Bank. Nizar Souiden, Marzouki Rani(2015), had used a convenient sampling method with 188 respondents and found that the more a person feared God's punishment, the more he or she would develop a positive attitude toward Islamic banks. In addition, the more a person believes in Islamic laws, the more his attitude toward Islamic banks is favorable. However, the relationship between religious commitment (practice and interest) and attitude towards Islamic banks is considered insignificant. Other alternative models have been tested and the results indicate that neither fear, nor beliefs, nor religious commitment have a direct effect on the intention to purchase. Therefore, religiosity has an indirect effect on the intention to purchase Islamic banking through attitude towards these banks. Aysha Shahid, Talat Mehmood, Naveed Ahmad, Hussain Ahmad, Muhammad Nouman Shafique(2015), aimed at the preferences of Malaysian consumers for Islamic banking attributes and used both qualitative and quantitative methods, and found that the quantitative disclosure method of banking transactions preferred by the Malaysian Islamic Bank was typical of the Islamic banks' contribution service and also attracted the customer. The qualitative method shows that, due to religious beliefs, Islamic banks are better than
  • 42. Page | 30 conventional banks and that Malaysian customers are more interested in the Islamic banking system. Malaysian customers feel comfortable with the Islamic banking system. This is one of the most famous objects. We have collected data qualitatively to learn the favorite of the Malaysian participant regarding Islamic banking characteristics. Mosad Zineldin(2013), found that that in Sweden, there is not a single leading bank in all financial areas, but there are many leaders: a leader in terms of deposit base, a leader in terms of outstanding credit, a larger bank in business, and a leading niche bank. Show that functional quality is a bigger factor than traditional marketing activities. As expected, the convenience of location, pricing and advertising had less impact on bank selection. Kassim Hussein(2010), had found that Islamic banks generally tend to increase the level of consumer confidence because they are more capitalized than conventional banks, although conventional banks have had greater liquidity than Islamic banks. Consumer confidence levels or the discipline of depositors as indicated by deposits and customer financing related to liabilities generally appear higher in Islamic banks than in conventional banks. Luther Delton, Allan K.K. Chan(1991), The survey includes an analysis of the number of banks used by each person, types of services used in each bank, and the factors that influence this type of consumer behavior. Report this multiple banking transactions are widespread and are heavily influenced by factors such as risk reduction, convenience in terms of the number of branches and ATMs machines, the relative advantage of selected banks, prestige, credit needs and credit cards and special circumstances. The statistically significant differences were noted in the assessment of the relative importance of these factors on several points banking behavior based on gender, age, marital status, income and education discriminatory. Almossawi (2001), had used a methodology of analysis of the self-managed questionnaire with descriptive analysis and factor analysis (Bahrain) among 1,000 students and found that the main factors determining the choice of student banks were: banking reputation, parking availability near the bank, staff friendliness , the availability and location of ATMs. The results suggest that it may be necessary to treat students as distinctive segments with different priorities in the bank selection process. Chin Tiong Tan, C Chua (1986), reveals that the criteria for selecting traditional banks considered important by many bankers may be less important factors in the Oriental culture.
