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Neuro-Diagnostic Research
The perfect marriage
between biology and
Madeleine Janssens – WHY5
Marysia Kluppels – DELA
MIE 2013
What is this all about?
“Let biologists do their job and we,
psychologists, will do ours. One day,
we’ll meet each other along the
Sigmund Freud
Traditional research
relies on declarations
and interpretation of
Measuring brain waves
allows us to get ahead of
these declarations
Even those that are
derived via projections
Neuro diagnostics
Biometric evidence
Psychological analysis
Developed in collaboration with a radiologist (Dr. L.
Denis), electrical engineers and the WHY5 team of
consumer psychologists
Neuro-Diagnostics is the
matchmaker between:
 human Brain activities
as the response to a
 and the psychological
interpretation of the
Today biology and pyschology meet: Neuro-
Diagnostic Research
 Gives strong objective foundation to
psychological, diagnostic analysis
 Measures the brain waves that are
the result of autonomic functions,
out of control of the individual itself
 Have an objective reality one can
not “cheat” with
Added value vs. current qualitative research
MR Diagnostic
Market Research Territories
Instinctive reaction
Emotional behaviour
Assigns values
Gives meaning, Provides reason
Added value vs. current qualitative research
MR Diagnostic
Market Research Territories
Instinctive reaction
Emotional behaviour
Assigns values
Gives meaning, Provides reason
The location of origin of the waves as such is not of most importance. It is about
the total activity resulting from the cooperation of the different parts of the brain
that results in a particular reaction.
All the waves that are send by the neurons in the brain are measured together but
can be identified particularly as well
How do we do it?
• Detect & measure brain activity via blood
• BUT is also “slow in registration”:
fastest reaction time (and
measurement) of FMRI is 5 sec 
• Detects and measures brain activity
via electrical impulses from the brain
• Device that measures the fluctuations
and patterns in electrical processes
within the brain.
• Can detect changes within
Choice between fMRI and EEG was a no-brainer
Problematic from several points of view
• Data aggregated into 4 fundamental brain activity waves
• Where basically detected by Hans Berger (German Psychiatrist and Neuro sciencist)
• Re-defined for marketing by WHY5Research and approved by our radiologist
4 fundamental brain activity waves
Approval naming waves by radiologist
Empathic openness wave
Mental receptivity wave
Active processing wave
Subconscious reactions wave
 Is a state of awareness in which one
is not focused on specific things in
the environment
 Logical, concentrated thinking,
mental effort and assessment
 Empathic Openness Wave provides
intuition, empathetic attunement,
and instinctual insight
 The subconscious mind
Intuition and GUT feelings
Areas of application
 Can be applied both in the context of development as well as for finalized stimuli
 Is recommended for different research objectives:
 Communication pre-testing:
 Commercials (also narratives)
 Radio spots
 Print advertising
 TV programs
 Communication post-testing of TVC’s, print advertising,…
 New packaging and label designs
 Smell and taste research
Result: a more accurate insight in consumer
motivations and market dynamics
• Embedding diagnostic insights:
• Scientific support to and grounding of motivations
• Actionable results
• EXAMPLE: communication research
• Insight in how the product/brand is presented in this communication: overall
emotional experience and rational processing
• Clear understanding of which attributes or characteristics are seen, which of
them are stressed or reinforced: subconscious reactions, peaks of attention,
mental alertness or empathic openness
• Analysis of the way it succeeds in constructively supporting deeper lying
• How symbols, signals, meanings, … succeed in connecting with the
fundamental drives of the target
5 steps ®
of brain
reaction to
Real time
of key events in
the brain
(peaks of
Diagnostic of
Key events
and analysis of
brain wave
Integrated with
the diagnostic
Insights in consumer motivations and
market dynamics
1. 3. 4.2. 5.
Individual level Aggregated level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Identification of key events: the moments with significant peaks in brain activity
Event 2
Event 1 Event 4
Event 3
Event 5Relative
power of
Mental receptivity wave
Active processing wave
Empathic openness wave
Subconscious reactions wave
Time of exposure to stimuli (in sec)
*Is calculated individually for each brain wave relative to the highest value reached during the stimuli exposure.
