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Building a just and
democratic Israel for
                               30                               years

                                   30 TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER
Building a just and
     democratic Israel for
                                                   30                     years

                                      30TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER


Stuart Pollak President, San Francisco Regional Board
Rabbi Brian Lurie

Member of Knesset Avishay Braverman, Minister of Minority Affairs



Naomi Chazan President, New Israel Fund
Rabbi Brian Lurie
Rebecca Katz Chair, New Generations Board, San Francisco

David Broza
                                                  NIF is founded by Jonathan J. Cohen and Ellie
                                                  Friedman. $80,000 in grants is distributed
                                                  to 20 organizations throughout Israel. NIF
                                                  becomes the major supporter of the emerging
    30th Anniversary                              Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI),
     Achievements                                 helping grow ACRI into the country’s leading
                                                  human rights organization.

                                            MUSICAL PERFORMER

                                            David Broza
                                            Israeli superstar David Broza brings captivating,
                                            flamenco and salsa-tinged performances in
                                            English, Hebrew and Spanish to audiences
                                            worldwide. Headlining with artists such as Paul
                                            Simon, Bob Dylan, and Van Morrison, Broza
                                            has built a reputation as a dynamic and vibrant

                                            David Broza is also well known for his commitment
                                            to humanitarian causes and using music to inspire
                                            social change. As a musician, he has spread the
                                            message of peace worldwide, above all with his
                                            hit song Yihye Tov (“Things Will Get Better”) which
                                            is an anthem of the Israeli peace movement and
                                            which we will hear tonight.

2   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
1980                  1981                                                         1982
NIF initiates                             NIF grantees – Interns for Peace,        NIF establishes SHATIL
community                                 Neve Shalom and Shutafut –               (“seedling” in Hebrew) to
organizing and                            take the lead in creating a network      increase NIF’s impact by
citizen activism to                       of organizations to facilitate greater   providing consulting and
renew low-income                          communications and cooperation           training to social change
neighborhoods.                            between Arabs and Jews.                  organizations.


Member of Knesset      Avishay Braverman
Minister of Minority Affairs

A member of the Israeli Knesset for the Labor Party since April
2006, Professor Avishay Braverman is the Israeli government’s
Minister of Minority Affairs. As such, he focuses on the economic,
social, and educational challenges Israel faces in the 21st century,
with emphasis on partnership with and equality for Israel’s
Arab citizens.

Previously, Professor Braverman served as President of
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (1990–2006). He holds a
PhD in economics from Stanford University and served as a
Senior Economist and Division Chief for the World Bank (1977–
1990) where he led research, policy work and project evaluation
throughout South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and
Eastern Europe, emphasizing balanced economic development
and social justice.

                                                    NEW ISRAEL FUND     | 30th Anniversary Dinner              3
1983                                1984                           1985
               NIF names            NIF’s fundraising exceeds                  NIF addresses the status of
               Avraham Burg         $1 million. NIF and the                    women in Israel by funding
               the first NIF         Washington College of Law                  the Israel Women’s
               Leadership Fellow.   at American University in                  Network, a non-partisan
                                    Washington, DC launch the                  coalition founded by
                                    US-Israel Civil Liberties                  Professor Alice Shalvi.
                                    Law Program to build
                                    Israel’s public interest and
                                    civil rights bar.


                                    Naomi Chazan New Israel Fund Board President
                                    Naomi Chazan, former Israeli Knesset Deputy Speaker and
                                    leading human rights activist, began her new role as president of
                                    the New Israel Fund in June 2008. She is Professor Emerita
                                    of Political Science and African Studies at the Hebrew University
                                    of Jerusalem, where she served as Chair of the Harry S. Truman
                                    Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace. Chazan
                                    currently serves as Head of the School of Government and
                                    Society at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo. She has been
                                    a Visiting Professor of Government at Harvard University and
                                    spent the academic year 2004–2005 as the Wilhelm Fellow at
                                    the Center for International Studies at MIT. She is an outspoken
                                    leader in the struggle for women’s rights, civil rights, religious
                                    freedom, pluralism and peace.

4   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
1986                                          1987                           1988
The High Court of Justice rules unanimously   SHATIL serves over 100         Seeing the polarization and escalating
in favor of Shoshana Miller, an American      organizations working in       violence emanating from the Intifada,
immigrant converted to Judaism by a           the areas of Jewish-Arab       NIF establishes a special fund to
Reform rabbi in the US, registering her as    coexistence, women’s rights,   address threats to Israel’s democracy.
a Jew on her identity card. The decision      neighborhood advocacy,         B’Tselem: The Israel Information
validates the Jewish status of immigrants     civil and human rights, and    Center for Human Rights is
converted under non-Orthodox auspices.        community development.         awarded a special grant.
NIF-funded grantees, including Hemdat,
play a leading role in this landmark
decision, the first of many to follow over
the next 20 years.


Eliezer Ya’ari
Eliezer Ya’ari has served as the New Israel Fund’s Executive
Director in Israel for 12 years. A native of Jerusalem, Ya’ari
began his career in the Israeli Air Force as a combat pilot. He
joined soon after the 1967 war and served until 1976, retiring
with the rank of Major. He then joined the staff of the Israel
Broadcasting Authority and in 1992 became Director of
Programs. During his three-year term at the Israel Broadcasting
Authority, Eliezer was in charge of all television productions.
Before joining NIF in 1997, Ya’ari studied Public Administration
as a Wexner Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University.

We pay tribute to Eliezer’s exceptional years of service to the
New Israel Fund.

                                                       NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner               5
1989                                                       1990
                      The threats of growing anti-                 NIF meets the challenges posed by the
                      democratic values and extremism              unprecedented aliyah of Soviet Jews to
                      mobilize Israelis to channel their           Israel by launching the Soviet Aliyah
                      energies into the voluntary non-             Fund to support organizations serving
                      profit sector. With NIF support,              immigrants. SHATIL works actively with
                      hundreds of organizations                    self-help groups involved in the absorption
                      emerge, promoting democracy                  of immigrants from the former Soviet
                      and tolerance throughout Israel.             Union. NIF supports the creation of the
                                                                   Association of Rape Crisis Centers.

                                     GUARDIAN OF DEMOCRACY AWARD

                                     Rabbi Brian Lurie
                                     Rabbi Lurie is a longtime supporter of the New Israel Fund and
                                     eminent leader of the local, national, and international Jewish
                                     community. He served for seventeen years as Executive Director
                                     of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the
                                     Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties and for five years as
                                     President of the San Francisco Jewish Museum. He also worked
                                     as Executive Vice President of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA),
                                     where he was instrumental in launching the second phase of
                                     Operation Exodus. In recent years, his vision for progressive
                                     change in Israel has inspired a broad movement to support the
                                     rights of Israel’s Arab citizens—the Inter-Agency Task Force on
                                     Israeli Arab Issues—which he currently co-chairs.