  • 43. Page | 31 It reveals that social factors have a stronger influence than other variables, probably because social and other connections are closer in Eastern culture and that consumers are more vulnerable to advice friends, neighbors and family. Service which is friendly is important when social factors are not taken into account. Position is not dominant factor because Singapore is a small city and most banks are conveniently located. David Cohen Christopher Gan Hua Hwa Au Yong and Esther Choong(2006), had foumd that the impact of several retention-relevant constructs that influence consumers’ decisions to stay with or leave their banks in New Zealand. Customers felt that these concepts had a significant effect on the loyalty of their banks. Demographic characteristics (age, sex, education level and income) were also evaluated to determine their contribution to intentions to stay or find another bank. The results suggest that the most important concepts were customer satisfaction, followed by corporate image and switching barriers. It has also been shown that age groups and the level of training of clients have helped to explain the propensity of respondents to stay in their current banks. Thabet A. Edris(1997), revised various segmentation analysis tools for banking marketing strategies. It aims to identify the relative importance of banking services to the needs of business customers and to determine the true determinants of bank selection decisions. The results of the profile analysis revealed that Kuwaiti, non-Kuwaiti and mixed companies had very different perceptions of the relative importance of many services offered by Kuwaiti banks. He argues that the real determinants of bank selection decisions made by professional clients are more likely to depend on the perceived importance of banking attributes and the differences between banks in a given region with respect to each of these attributes. List of the most important factors influencing bank selection. A multidisciplinary analysis demonstrates that belonging to a group of segments of corporate clients of different nationalities can be envisaged on the basis of the determinants of bank selection decisions. S Rao, DRK Sharma (2010), concluded that reliability is an important choice criteria, which includes courtesy of employees, parking, loyalty programs, brand, security system and low costs with the bank. Other factors, such as they also increased the importance of responsiveness and value-added services and convenience. Insurance factors, such as fast services, good rates interest and zero balance are also important in motivating choice of a bank.
  • 44. Page | 32 R.S.Bulomine Regi (2005), provides the result of variables like convenience, quality of service, price of products and services, safety and technology and concluded that these variables have a significant effect on the bank selection. Kenny Lam, Joydeep Sengupta (2013) reveals the fact that the universal Asian banks will have to be multi-talent innovators in at least one of three dimensions retail banking: distribution, credit risk management and customer analysis. The multichannel bank is maturing. Because the branch continues to be relevant, the bank must provide customers with a completely transparent experience in which information, the quality of transactions and communications are identical in all cases. channel. Focus on building deep relationships with selected sub-segments, focus on the excellence of the service provided at all points of contact with customers and strive make banking as simple as possible for customers. Leverage of technology can significantly increase the productivity of frontline sales and transform the sales force management. Michel Laroche, Jerry A. Rosenblatt, Terrill Manning (1986) concluded that Current account services are larger than those relating to savings accounts. Speed of service, convenience of location, the competence and kindness of the banking staff are also important. significant differences in attitudes and opinions between the sexes, language, age, income and education groups are revealed. These results come from a study conducted in Montreal, chosen for its high competitiveness banking environment. Adapt their marketing strategies to focus on satisfaction of the above characteristics, bank brokers may be better able to influence the market segments targeted. Mark Tucker, Christine Jubb (2018) The key factors used by students to select a bank in Australia was the responsibility of the bank, of the recommendations and outside influences, bank costs, returns and services and finally position. The main bank the products and services used by the students were ATMs, savings accounts, Internet and telephone banking and debit cards. Ahmad Jamal, Kamal Naser(2003), examined the determinants of customer satisfaction in the retail banking sector in Pakistan. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed randomly to clients of a specific bank in Pakistan. The results indicate that there is a strong link between quality of service and customer satisfaction. However, there was no relationship
  • 45. Page | 33 between customer satisfaction and the concrete aspects of the service environment. The paper discusses implications for banking management.
  • 46. Page | 34 5. Research Methodology Need for Research Because of increasing the new players in the market in banking sector, the competition level of the bank has been increased. So customers are getting more and more choices of selecting the bank. So it is very important that bank should know about the factors that affect customers to select the bank and how they make decisions to maintain the position of HDFC bank. Acquisition are directly related to profit. So the research aims to know the factors regarding the bank selection that can be helpful for the bank to Acquisition. A. Research Problem The research point that is explored in this research is the acquisition of new clients at the bank (NTB). These customers are those who have never benefited from the banking services or new services offered by HDFC Bank. This study focused on the opportunities and challenges of the acquisition process. At a deeper level, the research aims to better understand the factors influencing the acquisition of new clients and to analyze the reasons why HDFC banking is not used. Research Questions Research design made according to the following questions :- 1. Which type of banking services customers look for? 2. Does convenience have significant relationship on bank selection? 3. Who are the major influencers while selecting the bank? 4. What are the chances of selecting HDFC bank in future? 5. Does Brand image have significant relationship between selection of bank? B. Research Objective Prime Objective To study the how to acquire new customers in HDFC bank while understanding the selection criteria by new customers to select bank in surat city. Secondary Objective  To know the major influencers of customers while selecting the HDFC bank.