For each wave the value of 100% indicates the moment when the highest brain power is achieved
Step 1: interpretation and analysis of brain wave results
• EEG results
• Key analytical dimensions: AERA model – Each dimension is connected to a combination of
When does the
stimulus get
respondents’ full
What kind of
emotion is
processing: does
the stimulus
activate people to
take action
What is the final
AERA analytical model: Attention, Emotion, Rational processing and Affective resonance
DELA case
• Algemene perceptie en beleving, boodschap en relevantie
• Detailanalyse: analyse van de verhaallijn, settings, personages….
• Analyse van de wijze waarop het de gewenste beleving neerzet van DELA:
• In welke mate is de campagne in lijn met de essentie van de DELA strategie en positionering?
• Het moet de bekendheid van het merk verhogen
• Het moet de dood / begrafenis naar het publieke forum brengen en bespreekbaar maken
• Het moet identificatie van de ontvanger met de boodschap mogelijk maken
• Mag wel “wakker schudden”, de feiten onder ogen durven zien, maar geenszins choqueren of bruuskeren
• Moet zorg uitstralen, moet emotionele betrokkenheid tonen zonder echt sentimenteel te worden
• Het moet aanzetten tot nadenken / bij voorkeur zelfs actie (informeren / afsluiten)
• Analyse van de wijze waarop de campagnevoorstellen erin slagen aan te sluiten bij de onderliggende noden en behoeften
van de doelgroep:
• In welke mate kan dit sympathie voor het merk creëren voor de target die nog geen begrafenisverzekering heeft
• In welke mate zet dit aan tot actie (informeren / afsluiten)
• Wat zijn de krijtlijnen voor verdere uitwerking
DELA - Onderzoekstopics
• De doelstelling:
• In kaart brengen van de inhoudelijke communicatieve bijdrage van
• de verschillende executies van deze campagne
• algemene campagne
DELA – Objectief en benadering van het
Test materiaal:
• Narratives DELA
• Steenezel
• Bomma Koekenpan
• Supermarkt
• Afwas
• Brain waves measurement
• Qualitative Diagnostic Research
Executies van eenzelfde route
Executies van eenzelfde route
Steenezel Supermarkt Bomma Koekenpan Afwas
40% 45% 42% 40%
41% 39% 35% 31%
59% 41% 34% 28%
33% 27% 23% 22%
General outcome
Aggregated values:
 Steenezel scores high on 3 of the 4 waves
 Steenezel is a balanced and warm story that inspires people and offers trust
which is why the brand is in the consideration set
 Supermarkt is a surprising story in a rather banal and familiar context but is not
really able to anchor the message at the fullest
 Bomma Koekenpan is a rather neutral story
 Afwas scores lowest on all waves. This story is not able to attract the attention nor
to bring the brand into the consideration set
Blue – higher than average
Red – lower than average
Overall strong emotional engagement
Final message is well captured and
makes people reflect on it
Strong attention and alertness as from 3”1
 Strong dominance of empathic openess wave with high peaks :
 Sequence 11” tot 33” (“Mom deserves a statue for living with dad”)
 Is the sequence in which the story about the “steenezel” is told
 Evokes deep basic emotions of warmth and respect
 Strong empathic attunement
 Sequence 36”- 44”: (“When we bought our house, he helped us out with the painting. And
he brought his own paint! “)
 Emotional comprehension, care and empathy as central emotions
 Sequence 51”-53” (“he paid the bill without me noticing. So stubborn… )
 Waves show identification but also a feeling of positive surprise
 Sequence 67”-72” (“a voice says: only leave good memories behind…)”
 Indication of empathic attunement with strong active resonance
Strong attention as from sec 3-5:
 “He stands on the podium
and speaks...”
 Indication of strong
relaxed alertness
 High subconscious
reactions wave shows
not only curiosity but
also the fact it inspires
people on a more
subconscious level
 Sequence (“no extra costs with DELA... More on WWW….)”