6   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
1991                                                                    1992
Sikkuy is established in response to growing concern over the           New Generations is established in New York,
gaps between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. Its first report,       Boston and Washington, DC to attract the next
produced in cooperation with the National Council for the               generation of leaders and philanthropists to NIF’s
Child, documents severe social gaps between Arab and Jewish             mission. NIF funds Menukha Nekhona: The
children. The National Council for the Child, the leading               Association for Eternal Rest following the High
advocate for children’s rights in Israel, scores a series of ground-    Court of Justice victory establishing the right to
breaking achievements, through its Center for the Child and             non-Orthodox burial.
the Law, headed by NIF law fellow Tamar Morag.


Rebecca Katz
Rebecca Katz is a driving force within the young NIF community.
As a dynamic New Generations Board Chair, she has provided
leadership, inspired grassroots organizing among Board
members, and co-chaired two Benefits. Rebecca has toured,
led programs to, and lived in Israel eight times. She became
involved in NIF both because of her commitment to social
justice and her desire for Israel to be a country that embodies
those principals. A Bay Area native, Rebecca spent 10 years as
a San Francisco Deputy City Attorney and currently works on
ensuring the welfare of other living beings as the Director of the
San Francisco Department of Animal Care & Control.

                                                               NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner                   7
1993                                                       1994
                  SHATIL initiates a campaign to reunite   In light of the 1993 breakthrough in Oslo, NIF creates
                  Ethiopian Jews with family members       new opportunities to help Israelis prepare the ground
                  who remained behind in Ethiopia          for peace. NIF supports the Adam Institute to instill
                  and implements programs to assist        a deeper understanding of democratic values, and the
                  Ethiopians in their absorption into      Association for Civil Rights in Israel to provide civil
                  Israeli society. The New Israel Fund     and human rights training to police, prison and other
                  of Great Britain is launched.            security service personnel.

                                     AJEEC – The Arab-Jewish Center for
                                     Equality, Empowerment, and Cooperation

on NIF                                                  AJEEC (Arabic for “I am coming towards you”)
                                                        advances the status of Arab Bedouins and
                                                        promotes cooperation between Bedouin and
                                                        Jewish Israelis. The organization’s work is
                                                        based on encouraging volunteerism, mutual
                Miriam Fligelman        AMAL ELSANA
                                                        assistance, and community responsibility as
                Levy was an           DIRECTOR OF AJEEC necessary components of a vibrant democratic
                innovator and
                                                        society; and the belief that if Jews and Arabs
                a social thinker
                who, along with      work together, they can create a more equitable and just Israel.
                her husband
Irving, dedicated her life to        AJEEC’s educational programs include a project that brings
bridge building. Her legacy and      young Jewish and Bedouin Israelis together to benefit both
her commitment to these values       communities. Each year a group of outstanding high school
are carried on by her daughter
Judith Levy Sender and by her
                                     graduates—10 Bedouin and 10 Jewish—are chosen to
sons Joseph Fligelman Levy and       undertake a year of joint full-time community service. The
John Fligelman Levy.                 volunteers undergo an intensive training program before and
                                     during their work in the community. In addition, the volunteers
                                     receive professional guidance preparing them for the task of
                                     tutoring and conducting after-school enrichment activities for
                                     Jewish and Arab schoolchildren.

8   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
1995                                                                  1996
NIF’s fundraising exceeds $10 million. The High Court of                              In the wake of the assassination
Justice delivers a landmark decision granting women the                               of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin,
right to volunteer for pilot training in the Israeli Air Force                        NIF responds with the Campaign
resulting from advocacy by NIF grantees Israel Women’s                                for Tolerance, Dialogue and
Network and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.                               Democracy, launched by President
                                                                                      Ezer Weizman.

Mixed Cities Project

                         Last fall, violence broke out between the Arab                           Spotlight
                         and Jewish residents of Akko, heightening the
                         tension between the two populations. With
                                                                                                    on NIF
                         these events as a backdrop, the Mixed Cities
                         Project has taken on new importance for NIF.
                         As the only organization with a major focus
                         and presence in Israel’s mixed cities, NIF                                  Susie Coliver and
                         believes that tackling these societal divides are                           Sandy Coliver
                         imperative to the health of Israeli democracy.                              established the
                                                                                                     Fund in 2002
Five of Israel’s cities have mixed Arab and Jewish populations—                                      to recognize
Akko, Haifa, Jaffa, Lod and Ramle. Arab Israeli residents generally                                  and remember
                                                                                      their mother Edith Coliver’s
lack equal access to health care, parks, education and social                         tremendous contribution to
services compared with their Jewish neighbors. Because building                       the cause of human and civil
and expansion permits are rarely issued to Arab families, many                        rights. Always with an open
                                                                                      heart and an open mind, Edith
live under the looming threat of home demolition, with about
                                                                                      brought great thoughtfulness
650 current demolition orders issued for Lod and Ramle.                               and genuine compassion to
                                                                                      her activism on behalf of a just
Launched in 2003, NIF’s acclaimed Mixed Cities Project                                and tolerant Israeli society. Her
promotes the idea of a shared society and, in particular, the                         service on the International
rights of Arab Israelis in these cities. Since its establishment, the                 and Regional Boards of NIF
                                                                                      was emblematic of her lifelong
project has succeeded in freezing dozens of home demolition                           commitment to human rights
orders and setting up neighborhood forums for promoting                               and democratic values.
housing and education rights.

                                                                 NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner              9
1997                                                        1998
NIF leads the “Who is a Jew” campaign in the                NIF launches “Israel Signing Anew,” inviting Israeli
US, advocating for religious pluralism in Israel. NIF       citizens to reaffirm the values of their Declaration of
grantee Kav La Oved receives and processes nearly           Independence. The campaign generates 532,789 signatures
900 new complaints of labor rights violations and           including those of former President Ezer Weizman, then
succeeds in securing more than $400,000 in unpaid           former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former
wages and salary benefits.                                   Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

                                          DINNER CHAIRS                         DINNER COMMITTEE
                                          Steve Abel                            Joanne Abel
                                          Candice Gold✽                         Al Baum
 Thank you                                Nancy Goldberg                        Michael Bien✽
                                          Leslie Kane✽                          Susan Bluer
                                          Ari Lurie                             Doris and George Krevsky✽
                                          Daniel Lurie                          Leslie R. Katz
                                                                                Hilary Kushins✶
                                                                                Sherry Morse✽
                                                                                Lee Pollak
                                                                                Diane Rosenberg✽
                                                                                Seth Skolnick✽
                                                                                Bonnie Tenenbaum✽✹
                                                                                Marilyn Weisberg✽
                                                                                Carol✽ and Terry Winograd

                                                                                ✽   NIF REGIONAL BOARD MEMBER
                                                                                ✶   NEW GENERATIONS BOARD MEMBER
                                                                                ✦   NIF INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBER
                                                                                ✹   NIF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL MEMBER

10      NEW ISRAEL FUND    | 30th Anniversary Dinner
1999                                                  2000
The High Court of Justice unanimously decides                             The Green Environment Fund (GEF) is
to outlaw the use of physical force in civilian                           established to bring new attention and
interrogations following years of advocacy by NIF                         resources to the campaign to preserve
grantees Public Committee Against Torture in                              and protect the environment of Israel and
Israel, ACRI, B’Tselem: Israeli Information Center                        the health of its people. NIF’s partners
for Human Rights and Hamoked: Center for the                              include the Andrea & Charles Bronfman
Defense of the Individual.                                                Philanthropies, the Nathan Cummings
                                                                          Foundation, and the Pratt Foundation.