  • 47. Page | 35  To know the position of HDFC bank in mind of the people and willingness of the people to select HDFC bank in future. C. Research Design  Type of Design The course of action of conditions reasonable for accumulation and examination of information differs relying on the kind of research contemplate. For this examination Descriptive research configuration has been directed.  Sample Plan Target Population Any individual who does not uses HDFC Bank services in Surat city. Sample Population Customers who does not use service of HDFC Bank are the sample population. Sample size Total 207 respondent are chosen. Sampling Method Method is based on Non-Probability Convenience Sampling.  Data Collection Primary Data Instrument - Questionair Type of Questionair - Semi structured Questionair - Close Ended Questions Types of Scale - Multiple choice single response scale, Likert scale, five point Likert scale.
  • 48. Page | 36 Secondary Data Literature review and other relevant publications has been used to find out theoratical framework and also to know what early research mentioned.  Tools for Data Analytics  Microsoft Excel 2010  SPSS version 20.0  Benefits of The Study  The study will help HDFC to acquire new customers by offering the services according the preferences of the customers.  It would be of significant benefit for HDFC Bank in Surat to manage the exposure to the customer.  These will help to know the various factors that influence the customers to select bank and also help to provide offerings that will attract the customers.  Limiations  The data is collected not from specific zone, so there is an limitation fix areas.  The data is limited to 250 respondents because of time and cost constraints.  Some respondents may not answer the questionair properly.
  • 49. Page | 37 6.Data Analysis Table 1 : In which type of Bank do you prefer to have an account? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Public 68 32.9 32.9 32.9 Private 108 52.2 52.2 85.0 Co-operative 31 15.0 15.0 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 9 : Type of Bank Preference Interpretation  It shows that 52% of the target population prefer private bank.  33% of the target population prefer public bank.  Rest 15% prefer co-operative bank.
  • 50. Page | 38 Table 2 : Types of services customers using. Responses Percent of Cases N Percent $servicesa [Current, Saving A/c] 168 32.7% 81.2% [Cards] 127 24.8% 61.4% [Insurance] 56 10.9% 27.1% [Lockers] 28 5.5% 13.5% [Term Deposits] 28 5.5% 13.5% [Loans] 52 10.1% 25.1% [Investments] 47 9.2% 22.7% [Others] 7 1.4% 3.4% Total 513 100.0% 247.8% a. Dichotomy group tabulated at value 1. Figure 10 :Services used Interpretation  Here we can see that highest number of services which is being used is Current and saving account which is 32.7 %.  Than the services of card is being used which is 24.8 % .  Insurance is having 10.9 %.  Locker facilities and term deposits are of 5.5 %.  Than after loan facility is used which is 10.9 %.
  • 51. Page | 39  Investment is 9.3 %  The least servise which is used is other services is 1.4 %. Table 3 : Have you ever changed your previous bank or thinking to change in future? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid No 171 82.6 82.6 82.6 Yes 36 17.4 17.4 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 11 : Change of previous Bank Interpretation  17 % of the target population have changed the Bank previously.  83 % of the population have not changed the popultion previously.