 Indicates people’s receptiveness for the
information next to the fact that they are willing
to think about it or reflect on it
Dominance of empathic
openess wave till final
end indicate openess
and receptiveness
for the final message
Very low level of empathic engagement
Weak start indicating poor attention and
openess to the story
Poor attention as from the
Nothing particular that
attracts people:
Shows undirected
Exception: sequens
sec 50”-51” (“DELA de
indicating some
alertness or interest
in brand name
• Some recognition in a
classic, traditional
• Twist in the story
is not picked up
(overall same
wave pattern)
• No conscious
information up
• The openess for the brand
is an isolated sequence,
disconnected from the rest
of the story
 Het moet aanzetten tot nadenken / bij voorkeur zelfs actie (informeren / afsluiten):
 Spot werkte heel activerend
 Stijgend aantal oproepen liepen samen met zendschema van de spot
 Tijdens zendperiode van de campagne begin 2012 lag het aantal oproepen
46,73% hoger dan voor dezelfde periode 2011 waarin ook campagne
gevoerd werd
 Het grootste aandeel van de oproepen komt van klanten & potentiële
 96% van de klanten die inbellen worden doorgeschakeld – voornaamste
vragen: generieke info over contract, info over betalingen & adres
 De potentiële klanten bellen voornamelijk om een afspraak te maken,
in 2de instantie brochure en vervolgens vragen over uitvaartzorgplan
(totale oproepen over de periode van april tot juni 2012)
 Meer personeel op Call Center diende voorzien te worden bij uitzending
 Stijgend aantal bezoekers op website
 Stijgend aantal leads
 Resulteerde ultiem in een verhoogde bruto productie
 Mag wel “wakker schudden”, de feiten onder ogen durven zien, maar geenszins
choqueren of bruuskeren
 Amper klachten
 In tegenstelling tot vorige uitingen/Jep
 Ondanks hoge sensitieve geladenheid van het onderwerp op zich
 Het moet de dood / begrafenis naar het publieke forum brengen en bespreekbaar maken
 Geslaagd!
 Steeds meer info op radio/TV/krant over uitvaartverzekeringen
 Steeds meer info omtrent wat te doen ingeval van overlijden, hoe zich erop voorzien
 Algemene perceptie en beleving van DELA
 Resultaten van brandfame tracker zijn positief
Intensity of the waves
Tailored approach
Intensity of the waves
 Not an absolute datum
 Need to be interpreted in view of:
 The objective of the stimulus
 The psychological territory it is intending to
 E.g. Overall waves will be lower when
addressing the motivational territory of
“COMFORT US!” and need to be more intense
when addressing the motivational territory of
“I AM!
 Also the combination – “playing together” - of the
waves counts
 E.g. a higher blue wave can be positive news –
if supported by a yellow wave and a red wave
– in case the stimuli is intending to address a
relaxing motivation (COMFORT US!) but it is
as bad news when intending to address an
energetic motivation (I AM!)
Mental receptivity wave
Active processing wave
Empathic openness wave
Subconscious reactions wave
Benchmarking versus average of previously tested commercials
makes no sense
Primary colors Pain
Warm milk
Musk (father)
Morning dew
Music Intervals:
Pre/post TVC,
print, pack
Tactile (pack, product) Radio, TVC Taste & Olfactory
Best in market benchmark
Absolute benchmarks
Tailor-made approach
Marketing is bridging – Communication is the bridge
Research is conducted on specific target the
communication is addressing – NOT with Mr
Deeper lying motivations (driving force behind
behavior) can only by researched by those who
expose behavior or intend to do so
Willing to be invited at
this wedding?
Feel free to contact us!
Thank you
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Neuro-diagnostic research: the perfect marriage between biology and psychology

  • 1. Neuro-Diagnostic Research The perfect marriage between biology and psychology Madeleine Janssens – WHY5 Marysia Kluppels – DELA MIE 2013
  • 2. 1 What is this all about?