Eileen Auerbach and                    Susan and William Heller              Dr. Richard and
Larry Burgheimer                                                             Martha Pastcan
                                       Grace Hughes and
Maia Azubel                            John Levinsohn                        Lisa and John Pritzker
Rabbi Michael and                      Linda and Tom Kalinowski              Nancy and Alan Raznick✽
Hannah Barenbaum                       Estelle S. Katz                       Michael Steinman and
Ron and Ellie Berman                   Wendy and                             Rabbi Dorothy Richman
Eve Bernstein and                      Dr. Howard Kleckner                   David L. Rosenhan✽
Alex Gersznowicz                       Hannah J. Kranzberg✽                  Peter Rukin✽ and
                          ✽                                                  Sharon Djemal
Rachel and David Biale                 Linda Kurtz
Elizabeth Friedman Branoff             Sam Lauter                            Sylvia Sabel and
and Steven Branoff                                                           Joel Rubinstein
                                       Ron Lezell
Jerome Braun                                                                 Gerry✽✦ and Lela Sarnat✹
                                       Mark and Adele Lieberman
Sandra Curtis✽                                                               Jim and Emily Scheinman
                                       Jeremy Lizt✶
James Dubey                                                                  Rita R. Semel✽
                                       Melanie and Peter Maier
Lisa Erdberg and                                                             Rabbi Judy Shanks✽ and
Dennis Gibbons                         Susan and Jay Mall                    Dr. James Gracer
Irwin and                              Barbara Meislin and                   Gary B. Sokol✽ and Paul Blanc
Concepción S. Federman                 Stuart Kaplan
                                                                             Vera and Harold Stein Jr.
Lori and Michael Ferguson              Robin Mencher ✽✶
                                                                             Roselyne C. Swig
Phyllis Friedman                       Armando Mendoza Miranda
                                                                             Tad Taube, President,
Jonathan D. Fuchs✽✹                    Raquel H. Newman✽✹                    Koret Foundation
Lawrence Goldfarb                      Shari and Don Ornstein                Ingrid Tauber✹ and
                                                                             Frank Taforo
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund

                                                      NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner              11
2001                                                  2002
NIF’s fundraising exceeds $20 million. The            NIF, SHATIL, and NIF grantees marshal public opposition to a
Israel Venture Network, a partnership of NIF          policy that would have reserved government-developed land
and Israeli and North American venture capitalists,   for use by Jews alone. Faced with intense public pressure, the
is established to promote systemic improvement in     Knesset abandons consideration of this discriminatory policy. The
Israel’s education system and to provide resources    High Court of Justice rules that the government must recognize
to students in disenfranchised communities.           non-Orthodox conversions whether performed in Israel or the
                                                      Diaspora, following a petition by the Israel Religious Action
                                                      Center and the Masorti (Conservative) Movement.


 Akiva Tor, Consul General of              Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier
 Israel to the Pacific Northwest
                                           Supervisor John Avalos
 Sydney Kapchan and
                                           Supervisor David Campos
 Steven Tulkin✽
                                           Supervisor Carmen Chu
 Paul✽ and Dorothy Wachter
                                           Supervisor Bevan Dufty
 Marilyn and Murry Waldman
                                           Senator Dianne Feinstein
 Dan and Gina Waldman
                                           Assemblymember Paul Fong
 Alexandra Wall and Paul Bosky
 Mark S. Warnick
                                           Jared Huffman
 John Weinstein and
                                           Representative Barbara Lee
 Heidi Stewart
                                           State Senator Mark Leno
 Diane Jordan Wexler✽ and
 Bruce Beron                               Assemblymember Fiona Ma,
                                           Majority Whip
 Susan and Robert Wolfe
                                           Supervisor Eric Mar
 Jonathan Zimman
                                           Supervisor Sophie Maxwell
 Mary and Harold Zlot
                                           Supervisor Nathan Miley
                                           Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
                                           Sandre R. Swanson
                                           Representative Lynn C. Woolsey
                                           Betty Yee, Chairwoman of
 ✦   NIF INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBER        State Board of Equalization

12      NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
2003                                             2004
                    NIF and SHATIL mobilize                        The Supreme Court ordered the government
                    worldwide attention                            to reroute a large section of the Security Fence
                    around activist Vicki                          northwest of Jerusalem to balance security and
                    Knafo and her campaign                         human rights. Petitioners included NIF grantees
                    to oppose cuts in                              Association for Civil Rights in Israel, B’Tselem,
                    benefits to single-parent                       Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights and and
                    families and other                             others, who were key to this landmark ruling.
                    marginalized Israelis.

Candice Gold graciously sponsored the gifts you will take home tonight.
These are soaps, bath salts, and lip balms handmade by Nathalie Nadel
of Kibbutz Snir, infused with organic herbs from her garden. Nathalie runs
her own micro-business in Israel, part of Northern Exposure, a project
initiated by SHATIL, the New Israel Fund’s action arm. To learn more about      Special thanks
Northern Exposure, virtually “meet” the business owners, and purchase
products visit
Producer and director Lee Sankowich generously donated his time and
expertise to design this evening’s speaking program and performance.
Many of the images that grace this tribute journal and the invitation were
kindly contributed by photographer Irene Fertik.

                                                      NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner               13
2005                                     2006                                    2007
In preparation for the Gaza              In the aftermath of the second          The Regional Council for
disengagement, NIF worked to bring       Lebanon War, NIF provided basic         Unrecognized Bedouin Villages
together left and right, religious and   humanitarian assistance to the          held a successful campaign protesting
secular to understand and combat         most vulnerable populations in the      Bedouin home demolitions, culminating
the threat to democracy. In the          North. SHATIL’s North Star Forum,       in a government moratorium for one
end, the disengagement occurred          Mobadera and Northern Exposure          year. In a landmark decision, the Jewish
relatively peacefully and was notable    programs set the stage for long-term    National Fund agreed for the first time
for the overall lack of confrontation    commitment as dozens of civil society   to sell land to non-Jews just before the
and violence. The Conflict                groups worked to rebuild the North      High Court of Justice began to consider
Transformation and Management            and call attention to longstanding      a petition from two NIF grantees.
Center is created by SHATIL.             social and economic inequities in
                                         Israel’s periphery.