  • 52. Page | 40 table 4 : Factors affecting the selection of Bank N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Concenient Branch and ATM Location 207 1 5 1.54 .793 Brand & trust 207 1 5 1.69 .790 [Ambience] 207 1 4 2.00 .779 [Innovation and Technology] 207 1 5 1.70 .841 [Conduct of staff] 207 1 5 1.75 .796 [Availability of Product information] 207 1 5 1.81 .805 [Query Resolution Effeciency] 207 1 5 1.58 .777 [Attractive Proposal] 207 1 5 1.98 .908 [E- Banking Facility] 207 1 5 1.60 .875 [Recommendations of family and friends] 207 1 5 1.93 .927 Valid N (listwise) 207 Interpretation  Here 1 means extremely important and 5 means least important.  Convienient branch and ATM location is having an mean of 1.54 means it is having an highest importance among all.  Ambience is having an mean of 2.00 means it is having an least importance.  While Brand and trust is of 1.69, Innovation and technology is of 1.70, Conduct of staff is of 1.75, Availability of product information is of 1.81, Query resolution is of 1.58, Attractive proposal is of 1.98, E-Banking facility is of 1.60 and recommendation of friends and family is of 1.93.
  • 53. Page | 41 Table 5 : Factors affecting for the selection of bank for investment purpose N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation [Easy accessibility & Proximity] 207 1 5 1.62 .706 [Less documentation] 207 1 5 1.92 .817 [Staff Efficiancy] 207 1 5 1.71 .733 [Brand Image] 207 1 5 1.81 .860 [Loan facility(secured and unsecured)] 207 1 5 1.83 .829 [Variety of Products] 207 1 5 1.92 .939 [Low service charge] 207 1 5 1.66 .832 [Cash and cheque facilities (Depositing, Withdrawal)] 207 1 5 1.73 .831 [E- Banking(POS machine, Payment gateway, E net, etc.)] 207 1 5 1.66 .915 Valid N (listwise) 207 Interpretation  Here 1 means extremely important and 5 means least important.  Convienient branch and Easy accessiblity and proximity is having an mean of 1.62 means it is having an highest importance among all.  Less documentation and Variety of products is having an mean of 1.92 means it is having an least importance.  While staff effeciency is of 1.71, Brand image is of 1.81, Loan facility is of 1.83, Low service charge is of 1.66 and Cash and cheque facility is of 1.73, E-Banking facility is of 1.66.
  • 54. Page | 42 Table 6 : Who is your main influencer when you choose the bank? (Only one tick is allowed) Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Family 87 42.0 42.0 42.0 Employee/Personnel 37 17.9 17.9 59.9 Colleagues 18 8.7 8.7 68.6 Promotional Schemes 23 11.1 11.1 79.7 Friends 29 14.0 14.0 93.7 Internet 13 6.3 6.3 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 12 : Main Influencer Interpretation  It shows tha 14 % of the influence is given by the friends for selection bank.  17.9 % influence is given by the Employees.  42 % influence is given by family.  11.1 % by Promotional schemes.  8.7 % improtance given by colleagues.  6.3 % is of internet.
  • 55. Page | 43 Table 7 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Very likely 45 21.7 21.7 21.7 Likely 80 38.6 38.6 60.4 Somewhat likely 54 26.1 26.1 86.5 Not at all likely 28 13.5 13.5 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 13 : Likelyness Interpretation  39 % o the people are likely to open an account in HDFC Bank.  26 % are somewhat likely to open an accoumt .  22 % are Very likely to open an account.  13% of the people are Not at all likely to open an account.
  • 56. Page | 44 Table 8 : Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Male 150 72.5 72.5 72.5 Female 57 27.5 27.5 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 14 : Gender Interpretations  72.5 % of the Gender are male and 27.5 % are female.
  • 57. Page | 45 Table 9 : Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 18 – 25 years 110 53.1 53.1 53.1 25 – 35 years 64 30.9 30.9 84.1 35 – 50 years 29 14.0 14.0 98.1 More than 50 years 4 1.9 1.9 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 15 : Age Interpretation  53.1 % are o the age 18 to 25 years.  30.9 % are of 25 to 35 years.  14 % are of 35 to 50 years.  1.9 % are of 50 or more.