  • 3. “Let biologists do their job and we, psychologists, will do ours. One day, we’ll meet each other along the way.” Sigmund Freud
  • 4. Traditional research relies on declarations and interpretation of declarations Measuring brain waves allows us to get ahead of these declarations Even those that are derived via projections etc
  • 5. Neuro diagnostics = Biometric evidence + Psychological analysis Developed in collaboration with a radiologist (Dr. L. Denis), electrical engineers and the WHY5 team of consumer psychologists
  • 6. Neuro-Diagnostics is the matchmaker between:  human Brain activities as the response to a stimulus  and the psychological interpretation of the stimulus Today biology and pyschology meet: Neuro- Diagnostic Research  Gives strong objective foundation to psychological, diagnostic analysis  Measures the brain waves that are the result of autonomic functions, out of control of the individual itself  Have an objective reality one can not “cheat” with
  • 7. Rational Emotional Instinctual Added value vs. current qualitative research Classical MR Diagnostic MR Neuro diagnostic MR Market Research Territories Instinctive reaction Universal OLD BRAIN REPTILLIAN INSTINCTUAL Emotional behaviour Assigns values MIDDLE BRAIN LIMBIC EMOTIONAL Conscious Gives meaning, Provides reason NEW BRAIN NEOCORTEX RATIONAL
  • 8. Rational Emotional Instinctual Added value vs. current qualitative research Classical MR Diagnostic MR Neuro diagnostic MR Market Research Territories Instinctive reaction Universal OLD BRAIN REPTILLIAN INSTINCTUAL Emotional behaviour Assigns values MIDDLE BRAIN LIMBIC EMOTIONAL Conscious Gives meaning, Provides reason NEW BRAIN NEOCORTEX RATIONAL The location of origin of the waves as such is not of most importance. It is about the total activity resulting from the cooperation of the different parts of the brain that results in a particular reaction. All the waves that are send by the neurons in the brain are measured together but can be identified particularly as well
  • 9. 2 How do we do it?
  • 10. • Detect & measure brain activity via blood flow • BUT is also “slow in registration”: fastest reaction time (and measurement) of FMRI is 5 sec  • Detects and measures brain activity via electrical impulses from the brain • Device that measures the fluctuations and patterns in electrical processes within the brain. • Can detect changes within milliseconds Choice between fMRI and EEG was a no-brainer Problematic from several points of view
  • 11. • Data aggregated into 4 fundamental brain activity waves • Where basically detected by Hans Berger (German Psychiatrist and Neuro sciencist) • Re-defined for marketing by WHY5Research and approved by our radiologist 4 fundamental brain activity waves Approval naming waves by radiologist Empathic openness wave Mental receptivity wave Active processing wave Subconscious reactions wave  Is a state of awareness in which one is not focused on specific things in the environment  Logical, concentrated thinking, mental effort and assessment  Empathic Openness Wave provides intuition, empathetic attunement, and instinctual insight  The subconscious mind Intuition and GUT feelings
  • 12. Areas of application  Can be applied both in the context of development as well as for finalized stimuli  Is recommended for different research objectives:  Communication pre-testing:  Commercials (also narratives)  Radio spots  Print advertising  TV programs  Communication post-testing of TVC’s, print advertising,…  New packaging and label designs  Smell and taste research
  • 13. Result: a more accurate insight in consumer motivations and market dynamics • Embedding diagnostic insights: • Scientific support to and grounding of motivations • Actionable results • EXAMPLE: communication research • Insight in how the product/brand is presented in this communication: overall emotional experience and rational processing • Clear understanding of which attributes or characteristics are seen, which of them are stressed or reinforced: subconscious reactions, peaks of attention, mental alertness or empathic openness • Analysis of the way it succeeds in constructively supporting deeper lying motivations: • How symbols, signals, meanings, … succeed in connecting with the fundamental drives of the target
  • 14. OUR APPROACH: BIOMETRIC EVIDENCE + PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS 5 steps ® & EEG (Electro- encephalo- graphy) measurement of brain reaction to stimuli Real time identification of key events in the brain (peaks of activity) Qualitative Diagnostic of Key events Interpretation and analysis of integrated brain wave results Integrated with the diagnostic analysis Insights in consumer motivations and market dynamics 1. 3. 4.2. 5. Individual level Aggregated level
  • 15.
  • 16. STEP 1: REAL TIME IDENTIFICATION OF KEY EVENTS ON THE INDIVIDUAL LEVEL 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Identification of key events: the moments with significant peaks in brain activity Event 2 Event 1 Event 4 Event 3 Event 5Relative power of brain waves* Mental receptivity wave Active processing wave Empathic openness wave Subconscious reactions wave Time of exposure to stimuli (in sec) *Is calculated individually for each brain wave relative to the highest value reached during the stimuli exposure. For each wave the value of 100% indicates the moment when the highest brain power is achieved 1.