                                         GUARDIAN                                DEFENDER

                                         Rabbi Brian and Caroline Lurie          Joanne and Steve Abel
                                         Sylvia Sabel and                        Alvin Baum
 Guardian of                             Joel Rubinstein                         Adi Cohen
 Democracy                               Bonnie and Marty Tenenbaum              Phyllis Friedman
                                                                                 Candice Gold and
 Donors                                  VISIONARY                               Edmond Russell
                                         Mimi and Peter Haas Fund                Leslie Kane and
                                                                                 Manuel Fishman
                                         Linda Kurtz
                                                                                 Doris and George Krevsky
                                         David L. Rosenhan
                                                                                 Armando Mendoza Miranda
                                         Gerry and Lela Sarnat
                                                                                 Diane Jordan Wexler and
                                         Ingrid Tauber and Frank Taforo          Bruce Beron
                                                                                 Drs. Terry and Carol Winograd
                                         Michael Bien and Jane Kahn
                                         Michelle and Robert Friend              Fred Altshuler and
                                                                                 Julia Cheever
                                         Stuart and Lee Pollak
                                                                                 Deena Aranoff
                                         Lisa and John Pritzker
                                                                                 Eileen Auerbach and
                                         David and Phyllis Rothman               Larry Burgheimer
                                         Peter Rukin and Sharon Djemal           Maia Azubel

14      NEW ISRAEL FUND    | 30th Anniversary Dinner
2008                                                                         2009
                    In the wake of the global economic crisis, NIF/          The New Israel Fund celebrates its
                    SHATIL took emergency action to deal with the            30th anniversary in San Francisco. In
                    budgetary shortfalls of our family of organizations.     the past 3 decades, NIF has granted
                    Programs supporting shared living, including the         over $200 million to more than 800
                    acclaimed Mixed Cities Project, became a top             organizations.
                    priority following an outbreak of violence in Akko.

Eve Bernstein and                     Marvin Langsam                            Rita R. Semel
Alex Gersznowicz                      Sam Lauter                                Rabbi Judy Shanks and
Bluer and Bluer LLP                   Mark and Adele Lieberman                  Dr. James Gracer
Ellen Bob and David Waksberg          Greta Livingston                          Yoav Shoham and
Jerome Braun                                                                    Noa Eliaf-Shoham
                                      Jeremy Lizt
Dr. Ronald E. Cape and                                                          Gary B. Sokol and
                                      Melanie and Peter Maier                   Paul Blanc
Lillian J. Cape
                                      Ephraim Margolin                          Joelle Steefel
Phyllis and David Cook
                                      Barbara Meislin and                       Vera and Harold Stein Jr.
James Dubey                           Stuart Kaplan
Irwin and                                                                       Roselyne C. Swig
                                      Phyllis Moldaw
Concepción S. Federman                                                          Tad Taube, President,
                                      Judy and Jay Nadel                        Koret Foundation
Ford Israel Fund
                                      Raquel H. Newman                          Sydney Kapchan and
Nancy Goldberg
                                      Shari and Don Ornstein                    Steven Tulkin
Stephen and Nancy Grand
                                      John Osterweis and                        Paul and Dorothy Wachter
Grace Hughes and                      Barbara Ravizza
John Levinsohn                                                                  Sarah Wall Memorial Trust
                                      Betty Ann Polse                           John Weinstein and
Jim Joseph Foundation
                                      Joan and Russell Pratt                    Heidi Stewart
Linda and Thomas Kalinowski
                                      Irving and Varda Rabin                    Marilyn and Ray Weisberg
Fred and Beth Karren                                                            Susan and Robert Wolfe
                                      Michael Steinman and
Wendy and                             Rabbi Dorothy Richman                     Adrienne and Ron Yank
Dr. Howard Kleckner
                                      Jim and Emily Scheinman                   Mary and Harold Zlot

                                                      NEW ISRAEL FUND      | 30th Anniversary Dinner            15
Mazal tov to the
                       New Israel Fund on this
                         30 year milestone.
                          Rabbi Brian and Caroline Lurie

16   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
Dear Dad,

 Congratulations on this
 much deserved evening.
We are all very proud of you
 and love you very much,
Ari, Daniel & Becca, Alexander, Sonia

                NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner   17
We are honored to support the New Israel Fund,
                 a champion of human rights, on this special 30 th
              anniversary. A special tribute to Brian Lurie who has
            been a pioneer, a visionary, and exemplary leader of our
            community. Brian has been at the forefront of countless
               causes, blazing our path and guiding us forward. We
             congratulate him on this lifetime achievement and his
                           dedication to Israel and its people.

                         Ingrid Tauber and Frank Taforo

18   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
Mazal Tov
 to the New Israel Fund on
thirty years of strengthening
 democracy and promoting
    social justice in Israel!

    to Rabbi Brian Lurie
      and Rebecca Katz
     on jobs well done!
    And THANK YOU for
    tirelessly supporting
         NIF’s work!

Gerry and Lela Sarnat

            NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner   19
                              to our honorees
                           Rabbi Brian Lurie and
                               Rebecca Katz
                          and to NIF for 30 years
                          of building a more just
                        and inclusive Israeli society.
                                  DAVID ROSENHAN

20   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
THANK YOU New Israel Fund
                                    For 30 years of helping
                                   Israel strive to realize the
                                  ideals on which our Jewish
                                    homeland was founded

                                        THANK YOU,
                                    BRIAN and REBECCA
                                  For your untiring efforts to
                                  make those ideals a reality.

                                      Stuart and Lee Pollak

   B R I A N L U R I E A N D R E B E C C A K AT Z
  B E L O V E D F A M I LY I N I S R A E L B U I L D

          Frank and Linda Kurtz

                        NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner   21
Congratulations to Brian Lurie on being
        honored with the Guardian of Democracy Award!

                                                   Congratulations Becca.
                  BECCA                            A well-deserved honor
                ON BEHALF OF                       for your commitment to
                                                       justice and NIF.
            THANK YOU FOR YOUR
                                                        Your friends
                                                        and family,
             ADI, ALIX AND PAUL,                     Erin   •   Gary   •   Gwen
                                                    Jenny • Leslie • Lydia
                                                    Mom • Sunny • Susan

22   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
Whoever would have thought,
when Jonathan Cohen, Eleanor
  Friedman, Naomi Lauter and I
spent 14 days of 1979 listening
   to a raft of Israeli good-guys
organizations explain their need
 for support, that in September,
2009, we would be celebrating
 30 years of a New Israel Fund
    created to meet that need?
                                                      WE CONGRATULATE THE
         Al Baum                              NEW ISRAEL FUND ON THIRTY VERY
                                               SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF BUILDING
                                                      CIVIL SOCIETY IN ISRAEL.
                                               Drs. Carol and Terry Winograd

                                               MAZEL TOV BRIAN
  to our honorees                                          a leader
  Rabbi Brian Lurie
  and Rebecca Katz.                                       a mentor
  Thank you for helping the
  New Israel Fund make Israel
                                                           a friend
  the best that it can be.


                                            Doris and George Krevsky

                                    NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner   23

                                                           I am so proud of the
                                                           wonderful work of
                                                           the New Israel Fund
                                                           and your consistent
                                                           concern for the
                                                           people of Israel.
                                                           Congratulations on
               Honoring Al Baum and the
                                                           reaching 30 years!
            founders of the New Israel Fund.
     Celebrating 30 Years of Social Justice in Israel.     Phyllis Friedman


                                             Dear Brian,
                           Thank you for putting your
                        heart and soul into making Israel
                          a better place for all Israelis.
                                          We love you,
                                        Michelle and Bob

24       NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner
                                                        PJA SALUTES THE

                                          and its dedication to the pursuit
                                           of peace and justice in Israel.