  • 58. Page | 46 Table 10 : Occupation Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Student 53 25.6 25.6 25.6 Professional 36 17.4 17.4 43.0 Housewife 14 6.8 6.8 49.8 Self- Employed 56 27.1 27.1 76.8 Salaried 47 22.7 22.7 99.5 Retired 1 .5 .5 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 16 :Occupation Interpretations  25.6 % are students while .5 % are retired.  17.4 % are professionals, 22.7 % are salaried and 27.1 % are self employed.  6.8 % are Housewife.
  • 59. Page | 47 Table 11 : Income (Monthly) Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Less than 10,000 50 24.2 24.2 24.2 10,000 – 50,000 105 50.7 50.7 74.9 50,000 – 1,00,000 23 11.1 11.1 86.0 1,00,000 – 3,00,000 22 10.6 10.6 96.6 More than 3,00,000 7 3.4 3.4 100.0 Total 207 100.0 100.0 Figure 17 : Income Interpretation  24.2 % of population are having income less than 10000.  50.7 % percent population is having an income between 10000 to 50000.  11.1 % is having an income of 50000 to 100000.  10.6 percent is having an income between 100000 to 300000.  3.4 % is having an income of more than 300000 per month.
  • 60. Page | 48 Different types of tests o Kruskal-wallis test o Figure 18 : Test between Occupation and importance of selecting bank Interpretation o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant influence of occupation on Branch and ATM location, Brand and trust, Ambience, Innovation and technology, Conduct of staff, Availability of product information, Query resolution effeciency, Attractive Proposal, E-Banking facility and Recommendation of friend and family.
  • 61. Page | 49 o Figure 19 : Test between Types of Bank and Importance of selection of Bank Interpretation o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant influence of Type of Bank on Branch and ATM location, Brand and trust, Ambience, Innovation and technology, Conduct of staff, Availability of product information, Query
  • 62. Page | 50 resolution effeciency, Attractive proposal, E-Banking facility and Recommendation of friend and family. o Figure 20 : Test between income and investment factors Intrepretation o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant influence of Income on Easy accessability and proximity, Less documentation, Staff effeciency, Brand image, Loan facility, variety of product, Low service charge, Cash and cheque facility and E-banking.
  • 63. Page | 51 o Figure 21 : Test between type of bank and investment factors. Intrepretation o The test shows that the value is more than 0.05 which means there is a no significant difference of Income on Easy accessability and proximity, Less documentation, Staff effeciency, Brand image, Loan facility, variety of product, Low service charge and Cash and cheque facility. But in E-Banking the value is less than 0.05, so there is a significant difference between E-Banking and Type of Bank.
  • 64. Page | 52 Crosstables o Test between Likeness of selection of bank and occupation Table 12 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Occupation Crosstabulation Count Occupation TotalStudent Professiona l Housewif e Self- Employe d Salaried Retired What is your likelines s to select HDFC bank in future? Very likely 11 9 2 11 12 0 45 Likely 26 15 3 19 17 0 80 Somewha t likely 13 9 5 14 12 1 54 Not at all likely 3 3 4 12 6 0 28 Total 53 36 14 56 47 1 207 Table 13 : Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) Pearson Chi-Square 15.541a 15 .413 Likelihood Ratio 15.314 15 .429 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.760 1 .185 N of Valid Cases 207 a. 8 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .14.
  • 65. Page | 53 Figure 22 : Likeness of selection of bank and occupation Interpretation o Very likely - Total 45 respondents are there out of which 11 are of Student, 9 are Professional, 2 housewife, 11 are selfemployed,12 are Salaried,0 are Retired. o Likely - Total 80 respondents are there out of which 26 are of Student, 15 are Professional, 3 housewife, 19 are selfemployed,17 are Salaried,0 are Retired. o Somewhat likely - Total 54 respondents are there out of which 13 are of Student, 9 are Professional, 5 housewife, 14 are selfemployed,12 are Salaried,1 are Retired. o Not at all likely - Total 28 respondents are there out of which 3 are of Student, 3 are Professional, 4 are housewife, 12 are selfemployed, 6 are Salaried, 0 are Retired. o Here chi square test is less than .05 so there is a significant difference between occupation and Likliness.