  • 17. Step 1: interpretation and analysis of brain wave results A E R A • EEG results • Key analytical dimensions: AERA model – Each dimension is connected to a combination of waves When does the stimulus get respondents’ full attention? What kind of emotion is triggered? Rational processing: does the stimulus activate people to take action (consideration, buying intention,….) What is the final affective resonance? 1. AERA analytical model: Attention, Emotion, Rational processing and Affective resonance
  • 19. • Algemene perceptie en beleving, boodschap en relevantie • Detailanalyse: analyse van de verhaallijn, settings, personages…. • Analyse van de wijze waarop het de gewenste beleving neerzet van DELA: • In welke mate is de campagne in lijn met de essentie van de DELA strategie en positionering? • Het moet de bekendheid van het merk verhogen • Het moet de dood / begrafenis naar het publieke forum brengen en bespreekbaar maken • Het moet identificatie van de ontvanger met de boodschap mogelijk maken • Mag wel “wakker schudden”, de feiten onder ogen durven zien, maar geenszins choqueren of bruuskeren • Moet zorg uitstralen, moet emotionele betrokkenheid tonen zonder echt sentimenteel te worden • Het moet aanzetten tot nadenken / bij voorkeur zelfs actie (informeren / afsluiten) • Analyse van de wijze waarop de campagnevoorstellen erin slagen aan te sluiten bij de onderliggende noden en behoeften van de doelgroep: • In welke mate kan dit sympathie voor het merk creëren voor de target die nog geen begrafenisverzekering heeft afgesloten • In welke mate zet dit aan tot actie (informeren / afsluiten) • Wat zijn de krijtlijnen voor verdere uitwerking DELA - Onderzoekstopics
  • 20. • De doelstelling: • In kaart brengen van de inhoudelijke communicatieve bijdrage van • de verschillende executies van deze campagne • algemene campagne DELA – Objectief en benadering van het onderzoek Test materiaal: • Narratives DELA • Steenezel • Bomma Koekenpan • Supermarkt • Afwas Benadering: • Brain waves measurement • Qualitative Diagnostic Research Executies van eenzelfde route Executies van eenzelfde route
  • 21. 21 Steenezel Supermarkt Bomma Koekenpan Afwas 40% 45% 42% 40% 41% 39% 35% 31% 59% 41% 34% 28% 33% 27% 23% 22% DELA RESEARCH - NARRATIVES General outcome Aggregated values:  Steenezel scores high on 3 of the 4 waves  Steenezel is a balanced and warm story that inspires people and offers trust which is why the brand is in the consideration set  Supermarkt is a surprising story in a rather banal and familiar context but is not really able to anchor the message at the fullest  Bomma Koekenpan is a rather neutral story  Afwas scores lowest on all waves. This story is not able to attract the attention nor to bring the brand into the consideration set Blue – higher than average Red – lower than average
  • 23. DELA RESEARCH – NARRATIVE STEENEZEL: WAVEFLOW / HIGHLIGHTS Overall strong emotional engagement Final message is well captured and makes people reflect on it 2 3 Strong attention and alertness as from 3”1
  • 24. DELA RESEARCH – NARRATIVE STEENEZEL  Strong dominance of empathic openess wave with high peaks :  Sequence 11” tot 33” (“Mom deserves a statue for living with dad”)  Is the sequence in which the story about the “steenezel” is told  Evokes deep basic emotions of warmth and respect  Strong empathic attunement  Sequence 36”- 44”: (“When we bought our house, he helped us out with the painting. And he brought his own paint! “)  Emotional comprehension, care and empathy as central emotions  Sequence 51”-53” (“he paid the bill without me noticing. So stubborn… )  Waves show identification but also a feeling of positive surprise  Sequence 67”-72” (“a voice says: only leave good memories behind…)”  Indication of empathic attunement with strong active resonance Strong attention as from sec 3-5:  “He stands on the podium and speaks...”  Indication of strong relaxed alertness  High subconscious reactions wave shows not only curiosity but also the fact it inspires people on a more subconscious level ATTENTION EMOTION