  MOTIVATE OTHERS TO FOLLOW.                       We invite you to join us
                                                   at the 1st PJA Bay Area
          THANK YOU.
                                                     Community Dinner,
                                                     October 15, 2009.

BRIAN AND NIF                                          Mazal Tov
                                                     to Rabbi Lurie
                                                      and Rebecca.
                                                     Todah Rabbah
                                                    for all you do for
                                                   the Jewish people.

                                               Rabbi Steven A. Chester
                                                     Temple Sinai, Oakland

                                 NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner   25
       B’HATZL ACHA TO NIF                         to our dear friend
     ADVANCING CIVIL SOCIET Y                         Brian Lurie.
      IN ISR AEL FOR 30 YE AR S                    Audrey Weiner and
                                                    Jeffrey Solomon
            Leslie Kane and
            Manuel Fishman                            May you go from
                                                    strength to strength

                        The Jim Joseph Foundation is proud
                          to honor Brian Lurie for his many
                         contributions to the Jewish world.

26   NEW ISRAEL FUND   | 30th Anniversary Dinner



                              For thirty years, New Israel Fund has
                              worked to create an Israel that ensures
NAOMI CHAZAN                  complete equality of social and political
PRESIDENT                     rights to all its inhabitants, without
                              regard to religion, race or gender.

                              STEVEN ROTHMAN
                              NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT
SUITE 1503
                              BECKY BUCKWALD AND ORLI BEIN
                              REGIONAL CO-DIRECTORS
PHONE 415.543.5055            JASON BERNSTEIN

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New Israel Fund Guardian of Democracy Tribute Journal 2009