  • 66. Page | 54 o Test between Age group and likeness of selecting HDFC bank Table 14 : What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? * Age Crosstabulation Count Age Total 18 – 25 years 25 – 35 years 35 – 50 years More than 50 years What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? Very likely 26 14 5 0 45 Likely 52 22 6 0 80 Somewhat likely 22 16 12 4 54 Not at all likely 10 12 6 0 28 Total 110 64 29 4 207 Table 15 : Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 24.807a 9 .003 Likelihood Ratio 24.264 9 .004 Linear-by-Linear Association 9.623 1 .002 N of Valid Cases 207 a. 5 cells (31.2%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .54.
  • 67. Page | 55 Figure 23 : Likeness of selection of bank and age Interpretation o Very likely - Total 45 respondents are there out of which 26 are of between 18 to 25, 14 are between 25 to 35, 5 between 35 to 50 and 0 are more than 50. o Likely - Total 80 respondents are there out of which 52 are of 18 to 25, 22 are of 25 to 35 and 6 are of between 35 to 50. o Somewhat likely - Total 54 respondents are there out of which 22 are of between 18 to 25, 16 are between 25 to 35, 12 between 35 to 50 and 4 are more than 50. o Not at all likely - Total 28 respondents are there out of which 10 are of between 18 to 25, 12 are between 25 to 35, 6 between 35 to 50 and 0 are more than 50. o Here chi square test is less than .05 so there is a significant difference between Age and Likliness.
  • 68. Page | 56 o Test between Gender and Likeliness Table 16 : Gender and Likliness Crosstab Count Gender Total Male Female What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? Very likely 36 9 45 Likely 53 27 80 Somewhat likely 38 16 54 Not at all likely 23 5 28 Total 150 57 207 Table 17 : Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 4.262a 3 .235 Likelihood Ratio 4.406 3 .221 Linear-by-Linear Association .021 1 .884 N of Valid Cases 207 a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 7.71.
  • 69. Page | 57 Figure 24 : Likeness of selection of bank and Gender Interpretation o Very likely - Total 45 respondents are there out of which 36 are male and 9 is female. o Likely - Total 80 respondents are there out of which 53 are male and 27 are female. o Somewhat likely - Total 54 respondents are there out of which 38 are male and 16 are female. o Not at all likely - Total 23 respondents are there out of which 5 are male. o Here chi square test is less than .05 so there is a significant difference between Gender and Likliness.
  • 70. Page | 58 7.Findings & Conclusion So here we have find that majority of the population prefer to have an account in private bank and also majority of the population are likely to open an account in HDFC. Here we have seen that very less number of people have changed an account from previous bank. The main factor that the customer see is the location of the branch and ATM while least important factor is the Ambeiance of the branch. While easy accessability is the main factor for investing in the branch and variety of the produst is least important factor. The main influencer while selecting the bank is the family.40 % of the population are likely to select HDFC bank in future. In these survey 72.5 % of the people are male and 27.5 % are female in which 18 yo 25 years of age people are the highest and people above 50 years of age are lowest of which majority of population are self employed are self employed and least are retired. Highest number of population is having an income between 10000 to 50000 and least number of people is having an income above 300000 per month. Also we have found that self employed and salaried are the one who are very likely to open an account with HDFC bank in near future. And also majority of the population are likely to open an account with HDFC Bank. 8.Recommendation So here the recommendation is Bank should increase the branch location and ATM location while E banking is the second most important factor so Bank should also enhance the techonology so the customer can use net banking facility easily. Bank should approach customer having an good income so that they should be able to maintain the account. Also maximum number of the population use the service of current and savings account. so Bank should make a product of current and saving account to attract the population. after that card services, Bank should make a card services more and more accurate so that customer can use that with ease. Also because of the majority of the population is between 10000 to 50000, Bank should made a products that can be maintained by these class of people. Also Bank should make net banking facility user friendly so that customer can use that facility with ease. Because people in india is not that much educated user freindly netbanking facility can be very helpful. Also language is very important factor, net banking should be in home language so that customer like housewife can use it for paying basic bills and other transactions and also it will help to make digital india much faster. Also for current and saving accounts. Bank should give flexibility in accounts so that different segment of the customers can use it like customer can not use it according to its need like if Bank give only option of giving account
  • 71. Page | 59 on balance of 10000 and 25000 because if customers is having different need than it will not satisfy them. One more point is that students are very likely to open an account so there is an opportunity of the students that they will open an account in Bank. So banks should make a plan to attract the students and also that will be afforded by the students whos started an earning at initial stage. Also flexibility should by like it should fullfill the need of high net income profile and also of low income profile. Also bank should give financing facility like lifestyle finance that will attract the customers. So it is very recommended to focus on the flexibility of the accounts. Service is also one of the most important factor that Bank should focus on. Because of the service bank are able to retain the customers. So service is important factor because it will make the work of the customer very easy.