  • 25.  Sequence (“no extra costs with DELA... More on WWW….)”  Indicates people’s receptiveness for the information next to the fact that they are willing to think about it or reflect on it DELA RESEARCH – NARRATIVE STEENEZEL Dominance of empathic openess wave till final end indicate openess and receptiveness for the final message RATIO AFFECTIVE IMPACT
  • 27. DELA RESEARCH – NARRATIVE AFWAS: WAVEFLOW / HIGHLIGHTS Very low level of empathic engagement 2 Weak start indicating poor attention and openess to the story 1
  • 28. 28 DELA RESEARCH – NARRATIVE AFWAS Poor attention as from the beginning Nothing particular that attracts people: Shows undirected focus Exception: sequens sec 50”-51” (“DELA de uitvaartspecialist…)”: indicating some alertness or interest in brand name • Some recognition in a classic, traditional context • Twist in the story is not picked up (overall same wave pattern) • No conscious information up take • The openess for the brand is an isolated sequence, disconnected from the rest of the story ATTENTION AFFECTIVE IMPACTEMOTION RATIO
  • 29. Resultaten  Het moet aanzetten tot nadenken / bij voorkeur zelfs actie (informeren / afsluiten):  Spot werkte heel activerend  Stijgend aantal oproepen liepen samen met zendschema van de spot  Tijdens zendperiode van de campagne begin 2012 lag het aantal oproepen 46,73% hoger dan voor dezelfde periode 2011 waarin ook campagne gevoerd werd  Het grootste aandeel van de oproepen komt van klanten & potentiële klanten.  96% van de klanten die inbellen worden doorgeschakeld – voornaamste vragen: generieke info over contract, info over betalingen & adres wijzingen  De potentiële klanten bellen voornamelijk om een afspraak te maken, in 2de instantie brochure en vervolgens vragen over uitvaartzorgplan (totale oproepen over de periode van april tot juni 2012)  Meer personeel op Call Center diende voorzien te worden bij uitzending spot  Stijgend aantal bezoekers op website  Stijgend aantal leads  Resulteerde ultiem in een verhoogde bruto productie
  • 30. Resultaten  Mag wel “wakker schudden”, de feiten onder ogen durven zien, maar geenszins choqueren of bruuskeren  Amper klachten  In tegenstelling tot vorige uitingen/Jep  Ondanks hoge sensitieve geladenheid van het onderwerp op zich  Het moet de dood / begrafenis naar het publieke forum brengen en bespreekbaar maken  Geslaagd!  Steeds meer info op radio/TV/krant over uitvaartverzekeringen  Steeds meer info omtrent wat te doen ingeval van overlijden, hoe zich erop voorzien  Algemene perceptie en beleving van DELA  Resultaten van brandfame tracker zijn positief
  • 31. 4 Intensity of the waves Benchmarks Tailored approach
  • 32. Intensity of the waves  Not an absolute datum  Need to be interpreted in view of:  The objective of the stimulus  The psychological territory it is intending to address  E.g. Overall waves will be lower when addressing the motivational territory of “COMFORT US!” and need to be more intense when addressing the motivational territory of “I AM!  Also the combination – “playing together” - of the waves counts  E.g. a higher blue wave can be positive news – if supported by a yellow wave and a red wave – in case the stimuli is intending to address a relaxing motivation (COMFORT US!) but it is as bad news when intending to address an energetic motivation (I AM!) Mental receptivity wave Active processing wave Empathic openness wave Subconscious reactions wave
  • 33. 33 Benchmarking versus average of previously tested commercials makes no sense SEE TOUCH HEAR TASTE Primary colors Pain Warmth Cold Softness Warm milk (mother) Musk (father) acetylcysteine (decay) Morning dew (life) Music Intervals: Excitement Happiness Melancholy Hate Salt Sour Sweet Bitter Umami Pre/post TVC, print, pack Tactile (pack, product) Radio, TVC Taste & Olfactory SMELL Recommendation: Best in market benchmark Absolute benchmarks
  • 34. Tailor-made approach Marketing is bridging – Communication is the bridge Research is conducted on specific target the communication is addressing – NOT with Mr Average Deeper lying motivations (driving force behind behavior) can only by researched by those who expose behavior or intend to do so
  • 35. Willing to be invited at this wedding? Feel free to contact us! Thank you
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