  • 1. Building a just and democratic Israel for 30 years 30 TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER THE PALACE HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
  • 2.
  • 3. Building a just and democratic Israel for 30 years 30TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER THE PALACE HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 WELCOME Stuart Pollak President, San Francisco Regional Board Rabbi Brian Lurie GREETINGS FROM THE STATE OF ISRAEL Member of Knesset Avishay Braverman, Minister of Minority Affairs MOTZI DINNER NIF: 30 YEARS OF SOCIAL CHANGE FAREWELL TO ELIEZER YA’ARI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE NEW ISRAEL FUND IN ISRAEL Naomi Chazan President, New Israel Fund GUARDIAN OF DEMOCRACY AWARD Rabbi Brian Lurie NEW GENERATIONS LEADERSHIP AWARD Rebecca Katz Chair, New Generations Board, San Francisco MUSICAL PERFORMANCE David Broza
  • 4. 1979 NIF is founded by Jonathan J. Cohen and Ellie Friedman. $80,000 in grants is distributed to 20 organizations throughout Israel. NIF becomes the major supporter of the emerging 30th Anniversary Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Achievements helping grow ACRI into the country’s leading human rights organization. MUSICAL PERFORMER David Broza Israeli superstar David Broza brings captivating, flamenco and salsa-tinged performances in English, Hebrew and Spanish to audiences worldwide. Headlining with artists such as Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, and Van Morrison, Broza has built a reputation as a dynamic and vibrant singer/songwriter. David Broza is also well known for his commitment to humanitarian causes and using music to inspire social change. As a musician, he has spread the message of peace worldwide, above all with his hit song Yihye Tov (“Things Will Get Better”) which is an anthem of the Israeli peace movement and which we will hear tonight. 2 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 5. 1980 1981 1982 NIF initiates NIF grantees – Interns for Peace, NIF establishes SHATIL community Neve Shalom and Shutafut – (“seedling” in Hebrew) to organizing and take the lead in creating a network increase NIF’s impact by citizen activism to of organizations to facilitate greater providing consulting and renew low-income communications and cooperation training to social change neighborhoods. between Arabs and Jews. organizations. SPECIAL GUEST Member of Knesset Avishay Braverman Minister of Minority Affairs A member of the Israeli Knesset for the Labor Party since April 2006, Professor Avishay Braverman is the Israeli government’s Minister of Minority Affairs. As such, he focuses on the economic, social, and educational challenges Israel faces in the 21st century, with emphasis on partnership with and equality for Israel’s Arab citizens. Previously, Professor Braverman served as President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (1990–2006). He holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University and served as a Senior Economist and Division Chief for the World Bank (1977– 1990) where he led research, policy work and project evaluation throughout South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, emphasizing balanced economic development and social justice. NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 3
  • 6. 1983 1984 1985 NIF names NIF’s fundraising exceeds NIF addresses the status of Avraham Burg $1 million. NIF and the women in Israel by funding the first NIF Washington College of Law the Israel Women’s Leadership Fellow. at American University in Network, a non-partisan Washington, DC launch the coalition founded by US-Israel Civil Liberties Professor Alice Shalvi. Law Program to build Israel’s public interest and civil rights bar. SPEAKER Naomi Chazan New Israel Fund Board President Naomi Chazan, former Israeli Knesset Deputy Speaker and leading human rights activist, began her new role as president of the New Israel Fund in June 2008. She is Professor Emerita of Political Science and African Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she served as Chair of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace. Chazan currently serves as Head of the School of Government and Society at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo. She has been a Visiting Professor of Government at Harvard University and spent the academic year 2004–2005 as the Wilhelm Fellow at the Center for International Studies at MIT. She is an outspoken leader in the struggle for women’s rights, civil rights, religious freedom, pluralism and peace. 4 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 7. 1986 1987 1988 The High Court of Justice rules unanimously SHATIL serves over 100 Seeing the polarization and escalating in favor of Shoshana Miller, an American organizations working in violence emanating from the Intifada, immigrant converted to Judaism by a the areas of Jewish-Arab NIF establishes a special fund to Reform rabbi in the US, registering her as coexistence, women’s rights, address threats to Israel’s democracy. a Jew on her identity card. The decision neighborhood advocacy, B’Tselem: The Israel Information validates the Jewish status of immigrants civil and human rights, and Center for Human Rights is converted under non-Orthodox auspices. community development. awarded a special grant. NIF-funded grantees, including Hemdat, play a leading role in this landmark decision, the first of many to follow over the next 20 years. OUTGOING NEW ISRAEL FUND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IN ISRAEL Eliezer Ya’ari Eliezer Ya’ari has served as the New Israel Fund’s Executive Director in Israel for 12 years. A native of Jerusalem, Ya’ari began his career in the Israeli Air Force as a combat pilot. He joined soon after the 1967 war and served until 1976, retiring with the rank of Major. He then joined the staff of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and in 1992 became Director of Programs. During his three-year term at the Israel Broadcasting Authority, Eliezer was in charge of all television productions. Before joining NIF in 1997, Ya’ari studied Public Administration as a Wexner Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. We pay tribute to Eliezer’s exceptional years of service to the New Israel Fund. NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 5
  • 8. 1989 1990 The threats of growing anti- NIF meets the challenges posed by the democratic values and extremism unprecedented aliyah of Soviet Jews to mobilize Israelis to channel their Israel by launching the Soviet Aliyah energies into the voluntary non- Fund to support organizations serving profit sector. With NIF support, immigrants. SHATIL works actively with hundreds of organizations self-help groups involved in the absorption emerge, promoting democracy of immigrants from the former Soviet and tolerance throughout Israel. Union. NIF supports the creation of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers. GUARDIAN OF DEMOCRACY AWARD Rabbi Brian Lurie Rabbi Lurie is a longtime supporter of the New Israel Fund and eminent leader of the local, national, and international Jewish community. He served for seventeen years as Executive Director of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties and for five years as President of the San Francisco Jewish Museum. He also worked as Executive Vice President of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), where he was instrumental in launching the second phase of Operation Exodus. In recent years, his vision for progressive change in Israel has inspired a broad movement to support the rights of Israel’s Arab citizens—the Inter-Agency Task Force on Israeli Arab Issues—which he currently co-chairs. 6 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 9. 1991 1992 Sikkuy is established in response to growing concern over the New Generations is established in New York, gaps between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. Its first report, Boston and Washington, DC to attract the next produced in cooperation with the National Council for the generation of leaders and philanthropists to NIF’s Child, documents severe social gaps between Arab and Jewish mission. NIF funds Menukha Nekhona: The children. The National Council for the Child, the leading Association for Eternal Rest following the High advocate for children’s rights in Israel, scores a series of ground- Court of Justice victory establishing the right to breaking achievements, through its Center for the Child and non-Orthodox burial. the Law, headed by NIF law fellow Tamar Morag. NEW GENERATIONS LEADERSHIP AWARD Rebecca Katz Rebecca Katz is a driving force within the young NIF community. As a dynamic New Generations Board Chair, she has provided leadership, inspired grassroots organizing among Board members, and co-chaired two Benefits. Rebecca has toured, led programs to, and lived in Israel eight times. She became involved in NIF both because of her commitment to social justice and her desire for Israel to be a country that embodies those principals. A Bay Area native, Rebecca spent 10 years as a San Francisco Deputy City Attorney and currently works on ensuring the welfare of other living beings as the Director of the San Francisco Department of Animal Care & Control. NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 7