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  • 77. Page | 65 Annexture  Questionair Dear Sir / Madam, I Chaitya Mehta, student of S.R. Luthra Institute of Management, is conducting "New to Bank Acquisition:An insight of the factors influencing customers to select HDFC bank in the Surat city. ". It is a part of my curriculum in pursuing the degree of Master of Business Administration. Your response will help me in conducting this survey. I appreciate your response and assure you that all the information provided by you will be kept confidential. Each aspect will only be used for the research purpose. 1. In which type of Bank do you prefer to have an account? □ Public □ Private □ Co-operative 2. Which of the following banking services do you currently use? (Multiple ticks allowed) □ Current, Saving A/c □ Term Deposits □ Cards □ Loans □ Insurance □ Investments □ Lockers □ Others 3. Have you ever changed your previous bank or thinking to change in future? ○ No ○ Yes (Mention reason if yes)____________________________________
  • 78. Page | 66 4. Rate the following factors on basis of its importance in Selection of Banks. (1 = Extremely important, 5 = Least important) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Convenient Branch and ATM Location 2. Brand & Trust 3. Ambience 4. Innovation and Technology 5. Conduct of staff 6. Availability of Product information 7. Query Resolution Effeciency 8. Attractive Proposal 9. E- Banking Facility 10. Recommendations of family and friends 5. Rate the following factors behind choice of bank for investment needs. (Answer only if applicable) (1=Extremely important, 5= Least important) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Easy accessibility & Proximity 2. Less documentation 3. Staff Effeciency 4. Brand Image 5. Loan facility(secured and . unsecured)
  • 79. Page | 67 6. Variety of Products 7. Low service charge 8. Cash and cheque facilities (Depositing, Withdrawal) 9. E- Banking(POS machine, Payment gateway, E net, etc.) 6.Who is your main influencer when you choose the bank? (Only one tick is allowed) ○ Family ○ Promotional Schemes ○ Employee/Personnel ○ Friends ○ Colleagues ○ Internet 7. What is your likeliness to select HDFC bank in future? ○ Very likely ○ Likely ○ Somewhat likely ○ Not at all likely Personal Details 1. Name: ________________________________________________ 2. Gender: ○ Male ○ Female 3. Age: ○ 18 – 25 years ○ 25 – 35 years ○ 35 – 50 years ○ More than 50 years 4. Occupation ○ Student ○ Self-Employed ○ Professional ○ Salaried
  • 80. Page | 68 ○ Housewife ○ Retired 5. Income (Monthly): ○ Less than 10,000 ○ 10,000 – 50,000 ○ 50,000 – 1,00,000 ○ 1,00,000 – 3,00,000 ○ More than 3,00,000 6. Contact No.: _____________________________ 7. E-mail ID: __________________________________________