  • 10. 1993 1994 SHATIL initiates a campaign to reunite In light of the 1993 breakthrough in Oslo, NIF creates Ethiopian Jews with family members new opportunities to help Israelis prepare the ground who remained behind in Ethiopia for peace. NIF supports the Adam Institute to instill and implements programs to assist a deeper understanding of democratic values, and the Ethiopians in their absorption into Association for Civil Rights in Israel to provide civil Israeli society. The New Israel Fund and human rights training to police, prison and other of Great Britain is launched. security service personnel. AJEEC – The Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment, and Cooperation Spotlight WINNER OF THE MIRIAM FLIGELMAN LEVY CROSS CULTURAL PRIZE on NIF AJEEC (Arabic for “I am coming towards you”) advances the status of Arab Bedouins and promotes cooperation between Bedouin and Jewish Israelis. The organization’s work is based on encouraging volunteerism, mutual Miriam Fligelman AMAL ELSANA ALHJOOJ assistance, and community responsibility as Levy was an DIRECTOR OF AJEEC necessary components of a vibrant democratic innovator and society; and the belief that if Jews and Arabs a social thinker who, along with work together, they can create a more equitable and just Israel. her husband Irving, dedicated her life to AJEEC’s educational programs include a project that brings bridge building. Her legacy and young Jewish and Bedouin Israelis together to benefit both her commitment to these values communities. Each year a group of outstanding high school are carried on by her daughter Judith Levy Sender and by her graduates—10 Bedouin and 10 Jewish—are chosen to sons Joseph Fligelman Levy and undertake a year of joint full-time community service. The John Fligelman Levy. volunteers undergo an intensive training program before and during their work in the community. In addition, the volunteers receive professional guidance preparing them for the task of tutoring and conducting after-school enrichment activities for Jewish and Arab schoolchildren. 8 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 11. 1995 1996 NIF’s fundraising exceeds $10 million. The High Court of In the wake of the assassination Justice delivers a landmark decision granting women the of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, right to volunteer for pilot training in the Israeli Air Force NIF responds with the Campaign resulting from advocacy by NIF grantees Israel Women’s for Tolerance, Dialogue and Network and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Democracy, launched by President Ezer Weizman. Mixed Cities Project RECIPIENT OF THE EDITH S. COLIVER HUMAN RIGHTS FUND Last fall, violence broke out between the Arab Spotlight and Jewish residents of Akko, heightening the tension between the two populations. With on NIF these events as a backdrop, the Mixed Cities Project has taken on new importance for NIF. As the only organization with a major focus and presence in Israel’s mixed cities, NIF Susie Coliver and believes that tackling these societal divides are Sandy Coliver imperative to the health of Israeli democracy. established the Fund in 2002 Five of Israel’s cities have mixed Arab and Jewish populations— to recognize Akko, Haifa, Jaffa, Lod and Ramle. Arab Israeli residents generally and remember their mother Edith Coliver’s lack equal access to health care, parks, education and social tremendous contribution to services compared with their Jewish neighbors. Because building the cause of human and civil and expansion permits are rarely issued to Arab families, many rights. Always with an open heart and an open mind, Edith live under the looming threat of home demolition, with about brought great thoughtfulness 650 current demolition orders issued for Lod and Ramle. and genuine compassion to her activism on behalf of a just Launched in 2003, NIF’s acclaimed Mixed Cities Project and tolerant Israeli society. Her promotes the idea of a shared society and, in particular, the service on the International rights of Arab Israelis in these cities. Since its establishment, the and Regional Boards of NIF was emblematic of her lifelong project has succeeded in freezing dozens of home demolition commitment to human rights orders and setting up neighborhood forums for promoting and democratic values. housing and education rights. NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 9
  • 12. 1997 1998 NIF leads the “Who is a Jew” campaign in the NIF launches “Israel Signing Anew,” inviting Israeli US, advocating for religious pluralism in Israel. NIF citizens to reaffirm the values of their Declaration of grantee Kav La Oved receives and processes nearly Independence. The campaign generates 532,789 signatures 900 new complaints of labor rights violations and including those of former President Ezer Weizman, then succeeds in securing more than $400,000 in unpaid former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former wages and salary benefits. Prime Minister Ehud Barak. DINNER CHAIRS DINNER COMMITTEE ✽ Steve Abel Joanne Abel Candice Gold✽ Al Baum Thank you Nancy Goldberg Michael Bien✽ Leslie Kane✽ Susan Bluer Ari Lurie Doris and George Krevsky✽ Daniel Lurie Leslie R. Katz Hilary Kushins✶ Sherry Morse✽ Lee Pollak Diane Rosenberg✽ Seth Skolnick✽ Bonnie Tenenbaum✽✹ Marilyn Weisberg✽ Carol✽ and Terry Winograd ✽ NIF REGIONAL BOARD MEMBER ✶ NEW GENERATIONS BOARD MEMBER ✦ NIF INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBER ✹ NIF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL MEMBER 10 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 13. 1999 2000 The High Court of Justice unanimously decides The Green Environment Fund (GEF) is to outlaw the use of physical force in civilian established to bring new attention and interrogations following years of advocacy by NIF resources to the campaign to preserve grantees Public Committee Against Torture in and protect the environment of Israel and Israel, ACRI, B’Tselem: Israeli Information Center the health of its people. NIF’s partners for Human Rights and Hamoked: Center for the include the Andrea & Charles Bronfman Defense of the Individual. Philanthropies, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, and the Pratt Foundation. HONORARY COMMITTEE Eileen Auerbach and Susan and William Heller Dr. Richard and Larry Burgheimer Martha Pastcan Grace Hughes and Maia Azubel John Levinsohn Lisa and John Pritzker Rabbi Michael and Linda and Tom Kalinowski Nancy and Alan Raznick✽ Hannah Barenbaum Estelle S. Katz Michael Steinman and Ron and Ellie Berman Wendy and Rabbi Dorothy Richman Eve Bernstein and Dr. Howard Kleckner David L. Rosenhan✽ Alex Gersznowicz Hannah J. Kranzberg✽ Peter Rukin✽ and ✽ Sharon Djemal Rachel and David Biale Linda Kurtz Elizabeth Friedman Branoff Sam Lauter Sylvia Sabel and and Steven Branoff Joel Rubinstein Ron Lezell Jerome Braun Gerry✽✦ and Lela Sarnat✹ Mark and Adele Lieberman Sandra Curtis✽ Jim and Emily Scheinman Jeremy Lizt✶ James Dubey Rita R. Semel✽ Melanie and Peter Maier Lisa Erdberg and Rabbi Judy Shanks✽ and Dennis Gibbons Susan and Jay Mall Dr. James Gracer Irwin and Barbara Meislin and Gary B. Sokol✽ and Paul Blanc Concepción S. Federman Stuart Kaplan Vera and Harold Stein Jr. Lori and Michael Ferguson Robin Mencher ✽✶ Roselyne C. Swig Phyllis Friedman Armando Mendoza Miranda Tad Taube, President, Jonathan D. Fuchs✽✹ Raquel H. Newman✽✹ Koret Foundation Lawrence Goldfarb Shari and Don Ornstein Ingrid Tauber✹ and Frank Taforo Mimi and Peter Haas Fund NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 11
  • 14. 2001 2002 NIF’s fundraising exceeds $20 million. The NIF, SHATIL, and NIF grantees marshal public opposition to a Israel Venture Network, a partnership of NIF policy that would have reserved government-developed land and Israeli and North American venture capitalists, for use by Jews alone. Faced with intense public pressure, the is established to promote systemic improvement in Knesset abandons consideration of this discriminatory policy. The Israel’s education system and to provide resources High Court of Justice rules that the government must recognize to students in disenfranchised communities. non-Orthodox conversions whether performed in Israel or the Diaspora, following a petition by the Israel Religious Action Center and the Masorti (Conservative) Movement. HONORARY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) Akiva Tor, Consul General of Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier Israel to the Pacific Northwest Supervisor John Avalos Sydney Kapchan and Supervisor David Campos Steven Tulkin✽ Supervisor Carmen Chu Paul✽ and Dorothy Wachter Supervisor Bevan Dufty Marilyn and Murry Waldman Senator Dianne Feinstein Dan and Gina Waldman Assemblymember Paul Fong Alexandra Wall and Paul Bosky Assemblymember Mark S. Warnick Jared Huffman John Weinstein and Representative Barbara Lee Heidi Stewart State Senator Mark Leno Diane Jordan Wexler✽ and Bruce Beron Assemblymember Fiona Ma, Majority Whip Susan and Robert Wolfe Supervisor Eric Mar Jonathan Zimman Supervisor Sophie Maxwell Mary and Harold Zlot Supervisor Nathan Miley Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi Assemblymember Sandre R. Swanson Representative Lynn C. Woolsey ✽ NIF REGIONAL BOARD MEMBER ✶ NEW GENERATIONS BOARD MEMBER Betty Yee, Chairwoman of ✦ NIF INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBER State Board of Equalization ✹ NIF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL MEMBER 12 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 15. 2003 2004 NIF and SHATIL mobilize The Supreme Court ordered the government worldwide attention to reroute a large section of the Security Fence around activist Vicki northwest of Jerusalem to balance security and Knafo and her campaign human rights. Petitioners included NIF grantees to oppose cuts in Association for Civil Rights in Israel, B’Tselem, benefits to single-parent Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights and and families and other others, who were key to this landmark ruling. marginalized Israelis. Candice Gold graciously sponsored the gifts you will take home tonight. These are soaps, bath salts, and lip balms handmade by Nathalie Nadel of Kibbutz Snir, infused with organic herbs from her garden. Nathalie runs her own micro-business in Israel, part of Northern Exposure, a project initiated by SHATIL, the New Israel Fund’s action arm. To learn more about Special thanks Northern Exposure, virtually “meet” the business owners, and purchase products visit Producer and director Lee Sankowich generously donated his time and expertise to design this evening’s speaking program and performance. Many of the images that grace this tribute journal and the invitation were kindly contributed by photographer Irene Fertik. NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 13
  • 16. 2005 2006 2007 In preparation for the Gaza In the aftermath of the second The Regional Council for disengagement, NIF worked to bring Lebanon War, NIF provided basic Unrecognized Bedouin Villages together left and right, religious and humanitarian assistance to the held a successful campaign protesting secular to understand and combat most vulnerable populations in the Bedouin home demolitions, culminating the threat to democracy. In the North. SHATIL’s North Star Forum, in a government moratorium for one end, the disengagement occurred Mobadera and Northern Exposure year. In a landmark decision, the Jewish relatively peacefully and was notable programs set the stage for long-term National Fund agreed for the first time for the overall lack of confrontation commitment as dozens of civil society to sell land to non-Jews just before the and violence. The Conflict groups worked to rebuild the North High Court of Justice began to consider Transformation and Management and call attention to longstanding a petition from two NIF grantees. Center is created by SHATIL. social and economic inequities in Israel’s periphery. GUARDIAN DEFENDER Rabbi Brian and Caroline Lurie Joanne and Steve Abel Sylvia Sabel and Alvin Baum Guardian of Joel Rubinstein Adi Cohen Democracy Bonnie and Marty Tenenbaum Phyllis Friedman Candice Gold and Donors VISIONARY Edmond Russell Mimi and Peter Haas Fund Leslie Kane and Manuel Fishman Linda Kurtz Doris and George Krevsky David L. Rosenhan Armando Mendoza Miranda Gerry and Lela Sarnat Diane Jordan Wexler and Ingrid Tauber and Frank Taforo Bruce Beron Drs. Terry and Carol Winograd CHAMPION PATRON Michael Bien and Jane Kahn Michelle and Robert Friend Fred Altshuler and Julia Cheever Stuart and Lee Pollak Deena Aranoff Lisa and John Pritzker Eileen Auerbach and David and Phyllis Rothman Larry Burgheimer Peter Rukin and Sharon Djemal Maia Azubel 14 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 17. 2008 2009 In the wake of the global economic crisis, NIF/ The New Israel Fund celebrates its SHATIL took emergency action to deal with the 30th anniversary in San Francisco. In budgetary shortfalls of our family of organizations. the past 3 decades, NIF has granted Programs supporting shared living, including the over $200 million to more than 800 acclaimed Mixed Cities Project, became a top organizations. priority following an outbreak of violence in Akko. Eve Bernstein and Marvin Langsam Rita R. Semel Alex Gersznowicz Sam Lauter Rabbi Judy Shanks and Bluer and Bluer LLP Mark and Adele Lieberman Dr. James Gracer Ellen Bob and David Waksberg Greta Livingston Yoav Shoham and Jerome Braun Noa Eliaf-Shoham Jeremy Lizt Dr. Ronald E. Cape and Gary B. Sokol and Melanie and Peter Maier Paul Blanc Lillian J. Cape Ephraim Margolin Joelle Steefel Phyllis and David Cook Barbara Meislin and Vera and Harold Stein Jr. James Dubey Stuart Kaplan Irwin and Roselyne C. Swig Phyllis Moldaw Concepción S. Federman Tad Taube, President, Judy and Jay Nadel Koret Foundation Ford Israel Fund Raquel H. Newman Sydney Kapchan and Nancy Goldberg Shari and Don Ornstein Steven Tulkin Stephen and Nancy Grand John Osterweis and Paul and Dorothy Wachter Grace Hughes and Barbara Ravizza John Levinsohn Sarah Wall Memorial Trust Betty Ann Polse John Weinstein and Jim Joseph Foundation Joan and Russell Pratt Heidi Stewart Linda and Thomas Kalinowski Irving and Varda Rabin Marilyn and Ray Weisberg Fred and Beth Karren Susan and Robert Wolfe Michael Steinman and Wendy and Rabbi Dorothy Richman Adrienne and Ron Yank Dr. Howard Kleckner Jim and Emily Scheinman Mary and Harold Zlot NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 15
  • 18. Mazal tov to the New Israel Fund on this 30 year milestone. Rabbi Brian and Caroline Lurie 16 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 19. Dear Dad, Congratulations on this much deserved evening. — We are all very proud of you and love you very much, Ari, Daniel & Becca, Alexander, Sonia NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 17
  • 20. We are honored to support the New Israel Fund, a champion of human rights, on this special 30 th anniversary. A special tribute to Brian Lurie who has been a pioneer, a visionary, and exemplary leader of our community. Brian has been at the forefront of countless causes, blazing our path and guiding us forward. We congratulate him on this lifetime achievement and his dedication to Israel and its people. Ingrid Tauber and Frank Taforo 18 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 21. Mazal Tov to the New Israel Fund on thirty years of strengthening democracy and promoting social justice in Israel! CONGRATULATIONS to Rabbi Brian Lurie and Rebecca Katz on jobs well done! And THANK YOU for tirelessly supporting NIF’s work! Gerry and Lela Sarnat NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 19
  • 22. Congratulations to our honorees Rabbi Brian Lurie and Rebecca Katz and to NIF for 30 years of building a more just and inclusive Israeli society. DAVID ROSENHAN 20 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 23. THANK YOU New Israel Fund For 30 years of helping Israel strive to realize the ideals on which our Jewish homeland was founded THANK YOU, BRIAN and REBECCA For your untiring efforts to make those ideals a reality. Stuart and Lee Pollak C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S T O H O N O R E E S B R I A N L U R I E A N D R E B E C C A K AT Z A N D T H A N K YO U T O N E W I S R A E L F U N D FOR THIRT Y YE ARS OF HELPING OUR B E L O V E D F A M I LY I N I S R A E L B U I L D O U R M U T UA L D R E A M O F D E M O C R A C Y AND SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR ALL! Frank and Linda Kurtz NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 21
  • 24. Congratulations to Brian Lurie on being honored with the Guardian of Democracy Award! YOUR DEDICATION AND VISION INSPIRE ALL AROUND YOU. THIS IS A MUCH DESERVED AND FITTING TRIBUTE FOR A TRUE PIONEER. Congratulations Becca. BECCA A well-deserved honor ON BEHALF OF for your commitment to NIF NEW GENERATIONS, justice and NIF. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION, YOUR PASSION Love, AND YOUR LEADERSHIP. CONGRATULATIONS. Your friends LOVE, and family, ADI, ALIX AND PAUL, Erin • Gary • Gwen ARMANDO, HILARY AND SCOTT, MICHELLE AND MICHAEL Jenny • Leslie • Lydia Mom • Sunny • Susan 22 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 25. Whoever would have thought, when Jonathan Cohen, Eleanor Friedman, Naomi Lauter and I spent 14 days of 1979 listening to a raft of Israeli good-guys organizations explain their need for support, that in September, 2009, we would be celebrating 30 years of a New Israel Fund created to meet that need? WE CONGRATULATE THE Al Baum NEW ISRAEL FUND ON THIRTY VERY SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF BUILDING CIVIL SOCIETY IN ISRAEL. Drs. Carol and Terry Winograd MAZEL TOV BRIAN Congratulations to our honorees a leader Rabbi Brian Lurie and Rebecca Katz. a mentor Thank you for helping the New Israel Fund make Israel a friend the best that it can be. JOANNE AND STEVE ABEL Doris and George Krevsky NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 23
  • 26. LIBERTY, JUSTICE & EQUALITY I am so proud of the wonderful work of the New Israel Fund and your consistent concern for the people of Israel. Congratulations on Honoring Al Baum and the reaching 30 years! founders of the New Israel Fund. Celebrating 30 Years of Social Justice in Israel. Phyllis Friedman Dear Brian, Thank you for putting your heart and soul into making Israel a better place for all Israelis. We love you, Michelle and Bob 24 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 27. BRIAN PJA SALUTES THE ISRAEL, THE BAY AREA, THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD... NEW ISRAEL FUND ALL HAVE BEEN ENRICHED AND and its dedication to the pursuit of peace and justice in Israel. STRENGTHENED BY YOUR VISIONARY LEADERSHIP AND YOUR ABILITY TO MOTIVATE OTHERS TO FOLLOW. We invite you to join us at the 1st PJA Bay Area THANK YOU. Community Dinner, JOELLE STEEFEL October 15, 2009. MAZEL TOV, BRIAN AND NIF Mazal Tov to Rabbi Lurie and Rebecca. Todah Rabbah for all you do for the Jewish people. Rabbi Steven A. Chester Temple Sinai, Oakland NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner 25
  • 28. Congratulations B’HATZL ACHA TO NIF to our dear friend ADVANCING CIVIL SOCIET Y Brian Lurie. IN ISR AEL FOR 30 YE AR S Audrey Weiner and Jeffrey Solomon Leslie Kane and Manuel Fishman May you go from strength to strength The Jim Joseph Foundation is proud to honor Brian Lurie for his many contributions to the Jewish world. 26 NEW ISRAEL FUND | 30th Anniversary Dinner
  • 29.